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Why And How I Chose IIM Kashipur Campus

On the eve of June 22nd this year, I was sitting just outside the classroom of a B-
school, which I joined for I had no other option in hand, when suddenly my
phone buzzed. To my disbelief, instead of another email bringing more work to
my table, it was a pleasant surprise from the team of IIM Kashipur. It started as,
“Heartiest Congratulations on behalf of Indian Institute of Management
Kashipur”, and I knew what was in there. While I was riding on the euphoria of
having received an admission offer from one of the IIMs, memories of all those
sleepless nights I have spent in the last two years while preparing for this
moment crossed my mind.
But the same news brought me to a crossroad where I had decide what I actually
wanted. The choice was between two institutes aligning to my career goals. One
of them was an established private B-School with a legacy running over decades
in the capital of the country while the other was one of the fastest growing B-
Schools of the country, IIM Kashipur, located in the lap of serene Uttrakhand.
So, I decided to play on my strengths and use the analytical research experience
I had gained from days of M.Tech at NIT Rourkela. I prepared a case study just
like an efficient manager would do before taking important decisions for his or
her organization. But as the saying goes, ““NO CASE STUDY OFFERS AN
My decision of choosing IIM Kashipur, was not based on any of lone parameter
such as its brand, faculty, pedagogy or infrastructure, rather, it was a weighed
comparative decision. One of the main factors which prompted me to make this
choice was an urge to be a part of the IIM fraternity. The exposure one gets in
an IIM and the opportunities for networking with the stalwarts of corporates has
no match to what other institutions have to offer.
Since I am equally inclined to academics, the next thing I took into
consideration was the pedagogy of the college and its infrastructure. The data I
collected about these parameters at that time and what I have actually
experienced here after joining has no discrepancy between them. IIM Kashipur
is widely acclaimed for its experienced pool of faculty, which I am being
privileged to being taught by, and is absolutely among the best in the country. I
am sure the academic rigour and experiential learning offered here would be
instrumental in shaping our careers as successful managers in the future.
Besides this, facilities such as the Bloomberg Terminal and the availability of
top business journals and case study material in college adds icing to the cake.
Also, IIM Kashipur is a completely student-driven institution. The experience
here is not limited to academics and goes on to cover opportunities in Sports,
Clubs and Committees which organize events throughout the year in this lively
campus. All of this helps in one’s all-round development. To add on to this, it is
located at a distance of 50 k.m. from the Rudrapur Industrial Belt and has places
such as Jim Corbett National Park in its vicinity. Thus, on one side, there is a
huge potential for industry interaction while on the other side, we do not have to
look beyond Kashipur in case we need a short break from our hectic schedule at
the campus.
Last, but not the least, the new campus spreading over 200 acres, though yet to
be completed, is a sheer architectural beauty of red bricks. It facilitates a
memorable experience for students spreading over a span of two years. It is
certainly a home away from home.
My well-thought decision of joining IIM Kashipur, has turned out to be a choice
I am proud of and which would stay with me for the rest of my life. Today, I am
a proud student of IIM Kashipur and will definitely feel even better once I
become an alumnus of this institution.

Which ABG company would I want to work for and why?

I would like to be a part of Corporate Technical and Energy Services (CTES) –

a sister organisation of the Aditya Birla Science and Technology Company
Private Limited, which is a part of the group corporate body, Aditya Birla
Management Corporation Pvt Ltd. Having a background of M.Tech in
Electrical Engineering and specialized in Applied Superconductivity, I
understand to some extent the challenge to incorporate a cutting edge
technology. Also, along with the experience in Operations domain, I would
garner a holistic understanding of business administration of real-time cases in
these 2 years at IIM Kashipur. So, given a chance to be associated with CTES, I
could harmonize myself to contribute as well learn from that experience.

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