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Influence of different conditioning

methods on immediate and delayed dentin

Frank Falkensammer, DMD, DMSc,a
Gerwin Vincent Arnetzl, DMD,b Angelika Wildburger, DMD,c
Christoph Krall,d and Josef Freudenthaler, DMDe
Bernhard Gottlieb University Clinic of Dentistry, Medical University
of Vienna, Vienna, Austria; School of Dentistry, Medical University
of Graz, Graz, Austria
Statement of problem. Data are needed to evaluate the effect of various conditioning methods on immediate and delayed
dentin sealing.

Purpose. The purpose of this study was to test bond strength and surface configuration of immediate and delayed dentin
sealing surfaces after applying different surface conditioning methods.

Material and methods. A total of 96 premolars were allocated to the immediate and delayed groups. The groups differed in
the timing of dentin sealing. The immediate-group specimens were sealed with a self-etching adhesive immediately after
preparation. The delayed-group specimens were sealed before the final ceramic restoration bonding. Provisional restorations
were cemented on immediate-group and delayed-group specimens for 1 week. Four conditioning methods were used:
polishing with fluoride-free pumice paste, airborne-particle abrasion with silicoated aluminum oxide, glycin, or calcium
carbonate. After 24-hour storage, the shear bond strength was tested. The fractured specimens were optically inspected with
a stereomicroscope. An optical 3-dimensional surface analysis was performed for quantitative and qualitative evaluation.
A 2-way ANOVA with post hoc Tukey honestly significant difference tests for significant effects was performed to investigate
effects of the 2 factors, sealing and conditioning, and their interaction. Statistical significance was set at .05.

Results. Two-way ANOVA found significant differences between the sealing and conditioning groups. The immediate group
had significantly lower bond strengths than the delayed group. In all groups, surface polishing produced the highest bond
strengths, and airborne-particle abrasion with calcium carbonate produced the lowest. Fracture analysis found more failures
in the adhesive layers in the immediate groups and a prevalence of mixed failures in the delayed groups. The surface analysis
found significant abrasion and roughness when airborne-particle abrasion with silicoated aluminum oxide was used for
immediate and delayed dentin sealing surfaces.

Conclusions. Polishing and airborne-particle abrasion with silicoated aluminum oxide or glycin are efficient methods in
conditioning immediate and delayed dentin sealing surfaces. Airborne-particle abrasion with silicoated aluminum oxide
leaves significant surface alterations on both types of surfaces. (J Prosthet Dent 2014;-:---)

Clinical Implications
Immediate dentin sealing and delayed dentin sealing produce clinically
sufficient bond strength values, but the use of calcium carbonate as a
conditioning medium may be contraindicated because of its inconsistent
results: higher roughness is coupled with low bond strengths.

Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Orthodontics, Bernhard Gottlieb University Clinic of Dentistry, Medical University of Vienna;
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Clinical Department of Dental Prosthetics, School of Dentistry, Medical University of Graz.
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Clinical Department of Dental Prosthetics, School of Dentistry, Medical University of Graz.
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Oral Surgery and Radiology, School of Dentistry, Medical University of Graz.
Senior staff, Institute of Medical Statistics, Medical University of Vienna.
Assistant Head, Department of Orthodontics, Bernhard Gottlieb University Clinic of Dentistry, Medical University of Vienna.

Falkensammer et al
2 Volume - Issue -

Immediate dentin sealing (IDS) was The purpose of this study was to group); or airborne-particle abrasion
introduced in prosthetic dentistry as an test the bond strength and surface with calcium carbonate powder
alternative to the conventional restora- configuration of IDS and DDS surfaces (Prophy-Mate Cleaning Powder/Prophy-
tion bonding.1-4 In contrast to con- after applying different surface condi- Mate Neo; NSK) (CaCO3 group).
ventional procedures such as delayed tioning methods. The null hypothesis In the IDS group, a 2-step self-etching
dentin sealing (DDS), dentin adhesives tested was that no difference in bond dentin adhesive system (AdheSE; Ivo-
are applied onto the prepared dentin strengths exists when different condi- clar Vivadent) was used according to
before the provisional phase, providing tioning materials are applied on IDS the manufacturer’s recommendations.
decontamination of the dentin wound, and DDS surfaces. Light-polymerization (Bluephase; Ivoclar
decreased postoperative sensitivity, Vivadent) was initiated for 5 seconds at
improved bond strength to restora- MATERIAL AND METHODS 650 mW/cm2 followed by an air-barrier
tions, and reduced microleakage.5-12 application (Liquid Strip; Ivoclar Viva-
The avoidance of polyether impres- A total of 96 human premolars dent) and light-polymerization for a
sion materials, air-blocking during extracted because of crowding and further 20 seconds.
polymerization, and light air-blowing with no cracks, restorations, or other A polyvinyl siloxane (Express; 3M
of the adhesive layer are important defects were collected from the ortho- ESPE) served as impression material in all
elements in the clinical performance dontic department. Approval was ob- groups. Interim onlays (Protemp 4; 3M
of IDS.9,13 Whether a total-etch is su- tained from the institutional review ESPE) were fabricated for each spec-
perior to a self-etching primer method board. Before preparation, the teeth imen. The IDS surfaces were isolated with
in achieving a better bond strength were disinfected in 0.5% chloramine castor oil to prevent any interactions
remains unclear.7,8,14 The polymerizing for 48 hours and stored at 4 C in a sa- between the adhesive materials. The
mode of composite resin adhesives and line solution. They were then embedded interim restorations were cemented with
provisional storage times of up to in an acrylic resin material (SamplKwick; eugenol-free interim cement (Temp
4 months seem to have no influence Buehler Ltd). The teeth were sectioned Bond NE; Kerr Corp) and then stored in a
on the IDS bond strength,7,9,15 whereas 1 mm beneath the central groove in a saline solution at 37 C for 1 week.
masking of the dentin wound with a mesiodistal direction with a diamond The immersed specimens were dried
mixed opaque adhesive material has saw (Exakt 300; Exakt Technologies Inc) oil-free, and the interim restorations
negative effects on the bonding under wet conditions. The teeth were and cement were carefully removed with
behavior.10 polished (MetaServ 250; Buehler Ltd) a hand instrument. According to the
Another important issue in bonding with a 600-grit silicon carbide abrasive protocol, the specimens in the subgroups
restorations is the selection of a con- paper under wet conditions. The sur- received one of the previously described
ditioning method. Whereas Magne faces were inspected under stereomi- conditioning procedures. They were
et al6 used airborne-particle abrasion croscope (magnification 10, Mantis either conditioned with polishing with a
with aluminum oxide, Dillenburg et al15 FX; Vision Engineering) to disclose fluoride-free pumice paste at 1000 rpm
found additional etching with phos- enamel remnants. for 5 seconds (Fig. 1A), airborne-particle
phoric acid effective in conditioning The specimens were allocated to abrasion with silicoated aluminum oxide
IDS surfaces. The authors identified no 2 groups: the IDS group and the DDS (see Fig. 1B), glycin (see Fig. 1C), or cal-
data on the potential effects of the group. Each sealing group consisted cium carbonate powder (see Fig. 1D).
resulting adhesive layer thickness or of 4 subgroups (n¼11) representing The airborne-particle abrasion pro-
surface roughness after conditioning, the distinct conditioning method. No cedures were performed for 5 seconds
which might influence the bonding power analysis was used to determine with a fabricated holding appliance to
behavior.15,16 sample size, which was based on com- ensure a consistent distance (2 cm) and
In the past, airborne-particle abra- parable bond strength studies focusing angle (90 degrees). The air pressures were
sion with aluminum oxide or polishing on immediate and delayed dentin set according to the manufacturers’ rec-
with pumice seemed to be effective in sealing.9,18,23 ommendations, and the specimens were
conditioning unsealed (DDS) dentin The allocated specimens were stirred for a constant conditioning effect.
surfaces.17-26 However, no data were conditioned with polishing with Airborne-particle abrasion with silicoated
identified on the potential effects of the fluoride-free pumice paste (Depurdent; aluminum oxide was performed in dry
resulting dentin abrasion or surface Dr Wild & Co AG) (polish group); conditions, and airborne-particle abra-
roughness after conditioning, which airborne-particle abrasion with sili- sion with glycin and calcium carbonate
might influence the bonding behavior. coated aluminum oxide (CoJet Sand/ was performed in wet conditions. Each
In addition, the increasing number of CoJet Prep; 3M ESPE) (SiO2 group); specimen was rinsed and dried thor-
available conditioning materials neces- airborne-particle abrasion with glycin oughly to remove any particles from
sitates investigations on their potential (Air-Flow Powder Soft/Air-Flow Master; the conditioned surface. Adhesive tapes
effect on IDS and DDS surfaces. EMS Electro Medical Systems SA) (glycin (8905 polyester tape; 3M) punched with
The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry Falkensammer et al
- 2014 3

1 A, Scanning electron micrograph (magnification 1000) of fluoride-free pumice paste. B, Scanning electron micrograph
(magnification 1000) of silicoated aluminum oxide powder. C, Scanning electron micrograph (magnification 1000) of
glycin powder. D, Scanning electron micrograph (magnification 1000) of calcium carbonate powder.

33-mm squares were bonded onto the The DDS specimens were primed with The bond strength test was per-
specimen surfaces to standardize the both components of the self-etching formed with a universal testing machine
bonding surface. adhesive. (Z010-TND; Zwick) at 0.5 mm/min
Prefabricated feldspathic ceramic The dual-polymerizing resin adhesive crosshead speed. The acrylic resin
blocks (Vitablocs Mark II; Vita Zahn- (Variolink II; Ivoclar Vivadent) was specimen blocks were aligned sepa-
fabrik) with an individualized rectan- mixed for each testing group separately rately and fixed in the testing machine.
gular shape (33 mm; height, 4 mm) and applied on the prepared ceramic The data were measured and stored
were used in this study as the restoration restoration surfaces with a microbrush concomitantly by a processor directly
material. After conditioning with 5% (Microbrush tube; Microbrush Intl). The connected to the testing machine.
hydrofluoric acid (Ceramics etch; Vita ceramic restorations were seated with a The bond strength data obtained
Zahnfabrik) for 60 seconds, the speci- load of 1 N. Excessive resin material was from the different testing groups were
mens were rinsed, silanated (Monobond cautiously removed, an air-barrier was analyzed with a 2-way ANOVA for the
Plus; Ivoclar Vivadent), and coated applied (Liquid Strip; Ivoclar Vivadent), variables (sealing method and condi-
with adhesive (AdheSE; Ivoclar Viva- and light-polymerization was performed tioning) and the Tukey honestly signif-
dent) according to the manufacturers’ at 650 mW/cm2 (Bluephase; Ivoclar icant difference tests. The confidence
recommendations. Vivadent) for 20 seconds on each side. level was set at 95% and a¼.05. All
IDS specimens were coated with a The specimens were stored at 37 C in statistical analyses were performed
second layer of the adhesive component, saline solution for 24 hours before bond with software (SAS 9.3; SAS Institute
only omitting the self-etching primer. strength testing. Inc).
Falkensammer et al
4 Volume - Issue -

Optical analysis was performed with Inc) under wet conditions. At 3 different showed no significant difference to the
a stereoscopic microscope (magni- sites, the thickness of the layer was other conditioning groups. Overall, the
fication 20, Mantis FX; Vision Engi- measured in a scanning electron micro- shear bond strength was higher with the
neering) to determine the failure mode scope (magnification 500, TM 1000; DDS method (mean, 19.5 MPa; SD, 4.0)
of the specimens. Depending on the Hitachi). than with the IDS method (mean, 13.7
location, failure was defined as adhe- MPa; SD, 4.7).
sive, mixed, cohesive in the dentin, or RESULTS The failure analysis (Table III) found
cohesive in the ceramic material.10 a prevalence of adhesive failures in all
The roughness and surface abrasion Two-way ANOVA (Table I) found IDS groups, whereas a prevalence of
was investigated with an optical 3- significant differences between the mixed failures was observed when the
dimensional (3D) surface analysis sealing methods and between the con- DDS surfaces were conditioned with
(InfiniteFocus G4; Alicona Imaging ditioning methods. The interaction be- polishing with fluoride-free pumice
GmbH) for each test group (Figs. 2, 3). tween the 2 variables (conditioning and paste or airborne-particle abrasion with
An adhesive tape (8905 polyester tape; sealing method) showed no significant silicoated aluminum oxide.
3M) was bonded on one half of each differences. Therefore, the main effect The optical surface analysis
IDS and DDS specimen. After each of conditioning was investigated after (Table IV) found an increased surface
conditioning procedure, the adhesive collapsing the factor sealing. roughness when the adhesive layers
tape was removed. The specimens were The results of the shear bond strength (IDS) or the dentin surfaces (DDS) were
rinsed and dried. The optical surface test are displayed in Table II. The Tukey conditioned with airborne-particle
analysis was performed between both honestly significant difference tests abrasion with silicoated aluminum ox-
sides to evaluate the treated and un- found a significant difference between ide or calcium carbonate. The rough-
treated IDS and DDS surfaces at once. airborne-particle abrasion with calcium ness of the dentin surfaces (DDS) was
Finally, the adhesive layer thickness carbonate and polishing with fluoride- decreased when polished with fluoride-
was measured in untreated IDS speci- free pumice paste, yielding lower bond free pumice paste only. The surface
mens. The specimens were vertically strengths for the calcium carbonate abrasion of the adhesive layers (IDS) or
sliced in the adhesive layer with a dia- subgroup. Airborne-particle abrasion the dentin surfaces (DDS) was signifi-
mond saw (Exakt 300; Exakt Technologies with silicoated aluminum oxide or glycin cantly increased when airborne-particle

2 A, Surface abrasion of immediate dentin sealing specimen after airborne-particle abrasion with glycin powder.
B, Roughness of immediate dentin sealing specimen before airborne-particle abrasion with glycin powder. C, Roughness
of immediate dentin sealing specimen after airborne-particle abrasion with glycin powder.
The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry Falkensammer et al
- 2014 5

3 A, Surface abrasion of delayed dentin sealing specimen after airborne-particle abrasion with glycin powder. B, Roughness
of delayed dentin sealing specimen before airborne-particle abrasion with glycin powder. C, Roughness of delayed dentin
sealing specimen after airborne-particle abrasion with glycin powder.

Table I. Two-way ANOVA for effects of sealing method and conditioning abrasion with silicoated aluminum ox-
methods on shear bond strength ide was used. The adhesive layers (IDS)
were additionally abraded when pol-
Type III Sum Mean
ished with fluoride-free pumice paste.
Source df of Squares Square F P
Measurement of the adhesive layer
Sealing method 1 733.9 733.9 41.1 <.001 thickness of the untreated IDS speci-
mens showed a mean value of 50 mm
Conditioning method 3 218.5 72.8 4.1 .009
(SD, 3.87).
Sealing  conditioning 3 13.5 4.5 0.3 .859

Table II. Shear bond strength (MPa): mean and SD of conditioning methods Conditioning of the sealed (IDS) or
unsealed (DDS) dentin surface for
Polish SiO2 Glycin CaCO3 definitive restoration bonding was of
18.6 (4.4) 17.1 (5.4) 16.5 (5.4) 14.2 (5.1)
interest in this study, because different
conditioning materials might influence
the bond strength or the surface
Values of groups having same letter are not significantly different (P>.05). configuration. Different conditioning
methods were found to influence the
bond strength of ceramic restorations
Table III. Proportion of failure modes as observed by optical microscopy
regardless of the sealing method used.
IDS DDS Thus, the null hypothesis, no difference
between the subgroups, was rejected.
mode Polish SiO2 Glycin CaCO3 Polish SiO2 Glycin CaCO3 Although the airborne-particle
Mixed 73% 64% 73% 73% 18% - 55% 91%
abrasion materials differed in their
physical and chemical properties, no
Adhesive 27% 36% 27% 27% 82% 100% 45% 9%
inconsistency was detected in the IDS
IDS, immediate dentin sealing; DDS, delayed dentin sealing. bonding performance. Reviewing the
Falkensammer et al
6 Volume - Issue -

Table IV. Adhesive surface abrasion and roughness (I, before conditioning; II, after conditioning)
Abrasion Roughness I Roughness II Abrasion Roughness I Roughness II
Group [mm] [nm] [nm] [mm] [nm] [nm]

Polish 12.5 130.56 205.04 1.6 390.2 312.12

SiO2 14.8 143.21 973.01 9.8 336.39 461.44
Glycin 3.8 140.51 206.52 4.2 320.46 396.27
CaCO3 2.1 175.33 621.22 0.3 405.11 606.71

IDS, immediate dentin sealing; DDS, delayed dentin sealing.

literature, aluminum oxide was found Nevertheless, in the present study, the IDS and DDS surfaces. Of the 50 mm,
to be the most commonly used DDS conditioning groups had signifi- an adhesive layer thickness of at least
airborne-particle abrasion material for cantly higher bond strengths compared 30 mm remained, as described in
IDS testing.6,7,10,15 Magne et al6 found with the IDS conditioning groups. the literature.15,16,18 Airborne-particle
higher bond strength values when Magne et al,6,7,10 however, found signif- abrasion with silicoated aluminum ox-
combining aluminum oxide with a icantly higher bond strength values, ide obviously does not affect the bond
total-etch adhesive. However, when and when comparing the sealing strength with regard to the application
self-etching adhesives were tested, the methods, IDS was superior.3,8,9,12 The time. However, when calcium carbonate
results were comparable with the pre- reasons for these disparities may be was used for airborne-particle abrasion,
sent findings.9,15 Therefore, the adhe- associated with the application of the surface roughness increased sub-
sive conditioning effect per se (self-etch eugenol-free cement, which may impair stantially with minimal abrasive effects
or total-etch) may have an effect on the hybrid layer or the dentin surface on the dentin surface (DDS) and ad-
IDS dentin bond strength.8 both physically and chemically. Another hesive layer (IDS). In spite of the round
The highest bond strength values in potential reason may be the differing particle configuration, calcium carbon-
the IDS group were found when bond strength testing procedures. ate particles may be splitting on impact,
fluoride-free pumice paste was used, The distribution of the IDS failure thereby creating a roughened surface.
significantly different only to airborne- modes was consistent with the preva- On DDS surfaces, a reduced rough-
particle abrasion with calcium carbon- lence of adhesive failures in all con- ness was seen when fluoride-free pumice
ate. The use of pumice for conditioning ditioning groups; such findings are paste was used for polishing. Surpris-
was also favored in the literature, well described in the literature.8,10,15 ingly, a rougher surface with obvious
especially when unfilled adhesives pre- Compromising effects such as the provi- abrasion was seen in the IDS group, as
served the dentin surface.4,8,11 sional luting agent may have reduced the also described in the literature, allow-
No differences in the distinct adhesion of the IDS specimens. Magne ing for speculation that the physical
airborne-particle abrasion subgroups et al6,7 described fractures extending to surface properties of dentin and adhe-
were seen in the DDS group. Again the dentin, which may have been caused sives react differently to polishing.16 The
the use of fluoride-free pumice paste by the different testing procedures. bond strength was not affected by the
showed the highest bond strengths, A higher variability of failure was differing qualitative surface changes.
significantly different only compared seen in the DDS group, especially when The limitations of the study include
with airborne-particle abrasion with cal- dentin was conditioned with polishing the bond strength testing mode, which
cium carbonate. This finding is consis- and airborne-particle abrasion with restricted direct comparison to only
tent with those of other investigations silicoated aluminum oxide. Both con- certain studies. Moreover, the selection
testing pumice as conditioning.19,22,24 ditioning methods seem to influence of a single self-etching adhesive made
Airborne-particle abrasion with calcium the bonding behavior positively, result- comparisons with total-etch adhesives
carbonate or glycin has not yet been ing in fractures of restorative material more difficult. The short-term and long-
examined in bond strength studies. and dentin similar to those in other term clinical performance should be
Whereas airborne-particle abrasion studies.18,22,26,14 investigated in further studies.
with silicoated aluminum oxide was as The optical 3-dimensional surface
effective as aluminum oxide in other analysis of the IDS and DDS surfaces CONCLUSIONS
studies,17,20,23,25 sodium bicarbonate found 2 major effects, surface abrasion
seems to be ineffective because of and roughness, with silicoated alumi- DDS bond strengths are superior
reduced bond strengths and the creation num oxide airborne-particle abrasion to IDS bond strengths (with a 2-step
of a smear layer.24,26,27 showing the most significant effects on self-etching dentin adhesive (AdheSE).
The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry Falkensammer et al
- 2014 7
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Falkensammer et al

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