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Medaille College Department of Education

Lesson Plan
Teacher Candidate’s Name: Kindah Kablawi Date: April 7, 2018

Context for Learning (edTPA)

Where is the school where you are teaching located? City: _______ Suburb: _______ Town:_______ Rural: ___X___

Grade level: __1______ Number of students in the class: ___24_____

Students with IEPs/504 Plans

Complete the charts below to summarize required or needed supports, accommodations, or modifications for your students that will affect your instruction in
this learning segment.
IEPs/504 Plans: Number of Supports, Accommodations, Modifications, Pertinent IEP Goals
Classifications/Needs Students
Provide short, simple and clear instructions
Down Syndrome 3 Allow extra time,
Provide physical objects (manipulatives)
Provide time for one on one instructions.
Provide many opportunities for practice and repetition.

Students with Specific Language Needs

Language Needs Number of Supports, Accommodations, Modifications
Provide clear simple instructions, provide concrete materials, allow to
English Language learners 2 work with other students in small group. Review and check for

Students with Other Learning Needs

Other Learning Needs Numbers of Supports, Accommodations, Modifications
Asperger Syndrome 2 Allow them to work with other children in small group, provide visuals
and concrete materials. Provide short clear steps.
Lesson _3_ of a _ 4_ Day Learning Segment
Subject and Lesson Topic: Measurement

Grade Level: 1 Lesson Duration: 40 min

Central Focus of the Learning Segment

The central focus is an understanding that you want your students to develop. It is a description of the important identifiable theme, essential question, or topic within the
curriculum that is the purpose of the instruction of the learning segment (Making Good Choices, 2016).

The Central focus of this learning segment is that students will measure using nonstandard units and measurable attributes such as length, and height, students will be able to
estimate, measure, and describe length using non-standard units of the same size. Students will compare length using terms such as “longer than” and “shorter than”.

Knowing Your Learners

What do you know about your students’ prior academic learning as it relates to the central focus? (edTPA Handbook, Task 1, Prompt 2a)

Students during lesson 2 of this learning segment were able to choose appropriate nonstandard units to measure length and height of different objects. They demonstrated an
understanding of and ability to apply measurement terms. The students measured the length of different objects using different units, they were able to pay attention to the
endpoints of each object and they were able to line the measuring unites flat with no gaps in between to ensure accurate measurement. Students counted how many units they
used to measure the length of an object and were able to compare the length/height of the different objects. Students used mathematical language such as “longer than” and
“shorter than” to describe and compare the length and height of objects.

How will you use this knowledge to inform your instruction? (edTPA Handbook, Task 1, Prompt 3a)

Students will apply their previous knowledge of measurement using nonstandard units to measure different objects. In this lesson students will learn to estimate how many
units long a particular object will be. Students will use unifix (linking) cubes as a nonstandard unit to measure. They will be provided with various opportunities to
demonstrate an understanding of and ability to apply measurement terms. Students will draw on their previous experiences from (lesson 2) paying close attention to
endpoints of each object to ensure accurate measurement and comparison. Students will use mathematical language such as “longer than” and “shorter than” to describe and
compare the length and height of objects.

What do you know about your students’ personal, cultural, and/or community assets as they relate to the central focus? (edTPA Handbook, Task 1, Prompt 2b)
In many different occasions the students were seen comparing their heights, their water bottles and even their sandwiches. They use mathematical language such as
taller/shorter, bigger/smaller, heavier/lighter when comparing.

How will you use this knowledge to inform your instruction? (edTPA Handbook, Task 1, Prompt 3a)

Because students have demonstrated their interest about measurement and they are interested in how tall, how long, how big, and how heavy things are. The teacher will
provide them with an opportunity to use nonstandard measurement units to estimate, measure, order and compare the length and height of different objects.

Curriculum Standards

NYS 1. MD.2: Measurement and Data

Measure the length indirectly and by iterating length units.

Express the length of an object as a whole number of length units, by laying multiple copies of a shorter object (the length unit) end to end; understand that the length
measurement of an object is the number of same-size length units that span it with no gaps or overlaps. Limit to contexts where the object being measured is spanned by a
whole number of length units with no gaps or overlaps.

Ontario Curriculum Standard: Grade 1: Attributes, Units, and Measurement Sense.

- Demonstrate an understanding of the use of non-standard units of the same size (e.g., straws, index cards) for measuring (Sample
problem: Measure the length of your desk in different ways; for example, by using several different non-standard units or by starting
measurements from opposite ends of the desk. Discuss your findings.).

- Estimate, measure (i.e., by placing nonstandard units repeatedly, without overlaps or gaps), and record lengths, heights, and distances
(e.g., a book is about 10 paper clips wide; a pencil is about 3 toothpicks long);

Objectives Assessment Modifications to Assessments

Using Bloom’s Taxonomy, include statements that identify Using formal and/or informal assessment tools, how will If applicable, explain how you will adapt assessments
what students will be able to do by the end of the lesson you evaluate and document your students’ progress on to allow students with specific needs to demonstrate
and are aligned to the standards identified above. each of the objectives? their learning.
(edTPA Task 1, Prompt 5b)
Students will be formatively assessed through Additional time will be given to students who will
Students will be able to estimate, measure, order, and observations, discussions, questioning and worksheets. need it specially students with Down syndrome,
compare the length and heights of different objects. ELL’s and Asperger syndrome to complete their
Teacher will work with students one on one to
support their learning.

Modify the task and the expectations

Provide visuals

Provide short and simple steps

Check for understanding

Academic Language Demands Instructional Supports

(edTPA Task 1, Prompt 4c) Strategies teachers provide to help learners understand, use, and practice the
concepts (edTPA Task 1, Prompt 4d)
Function Teacher will support students learning by providing them with different
Looking at your standards and objectives, Estimate nonstandard materials to estimate, measure and compare different objects.
choose the one Bloom’s word that best Teacher will pre-teach mathematical vocabulary, have class discussions, and
describes the active learning essential for modeling tasks.
students to develop understanding of Teacher will help students understand how to estimate, measure and compare
concepts within your lesson. different objects accurately by understanding the importance of endpoints.

Vocabulary Estimate Teacher will support students in learning measurement terms by modelling the
Key words and phrases students need to be length proper vocabulary and by encouraging students to use appropriate mathematical
able to understand and use Height language.
lowest point Teacher will write vocabulary on chart paper so that students can refer to it.
Highest point
endpoints Teacher will provide visuals for students.

Syntax Students will use complete sentences to Teacher will model the language to be used during the lesson. Students will be
Describe ways in which students will organize describe their work. provided with extra time to practice how to measure different objects using none
language (symbols, words, phrases) to The will compare attributes of objects standard measurement units such as linking cubes and pencils. Students will
convey meaning. by using none standard units such as measure paying attention to end points. Students will count how many units they
linking cubes, by lining up the cubes used to measure the length of an object. Teacher will offer opportunities for
beside an object and then counting the leadership for those students who understand endpoints.

Discourse Students will work in pairs to estimate, Teacher will model language and what students need to do during their work
How members of a discipline talk, write, and measure, and compare. They will share time.
participate in knowledge construction and their findings, and practice what they
communicate their understanding of the learned. Students will be provided with multiple opportunities to practice what they
concepts learned.

Instructional Process Accommodations and/or Modifications and/or

Anticipatory Set/Motivator
This activity builds on student’s previous
- Teacher will call students to the carpet and say, “good morning boys and girls, it is time for our math is fun knowledge and experience.
- Boys and girls who can tell me what we learned about yesterday in math class. The teacher will review some of the vocabulary
- Yes, you are right we measured different things. used in lesson 2.
- Who can tell me, “what none standard unites we used yesterday”.
- Yes, boys and girls you are right. Teacher will write the answers down. Teacher will provide concrete materials for the
- Boys and girls, I need two volunteers to come up and show us how to measure this big book, one time using students.
big paper clips and one time using straws.
- Boys and girls remember endpoints it is very important when we are measuring. Teacher will check for understanding.
- Also, we have to make sure we don’t leave gaps or overlap the units.
- The teacher will then ask different student sitting down to come up and count the paper clips, and another Teacher will provide visuals for children with
student to come up and count the straws. special needs.
- The teacher will the ask “boys and girls why did we get two different numbers when we used the paper clips Teacher will have the different none standard
and straws? measurement units used in lesson 2 in front of the
- Correct, the straws are bigger than the paper clips. class to remind students and to support other
- Boys and girls because the straws are bigger than the paper clips, that means we needed to use less straws to learners who needs to see the concrete items.
measure the length of the book, and because the paper clips are small units we needed a lot more to measure
the length of the book.
- Today we are going to learn something new and I am really excited to teach you this new concept. We are
going to have lots of fun learning.
- Let’s get started.
Instructional Procedures
Visuals will be provided.
- Boys and girls who can tell me what the word estimate means.
- Teacher will write the answers on chart paper. Steps will be written down for students to use as
- Boys and girls to estimate means to make a guess, to guess a number that is the closest to the actual number reference when needed.
we are measuring.
- Let’s look at this book, I am going to estimate (guess) that this book is 20 paper clips long. Short simple steps will be provided for Ell students.
- Now let us actually measure to find out if I am correct.
- The teacher measures the book and say look boys and girls, the book is actually 25 paper clips long, my Teacher will model and work with students one on
guess was very close. one as needed.
- Now let’s look at this new pencil, who can estimate how many paper clips long is this pencil?
- “6 now can you come up and measure the pencil” the teacher will call the student to come and measure the
pencil to show the class and find out if his guess was close. Teacher will group ELL students with students who
- Boys and girls today we are going to measure using linking cubes. “teacher will show the students the cubes” understands the concept to support their learning.
- Teacher will demonstrate to students how to measure using linking cubes by measuring the chart paper in
front of the class. First let’s estimate how many cubes we will need to measure this chart paper. Teacher will walk around the class making
- Teacher will write the numbers that students are estimating. observations and taking notes.
- Teacher will model to students how to measure using the cubes and then compare the numbers.
- Boys and girls, I am going to divide you in pairs for this activity. Teacher will support children who needs help.
- Teacher will divide students in pairs, each pair will have a box full of linking cubes, papers and pencils to
- Boys and girls in your group I want to you to first make an estimate (your guess) and write it down on the
paper. You are going to guess how many cubes you will need to measure the height of your friend laying
down on the carpet.
- You will first make an estimate and write it down both of you, then you are going to measure your friend
using the linking cubes, count the cubes and write the number down. then you will switch. Teacher will ask students questions to check for
- The teacher will say ok let’s review and write the steps down on this chart paper. understanding while observing them work.
- The teacher will go over the steps to measure correctly one by one and write it down for students to refer to
while working. Extra time will be provided for students.
- Teacher will walk around the class observing and taking notes of how students are working.
- Teacher will call the students back to the carpet and will call few groups to come up and share their findings
and what they did.
- Boys and girls, I am so proud of you. You did a great job.

- Teacher will say “boys and girls I am going to give you a work sheet to complete and once you are done Teacher will give students extra time to complete
come back to the carpet, so we can discuss the worksheet. the work sheet.
- Teacher will read and explain to students what they need to do to complete the worksheet.
- Once the students are done and back at the carpet, the teacher will ask few of them to share their answers and Teacher will be moving around the class making
how they did it. sure students are working.
- Teacher will say “thank you boys and girls we had an excellent class today, thank you all for your hard
work”. Teacher will offer one on one support for those who
needs it.

Teacher will be observing and taking notes while

students are working.

Teacher will be providing feedback.

List all materials and/or technology tools required for the lesson.
Key instructional materials must be attached. These materials might include such items as class handouts, assignments, slides, and interactive white-board images.

- Paper clips (Appendix A)

- Straws (Appendix A)
- Chart paper (Appendix A)

- Big story book (Appendix B)

- Linking cubes (Appendix B)
- Pencils and papers (Appendix B)
- Worksheets (Appendix C)
Appendix A
Chart paper

Paper clips Straws

Book Linking cubes


Using linking cubes please Estimate and then measure the following items you see in the pictures.


Guess Check

Guess Check
Any storybook

Guess. Check


One of your friends

Classroom ruler Guess Check

Guess Check
Appendix C

Measure the two lines using linking cubes and write the number


---------------- linking cubes


-------------------linking cubes

Which line is longer line 1 or line 2? How do you know?

Medaille College Department of Education
Lesson Plan

Teacher Candidate’s Name: Kindah Kablawi Date: April 7, 2018

Context for Learning (edTPA)

Where is the school where you are teaching located? City: _______ Suburb: _______ Town:_______ Rural: ____X__

Grade level: ____1____ Number of students in the class: _24_______

Students with IEPs/504 Plans

Complete the charts below to summarize required or needed supports, accommodations, or modifications for your students that will affect your instruction in
this learning segment.
IEPs/504 Plans: Number of Supports, Accommodations, Modifications, Pertinent IEP Goals
Classifications/Needs Students
Provide short, simple and clear instructions
Down Syndrome 3 Allow extra time,
Provide physical objects (manipulatives)
Provide time for one on one instructions.
Provide many opportunities for practice and repetition

Students with Specific Language Needs

Language Needs Number of Supports, Accommodations, Modifications
Provide clear simple instructions, provide concrete materials, allow to
English Language learners 2 work with other students in small group. Review and check for

Students with Other Learning Needs

Other Learning Needs Numbers of Supports, Accommodations, Modifications
Allow them to work with other children in small group,
Asperger Syndrome 2 provide visuals and concrete materials. Provide short clear steps.
Lesson ___4___ of a ___4___ Day Learning Segment

Subject and Lesson Topic: Measurment

Grade Level: 1 Lesson Duration: 40 minutes

Central Focus of the Learning Segment
The central focus is an understanding that you want your students to develop. It is a description of the important identifiable theme, essential question, or topic within the
curriculum that is the purpose of the instruction of the learning segment (Making Good Choices, 2016).

The Central focus of this learning segment is that students will measure using nonstandard units and measurable attributes such as length, and height, students will be able to
estimate, measure, and describe length using non-standard units of the same size. Students will compare length using terms such as “longer than” and “shorter than”.

Knowing Your Learners

What do you know about your students’ prior academic learning as it relates to the central focus? (edTPA Handbook, Task 1, Prompt 2a)

Students during lesson 3 of this learning segment used appropriate nonstandard units to measure length and height of different objects. They demonstrated an understanding
of and ability to apply measurement terms. The students learned to estimate the length/height before measuring the length/height of objects using linking cubes as none
standard units, they were able to pay attention to the endpoints of each object and they were able to line the measuring unites flat with no gaps in between to ensure accurate
measurement. Students counted how many units they used to measure the length of an object and were able to estimate and compare the length/height of the different objects.
Students used mathematical language such as “longer than” and “shorter than” to describe and compare the length and height of objects.

How will you use this knowledge to inform your instruction? (edTPA Handbook, Task 1, Prompt 3a)

In this lesson students will apply their previous knowledge of measurement using nonstandard units to measure different objects. Students will be transitioning from using
multiple units to iteration when measuring. Students will learn to iterate using two units only to measure. They will learn to move the unit from one position to another along
the length of an object and count the number of times it fits along the length.
Students will learn that some none standard units are easier to use than others. They will be provided with various opportunities to demonstrate an understanding of and
ability to apply measurement terms. Students will draw on their previous experiences from (lesson 2 and 3) paying close attention to endpoints and lining measuring unites
with no gaps to ensure accurate measurement and comparison. Students will use mathematical language such as “ this table is 8 sticks long because I used the sticks 8 times”.

What do you know about your students’ personal, cultural, and/or community assets as they relate to the central focus? (edTPA Handbook, Task 1, Prompt 2b)
In many different occasions the students were seen comparing their heights, their water bottles and even their sandwiches. They use mathematical language such as
taller/shorter, bigger/smaller, heavier/lighter when comparing.

How will you use this knowledge to inform your instruction? (edTPA Handbook, Task 1, Prompt 3a)

Because students have demonstrated their interest about measurement and they are interested in how tall, how long, how big, and how heavy things are. The teacher will
provide them with an opportunity to use measurement units to estimate, measure, order and compare the length and height of different objects.

Curriculum Standards

NYS 1. MD.2: Measurement and Data

Measure the length indirectly and by iterating length units.

Express the length of an object as a whole number of length units, by laying multiple copies of a shorter object (the length unit) end to end; understand that the length
measurement of an object is the number of same-size length units that span it with no gaps or overlaps. Limit to contexts where the object being measured is spanned by a
whole number of length units with no gaps or overlaps.

Ontario Curriculum Standard: Grade 1: Attributes, Units, and Measurement Sense.

- Demonstrate an understanding of the use of non-standard units of the same size (e.g., straws, index cards) for measuring (Sample
problem: Measure the length of your desk in different ways; for example, by using several different non-standard units or by starting
measurements from opposite ends of the desk. Discuss your findings.).

Objectives Assessment Modifications to Assessments

Using Bloom’s Taxonomy, include statements that identify Using formal and/or informal assessment tools, how will If applicable, explain how you will adapt assessments
what students will be able to do by the end of the lesson you evaluate and document your students’ progress on to allow students with specific needs to demonstrate
and are aligned to the standards identified above. each of the objectives? their learning.
(edTPA Task 1, Prompt 5b)
Students will be able to measure, order, and compare the Students will be formatively assessed through Additional time will be given to students
length and heights of different objects, student will make observations, discussions, questioning and worksheets. who will need it specially students with Down
the transition from using multiple uniform items to using syndrome, ELL’s and Asperger syndrome to
iteration. To help with the transition students will be complete their work.
using two unites to measure the length of an object.
Teacher will work with students one on one to
support their learning.
Modify the task and the expectations

Provide visuals

Provide short and simple steps

Check for understanding

Academic Language Demands Instructional Supports
(edTPA Task 1, Prompt 4c) Strategies teachers provide to help learners understand, use, and practice the
concepts (edTPA Task 1, Prompt 4d)
Function Teacher will support students learning by providing them with different
Looking at your standards and objectives, Measure nonstandard materials to measure and compare different objects. Teacher
choose the one Bloom’s word that best will pre-teach mathematical vocabulary, have class discussions, and
describes the active learning essential for modeling tasks.
students to develop understanding of Teacher will help students understand how to iterate using two units to
concepts within your lesson. measure length accurately by understanding the importance of endpoints.

Vocabulary Iterate Teacher will support students in learning measurement terms by

Key words and phrases students need to be Multiple modelling the proper vocabulary and by encouraging students to use
able to understand and use Locate appropriate mathematical language.
Along Teacher will write vocabulary on chart paper so that students can refer to
overlap it.
Teacher will provide visuals for students.

Syntax Students will use complete sentences Teacher will model the language to be used during the lesson. Students
Describe ways in which students will organize to describe their work. will be provided with extra time to practice how to measure different
language (symbols, words, phrases) to They will measure the length of objects using only two none standard measurement units such as their
convey meaning. objects using two none standard foot prints (traced and cut) pencils, and sticks. Students will measure
units such as pencils or sticks, to paying attention to end points. Students will count how many units they
measure then count the number of used to measure the length of an object. Teacher will offer opportunities
times the none standard unit fits for leadership for those students who understand endpoints.
along the length.
Discourse Students will work in pairs to measure Teacher will model language and what students need to do during their work
How members of a discipline talk, write, and by iterating. They will share their time.
participate in knowledge construction and findings, and practice what they learned.
communicate their understanding of the Students will be provided with multiple opportunities to practice what they
concepts learned.

Instructional Process Accommodations and/or Modifications and/or

Anticipatory Set/Motivator This activity builds on student’s previous
knowledge and experience.
- Teacher is going to call all the students to come to the carpet area.
- Teacher will say “hello boys and girls”. The teacher will review some of the vocabulary
- “I would like to review what we learned yesterday in math class”, “can someone tell me what we did used in lesson 2.
- “Yes, you are right, we learned about measurement” Teacher will provide concrete materials for the
- “Does anyone remember the new vocabulary we used to guess the length of an object before measuring it?” students.
- “Yes, correct it is estimate”.
- So yesterday we learned to estimate before measuring. Teacher will check for understanding.
- How many pencils you think you need to measure my height?
- Teacher will write down the different estimates given by students. Teacher will provide visuals for children with
- Teacher will ask two friends to come up and measure the teacher. special needs.
- Teacher will count the pencils used to measure her with the class.
- “Great job”.
- “Boy and girls, we learned to measure using different units, like using multiple pencils, crayons, sticks, and
- “Who can tell me what the word multiple means?”
- “You are right boys and girls it means a lot, more the 1, and also it means many”
- Today we are going to learn a new way to measure.
- Let’s get started!

Instructional Procedures

- “Boys and girls today we are going to measure objects, but we are not going to use multiple units, we are Visuals will be provided.
going to use only two units”
- “That means if you are going to use markers to measure an object we are not going to use many, we are only Steps will be written down for students to use as
going to use two markers” reference when needed.
- “Do you think we can measure something using only two units?”
- Teacher will listen to students’ answers, and discuss with them why they think they can or cannot measure Short simple steps will be provided for Ell students.
using only with two units”
- “Ok boys and girls some of you think we can and some of you think we can’t, let’s try and see” Teacher will model and work with students one on
- “How do you think we can measure this area rug with only two markers” one as needed.
- Teacher will call students to demonstrate the way they think the teacher should measure”
- Then the teacher will take two markers and will show students how to measure the area rug with only two Teacher will group ELL students with students who
markers. understands the concept to support their learning.
- Teacher will count as she measures the length.
- “Boys and girls, do you see how I am moving one marker in front of the other, I am leaving one marker in Teacher will walk around the class making
place to make it easy to locate where the other one should be placed so I get accurate measurement” observations and taking notes.
- “This is called iteration” remember we cannot leave gaps or spaces in between and remember we can’t
overlap the units.
- “Teacher will continue measuring, OK so this rug is 30 markers long”
- “Boys and girls, I am going to divide you in groups of 2” we will be measuring using our foot prints”.
- “I am going to show you how to do it”.
- Teacher will call one student to come up and ask him to put one foot on construction paper, then the teacher
will trace his/her feet twice on the paper then the student will cut it out and he will use the two foot prints to
- Both of you will help each other to trace your feet 2 times on the paper, once you are done this part come
back to the carpet.
- Teacher will have materials ready for student to use for tracing and cutting.
- When the students are done they will come back to the carpet, the teacher will go over the steps they need to
follow to measure using their foot prints. Teacher will model how they are going to line up the foot prints
without gaps or overlapping to correctly measure.
- Teacher will write the steps down for students to refer too.
- Teacher will ask students to go around the room to find two things to measure and write down on paper. Teacher will support children who needs help.
- “Boys and girls, come back when you are done so you can share your work”
- Teacher will be going around the room observing and taking notes.
- When the students are back, the teacher will call few students to come up and share what they measured and Teacher will ask students questions to check for
show the class how they did it. understanding while observing them work.
- “Great job boy girls, can someone share something new they learned in today’s class?”
- “awesome, can someone share a new vocabulary they learned today?” Extra time will be provided for students.
- “Can someone share something they did not understand today, or not sure of?”
- Does anyone have any question before we start working on the worksheet I will be handing out shortly?”

Teacher will give students extra time to complete
- Teacher had previously made three different paths in the classroom for the students to measure. the work sheet.
- Teacher will read the instructions and explain to students what they need to do to complete the worksheet.
- Teacher will ask students to come back to the carpet to discuss their answers after they are finished. Teacher will be moving around the class making
- When students are finished teacher will call few groups to come up and share their answers with the class. sure students are working.
- After the teacher collects the work sheets she will say “great job boys and girls”
- “Thank you for your great work today” Teacher will offer one on one support for those who
needs it.

Teacher will be observing and taking notes while

students are working.

Teacher will be providing feedback.

List all materials and/or technology tools required for the lesson.
Key instructional materials must be attached. These materials might include such items as class handouts, assignments, slides, and interactive white-board images.

- Pencils (Appendix A)
- Scissors (Appendix A)
- Construction papers (Appendix A)
- Markers (Appendix A)
- Duct tape (Appendix A)
- Worksheet (Appendix B)
Pencils Scissors Markers

Construction paper Duct tape

Name --------------------------

Using the two feet you traced and cut measure the following items and record your answer.
Path A Path B

Table Book shelf

Area rug

Classroom couch Your desk

Draw two things that are taller than you

Draw two things that are shorter than you

Artifact #8: Smart Board Assignment
This artifact showcases my ability to incorporate technology in developing learning opportunities for students. My abilities in
instruction as well as planning for curricular standards has also been showcased. In this artifact, a science lesson has been developed
and it includes various activities such as fill in the blanks, hide and reveal, and drag and drop. We are in a time where classrooms have
become increasingly dependent on technology, it is crucial for teacher candidates to develop a strong knowledge of the latest options
available to educators and classrooms. Students have also become technologically savvy as well therefore, It is very important for
educators to promote the use of technology in the classroom, doing so will encourage student learning, it will keep them engaged,
motivated, and active within the lesson.

Section Three of the Elementary Portfolio Project has presented various artifacts that showcase my aptitude and competence in
the field of education. Artifacts such as lesson plans, annotated bibliography, certifications, and SMART Notebook presentations are
just a few examples that provide evidence of my abilities to successfully lead a classroom. I believe that the artifacts presented in this
portfolio are a snap shot that expresses and present my readiness as a teacher candidate to take the role of a professional teacher.
Section Four of the portfolio will highlight connections to the curriculum and professional standards, demonstrating various major
teaching competencies such as best teaching practices, knowledge of subject matter, and student motivation.

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