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Part 2 - The Things They Carried

Teacher(s) Reuben Haggar Subject group and course Language and literature: English

Course Part Part 2 DP Year 1 or 2 DP1, DP2 Dates W1 March (8 weeks)

INQUIRY: establishing purpose of the unit

Group/Course Aims (from DP subject guide) Assessment Objectives (from DP subject guide)

• Introduce students to a range of texts from different periods, styles and genres Knowledge and understanding
• Develop in students the ability to engage in close, detailed analysis of individual • demonstrate knowledge and understanding of individual literary works as
texts and make relevant connections representatives of their genre and period, and the relationships between them
• Develop the students’ powers of expression, both in oral and written • demonstrate an understanding of the ways in which cultural values are
communication expressed in literature
• Encourage students to recognise the importance of the contexts in which texts • demonstrate awareness of the significance of the context in which a work is
are written and received written and received
• Encourage, through the study of texts, an appreciation of the different • substantiate and justify ideas with relevant examples
perspectives of people from other cultures, and how these perspectives construct Analysis, synthesis and evaluation
meaning • demonstrate an ability to analyse language, structure, technique and style, and
• Encourage students to appreciate the formal, stylistic and aesthetic qualities of evaluate their effects on the reader
texts • demonstrate an ability to engage in independent literary criticism on both
• Promote in students an enjoyment of, and lifelong interest in, language and familiar and unfamiliar literary texts
literature • show an ability to examine and discuss in depth the effects of literary
• Develop in students an understanding of the techniques involved in literary techniques and the connections between style and meaning (HL only)
criticism Selection and use of appropriate presentation and language skills
• Develop the students’ ability to form independent literary judgments and to • demonstrate an ability to express ideas clearly and fluently in both written and
support those ideas oral communication, with an effective choice of register and style
• demonstrate a command of terminology and concepts appropriate to the study
of literature Demonstrate an ability to express well-organized oral and written
• demonstrate an ability to express well-organized oral and written arguments

Essential understandings

Writing is important not just for the intended audience but also for the author.
Difficult experiences need to be healthily handled.
There is a difference between factual truth and fictional truth.

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Syllabus (from DP subject guide)

Part 2: Detailed study

• acquire detailed knowledge and understanding of the works studied
• demonstrate appropriate analytical responses to specific genres
• show how particular effects are achieved through language use, and analyse elements such as character, theme and setting
• engage with the details of works in order to develop a considered and informed response
Prescribed list of authors
Prose: novel and short story

Inquiry questions

Skills-based What literary conventions does Tim O'Brien employ in "The Things They Carried," and what effects do they have?
Content-based What did the American soldiers in the Vietnam War "carry"?
Content-based What did American soldiers in the Vietnam War do in order to deal with the things they carried?
Debatable Can stories that never actually happened be as true as events that did occur?
Concept-based How are themes explored in literary?

Approaches to learning (ATL)


ATL coverage details and notes:

Both of the assessment tasks in this unit (the individual oral commentary and the individual oral presentation) are presentations of sorts, and so students will be trained in
what language choices they need to make concerning the presentations. Appropriate register and different presentation/public speaking skills will be addressed, as well as
the language of literary analysis and literary terms.

Language and learning ToK Connections CAS Connections

• Activating background knowledge

• Scaffolding learning
• Extending language

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Learner Profile International Mindedness

Risk-takers (Courageous) Describe how this unit will enable students to engage with an issue of
For the individual oral presentation in this unit, students will write a pastiche based global importance and/or analyse an issue from different cultural
on the first chapter of The Things They Carried. They will then have to print copies perspectives.
of said pastiche and distribute the text to the rest of the class; sharing their writing Students will first receive historical information about the Vietnam War, which many
will require confidence and courage. Then the students will analyze their writing consider to be a tragic act committed by the United States of America; students
and O'Brien's writing, which is a further task that requires courage. Some of the will deal with the war, the soldiers carrying out the war, and the effects of the war
students - in terms of their pastiche's content and word choice - definitely will take on Vietnam as they read the book. Students will have to think about whether war is
risks. justified, how the feelings of injustice, terror, and confusion involved in war affected
the war and its victims, and whether or not war is an acceptable form of action for
a country to take.


SL What summative assessment will be used in this unit?

Internal Assessment Students will complete a creative practice individual oral presentation covering the
Individual oral commentary first chapter of The Things They Carried and a practice individual oral commentary
• A: Knowledge and understanding of the extract on an extract from The Things They Carried during this unit.
• B: Appreciation of the writer’s choices
• C: Organization and presentation What formative assessment will be used in this unit?
• D: Language Students will initially complete worksheets, take quizzes, and participate in and
Individual oral presentation lead discussions that pointedly and directly ask them to demonstrate their
• A: Knowledge and understanding of the work(s) understanding. Students will do several formative individual oral commentaries,
• B: Presentation including one with teacher feedback.
• C: Language How will students show understanding? And what will constitute
HL acceptable evidence of understanding?
Internal Assessment Students will complete worksheets, take quizzes, and participate in and lead
Individual oral commentary and discussion discussions that pointedly and directly ask them to demonstrate their
• A: Knowledge and understanding of the poem understanding. Students will do several formative individual oral commentaries,
• B: Appreciation of the writer’s choices including one with teacher feedback, during which understanding can also be
• C: Organization and presentation of the commentary expressed. The two summative assessments will also reflect understanding.
• F: Language
Individual oral presentation Describe the process for standardization of marking and moderation?
• A: Knowledge and understanding of the work(s) The teacher will check the OCC and obtain other samples of student work (with
• B: Presentation marks) and compare work and scores. The teacher will also standardize samples of
• C: Language student work with other teachers in the department via the department
standardization forum on Moodle.

Which assessment criteria will be used?

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For the individual oral presentation, all the criteria for both SL and HL will be used;
for the individual oral commentary, SL will be assessed using all the criteria (A-C),
and HL will be assessed using Criterion A, Criterion B, Criterion C, and Criterion F.

ACTION: teaching and learning through inquiry

Content Learning process

Students will know: Learning experiences and strategies/planning for self-supporting learning:
historical background of the Vietnam War • Lecture
how repetition, imagery, and parallelism are used to convey meaning • Small group/pair work
different elements of writing that authors manipulate, such as weather, sound, light, • PowerPoint lecture/notes
sensory imagery • Individual presentations
the differences and similarities between "story truth" vs "happening truth"
what soldiers go through, and how they deal with it
more about memory
some of the purposes of writing, both for an audience and for the author him/

Students will be able to:

write a pastiche
use specific words/phrases used in literary analysis
read text closely for both subtle implication and bigger ideas
give a formal, analytical presentation
structure, plan, and deliver a commentary orally in a set amount of time

Learning Experiences Teaching Strategies

Do the students have enough prior knowledge? How will we know? What different teaching methodologies will be used to support different
For many students, the Vietnam War and some of the more American elements of learning styles?
The Things They Carried will be unfamiliar, so that information needs to be There will be a combination of verbal (for auditory learners) and written (for visual
explained. Students will also probably be fairly unfamiliar with war in general. Each learners) activities. Verbal activities include videos, discussion, lecture, and reading
of the students in the class studied in MYP English A for at least two years as well, aloud. Written activities include reading, worksheets, and sample work. At times
where they have studied many of the conventions that will be covered in The students will work alone, and at times students will work in groups, or with
Things They Carried. partners.

Through what activities will students acquire the knowledge and practice How will formative assessment be used to give students feedback during
the skills required? the unit?
In discussions the teacher will affirm, correct, or add to contributions made by the
students. The teacher will give feedback on worksheets and other writing done in

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class. The teacher will listen to one recorded individual oral commentary and give
written feedback.

How will information literacy and the use of ICT be developed?

Background information about the Vietnam War will be introduced with a few
videos. Samples of individual oral commentaries will be listened to via electronic
file, and students will record and transfer their formative and summative individual
oral commentaries using their phones and computers. Students will use
Powerpoints or Prezis for the individual oral presentation.

How will the idea of academic honesty be reinforced?

The individual oral commentary will be unseen, so students cannot cheat on it. The
individual presentation is based on the students' writing, so it will be original.


Differentiation items in this unit

• Value prior knowledge
• Scaffold learning
• Extend learning

REFLECTION: considering the planning, process and impact of the inquiry

Prior to studying the unit During the unit After the unit

Describe the planning, process and impact of inquiry What did we find compelling? Was our disciplinary How successful was the collaboration with other
prior to the unit? knowledge/skills challenged in any way? teachers within my subject group and with the ToK
What inquiries arose during the learning? What, if any, department?
I am excited about this unit. This book is full and extension activities arose? How could ToK/IM/LP links be further developed
engaging and hopefully will have enough to interest How did we reflect both on the unit and on our own through this unit?
the variety of students in the class. I am considering learning? Were students able to demonstrate their learning?
having students do a pastiche on the first chapter of What opportunities were there for student-initiated How did the assessment tasks allow students to
the book; I have had students in previous classes do action? demonstrate the learning objectives identified for this
this activity. Then the students in my class would do a unit?
practice IOP on their writing. This is an option for the The unit is going well. We have had some very good How did I make sure students were given the facility to
final IOP, and to date, we haven't practiced a creative discussions about some of the aspects of truth, story- access the highest levels of the grade descriptors and
IOP option. Because the book is full, long, and rich, telling, and some of the emotions involved in war. The assessment criteria?
we will do a practice IOC as well; the logistics of this IOP went fairly well; the students' writing was Are we prepared for the next stage?
could be tricky, but it needs to happen, since a lot of amazing, and the presentations varied between How did we decide on the data to collect? Was it useful
the feedback I heard from the previous English A decent and excellent. in informing possible modifications to the unit?

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class was, "We need to practice the tasks before we
do them! We need more practice!" The unit was fairly successful. The IOP went well; I
would assign this task again in the future. The IOC
also went fairly well, in terms of logistics and in terms
of scores. A few students still don't budget their time
well and/or do not have a good grasp of what themes
to explore, what conventions actually do, or what
register is required, but overall the IOCs sounded
good. I gave a survey to gauge feedback, and most
students were positive about the book itself. Though
the text is ostentatiously about war, there are many,
many other ideas that get a substantial amount of
exploration (death, dealing with death, writing, truth,
processing emotions). The students engaged with
many of these issues quite well.

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