2.8 Organizational Policies

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8 Organizational Policies

WAXICARE Partnership is committed to the highest standards of professional conduct

and product quality. As such, the management promulgates organizational policies that promote a

culture of competence, commitment to quality, and goodwill. All employees are subject to the

terms and conditions of this policy.

The organizational policies represent the minimum standards of employee conduct in the


2.8.1Attendance Policies

 Employees are expected to report to work at exactly 9:00 AM, and not to leave at

anytime before 6:00 PM, unless otherwise permitted by the manager.

 Tardiness is discouraged and will be subject to corrective actions as necessary and

during repeated instances.

 Failure to report for work without a valid leave after three hours have passed without

any communication of a valid reason, shall be considered unauthorized leave.

Unauthorized leave will be subject to salary deduction.

 Continuous absent without an authorized leave for at least seven working days will be

considered as an absence without official leave (AWOL).

2.8.2 Employee Conduct and Workplace Safety Policies

 The following acts will not be tolerated and will be subject to disciplinary actions:
 Sleeping at work;

 Texting during working hours;

 Wearing improper uniform during the production (wear gloves, hairnets face

mask and apron);

 Insubordination or habitual disrespect for authority and company policies;

 Any form of dishonesty;

 Theft or unauthorized getting or bringing home of the company products;

 Working under the influence of alcohol or illegal substances;

 Possession, trafficking, and use of alcohol or illegal substances in the

workplace, while on duty, or while operating employer-owned vehicles or


 Violence or intimidation in the workplace;

 Sexual or any other form of harassment; and

 Possession of life-threatening materials inside the workplace, including but not

limited to firearms, explosives, and other deadly weapons.

2.8.3 Company Property Policies

 The following acts are considered violations against company property policies:

 Theft or unauthorized bringing of any company property such as factory

supplies and materials, furniture and fixtures, computer equipment, and

production machineries or any part thereof;

 Misappropriation of business resources for unauthorized personal use

 Vandalism and intentional and unintentional damage to or destruction of

company property; and

 Unauthorized disclosure of company trade secrets and other classified

information to outside parties and/or unintended recipients.

2.8.4 Resignation Policies

 Employees who wish to resign from the company must furnish their resignation at least

thirty calendar days before the effective date.

 Employees who fail to comply with the thirty-day notice period are not entitled to

receive their backpay, and will not be given their roll-off clearance.

 Employees going AWOL shall be considered resigned as of the eighth day, unless

subsequently provides a valid reason for a period not exceeding seven days from such

eighth day.

2.8.5 Others

 Employees found to be guilty of crimes involving moral turpitude shall be separated

from the organization.

 The cleansing period for offenses is two years from the commission thereof.
Table 3

Schedule of Disciplinary Actions

First Second Third Further

Specific Offense
Instance Instance Instance Instances


1. Tardiness VP VP IRR SD

2. Early quit VP VP IRR SD

3. Unauthorized leave without valid reason IRR &


Employee conduct and workplace safety-related

4. Sleeping at work/Texting during working


5.Wearing improper uniform during the


6. Insubordination or habitual disrespect for

authority and company policies
7. Any form of dishonesty VP IRR XO X

8.Theft or unauthorized claim or bringing

home of the company assets;


9. Working under the influence of alcohol or VP &

XO X -
illegal substances IRR

10. Possession, trafficking, and use of alcohol

or illegal substances in the workplace, while

X - - -
on duty, or while operating employer-owned

vehicles or machinery

11. Violence or intimidation in the workplace; VP &

XO X -

12. Sexual or any other form of harassment VP &

XO X -

13. Possession of life-threatening materials VP &

XO X -
inside the workplace IRR

Company Property-related
14. Theft or unauthorized bringing of any VP &
XO & SD X -
company property IRR

15. Misappropriation of business resources

for unauthorized personal use

16. Vandalism and intentional and

VP &
unintentional damage to or destruction of XO & SD X -
company property

17. Unauthorized disclosure of company trade

secrets and other classified information to X - - -

outside parties and/or unintended recipients


VP – Verbal Punishment, which includes oral reprimand and coaching. This is not reported

in the employee’s 201 file.

IRR – Incident recorded report. This is recorded in the employee’s file.

SD – Salary deductions

XO – Suspension from work, the duration of which will vary from a case-to-case basis, but

in no case shall be less than three days. This is reported in the employee’s 201 file.
X – Termination or dismissal from work.

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