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Package contents;

 Write group members’ names and student numbers into a readme text file
 Define the problem, explain your solution.
 Draw HW schematic (use real devices with their pinout, use schematic program)
 Produce PCboard layout (use PC layout program)
 Draw SW flowchart (use flow chart program)
 Write program
 Develop HEX code
 Include data sheet of the devices used

G1: interface a keypad (use IRQ) and a seven segment display.

Functions: Produce 3 different signal pattern with 50 KHz frequency.

Start/stop button : starts and stops operation

ModeH : Produce square wave pattern, display H

Mode l : Produce saw tooth pattern, display l

ModeS : Produce sine wave pattern, display S

G2: interface a keypad (use IRQ), 4 seven segment displays and two ADCs.

Functions: Display first ADC’s voltage on 2 seven segments, multiple of second ADC’S voltage on the
other 2 seven segment s.

Start/stop button : starts and stops operation

Mode+ : Increment second ADC’s multiplier by 2

Mode - : Decrement second ADC’s multiplier by 2

Mode S : Set second ADC’s multiplier to 2

G3: interface a keypad (use IRQ), 2 seven segment displays and one ADC an done DAC.

Functions: Transfer first ADC’s value to DAC. During transfer first ADC’s value should be divided by

Start/stop button : starts and stops operation

Mode+ : Increment DIVIDER by 2

Mode - : Decrement DIVIDER by 2

Mode S : Set DIVIDER to 2

G4: interface a keypad (use IRQ), 1 seven segment display and 4 stepper motors (one for each tire of
a model car).
Functions: Control a robot car with four stepper motors ( attached on 4 tires). Display operation
mode on display ( F: front, B: Back, R: Right, L: Left, S: Stop)

Start/stop button : starts and stops operation

Mode F : Forward (Left front=ON, Left Back=ON, Right Front=ON, Right Back=ON), Dir+

Mode B : Backward (Left front=ON, Left Back=ON, Right Front=ON, Right Back=ON) , Dir-

Mode R : Turn Right (Left front=ON, Dir+, Left Back=ON, Dir+,

Right Front=ON, Dir-, Right Back=ON, Dir-)

Mode L : Turn Left (Left front=ON, Dir-, Left Back=ON, Dir-,

Right Front=ON, Dir+, Right Back=ON, Dir+)

Mode S : Stop (All motors are OFF)

G5: interface a keypad (use IRQ), 2 seven segment displays, 1 led to display system ON/OFF, 1 valve
to fill pool and a pressure sensor .

Functions: Control water level in a pool (7m-9m). Water level is a user set value and displayed on
two seven segment displays. Water is discharged by another valve by user.

Start/stop button : starts and stops operation

Mode S : Start/Stop water filling pump

Mode+ : Increment water level value

Mode - : Decrement water level value

Mode C : Set fixed water level value to 8m.

G6: interface a keypad (use IRQ), 8-leds and a thermometer (0 to 60C).

Functions: Produce square wave with its frequency controlled by temperature with given offset.

0C ->0Khz, +60C->12Khz. Add an offset to temperature. Display temp+offset on leds (10C->1 led on,
20C->2 led on, . . .)

Start/stop button : starts and stops operation

Mode+ : Increment offset value by 1(initially set to 10)

Mode - : Increment offset value by 1

Mode C : Clear offset

G7: interface a keypad (use IRQ), 4 seven segment displays and a thermometer (-20 to 60C).
Functions: Control heater and cooler to keep temperature at a fixed value with given tolerance.
Display current temp. on 2 seven segment, fixed value on other two seven segment.

Start/stop button : starts and stops operation

Mode+ : Increment fixed temp. value

Mode - : Increment fixed temp. value

Tol+ : increment tolerance value by 2 Celsius (initially set to 3 Celsius)

Tol- : decrement tolerance value by 2 Celsius

Mode CS : Set fixed temp. value to 20.

G8: interface a keypad (use IRQ), 2 seven segment display and a DAC.

Functions: Produce a sine wave signal with freq. 40 KHz

Start/stop button : starts and stops operation

Mode1 : Produce a sine wave signal amplitude 1 V, display S1

Mode 2 : Produce a sine wave signal amplitude 3 V, display S2

Mode 3 : Produce a sine wave signal amplitude 5 V, display S3

G9: interface a keypad (use IRQ), 4 seven segment display and a buzzer.

Functions: up-down decimal counter with display. When count reaches min or max value 7999 turn
on buzzer for 3 sec.

Start/stop button : starts and stops operation

Mode+ : Increment count by step (default 15)

Mode - : Decrement count by step

Step+ :Increment step increase by 1 (max 30)

Step- :Increment Step decrease by 1 (min 1)

Mode C : Clear count

G10: interface a keypad (use IRQ), 2 seven segment display and a thermometer (-20C, +60C).

Functions: display temp. value on display and turn on LED if temp above given alarm temp

Start/stop button : starts and stops operation

ModeC : Display temp. in Celcius

Mode F : Display temp. in Fahrenheit

ModeN : use decimal number representation

ModeH : Set alarm temp to +20 celcius (default +20C)

Mode+ : Increment alarm temp by 2 (max +50C)

Mode- : Decrease alarm temp by 2 (min -10C)

G11: interface a keypad (use IRQ), 2 seven segment display and a DAC.

Functions: Produce a pulse for PVM. (Freq. 20 Khz). Pulse width changes between 0-90%

Start/stop button : starts and stops operation

Mode+ : Increment pulse width by 2 % (max 90%), display pulse width percentage

Mode - : Decrement pulse width by 2% (min 10%), display pulse width percentage

Mode H : Pulse with 45% duty cycle, display pulse width percentage

G12: interface a telephone keypad (use IRQ), 2 seven segment display and a centronics printer.

Functions: Print the letter entered from the keyboard and display the number of the characters

Start/stop button : starts and stops operation

Pressed letter will be printed. Must use telephone style keyboard for entering letters.

G13: interface a keypad (use IRQ), 2 seven segment display and a DAC.

Functions: Produce a pulse for PVM. (Freq. 50 Khz). Pulse width changes between 0-70%

Start/stop button : starts and stops operation

Mode+ : Increment pulse width by 1 % (max 80%), display pulse width percentage

Mode - : Decrement pulse width by 1% (min 20%), display pulse width percentage

Mode H : Pulse with 50% duty cycle, display pulse width percentage

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