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June 2017


Additive Manufacturing

German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina |

acatech – National Academy of Science and Engineering |
Union of the German Academies of Sciences and Humanities |
acatech – National Academy of Science and Engineering (lead institution)
acatech Office: Karolinenplatz 4, 80333 München

German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina

Jägerberg 1, 06108 Halle (Saale)

Union of the German Academies of Sciences and Humanities

Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 2, 55131 Mainz

Dr. Martina Kohlhuber, acatech
Martin Kage, Paderborn University
Michael Karg, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg

Joaquin Blasco

Design and typesetting, Berlin

ISBN: 978-3-8047-3677-1

Bibliographic information of the German National Library

The German National Library lists this publication in the German National Bibliography.
Detailed bibliographic data is available online at

Recommended citation:
acatech – National Academy of Science and Engineering, German National Academy of Sciences
Leopoldina, Union of the German Academies of Sciences and Humanities (Eds.) (2017):
Additive Manufacturing. Munich, 64 pages.
Additive Manufacturing
Foreword 3


The term “Additive Manufacturing” refers to the production of parts by building up

successive layers of a formless material such as metal powder. This makes it possible
to “print” objects with a wide variety of different shapes. While the manufacture and
utilisation of the relevant equipment and materials remains a young industry, it is
already experiencing high growth rates even though the technologies are still develop-
ing. The expectations – particularly for industrial applications of Additive Manufac-
turing – are correspondingly high, in some cases perhaps even excessively so.

The German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina, acatech – National Academy

of Science and Engineering and the Union of the German Academies of Sciences and
Humanities have established two working groups in order to gain an overview of the
extremely wide and diverse field of Additive Manufacturing research with a view to
formulating recommendations for its ongoing development. Under the overarching
theme of “Additive Manufacturing”, the two groups are investigating the opportuni-
ties and challenges of this new technology from a variety of different perspectives.

For this initial statement entitled “Additive Manufacturing”, which focuses on indus-
trial production, value networks and business models acatech acted as the lead insti-
tution. It addresses both the status quo and anticipated future developments: what
role will Additive Manufacturing techniques play in the digital, connected industrial
production of the future? Will this technology revolutionise industrial manufacturing?
What impact will Additive Manufacturing have on value creation? And what recom-
mendations can be formulated for government, industry and academia?

The working group led by Leopoldina is focusing on the specific basic research re-
quired in different disciplines to enable further development of Additive Manufac-
turing technologies. Its statement will also take an in-depth look at potential future
Additive Manufacturing applications in fields such as medicine, food and construction,
with regard to socially relevant issues relating to the workplace, safety and regulation.

The two working groups discuss their work with each other on a regular basis and regard
their statements as two sides of the same coin. Our sincere thanks go to the members of
both groups and to the reviewers for their contributions to this statement.

Prof. Dr. Jörg Hacker Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dieter Spath Prof. Dr. Dr. Hanns Hatt
President President President
German National Academy acatech – National Academy Union of the German Academies
of Sciences Leopoldina of Science and Engineering of Science and Humanities
Contents 5


1 Summary�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 6

2 Introduction���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 9

3 The Status Quo��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 12

3.1 Manufacturing Technologies���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 12

3.2 Current Areas of Application���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 19
3.3 Roles in the Value Network������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 21
3.4 Business Models����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 23
3.5 Success Factors������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 24

4 Anticipated Developments��������������������������������������������������������������������� 27

4.1 Manufacturing Technologies���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 27

4.2 Applications and Markets��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 30
4.3 Potential Developments in Value Networks����������������������������������������������������������� 34
4.4 Business Models����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 36
4.5 Projected Market Growth and Funding Initiatives������������������������������������������������� 37

5 Theses����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 40

5.1 Overall Conditions�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 40

5.2 Technology������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 42
5.3 Value Networks������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 43
5.4 Societal Aspects����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 44

6 Recommendations���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 46

Participating Scientists������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 50

References������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 52

List of Abbreviations���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 55

List of Figures�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 56
6 Summary

1 Summary

Whether it is prosthetic hands, entire cars and Selective Laser Melting™. The for-
or even human clones, the things that in- mer soon became widely adopted after its
dustrial 3D printing might be capable of patent expired in 2009, sparking a surge
producing is a topic that has captured the of interest in Additive Manufacturing.
imagination of economic forecasters, the Whether a particular technology is best
media and science fiction writers alike. suited to home use, simple workshops or
The boundaries between fact and fiction factories also depends on the investment
are blurred and expectations are often cost of the equipment, which can be an-
exaggerated. Additive Manufacturing, ywhere between 500 and over 1 million
also known as industrial 3D printing, is euros.
in some respects still in its infancy. Nev-
ertheless, it is continuously maturing – it When Additive Manufacturing be-
has a huge range of potential applica- gan to be used in the 1990s, it was initial-
tions and the industry has been achieving ly employed for prototyping (primarily in
growth rates in the region of 30 percent the automotive industry) and subsequent-
for some years now. In 2015, it recorded ly to make casting moulds and tools. To-
global sales of 4.5 billion euros. Additive day, it is also used to make end products
Manufacturing technologies will play including small parts, small batches and
an important role in tomorrow’s digital, one-off items for the jewellery or medical
connected industrial production. For the and dental technology industries.
foreseeable future, however, Additive
Manufacturing is not expected to revolu- Additive technologies differ from
tionise production either technologically conventional manufacturing technologies
or in terms of value creation. in several respects and have huge poten-
tial if deliberately used with respect to
The term “Additive Manufactur- their specific features. Their most impor-
ing” refers to the production of parts by tant benefit is their high design flexibili-
building up successive layers of a formless ty. Since the material is built up layer by
material. This makes it possible to “print” layer until the object is produced, there
objects with a wide variety of different is no need for moulds, which are both
shapes. Additive Manufacturing operates time-consuming and costly to make. This
vastly autonomous on the basis of digi- means that it is theoretically possible to
tal 3D models. It comprises three stages: produce any shape. The actual degree of
data preparation, the actual layer-by-lay- design flexibility depends on the method
er building of the object and post-process- used and the specific shape of the item in
ing. A number of different joining meth- question. For instance, some technologies
ods and materials – e.g. plastics, metals require the use of support structures that
or composites – may be employed, poten- must be removed once the build is com-
tially in different combinations depend- plete. In the field of medicine, Additive
ing on the desired product attributes. The Manufacturing makes it possible to tailor
most commercially important techniques products such as dental implants, in-the-
include Fused Deposition Modelling™ ear hearing aids or surgical aids to pa-
Summary 7

tients’ individual anatomy. For many ge- made wherever they are needed. In the
ometrically complex designs and shapes, space industry, large parts could in future
the only alternative to Additive Manufac- be made in space, eliminating the expense
turing would be to create them by hand. of having them “delivered” by shuttles.
Additive Manufacturing’s greater dimen- However, even though they have been
sional accuracy and shorter production made using the same data, there is often
time are also an advantage for prototyp- still too much variability in the properties
ing. Nevertheless, Additive Manufactur- of additively manufactured parts. We do
ing technologies are not yet cost-effective not yet have robust machines and manu-
enough for the mass production of sim- facturing processes capable of delivering
ple, low value-added parts and are thus reproducible output.
unsuitable for this purpose. The ability
to make a finished product in one single One significant development in the
manufacturing step is also likely to re- field of Additive Manufacturing is process
main little more than a vision for some chain digitalisation, which is spurring
time to come. the development of new business mod-
els and services. Online platforms make
It is in the context of mass custo- it possible to establish a marketplace e.g.
misation that Additive Manufacturing for 3D CAD models, material formulae
technology can really come into its own, and process parameters which can be ob-
since it allows products to be fully cus- tained either via a one-off download and
tomised. It is thus a key enabler of smart, purchase or via a streaming subscription
connected manufacturing concepts which in much the same way as digital music or
characterise Industrie 4.0, where product films. However, a number of data security,
planning is focused on the customer and copyright and standardisation issues still
their individual requirements. Additive need to be resolved. International norms
Manufacturing technologies make it pos- are also currently lagging behind the re-
sible to produce very small series down to ality on the ground. A great many differ-
a batch size of one without significantly ent Additive Manufacturing technologies
adding to the cost. For instance, one US now exist side by side, the terminology
sporting goods manufacturer is now using employed is often unclear and various
its customers’ biomechanical data to pro- trademarked names are used for process-
duce running shoe soles tailored to their es that are in some cases identical. Addi-
individual running style. However, the tive Manufacturing also has the potential
fact that post-processing of the finished to support resource efficiency in future
product is still relatively laborious means industrial production, although more still
that the mass production of individually needs to be done to assess its economic,
customised items remains the exception environmental and societal impacts in a
for the time being. holistic manner.

Industrie 4.0 also calls for more Additive Manufacturing will not
flexible production processes. Additive revolutionise industrial production. How-
Manufacturing makes it possible for parts ever, there is good reason to believe that
to be made close to the place where they it will augment established methods in
are used – the primary thing that needs many different areas. In order to fully lev-
to be distributed to the manufacturing lo- erage the technology’s economic and envi-
cation is the data. All spare parts process- ronmental potential for the German econ-
es could benefit from this decentralised omy, it will be necessary to take concerted
manufacturing approach, since it would action in the areas of research, implemen-
mean that replacement parts could be tation, education and funding:
8 Summary

Research Education
1) In order to improve the productivity of 11) Augment traditional occupational
Additive Manufacturing and reduce its profiles for skilled workers with new
drawbacks compared to conventional skills for Additive Manufacturing
manufacturing technologies, research technologies.
should be conducted into production 12) Make use of Additive Manufacturing’s
processes, materials and part prop- potential for teaching STEM subjects
erties, with the results being fed back in schools.
into the systems engineering process.
2) In order to make full use of the new Funding
design flexibility opportunities, sys- 13)
Establish a research programme
tematic research should be carried out geared towards implementation of the
with a view to producing concrete de- dual strategy of securing Germany’s
sign guidelines covering all the differ- position as a leading Additive Manu-
ent Additive Manufacturing technolo- facturing supplier and market.
3) Develop new data formats for Additive
Manufacturing as soon as possible.
4) Analyse the ways in which Additive
Manufacturing could potentially
change and impact on value networks,
the economy and society as a whole.

5) Standardise the three data sets of dig-
ital 3D geometries, material formulae
and process parameters.
6) Additive Manufacturing requires ded-
icated quality assurance methods and
7) Accelerate the implementation of ba-
sic research in industrial applications.
8) Strategies are needed for integrating
Additive Manufacturing with wide-
spread conventional manufacturing
9) Creation of decision-making tools ca-
pable of meeting future strategic plan-
ning challenges in connection with
Additive Manufacturing.
10) Stimulate and support a dynamic
start-up scene in order to leverage Ad-
ditive Manufacturing’s high potential
for innovation.
Introduction 9

2 Introduction

Additive Manufacturing refers to the is possible because Rapid Prototyping

production of parts by building up suc- eliminates the need for time-consuming
cessive layers of a formless material in a process steps such as making moulds
vastly automated process based on digital or assembling individual components.
3D models. Rather than being one single Nevertheless, in the early days, the man-
technology, Additive Manufacturing is ufacture of end products was still not
in fact a diverse technology field. In the economically viable, principally due to
public debate and the media headlines it their unsatisfactory mechanical prop-
is frequently referred to as 3D printing, a erties. However, the products’ strength
development that the media is all too keen and durability were gradually improved,
to describe as a “revolution”. However, until Rapid Tooling – the manufacture
the home 3D printers currently available of moulds and tools – eventually became
on the market actually have very little in feasible. After the turn of the millenni-
common with industrial Additive Man- um, it became possible to make finished
ufacturing systems. One example of just products increasingly cost-effectively,
how unrealistic the public’s expectations particularly small parts, small batches
can sometimes be was provided by an and one-off items e.g. for the jewellery
episode of German hidden camera show or medical and dental technology indus-
“Verstehen Sie Spaß”, broadcast on 26 tries. This process was now referred to as
September 2015, in which unsuspecting Rapid or Direct Manufacturing. It opened
members of the public were tricked into up completely new design engineering
believing that people had been cloned us- possibilities such as the manufacture of
ing 3D printers. Since this statement con- geometrically complex parts from high-
centrates on the technologies’ industrial strength materials for use in lightweight
applications, it will hereafter be referred construction. In 2010, the industry’s
to as “Additive Manufacturing”. leading companies agreed to replace the
various application-specific, ambiguous
The basic ideas underlying Addi- and misleading terms prefaced by “rap-
tive Manufacturing were patented in the id” with the new umbrella term “Additive
20th century – the patent applications for Manufacturing”. This is illustrated in Fig-
the first technologies were filed from the ure 1-1.
1970s on, although at that point in time
it was not yet possible to put them into Additive Manufacturing technol-
practice. By the 1990s, advances in laser ogies differ from conventional technolo-
technology and ICT resulted in the first gies in several respects. They have huge
successful attempts at Rapid Prototyping, potentials if their specific characteristics
in which parts with limited functionality are taken into account at every stage of
were produced as visualisation aids e.g. product development and these are ex-
for product designers and surgeons. The ploited systematically. As Additive Man-
big advantage of these prototypes is that ufacturing technologies mature, their use
they can be produced very quickly from a increasingly broadens. The industry has
3D data set. This reduction in lead time been achieving annual growth rates in
10 Introduction

Additive Manufacturing

Technology application types

Rapid Prototyping Rapid Tooling Rapid Repair Direct

Manufacture of Manufacture of tools, Repair of worn parts Manufacturing
(functional) proto- e.g. cores or moulds by applying succes- Manufacture of end
types with different with conformal cool- sive layers of material products that can be
part properties to the ing channels used after a post-pro-
finished product cessing stage has
been completed

Figure 1-1: Terms in the context “Additive Manufacturing” (Source: [GK16], [LL16])

the region of 30 percent for some years • How will it change value networks and
now  [Woh16]. There is good reason to business models?
believe that the technology field Additive • What needs to be done for Germany to
Manufacturing will become established achieve its goal of being a leading mar-
as a widespread manufacturing technol- ket and leading supplier?
ogy field existing alongside conventional • How will skills profiles change?
production technologies in many differ-
ent areas. However, there are currently Objectives
no convincing signs to suggest that Ad- The aim of this statement is to provide an-
ditive Manufacturing will cause a revo- swers to questions such as the above and
lution in industrial production any time in particular to make recommendations
soon – there is still a long way to go be- about how to develop this technology field
fore it is possible to start talking in these and make the most of its potential bene-
terms. A second statement led by Leop- fits. The paper is divided into four main
oldina will address other areas of appli- chapters:
cation (e.g. medicine, the construction
industry and home 3D printing) where The first chapter on “The Status
Additive Manufacturing could potential- Quo” describes the current state of the
ly have a revolutionary impact in the long technologies and the areas of application
run. in which they are already being success-
fully deployed. It also looks at the actors
The characteristics of Additive in the value networks, current business
Manufacturing that have been described models and success factors.
above and its emerging potential benefits
raise a number of key questions in con- The second chapter on “Antici-
nection with the overall conditions, the pated Developments” begins by con-
technologies, the value network and the sidering probable future trends for the
impacts on society: technologies and areas of application de-
scribed in the previous chapter. It then
• Which opportunities and barriers exist goes on to outline potential developments
with regard to the development and in value networks and business models.
utilisation of this technology field? Finally, it looks at future market trends
• What is required to enable the use of and current funding initiatives.
Additive Manufacturing on an indus-
trial scale for cost-effective high-vol- The third main chapter “Theses”
ume production? presents 21 conclusive statements about
Introduction 11

Additive Manufacturing based on the two of the German Academies of Sciences and
preceding chapters. Finally, the fourth Humanities. acatech acted as the lead in-
main chapter contains a series of “Rec- stitution for this statement, which focuses
ommendations”. on technologies, value networks and busi-
ness models.
Figure 1-2 illustrates the methodology The working group led by Leopol-
used to derive the recommendations. dina will begin by addressing the systemic
The project group drew a number of the- challenges for basic research. It will then
ses based on its analysis of the following consider potential future Additive Man-
five themes: manufacturing technolo- ufacturing applications in fields such as
gies, areas of application, value networks, medicine, food and construction. In addi-
business models and success factors. The tion, it will take an in-depth look at the in-
status quo and anticipated developments teractions between Additive Manufactur-
were assessed for each theme. Recom- ing technologies and society, particularly
mendations were then formulated based in relation to the workplace, safety and
on the analysis results and theses for the home 3D printing (DIY). It will end with
different themes. This methodology was a discussion of the regulatory issues. The
complemented by two workshops attend- Leopoldina working group provided de-
ed by experts in the field of Additive Man- tailed feedback on the present statement
ufacturing. and their suggested additions and refer-
ences have been incorporated into it.
Project Organisation
This paper is the first of two joint state-
ment on Additive Manufacturing by acat-
ech – National Academy of Science and
Engineering, the German National Acade-
my of Sciences Leopoldina and the Union

Themes Analysed Theses Recommendations

3.1 4.1 5 6
Manufacturing Technologies C1 … R1 …
C2 … R2 …
3.2 4.2 C3 … R3 …
Areas of Application C4 …
C5 …
3.3 4.3
Value Networks

3.4 4.4
Business Models

Success Factors

Two World Café workshops with experts from academia and industry
(30 participants each)

Chapter in this statement

Figure 1-2: Methodology used to formulate recommendations (Source: authors’ own illustration)
12 The Status Quo

3 The Status Quo

Additive Manufacturing refers to the pro- manufacturing step is likely to remain

duction of parts by building up successive little more than a vision for some time to
layers of a formless material in a vastly come.
automated process based on digital 3D
models. This basic approach can be em- This chapter describes the status
ployed in conjunction with various dif- quo of Additive Manufacturing. Since
ferent physical and chemical principles both the science and the technologies in
to achieve a solid bond. The joining tech- this field are changing all the time, it is
niques and process parameters, defined impossible to provide a completely up-
by the machines being used, determine to-date description of the status quo. Our
which materials can be processed and aim here is to provide an overview of the
which product properties can be achieved. Additive Manufacturing technologies and
Advances, particularly in laser technolo- areas of application that are of most in-
gy, mean that increasingly high-perfor- terest to industry. The second half of this
mance materials can now be processed. chapter will focus on the actors in the val-
In some instances, it is even possible to ue network and on business models.
attain property profiles that are superior
to those achievable using conventional
production technologies. 3.1 Manufacturing Technologies

In almost all established applica- This section will describe the basic tech-
tions, Additive Manufacturing forms an nological principles of Additive Manufac-
integral part of an industrial value net- turing. It will begin with the data prepa-
work. The Additive Manufacturing pro- ration stage which is fundamentally the
cess itself is divided into three stages: 1) same for all the different Additive Man-
data preparation, 2) the layer-by-layer ufacturing technologies. It will then ex-
building of the object and 3) post-pro- plain the principle of building an object
cessing. At present, the data preparation layer-by-layer. Finally, it will take a look
and post-processing stages are not usually at the most important additive manufac-
automated – they involve manual labour turing technologies.
and largely rely on know-how acquired
through practical experience. Examples Data Preparation
of post-processing include the removal As illustrated in Figure 3-1, the data
of support structures, heat treatment of preparation stage comprises a total of
metals and debinding and sintering of ce- eight steps. The first step involves the
ramic green compacts. Many of the items creation of a computer-internal, native,
produced by Additive Manufacturing are relationally structured 3D CAD model.
not destined for use as a standalone end Geometries from 3D scanners1 can also be
product or component. Instead, they are used. In this reverse engineering process,
employed as fixtures, lost models (e.g. in the surfaces of a real object are initially
lost-wax casting) or moulds. The ability
to make a finished product in one single 1 E.g. CT or structured-light scanners.
The Status Quo 13

represented by point clouds derived from and repair, which slows down the entire
the relevant measurements. A mesh of process. The next step involves the orien-
triangles is then created from the points. tation and positioning of the parts in the
Alternatively, higher-order curves – and virtual build envelope. For Additive Man-
thus parametric graphic elements – can ufacturing technologies that require the
be computed by the approximation of use of support structures, these are now
series of points [BER+12]. The .STL for- designed in the position where they will
mat (Standard Triangulation Language, be needed to support overhangs on the
Stereolithography or Surface Tessellation finished part. Depending on the Additive
Language) has become established as the Manufacturing technology in question,
de facto standard for this process step. the design of the support structures may
When 3D CAD data are used, the second either be automated or carried out man-
step is to convert them to .STL format. ually, a task that requires a huge amount
However, the conversion process suffers of process knowledge and practical know-
from a number of serious problems. The how. In Selective Laser Melting™, for ex-
.STL format only describes the surface ge- ample, the way the support structures are
ometry of the original three-dimensional designed is key to determining a part’s
object. This is approximated using a large manufacturability, the process stability
number of triangles. Other information and the amount of subsequent machin-
from the CAD system is lost, for example ing work required. The next step, known
material data, curvature radii and dimen- as slicing, involves generating horizontal
sional tolerances. slices of the 3D geometry. Because .STL
files only describe the surface geometry in
The .STL format is particularly terms of triangles, the slices only contain
prone to inconsistencies. These gener- the contours of the part being made. Con-
ate additional work such as data analysis sequently, the next step involves filling in

1 2 3 4

Create 3D model of Convert to .STL Repair Position in build envelope

geometry Surface geometry Volume now consistently Orientation relative
From CAD or approximated using enclosed by triangles to machine coordinate
3D scanner triangles (usually resulting with no errors system
in inconsistencies)

5 6 7 8
Create build job
Add information about
• machines
• processes
• geometry
• material

Design support Slicing Hatching

structures Slicing the model into The contours are filled in
Ensuring stability parallel layers creates to create solids
during the build polyline contours

Figure 3-1: Data preparation process chain (Source: based on [Kar08])

14 The Status Quo

the contours to create a solid. Although ital Manufacturing. Traditional part ge-
this step may be different in some Additive ometry constraints such as undercuts and
Manufacturing technologies (e.g. LOM™, draft angles no longer apply. Nevertheless,
see Figure 3-5), hatching is by far the most the actual degree of design flexibility and
commonly used method for filling in the dimensional accuracy still depends on the
contours. Each individual hatching line limitations of the specific technology being
will be laid down by the Additive Manu- used. Some technologies require support
facturing machine later on in the process. structures to prevent projecting layers and
Consequently, the hatching must take the overhangs either from collapsing under
machine, material and manufacturing the force of gravity or from warping due to
process parameters into account. Before residual stresses resulting from the build
the actual process of building the part can process. These structures must be accessi-
begin, it is also necessary to define addi- ble so that they can be removed once the
tional critical parameters specific to the build is complete.
part geometry, material, machine and
process. This often has to be done man- Additive Manufacturing Technologies
ually. Different Additive Manufacturing tech-
nologies employ different joining prin-
Cyclical Layer Building ciples, from two-component adhesives
The physical Additive Manufacturing to laser beam welding. Different joining
process involves cyclically repeated basic principles enable additive processing of
steps to produce a layer. How each layer different materials such as thermosetting
is laid down in detail depends on the Ad- plastics and metals. The range of appli-
ditive Manufacturing technology in ques- cation areas and competing conventional
tion. This is illustrated in Figure 3-2 using manufacturing technologies for each Ad-
the example of Selective Laser Melting: a ditive Manufacturing technology depend
layer of metal powder is deposited and se- on which materials it is able to use. For
lectively fused with the underlying layer. instance, metals are more suitable than
The building platform is then lowered. plastics for building parts that will be ex-
posed to high temperatures in use. Where-
Geometric Freedom as in conventional joining technologies
The fact that objects are built up layer prefabricated components are joined
by layer eliminates the need for geome- together via a seam, Additive Manufac-
try-specific tools such as moulds which can turing builds up parts incrementally by
often be time-consuming and expensive to joining the seams between a succession of
make and store. The process is therefore layers, usually without any prefabricated
also sometimes referred to as Direct Dig- elements. The main differences between

1. Deposition of powder layer

3. Lowering of
the platform

2. Laser processing

Figure 3-2: Illustration of cyclical layer building process using the example of selective laser melting (Source: [GWP13])
The Status Quo 15

Additive Manufacturing methods and can at times be misleading. Virtually all

conventional joining techniques relate to additive equipment manufacturers – and
the size of the seam and how long it takes even many users – are trying to estab-
to produce it. These factors also determine lish their own trade names for processes
the detail resolution and productivity of a that are in some cases identical. At the
given Additive Manufacturing technology. same time, the terminology used can of-
ten be rather ambiguous. Inevitably, in-
However, even if they use the same ternational standardisation efforts are
material and joining technique, Additive lagging behind the fast-moving reality
Manufacturing technologies can still be on the ground. Moreover, they are not
different from each other due to differing immune to lobbying and can sometimes
technical implementations of the feed- even be contradictory. For instance, the
stock delivery and layer contouring sys- DIN EN ISO 17296-2 standard that is
tems. The formless feedstock may come in currently still at the drafting stage de-
the form of a powder, a wire, a liquid, or fines a “Powder Bed Fusion” category
a foil or film. Different methods are also that encompasses a range of technologies
used to contour each individual layer, for using either plastics or metal powders
example nozzles or blades travelling along and electron beam or laser beam tech-
a linear axis, the selective deflection of la- nology. These technologies are funda-
ser beams using moving mirrors, or elec- mentally different from each other, both
tron beams guided by magnetic fields. in terms of their physics, chemistry, ma-
terials, processes and equipment and in
It is thus evident that the term “Ad- terms of their industrial applications. In
ditive Manufacturing” currently covers a view of the fact that they are all becom-
broad spectrum of different technologies. ing increasingly important, they will be
There are major differences in the age treated separately in the remainder of
and maturity of individual technologies this paper rather than being lumped to-
[LSK03] and the same applies to current gether. The Association of German En-
applications, potential future applica- gineers’ VDI 3405 standard uses English
tions and the intensity and momentum terms to describe some of the processes
of research and further development ac- by default. The acatech working group
tivities. Whether a particular technology decided in favour of using the English
is best suited to home use, simple work- terms and abbreviations which have the
shops, specialised production laboratories highest industrial prevalence at the mo-
or other target groups depends – among ment, bearing in mind the technological
other things – on the size of the required differences. In the following technology
investment. The cost of buying the equip- overview the full English-language term
ment can be anywhere between 500 eu- and industry-standard abbreviation are
ros (Fused Deposition Modelling™) and being presented in first place, followed
over 1 million euros (Selective Laser Melt- by important trade names, VDI 3405
ing™). Moreover, the scale of the neces- process names and DIN EN ISO 17296
sary safety measures and the knowledge process categories under the “Synonyms”
required to operate the equipment safely heading. Many processes and systems are
(e.g. handling of flammable and respir- protected by trademark, meaning that
able metal powders or laser safety) also the relevant technologies and their future
vary depending on the technology. development are tied to individual com-
panies. One example is Fused Layer Man-
Numerous different additive tech- ufacturing, widely referred to as Fused
nologies now exist and this situation is Deposition Modelling™ (FDM™), which
further complicated by terminology that was patented by Stratasys™ in 1989 and
16 The Status Quo

has now sold more systems for industri- occurred as a result has been largely re-
al applications than any other Additive sponsible for the current surge in interest
Manufacturing technology. When the ba- in Additive Manufacturing as a whole.
sic patent for this technology expired in
2009, a raft of simpler and much cheaper The next section provides an over-
non-proprietary products came onto the view of the most commercially important
market, making FDM™ accessible not Additive Manufacturing technologies and
only to researchers but also to hobbyists. their different joining principles, layer
The massive proliferation of FDM™ that contouring methods and materials.

Support material spool

Extrusion Fused Deposition Modelling™ (FDM™)
head Part
material Synonyms: Fused Layer Manufacturing/Modelling (FLM)
Heater Category: Material extrusion
Extrusion Market launch: 1991
Patented: 1989 Scott Crump
Supports Joining principle: Hot melt adhesive bonding
platform Layer contouring: Extrusion e.g. of plastic filaments from a
Support moving nozzle
Materials: Plastic filaments, e.g. amorphous thermoplas-
material tics (ABS2, PC3, PLA4, PI5)
Special features: More systems sold than any other
Figure 3-3: Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM™) (Source: CustomPartNet LLC)

3D Printing (3DP)
Binder supply Synonyms: Binder 3D printing, ZCorp™, VoxelJet™
Print head/ Category: Binder jetting
binder deposition
Market launch: 1993
Recoater Powder Patented: 1993 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Joining principle: Powder particles bonded with liquid
supply binder
Layer contouring: Binder selectively deposited by ink-jet
Materials: Gypsum, starch, PMMA6, sand
Special features: The binder can be dyed and mixed via
multiple nozzles, making it possible to print multi-coloured
objects. If ceramic powders are used, green compacts can
Build envelope
be built and then sintered in subsequent process steps.
Figure 3-4: 3D Printing (3DP) (Source: CustomPartNet LLC) Does not require support structures.


2 ABS: Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene.
3 PC: Polycarbonate.
4 PLA: Polylactic acid.
5 PI: Polyimide.
6 PMMA: Poly(methyl methacrylate).
The Status Quo 17

Laminated Object Manufacturing (LOM™)

Synonyms: Laminated Object Modelling™ (LOM™), Layer Laser beam
Laminated Manufacturing (LLM), Sheet Lamination X-Y positioning
Laser head
Category: Layer lamination
Heated roller Current layer
Market launch: 1991
Patented: 1987 Michael Feygin Previous layer
Joining principle: Gluing together of layers of paper or hot
melt adhesive bonding of PVC7 sheets sheet
Layer contouring: Cut to shape with a knife (or laser cut- Material
ter, which is now obsolete) supply roll
Built part
Materials: Paper, adhesive, PVC sheets and support Waste take-
material Build up roll
Special features: The paper can be printed in advance, platform
allowing coloured objects to be produced that possess
wood-like properties. Does not require support structures. Figure 3-5: Laminated Object Manufacturing (LOM™)
(Source: CustomPartNet LLC)

Stereolithography (SLA™)
Synonyms: STL Lenses

Category: Vat polymerisation; photopolymerisation in a X-Y scanning

vat using a laser light source or controlled surface lights mirror
Laser beam
Market launch: 1987 UV laser
Vat of resin
Patented: 1984 Charles Hull Liquid pho-
Joining principle: Photopolymerisation topolymer
Recoater blade
Layer contouring: Selective exposure to focused laser beam for depositing
directed by scanning mirrors or incoherent light directed by Part
micromirror arrays (DLP™, similar to video projector) Build
Materials: Thermosetting plastics, typically acrylic and envelope
with height-­
epoxy resins adjustable
Special features: Resins mixed with ceramic powder allow
green compacts to be produced that can be sintered after
further process steps have been completed. Figure 3-6: Stereolithography (SLA™) (Source: CustomPartNet LLC)

Polyjet™ Modelling (PJM™) Printhead X-axis

Synonyms: Objet™ Y-axis
Category: Material jetting
Market launch: 2000 UV light source
Joining principle: Photopolymerisation Part

Layer contouring: Selective deposition of photopolymers

using ink-jet printhead
Materials: Thermosetting plastics, typically acrylic and
epoxy resins Build platform Z-axis
Special features: Single droplets of different thermosetting
plastics can be combined to create custom colour blends,
as well as hard and rubber-like areas within a single part. Figure 3-7: Polyjet™ Modelling (PJM™) (Source: Stratasys)

7 PVC: Polyvinyl chloride.

18 The Status Quo

Selective Laser Sintering™ (SLS™)
X-Y scanning mirror
Laser Laser beam
Synonyms: Polymer Laser Sintering
Deposition roller Part Category: Powder bed fusion
Powder feed Market launch: 1992
supply Powder bed
Patented: 1986 Carl Deckard
IR emitter Joining principle: Liquid phase sintering
Layer contouring: Selective exposure to focused CO2 laser
beam directed by scanning mirrors
Materials: Semicrystalline thermoplastics, typically PA8 12,
Heated build PA 11, PAEK9
chamber Powder feed supply
Special features: Does not require support structures.
Figure 3-8: Selective Laser Sintering™ (SLS™) (Source: CustomPartNet LLC)

Selective Laser Melting™ (SLM™)

Synonyms: Direct Metal Laser Sintering™ (DMLS™), La-
serCUSING™, Laser Metal Fusion™ (LMF™), Direct Metal
Fibre laser
Scanning mirror Printing™ (DMP™), Laser Beam Melting (LBM), Direct
Inert gas Powder feed supply
Metal Laser Melting
Category: Powder bed fusion
Recoater blade Market launch: 1999
Patented: 1996 Wilhelm Meiners
Joining principle: Fusion welding
Part being fabricated Layer contouring: Selective welding using focused
Powder bed ­solid-state laser beam directed by mirrors
Materials: Weldable metals and powdered metal alloys
Special features: Material properties as in conventional
Figure 3-9: Selective Laser Melting™ (SLM™) (Source: RAS) processing.

Electron beam generation,

massless beam focusing and Electron Beam Melting™ (EBM™)
deflection using Vacuum chamber
magnetic coils Category: Powder bed fusion
Market launch: 2004
Joining principle: Fusion welding
Layer contouring: Selective welding using focused electron
Powder feed
supply beam directed by magnetic fields
Materials: Sinterable and weldable metals and powdered
metal alloys
Special features: Material properties as in conventional
Part processing. The surrounding powder bed must be lightly
sintered in order to dissipate the electrical charge in a
controlled manner. This makes it harder to remove the
powder from cavities than in SLM™, resulting in rougher
Figure 3-10: Electron Beam Melting™ (EBM™) (Source: Arcam)


8 Polyamide.
9 Polyaryletherketone.
The Status Quo 19

Laser Metal Deposition (LMD) Laser or electron

Synonyms: Direct Metal Deposition (DMD™), Laser Engi-
neered Net Shaping (LENS™), Electron Beam Additive Man-
ufacturing (EBAM™),
Processing head
Category: Directed energy deposition
Market launch: 1997 Feed relative Central, coaxial or
to part being lateral delivery of
Joining principle: Fusion welding using laser or electron fabricated powder or wire
Protective gas
Layer contouring: Optics and nozzle or wire feed guided by stream
linear axis or articulated arm robots
Materials: Weldable metals and metal alloys, reinforcing Overlapping Part being
welding beads fabricated
ceramic particles
Special features: Welding either of metal powder that is
transported into the melt pool by a stream of gas, or of
metal wire guided by laser or electron beams; freeform fab- Melt pool
rication possible; material composition can be easily varied
for each layer. Figure 3-11: Laser Metal Deposition for Additive Manufacturing using
­powder or wire (Source: authors’ own illustration)

3.2 Current Areas of Application • concept or visualisation models with

a purely aesthetic function (3DP,
This section will provide an overview of LOM™, SLA™, PJM™, FDM™),
Additive Manufacturing’s current areas • geometric prototypes, e.g. for fitting
of application in the context of industrial simulations (FDM™, PJM™, SLA™,
manufacturing. The main areas include SLS™),
prototyping, the fabrication of models • function prototypes that must per-
and moulds, aids such as fixtures, tem- form defined individual functions of
plates and drilling jigs and, last but not the eventual product (SLS™, FDM™,
least, the manufacture of end products. SLM™),
The burgeoning use of Additive Manu- • “technical prototypes” that only differ
facturing technologies in other areas of from the finished part in the way they
application such as medicine, art and are made, but are identical in terms of
home 3D printing will not be addressed the materials used and their geometry
here. and functionality (SLM™, EBM™).

Prototyping Fabrication of Models and Moulds

Prototyping was one of the first areas to Additive Manufacturing technologies
use Additive Manufacturing and it has themselves have no need of models and
now become indispensable in this field. moulds because they build parts directly
The extremely short lead times of Addi- from 3D data. They are, however, wide-
tive Manufacturing are a critical benefit in ly used in the production of models and
prototyping, while the higher costs are an moulds. In many instances, the only al-
acceptable trade-off. ternative would be to make these items by
hand, as in the case of moulds for lost-wax
A distinction can be drawn between the precision casting (PJM™, SLA™) or posi-
following types of prototypes, depending tive models used in the production of sand
on their intended use: moulds and silicone moulds (see Figure
20 The Status Quo

3-12). 3DP makes it possible to produce reducing cycle times and thus delivering
sand moulds of several metres in size for significant cost savings for typical injec-
metal casting with more complex geome- tion moulding batch sizes of several hun-
tries than are possible using conventional dred thousand.
manufacturing technologies.
Fixtures, Templates and Drilling Jigs
Additive Manufacturing has also been
used for several years to produce man-
ufacturing and surgical aids. Patients’
individual anatomy can be captured dig-
itally using modern imaging techniques,
making it possible to produce anatom-
ically-shaped medical products. Dental
implants, for example, can be designed
using CT scan data. A drilling jig is then
Figure 3-12: Silicone mould for a mobile phone housing made by SLA™ in order to guide the drill
made by SLA™ (Source: so that it precisely follows the 3D design.
This helps the operator to work quickly
Steel mould inserts for high-volume ther- and accurately. Similar drilling jigs made
moplastic injection moulding or light alloy by SLS™ are used in clinical practice for
die casting are also produced by Additive knee operations.
Manufacturing (SLM™). As illustrated in
Figure 3-13, cooling channels with water Manufacture of End Products
flowing through them are positioned in The SLA technology made by Envision-
the mould insert in such a way as to keep tec™ has at present almost complete-
the temperature as uniform as possible ly cornered the market for individual,
during use (so called conformal cooling). made-to-measure in-the-ear hearing aids
SLM™ allows the cooling channel shape and high-end hearing protection devices.
to be optimised so that it follows the pro- A comparatively lower but nonetheless
file of the mould core, providing enhanced steadily growing market penetration has
performance compared to conventional been achieved by SLM™ in the production
cooling channel drilling which can only of cobalt-chromium or gold alloy dental
produce cooling channels in a perfectly crown frameworks (Figure 3-14) to which
straight line, for example. The end result a ceramic veneer is subsequently added.
is that additively manufactured mould in- The second statement will take a clos-
serts provide better dimensional accuracy er look at other Additive Manufacturing
in the injection-moulded parts, as well as applications in the field of medical tech-

1 cm

Figure 3-13: Left: conventionally drilled cooling channels; Right: conformal cooling channels produced by SLM™
[Source: EOS]
The Status Quo 21

18 individual elements. SLM™ allows it to

be made as a single part with a more com-
plex shape, saving weight and reducing
production costs.

3.3 Roles in the Value Network

1 cm
Diverse value networks have formed
Figure 3-14: Cobalt-chromium denture frameworks on around Additive Manufacturing, in which
support structures, made by SLM™ specific roles are typically assumed by dif-
ferent actors.

Material Manufacturers: Mate-

rial manufacturers produce the feedstock
for Additive Manufacturing, for example
metal or plastic powder, plastic filaments,
photo-resins, binders, etc. They include
both established chemical industry play-
ers (e.g. Evonik Industries) and small spe-
1 cm
cialist firms (e.g. TLS Technik). New and
Figure 3-15: Water pump wheel for the motorsport demanding business areas are emerging,
industry, made by SLM™ (Source: especially with regard to the metallurgical
development of alloys that meet the high
purity standards for the metal powders
used in Additive Manufacturing – e.g. ti-
tanium and nickel alloys.

Component Manufacturers:
These are the companies that supply com-
ponents and modules for making Additive
1 cm
Manufacturing equipment. Particularly
process-critical components include la-
Figure 3-16: Fuel nozzle for LEAP engine, made by SLM™ sers, control technology, coaters, mirrors,
(Source: General Electric) laser/electron beam control components
and build chamber heating systems. Laser
nology. Figures 3-15 and 3-16 show exam- manufacturer IPG Photonics is one exam-
ples from the motorsport industry (BMW ple of a component manufacturer.
water pump wheel) and aviation industry
(General Electric fuel nozzle). As well as Test Equipment Manufactur-
meeting the high manufacturing reliabil- ers: Additive Manufacturing is heavily
ity and reproducibility standards that are reliant on non-destructive testing – un-
part and parcel of the aviation industry, certainty about the reliability of this new
the GE part is particularly noteworthy be- technology means that 100-percent testing
cause of the comparatively high produc- is often required. Non-destructive testing
tion volumes for Additive Manufacturing: of parts is in any case indispensable when
more than 100,000 of these fuel nozzles producing batch sizes of 1. Additionally,
have already been pre-ordered for the test equipment (e.g. imaging technology)
LEAP engine. In the previous engine de- is already used during the build process in
sign, the fuel nozzle was assembled from order to continuously counteract errors.
22 The Status Quo

Machine Manufacturers: These of service providers include materialise,

are the producers of the machines used for FKM and citim. Moreover, individual ser-
the layer-by-layer manufacturing of parts. vice providers are increasingly positioning
Most machine manufacturers specialise in themselves as platforms providing access
one or at most a couple of manufacturing to processes and data via digital interfaces
technologies. Alongside the market lead- (APIs), thereby acting as enablers of other
ers, whose focus is primarily on tradition- actors’ business models.
al metal and plastic technologies (e.g. 3D
Systems, Stratasys, EOS), a number of Brokers: As the number of man-
smaller companies are currently estab- ufacturing service providers continues to
lishing themselves in niche technologies grow, players have appeared on the scene
(e.g. Lithoz, Carbon3D). who act as brokers between the end cus-
tomer and the manufacturing service pro-
Data Preparation Software vider. Their services are predicated on the
Providers: These companies supply the demand for “spot markets” for trading
software that makes it possible to com- standard (manufacturing) services. Cur-
bine geometric, process and material data rent examples of brokers include Kraft-
(see Chapter 4-1). Belgian company mate- würx, 3D Hubs and Additively.
rialise is the market leader for industrial
applications. Technology Users: These are the
industrial enterprises and home users who
Online Shop Operators: Several use additive technology to make parts for
companies are attempting to apply e-com- their own use or buy them in from service
merce business models to Additive Man- providers.
ufacturing by providing an interface be-
tween the manufacturing service and the There are also a number of key in-
end customer. The key value proposition dustry enablers that support the Additive
to the end customer includes the ability to Manufacturing industry value network.
customise consumer goods (high number
of product variants) and supply products Research Institutes, Universi-
that cannot be obtained anywhere else. ties and other higher education in-
In most cases, the companies using these stitutions: These organisations conduct
business models have their own manufac- interdisciplinary research in the field of
turing capability but do not carry out their Additive Manufacturing. They perform
own development – instead, they use a an important catalyst role through appli-
crowdsourcing model where development cation-oriented projects in partnership
work is undertaken by independent de- with industry. They carry out applied and
signers. The best-known example of this empirical research for the entire value
model is the Dutch-American firm Shape- network. In so doing, they drive the tech-
ways. nology’s development and accelerate its
uptake. Examples include DMRC, SFB
Service Providers: These com- 814, Fraunhofer Additive Manufacturing
panies mainly build to order using addi- Alliance, the Rapid Technologies Center
tive technologies; many possess an exten- in Duisburg and several laser centres.
sive technology portfolio. They also often They also train staff to use the technolo-
offer engineering and prototyping servic- gies.
es. They are key drivers of the technolo-
gies, since many companies are reluctant Standardisation Committees:
to run the risk of investing in their own As part of the continuing efforts to en-
in-house production facilities. Examples able the use of Additive Manufacturing
The Status Quo 23

Material Online shop

ers operators

Component Machine Service Technology

manufacturers ers providers users

Test equip- Data prepara-

ment manu- tion software Brokers
facturers providers

Industry value network

Industry enablers

Research Standardisa- Market re-

institutes tion commit- searchers and
platforms consultants

Figure 3-17: Generic Additive Manufacturing value network incl. enablers (Source: based on [BBM+14] and [Thi14])

in highly demanding industrial applica- es. The industry remains predominantly

tions, work is ongoing to further stand- traditional in nature – the key actors are
ardise the different techniques. The most material and machine manufacturers,
important international committees are manufacturing service providers, test
ASTM Committee F42, ISO TC 261 and equipment manufacturers and technol-
CEN TC 439. The key actor in Germany ogy users. The business models of these
is VDI technical committee 105 Additive actors are little different to those found in
Manufacturing. traditional manufacturing industry. The
material manufacturers still produce ma-
Information Platforms: Trade terials and sell them to their customers
fairs and conferences that provide an op- either directly or via distributors. Soft-
portunity to share knowledge (e.g. AMUG, ware continues to be licensed, test equip-
formnext, inside3dprinting, Rapid.Tech ment manufacturers make and sell test
in Erfurt, Solid Freeform Fabrication equipment, and so on. All that the actors
Symposium). have done is add new products, services
and know-how to their established busi-
Market Researchers and Con- ness models. Material manufacturers, for
sultants: Suppliers of reliable informa- example, have had to develop expertise
tion about the technology and advice on in metal powder atomisation. But this
rolling it out. These organisations typically has made little difference to their busi-
possess extremely in-depth industry- and ness models. Based on current practice,
technology-specific expertise (e.g. Wohlers the following three conclusions can be
Associates, T.A. Grimm & Associates). drawn about Additive Manufacturing’s
impact on business models:

3.4 Business Models Use of Established Business Model Patterns

One specific feature that has emerged in
At a theoretical level, it is frequently sug- the Additive Manufacturing industry com-
gested that Additive Manufacturing will pared to conventional manufacturing is
lead to disruptive business model inno- that machine manufacturers have added
vations. In practice, however, there have materials and process parameters to the
so far only been occasional hints that products that they market. Many sup-
this might be happening in certain cas- pliers use the consumer goods industry’s
24 The Status Quo

well-known “razor and blades”10 business make individual parts for customers. eMa-
model in which customers can only buy chineShop was founded as long ago as
complementary products like materials 2003, for example. Its customers receive
and process parameters from the suppli- easy-to-use CAD software which they use
er of the original product. The high pric- to generate their own CAD data. The data
es charged for materials and process pa- is then sent to eMachineShop who make
rameters generate high margins and are the parts with their own machinery and
responsible for a significant percentage deliver them to the customer. Similar ser-
of these companies’ turnover. The orches- vices quickly became established in the
trator model employed by additively is Additive Manufacturing sector (e.g. Shape-
an example of a different type of business ways, i.materialise, etc.). What sets them
model in which instead of using Additive apart, however, is that they enable a very
Manufacturing to make parts itself, the direct form of customer interaction
company acts purely as a production ca- combined with a high level of design
pacity broker. It is clear that established flexibility. Customers can choose from
business model patterns play an im- an existing portfolio of CAD data that can
portant role in the Additive Manufacturing then be customised. trinckle 3D, for exam-
industry. This observation is in line with ple, provides a cloud-based marketplace
Gassmann et al.’s finding that 90 percent that allows CAD data suppliers to precise-
of all business models can be assigned to ly specify how much freedom customers
just a handful of basic patterns [GFC13]. have to customise parts (e.g. modify their
dimensions). In conjunction with intuitive
New Key Activities and Partners 3D CAD web applications, this allows the
Additive Manufacturing business mod- production of customised products down
els often call for a company to modify its to a batch size of 1, ensuring that the cus-
key activities or key partners. For in- tomer’s requirements are met as closely as
stance, service providers often have to pro- possible. Another recent development is
vide their customers with advice about the the emergence of digital interfaces which
part design. This is due to the new level rather than being designed for end us-
of design freedom, the lack of standards, ers are aimed at companies with business
and the fact that customers do not know models based on automated production
enough about the limitations of different outsourcing. One example is the material-
techniques and the optimal design princi- ise API made by the company of the same
ples for additively made parts. To address name. This interface provides white label
these challenges, they either need to bring functionality, allowing Materialise’s man-
in external key partners or build up in- ufacturing service to be integrated into
depth process know-how themselves. Ser- third-party business models without being
vice providers are thus key actors in Addi- visible to the customer.
tive Manufacturing value networks. Rather
than interchangeable suppliers, they are
in fact important enablers of the technolo- 3.5 Success Factors
gies’ growth in the industrial sector.
For the purposes of this statement, a
Business Models with an Individual Value group of academics and company repre-
Proposition sentatives evaluated 14 success factors
There is nothing fundamentally new about that play a key role in the technology field
companies providing digital services to of Additive Manufacturing. They assessed
both the importance of each success fac-
tor for industrial applications (y-axis) and
10 Also known as “lock-in” or “bait and hook”. See Nes-
presso, Gillette and HP [GFC13]. Germany’s current position in the area in
The Status Quo 25

question (x-axis).11 The results are depict- and process chain automation as areas
ed in Figure 3-18, which divides the suc- with need for improvement. Moreover,
cess factors into three broad groups: if Additive Manufacturing is to be used
more widely in industrial applications,
• Critical Success Factors: These it will be necessary to guarantee the
are factors that are very important availability of the appropriate materi-
but where Germany’s current position als. A need for further action was also
is either weak or not strong enough. identified with regard to the formula-
In total, there were nine such fac- tion of specific design and engineering
tors where further action is required. guidelines for the different additive
One especially important factor is the techniques (see also [TDD+15]). Fur-
availability of robust machinery with ther factors required for the technol-
reproducible output. Additive Manu- ogies to be used more widely on an
facturing machinery and equipment industrial scale include automated
currently fails to meet this require- process chains and ways of integrating
ment. There is often variation in the Additive Manufacturing with existing
properties or geometry of the fabricat- manufacturing processes. Norms and
ed parts, even though the same data standards are also critical to the suc-
was used to produce them. The survey cess of Additive Manufacturing. Stand-
also identified machine productivity ards are currently being developed by

very high 4
Critical Success Machines with
Factors Reproducible Output

Machine Availability of Materials

Norms and Data Security
Importance of Success Factor


Integration into Enablers of AM

existing Manufacturing rollout (Research
Processes Institutes, etc.)
Existence of a Research

Engineering/Design Guidelines

Process Chain Automation

Quality Assurance Methods

1 Germany’s Position with regard
to Basic Research
Legal Clarity regarding Product Liability

Balanced Overrated
very low Success Factors Success Factors
0 1 2 3 4
very very
Current Position of Additive Manufacturing in Germany strong
Figure 3-18: Success factors for the Additive Manufacturing technology field (Source: authors’ own illustration)

11 Survey conducted between 18 and 29 January 2016.

84 participants from academia and industry.
The success factors were identified during a project
group workshop [Wor14b].
26 The Status Quo

bodies such as the Association of Ger- nology that there should initially be no
man Engineers (VDI) and the inter- factors in this category.
national standardisation ­organisation
ASTM International12. In addition, Overall, there were no significant differ-
there is a need to develop quality as- ences in the assessments made by the rep-
surance methods capable of proving resentatives from academia and industry.
that additively manufactured parts
can meet the relevant performance
standards. Finally, even today there
is already a shortage of the qualified
personnel needed to carry out Additive
Manufacturing work.

• Balanced Success Factors: These

are the factors where there is a balance
between their importance and the cur-
rent position of the industry in Germa-
ny. The five factors in this category are:
the existence of a research roadmap,
legal clarity regarding product liability,
data security, the existence of enablers
for rolling out Additive Manufacturing
and Germany’s position with regard to
basic research. Factors such as legal
clarity regarding product liability and
data security in digital process chains
will become more critical to success
once manufacturing technologies be-
come faster and more reliable and
once Additive Manufacturing becomes
more widespread in industrial appli-
cations and the range of additively
manufactured products increases. Ba-
sic research is one of Germany’s main
strengths and action should be taken
to ensure that this continues to be the
case in the future. At present, there
are also sufficient enablers of Additive
Manufacturing, primarily service pro-
viders, research institutes and busi-
ness consultants with expertise in this

• Overrated Success Factors: These

would be factors where Germany is
strong but that are not so important
to success. It is typical of a new tech-

12 For other (international) standardisation committees,

see [VDI14].
Anticipated Developments 27

4 Anticipated Developments

Additive Manufacturing is continually ma- research (funded by the government and

turing and the industry has been achiev- other actors) and by the market pull from
ing growth rates in the region of 30 per- industry [GE13]. Other important advanc-
cent for some years now [Woh16]. There es in manufacturing technology will result
is good reason to believe that Additive from automation, the development of hy-
Manufacturing will become established brid manufacturing systems, a wider range
as widespread manufacturing technolo- of materials and the ongoing development
gies existing alongside conventional pro- of Additive Manufacturing software.
duction methods in many different areas.
However, there are currently no convinc- Machine Productivity Improvements in the
ing signs to suggest that Additive Manu- known Dimensions
facturing will cause a revolution in indus- The performance of Additive Manufac-
trial production. This chapter looks at how turing machinery is expected to improve
the technology is expected to develop up significantly over the coming decades
to 2025. Its predictions are based on an [PWC13], [RAE13]. An in-depth analysis
analysis of the relevant literature, together of the technical parameters lies outside the
with workshops, expert surveys and papers scope of this statement. Different sourc-
produced by the project group members in es predict that build rates will increase by
which, for example, they formulated future somewhere between a factor of 4 and a fac-
scenarios for the anticipated development tor of 100 over the next ten years, especial-
of the technology, markets and business ly in metal-based Additive Manufacturing
models [GEK+11], [GEK+12], [GEW13]. [GEW13], [Sie14], [KTH+12]. Similar pro-
ductivity gains of several orders of magni-
tude are not anticipated for conventional
4.1 Manufacturing Technologies manufacturing technologies. However, it is
unlikely that performance improvements
The interplay of technology push and mar- on this scale will be achieved without fur-
ket pull has already resulted in a broad ther basic research and new actors entering
spectrum of application areas and this the market. The current growth in the mar-
trend looks set to continue. This section ket means that additive machinery man-
will consider the anticipated technolog- ufacturers, most of which are SMEs, are
ical developments up to 2025. There are already working at full capacity. Against
two distinct development directions for this background, improvements in ma-
manufacturing technology innovations. chine performance are not occurring fast
First of all, existing systems and technol- enough. In addition to addressing the com-
ogies are going to be improved right up to plex technological issues, machine manu-
their physical limits. Secondly, intensive facturers will also need to put a lot of effort
research in the field of machine develop- into scaling up their business models.
ment is likely going to result in entirely
new technologies by 2025, opening up In the future, machine manu-
new areas of application [TSE+15]. These facturers will continue to differentiate
developments are being driven both by themselves on the basis of faster build
28 Anticipated Developments

times, higher quality and larger build vol- and the pre-build and post-build opera-
umes. One of the main selling points of tions. The automation of Additive Manu-
the latest generation of machines made facturing machinery and equipment will
by German machine manufacturers Con- be accompanied by an exponential in-
ceptLaser is the 27 percent increase in crease in the volume of process and part
build volume. This is intended to consol- data that needs to be processed. Conse-
idate the company’s market position as quently, over the medium term machine
a supplier of metal processing machines manufacturers will have to add big data
with large build volumes [CL16a-ol]. solutions to their portfolios in order to
Thanks to strong government support, meet the market’s demand for stable and
an SLM™ machine is currently being reproducible processes.
developed in South Africa with a build
chamber measuring 2000 mm x 600 mm Growing Technology Portfolio
x 600 mm [Wat15-ol]. This represents One characteristic feature of the devel-
roughly a 20-fold increase compared to opment of Additive Manufacturing is
current models. that the different additive technologies
are largely aimed at different areas of
Technology users also sometimes application. This means that at present
complain about the machines’ low avail- companies very rarely have the luxury of
ability due to the need for unscheduled choosing between different technologies
maintenance work and the generally short because the pros and cons of each one are
maintenance intervals, e.g. between filter so specific. This situation is unlikely to
changes. Machine manufacturers can be change any time soon [Wor14b]. Never-
expected to respond by taking steps to in- theless, from time to time new layer-wise
crease machine availability e.g. by making production technologies emerge. These
bigger filters [CL16b-ol]. Moreover, the new technologies can expand the range
latest generations of metal laser melting of potential applications. One example
machines are already equipped with mul- is the recently launched CLIP technol-
tiple lasers and will soon be further en- ogy that is able to achieve significant-
hanced with automatic transport systems ly faster build speeds by enhancing the
[SLM15-ol]. established DLP™ photopolymerisation
method with a window that allows oxy-
In the future, Additive Manufac- gen and light to pass through it, as well
turing machinery and equipment will be as employing specially adapted materials
available as self-contained, encapsulated [TSE+15]. Another characteristic shared
systems – the handling of both the pow- by many additively manufactured parts
der and the part will be fully automated so is that the material properties are aniso-
that users do not come into contact with tropic. In other words, properties such
the powder [EOS16-ol]. Online monitor- as strength are highly dependent on the
ing functionality will also increasingly be direction of the forces acting on the part.
added to existing machines [Wor14b], This characteristic is a consequence of
[AI15-ol]. This will mean that it is even the orientation of the part in the build
possible to test a part’s quality during the chamber while it is being built [NLR+13].
build process. Another key technological It can be used to good advantage, e.g. for
development will involve the automa- parts that will principally be subject to
tion of Additive Manufacturing machin- forces acting in a limited number of main
ery and equipment. At present, many of directions. However, it will be necessary
the steps in the Additive Manufacturing to develop software that allows these
process have to be carried out manually. properties to be incorporated into the
This applies both to the main build stage part’s design.
Anticipated Developments 29

Hybrid Manufacturing Machinery and times, which can result in lengthy down-
Equipment time e.g. for milling heads. Modularisa-
Additive Manufacturing is particularly tion of the individual processing steps is
good at producing complex shapes. How- a key success factor for this type of sys-
ever, additive technology is as yet unable tem. Additive Industries is one supplier
to match the productivity of convention- hoping to provide such systems in the
al manufacturing processes. Established future.
technologies such as turning and mill-
ing can deliver high precision and a Increasing Range of Materials
high-quality surface finish with compar- Dedicated materials are being developed
atively short processing times [MAV14- to meet the requirements of new areas
ol], [DMG15-ol]. Machine manufacturers of application such as the automotive in-
are responding by augmenting additive dustry [Str15-ol], [WHW+15], [Yad09].
and conventional manufacturing tech- The fact that Additive Manufacturing is
nologies. The results are referred to as increasingly being employed to make end
hybrid manufacturing machinery and product means that the powder, filaments
equipment. Although these machines can and resins, etc. have to meet more strin-
deliver high precision and a high-quality gent requirements. High-performance
surface finish, they do sacrifice a degree materials already exist for individual are-
of design freedom as far as the part’s ge- as of application such as the aviation in-
ometry is concerned. Two main catego- dustry. However, there are still problems
ries of hybrid manufacturing machines with high-performance materials that are
become apparent: difficult to weld, for example. New mate-
rials or techniques will need to be devel-
Single build chamber: With oped in order to enable the use of Addi-
these machines, parts can be built in a tive Manufacturing for high-temperature
single, closed build chamber. One of the applications.
key features that sets this type of machine
apart is that they allow post-processing In the future, combinations of sim-
operations to be performed in places that ilar materials (e.g. two metals) or differ-
are no longer accessible on the finished ent materials (e.g. plastics and glass-fibre
part. In other words, conventional pro- reinforced plastics) will be trialled and
cessing operations can be carried out after implemented. These combinations of
each layer has been deposited. Suppliers materials will make it possible to achieve
of these machines include DMG Mori and new properties for the additively manu-
Matsuura. factured parts. Customised materials are
also being developed that can produce
Multiple build chambers: In desirable part properties in conjunction
this instance, Additive Manufacturing with standardised process parameters
machines are integrated into an auto- [Wor14b]. Research is currently being
mated system. This allows process steps carried out into the processing of titani-
before and after the Additive Manufac- um aluminides [SK14], shape memory
turing stage to be configured as required. materials [HMF12] and metallic glasses
The parts are processed in different build [KAH+15]. There are potential advantag-
chambers/workspaces [AI15-ol]. This es to using these materials in Additive
addresses one of the main drawbacks Manufacturing, since conventional man-
of hybrid manufacturing machines that ufacturing techniques can only produce
only have a single build chamber: the sig- a limited range of shapes with them and
nificant difference between additive and the processing costs are also typically very
conventional manufacturing processing high.
30 Anticipated Developments

A further example was provided As Additive Manufacturing soft-

towards the end of 2014 by researchers ware applications continue to mature, it
at the Massachusetts Institute of Tech- will become possible to display Additive
nology who developed “programmable Manufacturing parameters in the relevant
materials” (metamaterials, also known product data management and business
as architectured materials) exclusively planning software.
for use in Additive Manufacturing. These
materials can alter their own geometry in
response to light, sound or electrical im- 4.2 Applications and Markets
pulses [Thi15-ol].
This section considers the anticipated fu-
Spread of Technology-specific CAD ture development of Additive Manufac-
Additive Manufacturing data preparation turing applications and markets. It begins
is currently still a complex process involv- by discussing the key drivers of these de-
ing multiple stages (see Chapters 3.1 and velopments, before moving on to present
3.3). In the future, it is anticipated that an overview of the general characteristics
CAD software will become available that required for Additive Manufacturing to be
takes the technologies’ specific constraints commercially viable. Finally, it describes
into account directly when creating the 3D the advances that are expected to come
model. In other words, Additive Manufac- about in current areas of application and
turing data preparation will be partially the new application areas that are likely to
integrated into future CAD software. The emerge.
first moves in this direction are already
occurring today. For instance, CAD soft- Drivers
ware company Autodesk acquired the The main driver of future growth in Ad-
AM software firm netfabb in 2015 in or- ditive Manufacturing will continue to be
der to support the ongoing development the flexibility that it offers in terms of
of its own Additive Manufacturing CAD part design. Chapter 3.2 provides sever-
software. This suggests that the Additive al examples of how the technologies can
Manufacturing market is now big enough produce finished parts in shapes that were
to interest some of the larger players. As previously almost impossible to realise.
well as the actual CAD application, it is Moreover, Additive Manufacturing can
anticipated that the need for new simu- help to speed up existing processes. For
lation tools and management software instance, it allows a company’s sales de-
system interfaces will also be met. This is partment to rapidly build a physical mod-
confirmed by current developments in the el to show to potential customers. There
field of Additive Manufacturing simula- is also a lot of public interest in Additive
tion tools. Altair Engineering, for exam- Manufacturing. This is demonstrated by
ple, is already selling software for optimis- the growing number of conferences on
ing the design and analysis of parts being applied Additive Manufacturing (e.g. in-
made by Additive Manufacturing. In the side3Dprinting) and the numerous pub-
future, CAD software companies will also lications on the subject. One of the rea-
implement this targeted Additive Manu- sons for this strong public interest is the
facturing functionality in their software. It fact that some technologies can be used
will provide users with technological and at home. Additive Manufacturing bene-
knowledge-based support from the begin- fits like no other technology field from the
ning of the design stage or creation of a availability of home 3D printers. The in-
point cloud right up to the generation of novative shapes of parts produced by hob-
the machine code and the actual building byists are attracting a lot of attention in
of the part in the machine. online communities and are also fostering
Anticipated Developments 31

interest from industry. In order to support post-processing operations. In practice,

the continued growth of Additive Manu- however, this vision is subject to a num-
facturing, it will be crucial to discover ber of limitations (see Chapter 3.5). For
further valid industrial applications and instance, the necessary machinery, mate-
communicate them effectively to the pub- rials and personnel still need to be avail-
lic (see also the second statement from the able at the decentralised locations. The
group led by Leopoldina). aviation industry is an ideal candidate
for decentralised production. It is char-
Mass Customisation will be acterised by worldwide demand for spare
another driver of future growth in Ad- parts, long product life-cycles, high ware-
ditive Manufacturing. This term refers housing costs and the need to minimise
to the production of individually cus- the time that planes spend on the ground.
tomised items at mass production prices Aircraft spare parts must be kept in stock
[Pil06], for example customised running all over the world so that parts can be rap-
shoe soles. The American sporting goods idly replaced whenever the need arises. In
company New Balance uses its custom- the future, individual spare parts could be
ers’ biomechanical data to produce soles produced and fitted locally on demand as
tailored to their individual running style long as the technologies and parts are able
[WC13]. Customised solutions like this to meet the relevant certification require-
allow companies to differentiate them- ments. This would reduce warehousing
selves from the competition and avoid the and transport costs and cut maintenance
“commodity trap” where companies com- times. The underdeveloped transport in-
pete almost entirely on the basis of price. frastructure in many Third World coun-
Additive Manufacturing is a key tech- tries is another factor that favours this
nology for this type of customised goods solution. In these locations, it may even be
and services [CMM+14]. It is particularly profitable to make simple objects by Addi-
profitable compared to conventional man- tive Manufacturing. This could also result
ufacturing technologies when used for low in the creation of new value structures.
production volumes. Since it does not re- 3D4D (3D for Development) could make
quire any tools, almost no setup time is it possible to produce urgently needed ba-
necessary. It allows manufacturers to in- sic consumer goods (e.g. lab equipment)
corporate customers’ individual require- close to the place where they will be used
ments into the product design and makes [Hom16].
it easier for them to produce small series.
However, customised finished products All of these different factors are also
are at present still the exception. This is strong drivers of the development of Ad-
due to the high cost of the post-processing ditive Manufacturing’s underlying joining
operations currently required to achieve a techniques. Parts that are relevant to safety
high-quality surface finish, for example. must meet particularly high standards in
terms of the powder state, chemical com-
Decentralised Production will position and purity of the materials used.
be another key driver. The speed with
which digital data can be shared means Characteristics Required for Additive Manu-
that it is theoretically possible to produce facturing to be Commercially Viable
goods on demand anywhere in the world. • Low production volumes (currently
In Additive Manufacturing more than in approx. <1000 units a year)
any other field, all of the relevant know- • Small part dimensions
how will in future exist in digital form, • Use of expensive materials or materi-
from the design stage (3D CAD data) to als that are difficult to process using
the materials, process parameters and conventional methods
32 Anticipated Developments

• Instances where parts or components for the aviation industry will still relate
are currently too heavy to lightweight design and the reduction of
• High costs resulting from (scheduled the “buy-to-fly ratio”, i.e. the weight ratio
and unscheduled) downtime of com- of the material used to make a part and
plex manufacturing systems the weight of the finished part in use. This
• Conventional design that requires a calculation should also take into account
lot of chip removal by conventional the total energy used to manufacture pow-
machining resulting in a large percent- ders as opposed to solid materials. It may
age of the initial material ending up as eventually be possible to integrate con-
scrap ductive tracks and simple electronic com-
• Very long product development times ponents into parts during the build pro-
due e.g. to the time needed to make the cess. Parts for the space industry will in
necessary tools future be built directly in space, allowing
• Products with high operating costs better use to be made of the limited room
compared to their purchase price (e.g. onboard launch vehicles [Del14a].
• Decentralised demand for spare parts In the automotive industry,
• Instances where only limited designs although Additive Manufacturing is at
are possible using conventional man- present rarely used to make final parts,
ufacturing technologies (e.g. heat ex- it has already been employed for many
changers) – geometries that cannot be years to produce prototypes and assembly
produced any other way aids. The technology’s low productivity
• Individually customised products (e.g. and high investment costs are currently
hearing aids) barriers to its use for the mass produc-
• Products with laborious convention- tion of automotive parts. In the future, it
al manufacturing processes involving may be possible to make certain add-on
multiple stages (e.g. hearing aids) components additively, for instance dash-
• Products requiring multi-stage assem- boards and embedded electronic compo-
bly of individual components made nents [Del14b]. If machine manufacturers
from the same material (see General gradually succeed in delivering the lower
Electric fuel nozzle – Chapter 3.2) machine and material prices and faster
build speeds demanded by the automo-
Developments in Current Areas of tive industry, then large-scale Additive
Application Manufacturing could become a reality in
Additive Manufacturing will continue to this sector by 2035, initially for premium
grow in its established areas of applica- models but eventually also for volume
tion, provided that the technologies’ crit- models.
ical success factors are fulfilled (see Chap-
ter 3.5). However, the prediction that it The use of Additive Manufacturing
will outcompete and replace other tech- will also continue to grow in the field of
nologies will for the most part not come medical and dental technology, par-
to pass, since the performance profiles of ticularly for making prosthetics, orthotics,
the different technologies are too differ- dental crowns, implants and medical de-
ent. Additive Manufacturing will continue vices [EOS13], [Woh16].
to gain ground in the aviation industry
where it will primarily be used for “sec- Emergence of New Application Areas
ondary structures” (i.e. parts that are at- In addition to these established areas of
tached to the load-bearing portions of the application, the experts anticipate that
fuselage) [Woh16]. In the future, the prin- in the future Additive Manufacturing will
cipal benefits of Additive Manufacturing also penetrate new fields (the group led by
Anticipated Developments 33

Leopoldina will take an in-depth look at artists are using computers to design
these fields the second statement): and model their artistic creations with
the assistance of CAD software and CAD
In the not too distant future, Ad- scanners [Mon16], [Pan13-ol]. Additive
ditive Manufacturing machines will be Manufacturing is also frequently used to
used to build microscopic objects in what produce replicas of lost, weather-dam-
is commonly referred to as nanoprint- aged and intentionally or unintentionally
ing [RAE13]. Even today, Additive Man- destroyed paintings and artefacts, espe-
ufacturing makes it possible to scale the cially in the field of archaeology.
full functionality of laboratory equipment
down to a credit-card-sized “lab-on-a- If the technologies continue to de-
chip”. This enables rapid diagnosis of med- velop as expected, they will also have the
ical conditions in remote locations, for ex- potential to deliver significant benefits for
ample [Hom16]. In the field of medicine, specialised low-volume applications with
“bioprinting” applications including the high end-user life-cycle costs (TCO: Total
printing of human tissue and even entire Cost of Ownership). For example, it seems
organs are currently under development. likely that Additive Manufacturing will
find applications in special machinery
Additive Manufacturing has al- engineering (low volumes, low certifi-
ready been used for several years for rapid cation costs for parts and manufacturing
model building in the field of architec- processes). It is also likely that sectors
ture. It facilitates the holistic apprais- with a significant catalogue business and
al of architectural designs by making it traditionally high production volumes,
possible to produce complex architectur- such as the mechanical joining tech-
al models of buildings and even entire nology industry, will use Additive Man-
urban planning models [Sto13]. The first ufacturing to make low-volume variants
3D-printed houses are already being built (e.g. special connectors) so that they can
today [Woh16], [RAE13]. One recent ex- tap into new market segments [Wor14a].
ample is a 3D-printed office building with Potential applications are also being tri-
a floorspace of 250 m2 in Dubai [Nic16]. alled for cooling and air conditioning
systems. The efficiency of heat exchang-
California has established itself as a ers, for example, is largely dependent on
global pioneer in additive technology for their geometry and the materials they are
civil engineering. It has been trialling made from. However, conventional man-
and continuously improving the practical ufacturing methods impose constraints
use of Additive Manufacturing to build on heat exchanger design. Additive Man-
houses for more than ten years (using a ufacturing could enable significant im-
technology known as “contour crafting”) provements in heat exchanger efficiency
[Kho04], [Mol13-ol]. Contour crafting is [MW15-ol].
a variation on Fused Deposition Model-
ling™ that allows lines of concrete to be In the electronics industry,
laid down with pinpoint accuracy. Re- there will be several niches where the use
searchers are hoping that this technique of Additive Manufacturing will be com-
will make it possible to reduce the time mercially viable for low-volume applica-
and cost of building houses thanks to ma- tions with high potential for functional
terial, weight and energy savings integration. One example is the use of
SLM™ to make moving coil cartridges for
Additive Manufacturing is also be- record players. An ingenious shape means
coming increasingly popular in the realm that the cartridges can ignore undesirable
of art and culture. More and more vibrations without needing to be unduly
34 Anticipated Developments

heavy [Ort16-ol]. Research has also been The above examples demonstrate
ongoing for a number of years into the that actors from many different industries
use of Additive Manufacturing to embed are currently seeking out applications for
conductive tracks in solid parts so that Additive Manufacturing. It is therefore
sensors can be situated in inaccessible lo- anticipated that in the future the technol-
cations [GWP13], [Woh16]. A lack of con- ogy will be used across a very wide range
ductive and insulating materials that can of application areas.
be processed in the same machine to cre-
ate a composite part is currently prevent-
ing this vision from becoming a reality. 4.3 Potential Developments in
Value Networks
The petroleum industry also
stands to benefit from Additive Manufac- As outlined in Chapter 3.3, value networks
turing. In this industry, even the briefest containing a variety of different roles have
interruption of extraction processes can formed around the core process of Additive
be extremely costly. Moreover, spare parts Manufacturing. Figure 4-1 illustrates three
such as pipeline connectors must be kept key options in which value networks could
in stock all over the world so that they can potentially change in the future. Exam-
be fitted as quickly as possible whenever ples of the options “replacement” and “en-
the need arises. It is conceivable that in hancement” can already be found today.
the future the required spare parts could
be made directly in the location where Replacement: New Actors Occupy
they are needed [Woh16]. Established Roles
As the industrialisation of Additive Man-
In most areas of application, Ad- ufacturing continues, established ma-
ditive Manufacturing will complement chinery and plant engineering players are
conventional technologies – it will only joining the fray, using expertise from oth-
replace them completely in a handful of er industries to develop new machines or
cases. It is producers who perform man- improve and automate existing ones. 2D
ual processes that are most likely to be printing companies, for example, are now
replaced, rather than the manufacturers selling Additive Manufacturing machines
of standard, mass-produced goods, who for business customers. Hewlett Packard
have very mature manufacturing process- was just the first of many such companies
es [FLT14]. The hearing aid industry is to enter this market. However, Additive
a dramatic example of just how fast things Manufacturing is also attracting actors
can change – the entire industry in the US far removed from the mechanical engi-
converted to Additive Manufacturing in neering industry. Some firms that special-
around 500 days [Dav15]. Until recently, ise in acting as an interface and control
the production of hearing aid shells was either the logistics or access to the (end)
a very laborious, multi-stage process in- customer are taking advantage of their
volving several different techniques such key position, especially in the consum-
as centrifugal casting [Del14c]. Additive er goods business. It is quite conceivable
Manufacturing has slashed the time re- that a scenario could occur in which on-
quired to make these items. First, an im- line mail-order companies receive digital
pression of the ear is taken; this is then orders which they farm out to third-party
scanned using a laser, converted into a logistics providers. Using their decentral-
digital model and built by an Additive ised manufacturing infrastructure, the
Manufacturing machine. Only then are logistics providers subsequently make
the electronics mounted in the hollow and deliver the product, with social net-
space provided. works providing the platform for sharing
Anticipated Developments 35

tional manufacturing service provider – it

has become a fully-fledged enabler of its
Replacement Disruption partners’ business models. This allows

New actors occupy New actors occupy

established roles new roles its partners to concentrate on customer
relations and product design, safe in the
knowledge that they have real-time ac-

cess to Additive Manufacturing capacity.

Furthermore trinckle 3D was originally
No change Enhancement founded as a platform operator and ser-

No change in the Established actors reinvent

value network their business vice provider. However, it now supplies
cloud-based CAD data customisation
software and is thus another example of
old new a company that has increased its vertical
Role in Value Network integration. General Electric’s plans to
Figure 4-1: Potential developments in value networks (Source: authors’ own acquire machine manufacturers Concept
illustration) Laser and arcam also fall into the “en-
hancement” category, since General Elec-
data and models. As indicated in Chapter tric was formerly a customer of both com-
4-1, software companies like Autodesk are panies [Reu16-ol].
also entering the Additive Manufacturing
market. Since the key know-how for Ad- Disruption: New Actors Occupy New Roles
ditive Manufacturing technology exists in Completely new roles occupied by new
digital form, software companies could actors are also appearing in the Additive
become more important players in this Manufacturing value network. Howev-
market than for other comparable manu- er, these new roles may already be es-
facturing technologies. tablished in other industries. One novel
idea for this type of role is the notion of
Enhancement: Established Actors Reinvent a crowdsourcing machine developer who
their Business would run idea competitions inviting in-
In tomorrow’s competitive environment, terested parties to design new machine
today’s actors will carry out more stages of concepts or enhance existing machines.
the manufacturing process in-house (for- The completed designs would be built by
ward and backward integration). Although the customer with specialist support. This
there is no universally valid correlation would make it possible to build sophisti-
between vertical integration and commer- cated machines capable of fulfilling the
cial success, companies’ average level of requirements of the desired application
vertical integration can be expected to in- without any constraints. The theoretical
crease. The reason for this assumption is basis for this approach is the concept of
that specialisation tends to become more a “bottom-up economy” [Red11]. One fre-
prevalent when a technology is approach- quently-cited example of a company that
ing full maturity, i.e. when it is harder for has put this idea into practice is US auto
companies to differentiate themselves manufacturer Local Motors, whose aim
through product innovation [Deu14]. is to make it possible for members of the
One example of a company that has in- public to design their own cars and build
creased its vertical integration in this way them in local “micro-factories” [LM16-
is materialise. Initially a manufacturing ol]. In the Additive Manufacturing value
service provider, it has expanded its busi- network, this idea is at odds with the pre-
ness to include software development, an vailing market approach, where indus-
online shop and digital web services. Thus trial Additive Manufacturing machinery
materialise is no longer simply a tradi- and equipment is developed by ­individual
36 Anticipated Developments

­ctors or closed development strategic

a els from other industries. Stratasys, for
partnerships. Furthermore, it remains to example, has adopted a business model
be seen whether the key factors for its suc- based on the “razor and blades” principle,
cess will actually come about, i.e. 1) that with a significant percentage of its turn-
different customers really will have very over coming from the sale of expensive
different requirements for the same type filament. Another example of an adapted
of machine and 2) that they will be able business model is the development of a
to cope with the technological complexity. system business around the core Additive
Manufacturing machine business. For in-
Disruptions are difficult to predict. stance, as well as materials and machines,
They are driven by novel technologies manufacturers 3D Systems also provide
(technology push) or cross-industry in- design software, a printing service and
novations [Ech14]. It seems unlikely that an online shop for CAD models. A num-
any such disruptions will occur during ber of complementary business models
the next five years. This is because the may also be observed. These are business
technology’s key performance indicators models that, although not sustainable in
(productivity, reliability, etc.) will at least their own right, serve to strengthen an-
initially continue to be developed by ac- other business model. One example of this
tors in established roles (see Figure 3-17). type of model is the online platform thin-
Consequently, “replacement” and “en- giverse operated by machine manufac-
hancement” will be the dominant devel- turers Stratasys. The platform provides
opment options over the next few years. freely downloadable CAD models in order
to encourage people to buy the company’s
consumer machines [FLT14], [JKP16].
4.4 Business Models
Additive Manufacturing as a Catalyst of
It is often claimed that Additive Manufac- Business Model Innovations
turing technology will bring about lasting Even though there are no signs of it at
changes in existing business models and the moment, it is nonetheless perfectly
even result in the emergence of complete- possible that at some point in the future
ly new business models (see Chapter 3.4) Additive Manufacturing could result in
[RS14], [RB15], [BHB16], [KPM14]. In ac- the emergence of completely new busi-
tual fact, however, this has not yet come ness models that would subsequently be
to pass. There are essentially two observa- adapted by other industries. This is be-
tions that can be made about the impact cause in principle almost no setup time is
of Additive Manufacturing on future busi- necessary for Additive Manufacturing. As
ness model innovations [FLT14]: a result, mass customisation is now feasi-
ble in markets where it would previously
Tried-and-tested Business Models from have been impossible using conventional
other Industries will continue to be adapted methods. Shorter product life-cycles are
Until now, competitors in the Additive also possible, since the cost of chang-
Manufacturing market have largely dif- ing from one product variant to the next
ferentiated themselves on the basis of is no longer as high. In addition, users
product innovations, i.e. improvements in of the technology could in theory serve
machinery and equipment performance. multiple markets and try out different
This is possible because it is still a rela- business models in each one. This would
tively immature technology. At present, allow rapid trial-and-error testing of Ad-
there is a rather tentative attitude towards ditive Manufacturing business models,
business model innovation, with a ten- with the successful ones being transferred
dency to draw on tried-and-tested mod- across to other markets [RS14], [PS13].
Anticipated Developments 37

This approach, known as “cross-industry products and services related to Additive

business model innovation”, is illustrated Manufacturing amounted to 4.5 billion
by the following simple example. A com- euros. This figure includes machines, ma-
pany that makes gear wheels and mount- terials and services in the industrial and
ings decides to try and grow its business consumer markets [Woh16]. Some ma-
by supplying products to small special chine manufacturers saw an increase in
machinery manufacturers. To do so, it new orders for machines of up to 65 per-
employs two different business models. cent in the 2015 financial year [SLM16-ol].
It involves customers in the development
of its customised mountings, for example These growth figures stimulate pro-
via an online platform. The gear wheels, jections of the future size of the Additive
on the other hand, are produced using a Manufacturing market. According to a
traditional build-to-order approach. study carried out by strategy consultants
Roland Berger, the global Additive Man-
ufacturing market will be worth around 6
4.5 Projected Market Growth and billion euros in 2020 [RB15]. The consult-
Funding Initiatives ing firm Wohlers Associates, on the other
hand, puts the figure at 19.1 billion euros
As outlined above, in the future we can ex- [Woh15]. Evidently, the forecasts are still
pect a significant improvement in the per- subject to considerable uncertainty – as
formance of Additive Manufacturing tech- recently as 2011, Wohlers Associates was
nologies, together with the emergence of predicting a global market size of just 4.6
new markets and application areas. This billion euros for 2020 [Woh11]. McKinsey
section will describe the projected growth Global Institute research suggests that
of the Additive Manufacturing market and Additive Manufacturing could have an
provide an overview of the funding initia- overall economic impact of up to 480 bil-
tives that exist to promote the technolo- lion euros a year by 2025 [CSS14-ol].
gies’ establishment.
Although there are substantial dif-
Projected Market Size ferences in the Additive Manufacturing
Since the year 2000, the Additive Manu- market size projections published in the
facturing market has experienced average literature, one thing that they all agree on
year-on-year growth of 15.6 percent, rising is that the global market for this technol-
to as much as 35.2 percent between 2013 ogy field will continue to grow strongly in
and 2014. In 2015, total global sales of the future.

20 19.5*
Global market size in bn euros



5 3.8
1.2 1.6

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2018 2020

* Projection

Figure 4-2: Size of global Additive Manufacturing market (Source: [Woh16])

38 Anticipated Developments

Funding Initiatives in Germany and other transnational research projects involving

Countries partnerships between research groups
Several countries around the world view from academia and industry in Europe
Additive Manufacturing as an important through the “Materials for Additive Man-
area of innovation that can contribute to ufacturing” priority theme of the “M-era.
their prosperity and are therefore provid- Net II Call 2016”. Approximately 40 mil-
ing substantial funding support to their lion euros are available through the call
domestic industries [Ens14], [EFI15]. In across the whole of Europe.
particular, certain countries that in recent
decades have focused on the service sec- EU
tor as the future of their economies now According to the European Commission,
regard Additive Manufacturing as a key Additive Manufacturing is a driver of the
pillar of their reindustrialisation strate- digital transformation in Europe and of-
gies [Ens14]. fers the opportunity to strengthen Eu-
rope’s manufacturing industry [EFI15]. In
Germany 2012, the European Commission’s “Indus-
In Germany, there have been several calls trial Policy Communication” highlight-
for proposals relating to Additive Man- ed Additive Manufacturing as one of the
ufacturing over the past few years, both most important elements of the “Indus-
in the field of materials science and en- trial Landscape Vision 2025” [EK12-ol].
gineering and in the area of production Under FP7, the EU provided 160 million
research. The call for proposals “Additive euros of funding for more than 60 pro-
Manufacturing – Individualised Products, jects. Additive Manufacturing is also one
Complex Mass Products, Innovative Ma- of the Key Enabling Technologies (KETs)
terials (ProMat_3D)” supports R&D pro- in the “Horizon 2020” EU Framework
jects in both fields. In addition, as part of Programme for Research and Innovation
its regional funding programme “Zwan- [Tor14].
zig20 – Partnership for Innovation”, the
Federal Ministry of Education and Re- US
search (BMBF) is supporting partner- In the US, funding is provided not only
ships between research institutions and for industrial Additive Manufacturing ap-
industry in eastern Germany through the plications but also for the “maker move-
project “Additive Manufacturing – The ment”. The National Network of Man-
3D revolution for product manufacturing ufacturing Innovation (NNMI), which
in the digital age (Agent3D)” [Bmb13-ol], was established in 2012, includes Amer-
[Bmb15-ol]. The Collaborative Research ica Makes, a public-private partnership
Center 814 – Additive Manufacturing was funded to the tune of approximately 50
established in 2011. Its second funding million dollars. In February 2014, a sec-
phase began in 2015, with funding from ond national research laboratory called
the German Research Foundation (DFG) the “Digital Lab for Manufacturing” was
to the tune of approximately 10 million launched with initial government funding
euros [SFB16-ol]. Additive Manufactur- of $70 million [Ens14]. This figure will
ing also features in certain DFG Priority rise to a total of $320 million through ad-
Programme sub-projects (e.g. SPP 1542: ditional funding from industry, higher ed-
Concrete light). ucation institutions and government. Ad-
ditive Manufacturing is one of its priority
The BMBF framework programmes themes [MH14-ol]. An insight into the US
“From Material to Innovation” and “Inno- funding landscape is provided in a report
vation for Tomorrow’s Production, Ser- by the Institute for Defense Analyses that
vices and Work” are providing funding for describes the role of the National Science
Anticipated Developments 39

Foundation (NSF) in the development

of Additive Manufacturing in the United
States [IDA13-ol]. Funding is also being
provided for projects on the contour craft-
ing of building structures at the Southern
University of California [Kho04], with one
long-term goal being to use the manufac-
turing technology being developed there
for space travel.

China is concerned that reindustrialisa-
tion in the US and Europe could make it
less attractive as a manufacturing location
[EFI15]. Consequently, the government is
trying to strengthen the country’s domes-
tic industry by investing a total of 245 mil-
lion US dollars over three years in insti-
tutes belonging to the state-funded Asian
Manufacturing Association and in sever-
al Chinese universities [Ens14].
40 Theses

5 Theses

This chapter presents and elucidates 21 and logistics and material flow innova-
theses about Additive Manufacturing. The tions. Consequently, the combination of
theses are largely based on our analysis of Additive Manufacturing and Industrie
the status quo and the anticipated devel- 4.0 will strongly promote overall custo-
opments. As such, they succinctly encap- misation and flexibility in industrial pro-
sulate the findings of Chapters 3 and 4. duction.
The theses provide the basis for the rec-
ommendations outlined in Chapter 6. The Thesis 2: Additive Manufacturing tech-
first section presents the theses regarding niques are currently very know-how inten-
the overall industrial conditions (Chapter sive; the key challenge involves successfully
combining three types of data:
5.1). This is followed by the theses about
the technology (Chapter 5.2), value net- · digital 3D models
works (Chapter 5.3) and societal aspects · material formulae
(Chapter 5.4). · process parameters
The most important input variables in Ad-
ditive Manufacturing are the 3D models,
5.1 Boundary Conditions material formulae and process parame-
ters. The 3D models describe the shape of
Thesis 1: Additive Manufacturing and Indus- the part being built, while material formu-
trie 4.0 mutually reinforce each other. lae and process parameters such as laser
Industrie 4.0 refers to the ad-hoc net- intensity and scan speed affect the part’s
working of smart machines, production properties. Achieving the desired part
resources, products/workpieces and properties and reproducibility requires
warehousing and transport systems via the correct combination of these three
the Internet in order to create efficient input variables which all affect each oth-
value networks. These smart, digitally er reciprocally; extensive practical know-
connected systems enable almost entirely how is needed to find this combination.
self-organised production. The aim is to One of the keys to successful deployment
make it possible to produce customised of Additive Manufacturing is to establish
products in low volumes down to a batch knowledge management as a learning
size of 1 at mass production prices and process and to embed the cycle of exter-
with extremely short lead times. nalisation, combination, internalisation
and socialisation in the company’s culture
Additive Manufacturing and In- [NT97].
dustrie 4.0 share a number of common
features such as high levels of customisa- Thesis 3: Parts can be made close to the
tion and connectedness and high energy place where they are used; the only thing
and resource efficiency. The integration that needs to be sent to the manufacturing
location is the data.
of Additive Manufacturing techniques
supports some of Industrie 4.0’s key German manufacturers can gain a strate-
characteristics such as ad-hoc value net- gic competitive advantage if they are able
work configuration, mass customisation to use Additive Manufacturing technology
Theses 41

to facilitate flexible and efficient produc- Thesis 6: The new level of design freedom
tion. Provided that the necessary ma- calls for design guidelines.
chines and materials are available, parts While Additive Manufacturing offers a
could be manufactured as required in the far greater degree of design freedom than
location where they are to be used rather conventional manufacturing processes,
than having to be stored. This would allow different Additive Manufacturing tech-
e.g. warehousing costs, replenishment niques all have their specific limitations.
lead times and delivery distances to be re- Design guidelines can help design engi-
duced. The necessary data would typically neers to design products that make the
be stored centrally in clouds or on compa- most of Additive Manufacturing’s advan-
ny servers and would be sent or streamed tages whilst avoiding any drawbacks. A
to wherever it was needed. first attempt at addressing this issue has
already been made in VDI standards 3404
Thesis 4: Additive Manufacturing will only and 3405, which provide a useful over-
become widely adopted if parts consistently view of what Additive Manufacturing is
and reproducibly meet defined quality currently capable of. However, many cur-
rent design guidelines are limited in scope
Additive technology is still relatively and cannot be directly applied to individ-
young and its results are still strongly ual part designs [Ada15].
influenced by individual users’ practical
know-how and experience. Additive Man- Thesis 7: A half-hearted attitude towards
ufacturing will only become widely adopt- innovation and unfair international com-
ed if quality standards are defined and petition threaten Germany’s position as a
leading Additive Manufacturing supplier.
can be met consistently and reproducibly.
This will require an in-depth understand- Additive Manufacturing technology is
ing of the factors affecting manufacturing an area where small and medium-sized
systems, based on mathematical models German machine manufacturers have a
or behaviour-based AI models. particularly strong global leadership posi-
tion. In fact, they are currently struggling
Thesis 5: The focus of product piracy will to meet the high demand from industry.
increasingly switch to the data. In view of this situation, they do not ap-
Making a copy of a physical product is pear to regard further improvements to
a laborious process and the results are Additive Manufacturing techniques and
often inferior. Data, on the other hand, closer, coordinated alignment of mate-
may be copied at will without any loss rial and process advances as a priority.
of quality. If product pirates possess all Some market players are content merely
three of the key data sets, then as long as to make incremental improvements to ex-
they know how to use the manufacturing isting systems. The established machine
technology it will be much easier for them manufacturers are protected against new
to produce high-quality copies. Prod- competitors by key technology patents
uct pirates and competitors are thus in- – cross-licensing of patents is often the
creasingly switching their focus to these only way for new actors to enter the mar-
three data sets. Although in principle this ket. Nevertheless, new competitors are
problem could also be an issue with other now emerging in other parts of the world,
methods of production, in practice it is among other things thanks to strong gov-
particularly relevant to Additive Manu- ernment backing. These competitors have
facturing, since the process chain know- close ties with research institutes in their
how may exist in digital form in the three own countries and sometimes ignore the
key data sets. established actors’ key patents. If German
machine manufacturers and ­ material
42 Theses

­ evelopers fail to keep up with the grow-

d use physical forming tools that embody
ing demand whilst at the same time sig- both the part’s shape and the relevant
nificantly improving Additive Manufac- process know-how. Standards and instru-
turing techniques and achieving closer ments on a par with the solutions for oth-
integration of material development, pu- er manufacturing technologies do not cur-
rity improvements and processes, then rently exist for the special aspects of the
there is a danger that global competitors digitalised steps in the Additive Manufac-
could overtake them in the long run. turing process. In the main, this applies
to the data privacy of all the stakeholders,
fail-safe operation, protection against
5.2 Technology tampering by third parties, traceability,
data consistency and interoperability be-
Thesis 8: Additive Manufacturing offers a tween different manufacturers’ machines.
new level of design flexibility.
In principle, building objects layer by Thesis 10: Additive Manufacturing is already
layer eliminates some of the design con- established in specialised fields, but short-
straints of conventional techniques such comings compared to competing technolo-
gies are an obstacle to its more widespread
as the need to provide access for subtrac-
tive tools or to ensure that the part can be
removed from its mould. This means that Although Additive Manufacturing is al-
complex geometries and hollow struc- ready established in certain niche ap-
tures that would involve joining several plications, there is still considerable po-
individual parts together if conventional tential for it to be more widely adopted.
techniques were used can now be built in Depending on the application, Additive
a single step. However, it is impossible to Manufacturing must compete with con-
avoid a staircase effect similar to the jag- ventional manufacturing technologies
ged edges found in 2D printing. Depend- in terms of cost, quality and speed. One
ing on the Additive Manufacturing tech- important factor where traditional manu-
nology, there can also be other constraints. facturing has the upper hand is the ability
Overhangs, for example, often require to produce large numbers of items effi-
the use of support structures in order to ciently. Consistent quality is another key
counteract the effect either of gravity or of deliverable that is particularly critical for
residual stresses caused by temperature high-volume production. It will be impor-
gradients. These support structures must tant to leverage Additive Manufacturing’s
be accessible so that they can be removed potential here too, for instance through
once the build is complete. Design to Ad- closed-loop control systems for the Addi-
ditive Manufacturing is thus only a real- tive Manufacturing process and through a
istic proposition for certain techniques completely open process chain, from the
and requires the entire process chain to CAD system to the numerical control code
be taken into account. Only a few basic for Additive Manufacturing machines.
guidelines on process-oriented design en-
gineering have so far been published. Thesis 11: Specific part properties can be
achieved by varying material formulae and
Thesis 9: Additive Manufacturing process process parameters.
chains are different to those of other manu- All Additive Manufacturing techniques
facturing techniques. are characterised by a specific interaction
Data plays a particularly important role in between material and process parameters.
Additive Manufacturing process chains. This interaction is largely determined by
Unlike plastic injection moulding, for ex- the system technology, whether or not the
ample, Additive Manufacturing does not material has been developed to meet the
Theses 43

technique’s specific requirements, and the as a service”, intensifying the competition

purity of the feedstock and freedom from for a slice of the profits. The new indus-
contamination of the process environ- trial end users are not yet fully aware of
ment. The resulting part properties deter- the opportunities arising from this trend.
mine the potential areas of application and Moreover, the dramatic changes resulting
how competitive the additive technology from the Additive Manufacturing of parts
is compared to conventional manufactur- and products will lead to the emergence
ing. For many additive technologies, there of new competitors. The appearance of
is relatively little published information new products and the ability to profitably
about the key interactions compared to make customised parts down to a batch
the practical know-how that actually ex- size of 1 will make reliable production
ists within the relevant companies. More- planning very difficult.
over, the fact that monopolies are begin-
ning to form in certain cases does nothing Thesis 13: Additive Manufacturing will revo-
to promote knowledge dissemination. In lutionise the spare parts business in certain
addition, Additive Manufacturing is still areas, especially spare parts logistics.
unable to simultaneously make multi-ma- One advantage of Additive Manufacturing
terial parts from key structural and func- is that items can be made in any location.
tional materials. One promising vision is This has certain benefits for the produc-
to make objects with gradient properties tion of spare parts. Today, spare parts
where rather than simply having a binary often have to be transported over long
choice of whether or not to use a particu- distances and are in some cases no longer
lar material for each spatial element, it is even available for older models. Addi-
possible to specify gradients of practically tive Manufacturing allows spare parts
any desired material properties (e.g. elec- to be made near to the customer or even
trical, optical, mechanical or chemical). by the customer themselves in the case
of individual parts that are not too big.
This makes it possible to reduce down-
5.3 Value Networks time and the associated costs. Parts can
be built with an Additive Manufacturing
Thesis 12: Additive Manufacturing will bring system anywhere in the world – it is sim-
about major changes in value networks. It ply a question of digitally transferring the
remains to be seen how it will transform
3D CAD models and material formula and
aspects such as goods and services, supply
and demand, the goals and power of the machine parameter data sets to the rele-
different actors and the appearance of new vant location.
Additive Manufacturing technologies are Thesis 14: Process chain digitalisation pro-
constantly developing, providing compa- motes new business models.
nies and collaboration networks with new Additive Manufacturing process chains
business opportunities. In the future, the can be compared to the mechanisms and
business processes of procurement, pro- processes of other predominantly digital
duction, distribution and waste disposal industries such as the digital music and
will be more closely connected to each oth- film industries. The establishment of new
er. The strong interdependencies between online platforms for industrial and private
the different business areas will change use will place high demands on all aspects
the structure of Additive Manufacturing of data and information processing. These
value networks, allowing inventory levels online platforms make it possible to create
and lead times to be reduced. Spare parts a marketplace for 3D CAD models, ma-
logistics providers could potentially also terial formulae and process parameters
develop new business models such as “AM which can be obtained either via a one-off
44 Theses

download or via a streaming subscription the technology. Machine manufacturers

in much the same way as digital music or and suppliers can provide new services
films. However, a number of data securi- that help to build this confidence. For in-
ty, copyright and standardisation issues stance, an additive machine manufacturer
still need to be resolved. The digital music could initially help a company that makes
industry, for example, addressed these is- structural components by additively man-
sues and established standards when the ufacturing the parts for them itself. Doing
MP3 format was introduced and used for so would show the structural components
handling digital music products. In order company the new opportunities and meth-
to ensure that Additive Manufacturing ods that Additive Manufacturing could
also addresses the relevant challenges, bring to its own production. This approach
machine manufacturers, developers and significantly reduces the entry barriers for
users will need to work together closely to this new manufacturing technology and
ensure consistent, standardised informa- builds the confidence to conclude deals for
tion logistics for the three key data sets. innovative services based on new business
This will create a competence network models. By combining Industrie 4.0 solu-
with expertise on security, data interfaces, tions and Additive Manufacturing it would,
flexibility and interoperability right across for example, be possible to create a prod-
the value chain. uct-service system where smart manufac-
turing machines are used to provide a pre-
Thesis 15: Part suppliers that are not closely ventive maintenance service. This would
involved in the parts’ development are easi- result in improved machine availability
ly interchangeable. and high customer loyalty.
The basis for Additive Manufacturing is
provided by digital 3D CAD models, ma-
terial formulae and the Additive Manufac- 5.4 Societal Aspects
turing equipment together with the rele-
vant parameter values. The digitalisation Thesis 17: The economic, environmental and
of this data set, which is far more automat- societal impacts of Additive Manufactur-
ed in Additive Manufacturing than in con- ing are not yet being assessed in a holistic
ventional manufacturing methods, means
that manufacturing service providers have Additive Manufacturing promises to be
fewer opportunities to differentiate them- more efficient than conventional technol-
selves from the competition, making them ogies in terms of costs and material and
increasingly interchangeable. This threat energy consumption. Because Additive
can be counteracted if they actively engage Manufacturing offers greater product de-
in the production-oriented development sign freedom and makes it easier to build
and design engineering of parts specifical- lightweight structures, it can deliver mate-
ly for Additive Manufacturing, since this rial savings of up to 60 percent compared
is a know-how intensive process involving to subtractive manufacturing technologies.
production-related knowledge and it is Furthermore, in use, these lighter parts
here that the data set is actually created. reduce the overall mass that needs to be
moved, meaning that vehicles require less
Thesis 16: In conjunction with Industrie 4.0, power, for example. Additive Manufactur-
Additive Manufacturing has high commer- ing also provides opportunities to improve
cial potential for innovative products and working conditions. In order to leverage
the potential benefits of Additive Manu-
Before Additive Manufacturing can be facturing, companies need instruments to
rolled out and establish itself in the mar- help them assess its positive and negative
ket, users must first have confidence in impacts in a holistic manner.
Theses 45

Thesis 18: Concerted, strategically-­driven Thesis 20: Additive Manufacturing is trans-

research will maintain Germany’s global forming skilled workers’ skills profiles.
leadership. The skills profiles of industrial manufac-
The past few years have seen a surge in turing workers, particularly skilled work-
Additive Manufacturing research around ers, are expanding to include the ability to
the world. In Germany, Additive Manu- use and appraise Additive Manufacturing
facturing is addressed by numerous re- technology. This trend is being driven by
search programmes, calls for proposals, the twin factors of customer focus and a
priority projects, committees and consor- life-cycle approach. New customer focus
tia. The existing expertise in the relevant possibilities are coming about thanks to
disciplines should be pooled and gaps in the digitalisation of industrial value cre-
the research landscape identified. Accord- ation and the growing interconnected-
ingly, a strategy should be formulated that ness of companies and their customers. A
sets out how Germany can maintain and life-cycle approach to the economic, envi-
extend its global leadership by pooling its ronmental and socio-technical design di-
R&D resources. mensions opens up new perspectives and
potential successes for future industrial
Thesis 19: Additive Manufacturing calls for value creation.
concerted action in school, vocational and
higher education training and professional Thesis 21: Despite its popularity, home use
development. Additive Manufacturing will continue to
Personnel recruitment for new technol- have a negligible role compared to its indus-
trial counterpart.
ogy fields is inherently difficult, since
the relevant occupational profiles are Additive Manufacturing is an extremely
only just beginning to emerge and the popular technology because it address-
new technologies are not fully estab- es customer-driven trends such as mass
lished within educational institutions. customisation, increasing numbers of
The entire Additive Manufacturing val- variants and demand for individually cus-
ue network suffers from a shortage of tomised products. At first glance, Additive
skilled labour that is preventing the Manufacturing seems to offer people new
technologies from becoming more wide- and fascinating opportunities to partic-
ly adopted. Visions such as “everyone is ipate in manufacturing processes them-
a designer” can support efforts to find a selves. However, home producers’ eu-
solution to this problem. Moreover, it is phoria tends to be dampened by the hard
more important than ever to anticipate reality of having to comply with guarantee,
the product life-cycle during the product product liability and certification require-
planning and development stage in order ments, for example. Consequently, for the
to identify the demands and constraints time being it can be assumed that home
that will affect its future competitiveness. production will continue to be negligible
Digitalisation and the rapid rate at which compared to its industrial counterpart.
knowledge is growing in this area pose
further challenges for future occupation-
al profiles. Consequently, a master plan
should be developed and implemented
by the key stakeholders, encompassing
the entire spectrum of school, vocational
and higher education training and pro-
fessional development in the field of Ad-
ditive Manufacturing.
46 Recommendations

6 Recommendations

A number of recommendations can be Research

made with a view to driving the devel-
opment of Additive Manufacturing tech- In order to improve the productivity of
nologies, opening up new areas of ap- Additive Manufacturing and reduce its
plication and optimising the industrial drawbacks compared to conventional man-
ufacturing technologies, research should be
applications. These recommendations
conducted into production processes, ma-
are aimed at focusing research funding terials and part properties, with the results
so as to overcome the remaining practi- being fed back into the systems engineering
cal obstacles associated with the various process.
manufacturing technologies, establishing The machine hour rate of industrial Ad-
norms and standards in order to simpli- ditive Manufacturing systems is very high
fy development processes and promoting compared to conventional production
cooperation between the different actors. technologies. Furthermore, the strength
and quality of additively manufactured
In addition to government research parts only rarely compare to convention-
funding agencies, the recommendations ally manufactured parts. Material behav-
are thus primarily aimed at the leading iour is also variable and has not yet been
companies where Additive Manufacturing the subject of in-depth research. These are
is expected to play an increasingly impor- the main obstacles to the commercially vi-
tant role in the future. As well as contrib- able use of the technologies for producing
uting through their own research into the high volumes and high-quality parts in in-
development of materials and manufac- dustrial applications. On the other hand,
turing techniques, the main challenge for the various additive technologies still have
these companies will be to rapidly estab- a lot of untapped potential. Particularly in
lish the infrastructure needed to integrate the automotive and aviation industries,
the new additive methods with their exist- users of the technology already have plans
ing production processes as efficiently as for high-volume production.
possible. For its part, government can cre-
ate a favourable environment for the tech- In order to make full use of the new design
nologies’ future development by introduc- flexibility opportunities, systematic research
ing measures to support young start-ups should be carried out with a view to pro-
ducing concrete design guidelines covering
and by making the relevant changes to
all the different Additive Manufacturing
school education and training curricula. technologies.
In general, closer cooperation between
research and industry in this field would Although Additive Manufacturing pro-
also be desirable. Standardisation organi- vides a high level of design freedom, there
sations such as DIN/ISO could contribute are still certain constraints such as the re-
to this process. quirement for support structures in some
cases and the need to post-process the
parts. Design to Additive Manufacturing
is only feasible for certain additive tech-
nologies and must take the entire process
Recommendations 47

chain into account. There are currently Implementation

very few basic ground rules and no spe-
cific process-oriented design engineering Standardise the three data sets of digital
guidelines. These will therefore need to 3D models, material formulae and process
be formulated and incorporated into the parameters.
relevant training and professional devel- In the long run, the productivity and part
opment provision together with the un- quality improvements demanded by in-
derlying practical know-how. dustrial users will require a standard, uni-
versally accepted data format that can be
Develop new data formats for Additive used for 3D models, material formulae and
Manufacturing as soon as possible. process parameters. It will also be neces-
The current standard .STL file format sary to develop appropriate quality crite-
suffers from a number of problems, since ria (e.g. indicator systems) for Additive
important information is lost during the Manufacturing. This will be critical e.g. to
conversion of 3D CAD data and inconsist- enabling classification of data, materials,
encies can occur. This means that exten- processes and parts. Since there are also
sive post-processing of the data set is often currently still some gaps in our technical
necessary. Moreover, there are numerous and physical understanding of Additive
proprietary data formats for transporting Manufacturing processes, there is a sig-
information that cannot be saved in .STL. nificant research requirement concerning
A concerted R&D effort will be required the generation of the three data sets. If the
before data formats can be standardised. goal of a widespread standard data format
Any new data formats will need to guar- for the three data sets is achieved, it will
antee the interoperability of equipment become much easier for product pirates to
made by different manufacturers and en- produce high-quality copies. It will there-
sure user access to the relevant informa- fore be essential to identify the potential
tion. They will also need to work with ex- threats to each of the three data sets and
isting IT systems (PDM, ERP). It will only implement integrated protection strate-
be possible to achieve widespread accept- gies for them.
ance in the industry and among the maker
community once these requirements have Additive Manufacturing requires dedicated
been met. The first steps are already be- quality assurance methods and processes.
ing taken in this direction with new, open It will be necessary to develop methods
data formats such as .3MF. and processes for measuring, testing and
verifying the quality of additively manu-
Analyse the ways in which Additive Man- factured parts. This will require the rele-
ufacturing could potentially change and vant process parameters to be identified,
impact on value networks, the economy and monitored and adjusted during the man-
society as a whole.
ufacturing process using a process model.
This analysis should include upstream
and downstream manufacturing process- Accelerate the implementation of basic
es, product use and recycling. It should research in industrial applications.
evaluate the benefits in terms of social, One possible approach involves strength-
economic and environmental sustaina- ening pre-competitive research collabora-
bility arising from the new value creation tion between the federal government and
structures associated with decentralised, industry. The establishment of regional
demand-based production. One example demonstration centres and technolo-
is the reduction of the high warehousing gy clusters can also play a major role in
and logistics costs involved in supplying translating research into practice. Suc-
spare parts. cessful pilot implementations and the use
48 Recommendations

of the technology in specific industries can Stimulate and support a dynamic start-up
serve to demonstrate the opportunities scene in order to leverage Additive Manu-
and risks, as well as the range of applica- facturing’s high potential for innovation.
tions that already exists today. Another Germany possesses extensive know-how
concrete approach would involve the im- in the fields of production research and
plementation of large-scale collaborative industrial automation and is thus well
projects in the form of public-private part- placed to make improvements to existing
nerships. Last but not least, it is necessary machinery and equipment. However, this
to explore whether there is any potential evolutionary approach is unlikely to create
in Germany’s relatively weak AM start-up completely new Additive Manufacturing
scene for driving improvements to Addi- technologies and business models – the
tive Manufacturing techniques. potential to do this lies instead with es-
tablished actors from other industries and
Strategies are needed for integrating with start-ups. In particular, public fund-
Additive Manufacturing with widespread ing agencies should introduce measures
conventional manufacturing systems. to stimulate start-ups and make funding
The integration of Additive Manufactur- available to them in order to leverage the
ing techniques with existing production potential for innovation and promote a
processes will require the development of new and vibrant start-up scene.
standard routines, process-based quality
management and new machine systems Education
capable of robust manufacturing. One key
requirement will be to ensure that the au- Augment traditional occupational profiles
tomation of Additive Manufacturing sys- for skilled workers with new skills for Addi-
tems is brought up to the level expected tive Manufacturing technology.
of conventional production systems both In the future, Additive Manufacturing will
today and in the future. The transforma- become a standard manufacturing tech-
tion of industrial value creation that we nology in many industries. It must there-
are beginning to witness in the context of fore be fully incorporated into vocational
Industrie 4.0 will undoubtedly play a sig- training and professional development
nificant role in this regard. provision. Before this can happen, teach-
ing staff at vocational institutions will first
Creation of decision-making tools capable need to receive the appropriate training.
of meeting future strategic planning chal- The rate at which the technologies are
lenges in connection with Additive Manu- developing constitutes a particular chal-
lenge. It will therefore be necessary to es-
If visions such as decentralised production tablish digital teaching and learning plat-
and the prosumer paradigm come true, forms and make use of new knowledge
then value networks will be transformed transfer methods such as Massive Open
from the ground up. In order to be pre- Online Courses (MOOCs). In view of the
pared for this change, it will be necessary high innovation rate in the field of Addi-
to develop scenarios for the relevant actors tive Manufacturing, it will also be neces-
in these new value networks. It will also be sary to determine whether professional
important to create instruments for assess- development certificates should only be
ing the economic, environmental and so- valid for a limited period of time.
cietal impacts of Additive Manufacturing.
Scenarios and impact assessment instru-
ments are urgently needed decision-mak-
ing tools for the strategic positioning of the
actors in the industrial value network.
Recommendations 49

Make use of Additive Manufacturing’s poten- 8) Selective modification and variation

tial for teaching STEM subjects in schools. of part properties (gradient proper-
Additive Manufacturing technologies ties)
have huge potential as a teaching aid in 9) Multi-material processing
schools. They can be employed to bring 10) Data integrity (data privacy, data se-
the design and manufacturing processes curity and data consistency)
to life. Living labs where students have the 11) Safety and security in cyber-physical
opportunity to use 3D CAD systems and production systems
home 3D printers themselves can help to 12) Product piracy prevention
make technology more tangible and get 13) Impacts of decentralised production
young people excited about STEM sub- on value networks and holistic impact
jects. assessment


Establish a research programme geared

towards implementation of the dual strategy
of securing Germany’s position as a leading
Additive Manufacturing supplier and market.

German machine and equipment man-

ufacturers and material developers are
already global leaders in the supply of
Additive Manufacturing systems and
materials. At the same time, many Ger-
man companies are trying to use Addi-
tive Manufacturing technologies to gain
a competitive advantage. In the future, it
will be important both to secure Germa-
ny’s position as a leading Additive Manu-
facturing supplier and to create favoura-
ble conditions for Additive Manufacturing
to increase German companies’ competi-
tiveness. This statement has outlined the
challenges that will be encountered along
the way. Overcoming these challenges
will require an extensive and concerted
research programme that should address
the following topics:

1) Process chain automation

2) Basic materials and process science
3) New alloys and thermomechanical
treatments specifically designed for
Additive Manufacturing techniques
4) Productivity improvements
5) Standard feedstocks with high purity
and appropriate morphology
6) Quality control
7) Reproducibility of part properties
50 Participating Scientists

Participating Scientists

Project Leaders

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Gausemeier Heinz Nixdorf Institute, Paderborn University

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Schmidt Institute of Photonic Technologies, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität

Erlangen-Nürnberg and Bayerisches Laserzentrum

Project Group Members

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Reiner Anderl Department of Computer Integrated Design,

Technische Universität Darmstadt
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christoph Leyens Institute of Materials Science, Technische Universität Dresden
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans-Joachim Particle Technology Group, Paderborn University
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Günther Seliger Department of Assembly Technology and Factory Management,
Technische Universität Berlin
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Frank Straube Chair of Logistics, Technische Universität Berlin
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Petra Winzer Department of Product Safety and Quality Engineering,
University of Wuppertal

The following experts supported the project group by participating in two world café work-

André Batz Schmersal

Dr.-Ing. Ursula Beller Technologie-Transfer-Ring Handwerk NRW
Andreas Berkau citim
Andreas Brumby Umicore
Dr. Stefan Doch International Transfer Center for Logistics
Christian Dülme Heinz Nixdorf Institute, Paderborn University
Prof. Dr. Dr. Jürgen Ensthaler Technische Universität Berlin
Inga Fischer Brose Fahrzeugteile
Dr. Dr. Albrecht Fritzsche Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Prof. Dr. Peter Hoffmann Erlas Erlanger Lasertechnik
Dr. Klaus Glasmacher Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy
Dr.-Ing. Ingomar Kelbassa RWTH Aachen University
Dr.-Ing. Eric Klemp voestalpine
Martin Kolbe Kühne + Nagel
Matthias Kuom Project Management Agency, German Aerospace Center
Mischa Leistner Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Roland Leitermann Krallmann
Dr. Blanka Lenczowski EADS
Dr. Felix Loske Harting
Participating Scientists 51

Dr. Bernhard Mais ECKA Granules Germany

Stefan Marchlewitz University of Wuppertal
Dr.-Ing. Erik Marquardt Association of German Engineers
Carsten Merklein Schaeffler Technologies
Piotr Pacholak Krallmann
Martin Schäfer Siemens
Heinz Schmersal Schmersal
Dr. Dieter Schwarze SLM Solutions
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Frank Straube Chair of Logistics, Technische Universität Berlin
Dr. Alexander Tettenborn Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy
Prof. Dr. h.c. Dr.-Ing. Eckart Uhl- Institute for Machine Tools and Factory Management,
mann Technische Universität Berlin
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Franz-Josef Villmer Ostwestfalen-Lippe University of Applied Sciences
Dr.-Ing. Marina Wall Heinz Nixdorf Institute, Paderborn University
Prof. Gerd Witt University of Duisburg-Essen

The project group received additional support from Prof. Axel Thallemer of the Nation-
al University of Singapore.

Research Staff in the Project Team

Alexander Arndt Department of Computer Integrated Design,

Technische Universität Darmstadt
André Bergmann Fraunhofer Institute for Production Systems and Design Technology
Daniel Eckelt Heinz Nixdorf Institute, Paderborn University
Dr.-Ing. Anna Figiel Chair of Logistics, Technische Universität Berlin
Anna Lisa Junge Chair of Logistics, Technische Universität Berlin
Martin Kage Heinz Nixdorf Institute, Paderborn University
Michael Karg Institute of Photonic Technologies,
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Dr. Martina Kohlhuber acatech – National Academy of Science and Engineering
Bernd Muschard Institute for Machine Tools and Factory Management,
Technische Universität Berlin
Stefan Peter Heinz Nixdorf Institute, Paderborn University

The working group "Additive Manufacturing and 3D Printing" under the auspices of
the Leopoldina has extensively commented the present statement. Special thanks to
the spokesperson Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dierk Raabe (Max Planck Institut für Eisenforschung),
Dr. Eric Jägle (Max Planck Institut für Eisenforschung) and Dr. Elke Witt (Leopoldina,
Department Science – Policy – Society).

External Experts:

Prof. Dr. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h. c. Jivka Institute Director, Institute for Information Manangement in
Ovtcharova Engineering, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Reinhart Chair of Laser Technology (Fraunhofer ILT) in Aachen,
Poprawe Professor for Laser Technology, RWTH Aachen University
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Gerd Witt Manufacturing Technology, Institute of Product Engineering,
University of Duisburg-Essen
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List of Abbreviations

3D CAD Three-Dimensional Computer-Aided Design

3DP 3D printing™
ABS Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene
AI Artificial Intelligence
AM Additive Manufacturing
CAD Computer-Aided Design
DLP™ Digital Light Processing™
DMD™ Direct Metal Deposition™
DMLS™ Direct Metal Laser Sintering™
EBAM™ Electron Beam Additive Manufacturing
EBM™ Electron Beam Melting™
ERP Enterprise Resource Planning
FDM™ Fused Deposition Modelling™
FLM Fused Layer Manufacturing
ICT Information and Communication Technology
LBM Laser Beam Melting
LENS™ Laser Engineered Net Shaping™
LLM Layer Laminated Manufacturing
LMD Laser Metal Deposition
LOM™ Laminated Object Modelling™
PC Polycarbonate
PDM Product Data Management
PI Polyimide
PLA Polylactic acid
PMMA Poly(methyl methacrylate)
SLA™, STL Stereolithography
SLM™ Selective Laser Melting™
SLS™ Selective Laser Sintering™
STL Standard Triangulation Language, Stereolithography or
Surface Tessellation Language
56 List of Figures

List of Figures

Figure 1-1 Terms in the context “Additive Manufacturing” 10

Figure 1-2 Methodology used to formulate recommendations 11
Figure 3-1 Data preparation process chain 13
Figure 3-2 Illustration of cyclical layer building process using the example 14
of selective laser melting
Figure 3-3 Fused Deposition Modelling 16
Figure 3-4 3D Printing 16
Figure 3-5 Laminated Object Manufacturing 17
Figure 3-6 Stereolithography 17
Figure 3-7 Polyjet™ Modelling 17
Figure 3-8 Selective Laser Sintering™ 18
Figure 3-9 Selective Laser Melting™ 18
Figure 3-10 Electron Beam Melting™ 18
Figure 3-11 Laser Metal Deposition 19
Figure 3-12 Silicone mould for a mobile phone housing 20
Figure 3-13 Left: conventionally drilled cooling channels; 20
Right: conformal cooling
Figure 3-14 Cobalt-chromium denture frameworks on support structures, 21
made by SLM™
Figure 3-15 Water pump wheel for the motorsport industry, made by SLM™ 21
Figure 3-16 Fuel nozzle for LEAP engine, made by SLM™ 21
Figure 3-17 Generic Additive Manufacturing value network incl. enablers 23
Figure 3-18 Success factors for the Additive Manufacturing technology field 25
Figure 4-1 Potential developments in value networks 35
Figure 4-2 Size of global Additive Manufacturing market 37
Selected Publications in the Series on
Science-Based Policy Advice

The relevance of population-based longitudinal studies for science and social policies (2016)

Government debt: causes, effects and limits (2016)

Consulting with energy scenarios – Requirements for scientific policy advice (2016)

Flexibility Concepts for the German Power Supply in 2050 (2016)

Healthcare for Asylum Seekers (2015)

The opportunities and limits of genome editing (2015)

Medical care for older people – what evidence do we need? (2015)

Public Health in Germany: Structures, Developments and Global Challenges (2015)

Quantum Technology: From research to application (2015)

Academies issue statement on progress in molecular breeding and on the possible

national ban on cultivation of genetically modified plants (2015)

Incorporating the German Energiewende into a comprehensive European approach –

New options for a common energy and climate policy (2015)

Palliative care in Germany – Perspectives for practice and research (2015)

Individualised Medicine – Prerequisites and Consequences (2014)

Academies call for consequences from the Ebola virus epidemic (2014)

Socialisation in early childhood – Biological, psychological, linguistic, sociological and

economic perspectives (2014)

On Designing Communication between the Scientific Community, the Public and the Media –
Recommendations in light of current developments (2014)

Clinical Trials with medicinal products on humans – Ad hoc Statement regarding the proposal
for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on clinical trials on medicinal
products for human use, and repealing Directive 2001/20/EC (2014)

Animal Experimentation in Research – Statement on the Transposition of EU Directive

2010/63 into German Law (2012)

Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) – The effects of limited approval in Germany (2011)

All publications in this series are available free of charge in PDF format on the Academies’
web sites.
German National Academy acatech – National Academy Union of the German Academies
of Sciences Leopoldina of Science and Engineering of Sciences and Humanities

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The German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina, acatech – National Acad-

emy of Science and Engineering, and the Union of the German Academies of
Sciences and Humanities provide policymakers and society with independent,
science-based advice on issues of crucial importance for our future. The Acade-
mies’ members and other experts are outstanding researchers from Germany and
abroad. Working in interdisciplinary working groups, they draft statements that are
published in the series of papers Schriftenreihe zur wissenschaftsbasierten Politik-
beratung (Series on Science-Based Policy Advice) after being externally reviewed
and subsequently approved by the Standing Committee of the German National
Academy of Sciences Leopoldina.

Series on Science-Based Policy Advice

ISBN: 978-3-8047-3677-1

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