Gantt Chart: "Pico-Hydro Floating Turbine With Gear System" June Cyric Earl L. Alcala Birthley C. Ragasa Ashari D. Tabay

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“Pico-Hydro Floating Turbine with Gear System”

June Cyric Earl L. Alcala

Birthley C. Ragasa
Ashari D. Tabay
Gantt chart

Month of Schedule Description

February The researchers are still working for

research papers.

March The researchers are still canvassing the

materials to be used.

April The researchers are finding the materials for

the turbine.

May The researchers are studying on how to

compute and make a gear that is suitable for
the project.

June The researchers are finding an affordable

and high standards fabricator.

July The researchers are finding the materials

that the machinist requires.

August The researchers slowly assemble the

finished parts of the design project.

September The researchers are testing and

troubleshooting the design project.

October The researchers have completed the papers

and the project design.
“Pico-Hydro Floating Turbine with Gear System”

June Cyric Earl L. Alcala

Birthley C. Ragasa
Ashari D. Tabay
Monthly Plan/Schedule of Works

July 1st week – computing the buoyancy of the floating parts.

2nd week – buy the required material for the floating parts.
3rd & 4th week – computing the gear ratio and its specifications, also seeks
help for the expert in gears.

August 1st week – finding tachometer to measure the speed of the generator.
2nd week – follow up the floating parts in the machine shop and add some
3rd week – find efficient bearings for the shaft of the turbine.
4th week – assemble the turbine and its casing.

September 1st week – buy the materials for gear.

2nd week – placing the generator.
3rd week – polishing the floating components.
4th week –combining the finished parts and start testing.
October 1st week – Simulating and testing of the efficiency.
2nd week – troubleshooting the project.
3rd & 4th week – Completed the papers and the project design.
“Pico-Hydro Floating Turbine with Gear System”

June Cyric Earl L. Alcala

Birthley C. Ragasa
Ashari D. Tabay
June Monthly Report

Starting from the month of June we decided to design a turbine so that the fabrication
will start. We came up to an idea with the help of the machinist whom we seek for help. Our
team then compute the ideas that is united as one. First, we compute the buoyancy of the
turbine and set the weight capacity of it. Also search for the blades of the turbine and the
pitch angle of it so that it will be efficient when drives by the water.

All papers needed should be submitted this month, so we worked on it for the
remaining days of the month of June. When we finished the papers, we continued our work
which is in progress.
“Pico-Hydro Floating Turbine with Gear System”

June Cyric Earl L. Alcala

Birthley C. Ragasa
Ashari D. Tabay

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