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The Invention of Hugo Cabret

Read up to page 45. Here are some questions to consider.

· In what ways does 'A Brief Introduction' help the reader?
· What fictional character wrote the introduction, and why do you think
the author did this?
· What effect does the use of 'you' have on the responder?
· Look at the black edge of the first drawing.
o What happens to it in the next 8 pages?
o Why does this affect the reader?
· In what city is this text set?
· In film, we would call the first 45 pages an establishing sequence.
· Why do you think Selznick chose to begin his book this way?
· Look at the seventh drawn page (the crowded train station). How does the artist draw the
reader's attention to the boy?
· Look at page 8. In film, what would we call this shot?
· Page 9- Why is the boy the only one going up and into the light?
· Page 10- What effect does the centering of the boy in the middle of the page have on the
· Pages 11 - 14- What makes you think the boy is being secretive now?
· Page 15 -18 - What emotion do you feel when looking at the old man? How is this created
through the drawings?
· PAGES 46-51 - There is nothing in the prose that shows Hugo as anything except a thief.
So why does the responder like Hugo, and dislike the old man? Use both the prose and the
pictures from up to page 51 to answer this question in two paragraphs.

Creative Task
● Choose a section of images (3-5 images), replace this section with prose (maybe a
couple of paragraphs, could be longer)
● Choose a section of prose - replace with images (3-5 images)
Writing Task
Write a book review of The Invention of Hugo Cabret. You might need to revise how to
write a review (150-300 words)

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