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Junior Vieira

De: Junior Vieira

Enviado em: quinta-feira, 8 de março de 2012 08:53
Para: Fabricio Fernandes Aguiar
Assunto: SAP - Pass

Store password in your SAP Logon pad itself! Subscribe

Krishnendu Laha Print
Business Card Permalink
Company: Capgemini Share
Posted on Feb. 05, 2012 06:04 AM in ABAP

I got inspired from a blog by Peter

Langner which is to store password in

I would like to add more resource in that discussion throuhg this blog, which contains steps to store
password in SAP Logon pad itself!

Note: you need authorization to edit registry.

Please be aware of security risk by reading note:

First Step:

Create a new Shortcut for a System enty in SAP Logon Pad.

Second Step:

Open 'Run' from Start -> Run and write "sapshcut -register" press enter, it will add SAP Shortcut entry in
registry, will confirm same with a pop up.

Third Step:

Change the resgitry entry to enable password. Path would be:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SAP\SAPShortcut\Security EnablePassword = 1

Now if you go back to the short cut you created, Password input box will be ready for entry.

You can maintain the password and it will promt with warning, press Ok.

From next onwards you can just double click the shortcut, it will logon into the system without asking for
user and password...


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