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Workings of the T Henry Moray Valve.

By Kenneth R. Thompson

This is fig. 8 and fig. 9 drawings from the Henry Moray vacuum tube patent application 550611
which I have relabeled each item. John Moray always said “it is the Ions” and after calculating the ion
charges I found that they were mostly “+5” ions except for the Iron Sulfite which has “0” ions and
the Molybdenum Sulfite with a “+4” ion charge.

The next thing I noticed was that the Protons and Electrons count seem to gradually get higher
as you go from item to item (right to left). You will also notice there are two radioactive substances in
this valve Cesium being the weakest which I believe acts like a radioactive magnet to pull Cosmic rays
through a one way Germanium gate.

Looking at the diagram from the 4th edition fig. 8 you will notice the letters “LiS” Lithium
Sulfate for item 136 and not “Bi” Bismuth this maybe an update for the use in the vacuum tube or

I'll take a patent diagram over anyone words any day as they are paying thousands of dollars for
the patent and I don't think they would what to correct a typing mistake. There is so much
misleading information to protect the patent rights.

On the next page you will see the diagram as it appears in “The Sea of Energy 4th edition” the
following page is the diagram as it appears in “The Sea of Energy 5th edition”. When looking at the
diagram in the 5th edition it came to me that this vacuum tube was designed to work in Henry Moray's
Electrotherapeutic Apparatus patent number 2,460,707 and not on the Radiant Energy Device.

It is also stated in patent 2,460,707 column 8 line 60 “The coating is conveniently made from
uranium salt or powdered carotite or other radioactive ore. Carotite was found at Happy Jack Mine San
Juan County Utah.
The Germanium Detector.

In the Germanium detector located after the oscillating vacuum tube and amplifier tube Bismuth
and Radium where used. Bismuth and Radium also have a (+5) ion charge with a higher
proton/electron then Cesium and Germanium so gamma rays will flow towards the Bismuth and out.

I wrote down Iron Pyrite because it is Iron Sulfite FeS and can be found almost every were.
List of elements given by John Moray
On page 71 of the 5th edition fig. 17 you will see a paragraph above the diagrams. After much
effort I have transcribed many of the words in the paragraph.

Moray Valve fig. 17

The Moray germanium mixture gives certain unequal results in functioning as or use as valve and or
boaster (amplifiers)

Made in form of rounded stone or pellet compressed under high pressure and fused.

Combination something bismuth, iron sulphate, pure germanium metal, _______, ______, ______,
triboluminescent gave same pellet (pure sphalerite) fastened to save tape (allotrope)with paraffin in
place of solder. Bismuth pellet fused to side germanium mixture pellet floats between other pellet but
firm but needle point after (with it).

Have used silicon too, which has same of the properties of germanium. Germanium works but radium
pellets are ______.

Missing three word are Carnotite, Cesium, Radium, and Molybdenum or Wulfenite.
Henry Moray's oscillating tube before it was used. This tube is about 3 or so inches in length
and ½ in diameter with 8 pins. These vacuum tubes were made from blown quartz tubbing which has a
higher dielectric then soda glass that regular vacuum tubes are made from. The reason for blown quartz
tubing is that its structure will refract the gamma rays back to the anode were as extruded quartz tubing
will carry the cosmic rays away from the anode. Also quartz tubing can withstand temperatures from 0
to 2000 degrees with out breaking and can also withstand higher vacuum in the tube.
Henry Moray's oscillating tube after it was used. Notice how the vacuum tube has changed to a
dark amber color this is do to cosmic radiation flowing through it.
More of Henry Moray's vacuum tubes possibly amplifying tubes.
In this picture you can see two plug in coils whether they where used in one of the RE devices I
do not know. In the center of the picture are two plug in tube with four pins on the bottom, I do not
know whether these are vacuum tube or coils covered with a Bakelite cover and have never found any
information on them so they may be home made.
On the right of the picture you see a hand wound 1 farad capacitor, this capacitor is seen sitting
between the two large coils on the 100 watt RE device. This capacitor is made up of four separate
capacitors hook in series.
Thomas Henry Moray 100 Watt RE Device.

When looking at this picture not many people would see the vacuum tube between the center
and right coils. Also when looking a the picture you will see the germanium detector in front of the
center coil. I often wondered why the top was take off the detector after all everyone knew what a
germanium detector looked like. On further study of zooming in on the picture I noticed a cup with a
wire attached to a post, a mast to the right for the arm of the detector and two wire contact screws to the
left of the mast.
After looking at page 71 of “The Sea of Energy 5th edition” fig. 3 on the page I noticed the
Moray Valve had 3 legs (one leg on each end of the coil and one in the center). I have included this
page in this document 4 pages up so you can see the diagram and fig. 3. This would mean that Henry
Moray made the first transistor in 1931 before Bell Labs in 1947. How ever this is no ordinary
transistor it is a radioactive transistor with two cat whiskers designed to pull in cosmic rays from
Looking at the two large coils you can see something behind them, at first glance one might
think it is a battery but I believe it is a cookie tin used to carry tools and parts.
Also the center coil seems to be 4 to 5 inches in diameter while the coil to the left is 3 inches in
diameter and the left coil is not centered to the bigger coil but almost level with the top of the center
coil. There are also more windings on the left coil then on the center coil, I counted 68 for the left coil
and 65 for the center coil. Why Henry Moray put two different induction coils on the board is a
mystery I don't think it was because he didn't have a match set.
The way I measure things is to look for known items to compare with like the board should be
¾ of a inch thick and the smaller coil should be 1 ½ inches in diameter. Using that method I can
measure most things on the board.
Kenn's mock up RE device.

I have built this mock up of Henry Moray's 100 watt device in order to get a idea of were
everything is and how it would be wired. I do not have a vacuum tube to put between the green coil and
smaller coil so I used a substitute instead. My capacitors are also hand wound with two plates of tin foil
separated by three layers on wax paper and Castor oil as a dielectric. The capacitor between the two
large coils is 3 inches tall by ½ inch in diameter, I still have three more capacitors to make and then I
will tie them together with paper tape.
After building the mock up and returning to look at Henry Moray's 100 watt device I noticed
that my green center coil is to small. It appears that Henry Moray put a 4 inch coil in the center of his
device and a 3 inch coil to the left.
In viewing the picture of my mock up you will see I put something behind the two large coils
just as Henry Moray did in his picture view the next page to see what it is.
Top view of Kenn Mock Up RE Device.

Looking at my mock up from the top you can see I put a cookie tin behind the two large coils
just like Henry Moray did and that it was not a battery.

Other peoples theory of batteries in the device.

If you have ever seen a electric gulf cart and looked under the seats you would see that it has 6 batteries
which are 6 volts each and are the same size as 12 volt car batteries. With all 6 batteries the light bulb
on this device would only run for a few days, the Moray device ran for over a hundred days and
would have kept going if the detector did not get dislodged from the road work outside his home.
A basic solar cell system with 8 batteries will only run a few lights, a LCD TV, and a laptop
computer for a days before it needs to recharge the batteries.
So now you know how big the batteries would have to be, so when people say the device is
running off batteries I ask were would they put them.
Up Dates to the device:
While looking at the original photo of Henry Moray's 100 watt device one day I noticed that the left
coil was actually smaller then the right coil so I changed it to a 2 ½ inch coil instead of 3 inch.

I also added two small vacuum tubes to my model to represent the ones on Henry Moray's device
instead of that aluminum cylinder tube.

I also added a 3 section Air Capacitor 170pF, 280pF, 390pF to the model as Henry Moray was always
turning a knob to tune his device. The 3 stages will help me to figure out what value of capacitance is
needed to run the device.

I added a pilot light just because it was on the bigger version.

I still need to make a 1 Farad capacitor that sits between the two large coils.
This is a picture of the transistor I made and put in front of the two large coils on my mock up
of the RE device. Picture this transistor with the top taken off with just the mast two screws and cup,
this is how it would appear on the Henry Moray 100 watt device.
This is a picture of Henry Moray's 1 Farad capacitor. It is made up of 4 individual capacitors held
together with brown paper and hooked in series to increase its capacitance.

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