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§ Centre for Mineral Technology – Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil. E-mail
¶ Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.


This work deals with the performance of porous electrodes by using electrolytic cells with similar
characteristics to the Zadra’s one and with mechanical devices to increase the mass transport to
the cathode. The flow-by configuration was the experimental arrangements used. Gold
electrowinning was carried out with distinct cyanide solutions, namely: pure synthetic solution and
synthetic solution with metallic impurities. This study aimed at investigating the effect of some
parameters on the direct electrowinning of gold from cyanide solutions and a comparative study of
two kinds of three-dimensional electrodes (stainless steel mesh and mild still wool). The current
efficiency and the energy consumption were also analysed considering three competing cathodic
reactions: gold deposition, oxygen reduction and hydrogen evolution. A mathematical model was
also evaluated aiming at determining, experimentally, the mass transport coefficients considering
the reaction systems under study.

Extractive metallurgy; electrowinning; reduction


Heap leaching with cyanide solutions became an attractive route for gold extraction from certain oxidised
ores, producing pregnant solutions in the range of 0.5 to 10 mg L-1 of gold. The current technology for
gold recovery from such diluted solutions usually involves the adsorption of the gold-cyanide complex
ion on activated carbon (Filmer, 1982; Paul et al., 1983). The gold is then stripped to produce richer gold
solutions, with concentrations ranging from 50 to 2500 mg L-1. Those solutions are then electrolysed
using steel wool as a cathode. Alternatively, small volumes of solutions, relatively rich in gold with
considerable amounts of silver, can be processed through cementation with zinc powder (Hiskey, 1983),
although this process is not commonly applied to the gold heap leaching liquors. Several authors (Sobral,
1993; Eagles et al., 1984; Mooiman et al., 1983) have proposed a simplified flow sheet, where gold was
directly electrowon from the pregnant heap leaching solutions, eliminating, therefore, the gold complex
adsorption and desorption steps from activated carbon and its further regeneration as such.

This work deals with the performance evaluation of electrolytic cells, with three-dimensional electrodes,
for the electrowinning of gold from diluted cyanide solutions. The developed electrolytic cells present
similar characteristics to the Zadra’s original design (Zadra et al., 1952), incorporating solution re-
circulation devices in order to increase the transport of electroactive species to the cathodic surface. A
synthetic diluted gold cyanide solution was initially used to establish the best experimental conditions for
the gold electrowinning to take place. The gold deposition rate, selected impurities behaviour, current
efficiency and energy consumption of those reaction systems, incorporating the aforementioned cells,
were analysed, considering three cathodic competing reactions: gold deposition, dissolved oxygen
reduction and hydrogen evolution.

Electrochemical reactions

During gold electrowinning, the following cathodic reactions should be considered:

Au(CN)2- + e-  Au + 2CN- ; Eo = -0.600V (1)

O2 + 2H2O + 4e-  4OH- ; Eo = 0.401V (2)
O2 + H2O + 2e -
 OH +
HO2-; o
E = -0.065V (3)
2H2O + 2e-  H2 + 2OH- ; Eo = -0.828V (4)

The complex Au(CN)2- is reduced to metallic gold, under diffusion control, according to Reaction (1).
Reactions (2) and (3), representing oxygen reduction in alkaline solutions, are the main cathodic reactions
competing with gold deposition and consuming a great deal of the available current on the cathode, as the
electrolyte is supposed to be saturated with oxygen. Reaction (4) represents the hydrogen evolution in
alkaline solutions, which can also occur, along with gold deposition, at more cathodic potentials.


For the rotating disc test, the cell was a 250 ml glass beaker with a glass frit to separate the working and
counter electrode compartments, and an acrylic cover with roles for a nitrogen bubbler. The gold
deposition was studied in a vitreous carbon rotating disc electrode (RDE) with 3.7 x 10 -5 m2 of
geometrical area. The counter electrode was a platinum spiral wire, and as reference, a saturated calomel
electrode in a Luggin probe, just under the rotating disc. The electrode was polished, to a mirror finishing
surface, with diamond lapping compound (Hyprez Five Star Engis Ltd.) using a silk cloth and a water
soluble lubricant (Hyprez Fluid Type W). Gold was introduced into solution as KAu(CN) 2 and free
cyanide added as KCN. The solutions, used for gold deposition studies, containing 0.5M of K 2SO4 as
support electrolyte. The solutions were prepared with deionised distilled water and were deaerated with
oxygen-free nitrogen before recording the steady state polarisation curves. The linear potential sweep was
accomplished using a potentiostat EG&G Applied Research, model 173. The applied potential and the
resulting current were stored in a PC computer through data acquisition software (Labtech Notebook)
using a high resolution data acquisition board (Mini-16-Strawberry Tree - Computer Instrumentation &
Controls) and subsequently analysed.

Electrowinning tests were accomplished with diluted synthetic gold cyanide solution (10 mg L -1), and
with synthetic gold cyanide solution in the concentrations of 10 and 200 mg L-1, and metallic impurities
in concentrations similar to those found in industrial pregnant solutions. The electrolytic cell used in this
study, for the gold deposition experiments, is shown in Figure 1. It has an inner volume of 0.35 L (7.0 cm
diameter per 9.0 cm length) and is similar to the original Zadra’s design, but with an auxiliary pump for
recirculating the electrolyte within the cell. The “Original Zadra Cell” denomination was used for the
tests carried out without an auxiliary pump.

Fig.1 Modified Zadra cell

Two different kinds of cathodes were tested: a mild steel wool (MSW) and a stainless steel mesh coil
(SSM). The main differences between those electrodes, as shown in Figure 2, are the steel fibres
arrangement and the surface areas. The white-greyish colour shown in Figure 2, for both electrode
materials, is relative to a thin layer of gold electrodeposited on the steel fibres during one of those
electrowinning tests. As can be observed in the steel wool the fibres are quite disordered, which is not the
case of the stainless steel mesh.

100 m

SSM 100 m

Fig.2 Scanning electron microscopy of the three-dimensional electrodes used: mild steel wool (MSW)
and stainless steel mesh (SSM). MEV, at 150x magnification.

The 65 mesh stainless steel (AISI 304) had a surface area of 1.276 m2 g-1 (determined by BET) and the
mild steel wool of 1.593 m2 g-1. The anode, made out of AISI 316 stainless steel mesh, is encompassing
the cathode. The cathode was separated from the anode by a polypropylene cloth (Z10,425-6 - Aldrich),
to avoid the electrodes short circuit and to minimise the oxygen migration, generated in the anode, to the
cathodic compartment decreasing, thus, the reoxidation of the deposited gold.

The cathodes, each one in its due course, were placed surrounding the current distributor, which consisted
of a stainless steel tube perforated along its length. In the comparative electrowinning tests, the
aforementioned cathodes, in a cylindrical configuration, were prepared considering their respective
surface areas, so that the respective current densities were the same when applied a certain current
intensity. In this case, the mass per unit volume of steel wool and stainless steel mesh cathodes were,
respectively, of 0.143 g cm-3 and 0.178 g cm-3.

Two litres of synthetic gold cyanide solution were used in each test. The solution flow rates, through the
reaction system, were controlled by a peristaltic pump and varied from 0.5 L min -1 up to 1.0 L min-1.
During the electrowinning tests, samples were taken, every 15 minutes, for chemical analysis.

Energy consumption and current efficiency

At the end of each test the current efficiency (CE) was calculated considering the gold reduction reaction ,
as shown in Equation 5:

n.F .V (Ci  C f )
CE  t
100(%) (5)

 I (t )dt

where, V is the electrolytic solution volume used in each test, Ci the initial gold concentration in the
electrolyte, Cf the final gold concentration, F (96485 A.s.mol-1) the Faraday's constant, n the number of
electrons involved in the gold reduction (n = 1) and I the current intensity. The specific energy
consumption (EC) was calculated using the following equation:

EC  E ( 1 ) (6)
3600.M .CE

where E is the cell voltage (Volt), M the gold atomic weight, n the number of electrons involved in the
gold reduction (n = 1), F the Faraday's constant (96485 A.s.mol-1) and CE the current efficiency (%).

Methodology of the tests carried out with synthetic impure gold cyanide solutions in Zadra's cells

The purpose of this part of the study was to simulate an industrial solution with the typical metals
associated to gold ores (Ag, Cu, Ni, Pb and Fe), in order to verify the behaviour of this solution
considering the electrolyte recirculation system, during the gold electrowinning, from aqueous cyanide
solutions, in comparison to the results obtained with pure electrolyte. The impure solution was prepared
with chemicals containing those elements. The typical composition of such solution is shown in Table 1.

TABLE 1- Composition of the synthetic impure electrolyte

Metal Concentration (mg L-1)

Au 10
Ag 4
Pb 1.3
Fe 100
Ni 200
Cu 370
CN- (free) 500

The influence of the gold concentration on gold deposition

The influence of the gold concentration on its deposition rate is shown in Figure 3. The curves show that
the limiting current for gold deposition increases cathodically in 0.7 mA, when the gold concentration is
increased from 0.005 mol L-1 to 0.01 mol L-1. For higher free cyanide concentrations, these curves present
a similar behaviour, however, they are displaced to more negative potentials, as should be expected,
according to the equilibrium of Reaction 1. For one fold increase in the free cyanide concentration the
cathodic potential is shifted by 0.118 V, requiring, therefore, to change the potential to more negative
values, in order to assure that the process be operated at the potential corresponding to the limiting current
or slightly above it.


Current (mA)

[Au]= 0.005 mol L
[Au]= 0.01 mol L

- 1.25 - 1.05 - 0.85 - 0.65
Potential (V vs. SHE)

Fig.3 Current intensity vs. electrode potential curves showing the effect of gold concentration. [KCN]:
0.03 mol L-1, rotation speed: 10Hz, potential scan rate: 0.01 V s-1.

Electrowinning tests with diluted synthetic gold cyanide solutions (Au concentration = 10 ppm)

The results of experiments accomplished with and without the solution recirculation system are shown,
aiming at investigating the effects of: i) current intensity on the cathodic potential and energy
consumption; ii) the potassium hydroxide concentration on the current efficiency and energy
consumption; iii) the electrolyte flow rate (EFR) and cell volume recirculation flow rate (RFR) on gold

The effect of current intensity on the current efficiency, cathodic potential and energy consumption
during the gold electrowinning process without solution recirculation (original Zadra cell)

The effect of the current intensity on the current efficiency, cathodic potential and energy consumption is
shown in Figures 4, 5 and 6 respectively, considering the original Zadra's cell. Figure 4 shows a
maximum in current efficiency close to -0,5 A.

The current efficiency for gold deposition can be interpreted as the result of the consumption of a fraction
of the total current by side reactions, simultaneously to the gold electrowinning process. Thus, such
efficiency can be defined by:

CE(%)  (7)
I1  I 2  I 3  I 4

where I1, I2, I3 and I4 are the partial currents used in the cathodic reactions (from (1) to (4), respectively).
Thus, the curve shape shown in Figure 6 is an indicative of relative changes in the aforementioned partial
currents with the applied current intensity to the reaction system, or, more specifically, with the cathodic

Current Efficiency (%)


-0.2 -0.3 -0.4 -0.5 -0.6 -0.7
Current Intensity (A)

Fig.4 Effect of current intensity on the current efficiency using a stainless steel mesh cathode with a
solution flow rate of 8.33 x 10-6 m3 s-1 (0.5 L min-1).

Aiming at verifying, in each test, the potential variation along the radius of the cylindrical cathode, the
cathode potential (stainless steel mesh) was monitored in two different positions, close to the anode and
next to the current feeder. The cathode potential values against the standard hydrogen electrode (SHE)
ware around -0.75 V for the lower current used (-0.2 A) and about -1.10 V for the higher current (-0.7 A),
when measured next to the anode. In the measurements made close to the current feeder, the potential
values were roughly 0.19 V less cathodic (-0.54 and -0.86 V, respectively) as shown in the Figure 5. This
is due to the ohmic drop throughout the electrode cylinder radius. The curve of Figure 5 shows that, for
the lowest values of the cathodic current intensity, the predominant reduction reactions are the oxygen
reduction and the gold deposition. The oxygen reduction reaction occurs at limiting current and, therefore,
is no longer accelerated by increasing the cathodic potential.

Potential (V vs. SHE)


- 0.8

- 0.6

- 0.4

- 0.2
0.2 -0.3 -0.4 -0.5 -0.6 -0.7
Current (A)
Fig.5 Effect of the current intensity on the cathode potential using a stainless steel mesh cathode and a
solution flow rate of 0.5 L min-1.

The gold deposition, occurring slightly above the reversible cathodic potential, is just partially charge
transfer controlled and, therefore, the deposition rate still increases with cathodic potential. Thus, the
current efficiency in this region increases with the cathodic current until the hydrogen evolution begins,
which is intensified as the potential becomes more negative, causing a decrease in the current efficiency,
as previously shown. The gold deposition process, at more negative potentials, starts to be diffusion
controlled, and the oxygen reduction reaction keeps on occurring at the limiting current. The current
efficiency, calculated through Equation 5, decreases as the cathode potential is changed to more negative
values. These effects reflect in the energy consumption, as presented in Figure 6, which shows a dramatic
drop in the energy consumption when the cathodic current is increased up to -0.4 A.

Energy Consumption (kWh kg -1)






-0.2 -0.3 -0.4 -0.5 -0.6 -0.7
Current (A)

Fig.6 Effect of the current intensity on the energy consumption using a stainless steel mesh cathode and
a solution flow rate of 0.5 L min-1.

The potassium hydroxide concentration also presents a remarkable effect on the current efficiency and
energy consumption. When its concentration is raised from 50 mol m-3 to 150 mol m-3, the current
efficiency is increased from 0.7% to 1.1% and the energy consumption drops from 140 kWh kg -1 to about
60 kWh kg-1. This behaviour should be due to the increase in the electrolyte conductivity as the ionic
strength increases. Consequently, the porous cathode area is more effective for gold reduction, and,
additionally, decreases the oxygen solubility in the electrolyte, which also enhances gold recovery.

Effect of the electrolyte flow rate (EFR) and solution cell volume recirculation on the gold
extraction (modified Zadra cell)

The cell used in these experiments was the modified Zadra one. This cell was developed to provide an
uniform solution flow through the three-dimensional cathode. In this reaction system, besides the
electrolyte circulation flow, through the electrolytic cell, from the electrolyte reservoir, another peristaltic
pump was in charge of recirculating the internal solution volume of the cell to increase the mass transport.
The gold extraction is increased with the electrolyte flow rate (EFR) up to 9 x 10-6 m3s-1, and then
decreases because there is not enough time for substantial reduction of the electroactive species of
interest, the Au(CN)2 .

Keeping constant the electrolyte flow rate and varying the recirculation flow rate, it is observed that the
gold extraction increases as the recirculation flow rate is increased, as shown in Figure 7, because the
transport of electroactive species to the cathode surface is substantially enhanced. However, although the
mean residence time does not have been affected by recirculation of the internal solution volume of the
cell, the change to more turbulent regimes resulted in a decrease of the diffusion layer thickness,
decreasing the concentration polarisation and, therefore, increasing the gold extraction rate. On the other
hand, it was verified that increasing the electrolyte flow rate (EFR) from 0.5 L min -1 to 1.0 L min-1, while
varying, simultaneously, the recirculation flow rate (RFR), there was a decrease in the gold extraction.

Flow Rate: 0.5 L min -1
Gold Recovery (%)

50 Flow Rate: 1.0 L min -1
0 1 2 3 (x 10 -5 )
Recirculation Flow Rate (m 3 s -1 )

Fig.7 Effect of electrolyte and recirculation flow rates on gold extraction using a stainless steel mesh
cathode. Cathode potential: -0.96 V(SHE).
Tests with gold-cyanide solutions containing metallic impurities

Figure 8 shows the influence of cathodic potential on metal recovery for solutions containing metals
usually present in gold ores (Ag, Cu, Ni, Pb and Fe). The tests were carried out in the cell with the
stainless steel mesh cathode, with and without internal electrolyte recirculation. This results indicate that
the recovery of all metals, except nickel, is increased as the potential increases cathodically (from -0.86
up to -1.06 V) and how effective are the gold and silver recoveries, when the recirculation system is in
operation (Figure 8B).

100 100

80 80
Metal Recovery (%)

60 60
Au Au
40 Cu 40 Cu
Ag Ag
Pb Pb
Ni Ni
20 20

0 0
-0.8 -0.9 -1.0 -1.1 -0.8 -0.9 -1.0 -1.1
Potential (V vs. SHE) Potential (V vs. SHE)

(A) (B)

Fig.8 Influence of cathode potential on gold and metallic impurities recovery for the tests without (A)
and with (B) electrolyte recirculation. SSM cathode. EFR: 0.5 L min -1. RFR: 2.0 L min-1.

High gold, silver and lead recoveries with comparatively low copper recovery, but also increasing, are
observed when the cathodic potential becomes more negative. Such results show, clearly, that the
electrolyte recirculation increases the turbulence, decreasing, consequently, the diffusion layer thickness,
which intensifies the transport of electroactive species to the cathode surface, enhancing the gold
recovery, which indicates a promising way for dealing with real liquors. It was also observed that nickel
was not recovered in the potential range considered in this study, meaning that the overpotential applied is
not high enough for depositing this metal. It is also interesting to notice that copper starts to be deposited
after a certain cathodic potential (-0.86 V) being reached, where the gold is nearly completely deposited
(over 90% running the electrowinning process with electrolyte recirculation and over 80 % without
recirculation). This characteristic implies that gold can be deposited, efficiently, without influence of
copper, which starts to interfere when gold removal is close to 100%.

Comparative potentiostatic gold electrowinning tests by using stainless steel mesh and mild steel
wool cathodes with and without electrolyte recirculation

The results of the comparative potentiostatic electrowinning tests are summarised in Table 2. One can see
that, at potentials of -1.06V, with the electrolyte recirculation system activated or not, and identical
experimental conditions, including the same stainless steel mesh cathode, the highest and fastest gold
(99.8% in 60 min), silver, lead and copper recoveries were obtained when the recirculation system was in
operation (Figure 9). This occurs, as expected, due to the decrease of the diffusion layer thickness, which
enhances the transport of the electroactive species to the cathode surface.
TABLE 2- Metal recovery for comparative potentiostatic electrowinning tests

Test conditions Metal recovery after 1 hour (%)

Cathode; Potential (V vs. SHE); RFR Au Cu Ag Ni Pb Fe
SSM; -1.06V; 2.0 L min-1 99.80 35.62 98.92 0.00 98.89 0.00
SSM; -1.06V; no recirculation 90.10 31.05 82.06 0.00 98.25 0.00
MSW; -1.06V; 2.0 L min-1 98.00 13.14 98.04 0.00 98.67 0.00
SSM; -0.96V; no recirculation 85.99 26.10 79.91 0.00 28.57 0.00
MSW; -0.96V; 2.0 L min-1 96.00 15.05 75.52 0.00 35.57 0.00
MSW; -0.96V; 1.0 L min-1 61.04 12.67 60.18 0.00 30.01 0.00
MSW; -0.96V; no recirculation 53.98 11.09 53.72 0.00 35.67 0.00
MSW; -0.86V; no recirculation 52.42 1.32 50.32 0.00 29.63 0.00

The use of a more cathodic potential does not cause significant changes in the gold concentration decay,
when all the other process parameters are kept unchanged. This indicates an operation at limiting current
and, consequently, the gold deposition process, on stainless steel mesh and on mild steel wool cathodes, is
controlled by the transport of gold-cyanide species to the cathode surface.

10 400
Metal Concentration (mg L )

Au Cu
8 Ag Ni
Pb 300 Fe

2 100

0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Time (min) Time (min)

Fig.9 Metal concentration-time profile during electrolysis. Stainless steel mesh cathode. Cathode
potential: -1.06 V (SHE). EFR: 0.5 L min-1. RFR: 2,0 L min-1.

Determination of the mass transport coefficient (km) for gold deposition

The analysis introduced here is valid for a reactor whose size cannot be considered insignificant with
regard to the reservoir volume, where is the solution to be treated. It is considered that the reactor is being
operated under ideal plug-flow conditions, which means that does not exist axial or lateral dispersion
inside the electrode.

The objective of such analysis was to obtain an analytic solution for the concentration variation of a
species with time in the reservoir, for the particular case of the cathodic metals extraction. The proposed
analysis is generic enough and can be applied for other processes.

In this analysis it is considered the operation with electrolyte circulation (batch recycle mode). In this case
the metal concentration decreases exponentially during the electrolytic process under consideration
(electrowinning), as the electrolyte is circulated through the reactor in a plug flow regime. Equation 8
(that can be used to show how the concentration decreases during the electrolytic process), can be used to
calculate the mass transport coefficients (km) from the experimental concentration decay curves.

Ct  C0 exp{ [1  exp( k m A Q)t /  ]} (8)

where Ct is the concentration in a time t and C0 is the concentration in time t = 0. Besides, t represents the
elapsed time,   V r Q , is the average residence time in the solution reservoir, Vr the electrolyte volume
used in the reservoir, Q the solution flow rate and A the electrode surface area, quite difficult to be
determined due to the surface changes occurring during the electrolytic process.

The semi-log graph of Ct/C0 against t, as shown in Figure 10, for several experiments with and without
electrolyte recirculation, can be represented by the Equation 9, obtained from the Equation 8:

y = -0.0998x - 0.1626
-2 R2 = 0.995
ln (C t/C0)



0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
t (min)
Fig.10 Logarithm of the dimensionless gold concentration against electrolysis time for the test related to
the Figure 9. Cathode potential: -1.06 V(SHE). RFR: 2.0 L min-1 and EFR: 0.5 L min-1. Stainless
steel mesh cathode.

tQ    k m A 
ln Ct  ln C0  1  exp   (9)
Vr   Q 

The Equation 9 predicts that a graph of ln (Ct/C0) against t must be linear and with an angular coefficient
r, given by Equation 10, which allows the product kmA to be worked out.

Q   k m A 
r 1  exp   (10)
Vr   Q 

A global value of kmA can be obtained through the Equation 11, that is a simple mathematical
rearrangement of the Equation 10.

k m A  Q ln 1  rVr / Q  (11)

Although the determination of km value depends on the exact value of A, the cathodic surface area, the
kmA values lead to a very clear understanding to the comparative performance between several reaction
system configurations (stainless steel mesh cathode, mild steel wool cathode, process with and without

Table 3 introduces the product kmA obtained under different conditions. It is observed, for instance, that
with the configuration, where stainless steel mesh was used, with proper electrolyte recirculation,
presented the best cell performance.

When one compares, also, the process with mild steel wool cathode with the process with stainless steel
mesh cathode, under the same experimental conditions, the stainless steel mesh presented better
performance. Either using stainless steel mesh or mild steel wool the reaction system presented better
results when the recirculation system was in operation.
TABLE 3 - kmA product calculated through Equation 11 for different conditions
with Vr = 2 x 10-3 m3, Q = 3 x 10-2 m3 s-1 and t = 4.2 x 103 s

Recirculation Kind of r IL km A
System Electrode (s-1) (A) (m3 s-1 x 10-6)
yes mesh -0.0998 -0.45 200
no mesh -0.0406 -0.41 81
no mesh -0.0347 -0.41 69
yes wool -0.0279 -0.37 56
yes wool -0.0292 -0.37 58
yes wool -0.0178 -0.34 36
no wool -0.0103 -0.28 21
no wool -0.0108 -0.28 22


This study shows the important effect of the two competing reactions with gold deposition, the oxygen
reduction and hydrogen evolution. The electrolyte recirculation device increased, significantly, the
transport of the electroactive species to the cathode surface, enhancing the gold recovery from diluted
liquors to over 99%. The aforementioned reaction system permits to operate in different configurations
for testing distinct experimental conditions considering, in addition, the use of three-dimensional
electrodes. The performance comparison among the cell configurations, shows that better results, in terms
of gold recovery, were obtained with the stainless steel mesh cathode when compared with those with
mild steel wool cathode, due, mainly, to its better surface area distribution and homogeneity, which
allows a better flow of the electrolytic solution through it, avoiding the bypass of electrolyte. The solution
recirculation system has shown to be highly efficient for the purpose of this work.

The polarisation curves provided valuable information about the electrolytic gold cyanide species
reduction process, as well as of the respective current densities, aiming at using them on industrial
applications. The correct choice of the working potential was of paramount importance considering,
mostly, that others side reactions, can be minimised and, therefore, decreasing the impact that such
reactions would have on the current efficiency and energy consumption in the gold electrodeposition

Considering the aforementioned experimental results one can affirm that:

It was possible to extract gold, from diluted gold cyanide liquors with recoveries higher than 99%.

The limiting current for gold deposition increases cathodically at 0.7 A, when the gold concentration
increases from 0.005 mol L-1 to 0.01 mol L-1.

The increase of free cyanide concentration changes the potential for gold deposition to more negative
values. For one fold increase in the free cyanide concentration, for instance, the potential shifts 0.118 V

The copper starts to be deposited only in a potential of -0.86 V (SHE), when more than 90% of the gold is
already recovered for the processes with solution recirculation and over 80 % for the process without
recirculation. This fact can be used to avoid the copper and gold co-deposition from industrial gold
cyanide solutions rich in copper.

The pH of the gold cyanide solution has a strong influence in the electrolyte conductivity (due to the
potassium hydroxide addition to the solution) and this influences, positively, the gold electrowinning and
the current efficiency for the gold extraction. For a pH higher than 13, gold recoveries higher than 99%
were reached. The addition of 0.1 mol L-1 raised, then, the current efficiency (in the tests with pure gold
cyanide solutions) from 0.7% to 1.05%;
The cell efficiency, with the electrolyte recirculation device in operation, is clearly evidenced when the
values of kmA are compared. In one of the potentiostatic tests (-1.06 V), carried out with stainless steel
mesh cathode, for instance, the value of kmA obtained in the test with solution recirculation was 1.5 times
larger than the test carried out without solution recirculation;

The use of traditional mathematical models for calculating the mass transport coefficients, contributed,
substantially, for a clear comparison between the proposed cells configurations in this work;

The cylindrical cell performance (with regard to the gold recovery), using the stainless steel mesh cathode
is very superior to that using the mild steel wool, due to the best organisation and internal homogeneity of
such mesh, which allows a more effective flow of electrolytic solution. In the tests with identical
experimental conditions (cathode potential = -1.06 V, EFR = 0.5 L min-1 and RFR = 2 L min-1) the
following results were obtained, regarding the gold recovery: with stainless steel mesh, 99.8 % in 60 min,
and with the mild steel wool, 98% for the same 60 min.


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