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Artificial Neural Networks (ANN)

Biological nervous system
Parallel distributed processing
interconnected neurons
ability to learn
acquire knowledge
use it
neurons: processing elements/nodes
perform information processing
stability-plasticity in NN
Comparison of Brains and Traditional

200 billion neurons, 32 1 billion bytes RAM but trillions

trillion synapses of bytes on disk
Element size: 10-6 m Element size: 10-9 m
Energy use: 25W Energy watt: 30-90W (CPU)
Processing speed: 100 Hz Processing speed: 109 Hz
Parallel, Distributed Serial, Centralized
Fault Tolerant Generally not Fault Tolerant
Learns: Yes Learns: Some
Intelligent/Conscious: Intelligent/Conscious:
Usually Generally No
1943- McCulloch and Pitts - Math of neural
Simplified model of a biological neuron
1949 – Hebb - Hebbian Learning
1958 – Rosenblatt - The “Perceptron”
1969 - Minsky and Papert- Perceptron deficiency
Perceptron limitations

Rebirth in the mid 1980's

Nonlinear Neuron Functions
Back-propagation training


Biological Neuron
Neurons in the Brain
Brain is composed of neurons
neuron receives input from other neurons
its synapses
Axons connect to dendrites via synapses

Inputs are approximately summed

When the input exceeds a threshold the

sends an electrical spike that travels
from the body, down the axon, to the next
From Neurons to ANS
From Neurons to ANS
Neurons are the nodes/units/processing element in

• Summation functions
• Threshold activation function
McCulloch-Pitts Neuron Model
The connected weight may be excitatory or inhibitory.
Excitatory +ive weights
inhibitory  -ive weights
McCulloch-Pitts Neuron Model

Threshold is 2
McCulloch-Pitts Neuron Model

Threshold is 1
McCulloch-Pitts Neuron Model
McCulloch-Pitts Neuron Model
Types of learning
Supervised Learning

§ Compare the calculated output with expected response

to determine the error
minimize the error by adjusting error
§ Training continues until the expected output
§ Teacher is assumed to be in the learning process

Unsupervised Learning
§ no teacher
§ expected output not known
§ system learns by itself
§ more complex
§ difficult to implement
§ self learning networks
Reinforcement Learning

Teacher is present
But no expected output
Indicates only the computed output correct or not
Reward for correct output and penalty for wrong output
Hebbian Learning

From the book “Organization of behavior”

Learning rule- from synaptic connections between nerve cell

When an axon of cell A is near enough to excite a cell B and

repeatedly or persistently takes part in firing it, some growth
process or metabolic change takes place in one or both cells such
that A's efficiency, as one of the cells firing B, is increased.

Two rules:
Hebbian Learning Contd…


Two cases:
1. If the product of input and output is +ive, increase in weight
2. If the product of input and output is -ive, decrease in weight
Hebbian Learning Contd…

The net input is,

This is the relation

Hebbian Learning Contd…
Hebbian Learning Contd…
Hebbian Learning Contd…
Perceptron Learning

- refer the previous slide

Competitive Learning
§ when input is present all the neurons compete
§ winning neuron undergoes weight adjustment

Stochastic Learning
§ weights are adjusted in probabilistic fashion
The Perceptron
By Resenblatt in 1959
Initial proposal of connectionist networks
Computational model of the retina of the eye

Processing Elements in NN
An ANN consists of perceptrons. Each of the perceptrons receives
inputs, processes inputs and delivers a single output.
Summation Unit Thresholding Unit
x1 w1
x2  o
.. n
I= wi xi
1 if I> θ
wn i=0 O=f(I)=
0 otherwise

xi = input
wi =weight
O= Output
The Perceptron: Threshold
Activation Function
• Threshold activation function

1 if I>θ
0 otherwise
Linear Activation functions
• Output is scaled sum of inputs

y   wn xn
n 1
Nonlinear Activation
• Sigmoid Neuron unit function

O  f(I)  I
1 e
Perceptron Contd...
Training: supervised learning
Computed output compared against target output
Weights are adjusted to minimize the error

T=Target Output
O= Perceptron Output

Learning algorithm for training the perceptron:

1. If the output is correct no adjustment in weight

Wij(k+1) = Wij(k)
2. If the output is 1 and should be 0
Wij(k+1) = Wij(k) –αxi
3. If the output is 0 and should be 1
Wij(k+1) = Wij(k) +αxi
Perceptron and Linearly Separable
Perceptron can handle task which are linearly separable

Example: If the two different sets in 2D are linearly separable

Class1 Class2
Exclusive Or (XOR) Problem
1 0

Input: 0,0 Output: 0

Input: 0,1 Output: 1
Input: 1,0 Output: 1
Input: 1,1 Output: 0


XOR Problem: Not Linearly Separable!

We could however construct multiple layers of perceptrons to get around this problem.
Single layer Perceptron

Output Unit Response

Single layer Perceptron Cntd…
Weight and Bias update
Perceptron for AND function with bipolar
inputs and targets

Initialize w1=w2=b=0, α=1, θ=0

For input pair (1,1), x1=1 and x2=1

Perceptron for AND function with bipolar
inputs and targets
Perceptron for AND function with bipolar
inputs and targets
Perceptron for AND function with bipolar
inputs and targets
Types of NN
§Single layer feed forward network
§Multi layer feed forward network
§Recurrent network

Single layer feed forward network

Multi layer feed forward network
Recurrent network
- atleast one layer with feedback loop
Summary of Applications
Function approximation
Pattern recognition
Signal processing
Machine learning


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