Emotional Disturbance 1

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Strategy Matrix

Disability: Emotional Disturbance

Student’s Strengths: 1. Happy to take class responsibilities,
2. Verbally Expressive, 3. Building Strong relationship with them is really helpful.

Common Disability Characteristic Evidence-based Strategies

1. Exhibits severe deficiencies in 1. Sticky Note Strategy- Assists with reading
metacognitive skills, memory comprehension & recall, following directions,
skills and attention which lead to time management, math concepts & semantic
academic underachievement in mapping.
reading, math, writing and 2. Self-Regulate - Enables to manage attention,
spelling. and cognition to engage in goal-directed
actions, such as learning.
2. Difficulty in organizing. 1. Graphic Organizers – Visual and graphic
display helps to organize ideas, concepts and
enhance reading comprehension and writing
2. Guided Notes- Support with metacognition and
Social / School Skills

1. Exhibits social behavior similar 1. Good Behavior Game - Aims at positive

to that of younger children and act behavior instead of punishing negative
socially immature. behavior.
2. Behavior Specific Praise Statements - Create a
positive classroom environment where
behavioral expectations are known.
2. Withdraws from peers and appear 1. Think-Pair-Share - Helps to become a part of
socially isolated. the class/work on social skills.
2. Peer Assisted Learning Strategy - Creates an
opportunity to assume an integral role in a
valued activity.
Behavior / Organization
1. Difficulty in building and 1. Check-In/Check-Out - Builds relationships,
maintaining relationships. fosters self confidence & provides
reinforcement for goal attainment and/or
2. Praise Notes - Encourage to participate and
engage, and promote positive behavior.
2. Aggressive with peers, adults and 1. Positive Self-talk - Controls the mind, emotions,
cause harm when playing or attitudes, degree of effort, behavior, and even
interacting with others. lead to better performance.
2. Behavior Contracts – Help to improve behavior

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