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Conditional present - FORMA Conditional perfect - FORMA

would / should + INFINITIV would / should + HAVE + participiul trecut

Utilizare: fel ca viitorul simplu, cand verbul principal

este la trecut:
I think he will come. – I thought he would come.

Sam says mother will get well. – Sam said mother would get well.

2.pentru a face referiri la actiuni obisnuite in

When we lived in Africa we would often spend our weekends outdoor.

When Helen was a baby she would cry all night long. propozitii subordinate dupa: advise, agree,

arrange, ask, beg, command, decide, demand,
determine, insist, order, propose, recommend,
request, suggest, be anxious, be determined.
The doctor decided (that) the patient should have his appendix out.

Mrs. Walker is anxious (that) her son should get the job. it is / was + adjectiv + that…should:

It is essential that the students should get to their lesson on time.

It was strange that he should say that.

5.dupa can’t think, don’t know why sau see no
reason why:
I can’t think why Frank should apologise.

I don’t know why my neighbour should do that.

I see no reason why we should worry. oferte si cereri:

Would you prefer tea or coffee?

Would you like to see my stamp collection?

NOTA: Would rather… inseamna “a prefera sa”:

I would rather have coffee than tea. propozitii conditionale (if clauses). Exista

trei tipuri de propozitii conditionale in engleza:

Tipuri Propozitie principala Propozitie subordonata

Conditional I Viitor cu will Prezent simplu

(uneori Pres. Simple) (Present Simple)

Conditional II Conditional prezent IF Trecut simplu

(Present Conditional) (Past Tense)

Conditional III Conditional perfect Mai mult ca perfect

(Perfect Conditional) (Past Perfect)

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