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lem onade... good new s from new port

august 2018 #109

August Already!

At this time of year I start to feel

a real sense of urgency about
summer slipping aw ay... don't
you? There are so many things I W i ndl ass C reat i v e
w ant and hav e yet to do, N EW S:
including nothing! So w ithout + pho t o g raphy
further ado, here are some 12m R N ew po rt Tro phy
ev ents to consider w hen
pondering how to inv est the
balance of your precious summer time.


and if you please

c l i c k t o v i e w ne w
gal l e r y

+ co pyw ri t i ng
QUEST m ag az i ne:
July 2018 (pg 98-103)
12m R W o rl ds, A
Li v i ng Hi st o ry o f
Yacht Raci ng

written & photographed by

SallyAnne Santos

Our New W ebsite!

^ Social Media Content Marketing for Dwyer Insurance by Windlass

Creativ e

all ears
Bri dg efest continues through 8/2
leading into the N ew po rt Jaz z
Fest i v al , from 8/3-8/5. I know less
than nothing about jazz, but I do
love Jo n Bat i st e who is appearing
on 8/4! N IMFEST' s Free Gaz ebo
C o ncert Seri es continues this
month with featured artists
performing 50' s/ 60' s/ Bl ueg rass on Windlass Creat iv e:
8/5, Sw i ng / P o p on 8/12, To p CONTENT MARKETING
40/ So ul on 8/19 and Braz i l i an/ Reg g ae on 8/26. Follow the
N IMFEST facebo o k page for artist updates. Musi c o n t he cr eativ e content:
Law at St . Jo hn' s features Mi k e W arner & t he + g raphi c desi g n
Ubi qui t o nes on 8/23 and D o g W o o l v ert o n & t he Gro o v e + l o g o s, i dent i t y
Merchant s on 8/30. + co py-w ri t i ng
+ pho t o g raphy
IF you are willing to cross a bridge or
2, the N arro w s C ent er fo r t he
custom mar k eting:
Art s is hosting the Out l aw s on 8/2,
= w ebsi t es
Adam Ez ra Gro up , 8/3, Ang el a
= e-new sl et t ers
P erl ey & t he Ho w l i n' Mo o s on 8/4,
= adv ert i si ng
JAIMOE' s Jasssz Ban d on 8/11,
= co m prehensi v e
Mi pso on 8/16, Shaw n Mul l i ns on
brandi ng
8/17, D av e Maso n & St ev e
C ro pper on 8/21 and Iri s D em ent
on 8/24. Meanwhile across the Bay contact us +
my picks at The Greenw i ch Odeum include the Baco n
Bro t hers on 8/10 and C i ndy Lee Berryhi l l on 8/1.

roll 'em

bee branded
by WindlassCreative
Tonight (8/1), the Jane Picken's
Theater is hosting a C apt ai n Bl o o d v i si t t he
Party with the Little Compton Band lemonade st and
starting at 7:30pm. Other August (archiv ed news on ice)
one-off events include, Sam m y
D av i s Jr: I' v e Go t t a Be Me on 8/2,
The Gardener on 8/6 and the
Great Gat sby Mo v i e Experi ence
on 8/12. Three Ident i cal St rang ers
will run from 8/3 - 8/9, followed by
Spike Lee's Bl ack k k l ansm an from
8/10 - 8/16.

If you'd like to see a movie under the

stars, N ew po rt FILM will screen
St udi o 54 on 8/2, Sci ence Fai r on 8/9, C hef Fl ynn on 8/16,
squeez e i t fo rw ard
Li fe i n t he D o g ho use on 8/23 and Bet hany Ham i l t o n:
Unst o ppabl e on 8/30. Ballard Park's Movies on the Rocks
presents family favorites Ro ck y on 8/8, The P ri ncess Bri de
on 8/15 and Bam bi on 8/22.

t he wayback m achine
If you've been reading
l em o nade throughout the
years, you may have noticed
that I've developed a love
for local history; after all,
Newport has been quite a
happening place throughout
American history! Events that
have piqued my interest this month include: Two free Gui ded
To urs o f C o m m o n Buryi ng Gro und on 8/11 & 8/25, A
W eek end o f C o achi ng on 8/17-8/19, Li fe D uri ng t he
1778 Bat t l e o f Rho de Isl and on 8/25 and W i l l i am
W al do rf Ast o r: Am eri can Tyco o n t o Eng l i sh Lo rd on

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