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Index Getting Started PictureProject Tutorial PictureProject Reference Technical Notes

PictureProject Tutorial
Organizing, Viewing, Retouching, and Sharing Pictures

Transferring Pictures to the Computer


Organizing Pictures
Cataloging Pictures 3
Collections 4
Finding Pictures 5
Viewing Pictures
Sorting Pictures 6
Thumbnails and Previews 7
Slide Shows 8
Movies 9

Retouching Pictures
Auto Retouch 10

Sharing Pictures
Making Prints 11
Sharing Pictures by E-mail 12
Laying Pictures out for Printing or E-mail 13
Sharing Pictures with FotoShare (Europe Only) 14

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Transferring Pictures to the Computer

To copy pictures from the camera to the computer:
3 PictureProject automatically displays the pictures in the
picture list when transfer is complete.

1 Connect the camera to the computer and turn the cam-

era on. PictureProject Transfer will start automatically.

Select Last
Import to view

2 Click Transfer to copy pictures from the camera to the

computer. See “Transferring and Cataloging Pictures” or
“Technical Notes” for details. Picture list

Windows XP
In Windows XP, the AutoPlay (“Removable Disk”) dialog will be dis-
played when the camera is connected and turned on.
Default Transfer Destinations
Auto Launch The default destination for transferred pictures is the “My Pictures”
PictureProject Transfer will not start automatically if Disable Auto folder in the “My Documents” folder (Windows) or the “Pictures”
Launch is selected in the “Auto launch” tab of the Preferences dialog. folder (Mac OS).
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Organizing Pictures: Cataloging Pictures

Before pictures can be organized, viewed, retouched,
printed, or shared, they must be cataloged in PictureProject.
New pictures are automatically cataloged when they are
2 Click Start to catalog all pictures in the location listed
in the “Import from” display (pictures that have already
been cataloged will not be cataloged again).
copied to the computer using PictureProject Transfer (see
Changing the Source Folder
the previous page or “Transferring and Cataloging Pictures”
To choose a new source fold-
for details). Pictures already on the computer hard disk can
er, click Advanced… and se-
be cataloged using the Import Assistant:
lect the folder containing the

1 Select Import Assistant… from the

Tools menu. The following dialog
will be displayed.
pictures to be cataloged.

“Import Click Finish to return to PictureProject.

Advanced… Start
button button

Folder and Collection Names

Pictures are imported using the original folder and file names.
PictureProject creates new collections for folders that contain pic-
tures, while other folders are imported as folders.
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Organizing Pictures: Collections

Pictures in different locations can be grouped into collec-
tions organized by theme. To create a new collection: 3 Drag pictures from the picture list and drop them into the
new collection.

1 Click the Organize button.

2 Click the (“New Collection”) button. A new collec-

tion will be added to the collection list. The collection
name will be highlighted; enter an appropriate name for
the new collection.
햲 Click Organize

햳 Click
When the new collection is selected in the collection list,
New collection
the pictures in the collection will be displayed in the pic-
ture list.

Organizing Collections
Collections can be grouped into folders.
Removing Pictures from a Collection
To remove pictures from a collection, select the pictures and choose
Collection list Picture list Delete… from the File menu. See “Deleting Pictures” for details.
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Organizing Pictures: Finding Pictures

To find pictures created or transferred on specific dates, or
search for pictures by keyword, file name, or file attributes: 2 Choose search options. All pictures in the selected col-
lection or folder that match the chosen criteria will ap-
pear in the picture list.

1 Select a collection or folder in the collection list and click

the next to Search to open the search sub panel. Option Description
Search for pictures with file names contain-
By Name ing specified characters.
By Keyword Search for pictures with selected keyword.
햲 Select collection…
Search for pictures created or transferred
By Date today, in past week, month, or year, or in

… and click specified range of dates.
Search Marked
files Confine search to tagged pictures.

Search protected
files Confine search to protected pictures.

Collection list Picture list Search sub panel

If the Search Sub Panel Is Not Displayed Tagging and Protecting Pictures
If the search sub panel is not displayed, select Display Sub Panel from For information on tagging and protecting pictures, see “Tagging Pic-
the View menu or click the at the top of the picture list. tures” and “Protect Marking.”
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Viewing Pictures: Sorting Pictures

To sort pictures by file name, date of creation, file size, or
extension: 2 Choose Ascending or De-
scending from the View >
Sort Order menu.
1 In the View menu, select
Sort Key and choose how
pictures will be sorted.

Option Description
Ascending Sort in ascending alphabetical or numerical order.
Descending Sort in descending order.
Option Description
Name List pictures in order by file name.
Modified Date List pictures in order by date of modification.
File Size List pictures in order by file size.
Extension List pictures in order by file type.
Custom Reorder pictures manually using mouse.
Set current Choose current order as custom order. Select
order to custom Custom to reset pictures to this order.

Sort Keys
Pictures with the same date, file size, or extension will be further sorted
by file name.
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Viewing Pictures: Thumbnails and Previews

In organize mode, pictures can be viewed as thumbnails (“Photo”)
only or with a preview of the current frame. Click the Thumbnails are listed at the top of the picture list area with a
(“Thumbnail”) or (“Photo”) button in the picture list preview of the currently selected picture at the bottom. Use
area. the and buttons to preview additional pictures.


Thumbnail list

Preview image

“Photo” button

“Thumbnail” Changing Thumbnail Size

button Use the “Thumbnail Size” slider to change the size of the
thumbnails in the picture list area. The size of the thumbnails
determines the number of pictures that can be displayed at
one time in the picture list.
The Picture List Area
To hide sub panels and increase the size of the picture list area, remove
the check from the View > Display Sub Panel menu or click the at
the top of the picture list. “Thumbnail Size” slider
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Viewing Pictures: Slide Shows

To play pictures back in an automated “slide show”:
2 Choose slide show options as described in Slide Show
and Movie Settings.
1 Select a collection or folder in the collection list and click
the (Slide Show) button.

햲 Select collection… … and click Slide Show

OK button

3 Click OK to start the slide show.

Collection list

Selecting Pictures for a Slide Show

To view chosen pictures in a slide show, select the pictures in the picture
list before clicking the Slide Show button.
Interrupting the Slide Show
To interrupt the slide show, click the image in the slide show window.
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Index Getting Started PictureProject Tutorial PictureProject Reference Technical Notes

Viewing Pictures: Movies

To view movies:
3 Select Play Movie from the Image menu. The follow-
ing dialog will be displayed; choose movie options as

1 Select a collection or folder in the collection list.

described in Slide Show and Movie Settings.

2 Double-click a movie, or select a movie in the picture list

and click Edit.

햲 Select collection

… and click Edit OK button

햳 Select movie…

4 Click OK to play the movie.

Collection list Thumbnail list

Interrupting Playback
To interrupt movie playback, click anywhere in the playback window.
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Index Getting Started PictureProject Tutorial PictureProject Reference Technical Notes

Retouching Pictures: Auto Retouch

For optimum exposure, color, and contrast: To correct red-eye:

1 Select a collection or folder in the collection list.

1 Select a collection or folder in the collection list.

2 Select the pictures that will be retouched and click

(Auto Enhance). 2 Select the pictures that will be retouched and click
(Auto Red-eye).

햲 Select collection 햲 Select collection

햳 Select pictures… … and click 햳 Select pictures… … and click
Auto Enhance Auto Red-eye

Collection list Picture list Collection list Picture list

Auto Retouch Options

See “Retouching Pictures” for information on making separate adjust- RAW and 16-Bit TIFF Images
ments to auto retouch options. Red-eye correction is not available with RAW or 16-bit TIFF images.
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Sharing Pictures: Making Prints

To print selected pictures:
3 The dialog shown below will be displayed. Adjust printer
settings as described in Printer Settings.

1 Select a collection or folder in the collection list.

2 Select pictures for printing and click (Print).

햲 Select collection
햳 Select pictures… … and click


Collection list Picture list 4 Click Print… to print the pictures.

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Sharing Pictures: Sharing Pictures by E-mail

To send pictures by e-mail:
3 The dialog shown below will be displayed. Adjust e-mail
options as described in E-mail Settings.

1 Select a collection or folder in the collection list.

2 Select pictures for e-mail and click (Mail).

햲 Select collection
햳 Select pictures… … and click
Mail Send button

4 Click Send. The default e-mail application will start.

Collection list Picture list 5 Send the pictures as described in the documentation for
the e-mail application.

Supported E-mail Applications

Outlook Express, Outlook, Eudora

Entourage X, Mail, Eudora
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Sharing Pictures: Laying Pictures out for Printing or E-mail

To lay selected pictures out for printing or e-mail: Click the next to Properties to open the “Properties”
1 Select a collection or folder in the collection list.

2 Select pictures for layout and click Design.

햲 Select collection
햳 Select pictures… … and click

4 Choose the desired layout from the Document Tem-

plate menu. To print pictures in the selected layout, click
Print. To send an e-mail attachment with the selected
Collection list Picture list layout, click Mail.
The Icon
The current layout is saved when printed or sent by e-mail. It can be also
be saved using the save option. Collections for which a layout exists are
indicated by a icon next to the collection name in the collection list.
To create multiple layouts for a single collection, copy the collection and
create a new layout for each copy.
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Sharing Pictures: Sharing Pictures with FotoShare (Europe Only) 1/2

European customers can share pictures with a FotoShare
“P-Mail”: 4 Select up to twenty pictures in the picture list and drag
them over the FotoShare window. Release the mouse
button when the mouse pointer changes to .
1 Start FotoShare by double-clicking the Nikon FotoShare
icon on the desktop (Windows) or by opening the “Appli-
cations” folder and double-clicking the Nikon FotoShare 햳 Make sure that both PictureProject
icon (Macintosh). and FotoShare windows are visible.

2 Position the PictureProject window so that the FotoShare

window is visible.
햴 Select collection

3 In the PictureProject window, select a collection or folder

in the collection list. 햵 Select pictures…

… and drop them into

the FotoShare window

User Registration
The first time FotoShare share starts, a registration dialog will be dis-
played. Follow the on-screen instructions to register with Nikon’s free
FotoShare service. For more information on registering with Nikon Fo-
toShare, see “Registering with Nikon FotoShare.”
FotoShare window Collection list Picture list
Starting FotoShare (Windows)
In Windows, FotoShare can also be started by clicking the Start button Maximum Number of Pictures
and selecting Nikon FotoShare > FotoShare from the programs list. Each P-Mail can contain a maximum of twenty pictures.
FotoShare Help RAW Pictures
For more information on using FotoShare, select FotoShare Help from Only JPEG and TIFF pictures can be sent by P-Mail. Recipients will not
the FotoShare Help menu. be able to view RAW (NEF) pictures.
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Sharing Pictures: Sharing Pictures with FotoShare (Europe Only) 2/2

5 A new P-Mail window will open in the background.

Click the P-Mail window and enter the recipient’s e-mail
address in the “To…” line, then enter a subject and type
6 Click (Send). A prog-
ress dialog will be dis-
played; when the progress
a message in the message area. dialog closes, click the
PictureProject window to
Send button
return to PictureProject.

“To…” line
Subject line

Receiving P-Mail
P-Mail recipients will receive a mes-
sage with the pictures displayed as
small previews as shown at right.
Clicking a preview starts the default
web browser application, where
Message area the picture will be displayed at a
larger size. The recipient can save
Uploading Pictures a copy of the picture to their com-
An Internet connection is required to use P-Mail. The user bears all puter by right-clicking (Windows)
applicable fees charged by the phone company or Internet service pro- or control -clicking (Macintosh) the
vider. picture in the web browser and se-
Dial-up Connections lecting the “Save As” or “Download to Disk” option.
When using a dial-up connection, be aware that the connection is not Pictures are available for viewing and download for thirty days only. At
automatically terminated when the message is sent. Be sure to termi- the end of this period, they will automatically be deleted from the Nikon
nate the connection manually. FotoShare server.
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