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Angono, Rizal

Lesson Plan in Science II (Biology)

Topic: Monohybrid Test Cross
Time Allotment: 60 minutes

I. Objectives:

A. Focus Skills: My students will be able to:

 define monohybrid test cross,
 diagram monohybrid cross using Punnett square, and
 predict the phenotypic and genotypic ratio of a monohybrid cross.
B. Support Skills: My pupils will:
 Draw and describe pictures of their ideal plant.

II. Subject-matter:
A. Topic: Monohybrid Test Cross
B. Materials: PowerPoint Presentations, activities, illustrations, chalk and board
C. References: Science and Technology II, pp. 174-175
Biology 10th Ed. by Sylvia Mader, pp192-193
D. Values infused: Appreciation and respect to individuality.
III. Learning Activities:
A. Classroom Routine
 Prayer
 Greetings
 Checking of attendance
 Checking of extension activity
B. Motivation
The teacher will ask the students to draw their ideal plant and present
it to the class.
In relation to this, the teacher will tell a story about the problem of a
gardener who wants to produce a small pea plant out of a cross between two
tall pea plants.
C. Pre-discussion
The teacher will discuss the procedure for the group activity:
Monohybrid Test Cross.
D. Discussion
1. What is a monohybrid cross?
2. How can a Punnett square be used to diagram a monohybrid
3. What are the steps in performing a monohybrid test cross using
Punnett square?
4. What is the expected phenotypic and genotypic ratio of a
monohybrid cross?
E. Post-activities
The students will answer the problem of the gardener (in the
story told) using their knowledge on monohybrid cross and Punnett
“Is it possible to produce a short pea plant out of cross between two
hybrid tall plants?”

IV. Generalization
1. What is a monohybrid cross?
2. How useful is the Punnett square?
3. What is the expected phenotypic and genotypic ratio of a
monohybrid cross?
V. Evaluation:
Directions: Using the Punnett square, identify the phenotypic and genotypic
ratio of the following crosses:
1. Ww x Ww ; W-white colour of flower, w-violet colour of flower
2. Rr x rr ; R- round shape of seed, r-wrinkled shape of seed
VI. Extension Activity
1. What is a dihybrid cross?
2. Compare monohybrid cross from dihybrid cross.

Prepared and submitted by:


Teacher, Science II

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