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Case Study

Øresund Bridge Project

Group 2

Afiq Hidayatullah

Meirani Khairunnisa

William Surjana

Albertus Diantoro

Farras Reyhan Hidayatullah

1. Introduction

The Øresund Bridge is a 16-kilometer (10 mile) joined rail and street connect
burrow spreading over the Øresund strait. It is connecting the urban communities
of Copenhagen, Denmark to Malmo in Sweden. The Øresund Link crosses the
Baltic Sea and is made up of an artificial island stretching 4 km, a 4 km
underwater tunnel and a bridge spanning 8 km.

In 1991, the governments of Denmark and Sweden came together and

agreed to connect the two cities of Copenhagen and Malmö. Arup were
appointed as the designers and Sundlink Contractors were commissioned to
construct the US$1.3 billion link between 1995 and 2000. The aim was to build a
fast connection between the two countries, in order to form an ‘economic
powerhouse’. The scaffold, finished in 2000, has given a basic connection
between the two nations and their economies by definitely reducing the
movement time from 60 minutes (by ship) into 10 minutes (by car or train). This
brought about the reconciliation of the economies on the two sides of the
Øresund Region. Driving amongst Copenhagen and Malmo has expanded ten
times since the scaffold was constructed, making a solitary work advertise for the
district. High joblessness on the Swedish side helped fill Copenhagen's work
deficiency. Lower land and work costs on the Swedish side have drawn venture
by multinational organizations from Copenhagen. The venture is in charge of an
expected 30,000 to 40,000 occupations in the area.

The opening of the Øresund Bridge has allowed 17,000 people to commute
across the bridge every day, which has reduced the issue of labour shortages in
Denmark and improved the housing market in Sweden. The bridge has also
improved trade, tourism and relations between the two countries and has allowed
Sweden to be connected to mainland Europe.
2. Background

A. Location & Transportation Connections

The Øresund Region reflects the consolidated territory of Scania in

Southern Sweden and Eastern Denmark (counting Greater Copenhagen).
Copenhagen is located on Zealand, an island in Denmark, while Scania is on
the southernmost tip of Sweden. Stockholm is 600 km toward the upper east
of the district and Gothenburg 270 km toward the northwest. The locale is
connected by street and rail to territory Europe through the Great Belt Bridge,
which interfaces the island of Zealand to the landmass of Jutland. This
peninsula abuts Germany, where the nearest substantial city is Hamburg.
Additionally, there is a ship connection from southern Zealand to Fehmarn,
Germany. Other worldwide relations are given by Copenhagen Airport, which
is the busiest in Scandanavia.

B. Community Character & Project Context

The Øresund Region's populace of 3.5 million makes it the biggest

metropolitan zone in Scandinavia. A greater part of this populace lives in
Copenhagen (the biggest city in Denmark) and Malmo (the third biggest city in
Sweden, behind Stockholm and Gothenburg). These two urban areas are at
the ends of the Øresund Bridge. The economies of the two sides of the
scaffold have customarily been very extraordinary. Copenhagen has been a
middle for proficient administrations (e.g. fund and counseling), while the
Malmo side has been an assembling and coordinations focus. Before the
Øresund Bridge was manufactured, Copenhagen battled with a tight work
power and high expenses of working together. On the other hand, the Malmo
zone had high joblessness as it gradually adjusted to a post-mechanical
economy. The opening of the bridge took into account the abuse of the
integral conditions in the two nations to ease these issues. The two areas
likewise advantage from the high fixation.
3. Analysis of Life Cycle

A. Concept

First concept was build the tunnel for 16 km long, but it will be pricely
and high risk for the aircraft, because it is very near with Kopenham
International Airport and will disturb the air traffic for landing and take off it will
be very risky for safety. Then it result, build lower bridge will be safer for the
aircraft. Then, suddenly it comes build road inside the water, half tunnel for
the safer aircraft traffic and with half bridge to reduce the cost. Then, the
problem is to build the tunnel to the sea, it need dry land to enter & exit road.
Finally the final discussion result final mapping concept is to build 4 km
Tunnel, 4 km dry land, 8 km bridge.

B. Development (Bridge Design)

In the development of this bridge, the consortium held design

competition, the famous proposal to build is ‘arch bridge’, it is connected with
a giant steel in each side, but the challenges to the ship going underneath the
bridge, the clearance for the big ship decrease. Then the second idea was
build the ‘suspension bridge’, suspension bridge enables longest span of any
design, two enormous cable stretch the entire length. The structure heavy
enough to carry train road under the car road. The final design is to use two
tower concrete to hang, and 4 lanes road, and below high speed train way.

C. Production

There is no complex design require to fulfill the structural requirements

that are needed. the bridge material are common in the nearby area, and the
structural design is closely like a normal bridge but bigger.

The first step is to make the perimeter, large carried stone bring from
sweden, billion kilograms of them. To stay on schedule, material was
constantly being brought here. To make the precise location on where they
put the material, they use the GPS to make 12 km perimeters. The Denmark
and Sweden usually get the material from the bottom of the sea.

There are several major issue that were considered under the
design-build contract, which are about the general identification and
assessment of construction risks, ship collision in connection with realignment
of navigation channel, and risks in connection with 5​-​year bridge operation by

The production of the bridge have a hard time on controlling the

corrosion of the steel material and the replacement process of the cable.
In-order to make the steel material have less corrosion, the engineers have
apply the coating process. Coating meaning giving the steel a layer(barrier) to
prevent it from corrosion. Based on our research, the coating specification is
using the Zinc Rich Epoxy, Epoxy Micaceous Iron Oxide, and Polyurethane.
This layer can prevent corrosion ideally until 30 years.

The replacement of the cable that was used for suspension is a crucial
problem, because it’s affect the safety requirement for the bridge users. The
bridge wasn’t in a good static condition, meaning there is some force acting
down (pressing down) from the bridge and cause some noise. The bridge is
not 100% in a good static condition when there are cars and train passing on
the bridge. on the production process of installation the cable, the engineers
need to calculate the tension of the cable and putting the cable accurately and
precise to the specification that the engineers design. This is complicated by
pre-stressing requirements and traffic flow across the bridge, but is still far
simpler than cable replacement on a suspension bridge.

D. Utilization

After the bridge have been raised, in 5 first five years, there are more
than 40.000 cars across this bridge with their different needs; businesses,
tourism, and finding job. However, in the first year, the engineers face several
problems especially in the maintenance of the bridge. The bold and nuts are
rusting, its not only but over 16.000 bolt to make sure the bridge stand strong.
Therefore, the engineers are trying to fixed the problem by cleaning and
giving moisture to the bolt and nuts. Morever, the suspension cable also need
to be maintain. The cable dumper will napless by time than it need to be
replace and checked.

There is also another surprised fact that this brick become the artificial
coral reefs. There are an increasing number of reef which become the home
of many fish. Furthermore, this bridge are connecting the two countries, two
continent in the europe so that it theri transportation for any kind of needs.

4. Conclusion

Based on the analysis, the Øresund Bridge is a really fine concept of system
engineering. As it was explained, the project went through a solid and efficient life
cycle stages with strong concept. The whole development of concept cause the
efficiency in budgets and time both for the process and the result of the
construction of the bridge.

The construction of the bridge answered the basic issues mentioned in the
background. As the first issues is about to connect the locations and the second
is about the community and project context. The construction is succeed in
connecting two nations which are Denmark and Sweden through the Øresund
Bridge. By having the bridge, the connection and transportation for the two
countries is more eased. The usual two hours duration of the transportation
between Denmark and Sweden through ferry now is reduced to 10 minutes. The
usual cost of ferry now can be reduced to very minimum moreover for self-owned
transportation citizen for the both nations. As about the community and project
context issues, both nations has their own issues about economy, while
Copenhagen have problems with high cost and tight labor for the business,
Malmo also has problem with unemployment. The connection between two
countries would give them both the solutions with efficiency of costs and times for
both nations through the bridge. Malmo could integrate its economies and reduce
its unemployment by having their labors work in Copenhagen, while Copenhagen
is also able to solve its lack of labors.

According to the analysis of the system and life cycle stages, it is concluded
that the approach for this system is sequential as the methods are predictable,
stable, repeatable, and high assurance. Process improvement focuses on
increasing process capability through standardization, measurement, and control.
It is known that this project has strong concept. The concept has 4000 drawing
design from start to delivery of final documentation which was evolved for seven
years. The project develop its concept with good-composed of budget, time, and,
quality constraints. The initial planning is carried throughout the whole process
including the risk analysis. The Øresund Bridge is a success project of system
engineering using sequential approach.


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