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7, JULY 2008

Design and Analysis of a Maglev Planar Transportation Vehicle

Joon-Hyuk Park1 and Yoon Su Baek2
Railway System Research Department, Korea Railroad Research Institute, Uiwang 437-757, Korea
School of Mechanical Engineering, Yonsei University, Seoul 120-749, Korea

We describe the driving mechanism of a maglev planar transportation vehicle (MPTV). The levitation mechanism consists of four
magnetic wheels and four rotary machines. The combination of the linear induction motor mechanisms enables the vehicle to travel
with planar motion. The wheels provide stability without disturbing the planar motion. Because all the mechanisms use electrodynamic
forces, the working range of the MPTV can be expanded simply by paving the workspace with a conductor. The feasibility of the MPTV
has been verified in several experiments.
Index Terms—Linear induction motor, magnetic levitation, magnetic wheel, planar motion.

I. INTRODUCTION of the conventional electrodynamic suspension (EDS) vehicle

by simultaneously producing levitation and propulsion. Fujii et
T HE applications of magnetic levitation systems have been
researched widely because of their own advantages in var-
ious fields. These applications can be classified into two areas:
al. proposed a method to produce levitation concurrently with
propulsion using a magnet wheel [2]–[4] and proved their tech-
precision devices and maglev trains. Precision devices utilize nique through various experiments [5]. Fujii et al. also proposed
the ability to achieve high accuracy due to noncontact between a simple end effect compensator for a linear induction motor
parts, and the maglev trains take advantage of high speeds pos- using a magnet rotator [6]. Bird and Lipo introduced an elec-
sible because of noncontact. However, these systems have limi- trodynamic wheel using a Halbach array of permanent magnets
tations that make it difficult to expand their applications to other [7]. However, these suggestions cannot satisfy the goals of the
areas. For example, the precision stages can have high accuracy MPTV introduced in the introduction because the planar motion
and multiaxis motion but their working range is too small for cannot be achieved smoothly due to the coupling of the levita-
other applications. The maglev trains can achieve high power tion and propulsion. Thus, in our work, magnetic wheels are
and high speed, but they are required to move along a guide track designed only to generate levitation.
or sidewall. Therefore, for further applications of the magnetic In most cases, the magnetic wheel guarantees self-stability
levitation systems, we proposed a maglev planar transportation in the levitation direction. Also, it does not disturb any trans-
vehicle (MPTV) [1]. In this earlier work, the levitation mech- lational motion of the MPTV since the traveling direction of
anism of the MPTV was described and parametric design to the time-varying magnetic flux density induced by the magnetic
obtain the required performance of the levitation mechanism wheel is orthogonal to the translational direction.
was carried out. The most important goals of the MPTV are to The magnetic wheel is composed of an even number of per-
achieve planar motion with high levitation and propulsion power manent magnets. When the radius of the magnetic wheel is con-
and to acquire a wide working range. To reach these goals, the stant, a two-pole (permanent magnet) magnetic wheel has the
MPTV was designed to be a moving primary type with an elec- largest levitation force since it has a longer wavelength than
trodynamic system. any other magnetic wheel. The design of the magnetic wheel
In this paper, the overall mechanisms of the MPTV are achieving a high levitation force was carried out using a para-
described, including levitation and propulsion. The feasibility metric design method in the previous study [1]. However, the
of the MPTV is estimated through analytical and experimental magnetic wheel was redesigned to increase the damping perfor-
works. mance and to decrease the energy loss caused by the drag torque
[8]. The radius of the magnetic wheel, the depth of the perma-
II. LEVITATION MECHANISM OF MPTV nent magnets, the nominal air gap, and the rotational speed were
modified [8]. Fig. 1 and Table I show the designed magnetic
A. Magnetic Wheel wheel for the MPTV.
The levitation force of the designed magnetic wheel is shown
The levitation mechanism for the MPTV is composed of four
in Fig. 2. The wheel has about 620 N at 3000 rev/min when the
magnetic wheels and four rotary machines to rotate them. A lev-
air gap is 10 mm, which is satisfactory for an MPTV.
itation method using a magnetic wheel is a classical method,
but little research concerning their use has been conducted be-
B. Levitation Characteristics
cause of its low efficiency. However, due to the advance of a
high-strength permanent magnet, this method has become more The magnetic wheel system has a high stiffness like the con-
practical. The applications of the magnetic wheel for levitation ventional EDS system, but its damping effect is relatively low.
systems have been concentrated on improving the efficiency Fig. 3(a) shows the equivalent stiffness of a designed magnetic
wheel at 3000 rev/min. Here, indicates that the magnetic
wheel moves downward, and the electrodynamic force works as
restoring force. In the region, gravity restores the magnetic
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TMAG.2008.921953 wheel to the initial position. Here, it should be noted that the
0018-9464/$25.00 © 2008 IEEE

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Fig. 1. Designed magnetic wheel for MPTV: (a) photograph of the magnetic
wheel and (b) magnetic flux density along the circumference.


Fig. 3. Levitation characteristics of the designed magnetic wheel: (a) stiffness

and (b) damping coefficient.

The levitation stiffness of the designed magnetic wheel was

estimated to be 41 800 N/m at the 10-mm nominal position and
3000 rev/min operating speed. The maximum input power was
about 4 kW. Thus, the stiffness per unit power of the designed
magnetic wheel is 10.45 N/m W. The levitation force per unit
weight (including the weight of the rotary machine) is 2.75. It
is noted that the designed mechanism has sufficient stiffness but
needs to be lighter.


A. Single-Sided Transverse Flux Linear Induction Motor

The propulsion mechanism of the MPTV is similar to a con-
ventional single-sided transverse flux linear induction motor
(STFLIM), except that a secondary yoke does not exist. In the
conventional STFLIM, a secondary yoke has a low-reluctance
Fig. 2. Levitation force of the designed magnetic wheel versus the magnetic magnetic path as with a primary yoke. Hence, the flux loss
wheel rotational speed: (a) 10 mm, (b) 15 mm, (c) 20 mm, and (d) 25 mm air
gap. in the air gap can be minimized. However, in the MPTV, the
secondary yoke of the propulsion mechanism prevents the
magnetic wheels from producing a levitation force because the
restoring force acts as repulsion only when the magnetic wheel permanent magnets of the magnetic wheel will attract the sec-
moves down. There is no attraction generated by the electro- ondary yoke. In relation to energy efficiency, this nonsecondary
dynamic force, but only the gravitational force pulls the mag- yoke system is a disadvantage of the propulsion mechanism of
netic wheel down when it moves upward. Fig. 3(b) shows the the MPTV.
damping coefficient of the designed magnetic wheel. The dy- The advantages of an STFLIM are that it requires less mag-
namic effect at a low rotational speed is larger than that at a high netizing current than an SLIM at approximately the same rating
rotational speed. Therefore, the damping performance improves and pole pitch, and it is possible to have a relatively smaller
as the rotational speed is lowered. In particular, the damping ef- core compared to the core of a similar SLIM, because the core
fect becomes remarkably high under 1500 rev/min. depth of the primary of an STFLIM is not related to its pole pitch

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theoretical results of the propulsion mechanism. From the solu-

tion of the propulsion mechanism, the magnetic vector potential
in the air gap is calculated as follows:


Fig. 4. Geometry of the propulsion mechanism.




Here, and are the roots of (5), which are the two roots
nearest to the imaginary axis and are located at the complex
plane. The other roots are far from the imaginary axis and can be
assumed to attenuate very quickly. In many cases, the errors of
these two roots are not large [11]. The thrust can be determined
using the Lorentz force equation as follows:

Fig. 5. Magnetic modeling of the propulsion mechanism.


[9]. Generally, the phase sequence of an STFLIM is A, B, C,
A, B, C as shown in Fig. 4 because the shape of the mag-
neto movie force (MMF) wave should be close to sinusoidal, (8)
which means the STFLIM will produce the highest thrust [10].
The characteristics of the STFLIM for the MPTV are shown in Here, denotes the conjugate of .
Fig. 4 and Table II. Fig. 6 shows some theoretical results of the propulsion mech-
The design and analysis of the propulsion mechanism are anism of the MPTV. Fig. 6(a) shows the magnetic flux density
similar to those of the magnetic wheel. Fig. 5 shows the mag- in the 5-mm air gap along the machine length when the applied
netic modeling of the propulsion mechanism for the MPTV. Re- current is 10 A, and Fig. 6(b) displays the thrust force versus
gions I and II represent the primary yoke and the secondary the slip when the synchronous speed is 3.6 m/s. The magnetic
conductor, respectively. Regions III and IV correspond to air. flux density has discontinuities at the ends of the machine. Since
The STFLIM is excited by the current sheet, which is located the designed STFLIM has no secondary yoke, the discontinuity
between the primary yoke and the air gap, region III. It is lim- of the magnetic flux density at the machine ends is remark-
ited between the points and . able. In the high slip region of Fig. 6(b), the total thrust force is
The magnetic analysis of a linear induction motor has been smaller than the normal thrust force. However, it is larger than
well studied [11]. Hence, in this paper, we briefly discuss the the normal thrust force at the low slip region. This is a typical

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Fig. 6. Calculated values of proposed linear induction motor: (a) magnetic flux
density at 5 mm air gap and (b) thrust force along the slip.

Fig. 7. Propulsion mechanism for MPTV.

Fig. 9. Maglev planar transportation vehicle: (a) side view and (b) bottom view.

Fig. 8. Starting thrust with various currents.

characteristic of low-speed linear induction machines. Here, the

normal thrust force refers to the thrust without considering the
end effect.
Even though the discontinuity of the magnetic flux at the ma-
chine ends is high, the end effects are small in this propulsion
mechanism because the designed STFLIMs are mid-low-speed
linear induction motors. The magnetic Reynolds number of the
Fig. 10. Two-dimensional schematic diagram of the MPTV.
propulsion mechanism is about 3.76.

B. Planar Motion Mechanism

mize the rotational motion performance. STFLIMs for L/R mo-
The MPTV has four STFLIMs for the planar motion. Two of tion are positioned between the F/B STFLIMs.
STFLIMs are controlled by one controller and take charge of Fig. 8 shows the measured values of the starting thrust for the
left/right (L/R) motion. The other two STFLIMs are controlled designed STFLIM with several synchronous frequencies. The
independently and assigned for the forward/backward (F/B) di- starting thrust was about 62.5 N at 8.3 A and had a 20-Hz syn-
rection and rotation of the MPTV. Therefore, the MPTV has chronous frequency. It increases rapidly until the applied current
three degrees of freedom in the plane motion including recti- becomes about 4 A. However, the rate of increase of the thrust
linear, curvilinear, and rotational motion. Fig. 7 shows the de- becomes smaller as the applied current increases over 4 A be-
signed propulsion mechanism for the MPTV. STFLIMs for the cause of the magnetic saturation of the yoke. Thus, the experi-
F/B and rotational directions are located at both ends to maxi- mental result was about 68% of the theoretical result.

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Fig. 11. Experiment results for levitation performance: (a) the first LDS, (b) the second LDS, (c) the third LDS, and (d) magnetic wheel rotation speed.

TABLE III a latticed reinforcement, which is composed of four aluminum

CHARACTERISTICS OF PROTOTYPE FOR MPTV rectangular bars. They also support the rotary machines so that
the magnetic wheels maintain their nominal air gaps of 7 mm.
The first structural resonant frequency was up to about 88 Hz
due to the reinforcement. This is a satisfactory result since the
maximum operating frequency is 50 Hz (3000 rev/min).
The levitation force is generated by four magnetic wheels.
Magnetic wheels no. 1 and 3 in Fig. 10 rotate counterclockwise
and no. 2 and 4 rotate clockwise. Therefore, the net rotational
moment of the MPTV is zero if all the magnetic wheels rotate
at the same speed.
There can be two levitation control methods for the MPTV.
One is to control each magnetic wheel at the same rotational
speed according to the desired levitation height. The other is to
control the MPTV to maintain the horizon level by controlling
the rotational speeds of each magnetic wheel independently. In
the former method, the levitation control can be realized easily,
and the rotational moment of the MPTV does not exist. How-
ever, some pitching or rolling can occur due to the irregularity
of the conductor surface condition. If the conductor surface is
completely flat and smooth, this method can be an ideal solution.
On the other hand, undesired rotation of the MPTV may arise
in the latter method since the rotational speeds of the mag-
netic wheels are different from each other. However, other un-
expected out-of-plane motions are not produced and the perfor-
mance loss due to temperature effects can be compensated. In
this method, the controller must solve the redundant problem
Fig. 9 shows the prototype of the MPTV, and its character- because the MPTV is supported by four magnetic wheels but
istics are described in Table III. To eliminate the resonance of there are three outputs (levitation, pitching, and rolling). Thus,
the system caused by the rotation of the magnetic wheel, it has the feedback control algorithm is complicated.

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Fig. 12. Experiment results for maximum levitation without payloads: (a) the first LDS, (b) the second LDS, and (c) the third LDS.

Fig. 13. Experiment results for vibration test of MPTV: (a) the first LDS, (b) the second LDS, and (c) the third LDS.

In the latter method, even though the performance loss due any sensors to measure the planar motion data in the MPTV.
to temperature effects can be compensated and undesired rota- Planar motion commands including directions and forces are
tional motion can be controlled by the propulsion mechanism, transferred to the MPTV through a joystick with open loop con-
it is an inefficient method because the levitation mechanism trollers. We measured the maximum translational speed of the
has self-stability without any feedback controllers. Hence, the MPTV using a common laser velocity meter. As predicted, the
former method was applied in this study. maximum speed of the MPTV was about 3.6 m/s. The condi-
Fig. 11 shows the levitation performance of the MPTV. The tion of the conductor surface affected the planar motion perfor-
desired target is to levitate 6 mm from the nominal position and mance, but it was not a serious problem.
to reach steady state within 15 s. Three laser displacement sen-
sors (LDS) were used to measure the levitation height as shown V. CONCLUSION
in Fig. 10. The target speed of the magnetic wheels was calcu- In this paper, a maglev planar transportation vehicle was in-
lated by the analytical solution and the magnetic wheels were troduced for further applications of magnetic levitation systems.
controlled to rotate with the target speed by PI controllers. The The optimal performance of the proposed system occurred with
control started at 4.5 s. The MPTV levitated after 12.5 s and approximately 80-kg payloads and a translational speed of about
reached steady state at 18 s. The levitation height decreased 3.6 m/s.
gradually after 30 s owing to the conductivity loss caused by The magnetic levitation system has been an important issue
the increasing conductor temperature. in various fields for a long time. However, conventional levi-
Fig. 12 shows the maximum levitation height of the MPTV tation methods are limited in expanding their functions, even
without payloads at 3000 rev/min. The height was about 12 mm though they have remarkable performance for their own appli-
from the nominal air gap and, in total, was 19 mm from the con- cation fields. Hence, a high-power planar moving system can be
ductor. This result agrees with the theoretical value of 19.3 mm. an interesting issue in the magnetic levitation research.
The dynamic characteristics of the magnetic wheel were esti- There are many methods for realizing contact-free systems
mated by means of a vibration test using an initial condition of using electromagnetics [8]. In this study, repulsion by the elec-
5 mm from the steady state position. For this experiment, the trodynamic force was used for levitation because it guarantees
MPTV was first levitated 5 mm from the nominal air gap. It was stability in the levitation direction without any feedback con-
then pulled down to the nominal position and allowed be free trol. Propulsion mechanisms are also designed to use electro-
while the rotational speed of the magnetic wheels was constant. dynamic forces, and the MPTV is designed to be the moving
As shown in Fig. 13, the vibration dissipated after about 3 s, primary type. As a result, the working range can be expanded
and the MPTV converged to steady state earlier than predicted infinitely by simply paving the conductor.
in simulation. However, there is also good agreement between Because the MPTV uses the electrodynamic forces not only
the simulation and the experiment. for levitation but also for planar motion, it is important to de-
It is difficult to measure the planar motion performance of the sign these mechanisms so as not to interfere with each other.
MPTV because it was designed as a vehicle and there are not Therefore, the magnetic wheel is ideal for the MPTV since the

Authorized licensed use limited to: Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka-UTEM. Downloaded on August 05,2010 at 15:25:34 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

traveling direction of the magnetic flux density generated by the [9] S. A. Nasar and I. Boldea, Linear Motion Electric Machines. New
magnetic wheel is orthogonal to that of the magnetic flux den- York: Wiley, 1976, pp. 220–227.
[10] J. F. Gieras, Linear Induction Drives. Oxford, U.K.: Clarendon,
sity produced by the planar motion mechanisms. 1994, pp. 23–29.
The significance of this paper is that a high-power maglev [11] S. Yamamura, Theory of Linear Induction Motors, 2nd ed. New York:
planar transportation vehicle was proposed and verified through Wiley, 1979, pp. 65–80.
[12] B. V. Jayawant, Electromagnetic Levitation and Suspension Tech-
several experimental investigations. As a result, further applica- niques. London, U.K.: Edward Arnold, 1981, pp. 1–19.
tion of the maglev systems is possible.

Manuscript received February 1, 2005; revised March 25, 2008. Corre-

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