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the amount of available water in a given

BEVERAGE FORMULATION system (known as water activity or “Aw”),
the pH of that system, and the tempera-

The Changing Face of

ture. By controlling those parameters in a
closed system, we can create safer, longer-
lasting beverages.
Temperature is the most common

Beverage Processing bacteria-control method, and a variety of

time/temperature combinations are used.
Pasteurization, the gentlest heat process,
greatly reduces microbial loads and must
Three processing methods – thermal, pressure, be combined with refrigeration to extend
shelf life.
and chemical – offer almost unlimited options for The FDA requirement for pasteurization
meeting the demands of today’s beverage trends is at least 160°F (71°C) for 6 seconds. Hot-
filling and retorting a beverage sterilizes
and nutritional choices. the product and allows it to be shelf-stable
for a year or more at room temperature.
Other levels of heat treatment include
by Rachel Zemser aseptic, ultra-high temperature (UHT), and
extended shelf life (ESL). The longer and

everage processing’s primary goal a fresh-tasting refrigerated beverage that hotter the treatment is, the more shelf-sta-
is to ensure a safe product and shelf costs both creator and consumer a premi- ble the final beverage product becomes.
stability. That of course means elimi- um or a retorted, overcooked tasting juice The specific time and temperature re-
nating pathogens and greatly reducing that is economical to make and can last for quired to ensure commercial sterility and
or eliminating spoilage bacteria. Three years on the shelf. The beverage creator’s stability are directly related to the pH of
processing methods – thermal, pressure, choice of trend will dictate the optimal that product. If a product is above pH 4.6,
and chemical – offer almost unlimited op- processing method, packaging material, it must be retorted for shelf stability; with
tions for meeting the demands of today’s storage conditions, and final price for the a pH below 4.6, a hot fill is enough. Wa-
beverage trends and nutritional choices. product. ter activity – controlled products, usually
From creamy high-protein smoothies to very high in sugar and brix, have minimal
vitamin-infused energy drinks, beverage An Array of Options water available for bacteria to grow. If a
creators can “pick their poison.” It might be Beverage makers should consider all beverage has a water activity below 0.85
three major processing options when cre- and a high pH, it may not need any thermal
ating a product. processing, just some preservatives – that’s
the scenario for beverage concentrates
The Chemical Appeal: As clean label with a high sugar content.
products become the norm, a beverage Even so, spoilage can occur depending
brand may want to avoid ingredients like on the water activity. Most beverage crea-
potassium sorbate or sodium benzoate tors seek the lowest time and temperature
on the ingredient label. However, signifi- process possible as they aim to retain fla-
cant cost benefits of this shelf-stable proc- vor, color and vitamins. They often must
ess sometimes make it a viable option to compromise some of the product’s at-
consider. Products that are high in acid tributes, however, to achieve shelf stability.
and sugar (like soda) or that “contain less The FDA requires that a “processing
than 10%” juice are prime candidates for authority” make decisions about time and
chemical preservation methods. The low temperature for beverage processing.
nutrient environment, sugar, acidity, and Chapter 21 of the Code of Federal Regu-
preservatives are enough to ensure shelf lation (CFR) 113.83 defines the authority
stability for up to one year. Chemically as having “expert knowledge of thermal
processed beverages are inexpensive to processing requirements for low-acid and
manufacture, because they can be made acidified foods in hermetically sealed con-
on production lines that are not set up for tainers.”
thermal processing. Chemical processing
should be considered by manufacturers of High-Pressure Processing (HPP): HPP, oth-
inexpensive products that are marketed to erwise known as non-thermal pasteuri-
consumers who are not as concerned with zation, is the latest and fastest-growing
nutrition, clean labels and sugar content. beverage category. It’s not just a trend but
❯ Juice and smoothie producer Fruitapeel
a “new product segment,” according to
has opened a new HPP facility, which The Thermal Approach: All beverage Avure Technologies, a leading manufactur-
it claims will make it the only UK products are made with ingredients – like er of HPP products. The non-thermal proc-
manufacturer able to extract juice directly fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds – that ess complements current consumer tastes
from the citrus fruit, bottle it and apply can support both spoilage and pathogenic for juice smoothies, detox beverages, co-
the HPP process from a single site. bacteria. Bacteria growth is influenced by conut water, and functional beverages – all


BeveragesrRACHEL.indd 10 5-3-2015 8:51:36


of which rely on great flavor, clean labels, ucts often come in cartons, and the retort willingness to pay, and the ultimate goals
and nutrient retention to encourage sales. works well with special foil pouches, glass, for the deliverable product.
The HPP process applies high pressure and metal cans.
of 400 to 600 mPA for 1 to 10 minutes, The HPP process can be used only with The Fruits of High Pressure: Fresh fruit and
thereby reducing several log cycles of plastic containers because in order to cre- vegetable smoothies are showing up un-
spoilage microorganisms and pathogens. ate 87,000 psi of water pressure, the HPP der the HPP process because it delivers
Hiperbaric, another leading manufacturer equipment must also compress the water the best flavor and nutrient value that con-
of HPP products, explains the science: by 15%. That means the packaging mate- sumers are willing to pay for. However, en-
“HPP is able to break, or create, weak rial also must have a minimum of 15% flex- ergy drinks (with vitamins and caffeine) are
bonds (hydrophobic and electrostatic ibility. Glass has no flexibility – it breaks. often made via hot-fill or pasteurization be-
interactions), only present on macromol- If a plastic container is too rigid, it too cause consumers of those products gen-
ecules. It allows microorganism inactiva- can crack or at least be stressed, thereby erally focus less on fresh taste and flavor
tion without modifying the food nutritional changing the appearance of the package. than on the stimulating effects. Smoothies
quality and without significantly reducing The choice of processing does dictate are most flavorful when delivered via HPP,
the enzymatic activity.” packaging to some extent, but a compa- but the cost is prohibitive and if protein is
HPP produces safer products with a ny’s design and marketing plan also play the main attraction, then developers don’t
longer shelf life because it inactivates veg- a big role. mind cutting costs and opting for a more
etative microorganisms while retaining fla- Many artisan start-up companies want shelf-stable retorted product. Probiotic
vor and nutrients. to give the impression that they have a low beverages that involve dairy and yogurt
Thermal pasteurization degrades vita- carbon footprint and prefer to use light- are typically pre-pasteurized to eliminate
mins, antioxidants, and polyphenols, but weight recyclable plastics and cans rather pathogens and then re-inoculated with the
the HPP process retains them at levels al- than heavier glass bottles. Foil pouches, beneficial bacteria. Those products cannot
most as high as that of the fresh, unproc- such as those often used for baby food, be post-pasteurized (because that would
essed juice. are not recyclable but are very lightweight kill the probiotics) and must be refrigerat-
and, therefore, consume less energy relat- ed to ensure that the good bacteria thrive
It’s All in the Package: The most common ed to shipping. for the entire shelf life.
packaging options in today’s beverage In the HPP category, the most common
market are glass and plastic bottles, metal Entrepreneurial Trends offerings are functional smoothie blends,
cans, flexible pouches, and coated cartons. With the array of options for creating ei- detox drinks, and fresh fruit-plus-vege-
Pasteurized, ESL-, and UHT-processed bev- ther shelf-stable or refrigerated products, tables combinations. The HPP process is
erages are usually filled into cans, pouch- beverage makers have to consider the cost crucial when marketing drinks that include
es, glass bottles, or cartons. Aseptic prod- of making the product, the consumer’s heat-sensitive ingredients like vitamins

Table 1: Processing Options For Beverages*

*time, temperature, storage and time may vary and depend on product solids, pH and content and environmental conditions

Bacterial Inactivation Approximate Packaging

Process Types Time Storage Applications
Method Shelf Life Options
Glass, Cartons, High and low acid
Pasteurization (HTST) Thermal 160-175°F Seconds Refrigerated 10 days
Plastic beverages
Extended Glass, Cartons, High and low acid
Thermal 255-265°F Seconds Refrigerated 21 days
Shelf Life (ESL) Plastic beverages
Ultra High Glass, Cartons, High and low acid
Thermal 280-302°F Seconds Shelf stable 18 months
Temperature (UHT) Plastic beverages
High and low acid
Thermal Glass, Cartons, beverages, thicker
Hot Fill Thermal 170-195°F Minutes Shelf stable 1 year
Plastic smoothies, salsa,
tomato sauce
Viscous, chunky
Retort Thermal 250-280°F Hours Shelf stable 2 years Cartons, Metal and particulated
Cartons, Metal, High and low acid
Aseptic Thermal 195-295°F Minutes Shelf stable Years
Glass beverages
Sodium Benzoate,
High acid, low
Chemical Potassium Sorbate, Preservative None Shelf stable 6-12 months Glass, Plastic
nutrient beverages

High Pressure 1-10 Typically for high

Pressure Pressure (400-600 MPa) Refrigerated 30 days Plastic only
Processing minutes acid, also low acid

Heat sensitive liquid

Pulsed Electric Fields <1
Other Electroporation Refrigerated 10 days Glass foods, both high
(PEF) second
Emerging and low acid
Technologies Thermal, High and low acid
Ohmic Heating (OH) Minutes Shelf stable 1 year Glass
Electroporation beverages


BeveragesrRACHEL.indd 12 5-3-2015 8:52:50


and enzymes. Even more important, HPP provide consumers with a variety of tastes. of the mainstream kombucha brands add
retains fresh flavors and creates a fresh- Most kombucha products are ferment- strong flavors like grape, ginger, vanilla,
tasting juice experience. ed in glass bottles, which several manu- and apple to appeal to the masses.
facturers tout as a benefit (contending
Fermented Kombucha Drinks: Kombucha, that fermentation in plastic bottles makes Herbs and Spices: The beverage market
a probiotic-fermented tea beverage, com- chemicals leach out of the plastic and into has begun to tap the known medicinal and
bines tea, water, sugar and kombucha the drink). It is a subject of debate whether antimicrobial properties of herbs and spic-
bacteria cultures (or “scoby,” a mixture of all the probiotic organisms can truly sur- es. Several HPP detox blends, such as Suja
bacteria and yeast). The bacteria and yeast vive the bottling process and maintain the and Blueprint, include cayenne, mint, cinna-
ferment the sugar, yielding an effervescent claimed health properties, which include mon, ginger, and red chili peppers. Tumeri-
drink that is low in sugar. The beverages greater vitality, digestion detox, immunity cALIVE has a line of HPP-processed sport
often incorporate herb and fruit flavors to protection, and weight-loss potential. Most beverages that contain turmeric in combi-
nation with other fruit and vegetable pu-
Table 2: Up and Coming Ingredients for Beverages rees. Popular vegetables in detox smooth-
ies include kale, spinach, cucumber and
Ingredient Types Claims celery. Lemons, limes, and ginger are used
to sweeten the beverages naturally and to
Cinnamon Lowers blood sugar, fiber source
improve overall flavor and palatability.
Turmeric Anti-inflammatory
Herbs and Spices Vinegar Drinks: For more than 50 years, Pa-
Mint Helps digestion and irritable bowel syndrome tricia and Paul Braggs have been promot-
ing the health attributes of raw vinegar and
Ginger Nausea remedy for pregnant women
encouraging their customers to drink their
Insects Ground-Up Cricket Flour Sustainable protein source 5% acid apple cider vinegar as a beverage.
Vinegar drinks are now becoming more
Vegan and allergen free protein with all 9 widely accepted as other companies begin
Hemp Protein
essential amino acids
Cannabis to market similar drinks. PokPok, based in
Hemp Oil Omega 3 and omega 6 Portland, Oregon, sells its vinegar drink as
a concentrate that can be added to water
Black Tea Energy, antioxidants or club soda. Another beverage company,
Tea Gravity, has a more mainstream approach
Matcha Green Tea Powder High in fiber, antioxidants, fat burner of combining a small amount of apple cider
vinegar with regular apple cider. The drink
Vinegar Apple Cider Vinegar Energy, vitality, digestion, well being is sweetened with honey and xylitol to make
Maple Phytonutrients it more palatable. Consumers who favor the
harsh vinegar acidity may prefer drinks like
Plant Waters Barley Digestion, well being Braggs or Kevita, which has 30 grams of ap-
ple cider vinegar per bottle.
Artichoke Vitamins, potassium

Hand-Crafted Coffee and Tea Brews: Bot-

tled coffee beverages have been around
❯ Unprocessed Juices May Carry Dangers for a while, particularly the creamy sweet-
ened kind that is retorted and sold in glass
A small segment of the consumer population prefers juices with no thermal or HPP bottles. They now are competing with ar-
process at all. Believing that a thermal process kills all the nutrients and that HPP destroys tisanal brands that use either cold-brew
the enzymes, they want their fruits, vegetables, and nuts pressed into a glass without heat or proprietary custom-brewing processes
or pressure before consumption. However, scientific evidence does not fully support this to make bottled black coffee and tea. The
view and furthermore, even the combining of low and high acid fruits plus the grinding of cold-extraction process takes longer but
fruit against metal during the press process can alter the so-called “enzyme activity.” draws significantly fewer of the bitter acids
According to other unproven theories, unprocessed juices help cure cancer and other from the beans than hot coffee does.
ailments. The fresh press (cold press) method works well if the beverage is made and sold Grady’s Cold Brew uses the cold proc-
in a juice shop where the time between pressing and consuming is minimal. However, as ess to make its concentrated New Orle-
these juice shops grow, they may seek to make more profit and creatively devise ways ans-style coffee blend of roasted coffee
to prepare their beverages in advance (in a central location) and deliver them to local and chicory. Tea, also in this category,
purchasing shops. Some even ship their raw uncooked beverages on ice to consumers in has taken on a simpler approach. Prod-
other parts of the US. ucts like Oak Reserve Tea (AriZona Bever-
The FDA is concerned about these activities because raw fruits and vegetables contain ages) use an oak-barrel aging process of
high levels of both pathogenic and spoilage bacteria that can grow to dangerous levels steeping the tea in American oak chips.
if the product is not properly refrigerated and stored at all times. The deadly pathogen Harmless Harvest has introduced its HPP-
Clostridium botulinum, for example, can thrive and produce toxins in a sealed bottle of processed 100% raw tea made with fro-
temperature-abused carrot juice. The FDA is keeping an eye on these operations and en- zen and ground-up raw tea leaves that are
couraging the use of HPP as an alternative. Unfortunately, HPP is not an option for many cold-brewed in water. The HPP process
small producers because of its cost.t improves safety by reducing the microbial
load and also ruptures the plant-cell mem-


BeveragesrRACHEL.indd 14 5-3-2015 8:54:20

branes, releasing extra tea oils Popular vegetables in detox smoothies include kale, quality and safety for both
and extracts. spinach, cucumber and celery. Lemons, limes, and ginger refrigerated and shelf-stable
are used to sweeten the beverages naturally and to products. High-cost bever-
Mixology Retail: The 1980s improve overall flavor and palatability. ages are usually refrigerated
and ‘90s were known for su- or made via HPP. Lower-cost
per-sweet, artificially flavored Barley Water) says that its bev- backed by scientific analysis drinks are hot-filled and re-
cocktail mixes. Today, more au- erage is connected to “diges- of the fully processed finished torted, and they can last for
thentic and sophisticated con- tion, complexion, and well- product. Nevertheless, plant years on the shelf. Each devel-
centrated syrups allow retail being.” The idea of drinking a waters taste refreshing and can oper should choose a process
consumers to recreate classics boiled grain comes from an- be a delicious alternative to according to its target market,
by adding these fruit, bitters, cient times and has now been plain water. desired flavor profile, and nutri-
and herb mixtures to their al- reinvented in a hot-filled bottle. ent-delivery expectations.t
cohol at home. The category Plant waters are marketed as Processing the Future
includes tea concentrates like a source of electrolytes, miner- The fast-growing beverage Rachel Zemser, MS, CCS is a food
industry consultant with 17 years
Finest Kind and The Owls Brew, als, vitamins, and antioxidants, market offers multiple process- of food industry experience.
as well as Morris Kitchen’s line but most of the claims are not ing options to achieve optimal
of grapefruit, rhubarb, and pre-
served lemon syrups.
A more creative approach
for the now grown-up college
crowd are Ludlow’s Jelly shots,
whose impressive ingredient
lineup includes barrel-aged
bourbons, Meyer lemon juice,
100% Agave Blanco tequila,
and dark Caribbean rum. The
mixers and concentrates are
mainly marketed to create al-
coholic drinks, but the compa-
nies all recommend using the
alcohol-free syrups in natural
sodas and as a dessert topping.
Natural and organic cocktail
concentrates should be made
via hot-fill to ensure safety and
product stability without dimin-
ishing the finished product’s
flavor. Natural flavors can be
added back in to restore what
may be lost during the thermal

Plant Waters: Coconut water

has been on the scene for a
while, but newer plant-based
waters each have their own
marketing opportunities:
• Watermelon water has anti-
inflammatory and antioxidant
health benefits.
• Water extracted from Cali-
fornia artichokes (Arty Water)
retains the vegetable’s nutri-
ents, but the nutritional panel
reflects a low delivery potas-
sium, vitamin A, E, B, and C per
8-oz serving size. The product,
whose patent is pending, is
also sweetened with agave and
monk fruit.
• Clear maple water (Vertical
Water) is made from the sap of
sugar maple trees.
• A maker of barley water (Deo


BeveragesrRACHEL.indd 15 5-3-2015 8:55:30

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