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Two Cans & String

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If you ruled the world, how would it be different?
everyone would have to take a hour everyday to sort through jelly beans to find
as many green and purple ones they could.
I would have bombed some people, saved some people, and pissed some people off.
It would likely be just as bad as it is now. And personally, I think it's great.
No religion.
No misunderstandings.
And for God's sake...
Earth would be renamed to "Keenan"
Well, actually, I think I'd keep it the same. I know this seems completely dull
and uninspired, but I think everything is the way it is for a reason, and I have
no confidence in my ability to make things better all the way across, you know?
Except spiders. I'd probably take out spiders.
Utopia. No . . . no . . . it wouldn't be any different.
I would make everyone love Lady Gaga
I would be the last one alive
nick griffin's head would be on a pike outside my cave of raunchy sex and drug s
hindig, where all except his followers are welcome and freeeeeeeee
i would approach each issue with two basic ideas. first does this cause harm to
another human? second, apply common sense to the issue. these two ideas will tel
l me what the answer is.
women would not leave the kitchen
all shall love katy perrys music
There would be no aristocrats. Everything would be fair.
If I had my own world
I'd love it for all that's inside it
There'd be no more wars, death or riots
There'd be no more police, packed-parking lots,
Guns, bombs sounding off
If I had my own world
I'd build you an empire
From here to the far lands
To spread love like violence
It would be bad
ask your sister
it would be a socialist society
It would be full of understanding and patience. Learning is like a natural high
for the humans. We won't even have schools with desks and detention and bells. E
verywhere you go, in the street corners inside a store, people would be learning
! Everyone talks to each other, like really talk and understand the other person
's psyche. We would all help each other.
i would get togethere everyone and put them to sleep for a thousand years then w
ake them up and make them learn everything all over again the right way this tim
i already answered this.
I would make it way more peaceful.
The whole world? I would cut back home much food was made in America and share i
t with third world countries.
i wouldn't be the low life i am right now...
It wouldn't be. There is no magical way to just snap your fingers and say "Peace
! No hunger! Prosperity!" and create a paradise for all. Because even then, over
population would occur.
Everyone would work together to a common good, and children would be taught not
only about evolution or Christianity, but every side. People would be autonomous
, and tolerate each other. Any form of racism/sexism/etc. would be prohibited.
Women will be on leashes, naked. :D
It'd probably be much worse than it is. One ruler for the entire world's populat
ion doesn't seem like it would work well.
not so great
well i would (hopefully) have a world as described in the song imagine by john l
we'd all be hippies & stoned all the time.
Football all year round
there would be less world hunger and the homelesss people would have places to l
I think I've answered this.
Everything would be made entirely of BEEF.
I just answered this D:
4 day work week and thong flipflops would be outlawed.
If I ruled the world, then we wouldn't all be fighting all the time and killing.
However, if that is God's will, then let it be. It's God's world to rule, not o
It would be happier and i would be famous
It would be my world
naked people every where execpt me
Pandas, Pandas everywhere
It woould be better, for sure
It wouldn't be ruled with guns or violence, just peace.
What you talking about? I do rule the world
This website would be brought to you by the letter K.
No wars, for one. Limited capitalism, All religious and hereditary rule would be
ended. Persecution due to religion or lack thereof illegal, death penalty only
for murder, trial by jury of 21 for any major crimes.
gas cars outlawed. Internet restaint laws removed. ISPs monitored so they don't
try to control access. Full net neutrality. better space program.
I wouldnt
lots of secks
Nobody would cheat or lie or hurt. Everybody would have the same amount of money
.. no poverty, no wealth.
everyone wud eat appres!
honestly, i'm not a good ruler. so it would probably be worse than it is today.
I don't think poorly of myself, but would be worse. Dictator
= bad.
no starving. no crime, and if so, they are strictly punished. restrictions on we
apons, no war. more music, art, and beauty.
It would be a much worse place to live, but I'd be happy.
i would erradicate stupid people
domestic squirrels.
id put my face on money
too many ways to explain.
No rules.
People would use correct spelling and grammar or suffer the penalty of death.
You would be working a fulfilling job, too busy with your adoring children, your
passionate wife, and serving my every possible whim to be wasting time as I am
on the internet. Assuming you are a man. If you were a woman, you'd be laughing
at said worker along with me. :) I'm not sexist, just tired.
it would be really horrible and hectic. no one person should rule the world
Hmm if I ruled the world, I'd probably let my boyfriend make the decisions for m
e, and it's be more of a communist country
Certain people would be killed instantly
no more violence, or hate crimes
no more violence, or hate crimes
everyone would be a republican
it'd be a square
free strippers to everyone
no clothes
more peace
more music
more people wearing thick glasses and worn corderoy pants
I'm ruthless, intellectual, and deliceously strategic.
Don't tempt me ;D
everyone would be naked all the time
no. the rulers of this world have always only harmed mankind
I would be rich, but I would probably get tired of dealing with global issues so
would appoing others to rule sections, and we would be back to pretty much what
we have now, except everyone would report to me
No more of a whump whump whump like a washing machine.
Jetpacks. Everyone would have one.
Gay people would have equal rights, and Sarah Palin would be in jail.
everyone would die
You would need a license to have children.
National Punch A Baby Day
National Cheese Day
Handlebar Mustache Week
radio would change,
no religion
... it probably wouldn't exist anymore. Seriously, my organization and leadershi
p skills suck.
Power corrupts, but having absolute power is kinda cool.
i would have a wife.
It would be very simplistic and black and white.
eveyone would be dead oh and free mountain dew
EVERYONE would be dead.
obama would be dead.
girl scout cookies for everyone =]
This question wouldn't exist.
It would be worse.
you would b dead
There would be better Video Games being made.
It would suck more, because I would do a shitty job.
I would just let people be people.
less red tape. in politics.
More beanie babies.
You wouldn't be in it. Nah, jk. I do not know really.
more fun
uggghhh i already answered this question like 20 times
you would be dead
it would be an anarchy cause i wouldn't know what the hell to do
I would nuke Yankee Stadium.
everyone would have crabs
Chocolate milk fountains, I haven't changed my answer.
None of this politics stuff. If I know what will help, dammit it's getting done.
And no griping.
im not obama
No niggers.
Everyone would be happy. I'd work hard for that. Oh and all the dumb bitches I h
ate would DIE! :))
the slaves would row faster
marijuana monday fun day =]
everyone would be gay
Sex with minors would be legal.
There would be a hell of alot more cheese....
hee hee
we'd all be dead bcos i pushed the big red button that said "don't push"
No rachel rosarios.
who knows could be better or worse
you would be dead. faggot.
there would be peace
All wars would be fought using rock paper scissors.
bc i ruled it duh !
im not sure excatly
Oh man.. There would be pure madness.
Don't care
Well I dont want to rule the world anyway
all haters would be exucuted, gays would no longer be rejected or treated differ
ent, and id be the queen, justin bieber would be my king. <3
Well, I'd combine North Dakota and South Dakota to make one big Dakota, along wi
th all those other annoying states like that. I would also rename New York to Ol
d York, just for fun. Oh, and I would tell people to bring me pancakes all day l
ong. :)
Less sympathy for the weak.
but it's alright to smile back at me
Everyone would be dead.
I'd replace horses with pigs and see if anybody noticed. HAHA ME SO FUNNY
there would be more toilets
i would eliminate soem fo the people who dont deserve to live and people who jus
t should have been born and also if possible fill the world with some of my crea
tions so that it could be alot more interesting :)
It would be different in the since I ruled the world
universal health care!
Your Mom
already answered this one
there would be no food stamps ... ppl would have to earn everything
i would be the ruler, that's how it would be different.
Couldn't handle that kind of responsibility...
Stricter laws on recycling/preservation of the earth and no third world countrie
It would be a Communazi Regime starting with canada and escalating
It would be peaceful
id make everyone jam to some mj music DAILY
youd be dead
It would be a post-apocalyptic wasteland
I would be ruler?
It would be exactly the same only I would get more blow jobs.
no school!!! we would teach ourselfs
it would be a very cruel place.
I've accepted that I would be good in a committee but a terrible king
We would all be purple, so racism would not exist.
I'd get laid
There would be pokemon
every one could have ponies that pooped butterflys
i'd be rich
1) People wouldn't fight wars over political, religious, or territorial bullshit
2) People would not go hungry or die from easily preventable causes such as cont
aminated water
3)Animals (especially endangered ones) wouldn't be harmed (yes, we'd all be vege
4) Forests would be untouched
5) Discrimination would not be tolerated.
so many other things....
i would get rid of gays and mexicans and have sex all the time everyone would ha
ve to have sex not same sex though
For one thing the world would be ruled by a single person versus tens of thousan
ds of sub-leaders. Another thing, the world would be ruled by me.
People would regret abusing the freedom they enjoy now.
i wud be rich and famous and everyone would be my slave, like you
well you wuldnt be talking to me if i ruled the world
It would be ruled by me!
i would have all the babies in the world thrown in the ocean and then all the Je
ws would have to save them, but they wouldnt know that i infested the waters wit
h millions and billions of sharks
all peaople with no jobs that are under 40 woulod go to jail for failure to be a
Less violence...more equality of classes
there would be world peace
It would be much to difficult to explain, but it wouldn't be the same at all. Pe
ace, Love, Life.
no accidents... bye bye
no racism. no nerdy white people. no ghetto black people.
Everyone would be nomads.
No obama
It'd be completely the same
more conservation of our natural resources and biological hotspots
I get this question all the fucking time. Take it down.
there would be no more wars because would all be apart of one great country
it wouldn't SUCK!
at least... i think so?
there would be no money because everybody got what they wanted/needed but everyb
ody would do their part in working
i wuld have a bf
Guys would be making ME sammiches.
monster trucks would be obligated to run over every Prius they saw
It would be exactly the same. I just wouldnt be poor.
Are you tired of getting the same response over and over and over again?
mandatory slave sex
You wouldn't be there
There would be no suffering.
Ha. I have no idea, it's impossible to say without being in those shoes.
all the little fuckers would be in my hell.
It would be better.
Everyone would be dead.
no poor people, no rich people, everyone good basicly do what they want as long
as it didn't brake my laws.
it would be alsome!! ^.^
id have bitches blowing me. all the time, even when i cant even get hard any mor
e and it feels like an over sized speghetti noodle sliding in and out of their m
No immigration and only whit people would be in north america... Everyone would
stay where they belong
Men would be women and women would be men.
It would be a lot more loving to Slinkys.
Well, to answer your question I would first require massive amounts of energy to
quantify my ever existential power in to a string of words that you could bare
to understand. Although this comes to close to the likelihood of an everlasting
epiphany I must fret and fret nevertheless that this will bring a surplus of tho
ught into an ever-existential universe. The very thought of our existence reinfo
rces the idea that all men are created equal. With this leave you to ponder idea
ls of living and existentialism into your own body and mind.
More order, with an objective of greater efficiency. We could get a whole lot mo
re done than we are doing.
Anarchy most likely. I mean really, who wants to spend all that time ruling when
they could be doing whatever they wanted?
You wouldn't exist.
People would be forced to dress appropriately for their size. In other words, Wa
lmart would be outlawed.
it would be mine.
god, i'd fuck that up. i'd hand it off to like google or something.
haha it would be destroyed >:D
There would be snakes!
Books would be more available than liqour
love is our weaponnn<3
i would have raves everywhere!! and cute guys :D
Hate you.
I've already answered this question. Ok?
I'd be in charge.
Idiocy would be a crime
It wouldn't. People don't change, no matter who is in authority.
My theme song would be Everybody Wants to Rule the World by Tears for Fears. :D
It would go to shit.
There wouldn't be hate.
I would probably turn it into a hell-hole. Some people are not meant to control
the world. I am one of those people.
I would be in charge. I think that would be the only discernible difference. Peo
ple would still be people.
the jews be gone
haha it would be poorly led.
Less focus on competition and more on cooperation. Limits on how power can accum
ulate into non-elected hands. A worldwide tax-funded safety net to prevent anyon
e from falling into abject poverty. Allegiance to nations or ethnic groups (inev
itably at the expense of other nations and ethnic groups) would be considered ab
horrent. Freedom to worship (or not) for everyone, but complete separation of ch
urch and state.
(I wouldn't want to "rule the world" though, if you mean in a dictatorial sense.
It probably wouldn't turn out that well if I were to try!)
The world would be made of chocolate . but skinny people chocolate so when u ate
it u got skinny ! and its was sooooooo good (: the graasss would be twizzler ra
inbows and we would live in skittle mansions the end (;
kill kim jong il.
Unsung heroes would be sung.
Uh, there wouldn't be any democracy that for sure. I would definitley turn this
place into a hell whole just because I feel like it, that is if I ruled the worl
pot would be legal
matt begley is the leader
It would be filled with candy
it would suck less
It'd be pretty anarchistic because I've got no clue how to run a world.
it wouldnt be gay in the bad way, it would be gay in the good way
More cheese for everyone. Except vegans. Stupid vegans.
you again?
less bitches!
Like a ruler, or a god?
i swear i just answered this with something about power not being consolidated i
n one person EVER.
I would have high tax for the rich to fund what I'm about to propose.
I would first invest highly in education. I would find efficient and effective w
ays to get people interested in whatever topics they find suitable and motivate
them to study those topics. I am no expert, I would put more emphasis on having
psychologists and university professors voice their opinions on how to make it b
etter and I would have committees to consider these changes.
Part of the plan would be to teach more math and science at earlier levels (I li
ve in Canada and I believe that they are too lenient with us). I would also thro
w in a few courses like world issues/political science and maybe philosophy. I w
ould definitely have more attention given to civics class, people should learn h
ow the political system works. Having a well educated population makes democracy
so much better.
I would also try to incorporate some way of teaching people to watch out for the
media and just general public manipulation, but that could probably be done by
having commercials that serve as a warning air every now and then.
I would then try to restructure the common media outlets. What I would want to d
o is ban a lot of advertising on television, but it's a hard process and has a l
ot of problems. I would at least ban advertising to people under some arbitrary
age (like 12). I would want television to be more like the Internet where people
are free to broadcast, but there are a lot of problems that I would have troubl
e going into right now. Mainly I am very disappointed by how affected by the med
ia we are so I would try to teach people to watch out for it. Ideally I want eve
ryone to be good at critical thinking, and that's something that both schools an
d the media would be responsible for.
I would also put more money into different types of research. To be general I wo
uld put more money into university funding while appointing people to make sure
that the money doesn't just go to increasing certain people's salaries.
There are a bunch of other social services that could be better funded, such as
health care and public transit. I would try to find cost-effective ways to deal
with those. There are already cost-effective ways to make those better.
I would also try to be strict with environmental damage. I would put through a s
eries of taxes and promote the developments of certain types of energy sources,
but again that's a long topic.
On a smaller level I would promote things like net neutrality and the open-sourc
e movement. I would try to get the public involved in more events, but that woul
d mostly involve me appointing people who appoint people who put these policies
in place (this would actually be a lot of my work if I ruled the world).
Here's some about how I would treat myself (and some other rambling):
I would also be very paranoid and have a lot of money for protecting myself. I'd
hire psychologists to help prevent myself from going crazy and thinking of myse
lf as god-like. I would also try to incorporate some pain in my life because if
I'm leading so many people I better not be too adapted to any lavish lifestyle.
I would need some pain and suffering to remind me of what I am trying to do/prev
I would try to make sure that my decisions aren't made unless a large chunk of s
pecialists in whatever field the decision relates to agree with the change. I wo
uld promote media which wasn't profit-driven, or at least not funded by advertis
ing (to prevent conflicts of interest). I would try to make policies more easily
influenced by experts in a field. If a lot of doctors and people who run hospit
als feel that a change needs to be made, I would have committees put forth to ad
dress those ideas and put through those changes. At the same time independent gr
oups would have to run through these changes to (hopefully) prevent people from
just profiting from funding, but that goes with a lot of other technical problem
s that could occur, problems that have solutions but are too long to discuss her
Those are some of the changes I would make. I have reasons for taking these appr
oaches (why I prefer a lot of social policies rather than a small government or
most other popular systems) but I won't go into that now.
So much i'd change but so much would change
you would be forbidden to ask questions
It would be really really really really really bad
I already do. How do you like it?
I just wanna fuck every girl in the world
free food
EveryThing Would Be Pink, No Wars, All PeaceFul, And EveryOne Would Get Along. )
I would make everything legal for a day. Just to see how long it is before the w
orld just explodes.
there would be no religion, not becuase i made it illegal, but because i would e
ducate everyone and bring them out of the dark ages.
Drugs would be legal.
Free cookies for everyone.
No more religion
And so we cannot know ourselves or what we'd really do with all your power...
Drugs are not a moral choice, they are a fact of life. If we keep giving billion
s and billions of dollars/pounds/euros/yen to criminals and maniacs for the next
100 years, I guarantee you that evil people will be rich and will rule the worl
d. Hang on a minute...
I would legalise drugs.
N.b. i don't take drugs (anymore. I am old now. They were fun though)
I would rule the world.
I would extend China's one child law to the rest of the world, although I would
relax it to two children per couple. This would curtail overpopulation so that t
he limited resources we have on this planet will last us for longer.
hookers would be respected
white only
no blacks, jews, or arabs
We would all be hippies!!!
Sex would be mandatory
I'd disband the US
This question needs to go away.
everyone would have to have a ps3
i dont know
Everyone would wear silver shirts
in everyway
well obama would be white... and so would everyone else
Free pie. 'Nuff said
I would be a pretty face to look at every day on the news: "THIS IS YOU LEADER S
PEAKING *smiles powerfully yet heartwarmingly* NOW GET BACK TO WORK, MY MINIONS"
no more porn of any sort. ppl need to stay with decent clothes any where they go
and no more drugs and kids to be kids
It wouldn't be shitty.
The world would be different by many people having the freedom to do what they w
ant, When they want. And that everything inside of stores would be free, And the
re would be no jobs needed. Either that, Or a more or less stoneage setting. Jus
t huts and lots of hunting. :D
I'd throw away the cars and the bars and the war and make . . .
Free icecream for everyone
heh.... a lot of people would die... brutally.... hehe.
------------------------------------------------------ the know the usual
If I ruled the world, there would be no more world to rule. Next question, pleas
I would rule out peoples ignorance.
this is hard
I wouldn't be black like Obama.
It would be capitalism all the way. No handouts, no unemployment, no unions.
it wouldnt suck.
No douche bags
No Jews either.
Already answered this. Piss off.
Well, it would be a different person ruling the world
there would only be one country, and no currancy. Trading would how things would
be done...and jobs would pay in you could buy things.
farting would be punishable by death
It would be amazing!!!1
Weed would be legal.
youd be my bed slave
everyone would be a democrat
there would be no abortion
Squiralls everywhere.
I can't even begin to answer this question.
weed would be legal
There would be more music, less idiotic conflicts with the rest of the world, an
d a lot less illegal aliens.
It would be just one country
Well, for starters, Scooby doo would be the only show on tv, &we'd all watch Sta
r Wars &Harry Potter instead of that sparkly vampire crap.
there would only be electric cars
I would be a dictator no doubt
everyone would live in the same house and be happy
I kill A long list of people just for fun and lots of 360 games
In the end I fear it wouldnt end up being much different
Well, have you ever heard the song "Imagine" by John Lennon? That's pretty much
what it would be. Exactly.
there wouldnt be fighting and dumbass people
Free bacon..
lame questions like this would be banned
I'd appoint a council of leaders -- nobody should have that much power.
There would be less laziness.
End of story.
More communist like, everyone takes what they need and gives what they can. This
wasteful society disgusts me.
No death penalty
it wouldn't
no niggers or foreigners or mexicans. all white.
You wouldn't exist
it wouldnt?
I would kill the abortion doctors
marijuana would be legalized. and the drinking age would be 16.
you would be dead
It would be ruled by Todd the Goldfish
Well, I'd make it a law that men would have to wear pink sequined thongs every T
it wouldnt
everyone would be peaceful and get along. no war!
I would be allowed to fuck every hot girl on the planet!
it would be less gay and more pro
no blacks
there would be much more concern for the enviroment. the pope and george bush wo
uld be put on trial for crimes against humanity.
also I would make everone work on sundays and have fridays off. (just to piss of
f christians)
i would bang al lthe hot chicks and make the ugly ones cook
It would be an anarcho-communist society.
i would be in charge
I would paint the town red, LITERALLY!!! MWUAHAHA
Cats everywhere.
Well I would have money
Less Niggers!
more partying! =D
it'd be clean.
No currency
It wouldn't
pie everywhere
everyone would FEAR me.
I'd give everyone a teddy bear.
it wouldnt be but my face would be everywhere and there would be no more nazi's
I would be a kind dictator. Wait Supreme Emperor. I would have rabbits run erran
ds for me and I would feed them all the carrots.
More education, scorn on stupid people, no eating animals, no religion, more boo
I'd give all the idiots a brand new religion, do away with poverty, uncleanlines
s and toil, and promote equality in all of my decisions. I'd expose the culpirit
s and feed them to the children, do away with air pollution, then I'll save the
We'll have peace on Earth, in global communion.
people wou;d get along better.
i would get laid
Hmm... So many possibilities! =D
I could destroy everything to do with war--including corrupt government people f
or all countries--and try to start the human race anew with less violence and mo
re peace. =D
(Of course, that is abridged...)
It wouldn't suck as bad
ABORTION, the killing of innocent children, would be illegal.
every one would be dead
socialism would be the proper way.
No religion, no money, green power
Because we all know that religion has caused the most wars in the history of the
world. Without money, we wouldn't have to worry about who's richer, who's poore
r, or our ability to get supplies. Regulate supplies, don't make them impossible
to get. And green power is better for the environment and can be made on native
soil, so it's cheaper.
I'd rule it in meters instead of feet
Universal Healthcare
nothing ...
It wld b ruled by a woman
we would all be dead by the end of the day
with peace :)
world peace<3.
i wouldnt allow you to be fat
there would be no fiddles.
It'd be awesome :)
it probably wouldn't, it would actually probably be crappier than it is now.
you don't even wanna know.
Equality, including equal taxation, but limited government to control that equal
I would answer this quetion less
idk i wouldnt rule it very long i dont wanna deal with all that responsibility i
d hand the reins over to some1 else
How much longer will you keep asking this question?
ha we'd all be on drugs in a shithole. don't elect me
Everyone would be allowed to rape they sister
you wouldnt be in it
if I ruled the world there would be no ruler
you wouldn't be here
I would prevent from anyone, including myself, from ruling it.
no black people
how would it be thesame is what you should be asking
lalala bunnies! lalala cookies! lalala WORLD DOMINATION!
I could wright a book just on this question, to touch on a few points ... I woul
d make each country responsible for their own well being also (since I like in t
he US) I would bring labor back to the US and stop out sorcing EVERYTHING, we wo
uld rely on ourselves and do an economic overhaul. Welfare wouldnt exist and if
it did it would only be for people who really need it, not for whores that want
to make a career out of poping out babies and getting high as a kite. I would pr
obably irradicate drugs and anyone convicted of life sentences. Thats right, Im
heartless, I would rather see a prison lifetimer dead than sucking up my taxt do
llars for 50 years or how ever long they live. Uh I could go on forever. I would
make sure every child had a home and food in their bellies and education. Pedop
hiles would get one swift round to their head, they have no place on this earth
in my eyes for taking innocence from the innocent. But this is all a dream, for
this process to even begin there would have to be an apocolypse
i wouldn't be stuck in this job
it would be so much more awesome
There would be four day weeks and three day weekends every week. Also there woul
d be no countries or continents... only friends. Love would be the dominant reli
gion, and you were allowed to fuck in public.
People would solve problems with card games on motorcycles and everyone who I do
n't like would die lol
every girl would give me their pussy
Everyone's Mom would be my Army of Bitches.
you wouldn't have just asked that stupid fucking question
Compulsory schooling would be abolished.
Cheaper drugs, but also much more information about their dangers.
Cheaper energy, but also more consciousness about how our use affects the enviro
More love, because there would be less reasons to hate.
Peace because there wouldn't be a need to fight to make yourself heard.
people would always brush their teeth.
it would be awful. i'd have no idea what i was doing.
I'd eliminate every race except blacks. Just to do it.
I'd be the first world leader to resign.
every one would be rich
it wouldnt
the world is the world, thing happen because thats how living things function.
Less racism, and hate. And I would try to equal power thoughout the world. But i
nevitably control would take over my mind set and I would become and ass.
no jews
I wouldn't rule it, I would guide it. everybody would be truely free to be happy
so long as they never hurt each other. murder and whatnot would still be illega
l, but if you wanted to get drunk or high, go ahead. no driving though. lol if y
ou fell in love with somebody, I don't care about the age. don't get a 12 year o
ld pregnant though, and have parental permission. health care is your choice. ma
ke your own money, don't force others to give it to you through government. earn
your life's way and do what makes you happy.
Well America would be more like Norway. I can tell you that.
I actually have a 30 year plan in which I will rule the world. it activated on m
y first day of college. get ready.
I would rule earth with a domineering iron fist and mold society as I felt that
I would immediately instate basic human rights as outlined by the UN. I would ca
ll together the youth of the world to take charge for motivating change for a be
tter tomorrow. That would mean the sharing of ideas, ideologies, religious belie
fs, what-have-you, and ultimately world peace through united collaboration in or
der to truely progress mankind.
Yeah, I wish I ruled the world...
I would immediately instate basic human rights as outlined by the UN. I would ca
ll together the youth of the world to take charge for motivating change for a be
tter tomorrow. That would mean the sharing of ideas, ideologies, religious belie
fs, what-have-you, and ultimately world peace through united collaboration in or
der to truely progress mankind.
Yeah, I wish I ruled the world...
I would immediately instate basic human rights as outlined by the UN. I would ca
ll together the youth of the world to take charge for motivating change for a be
tter tomorrow. That would mean the sharing of ideas, ideologies, religious belie
fs, what-have-you, and ultimately world peace through united collaboration in or
der to truely progress mankind.
Yeah, I wish I ruled the world...
The only thing the government would exist for would be to keep people from killi
ng, raping, molesting, and abusing others. The ultimate and only rule would be t
hat you cannot commit any act that restricts or effects another person's freedom
, because everyone should have complete use of their free will.
id make them suck my dick ;)
kill everyone... start from scrath
i would change everything everyhing everyything.
i just answered this...
it wouldnt.
There would be no war and no Justin Bieber or Twilight. And my penis would grow
on command.
more chocolate
Let them eat cake!
it'd be free. except blacks.
oh, i cant even begin to explain ..
Every 1st of the month, people 35 and younger would not be allowed to wear cloth
More sex
It would definitely be poorly managed and impoverished.
I would DEMAND better internet in Australia and dedicated servers on CoD.
it would be a dictatorship and i would rule everything...
nahh, not really, but i don't think i'd be able to answer this question in a sho
rt time span
i will make a super ultimate llama corporation!
I wouldn't want to rule the world.
i would make us all recycle, and some how id make it to where everyone is equal
my face would be on everthing
world what world
world what world
There would be cake and halo reach for all
i dont careasdfjl;k123
free skittles
less violence
Everyone would be vegetarian. No laws except that one. Oh, and -
No overriding the government... Which just so happens to be me.
I would nom on candy all day long and then make a cure for diabetes and fat peop
it probabaly wouldnt work...
I'd be richer.
no war
I think it would be a disaster. I'd have absolutely no idea how to be in charge
of something so massive. I think the power might even get to my head.
Everybody would speak french
People would be open to eachother
there would be no bullying
No religion, it's all evil and it causes more wars than anything else, including
It would be perfect for me. Sorry, I don't think you would be happy.
Only one way to find out ...
wouldn't want to
i would make kids get a salary for going to school.
free vodka
I don't know until i rule it.
I would probably mess up everything by accident.
I am an anarchist.
I would drive a pirate ship
no cus your fattness would go away
No niggers.
There wouldn't be multiple national entities, only one under my command.
Well, everyone would always have enough food to eat and drugs of all kinds would
be illegal always. Yes, including alcohol. I don't think people really need alc
Doctor assisted suicide would not only be legal but mildly encouraged, same with
abortions. I wouldn't advertise that people should do it... I'd just advertise
it as an option equal to conventional options.
I would encourage small communes rather than sprawling cities and I would propag
andize sentiments of vegetarianism and self sufficiency. I would encourage fine
arts and craftsmanship but not business and entrepeneuralship. I would completel
y remake our education system into something closer to apprenticeship or mentors
hip rather than our current curriculum based, time wasting, torture gauntlet.
One thing that I like the sound of but can't formulate ethically is a system whe
re a senior citizen who is not productive would simply be disposed of rather tha
n allowed to drain our economy. This was always taken care of by simple natural
causes but with all our medical breakthroughs humans live to a disgustingly disp
roportianate age...
id marry justin bieber to myself.
it would be dark and dead.
I wouldn't rule the world in the first place.
Free for all day. Once every four years, on February 29, everyone would be exemp
t from the laws. It would give us all something to look forward to as well as co
ntrol population.
i would probably fuck it up
No countries, no political parties.
Handjob or threesome? Defo threesome.
no one dies
There would be no Obama as president.
id get laid
Everyone would do what I want them to. :D
free skittles for all
i would make KK's go to jail and hang out with all the black people. and i would
maybve make weed leagal!
It would probably be a lot worse off than it is now.
Racism would be gone
women would all be assigned a kitchen by the government and would not be allowed
other than to go to the bedroom
no countries, universal rules, and universal money
more smart people... and less ugly fat dumb people
im not sure it would be.
There would be specific countires with a determined national culture. There woul
d be no constraint on where one should live, only that one should abide by and a
ssimilate into the given national culture.
I would make sure everyone lived happily and in harmony...How about you?
more walking less driving
more bubbles
it would have unicorns
I don't want to rule the world
I put would an end to the use of non-renewable resources. Everything would be co
nverted to renewable energy. I would begin to unify the world with the unanimous
moral value that all people are equal regardless of their sex, gender, orientat
ion, race, religion, or anything that the individual has no control over.
You'll find out soon
It would be terraformed. The surface of the earth would be covered in greenery,
and humans would live in enormous towers and travel in tubes suspended above the
It would probably not last long, I doubt I have the ability to rule a planet.
I rated you down.
Gays would be allowed to marry!
We wouldn't eat animals, and we wouldn't work, we'd do what made us happy!
everyone who has ever caused a loved one pain would be forced into servitude for
them, I would be too tired to oversee everything so I would give control of nat
ions to friends, coworkers and hell there are alot of countries and I feel gener
ous - I give you Greece... But at any trouble or if a country started trying to
get too powerful I would banish it
everyone would be nicer
People would stop shooting each other, and our disputes would be solved via rock
paper scissors
i already fucking anwsered this question!
I just answered this..
well for one id be the ruler. duh.
Less talking.
sexy parties every night~!!!!
free popsicles for everyone
I would be rich and famous, what else needs to be differant?
Imagine: Holocaust, but perfected
I just had this fucking question.
More spam
Nothing but if I said something to someone it would happen, no matter what it wa
No more war, no more money. Everyone gives and takes freely. MORE PEACE lol
you would be dead
i'd make everybody wear pink leather and drink lemonade and smoke weed.
pssssh, how wouldn't it be?
girls would have sex on command, ask jordan lol
Nuff Said.
we'd have more women, and more guys like Snoop Dogg.
It would have no countries and no politicians.
No wars
first of all, i would have a pet monkey. that is the first and most exciting ste
p of being leader of the world.
second, make sure every kid had a bike to ride and a place to ride it, then ice
cream trucks would blare the song "bicycle race" by queen all the time.
third, and finally, i would set the record for the worlds largest snowball fight
. it would be set in all of russia. in the dead of winter. and i would bus peopl
e over from europe and china. it would be legendary...
there would be no ass hole guys who cheat
Less government. More freedom
I don't know
trolls as far as the eye can see and then some
shut up obama rules
everyone would probably be... suffering. yeah.
i would destroy this website because it made me get this question twice.
or I would execute you, no offense or anything, I just dont like getting the sam
e question twice
it would be so diffrent it would be uncomprihendable
Free coffee for everyone!
Free child porn for everyone
By having no wars and everything would be pink pink, LOL
alot of ways.
More love, less hate.
i'd combine all the continents into neo-pangea
there would be weed. everywhere.
Free ice-cream Wednesdays!
No, J/K
I would probably resolve all border disputes by Imperial Decree (using an averag
e of existing boundary markers as held by China, Russia, the UK, Germany, the US
, Canada, etc)
I would then revamp the UN's mission. All countries would be fully autonomous so
long as they stayed within their own borders. You wanna commit massacres? Go fo
r it, just stay inside your damn border. Once individuals cross the border of th
eir territory into another, UN troops would be dispatched to eliminate all tresp
If both countries agreed, people would be welcome to move freely between those c
ountries, if not, not.
So, Israel and Iran at odds? No problem, they can just ignore eachother. If howe
ver they cross boundaries without permission (including rockets, etc) the UN wou
ld come in and eliminate all offending parties.
i'd be ruling it.
it will be crack and stuff
i think that it would probably suck seeing that i have absoluely no experiance r
unning anything... so thw world would probably go to shit before my very eyes al
most like i was not even there
I would probably change the way politics are run. We need more of an intelligenc
e contest and less popularity contest.
marijuanna is legal!
I would make girls suck my cock every minute.
end of prohibition
there would be more public nudity!
The previous question would be properly spelled.
oh, ah ha ha ha ha ha ha, you don't wanna know the answer to that one....
I would have everything I ever wanted and a lot of stupid people would die and i
t would just be a better place.
it wouldn't because i'm sure I'd kill myself the by the third day on the job fro
m all the stress.
i'd be dead.
There wouldn't be any war in Iraq or wherever it is, there would be free medical
care, athletes would be payed less than teachers, there wouldn't be homeless pe
ople, and peole could smoke weed in the street without going to jail :D
I would not have been asked this question cause i would have destoryed you and e
veryone else..., FOR CrAkC
I would be ruler. That's different enough, isn't it?
i would fuck every girl in the world
Forgiveness would be a law.
i'd give pigs their superiority
the word "retarded" would be illegal.
it wouldn't.
No small dogs!!!!!!!
it'd be rome again
but with even more sex and violence
It would probably suck, since that's a lot of responsibility and I wouldn't be a
ble to keep up with it.
No people allowed in my building with planes and no chocolate flowers for you or
my lover but only for my cat i make love to it by iraq is not a bomb but a plan
e and plane crash
your mom would b different
weed would be cheap and legal
Everyone would be a little more chilled out.
fiery, dark death every where. Blood is smelt in the air, supreme overlord of te
rror. Bow before me so i may skull fuck u, u peasant. lol
ya... there wouldnt be any god damn long legged pissed of puerto ricans
fidel castro would be my right hand man. jesus on the left of course.
I don't want to rule the world.
get rid of wallstreet. all it is is legalized gambling.
More lienency (Is that how it's spelled?) for minor drug abusers and natural bor
n killers and lot harsher punishment for hazing, racism, corruption, etc. In a p
erfect world. Of course my rules would probably abused.
Peace, man.
more of your mom
international pie day
I would have a lot more stuff.. Also, marijuana would be legal.
better technology!!!
It'd have WAAAY more macaroni and cheese.
no war or weapons
I'd be a communist dicitator. With a socialist economy. The masses are stupid an
d don't know what they want. So why let them screw up the world when just one pe
rson can. Me!
id be rich
Ice cream.
1) no famine
2) no wars
3) healthcare and education free of charge.
4) colonize mars and aim for proxima centauri next
I'd make it mandatory for everyone to wear plaid, so we'd be known as the plaid
nation. Then every friday would be banana split day. there'd be laws about how c
ool I am, and those would be regulated by congress....if I even LET there be a c
ongress. There would be free puppies for everyone and everyone would love them a
nd squeeze them and hold them and name them George.
Peace. Love. Intense Debate Tournaments. Unlimited Education.
Gay marriage and pot would be very very legal.
And Sarah Palin would have to live in a house boat just off the shore of Russia,
so she could actually see Russia from her house as she once claimed.
Ummm... I don't know. I don't want to rule the world.
Mark Hoppus and Tom Delonge would live woth me!!!!!
I would put Bonnibelle dispensers in all the girls bathrooms.
A lot less humans.

Have I already answered this one? Hmm...

WTF! I HATE THESE QUESTIONS! but I will answer. The presidents and all other gov
ernment officials from every where will be locked up and forced to be my servant
s as a ruthlessly rule the world with an iron fist. I will get the best soup and
chowder and stew makers from all around to make me soup! I love soup! All the o
ceans and water ways will be soup!!! Trees will be celery and rocks will be cucu
mber. It will rain ranch dressing! Flowers will be bubblepops, you know those lo
lipops that have a gum center! Every one will be my servant and they will massag
e me and make me anything and everything that has to do with potatos! SUSHI! Sus
hi every day for ever! Wooooohoooooo! Cotton candy clouds!!!!
Kim Jong-il would be...replaced.
Sorry if this is a duplicate.
My internet conked out as I answered it.
well.. people wouldn't be so stressed about religion. or world affairs. goodness
. doesn't anyone want world peace? what's with the terrorists.
10 cent tacos for EVERYONE :D
It wouldn't
It would'nt
more hookers
Shit would be CHAOTIC.
I would get rid of money and give everyone watch-like things for their wrist, li
ke the pip boy from fallout, this would act as a cell phone, a locator, and your
credit/debit "card". this way when bad things happened, we could catch the culp
rite right away. bam.
I would be the ruler
i would rule
ide kill you all...FtW
wayyyyyyyy different
I already told you jesus christ you're a sick fuck who deserves nothing less tha
i told you already man!
it would be a more peaceful and prosperous place...or so i'd hope
more naked people.
every door would be painted some shade of green!!
animals would get rights:)
more coco
shut up! take this question off!!!!!!!!
i already answered this
actors wouldn't get as much money as they do.
the world would be split between two different sides or more to discern differen
t acting people to act together better.
It would be absolutely the coolest place ever and everyone would be required to
play a musical instrument by law.
men would be tools...
It would be different.
It would be different.
It would be badass.
All sites in bird migratory paths would be protected.
All the stupid people would be dead.
No government
i would rule
well, if i ruled it and whatever i said happened. then...
1. there would be no weapons.. at all
2. every roof would be constructed of solar pannels..
3. no homework....ever..
and im sure there is more
no but seriously Obama's the first to go.
It'd be a more open-minded place.
Everyone would happier than ever :D
i would be ruling it
I just answered this one. Like, three questions ago.
People would be female until puberty, at which point they get to decide what sex
they want to be.
There would be no religion, no war and no country would be more wealthy or power
ful than any other.
I wouldn't know, because I don't rule the world. But I'd assume that "Ruler of t
he World" would be an extremely coveted position...and therefore that I would ha
ve problems remaining in power anyway. I'm not the most qualified nor the most r
uthless person by any means.
More Cookies for everyone!
I would rule the world
Being dumb would be a crime. Adam Lambert would perform for me. Miley Cyrus woul
d be exiled to Mars.
legal crack
becuz i will let evrybody do wht they want as long as they ask me if they can do
We would all be sadistic, sarcastic pricks. Assholes and realistic.
it doesnt matter who rules the world. but if there ever is a one emperor the wor
ld would be a better place compared to the state its in now.
less homework; a more moderate temperature range; an overhaul of education / gov
ernment systems. Perhaps with the addition of a class system separated by intell
ect rather than money, rewarded by work ethic.
America wouldn't be so fat, for one of two reasons:
1. All of the extra food we make would go to poor countries instead of into thei
r stomachs.
2. Since the entire world would be one country, everyone would have the same foo
d supply, giving everyone in the world the power to be fat. And when everyone's
fat.. No one is ;)
Obama wouldn't exist
If I ruled the world, it be complete chaos, because no one person can rule the w
it would be better, trust me
*Pictures mushroom clouds, screaming people, and men in black clothes running ar
ound shooting anyone they see*
Probably not much different then it is now.
If I ruled the world, the world would be screwed.
recycle or you die
Idfk ?
Everyone would have to wear a fake mustache and toga on Tuesdays from 10-noon wh
ile drinking lemonade and singing Battle Hymn of the Republic, by punishment of
I would win. Forever
i would be a dictator. but a good one. i wouldnt have a big house and live a lif
e of luxtury, instead i would provide the world with the simple things that make
the world go round, trade.
there would be no gays
it would be about the same.
It would be much the same, I would just give myself the job of head of the Navy
and buy the company that my girlfriend works for and move it nearer to me.
there would be protected borders and strong militaries.
Everybody loves everybody.
There would be peace and we would all live without electricity and such.
I'm not a great leader, so I'm gonna go out on a limb and say I'd fuck things up
worse than Carter.
I would eat the whole thing.
I'd make a difference
I would put Kim jong il and his followers in prison and let his people be free,
then make each person who makes over a million dollars a year give money to Afri
can countries in need. Among other things.
stupid people such as....
com/video/retail_rage_why_are_you_closed_tell_us_why_youre_closed will not exist
.. i will kill them all...
Puppies and pepper spray for every young child. Except the CHinese
You wouldn't be here.
I wouldn't rule the world
tits or gtfo
More dragons, less dubstep.
It would be a lot more peaceful. Mostly because I would rule it with fear. Machi
avelli knew what he was talking about.
it would probably suck worse in spite of my lack of knowledge for leading people
but at least i would have good intentions! :)
There would be no world left.
Right now, just because I'm mad at one, I'd say I'd take away some women's right
s. Don't get me wrong, I'm just talking like this because I'm mad.
every one would have an xbox
I don't want to rule the world. Jehovah God is the only person who can rule this
no school
i would try to enable equality, fix money problems, house homeless people, provi
de food, just try my hardest to make this world a better place; even if that mea
ns getting rid of those who can't handle that.
Probably wouldn't be.
List is too long.. If I was in charge it would be easier to change
well i think tht everyone would be more calm
Probably would amount to me having just eight more Dr. Peppers in my stash of po
p. I couldn't care less about ruling the world. I'm just going to live the one l
ife I have in it.
Unless the Buddhists are right...
Free ice cream all the time! yaaaayyy!
it would probably be a much lazier more stoned place. which isn't necessarily a
good thing.
maybe just on the weekends
Shitty non substance music such ad Lady Gaga,Kesha,Brokencyde and xtc would not
there'd be more equality and less poverty, more love and less hate. more peace a
nd less war. i would give the indians back their land. i would try to undo all t
he wrongs that have been committed in central africa. i would try to stop racism
and sexism and discrimination.
i'd hope so, anyway.
Mandatory Common Sense testing punishable by death
You wouldn't be asking me stupid questions like this one.
Oh yes, very.
The world would be a barren, sandy wasteland filled with deformed monsters, bred
of radiation and hate. The sky would quiver in my presence and the ocean would
tremble, hear my word for I am among the gods.
It'd be fucked up.
id exile myself to an island where no body knopws where i am
class would not be decided on money, everyone would be given the same power and
say in the media. money would not be the main decider in life, which i really th
ink it is right now.
I would immediatley step down and give the position to someone more competant th
an I. Plus, being ruer of the world would be such a hassle.
every one would were kinky lil outfits or be No serously crims
have it easy here belive i'd bring back the death sentence for those who truely
deserve it.
more cookies
It would be awesome.
everyone would know about this site
I would get more sleep
Everyone would be dead..... Including me....
Less homework.
There wouldn't be any innocent children dying or starving.
i wouldnt. jobs to big for one guy, why dont you think it never happen before?
Hmm. We would all have healthcare like Canada. We would get rid of fast-food and
nothing much.
If I get this question again, I'm going to freak.
I would be with jacklyn right now
Shen: I don't know. I don't want to rule the world.
Kels: I'd be scared to see Shen rule the world...
world peace, every fucking where.
clothing wouldnt be so expensive, so that we can all look good
we already told you.
more bagels
It would be less political less religious and panda's everywhere would be set fr
No dresses! :D
everyone would have to wear silly hats
there would be a supreme dictator over the entire world...that's how
More money would be put into Researching the Causes and Cure of Dementia. Especi
ally Alzheimer's disease
Politicians would tell the truth, lest they be shot in the knee repeatedly.
Critical thinking would be taught at the start of kindergarten, we'd live in a s
ocialistic direct democracy, a strong majority of all government spending would
be placed into technology and education, our military strategy would be one of n
on-interventionism and everyone would be provided with a house, proper education
and healthcare and eventually a moderate pension to live on.
very different
A better economy for one thing...
Everything would be different
Gays would rule the world along side me. And anyone who dared even THINK a homop
hbic thig: They will be assraped repeatedly and I will get the pleasure of water
boarding their ass. <3
Modern music "stars" would be burned at the stake and we would go back to U2, Ae
rosmith, Michael JAckson, and Queen
There would be more peace, hopefully. Everyone would find a talent they enjoyed,
and share it with other people. Cigarettes would be free. Also, i don't know.
i dont think i could..
i would totally be a bad person, well mainly for my own selfish reasons :D
We would ride horses instead of cars. that is all
down with the jews... not really, less corruption for sure
Exactly the same but with a better musical taste.
Weed would be legal.
Oh ho! Many people would be dead.
Legalise prostitution. Protect those who choose to do it.
Well, if I ruled the world, the philosophy of most countries would be "The Best
and the Brightest". As in, the smartest people rule. Also, we would have develop
ed some sort of empirical measure of mental ability.
D and humans arent the most important beings were spare the plant with many othe
r things
Flat taxes
people would be more tolerant... I'd hope
First off, get rid of ALL atomic weapons.
Legalize weed. Legalize Gay Marriage.
If communism WORKED I'd love it, but seeing as it doesn't...something similar ha
Every bomb in the world would be scrapped,so would every gun and it would be a l
aw that all wars be fought as they were in the middle ages.
Everyone would have the right to marry whoever they wanted, including a man marr
ying another man.
i'd have more stuff :)
Well, for one, flip-flops would be outlawed and wearing them would be confined t
o some hardcore flip-floppers underground, living a fearful life. You'd occasion
ally hear them slapping along the sewers below you as you lived your above-groun
d world, sacrificing flip-flops for the greater good (You'd get less foot infect
ions and everyone would look a damned sight less silly).
We'd get the fuck out of Iraq for starters
i would banish you!!! forever!!! :)
more pie.
hi myself
No one would be homeless.
The world would be united and we'd all work on terraforming other planets to sus
tain our hominid kind!
Less mother fuckers
there would be no mimes
I don't want to rule the world!
Less you
everyone will have a complimentary tube of chap stick.
marijuana would be 100% legal
recycling would get more funding
same with alternate fuel theories
aaaaand every wednesday is ice cream half off.
it would be awesomee!
i dunno
with science!
less restrictive gun controll
Men and women would be equal; they would both be my slaves.
Everyone would have cookies on mondays owo
you wouldnt exist
Honestly, I dunno if I would change anything.
no getting in trouble for downloading illegal, copyrighted stuff. but then it wo
uldn't be illegal....hmmmm
everything would be cupcake stuffed and rainbow colors
Id plant flowers EVERYWHERE.
I already got this question!
Free candy!
what makes you certain i don't already
you'd be dead
everyone would have free waffles
no douchebags allowed.
Your mom
It would be a hellish nightmare wasteland where only the strong survive.
The girls.
if i ruled the world i would motivate people by scientific progress and hopefull
y there would be other worlds for people to colonize and rule
THREE I'll tell you when I think of one......OH legalize mj
im not sure
i would make teen girls blow me a lot
There would be a lot more chaos in the world due to my misguided attempts to fix
problems with no clear cut solution.
Its actually for the best that the only thing I rule is my Tivo.
Clothes would be eliminated, and gaming would be rampant.
It would be alot like it is now but everyone would have a home and food.
There would be more pickles and cheese and I would be in a lot of movies!
Idk i think i would have more monkeys doing stuff like car wreks instead of thos
e plastic dummys cause rly dont you need to see what a car crash would do to a h
umanoid like body
It would be capitalist all around. Fuck that communism shit. Then, I would eradi
cate the middle east. They do nothing but blow each other up, mistreat women, an
d eat up taxpayer dollars in wars. Since you wouldn't need to fight middle easte
rn terrorists anymore, I would send all military personnel to Africa, where they
would escort all non-tribal-warfare-people to the middle east until the tribal
warfare people were dealt with. Then, the good Africans could move back to their
homes and try to build lives for themselves on more than $2 a day since there w
ould be more charitable donation to the area with the whole worldwide capitalism
thing. Then, I would encourage investors to build a mega-business-metropolis on
the wasteland left behind in the middle east where it would be a libertarian fr
ee trade zone similar to Hong Kong but totally free where all people could come
and trade and make wealth for themselves. Finally (and this is kind of fascist),
I would mandate that people pass an intelligence test every year. If you pass,
you receive a green bracelet saying that you are worth something. If not, you we
ar a red bracelet, meaning that you should be ridiculed and shunned until you pa
ss that goddamn test, you piece of worthless shit.
The end.
i already answered that
I think it would have more of a community aspect like entertainment basic like l
ots of places to socialize and social network but where you could hang and make
money less of a issue
It wouldn't be.
If I was god? Or if I was just a king?
Please message me back
B.O. wouldn't be the POTUS.
you dont wanna know.
Everyone says it would be different, but I'm sure it wouldn't be very different
than the world is right now.
Gummi Bears would be free and plentiful.
People would be more tolerant of other people, and I would rid the world of ever
yone I don't like, meaning there would be very very very few people left.
Well, for one I would rule the world.
hell yeah id be the only man
There would be strippers and hookers everywhere.
Why do you bother asking about such an overdone, cliched concept?
It wouldn't be. Only, I'd probably have less laws and controls in general. Espec
ially lower taxes.
calories don't count if you're having fun when you eat them
i would be rich!
I would most importantly give equal rights to all, including gay marriage.
I would legalize marijuana.
Rather than spending money on war equipment, all that money should be spent on d
eveloping less economically developed countries.
Focus on providing every single country with clean drinking water.
Increase farmers' pay.
Make all countries free of religion being in control.
Free speech for all.
military and private armies should all disappear.
I don't want to rule the world, too much work.
I would build you an empire. :)
nothing would be different
I would strive for the world to be a utopia. I remember back in elementary schoo
l when we learned what that word even meant. It's like we where given all these
hopes and dreams to make this utopia, but we are robbed from this dream. The peo
ple who rob us from creating this utopia (where everything is free, you take wha
t you need and give back what you can) are the elected officials. All they want
to see is how deep there pockets are. example, most country hate America. right?
what if instead of sending troops to Iraq. We feed all the starving people in t
he world FOR 10 YEARS. It would have been cheaper. less Americans would have die
d. and it would have been billions of dollars cheaper. Maybe people would feel l
ess of a need to fly planes around without taking landing lessons.
no religion
There would be money trees and no one would be homeless and everyone would be ri
ch! :)
it'd be awesome.
I don't know if it would exist much longer after i took over.
I would never want to rule the world because I am too much of a power freak. I w
ould force everyone to submit to my views.
no more gays
well, i'd be rich, and better than everyone, and only hot chicks can cosplay.
Whenever I get this question, then ignore it, I always think of Viva la Vida...
I don't know why.
There would be no Obama.
i wouldnt be a virgin
heh... so many things would not exist.
Eugenics would be applied, organized religion abolished, equal rights (ethniciti
es, sexual preference etc.) would be respected and governments would take a turn
towards more socialistic values.
That's what I'd strive for, anyways. I doubt some of these things could ever be
attained, it being simply for free will and independent thought.
this war would be OVER.
everything would be glitter. and skittles.
Everybody would be required to believe in unicorns and we would have National Hu
g Day. (>**)>
Get rid of the Bush family!
I'd be happy.
no more underground railroad.
Everything would be militaristic. Communism and left wing ideas would cease to e
xist. The world would be peaceful due to my iron rule. And idiots would be exter
Too much to type.
I would rule it.
It would be amazing...
Execution for the killers and better education and 22.36% less wars.
You would be my slave
All gays, blacks, mexicans, jews, and fucking terrorist indians would be dead an
d hitler would LIVE ON
It would be much better
You'd be dead.
Itd be filled with much more love.
i already saw this question
More hugs, less drugs :]
I'd keep it the same, staying in the shadows, strike at those things I want chan
ged in secrecy, not publicly.
A lie from the whole world? Indeed.

- from Ninja Icefish

It would be a world of ninjas!!!!
All the idiocy that's going on, I'd be like LOOK, KNOCK IT THE FUCK OFF! And the
n begin bashing heads. It's good to be king/queen!!
i wood haz lots a moneez
Um. It would suck. I'm too lazy to rule a world :P
If I ruled the world most likely nothing would be different
Like John Lennon says.
it wouldnt be here. thats how. cuz id be GOD O.O
sex from any girl u wanted it from whenever wherever and however many times a da
I already answered this.
I already answered this one.
i wouldnt rule it
mmmmm sex
i would have who i wanted the most
I don't feel like answering your question, but it keeps coming up in my queue. H
ere is a non-answer.
The main mode of transportation would be giant flying bunnies.
I would focus all my resources on the development and perfection of solar energy
I would make this technology readily available to everyone, then I would abolish
all nations, countries, and authorities, and allow everyone to live in peace th
e way they wanted to. Free to find their own meaning in life--free to live how t
hey choose.
I would be ruling it.
it wudnt
1) We would move the US boarders a hundred miles up. The Mexicans can have that
land, and Canada can sacrifice a connection to Alaska for us
2)Every stuck up prick from an Ivy League School that had majored in etymology w
ould be in charge of coming up with a word that was equal to "marriage" to descr
ibe the union of two homosexuals so that they could have all the rights and bene
fits, without any of the straights fussing over "their" word. Also, rainbows cou
ld not be used to symbolize homosexuality. It's okay to be gay. It's NOT okay to
claim refracted light and keep it as your own symbol.
3)New England would be merged into one single reasonable sized state
4)Pot would be legal, and people would be allowed to do whatever they wanted, as
long as it didn't hurt anyone else
5)A juries would convict the most violent murders and cruel pedophilia rapes wit
h the death penalty. I don't want those people in my world
6)Prostitution would be legal. If people want to buy sex, let 'em.
7)I'd live in a mansion and have people dress up and act like my favorite charac
ters out of stories and movies constantly.
8)Teachers in public schools would keep or lose their jobs based on their aptitu
de as educators
9) I would have round the clock research dedicated to helping my best friend wit
h his cerebral palsy disease
10) I would have jesters and a court. People would dress up in victorian costume
s at my demand. If anyone displeased me, they would have to go through a pretend
I wouldn't ever want to rule the world
Everyone would have to be hi
BUTT HOLE!!!!!!!!!!
world peaaccceeee
It wouldn't have you in it.
i would rule it first of all.
ppl wouldnt go hungry
every one would be in there proper country
I would put everyone out of power and then resign myself. Just to see how govern
ment reestablishes itself.
I used to rule the world
Seas would rise when I gave the word
Now in the morning I sleep alone
Sweep the streets I used to own
I used to roll the dice
Feel the fear in my enemies eyes
Listen as the crowd would sing:
"Now the old king is dead! Long live the king"
Their wouldnt be petty shit.
The world wouldnt be shit.
The people would actually give a shit about eachother.
and help eachother.
People would always do what I say and I would always get what I want.
If I ruled the world. Everything would be ok.
It'd probably be a horrible place.. accidentally anyway.
When I rule the world, I'll plant flowersssss When I rule the world I'll have sn
everyone would be happy.
I would discipline the shit out of people. I would put limits on weapons, I woul
d limit porn.etc
uh... try to make everyone happy if I could. Also I would make my brithday a Int
ernational Holiday :D
it wouldnt.
if anything in the world were to be changed too drastically, other parts of the
world would have to change too.
fact is, not everyone can be happy, and not everyone can live.
i already answered this
the posse would be in charge
I would rule it, there's one thing.
naked bishiee
u wouldnt be asking such stupid fucking questions
only half the population
i d k
it wouldn't suck
it would be awesome
too much responsibility, but down with crooked high powered wealthy who give cap
italism a bad name.
There wouldn't be war
it wouldnt
obama wouldnt be president for one. stupid forienese guy :) lolz
i would make world peace and there would be no wars and no hate and love love lo
id touch girls
well we would all wear silver jumpsuits and have numbers for names
Removal of reasonless laws for example the law of not being able to persuade the
public on eating a certain food prodict. wtf. freedom of speech anywhere?
Free icecream
everything would be better
No cars. No bombs. No wars.
I'd make sweet love to you.
Joy... to the world!
Joy to all the boys and girls!
Joy to the fishes in deep, blue sea....
Joy to you and me.
Well, for one, I'd go ahead and ditch all the boarders. Drugs would be a matter
of personal choice. I think I'd streamline the legal system and use some much si
mpler laws. Ergo:
Don't kill unless the killee needed killin'.
Don't be stealin' shit.
Don't be hatin' on other folks just because they be diff'rent.
Don't be enforcing your will on people who don't wish it.
Don't sex up the kids.
Be nice to one another.
Communism roxxorz.
people would call me jesus
everyone would watch jersey shore and other than that it would kinda be the same
I wouldn't change a thing.
Rush & everyone at Fox News would be off the air, and people would be willing to
help each other out and pure democracy would end
It would be illegal to act like a dick
There would be no more stupid people.
Well, I would still keep skateboarding legal, but the display of those stupid "S
kating is not a crime!" stickers would be a felony.
no japan
I don't know. I feel like I should say 'everyone would be nice' or 'no poor peop
le' or something but history says that those sort of things never work
I think I already said "NO NUCLEAR WEAPONS OR WMD'S"
I couldn't rule the world.
No beer, no cigarettes, much harsher punishments for criminals depending on thei
r crimes, no taxes, yet I would be a kind ruler that people still respected, and
I would listen to as many peoples requests as I could. Though the world is a li
ttle big scale for me. Just a country would be fine for me ^_^
... the whole world eh? Nazi Zombies
it wouldn't be any different
oh, i wouldn't want to rule the world. but let me tell you if i did, i know it w
ould be much greener, more tolerant, more free, and less obsessed with money.
honestly it would probably be way more messed up than it already is.
black people would seice to exist
dusty dick
vegetarians would be way more popular.
sexy ladey on me
everyone would be made to watch Adventure Time on a specific day atleast once a
week. Once a month would be a nudist day. Tomatoes and mushrooms would be banned
. (this does not include the drug shrooms.)
Guys would be sweet and affectionate. And not complete assholes.
I have been thinking about this question and I really have no idea. Maybe no mor
e war and hunger and stuff like that, but I don't know if one person can make th
at happen. Even if they'd rule the world.
It would be ended, at least mankind would be.
Well, you wouldn't be able to ask the question for so long for starters.....
all your questions will be answered if you join
No hungry kids in Africa. No abortion. No gay marriage.
No one would be making fun of anyone else because of how they dressed. Before th
ey judged anyone, they would have to get to know them.
Everyone would have sweet technology set ups in their homes...
it would be fucking badass
There'd be hopefully less violence.
I would make people more accountable
There'd be no black people
more cheese
legal weed
I would eliminate everyone who was a republican or had any sort of racially/sexu
ally intolerant thought. Also, anyone with herpes.
it would be loving
I would take out everything the government has taught us, get back to the basics
, because what we know is just what we think. Living life from the beginning, an
d take out all of the nonsense. The benefits are equal to the negatives in moder
n day society. I can't really change it, all I know is I don't like what we have
Women would NEVER have rights.
People wouldn't be starving, child labor would be abolished, scientists could wo
rk together on projects across nations, and religion could not be preached in pu
blic places (churches/mosques/etc excluded)
Complete and utter chaos. ...Oh wait, that wouldn't be any different.
Guns wouldn't be allowed out of the shooting range, sex offenders would be sent
to a remote, perhaps man made island to live or die...
different, less government, but enough government that Lord of the Flies doesn't
natural selection.
WELL, where do I begin....
i would end world hungry and make everyone die of obeseity.
That's a dangerous question.
I would united all the nations and make spanish the only language.
Everyone would be locked underground and it would be sooper
peace and love for everyone in the world
it would be a lot calmer. drugs would be legal and the world would just get alon
g because people would understand that their differences bring them closer rathe
r than push them apart. life would be a lot easier because things that we think
are so important now we would recognize as useless. people wouldn't stress about
certain things but instead enjoy the pressures of time and doing a job the righ
t way. life would just be better.
every day would be the first day of spring
I would have an epic throne.
That's about it.
It would have a global dictator (me).
Listen to John Lennon's "Imagine". He sums it up pretty well.
America would actually honor the Constitution's edict that Church and State are
to remain separate.
Lol we would be fucked. I wouldn't know what the fuck to do.
there wouldn't be any real wars. instead, if two countries were fighting, the le
aders of each country would meet in a central location and have a slapfight.
i think i anwsered this already
I would'nt rule the world. John Lennon would.
IQ test for drivers' licenses.
I Think I've already had this question, but I'd ban All Gas propelled transporta
tion and People whom Don't recycle would be charged.
i have skipped this question so many times, i don't know how it would be differe
it wouldn't
It would probably be a whole lot worse since I don't know how to rule the world.
People would hate me. But I guess I would be trying to get rid of the nuclear w
eapons, solve the energy problems, solving the world hunger problems and of cour
se all the killing. But it is hard to solve that kind of problems.
There's a virus
Spreading over the whole nation
And to my mom's dismay
There isn't a vaccination.
Every morning
I wake up and need my fix
Of Sims 1 and 2,
But my heart belongs to 3.
Not ashamed to say that
I am a Sims 3 fan so
Why try to fight it
I just clicked
I'm a Sims 3 addict.
It started off with Sim City
It's 3 that I adore.
Now everytime their voice
I faint and hit the floor.
I go to play the game
Every sinlge night,
Now tears starts streaming
Just by the disc's very sight
Not ashamed to say that
I am a Sims 3 fan so
Why try to fight it
I just clicked
I'm a Sims 3 addict.
I'm a Sims 3 addict!
Fatal anal cancer for all hardcore religious conservatives. (of any sect--Christ
ian, Muslem, whatever)
I've answered this already!!
Peace :)
No one would kill themselves. There would be no murder, rape, and hate. Depresse
d people would feel better. No one would feel hurt. Everyone would become a bett
er person.
world peace. and no beauty pageants.
there would be no niggers
I'd be married to jack barakat.
everyone would be dead
I thought I saw this question already. Maybe it bounced off the moon?
Lots of neon colors, and fast cars that the average person can afford.
that would never happen. I can't run a hotel properly
there would be less tolerance for stupid people
It'd be worse, believe me.
Anybody who couldn't tell the difference between your/you're, their/there, and t
oo/to/two would be shot.
More nudity.
There would be no turtles and everyone would get free beef jerky!
I would never want to rule the world. It would be too difficult, too much respon
sibility. Better to leave it up to the gods.
If I ruled the world, no one would.
no more hunger
I would probably not go power hungry and make a bunch of b.s. promises
I would be in charge. Duh ;)
i dont know
It all depends on whether or not my subordinates...or coworkers?....are loyal.
because only one person would be in control
it'd be cleaner and richer
It wouldn't.
Man can not change a thing.
... I don't think it would be much different... I guess I'd be like an "absent l
better black to white ratio
It would be better.
People would have to wear a t-shirt with my face on it that says how awesome I a
m. It would be required, 24/7.
Everyone would be doing Barrel Rolls.
it'd be evil
I would be ur mom
Well, I honestly believe there IS already a cure for cancer, but the government
is keeping it secret. If I had my way, it would be revealed to the entire world.
everything would be more cheap
everyone would die
because of dinosaurs with guns and zombies
It would fail, I'm not that smart or creative
There would only be one country and one race. The human race. There wouldn't be
boarder where people had the 'proper documentation' to cross. We would all learn
to love each other and accept everyone as a brother and sister.
it would be much more interesting
I'll get rid of all the useless people.
i would rule it
you would be bringing me a piece of pumpkin pie right now
id have loads of money n stuff
you wouldnt be here
no money
No more bama-o
i'd be like hitler.
much more cooler
I'd abolish rules. I would make sure no one knew who I was, and I'd do what I ha
d to, to survive.
culture and knowledge will be celebrated.
Women would have to walk topless.
More ice cream, less mosquitoes.
butterflies would eat ponies for breakfast
much more nudity
It would be on fire :D
you have no idea
I'd make you love me.
no communism.
there would be no religion. no god. or freedom of religion rather
I would be in charge, that's what!
i would be rulling the world
Everyone would be treated equally
I thought I answered this already. Anyways, basically it would be the apocalypse
big boners everywhere
I'd make shit happen.
Hahaha, so many ways.
trust me, you don't want to know.
free hookers for every one
it wouldn't be. I would quit. -YARLYIMAPIRATE
I'd keep it the same. Eh.
i would be dead and someone else will be the world leader because i got assassin
i wouldnt try to act all caring like most people would, id just do what id do.
adam lambert~gay jebus
i would shine
I would read
We wuldnt be in a recesion
I'd throw napalm all over the place in order to improve our situation.
me and chumley would be road warriors, and we'd fuck shit up
I would stay out of peoples business and let them live freely. Within a set of r
easonable laws.
it would be AWESOME
spanish would be obsolete because i hated learning the language and i hate the p
eople. so im sure that will involve demolishing the spanish population
Well, for one thing it would be ruled by just one person...
Much more peaceful.
less cloths more hoes
this web site would be deleted
It would be that different.
it wouldn't.
No money. No war. No weapons. No politics.
Starting with people's minds! BWAHAHAHA
it wouldnt
I'd have more money...
it would be good.
it would be swesome
you'd be dead
it would probably suck ass
everyone would dance all the time
it wouldnt.
i think i already ansered a question very similar to this and im too lazy to ret
ype it
this would be non excistend
No clue
it would be a socialist government
It would be awesome.
well, dogs could talk and justin bieber would be dead...
cheating on your significant other would be punishable by law
We would measure the size of men's penis's from the base of the asshole to one m
eter beyond the tip.
id paint everything green, like weed!
There'd be a lot less people.
It would be peaceful, everyone would get to go to school and no person would be
hungry. :D
Everyone would have a MUSTACHE!
You wouldn't exist.
I already anwsered this one!!
i would be fucking someone right now
how would it be different? I would be in charge
no humans
What is this I don't even
Well, for one, Obama wouldn't be president of the U.S.A.
you wouldn't have free will
You don't need to know.
it would be better. and people would be happy
There'd be a smoldering crater where the middle east was.
Anyone who killed or planned to kill in the name of religion (looking at you, ex
tremist Muslims) would be hunted and executed, and the world could finally move
forward from this deplorable era we're stuck in.
Does that make me like hitler? maybe... But it should be done
itd cease to be
all niggers would be dead
no one would be hungry
I would make each city self-sufficiant and get rid of money as a trading system,
and invent hoverboards.
The clothes on girls and the cost on things.
Three day weekends!
There'd be a sudden, drastic decrease in population worldwide
people would be treated equaly and not paid for what job they do but how they do
There would be equality. And all drugs would be legal.
Everythig would be free
It would end in turmoil.
a would not equal a
Mandatory 2 years served in the military.
it would be better... maybe
The world would not have a ruler 'cause I would quit before I even started.
it'd be peaceful....
we'd stop destroying the planet and consuming all the resources. basically more
free air for everyone!
there'd be no rulers, so I'd impeach myself. I'd make history.
more equality, less violence
heim himmler
everyone would have bald heads, even the girls
it probably wouldnt be much different.
No one would be allowed to complain.
we wouldnt have this stupid health care thingymabob
I could go on for days on that question.
It would be peaceful and we all speak ONE language
youd all be dead (:
Gay marriage would be legal.
No discrimination
no war poverty or cruelty just niceness peace and fun
I would rid the world of religion.
It would be filled with Chopin, Beethoven, chocolate, and cats.
i would banish bill gates
there would be no trash thrown around everywhere its stupid people cant wait til
they have a trashcan or better yet a recyle bin
ill destroy u mothafucka
I wouldn't want to rule the world.
Pot would be legal.
Most people would be in jail for just being plain stupid. However, I would have
given up my throne shortly afterward when I found someone demonstrably smarter t
han I.
Llamas would be the ultimate being.
I already answered
I'd separate the children and adults, then separate the adults into those who am
ount to anything and those who have no regard for others or even life itself.
it wouldnt
If I ruled the world it would have probably blown up by now. I'm not a bad perso
n. Nor do I wish anything bad upon people. But still... KABOOM!!!
i would have like 45 fuck biddies.. oh wait... already do! ha
I honestly think it wouldn't be. One person can't change the world, it has to be
a radical change in the thinking of the majority of the population.
it wouldn't suck....
People wouldn't have sex in high school hallways, there would be no hard tests,
and if someone went to church, they would be true to it, instead of lying. And f
riends would stay friends, and never lie. And...
nudity would be welcomed and clothes would be prohibited.
I'd take down all the bitches.
i don't want to rule the world. that doesn't sound like fun... but, probably mor
e nature, less people?
I'd end homophobia.
peace and innocence. I am John Lennon.
more attractive women
No more questions like this, for starters.
anyone who is against katy perry would be sentenced to death
It would have more unicorns.
there would be no windows 7
everyone would have to love each other.
Everything, it would be utopia
I just answered this question!
You already asked this
There would be NO clothes for women
no GReen Bay Packers
it would actually be fun, and life wouldnt suck for 99% of the population.
id be the ruler. duh
it would be a sex adult wonder land no under 18's on sex island lol
It would be easier to get the death penalty. It's way to loose right now.
i'd be a horrible world ruler, we'd all die or something D:
i would eliminate the monetary system. It enslaves us.
Equally, i would ensure all have a good education and food/water, as well as eli
minate religion. Religion is a plague that has long run its course.
If I ruled the world, there would be no happiness. Suffering and pain would be t
he norm. The grunts of the Earth must work themselves to death like bees in a hi
ve in order to support my lavish lifestyle never before realized by anyone ever.
The only happiness would be mine. Every Tuesday there would be ritual execution
s in honor of me, the omnipotent lord of the universe. On Friday there would be
a feast where I eat to my heart's content in front of starving children. Eventua
lly, I would replace the useless with drones that are much better in every way,
and every Saturday, I would have to destroy the excess products made by these ef
ficient machines. Parenthood will be obsolete as child factories arise producing
clones. On Sunday every child born naturally will be executed and ground into a
gruel to feed to the lowly peasants. On Mondays I will revise the English langu
age by eliminating all synonyms in order to simplify the complex language and de
stroy classic books at the biweekly bonfire. People will look forward to the sea
ring heat of the flames to provide contrast to their cold, dark lives. Overall,
the world would be perfect if I was ruling it with my iron face.
More computers.
If I ruled the world I would be allowed to ask for vagina in drive thru's
Men would be slaves. Women would rule. Life would then be... perfect? :)
Weed = legal
World wide WORKING communism
UN applies to all nations
"National Religion" gets abolished. All religions are free to practice
more interesting shit would happen, but less wars. everything would be fought ov
er based on auctions.
I'm a bad person to ask - As I am LDS, I'd probably just wait for the second Com
People would stop saying stupid things on TwoCans, as this would be an offense p
unishable by death.
I'd get more free candy and ice cream. Oh yea, and all the guys I want to have s
ex with :D
It wouldn't. I'd just let it go.
it would be total anarchy and id kill all people that are in with the government
and then id smoke pot till i died
there would be a lot of white slaves
everyone would be my sex slave
everyone wud eat dem appres!
It would probably be worse. I'm not much of a leader.
I would have everything, and you would have nothing
Masturbation would be a requirement.
We would all be dead.
I would outlaw guns. I would also make a stipulation that all people spend two y
ears after high school or college in service to a third world country. No guns.
It would be quieter hopefully.
Everyone would be required to do community service at least once a week.
we would all run with scizzors.
it wouldnt.
i'd maybe make Taco Bell the main source of food. So i spose thats it.
2 hour work days would be the max.
Free booze and weed for all.
well you see im a pyromaniac and have been convicted on two counts of arson so f
ire everywhere would be your answer
I would give everyone hope. I've been through rape, abuse, suicide, heartbreak,
cancer, multiple mental disorders and the only thing that kept me going was hope
.. I would end the wars, and anyone who started a war I would completely decimat
e. I would stop giving money away for research of fucking potatoes, they're fine
the way they are. and I sure as hell wouldn't give rights to illegal immigrants
.. I'm sorry but they would not be allowed to take 40% of the jobs without a U.S
. citizenship, I would invest in renewable energies and old fashion muscle cars.
I would allow firearms in public places to be carried in plain sight on anyone
without major or habitual felonies.
ummm, that's a lot of responsibility... i'll pass thanks
I wouldn't let tragedies like killing a congresswoman and several others even ha
i wouold get the people in poverty out
there would be no Matts
No war. Drugs allowed.
.....well.......There would be Piefin everywhere and Dragons whisteling about ya
oi and cardgames on motorcycles and your mom dancing nekid 8D
OMG lots of sex and war and food and no mexicans or gays and paintball everyone
would have to play
i would have someone fix my plumbing so i wouldn't have to "go" in the corner
it would be happier. peaceful. there would be unicorns, surely.
There would be signifgantly less stupid humans roaming the earth.
I would get blown a lot more.
I would get blown a lot more.
People would be required to listen to weird al all day or be shot in the head. I
t would be a terrible place.
Everything would be free.
there'd be a lot more naked women walking around.
everyone could only eat pudding on Tuesdays!I have spoken!
no one would feel anything but peace
girls wouldnt wear clothes
i would rule the world
there would be a whole lot less people in it thar's for sure also rainforest caf
es on every street corner and 3:30 in bohemian rhapsody time where everybody wou
ld be requuired to "spontaneously burst into song"
My first act: It would be unlawful to rule the world
You'll find out.
no war!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I wouldn't rule the world... I don't believe it can function properly under a si
ngle government.
We would be socialists.
you already asked this? or I already answered... one of those.
People would need to have a license to have kids.
dident we already go though this?
The economy would be replaced with one based on the value of chocolate.
you be dead nigga
There wouldn't be any brussel sprouts.
That's easy.. No one would be in it. Thus, there'd be no wars, no hate, no disea
se.. Just silence. And peace.
Not much different, just enough to make it worth living in.
No religion.
People would be a lot freer to do as they please.
Not as many wars.
More women would be in power. All men would have the same sized penis, thus elem
inating the need for war.
And those damn plastic cases would be easier to open.
It wouldn't be any different. The world is too diversified and split into too ma
ny factions for the entire world to work under a common goal. They'd just have a
name and a face to assign to all of their blame and rage.
you would be on mars
i'm kind of an idealist, so this probably would not work. and it would require a
high consciousness of the collective, but pretty much : food forests everywhere
. no corporations, no gmo's, no processed foods, peace peace peace, everyone wou
ld be extremely close with nature, and the unschooling system. by the way i'm ki
ind of a hippie
Power would be worthless, everything decision made would be based off of quantif
iable information
There would be no war, no hate, and no pain. "All you need is love."
the world would be made out of cookies
I don't know if I'd be able to handle ruling the world.
I'm not sure if I could handle such an important job! I'm only human, after all.
very different
I would rule it?
I would give Nick his time machine back
It wouldn't. I guess the difference is that I would have a shit ton more money.
That's it
Well first off, you'd be shot for answering this question...
The guys that are douchebags, wouldn't be.
It would be worse, tyranny is never the answer to problems
create zombie virus. let the world burn. ammo point. have fun.
Arranged marriage.
Uh, seriously though, I'd redistribute the wealth. Everyone is lower-middle clas
s! Yayyy!
Everything would be better.
morally super liberal
jews would not exist
No war.
No poverty.
Less people.
It'd be sunshine, lollipops and rainbows.
Um, probably no more asians. There are already to many of them.
If I ruled the world there would probably be chaos because I really don't care m
there would be better music on the streets... and people wouldnt have to worry a
bout terrorists and shit, cuz no one would want to bomb my world. except for ali
ens. maybe. ;D lol
The world will be lacking in the human race. But, red pandas will take their pla
ce, red pandas everywhere.
Everything would probably go to shit.
Kids would get to skip the pointless parts of school.
The people would have more say, and rather than a single leader, it would be run
by a council of eleven elected people.
oil companies wouldnt be ruling it...haha
i would name it hyrule
if i ruled the world, i would give that power away. and i would let someone else
worry about the problems of the world.
I wouldn't trust myself with something as important as the world... every change
you make can have drastic results.
No religion.
Free pussy.
It would suck.
black peep will go to slavery an white peopl
Instead of water fountains, there would be chocolate milk fountains.
Also, there'd be no interest rates for anything.
idk. :p
There'd probably be less people.
There wouldnt be war...
everyone would have to have a picture of which race they didn't like on their fr
ont door.
awkward moments are fun
id free all my kind
it would be horrible, because i am a sinner,
If i ruled the world i'd try to give it back to God
there would be more donuts
you wouldn't be talking right now you'd be sucking my dick
Much more puppies, much more death.
Public education budgets would triple, defense budgets would half.
we'd all be dead cos i pushed the big red button that said "DONT PUSH"
i'd be able to walk on clouds.
No war, legal pot, Republicans would be exiled to outerspace, without space suit
s, and humanity would reach the stars
lazy people wouldn't be getting away with everything.
no idiots would be allowed any kind of power
Democratic Anarcho-socialist* state. With no political parties**.
*Basically, everyone gets as much of everything as they need, and bonuses for ex
emplary actions.
**None. Not even mine.
There would be more cheesecake.
People would love others. and not think only of themselves. all the shit going o
n would not matter because we'd all get the hell over ourselves.
in my dreams.
nap time 145-230
I don't believe any ruling can really change the world so much. I'd try to empha
sise humanity, forgiveness and compassion and hope it would lead to more underst
Well that would never be possible for me. You see: i tried to take over the worl
d once but then i saw somthing shiny. Tell me how many people reference that say
There would be a lot more music, a lot more laughter, a lot less death, and a lo
t less debt.
Business would be ran by the majority of all employees. The market would technic
ally stay the same yet all loans, banks and internet sources would be government
owned and controlled.
i already answered you
No religion ... :S
It'd be more equal, more socially just. Less corporations for sure. Socialism, a
nd perhaps restriction on religion cause I'm an asshole like that. (Not banning
though, just pure secularism of the state)
Order. We're losing so much by just wasting our time. Having people interested i
n what they do is possible, and would make them want to make things happen.
it'd be alot more relaxed..
I would ALWAYS do your mom.
Everyone would be dead.
I'd probably have a slightly bigger house. Oh, and I'd make it illegal for anyon
e to be a politician. Ever.
Rapists would not exist, cause let's face it, nothing ruins a party like a rapis
t. and everyone would take care of themselves. Everyone would have something goi
ng for them, even if its just looks. and...everyone would be themselves. No shad
es of gray.
i've answered this already
I'm a little scared of what might happen, I'd probabably just end up making the
world go back to living how it was in the 18th century cos i'm a freak.
peace on earth would be mandatory. disruptive behavior would be punishable by de
ath. no no. just kidding. it would probably be a socialist society, but it would
require participatory behavior by all citizens to work properly. failure to par
ticipate is punishable by death. again. just kidding. but the justice system wou
ld be based on beccaria's works, specifically, the certainty of punishment is mo
re effective than the severity of the punishment.
I dont wanna rule the world.
There would be massive institutes to investigate what happens after we die.
Women would be the only ones in positions of power.
obama would be white.
your mom
I would get free chocolate
i would rule the world... duhhhh
Not going to answer but very different
There would be no more war after im finished with the people who cause war
id be king
kurt would be dead.
it'd be mo g
it'd be mo g
If i could change people's attitudes, i would rid the world of greed and selfish
ness. that way, we could all live in harmony with no need for laws, government,
or politics.
white power!!!! Arryan uprising
itd be awesomer
Ha! Like I could rule the world.
Everybody would be naked
everything would revolve around me
i would totally slap people faces withs wads of cash lol
Free cigarreety every day o' le weeky.
We'd all be part of Mothe Russia.
well if you want to be technical, of course it would be different, it would be d
ifferent from president/ruler/dictator/other synonym to president/ruler/dictator
/other synonym. but yes, i would try to give to the poor, i would raise awarenes
s of mental health, fix issues with the law/public health/anything else that nee
ds it, and would take from things with less priority such as idk, space endeavou
marijuana mondays
less violence
there would be no choices made because I cant decide on shit :P
Everyone would be dead.
goodbye, cigarettes. hello, free clean water for everyone
OMG THANK YOU FOR ASKING! it has ever been my lifelong dream to rule the world s
o that everyone would bow down to Ed and I would be the dictator of this empire
If I ruled the world... I would plant flowers! If I ruled the world... I'd have
Snakes. Go to youtube. Look up "A Very Potter Musical"
your mom would be a not mom
Being slightly egotistical I think it would be amazing, if people were willing t
o put up with some changes in the first few years I think I could really turn hu
manity around. oh do I have ideas...
you would be cleaning my feet
well.....there would be no niggers
Rod: no queers, 'cept womenssz
Greg: kill all the black people, white people, and make Taylor Lautner president
Patrick: no johovaaaaa witnesses
Terrance: All christain Music and kill everyone else beside Sequoia to listen to
it for all eternity :D bahahahahahahahaha!
Sequoia: i would make music the top form of entertainment people (who can actual
ly sing) will sing to me daily.
Taylor: no retards or ugly people.
Roberto: no border patrol no drug lords and free the chickens :D
and no japs to tell us what we can't eat.
Marisa:save all the animals, killthe homophobes, and everyone must love anime!
Brian: No rap leave everything else and exclude the word FAKE.
Natalie: kill prejudice people. and have the population dance the boot scoot boo
gie everyday :D!
Party All night long
You wouldn't be in it.
Jersey Shore would get canceled.
i would be on top... always ;)
There'd be a lot less people in it, that's for damn sure.
I would get rid of assholes. Forcibly remove them from Earth.
all the men would be killed and i would rule all the women and they would all sh
ow me their boobies
I would be rich :D
the world would have no leader i would probably get depressed and commit suicide
It would probably suck because no one man can rule the world.
We would have a Socialist society. Everyone would be equal and you could have wh
atever you want.
If I ever ruled the world, chaos would ensue because I really don't care about t
hings like that. I would probably be livin as I do now and it would basically be
an anarchy.
i would fuck whoever i wanted
There would be less government involvement in personal lives, in all countries,
and hopefully I could find some way to make things more fair for everyone (witho
ut resorting to communism or something drastic like in the Orwell novel 1984 or
the Vonnegut story "Harrison Bergeron"). Hopefully I could remember what it's li
ke to be a civilian without all that power, and honestly care about helping peop
le instead of my own personal gain.
no blacks
well, there wouldn't be countries, there wouldn't be money, basically, we would
live in anarchy.
It wouldn't....I already do
id be queen !
idk , lame ass question
It would have gone to pot long ago.
Superman would never have died and everything would be happy.
Honestly, it would probably be a big shit hole.
I would actually rule more than the world. The moon would be under my control to
But I would hate actually ruling. I'd prefer to be more of a figurehead than an
actual ruler. To set goals and visions rather to control.
There would be no wars and everyone would be equal
Propbably more chaotic.
What is love ?
In math , a problem . In history ,a battle . In science ,it's a reaction . In ar
t , it's a ?? . But to me ? Love always will and simply be YOU . ??
What if it wouldn't be any different at all?
best possible education for everyone.
technocratic system.
worldwide unity to achieve sustainability, star travel and transcendence.
It'd be a living hell.
It wouldn't.
The first thing on my agenda would be to get rid of democracy... but it appears
that that would have already been accomplished.
everyone would bow down to me
It would be beast just like me
Are you tired of getting the same response over and over and over again?
weeed would be legal!
You wouldn't be there
It would be much worse. I would either allow it to fall into disrepair out of la
ziness, or I would give in to my baser instincts and try to destroy everything.
Blondes would be committed to institutions and women would be in the kitchen whe
re they belong
I'd rape Kin Jung Il
Everyone would be peacful
It would be a lot more peaceful.
no more blacks
you would be alive
Gay marriage, pot and a shit ton of other things would be legal
black people=terminated
This is a hard question to answer. Even IF I ruled the world, there would be no
telling if I could end racism, homophobia, poverty, violence, wars. I would just
be another leader, trying to keep everything under control.
jews would be superior
it be a happy place
I would legalize everything for a day.
over... sized... noodle
nobody would ever talk about who ruled the world.
You'd be dead and you're family would haul me around in my monster mobile. Which
is, obviously, powered by people :|
I wouldn't want to rule the world. Power is corruption.
We'd go back to detailed on the job training, currently the schooling system inc
luding college really don't do people justice, things would go quicker if you le
arned your job instead of numerous other things that will never be relevant to y
our career choice.
well, this wouldnt be a website...
I would put all the gay people on an island all by themselves so we dont have to
listen to them anymore
obama wouldnt b here
it would be mine :)
i would be exactly the same :') cuz im boring -.-
peace, have peace throughout the world.
no war and i would ban all fossil fuels people would hate me but in the long run
it would be beneficial
lemonade water fountains in schools
No war and no world hunger. that'd be cool.
A lot less homework.
It would end.
Hate you.
I have absolutely no clue. Probably not much different.
Less rules. Society is to bound by rules.
No one else would be in it ;)
It would be cooler. We'd live in a world that resembled Arrakis.
Well for starters, There'd be one ruler for the world.
If I ruled the world for once, I would eliminate man-kind bombing. I would promo
te and delegate peace, beginning with the basics. Eliminate economy! Do whatever
pleases peace. And the ending for that one's rule, I certainly will execute "ru
ling." (No one regulating the world).
I'd have my girls on me.
i wouldn't.
i wouldn't kill innocent ppl. that would be my biggest change.
Sexual predators and other murderers wouldn't live in a jail. They'd get to serv
e their sentence by having the families or the person get even.
I know it sounds mean. But hey if your best friend got murdered what would you w
ant to do to the guy/girl that did it.
More twice-baked potatoes, less cauliflower.
it would be freakin awesome
I would make the rich poor and the poor rich. Might be interesting.
women wouldn't have shirts :D
There would be a lot more theme music
Free music and movies. A limit on the amount of child someone can have. And a le
gal system like Britain. With some French influence.
All ugly people would have to move into a colony, and the rest of the world woul
d be forced to never wear clothes again.
It would have equality for all and we would never be hungry :]
I would have all the pretty girls as naked servants, and all the ugly girls woul
d exist outside of my castle town, and there would only be one male in my castle
town, and that would be me - the rest would be naked pretty women of all races!
I wouldn't be broke.
nap times will be instituted.
for one, the world would not be debt to itself
The working class would actually be the ones making the money
every one would be dead
More sex
I would remake it in my image for i am Matt Begley but all the false gods cloud
your judgement
No anger or violence on peace.......jk I would have lots of guns XD
I would be ruler, for one
China would cease to exist.
i would step down no one man should rule the world
There would be statues of me everywhere
i have already answered this and refuse to answer again
world peace!
taller drinking fountains! Also teach morality as if it were more important than
math or biology. Do we really want a bunch of brilliant sociopaths managing our
hospitals and teaching our students of theoretical physics
it would be legal to fuck your mom
i would make fridays sleep in day where everyone can sleep in because they have
to get ready to have a fun time friday night :)
There wouldnt be an discrimination or i would do tht...idk...b
ut I WOULD (:
well, i would mainly just do mass experiments on humanity, the idea being that i
don't already know the results, so i don't really know how it would be differen
t, besides more interesting.
power consolidated in one single person will never work.
Of cannaaabiiis.
More Love, not sex. Less money.
it wouldn't be.
people wouldnt try and be something they arent, because id shoot them
There would be more war.
i wouldn't want to rule the world
i would rule it. also i would anally rape everyone!
First order: The color brown will never again be mixed with any other colors for
clothing purpouses.
It wouldn't be, but I'd get a lot more sleep.
there woudl be no war, religion or work.
Well in soviet russia, road fork YOU!
We'd all be happy.
I don't think it would be very different.
More dogs wearing sweaters.
The crocadile hunter (steve irwin) would still be alive! :'(
Even with the most crushing of dictators, they can't change human opinion, thoug
hts, or feelings.
When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will know pea
ce. - Hendrix (paraphrased!)
Corruption would be punishable by death.
i never would be that foolish.
Merit would be rewarded, stupidity punished.
A lot more people would be dead, there are far too many people alive that don't
need to be. Mainly I'd get rid of retarded people (like those on Jersey Shore, a
nd the people who actually like it)
No religion for a start.
it would be for me. for you... not so much.
Myself, along with the people I love, would be well taken care of. You, however,
I cannot be so sure of. If your happiness directly translates to the happiness
of me and mine, you should be fine.
Myself, along with the people I love, would be well taken care of. You, however,
I cannot be so sure of. If your happiness directly translates to the happiness
of me and mine, you should be fine.
It would be poorly run
no democrats
no democrats
More sex, drugs, and rock-n-roll, and less aggression.
You wouldn't be alive.
Everyone would have superpowers.
only white
no niggers
well for one, youd be dead
I wouldn't want to rule the world, but I would make it mandatory that everyone c
are about and for the environment.
You'd be dead.
everyone but the people who create games would be dead
marijuana would be legal and minors could drive at the age of 14
kelsey would be my sister. :D high five
We'd all be dead
Free frozen yogurt, sure the whole world would be in peril smog covering the sun
, everyone is a slave to me and only me, but free frozen yogurt for all!
obama would NOT be president!
Everyone would be burning and dieing, people would be living false lives so I co
uld fund the war to make everyone else burn and die. So not much different in re
I would institute socialism and force humans to undergo further evolution throug
h artificial selection of superior genes.
It would be ruled by Fredward the Goldfish
Let just say there would be a whole lot more mayonnaise...
The Golden Era of Greece would return.
tacos...lots of tacos...
It would be a scarier place, with lots of bubblyness.
No abortions. Except in extreme cases.
it would probably suck because that would be a very stressful job.
Everyone would wear suits of bacon
i dont think i can answer that right now
Bitches would quit whining. Possibly socialist. Corruption would be sought out a
nd destroyed. Destruction of petty country-to-country politics and grudges would
be dissembled, and much of government would be simply for the management of law
and strictly that. I would attempt to organize the world under the common goal
of the preservation of the human species, history, and cultures over time, also
with a major emphasis on preservation of the planet and it's ecosystems, seeing
as how space travel to inhabitable planets may not come soon enough and this cou
ld very well be all we've got.
There would be more vaginas...and cheese...I like cheese! Oh, and less Justin Be
ibers and gay little homo fags that can't sing!
We wouldn't convert energy into so many forms to use it.
there wouldn't be wars
There would be more peace, and a LOT of rootbeer!
Religion would be abolished
Eeshh... Scary question..
It would be a lot less organized (that's hard to imagine...)
I would kill anyone who got I'm my way
all the jews would be dead :D
i already answered this. take your question off!
everything would go my way
I'd try to make it better, and probably end up making it worse.
You should see how it is in about thirty years.
i'd ban religion.
I already answered this one.
Peace love and understanding <3
It would probably be even worse!
Wouldnt really be any different, would just tell america to sort their shit out
in the middle east.
Everyone would be free to live their own life no catch no caste
there would be no ugly people, they would be genetically ruled out.
slavery would still be around
No black people.
I would legalise brothels.
Asia would rule everything
More tolerance.
robert wud b mine :P
free pie!
There would be no abortion.
Our government would be a LOT better.
Gay marriage would be legal.
There wouldn't be senseless war.
And our taxdollars would go towards things with a purpose, not just my salary.
Clothing would be illegal and there would be iguanas...many many iguanas.... XD
The world will not be different, but my life will be different.
^I'd rule it. :P
it wouldn't i'd hardly want to make some change because i like things the way th
ey are now. who's to say you will be any happier if you change a single thing an
d i personally don't want to take the chance that i'd lose what i worked so damn
hard to get
"Once upon a time there was a pretty little toad name Bob that liked to party."
...56 translations later we get:
"Beans can use because it looks good"
ha ha ha... oh yea. ha
It would be awesome.
It would be rid of useless criminals in cells that's for certain.
I don't want to rule the world. It'd be bad
I wouldn't be able to change it, because you can't force people to do something
against their will.
why would i want to do that
Well, since I'd be "ruling" there might not be some freedoms we consider basic..
. I would be a benevolent dictator.
I'd eliminate all the dumb*sses
i would get fucked a lot more
i would be ruling it
everything would be my fault instead of someone else's.
people would just be nicer
no hipsters and the streets would be lined with speakers so everywhere we went w
e were all listening to the same song. lot less violence that way
People would be responsible for their actions (or lack thereof).
i already answerd this question
it would be better at least for me anyways ahaha
Executions for lax bros and douchebags.
The world would apparently be in some state of autocratic one man rule which I w
ould immediately abolish.
We'd all be hipsters and be veggie heads
I'm not sure. I'd try to make it peaceful but, I doubt we'll ever achieve that.
Well, to start, websites like this would cease to exist. Then, I would kill off
the world population using a very resistant strain of Ebola developed in a south
-African laboratory hidden deep in the lush jungle. Then, I would launch off all
of the world's nukes and aim them right at Russia.
Free bacon..
If I ruled the world, there would be an island where you had to have sex with wh
oever asked you. Any random person suddenly asks you to have sex, you have to. N
o fetish barred. No ages barred.
A lot like a million times diffrent
There would be marijuana fields in every farm.
There'd be a hooker on every corner.
More communist like, everybody only takes what they need and gives what they can
. This current wasteful society disgusts me.
there would be no countries. everyone would just be cool. there would be no mone
y. everyone, would just get everything free.
I hope it would be better. And more people would wear capes.
ugly kids would die
It depends. Wouldn't it already be different if I ruled the world, Because thats
some pretty big changes if you think about it...
I'd have your mum in my bed.
no niggers.
The economy would improve, everyone would have a gun so there would be no crime.
You wouldn't exist.
The world wouldn't be full of stupid assholes.
It wouldn't
it be gayyy lol shh
Black people would be treated equally.
Everyone would be bi, and there would be no such thing as politics or religion.
Well, I guess there'd be a fairer distribution of unicorns...
I would give everyone a bazillion $$$!!!!
It probably wouldn't. The masses dictate society, not the ruler. Unless I had ev
eryone's whole-hearted support,(Which I never would). So things probably wouldn'
t be much different. My face on currency? No. Better homeless shelters? Perhaps.
Public outcry about my personal beliefs, regardless of if they effect how I gov
ern? Definitely.
it woundnt
I would be allowed to fuck any chick I wanted, any time I wanted!
everyone would be happy and see rainbows and unicorns ...
i would be your boss
everyone would be naked! except fat chicks!!!
less gay
men would be womens pets
I would start by killing you
I'd be with Ann. I also have a long page full of policies i'd enact but theres n
o time for that.
it would be much worse, and probably communist. i couldnt manage such large quan
tities of data efficiently
Gay marriage would be awesome =OD
ummm...lesss debt...less poverty...more happiness!
it would suck even more
It would be way cool and people wouldn't be ugly.
Everyone would be at peace!
it'd be a full on dictatorship obviously but also all organic/biodynamic farming
i would be in charge
I already got this question... CATS EVERYWHERE
Instead of cars, everyone would use flying whales. The tress would smile at you,
and the world be be in mass chaos.
no politics- i decide everything
Everyone would be nicer...and have a lot more morals.
free ice cream
it would be awesome
Less poverty, definitely. People basically suck -- but it'd be nice if everyone
could have a job and a place to live.
We'd all be gettin' high
uhmm. well there would be no war and all of the countries would get along.
everyone would be dead...
there would be purple clouds and green rainbows
i would get laid
Monkeys would be the dominant species, under myslf of course.
everyone would be equal, apart from me obviously, i'd be the ruler.
Complete Laissez Faire, ergo I would nto 'rule' the world
For starters, there would be a LOT more chocolate and Harry Potter.
no more monday's of school
No war. Love everyone.
everyone would be dead by the end of the day
I'd just seriously let everyone have fucking equal rights by now.
Instead of having people spit their gum into garbage cans I'd have designated sq
uares drawn in the pavement about a foot wide and a foot long where everyone wou
ld spit their gum. Eventually the squares would just become little multicoloured
sticky mountains.
everyone would have a jar of mayonaise! :D
you wouldnt be here
Everyone would be happier.
peace love and happiness
everyone would eat only popcorn
i would like to think it would be the best time on earth. people at their happie
st, their healthiest, no wars, no disease, famine, or hate. indeed all the world
s problems would disappear. but i doubt it. id probably run it into the ground,
even with the best intentions.
justin bieber everywhere
I would abdicate.
no namby-pambies!
Everybody would like cheese.
it would have massive wars
wow i circled to this page lol
A) Crack down on molecular structurism (Prejudice against chemicals and in extre
me cases, the illegalization of chemicals, chemical families, and substances the
y are naturally present in)
B) Tax the fuck out of every legal chemical
C) Use tax money to increase police force
D) Upgrade allowed police equipment
E) Make a segment of armed forces called "Quality Control"
F) Send everyone who disagrees with me and/or voices an opposing opinion to a wo
rk camp with no hope of leaving, there they shall toil in the fields as slaves i
n which they are the personal property of the guards and those of higher status
and there they shall be sold to bidders regardless of age, gender, sexuality, sk
in color, or genetic make up.
A world in which people aren't discriminated by skin color, age, sex, genes, or
sexuality but by opinions! YAY! :3
world peace.
I would never want to rule the world, I would be a terrible ruler :/
I thought I already got this, must have skipped it.
Pot would be legalized, and I would end all wars.
So I guess it would be peaceful.
it wouldn't be gay
Isnt that what Hitler said? Dont think like that!
i would own all the wal marts
America and Muslim nations wouldn't exist...
There would be a lot of apple cobbler... and some satellite dishes...
i would sleep a lot more
it would just be awesomer!
I would kill everyone named john.
there would not be a africa prisdent
everyone would get laid
kill all the white people
there'd be more nazi's and less blacks
i would be evil. then i would be good.
if i ruled the world, we'd all be dead.
nearly 7bn dicepeople... random people - truly random... it's a scary thought
No, I like the world the way it is.
No more wars!
no school at all
It would be more like a metal concert.
girls would not have rights
every One would bow to me and everyone agenst me would pay
no school and OR no homework and everything is free!
and no alexis marie cole :D
No one would be homeless, hungry, or ever made to feel like they had no one.
I would be ruling it.
free skittles
There would always be peace and not war!
There would be alot of problems and I would be assasinated because I cant manage
things well.
there would be one country and anyone who went against me would have to pay
everyone would be my slave
I am pretty sure I would make music and expression of the people a major staple
of society.
it wouldnt you would all still be sad and miserable and lonely and not use good
It would rock!
black people would not exist.
It wouldn't have you
It would be very chaotic and terribly disorganized.
And there would be significantly more rainbows and glowsticks.:P
We would no longer be in economic turmoil, and there would be peace with the U.S
. and Iraq.
i wouldn't want to rule the world, i'd rather live in it :)
I would like it better
There wouldn't be websites like this one!
Life wouldn't be so focused on moving forward and competing with other countries
. There'd be less work and homework. I'd have life focused around family and fri
ends. There'd be more art and less hate. Pretty much sounds stupid and repetitiv
e, but it'd be nice.
I'd probably be selfish and make sure my needs and wants were met before others.
as far as difference? a homeless guy could do better than Obama
I would be rich
everything would be my way.
It wouldn't.
But they would sell socks in threes.
no black people
wouldn't be much different truthfully...
gah... i would love to go in depth about that, but theres sooo much that would b
e different... haha
i honestly have no idea
It would probably be a lot worse. And cookie-filled.
It would be more eco-friendly.
It wouldn't, I'd just have more chocolate.
I would make eating animals illegal, and we'd all be vegans, and all the world w
ould be friends. Oh & the only religion would be love.
i would poop on everybody faces
i'd be pretty everyone else ugly oh what that's already happened including you:)
ask hitler
everyone would have to have a NES, and they would have to play tecmo super bowl,
and they'd have to be new england patriots fans.
I'd be the first person to resign as world ruler.
Poverty would be gone, and communism would work. Because I'm cool like that.
uh, i would rule the world
It wouldn't be here, for long...
i would make everything america
I'd change a TON of stuff, but mostly I'd change whatever system would allow a s
emiaverage a fourteen year old to rule the world.
All my friends who are away for college :(... And all my high school friends, ev
en the ones i never met. My college is lonely >_>
Equal rights, blah blah blah. JK Rowling would be my second in command and it wo
uld be mandatory for everyone to have read and thoroughly enjoyed the Harry Pott
er book and movie series.
I would split power between each hemisphere and have constant watch on the globe
to prevent war.
free cake
less hate. more love
Everyone would have to be naked 24/7 and all the jews would be dead.
It'd be awesome!
Free love, world peace, and all the weed you can grow.
it would be awesome
Everyone would be naked
no war
Well first of all, I would run a pretty tight ship. My way or the space highway.
Everybody works out and eats right. Nobody complains. I hate complaining. Nobod
y quits anything that they start. I hate people who quit more than people who co
candy. nuff said.
No one would have feet... they're disgusting
I wouldnt change much except since all were under my rule there would obviously
be thoughts of my being a tyrant and groups trying to overthrow me. just because
i control the world doesnt mean that i stop evil. corruption will constantly tr
y to take me down so after my short reign of no change all would either return t
o normal or fall into utter chaos.
i would kill all the muslims and communists, so like...i guess thered be a lot l
ess people!
I wouldn't have read this post.
i wouldnt guy with the headphones would
there would be someone who ruled the entire world?
I would be in charge...
It would be much more colorful!
nice dictators
i would be absolutely in charge and women would spend more time in the kitchen
I'd be rich...
I would outlaw females who wear clothes
Being naked in public would be legal in all areas.
I answered you already
I think it would be chaotic.
There would be no hunger
I'd make the world equal for errbody
It would have a unified socialist government, and would be in the interest of th
e common good.
i do rule the world
people would give more space to each other (physical,mental,social)
It wouldn't. I already do.
I would make everyone learn the same language. I know it sounds evil, but It wou
ld benefit everyone in the long run.
First, I'd assemble a team of scientists to create a race of humans identical in
everyway, except they are not stupid, selfish, and horny, the reasons behind al
l human misdeeds. Then the new humans would be assimilated into Korean culture c
ause we are awesome. Then they will wipe out all the stupid, selfish, and horny
people aka, normal humans and start a new world order w/o gov't or economics, or
currency because they are only needed to curb personal greed. Then I'd be downs
umm cupcakes raining
It would be a depressing place
idiots and criminals would be killed directly
By not having ignorant people
My dick
There would be less eggs
Well, for one, Obama wouldn't be in charge.
Would be a lot of white people, and a lot of areas plagued by nuclear fallout.
It'd probably be in utter chaos since I'd be too lazy to do anything. Or thinkin
g about what shit my actions could cause.
I would make it so those idiots I hate would be not so idiotic. Plus, Free Ice C
ream Tuesdays! Wheeeee!
Complete Tyranny
There wouldn't be so many idiots around.
Well I am a pushover so....It just wouldn't be good.
everyone would be wearing cosplay. and everyone would like what i like
Your mom.
First off. No fucking cops.
legal weed.
flexible system.
the school system wouldn't even resemble how it is now.
and last but not least.
I'm bringing back the innocence.
If I ruled the world, I would ban use of tobacco and alcohol just to see how the
people will change. But I dont want to rule the world.
Why would someone want that?
There'd be more programs for the homeless,and less fortunate
only site would be
I don't think you want to know my plans for world domination
I would never want to rule the world.
Everyone's birthday would be an automatic holiday for that person.
there would be many many many many many prostitues
It would be a wasteland
No Niggers.
It would fail.
ways i cant tell...
get a new question
It wouldn't suck.
It would be....better.
It would be worse...
it would be nice :)
everyone will have free argyle sweaters
Less expensive things
Pot would be legal
it would be better, end of story.
it would be destroyed
it wouldnt.
first order of business.... make every english word that starts with a "Ph" and
replace them with a "F"
No George W. Bush
Depends if im still human.
If I was I'd set up a select group of architects and scientist to recreate citie
s so that automobile transportation is not necessary(moving side walks,Pushing e
verything upward instead of expanding). I would make sure that everything would
be available for everyone so there would be no social judging. I would also make
sure that only smart people could procreate or to check the parents genes so th
at only babies that can function perfectly in society could be born.
also robots
Gay people would be allowed to marry.
The world would be segregated as much as possible. Of course you can't split up
families who have multiracial parents/children so they will be allowed to go whe
rever. Each society would operate independently of one another. There would be l
ots of security with lower punishment rates for misdemeanors, but higher death p
enalty rates.
It would be a little bit better, but famine and plague wuld still exist.
Free candy for everyone, and we would escape the tyrany of no hat day.
everyone would wear white
free tacos
The constipation would rule. Wait.........did I just say constipation? I meant C
i would rule it..thats how
much gayer
there would be less violence n more music n peace
everything would be sunshine and rainbows and everything nice... until i blew it
up and dominated the world where everyone bends to my will
It just would be.
I'd probably have to be a dictator just to make sure my rules would fit.
But in the end, it'd all cycle back to chaos. Some wild extremist would take my
laws and trash them, causing me to lash back with an iron fist to quell this lit
tle rebellion they've made. Then I'd really see this giant organization and try
to fight, only go get swamped in blood from all the war, or assassinated myself.
Then someone else would go back to the top, and I'd have lost my "peaceful" emp
I would be the ruler
Wonderful! Time for a celebration... Cheese for everyone! Wait, scratch that. Ch
eese for no one. I suppose that can be just as much of a celebration, if you don
't like cheese, true? You've run a maze like a good little rat. But no cheese fo
r you yet. Well, maybe a little.
Well, school food would be healthier. Because I care about the children! THE CHI
i would fuck everyones mom
It'd be way more awesome.
It would be more openminded.
more bubbles
it would be filled with unicorns
It would be religionless, with a more one-to-one, specifically tailored educatio
n system. the main rule would be "freedom to do anything as long as you do not i
nfringe on the freedom of others."
It would be better
with free pudding.
(i dont even like pudding...)
instead of real war, to settle disagreements, there would be the card game war.
It would be the same because I wouldn't take the job.
more candy
to everyone
You'll know when it happens
I would have you killed
i would be ruling the world
It would be a utopia filled with jello.
Social Democratic system with no religion
There would be peace and everyone would have enough money.
people would get whats commin to them
It'd be better. Idk.
we wuld have only a 4 hour skewl day wit a 2 hour break in between
I would try to make everyone accept each other as they are ;)
no death
I rated you down.
The president would be Aisan.
basically america, except without all the bullshit.
you would be dead
No economies
There would no Negros, arabs, asians, or any other dark people
People will be FORCED to wear face hippos on their foreheads at ALL TIMES (Excep
t for terrorist holidays like Ramadan and Christmas)
No more freaking wars!
Every day is party day!
hmm clean water in homeless areas, money for me :D, money for random people i me
et sometimes, like i see a troublesom single mom on a street with kids strugglei
ng to get by, i would give her alot of money make people happy, :D
It would be based on love! No more war, ect.
I would stop the pointless wars.
NO gay rights evar, death pen., no voting because i rule the world,
there would be more hot boys and less parents
We would have no parental restrictions... people would be able to MAKE THEIR OWN
Stupid people would be shot instantly.
no more minorities
I don't know till i rule it.
I wouldn't last long because i am the worst leader. Everyone makes mistakes.
i would rule the world
Guns would be cheaper. punishments more harsh
World Peace. Equality. Justice.
well itd be white
More sex
No countries, no politicians
People would wear pants made of cotton candy and fake mustaches made of twizzler
s. and it would be legal to own a slow loris in the U.S.
everyone would love jesus
lots of free shit.
people would treat each other fairly! hopefully... i am a very fair person!!
everyone would be nice and no one would ever be rude again.
it would be better wayyyyyyyyyyyy better
more orgies
free tea for everyone. any kind of tea you wanted.
woman would not be allowed to wear clothes
There would be equality of men and women, opportunities for all people, and no n
eo-Nazis, KKK member, etc.
Everyone would be happy.
i would rule it, of course.
Laws would be less idiotic and more consistent.
However, this might result in things such as higher taxes, because tax laws woul
d have fewer exceptions.
there'd be more death
There would be gay marriage and more protection for them because of all the hate
in the world. Schools would start an hour later and college would be cheaper.
you would be fucked;) jk but marijuanna would be legal
The Knicks And Clippers Would Actually Have A Chance In The Finals Those Teams S
uck So Bad I Almost Feel Sorry That Im A Lakers Fan
much girlier. pink everywhere and candy would be for sale in every single store
in the world! bwahaha. O_o
A lot fewer people would be given driver's licenses.
the worlsd wouldnt be ruled by the man, and we wouldnt be at war.. we would be t
he next switzerland.
everyone would have to be naked and we would all have an hour devoted to fucking
There would be no proprietary software.
everything would be cheaper and cars would be run on water so that the world isn
t full of gases
There would be more cats.
If i ruled the world. ther would be alot of different art and sculptures. there
would be no math and there would be alot of reading. everybody would have ahome
abd no one would be hurt or killed. there would be no crime and everything would
be made of gold.
everyone would do each other; thats the lawwwww
4 day work week. 10 hours a day. everyone gets a month off. more bullet trains,
less consumer products packaged in trash, only in reusable containers that have
to be turned in. pro football starts when college football ends so we have footb
all year round. make it a well know fact that you don't stand on the corals when
you are kills them. more food for the hungry, help for those wh
o honestly help themselves. no politician is allowed to be a politician for more
than 4 years unless they are proven to have a positive impact on society. this
would be concluded after 4 years, the next year they could run again....only if
voters asked them to though and would have to be a 65% yes. star fruit would be
available in the grocery store as a normal fruit.
it would be lava
weed would be legal
i wouldnt want to
More pokemon
Less satan worshipers would be in office.
I'd suck at ruling the world
I think it would be waaaay worse off than it already is, to be honest
its a secret
you'd be dead
women wouldnt wear clothing
There would be peace and my husband could come home.
I would actually get a band started. I would also actually have some decent inco
Ohh, ho ho ho hah ah hah ha ha ha.... You'd know. Believe me, you, would, know.
It would be like hell, but worse.
the death penalty would be used and we wouldn't be in debt.
it wouldn't.
Well, for starters, civilization would collapse ...
People wouldn't be measured by how much they have, but by how much they gave, an
d the good deeds they did for those who were less fortunate.
Civil rights would not depend upon religious precepts. For example, marriage wou
ld no longer be a meaningful legal concept. Individuals could get married by the
ir chosen church representatives at their chosen church building, but this would
have no bearing on their legal status or that of their possessions. If individu
als wanted to engage in a legal contract that pooled their assets and tax burden
s, they could jointly apply for a civil union.
Abolish money and find an alternative way to motivate people
6.5 billion people would be ded
No more economy, no more wars, just ultimate altruism.
A lot of people would be dead.
All of the old people who are not useful would be killed, while the others would
be sent to Greenland because they're a waist of the worlds money. Next, Everyon
e with AIDS will be sent to Arfica to multiply and die. Don't get me wrong I'll
feed them, they'll just be like goldfish only living a short time till no one ha
s AIDS. Finally all the druggies and other disfunctional people will be put in N
orthern Africa, leaving all us normal people to prosper.
It would be so much more safer,
I would make forgiveness a law. lol i really wish.
i'd get head every day from anyone i wanted
No more wars. Peace. And free beer.
there would be a much smaller population
I'd probably want to behead all the dicks out there, but I wouldn't be able to b
ring myself to have it done. And besides, what would I do, in the world, almost
I would actually LOVE to discuss this with you. Message me or something.
I already answered this one, people would chill out.
id make glee come on tv everyday.
itd be more awesome, cuz im awesome.
I imagine it would be much like the rule of Nero of Rome. It would not be good.
bap would live in the jail
no gays .period
there would be no money. ony trade systems, where nobody could go into debt. peo
ple coudl do what they wanted, as long as it was peaceful. whoever wasnt peacefu
l would just be shipped to the moon. no government. complete freedom. people wou
ld help others, and actually care about their actions. probably couldnt actually
work, but i would hope for it.
There would be a different system of transaction other than money and everything
would be much less goth, and much more harry potter. ANd hoverboards. Always ho
Nobody would be un-happy. Money WOULD NOT be an issue. Food, not a problem. Livi
ng conditions, good for everyone.
It would be the Holocaust, but with black people.
no more country or religion
Zombies! everywhere in your pants up your ass in your eyes all of them dancing l
ike bloody phallic symbols go fuck yourself condensending program!!!!!!
i would be rich and everyone would be poor.
Cats would be man's best friend.
No little dogs
It would fall apart at the seams I've so carelessly sewn.
It would be like star wars, except better. Everyone would be a Jedi.
I would achieve this through my knowledge of the force. Don't worry about it.
Fewer stupid people
We would have chocolate milk fountains instead of water fountains.
I would rule it.
It would be way more logical, and people would make sense.
Because the Jews told me.
world peace!!!
There'd be a hell of a less lot humans, that's for sure.
Seriously, again?
people would die
Everyone would be blasting Hank Williams Jr. Have lifted mud trucks, and speak w
ith a southern slang and thats about all i can say fer now
Lol we'd all be fucked if I ruled the world.
Nuff said.
Id send a nuke off and start world war because this country seriously needs to s
tart over and remember whats important in life. not who has the best cell phone.
fucking sad.
Bacon cheeseburgers for all.
There's a reason why I don't.
No currency, small communities are built as opposed to big cities, and there is
only one rule.
Do not be shit.
This law is enforced vehemently by the public. Court cases would be very quick.
"What happened on the night of June 3rd, 2010?"
"This man came over to my house and was being really shit everywhere."
"1 month jail, wtf. Court adjourned."
So everyone knows each other, trade takes the place of money and amazing things
are produced via hard work and public contribution.
life would be more fair
OhOhOhhHOHhoHHOo...every man would have a woman & i would be in italy eating par
mesian like I SHOULD BE DOING NOW!!!
Much more dead people.
I'm so tired of seeing this question.
ideology would be put beneath practicality. free markets where ideas, products,
and information competed for supremacy would replace outmoded problem-solving te
chniques like war. unfortunately, over time the cultures of the world would lose
their distinction. Western commercialism would bowl over traditional lifestyles
the world over, but it would bring an improved standard of living and stabilize
local governments.
i love bunnies
id paint the white house pink and there wouldn't be an obama
Way less shirts.
there would be more pudding
I'd send them all back to Africa, Nuke the middle east, and kill Obama.
i would try to finish what the founding fathers started
Everyone would have to eat healthy. None of this crappy food anymore.
There would be legalized weed, and things would be broo.
answered this already
hahahahahah, you don't want to know
It wouldn't be too different, but Top Hats would be in style. In fact, Top Hats,
monocles, and mustaches (for EVERYONE, men and women) would be mandatory. Failu
re to comply is treason against the Grand King Emporduke. Now, bow, peasant. BOW
there would be a national give me chocolate day
i would actually be enjoying myself
all bitches all the time
infidelity would be punishable by death.
Everybody would have bacon for breakfast, anguses would be called angi, and the
black to white ratio would be 1 to 1, all room mates would have pet octipi named
after norse gods.
More ninjas, less pyramids
ninjas would come back and everyone must know kung fu
no freaking problems
everyone would be fat
i'd have bitches on every corner and cocaine on every toilet seat. jk. but i do
like chocolate.
Oh, in many, many ways.
*evilly smiles* i wont ever tell
it wouldn't
I guess we will find out huh?
There would be no taliban in afghanistan, and no corruption
it wouldnt. things happen, no one can change
It would probably be so different that I couldn't possibly describe it, or predi
ct how it would turn out for that matter.
i would change ALOT of things !
Just joking.
There would be less stupidity in the government and more mathematics in economis
It would always be happy hour
less people would live....
underage sex
i would get rid of Obama.
Well, im slightly twisted..
I dont think I should even explain myself.
the whole world?
assuming I have the power to enforce my rules, I would make these things happen
1.Put something in the food that would sterilize the public.
2."Find" the cure for the sterilization (we had it all along)
3. Make a test that everyone who wants to have children must take, only those wh
o pass may get the cure.
4. make sure education was free everywhere
I'd probably make more changes than that, but it's the start.
You'd be my slave.
I just answered this
It would be better, duh.
Well, it'd be a helluva lot like Fallout 3.
It wouldn't be.
I'd be ruling it would be one
all boys would chill at ma kingdom and no girls
I would make everything metric besides MPH
Easy. I seize the world's cache of nuclear weapons, and go down into a bunker ne
ar the earth's core. I launch all of them, wiping out all life on earth, and the
n freeze myself in a cyrogenic freezer for billions of years. As a new civilizat
ion rises from the ashes of a broken world, I will rise up with my amazing cache
d technology and become a god.
there would baked zombies:]
Power Lifting would be the new american past time.
i would destroy the evil that is disgusting
it would be a dictatorship, and i would make hawaii my house.
No Jews.
It would be fucking AMAZING.
candy. no school. no money so everything was freeeee
It would be Utopia. End of story
i would honestly hate ruling the world.
it wouldn't be different..........
it would be full of lollipops and sugar
Well, jokingly - it will rain cookies! :D
seriously - join the world under one banner, no more startvation and no more nee
d for a superpower. Course there would be huge fights against that idea :/
no more whale killers
there would be low crime levels
I'd worry about my own damn country
no more wars cus people would be sa=cared. they start somethin i'll end it and b
omb the fuck outa them.
diapers for everyone! no more filthy restrooms.
Higher technology!
two bud
everyone would have pet giraffes.
nukes, nukes everywhere
I answered.
About time a question is like this. I would unite the world into one. So we can
work on exploring the outside of our world. Venture into the unknown. I would de
stroy hate and anger. I would want people to work together, that or ill burn the
world down, and make a new one out of the ashes of the old.
It would be more disorganized
Shitty non substance music wouldn't exist.
no war just lurve and partays
bitches would be all up on my dick
everything would be AWESOME!
everyone would be a ninja
Michael Jackson would be king.
It would be much worse off.
world peace yo.
All fat chicks would have a dress code and all hot chicks would to dress in noth
No borders
oh gosh. it would be a very liberal and tolerant and violence free place. but i
really don't think that will ever happen or that mankind has the capability for
I would have more money.
NO CRIME!!!!! NO POOR PEOPLE!!!!!! UNLIMITED MONEY!!!!!!!! Once I think about it
, it would be kind of communist, but in a good way...
there would be peace because i rule with an iron fist of pain
You see that mountain over there? Looks pretty hollow to me.
Is it hollow? Is it hollow? Why are you asking that question? It seems pretty da
mn hollow to me.
Good. Now, put all these ninjas in here. I would like a school or two, a ninjuts
u school. And "all these ninjas" refers to two ninjas pretending to be dozens, j
ust like in that one movie.
What for? Why are you asking such stupid questions?
It would be painted rainbow. Duh.
you don't deserve to know
There would be delicious mexican food in every city
more boobies
i would be the one doing the whipping
It would be much worse be glad im not
people would get a certain amount of fresh grown food (fruit, veggies, beef, chi
cken, pork) per week. no one would go hungry, and everyone would get the same am
ount. :)
Communism all the way.
everything would be green j/k... idk
Stupid people would be dead, reading literature would become mandatory, and Darw
in's natural law would be instituted in almost all aspects of life.
hell yea
I'd fucking own it.
No more vegetables.
there wouldn't be any jews jk jk
Justin Bieber and Hannah Montana would be crucified
religious tolerance... like legit religious tolerance not like we're gonna freak
because there might be a mosque by the site at 9/11
well.... simply put, if i ruled the world, there wouldnt be a lot to rule.
all women would be slaves to me and men would be my brothers, children would be
killed if they are of insufficient weight, between about 7- 7.5 pounds
It wouldn't, cause I'd just say give everyone nachos at that exact second then d
ecidedly quit ruling the world. That is honestly what I'd do.
you wouldnt be in it.
Euthanasia would be legal. Everyone would have the right to die. I would ensure
that treatment of the elderly would greatly improve. I would impose restrictions
on having children. There would be some sort of licensing involved.
Oh i would love to rule the world i would dedicate myself to make the world as p
eacefull as possaible it would be hard but worth it!!
There would be no drama.
Pretty much all hot men would be my sex slaves.
Other than that, I'd burn any clothes that were ostentatiously slutty, encourage
a high rate of breeding between intelligent or generally good/well meaning memb
ers of society.
I'd also encourage more fun and flexibility in the school systems. More of what
you're passionate about, less of what you struggle with and dislike.
i wood make sex with llamas
no wars!!!!!
I wouldn't rule the world. Everyone would want too much.
More water
I'd kill niggahz
There would be no war
Because hello, people killing each other just increase the problems in the world
There would be world peace, everyone would have food to eat, a place to live, an
d they would all tolerate each other and love this Earth.
I would rule the world. Only difference.
it wouldnt. if you change one thing, everything else will be affacted. the small
changes in the world will continue to happen, and owuld have to be enough.
wowww i feel cynical.
There would be no punishment
I would try to change the way that people viewed the world
And help them understand
That it is better to help
Than to punish.
everyone would eat ponies and poop butterflies
weed would be legal
Well, for one thing, my current house would be for sale.
It would probably fall to pieces and die, I'm not a very good leader lol
I would make nuclear weapons and make everyone play nice.
i would get everything i want
all women between ages 13 to 35 would have to wear thongs
what would be the same
-It probably wouldn't be.
I would rule it. That would be different. Oh yea and I would make everybody hug
each other when they meet.
Free for all hahaha
Well, there would be pie for everyone...
required common sense
pfft easy. everyone gets chocolate.
I wouldn't want to.
lots of kittens
it wouldn't, I'd put other people in charge of everything, I'm not superman, I c
an't handle everything.
joe would not exist
no fat people ^_^
everyone would have an xbox
no more mimes
I wouldn't be spending my time answering questions on this website.
I would rule the world. That one seems kind of obvious.
Less waiting in lines, more developed sci-fi tech (lightsabers, space travel, te
leporters, etc.), and less bad movies.
Fellatio for all.
it would all be one country, no war, and everyone in america would be so FRIGGEN
Everyone would own pandahs!!
There'd be more cheese
It would have a unitary executive.
It wouldn't. It'd be just as fucked up but with a different face
weed would be legal. and the dankest of the dank would all go to me
Well, there definitely wouldn't be politics. Sure, voting and all the democratic
stuff we have today, but politics, no. Politicians are what ruin this country,
some more than others (sorry if you're a democrat, or republican, but it's true)
. That, and there wouldn't be as much people. We really need to thin the herd as
humans. Not trying to sound crazy, but the dumb weak needn't populate. Not gonn
a kill people, just not gonna let them have kids is all. They can adopt though.
more dicks
its the same shit man
boys would be used as mere instruments for baby making while us women would be s
upreme rulers and peace keepers....except for that Megan Fox girl...she'd probab
ly be dead..sorry
Obama would be dead. The muslims would be gone. and every country would have to
fend for itself.
with science!
you'd be suckin on these d
Everyone would get 4 weeks of paid vacation.
it would
There would be taxes, but they would be spent on health care, education etc. The
food and money of the world would be divided evenly, thus effectively fighting
poverty and hunger. The royal people wouldn't get any money just for being royal
, instead that money would be spent on useful stuff. No death penalty, increased
effort of destroying weapons, so that war would be put down to a minimum...
Justin Beiber would be dead
no war
We would have a non-capitalistic society in which the only values are freedom, i
ntellect, and efficiency.
Money would not exist.
It wouldn't. I think we're currently at the right balance of chaos and order.
No war.
People would be better drivers.
the jews would be gone muahaha
I would make all the food go to me.
It wouldn't.
It would be worse. that's too much power for one person.
I couldn't rule the world. I can barely maintain straight A's in high school.
Definitely many more hugs. And less drugs. Unless they were for allergies. I nee
d those ones.
ill give dick to everyone who asks for it
it would be required by law to great someone by performing your own unique dance
move. you can choose not to greet someone if you want, but then that means that
you are ignoring that person. if you cannot perform your dance move greeting an
d yet you acknowledge another person's existence, you will be murdered on the sp
ot. this applies to everyone, even injured and insanely overweight people.
i would hae more money
Gays and jews wouldnt exist
No corn subsidies in america, any country that starts shit with another gets tra
de-banned, civil rights for everyone, science gets all the money.
More love, less hate.
In every way imaginable.
women would pretty much be superior to men in all things.
I wouldnt want to rule it...too much work
universal healthcare for everybody in the world
I would drop crayons from airplanes instead of bombs. That way everyone would ge
t their priorities straight.
more nudity, and less unattractive people
all white people
Well, there would be no set religion anywhere and then there would be no ruling
body then I'd turn it all into a nuclear wasteland and start hunting supermutant
It would be dead.
It wouldnt.
the economy would suck just like it does right now...
there'd be lots of ice cream for everyone
Everybody would have the chance to maximize their potential, no social classes,
everybody would be equal.
I wouldn't rule the world, too much work.
This is the 3rd time I've gotten your question. The first two times I didn't ans
wer it, but this time I will. I wouldn't rule it. I believe that to be wrong.
It'd be peaceful, and quiet. Everyone would have something to smile about, and h
ealth care would actually be about the people and not the money
Everyone would shout my name and bow to me. They would serve me to the end of my
life and beyond! I would own NASA so I would have a house on the moon to live o
n... Thats what I would do!
everyone would be white!!
I would like to say it would be more peaceful, but who knows. Ruling the whole w
orld would require a lot of work. I don't think I would want the responsibility.
it wouldnt have terrorists
Um.. An EPIC FAIL! I cannot rule worth crap!
Pedophilia wouldn't be looked down upon. And by pedophilia, I mean the attractio
n to one younger than you. I don't mean the creeps that go out, kidnap little gi
rls, rape them, and then dispose of their bodies. Because that isn't pedophilia.
That's a messed up person abusing the privelage.
It would be awesome!
this website would be gone
I would pick people to rule it for me. I'd pick good people though. But I wouldn
't want to rule the world. I don't want that responsibility.
for one, the world would be under the control of one person, which would be very
very different.
Everyone would be dead. Including my self.
It would be full of puppy pettin, rose sniffin, baby kissin, corporate rock whor
nobody would feel alone
Women would be required to preform oral sex on a man daily
everything in society would be exactly opposite. everything else would remain th
e same.
legal weed
It would be kinda like Panem in the book Hunger Games, my lil bro's fav book, i
think it was okay...cept the games would be voluntary
I would probably make a bad ruler of the world.
I would have become mad by power, and at this realization, while still posessing
my last bits of common sense, kill myself
People would be required to eat 3 pounds of cheese per day.
One world government, dictatorship-ish (Will explain if you actually -----------
-------------------------------------------), rulers who are in it for bettering
the world not money/glory/power.
Well... Given my poor organizing skills, the world probably wouldn't exist anymo
re if not for my friends to save it.
It would be flat.
equality for all people. every race, gender, orientation, etc.
i would rule it.
Having a personal value of >$10,000,000 wouldn't ever happen, and nor would a pe
rsonal value of <$20,000.
It would not be good
I would undoubtedly screw things up even more
The internet would be called the Philterlion. Also, I would abduct AmazingPhil a
nd end all wars(: Ooh ! I would also gather all the zombies and have them re-ani
mate John Lennon and George Harrison then zombify Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr
(: Zombie Beatles ! :D
NO WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!
Every woman would suck my dick
it would definitely have a lot more brownies, that's for sure.
the world would be made outta candy, duh!
i would rule the world
I'd make everyone a canniabel.
There'd be a taco tuesday everywhere in the world.
it would suck because i wouldnt want to spend every waking moment trying to keep
it going and would spend more time using lots of money for my own fun..
It would be awful
Well for one: It would be AWESOME!
i would b da man
Gays would be allmighty. If anyone messed with a homosexual. I would personaly g
et to rip the haters fingernails off one byone stab them in each of the toes wit
h a toothpick and nail them to the wall like that untill i slit their throught m
aking the blood run down their face untill they drown.
it would colapse
Well, to begin with, there would be movement, all the time. There would be an en
d to the sickening stagnation that is inevitable with democratic governments. I
would allocate all of the world's resources to building underwater highways and
improving space travel.
It would be different
Government would exist only to protect life, liberty, and property. There are on
ly 2 rules:
Do not trespass or agress against others.
Do not violate another's property.
These two simple rules cover everything for which government is responsible. You
are free to apply your own morals and ethics to your own life. You may not appl
y them to another;s life, unless they agree to it (for it would be trespassing o
n their rights).
fuck money and taxes...and have school way different like have the kids take a t
est and then put them in a school where they want to major in. so there whole li
fe they study what they want to do when they grow up
... i think i answered this already.
religion would be banned and we would build houses on mars
Teens would be able to get a job younger and move out younger and drink and yeah
Veganism in societies that do not require meat for sustenance. Rebuilt political
structure in countries that fail their people (I'm looking at you, Mexico). A t
ask force that is responsible for finding idiots on TV and hitting them on the n
ose with a rolled up newspaper as if they were a naughty puppy. This would be on
live TV.
It would have a pale, fat, hairy asshole as the leader.
weed would be legal. thus leading to world peace. or at least a better economy
it would have a lot more rum and bunnies
i don't want to rule the world. nobody should rule the world. everybody should j
ust live.
Well, everyone--everyone--would be equal, for starters. Black, white, gay, strai
ght, male, female, tall, short...
all the gays would be dead
i would rule it
it wouldnt, i would just have a lot of sex slaves
the gov wouldnt b so damn stupid
everybodys crime would be their punishment...
i wouldn't have to answer this question twice
I would make men the devoted slaves of women.
there would be no wars and no fights. every one will be equal, no greater race,
or religion, or anything else. everyone will see eye to eye. no one will die for
deeds they didnt commit. the eye for an eye rule will be in effect. you kill, y
ou die. you rape, you're raped. all shall be one and united...
i would take away all money and wed go back to the barter system. thats all i ca
n think of at this moment. i hope to never rule the world though so hopefully it
wont be an issue.
I'd free all my sons. I love em love em baby.
i would be hitler and nazis would be everywhere. there would only be blonde whit
e people
It would be waaaaay more liberal that's for sure....
someone would probably revolt and kill me! The earth would also be in shambles a
s i wouldn't know how to keep it good :-D
i wouldnt be able to handle it
People would relax a little more.
There wouldnt be as many wars
no hate.
I wouldn't want to. I'd want to continue loyally serving God and His will. That'
s how the world will change.
i would make people get on they're knees and suck my dick
you would be dead
it would be at peace
i would declare a state of anarchy and renounce my title as world leader immedia
well i'd get rid of all the assholes
Get rid of politicians
You would have more money
i would make everyone eat fried chicken with pbj as snack time and live chickens
as dinner
no more queers
It would be perfect.
everybody would be my slaves
It would be VERY different. For one, you would be in a non-discriminatory exterm
ination camp.
pot would definately be legal
I would control overpopulation, and have most people live my life so people can
understand each other
It'd probably be very much the same, except a lot of the things I like and want
I would have and get.
People, would have better, grammar.
OMfg where to start. First of all, I think I'll want to be straight. There's a h
igher percentage of pray. And the rest is all in the book I'll write tomorrow.
no wars no death and no crulty in the world or u would all die
i'd make a giant vagina swallow the world
What if you dont want to rule the world?
I would own the bahamas and make them my private home islands. There would be to
ns of rollercoasters, limos and hummers to take me from place to place. I would
eat gold for every meal until i turned gold. I would congregate every researcher
and scientist and doctor and surgeon toether to make my penis grow to 8 feet lo
ng so that women could use it as a jungle gym. Thats about it
Who in their right mind would let a high schooler rule the world? I know I certa
inly wouldn't.
more democracy
It would be full of women in miniskirts.
I'd have everyone do a highly extensive study/travel abroad program somewhat ear
ly in their lives in order to promote understand and tolerance rather than close
t-minded bigotry.
everyone would be nice hippies and pasafists who chilled and smoked weed all the
time. lol
No-one would rule my perfect world, anarchy for the win.
WELL, the bitch who scammed me out of $10 from my register would die a slow and
painful death.
i would kill everyone.
You'd be dead.
America wouldn't have a dumbass prezzy thats for sure.
I would rule the world and everyone would have come common sence with a dash of
self-respect.....that sgoing out ot all you corner peeps.
id have lots of money
I would introduce brutal laws, to get rid of criminals and druggies, give almost
100% freedom to all law abiding citizens.
If there was a revolt, crush it with devastating force.
There would be no more humans.
No organized religion.
You and all the other fags would be in a pit of fire, next to the jews and the W
OW players
you wouldnt be there
i wouldn't
Pot would be legal.
Killing animals would never occur
id kill blacks
no blacks or fags
If I ruled the world, I'd destroy all mankind. If I were king for a day I'd make
sure there was no fucking tomorrow.
no blacks, and no fags
cows wouldn't be killed :)
It would be illegal to hate Twilight, and I'd be married to Robert Pattinson :)
i already told u
i donno... i have no experiance ruling the world
That wouldn't be safe.
i would turn it over to my friend who already has a plan.
many ways
tits or gtfo
smoke meth everyday yea baby
hehe Oh it would be very different.
pittsburgh would literally be reduced to less than nothing. i would draw an imag
inary like down the center of pennsylvania, then i would send giant digger thing
s to dig out all of western PA. all the way to the rock layer.
If I ruled the world I'd destroy all mankind, if I were king for a day I'd make
sure there was no fucking tomorrow.
It would be filled with chocolate cream, and everyone would be forced to wear ma
nkinis. In pastel colours.
there'd be more sexy tiems
I think it would change little by little. So at first it would be nothing and th
en slowly it would grow into something peaceful.
Or I'd be a frightening dictator.
I'm not sure what road to take.
It wouldnt, I wouldnt rule the world.
it'd be full of awesome and the roads paved with peeps.
I would be ruling it of course.
wouldnt rule it
It would most likely be different because it would be a pile of dust. Honestly,
i'd probably go on some kind of insane destruction spree just for the fun of it.
Then id eat some tacos because all the restaurants in the world would be taco b
Lock up repeat offenders for their lives.
I wouldn't rule the world I would much rather be a humble man.
there wouldnt be wars, or money, or world hunger. everyone could have whatever t
hey want
People would be in 3rd grade by the time they were 6, and there would be no glob
al warming. America would support the ISS, and all the countries would work toge
ther to invent space travel. Everybody would have their own set of electromagnet
s, too. THAT is a perfect world.
all those socialist bastards would die and libritatianism would rule the world :
All women would have to wear that anti-rape condom.
there would be no mimes
you wouldnt be in it
All people I don't like would be dead.
Cake, ice cream, cookies, gelato, and anything else delicious without much nutri
tional value would have 0 calories and the same flavor and texture they have now
Well I could tell you that there would not be a very long lasting world
We would all be the same country and have the same currency. That right there wo
uld solve A LOT of problems.
first i would blow up all aliens or have them surrender
It would be better.
Everyone would have to masturbate 2 times daily :) xx
Everyone would be dead but me!!! well maybe the one dude with the sunglasses. he
s cool
If i ruled the world i would have an army of giant indestructable chickens to do
my bidding. we would be unstoppable. also, the chickens would eat anyone who di
spleased me.
There would be no more countries.
BUTT HOLE!!!!!!!!!!BUTT HOLE!!!!!!!!!!BUTT HOLE!!!!!!!!!!BUTT HOLE!!!!!!!!!!BUTT
HOLE!!!!!!!!!!BUTT HOLE!!!!!!!!!!BUTT HOLE!!!!!!!!!!BUTT HOLE!!!!!!!!!!BUTT HOL
E!!!!!!!!!!BUTT HOLE!!!!!!!!!!BUTT HOLE!!!!!!!!!!BUTT HOLE!!!!!!!!!!BUTT HOLE!!!
!!!!!!!BUTT HOLE!!!!!!!!!!BUTT HOLE!!!!!!!!!!BUTT HOLE!!!!!!!!!!BUTT HOLE!!!!!!!
!!!BUTT HOLE!!!!!!!!!!BUTT HOLE!!!!!!!!!!BUTT HOLE!!!!!!!!!!BUTT HOLE!!!!!!!!!!
I recently saw "Law Abiding Citizen", it was much better than I expected. Also I
just heard that "The Assassination of Jesse James: By the Coward Robert Ford" i
s excellent from a reliable source.
It would be alot cooler.
My best friends mom would be dead.
Shark Week would be EVERY week.
this question has been on the answers section for like a few months. stop asking
i would be ruling the world
Dying would be illegal. Punishable by death
Nothing would ever get done, so I guess it would stay exactly the same.
There'd be a lot of eugenics, to be honest. I'm kind of glad I don't have that o
n my conscience.
it would be in chaos. i suck at ruling.
There'd be none of THAT. You know what I mean.
More people would be dead.
Kittens harry potter weed smirnoff cars peace beauty
Everyone would love jesus! :D
everyone would be HAPPIER, JESUS
Cotton candy clouds and maple syrup rivers.
I'd be rich, duh!
More communism. Definitely.
There would be less people for sure.
I do rule the world
everyone would be taught to respect each other and learn to be in harmony withou
t having to conform from their culture. basically everyone would stay the same j
ust no hate.
Abortion would be illegal. Sex slavery would be abolished. I would be stressed.
The world? Like the entire place?0
I would plant flowers!
As with most decent people who seriously entrusted with such a big responsibilit
y of leadership, I would just try to make it better and please everyone. And whe
n that doesn't work, nuclear war-fare.
idk ? i dont rule the world
You would be dead.
Seas would rise when I gave the word
I'd take the time to listen to every persons opinion and try to make the world a
place where everyone can live happily and peacefully. But I'd have to have some
evil minions on my side to help impose all of this. >:D
david cameron would die
FFREEEE COD FOR EVERYONE!!!!.....and your mom?
it would be a shit hole
i would have more money
everyone would love eachother :)
...and lots of robots!
religion would be banned, and the world anthem would be shut up and smile by bow
ling for soup
American military wouldnt spend 500 billion dollars for it..
please delete this question, im tired of seeing it every day for the last month
less starfish. more ultimate frisbee!
I would put a lot of attention on education. I would try to make sure that every
one was well educated, and through that people would have the will to educate an
d better themselves. I would also put boundaries on the media so that it doesn't
influence the public too negatively. For example, I would try to avoid having i
t make the pursuit of education or bettering oneself look bad.
Ideally, at this point, people should be able to solve most of their own problem
s. People would ideally specialize in a bunch of different fields that society d
eems important, and they would be active in regulating these fields and making t
hem better for everyone.
This is one of many things I would like to change, but I think it is one of the
most important.
it would be green
Peaceful, for one. Also, many more important structures would be steampunked. An
d there would be air pirates.
May the Cogs never stop turning,
No gays.
no taxes, ....
Weed would be legal.
id fuck shit up pretty good
Free cookies for everyone!!!!!!1
tits or gtfo
We'd probably all be dead pretty fast, I think I'd be a pretty sucky ruler.
Not very. People are people.
everyone would LOVE on everyone
Secular nation, mostly. Everyone would have the same rights. It's too early in t
he morning to give you a detailed response.
Many more people would be dead, but life in general wound be much better.
lots more taxes but a lot more benefits
it would be awesome
Everyone would have to throw bananas at barbara walters and would have to bow to
People would chill out. There may still be different countries, but they would a
ll be unified. I would live in space for fear that someone would kill me.
all toilets would be made o gold
i would make the world open where everyone would not have to waste money on clot
I would be the ruler
i have no idea, i'll leave ruling the world to the people who already do!
no govt.
The words "war" and "hate" would be removed from the dictionary.
this unlikely absolute condition would last only long enough for me to institute
an anarchy of kings.
id have a million hooker slaves
someone would be ruling it
There s be no bigotry, hatred, war, everyone would speak one language, and we d all
be communists
halo reach would be out by now
Make things less biased, instill a system to create less bias.
Everyone would be naked.
there would be no blacks or hispanics and all stupid people would work as slaves
. also i would have a limousine and a why yacht (actually its really cool-www.wh
Everyone would commit suicide due to lack of central government.
It would probably could not be much different. You cannot really rule the world,
that is. I mean you can be super-rich and everything but you cannot rule people
I would step down the world is to awesome a power to be dictated by one man.
I would step down the world is to awesome a power to be dictated by one man.
There'd be a hell of a lot more violence.
I jes tolt y'all. Drop boarders, drugs, no killy, all nicey, no hatey, etc...
There would be no human beings.
anyone i don't like would be kicked into the pacific with nothing but a inflatab
le life boat, a compass, and a toothpick. possibly a torch. if they made it back
, i'd let them live. if they didn't, well the answer is obvious.
It'd be awesomer
i would do the opposite of what the governments doing right now hahaha
hate in all arenas would not be tolerated whatsoever.
Topless Tuesdays & free beer if you're unemployed.
Free Pizza for Everyone!
First off, we wouldn't have Muslims or Fat Chicks.
Haters gonna hate
Chaos. I would be a bad person to rule the world, no control.
we would have a king... doi?
everyone would smoke pot
no mormonsa
If I ruled the world, ... I don't even know what'd I do.
no toilets
legalise weed
One person ruling the world can't change it. They can try though.
take to long to explain but i'm sure you would all wish i did
well it would probably be a pretty bad place I tell you what. Certain areas woul
d just become nuclear wastelands, France, Spain, the better part of Holland, etc
. scores of semi-capable morons would be euthanized just for watching american i
dol and eating mcdonalds while scores of others would perish and become infertil
e for no good reason at all. There's a reason why I don't rule the world, I tell
you hwat
seas would rise when i gave the word
Jetpacks. An extra colour would be inserted between green and blue, and I would
own all the cookies.
it wouldnt be much different.
No nuclear weapons or "WMD's". Period.
I would ban any further McDonalds and major fast-food chains and I would let the
cheap food go to hungry third-world countries.
don't really, don't know
Already answered this question. Why did it pop up again?
if i was king of the world
i'll tell you what i'd do
i'd throw away the cars and bars in the world
and make sweet love to you
singing joy to the world
all the boys and girls
joy to the fishes in the deep blue sea and joy to you and me
It wouldn't be any different.
There wouldn't be war and everyone would be at peace :)
everyone would bow down to me. :)
It would be just like hell
there would be wayy more diet sodas in resteraunts.. im diabetic
It would be awesome. 'nough said.
I wouldn't because I'm a woman and women are to emotional about decisions they m
ake so there for no...
You don't want me ruling the world
You wouldn't have asked that over-abused question. That very phrase would be ill
egal. The thought police would have you by now.
It wouldn't be. I would keep it my little secret.
...blood would be food.
no hate
everyone would probably be sick of seeing me. and would try to kill me.
There would be nothing wrong with rednecks and black ppl and latino ppl and whit
e ppl and so on and so on.. lol
It would be a lot more chaotic. I don't want to rule the world. I'd probably scr
ew up everyone's lives.
For one thing, chocolate would be cheaper and more accessable by everyone!
Nudity wouldn't be considered dirty.
Violence would be considered vulgar.
Manners would be in style.
Respect would be mandatory curriculum in schools.
Cars would drive themselves.
It would be a crime to me nasty for no reason.
It would be a crime to give someone a reason to be nasty.
People with perspectives that don't benefit civilization would be exterminated.
every girl would be naked thats it
There would be more bacon, that's for damn sure.
A lot of people would be in a tight spot when I ask them to justify the oxigen t
hey're consuming.
Murder would no longer exist, the word itself would be put in a museum.
stupid people would not exist
Many uneeded things like politics would be cast away, or many insifificant thing
s would be thrown out it would also be more enviromentally friendly
No More sex in every movie
tits or gtfo would be basic international policy
The education system would be better.
the government would be run by a younger generation and tolerance would be a pol
icy. if it doesn't hurt you or anyone else then we don't care. Government should
not have a hand in every aspect of our lives.
There would be no explicit sex on TV, like little Opie eating pie when he made i
t with Aunt Bea...
It'd be better because I wouldn't be ruling it. All that rulers have done is mak
e a mess of everything. IO would just encourage everyone to roll with it!
in so many ways ALOT MORE FREE , no censorship at all ( i hate the fcc) less war
more sciance , less religion ........ and so on
It would be really screwed up, cause i dont know how to rule the world
no hunger, pollution, homelessness & fair business/gov't leaders
Everybody would be happy.
umm hmm. I'd get head every day and I havent figured out the rest of that answer
You could ride in shopping carts if you DAMN WELL PLEASE! :)
I would dye the oceans white and the land black so that from outer space, the Ea
rth would take on the appearance of a cow.
it wouldn't be......i'd pretty much just hand everything back over.
fuck niggers
better bands bigger concerts
it would kick more ass
I live in the US, so ruling the actual world and knowing how all cultures work?
I'm not qualified :) - and I think you would really NEED to be qualified for thi
s position...
In the US, I would like to see some maj
or changes. Drug companies and other special interests not being able to essenti
ally bribe our gov't for favors.
A welfare system that addresses the actual problem of how to get people OUT of t
he cycle of poverty.
I would not be tolerant at all of any religious organization that tries to tell
people how to vote. Separation of Church and State is very important and that li
ne is blurred right now.
Just a few things - I know there are many more.
it would be prettymuch the same. everyone who wants to get elected says theyre g
onna change the world for the better, but change is slow and sometimes doesnt wo
rk out. if i ruled, things would probably end up being worse. decriminalize mari
juana though.
i already told you
every race would have to saty in one country
on my birthday people r required to give me a gift fo sure
If I ruled the world, food distribution would be a lot more even. Toilets would
be installed in every home. Homeless people living on the streets would be made
to join the army. (It would give them a job, money, and a roof over their heads.
Plus food.)
It wouldn't.
It would be greater.
noone would have sex till marriage and only w/ spouse exept for me ill get as ma
ny pretty virgins as i want 'cause i would be the ruler hahahahaha.
Most of you'd be put to better use or eliminated.
more cheese
no more wars
I'd put away the bars and the cars and the wars, and make sweet love to youuu.
It wouldn't be. I would rule from the shadows, and only I would know who actuall
y rules the world.
Didn't expect THAT didja?
there wouldnt be one
getting my dick suck errrr day
weed would be legal (: jamacaia doesnt have many problems
anarchy all the way!! no j/k...........idk.......make people live off the land .
...go green!
I don't think I can list that many things in this box...
it would be better
the economy wouldnt be shit.everyone would be happier.more addventurous stuff to
do.there was no cheating-on-husband/wife bestards out there.or druggies.everyon
e was back to being down-to-earth and mellow.
Weed and hippies EVERYWHERE!
Free sesame chicken for everyone. Am I right?
The cake would not be a lie.
it would be over 9000. lol srsly I'd suck at ruling. I'd prolly mess it all up.
It would probably no longer excist.
id be rich and powerful.
weed would be legal; gay marriage would be legal; abortion would be illegal; tee
nagers would be able to vote on important subjects, such as school hours, homewo
rk restrictions, television shows that are aired daily, etc. ^.^
ehh, too much thinking required. classical music would be popular instead of tha
t shit on the radio.
no japs
I would put the Posse in control
i would get rid of fences, fences are wrong, so are general reference maps, it i
s not our place to divide up the world into countries and states and provinces,
it is not our place to create laws that keep others on the other sides of our fe
it would be cooler and the Posse would be the rulers.
All men would be on leashes.So they couldn't cheat on their significant others.
i'd instill some logical things. like bringing back the trading and bartaring sy
stem, having an age limit such as 65 for driving, ban gasoline, people would hav
e to pass an IQ test to procreate, sex offenders would be neutered, etc. =P
I'd have cool shit
ummm what world?
The world would be heaven, of course.
you wouldnt exist
a lot less butt-sex, a lot more strip clubs, and a whole lot more pizza hut chai
ns...and free weed for everyone!
answered this already
less men, more women
no blacks lol jk
there would be no wars. less greed.
...Everything would be ruined.
I am not so great of a leader. Heheh. -.-;
i would be ruling the world.
you wouldnt exist with your nonsense questions
I fear it would be a much fatter place, after my laws forbidding healthy exercis
e and low calorie foodstuffs.
loving but war
Total chaos.
Bigotry would be a crime, sex would no longer be a taboo, fashions would be abol
ished, crimes would be rare but punishments harsh!
Not Recycling would be as a result of fines, and any type of gas propelled vehic
le would be banned.
Also, although its cruel, everybody would be fluent in the same language.
kinda different
I wouldnt...
Blowjob Tuesdays
My cousin would enslave the human race, would have all the smartest people contr
ol the world and run ti for him, and just in case people decide to rebel against
him, he would have them stuffed into a pit full jelly where they would either s
tarve or eat themselves for all eternity.
Peace. "Piss for peace, got to school for peace, dont go to school for peace! Ju
st, whatever you do, do it for peace." -john lennon
No one would be hurting.
it would be up in flames..
No religion.
everyone would be giant gorillas
i would never want the responsibility that comes with ruling the world
I would get pussy every night
Everything would probably plunge into chaos.
peace, and fatty food,
It wouldn't be different. I'd still allow everyone their agency.
Parents would be banned from using any variation of the phrase "end of discussio
n" to win an argument with their kids.
it wouldn't be different, except for me and my life
It would be more equal.
It would have a ruler.
dude 6 foot sour patch kids
Everyone would view me. A website as a ruler demands views.
Also, there would be more pickled relish.
I would implement the acceptance of others and their beliefs. What does it matte
r if that person doesn't believe in my god. It doesn't effect me.
Peace :)
Better. Cleaner. More user friendly. Except that most of the humans would be dea
what? You think I'm not doing a good job as it is? fine. you rule the world for
the week, lets just see how many species you mow through...
the economy would be better, north Korea is best Korea and tits or gtfo
hamster armies
no more niggers!!!!
I wouldn't.
I would kill of 50% of the humans in order to reduce the overpopulation problems
we have. Mostly in countries that have extreme religious beliefs
i would be hated by everyone...
Well, I mean, personally, I would want it to be an anarchist, communist utopia w
here everyone had a home, bread on the table, a job, and an education. There wou
ld be no higher ups and we're all just one big community, united under the sheer
fact that we are all human.
But since this isn't fucking possible, I guess I would just try and give everyon
e the freedom and rights they deserve. The right to an education, life, happines
s, and death; the freedom of speech, religion, and press, as well as others. So
I'd be ruling it.
It'd have a lot less vuvuzelas, that's for damn sure.
everyone would listen to mee duhhh.....and people would be out to kill me....i t
hink though i hope not.....
More emphasis on education and knowledge throughout the world.
no war.
world peace would be a law
cheese. much more cheese.
I have no idea.
i dont think i would change anything. you see, the differences between worlds, t
he good and the bad that exists in this world are what makes it beautiful. If it
wern't for the terror, or death or happiness, this world would be boring.
Everyone would be dead.
No ignorance.
I would rule it.
Everyone'd be high and we'd live at the bottom of the ocean.
My penis would hurt.
I would build a large moon-shaped satellite, and fill it with a lifetime's suppl
y of food, zombie movies, and vidjyagaems; hook it up with broadband internet, a
nd have a big celebration one night. While everyone's distracted I'd blow up the
moon and launch the satellite at a distance where it's indistinguishable from t
he actual moon. I would live there forever.
All women would be my sex slave and all men would play football.
Well I'd start by trying to fix the gawddam economy! /:
it would be happier and more loving.
there'd be this thing called "global peace." then i'd have a 96 impala ss and th
e most up to date mercedes benz
people would laugh at farts and the word poop
there'd be penguins everywhere.
Gosh, it would probably be in a terrible state because I don't think I'm nearly
qualified enough to rule this world.
There would be giant ants with LASERBEAMS coming out of their eyes, otherwise pr
etty much the same.
Everyyopne would have to workoutt! im done with obesity. and hmmm no drama.
It wouldn't be.
Much more love and peace, no rich people, no poor people. Only loving people.
no more kittens
Wow more people should be asked this question. I feel like we are all great at p
ointing out problems and terrible at offering solutions. Right now I'm reading T
he Omnivores Dilemma and I just saw No Impact Man this weekend so my knee-jerk r
eaction would be that our diet would become a closed circuit, no input and no wa
if you murdered someone you would die, if you tortured an animal or killed one o
n purpose you would die and a whole bunch of other stuff
In a variety of interesting ways. Mimes, for instance, would be outlawed. Southe
rn America would be nuked. etc.
War wouldn't break out as bad. Hippies would reign over.
If I ruled the world, there would be no rulers.
smoke weed erry day
niggers = slaves
There wouldn't be a ruler.
end world hunger
id have someone else run it, but id be in main control
Everything would be peacful. But also dark.
I'm talking underground raves would turn into the hot-spot and gothic queens wou
ld rule XD
It would be peaceful. I wouldn't allow war. Although there would be no way to co
ntain peace with out rules and punishment.
I honestly don't know.
Only God rules the world
there would be more hospitals and less asians
I'd rule the world, and not someone else...
It would have a more intelligent population.
Oh so much. Fuck all this war, I'm not a hippie war is cool and all, I just thin
k we need to move our species into space. Then let war resume. We shall call the
first space war ,STAR WARS. hmmm sounds familiar, oh well.
Therapy for everyone
When I rule the world I'll plant flowers.
When I rule the world I'll have SNAKESSSSSSS.
And goblins and werewolves, a fleet of dementors, and giants and thestrals, and
all my deatheaters.
money wouldn't be as powerful, overpopulation wouldn't be a problem, and fossil
fuels wouldn't be used to power cars. parents would have to teach their kids goo
d values, and spend more time with them. the world would be a better place.
4 words....
world peace.downsizing.recycle.
The community would be global and i would end all war and racism and absurd mora
lity laws. I would spend most of my time trying to convince people to give up re
I would take every state/province/territory and seperate them all from their hom
e country, and declare them their own country.
The first thing I would do is step down! The world can't be changed by something
like a dictator, you have the change the people's hearts before you can hope to
accomplish anything with a change of the law.
I'd allow different sets of laws in the nations for different groups of people,
like how it is for Indian reservations in America or Shari'ah law in some countr
Like, if you're anarchist, then you agree to live by anarchist law (no official
law), and you take what responsibilities come from that. Or if you'd like to liv
e communally, communes come under their own law. Or if you want to be under Shar
i'ah law or strict Christian law. I'd set state judges up in each of these juris
dicitions (there'd be a finite amount, not every group could get its own) to jud
ge FAIRLY based on the law of the area and set up a system of checks on corrupti
If a crime against a person was committed across the boundaries, then the law of
the victim would apply to the criminal, regardless of his or her own affiliatio
n. There'd be special laws for people, but there'd also be just general laws for
the entire nation for people who didn't want to join a sect.
There would be more vegetarian options in restaraunts.
nothing i would change lots of things though
Starbucks must change there sizes to small. medium. And large
Ban all religions.
I'd be a lot more stressed out!
There would be more kangaroos. Those things are the shit.
It would certainly be a little cuddlier, whether that be positive or negative. A
nd all wars made illegal. or some shit like that. But most likely in my hands it
wouldn't be very safe or in any sort of structural manner at all.
I would be emperor, and you'd be my pet. Like it?
no poverty
mad weed
it wouldn't exist anymore
I would be a lot more comfortable
Women, children, gays, atheists, black folks, and poor people would be treated a
s though they were human.
I'd be having more sex
The penalty for planned obsolescence would be death.
the only law would to just be nice
That's a difficult question to answer, and I honestly don't have an answer for y
ou. It would be easy to simply -------------------------------------------------
-----, "I'd make poverty disappear" or, "People would never be fake with each ot
her," but this would depend on your question: Would you want an answer to apply
to the current world, or would you want an answer to apply to our world of imagi
Less pollutants, more scientific inqiry, more trees, more captal punishment. The
People would be nicer. People would be more equal.
I know I could never handle the weight of the world on my shoulders, I wouldn't
know the first thing about changing the world.
I would make Canada the ruling nation and then leave it to the goverment to scre
w up the world while I sit peacefully in my recliner.
I'd make you love me.
I'd be a dictator. I'm not sure if it would be a good or bad one.
We wouldnt be in debt!
there would be no people.
For starters, people would need to obtain a license in order to be a parent. We
must stop the stupid people from breeding.
We'd probably be dead,or something.
obama would be dead.
well i would rule the world and no one else would DUH!!!!!!!!!
You'd be dead O.o
everyone would wear cool hats.
My methods would be unsavory and not very popular, but wildly successful
war on a regular basis, so it can be planned, accounted for, and progressed towa
rds actually solving something.
I'd try to end corruption
more strife
I would never take on that Huge Problem.. Nor should one single man..
well for one, tolerance is a must. Then I would abolish all companies and busine
sses and rebuild them from the ground up, assigning only the most honest, good p
eople in charge. My world would be built on honesty, and kindness. Not quite com
munist, but definitely not the cruel capitalism I'm used too.
if i had complete control.... there would be no control
world peace.
sounds pleasant doesnt it?
I wouldn't rule the world. I would start an armed struggle or political coup, wi
th the aim being to start a anarcho-socialist society. It would consist of every
one sharing everybody's everything, and peace, equality and prosperity would rul
e. If you agree, Google the term, "Anarcho-Socialism".
Nikdo by zem??t je?t?.
world peace
well, i'd provide free health care to all people, not through any monetary schem
e, but by forcing all men and women who became doctors to fulfill a necessary qu
ota of people to help per day, or have them killed. also, to prevent there being
a lack of doctors, i would force the top 3% of all students to become doctors i
n areas of their choosing
it would be made of spam
more chaso, more death, more alien life-form like thingys from other dimensions
It would be awesome. For once.
more like hitler. definatley.
every day would be the first day of spring
every man would have a baby
I would MAKE SURE there was world peace, I would stop the war. End animal testin
g, and make sure there was a cure to cancer and any other cure-less disease. And
of courseI'd change all the little things too.
Everyone but my friends & family would be slaves, I'd get free anything & everyt
hing, & blooow that dro all day.
there would be no idiots in goverment
idiots would not have enough power to freak up the world
The Government creating money for everyone. It's simple. Just take Jets and etc.
and fly all over the world randomly dropping 1000@ dollars. :D
People would be nice to me :(
Everyone would be sluts
I would be ruling it, that's how.
No power, no gods, no authority.
Communitarian. Socialist.
Everyone would serve ME. -YARLYIMAPIRATE
Everything would be gay friendly and gothic/vampyric.
There wouldn't be any stupid people.
there would be no jews or black people.
I honestly don't know if I could rule the world, I know that I wouldn't want to.
more personal freedoms.
It would be a Death Star, and have a giant laser beam.
no bitches and hoes
No chinks.
It would be communist.
full of cheap hookers and free drugs
there wont be capital penalty, countries would be all one, butkeep cultural valu
es from each zone, rapers and killers should stail in jail forever, there would
be a much better and open minded education, religion shouln-d exist, spiritualit
y and respect for nature instead.
I'm a very lazy person. I'd leave it alone unless something bothers me a lot.
slaves everywherre
No obama
everybody would be my slave
everyone would believe that adam lambert is the gay jebus !
lol i wouldent rule the would b'cuz i couldent handle resopncablity
cause i would be ruling it
I rated this question + but couldn't think of a concise answer, so you will have
to settle for no answer.
i'd like to think it'd be a bit more stable, but it probably wouldn't be.
everyone would be like me. perfect.
Pretty bad.
First i'd make it known to the world there would be no more war.
And bomb anyone who starts one, or threatens to..
Other than that pretty much like it is now, Because i'd be to lazy to run it, so
i'd hire people to run it for me, with me still in charge and what not.
you would be dead.
I'd do a lot of things that i shouldn't say here. And probably abuse the powers
for getting things i want, like a new amp, and bass... I would try to do somethi
ng good... but i don't feel like thinking that far ahead in life. :)
less religion much less
Everyone would be awesome.
There wouldnt be any wars and people wouldnt be so arrogant and selfish
people would be able to understand you perfectly and would not misunderstand you
. This would put a lot of responsibility on everyone to behave themselves with m
aturity. We don't often like seeing what we don't like in ourselves.
i would have candy every day
ihop would be free
there'd be no abortion, and a lot more effort to switch to renewable energy
no war. just peace.
Nobody would have to worry about anything other than me worrying about people be
ing worried.
If I ruled the world, things would be pretty messed up.
First of all, I'm a girl, and I'm only 16 years old.
There is ABSOLUTELY NO way that governors, presidents, or any leader would want
to give up their power for a meager girl. I know I'm taking your question out of
context but there is absolutely no way this would happen. I believe it only hap
pen in Egypt about 8000 years ago.
It would be filled with unicorns and glitter.
No one would be able to hurt each other
I wouldn't be stupid with diplomacy. I'd say, "You screw up, I'll kick your ass.
" I wouldn't use an iron fist, but I'd be firm. A Teddy Roosevelt kinda thing.
there would be no money but every one would be assigned a task such as electric
o water control, farming etc.. and for every tree that would be cut 2 trees had
to be planted..!
things would be my way...obviously
I'd be in charge
we'd respect the earth and what it provides us
It won't be any different. =(
Um, well, I would live in the castle at Disneyland. Oh, and world peace and no p
overty and all that. :)
i'd be a tyrant and there'd be naps during the middle of the day!
it'd be fucked up. i'm stupid.
Michael Bay would not be aloud to make movies.
weed would be legal
No women.
there would be no frickin oil leaks i'll tell you that
It be a whole lot simpler. And not so fucked up. Oh, and people would SHUT THE H
ELL UP insead of annoying me.
No people. Hehe
More popscicles
it would have a new ruler obviously
It wouldn't.
not different. someone would kill me.
It simply would just be better
there would be no religion
Firefly would not be cancelled
Two words: Squirrel army. ...I'm kidding. Wars would be illegal, for one thing.
There would be an ice cream castle (some parts would be open to the public for e
ating) in Antarctica (not where the penguins migrate through), taxes would be di
stributed fairly, and there would be other changes. Equal rights for gay and str
aight marriage, and all groups would have equal rights, but there could not be p
rotests formed that discriminated against any group of people. There would be mo
re, of course. And I still might try that squirrel army, but they wouldn't fight
, because war would be illegal!
i would banish the people i hated and caused me pain
Everyone would have the opportunity to get an education and there would be no re
ligion for people to fight over.
AREYON NATION!!!!!!!!!! camps all around
well, i dont really think monarchy is a good way to control people, especially 6
.5 billion people of such insane diversity. so id probably just leave it alone,
considering i'm not really qualified to impose my limited worldview on others an
No niggers.
Free trade
Well, my old history teacher was convinced that all rulers power eventually gets
to them and they cannot handle the power given. But, clearly he doesn't know me
. As cliche as it may sound, I'd be a peaceful, kind ruler of all, helping econo
my and the poor and giving all people equal rights and such. But, I would eventu
ally step down after rules were enforced and all was well in order to hopefully
grow towards a true communism (not the "communism some countries have today).
you can drive at 13. cannabis = legalized. drinking age is 16. no wars. so much
would be different.
it would be better.. no idea how... actually nah it woudl probs be the same.. id
I would make sure that greed stayed in check and that B of A did not exist
youd be my bitchhh .
There would be a hell of a lot more dragons.
All blacks would live on the moon. Mexicans would be enslaved to manual labor. A
nd the orientals would be cooks. Whites would run anything important.

And yes i realize blacks couldn't actually "live" on the moon. I want them dead
i dont want to rule the world. and it wouldnt be different. you will always have
the people who rebel and radicalize to have their way. and sometimes, you just
have to deal with that.
I'd rule it, BITCH! :)
Well there wouldnt be long days of school and school would only last 2 months
it would probably be worse, unless I was god and able to bend the laws of physic
No one would judge anyone for who they are.
More Chocolate. For everyone.
you'd be dead first thing
It would probably be much the same--maybe less of a big govt though.
I would have foam parties everyday.
It would probably end.
There would be no more endangered animals.
Marijuana would be legal :)
Everybody would have to masturbate in a bucket and feed to the starving children
. Thus ending world hunger. hahaha I'm sorry.
If I ruled the world, there would be madness and chaos because I'm not good enou
gh to do the job. :P
the age of consent would be 2, and all the criminals would be dead. and you have
all of your rights by the age of 4.
timmeh would be green
id be effing rich,
and everyone would love me
Marijuana would be legal and guns would not.
first off, we'd see a return to more traditional values, we'd stop allowing mora
lity to be consider a grey area where anyone can do whatever the hell they want
and not suffer consequences, the government's place in the people's lives would
however be overall decreased, and the biggest most important change, would be th
e institution of the death penalty for politicians found guilty of being in unno
fficial contact with anyone in the corporate or private sectors.
I would put more time into exploring space. Other than that it would be the same
I would allow people to be free
fat harry white boys would get hot skinny chicks for cheeper prices
less corruption
there'll be no difference...
There'd be a lot less people to fuck it all up.
Christianity would be outlawed.
haha oh man...
everyone would be happy.
umm well douche bags whould definitely not b aloud.
id be more tan haha
I would make sure I didn't rule the world. dictatorships suck
so many ways
probly a lot worse i couldnt deal with everythoing
No one would be alive
I would fill it with wealth and desire, a glorious past to admire
it never would move.
fuck everyone
there would be world peace. and no worries about money or politics. it would be
the right dictatorship.
it would just all be sexier. :]
I'd super glue everybody's mouth shut.
No money. There would be no value to anything. We'd all work and trade and just
have anything we liked. Everyone. The poor would get mansions built by thousands
of men just out of the kindness of their hearts. Everyone would have everything
they wanted. And everyone would be happy. There would be no hatred.
It wouldn't. I already rule the world.
We would all be nude.!
no obama's
I fear for the day I rule the world. It would probably become a very scary place
... however, everything would become cheaper and debt would be erased. Because t
here's enough of that around here now-a-days...
Everyone would b required to read MLIA at LEAST 10 times a day for enjoyment pur
poses only
there would be force and crappy music
In an ideal world, governments would be organized as city-states.
more nude beaches
I would burn everyone at the stake who wears short shorts, and fat people who th
ink they fit into extra small sized clothing and all their fat rolls hang out.
communism! no jk... idk, lol
Well...I would start with the goventment...
You'd be dead.
there would be no such thing as clothes
weed is legal
People would be dying and fighting and starving even more, because I don't know
how to control a planet full of people :P
You'd all be slaves for one thing.
Also a lot of people would probably be dead...
I would never be strong enough to rule it. It would probably suck.
I'd make sure that there are shut off valves on oil lines.
...just saying.
BP wouldn't be around anyway.
i would be a dicatator over all ! muahahahahaha
first you would be cannonized, then oh then they will play.
I would never want to rule the world. I don't think i'm really leader material,
and i don't really want so many people's lives in my hands haha ^_^'
Everyone'd be vegetarian and all of the land used for grazing animals would then
be used for growing crops. People would live in subsistent villages (thinking a
bout native americans here) and trade with neighboring ones.
it wouldn'y be.
it's not the leader that really matters, but the people.
I would first of all make Americans understand the meaning of 'Separation of Chu
rch and State.'
lots or roses
All of the ladies would be lined up to my throne to give me luvins.
id fuck everything with 2 legs
it would be prettier
Frolicking frenemies and love fests.
you all would be one large human centipede.
no more obama
women would be the most sacred creature on the planet :)
Wouldn't ...
There wouldn't be evil people like my stepmother roaming the earth.
i would rule it.
if would be different cause i would be the ruller !! MAHAHAHAHHAHA
Religion wouldn't exist, technology would be the most important thing in the wor
ld and the educational system would focus primarily on critical thinking and eth
ics in combination with science and history.
Russell Brand would be dead.
First of all i'd have all the evil people for example murderers, rapists, paedop
hiles etc. taken onto a ship, sent out to sea and blown to smithereens and all t
he awesome people can live :)
You wouldn't exist. JK
i would be famous.
everyone would be dead
watch the movie, the confederate states of america. perfect world!
muhahahahah! dictatorship!
It would be like the Iroquios life was. Money would not exist, and people would
share their necessities and luxuries. With money being gone, greed would be gone
. People would no longer steal, or hoard thier own money and possessions to try
to "get ahead in life". Concern for fellow mankind would be reestablished. Look
it up, it was amazing what they had, til the damn Englishmen came over and intro
duced greed and selfishness with their currency.
itd be awesome
It's probably suck a lot worse if i ruled it lol
two words PAR-TAY
I would have the intelligence, wisdom, patience, power, and benevolence necessar
y to rule the world.
And I would probably not survive very long, because despite my power, I would se
e the pain and suffering in the world, and it would bring me despair and hopeles
sness. Because I would realize that despite my ability to rule the world, I cann
ot save it from suffering.
So I remain a mere mortal, fighting against a larger world, knowing my limits. I
am weak, I can be defeated, I see the suffering and I see my tiny soul fighting
against an impossible foe. I realize my mortality, and I realize my helplessnes
s, so I fight all the more stronger. I fight knowing I will fail. I fight becaus
e it is all I have the power to do.
It would be different because I rule the world. No ONE rules the world so since
I'd be the ruler/king of the whole world then that is what would be different
Chocolate would be a food group, alcohol would be free. jkjk
There would be equal rights for every gender, race, religion etc. There would be
one international currency.
it would be caos... complete and utter caos...
there would be no poverty and no ways to make people vein and there would be no
It would be worse. I'd stand down.
My face would be plastered everywhere and twocans would be more famous than choc
There would be no oceans
All females that have an average BMI would be naked.
well, bitches would live in kitchens where they belong. i'd also ban the right t
o ask very stupid questions...ahem. fuck you.
my question :)
I would get what I want.
If I ruled the world almost everything would have to be rebuild since we destroy
ed it first. Besides that I would definitely invest large amounts of money in sc
iences in order to advance the technology of humanity. There would also be a req
uired law of staying fit. All the lazy people surviving alone in their homes wou
ld have a hard time readjusting to this new society...
it would be epiiciccc
for me? huge difference. for others? might be ending up worse.
freeeedom!!! no government intervention in personal affairs. the only laws that
would be made would be to protect the freedom of the general population. voting
would be a much bigger deal and the public would be informed and the economy wou
ld be fixed and we would have sound money. the sovereignty of nations would be h
onored and non intervention would be the forign policy. global trade would be en
couraged and all would be well and good.
Hannah Montana would not be alive.
There would be a lot less dumb people. Eugenics is cruel, but fun.
Better education system - more respect for those that work with the benefit of t
he whole in mind.
well instead of there being multiple leaders to many countries i would be the le
ader of the whole world thats how it would be different
by saying i ruled the world, and then just let everything go back to normal
i cannot begin to describe how much better off the world would be if i had contr
ol of it. and i don't mean president of the US, because even the president has l
ittle control. nobody really rules the world
kill all serious criminals. people can NOT have 30 kids. like the duggars, and t
hat octomom. it would be a work or dont eat society. im tired of my mother getti
ng welfare, so she can sit in a chair when she has 4 COLLEGE degrees, and is onl
y 36
I would enslave all religious people to the salt mines.
Everyone would were togas. Realy! No Kidding!
I'd start World War III and it will be...
LOL. :)
I would run a communist government. I'm not joking. But I wouldn't be a dictator
. My system of government would follow the doctrine of communism that creates a
middle class society, without any rich or poor. It's a good concept, really.
peace dood
Auto-Tune would be illegal.
i would be assasinated within 5 seconds because people wouldn't tolerate my tole
capitalism. no welfare. no hand outs. you wanna eat? work!
You would be dead.
there would be less people and everyone would be chill.
Free hookers and weed.
Can't say....,
It wouldn't be, who can really change the world?
I'd fix the oil leak by stuffing BP executives into the break. :D
poeple wouldnt be so ignorant.
many ways....many...many ways
I would never want to rule the world .....
oooooh boy. Let's not even go there...
I wouldn't want to.
A lot more people would be pissed off
There would be snakes!
I Would Not Want To Rule The World o.o
It would be worse.
I would make racism punishable by law.
I would love you...
i dont know
Watch the movie "Zeitgeist the Movie" and "Zeitgeist Addendum". It's a free movi
e on their website. Google it.
no pants. ever. NEXT QUESTION.
the government wouldn't lie so much, and there'd be way more war.
naked hot women, always, its a rule and if they disobey they must have sex with
me. ANd you must shave your vagina, and ass hole, cause if you dont your a nasty
I'd make stupidity illegal!
world peace, no world hunger, no global warming, etc...
No war. Music Programs in every school. School for those who don't have it. Hope
fully homes and food for the homeless. And help for the sick. How would it be di
fferent for you?
It would probably be chaos!
less jews
Equality. Everyone would be equal.
It wouldn't be.
peace for all
Japanese would be the main language.
It would be a lot more liberal... Because I would kill off all of the republican
s. :'D
Abortion, Marijuana, Gay marriage, and Stem Cell Research would be legal everywh
weed would be legal
I'd distribute the power more..
I would never want to rule the entire world... Maybe a little piece of it, a cou
ple hundred acres or so with enough nice people to build and maintain robots to
farm it with so there'd be enough food and computers to go around, but the entir
e world? No way.
It'd be happier :D
it is against my religious principals to answer this question!
Lower population ---> less problems
All men with nice, feminine legs would be required to wear booty shorts.
I have a thigh fetish :/
well... i would spend a lot more money on science and space exploration for a st
I don't know... A lot more peace, and a lot more trees, and... a lot less cars.
I'd make public transit the ONLY way for travel except for deliver trucks and st
There would be no 'rulers'. We would have nice, peaceful, equal communities wher
e no one starved, or carried concealed weapons.
i would give up my crown
we would all be nicer
No weapons
i'd get rid of all the assholes
I would mandate certain fashion guidelines. Most people would hate me for it. So
I probably wouldn't really do that.
Nothing. Being a good leader is really hard.
Maybe more emphasis on better internet? Different software development systems t
hat actually acknowledge the fact that data is free, and that no program should
be held back from someone who wants it?
watch code geass and you'll know exactly what i'd do.
pizza, lots of pizza
You would be dead.
more food
Homo's would be accepted.
kill the straight people!!!!!
We'd eat candy and ice cream for every meal.
it wouldn't be different because i'd be too busy with your mom
Murder would be an international sport.
We would be hunter gatherers
Ive anwsered this question before....
no mexicans
No one would age past 25 and it would rain milk-chocolate from the sky.
everyone would eat cake
no fucking homework lol
It would be ALOT better.
more free sex
The world would be a paradise and my face would be on everything.
i would be the ruler and a meter would equal an inch.
you dont wanna know haha im evil lol
All the stupid people would be sent on a very long vacation to greenland
I would let my people play video games instead of working and the way I pay them
is if they beat my high scores. which I think would be impossible. hahaha [[Evi
l Laugh]]
no war.....
no religion
Weed would be legal. (:
peaceful. independent
it wouldn't
it wouldn't
I would rule it, obviously.
everyone would have to bake cupcakes everyday
It'd be different cause I'd be having sex with every STD-free chick in the world
You would be dead
what is this i dont even
it wouldnt
it wouldnt
I would rule with unicorns &dinosaurs &the world would be full of happiness &rai
nbows :D
City States, pure democracy (Not representative), Socialist, equal rights for al
l, fully atheist, and loads more
everyone would probably be dead
no guns... no religion... and that's about it... well no religion in government.
.. no swearing on the bible kind of you stuff.. but ppl can believe in whatever
they want... they just can't use it in government stuff... no bombs... there wou
ld be no borders either... separation causes conflicts... and there would be a w
ell run school in every town/village so ppl aren't so dumb... and no forcing rel
igion on children they can make they're own decision when they're older
id bring back the colluseum
Everyone would know my name.
lots of people would be dead ill tell u that. lol.
Everyone would have what they need. After that, we'll talk about luxuries.
Less negativity, more love. And more God.
people couldnt kill wolves and no more tree chopping
well first off you would not be here
youd be dead
Everyone would smoke weed
There would be no war, and there would be food for everyone and stuff like that.
There would be no more world :D
I'm not one to rule.
well for one, i would be ruling it :P
I would not want to rule the world...

that would be a basket of eggs, I would not want to balance on my head.

i dotn plan on rulign eth world (yet) but i have made up a constitution and a ma
p for teh dominion of british columbia, that encompasses BC, the yukon, alaska,
and extends the yukon/northwest territories border downt to america alogn eth ea
stern foothills of teh rockie mountains.
I think I would take more environmental action (think the recent oil spill). I w
ould try to improve relations with the US Iraq/Iran/Afghanistan and the nations
that pose possible threats. I would try to lesson poverty and try to help those
being ruled by vicious dictators.
no matter how much you made, everyone would be taxed 17%, for starters. There wo
uld also be very strict punishment for people who abused the system. Like people
who took aid supplies like food and sold them for a profit. My mission would be
foremost just to feed everyone. And maybe some sort of genetic population contr
ol. I could list a whole bunch of other stuff but it would start looking like a
well africa would be empty, and AIDS would no longer exist.
Well, for one thing, it would have a world government. Under me.
I'd probably just try and crack down on the violence and warfare, and try and ge
t more civil liberties around. Human rights and all that jazz. I dunno, it's har
d to be a benevolent leader if you're trying to rule the entire earth. Not in th
at I'd get corrupted, but that it'd be hard to command the loyalty of the entire
planet without doing so by force.
In my world, educators would be the most intelligent people with the highest sal
ary, so they would teach and inspire future generations to achieve higher, learn
more, and solve convoluted problems. I would also encourage everyone to think o
f others and think of future problems
more spontaneous combustion
Blow me how long?
I'd delegate my decisions to the smartest people possible in their fields instea
d of the politician with the most money for advertising.
i'd kill everyone
We'd probably have a few wars going on, not because of normal political reasons,
but because people would be fighting over whether I'm an awesome leader or a te
rrible one.
many less emos
We would all be naked
moar free stuff
no hunger
well considering there is no world leader today, it would bedifferent by the fac
t that there would be a world leader lol.
no fear
when i rule the world then everyone will be almost as awesome as me
If I ruled the world, people would be interested in beauty.
more tits
I wouldn't rule the world.
Fuck that.
The color pink would be banned and blown up and the raunchy bitches that have is
sues with me would serve as my slaves. Trust me, not a good thing to be my slave
s. I love revenge and to make hater's miserable.
the world would be a globe of chili dog madness! all matter would consist of wie
ner, bun, and of course chili! i understand we still need cell phones. other tha
n that.....chilidog the great has spoken
i would screw it up and it would die.
Well, obviously California would be destroyed, and the United States would be re
-named to Texas. :) Oh, and I would work harder to stop genocide, because everyo
ne's being pretty darn lazy about that as it seems.
I'd have to think a little harder for everything else, and let's face it, when d
o I ever do that?
There would be no war, that stupid Gulf Oil Spill would be contained, and uh, I
guess New York city would be the nation's capital.
no humans
id kill all the fat chicks
I'd have more cantaloupe.
well, i'd be the greatest empress ever. that's how it'd be different.
People and most things would suck less.
Compassion for all :D
id be a nazi
free cotton candy for everyone!
Everyone would look like Adam Lambert.
no bones
everyone would wear cheese hats!
it would be perfect.
people would alwasy be naked.. fuckn on the streets
it would be filled with dorks
I would be ruling it...
Fuckin awesome
It will be peaceful :)
you wouldnt be in it. just kidding it wouldnt have as many mean angry grown ups
in it
I would kill all the stupid people... The world would be better, I promise.
Bye bye jews.
I would start killing all the monkey's and rape everyone one that tried to stop
it would be like silence of the lambs
everybody would wear sparkles everyday and no one would be allergic to strawberr
ies because that is just sad!! :)
cuz im ruling the world. duh!!!!
well it would frigin rock your face off
1) bacon would be the one and only thing in the super market
2) all C cups and larger are forbidden to where shirts
3) Michal bay would remake "the notebook" and "twilight"
People would be nicer. Haha.
everyone would be a zombie.
It would be illegal for women to wear clothes.
women that are 8+ on the hottness rating scale must be naked at all times
Obama would be on Jupiter
it would consist of people doing what they want and love, as long as it didn't h
urt anyone else. there would still be countries but they would be renamed accord
ing to certain morals. etc.
First you would die,
second Burger King and subway would be the only fast food places left,
third, i would have every nice car in the world, Fourth, i would bring hitler ba
ck from the dead and put him in a zoo for the hell of it.
i would enjoy bagels
I would nuke the middle east off the map, then build a shit ton of nuclear power
plants. I would also center all commerce around beer, whisky, and meat. Vegans
would be shot out of a rocket into the sun, where their burning flesh would help
control sun flares.
therwe would be no more Frickin' Twilight series
i would purify it
I'd enforce a mass sterilization on anyone who does not meet a certain IQ. They
shall not be breeding anymore.
Second, I'd focus money on space exploration and colonization, technology advanc
ements, and medical studies such as cloning and the Human Genome Project.
The global languages will be English, French, Spanish, Chinese, and Arabic.
I'll outlaw graveyards and get rid of the ones already in use. I'll spend money
to have suburbs redesigned so they don't waste so much space and resources but r
emain a non-urban environment.
...I think supermarkets might have to go...
Mandatory education for everyone up to age 14. Driving, drinking, and smoking (i
ncluding marijuana) age is globalized to 18.
Abortion and gay marriage are legal. Religious education institutions are banned
for anyone below the age of 15. Religious organizations are not exempt from tax
Application forms for anything will not be allowed to ask for your sex, ethnicit
y, religion, or sexual preference.
Crimes against humanity (murder, rape, severe abuse...) will be dealt with throu
gh life sentences and rehabilitation programs. Money related (prostitution, drug
trafficking, drug possession, embezzlement...) will be dealt with less harshly
as they are understandable and forgivable.
Large business corporations will be required to give back to the community throu
gh charitable donations, functions, public buildings, jobs, education scholarshi
ps, child sponsorships, or etc.
And that's only the beginning.
i would make certain laws more punishable. like, more severe punishments for cri
i would kill all the jews like hitler
It most likely wouldn't, people always differ in opinions from others, so sooner
or later, people would form factions and kill me.
But, in the mean time, I would kick some ass.
i would kill everyone who asked questions like this. also i would give everyone
their own little world to control.
There would be no organized religion, since that's the main cause of war. People
would be treated truly equally (as in, gay people would have their rights).
shit would be on fire
all the other guys would be dead
There wouldn't be any room for hatred. I guess that's it...
less exploitation - more fair to everyone. communism!
It would revolve around twilight <33
if i told you to do something you would do it no matter what it was
I would make us wear shoes on our hands and use green leafy vegetables as curren
nicer people..
I'd give out Marijuana
obama wouldn't be here...
Women would have no rights
everything would be free and unlimited amounts of parties no cops but there coul
d be no violence


Trust, you'll now in three years.
No religion
I would open ALL borders. There would be no U.S. no ownership, no property, no m
oney. No prisons (reform would be the rule, not containment.)
Life as you know it, my friend, would not exist.
The US wouldn't be such douchebags.
I'd have a toilet on every corner to poo poo in
limited government, capitalistic economy... like america 9, 10 years ago all ove
r the place
things would get done
constant orgies
Obama wouldnt be president!
you would bring me lunch
I'd make sure everybody had food, and tax the super-rich. Nobody really needs bi
lions of dollars.
the world would be very screwed.
Everyone would be dead
id make work illegal. and sleep and eat.
lots of hoes everywhere
It probably wouldnt, I would most likely become selfish with the power I have an
d become a tyrant and be overthrown by the rebels of the world and end up being
No LOLcats!
I would nuke Yankee Stadium.
no welfare
All food would be healthy and organic, and i would make sure no bugs got stuck i
n the food-making machinery and mixed in with the food. I would have a million f
riends and swim in a pool in my backyard every day, as well as zipline and fly i
n airplanes often.
you wouldn't be alive.
it wouldnt
My name wouldn't be Barack Obama.
What kind of rule do I have? The rule of a dictator, the rule of an elected demo
cratic official... what are we talking about here?
idk i hate politics
i would rule it
everything would be purple:)
black people
It would be no longer.
Haha, Well first nuclear weopons would be destroyed, everyone would have heath,
dental and vision care, promotions and jobs would be skill based, not racially b
ased. Pot would be legallized :) and! mostly everything would be purple.. Thats
about it, unless of course I think of something else. Maybe like all men must ha
ve 6 pack abs and wear speedos? lol jk
I'd rather not
Many more weapons.

-J4<k 0f B|4D35
"Si Vis Pacem, Parabellum."
No more religion, and education for all. Imagine what just those two things woul
d fix and improve.
if i ruled the world, skipped questions wouldn't come back again on two cans and
No more drugs
All people would know what personal freedom really means.
No mexicans. HAEHAhahhaha
How to be a Successful Evil Overlord
by Peter Anspach
Being an Evil Overlord seems to be a good career choice. It pays well, there are
all sorts of perks and you can set your own hours. However every Evil Overlord
I've read about in books or seen in movies invariably gets overthrown and destro
yed in the end. I've noticed that no matter whether they are barbarian lords, de
ranged wizards, mad scientists, or alien invaders, they always seem to make the
same basic mistakes every single time. With that in mind, allow me to present...
The Top 100 Things I'd Do If I Ever Became An Evil Overlord
1. My Legions of Terror will have helmets with clear Plexiglas visors, not face
concealing ones.
2. My ventilation ducts will be too small to crawl through.
3. My noble half-brother whose throne I usurped will be killed, not kept anonymo
usly imprisoned in a forgotten cell in my dungeon.
4. Shooting is not too good for my enemies.
5. The artifact which is the source of my power will not be kept on the Mountain
of Despair beyond the River of Fire guarded by the Dragon of Eternity. It will
be in my safe-deposit box. The same applies to the object which is my one weakne
6. I will not gloat over my enemies predicament before killing them.
7. When I've captured my adversary and he says, "Look, before you kill me, will
you at least tell me what this is all about?" I'll say, "No." and shoot him. No,
on second thought, I'll shoot him and then say "No."
8. After I kidnap the beautiful princess, we will be married immediately in a qu
iet civil ceremony, not a lavish spectacle in three weeks' time during which the
final phase of my plan will be carried out.
9. I will not include a self-destruct mechanism unless absolutely necessary. If
it is necessary, it will not be a large red button labelled, "Danger: Don Not Pu
sh". The big red button marked "Do Not Push" will instead trigger a spray of bul
lets on anyone stupid enough to disregard it. Similarly, the ON/OFF switch will
clearly not be labelled as such.
10. I will not interrogate my enemies in the inner sanctum - a small hotel room
well outside my border will work just as well.
11. I will be secure in my superiority. Therefore, I will feel no need to prove
it by leaving clues in the form of riddles or leaving my weaker enemies alive to
show they pose no threat.
12. One of my advisors will be an average five-year-old child. Any flaws in my p
lan that he is able to spot will be corrected before implementation.
13. All slain enemies will be cremated, or at least several round of ammunition
emptied into them, not left for dead at the bottom of the cliff. The announcemen
t of their deaths, as well as any accompanying celebration, will be deferred unt
il after the aforementioned disposal.
14. The hero is not entitled to a last kiss, a last cigarette, or any other form
of last request.
15. I will never employ any device with a digital count-down. If I find that suc
h a device is absolutely unavoidable. I will set it to activate when the counter
reaches 117 and the hero is just putting his plan into operation.
16. I will never utter the sentence "But before I kill you, there's just one thi
ng I want to know."
17. When I employ people as advisors, I will occasionally listen to their advice
18. I will not have a son. Although his laughably under-planned attempt to usurp
power would easily fail, it would prove a fatal distraction at a crucial point
in time.
19. I will not have a daughter. She would be as beautiful as she was evil, but o
ne look at the hero's rugged countenance and she'd betray her own father.
20. Despite its proven stress-relieving effect, I will not indulge in maniacal l
aughter. When so occupied, it's too easy to miss unexpected developments that a
more attentive individual could adjust to accordingly.
21. I will hire a fashion designer to create original uniforms for my Legion of
Terror, as opposed to some cheap knock-offs that make them look like Nazi stormt
roopers, Roman foot soldiers, or savage Mongol hordes. All were eventually defea
ted and I want my troops to have a more positive mind-set.
22. No matter how tempted I am with the prospect of unlimited power, I will not
consume any energy field bigger than my head.
23. I will keep a special cache of low-tech weapons and train my troops in their
use. That way -- even if the heroes manage to neutralize my power generator and
/or render the standard-issue energy weapons useless -- my troops will not be ov
errun by a handful of savages armed with spears and rocks.
24. I will maintain a realistic assessment of my strength and weaknesses. Even t
hough this takes some fun out of the job, at least I will never utter the line "
No, this cannot be! I AM INVINCIBLE!!!" (After that, death is usually instantane
25. No matter how well it would perform, I will never construct any sort of mach
inery which is completely indestructible except for one small and virtually inac
cessible spot.
26. No matter how attractive certain members of the rebellion are, there is prob
ably someone just as attractive which is not desperate to kill me. Therefore, I
will think twice before ordering a prisoner sent to my bed chamber.
27. I will never build only one of anything important. All important systems wil
l have redundant control panels and power supplies. For the same reason I will a
lways carry at least two fully loaded weapons at all times.
28. My pet monster will be kept in a secure cage from which it cannot escape and
into which I could not accidentally stumble.
29. I will dress in bright and cheery colors, and so throw my enemies into confu
30. All bumbling conjurers, clumsy squires, no-talent bards, and cowardly thieve
s in the land will be preemptively put to death. My foes will surely give up and
abandon their quest if they have no source of comic relief.
31. All naive, busty tavern wenches in my realm will be replaced with surly, wor
ld-weary waitresses who will provide no unexpected reinforcements and/or romanti
c sub-plot for the hero or his side-kick.
32. I will not fly into a rage and kill a messenger who brings me bad news just
to illustrate how evil I really am. Good messengers are hard to come by.
33. I won't require high-ranking female members of my organization to wear a sta
inless-steel bustier. Morale is better with a more casual dress-code. Similarly,
outfits made entirely from black leather will be reserved for formal occasions.
34. I will not turn into a snake. It never helps.
35. I will not grow a goatee. In the old days they made you look diabolic. Now t
hey just make you look like a disaffected member of Generation X.
36. I will not imprison members of the same party in the same cell block, let al
one the same cell. If they are important prisoners, I will keep the only key to
the cell door on my person instead of handing copies to every bottom-rung guard
in the prison.
37. If my trusted lieutenant tell me my Legion of Terror is losing a battle, I w
ill believe him.. After all, he's my trusted lieutenant.
38. If an enemy I have just killed has a younger sibling or offspring anywhere,
I will find them and have them killed immediately, instead of waiting for them t
o grow up harboring feelings of vengeance towards me in my old age.
39. If I absolutely must ride into battle, I will certainly not ride at the fore
front of my Legions of Terror, nor will I seek out my opposite number among his
40. I will be neither chivalrous nor sporting. If I have an unstoppable super-we
apon, I will use it early and as often as possible instead of keeping it in rese
41. Once my power is secure, I will destroy all of those pesky time travel devic
42. When I capture the hero, I will make sure I also get his dog, monkey, ferret
, or whatever sickeningly cute little animal capable of untying ropes and filchi
ng keys that happens to follow him around.
43. I will maintain a healthy amount of skepticism when I capture the beautiful
rebel and she claims she is attracted to my power and good looks and will gladly
betray her companions if I just let her in on my plans.
44. I will only employ bounty hunters who work for money. Those who work for the
pleasure of the hunt tend to do dumb things like even the odds to give the othe
r guy a sporting chance.
45. I will make sure I have a clear understanding of who is responsible for what
in my organization. For example, if my general screws up I will not draw my wea
pon, point it at him and say "And here is the price for failure." then suddenly
turn and kill some random underling.
46. If an advisor says to me "My liege, he is but one man. What can one man poss
ibly do?", I will ------------------------------------------------------ "This."
and kill the advisor.
47. If I learn that a callow youth has begun a quest to destroy me, I will slay
him while he is still a callow youth instead of waiting for him to mature.
48. I will treat any beast which I control through magic or technology with resp
ect and kindness. Thus if the control is ever broken, it will not immediately co
me after me for revenge.
49. If I learn the whereabouts of the one artifact which can destroy me, I will
not send all of my troops out to seize it. Instead I will send them out to seize
something else and quietly put a Want-Ad in the local paper.
50. My main computers will have their own special operating system that will be
completely incompatible with standard IBM and Macintosh powerbooks.
51. If one of my dungeon guards begins expressing concern over the conditions of
the beautiful princess' cell, I will immediately transfer him to a less people
oriented position.
52. I will hire a team of board-certified architects and surveyors to examine my
castle and inform me of any secret passages and abandoned tunnels that I might
not know about.
53. If the beautiful princess that I capture says "I'll never marry you! Never,
do you hear me, NEVER!!!", I will say "Oh well" and kill her.
54. I will not strike a bargain with a demonic being then attempt to double-cros
s it simply because I feel like being contrary.
55. The deformed mutants and odd-ball psychotics will have their place in my Leg
ion of Terror. However before I send them out on important covert missions that
require tact and subtlety, I will first see if there is anyone else equally qual
ified who would attract less attention.
56. My Legion of Terror will be trained in basic marksmanship. Any who cannot le
arn to hit a man-sized target at 10 meters will be used for target practice.
57. Before employing any captured artifacts or machinery, I will carefully read
the owners manual.
58. If it becomes necessary to escape, I will never stop to pose dramatically an
d toss off a one-liner.
59. I will never build a sentient computer smarter than I am.
60. My five-year-old child advisor will also be asked to decipher any code I am
thinking of using. If he breaks the code in under 30 seconds, it will not be use
d. Note: This also applies to passwords.
61. If my advisors ask "Why are you risking everything on such a mad scheme?" I
will not proceed until I have a response that satisfies them.
62. I will design fortress hallways with no alcoves or protruding structural sup
ports which intruders could use for cover in a firefight.
63. Bulk trash will be disposed of in incinerators, not compactors. And they wil
l be kept hot, with none of this nonsense about flames going through accessible
tunnels at predictable intervals.
64. I will see a compentant psychiatrist and get cured of all extremely unusual
phobias and bizarre compulsive habits which could prove to be disadvantageous.
65. If I must have a computer system with publicly available terminals, the maps
they display will have a room clearly marked as the Main Control Room. That roo
m will be the Execution Chamber. The actual main control room will be marked as
Sewage Overflow Containment.
66. My security keypad will actually be a fingerprint scanner. Anyone who watche
s someone press a sequence of buttons or dusts the pad for fingerprints and then
subsequently tries to enter by repeating that sequence will trigger the alarm s
67. No matter how many shorts we have in the system, my guards will be instructe
d to treat every surveillance camera malfunction as a full-scale emergency.
68. I will spare someone who saved my life sometime in the past. This is only re
asonable as it encourages others to do so. However, the offer is good one time o
nly. If they want me to spare them again, they'd better save my life again.
69. All midwives will be banned from the realm. All babies will be delivered at
state-approved hospitals. Orphans will be placed in foster homes, not abandoned
in the woods to be raised by creatures of the wild.
70. When my guards split up to search for intruders, they will always travel in
groups of at least two. They will be trained so that if one of them disappears m
ysteriously while on patrol, the other will immediately initiate an alert and ca
ll for backup, instead of quizzically peering around a corner.
71. If I decide to test a lieutenant's loyalty and see if he/she should be made
a trusted lieutenant, I will have a crack squad of marksmen standing by in case
the answer is no.
72. If all the heroes are standing together around a strange device and begin to
taunt me, I will pull out a conventional weapon, instead of using my unstoppabl
e super weapon on them.
73. I will not agree to let the heroes go free if they win a rigged contest, eve
n though my advisors assure me it is impossible for them to win.
74. When I create a multimedia presentation of my plan designed so that my five-
year-old advisor can easily understand the details, I will not label the disk "P
roject Overlord" and leave it lying on top of my desk.
75. I will instruct my Legion of Terror to attack the heroes en masse, instead o
f standing around waiting while members break off and attack one or two at a tim
76. If the hero runs up to my roof, I will not run up after him and struggle wit
h him in an attempt to push him over the edge. I will also not engage him at the
edge of a cliff. (In the middle of a rope-bridge over a river of molten lava is
not even worth considering.)
77. If I have a fit of temporary insanity and decide to give the hero the chance
to reject a job as my trusted lieutenant, I will retain enough sanity to wait u
ntil my current trusted lieutenant is out of earshot before making the offer.
78. I will not tell my Legion of Terror "And he must be taken alive-" the comman
d will be "And try to take him alive if it is reasonable practical."
79. If my doomsday device happens to come with a reverse switch, as soon as it h
as been employed it will be melted down and made into limited edition commemorat
ive coins.
80. If my weakest troops fail to eliminate a hero, I will send out my best troop
s instead of wasting time with progressively stronger ones as he gets closer and
closer to my fortress.
81. If I am fighting with the hero atop a moving platform, have disarmed him, an
d am about to finish him off and he glances behind me and drops flat, I too will
drop flat instead of quizzically turning around to find out what he saw.
82. I will not shoot at any of my enemies if they are standing in front of the c
rucial support beam to a heavy, dangerously unbalanced structure.
83. If I'm eating dinner with the hero, put poison in his goblet, then have to l
eave the table for any reason, I will order new drinks for both of us instead of
trying to decide whether or not to switch with him.
84. I will not have captives of one sex guarded by members of the opposite sex.
85. I will not use any plan in which the final step is horribly complicated, e.g
. "Align the 12 stones of power on the sacred altar then activate the medallion
at the moment of total eclipse." Instead it will be more alone the lines of "Pus
h the button/"
86. I will make sure that my doomsday device is up to code and properly grounded
87. My vats of hazardous chemicals will be covered when not in use. Also, I will
not construct walkways above them.
88. If a group of henchmen fail miserably at a task, I will not berate them for
incompetence then send the same group out to do the task again.
89. After I capture the hero's super weapon, I will not disband legions and rela
x my guard because I believe whoever holds the weapon is unstoppable. After all,
the hero held the weapon and I took it from him.
90. I will not design my main control room so that every workstation is facing a
way from the door.
91. I will not ignore the messenger that stumbles in exhausted and obviously agi
tated until my personal grooming or current entertainment is finished. It might
actually be important.
92. If I ever talk to the hero on the phone, I will not taunt him. Instead, I wi
ll say that his dogged perseverance has given me new insight on the futility of
my evil ways and that if he leaves me alone for a few months of quiet contemplat
ion I will likely return to the path of righteousness. (Heroes are incredibly gu
llible in this regard.)
93. If I decide to hold a double execution of the hero and the underling who fai
led or betrayed me, I will die first.
94. When arresting prisoners, my guards will not allow them to stop and grab a u
seless trinket of purely sentimental value.
95. My dungeon will have its own qualified medical staff complete with bodyguard
s. That way if a prisoner becomes sick and his cell mate tells the guard it's an
emergency, the guard will fetch a trauma team instead of opening the cell for a
96. My door mechanisms will be designed so that blasting the control panel on th
e outside seals the door and blasting the control panel on the inside opens the
door, not vice versa.
97. My dungeon cells will not be furnished with objects that contain reflective
surfaces or anything that can be unraveled.
98. If an attractive young couple enters my realm, I will carefully monitor thei
r activities. If I find they are happy and affectionate, I will ignore them. How
ever, if circumstances have forced them together against their will and they spe
nd all their time bickering and criticizing each other except during the intermi
ttent occasions when they are saving each other' lives at which point there are
hints of sexual tension, I will immediately order their execution.
99. Any data files of crucial importance will be padded to 1.45Mb.
100. Finally, to keep my subjects permanently locked in a mindless trance, I wil
l provide each of them with free, unlimited internet access.
So much more cowbell.
every one would wear giant prostetic noses so i dont feel diffrent
i would be in charge?
I'm not that great at macromanagement, so it'd probably all go to pot.
Cookies would be widely available.
no jews blacks or mexicans
legal pot and prostitution
You would die....
Free everything.
It would be differt because i would be rulling it obviously(:
hahah oh because i rock and junk ;)
Everyone would be happy. All the time. Whether they liked it or not. Well...not
really. I don't know I guess...
umm.....i'd probably pick someone else. lol. i would suck at it.
Woah nice question, umm i would try to help the enviornment as much as i could t
hen stop war
every one wold b naked
it wouldn't be any different.
Ponies and Unicorns would live in houses and we would be poor and you people wou
ld be their servants... no jkjk
it would be marxist communisim thus making the world amazing
no one would be homeless
zebras would roam the streets freeley. houses will be painted rianbow. and pigs
would eat at the dinner table with us
it would be pretty much amazing.
I would break all of the guns.
Boys would have periods! Not girls.
Way tougher punishment for crimes
Morals would be more important. There are ways to quantify how strong someone's
empathy response is by using MRIs. I'd weed out sociopaths from politics and eve
ryday life, so people could trust one another like they should be able to.
And oh, you couldn't go from Senator to President. You'd have to be Governor fir
st, or AT LEAST mayor. How the hell can you manage a nation when you've never do
ne anything but vote yes and no? Senators don't manage, they vote...and often in
their own interests.
More Diiiiiiiiiiiiiick
it would be no different. I wouldn't change a single thing in it.
there would public speakers playing f axel or whatever..
Everyone would be happy whether they want to or not!!!!!
id kill all the gay people and dudes and fat girls. and babies
It wouldn't/
Everybody would be my sex slave!!
This is probably one of the best i have seen. I do not believe that the world sh
ould be ruled
Hooray socialism!
Complete social equality. More aid to the less fortunate. Stuff like that...
a lot more random than it is now, let me tell you that!
you'll find out
You wouldn't be in it.
i like turtles
there would be shopping centers for EVERYONE!!!!! INDIVIDUALLY
no bullets. Guns, sure, but no bullets, or missiles or bombs or grenades or any
of that fun stuff. Kill each other with swords and bows and arrows like civilize
d people.
guys wouldnt be assholes. and there would be no cheating.
Lots more free love
no more war, no more trouble :}
Think "Death Note" but better
Genetic dead ends eliminated.
more kittehs!!!!!!!!!!!!
it would have teddybears
everyone would be naked
i would be a millionaire
I would have God back in schools and try to fix this oil spill
Less kids dropping out of school.
This site would be shut down
Jelly would not be sold
barak obama would not be president... thats one thing...
i would release the secret technology which has been black shelved. if you dont
believe that, i would release the lithium battery patented technology by the oil
companies which would improve electric car efficency ten fold. id try to bring
free energy to the world basically
A lot less of the dumb going on.
You'd lick my nipples :D
Everyone would be dead.
I'd make a rule that if anyone two people ever got in a dispute...they'd both be
killed instantly. That way everyone's too horrified to ever get angry, and peop
le who do get angry are soon gone. Thus creating world peace through absolute te
No currency.
there would be no such thing as money
More chesse
the world would have a single ruler that was too lazy to do anything.
it'd have more pazazz
No clothes!
Slavery mutha fucka
you wouldnt be in it lol
There would be a lot more bubble wrap.
I would rule the world with an evil Communist regime. I would heavily encourage
/ force the general populace to work for the greater good, and never seek superi
ority and selfishness. Any violators of my rules would be punished by death.
Probably exactly the same, I'd only screw it up.
My love would live with me.
my friend would be back to life
More nudity
You would be my little pony, and I would ride you all the way to congress.
every one would be miserable, not just me.
I would make Basketball The only sport
id tazer someone if i caught them bullying someone else.
thatll teach them.
I would dissolve all national governments, set up a democracy, and then step dow
n from power.
"Hot" females would be required to be naked at all times
it would be called catt land
no idiots
It would be the shiznit
it wouldnt exist
Canada would be the awesomest place, but you will be forsaken if you irritate me
Brian wouldn't exist
i would have all the girlz
religion wouldnt exist.
It would be on fire (no joke, I'm a pyromaniac).
There wouldn't be religion.
i would have whatever i want
poop would rule the nations
id rule
World peacee. :)
no weapons
all girls would be naked
everyone but me would work endlessly in my icecream castle making me statues of
100% dog shit
I would rule?
Im Free
very different
no welfare
less pants more handguns
No one would feel let down. Everyone must smile
fuck that. this world has no need to be ruled, only destroyed
Uhh, you wouldn't be here (:
u would not be here
iran iraq and all those useless countries would be destroyed
peice would be more attainable
I would have everything i could every want and the working class could suffer. i
dont give a shit
Well, I'd either put grandmothers in charge, or I'd rule a strict fascist dictat
Well, there'd be a lot more fire. And dead people.
it would probably be a worse place
less infracstructure.
no gays, no jews, and no blacks
I dont think itd change
More education, more unification, a common language. It would bring people toget
her more. One big army to break down the groups of people that decide differentl
i would have grundle armys
oooo, many many ways...
itd be amazinggasmicawsome
Um... I don't think I'm qualified to rule the world. So it'd probably turn out w
orse, despite my best intentions.
it would be a square instead of a sphere
It would be my own type of government. A mixture of capitalism and socialism, bu
t more-so socialism.
Public education would get a SERIOUS make over.
i would have unimagainable power and rule with a iron fist
dont get me started
I would destroy all bugs.
Most people would be dead or sex slaves....

I'd like it.... you probably wouldn't

i would be in charge
every girl would be gay
There wouldn't be one
there would be no animal cruelty. or hunger.
There would be no more gyms, only activity worlds with zip lines and playpen bal
ls everywhere.
god yes
i would make it.. where no harm could be done to people as much as it is done to
Weed would be legalized and taxed.
Everyone would be happy.
There would be world peace.
That is a very difficult question. To change too much would inevitably destroy t
he world. Too change too little would not make a difference in the long run. Wha
t I would change is elminate countries all together. Maybe....
It would be way more awesome :)
public nudity is legal
everyone would be happy.
There wouldn't be any Islamic Terrorist, USA would be a much more powerful natio
n, Antisemitism would be dead, illegal immigration would be crushed and this thi
ng about the economic depression would have never have happened
Everyone would be forced to eat tacos. EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.
The Jonas Brothers would be my personal band, following me everywhere.
They would sing me to sleep, I will hug them whenever, and I will be able to wak
e them up at an ungodly hour just to see their beautiful faces.
Everyone will be forced to love them, even though they won't have any concerts (
unless I say so), or else they will be sent to jail, imposed to listen to Jonas
all day, everyday, for the rest of their natural born life.
My world rocks :)
you'd be dead.
no blacks!
That's a very open ended question... I don't have the time or patients to think
it through :P
i would be dead.
What's the difference? I would be in charge, of course!
obama would not be president!
it wouldnt be too different. i wouldnt make it absolute chaos, tho i would benef
it from it greatly. :)
people would be forced to much anime with lots of revealing bits that include pa
Everyone would wear steampunk
probaly would be more corrupted
I'd use Iron Man to keep the peace.
no but we would all b black
Paper would be made from weed, and the world would be all trees that people live
d in.
Everyone between the ages of 14 and 40 would have to watch an hour of porn every
well i would segregate all the countries and see what would happen
It would, for one, be ruled by me.
more money for all the mid class ppl
no more McDonalds!!!
Beyond small things not much. People would still rebel, there would still be war
s, people would still seek power & money... reality just negated your question.
All idiots would die.
i don't want to rule the world. ever. i would mess everything up.
There would be no dumbasses and lots of cheesecake and turtles would be the nati
ons animal.
No more global warming, and you were allowed to keep penguins as pets.
it would be a socialistic government.
and there would be no religion
If I ruled the world, I would destroy it some how. I wouldn't wanna dictate anyt
hing. Because then people would feel controlled. I don't know if it would really
change too much.
Uh, it would be awesome.
I would obliterate the human race.
id free all my sons
I would have enough money to pay for an 8000 dollar trip. :/
If anyone whipped it out in public they had betted have something to show off be
cause it will have a 3 pound wieght dropped on it from a two story building.
Yes. No. Maybe! AHH MY BRAIN!
rape would not be outlawed
i would make sure that every single person was equal.
We would kick all the Mexicans out of the US, and the homosexuals.
There would be a mandatory 6 PM naptime. I have hypothesized that this would end
war and violence altogether ;)
DUUDUUDIUFdlajsd fjadsf

Duuude. That would be epic. MOAR FOODZ LESS WARZZZZZZ YESSSS. That would be my m
The world would love me.
Cheah, you know it.
If I ruled the world it would be outlawed for chicks to wear anything. at all.
Is it truly possible to rule the world? I have my doubts, but, for theoretical p
urposes..I suppose the world would be chaotic because I would not know how to sa
tisfy the entire world.
How about yourself, how would you answer your own question?
world peace and cookies for everyone
I'd be more popular
mexicans would rule the world
Marshmallow Fluff.
thered be no niggers or spics
It would be better for me.
there would be less laws, and more independence
world peace
Women must take sandwich making classes
Cuz I am I pirate!
I'd throw all the idiots in a cess pool.
kool-aid seas
Everyone would wear green.
I don't think it would be that different, I'm not sure anything I did wouldn't j
ust make things worse instead of better.
let's just say we wouldn't have to worry about overpopulation anymore
there would be no more minorities
Communism that wasn't based around greed. We would all share the wealth without
No wars. :]
oh jeez. id probably screw it up.
everyone would be asian. no exceptions
We would no longer deny the existence of Pokemon.
I would be ruling it.
there would be unicorns.
no gods, less children, fewer gender roles, more time spent outside, and much mu
ch better education
I would have more than one girlfriend muahahaha
youd be gay!
I'd have a very hard time ruling the world. I enjoy helping too much.
That said, there isn't really a good way to rule the world. No matter what, ther
e's going to be conflict.
If your not white your wrong
It would be worse because I am evil. Only God can rule the world, which he will
do one day
I would enslave all the women.
You wouldn't be alive, most likely.
well first off u wouldnt be here
second off obama would be shot
and lastly everyone would ride around on magical unicorns
it would be like star wars, but more fear lol.
The world shouldn't have one ruler.
Everyone would travel around on top of their own Giant Crab and also receive a c
omplementary mint on their pillow before they went to bed. Even at their own hou
If I ruled the world, and everyone acted like me, there would be more space betw
een people's homes.
it probably would not have lasted this long
no people like you
it would be awesome. no taxes XD
So different, you wouldn't even recognize it.
Obama sure as hell wouldnt be any place near office!
i would stop all this stupid terrorist crap
no black predident
Cuz i would WIN
Everyone would be naked. Wearing any clothing at all would be punishable by lega
l raping of them by anyone around.
it would be a dictatorship
oh jeeze
let me tell you
i would rule everything
and Obama robots will kill off all the people I hate
Everyone would be a vegetarian.
America would actually have an american president
that would be scary
you could buy drugs and alcohol and cigarettes at any age
every household would legally be required to own at least 1 games console prefer
ably ps3
Women would have to carry and use Vagacil. Also weed would be legal, and everyon
e would have to take a shot first thing in the morning... fun day.
Your mom would be the Queen
CHAOS (unintentional)
it'd be beast. (:
There you be fir and screaming and there would be people getting pineapples shov
ed up their ass and... I mean, there would be sunshine and people would dance in
circles. XD
you'd be dead.
no one would be homeless
Less pollution. Less global warming going on inm general. Plus school would be a
little different.
i would make everyone a slave
all jews and niggers would be dead!!! :)
itd be breanna-land the ultimate AWESOMEST place ever!
peace and love!
It wouldnt o:
Well, all those middle-eastern cities that are home to muslim extremists would b
e nuked into oblivion. Then humanity could move past this ridiculous era and go
forward without dragging that fundamentalist anchor around.
Well let's see:
The world national athem would be "Working for the Weekend" by Loverboy, and eve
rytime I entered a room they would play "The Kid Is Hot Tonite" by loverboy as w
Also I would blow california up and send it adrift at sea where it belongs
omg is this jen? she wanted to blow it up but i talked her outta it so your luck
y. were just gunna rule the world. mary j will be legal and its gunna be the law
to have to grow at least 20 plants. 5 for us and the rest for the growers
go google 'death note'
we'd all be penguins
It would ether be awesome or it would be horrible.
Depends on the mood I'm in when i get the world.
you'll find out soon enough.....
No more KKK :(
I'd be the ruler....the world would be competent for once. Watch out, aliens!
ther would be no clothes law
dont get me ememem started
id be ruled by me. thats how.
it would be a better place by far
you wouldn't be alive to ask this question
Susan Boyle would have been shot a long time ago.
it would be in accidental terror.
Everyone would have gummy bears for every meal!
I'd live in space.
Obama wouldn't have control over anything, for starters.
everyone would be equal
I wouldn't want to rule the world. I'm a man and a sinner and if I ruled the wor
ld my views and ideas would make a lot of people angry. My actions would then go
against my own beliefs. And I would probably end up in hell.
This "war" bullshit wouldn't go down, that's for sure.
I'd make everything legal, like babies drinking n that.. and like weed free for
All drugs would be legal.
well first off u probably wouldnt be here
i don't think i'd be a very good leader, so probably not much.
moar pron
There wouldn't be religion.
There would be bacon. MOUNTAINS of bacon!
No focus on climate change. Imperialism would rule the day, though with full hum
an rights, not the imperialism of the early 20th century.
clothes would be outlawed.
I would rule the world, and before I did not rule the world. That would be diffe
rence. XD
Absolutely no weapons of distruction.
it would be very different - vote for me and see
um complete dictatorship.
No school, lol
one currency. no passports. no need for weapons of mass destruction. therefore n
o war. the world would be completely different if there was one ruler.. just thi
nk about it...
I would ban smoking and all the other vices. It would be a bit better, I think.
I'd be ruling it.
The world wouldn't have taxes or inflation and everything would be free.
Taxes would be simple, affordable. If you owned land, you own it, if your jobles
s you don't lose your land do to taxes.
no middle east. lots of protected wildlands. conservative moralss, lots of cultu
ral depth. uhhhh I think thats it. oh yeah. no china or n. korea too lol
I already do.
eVERYONe WOULDs be a pothead.
It'd probably be nicer.
it would be more awesome
everyone would be nicer, and own a unicorn ;D
I'd be awesome
All the niggers and chinks would be DEAD
everyone would yes.
I would rule! with COOKIES
obama wouldnt be anywhere near president ha
everyone would be dead :D
It would probably be much more forgiving. For good or for bad.
I'd make no war, have everyone speak English, and weed legalized. (:
it would ROCK
It would end.
There would be no budget cuts for schools!
well, for starters, obama wouldnt be president :P no war.
no more welfare or ebt for people who dont deserve it and weed would be legal an
d murderers and rapist wouldnt get trial just shot into space as the death penal
Everything would be like Heaven.
it would be SOOO much better
free drugs
people wouldn't starve,
Dude..... i don't know!
7/11 would be nude day, like 4/20
It wouldn't be. You can't stop human nature, no matter what rules you put in pla
ce. there will always be those dictators that find a way to rise to power, there
will always be poverty, there will always be good and evil in every form.
Pure Aryan Race
I would get the girl
It would be messier
i would be the ruler...idk...
No nukes. No oil.
there would be no death penalty. instead people would be tortured.
you wuld be my bitch
Girls would be more naked and I'd be less virgin by like a 100%
Everyone would be dead.
i would make cheese free
I see what you did there...
to mean to say
Communism. Great idea. So far poor fallow through.
I wouldnt, chelsea would.
Higher walls at the Mexican Border. Or just take that whole county out. Everythi
ng else is pretty good. Oh and get rid of Obama.
everyone would be dead!
I'd be supreme ruler, and everyone would bow before me >:]
people would care about each other and fox news would burn in hell
Everybody would have babies
More dead people
I would save only the hottest women and do them all day everyday!
Anyone who thinks Family Guy is "The funniest show ever" would thrown into the o
Well, I would probably rule firmly but fairly and there would be no government s
ecrets. The people have a right to know.
I'd eat chocolate all the time
Human population would be reduced to a couple million, tops.
things would probably be a lot more socialistic.
and nations would be strictly punished for everything they do wrong
the only law is to not kill unless someone else kills someone. But lying and che
ating are okay.
u wouldnt be posting on the web site -.-
I dunno. I'd elect a board of officials, and I'd try and make it better some how
. solve some world problems, know what I'm sayin'?
i dont know.
We would have a mexican as a president
It would be different because I would be ruling it.
will cross that bridge when we get to it
there would be legal drugs!
It wouldn't be different at all. That's the sad part.
Well I like to think that I would keep my head enough to calmly do whats right,
and establish individual meritocracies while keeping cultural groups together, a
nd try to establish effective education systems worldwide while doing my best to
prevent conflict for say, 15 years, and then destroy what my power came from.
People wouldn't be so stupid. They would have some common cents or they would LE
It would be different in the fact that one man ruled the entire world.
IQ tests for drivers licenses
I'd have all Nazis hanged. (I used proper grammar, for some reason, the executio
n is spelled hanged and not hung)
do you really want to know?
Survival of the fittest.
oh dude... you have noooo idea.
People could do whatever they want provided it didn't harm someone else.
Obama would not be president.
Less industrialization, more natural order, self-sufficiency. I hate how depende
nt everyone is. Grow a back bone and do some hard labor instead of sitting in a
plush office complaining about your latte. /rant
one country
stronger government
benevolent dictatorship
war not tolerated anywhere
People would die. There would be some forceful population reduction, if you will
Everyone can have free chocolate everyday. Of course, my health and dental care
will be much more advanced and efficient...
i dunno
I'd make everywhere one big country, remove censorship and encourage more people
to use creative outlets for their anger.
Haha. KKK
Well we would't have countries or money, but we would have peace. Just take ever
ything John Lennon valued, how 'bout.
it already is
We wouldn't have to wear uniforms to school. Schooling would be on computers. Ob
ama wouldn't be president. And there would be a national Twinkie day.
all jocks must die!
I dont know if I'd be able to... I'd want to kill all the bad guys, but in the e
nd there's really no bad guys
everyone would have too like tacos or they will get shot
i would do away with any form of currency no one would be rich or poor....oh and
clothing...that would be gone too!
far more equality, not perfect, but people wouldn't go without food or basic med
ical care.
It would probably completely collapse and descend into anarchy. I can't rule a w
I don't know. I wouldn't trust myself with the world in my hands.
There'd be a significantly lower population of idiots.
i wouldn't be so lonely.
there would be no money
It wouldn't be.
it'd be peaceful.
more monkeys in pants on street corners selling tickets to the opera
everyone could do what they wanted as long as it didnt endanger another persons
They'd be severely shouted at for not liking each other.
Everyone would have penises.
it wouldnt suck?
it would be DEAD
There would be no countries, only the human race.
everybody would be named doucheon mandick
it would rockkkkkkk
no jews no gays
more rules, uniform currency, sub-rulers (like presidents or people who can be e
lected to rule over small regions), and strong space exploration.
What do you mean if?
Cash for gold wouldn't exist.
slavery would come back. but it wouldn't be so bad because I would enslave every
one equally.
it would too different to dicribe
Obama wouldn't be president.
It just would be.
something like this
jamie cullum - if i ruled the world
war would be fought with swords and bows and arrows
it would be very self-centered around me.
no black president
hahah ohh everyone would be SO fucked if i ruled the world...on the news it woul
d say "our queen is on her period FUCKING RUN TAKE COVER DO NOT GET IN HER WAY!"
being an idiot would be against the law. everyone would be educated and classy.
jus happiness
Everyone would have to eat pineapple, every day. Then, maybe the world would fin
ally be rid of pineapple.
everyone would have to crap on everyone else so we could save water. Japanese wo
uld be panished to the pride lands. African Americans would be put to exile. Ame
ricans, especially southern men and women would be treated like ROYALTY (and for
the true rednecks a limited supply of DIP)
haha i would make sure no illegal immigrants were here
It would be more peaceful. Wars suck. Men and women would be equal. Less polluti
on, more recycling. Ireland would get the six counties back from the UK. Religio
n would have no influence on the law, or be taught in schools. The death penalty
would be abolished in all countries
there would be more black people...
but there would be...
i'd nix money. not sure how but that'd be the first thing on my list
it would be juggalo
Tell me about it..
it wouldnt
oh the possiblilities
I would take all the badness out of the world and try to make it a better place.
I would make give me 1 dollar. I would be rich as FUCK!
Best and the Brightest would run areas.
No war, no strife, no murder... and dick cheney would have to lick my dogs balls
every day at noon
There would be no homophobics.
It wouldnt. except everyone would get a naptime.
Well, that's where you get it wrong, you wouldn't rule the WHOLE world, you'd ge
t a section. And I would be supreme ruler.
More carnivals, less Mcdonalds, less stupid people having 20 kids, more smiles,
less taxes, hug a tree day.
statues of me
there would be less people for one
everyone would have lightsabers
When I rule the world, possession of alcohol and drugs will be a crime punishabl
e by death, and taking the life of someone, will make you sentenced to death by
revenge of the family.
militaristic oppression
it wouldn't
Everyone would keep their sexism, racism, etc., to themselves. There would alway
s be a third option in the gender question.
- tsinogatnA
not corrupt.
it probably wouldnt be all that different. i would try to make gay marriage lega
l i suppose, but thats the only thing i can think i would change. (i have gay re
latives and friends that i know would love to get married to their partners, and
i think they should have that right.)
All cars would be electric,guns will be burned,nuclear bombs sent into space,gun
s and tanks demolished,and all wars will be fought with swords.
I've got new socks on.
it would be a whole hell of a lot better.
everybody would be at least somewhat happy...
all would be equal. and night clubs would not have cover charges haha
It would be perfect:)
Lightly put, we'd be screwed. :)
I would measure in yards, not feet.
If you commit haneous crimes you will be put to death. All citizens would be tre
ated equal and all non-citizens would have to prove their worth to this great co
more equality, less environmental destruction and violence
You'll see...
it wouldn't be...
*hint* *hint*
we wouldnt have to worry bout war and taxed and anything we would all live happi
ly ever after
everyone would stay in their own country that they were born in to minimise wars
It wouldnt run well enough. It'd be communistic.
I'd be ruling.
free weed
It would be more concerned with keeping the planet healthy.
everyone would b busy building me a massive monument
fuck bitches, get money
There definately wouldn't be a damn healthcare bill. All the world will be happy
it would be a little better then noe and murder of stupid people would be legal
people wouldnt be starving, and creulity to animals, would never happen again
no schooool. i would not be sitting in pass right now!
less pollution and more public transportation
I would be filthy stinkin rich!!!!!
it would be fair
We would live in a futuristic world due to the fact that religion wouldn't exist
Nobody would eat meat.
I hope that the world would be more accepting.
I'd halve the population
There would never be an honest word.
It would be destroyed.
I got to admit, if I had absolute power, I'd probably become pretty corrupt. It
wouldn't happen right away, but once it did, oh, things would start going down h
For one, I admit I'm just a tad bit racist. I mean, its nothing right now, I hav
e lots of friends that are other races, but if I had absolute power . . . golly.
And I'm a pro-war, and have a short temper, so that just about speaks for itsel
Yeah, my rule would not go well.
I would be rich and everyone else would be poor
Everything would be different.
It wouldn't.
there would be much more socialism.
Obama would be in Gitmo.
you wouldn't be in it
not so much shit and war going on..
I would make clothes optional
women would dominate the men
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