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Experience our seamless mobile network across 23 circles.


Experience speed of up to 50 Mbps on Airtel Broadband.

digital TV

Experience the magic of digital TV and future of entertainment.

Fixed Line

Get a telephone connection at your home.

Job Search
Select your Functional Area from the list below & click Search to begin. For
further refinement use advanced search.
Functional Area

Alliances and CSR

Business development
Business Head
CSD(Canteen Store dept)
Corp Audit group(If a complaint involves both the CEO and the Internal
Audit group, ... The Corporation shall retain a record of the results of
Audit Committee ...)
Corp secretarial and regulatory(Reporting to the Corporation Secretary the
successful candidate will carry out general legal affairs)
Corporate communications
Debt and Treasury
IT and Innovation
Investor Relations
Prod development and Business Sol group
SCM(Supply Chain and management)
Sales and marketing

Airtel Ambassadors (Alumni)

Airtel Ambassadors (Alumni) website is a creation of Bharti Airtel Limited. It’s a great way to connect online with
your former Bhartian Colleagues, learn about what is going on at Bharti Airtel, discover interesting job
opportunities, and locate valuable information.

No matter how many years, months, or even weeks it has been since you were with Bharti Airtel, this is your
opportunity to reconnect with other former colleagues & get reacquainted with our company. Our success is with
our people – present and past - & appreciates all that you contributed as a former member of our team. That’s why
we’ve created this network as a valuable resource for you.

Where an ex-employee needs to connect for query related to Full and Final or Provident Fund.

Summer Internship Program 2010-11

Airtel Summer Internship Program is an endeavor to provide you with an opportunity to be a part of Live &
Challenging business projects.

We invite You to be a part of the Airtel family for 8 weeks, during April – July and experience:
- A structured and robust training schedule
- On the job training to enhance your technical expertise and people management skills
- An opportunity to develop a wholistic perspective of Airtel

We are gearing up for interesting and exciting times to come and are looking for bright and young talent to walk
this thrilling road with us !
We wish you a joyous internship and a fulfilling career ahead…

Hope to see you aboard!!!


Application Form

Campus Presentation
Community Initiatives

Corporate Social Responsibility is embedded in, and built upon, the stated ‘values’ of Bharti – the institution.
These values guide all our activities and each employee is encouraged to take decisions and design business-
linked processes that are sensitive to communities and environment.

“We have an obligation to fulfill to society and the communities in which we operate, and help improve the
quality of life for everyone, today and in the future.”
Based on the basic guidelines and direction provided in the Code of Conduct, Bharti has undertaken many
community programs.

Bharti’s contribution to society is structured through two channels, namely,

(a) Bharti’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Initiatives, including initiatives undertaken by way of employee
mobilization as well as running environment related programs; and
(b) Bharti Foundation, a separate vehicle established in 2000 to lead the CSR agenda of Bharti Group of

(a) CSR Initiatives @ Bharti Airtel

Bharti Airtel has a nation-wide presence that has grown at an exponential rate in the recent years. Each local
office undertakes special programs for the local community, thereby reaching out to people. Many projects like
material collection drive and blood donation camps are organized for the welfare of the underprivileged
community. Bharti constantly searches for new, innovative ways of reducing the consumption of resources, with
the aim of leaving a better and greener earth for future generations.

Response to Disaster

Bharti Airtel’s response to Tsunami Disaster: Bharti Airtel undertook the following initiatives for immediate relief
and rehabilitation to Tsunami victims:

• Built a mobile network in Andaman & Nicobar islands in less than 3 months to aid rapid rehabilitation of

the island

• Donated Rs. 1 Crore to the Prime Minister’s Relief Fund, in addition to contributions from employees

• Created 29 Airtel Crisis Communications centres in Tamil Nadu

• Raised resources for Tsunami victims by initiatives such as a ‘Benefit Cricket Match’

Employees of Bharti Airtel also contributed through a Donation Collection Drive, with a difference. All employees
were not only given the freedom to choose the amount they wished to donate, but also the agency they wished to
donate to.
One if the most memorable actions was the heroic way in which a Bharti employee re-established connections
after Tsunami hit Tamil Nadu. After being washed away by the wave, this employee went back to work on
restoring connectivity for the struck region. Word of his dedication spread within Bharti and he received
tremendous response from his fellow Bhartians. Over 80 emails addressed to him were and presented to him in
Bharti Airtel’s response to Assam, Bihar and West Bengal floods: Bharti Airtel also partnered with an NGO to
provide relief to the flood victims in the flood hit areas of Assam, Bihar and West Bengal. A ‘Material Collection
Drive’ was undertaken across Bharti offices, for collection of material such as clothes, utensils, footwear, blankets,
dry ration and monetary donations. 55 cartons of clothes and 65 kilos of ration were dispatched, in addition to
monetary contributions.

Bharti Airtel during Mumbai Floods: Bharti Airtel employees climbed up the towers to restore the networks so
that our customers could conveniently reach its employees.

Bharti Airtel’s response to Kashmir earthquake: Bharti Airtel’s ‘Rapid Response Team’ responded to the
Kashmir earthquake by bringing more than 2000 food packets and water bottles to the affected area. Money,
clothes, woolens and blankets were also collected from employees to distribute among earthquake victims.

Other initiatives of Bharti Airtel

Bharti Airtel employees have undertaken varies initiatives to reach out to the local community. Some of such
initiatives are listed below

Airtel Ashiana for underprivileged children at the Mohali office of Airtel

BIL North tied up with an NGO to distribute daily surplus food to needy children

Airtel Experience Centre by Access MP… for the benefit of the benefit of visually impaired people as well as
people from deprived section of society

Mobile Services Jammu & Kashmir donated free medicines, stationery, clothes and other utility items at the
‘Missionaries of Charity Home for Destitutes’

Mobile Services MP & CG supported the ‘WalkaThon’ to create awareness about diabetes on ‘World Diabetes
Day’, organized by the Indian medical Association

Airtel Maharashtra & Goa team visited the Thalassemia Ward of Sassoor Hospital to interact with children as well
as the families affected

Airel Kerala team visited an old age home and shared a day full of fun with the members of he home

A tree plantation drive was carried out by Access-NCR, Access-North and Access-UP West Circles, where in free
tree saplings were planted.
Airtel Madhya Pradesh & Chhatisgarh planted trees on its fourth ‘Circle Inception Day’
In Tamil Nadu, Airtel has adopted a corporation park in Chennai city.

Mobile Services Rajasthan supported the ‘Red Ribbon Caravan’ initiative of the Rajasthan State AIDS Control
Society, to spread awareness about HIV/ AIDS. During the month-long campaign a caravan of fve vans covered
32 districts of Rajasthan, to spread the awareness of HIV/ AIDS.

Airtel Delhi organized a Blood Donation Camp in association with Indian Red Cross Society

(b) Bharti Foundation

Although CSR is executed at all levels in the organization, the Promoters of Bharti Enterprises established Bharti
Foundation in 2000 with a vision,
“To help underprivileged children and youth of our country realize their potential.”
Bharti Foundation’s mission is to create and support programs that bring about sustainable changes through
education, use of technology and information and best practice sharing.
Bharti Foundation has established itself the goals of improving accessibility and quality of education at the school
level for underprivileged children, and to provide education and training opportunities to youth.
Visit to know more about Bharti Foundation
Environment, Health and Safety


At Bharti we believe in the philosophy to refuse, reduce, reuse and recycle. The company has taken many
initiatives in this regard, both within the offices for the benefit of our employees; and for outside world for the
convenience of the people

Few examples of the initiatives taken are mentioned below:

(a) Most of the new Airtel buildings recycle waste water for sanitary and cooling of equipment purposes e.g. DG
sets and AC systems. These buildings also have rain water harvesting systems for ground water replenishment
where appropriate.

(b) All Airtel offices have energy efficient light fittings and DG sets. We also ensure automation that enables
energy savings in our buildings. Building Management System (BMS) – Intelligent Building concept is being
followed in all the new Airtel building and campuses that are coming up. The BMS controls The Heating,
Ventilation and Airconditioning (HVAC) system,, electricity load management, water management, parking
management, security and safety systems to ensure an efficiently run building on optimal resources.

(c) New buildings also incorporate the concept of and Energy Wheel which optimises energy efficiency in
buildings. The AC system in our buildings adds a certain amount of fresh air periodically; In the process of adding
this fresh air the cool air within the building vents out which may result into higher usage of energy to bring the
cooling/ temperature back. The Energy Wheel concept ensures that as we bring the fresh air in it is pre-cooled
thereby optimizing energy efficiency.

(d) Air quality is checked periodically in all Bharti Airtel offices, and based on the results, duct cleaning, carpet
cleaning, chair and sofa shampooing is undertaken. Water quality is also monitored in cooling towers for DG sets
and Air Conditioner systems so that water born diseases such as legionella, etc. are avoided.

(e) Use of air curtains on major office exits and double glazing also results in significant energy saving.

(f)At the time of oil change in DG sets etc. the discarded oil for disposal is only sent to companies/ vendors
approved by the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) for proper disposal as per CPCB approved processes. All
Bharti Airtel offices follow the basic requirements specified by the Pollution Control Board) and ensure statutory

(g) All Bharti Airtel offices have fire alarm systems. Periodic fire drills are carried out in Bharti Airtel offices as a
practice. All Airtel offices are provided with First Aid boxes and have identified people as First Aid specialists..

Bharti Airtel takes all its equipment from its key vendors, namely Nokia and Ericsson, who comply with all the
required health and safety norms. Each contract with the supplier has a clause that they will comply with our code
of conduct and each year suppliers have to give Bharti Airtel a certificate that they are compliant. There is an
induction manual for sub-contractors to ensure that they follow all the safety and statutory compliances as well as
Bharti Standard Operating Procedures.

Bharti Airtel is in the process of finalizing its Environment/ Health & Safety Policy (EHS) and will apply for ISO
14001 compliance within the next 3 years for each of its facilities.

For outside world

Reduce Paper usage: Due to technological innovations such as e-bills and electronic recharging, Bharti Airtel
customers are given a chance to help save the environment. This has led to the major achievement of paper
savings of approximately 32,500 sq meter every month. This leads to the saving of 96 trees every year. In
addition, as per calculations during 2005-06, and is continuously improving since then. We save 49,000 sq meter
in plastic monthly as the reduced usage of paper coupons and bills. These results are all the more remarkable, as
these paper savings were achieved despite our customer base increasing.

Sharing Infrastructure: We promote and believe in sharing of infrastructure (passive) with other telecom
operators. This ensures that we can continue to serve our customers while utilizing minimum resources. This is of
great help in nation like ours where we have a huge burden on our natural resources
At present, we share around a quarter of our mobile cell sites across the country, with other service providers.
We have extended our approach of sharing even for the rural areas, where it makes lesser business sense for
operators to roll out. Our efforts have been well acknowledged by the regulator and the government, who have
initiated efforts for shared rural roll out .

Reducing Fuel Consumption due to travel: Bharti, having grown to be a large company on many counts, faces
the key issue of operations coordination. While one would usually coordinate with others through face-to-face
meetings, Bharti has institutionalized the habit of using videoconferencing and intranet facilities to interact. This
significantly reduces the need for transport and thereby fuel consumption, it saves on time and generally creates a
much more efficient working atmosphere. Bharti’s earnings calls, i.e. sharing the results with our stakeholders,
also happen via audio-bridge. This enables investors and analysts world-wide to link in to the call and raise
queries. Bharti does not stop at providing these facilities for internal use though. By offering our services, we
enable people across the country to follow the same path and cut down on transport. This is not only convenient; it
also saves tremendous fossil fuel consumption.

Green-Shelters: Another key initiative has been the deployment of environmental friendly green-shelters at
around 7,000 sites. These green-shelters use high insulation material and Passive Cooling techniques like PCM, a
thermal salt, for indoor Base Transceiver Stations (BTS). Due to its high freezing point, PCM provides cooling for 4
to 5 hours without any Air conditioning, thus negating any need of electrical power or diesel generator during that
time. This not only saves cost but also minimizes pollution. These green-shelters also keep noise at a minimum.
Bharti is the first company in India to initiate such a measure, and is well ahead of governmental regulations on the

Our Green shelter initiative has been appreciated by operators across the world and is being studied for mass
deployment in many countries.

Free-Cooling is another technique that we use to maintain temperature level during night hours by circulating
cooler natural air from outside to inside the shelter by reworking air conditioner flows. This has reduced air
conditioner consumption by almost 30%.

Bharti Airtel is also working with its suppliers and experimenting with alternate sources of energy like solar, wind,
bio-fuel/ hydrogen to further reduce environmental impact. We are very keen to look at the viability of these
technologies once experiments are being found to be successful like in the case of Green Shelters.

Advertisement Material: Bharti Airtel uses aqua-based ink for all its in-shop branding, in spite of its cost being
three times the cost of ink which is normally used. The aqua-based ink is environment friendly and does not emit
any fumes and hazard. Sometimes flex materials are used for hoardings, but since they are not disposable these
hoardings are donated to poor people so that they can use it as roof-material on their huts.


We believe that one of the most important drivers of growth and success for any organization is its people. At
Bharti Airtel, our ‘Mantra’ for employee delight focuses on 5 Ps – People, Pride, Passion, Processes and

Bharti Airtel has been recognized among the Best Employers in the Country for two successive years – being 14th
in 2003 & jumping ahead of several other large conglomerates to an enviable position of the 2nd Best Employer in
the Country in 2004. This is a clear demonstration & acknowledgement of the robust, progressive, people as well
as business aligned Human Resource practices, which the organization has developed and implemented
remarkably in a very short span of time.

Bharti Airtel follows an “open door policy” to approach the management, which helps resolve issues with mutual
agreements. We encourage people to stand up against any unfair treatment for which we have the Office of the
Ombudsman, where employees can raise any issues regarding business and workplace conduct. Bharti ensures
transparency through the various communication policies, strategies and plans. . Regular Employee
Communication Forums provides a platform for the employees to raise issues that require resolution.

Our leaders strongly believe in facilitating and initiating activities that help employees manage their health and
well-being. Our focus always remains to redefine leadership; we develop leaders who enable performance and
inspire their people to unleash their potential. Our people orientation reflects in our vision of being “targeted by top
talent”, and a key aspect of our business focus “building a best-in-class leadership team that nurtures talent at
every level.”

Employee friendly HR policies have been put in place, which amply reflect the organization’s concern for its
people. Some typical examples of these policies and practices include a family-day at office, half day leave for
birthdays, gifts for anniversaries, compulsory 10 days off, festival celebration with family, no official meetings on
weekends, five day weeks, concierge services, call center engagement programs etc. These “care” policies and
practices are applied across the organizational levels without any discrimination.

From self-management workshops to aerobics sessions, yoga classes to provision of relaxation/meditation rooms,
we ensure that every employee keeps a check on his/her fitness. Tie-ups with leading health service organizations
enable our employees to undertake periodical health check-ups depending upon their age. This facility is also
extended to employee family members at discounted rates. The company provides Flexible Group Mediclaim
insurance to all employees, covering all kinds of illnesses, accidents and hospital coverage for serious ailments.
Apart from these specific engagements, we regularly organize health check up camps, eye check-up camps and
stress management sessions. Some of our offices have opened gymnasiums/fitness facilities to ensure that the
fitness fanatics do not have to worry about time constraints to remain fit. At many of our locations, we have hired
psychologists who undertake personal counseling sessions for employees.

Bharti Airtel offers a flexible compensation structure to its employees wherein the employees have the flexibility to
structure their fixed component of their compensation according to their requirements within the ambit of

Even a sweeper in the corporate office must understand that, if he does not keep the office clean, the visiting
shareholders could question the company’s ability to manage a business if they cannot manage their premises

Mr. Akhil Gupta

Our Performance Linked Incentive (PLI) schemes are linked with the variable component of our compensation
structure. This component is linked to both the individual performance against his/ her set KRAs (Key Result
Areas) and the overall performance of the business entity that an employee belongs to.
Our leaders and managers understand the need to bring clarity to employees about how their roles, goals and
actions align the realization of organization’s vision and goals.
The mechanisms like Performance Management System (PMS) and Talent Management Process (TMP) are the
key sources of identifying the training needs of the employees and check to competency levels for promotion.

Life at Airtel
It's amazing what you can do here. Bhavna speaks...."I guess I joined telecom, I was at the right place at the right
time....". "... Being a lady I was stepping into a very unknown state... a state I had never been to before, there
were many challenges to be faced, a huge task to be completed and a very stiff target to be achieved.... I am not
just to meet targets I normally like to exceed all expectations...".

We are proud of our ability to nurture individuals and provide them the space and empowerment they need to
hone their talents. Our size gives us the unique ability to provide fast growth and high responsibility early in one's
career as well as multiple avenues to reach the top. If you want to explore the exciting opportunities , you have
found the perfect place to start.

Our vision is to be the most admired brand in India by 2010.

Loved by more customers.
Targeting top talent.
Benchmarked by more businesses
Imagine having the resources to influence tomorrow's reality - today. At Airtel we are seeking people whose ideas
can make a difference, individuals who thrive on the opportunity to think creatively and be empowered to deliver.
Please fill in the application form with the job code that interests you and we will get in touch with you if your skill
set and experience matches our requirement. For more information on job search visit careers section on our
site .

Some employee benefits

In line with our commitment towards the continued development of our employees and to provide the necessary
impetus towards achieving the organization's 2010 vision of being the most admired brand in the country and a
company which is targeted by top talent .

The following are some of the initiatives that we offer to our employees
Continuing Education Policy(CEP) Higher education to employees desirous of pursuing further education
while being in the employment of Bharti Airtel
Flexible Time Policy to provide an opportunity for employees to contribute more.
Bharti Airtel
Airtel comes to you from Bharti Airtel Limited, one of Asia’s leading integrated telecom services providers with
operations in 19 countries across Asia and Africa. Bharti Airtel since its inception, has been at the forefront of
technology and has pioneered several innovations in the telecom sector.

The company is structured into four strategic business units - Mobile, Telemedia, Enterprise and Digital TV. The
mobile business offers services in India, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. The Telemedia business provides broadband,
IPTV and telephone services in 89 Indian cities. The Digital TV business provides Direct-to-Home TV services
across India. The Enterprise business provides end-to-end telecom solutions to corporate customers and national
and international long distance services to telcos.

» Bharti Airtel launches Global Data Services in Thailand & Malaysia
» Bharti Airtel and National Geographic Channel begin the hunt for ‘Young Explorer’!
» Airtel digital TV voted favourite DTH service in key metros in customer satisfaction survey on India’s
Favourite DTH operator
» Bharti Airtel Achieves Gold Certification from Cisco India
» Airtel digital TV Adds Five New Channels to its Bouquet – expands bouquet to 215
» Nokia’s Ovi Life Tools launched on Bharti Airtel’s mobile service

Business Divisions

Bharti Airtel offers GSM mobile services in all the 23- The group offers high speed broadband internet with
telecom circles of India and is the largest mobile a best in class network. With Landline services in 94
service provider in the country, based on the number cities we help you stay in touch with your friends &
of customers. family and the world. Get world class entertainment
with India’s best direct to home (DTH) service digital
TV in more than 150 cities

Know More Know More

Enterprise Services provides a broad portfolio of Discover the magical experience of digital
services to large Enterprise and Carrier customers. enterainment with Airtel. From DVD quality picture
This division comprises of the Carrier and Corporate and sound,the best and widest variety of channels
business unit. Enterprise Services is regarded as the and programmes to the best on-demand content on
trusted communications partner to India's leading Airtel Live, your tv viewing experience change forever
organizations, helping them to meet the challenges of with digital TV from Airtel!

Know More Know More

Investor Relations

Creating value for our customers, employees, investors, partners, vendors and the society at large lies at the root of
our fundamental business strategy. Our core principles of trust and transparency have come a long way in helping
us develop and nurture long-term relationships with our key stakeholders. Our performance exudes from our belief in
and commitment to the telecom sector; and translates into creating innovative exciting opportunities for one and all.

Transcript for 14th July'10 Investor call on Zain Closure

» Bharti Airtel launches Global Data Services in Thailand & Malaysia

» Bharti Airtel and National Geographic Channel begin the hunt for ‘Young Explorer’!

» Airtel digital TV voted favourite DTH service in key metros in customer satisfaction survey on India’s
Favourite DTH operator

» Bharti Airtel Achieves Gold Certification from Cisco India

» Airtel digital TV Adds Five New Channels to its Bouquet – expands bouquet to 215

» Nokia’s Ovi Life Tools launched on Bharti Airtel’s mobile service

Company Profile

We are one of world’s leading providers of telecommunication services with presence in all the 22 licensed
jurisdictions (also known as Telecom Circles) in India, and operations in Srilanka, Bangladesh and now in Africa. We
served an aggregate of 183,371,520 customers as of June 30, 2010; of whom 176,974,680 subscribe to our GSM
services and 3,243,761 use our Telemedia Services either for voice and/or broadband access delivered through
DSL. We are the largest wireless service provider in India, based on the number of customers as of June 30, 2010.
We offer an integrated suite of telecom solutions to our enterprise customers, in addition to providing long distance
connectivity both nationally and internationally. We also offer DTH and IPTV Services. All these services are
rendered under a unified brand “Airtel”.

The company also deploys, owns and manages passive infrastructure pertaining to telecom operations under its
subsidiary Bharti Infratel Limited. Bharti Infratel owns 42% of Indus Towers Limited. Bharti Infratel and Indus Towers
are the two top providers of passive infrastructure services in India.

Mobile Services Nokia Siemens, Ericsson, Huawei
Equipment Telemedia & Long Distance Nokia Siemens, Juniper, Cisco, Alcatel Lucent, ECI,
Services Tellabs
Information Technology IBM
IBM Daksh, Hinduja TMT, Teleperformance,
Call Centre Operations
Mphasis, Firstsource & Aegis
Equity Partner {Strategic} Singtel

• Factsheet At-a-glance guide to Bharti Airtel

• Organization Structure Organisation chart depicting the Senior Management positions
• Shareholding Structure Details on the latest shareholding structure and major shareholders.

• Awards & Recognitions Laurels recognising Bharti's consistent efforts.

» Bharti Airtel launches Global Data Services in Thailand & Malaysia

» Bharti Airtel and National Geographic Channel begin the hunt for ‘Young Explorer’!

» Airtel digital TV voted favourite DTH service in key metros in customer satisfaction survey on India’s
Favourite DTH operator

» Bharti Airtel Achieves Gold Certification from Cisco India

» Airtel digital TV Adds Five New Channels to its Bouquet – expands bouquet to 215

» Nokia’s Ovi Life Tools launched on Bharti Airtel’s mobile service

Name Bharti Airtel Limited.
Business Provides GSM mobile services in all the 22 telecom circles in India, and
Description was the first private operator to have an all India presence.
Provides telemedia services (fixed line and broadband services through
DSL) in 89 cities in India.
Established July 07, 1995, as a Public Limited Company
Proportionate Rs. 122,308 million (ended June 30, 2010-Audited)
Revenue Rs. 104,143 million ( ended June 30, 2009-Audited)
As per US GAAP Accounts
Proportionate Rs. 44,140 million ( ended June 30, 2010 - Audited)
EBITDA Rs. 42,974 million ( ended June 30, 2009 - Audited)
As per US GAAP Accounts
Shares in Issue 3,797,530,096 as at June 30, 2010
Listings The Stock Exchange, Mumbai (BSE)
The National Stock Exchange of India Limited (NSE)
Customer Base 176,974,680 GSM mobile and 3,243,761Telemedia Customers (status as
on June 30, 2010)
Operational Provides GSM mobile services in all the 22 telecom circles in India, and
Network was the first private operator to have an all India presence.

Provides telemedia services (fixed line) in 89 cities in India.

Registered Office Bharti Airtel Limited

(A Bharti Enterprise)

Bharti Crescent, 1 Nelson Mandela Road, Vasant Kunj Phase II

New Delhi - 110 070

Tel. No.: +91 11 4666 6100

Fax No.: +91 11 4666 6411

Organisation Structure
As an outcome of a restructuring exercise conducted within the company; a new integrated organizational
structure has emerged; with realigned roles, responsibilities and reporting relationships of Bharti’s key team
players. With effect from March 01, 2006, this unified management structure of 'One Airtel' will enable continued
improvement in the delivery of the Group’s strategic vision.

Bharti Airtel - Organization Structure

Management Profiles
To view profile click on name:
» ti
» Manoj Kohli

» Sanjay Kapoor » Atul Bindal

» K Srinivas » Jyoti Pawar

» Shamini Ramalingam » Joachim Horn

» S. Asokan » Krishnamurthy Shankar

» Srikanth Balachander » Amrita Gangotra

Sunil Bharti Mittal Directors

Sunil Bharti Mittal is the Founder, Chairman and Group CEO of Bharti Enterprises, one of
India’s leading business groups with interests in telecom, financial services, retail, realty,
manufacturing and agriculture.

Sunil started his career at 18 after graduating from Punjab University in India in 1976 and
founded Bharti. Today, at 52, he heads a successful enterprise which employs over 30,000
people. Bharti Airtel, the flagship group company, has a market capitalization of
approximately US$ 25 billion.

Sunil has been recognized with the Padma Bhushan, one of India’s highest civilian awards.
He has also received the Lal Bahadur Shastri National Award for Excellence in Public
Administration, Academics and Management for 2009. He is a past President of the
Confederation of Indian Industry, the premier industry body in India (2007-08).

Sunil has been awarded numerous awards and recognitions including the Global Economy
Prize 2009 by The Kiel Institute, Germany. The US-India Business Council has also
honored him with the ‘Global Vision’ Award 2008. He has received the GSM Association
Chairman's Award for 2008.

Sunil was Co-chairman of the World Economic Forum in 2007 at Davos and is a member of
its International Business Council. He is a member of the Leadership Council of The
Climate Group. He is also a member of the Board of Trustees of the Carnegie Endowment
for International Peace. He is a member of several premier international bodies –
International Advisory Committee to the NYSE Euronext Board of Directors, the
International Business Advisory Council of London and the Advisory Board of the Global
Economic Symposium. Sunil is also on the Telecom Board of the International
Telecommunication Union, the leading UN Agency for Information and Communication
Technology. He is also a member of the Indo-US CEOs Forum.

He serves as a member of the Executive Board of the Indian School of Business. He is also
a member of the Academy of Distinguished Entrepreneurs, Babson College, Wellesley,

Sunil believes a responsible corporate has a duty to give back to the community in which it
operates. This belief has resulted in Bharti Foundation, which is committed to providing
education to under-privileged children in rural India.

Sunil has been conferred with the degree of Doctor of Laws (Honoris Causa) by the
University of Leeds, UK and the degree of Doctor of Science (Honoris Causa) by the
Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture & Technology. He is an alumnus of Harvard
Business School, USA. He is an Honorary Fellow of The Institution of Electronics and
Telecommunication Engineers

Manoj Kohli Directors
CEO (International) & Joint MD – Bharti Airtel Ltd.

Manoj Kohli is the CEO (International) & Joint MD, Bharti Airtel. He heads the International
Business Group. He is a Director on the Board of Bharti Airtel. Prior to becoming CEO
(International) & Joint MD, Manoj held multiple roles as CEO & Joint MD, President & CEO,
Head of Mobile Services business at Bharti Airtel.

Manoj started his career in 1979 with DCM Ltd., where he initially led the HR function,
followed by leadership positions in the Foods, Chemicals and Fertilizer businesses and
assignments in Engineering projects, including Shriram Honda. He left as Vice President,
responsible for the Air Conditioning & Refrigeration business unit (now known as Tecumseh
& Daikin) after a total stint of 16 years. He subsequently worked at AlliedSignal/Honeywell,
where he was Executive Director in charge of its new Industrial Park and operations in

Manoj joined Escotel, which he led for over 5 years as Executive Director and CEO, before
coming on board at Bharti Airtel.

Manoj is the Chairman – Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) National Committee on

Telecom & Broadband. He was member of the Board of GSMA in 2008. He has been the
Chairman of Cellular Operators Association of India (COAI). He was adjudged “Telecom
Man of the Year” and “Telecom Person of the Year” by Media Transasia and Voice & Data
respectively. He is a member of the Academic Council of the Faculty of Management
Studies and has been awarded the “Best Alumni Award” by SRCC, Delhi University.

Manoj holds degrees in Commerce, Law and MBA from Delhi University. Manoj also
attended the “Executive Business Program” at the Michigan Business School and the
“Advanced Management Program” at the Wharton Business School

Sanjay Kapoor Directors

Chief Executive Officer – Bharti Airtel Ltd. (India & South Asia)

Sanjay Kapoor has over 25 years of experience, of which 12 years have been in the
telecommunications sector.

Sanjay joined the Bharti group in 1998 and has since held a number of senior management
positions across the Mobile Services arena. He started off in Delhi, and moved on to
become the principal architect of the company’s operations in western India, leading one of
the largest telecom projects in the history of telecommunications in the country. After
successfully rolling out and launching the new operations, Sanjay was asked to take on the
role of Group Director – Corporate Strategy and Planning, covering all telecom activities of
Bharti Tele-Ventures Ltd. He created a strategic blueprint for the telecom group and
managed its early deployment before accepting the position of President & CEO of
TeleTech Services (India) Ltd. in 2003. In his tenure with TeleTech India, Sanjay
established the company as a recognized player in the country's burgeoning ITES-BPO
landscape. Early in March 2006, Sanjay was made responsible for managing the growth of
the largest mobile services company in India, in the capacity of President of Bharti Airtel’s
Mobile Services. During this tenure, the mobile business scaled newer heights over a
period of 36 months and has now attained over 137 million mobile customers.

In mid-March 2009, Sanjay was elevated to the role of Deputy CEO, Bharti Airtel Ltd and
was asked to lead all the consumer oriented businesses. In this role, he was responsible for
the Mobile, Telemedia and DTH businesses at Bharti Airtel Limited.

In a year’s time by March’10 Sanjay was appointed the CEO, Bharti Airtel Ltd (India and
South Asia). In his current role, he has the end-to-end responsibility of leading India and
South Asia businesses of Bharti Airtel to drive growth and business synergies in Mobile
Services, Telemedia Services, Enterprise Services and DTH services – the Four distinct
BUs of Bharti Airtel.

Prior to joining the Bharti Group, Sanjay worked with Xerox India as Director - Operations
Support. He spent 14 years with the global document management company, handling a
range of key portfolios, ranging from Sales & Marketing to General Management functions.

Sanjay commenced his professional career in 1983 as an executive trainee with Jay
Engineering Works Ltd., India’s largest manufacturers of fans and sewing machines.

For more than 12 years, he has played an active role in various industry forums like CII and
NASSCOM. He currently serves as a Board member of GSMA and Chairman of the Cellular
Operators Association of India (COAI). Recently Sanjay was invited to Chair the CII national
Committee on Telecom and Broadband.

Sanjay holds a Bachelor’s degree in Commerce (Hons) from Delhi University, an MBA from
Cranfield School of Management (UK) and is a Graduate of The Wharton Advanced
Management Program.

Atul Bindal Directors

President - MobileServices

Atul Bindal is President, Mobile Services of Bharti Airtel Ltd. He is a member on the Airtel Management Board
(AMB), and chairs the Mobile Management Board (MMB).

Prior to this, Atul Bindal was President, Telemedia Services. In his previous roles, Atul has served as Executive
Director South for the Mobility business, and before that as Group Chief Marketing Officer and Director Mobility.

Atul is a Mechanical Engineer from Delhi University, and a Post Graduate in Management from the Indian Institute
of Management Calcutta. Before moving to Bharti, Atul was Commercial Director, Asia Pacific with DHL at
Singapore with executive responsibilities for Sales, Marketing, Customer Service, Pricing and E Commerce for the
US$1.5Bln region.

Previously, Atul served with AlliedSignal/Honeywell for almost seven years across India, Asia Pacific and USA in
various operating and functional roles. He was VP & GM Asia, Middle East and Africa for the Power Systems
Business when he left Honeywell. Earlier, Atul has worked in various leadership roles in Marketing, Sales and
General Management with American Express, Lipton and Shell

K Srinivas Directors

K Srinivas

K Srinivas is a Mechanical Engineering graduate and a PGDM from IIM Bangalore (1987).

Srini joined Bharti Airtel in Nov’02 and as a CEO, led the operations of mobile services in Andhra Pradesh and
Delhi. During this period, he led Airtel to a leadership position in Andhra Pradesh and laid out a strategic blue print
for significantly scaled up operations. In Mar’06, he moved as the Executive Director for Mobile Services for the
Eastern Hub comprising of the newly rolled out operations of West Bengal, Orissa, Bihar and North East. During
this tenure, Srini helped Airtel achieve a huge scale and led the brand to a dominant leadership position,
overtaking all key competitors. In Jun’08, his portfolio was expanded to include the operations of Gujarat and
Maharashtra & Goa. Simultaneously, he led the launch of Airtel’s first 100% venture overseas by successfully
translating the unique business model of Airtel beyond the shores of the country. He is currently the President of
Bharti Airtel’s Telemedia business and is a member of the Airtel Management Board.

Of his 22 years of rich working experience, Srini spent his early years in Britannia Industries Limited, then a
subsidiary of Nabisco, and Hindustan Lever Limited (HLL) a subsidiary of Unilever. During these years, he worked
in various sales, marketing and business development roles across different profit centers. His last assignment in
Hindustan Lever was that of a Business Manager-New Ventures, where he was responsible for developing a new
rural business model for HLL using micro credit and micro financing thro’ banks.

Srini is married to Renu and has two daughters, Shreya & Shruti

Awards and Recognitions Year

For the Year 2010 - 2011

Airtel has won the ‘Most Preferred Cellular Service Provider Brand’ award at the CNBC
Awaaz Consumer Awards in Mumbai. This is 6th year in a row that Airtel has won the award in
this category. This year, the awards were based on an exhaustive consumer survey done by The
Nielsen Company. Over 3,000 consumers, spanning 19 cities and 16 states in India, rated
brands across different categories to choose brands which delivered true value for money.

Bharti Airtel has received the prestigious Businessworld-FICCI-SEDF Corporate Social

Responsibility Awards 2009-2010. The FICCI Socio Economic Development Foundation
(FICCI-SEDF) and Businessworld CSR award was instituted in 1999 to recognize exemplary
responsible business practices by the Indian Industry.


Quarterly Results

The periods for the quarterly results are demarcated into

four quarters in a particular year.
Bharti Airtel announces its first
The individual quarters are a cumulative sum of the months quarter results ended June 30,
as described - 2010 on August 11, 2010.
Quarter 4 (January,February,
Quarter 3 (October,November,
Quarter 2 (July,August,September)
Quarter 1 (April,May,June)

Annual Results

The period for the annual results is April 01 to March 31 every year.
View the Annual Report (IGAAP) for the financial year FY2008-2009
View the audited consolidated financial statements as per US GAAP for year ended March 31,

Corporate Governance

Bharti Airtel Limited firmly believes in the principles of Corporate Governance and is committed to conduct its
business in a manner, which will ensure sustainable, capital-efficient and long-term growth thereby maximising value
for its shareholders, customers, employees and society at large. Company’s policies are in line with Corporate
Governance guidelines prescribed under Listing Agreement/s with Stock Exchanges and the Company ensures that
various disclosures requirements are complied in ‘letter and spirit’ for effective Corporate Governance.

During the financial year 2003-04, your Company was assigned highest Governance and Value Creation (GVC)
rating viz. ‘Level 1’ rating by CRISIL, which indicates that the company’s capability with respect to creating wealth for
all its stakeholders is the highest, while adopting sound Corporate Governance practices.This rating was re-affirmed
by CRISIL on April 20,2006.
» Board of Directors
» Audit Committee</SPAN< a>

» Human Resource (HR)/ Remuneration Committee

» ESOP Compensation Committee
» Investor Grievance Committee
» Memorandum of Association
» Article of Association
» Code Of Conduct

Board of Directors
The board of directors of the Company has an optimum mix of executive and non-executive directors, which
consists of one executive and thirteen non-executive directors.The Chairman and Managing Director, Mr.
Sunil Bharti Mittal, is an Executive Director and the number of Independent Directors on the Board is 50% of
the total board strength. The independence of a director is determined on the basis that such director does
not have any material pecuniary relationship with the Company, its promoters or its management, which may
affect the independence of the judgment of a Director. The board members possess requisite skills,
experience and expertise required to take decisions, which are in the best interest of the Company.

The composition of the Board is as under:

» Sunil Bharti Mittal
» Rajan Bharti Mittal
» Akhil Gupta
» Rakesh Bharti Mittal
» Chua Sock Koong
» N. Kumar
» Craig Ehrlich
» Pulak Chandan Prasad
» Ajay Lal
» Arun Bharat Ram
» Lim Chuan Poh
» Tan Yong Choo
» Nikesh Arora
» Manoj Kohli

» Code of Conduct applicable to Directors

Audit Committee
Composition of Audit Committee

The Audit Committee of Bharti Airtel Limited comprises of following six members, two-third of which are
independent directors.
S. No. Member Director Category

1. N.Kumar (Chairman) Independent Director

2. Rakesh Bharti Mittal Non-Executive Director

3. Arun Bharat Ram Independent Director

4. Ajay Lal Independent Director

5. Pulak Chandan Prasad Independent Director

6. Tan Yong Choo Non-Executive Director


• The Company Secretary or his/her nominee act as the Secretary of the Committee.

• The Committee shall meet at least four times a year. The time gap between any two meetings shall be
less than 4 months.

Annual General Meeting

• The Committee Chairman shall attend the Annual General Meeting.

Key Functions

The key functions of the Audit Committee include the following:

• Oversight of the Company’s financial reporting process and the disclosure of its financial information, to
ensure that the financial statements are true and accurate and provide sufficient information.
• Recommending to the Board, the appointment, re-appointment and, if required, the replacement or
removal of the statutory auditor and the fixation of their audit fees.
• Approval of payment to statutory auditors for any other services rendered by the statutory auditors.
• Reviewing, with the management, the annual financial statements before submission to the Board for
approval, with particular reference to:

i. Matters required to be included in the Director’s Responsibility Statement, which forms part of the
Board’s report in terms of clause (2AA) of section 217 of the Companies Act, 1956.
ii. Changes, if any, in accounting policies and practices and reasons for the same.
iii. Major accounting entries involving estimates based on the exercise of judgment by management.
iv. Significant adjustments made in the financial statements arising out of audit findings.
v. Compliance with listing and other legal requirements relating to financial statements.
vi. Disclosure of any related party transactions.
vii. Qualifications in the draft audit report.

• Reviewing, with the management, the quarterly financial statements before submission to the Board for
• Reviewing, with the management, performance of statutory and internal auditors, adequacy of the
internal control systems.
• Reviewing the adequacy of internal audit function including the structure of the internal audit department,
staffing and seniority of the official heading the department, availability and deployment of resources to
complete their responsibilities and the performance of the out-sourced audit activity.
• Discussion with internal auditors with respect to the coverage and frequency of internal audits as per the
annual audit plan, nature of significant findings and follow up thereof.
• Reviewing the findings of any internal investigations by the internal auditors into matters where there is
suspected fraud or irregularity or a failure of internal control systems of a material nature and reporting
the matter to the Board.
• Obtaining an update on the Risks Management Framework and the manner in which risks are being
• Discussion with statutory auditors before the audit commences, about the nature and scope of audit as
well as post-audit discussion to ascertain any area of concern.
• Review the reasons for substantial defaults in the payment to the depositors, debenture holders,
shareholders (in case of non payment of declared dividends) and creditors, if any.
• To review the functioning of the Whistle Blower mechanism and the nature of complaints received by the
• Carrying out any other function as is mentioned in the terms of reference of the Audit Committee.

The un-audited/ audited quarterly financial results of the Company are also specifically reviewed by the Audit
Committee before these are submitted to the Board for approval. Minutes of each Audit Committee meeting are
placed before the Board for noting.
The Audit Committee is empowered, pursuant to its terms of reference, to:

• Investigate any activity within its terms of reference and to seek any information it requires from any
• Obtain legal or other independent professional advice and to secure the attendance of outsiders with
relevant experience and expertise, when considered necessary.

Bharti Airtel Limited has instituted internal processes and systems to insure that the Audit Committee has access
to all the material information, and reviews on a regular basis the following:

• Management discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations.

• Statement of significant related party transactions (as defined by the audit committee), submitted by
• Management Certificates on Internal Controls and Compliance with laws & regulations, including any
exceptions to these.
• Management letters / letters of internal control weaknesses issued by the statutory auditors.
• Internal audit reports relating to internal control weaknesses.
• The appointment, removal and terms of remuneration of the Chief Internal Auditor.
• The financial statements, in particular the investments, if any made by the unlisted subsidiary

The Audit Committee is also presented with the following information on related party transactions (whenever

• A statement in summary form of transactions with related parties in the ordinary course of business.
• Details of material transactions with related parties, which are not in the normal course of business.
• Details of material transactions with related parties or others, which are not on an arm’s length basis
along with management’s justification for the same.


The Committee may invite other Directors/ Officers of the Company to attend the meetings of the Committee as
‘Invitees’ from time to time, as and when required.
Minutes of the Audit Committee are placed before the Board in its subsequent meeting.

Human Resource (HR)/ Remuneration Committee


In compliance with the non- mandatory requirements of Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement, Bharti Airtel has
constituted a Remuneration Committee (which is known as HR Committee). The HR Committee comprises of
following six non-executive directors, out of which four members including the chairman of the committee are
independent directors.
S. No. Member Director Category

Mr. Craig Ehrlich (Chairman) Independent Non-Executive Director

Mr. Rajan Bharti Mittal Non-Executive Director
Mr. Nikesh Arora Independent Non-Executive Director
Mr. Lim Chuan Poh Non-Executive Director


• The Company Secretary or his/her nominee act as the Secretary of the Committee.

Key Functions

The key functions of the HR Committee includes the followings:

• Attraction and Retention strategies for employees.

• Employees Development Strategies.
• Compensation (including salaries and salary adjustments, incentives/benefits bonuses, stock options)
and performance targets for the Chairman and Managing Director (CMD) and Joint Managing Directors
(JMDs) Executive Directors.
• All Human Resources related issue.
• Other key issues / matters as may be referred by the Board or as may be necessary in view of Clause
49 of the Listing Agreement or any statutory provisions.


The Committee may invite other Directors/ Officers of the Company to attend the meetings of the HR Committee
as ‘Invitees’ from time to time, as and when required.

Minutes of the HR Committee are placed before the Board in its subsequent meeting

ESOP Compensation Committee

Composition of ESOP Compensation Committee
The ESOP Compensation Committee of the Board is constituted in accordance with SEBI (Employee Stock
Option Scheme and Employee Stock Purchase Scheme) Guidelines, 1999. The Committee comprises of following
six members of whom four are independent and all are non-executive.
S. No. Member Director Category

1. Mr. Rajan Bharti Mittal (Chairman) Non-Executive Director

Mr. Craig Ehrlich Independent Non-Executive Director

3. Mr. Nikesh Arora Independent Non-Executive Director

Mr. Lim Chuan Poh Non-Executive Director


• The Company Secretary or his/her nominee act as the Secretary of the Committee.
Key Responsibilities

The key responsibilities of the ESOP Compensation Committee include the following:

• To formulate ESOP plans and decide on future grants.

• To formulate terms and conditions on followings under the present two Employee Stock Option
Schemes of the Company

i. the quantum of option to be granted under ESOP Scheme(s) per employee and in aggregate;
ii. the conditions under which option vested in employees may lapse in case of termination of employment
for misconduct;
iii. the exercise period within which the employee should exercise the option and that option would lapse on
failure to exercise the option within the exercise period;
iv. the specified time period within which the employee shall exercise the vested options in the event of
termination or resignation of an employee;
v. the right of an employee to exercise all the options vested in him at one time or at various points of time
within the exercise period;
vi. the procedure for making a fair and reasonable adjustment to the number of options and to the exercise
price in case of rights issues, bonus issues and other corporate actions;
vii. the grant, vest and exercise of option in case of employees who are on long leave; and
viii. the procedure for cashless exercise of options.
ix. Any other matter, which may be relevant for administration of ESOP Schemes from time to time

• To frame suitable policies and systems to ensure that there is no violation of Securities and Exchange
Board of India (Insider Trading) Regulations, 1992 and Securities and Exchange Board of India
(Prohibition of Fraudulent and Unfair Trade Practices relating to the Securities Market) Regulations,

• Other key issues as may be referred by the board.

Other Terms

• The Committee may invite other directors/ officers of the company to attend the meetings of the
Committee as ‘Invitees’ from time to time as and when required.

• Minutes of the meeting of the committee are placed before the board of directors in the subsequent
board meeting.

Investor Grievance Committee

Composition of Investor Grievance Committee
The Investor Grievance Committee of the Board is constituted in accordance with Clause 49 of the Listing
Agreement. The Committee comprises of following four members of whom three members including the
Chairman, are non-executive directors.
S. No. Member Director Category

1. Mr. Akhil Gupta(Chairman) Non-Executive Director

2. Mr. Manoj Kohli CEO & Joint Managing Director

3. Mr. Rajan Bharti Mittal Non-Executive Director

4. Mr. Rakesh Bharti Mittal Non-Executive Director

• The Company Secretary or his/her nominee act as the Secretary of the Committee.

Key Responsibilities

The key Responsibilities of the Investor Grievence Committeee includes the following:

• Formulation of procedures in line with the statutory guidelines to ensure speedy disposal of various
requests received from shareholders from time to time;
• Redressal of shareholders and investor complaints/ grievances e.g. transfer of shares, non receipt of
balance sheet, non receipt of declared dividend etc.;
• To approve, register, refuse to register transfer / transmission of shares and other securities ;
• To sub-divide, consolidate and / or replace any share or other securities certificate(s) of the Company;
• To authorise affixation of common seal of the Company;
• To issue duplicate share other security(ies) certificate(s) in lieu of the original share / security(ies)
certificate(s) of the Company;
• To approve the transmission of shares or other securities arising as a result of death of the sole/ any one
joint shareholder;
• To dematerialize or rematerialize the issued shares;
• To further delegate all or any of the power to any other employee(s), officer(s), representative(s),
consultant(s), professional(s), or agent(s)


• The meetings of the Committee are genrally held on a monthly basis, to review and ensure that all
investor grievances are redressed within a period of 7-10 days from the date of receipt of complaint.
These, however, do not include complaints/requests, which are constrained by legal
impediments/procedural issues.

Other Terms

• The Committee may invite other Directors/ Officers of the Company to attend the meetings of the
Compensation Committee as ‘Invitees’ from time to time as and when required.

• Minutes of the Investor Grievance Committee are placed before the Board in its subsequent meeting

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