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1. Familiarize yourself with engineering plotting, sketching, and graphing techniques so you can use them
effectively throughout the remainder of the course.

2. Be able to explain what dependent and independent variables are, notation used, and how
relationships are developed between them.

3. Familiarize yourself with the unit systems used in engineering, and know which system is used in Naval
Engineering I.

4. Understand unit analysis and be able to use units effectively in doing calculations and in checking your
final answer for correctness.

5. Understand significant figures, exact numbers, and the rules for using significant figures in

6. Obtain a working knowledge of scalars, vectors, and the symbols used in representing them as related
to this course.

7. Obtain a working knowledge of forces, moments, and couples.

8. Obtain a working knowledge of the concept of static equilibrium and be able to solve basic problems
of static equilibrium.

9. Understand the difference between a distributed force and a resultant force.

10. Know how to determine the first moment of area of a region about its axes.

11. Be able to calculate the geometric centroid of an object.

12. Be able to calculate the second moment of area of a region about an axis.

13. Be able to apply the parallel axis theorem when calculating the second moment of area of a region.

14. Know how to do linear interpolation.

15. Be able to name and describe the six degrees of freedom of a floating ship, and know which
directions on a ship are associated with the X, Y, and Z axes.

16. Know and be able to discuss the following terms as they relate to Naval Engineering: longitudinal
direction, transverse direction, athwartships, midships, amidships, draft, mean draft, displacement,
resultant weight, buoyant force, centerline, baseline, keel, heel, roll, list, and trim.


1. Be familiar the ways ships can be classified.

2. Be able to explain the difference between aerostatic, hydrostatic, and hydrodynamic support.

3. Be familiar with the following types of marine vehicles: displacement ships, catamarans, planing
vessels, hydrofoil, hovercraft, SWATH, and submarines.

4. Learn Archimedes Principle in word and mathematical form.

5. Be able to do calculations using Archimedes Principle.

6. Be able to read, interpret, and relate the body plan, half-breadth plan, and sheer plan including
naming the lines found in each plan.

7. Be able to relate the information in a ship's lines plan to a Table of Offsets.

8. Be familiar with the following hull form terminology:

a. After Perpendicular (AP), Forward Perpendiculars (FP) and midships.

b. Length Between Perpendiculars (Lpp ) and Length Overall (LOA).

c. Keel (K), Depth (D), Draft (T), Mean Draft (Tm), Freeboard and Beam (B)

d. Flare, Tumble home and Camber.

e. Centerline, Baseline and Offset.

9. Be able to define, compare, and contrast “centroid” and “center of mass”.

10. Be able to state the physical significance and location of the center of buoyancy (B) and center of
flotation (F) and state how these points are located using LCB, VCB, TCB, TCF, and LCF.


11. Use Simpson’s 1st Rule to calculate the following given a Table of Offsets:

a. Waterplane Area (Awp) or (WPA).

b. Sectional Area (Asect).

c. Submerged Volume (∇).

d. Longitudinal Center of Flotation (LCF).

12. Be able to read and use a ship's Curves of Form to find hydrostatic properties.

13. Be sure that you are knowledgeable about each of the properties on the Curves of Form.

14. Calculate trim given Taft and Tfwd and understand its physical meaning.

1. Be able to explain a distributed force and a resultant force and relate them to a submerged ship’s hull.

2. Know how to calculate the absolute pressure below the surface of the water.

3. Be able to apply Archimedes Principle to a ship.

4. Know the necessary and sufficient conditions for static equilibrium and be able to apply these
conditions to various situations in Naval Engineering.

5. Be able to qualitatively show the direction of the shift in the center of gravity of an object after there
has been a weight addition, weight removal, or a weight shift on the object.

6. Calculate a ship's vertical center of gravity following weight shifts, additions and deletions in the
vertical direction.

7. Be able to calculate a ship's transverse center of gravity following weight shifts, additions and
deletions in the transverse direction.

8. Be able to calculate the angle of list after a transverse shift of weight onboard a ship assuming lists of
less than 10 degrees.

9. Be able to draw a vector picture of a ships section at midships that has been inclined due to a
transverse weight shift. Be able to show all the relevant forces acting on this section and be able to
properly label the diagram.

10. Be able to state the purpose of an inclining experiment and explain how it is done including the
derivation of relevant equations, figures, and diagrams. Be able to do the calculations associated with an
inclining experiment.

11. Be able to calculate forward and after drafts following longitudinal weight shifts, additions, and
deletions. Be able to show all the geometric relationships used in these problems on a diagram. Define

12. Define, understand, and use Metacentric Height and Metacentric Radius.

13. Calculate a ship's vertical center of gravity from an Inclining Experiment.

14. Understand the dangers and basic procedures followed in drydocking.


1. Be able to explain the concepts of righting arm and righting moment and be able to show these
concepts on a sectional vector diagram of the ship’s hull that is being heeled over by an external couple.

2. Be able to calculate the righting moment of a ship given the magnitude of the righting arm.

3. Be able to read, interpret, and sketch a Curve of Intact Statical Stability (or Righting Arm Curve) and be
able to draw the sectional vector diagram of forces that correspond to any point along the curve.

4. Be able to discuss what tenderness and stiffness mean with respect to naval engineering.

5. Be able to evaluate the stability of a ship in terms of:

a. Range of Stability

b. Dynamic Stability

c. Maximum Righting Arm

d. Maximum Righting Moment

e. Angle at which Maximum Righting Moment Occurs

6. Use the Cross Curves of Stability to create a Curve of Intact Statical Stability for a ship at a given
displacement and assumed vertical center of gravity.

7. Be able to correct a GZ curve for a shift of the ship's vertical center of gravity and interpret the curve.
Be able to draw the appropriate sectional vector diagram and use this diagram to show the derivation of
the sine correction.

8. Correct a GZ curve for a shift of the ship's transverse center of gravity and interpret the curve. Be able
to draw the appropriate sectional vector diagram and use this diagram to show the derivation of the
cosine correction.

9. Use Metacentric Height to determine the initial slope of the GZ curve.

10. Calculate ship trim, angle of list and new draft with known amounts of damage using the added
weight method.

11. Be qualitatively aware of the lost buoyancy method for analyzing damaged ships.


12. Be familiar with the Navy Damage Stability Criteria for ships.

13. Be able to discuss the consequences of free surface on overall ship stability.

14. Be able to calculate the effective metacentric height for a ship with free surface.
15. Be familiar with the ways to limit the effects of free surface.

16. Understand the meaning of a negative metacentric height and be able to show this condition on a
sectional vector diagram of the ship’s hull.

17. Be able to correct the GZ curve to account for the effects of a free surface.

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