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Effect on Sa1ivai.y and Sei-iLm Electrolytes

Saliva and s e r u m electrolyte concentrations were m o n i t o r e d in 30 patients

given a course of xerostomia-producing cancer radiotherapy. The mean flow r a t e
of stimulated w h o l e saliva decreased 83.3% during a 6-week t r e a t m e n t period.
The striking r e d u c t i o n in saliva o u t p u t was accompanied by significant increases
in saliva Na+, C1-, Cat+, Mg" and Prot.- concentrations and by a decrease i n
saliva HCO; content. The xerostomic saliva w a s more concentrated and had
a greater salinity t h a n t h e p r e t r e a t m e n t saliva in each instance. I n contrast, none
of t h e s e r u m electrolytes m e a s u r e d was significantly altered by t h e s u b t o t a l
salivary shutdown.
Cancer 38:273-278, 1976.


tumor-suppressing ionizing radiation
undergo progressive glandular atrophy, fi-
teeth against caries by acting as a determinant
of the oral microflora a s well as ;I cleansing,
diluting, mineralizing, and buffering agent.
brosis, and reduction in output beginning Normally, the salivary glands of man do not
shortly after the initial exposiire and intensi- play a decisive part in regulating water and
fying thereafter.5 Impaired production of sa- electrolyte balance since most of the salivary
liva strips the teeth of an important natural constituents are reabsorbed by the alimentary
defense against dental caries. T h e onset of tract.13 T h e extent to wliicli radiation-iti-
xerostomia, from whatever cause, is followed duced histologic changes in the salivary
invariably by the development of rampant glands5 change tlie electrolyte composition of
dental caries unless stringent measures are saliva has not been documented. T o deter-
taken to protect the Cross sectional mine whether a radiation-instigated drastic
and longitiitlirial studies of tlie influence of reduction in saliva output will materially
radiation-induced xerostomia on the human alter saliva and serum electrolyte levels, a
oral microbiota reveal that the reduction in study of these parameters has been made in
salivation is paralleled by a shift to a highly patients given radiotherapy for head or neck
cariogenic microflora at the expense of non- cii ricer.
cariogenic organisms.lJJ Saliva protects the
From the University of Texas Dental Science I n -
stitute, Houston, Texas 77025.
Supported by Contract No. NIH-NIDR-71-2377 T h e study series was Lomposed of 30 pa-
from the National Institute of Dental Research and tients with radiosensitive malignancies of tlie
by a grant from the Kimberly-Clark Foundation, Inc. lientl and/or neck treated at the LJniversity of
Address for reprints: Samuel Dreizen, DDS, MD, Texas M. D. Anderson Hospital arid T u m o r
University of Texas Dental Science Institute, Houston,
T X 77025.
Institute in Houston. Subject selection was
T h e authors are grateful to Drs. Thomas E. Daly confined to patients who had not ieceived pre-
and Joe 1%.Drane, University of Texas M. D. Ander- vious cancer treatment, had a natural denti-
son Hospital, for patient selection, to Dr. Dennis tion in fair or good condition, were srlieduled
Johnston, M. D. Anderson Hospital, for statistical to receive a minimum of 5,000 r,itls of ioniL-
consultation, to Dr. H. M. Stiles of the National
Institute of Dental Research, for administrative guid- ing radiation at a level ok 1,000 rads a week
ance and to Jacqueline Blackburn and Patricia Carter, and whose radiation fields included coverage
for technical assistance. of all major ralivary glands. T h e m e m age
Received for publication July 9, 1975. ok the 21 men and nine women meeting these
274 1(3‘76 VOl. 38

- PH

--- FLOW RATE (ml /min)


FIG. 1. Effect of iadiation-in-
2 .c ’ 6.5 duced xerostoinia on the mean
pH, flow rate, and buffer ca-
pacity of stimulated saliva from
30 patients with head or ncck
1 .S cancer
1.c \

0.s **.. ‘\,,


............. ................-.

C I 1


criteria was 50.5 years with ii range of from 17 aliquots by tlie method ot Dreiren et al.“
to 76 years. Nine had carcinoma of the Each saliva arid serum specimen was analyzed
tongue; eight, carcinoma of the nasopharynx; quantitatively for carbon dioxide, sodium,
five, carcinoma of the tonsil; three, carcinoma potassium, calcium, magnesium, inorganic
of the floor of tlie mouth; two, carcinoma of pliosphoi us, chloride, and total protein. Car-
tlie oropharynx; two, carcinoma of tlie soft bon dioxide was assessed in a Natelson
palate; arid one malignant lymphoma of tlie MotoriLed Microgasometer Model 650 by the
upper neck. Natelson teclinic.’() Sodium and potassiuin
Samples of stimulated whole saliva gen- were measured by flame photometry in a
el-atetl by the cliewing of sterile rubber bands Coleman Model 21 Flame Photometer a n d
were obtained from each patient twice in tlie calcium aiid magnesium by atomic absorption
week before radiation antl once weekly during in ii Unicam SP 1900 Rtoniic Absorption
radiation. A venous blood specimen was Spec trophotometer. Chloride and total pro-
tlrawri a t each sampling period. T h e salivas tein were determined in a Beckman/Spinco
were collected between 8:30 antl 10:30 a.m. in Ultramicro Analytical System by the ultra-
graduated g l x s tubes containing a layer of inicroada~~tations of the Schales and Schalesll
par;iffiii oil. Collection periods were timed and Kingsleyi procedures, respectively. Inor-
precisely with a stop watch for calculation of ganic phosphorus W‘IS quantified by the micro-
flow rates. Saliva in amounts adequate for colorimeti ic method of Taussky and S11orr.l~
andysis were obtained from a11 30 patients in All T ‘iliics were con\ er tetl into milliequiva-
radiation week 1; from 29, in weeks 2 arid 3; lents per liter and means were calculated for
from 28, in weeks 4 and 5; ant1 from 20 in each sampling point. l h e data were examined
week 6. stati4cally by analysis of covariance1’ and by
T h e pH of each saliva sample was nieasurecl the “1” test lor significant differences between
with ;I Corning Model 12 Research pH Meter. the preradiation ine~iiis and the means at
Saliva Ijuffcr capacity W;IS tlcterniinecl in I-nil completion of i atliotherapy.
TABLE1. Analysis of Covariance: Magnitude and Direction of Significant Slope Changes in Salivary Parameters
During the DeveloDment of Xerostomia
Slope change
Salivary Overall* - magnitude Mean F
component mean f S D & directiont square: Ratio P
Flow rate 0.635 + ,586 - . 151 25.207 73.53 .003
Na+ 61.41 f 20.07 6.65 40797. 101.3 ,002
Ca++ 2.20 =k 1.06 ,218 44.278 39.64 008
Mg++ 0.811 f ,487 ,121 13.137 55.34 ,006
CI- 40.45 f 16.53 3.51 12999, 47.56 .006
Proteiii- 0.770 f 0.436 0.084 7,4530 39.30 ,008
* Overall mean from preradiation to 6000 rads (6 weeks).
t Magnitude and direction: negative value indicates a decreasing slope.
f Mean square = sum of squares since degrees of freedom equaled 1 in all instances.

OI~SERVATIONS was a slight decrease in pH from a preradia-

tion mean of 7.01 to a mean of 6.83 after 6
T h e mean pH, flow rate, and buffer ca- weeks of radiation. T h e average flow rate de-
pacity of stimulated whole saliva at each clined appreciably from 1.32 ml/min to 0.22
sampling period are graphed in Fig. 1. There ml/min in the same period. T h e 83.3% reduc-

2. ComDarison of Saliva and Serum Values before and after Radiation
Preradiation Postradiation Mean “t”
Component mean SD mean SD diff. value P
PH 7.01 0.37 6.83 0.45 0.18 1.15 > .05
flow rate* 1.32 1.33 0.22 0.24 1.10 3.64 <.001
buffer capacity’ 0.63 0.31 0.35 0.13 0.28 1.76 > .05
Na+ mEq/L 38.42 14.01 78.27 27.47 39.85 7.66 <.001
I<+ mEq/L 21.40 3.92 21.96 8.72 0.56 0.38 >.05
Ca++ m E q / L 1.51 1.07 2.80 1.42 1.29 3.72 < .001
Mg++ mEq/L 0.37 0.29 0.99 0.57 0.62 5.56 < ,001
Ci- mEq/L 24.68 18.43 45.03 17.63 20.35 4.09 < ,001
HPOa= mEq/L 7.32 2.40 6.15 2.62 1.17 1.66 > .05
HC0,- mEq/L 19.80 8.71 7.95 3.33 11.85 3.25 < .01
1’rot.- mEq/L 0.48 0.27 1.01 0.63 0.53 5.15 < ,001

Prerndiation Postradiation Mean “t”
Component mean SI) mean SD diff. value 1’
Na+ mEq/L 136.42 12.13 137.82 12.25 1.40 0.40 > .05
K+ mEq/L 4.75 0.95 4.29 0.82 0.46 1.67 > .05
Ca++ mEq/L 5.05 0.37 5.02 0.52 0.03 0.62 > .05
Mg++ InEq/L 1.81 0.24 1.73 0.17 0.08 1.32 > .05
C1- mEq/’L 97.58 12.23 95.24 11.26 2.34 0.59 >.05
HPO4= mEq/L 2.27 0.64 2.43 0.65 0.16 0.87 > .05
HCO,-mEq/L 27.04 1.95 28.16 1.85 1.12 0.43 > .05
Prot.- mEq/L 17.08 1.72 16.94 1.49 0.14 0.30 > .05
SD = Standard deviation. “t” = Significance ratio. p = Probability level.
* Millimeter per minute.
t Milliliters 0.1N lactic acid.
276 July 1976
CANCER Vol. 38


Z 8

4 50 8
/ FIG. 2. Effect of radiation-in-

- 8
I duced xerostomia on the mean
saliva sodium, potassium, cal-
30 cium, and magnesium levels of
30 patients with head or neck

< 10

w 4

.......... ...............
=1 I 1 I I I 1

PRE 1 2 3 4 5 6

tion in flow rate was accompanied by a 44.4% content. T h e r e were no significant changes in
reduction in buffering capacity. Although the either slope magnitude and direction during
reduction in flow rate was statistically impres- radiotherapy or between the pretreatment and
sive, those for pH and buffer capacity were posttreatment means for any of the serum
not statistically significant (Tables 1 and 2). electrolytes tested (Table 2 ) .
T h e weekly mean saliva electrolyte concen-
trations are depicted in Figs. 2 and 3. Statis-
tically significant changes in slope magnitude DISCUSSION
and direction during the development of
xerostomia were evidenced by Na+, Cat+,Mg”, T h e buffer capacity of saliva stems largely
C1- and Prot.- (Table 1). As shown in Table 2, from bicarbonates with some contributions
the mean increases of 39.85 mEq/L in Na’, from phosphates and proteins.15 I n 1878,
20.35 mEq/L in C1-, 1.29 rnEq/L in Ca++,0.62 Heidenhain6 noted that the salt content of
mEq/L in Mg”, and 0.53 mEq/L in Prot.- be-
saliva rises to a plateau as the flow rate in-
tween the initial and final measurements were
all statistically meaningful ( p < .001). T h e creases in response to stimulation. This rela-
mean decrease of 11.85 mEq/L in HC0,- over tionship, termed Heidenhain’s law by Langley
the same period €ailed to reach the same level and Fletcher,s applies in general to hypotonic
of significance (p < .Ol). salivas. I n man, Heidenhain’s law holds €or
T h e xerostomia-related changes in the sali- total salt, sodium, chloride, and bicarbonate
vary electrolyte levels occurred independent and accounts for the greater neutralizing
of concurrent alterations in serum electrolyte power of stimulated saliva over that of resting
----- CI -
--- HC03'
......... HPO4=


FK. 3. ERect of iadiation-in- 30

tlucetl xerostomia on the mean
saliva chloride, bicarbonate, 20
---- -----
phosphale, and protein levels --\-

of 30 patients with head or neck

cancer. -J
..............."............. "......

U 0
€ 2.0
I I I I 1 I 1

PRE 1 2 3 4 5 6

saliva in the same indi~idual.4~13 stomic saliva a more concentrated secretion

Saliva formation is a two stage process. than normal saliva.
Primary saliva with a tonicity similar to that Human salivary glands participate in the
of plasma is elaborated by the acini and modi- fluid and electrolyte economy of the body
fied on passage through the ducts by partial by producing from 1000 to 1500 ml of saliva
reabsorption of sodium and chloride and per day, most of which is recycled by absorp-
secretion of bicarbonate and potassium.'3 T h e tion from the gut. T h e radiation-induced re-
bicarbonate secreted by the ducts is derived duction of approximately 80% in saliva out-
from metabolic carbon dioxide converted into p u t in this study did not materially alter any
carbonic acid by carbonic anhydrase.10 T h e of the electrolyte levels of the blood. These
large xerostomia-related increases in saliva findings indicate that the mechanisms re-
sodium and chloride and decrease in sponsible for maintaining the acid-base bal-
saliva bicarbonate found in this study reflect ance of the blood are sufficient to offset any
radiation damage to both the acinar and duct xerostomia-associated disturbances i n electro-
lyte metabolism.
systems. Each of the other saliva electrolytes
T h e marked decrease in saliva production
tested increased slightly in concentration dur- that began during radiotherapy continued
ing radiation to contribute to an overall in- to intensify after treatment and reached a
crease in total salt content. T h e changes in mean decline of 93.4% by 3 months postradia-
the salt levels and the pronounced decrease tion after which dental caries started t o be-
in water content combined to make xero- come clinically evident.
278 J u l y 197G


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