Choose 5 Cards and Madame Samantha Flips The First

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Fortune teller: Sit down, please. You've come to ask me about your future, right?

Customer: Yes, Madame Samantha, I am currently living full of debts and looking for a
job, I would like to know if I’m going to find it soon or if I’m going to be lucky winning the
lottery, because I bought a lottery ticket yesterday.

Fortune teller: Well, choose 5 cards and I'm going to tell you their meaning.

* Choose 5 cards and Madame Samantha flips the first *

Fortune teller: Mmmh, you're going to get lucky very soon, congratulations.

Customer: Does that mean am I going to win the lottery?

Fortune teller: Not exactly, your luck is going to be revealed in the next cards that you
chose, however I see that good things will happen to you now, you did well to come.

Customer: Thanks, I’m hope, could you continue please?

*Madame Samantha flips the second card *

Fortune teller: I also see that you’re going to fall in love, and I’m talking about true

Customer: Really? Wow! I didn’t expect that, I stopped being interested in those things
with so many problems that I have, I only had a relationship and it didn’t end very well,
but I would like to know more, how is he? Is he close to me? Am I going to meet him
soon? Am I going to marry with him?

Fortune teller: He is very attractive, their encounter is going to be disastrous, you still
don’t know him, but he’s going to come to your life at the right moment, and he will love
you intensely, however, you must take care of your relationship, because a man from
your past is going to come to reconquer you. Be careful!

* Madame Samantha flips the third card *

Fortune teller: Oh! This card tells me that you’re going to travel very soon.

Customer: Great! I love traveling, I haven’t done it for a long time, and I would like to
visit my parents, or maybe go to visit many countries, the Middle East, Asian countries,
Europe or maybe go to Russia to see the World Cup this year. Am I going to travel to

Fortune teller: I think it’s going to be business trips.

Customer: Business? So, maybe I'm going to get a good job soon! Yes, it really made
my day happy, Madame Samantha! It was a good idea come to see you.

* Madame Samantha flips the fourth card *

Fortune teller: And that's not all, this card says you're going to have a lot of money
soon, luck is on your side, dear!

Customer: It's great! After a long time of bad luck I'm going to finally be free of
problems, with that money I'm going to pay all my debts and maybe buy something for
me, I’m going to rent another apartment that covers my needs and I'm going to buy a
car, yes!, because go by bus is disastrous and the drivers drive without care and they
are very rude, and I can buy gifts to my parents too, You have given me the best news
of all! Everything is thanks to you! It's all I wanted to hear, take this money for the
consultation; I'm going to go find a job right now.

* Vanessa is leaving *

Fortune teller: Wait, the last card is missing, and it says you’re going to have a

Customer: A surprise? A good surprise?

Fortune teller: Surprises are not good or bad, they are only unexpected events, but be
very careful, many of them leave a bad taste in your mouth, a bad impression, a bad
memory, irreparable consequences or unpleasant moments. Take it as a warning, don’t
trust people around you.

Customer: Oookay…Thanks, I’m going to keep it in mind.

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