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Drying Processes

5. A rotar y dr yer fired with bunker oil of 10,000 kcal/ kg hi gher heating value
is to produce 20 metri c tons/hr of dried sand with 0.5% moisture from a
wet feed containing 7% moisture. Specific heat of sand is 0.21 Btu/lb —°F.
T e mpe r at ur e of we t sa nd i s 30 °C a nd t e mp er at ur e of dr i ed pr od uct i s
a. Calculate the weight of wet feed.
b. Calculate the weight of water to be removed in kg/hr.
c. Calculate the heat required.
d. Calculate the liters of bunker oil per hour if specific gravity of bunker
oil is 0.90 and dryer efficiency is . 60`)/0.
(ME Board Problem, November 1983)


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