Consumer Behavior - Mini Project 1A - Sec-4

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This project will be done by six groups. Refer the table below for group and product
category allocation. Find attached Excel sheet for the group composition which was
shared with you earlier.

Group No. Product Category

A1 Baby Care Products
A2 Ready to Eat Items
A3 Detergent & Dish washing liquids or bars
A4 Hair Care Products
A5 Edible Oils & Ghee
A6 Floor & Toilet cleaners

The main objective of this project is to understand the process of consumer decision
making and influence of situations in the process of decision making while purchase
of products.

For this purpose each group is required to conduct a primary study as follows –

For the product category assigned to your group, consider the consumers who have
bought the product at least twice in past 6 months. Conduct your study in the
following two ways-
(a) Observation inside the store
(b) Interview of relevant 6 respondents (Make Video/Audio recording).

Based on your study, bring out the aspects of situational influences in the process of
decision making and purchase of products.
(Few of the aspects you would like to cover in the context of influence of situation –
Sense of urgency by consumers, product shelfing - visual merchandising, staff
behaviour and their support, company with whom you shop, in-store promotion etc.)

Time Line:
Submit the written reports and share your experience/insight in Session no-11.

Evaluation Weightage: 5%

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