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12 SEPTEMBER 2015.
The soldier and his wolfish bride
The din of battle given break
Tramp reddened rivers in their stride
Borne of bloodied thirst to slake
a vision in a dream.
There is a vale ‘neath greenish eave
About which does the river cleave,
Brackish depths whose bed has seated
Curl the tendrils time has pleated.
There is a vale.
With pithy helm and fastened sleeve
When breath does catch and chest does heave,
Seek that something long awaited.
There is a vale.
Within it can our tales conceive
May we our essence thus perceive,
Meanings of us thence translated
Love explained and longing sated,
Where knowledge does the mind deceive
There is a vale.
in darkness.
There is safety in certainty!
In numbers is danger allayed!
Why then, do we seem
To crave that which is not?
Known, that is – I ought to say.
For in the roar of a flame we fancy,
So long as it’s caged, you see,
The spectre of something perilous,
Whose tread splinters the earth
And whose maw portents
The certainty of uncertainty,
That validity of the veil.
Death is much the same, indeed!
But what of after?
Its terror lies in our unknowing,
And from whom may we gather it?
It is not the premonition of sameness
At which those fearsome hackles rise,
Beckoned by the wailing of a silver queen,
But at the chance of ‘next am I,’
Our calling forth by that Unseen Abomination.
What, then, is death, and what is fear?
Perhaps they are the same,
For death quells fear,
Yet fear is death – in the sense of living,
That is.
For who may live while clutched by terror?
Yes, perhaps they are the same,
For each is volatile, each misunderstood,
And where is the horror in understanding?
The breaking of dawn
Flickers flame in the blackness
Wakening the sun.
For passions mine in heart made bare,
Set mistrust thine to peaceful rest.
Adorn thy crown in blossoms fair,
For passions mine in heart made bare.
Arouse henceforth thy tender care,
Thy anguish and thy fear suppressed.
For passions mine in heart made bare,
Set mistrust thine to peaceful rest.

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