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doi: 10.1111/cote.


Modelling the properties of one-step

pigment-dyed and finished polyester/cotton Coloration
fabrics using response surface methodology Technology
Muhammad Awais Imrana,* and Tanveer Hussainb
Department of Textile Science, Faculty of Engineering, Science, and Technology, Indus
University, Karachi, 75300, Pakistan
Dean Faculty of Engineering and Technology, National Textile University, Faisalabad,
Society of Dyers and Colourists
37610, Pakistan
Received: 25 December 2014; Accepted: 23 May 2016

Dyeing of polyester/cotton blended fabrics with two different classes of dyes for polyester and cotton is a
lengthy and expensive procedure owing to different fibre contents that need different auxiliaries, pH, and
temperature conditions. The aim of this study was to investigate and model the properties of a combined
pigment dyeing and hand-building finishing system for polyester/cotton blended fabrics. The one-step
process was investigated using response surface methodology, taking concentrations of pigment, softener,
and hand-building finish as experimental variables. It was found that increase in hand-building finish helps to
improve colour fastness at higher pigment concentrations but results in deterioration in fabric tear strength.
However, the decrease in tear strength can be minimised by increasing the softener concentration. For a
15 g l1 pigment concentration, optimum fabric tear strength, crease recovery angle, bending length, and
dry and wet rubbing fastness properties were obtained using 60 g l1 of softener and 65 g l1 of hand-
building finish. The prediction equations developed in this study can be used to determine the required
amounts of softener and hand-building finish to achieve commercially acceptable results at different pigment

[14]. In many textile processing industries, it is more

Introduction popular for pastel and dye-for-print fabrics, because very
Polyester/cotton (P/C) blended fabrics are very popular in light shades are possible by the pad-dry-cure method on a
apparel and home textiles, with a worldwide share of stenter machine without using an infrared (IR) predryer.
around 58.45% [1,2]. The blending of cotton with polyester However, some industries use IR predryers for medium
is governed by economy, durability, physical properties, shades to avoid migration problems.
colour, and physical appearance factors. A P/C blend has Hand-building finishing involves the application of stiff-
the advantage of polyester’s tensile strength, abrasion ening agents (mainly starch, polyvinyl acetate, or acrylic
resistance, and dimensional stability and cotton’s ability copolymers) on fabrics to get the desired stiff handle and to
to absorb water, and provides wearing comfort [3]. The increase the weight of the fabrics [15]. The combination of
processing of P/C fabric is a lengthy and expensive proce- dyeing and finishing processes in one step is a more
dure owing to the combination of the two different fibre economical and ecological approach that has been explored
chemistries. Polyester is commonly based on polyethylene by many researchers [16–23].
terephthalate (PET), whereas cotton is primarily composed In the present work, the one-step pigment dyeing and
of cellulose. Generally, P/C fabrics are dyed using a two- hand-building finishing process on P/C fabric was investi-
bath two-step method, where chemical cost and process gated using the pad-dry-cure method. The aim of this study
time are major concerns [4]. Several developments have was to model the properties of the one-step pigment dyeing
been reported by researchers to shorten the dyeing process and hand-building finishing process using response surface
[5–11]. These developments have not been fully commer- methodology (RSM), which has not been reported earlier to
cialised owing to the high cost of the suitable dyes and the best of our knowledge. RSM comprises a collection of
critical technical factors in the appropriate application mathematical and statistical techniques for modelling the
methods. relationship between different factors/parameters of a pro-
In contrast to dyeing with dyes, pigment dyeing is an cess and its response variables. Quadratic models of the
alternative approach of one-step dyeing of P/C fabrics form
because of ease in application and no washing-off require-
Y ¼ b0 þ b1 x1 þ b2 x2 þ b11 x12 þ b22 x22 þ b12 x1 x2 þ e
ment after the dyeing process [12]. The fastness properties
of pigment-dyed fabrics are comparable with those of fabric represent the relationship between response variable and
dyed with disperse/reactive dyes [13]. The control of process parameters, where Y is the response variable, x1 and
migration, good rubbing fastness, and stable dispersion x2 are the process parameters, b is the regression coefficient,
are some of the major problems faced by the textile industry and e is the estimated error. The central composition design
in pigment dyeing. Pigment dyeing with an exhaust system of experiment (CCD) is not only efficient and economical
is unpopular because of the nagging unevenness problem because of the smaller number of experiments (e.g. 20

414 © 2016 The Authors. Coloration Technology © 2016 Society of Dyers and Colourists, Color. Technol., 132, 414–420
Imran and Hussain One-Step Pigment Dyeing and Finishing

experiments for three factors with five levels) compared Response surface methodology is a collection of mathe-
with full factorial designs (comprising 27 experiments for matical and statistical techniques for the modelling and
three factors with three levels), it can also effectively model analysis of problems in which multiple response variables
any non-linear effects as well as interactive effects of of interest, influenced by several input variables, can be
the experimental factors in addition to the linear effects modelled and optimised. Two important types of experi-
[24–26]. mental design in RSM are CCD and Box–Behnken design. In
this study, CCD was preferred because it has a greater
Experimental number of design points and greater comprehensiveness
Fabric than Box–Behnken design.
In this work, P/C blended sheeting fabric (50:50) with both The design and analysis of experiments were performed
warp and weft yarns, a linear density Ne of 30/1, 193 ends using Design-Expert-7 statistical software package by Stat-
per cm, 167 picks per cm, and an areal density of 118 g m2 Ease (USA). The coded and actual values of the experimental
was used. design factors are given in Table 1. There are three experi-
mental variables, or factors, each with five levels: the
Pretreatment concentration of the blue pigment (5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 g l1),
For fabric pretreatment, desizing agent Auxidesize GLAX the concentration of Auxipad OS (15, 30, 45, 60, and
(alkylated carbonyl butyrate anhydride triglyceride fluid) 75 g l1), and the concentration of Auxilube PE (0, 15, 10,
was obtained from Rakuto Kasei Industrial Co. (Japan). A 45, and 60 g l1). The middle level or centre point is coded as
nonionic wetting agent, Auxipal RGN, based on fatty 0, and the other four levels are coded as -2, -1, +1, and +2.
alcohol ethoxylate (active content 85%), and an The total number of one-step pigment dyeing and
organophosphorus-based bleaching stabiliser, Biostab finishing experiments was 20: eight at factorial points, six
AFK, were provided by Auxicolors (Pakistan). Industrial- at centre points, and six at axial points. The combinations of
grade sodium hydroxide (99.5% purity) was provided by different levels of experiments are given in Table 2. The
Sitara Chemicals (Pakistan) and hydrogen peroxide bleach- coded values of the experimental variables, or factors, are
ing agent (50% w/w) was provided by Descon Chemicals given under columns A (pigment concentration), B (Auxi-
(Pakistan). A nonionic emulsifier, Imerol X, based on pad OS concentration), and C (Auxilube PE concentration).
polyglycol ether, was obtained from Archroma (Pakistan). Experiments 1 to 8 are full factorial experiments with
All the chemicals were of industrial/commercial grade. different combinations of +1 and 1 levels of the variables.
The one-step desizing-scouring-bleaching process was Experiments 9 to 14 are designed at axial points incorpo-
performed at the boiling temperature for 60 min on an rating +2 and 2 levels of the variables. Experiments 15 to
industrial-scale jigger machine [33]. The recipe for this 20 comprise six replicates of the middle levels or centre
process was desizer 3.6 g l1, sodium hydroxide 3.75 g l1, points of each variable. All one-step pigment dyeing and
hydrogen peroxide 5 g l1, emulsifier 2 g l1, stabiliser finishing experiments were carried out on laboratory-scale
2 g l1, and wetting agent 1 g l1. After the one-step pad-dry-cure equipment. Predrying and curing tempera-
pretreatment process, the fabric was thoroughly hot washed, tures were maintained at 100 and 150 °C respectively. The
cold washed, rinsed, and neutralised with 1.0 g l1 of acetic times for predrying and curing were maintained at 1 and
acid. 4 min respectively.

One-step pigment dyeing and finishing Testing

Pigment dyeing and hand-building finishing of the pre- All fabric sample tests were conducted in the laboratory of
treated fabric samples was completed in a one-step opera- Mehran University of Engineering and Technology, Jam-
tion. Firstly, all finishing chemicals were prepared in shoro, Pakistan. The ISO 105-X12:2001 test method [27]
deionised water. Maize starch was separately cooked at was used to evaluate the dry and wet rubbing fastness of
the boil and left for 30 min for cooling down. After that, all pigment-dyed and finished fabric samples. Warp and weft
chemicals were gently mixed with maize starch. Each crease recovery angles (CRAs) of the test specimens were
dyeing-finishing liquor comprised 20 g l1 of maize starch determined according to ISO 2313:1972 [28] . Tear strength
(supplied by RafhanMaiz Products Co. Ltd, Pakistan), was tested according to ASTM D1424 [29] using an
5 g l1 of PVA (obtained from Chang Chun Petrochemical Elmendorf tear strength tester. Fabric stiffness was tested
Co. Ltd, Taiwan), and 5 g l1 of Auxistiff WP (a modified using a cantilever fabric stiffness tester (MUET laboratory,
vinyl acetate copolymer dispersion, supplied by Auxicol- Pakistan) according to ASTM D1388 [30] , and the results
ors). Three experimental factors were selected: the concen- were presented in terms of fabric bending length in cm.
tration of the pigment, the concentration of Auxipad OS
(acrylic copolymer derivative, kindly supplied by Auxicol-
Table 1 RSM experimental factors and their levels
ors), and the concentration of Auxilube PE (a polyethylene
softener dispersion, provided by Auxicolors). The acrylic
Factor level
copolymer derivative and the polyethylene dispersion were
selected as experimental variables because these are two of
No. Factors Code Units 2 1 0 +1 +2
the most commonly used stiffening and softening agents,
respectively, used in textile finishing. Formoton C.I.74160
1 Pigment A g l1 5 10 15 20 25
(a type) Blue FFG pigment was obtained from Toyo Ink Co.,
2 Auxipad OS B g l1 15 30 45 60 75
Ltd (Taiwan). Combined pigment dyeing and finishing 3 Auxilube PE C g l1 0 15 30 45 60
experiments were conducted according to CCD in RSM.

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Imran and Hussain One-Step Pigment Dyeing and Finishing

Table 2 Central composite design for the one-step pigment dyeing and hand-building finishing process

Factors Responses

A, Pigment, B, Auxipad, C, Softener, Dry rubbing Wet rubbing CRA Tear strength, Bending length,
No. g l1 g l1 g l1 K/S fastness fastness (warp + weft) gm (warp + weft) cm (warp + weft)

1 10 30 15 3.8 3.5 3.0 210 3172 4.9

2 20 30 15 5.1 3.0 2.5 202 3002 5.2
3 10 60 15 3.3 4.0 3.5 226 2945 5.5
4 20 60 15 5.2 3.5 3.0 221 2947 5.3
5 10 30 45 3.9 3.5 3.0 229 3284 3.7
6 20 30 45 6.2 2.5 2.0 244 3284 4.5
7 10 60 45 3.5 3.5 3.0 236 3616 5.1
8 20 60 45 5.5 3.0 3.0 241 3001 4.7
9 5 45 30 2.0 4.5 4.0 236 3509 4.8
10 25 45 30 6.1 2.5 2.0 244 3002 4.3
11 15 15 30 5.3 2.5 2.0 241 3396 4.9
12 15 75 30 5.2 3.5 3.0 234 3285 4.7
13 15 45 0 5.7 3.0 3.0 238 2776 4.9
14 15 45 60 4.4 3.5 3.0 244 3397 4.2
15 15 45 30 5.2 3.0 3.0 242 3396 5.1
16 15 45 30 5.1 3.0 3.0 245 3171 5.9
17 15 45 30 5.4 3.0 3.0 252 3127 4.5
18 15 45 30 5.6 3.0 3.0 256 3395 4.9
19 15 45 30 5.0 3.0 3.0 254 3002 4.8
20 15 45 30 4.9 3.0 3.0 260 3003 4.5

Table 3 P-values from the ANOVA results


Factor K/S Dry rubbing Wet rubbing CRA Bending length Tear strength

A, Pigment <0.0001a <0.0001a <0.0001a 0.6826 0.8061 0.0185a

B, Auxipad OS 0.3780 0.0063a 0.0007a 0.6423 0.3755 0.4913
C, PE softener 0.6562 0.6336 0.2596 0.0945 0.0427a 0.0042a
AB 0.8356 0.5027 0.1218 0.8590 0.2613 0.3507
AC 0.3914 0.5027 1.0000 0.4277 0.7290 0.3466
BC 0.6300 0.5027 1.0000 0.4738 0.4789 0.4817
A2 0.0073a 0.0227a 1.0000 0.1522 0.4046 0.6944
B2 0.8131 0.8272 0.0134a 0.1046 0.7962 0.3106
C2 0.4540 0.1758 1.0000 0.1667 0.4046 0.3783
Model error 0.0628

a A factor has a statistically significant effect on a response if P < 0.05.

values represent the percentage of change in the response

Results and discussion variable that can be explained by the terms included in the
Statistical analysis model (equation). A higher R2 value indicates greater
Table 3 gives the P-values from analysis of variance goodness of fit of the corresponding model. A comparison
(ANOVA) of the results. A P-value of <0.05 indicates that of the predicted and actual values of the response variables
the effect of the corresponding factor is statistically signif- is given in Table 5.
icant on a response variable. It is clear from the ANOVA
results that the effect of factor A (pigment concentration) is Colour strength (K/S)
statistically significant on colour strength K/S, dry and wet The effect of different process variables on K/S of the one-
rubbing fastness, and fabric tear strength. The effect of step dyed and finished fabric is given in Figure 1. It is clear
factor B (Auxipad OS stiffening agent concentration) is from the figure that the K/S value increases sharply with
significant on dry and wet rubbing fastness. The effect of increase in the pigment concentration at the beginning and
factor C (polyethylene softener concentration) is significant then tends to attain equilibrium as the concentration
on fabric bending length and tear strength. The effect of all approaches the saturation point. ANOVA revealed a statis-
significant factors on each response variable is further tically significant curvature in the effect of pigment
explained in the following sections. concentration on K/S. Some auxiliaries with a quite differ-
The quadratic models for each response/output variable ent refractive index compared with the fabric also tend to
using only the statistically significant individual factors, affect the K/S value of the dyed fabrics. Auxiliaries with a
interactions, or square terms are given in Table 4. The R2 higher refractive index tend to lighten the colour

416 © 2016 The Authors. Coloration Technology © 2016 Society of Dyers and Colourists, Color. Technol., 132, 414–420
Imran and Hussain One-Step Pigment Dyeing and Finishing

Table 4 Quadratic models for predicting the response variables

Response Equation R2, %

K/S = 0.60480 + 0.55897A0.01206A2 84.54

Dry rubbing fastness = 4.757350.22684A + 0.014583B + 0.0048594A2 77.43
Wet rubbing fastness = 3.3750.15A + 0.041667B + 0.00167AB0.00056B2 85.27
CRA = 224.947 + 0.43887C 11.94
Bending length = 5.355250.018042C 23.40
Tear strength = 3227.22922.46A + 9.838C 52.92

Table 5 Comparison of the actual and predicted values of the response variables

Dry rubbing Wet rubbing Tear strength, gm Bending length,

K/S fastness fastness CRA (warp +weft) (warp +weft) cm (warp +weft)

No. Pred. Act.a Pred. Act. Pred. Act. Pred. Act. Pred. Act. Pred. Act.

1 3.8 3.8  0.17 3.4 3.5  0.18 3.1 3.0  0.10 231 210  5.13 3150 3172  12.70 5.1 4.9  0.42
2 5.7 5.1  0.25 2.6 3.0  0.10 2.1 2.5  0.16 231 202  4.73 2925 3002  15.45 5.1 5.2  0.26
3 3.8 3.3  0.15 3.8 4.0  0.23 3.3 3.5  0.23 231 226  4.56 3150 2945  13.23 5.1 5.5  0.15
4 5.7 5.2  0.17 3.0 3.5  0.26 2.9 3.0  0.20 231 221  6.81 2925 2947  11.55 5.1 5.3  0.31
5 3.7 3.9  0.06 3.4 3.5  0.06 3.1 3.0  0.25 244 229  5.51 3445 3284  9.29 4.6 3.7  0.31
6 5.7 6.2  0.25 2.6 2.5  0.12 2.1 2.0  0.26 244 244  5.86 3220 3284  13.67 4.6 4.5  0.25
7 3.7 3.5  0.26 3.8 3.5  0.29 3.3 3.0  0.30 244 236  5.00 3445 3616  14.87 4.6 5.1  0.25
8 5.7 5.5  0.31 3.0 3.0  0.30 2.9 3.0  0.14 244 241  5.69 3223 3001  21.44 4.6 4.7  0.35
9 1.9 2.0  0.45 4.4 4.5  0.17 3.8 4.0  0.12 237 236  8.96 3410 3509  16.01 4.8 4.8  0.21
10 5.8 6.1  0.21 2.8 2.5  0.11 2.2 2.0  0.08 237 244  4.04 2960 3002  7.55 4.8 4.3  0.17
11 5.1 5.3  0.35 2.7 2.5  0.13 2.0 2.0  0.06 237 241  8.12 3185 3396  35.67 4.8 4.9  0.29
12 5.1 5.2  0.20 3.5 3.5  0.24 3.0 3.0  0.30 237 234  2.31 3185 3285  20.01 4.8 4.7  0.30
13 5.1 5.7  0.29 3.1 3.0  0.26 3.0 3.0  0.26 224 238  3.56 2890 2776  13.55 5.3 4.9  0.21
14 5.1 4.4  0.25 3.1 3.5  0.40 3.0 3.0  0.09 250 244  6.12 3480 3397  8.29 4.3 4.2  0.15
15 5.1 5.2  0.49 3.1 3.0  0.19 3.0 3.0  0.18 238 242  4.67 3185 3396  14.66 4.8 5.1  0.09
16 5.1 5.1  0.06 3.1 3.0  0.30 3.0 3.0  0.15 238 245  7.21 3185 3171  18.75 4.8 5.9  0.25
17 5.1 5.4  0.25 3.1 3.0  0.27 3.0 3.0  0.20 238 252  4.65 3185 3127  15.66 4.8 4.5  0.11
18 5.1 5.6  0.35 3.1 3.0  0.29 3.0 3.0  0.22 238 256  5.66 3185 3395  17.95 4.8 4.9  0.23
19 5.1 5.0  0.15 3.1 3.0  0.21 3.0 3.0  0.11 238 254  4.01 3185 3002  16.66 4.8 4.8  0.29
20 5.1 4.9  0.23 3.1 3.0  0.25 3.0 3.0  0.25 238 260  3.65 3185 3003  23.55 4.8 4.5  0.14

a Mean  standard deviation.

appearance, and vice versa. However, in this study, neither not significant. By creating a three-dimensional network,
the polyethylene dispersion nor the Auxipad OS acrylic Auxipad holds the pigments firmly so that they cannot come
copolymer had any statistically significant effect on the out upon rub friction. When the concentration of softener is
fabric K/S. increased, there is a slight improvement in dry rubbing. The
The quadratic equation for colour strength is as follows: reason for the slight improvement in dry rubbing may be
attributed to the fact that it creates a plastic film and
K=S ¼ 0:60480 þ 0:55897A  0:01206A2 ð1Þ
improves the roughness of the fabric surface, and hence less
There is only one statistically significant factor (i.e. friction occurs when rubbing action is applied.
A = pigment concentration) affecting the K/S value. The Equation (2) gives the quantitative relationship between
positive coefficient 0.5589 for A indicates an increase in dry rubbing fastness and the statistically significant factors
the K/S value with increase in pigment concentration. The A (pigment concentration) and B (Auxipad concentration)
square term A2 indicates that the effect of pigment concen- (the positive coefficient 0.014583 for B indicates the
tration on K/S is not linear. As the pigment concentration increasing trend in dry rubbing fastness with increase in
approaches the saturation point, the increasing trend of K/S Auxipad concentration, and the positive coefficient
begins to decline. 0.0048594 for A2 indicates the increasing slope of the
curved/non-linear effect of pigment concentration, as is also
Rubbing fastness evident in Figure 2):
It can be seen from Figure 2 that an increase in the Dry rubbing fastness ¼ 4:75735  0:22684A
concentration of Auxipad has a positive impact on the dry
þ 0:014583B þ 0:0048594A2 ð2Þ
rubbing fastness. As the concentration of pigment increases,
increase in the Auxipad concentration significantly Figure 3 shows that wet rubbing fastness improves with
improves the dry rubbing fastness. It can be seen that the increasing Auxipad concentration. It can be seen that the
effect of softener concentration on dry rubbing fastness is effect of Auxipad on wet rubbing is slightly lower than its

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Imran and Hussain One-Step Pigment Dyeing and Finishing

5.9 5.9
5.35 5.35
4.8 4.8


4.25 4.25
3.7 3.7

60 20 15 20
53 18 23 18
Au 45 15 –1 Sof 30 15 –1
xip 38 13 gl ten 38 13 gl
ad, nt, er, nt,
g l –1 30 10
i g me g l –1 45 10 m e
P Pig

Figure 1 Effect of process variables on fabric colour strength [Colour figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at]

4.5 4.5

4.0 4.0
Dry rubbing

Dry rubbing
3.5 3.5

3.0 3.0

2.5 2.5

10 60 10
53 1 13 15
Pig13 15 45 – Pig 15 23 1
me gl me 30 –
nt, 18 38 a d, nt, 18 38 er,
g l –1 xi p
20 30
Au g l– 20 45
o ften
1 S

Figure 2 Effect of process variables on dry rubbing fastness [Colour figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at]

4 4
3.5 3.5
Wet rubbing

Wet rubbing

3 3
2.5 2.5
2 2

10 10 15
13 60
53 13 23
Pig 15 Pig 30 1
me 45 –1
l me 15 18 l–
nt, 18 20 38 ,g nt, 38 r, g
g l –1 30 x i pad g l –1 20 45 fte n e
Au So

Figure 3 Effect of process variables on wet rubbing fastness [Colour figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at]

effect on dry rubbing, because in the moist conditions AB interaction (significant AB interaction indicates that the
during wet rubbing the adhesiveness of the Auxipad film effect of A and B are somewhat interdependent; it is clear
becomes poor and pigment can easily come out from the from Figure 3 that the effect of increasing B is more evident
fabric surface. Therefore, it can be said that further at higher A than at lower A):
improvement in wet rubbing is only possible if the
Wet rubbing fastness ¼ 3:375  0:15A þ 0:041667B
concentration of Auxipad is increased to over 60 g l1.
þ 0:00167AB  0:00056B2 ð3Þ
The effect of softener for improvement in wet rubbing is not
significant, which may be because the flexibility of the
Auxipad film increases as the concentration of softener Crease recovery angle
increases, as a result of which pigment easily comes out It is evident from Figure 4 that an increase in Auxipad
under moist conditions. concentration steadily increases the CRA of the combined
Equation (3) gives the quantitative relationship between dyed/finished fabric. However, it is clear from the same
wet rubbing fastness and the statistically significant factors figure that the effect of softener concentration on CRA is
A (pigment concentration), B (Auxipad concentration), and higher than the effect of Auxipad concentration. This is also

418 © 2016 The Authors. Coloration Technology © 2016 Society of Dyers and Colourists, Color. Technol., 132, 414–420
Imran and Hussain One-Step Pigment Dyeing and Finishing

evident from the P-values given in Table 3 (P = 0.09 for

Tear strength
softener and P = 0.64 for Auxipad). The higher impact of
ANOVA revealed that both the pigment concentration and
softener concentration on increase in CRA may be
the softener concentration have a statistically significant
attributed to an increase in the flexibility of the intercellu-
effect on fabric tear strength (Table 3, P < 0.05). The effect
losic chains of the cotton portion).
of Auxipad OS (acrylic copolymer) on fabric tear strength
Equation (4) for CRA comprises only one statistically
was not found to be statistically significant. It is evident
significant factor C, i.e. Auxilube PE softener (the positive
from Figure 6 that an increase in pigment concentration
coefficient 0.4388 for C indicates an increasing trend of
results in a decrease in fabric tear strength. This may be due
CRA with increase in C):
to increased interyarn friction of the fabric at higher
CRA ¼ 224:947 þ 0:43887C ð4Þ pigment concentrations, reducing interyarn slippage, which
leads to a decrease in fabric tear strength. On the other
hand, increase in the softener concentration markedly
Fabric stiffness
improves fabric tear strength. The polyethylene softener
According to the statistical analysis, the pigment and
dispersion makes a flexible, low-friction plastic film on the
Auxipad OS concentrations were not found to have a
fabric yarns, reducing the interyarn friction between warp
significant impact on fabric stiffness (Table 3, P > 0.05).
and weft and leading to an improvement in fabric tear
Only the concentration of polyethylene softener dispersion
had a significant effect on fabric stiffness, expressed in
Equation (6) for fabric tear strength comprises statistically
terms of bending length. It is clear from Figure 5 that, as the
significant factors A (pigment concentration) and C (softener
concentration of softener increases, the fabric stiffness
concentration) (the positive sign of coefficient 9.838 for C
decreases. This may be attributed to the increased flexibility
indicates a positive effect of softener concentration, and the
of yarns as a result of the application of softener. The
negative sign of coefficient 22.46 for A indicates a negative
negative value of coefficient 0.018042 for C (the softener) in
effect of pigment concentration on fabric tear strength; the
Eqn (5) also indicates the decreasing trend of fabric stiffness
higher numerical value of the coefficient for A compared with
with increase in softener concentration:
that for C indicates that the effect of A on tear strength is more
Fabric stiffness ¼ 5:35525  0:018042C ð5Þ significant than the effect of C):

260 260
250 250
CRA, deg
CRA, deg

240 240
230 230
220 220

60 20 20 45
53 18 1 18 38
Au 45 15 l– Pig 15 30 l–
ad 38 13 t, g men 13 23 e r, g
n t, g – n
,g 30 10 m e 10 15 fte
l –1 Pig
l 1 So

Figure 4 Effect of process variables on fabric crease recovery angle [Colour figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at]

6.0 6.0
Bending length, cm
Bending length, cm

5.5 5.5
5.0 5.0
4.5 4.5
4.0 4.0

10 60 10 15
13 53 1 13 23
45 – 30 –1
Pig 15 gl
Pig 15 gl me 38 ,
nt, 18 20 30 38 a d, nt, 18
g l –1 ne
g l –1 xip 20 45 fte
Au So

Figure 5 Effect of process variables on fabric crease recovery angle [Colour figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at]

© 2016 The Authors. Coloration Technology © 2016 Society of Dyers and Colourists, Color. Technol., 132, 414–420 419
Imran and Hussain One-Step Pigment Dyeing and Finishing

3500 3500

Tear strength, g
Tear strength, g
3350 3350
3200 3200
3050 3050
2900 2900

30 10 45 10
38 13 1 38 13
– 1
45 15 gl Sof 30 15 l–
ad 53 18 e nt, tene 23 18 n t, g
,g – 60 20 m r, g – e
l 1 Pig l 1 15 20 Pigm

Figure 6 Effect of process variables on fabric crease recovery anglenn [Colour figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at]

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420 © 2016 The Authors. Coloration Technology © 2016 Society of Dyers and Colourists, Color. Technol., 132, 414–420

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