Ficha Tema 8 S Terceiro Trimestre Ingles Raquel

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Componente curricular: Língua Inglesa Professor(a): Raquel Menezes Vaz

Aluno(a):_____________________________________Turma:___________ Série: 8ª Data:____/____/____

Proposta: atividades que os adolescentes gostam de fazer; modais (should/ must); adjetivos possessivos;
pronomes possessivos;

1) Use as palavras do quadro para completar as atividades que os adolescentes gostam de fazer:
Internet – concerts - out – musical – junk – magazines – friends – talk – diary – barbecue

a) Eat ____________ food

b) Chat on the ___________________
c) Read teen _____________________
d) Invite friends for a ______________
e) Go __________ together
f) Write down a __________________
g) Play a ______________ instrument
h) ___________ on the phone
i) Invite _____________ to sleep over
j) Go to a rock ___________________

2) Complete as frases com as atividades do exercício anterior:

a) On Sundays I usually _________________________________________________________.

b) My friends and I like __________________________________________________________.
c) I don’t like __________________________________________________________________.
d) My parents don’t allow me _____________________________________________________.
e) I must not _________________________________ because it’s not healthy.

3) Complete as frases com os adjetivos possessivos:

a) She knows ________ lesson well.
b) I also know ________ lesson well.
c) Hellen likes ________ English class very much.
d) I do ________ homework on the bus every day.
e) You always get good marks on ________ examinations.
f) Both girls prepare ________ lessons well.
g) Mr. Smith drives to work in ________ car.
h) Mary and I do ________ homework together.
i) Grace writes a letter to ________ aunt every week.
j) The dog wags ________ tail when it see ________ master.
k) The children take ________ toys to the park.
l) I write the new words in ________ notebook.
m) Each cat has ________ own dish for food and water.
n) Both boys ride ________ bicycles to school.
o) You and Henry spend a lot of time on ________ homework.
p) We enjoy ________ English class.
q) She always does well on all ________ examinations.
r) An Englishman must have ________ tea every afternoon.
4) Escolha a melhor opção fazendo o uso correto dos pronomes possessivos.

1. This cellphone is not Mark's, it's____________

a. ( )My
b. ( )Her
c. ( )Mine

2. ____________country is more beautiful than______________

a. ( )Yours, her
b. ( )Theirs, hers
c. ( )Your, his

3. ____________teacher is much older than_____________

a. ( ) Hers, mine
b. ( )Our, yours
c. ( )His, my

4. Whose flash drive is this? It's____________

a. ( )Her
b. ( )Their
c. ( )His

5. __________train leaves in ten minutes. Which one is__________?

a. ( )Theirs, their
b. ( )His, her
c. ( )Our, ours

6. Is this____________videogame? No, it's_______________

a. ( )Your, your
b. ( )His, their
c. ( )My, yours

7. Did they take Mike's car? No, ____________car is over there.

a. ( )Mine
b. ( )His
c. ( )Hers

8. The green pen is___________and the red ones are ______________

a. ( )Mine, their
b. ( )Your, theirs
c. ( )Yours, theirs

9. ___________sister loves_____________friends.
a. ( )Mine, her
b. ( )Our, theirs
c. ( )My, her

5) Complete as frases usando should ou must:

a) I think you_______________________take him more seriously.He´s a very nice guy.

b) You__________________take this medication now!
c) I told Mary what to do, but maybe I __________________ have told her how to do it.
d) You ___________________ see a doctor.
e) Dad, ____________ I stay at home tonight?

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