Jensen-Cjhs English I Syllabus

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Our mission is to meet the individual needs of each student, empowering them to reach their potential.

West Creek High School

2018-2019 School Year

Chelsie Jensen
931-503-1788 (Extension: 1226)


Welcome to West Creek High School! I am so happy that you have joined our West Creek family. My name is Chelsie Jensen, and I
teach English I. I hope this syllabus allows you to better understand my expectations for this school year. If you ever need to access
this document throughout the school year, it is located on my website which is listed under the “Helpful Online Sites” heading. If you
have any questions or concerns, I am only a phone call or email away!

Course Information

Our English I course will consist of four main modules that will be centered on a unifying theme. Throughout each module, there will be
writing, grammar/language, literary, and informational text lesson integrations and focuses. The ultimate goals of this course are to
teach students how to analyze literary and nonfiction works, become independent, self-motivated learners, to understand and
appreciate the relevance of literature and language in the real world, and to further develop their reading, writing, and language skills to
prepare them to be successful in English II.

Each lesson I teach has a Criminal Justice connection. The Academy students will be learning the exact same curriculum that other
English I students are learning but with a Criminal Justice focus. This Criminal Justice focus is sometimes law, law enforcement,
specialized law enforcement teams such as tactical unit or bomb squad, and/or forensics. My job as their first CJHS Academy English
teacher is to expose them to as many facets of the CJHS profession as possible.

At the completion of this course, students will take the 9th Grade TNReady Test required by state law. This test will be taken
in two parts- the first part tests the writing standards. The second part tests the reading standards. This exam will be taken
online. Part of it will count towards the second semester average.

We follow TN State Standards based teaching. This teaching style will focus on the following:
1. Building knowledge through content-rich nonfiction.
2. Reading, writing, and speaking grounded in evidence from text, both literary and informational.
3. Regular practice with complex text and its academic language.

Academic standards, chosen by the Tennessee State Board of Education, provide a common set of expectations for what
students should know and be able to do at the end of a specific grade or course. Local school districts determine the order
in which these state-mandated standards are addressed in their schools. For a breakdown of standard pacing and course
objectives for English I students in the Clarksville Montgomery County School System, please visit the Curriculum Navigator
on the CMCSS homepage found at:

The chart below outlines the units of study for English I and possible major assignments or field trips that could be used to
enhance student learning or solidify mastery of standards in each unit. This chart is not inclusive of every assignment for
(content area), as additional or different assignments may be created based on the needs of students. Specific details for
major assignments will be shared with students and parents or legal guardians as the standards related to the assignments
are addressed in class.

Unit Theme
Unit Topic
1 Beginning Literacy Standards Identity
2 Developing Literacy Standards Heroism
3 Mastery of Literacy Standards Fear and Power
4 Extension of Literacy Standards Love and Hate

Contact Information

Communication is a vital aspect of your child’s success. If you ever have any concerns or questions, please either email me
at or call me directly at (931) 503-1788 ext. 1226 and leave a message with your contact
information. I will return your email or return your call as soon as possible. In addition, if you want to meet face-to-face to
discuss your student’s progress in my class, I will be more than happy to schedule a time to meet either before school,
during my planning period, or after school.

Helpful Online Sites

 Google Classroom

I will post all of our assignments, reminders, and handouts in Google Classroom; the code for each of my classes can be
found on my webpage through the school’s site. Parents can email me to be signed up to receive regular notifications
from Google Classroom regarding class reminders and assignments.

 PowerSchool

I also will send out emails through PowerSchool about important class announcements or reminders. PowerSchool is an
important site that allows you to monitor your child’s grade. I update PowerSchool every Monday. If you do not know your
login username or password for PowerSchool, contact the WCHS guidance office.

 Ms. Jensen’s Website

The syllabus and information regarding the class is located on my CMCSS website.

Supply List Wish List

The following supplies are required for my The following items are NOT required, but
class: would be greatly appreciated.
 1 Three-Ring Binder to keep graded  Tissues
work, important papers, etc…
 Hand sanitizer
organized and protected
 Blue or black ink pen(s) or pencils with  Disinfecting Wipes
erasers  Lysol Spray
 Highlighters  Index Cards
 Plenty of notebook paper

There is a class set of textbooks that will be used periodically throughout the year. Being a class set, these textbooks will
remain in the classroom at all times. An electronic version of the texts we read in class will be made available to students
via Google Classroom.

Classroom Expectations

My classroom rules and expectations are consistent with those of West Creek High School.


1. Be Prompt
2. Be Prepared
3. Stay in Your Seat During Instruction
4. Be Respectful
5. Be Here Now


It is important for all students to follow the classroom/school rules and procedures. Disruptions to the learning environment
not only make it difficult for the teacher to teach, they make it difficult for the other students to learn.

1. Verbal Warning
2. Parent Contact
3. After-School Detention with Teacher *Students will have a week time period to arrange this—if a student fails to set
up their detention or skips their detention, they will receive a discipline referral.
4. Discipline Referral

NOTE: Some offenses require an immediate discipline referral (profanity, cell phone violations, possession of zero-
tolerance items, assault or threatening assault, etc. Please see the code for student conduct for more details.)

Homework Policy

Homework is a crucial factor to students’ learning because it allows me to determine what skills/concepts students have
mastered and which skills need more improvement and reinforcement. Most homework will consist of work that is not
completed during class time. There will be occasional outside reading (most of which will be available online). If outside
reading is assigned, students can expect to take a quiz over the assigned material the following day in class.


All formal papers and essays are expected to be typed and formatted correctly according to my specifications. All papers
will scanned into a plagiarism checker. Keep this in mind as you are gathering research, if required. All papers exhibiting
academic dishonesty will have the plagiarism report attached. Plagiarism will result in an alternate assignment and a

We all know that at times technology can be unkind, so ensure that you save any documents you are working on not only often, but
in multiple places such as your email and your flash drive. I will forewarn you that even though I can appreciate that these
accidents occur (e.g. computer crashes, internet failure, etc.), excuses will not be entertained.
Plagiarism is the use of another’s words or ideas and the representation of them as though they are entirely one’s own.
Acts of plagiarism might include, but are not limited to:

Plagiarism will result in a zero for the assignment. Unless strictly stipulated by the teacher, collaboration on written work is
not acceptable. Students who willingly provide other students with access to their work are in violation of the plagiarism
policy and will also receive a zero for the assignment, but will be given an alternate assignment to replace the zero.
Cheating, in any form, will not be tolerated.

For this class, students will be required to do independent reading for homework. It is imperative students complete the assigned
reading because the activities that will follow the next day in class will be based off that reading. I will also administer a reading
quiz the following day on the assigned reading. These quizzes cannot be retaken.

Tests and Quizzes

There will be at least two tests per quarter that will cover the skills addressed and taught in class. These tests will mirror the state
TNReady test taken at the end of the year. The texts on the exam will be “cold reads” which means they will not be read prior to the
test. The purpose of these tests is to measure mastery and application of reading skills. Students will be informed of the test at
least a week in advance and will be provided a study guide to aid them in the preparation for the test. Students are encouraged to
keep all their notes and assignments per quarter in their binders and to use them as study resources.

In addition to tests, students can expect comprehension quizzes over assigned readings (these quizzes will not be announced and
should be expected any time students are required to read independently in or out of class). A study guide will not be provided for
quizzes. These quizzes will be counted as homework.

I will allow corrections on unit tests (not reading quizzes); this will only be provided for students who receive a failing grade (under a
70 D) and these students will only be allowed to receive up to a 70 D for their corrections. Students will be required to complete a
correction sheet and reflection sheet to receive credit back to their test. Tutoring is recommended for any student who does not
demonstrate mastery on a unit test.

Make-Up Work
I write the weekly assignments (Monday through Friday) on the white board in the back of the room. The handouts are
located in a crate on the table in front of the board. Students will have as many days as they were absent to make-up work
that they missed. It is the student’s responsibility to go to the crate, locate the resources/information needed, complete
his/her missing assignment(s), and turn the assignment(s) in to the class tray on time. If a student misses a test or a quiz,
he/she will need to set up a time after school to retake it. Please note that until the assignment is turned in, it will be
counted as a zero in PowerSchool per the Code of Conduct.
Late Work
Students will be given four late work passes per nine weeks for the first semester and three per nine weeks for the second semester.
These passes will be the responsibility of the student and are non-transferable. Late work will be accepted without a pass for an
additional point deduction. I will not accept any work past one week of its original due date, even with a late pass. Late work submitted
with late pass will receive a 25% point deduction: 50% deduction without a late pass. Please not that classwork (for which students
were present) and assignments designed to scaffold and build into other assignments (e.g. essay outlines) will NOT be accepted late.

Grading Procedures

Graded work will consist of daily classwork, participation in class discussions/activities, homework, writing assignments,
quizzes, tests, and projects. I use a “total points” system to calculate the students’ nine-week grades in my classroom. This
provides a fair system for students and also allows them to easily calculate their grades. To calculate the nine-week grade,
take the total number of points earned and divide by the total number of points possible. There are six types of assignments
for this class with each type having a different point value.

Unit Tests:100 points Projects:50-100 Points

Checkpoint Unit Quizzes: 50 points Writing Assignments: 50-100 Points

Reading Homework Quizzes: 10- 20 points Classwork/ Skills Practice: 10 Points

Semester Grade

Our year is broken up into two semesters. Each semester is made up of two nine week quarters. Grading for the semesters
is weighted and determined by the District. Please note, it is the semester grade that determines students’ official GPA and
credit for a class. Students who fail the semester will need to seek grade recovery opportunities for the next year via their
counselor (e.g. summer school). Students are eligible to be exempt from the second semester final exam if they make an A
for both 3rd and 4th nine weeks.

The breakdown for the first and second semester grades are as follows:
First Semester Second Semester
40% 1 Nine Weeks
st 30% 3rd Nine Weeks
40% 2nd Nine Weeks 30% 4th Nine Weeks
20% Semester Exam 25% TN Ready Assessments
15% Final Exam
Tutoring Sessions

If you need to set up a tutoring session, email me or talk to me directly. We will set up a time that works for our schedules.
Do not ever hesitate to ask for help!

Please note that extra credit is not awarded at the high school level. If a student finds himself/ herself struggling,
tutoring is vital for academic success.

Classroom Procedures Handout

Please also read and refer to the Classroom Procedures handout, which goes into more detail about the day-to -day
expectations and class policies.

If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know! I look forward to the awesome year we are going to have

Thanks for your support!

Mrs. Jensen

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