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NyanCat’s 24/7 Survival Free build Server

JANUARY 8, 2017

Foreword ...................................................................................................... 2
Chapter 1 – The Basic Overview ..................................................................... 3
Official Duties ......................................................................................................................... 3
Banter ..................................................................................................................................... 3
Chapter 2 – The Generation of Agents ........................................................... 4
The First Agents ..................................................................................................................... 4
The Old Agents ....................................................................................................................... 5
The New Agents ..................................................................................................................... 7
Chapter 3 – Pathways to Agent ..................................................................... 8
The Blue Pathway ...................................................................................................................... 9
The Yellow Pathway .................................................................................................................. 9
The Green Pathway ................................................................................................................. 10

Chapter 4 – The Agents and Me .................................................................. 11

What Can They Do For Me? .................................................................................................... 11
What Can’t They Do For Me? .................................................................................................. 11

It has come to my attention that many of the players of the server have no idea
about the History of the Agents, nor do they know what the Agents actually do.
So, after much deliberation and a spout of boredom, I thought I’d take some
time and explain it. Who better to write about Agents then an actual Agent?
This document will eventually become a comprehensive one, detailing
everything from the First Agents, the process of becoming an Agent, a synopsis
of all Agents, both past and present and much more.
Should at any point someone wish to contribute to this document, please, feel
free to contact me and we can discuss your ideas. I would love for this to
become a sort of community created item.
You can easily contact me either via in-game methods, or via Steam (my steam
username is HenDoge).


Agent Ranks: (Agent) and (Agent+)
Since the creation of The Server, there has always been the need for the
administration. Knowing well of this, and through past experiences on our
Server’s predecessor, Nyan created the Agent rank. The rank of Agent is
comparable to that of Admin on other servers, sharing many similar permissions
and duties.
Agents partake in both Official Duties, as well as Banter.

Official Duties
Agents have many tasks on the server. These include, but are not limited to
- Protecting players houses/areas using World Guard
- Running Events e.g. Christmas Build Event
- Finding, punishing and rolling back griefers
- Dealing with trolls
- Helping new players understand the rules and running’s of the server
- Training new Staff Members
- Ensuring the general smooth running of the server

Banter is defined as the playful exchange of teasing remarks and actions. Any
regular player will know that Agents very often partake in this. Whether it be a
bit of cheeky name calling in that chat, or deleting another Staff members
house with World Edit, it is important to know that Agents are never serious
with these actions, and any damage resulting from a spout of banter is always

Throughout the years, Nyan’s server has seen 14 people hold the rank of Agent,
making up 3 Generations of Agents. These Generations are The First Agents,
The Old Agents, and The New Agents. An explanation of each generations name
will be given in each of their respective sections.

The First Agents

These are the people who joined the server as Agents, it was their first rank.
Sadly, each of these players have left the server.
Grand is The OG of Agents. He was the first, and considered by some to be the
main Agent of this time. He worked incredibly hard during his time as Agent,
and the rank of Agent+ was specifically designed for him so as he could be
rewarded for his hard work during the time in which the server was
experiencing map corruption.
The rank of Commander was also designed for grand as a further reward for his
hard work, becoming the servers first ever Co-Owner.
Ice came over to Nyan’s from Dervonz’s after its collapse. He was always
considered a “silly” Agent, indulging a far more banter than actual work. Despite
this, Ice was popular in the community.
Ice went inactive many times throughout his time as Agent, eventually
Niing was only Agent for a short period. He, like Ice and grand, came over
directly from Dervonz’s Server. He was demoted very early on due to command
abuse, making him the first Agent to be demoted.

The Old Agents
The Old Agents were the first set of Agents to work their way up through the
ranks, with several starting off as regular players. Each of these Agents achieved
their rank within around 2 years of the server starting up, hence making them
‘Old’ members of the community.
Ride worked his way through the Builder ranks, making him the first person to
move his way up through the ranks to achieve the rank of Agent. Ride took his
role extremely seriously, hardly ever taking part in any banter. He displayed
extreme skill with building and World Edit.
Ride eventually earned the rank of Agent+, but was recently demoted to Agent
due to inactivity, and then again to regular player after more inactivity.
Fizz was the second player to work his way up through the ranks, being a blue
before achieving Agent. Eventually Fizz Achieved the rank of Agent+, but like
Ride was demoted back to Agent and eventually Player after inactivity.
Fizz has recently become active once again, and is enjoying the server as a
Community Leader.
Brain joined the server as a Dev after creating the plugin “Root”. He was
promoted to Dev-Agent due to his hard work and dedication, and later Dev-
After grand left the server he was promoted to Devmander, but later he went
back to Dev-Agent+.
Henry, like Fizz, worked his way through the blue ranks, becoming the fourth
player to work their way up to Agent. He achieved his rank due to Ice becoming
inactive at the time, creating the need for another Agent.
Henry Achieved the rank of Agent+ after a long period as Agent, and is still
active and maintains his rank in the community.

Z3, also known as Ray worked through the blue ranks, eventually reaching
Agent. He enjoyed to take part in a lot of banter, at times neglecting his official
duties. Ray was eventually demoted due to abusing World Guard giving himself
access to creative mode and inactivity.
Swa moved through the Yellow ranks becoming Agent, and then Agent+. He is a
community favourite and is still active and maintains his rank. He displays a
great amount of skill when building.
Prior to becoming an Agent, Ted went through the yellow ranks. Like all other
Agents who came through the same path as him, he displayed immense skill
when building and using World Edit. Eventually Ted reached Agent+.
Ted has unfortunately become inactive in the community and has hence been

The New Agents
These Agents were promoted in the last couple of years, making them new
when compared to existing Agents.
Kingdom rose through the blue ranks achieving the rank of Agent. He was
considered by some to be immature, however many staff disagreed. Kingdom
was the main Agent behind the redesign of the Blue HQ.
A short while after achieving Agent+, king resigned from his position due to
personal reasons.
Sophie was a yellow before becoming an Agent. She displayed a great deal of
skill when building, and during her time as Agent she was a community
Sophie never achieved Agent+, and was demoted recently due to inactivity.
Gala & Derp
Gala and Derp are inseparable, both becoming Yellow due to their amazing
building talent, and eventually Agents. Both are now Commanders, assisting
Nyan with the backend workings of the server.
Teg was a blue before becoming Agent. She is yet to get Agent+ and has
recently become inactive in the community.

Each of the three rank branches, Blue, Yellow and Green all eventually merge
into the Agent rank. As of this date, most Agents have come from the Yellow
pathway, and no Greens have ever become an Agent.
Over the years, the make-up of Agents has been the following:

This chapter will describe the pathway to Agent for each of the 3 branches.

The Blue Pathway
The Blue pathway is the most relatable to the Agent rank, however a candidate
must display strong traits from each of the 3 branches to become an Agent. The
reason that the Blue pathway is the closest to an Agent is due to the nature of
the things that the Blues deal with.
While Agents are Admins, Blues are Moderators.
For a Blue to become an Agent, they must first progress strongly through the
Blue ranks, being a Guard, Officer and finally Sergeant. Throughout the
candidate’s blue career, they should be well known for taking their role
seriously and performing their tasks to the absolute best standard they possibly
can. This ensures the other Agents that the candidate will be able to do the
tasks of an Agent the same way – well.
Due to the nature of the Blue’s tasks, they will have had exposure to most of
the commands that an Agent has by the time they have been a Sergeant for
some time. It is for this reason that when Blues are compared to candidates
from other branches, they often have an advantage.

The Yellow Pathway

Due to the nature of their work, Yellows often by default have a trait essential
to an Agent – Dedication. While Yellows do not have the same level of exposure
to commands of tasks that are similar to that of the Agents as Blues, they have
made up the majority of Agents over the lifespan of the server.
For a Yellow to reach Agent, they must be dedicated to what they do, as well as
be known to be able to deal with situations such as PVP, Trolls and Griefers.
However, it is important that this is done without stepping on the toes of the
Overall, a Yellow must be able to show that they have a drive to become an
Agent, they must show existing Agents they’re hungry for the position and are
willing to do what it takes to get there. However, it is important they go about
this in the proper way, ensuring that they don’t blatantly ask for Agent, their
actions should show that they want it, not their words. This goes for all

The Green Pathway
No Green has ever made it to the rank of Agent before. One was so very, very
close, however she was unable to take the position due to personal issues. It is
not known why no Greens have ever achieved Agent, but is suspected to be due
to the ranks high turnover rate. Often Greens tend to go inactive before they
progress to the upper tiers of their rank.
The pathway to Agent for a Green is very similar to that of a Yellow. They must
show dedicated and drive, as well as show that they can deal with
Most of all the candidate must stay active within the community, ensuring that
they do not allow themselves to become inactive without proper reason.

Agents have a large amount of work to do on the server. Please read the
following sections below so as to assist them in knowing what you can and
cannot ask of them.

What Can They Do For Me?

An Agents primary duty is to ensure the smooth running of the server and that
the community members are enjoying their time on the server. An Agent can do
the follow things for any member of the community:
- Protect a home
- Deal with griefing and trolling
- Help you with damages caused by a server side error
- Help you start off as a new player
- Assist you in claiming rewards from official events
- Inform you about the way the server works
- Provide feedback on various aspects e.g. builds, rank applications

What Can’t They Do For Me?

Agents, just like all other players have to abide by the rules they protect. There
are also non-public rules that apply only to Agents. During your time on the
server an Agent will not help you:
- By spawning you items
- By giving you a rank or a recommendation for a rank for no reason
- By using World Edit for you
- By adding you to a World Guard region without permission from the
region owner
- By protecting your dirt cube house
- By creating a HUGE World Guard region for you when you have no
structures there

Please note the two lists above are in no way extensive.


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