Figure It Out For Yourself

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Figure it out for yourself, my lad,

You've all that the greatest of men have had,

Two arms, two hands, two legs, two eyes
And a brain to use if you would be wise.
With this equipment they all began,
So start for the top and say, "I can."

Look them over, the wise and great

They take their food from a common plate,
And similar knives and forks they use,
With similar laces they tie their shoes.
The world considers them brave and smart,
But you've all they had when they made their start.

You can triumph and come to skill,

You can be great if you only will.
You're well equipped for what fight you choose,
You have legs and arms and a brain to use,
And the man who has risen great deeds to do
Began his life with no more than you.

You are the handicap you must face,

You are the one who must choose your place,
You must say where you want to go,
How much you will study the truth to know.
God has equipped you for life, but He
Lets you decide what you want to be.

Courage must come from the soul within,

The man must furnish the will to win.
So figure it out for yourself, my lad.
You were born with all that the great have had,
With your equipment they all began,
Get hold of yourself and say: "I can.

Motivation is like happiness

Just as happiness is one of the most understood concept to the majority of people, motivation is the
same. What makes Sam happy is never the same thing that will make Sarah happy nor its by any
means the thing that will make Mark happy. 

It all depends about their unmet needs which are rarely unique among groups of people. 

If you want to motivate few people to change then digging into their unmet needs and understanding
what motivates them will be the best way but what if you want to motivate a big group of people? 

What if you want to motivate hundreds to like you, thousands to visit your blog or millions to accept
your new Tax policy? We all have different unmet needs but when a big group of people experience
some common life events they tend to become motivated by the same triggers.

For example if a whole country is living under the rule of a tyrant king then surely they will all be
motivated to vote for someone else or at least to change the situation to the better. The reason
2knowmyself gets over 400,000 visits each month is that there are a certain group of people who have
been raised to understand the importance of healing themselves and that’s why they all are motivated
to visit my site each month. 

So you can motivate a whole group of people by understanding the common drive that they are all
having then motivate them to achieve their need using that drive. 

Positive and negative motivation

people can either be motivated to avoid pain or to gain rewards. both pain avoidance and the desire for
a reward should be tied to the unmet needs the person has. For example when a parent wants to
motivate his child to change he must understand what the child needs and what he doesn’t need. 

If the child doesn’t care about money then surely telling him that he would not be given any money if he
didn’t do the homework won’t do any good. 

To summarize this all, we are all different and in order to motivate someone to change you must
understand his unmet needs first then use them to motivate him.

Learn how to change people to the better

if there is a need there is a motivation

If someone is truly in need of money then surely money can motivate him but if he has piles of it then it
will never have the same effect on him. Everyone of us has grown up without meeting some of his

Some people failed to become successful and so would do anything to find success, others failed to
collect money and so will become motivated whenever they get paid and a third group failed to become
recognized and so will do anything to acquire fame. 

If you want to motivate someone to change or to do something then you must first understand his
needs, wants then tie the change to these needs. 

Motivating someone to quit a bad habit must be done on the basis of his unmet needs. If the person has
financial problems then explaining to him how smoking wastes his money can be a good method to
change him while if he has health concerns then talking about money will never do any good. 

Lots of people do the mistake of trying to motivate people with disregard to their needs, for example the
health warnings that appear on cigarette packs only motivates those who are obsessed about their
health and no one else!

Barcode system
A barcode system is a network of hardware and software, consisting primarily of mobile
computers, printers, handheld scanners, infrastructure, and supporting software. Barcode systems
are used to automate data collection where hand recording is neither timely or cost effective.
Barcoding systems are not radio-frequency identification(RFID) systems even though the companies
that provide barcode equipment will often also provide RFID equipment and many companies use
both technologies as part of larger resource management systems.

The first commercially successful barcode reading system was invented (US Patent 3479519) in
November 1969 by John F. Keidel for the General Atronics Corp.

A typical barcode system consist of some infrastructure, either wired or wireless that connects some
number of mobile computers, handheld scanners, and printers to one or many databases that store
and analyze the data collected by the system. At some level there must be some software to manage
the system. The software may be as simple as code that manages the connection between the
hardware and the database or as complex as an ERP, MRP, or some otherinventory
management software.

http:/ assume ABC Inc. manufactures widgets and they want to offer online shopping for their
customers and they only want their customers to order widgets they have in stock. ABC already uses
an ERP system to help manage their inventory and day-to-day operations at their manufacturing plant
but for information to get into the ERP database an employee must enter the data manually using a
desktop computer terminal. This method doesn't work well with ABC's plans because the inventory
data is nowhere close to real time; in fact in most cases it is at least 24 hours old and sometimes as
much as a week old if the data entry person is on vacation. A solution to ABC's problem may be the
installation of a barcode system. By installing a barcode system to help track inventory in real time
ABC would be able to offer their customers online ordering and the customers could see which
widgets were available and could in turn only be allowed to place orders for those widgets which were
in stock. To install this barcode system ABC would need to first install a wireless network to cover
most if not all of their manufacturing plant and warehouse, unless they planned on using wired
barcode scanners. For this example, assume ABC chose to go with wireless scanners that
communicate on a IEEE 802.11g frequency because ABC doesn't want their employees to be
restricted to the limited range of wired scanners. Next ABC would need to either purchase an out of
the box software package or have custom software developed to allow the hardware of the barcode
system to communicate with their current ERP system. This is assuming ABC's ERP system does not
have the ability to directly communicate with the wireless devices. Assume that the out of the box
software vendor or the software developer whichever is chosen will take care of the setup and testing
of the software. We[who?] are assuming this because the development and/or setup of this software is
usually rather complicated and also because the process is different for almost all types of software.
Next ABC will have to purchase and set up the hardware (scanners, printers, etc.) that the employees
will use on a daily basis to help track ABC's inventory in real time. After the wireless network is set up
and the software and hardware is in place ABC will have to start labeling its products with labels
containing bar-coded information so the labels can be read by the new barcode system. The final step
for ABC is to train its employees on the procedures of use for the barcode

There is a wide range of hardware that is manufactured today for use in Barcode Systems. The best
known brand of handheld scanners and mobile computers is Symbol, which is now a division
of Motorola. Other manufacturers include Intermec, HHP (Hand Held Products), Microscan Systems,
Unitech, Metrologic, PSC and PANMOBIL.


While there is a range of hardware on the market, software is more difficult to find from the hardware
manufacturers. Some ERP, MRP, and other inventory management software have built in support for
barcode reading and some even allow the software to run directly on a mobile computer. Besides full
management software, there are more than a few software on the market that allow the developer to
easily produce custom mobile interfaces and that handle the connect to the database. One such
software is RFgen another is PeopleVox. Then there is always the option of developing a custom
software solution, using a language such as C++, C#, Java, Visual Basic.NET, and many others.
Often developing a custom interface using software such as RFgen or developing new, personalized
software is the most effective method since it allows the individual to have a solution that is fitted to
their exact needs

  Hope, anything that one wants, and at
the moment of 'hope' they do not have.

If hope were a feeling, I would hope, 

it be one of honesty and integrity.
I would hope it would be love and empathy.

If hope were a food, I would hope it

would be filled with nourishment.

If hope were music, I would hope, it

was the kind of music, that you loved.

If hope were a sound, I would hope it

would by a symphony of love.

If hope were a religion, I would hope it

was your religion.

If hope were belief, then I would hope, 

that belief would be, that there is one
Supreme Being; who is by-lingual and
of all faiths, and all creeds and colors.

If hope were knowledge, I would hope, 

it had patience, understanding, the
ability of comprehending the other
persons point of view. I would also hope, 
that it had an unquenchable thirst, 
to continue to learn by experience and

If hope could be seen, I would hope, all

would see, the good in their fellow man.

If hope were a wish, I would hope

that all your dreams, and ambitions
came true.

If hope were you...if hope were me, I

would hope, we never lost sight of
those less fortunate. I would hope
we would never be so self-centered
or busy, that we neglected to extend
a helping hand, to those in need.

Finally if you hope this ends, let me

conclude by saying....

If hope were a human, I would hope, that it

realized, that if we want a better world, 
then we have to be better ourselves

Of human ignorance I am almost in despair
For racism found everywhere
But like they say sheer ignorance is bliss
Just like Judas betrayed Jesus with a kiss.

People carry their honour in a flag

And of their Nationality they brag
They feel superior and they differentiate
And against those who are different they discriminate.

So many people still judge by their race

For such there never ought to be a place
'A fair go' those untruthful words do i recall
There is no such a thing as a 'fair go for all'.

Though we live in a so called democracy

Of racism we never will be free
They judge you by where you come from and the colour of your skin
For many equality and respect seems impossible to win.

It's been awhile since the days of Martin Luther King

His name to it has a familiar ring
If against racism he did not choose to strive
Today the great man he would be alive.
So many holding the reins of power not spiritually aware
And racism is around me everywhere
And racism only leads to division and war
Just goes to show how ignorant we truly are. 


To achieve something great in the world you need Passion

To fulfill vision, a great leader’s courage comes from Passion
Whatever it may be, you must find your Passion
If passion drives you, let reason hold the reins
Follow your passion and success will follow you! 

Never underestimate the power of passion

Without passion religion is spiritless
Without Passion history is meaningless
Without Passion art is useless
Follow your passion and success will follow you! 

When you take up a mission with passion

There are no dreams too large
No innovation unimaginable
No frontiers beyond reach 
Follow your passion and success will follow you! 

Our passions are the winds that propel our vessel

Our reason is the pilot that steers her
Without winds the vessel would not move 
Without a pilot she would be lost
Follow your passion and success will follow you! 

There is no end and there is no beginning

There is only the passion of life
Passion is universal humanity
Passion is the genesis of genius
Follow your passion and success will follow you! 

Biological computers—

Biological computers are special types of microcomputers that are specifically designed to be used for
medical applications. The biological computer  is an implantable device that is mainly used for tasks
like monitoring the body's activities or inducing therapeutic effects, all at the molecular or cellular
The biological computer is made up of RNA (Ribonucleic Acid - an important part in the synthesis of
protein from amino acids), DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid - nucleic acid molecule that contains the
important genetic information that is used by the body for the construction of cells; it's the blue print
for all living organisms), and proteins.

The main advantage of this technology over other like technologies is the fact that through it, a doctor
can focus on or find and treat only damaged or diseased cells. Selective cell treatment is made

The biological computer can also perform simple mathematical calculations. This could enable the
researcher to build an array or a system of biosensors that has the ability to detect or target specific
types of cells that could be found in the patient's body. This could also be used to carry out or perform
target-specific medicinal operations that could deliver medical procedures or remedies according to
the doctor's instructions.

This not only makes the healing process easier. It

also allows the doctors to focus only on the
damaged, diseased or cancerous cells found in the
patient's body without causing stress to other
healthy and normal cells.

How It Works
Biological computers  are made inside a patient's
body. The researchers or doctors merely provide
the patient's body with all of the necessary information or a "blueprint" along which lines the biological
computer would be "manufactured." Once the "computer's" genetic blueprint has been provided, the
human body will start to build it on its own using the body's natural biological processes and the cells
found in the body.
As of today, reading signals produced by cell activity is not yet possible due to technological
limitations. However, through the use of a tiny implantable biological computer, these cellular signals
could easily be detected, translated and understood using existing medical and laboratory equipment.

Through boolean logic equations, a doctor or researcher can easily use the biological computer to
identify all types of cellular activity and determine whether a particular activity is harmful or not. The
cellular activities that the biological computer could detect can even include those of mutated genes
and all other activities of the genes found in cells.

As with conventional computers, the biological computer also works with an output and an input
signal. The main inputs of the biological computer are the body's proteins, RNA, and other specific
chemicals that are found in the human cytoplasm. The output on the other hand could be detected
using laboratory equipment.

The implantable biological computer is a device which could be used in various medical applications
where intercellular evaluation and treatment are needed or required. It is especially useful in
monitoring intercellular activity including mutation of genes.

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