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Cuaresma, Roger P.

October 13, 2015

2012-31810 PI 100

“Negosyo o Kalayaan? Bayan o Sarili, Pumili ka!”

(Film Reaction)

It is a very rare sight to see great Filipino movies nowadays. The very same reason as

unbiased, multi-faceted history films being produced in our country. Jerrold Tayog the director

and writer of the film, “Heneral Luna”, weaves a different kind of story telling that tells the story

of heroes of the country not being recognized. The director not only portrays Gen. Luna as a

prolific battle strategist but also someone that puts the country above himself. Gen. Luna is a

person who loves his country, his family, and a woman. Being a doctor and a great writer, he

exchange a comfortable and peaceful life with a life full of scrutiny, chaos, and war for the liberty

of the country against the Americans.

What makes a film, ‘great’? What makes it, ‘outstanding or excellent’? For me, what makes

a film great, outstanding, and excellent are; great script, great directing, great actors. All of these

are in the film, ‘Heneral Luna’. The script is not boring, from the first part until the death of Heneral

Luna the script helped the scenes to be not dragging. The included humor of one of his generals

helped balance the seriousness and sadness of the film. The inclusion of the writings of Heneral

Luna made him more human, that he is not just a war genius but a lover, writer, and a family-

centered man. The cleverness of his lines whenever he talked about patriotism and nationalism to

his soldiers, makes him different from the national heroes. The character also of the interviewer

makes the film not only a narrative but also puts the audience in the story. Knowing that he is a

fictional character, viewers can attribute themselves to him.

The directing was also in par with the characters. Jerrold Tarrog does not create a meta-

narrative style of storytelling. Meaning, a type of deus ex machina (gods and machine) that created

Heneral Luna a very powerful human general but a general that has is its own set of flaws and

weaknesses. The director captivated the artistic side of General Luna by him playing guitar and

the hill scene wherein he was discoursing his prose, was created brilliantly. Also the staining of

the flag by each scene shows the impending death of Heneral Luna. And when he was killed, the

burning flag symbolism of the Philippines’ fake sovereignty is perfectly synced of what is

happening in the present Philippines.

How the historical film is directed was not a one-directional historical point of view,

meaning taken from one perspective of a historian but it was taken through 20 years of research

by authors from where the film was based upon. It does not involves the creativity of the director

and the brilliance of the cinematographer and the writer but it is in accordance to the factual events

that happened in the Philippine History. The artistic rendition of the director was exemplified when

he foretell the gruesome assassination of Heneral Luna. Also the cleverness and genius prowess in

war of Heneral Luna was given justice. It is as if history is being done in the front of the audiences.

The movie, is not a boring type of a historical film. But a great movie that will get your attention

from the beginning and will crush your guts in the end. The crushing was made due to the sameness

of the story of Heneral Luna to the situation of power in the country. That in order to rise in power,

one must destroy the opponent either by black propaganda, murmurings, intimidation, or even

death. It is true, that it is our countrymen that is our greatest enemy. It is in the roots of the Filipinos

to do everything for the sake of one’s family even though sacrificing the benefit of the nation.

What makes a film great? What makes a film, ‘timeless’? It is not the right of the writer to

tell you that this film is a timeless oeuvre but the writer can point out that this historical film will
be watched by the future generation until time passed by. This is an oeuvre that will make your

nationalism spirit rise and be proud. This film should be watched by all the young generation of

the country, because this film will explain the corruption, colonialism, and exportation of the

Filipinos. This film not only shows the problem but shows a solution to the nation’s main problem,

the ‘nation’. It is an irony that the country itself is the problem of the nation. The way Filipinos

acted in power and politics is the same before and now. This film serves as a mirror to the country

of what will happen in the future if they continue to do what is the common ‘good’ of the people.

Thank you Heneral Luna Team for creating this masterpiece. It is my wish that you

continue to create a spark in our nation. Godspeed.

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