Guidline For Authors

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Author Guidelines in Preparation of Abstacts

(This guidelines refer to abstract guidelines of Biomed Centrar Journal)

Heading, Font, and Spacing

Abstract should be typed using word processors (Microsoft Word 2007 or Open Office)
software. The font used throughout the paper is Times New Roman. The paper size is A4
(i.e., 210 x 297 mm), one-column format with a 3 cm for all margin, and single spaced. Use
of pronouns such as I, we etc is to be avoided.
Abstract submitted to this conference should be in structured form and should be organized as
follow : Title; Author Names; Author Affiliations; Abstract; and Keywords.

Abstract Title

Title should be in bold, Title should be in sentence case (no unnecessary capitalization), no
underlining and no full stop at the end. The title is written in English and should not exceed
20 words. Title should be unambiguous and specific. Do not contain infrequently-used

The title of the abstract should be in 16 pt bold Times New Roman and be centered. The title
should have 0 pts space above and 0 pts space below.

Authors Name
First name, middle initials if required, and surname with no full stop at the end. Underline the
name of the corresponding author. A comma should separate author names. Where authors
are from a number of different institutions, the appropriate institution number from the
affiliation list should be given as a superscript number immediately after each author's name,

John Smith1, Susan Jones1, Bill Fisher 2

If the authors are presenting an abstract on behalf of a study group, this information should
not be included in the author list, but should appear in an Acknowledgements section.
Author names should be in 12 pt Times Roman bold with 0 pts space above and 0 pts space

Affiliations should include department, institute, town and country. Where there are multiple
affiliations, each should be listed as a separate paragraph. Each institute should appear in the
order used against the author names (see above paragraph) and show the appropriate
superscript number,
Department, University, Town, State, Zipcode, USA
University, Town, State, Postcode, UK
Company, Town, State, Canada, Postcode
Author names should be in 12 pt Times Roman with 0 pts space above and 0 pts space below.


Abstract should not contain tables and figure. Brief acknowledgements may be included and
should be placed after conclusions and before the kaywords. In structured abstracts,
paragraph headings should be typed in bold with no colon at the end. Do not use the heading
‘Abstract’. Each heading should be in a separate paragraph. The Abstract is written in 12 pt
Times New Roman in English and not should not be more than 200 words. Please use single
line spacing and type the text unjustified without hyphenating words at line breaks. Use hard
returns only to end headings and paragraphs, not to rearrange lines

Followed by regular text, on a new line and in the
same format as shown above for main text.
Materials and methods

For Case report abstracts:

Case report

Maximum of 5 keywords separated by coma (,), crucial to the appropriate indexing of the
papers, are to be given. For instance: Cattle, import, indigenous, malaria, Plasmodium sp.
Abstract titel (Written in English not to exceed 20 words, no
underlining and no full stop at the end)  16pt, Times New
Roman bold

John Smith1, Susan Jones1, Bill Fisher 2 (Firstname A Lastname, Firstname B

Lastname, or Firstname C Lastname,)  12pt, bold
Department, University, Town, State, Zipcode, Country
University, Town, State, Postcode, UK
Company, Town, State, Postcode, Canada

* Corresponding Author: Name, Mailing list E-mail:, Phone: +62-xxxxx, Fax:

Background (12pt, Times New Roman bold) : Xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx

xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxx xxx. Background is written in 12 pt Times
New Roman in English with word. Please use single line spacing and type the text

Materials and methods (12pt, Times New Roman bold) : Xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxx xxx. Material and methods are
written in 12 pt Times New Roman in English

Results (12pt, Times New Roman bold) :Xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx

xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxx xxx. Resulth is written in 12 pt Times New
Roman in English. Please use single line spacing and type the text unjustified.

Conclusions (12pt, Times New Roman bold) : Xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx

xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxx xxx. Conclusion is written in 12 pt Times
New Roman in English. Please use single line spacing and type the text unjustified.

Acknowledgements (12pt, Times New Roman bold) : Xxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx

xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxx xxx. Conclusion is written in
12 pt Times New Roman in English. Please use single line spacing and type the text

Keywords (12pt, Times New Roman) : Maximum of 5 keywords separated by coma (,)
Author(s) Statement of Ethics

Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini :

Hereby I declare

Nama (Name) :
Judul Abstrak (Abstract Title) :
No. HP/Telp. :
(Handphone / Telephone Number)
Alamat Email (Email addres) :
Alamat Kantor (Office Address) :

Menyatakan bahwa (stated that) :

1. Penulis bertanggung jawab atas publikasi artikel terlampir.
(The author is responsible for the publication of the Submitted abstract).
2. Penulis telah menyetujui abstrak untuk diterbitkan sesuai format
(The author agreed that the abstract will be published according to AIPHC format ).
3. Seluruh penulis yang tercantum dalam abstrak telah menyetujui abstrak untuk
(The authors listed in the abstract agreed for the publication)
4. Abstrak belum pernah dipublikasikan, dan tidak sedang diajukan pada conferensi
(The abstract has not been previously published, nor it is being submitted to another
5. Abstrak telah diserahkan atas sepengetahuan dan ijin dari instansi/lembaga yang
(This abstract is submitted with the knowledge and permission of the involved
department/institution concerned).

....[tempat (place)]..... ,
..[tanggal (date)].....
Penulis (Author)

[materai Rp. 6000]

(.....Nama (Name)......)

Catatan (Note):
1. Melampirkan Surat Persetujuan Etik (Ethichal Approval) bila diperlukan
(Ethical approval from official institution must be attached if needed).

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