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Brandy N.


Mr. Pantoja


Case Study “ Is it allowed”

Dr. Patterson’s office calls to give patient Sara Martin her test results from her most recent

visit. Her husband answers the phone and states that Sara is not home , but that he can relay the

test results to her. Is Dr. Patterson’s office able to release this information? Dr. Patterson’s office

is not allowed to release Sara’s information if her husband is not on her emergency information.

If Dr. Patterson’s Office gives Sara’s information without the husband being on the emergency

information then they would be violating HIPAA. What might determine if this is allowed? Can

be allowed if Dr. Patterson’s office can get ahold to Sara and she say it’s alright to give the

information to her husband. This can be simply handled by telling Sara to put her husband

information down so next time they can tell the husband what’s going on instead of waiting til

Sara gets the message and have to call back.

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