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You cowardly villain, for that is the only word my tongue can find for
you. A foul accusation on your unmanliness, come to me, you most hated foe of
gods, of me, and of all mankind. This is not a proof of evil to confront your
friends after injuring them, but that worst of all human diseases- loss of shame!

Yet, have you done well to come for I shall ease my soul by reviling
(insult) you and you will be vexed (irritated) at my recital.

(angry, remorseful)Father and home I left; sail with you aboard that good
ship, Argo; when you were sent to tame and yoke fire-breathing bulls that
guarded the Golden Fleece. Father and home I left- because I loved you, Jason,
with all my heart. (outcry)You promised me the world and I believed you. Yes, I
believed you.

(panukna)I saved your life. Every Hellene knows I saved your life, and I
bore you sons, (1,2)my babies. (lungo: 1,2, crying) My beautiful, beautiful babies.

(angry)And what have I got for my faithfulness? What have you done? I
became an exile in my own land. You had me banished because you loved
another woman. You, traitor! (1, 2)

Where am I to go? To my father? Father and home I have none because of

you. But aaah…. Come to me. (1, 2, 3) Has your lady worn that poisoned cloak I
sent as a wedding gift? Curse you, Jason! (1, 2)

These hands that you often kissed, these hands slew my babies, my life…
(lungo2 while crying) to spite you. Oh, how I loved them. (look at Jason)

Be gone! Be gone! How I hate you, Jason. But my heart will forever be
yours. (crying: 1, 2; exit while crying). Shouting (backstage): aaahhh!

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