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UNIT - 1
1. Explain comparative merits of various methods of collecting primary data.
2. Define classification. What are requisites of a good classification?
3. Write short notes on Questionnaire and a schedule.
4. What is Primary and Secondary data? Explain the methods of obtaining it.
5. Distinguish primary data with secondary data.
6. Distinguish between a Questionnaire and a schedule.
7. Explain the methods of collecting Primary data with advantages and disadvantages.
1. Explain the properties of a good average. In the light of these properties which average
is the best and why?
2. Write in detail about Mean, Median, and Mode with their merits and demerits.
3. What are the criteria of an ideal measure of Central Tendency? Compare the Mean,
Median and Mode in light of these criteria.
4. Define any 3 different measures of Central Tendency. Discuss their merits and demerits.
5. Define mode. Explain analytically and graphically how mode is determined from a
frequency distribution.
6. The turnover of a business in three years is doubled, trebled and quadrupled
respectively. Find the average rate of increase in the turnover.
7. Means of two distributions of 100 and 150 items are 50, 40 respectively. Find the
combined mean.
8. The mean of 100 items was 50. Later on it was found that two items were misread as 18
and 6instead of 81 and 66. Find the correct mean.
9. The mean marks obtained by 300 students in statistics are 50. The mean of top 100
students of that group was found to be 70 and the mean of last 100 students was
known to be 20. What is the mean of the remaining 100 students?
10. Find mode of the following distribution
X 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
f 3 8 15 23 35 40 32 28 20 45 14 6

1. What do you understand by coefficient of variation? For what purpose it is used.
2. Explain with suitable examples the term ‘Dispersion.’ How it is measured. Explain the
superiority of Standard deviation over other measures of dispersion.
3. What is Dispersion, How it is measured. Explain various measures of Dispersion.
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4. Write short notes on Measures of Dispersion.

5. Write in detail about relative measures of dispersion.
6. Define quartile deviation, mean deviation and standard deviation.
7. Identify the appropriate measure of Dispersion for the following data. And discuss its
merits and demerits.
Marks 35-50 50-60 60-75 75-above
Students 15 20 30 30 5
8. Calculate mean deviation for the following distribution of percentage marks of a group
of students:
% of marks 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80
No. of students 10 21 31 38 27 15 6
9. The average runs scored by 3 batsmen X, Y, Z in a series of 10 innings are 50, 48, and 12.
The Standard deviations of their runs are 15, 12 and 2 respectively. Who is more
consistent of the three batsmen?
10. The arithmetic mean of the runs scored by three batsmen, Amit, Sumeet and Kapil in
the series are 50, 48 and 12 respectively. The standard deviations of their runs are
respectively 15, 12 and 2. Who is the most consistent of the three? If one of the three
is to be selected, who will be selected?
11. Find the mean deviations about the respective means for two series and comment
about the consistency of the data sets.
C.I 0-9 10-25 26-40 41-49 50-70 71-89 90-100
X 22 29 36 19 40 22 12
Y 8 28 20 35 55 32 18
12. The sum and sum of squares corresponding to length X (in cm) and weight Y (in kg) of 50
tapioca tubers are given as ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑
which is more varying, the length or weight?
13. Following is the record of goals scored by team A in the football session.
No. of goals 0 1 2 3 4
No. of matches 1 9 7 5 3
For team B, the average no. of goals scored per match was 2.5 with a s.d of 1.25 goals.
Find which team may be considered more consistent.
14. The main and standard deviation of 20 items is found to be 10 and 2 respectively. At
the time of checking it was found that 8th item value was incorrect. Calculate the
corrected mean and standard deviation of:
(i) The wrong item is omitted
(ii) The wrong item is replaced by its correct value 12.
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1. Define the raw and central moments of a frequency distribution. What will be the effect
of change of origin and scale?
2. Define moments. Express moments about mean in terms of moments about any
arbitrary point. Write Sheppard corrections to the Central moments
3. Write short notes on Sheppard’s corrections for moments.
4. Show that, if exists, Then (i) (ii)
5. Define Quantitative data. How does first 4 moments help in analyzing the Quantitative
6. Define the raw and central moments. Establish the relation between the moments
about any arbitrary point in terms of the moments about mean.
( )( )
7. The 1st 3 moments about the origin are ,
( )
. Obtain variance and Coefficient.
8. For 10 observations on a variable, first 4 moments about origin are 3, 20.76, 91.68, and
796.68 respectively. Find mean, 2nd, 3rd and 4th central moments.
9. Define Central and Non Central moments. In certain distribution the first four moments
about the point 5 are -4, 22, -117 and 560 respectively. Find the and coefficients.
10. For a certain distribution, the mean is 10; variance is 16, and Obtain the
first 4 moments about the origin. Comment on the nature of the distribution.
11. Prove that for a variate assuming only two values equal number of times.
( ) ( )
Mean = ,
12. Obtain the limits for Bowley’s coefficient of Skewness. Describe the importance of
Coefficient of Skewness.
13. What is meant by skewness? Explain various measures of coefficient of skewness.
14. What is meant by skewness and kurtosis? Explain various measures of coefficient of
15. Explain the concept of Skewness and Kurtosis.
16. Show that for any frequency distribution coefficient of kurtosis is greater than unit and
Bowley’s coefficient of skewness is less than unity numerically.
17. Write short note on Kurtosis
18. What do you understand by Skewness. State any one. Also show for any frequency
distribution Kurtosis is greater than unity.
19. Explain the concept of Skewness. Define Coefficient of Skewness based on quartiles
and derive its limits
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20. What do you mean by Skewness and Kurtosis? How are they measured using moments.
If the Standard deviation of a symmetric distribution is 6, find the fourth moment
about mean in order that the distribution be (a) Leptokurtic (b) Mesokurtic
(c) Platykurtic
21. The first 4 moments of distribution about origin are 1, 4, 10, and 46 respectively. Obtain
the coefficient of Skewness and Kurtosis and comment on the nature of the distribution.
22. Define central and non-central moments. In a certain distribution the first four
moments about the point 4 are -1.5, 17, -30 and 108 respectively. Find the Kurtosis of
the frequency curve and comment on its shape.
23. In a frequency distribution the coefficient of skewness based upon the quartiles is 0.6. If
the sum of the upper and lower quartiles is 100 and Median is 38, find the values of the
upper and lower quartiles.
1. State and Prove Bayes theorem
2. State and prove Boole’s inequality.
3. State and prove addition theorem of probability for ‘n’ events.
4. State Bayes theorem. What are prior and posterior probabilities?
5. (a) Define independence of events, pairwise and mutual independence of events.
(b) State and prove multiplication theorem of probability for ‘n’ events.
6. (a) If A, B and C are mutually independent events then show that and C are also
(b) Define conditional probability. If the letters of the “MISSISSIPPI” are arranged at
random, what is the probability that (i) all S’s are not together and (ii) all I’s are
7. Write short note on Independence of events.
8. Write short notes on Conditional probability
9. Write short notes on Bayes’ theorem.
10. Define the terms mutually exclusive, independent events and conditional probability.
11. For any two events A and B, defined on the sample space S, show that ( ̅ )
( ) ( )
12. State and prove addition theorem of probability for any two events. What form does
this result take when the events are (i) mutually exclusive and (ii) independent?
13. Define probability based on classical and relative frequency approach.
14. If are two independent events, then prove that ̅̅̅ and ̅̅̅ are also
independent. (Note: ̅̅̅ denote complementary of ̅̅̅ ).
15. Prove that for ‘n’ independent events A1, A2, - - - - - -, An
P (A1 A2 A3- - - - - An) + P ( ̅ ) P ( ̅ ) P ( ̅ ). . . . . . . P ( ̅ ) = 1.
16. State and prove Multiplication Law of probability.
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17. (a) State the Kolmogorov’s axioms of Probability and prove that P (E) 1, for all E S
(Sample space).
(b) Given two events E, F (Sample space), prove that the probability of one and only
one of them occurring is P (E) + P (F) – 2P (E )
18. Show that for ‘n’ events A1 , A2 , ………. , An
P (⋃ ) ∑ ( ) (⋂ ) ∑ ( ) ( )
19. State and prove Multiplication law of probability for n events.
20. What is meant by Mutual independence of events? Show that if an event C is
independent of two mutually exclusive events A, B then ‘C’ is also independent of A B.
21. Explain the terms:
(i) Conditional event
(ii) Conditional probability
( )
Prove that for 2 events A and B, P ( ) ( )
( )
22. Let A and B be two events associated with a random experiment and S be the sample
space. If C is an event associated with random experiment then prove that
P ((A B)/C) = P (A/C) + P (B/C) – P ((A B)/C).
23. State the axioms of probability. From 6 positive and 8 negative numbers, 4 numbers are
chosen at random without replacement and multiplied, what is the probability that the
product is positive?
24. Let A and B be two events such that P (A) = ¾ and P (B) = 5/8, show that
P (A B) 3/4 and 3/8 P ((A B) 5/8.
25. Suppose 5 men out of 100 and 25 women out of 1000 are colour blind. A colour blind
person is chosen at random. What is the probability of his being male? (Assume males
and females to be equal in number).
26. A and B are two events associated with an experiment. If P (A) = 0.4 and P (A B) = 0.7.
Find P (B) if (i) A and B are mutually exclusive (ii) A and B are independent.
27. (a) An integer is chosen at random from two hundred digits. What is the probability that
the integer is divisible by 6 or 8?
(b) From a city population, the probability of selecting (i) a male or a smoker is 7/10
(ii)a male smoker is 2/5 and (iii) a male, if a smoker is already selected is 2/3.
Find the probability of selected a smoker, if a male is first selected.
28. The probabilities of X, Y and Z becoming managers are 4/9, 2/9 and 1/3 respectively. The
probabilities that the Bonus Scheme will be introduced if X, Y and Z become managers
are 3/10, 1/2 and 4/5 respectively. (i) What is the probability that Bonus Scheme will be
(ii) If the Bonus Scheme has been introduced, what is the probability that the manager
appointed was X?
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29. A manufacturing company produces pipes in plants A and B with B with daily production
of 1500 and 2000 respectively. The fraction defective of the pipes produced by the two
plants. A and B are 0.006 and 0.008 respectively. If a pipe is selected at random from
the days of production and is found to be defective. What is the probability that it has
come from plant B.
30. A problem in statistics is given to the three students A, B and C. Whose chances of
solving it independently are respectively? What is the probability that the
problem will be solved?
31. A bag contains 5 Blue and 3 Red balls. Two balls are drawn at random one after the
other without replacement. Find the probability that both the balls drawn are Red.
32. In a PG II year class there are 20 girls and 60 boys. Half of the girls and one fifth of the
boys passed in first class. A student is selected at random. What is the probability that
the student is either a boy or a first class holder?
33. A man is equally likely to choose any one of three routes A, B and C from his house to
railway station and his choice of route is not influenced by weather. If the weather is
dry, the probabilities of missing the train by routes A, B and C are respectively
. He sets out on a dry day and misses the train. What is the probability
that the route chosen was C?
34. There are 10 Urns of which three contains 1 white and 9 black balls each; other three
contain 9 white and 1 black ball each; and the remaining four contain 5 white and 5
black balls each. One of the Urns is selected at random and a ball is taken from it. It
turns out to be white. What is the probability that an Urn containing 5 white and 5 black
balls was selected?
35. Swathi turns on a TV set. The probability that the set is on DD1 is 1/3. The probability
that the set is on DD2 is 4/13. What is the probability that the set is on (i) either on DD1
or DD2
(ii) On neither channel.
36. A bag contains 5 white and 3 black balls. Two balls are drawn one after the other
without replacement. Find the probability that second ball drawn is black given that the
first ball drawn is white.
37. If ( ) ( ) ( ̅) . Find P (A) and P (B). Examine
whether A and B are independent or not.
38. The odds against manager X settling the wage dispute with the workers are 8:6 and
odds in favour of manager Y settling the same dispute are 14:16. What is the chance
that neither settles the dispute, if they both try, independently of each other?
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39. (b) The odds that a book will be favourably reviewed by 3 independent critics are 5 to 2,
4 to 3 and 3 to 4 respectively. What is the probability that of the three reviews a
majority will be favourable?
40. A and B play a game with a pack of 52 cards. They draw a card at random, alternatively
from the pack of cards and a person who first draws a diamond wins the game. If A
starts, find his chances of winning the game.
41. A bag contains 10 gold and 8 silver coins. Two successive drawing of 4 coins are made,
such that (i) Coins are replaced before the second trial (ii) Coins are not replaced before
the second trial. Find the probability that the first drawing will give 4 gold and the
second 4 silver coins.
42. (a) Give axiomatic definition of probability.
(b) Of all the students in a university 70% are women and 30% are men. Suppose that
20% and 25% of the female and male population respectively are cricket players. What
is the probability that a randomly selected student is (i) A woman who plays cricket (ii)
A man who plays cricket?
43. State the axioms of probability. From 6 positive and 8 negative numbers, 4 numbers are
chosen at random without replacement and multiplied. What is the probability that the
product is positive?
44. The police have found the blood of the jewel thief near the hotel-locker. 10% of all
women belong to the blood group and 2% of all men. 30% of the hotel staff is women.
Assuming that this was an inside job, what is the probability that the thief was a
45. A message communicated through a channel consists of zeros and ones. Because of
noise in the channel a ‘1’ that is transmitted could be received as a ‘0’ (zero) and vice-
versa. The probability that a transmitted ‘1’ is received as a ‘0’ (zero) is 0.05 and the
probability that a transmitted ‘0’ (zero) is received as a 1 is 0.1. Find the probability that
(i) the message 101 is received as 110. (ii) The message 011 is received as 001 and (iii)
the message 110 is received correctly.
46. A College purchases its requirement of a computer component from three supplies A, B
and C who supply 10 units in a box. Past records of the College indicate that the 10%,
20% and 25% of the components supplied by A, B and C respectively are defectives. The
college principal randomly picked up one box and inspected two components from it
and found that both the components are defective. Find the probability that the
principal has picked up the box supplied supplier B.
47. The chance that doctor A will diagnose a disease X is 60%. The chances that a patient
will die by his treatment after correct diagnosis is 40% and the chances of death by
wrong diagnosis is 70%. A patient of doctor A, who had disease X died. What is the
probability that his disease was diagnosed correctly?
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48. A bag contains 6 white and 9 black balls. Four balls are drawn at a time from the bag.
Find the probability for the first draw to give 4 white and the second to give 4 black balls
in each of the following cases :- (i) The balls are replaced into the bag before the
second draw. (ii) The balls are not-replaced into the bag before the second draw.
49. Find the probabilities P (A), P(B) when A, B are statistically independent events such that
P(B) = 2P(A) and P(A B) = 5/8.
50. A card is drawn from a well shuffled pack of playing cards. What is the probability that
it is either a spade or an ace?
51. The chances of X, Y, Z becoming managers of a certain company are 4:2:3. The
probability that bonus schemes will be introduced if X, Y, and Z become managers is 0.3,
0.5 and 0.8 respectively. If the bonus scheme has been introduced, what is the
probability that Y is appointed as the Manager?
52. The Probability that reporters X of Star News, Y of Zee news and Z of AajTak will be able
to interview the CEO of a leading Manufacturing firm is in the ratio 5:8:6 respectively.
The chances that the report will be telecasted by the respective channel are 85%, 57%
and 74%. Given that there has been no telecast what is the probability that it was the
reporter of AajTak who interviewed the CEO. What is the probability that, if there has
been a telecast, it was on the Star News.
53. The urns have the composition of white and black chips are :
Urn I : 6 white, 4 black
Urn II : 3 white, 7 black
Urn III : 1 white, 9 black
An urn is chosen at random and a chip is drawn from it. The chip is white. What is the
probability that it is from Urn II?
54. In a bolt factory machines A, B and C manufacture respectively 25%, 35% and 40% of the
total bolts of their output 5, 4, 2 percent are defective bolts. A bolt is drawn at random
from the product and is found to be defective. What are the probabilities that it was
manufactured by machine A, B and C?
55. Three urns are having the following composition of black and red balls. Urn 1: 8 red, 4
black; Urn 2: 5 red, 7 black; Urn 3: 3 red, 9 black. One of these urns is chosen at random
with probabilities 0.2, 0.6 and 0.2 respectively. From the chosen urn two balls are drawn
at random without replacement and are found to be red. What is the probability that
they are from urn 3?
56. A doctor is to visit the patient and from past experience it is known that the
probabilities that he will come by train, bus or scooter are respectively 0.3, 0.2 and 0.1,
the probability that he uses some other means of transport being, therefore 0.4. If he
comes by train, the probability that he will be late is 0.25, if by bus 0.33 and if by scooter
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0.08, if he uses some other means of transport it can be assumed that he will not be
late. When he arrives he is late. What is the probability that he comes by scooter?
57. There are three identical boxes containing respectively 1 white and 3 red ball, 2 white
and 1 red balls, 4 white and 3 red balls. One box is chosen at random and 2 balls are
drawn. They happen to be white and red. Find the probability that the balls were chosen
from the second box.
58. There are 5 guns that when properly aimed and fired, have respective probabilities of
hitting the target as follows: 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, and 0.9. One of the guns chosen at
random aimed and fired what is the probability that the target is hit.
59. A box contains 5 red, 3 white and 4 black balls. A person draws 4 balls from the box at
random. Find the probability that among the balls, there is at least one ball of each
60. An Urn contains ‘n’ white balls and ‘m’ black balls. A second Urn contains ‘N’ white and
‘M’ black balls. A balls is randomly transferred from the first to second Urn and then
from second to first Urn. If a ball is now selected at random from first Urn, prove that
the probability that it is white is + ( ) ( )
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UNIT - 2
1. Define the terms (i) Random variable (ii) Probability density function (iii) Distribution
2. Define Discrete and continuous Random variables with examples.
3. Define discrete R.V. and its probability mass function.
4. What is random variable? Distinguish between discrete and continuous random
5. Define and derive properties of distribution function.
6. Define the terms ( ) ( ) ( )
7. If ( ) is the of a random variable X then prove that mean
deviation is least when measured from the median.
1. The probability distribution of a Random Variables is defined by
( )
(i) Determine
(ii) Find mean of the random variable.
2. A weighted coin having P (head) = is tossed 3 times. If X denotes the number of
heads. Obtain the P.M.F and distribution function of X. State the assumptions.
3. A Random variable X has the following probability distribution.
X 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
P (x) 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17

Find ( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( )( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
4. Show that the function ( ) ( ) for is a valid
for a discrete random variable X. Find the corresponding cumulative distribution.
5. Define discrete and continuous random variable. A random variable X takes the values
such that ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) obtain the probability
distribution and distribution function of X.
6. From a lot of 10 items continuing 3 detective items, a sample of 4 items is drawn at
random. Let the random variable x denote the no. of detective items in the sample.
Answer the following when sample is drawn without replacement.
(i) Find the probability distribution of x
(ii) Find ( ) ( ) ( )
7. Suppose that the random variable takes values 3, 4, 5 with probabilities
respectively. Obtain the distribution function of the random variable.
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8. (a)Define discrete random variable and probability mass function

(b) The following is the distribution function of a discrete random Variable X
-3 -1 0 1 2 3 5 8
( ): 0.10 0.30 0.45 0.5 0.75 0.90 0.95 1.00
(i)Find the probability distribution of X (ii) Find P [X is even] (iii) P [1
9. Define probability mass function. Obtain probability distribution of the total number of
heads obtained when four fair coins are tossed simultaneously.
10. From a lot of 10 items containing 3 defectives, a sample of 4 items is drawn at random.
Let the random variable X denote the number of defective items in the sample. Answer
the following when the sample is drawn without replacement
(i) Find the probability distribution of X,
(ii) Find P(X ) and P (0 < X < 2).
11. If a r.v X assumes values -2, -1, 1, 0, 2with probabilities 1/8, 1/8, 1/4, 0, 1/2 respectively.
(a) Mean of the distribution
(b) Cumulative distribution function F(x).
(c) Probability distribution of Y = X2 +1.
12. A die is thrown twice; getting an odd number in a throw is termed as a success. Find the
probability distribution of the number of successes.
1. A continuous r.v ‘X’ has the density function given by f(x) = d (1 – x2); -1 x 1.
Determine the value of ‘d’ and distribution function F (x).
2. A continuous R. V X has p.d.f ( ) Mean of the variable is .
Find A and B values.

3. A continuous R.V ‘X’ has the following ( ) { ( )

Obtain the distribution function of X.

4. Define distribution function of a random variable X. State its properties. Obtain the
distribution function of a random variable X whose is given by ( )
( )
5. A Continuous distribution of a variable x in the range (-3, 3) is defined by
( )= ( )
= ( )
= ( ) 3
Find men and variance of the above distribution.
6. A continuous random variable X has the following P.D. F ( ) ,
Find the value of ( ) A ( ) mean of X (c) V(X) (d) p (0.2 < x <0.5)
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7. Continuous random variable X has a distribution function

( ) { ( )

Find ( ) ( ) of X (c) mean of X.

8. The diameter of an electric cable, say x is assumed to be a continuous random variable
with ( ) ( )

(a) Check that above is

(b) Determine a number ‘b’ such that P ( ) ( )
9. The of the continuity random variable X taking values on the range [0, 2] is

specified by f( ) {

Find cumulative distribution function F(x) and hence find ( )

10. The length of time (in hr) taken by a student to complete 1 hr exam is a continuous
Random Variable X with ( ) when ‘c’ is a constant

(i) Find the value of ‘c’

(ii) Find cumulative distribution function ( ) of X
(iii) Given that a student takes longer than fifteen minutes to complete the exam, find
the probability that he requires at least half an hour.
11. The mileage x in thousands of miles, which car owner get with a certain type of tyre is a
variate with ( ) , . (a) Find k (b) ( miles)
(c) ( miles)
12. X is a continuous random variable with p. d. f.
( )
Find the value of K and hence compute Mean and Variance.
13. A random variable X is distributed at random between the values 0 and 1 so that its
probability function is ( ) ( ) where k is a constant. Find the value of k,
mean and variance.
14. Define continuous random variable and probability density function. If x has its p.d.f
( )

= 0, otherwise
Determine the constant ‘a’ and compute P ( )
15. The length of time (in min) that a lady speaks on the telephone is found to be random
phenomenon with a probability function specified by f(x) = Ae-x/5, x > 0.
(a) Find A that makes f(x) a pdf.
(b) What is the probability that the number of min that she will talk over the telephone
More than 10 min, less than 5 min, between 5and 10 min.
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16. The length of a certain type of bulb may be supposed to be a continuous random
variable with pdf f(x) a/x3; 15 < x < 25. Determine ‘a’.
(a) The distribution function of X
(b) P (17 < x < 19)
1. (a) Write the procedure for one dimensional transformation of a r.v.
(b) A r.v has p.d.f f (X) = . Find the density function of Y = √ .
2. Write short note on One dimensional transformation of random variables.
3. The probability mass function of X is given by
-2 -1 1 2
( )

Find the probability distribution of

4. Suppose that a random variable X is uniformly distributed over the range (0, 2). Find the
density function of the variable
5. If ( ) , Find of (a) (b) Y = 2x +1 and mean &
variance of Y
6. If the cumulative distribution function of X is F(x), find the cumulative distribution
function of
(a) Y = aX (b) Y = X +a (c) Y = X2
Mathematical Expectation
1. If X is a random variable then show that V ( )= ( ) where are
2. If X is a random variable, then show that V (aX + b) = a2V(X), where a and b are
3. Define (a) E(X) (b) V(X) (c) cov(X,Y).
4. State and prove addition theorem of expectations for two continuous random variables.
5. State and prove multiplication theorem on mathematical expectations for 2 continuous
Random Variable.
6. Define mathematical expectation of a random variables, raw and central moments using
mathematical expectation.
7. Define mathematical expectation of a random variable. State and prove addition
theorem of expectation of n random variables.
8. Define: (i) Random variable, (ii) Continuous random variable, (iii) Discrete random
variable, (iv) Probability density function, (v) Distribution function.
9. Define mathematical expectation of a random variable. State and prove the
multiplication theorem of expectation of n random variables.
10. State and prove Addition theorem and Multiplication theorem of mathematical
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11. If X and Y are independent random variables then prove that

(a) E (x + y) = E(x) + E(y) (b) V(x + y) = V(x) + V(y)
12. For any two Random Variables X and Y. Show that V(x + y) + V(x - y) = 2 [V(x) + V(y)]
13. Let X, Y are two independent R.v. If E(x) = 0 and E(y) = 0, prove that V (xy) = V(x) V(y).
14. X and Y are two independent uniform r.v on (1, 2) and (3, 4) respectively. If a, b, care
constants, find E (aX + bY + c) and V (aX + bY + c).
15. A coin is tossed until head appears. What is the expectation of number of tosses
16. The monthly demand for transistors is known to have the following probability
distribution Demand: 1 2 3 4 5 6
Probability: 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.18 0.12
Determine the expected demand for transistors also obtain variance for the same.
17. From the following table
X -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
P(x) 0.05 0.1 2k 0 0.3 K 0.1
Compute (i) k (ii) E (2x+3) (iii) V(x) (iv) V (2x+3)
18. Find (E(X), E(X ) and V(X) from the data given below:
X: 1 2 3 4 5 6
P: 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.18 0.12
19. Suppose X is a random variable with the following probability distribution:
X : -3 6 9
P(X) : 1/6 1/2 1/3
Find E(X) and E(X ) and using the laws of expectation. Evaluate E (2X + 1)2.

20. Three Urns contain respectively 3 green, 2 white balls; 5 green, 6 white balls; 2 green, 4
white balls. One ball is drawn from each Urn. Find expected number of white balls
drawn out.
21. Define mathematical expectation of a Random Variable. The of X is given below.
( )
( )
( )
( )
Find mean and variance of X.
( )
22. If X and Y are two r.v then prove that (a) E (aX + bY) = aE(X) + bE(Y) (b) E(X-c)2 =
23. Let X be a r.v with probability function given below. Find ‘k’ and E*(X-1)2]
X 0 1 2 3
P(x) k/6 k/4 k/48 k/16
24. Find the expectation of the number of failures preceding the first success in an infinite
series of independent trials with constant probability p of success n each trial.
25. State and prove Cauchy-Schwartz inequality. Give its applications.
26. Write short notes on Applications of weak law of large numbers.
Page 15 of 27

27. State weak law of large numbers and central limit theorem.
Chebychev’s inequality
1. State and prove Chebychev’s inequality.
2. State Chebychev’s inequality. A random variable X has mean ( ) = 12 variance ( )
and probability distribution is unknown. Find the lower bound for ( )
( ).
3. Write short notes on Chebychev’s inequality.
4. If X is r. v Such that E(X) = 3 and E(X2) = 13. Use Chebychev’s inequality to determine a
lower bound for P (-2 < X < 8).
5. If X is r. v Such that E(X) = 8 and E(X2) = 68. Find a lower bound for P (5 < X < 11) by using
Chebychev’s inequality.
6. A discrete random variable takes values 3, 4, 5 with probabilities respectively.
Evaluate P[| |
7. A discrete r.v X takes the values -1, 0, 1 with probabilities 1/8, 3/4, 1/8 spectively.
Evaluate P[|X-μ|≥2σ+ where μ= mean, σ= Standard Deviation and compare it with
upper bound given by Chebychev’s inequality.
8. What is the role of Chebychev’s inequality in Probability theory? A balanced die is
tossed 720 times. Use Chebychev’s inequality to find a lower bound for the probability
of getting 100 to 140 Sixes.
Generating Functions
1. Define m.g.f. State any four properties of m.g.f.
2. Define m.g.f of a Random Variable show that the m.g.f of the sum of the independent
Random Variable is equal to the product of their respective m.f.g’s. What is the effect
of change of origin and scale on m.g.f
3. Define m.g.f of a Random Variable obtain m.g.f of are real
constants and find its mean and variance.
4. Define moment generating function of a random variable and state and prove its
5. Write short notes on Moment generating function.
6. Let the random variable X takes the value with probability law ( ) ,
Find the of X and hence it’s mean and variance.
7. Define and obtain the first 4 moments for the distribution. ( ) ,c>0

8. Let X be a random variable with ( )

Find ( ) ( ) mean and variance of X.
9. Find m.g.f of ‘X’ whose density function is given by f(x) = 1; 0 < x < 1 and there by
conform that
Page 16 of 27

E (X) = 1/2 and V (X) = 1/12.

10. Define characteristic function. State its properties. How are the moments obtained
using characteristic function?
11. Define characteristic function of a Random Variable and State its properties. Also
explain its importance.
12. Write a Short note on Characteristic function.
13. Write short notes on Properties of characteristic function.
14. Let X be a continuous random variable with ( ) Find its
characteristic function and hence find its mean and variance.
15. Define p.g.f. Explain the procedure of obtaining probabilities using it and hence find
mean and variance of a random variable.
16. Define of a Random Variable X. Obtain the expressions for mean and Variance
in terms of
17. Write short notes on Probability generating function.
18. Define MGF and CGF of r.v X. what is the effect of change of origin and scale on them.
19. Explain MGF and CGF of random variables. What are important properties of m.g.f and
c. g. f?
20. Establish the relationship between the moments and cumulants.
21. Define the following ( ) Mathematical expectation ( ) (c) characteristic
function. Explain how mean and variance are obtained from each of the above.
22. Define
23. Find the m.g.f of (a) Y = aX + b (b) Y = (X – )/
24. Define MGF. If X represents the outcome when a fair die is tossed, find the m.g.f of X
and hence mean, variance of X.
Page 17 of 27

UNIT - 3
1. Define discrete uniform distribution. Obtain its mean and variance. Show that for this
distribution for m.g.f exists but not moments.
2. Define discrete uniform distribution. Obtain its Mean and Variance.
3. Write short note on Bernoulli distribution.
1. Define Binomial Distribution.
2. Describe the probability model from which the Binomial distribution can be generated.
Also find the 1st 2 Central moments of their distribution.
3. Define Binomial distribution. Obtain its m.g.f and hence find its mean and variance.
4. Obtain recurrence relation for the moments of B.D. Also obtain coefficient of Skewness
and Kurtosis.
5. Obtain m. g. f of Binomial distribution.
6. Write short notes on mode of the Binomial distribution.
7. Obtain the moment generating function of binomial distribution. Hence show that the
sum of two binomial variates is a binomial variate if the variates are independent and
have the same probability of success.
8. Derive the c. g. f of Binomial distribution and hence deduce all the four cumulants of the
9. Derive cumulant generating function of binomial distribution. State and prove additive
property of binomial distribution.
10. Show that sum of 2 Binomial variates is a Binomial variate if the variates are
independent and have the same probability of success.
11. Define Binomial random variable. Derive the recurrence relation for binomial
probabilities and explain how you fit a Binomial distribution using recurrence relation
12. Obtain the recurrence formula for the Central moments of Binomial distribution
13. If the probability that a child is a Boy is ‘p’. Where , find the expected number
of boys in a family with ‘n’ children, given that there is atleast one boy.
14. It is known that 30% of a certain variety of flomer bulbs will not bloom. Out of 10
randomly selected bulbs, what is the probability that (i) exactly 6 (ii) at least 4 (iii) no
more than 8 will bloom.
15. Suppose that the half of the population of a town consumes rice. 100 investigators are
appointed to find out its truth. Each investigator interviewed 10 individuals. How many
investigators do you expect to report that 3 or less of the people interviewed are
consumers of rice.
Page 18 of 27

16. An irregular six faced die is thrown and the probability that in 10 throws it will give 5
even numbers is twice the probabilities that it will give four even numbers. How many
times in 10,000 sets of 10 throws each, would you expect it to give no even number.
17. In a certain town 20% of the population is literate and assume that 200 investigators
take a sample of 10 individuals each to see whether they are literate. How many
investigators would you expect to report that 3 people or less are literate in the sample?
18. Ten Lecturers are selected at random from a long list of names of which one third
belongs to women. The selection is regarded as unsatisfactory if either sex is
represented by less than 3 people. Find the probability that the selection will be
19. The probability of hitting a runway with a Bomb dropped from a bomber is .
Determine the probability of making the runway in serviceable if at least 4 hits are
required for this purpose assuming that 8 bombs are drops in all.
20. A multiple-choice test consists of 8 questions with 3 answers to each question (of which
only one is correct). A student answers each question by rolling a balanced die and
checking the first answer if he gets 1 or 2, the second answer if he gets 3 or 4 and the
third answer if he gets 5 or 6. To get a distinction, the student must secure at least 75%
correct answers. If there is no negative marking, what is the probability that the student
secures a distinction?
21. The incidence of occupational disease in an industry is such that the workers have a 20%
chance of suffering from it. What is the probability that out of six workers chosen at
random, four or more will suffer from the disease?
1. Define Poisson distribution. Show that the sub of 2 independent Poisson variates is a
Poisson variate, whereas the difference of 2 independent Poisson variates is not a
Poisson variate.
2. State and prove reproductive property of Poisson distribution. Does the difference of 2
independent Poisson random variables follow Poisson distribution?
3. Obtain the c. g. f of a Poisson distribution with parameter . Hence show that for a
Poisson distribution with parameter all the cumulants are equal to .
4. Obtain the recurrence relation between the moments of Poisson distribution. Hence
obtain the coefficient of skewness and kurtosis of Poisson distribution.
5. Reproductive property of Poisson distribution
6. If X P ( ) then show that the recurrence relation for the moments is given by

7. If X P( ) and Y P ( ) Find the distribution of X+Y, when X and Y are

Page 19 of 27

8. Stating the conditions clearly, derive the Poisson approximation from Binomial
9. Define Poisson distribution and derive its mode
10. Show that Poisson distribution is a valid discrete probability distribution.
11. X is a Poisson variate with parameter If r is non-negative integer and if ( ).
Prove that * +
12. Obtain mean and variance of Poisson distribution using MGF.
13. Derive Poisson distribution as a limiting form of Binomial distribution, stating the
conditions clearly.
14. Obtain the recurrence relation between the moments of Poisson distribution. Hence
obtain the coefficient of Skewness of Poisson distribution.
15. A book contains 2000 misprints distributed over 100 Pages. What is the probability that
a page observed at random contains at least 2 misprints.
16. A book of 1000 pages contains 200 misprints. What is the probability that a page
observed at random contains at least 2 misprints.
17. Obtain the formula for the most likely outcome of a Poisson distribution and hence find
most likely outcome when the parameter of Poisson distribution is 4.
18. If X and Y are independent Poisson variates such that V(x) + V(y) = 3. Find P(x + y < 2)
19. Find the probability of 5 or more telephone calls arriving in a 9 min period in a College
switch Board, if the Telephone calls that are received at the rate of 2 for every 3 min
follow a Poisson distribution.
20. If X, Y are independent Poisson variates having means 1, 3 respectively. Find the
v( )
21. If X is a Poisson variate such that p(x =2) = 9p(x = 4) + 90p (x=6). Find (i) (ii)
Coefficient of skewness.
22. Show that Poisson distribution satisfies the reproductive property. If is a Poisson
variate such that P ( =4) = 8 P ( ) find (i) (ii) the mean of (iii) the
coefficient of skewness.


1. Define Negative Binomial distribution with example. Derive the Poisson approximation
from negative Binomial distribution stating the conditions.
2. Show Poisson distribution as a limiting case of the Negative Binomial distribution.
3. A scientist needs 3 diseased rabbits for an experiment. He has 20 rabbits available and
inoculates them one at a time with a serum, quitting if and when he gets 3 positive
reactions. If the probability is 0.2 that a rabbit can contract the disease from the serum,
what is the probability that the scientists are able to get 3 diseased rabbit from 20?
Page 20 of 27

4. Suppose Indian Cricket Board has decided to give an opportunity to V.V.S. Laxman to
play test matches until he makes 4 centuries. Assuming that the probability of making a
Century in any test match is ‘p’. Find the probability distribution of X. The No. of test
matches required to be played by V.V.S. Laxman before he makes 4 centuries. Derive its
mean and variance.
5. Derive m. g. f of negative Binomial distribution and hence find its mean and variance.
6. Write short notes on negative Binomial distribution.
7. What are the conditions for occurrence of negative Binomial distribution? Obtain mean
and variance of negative Binomial distribution.
8. Derive the negative Binomial distribution in the form ( ) ( ) (– )
and . Obtain mean and variance of this distribution.
9. Find the p. g. f of negative Binomial distribution.
10. Show mean < variance in Negative Binomial distribution
11. Write short notes on MGF of Negative Binomial distribution.
12. Obtain m. g. f and c. g. f of negative binomial distribution; hence find its mean and
13. Define negative binomial distribution. Give an example of this distribution.
1. Define Geometric distribution. Obtain its m. g. f and hence find its mean and variance.
2. Define Geometric distribution. State and prove its memory less property
3. Write short notes on Geometric distribution.
4. Define Geometric distribution and find its first 4 Central moments.
5. (a) An individual repeatedly attempts to pass his driving test, and assume that the
results of successive tests are independent. If the probability that an individual will pass
the test on any given trial is ‘p’. Obtain the probability distribution of number of tests
taken until the individual passes.

(b) Also find the moment generating function of the so obtained probability distribution.
6. Assuming that a student is waiting for Bus No - 10. The probability that X buses will pass
the students before the Bus No-10 arrives is given by ( ) ( )

(i) What is the probability that 5 or more buses will pass the student before the Bus No –
10 arrives.
(ii) What is the probability that another 5 or more will pass before the Bus No – 10
arrives, given that more than 3 buses have already passed the student.
7. A dice is cast until 6 appear. What is the probability that it must be cast more than 5
Page 21 of 27

8. Define Geometric distribution. State and prove its lack of memory property. [2012 Oct]
9. Suppose X is a non-negative integral value random variable. Show that the distribution
of X is geometric. If it ‘lack memory’ i.e. if for each K and Y = X – K, one has
P (Y = t / X ) P (X = t) for t 0.
10. Explain Memory-less property of Geometric Distribution.
1. Write a short note on Hyper Geometric distribution
2. Define Hyper Geometric distribution. Find mean and variance of this distribution.
3. Stating the conditions, prove that Hyper Geometric distribution tends to the Binomial
4. Giving an example, define Hyper Geometric distribution and derive its mean.
5. Show that how the Hyper Geometric distribution arises by giving an example. Obtain
the probability function of the Hyper Geometric Distribution.
6. Explain the situation and conditions where Hyper geometric distribution occurs
7. Define hyper geometric distribution. Obtain its Men and variance.
8. (a) What is a hyper-geometric distribution?
(b) Obtain binomial distribution as a limiting case of hyper-geometric distribution.
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UNIT - 4
1. If X is a uniform (0, ) random variable. Find the 1st 4 Central moments.
2. Define Rectangular distribution. Obtain its m. g. f and examine the symmetry of this
3. If X ( ) Derive its distribution function and represents it diagrammatically.
4. For a Rectangular distribution, ( ) find m. g. f and hence it’s
mean and variance.
5. If X ( ) . Find its median.
6. Define Rectangular distribution. Find its m. g. f and mean deviation about mean.
7. Write a short note on Rectangular distribution.
8. Define Rectangular distribution over the interval ( ) and obtain its first 4 central
9. The time measured in min required by a person to travel from his home to Railway
Station is a random phenomenon following uniform distribution over the interval (20,
25). If he leaves his home at 8. 05 am. What is the probability that he will catch a train
that leaves the station exactly at 8.28 am
10. A person has to wait at a Bus stop, the waiting time is uniformly distributed over the
(5, 20). What is the probability that he has to wait for more than 10 min?
11. Trains on a certain line run every half hour between mid-night and six in the morning.
What is the probability that a man entering the station at a random time during this
period will have to wait at least 20 min?
12. Buses arrive at a specified stop at 15 min intervals starting at 7 AM i.e. they arrive at 7,
7:15, 7:30, and 7:45 and so on. If a passenger arrives at the stop at a random time i.e
uniformly distributed between 7:00 and 7:30 AM. Find the probability that he waits (a)
Less than 5 min
(b) at least 12 min for a bus.
13. The demand of cakes (in Kg) at a Bakery shows rectangular distribution in (200, 300).
Further the owner finds the distribution of profit as under from his experience
Daily demand (1 Kg): 200-225 225-250 250-300
Average profit in (Rs): 580 640 850
Find the expected profit on a randomly selected day.
14. The mean and variance of a continuous uniform random variable X are 1.5 and 0.75
(i) obtain p. d. f of X and cumulative distribution of X
(ii) obtain quartiles and hence Quartile deviation
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15. For a Rectangular distribution over an interval (-2, 2). Define m. g. f and hence (or)
otherwise find mean and variance.
16. If X is uniformly distributed with mean 1 and variance 4/3. Find ( )
1. Obtain m. g. f of exponential distribution and hence find the mean and variance.
2. State and Prove lack of memory property of exponential distribution.
3. Write short notes on exponential distribution.
4. Derive the first four moments about origin of an exponential distribution.
5. Define exponential distribution. Find its mean and variance.
6. Define exponential distribution. If are independent Random variables
having exponential distribution with parameter ( ) then show that
Z = min ( ) has exponential distribution with parameter ∑
7. If X exp (1), find its median and Quartile deviation.
8. The length of time for one individual to be served in a Cafeteria is a random variable
having exponential distribution with mean of 4 min. What is the probability that a
person is
(i) Served in <3 min (ii) has to wait at least 2 min given that he has already waited for 3
9. Let the life time of an electric component has an exponential distribution with a mean
life of 500 hours. Find the probability that (i) It will give additional 600 hr life given that
component has been working for at least 300 hr. (ii) It will work more than 600 hr
10. The time taken by a lady while speaking over a telephone is exponentially distribution
with mean 3 min. (a) Write down the corresponding density function (b) Find the
probability that she speaks for more than 5 min and less than 6 min. (c) Out of 5 calls
that she makes, what is the probability that exactly 2 calls take more than 3 min each.
11. Consider the case where passengers reaching a bus station have to wait for the arrival of
a bus. After travelling in the bus, they must remain at Railway Station until a train
arrives. The waiting times (in hr) X and Y spent by passengers waiting for buses and
trains respectively, are random variables. The p.d. f of X and Y are given respectively, by
( ) and ( ) . Assuming that the arrivals
of buses and trains are independent, find p. d. f of total time (Z) spent by a passenger in
awaiting transport. Hence find mean and variance of Z.
12. Define exponential distribution. Derive expression for its distribution function. Show
that it lacks memory.
13. Obtain four central moments of exponential distribution. Also calculate .
Comment on the symmetry.
Page 24 of 27

1. Let X and Y be 2 independent Gamma variates with parameters . Using the m.
g. f, find the distribution of
2. Define Gamma distribution with parameter Obtain constants for the same.
3. Define Gamma distribution with 2 parameters . Obtain its m. g. f and hence
find its mean and variance.
4. Define Gamma distribution (with single parameter) derive its m. g. f and hence find its
mean and variance.
5. Obtain mean and variance of Gamma distribution.
6. If a random variable X follows Gamma distribution of 2nd kind with parameter .
Identify resulting distribution and obtain mean and variance of the resulting
7. Obtain reproductive property of Gamma distribution.
8. Define Gamma random variable. Derive its m. g. f. Hence determine the first 4 central
moments of the distribution.
9. Define Gamma distribution with parameter . Obtain the limiting form of the Gamma
distribution as
10. Write Gamma distribution short notes.
11. Define gamma distribution and derive its MGF. Hence find the mean and variance.
12. Find the moment generating function of Gamma distribution with parameter . Hence
find Mean and Variance.
13. Define Gamma distribution. Obtain reproductive properties (if exists) of Gamma
14. Define gamma distribution with one parameter and two parameters. Obtain its m. g. f
with single parameter and show that Mean, Variance are equal.
15. Define Gamma distribution with two parameters. State and prove its additive property.
1. Define Beta distribution of 1st kind and find its mean and variance. State its relation with
Gamma distribution.
2. Define beta first kind and second kind distributions. State the relationship between
3. Obtain mean and variance of Beta distribution of 2nd kind
4. Write a short note on Beta distribution of 1st kind.
5. Write a short note on Beta distribution of 2nd kind
Page 25 of 27

1. Obtain mean deviation about mean of normal distribution
2. Mention the Chief characteristics of normal distribution
3. Prove that for normal distribution = 0,
( )
4. If are independent normal variates then find the distribution of
where are constants.
5. Let ( then show that X has a Symmetric distribution.
6. If ( ). Show that its mode is equal to its mean.
7. Define normal distribution. Mention its important properties
8. Show that normal distribution is a limiting case of Binomial distribution, stating clearly
the assumptions.
9. Define normal distribution and find its moment generating function.
10. Define normal distribution. If mean is and variance . What are (i) mode (ii)
11. Define Normal Distribution. Derive mode and median of Normal distributions.
12. In an intelligence test given to 1000 students, the average marks were 42 with a
standard deviation 24. Find the expected number of students selected at random has
secured the marks. (a) More than 50 (b) Between 30 and 54.
Given ( ) ( )
13. The Bankers Institute conducted a Competitive examination for 1200 bank employees to
promote them to the next higher rank. It was found that these marks follow normal
distribution. Determine the number of employees who scored between 58 and 80
( )
14. Suppose that during transcendental meditation, the reduction in consumption of
oxygen by a person is a random variable having normal distribution with mean 37.6 cc/
min and S.D. 4.6cc . Find the probability that during meditation this reduction will be at
most 35 cc
( )
15. The mean of the normal distribution is 50 and 2.5% of values are greater than 60. Find
the standard deviation of this distribution.
16. The mean height of 1000 students at a certain college is 165 cm and Standard Deviation
10 cm. Find the number of students whose height is (i) less than 175 cm (ii) Between
155 cm to 185 cm Assume heights of students follow normal distribution.
17. The 2 independent normal random variables X and Y have means ( ) ( )
and variances respectively. What is the probability that
Page 26 of 27

randomly chosen values of X and Y differ by 2 or more?

( ) ( )
18. The marks obtained by the Students in Mathematics, Statistics and Computer science in
an exam are normally distributed with means 52, 50, 48, and Standard Deviations 10, 8,
6 respectively. Find the probability that a student selected at random has secured a
total of
(i) 180 above (ii) 135 less
19. A multiple choice quiz has 100 questions each with 3 possible answers of which only one
is the correct answer. What is the probability that the guess work will be yield (i)
Exactly 40 correct answers (ii) 30 to 40 correct answers both inclusive (iii) Less than 30
correct answers. ( ) ( )
( )
20. Assume the mean heights of soldiers to be 68.22 inches with a variance of 10.8( ) .
How many soldiers in a regiment of 1,000 would you expect to be over 6 feet tall?

( , (
21. In an examination, the marks obtained by students in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry
are distributed normally about means 50, 52, 48 with Standard deviations 15, 12, 16
respectively. Find the probability of scoring total marks of (i) 180 above (2) Below 90.
( (
22. A sample of 100 dry battery cells tested to find the length of life produced the following
results. Mean = 12 hr, Standard Deviation = 3 hr. Assuming that data are normally
distributed, what percentage of battery cells are expected to have life. (i) More than 15
hr (ii) Less than 6 hr
(iii)Between 10 and 14 hours. ( ) ( )
( ) ( ) .
23. Show that Normal distribution is a Symmetric distribution.
24. The customer accounts at a certain Departmental store have an average balance of Rs.
480 and a standard deviation of Rs. 160. Assuming that the account balances are
normally distributed, what is the probability costs balance in the account is:
(i) Over Rs. 600 (ii) Between Rs. 400 and Rs. 600 (iii) less than Rs. 400
25. Write short notes on Characteristics of Normal Distribution
26. Derive: (i) MGF (ii) additive property of normal distribution.
27. X is normally distributed and mean of X is 12 and S.D. is 4. Find out the following
(i) X (ii) X (iii) 0
(Given values of ( ) ( ) )
Page 27 of 27

28. The mean yield for one-acre plot is 662 kilos with S.D. 32 kilos. Assuming normal
distribution how many one-acre plots in a batch of 1000 plots would you expect to have
(i) Over 700 kilos, (ii) below 650 kilos (Given normal probability table values P (0
) ( )
29. (a) Define normal distribution and explain its importance.
(b) Find the Mean deviation about Mean for the normal distribution N ( )
1. Write short notes on Cauchy distribution.
2. Define Cauchy distribution, Obtain its distribution function and characteristic function.
3. (a) Define General Cauchy distribution (b) Standard Cauchy distribution.
(C) State and prove the additive property of Standard Cauchy distribution.

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