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Version 16
Information in this document is subject to change without notice. The OnBase® Information
Management System software (the "Software") described in this document is furnished only under a
separate license agreement and may be used or copied only according to the terms of such
agreement. It is against the law to copy the Software except as specifically allowed in the license
agreement. This document or accompanying materials contains certain information which is
confidential information of Hyland Software, Inc. and which is subject to the confidentiality provisions
agreed to by you.
All data, names, and formats used in this document’s examples are fictitious unless noted otherwise.
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a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording, or otherwise), or for any purpose, without the express written permission of
Hyland Software, Inc.
2016 Hyland Software, Inc. All rights reserved.
Depending on the modules licensed, the OnBase® Information Management System software may
include software developed and copyrighted by third parties, including but not limited to the
A2iA CheckReader™ by A2iA Corp;
Adobe® PDF Library™ by Adobe Systems Incorporated;
dtSearch® Text Retrieval Engine by dtSearch Corp.;
software or other content adapted from Smart Client – Composite UI Application Block by Microsoft
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software or other content adapted from Microsoft patterns & practices ObjectBuilder © 2006 Microsoft
Nuance™ OCR © 1994-2012 Nuance Communications;
portions of imaging code owned and copyrighted by Pegasus Imaging Corporation, Tampa, FL;
Imaging Technology copyrighted by Snowbound Software Corporation,;
CD-R technology by Sonic Solutions, Inc.;
full-text indexing technology by Autonomy;
IDSMail © 2005 by Intuitive Data Solutions;
jLex Copyright 1996-2003 by Elliot Joel Berk and C. Scott Ananian;
Rumba by NetManage;
AutoVue by Oracle America, Inc.
Streaming Powered by Wowza Streaming software
All rights reserved.
Further information regarding third-party software included in the OnBase Information Management
System software can be found in the About box within the Software.
Hyland, Hyland Software®, OnBase®, Application Enabler, and Where Your Information Finds You are
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All other trademarks, service marks, trade names and products of other companies are the property
of their respective owners.

Document Name ..................................................................................... Workflow

Department/Group .......................................................................... Documentation
Revision Number ............................................................................................. 16

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
©2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
© 2016 Hyland Software, Inc.

In the following module reference guide (MRG), we provide a great deal of information. If
you are unfamiliar with our MRGs, take a few moments to review the content below so you
can more quickly and efficiently locate the information you need.

Note: The content in this MRG is considered module-specific. Therefore, you may be
referred to another MRG if a referenced function is not specific to this module.

The MRG is a PDF document containing all available instructions for a module. It includes
the following chapters, which contain task-oriented sections:
• Exposure - Provides introductory information and license requirements.
• Usage - Provides instructions on user-facing functionality.
• Configuration - Provides instructions on administrative tasks and functions.
• Installation - Provides instructions on installation procedures and information on
system requirements.

Tip: It is considered a best practice to read through an entire stepped process before
attempting to complete any of its steps. Pay close attention to notes, tips, and cautions,
which can help you better understand the entire process and discover any prerequisites you
may not have completed.

We use notes, tips, and cautions in the documentation as a way to draw your attention to
supplemental information.

Note: A note describes clarifying information or behavior you might not expect.

Tip: A tip describes extra, non-crucial information, such as a shortcut, reminder, or use for
a feature you might not think of.

Caution: Cautions are designed to help protect the system from data loss or other severe
issues that may arise when an instruction is not followed properly.

When using the MRG, consider the following:

• You can jump to any chapter or section contained in the MRG by clicking its entry
in the Table of Contents.
• The title bars of dialog boxes and the names of options in the software are
displayed as bold text in the documentation. If you are searching for information
on a named option or dialog box, search for that text in the documentation.
The following search instructions pertain to viewing an MRG in Adobe Reader or Adobe
Acrobat. Some of the information may not apply to other PDF readers.
Basic search: Press Ctrl + F. Enter the word or phrase you are looking for in the search box
and press Enter to locate each instance.

©2016 Hyland Software, Inc.

Advanced search: Press Ctrl + Shift + F. From the Search dialog box, enter the word or
phrase you are looking for and select one of the following options:
• In the current document - Searches the document you are viewing.
• All PDF Documents in - Searches a selected folder or directory. If you are unsure of
which MRG to search, try searching the folder your MRGs are located in to display
all results for the word or phrase.

Advanced search results are displayed in a list, along with some context (e.g., page
numbers and some of the text surrounding each instance).
Cross-references: Cross-references are links to related information or additional instructions
you may need to complete a task. Though they appear the same as normal text, they jump
to referenced sections when clicked. A page or step number typically indicates a cross-

Tip: To return to the page you were viewing before following a cross-reference, press Alt +
Left Arrow until the desired page is displayed.

© 2016 Hyland Software, Inc.

Workflow Table of Contents


Overview .........................................................................................................1
Applications .....................................................................................................1
Medical Insurance Payment Processing ........................................................................ 1
Accounts Payable...................................................................................................... 1
Proof of Delivery Audit............................................................................................... 2
Loan Processing........................................................................................................ 2
Electronic Forms ....................................................................................................... 3
Licensing .........................................................................................................3
Workflow Licensing ................................................................................................... 3
The Information Management Concurrent Client License ................................................ 4
Combined Workflow/WorkView Licensing ..................................................................... 4
How Combined Licensing Works ............................................................................ 4
Workstation Registration............................................................................................ 5


Workflow Document Security ..........................................................................7
Administrative Tasks .......................................................................................7
Register the Workstation ........................................................................................... 8
Clearing Excess Registrations ............................................................................. 11
Workstation Cleanup ............................................................................................... 11
View Current Users ................................................................................................. 11
Clean Up ......................................................................................................... 12
Workflow Inbox Windows..............................................................................12
Workflow Client Life Cycle View ................................................................................ 14
Tree View ........................................................................................................ 15
Graphic View .................................................................................................... 16
Workflow Client Documents Window.......................................................................... 16
Display Columns in Single Queues ....................................................................... 20
Show Combined View ........................................................................................ 20
Workflow Client User Interaction Window ................................................................... 21
Workflow Client Work Folder Window......................................................................... 22
Workflow Client Document Viewer............................................................................. 24
Terminal Session .................................................................................................... 24
Client Menu for Workflow Application ......................................................................... 25
Changing the Default Rotation of Pages ..................................................................... 26
Restoring the Default Layout .................................................................................... 26
Using the Client Toolbar in Workflow ......................................................................... 26
Classic User Interface....................................................................................27
Changing the Layout of the Inbox Windows ................................................................ 27

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Table of Contents Workflow

Right-Click Menu .............................................................................................. 28

Click and Drag Window Positioning ...................................................................... 29
Document Count Displayed ...................................................................................... 30
Core-Based User Interface.............................................................................30
Changing the Layout of the Inbox Windows ................................................................ 31
Right-Click Menu .............................................................................................. 31
Click and Drag Window Positioning ...................................................................... 32
Pinning ............................................................................................................ 33
Viewing Document Results ....................................................................................... 33
Workflow Approval Management in the Core-Based Interface........................................ 34
Viewing Approval Queues ................................................................................... 34
Show Documents for All Approvers ...................................................................... 34
Work Folder Sorting ................................................................................................ 34
Filters in Combined View.......................................................................................... 34
Shortcut Keys ................................................................................................35
Workflow Toolbar ..........................................................................................36
Processing Documents...................................................................................38
System Work ......................................................................................................... 39
User Work ............................................................................................................. 39
Timer Work............................................................................................................ 39
Automatic Timer Execution ................................................................................. 39
Manual Timer Execution ..................................................................................... 39
Ad hoc Task Work ................................................................................................... 40
Executing Ad hoc Tasks on Related Documents ..................................................... 40
Tasks Bar .............................................................................................................. 40
Locating Documents in a Life Cycle................................................................40
Document Search Results List .................................................................................. 41
List Contents Report................................................................................................ 41
Viewing Documents Assigned to Other Users in a Load Balancing Queue ......42
Moving Documents within a Load Balancing Queue .......................................43
Reassigning Documents for Match Keyword to User Name Queues................................. 45
Administrating Ownership .............................................................................47
Entering Documents into a Workflow.............................................................48
Input Processors..................................................................................................... 49
Importing Documents.............................................................................................. 49
Creating New Documents......................................................................................... 49
Manual Entry.......................................................................................................... 50
Forms Processing.................................................................................................... 51
Document Retention ............................................................................................... 52
Host Emulation....................................................................................................... 52
Remote Entry/Internet ............................................................................................ 52
Notifications ..................................................................................................... 52
Supporting Documents in Workflow ........................................................................... 52
Re-Indexing Documents in Workflow ......................................................................... 52

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow Table of Contents

Interaction with E-Forms in Workflow ........................................................................ 53

Keyword Validation in OnBase ............................................................................ 53
Workflow Document History ..........................................................................53
Workflow Queues.................................................................................................... 53
Workflow Transactions ............................................................................................ 54
Filtering Workflow Tabs ........................................................................................... 54
Generating a Document History Report ................................................................ 55
Workstation Options for Workflow ................................................................55
Workflow Display Options ........................................................................................ 56
Workflow Server Queues ......................................................................................... 60
Workflow System Monitor..............................................................................61
Workflow Log ................................................................................................61
Purge .................................................................................................................... 61
Restricted Purge ..................................................................................................... 62

Workflow Document Security ........................................................................63
Opening Workflow Using the Desktop............................................................63
Workflow Windows........................................................................................64
Arranging Windows ................................................................................................. 64
Click and Drag Window Positioning ...................................................................... 64
Pinning ............................................................................................................ 64
Life Cycle View Window ........................................................................................... 65
Workflow Approval Management: Viewing Approval Queues .................................... 66
Documents Window ................................................................................................ 67
Work Folder Window ............................................................................................... 67
User Interaction Window.......................................................................................... 67
Tasks Window ........................................................................................................ 68
Status Bar ............................................................................................................. 68
Opening Queues ............................................................................................68
Filtering the Documents Window ...................................................................68
Selecting Filters...................................................................................................... 69
Persistent Filter ...................................................................................................... 69
Display Columns in Single Queues............................................................................. 69
Viewing Documents Assigned to Other Users in Load-Balanced Queues ........70
Show All Documents ......................................................................................70
Using Filters with Show All Documents ................................................................. 71
Load Balancing Administration ......................................................................71
Refreshing Windows ......................................................................................74
Documents and Work Folder Windows Toolbar ..............................................74
Determining What Queues a Document Is In.................................................75
Combined View Settings ................................................................................75
Filters in Combined View.......................................................................................... 76

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Table of Contents Workflow

Beginning User Work .....................................................................................77

Entering Documents into Workflow ...............................................................77
Importing Documents.............................................................................................. 78
Creating New Documents......................................................................................... 78
Re-Indexing Documents .......................................................................................... 78
Interaction with E-Forms in Workflow ........................................................................ 78
Keyword Validation in OnBase ............................................................................ 79
Workflow Options ..........................................................................................79
Document Workflow History ..........................................................................81
Workflow Queues.................................................................................................... 81
Workflow Transactions ............................................................................................ 81
Filtering Workflow Tabs ........................................................................................... 82
Entering Documents into a Workflow.............................................................83
Closing Workflow...........................................................................................83

Workflow Document Security ........................................................................85
Accessing the Workflow Screen .....................................................................85
Opening Workflow From Documents..............................................................86
Defining the Layout .......................................................................................87
Resizing and Pinning the Workflow Window ..................................................87
Restoring the Workflow Window to the Default Settings ...............................87
Adding Documents to Workflow.....................................................................88
Life Cycle View Tab ........................................................................................88
Adding Life Cycles and Queues to Favorites ................................................................ 89
Workflow Approval Management: Viewing Approval Queues .........................90
Filtering .........................................................................................................90
Refreshing Queue Counts ..............................................................................92
Process Flow..................................................................................................92
Inbox Tab ......................................................................................................93
Show All Documents ......................................................................................95
Show All Documents in an Approval Queue................................................................. 96
Workflow Settings .........................................................................................97
Disabling the Combined Inbox .......................................................................98
Show Combined View ....................................................................................98
Filters in Combined View.......................................................................................... 98
Create List Report..........................................................................................99
Create List Report Options ................................................................................101
Ownership ...................................................................................................102
Workflow History.........................................................................................102
Workflow Queues...................................................................................................102
Workflow Transactions ...........................................................................................103

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow Table of Contents

Work Folder Tab ..........................................................................................104

Configuring the Second Pane to Display by Default .....................................................106
Portfolios ..............................................................................................................107
Templates ............................................................................................................107
Filters ..................................................................................................................108
Document Viewer ........................................................................................108
User Interaction Tab....................................................................................108
Performing Ad Hoc Tasks.............................................................................109
Performing Ad Hoc Tasks on Related Documents ........................................................110
Entering Documents into a Workflow...........................................................110
Importing Documents.............................................................................................110
Creating New Documents........................................................................................111
Re-Indexing Documents .........................................................................................111
Running System Tasks.................................................................................111
Viewing Documents of Other Users..............................................................112
Queue Administration ..................................................................................114
Reassign Items .....................................................................................................117
Rebalance Items....................................................................................................118
Change Ownership.................................................................................................118
Returning to the Web Client Main Window...................................................119
Understanding Auto-Feed Locks ..................................................................119
Allowing Users to Override the Auto-Feed Documents Setting ......................................119
Closing the Application While a Task is Executing........................................120
Closing the Workflow Window..................................................................................120
Closing the Web Client ...........................................................................................120
Shortcut Keys ..............................................................................................120
E-Form Interaction ......................................................................................121
Interaction with E-Forms in Workflow .......................................................................121
Keyword Validation in OnBase ...........................................................................122
Workflow Trace ...........................................................................................122

Workflow Security .......................................................................................123
Opening the Unity Workflow Interface ........................................................124
Viewing Life Cycles and Queues...................................................................124
Searching for Life Cycles and Queues .......................................................................125
Refreshing a Life Cycle or Queue..............................................................................125
Add a Queue to a Personal Page ..............................................................................126
Creating a List Report.............................................................................................126
Workflow Approval Management: Viewing Approval Queues.........................................126
Process Flow .........................................................................................................127
Viewing an Item in a Queue.........................................................................128
Filtering the Inbox .................................................................................................130

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Table of Contents Workflow

Display Columns in Single Queues ......................................................................131

Manually Route Item ..............................................................................................131
Re-Index Documents..............................................................................................132
Ownership ............................................................................................................132
Execute Script Task ...............................................................................................132
Override Auto-Feed................................................................................................132
Executing Ad Hoc Tasks ...............................................................................133
User Interaction ....................................................................................................133
Executing Ad Hoc Tasks on Multiple Items.................................................................133
Sending Links to Life Cycles and Queues .....................................................134
E-Mailing Links to Life Cycles and Queues .................................................................134
E-Mailing Links to Documents ..................................................................................135
Creating Desktop Shortcuts to Life Cycles and Queues ................................................135
Combined Inbox Settings.............................................................................135
Filters in the Combined Inbox ..................................................................................137
Working With Related Items........................................................................139
Portfolios ..............................................................................................................140
Executing Ad Hoc Tasks on Related Items .................................................................140
Interaction with E-Forms in Workflow .........................................................141
Queue Administration ..................................................................................141
Rebalance Queues .................................................................................................143
Rebalance Items ..............................................................................................143
Reassign Items .....................................................................................................143
Change Owners .....................................................................................................144
Filtering Load Balanced Members .............................................................................145
Performing System Work ........................................................................................147
Executing Timer Work ............................................................................................147
Manually Evaluating Documents...............................................................................147
Viewing Items in Load-Balanced Queues ...................................................................147
View the Inbox of Another User .........................................................................148
Determining What Queues an Item Is In .....................................................149
Changing the Workflow Layout ....................................................................151
Arranging Panes ....................................................................................................152
Click and Drag Pane Positioning .........................................................................153
Pinning ...........................................................................................................154
Primary Viewer and Secondary Viewer Tabs ........................................................155
Managing User Group Layouts .................................................................................155
Reordering Tasks in the Workflow Ribbon..................................................................158
Workflow User Options ................................................................................160
General Options ....................................................................................................161
Layout Options ......................................................................................................162
Workflow Startup Display Options ............................................................................163
Persistent Workflow Filters ......................................................................................164
Document Workflow History ........................................................................164

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow Table of Contents

Workflow Queues...................................................................................................165
Workflow Transactions ...........................................................................................165
Performing Tasks and Accessing Related Items Outside of Workflow..........165
Entering Items into a Workflow ...................................................................166
Running System Tasks.................................................................................168
Developer Tab .............................................................................................168
Editing Keyword and Property Values at Debug Breakpoints.........................................170
Editing Keyword Values ....................................................................................172
Editing Property Values .....................................................................................172
Editing Collection Properties ..............................................................................172
Adding Property Bag Entries ..............................................................................173
Deleting Property Bag Entries ............................................................................174
Close the Workflow Layout ..........................................................................174


Administration .............................................................................................177
Locks ...................................................................................................................177
Lock Configuration ...........................................................................................177
Adding and Removing a Document Type in a Workflow ...............................................179
Adding ...........................................................................................................179
Verification Reports .....................................................................................179
Removing a Document Type ..............................................................................179
Configuring Related Documents .........................................................................179
Relating Documents by Document Handle with Folders .....................................180
User Group Configuration for Workflow .....................................................................181
Copying Workflow Settings for User Groups .........................................................182
Service Accounts .............................................................................................183
Configure Life Cycles ........................................................................................183
Granting a User Rights to Configure All Life Cycles ......................................183
Configure custom queries, VB scripts, folder and notes .........................................183
Assign or revoke rights to Custom Queries .....................................................183
Gain access to the Workflow inbox and workstation options ..............................184
To gain access to the Workflow inbox, but deny the right to the Execute Workflow right-
click menu outside of Workflow ..........................................................................184
Change viewing privileges to life cycles and queues in the Workflow inbox ...............184
Assign or revoke life Cycle privileges .............................................................184
Change privileges to Ad Hoc Tasks, Web/API Tasks and System Tasks ....................185
Assign or revoke privileges to Ad hoc Tasks ....................................................185
Assign Web/API Tasks to a User Group: .........................................................185
Assign or revoke privileges to System Tasks ...................................................185
Assign/revoke System Tasks to/from Document Types .....................................186
Grant Administrative Processing Privileges ..........................................................186
Granting Workflow Log Purging Privileges ............................................................186
Configuration Rights...............................................................................................186

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Table of Contents Workflow

Importing Life Cycles .............................................................................................187

Importing New Data .........................................................................................188
Resuming Saved Session ..................................................................................189
Conflict Resolution ...........................................................................................190
Understanding Conflicts ...............................................................................192
Life Cycle Conflicts ...........................................................................................192
Queue Conflicts ...............................................................................................193
Naming Conflicts Dialog Box ..............................................................................195
Resolving Document Type Conflicts ....................................................................196
Resolving User Form Conflicts ............................................................................197
Resolving Other Conflicts ..................................................................................198
Retesting Conflicts ...........................................................................................202
Custom Query Resolution ..................................................................................203
Creating Reports ..............................................................................................203
Saving Sessions ..............................................................................................204
Resolutions from File ........................................................................................204
Orphaned Documents .......................................................................................205
Post Import Activities .......................................................................................206
Specifying the OnBase Client Interface Type..............................................................207
Configuring the Server for Use with the Core-Based OnBase Client Interface ............207
Setting Workflow to Initiate Upon Import ..................................................................208
Setting Workflow to Initiate Upon Re-indexing ...........................................................208
Disabling the Autofill Prompt for the Re-Index Document Action ...................................209
Managing Timers ...................................................................................................209
Keyword Locking in Workflow ..................................................................................210
Workflow Doctor ....................................................................................................210
Report Issues ..................................................................................................211
Fix System Errors ............................................................................................215
System Interaction ......................................................................................216
Database ..............................................................................................................216
Security ...............................................................................................................216
EDM Services ........................................................................................................217
Integration for Microsoft Outlook 2007, Integration for Microsoft Outlook 2010, Integration for
Microsoft Outlook 2013, and Integration for Microsoft Outlook 2016 .............................217
Office Business Application for 2007 and Office Business Application for 2010 ................218
OnBase Mobile Modules ..........................................................................................218
Virtual Print Driver .................................................................................................218


Overview .....................................................................................................219
Getting Started in Studio ........................................................................................219
Pre-Plan .........................................................................................................219
Life Cycle and Queues ......................................................................................219
Configuring Work, Tasks, and Timers ..................................................................220

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow Table of Contents

Graphic Layout ................................................................................................220

Document Types, Keywords and Folders .............................................................220
Assign Rights ..................................................................................................220
Test Your Workflow ..........................................................................................221
Flow Control Options ..............................................................................................221
Conditional Branching .......................................................................................221
Looping ..........................................................................................................221
Breaking Execution ..........................................................................................221
Design Concepts....................................................................................................221
Queues that Create Output Files ........................................................................222
A --> B --> C .............................................................................................222
Queues That Feed an External System ................................................................222
A --> B --> C .............................................................................................222
A --> Wait Queue --> B --> C ......................................................................223
Queue Recoverability ........................................................................................223
Performance Concepts............................................................................................223
Keyword Type Group ........................................................................................223
Performing Sub Functions Using Function Call Life Cycles ......................................223
Providing Constant Movement of Documents .......................................................223
Consolidating Work Loads .................................................................................224
Setting Related Document Keyword Values ..........................................................224
Alternatives for Modifying Keywords ...................................................................225
Using E-Forms.......................................................................................................225
Definitions ............................................................................................................226
Actions ...........................................................................................................226
Action Types ...................................................................................................226
Ad Hoc User Task ............................................................................................226
Work Items .....................................................................................................226
Life Cycle ........................................................................................................226
Notification .....................................................................................................227
Property .........................................................................................................227
Queue ............................................................................................................227
Rules .............................................................................................................227
Rule Type .......................................................................................................227
Task List .........................................................................................................227
System Work .............................................................................................228
User Work .................................................................................................228
Ad Hoc User Tasks ......................................................................................228
Web/API Tasks ...........................................................................................228
Timer Work ................................................................................................229
System Task ..............................................................................................229
On Abort Task Lists .....................................................................................229
Events .......................................................................................................229
Timers ...........................................................................................................230
Transitions ......................................................................................................230

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Table of Contents Workflow

User Form ......................................................................................................230

User Work ......................................................................................................230
Web/API Task .................................................................................................230
Workflow Document Security...................................................................................231
WorkView Security with Workflow ..............................................................231
Launching OnBase Studio ............................................................................232
Connecting to Repositories ..........................................................................232
Connecting to a Database Connection Repository .......................................................232
Refreshing Repositories ..........................................................................................234
Expanding and Collapsing Items in the Repository Pane ..............................................234
Using Repositories in OnBase Studio ...........................................................234
Searching the Repositories Pane .................................................................235
Configuring Portfolio Types .........................................................................235
Configuring Portfolio Relations .................................................................................236
Wizard Options ................................................................................................238
Relating Documents to Documents ................................................................238
Relating Documents to Entity Items ..............................................................242
Relating Documents to WorkView Objects ......................................................243
Custom Keyword Type Mapping ....................................................................247
Relating Entity Item to Documents ................................................................248
Relating WorkView Objects to Documents ......................................................252
Relating WorkView Objects to WorkView Objects .............................................255
Creating Portfolio Types..........................................................................................261
Creating a Life Cycle ....................................................................................263
Types of Life Cycles ...............................................................................................263
Creating a Life Cycle for Documents .........................................................................264
Creating a Life Cycle for Agenda Items, Meetings, Plan Review Projects, or External User Re-
Creating a Life Cycle for Managed Folders .................................................................269
Creating a Life Cycle for WorkView Objects ...............................................................272
Canceling Item Creation .........................................................................................275
Checking Life Cycles In and Out...............................................................................275
Checking In ....................................................................................................275
Checking Out ..................................................................................................275
Life Cycle General Options ......................................................................................276
Configuring Life Cycles to Support Ownership ............................................................277
Ownership and Coverage ..................................................................................278
Ownership and Load Balancing ..........................................................................278
Assigning User Groups to a Life Cycle .......................................................................278
Assigning Document Types to a Life Cycle .................................................................279
Assigning Managed Folder Types to a Life Cycle .........................................................279
Assigning Application Class to a Life Cycle .................................................................280
Configuring a Life Cycle Icon ...................................................................................280
Password Protecting Life Cycle Configuration .............................................................281

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow Table of Contents

Copying Life Cycles ................................................................................................282

Converting Life Cycles ............................................................................................284
Creating Queues ..........................................................................................285
Configuring Queues................................................................................................286
MRM Queue Options .........................................................................................291
Allowing Users to Override the Auto-Feed Setting .................................................291
Understanding Auto-Feed Locks .........................................................................291
Assigning User Groups to a Queue ...........................................................................292
Assigning an Icon to a Queue ..................................................................................292
Advanced Options ..................................................................................................293
Work Folder ....................................................................................................293
Portfolio Type ..................................................................................................293
Default Template .............................................................................................293
VB Script to Execute on Selected Document ........................................................294
Inbox Refresh Rate (seconds) ............................................................................294
Sort Documents By ..........................................................................................295
User Privileges ................................................................................................295
Queue Monitoring .......................................................................................296
Configuring Filter Options for a Queue ......................................................................297
Use Only Selected Filters ..................................................................................298
Available Filters ...............................................................................................298
Default Filter ...................................................................................................298
Display Filtered Document Count .......................................................................299
Coverage Tab...............................................................................................299
Configuring a Load Balancing Queue ...........................................................300
Configuring Members .............................................................................................301
Configuring Users as Members ...........................................................................301
Configuring User Groups as Members .................................................................302
Configuring Roles as Members ...........................................................................302
Load Balancing Queue Options ................................................................................303
Allocated Percentage ........................................................................................303
By Priority ......................................................................................................304
In Order .........................................................................................................305
Keyword Based ................................................................................................305
Match Keyword to User Name ............................................................................307
Rules Based ....................................................................................................307
Load Balancing Work ...................................................................................308
Shortest Queue ...............................................................................................308
Load Balancing Considerations for Institutional Databases .....................................309
Creating Transitions ...............................................................................................309
Creating Actions ....................................................................................................310
Adding ...........................................................................................................310
Configuring .....................................................................................................311
Copying and Pasting Actions ..............................................................................312
Creating Rules.......................................................................................................312

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Table of Contents Workflow

Adding ...........................................................................................................313
Configuring .....................................................................................................313
Copying and Pasting Rules ................................................................................314
Reverting Changes to Actions and Rules ...................................................................315
Creating System Tasks ................................................................................315
Creating Ad Hoc Tasks .................................................................................318
Using an Existing Ad Hoc Task .................................................................................320
Configuring Ad Hoc Task Lists..................................................................................321
Additional Task List Options ..............................................................................322
Password Protection .........................................................................................322
Configuring Shortcut Keys for Ad Hoc Tasks ........................................................323
Assigning User Groups to an Ad Hoc Task ...........................................................324
Icon ...............................................................................................................324
Copying and Pasting Ad Hoc Tasks ...........................................................................325
Configuring Filter Rules for Ad Hoc Tasks ..................................................................325
Configuring .....................................................................................................326
Copying and Pasting Rules ................................................................................327
Adding a Task to the Ad Hoc Task List ......................................................................328
Web/API Task Folder ..............................................................................................328
Creating Task Lists ......................................................................................329
Assigning User Groups to a Task List ..................................................................330
Icon ...............................................................................................................330
Adding a Task to the Task List .................................................................................330
Copying and Pasting Task Lists ................................................................................331
On Abort Task Lists................................................................................................331
Creating On Abort Tasks .........................................................................................332
Configuring On Abort Task Lists ...............................................................................332
Task Options .........................................................................................................332
Help Text ........................................................................................................332
Break On ........................................................................................................332
Continue Execution After Transition ....................................................................333
Additional Options ............................................................................................333
Creating Shortcuts .................................................................................................333
Deleting Actions, Rules, Task Lists or Timers .............................................................334
Renaming Life Cycles, Queues, Actions, Rules, Task Lists or Timers ..............................334
Linked Actions, Rules, Task Lists, Tasks, and Timers...................................................334
Creating Events ...........................................................................................335
Queue Events........................................................................................................336
Queue Event Categories .........................................................................................336
Item Removed from Queue ...............................................................................336
Assignment Changed ........................................................................................337
Ownership Changed .........................................................................................337
Watermark Limit Reached .................................................................................338
Life Cycle Events ...................................................................................................339
Life Cycle Event Categories .....................................................................................340

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow Table of Contents

Item Removed from Life Cycle ...........................................................................340

System Events ......................................................................................................340
Creating System Events ....................................................................................340
Configuring System Events ...............................................................................341
Mapping Properties .....................................................................................341
Task List Options ........................................................................................341
Break On ...............................................................................................341
Additional Options...................................................................................342
Documentation ...........................................................................................342
Adding Tasks to Events ..........................................................................................342
Configuring Roles ........................................................................................342
Documentation Tab................................................................................................345
Generating Documentation for Life Cycles ...................................................345
Creating Custom Templates for Documentation Generation.........................348
Configuration Overview ..........................................................................................349
Understanding Required Files ............................................................................349
Understanding Tags .........................................................................................349
Understanding Fragments .................................................................................350
Configuring Templates in Microsoft Word ..................................................................350
Configuring Table Fields ....................................................................................351
Accessing Tag Information in OnBase Studio .............................................................352
Configuring the Required XML File ............................................................................352
Installing the Template...........................................................................................354
Life Cycle Graphical Layout ..........................................................................354
Creating Queues in the Design View .........................................................................355
Aligning Shapes in Design View ...............................................................................357
Creating Transitions ...............................................................................................358
Formatting Connectors .....................................................................................360
Formatting Line Thickness .................................................................................360
Creating a Snapshot of the Design View....................................................................361
Viewing Properties .................................................................................................361
Deleting and Renaming ..........................................................................................362
Timers .........................................................................................................362
Creating a New Timer.............................................................................................362
Configuring Legacy Timers ................................................................................362
Configuring Execution Windows ....................................................................363
Configuring Unity Scheduler Timers ....................................................................364
Copying and Pasting Timers ..............................................................................365
Resetting the Cache after Editing Timers...................................................................365
Converting Timers .................................................................................................366
Converting Legacy Timers .................................................................................366
Converting Unity Scheduler Timers .....................................................................367
Managing Timers ...................................................................................................369
User Forms ..................................................................................................369

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Table of Contents Workflow

User Forms and the Workflow Property Bag ...............................................................370

User Forms in the Core-Based Workflow ...................................................................371
Modify and Deleting User Forms ..............................................................................371
Notifications ................................................................................................372
Configuration Overview ..........................................................................................372
Creating New Notifications ......................................................................................373
Checking Notifications In and Out ............................................................................374
Checking In ....................................................................................................375
Checking Out ..................................................................................................375
Configuring the Subject ..........................................................................................375
Configuring Recipients ............................................................................................377
Configuring Settings...............................................................................................379
Cut, Copy, and Paste in Notifications ........................................................................380
Creating Content for Plain Text Notifications ..............................................................381
Creating Content for Formatted Notifications .............................................................381
Inserting an Image ..........................................................................................381
Formatting Text ...............................................................................................382
Font ..........................................................................................................382
Size ..........................................................................................................382
Font Color ..................................................................................................382
Highlight Color ...........................................................................................382
Style .........................................................................................................382
Alignment ..................................................................................................383
Indentation ................................................................................................384
List Styles ..................................................................................................384
Page Color ......................................................................................................385
Tables ............................................................................................................385
Inserting a Table ........................................................................................385
Drawing a Table .........................................................................................386
Creating a Custom Table ..............................................................................386
Resizing a Table .........................................................................................387
Deleting Table Content ................................................................................388
Deleting Tables ...........................................................................................388
Hyperlinks ......................................................................................................388
Inserting a Hyperlink ...................................................................................388
Editing a Hyperlink ......................................................................................389
Configuring Tokens ................................................................................................390
Reverting Changes to Notifications ...........................................................................393
Converting Plain Text Notifications to Formatted Notifications ......................................393
Editing an Existing Notification ................................................................................394
Renaming a Notification ....................................................................................394
Generating a Test Notification .................................................................................394
Publishing a Formatted Notification ..........................................................................395
Using Versions of a Formatted Notification ..........................................................396
Spell Check...........................................................................................................399

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow Table of Contents

Supported Dictionaries .....................................................................................399

Notification Shortcuts .............................................................................................400
Finding References ......................................................................................400
Creation and Modification Logging...............................................................401
Managing Locks ...........................................................................................402
Adding, Moving, or Removing Work Items ...................................................402
Creating Configuration Reports ...................................................................406
User Group Rights........................................................................................407
User Group Configuration for Workflow .....................................................................407
Copying Workflow Settings for User Groups .........................................................408
Service Accounts .............................................................................................409
Configure Life Cycles ........................................................................................409
Granting a User Rights to Configure All Life Cycles ......................................410
Configure custom queries, VB scripts, folder and notes .........................................410
Assign or revoke rights to Custom Queries .....................................................410
Gain access to the Workflow inbox and workstation options ..............................410
To gain access to the Workflow inbox, but deny the right to the Execute Workflow right-
click menu outside of Workflow ..........................................................................411
Change viewing privileges to life cycles and queues in the Workflow inbox ...............411
Assign or revoke life Cycle privileges .............................................................411
Change privileges to Ad Hoc Tasks, Web/API Tasks and System Tasks ....................411
Assign or revoke privileges to Ad hoc Tasks ....................................................412
Assign Web/API Tasks to a User Group: .........................................................412
Assign or revoke privileges to System Tasks ...................................................412
Assign/revoke System Tasks to/from Document Types .....................................412
Grant Administrative Processing Privileges ..........................................................413
Granting Workflow Log Purging Privileges ............................................................413
Workflow Doctor..........................................................................................413
Defining Doctor Options..........................................................................................413
Doctor Results.......................................................................................................414
Exporting Doctor Results ........................................................................................416
Configuring Window Titles...........................................................................416
Configuring Window Titles Definitions .......................................................................417
Configuring Global Window Titles .............................................................................419
Configuring Life Cycle and Queue Window Titles.........................................................420
Comparing Workflow Repository Tree Items ...............................................420
Navigating Differences Found ..................................................................................422
Creating a Report of Differences ..............................................................................423
Displaying Item Differences ....................................................................................423
Configuring Web Services ............................................................................424
Generating Items...................................................................................................426
Creating Generators .........................................................................................427
Generating Documents ................................................................................430
Generating Unity Forms ...............................................................................439

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Table of Contents Workflow

Generating WorkView Objects .......................................................................447

Creating Generator Sets ...................................................................................453
Executing Generators and Generator Sets ...........................................................455
Administrating Generator Batches ......................................................................456
Interface Translations .................................................................................456
Configuration Troubleshooting ....................................................................457
Debug Breakpoints ................................................................................................457
Editing Keyword and Property Values at Debug Breakpoints ...................................457
Step Debug, Trace Window, and Trace to File ............................................................457
Disable Rules and Actions .......................................................................................457
Generate Reports ..................................................................................................458
Configuration Report ........................................................................................458
List Contents Report .........................................................................................458
Notes, Redactions, Burned Markups, and Deficiencies on Documents with Overlays ........459


Considerations for Actions ...........................................................................461
User Interaction ....................................................................................................461
Keywords .............................................................................................................461
Properties .............................................................................................................462
Finding Actions ............................................................................................463
Agenda Manager Category ...........................................................................463
Set Property from Field...........................................................................................463
Set Value .............................................................................................................465
Application Automator Category ..................................................................466
Get Storyboard Result ............................................................................................466
Run Storyboard .....................................................................................................467
Approvals Category .....................................................................................468
Add Approver at Current Level.................................................................................468
Add Auto Approved User .........................................................................................468
Approve/Reject Item ..............................................................................................469
Assign First Approvers ............................................................................................470
Custom Approval Log Entry .....................................................................................471
Escalate Expired Approvals .....................................................................................473
Remove Item from Approval Process ........................................................................474
Replace Approval Status at Current Level..................................................................474
Replace Current Approval User ................................................................................475
Send Item to Previous Approval Level.......................................................................475
Send Reminder Notifications....................................................................................476
Set Property to Approval Users ................................................................................477
Biometric Scanning Category .......................................................................477
Display Biometric Scanner ......................................................................................477
Document Category .....................................................................................480

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Workflow Table of Contents

Add Document to Content Source ............................................................................480

Add Document to Gateway Caching Server................................................................480
Add Document to Scan Queue Process......................................................................481
Assign Document to Reading Group..........................................................................482
Attach Document to Patient/Chart............................................................................483
Auto-Folder Document............................................................................................484
Setting Document Types to Auto-Folder in Workflow .............................................484
Burn Redaction Notes .............................................................................................485
Check In Document ...............................................................................................486
Check Out Document .............................................................................................486
Compose Document ...............................................................................................487
Copy Document.....................................................................................................488
Create Discussion Thread........................................................................................490
Create Note ..........................................................................................................491
Create or Update Agenda Item From Document .........................................................495
Create PDF/TIFF File ..............................................................................................498
Create Release of Information Request .....................................................................499
Request Information Tab .............................................................................500
Patient Information Tab ...............................................................................500
Requester Information Tab ...........................................................................500
Create SAP Work Item............................................................................................500
Create Subsite ......................................................................................................502
Create WorkView Object from this Document.............................................................504
Delete Document ...................................................................................................505
Delete Note ..........................................................................................................506
Display Document..................................................................................................506
Display Folder for Document ...................................................................................507
Display Medical Record Chart Pop ............................................................................508
Exclude from Document Retention ...........................................................................508
Export to Network Location .....................................................................................508
Index File Tab .................................................................................................510
Feedback to Revenue Cycle Management ..................................................................512
Generate Document Packet .....................................................................................514
Import Document ..................................................................................................517
Options Tab ....................................................................................................519
Using this Action with WorkView ........................................................................520
Mark As Ready for Document Transfer ......................................................................521
Place Hold on Managed Folder .................................................................................521
Post Event on Managed Folder .................................................................................522
Print Batch............................................................................................................523
Print Document .....................................................................................................525
Purge Document....................................................................................................527
Push Document into Cache......................................................................................528
Queue Document for OCR .......................................................................................528
Re-Index Document ...............................................................................................528

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Table of Contents Workflow

Reload Item ..........................................................................................................532

Reload Keywords ...................................................................................................532
Remove Document from Reading Group....................................................................532
Remove Exclusion from Document Retention .............................................................533
Remove Hold on Managed Folder .............................................................................533
Render Statement .................................................................................................533
Run Script ............................................................................................................534
Send Document Event ............................................................................................535
Send Document to Secure Package ..........................................................................535
Send Item to Pocket ..............................................................................................536
Set Document Type ...............................................................................................536
Set Folder and Template.........................................................................................538
Set Related Item’s Priority to This Item’s Priority .......................................................539
Sign Document......................................................................................................539
Split Document .....................................................................................................540
Stamp Version ......................................................................................................541
Update Document Name .........................................................................................542
Update Document Retention Status ..........................................................................543
Update WorkView Object ........................................................................................543
Upload to CIC........................................................................................................545
Upload to DocuSign ...............................................................................................545
Electronic Plan Review Category..................................................................547
Log Event .............................................................................................................547
Set Property from Field...........................................................................................552
Set Value .............................................................................................................553
External Access Category ............................................................................554
Create External User ..............................................................................................554
Set Property to Field ..............................................................................................554
Set Security Keyword .............................................................................................555
Set User Group......................................................................................................555
Set Value .............................................................................................................556
Foldering Category ......................................................................................556
Transition to Final Disposition ..................................................................................556
Forms Category ...........................................................................................557
Create New Form...................................................................................................557
Mapping Keyword Types with Constant Values or Properties ..................................557
Inherit Keywords Tab .......................................................................................560
Incremental Parallel Upgrade Process (IPUP) Environmental Considerations .............562
Interaction with E-Forms in Workflow .......................................................................562
Keyword Validation in OnBase ...........................................................................563
Create Unity Form .................................................................................................563
Mapping Keyword Types with Constant Values or Properties ..................................563
Inherit Keywords Tab .......................................................................................564
Incremental Parallel Upgrade Process (IPUP) Environmental Considerations .............566
Display E-Form for Input ........................................................................................566

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Workflow Table of Contents

Display HTML Form ................................................................................................568

Using Multi-Instance Keyword Type Groups .........................................................570
Display Unity Form for Input ...................................................................................570
Keyword Category .......................................................................................571
Add Keyword ........................................................................................................571
Add Keyword Record ..............................................................................................572
Autofill Keyword Set...............................................................................................573
Compare and Copy Keyword Records for This and Related Items..................................576
Copy Keyword .......................................................................................................577
Copy Keyword from Related Item.............................................................................578
Copy Keyword Record ............................................................................................579
Copy Keyword Records from Related Item.................................................................581
Copy Keyword Records to Related Item ....................................................................584
Copy Keyword to Related Item ................................................................................587
Copy Keywords from/to Related Item .......................................................................588
Options ..........................................................................................................588
Create Autofill Record.............................................................................................591
Delete All Keywords of Certain Type .........................................................................591
Delete Autofill Record ............................................................................................592
Delete Keyword .....................................................................................................592
Delete Keyword Record ..........................................................................................593
Increment/Decrement Keyword ...............................................................................595
Keyword Record - Begin .........................................................................................596
Keyword Record - End ............................................................................................597
Modify Keyword Record ..........................................................................................597
Replace Keyword ...................................................................................................600
Using This Action With Multi-Instance Keyword Type Groups ..................................601
Set Autofill Value ...................................................................................................602
Set Autofill Value From Keyword ..............................................................................603
Set Entry to Queue Date Equal to Autofill Value .........................................................603
Set Entry to Queue Date Same as Keyword ...............................................................604
Set Keyword Same as Entry to Queue Date ...............................................................604
Set Keyword to User Name .....................................................................................605
Set Keyword Value from Autofill Value ......................................................................605
Set Related Document’s Keyword Equal to This Document’s Keyword............................606
Set This Document’s Keyword Equal to Related Document’s Keyword............................606
Store Related Item Count in Keyword .......................................................................607
Property Category .......................................................................................607
Copy Property .......................................................................................................607
Copy Property to/from Unity Form Field ....................................................................608
Increment/Decrement Property Value.......................................................................609
Set Entry to Queue Date Same As Property Value ......................................................610
Set Keyword from Property Value ............................................................................610
Set Multiple Property Values....................................................................................612
Set Property to Expression ......................................................................................618

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Table of Contents Workflow

Supported Operators ........................................................................................619

Functions ........................................................................................................619
Testing Expressions .........................................................................................627
Set Property Value .................................................................................................628
Set Property Value from Keyword Record ..................................................................633
Store Related Item Count in Property .......................................................................635
Submit Report Capture Batch ..................................................................................636
Submit Report Capture Batch for Inpatients ..............................................................637
System Category..........................................................................................637
Add Item to Other Life Cycle ...................................................................................637
Add Document to ShareBase Folder .........................................................................638
Add to Mobile Device..............................................................................................639
Assign Ownership ..................................................................................................639
Assign to User .......................................................................................................640
Prompt Tab .....................................................................................................644
Break Processing ...................................................................................................645
Upgrading from a Previous Version .....................................................................647
Call WCF Service ...................................................................................................647
Testing the Web Service ...................................................................................653
Options Tab ....................................................................................................654
Authentication Tab ...........................................................................................655
Call Web Service ...................................................................................................655
Testing the Web Service ...................................................................................661
Options Tab ....................................................................................................662
Proxy Tab .......................................................................................................663
Authentication Tab ...........................................................................................663
Available Protocols ...........................................................................................663
Call Web Service using MS SOAP Toolkit ...................................................................664
Cancel Report Capture Batch ...................................................................................664
Create Batch .........................................................................................................665
Create Collaboration Workspace ..............................................................................665
Create ShareBase Folder ........................................................................................666
General Tab ....................................................................................................666
Parent Folder Configuration ..........................................................................666
New Folder Name .......................................................................................667
Indexing Tab ...................................................................................................667
Custom Log Entry ..................................................................................................669
Delete ShareBase Folder.........................................................................................670
Display Message Box..............................................................................................671
Display URL ..........................................................................................................673
DLL Exit Call .........................................................................................................675
Enable/Disable Workflow Trace ................................................................................675
Execute Program ...................................................................................................675
Promote Disk Group ...............................................................................................677
Publish Message to EIS Message Broker ....................................................................678

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow Table of Contents

Purge Cache .........................................................................................................678

Rebalance Item .....................................................................................................678
Rebalance Queue...................................................................................................679
Refresh Display .....................................................................................................679
Remove from Mobile Device ....................................................................................680
Remove Item from All Life Cycles.............................................................................680
Remove Item from Life Cycle ..................................................................................681
Remove Ownership ................................................................................................681
Remove User Assignment .......................................................................................682
Run Unity Script ....................................................................................................685
Send HL7 Message.................................................................................................686
Sending Text Transcriptions ..............................................................................689
Sending WorkView Attributes ............................................................................690
Send Web Request.................................................................................................690
Protocols ........................................................................................................691
Options Tab ....................................................................................................698
Proxy Tab .......................................................................................................699
Authentication Tab ...........................................................................................699
Send Notification ...................................................................................................699
Set Portfolio and Template ......................................................................................701
Set Priority on Item ...............................................................................................702
Set Property to ShareBase Notification Link ...............................................................703
Transition Item......................................................................................................704
Unlink Master Patient Index Number ........................................................................705
Unlink Medical Record Number ................................................................................706
Unlink Medical Record Number (Legacy) ...................................................................707
WorkView Category .....................................................................................708
Add to Display Message ..........................................................................................708
Create New Object .................................................................................................709
Create Object Association .......................................................................................710
Delete Object ........................................................................................................711
Display WorkView Object ........................................................................................712
Log Event on Object...............................................................................................712
Field value .................................................................................................712
Related Filters ............................................................................................712
System date/time .......................................................................................713
Current user ..............................................................................................713
Workflow property ......................................................................................713
Modify Object Class................................................................................................713
Send WorkView Notification.....................................................................................713
Custom/Dynamic Notification Options .................................................................714
Field value .................................................................................................714
Related Filters ............................................................................................714
System date/time .......................................................................................714
Current user ..............................................................................................714

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Table of Contents Workflow

Workflow property ......................................................................................714

Set Attribute Value(s) ............................................................................................714
Set Filter Options...................................................................................................715
Set Property From Attribute ....................................................................................716
Field value .................................................................................................717
Related Filters ............................................................................................717
System date/time .......................................................................................717
Current user ..............................................................................................717
Workflow property ......................................................................................717
Suppress Screen Action ..........................................................................................717
Related Tab .................................................................................................718
Related Tab for Unity Life Cycles..............................................................................718
Related Tab ....................................................................................................718
Related Tab for Standard Life Cycles ........................................................................718
Related Tab ....................................................................................................718
Last Execution Result Behavior for Related Items .......................................721
Records Management’s Effect on the Last Execution Result.........................722
Document Category .........................................................................................722
Keyword Category ...........................................................................................722
Property Category ............................................................................................722
System Category .............................................................................................723
Document Category .........................................................................................723
Keyword Category ...........................................................................................723
Configuring Life Cycles Compatible with versions 11.0 and Earlier ..............723


Considerations for Rules ..............................................................................725
Finding Rules ...............................................................................................725
Application Automator Category ..................................................................725
Check Storyboard Status ........................................................................................726
Agenda Manager Category ...........................................................................726
Check Field Value ..................................................................................................726
Related Entity Exists ..............................................................................................729
Approvals Category .....................................................................................731
Check Item Approval Level......................................................................................731
Check Item Approval Status ....................................................................................731
Check User Approval Status ....................................................................................732
Item in Approval Process ........................................................................................732
Document Category .....................................................................................733
Check Chart Data on This Chart ...............................................................................733
Check Date Data on This Chart ................................................................................734
Check Document File Format ...................................................................................736
Check Document Tracking Status.............................................................................737

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow Table of Contents

Check Document Type............................................................................................738

Check Document Type Group ..................................................................................739
Check External Report Capture Status ......................................................................739
Check for Patient/Chart ..........................................................................................740
Check Priority on Item............................................................................................741
Document Assigned to Reading Group ......................................................................741
Document Returned from CIC..................................................................................741
Document Type Exists on This Chart ........................................................................742
Document Was Signed by the User...........................................................................742
DocuSign Envelope Completed ................................................................................742
Executed In ..........................................................................................................743
Is First or Last Item ...............................................................................................743
Note Exists ...........................................................................................................744
Related Folder Contains Documents .........................................................................744
Run Script ............................................................................................................744
Signature Is Valid on Document...............................................................................745
Signature Is Valid on Unity Form .............................................................................745
WorkView Object Exists ..........................................................................................745
Electronic Plan Review Category..................................................................746
Check Field Value ..................................................................................................746
Related Entity Exists ..............................................................................................748
Keyword Category .......................................................................................750
Autofill Row Exists .................................................................................................750
Check Autofill Value ...............................................................................................750
Check Date Autofill Value........................................................................................752
Check Date Keyword ..............................................................................................754
Check Keyword Value .............................................................................................756
Compare Keyword Records for This and Related Item .................................................757
Compare Keyword Values for This and Related Document ...........................................758
Compare Two Keywords .........................................................................................759
Keyword Record Exists ...........................................................................................760
Keyword Value Exists .............................................................................................762
Property Category .......................................................................................763
Check Date Property Value......................................................................................763
Compare Property Value .........................................................................................765
Property Exists ......................................................................................................766
System Category..........................................................................................767
Audit Sample ........................................................................................................767
Check Content Type ...............................................................................................767
Check Item Count for Queue ...................................................................................767
Check Last Execution Result ....................................................................................768
Check Ownership ...................................................................................................768
Check Published Message Complete .........................................................................769
DLL Exit Call .........................................................................................................770
Evaluate Expression ...............................................................................................770

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Table of Contents Workflow

Supported Operators ........................................................................................771

Functions ........................................................................................................771
Testing Expressions .........................................................................................779
Item Assigned to User ............................................................................................780
Item Has Been in Life Cycle.....................................................................................781
Item Has Been in Queue .........................................................................................781
Item in Particular Life Cycle ....................................................................................782
Item in Particular Queue .........................................................................................782
Item in Workflow ...................................................................................................783
Is User in User Group or Role ..................................................................................783
Item Has Been Owned Longer Than..........................................................................784
Prompt User with Question Box ...............................................................................784
Symbols Used ............................................................................................785
Related Item Does Not Exist....................................................................................787
Related Item Exists ................................................................................................787
Run Unity Script ....................................................................................................788
WorkView Category .....................................................................................789
Check Attribute Value.............................................................................................789
Check Object Class ................................................................................................790
Data Set Contains..................................................................................................791
Object Is New .......................................................................................................792
Related Tab .................................................................................................792
Related Tab for Unity Life Cycles..............................................................................792
Related Tab ...............................................................................................792
Related Tab for Standard Life Cycles ........................................................................793
Related Tab ....................................................................................................793
Configuring Life Cycles Compatible with versions 11.0 and Earlier ..............796

Overview .....................................................................................................797
Connecting to Repositories ..........................................................................797
Refreshing Repositories ..........................................................................................799
Expanding and Collapsing Items in the Repository Pane ..............................................799
Unity Projects ..............................................................................................800
Creating a Unity Script Project.................................................................................800
Unity Script Project Properties ...........................................................................803
References Tab ...........................................................................................803
Properties Tab ............................................................................................803
Versions Tab ..............................................................................................803
Permissions Tab .........................................................................................803
Creating a Unity Library Project ...............................................................................804
Unity Library Project Properties ..........................................................................805
References Tab ...........................................................................................806
Versions Tab ..............................................................................................806

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow Table of Contents

Permissions Tab .........................................................................................806

Opening an Existing Unity Project ............................................................................806
Managing Unity Projects .........................................................................................807
Configuring the Default Diagnostic Level for a Unity Script .....................................808
Monitoring Unity Project Usage ..........................................................................808
Monitoring Unity Script Performance Statistics .....................................................809
Clearing Script Performance Statistics .................................................................810
Deleting Unity Projects .....................................................................................810
Recovering a Deleted Unity Project .....................................................................811
Exporting a Unity Script or Unity Library .............................................................811
Exporting an Assembly .....................................................................................813
Unity Integrations .......................................................................................815
Creating a New Integration .....................................................................................816
Unity Integration Properties ..............................................................................818
Renaming an Integration ........................................................................................818
Deleting an Integration...........................................................................................818
Reactivating a Deleted Integration ...........................................................................819
Configuring Portfolio Types .........................................................................820
Configuring Portfolio Relations .................................................................................821
Wizard Options ................................................................................................823
Relating Documents to Documents ................................................................823
Relating Documents to Entity Items ..............................................................827
Relating Documents to WorkView Objects ......................................................828
Custom Keyword Type Mapping ....................................................................832
Relating Entity Item to Documents ................................................................833
Relating WorkView Objects to Documents ......................................................837
Relating WorkView Objects to WorkView Objects .............................................840
Creating Portfolio Types..........................................................................................846
Searching in Studio......................................................................................849
Search Options......................................................................................................850
Output Tab ..................................................................................................853
Shortcuts .....................................................................................................853
The Reset Server Cache Button....................................................................854
Studio Options .............................................................................................854
General ................................................................................................................854
Workflow ..............................................................................................................857
Action/Rule Categories ...........................................................................................859
WorkView .............................................................................................................859
Script Editors ........................................................................................................859
BPMN Color Schemes .............................................................................................860
Customizing Color Schemes ..............................................................................861
Renaming a Customized Scheme .......................................................................861
Deleting a Customized Scheme ..........................................................................862

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Table of Contents Workflow

Exporting a Customized Scheme ........................................................................862

Importing a Customized Theme .........................................................................862
Managing Locks ...........................................................................................863
Output Window............................................................................................864
Controlling the Interface Display .................................................................865
Using the Quick Access Toolbar ...................................................................865
Adding Buttons to the Quick Access Toolbar ........................................................866
Spell Check...........................................................................................................866


Exporting .....................................................................................................871
Exporting Life Cycles ..............................................................................................875
Importing ....................................................................................................879
Resolving Conflicts .................................................................................................884
Using Auto Resolve ................................................................................................890
Saving Resolutions.................................................................................................890
Using the Verification Report ...................................................................................891


Org Chart Concepts................................................................................................893
Product Rights.......................................................................................................894
Configuring an Org Chart ........................................................................................894
Creating Roles .................................................................................................899
Assigning a Role to an Employee ........................................................................902
Calendar Concepts .................................................................................................902
Business Calendars ..........................................................................................902
Shift Calendars ................................................................................................903
Coverage Queue ..............................................................................................903
Business Days .................................................................................................903
Configuring Calendars ............................................................................................904
Configuring the Business Calendar .....................................................................904
Configuring Holidays ........................................................................................906
Configuring User Calendars ...............................................................................907
Configuring Users to Modify Calendars ................................................................910
Copying Calendars .................................................................................................910
Org Charts and Calendars in Studio Workflow Configuration ........................................911
Assigning an Org Chart .....................................................................................911
Assigning Queue Coverage ................................................................................912
Configuring Calendars and Org Charts in Institutional Databases ............................913
Calendar Usage in the Client ...................................................................................914

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow Table of Contents

Requirements ..............................................................................................917
Client Module Supported Operating Systems .............................................................917
Operating System Requirements ........................................................................918
Client Retrieval Workstation Hardware Requirements..................................................918
Desktop Supported Operating Systems .....................................................................919
Desktop Requirements ...........................................................................................920
Local Mode Desktop Support ...................................................................................920
Databases Supported .............................................................................................920
Microsoft SQL Server ........................................................................................921
Oracle ............................................................................................................921
Sybase SQL Anywhere ......................................................................................922
Database Client / Server Version Compatibility ..........................................................922
Database/File Servers ......................................................................................923
Third-Party Software Support ..................................................................................923
About Virtual Environments.....................................................................................923
64-Bit Support Statement .......................................................................................924
Windows User Account Control Statement .................................................................924
Modifying Configuration Files .............................................................................925
Licensing ..............................................................................................................925
Pre-Installation ...........................................................................................925
Installation ..................................................................................................925
Sending Notifications using Outlook 2003..................................................................925
Sending Notifications Using the Hyland Distribution Service .........................................925
Sending Notifications Using the Workflow Service.......................................................926
Using the Core-Based OnBase Client Interface ...........................................................926
Application Server Overview....................................................................................926
Defining the Application Server ..........................................................................926
Workflow Web.config Settings .................................................................................927
Viewer Vars ....................................................................................................928
Workflow Unity Client Configuration File Settings .......................................................929
Command Line Switches and .ini Settings....................................................931
Command Line Switches .........................................................................................931
INI File.................................................................................................................932
Previous File Location/File Name ........................................................................932
Location .........................................................................................................932
INI Considerations in a Citrix and Microsoft Windows Remote Desktop Environment ..933
Editing the INI File ...........................................................................................933
INI File Settings ....................................................................................................934
Backup/Recovery ........................................................................................940
Configuration ..................................................................................................940
Registry Settings .............................................................................................940
External Files ..................................................................................................940

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Table of Contents Workflow

Recovery ..............................................................................................................940
Configuration ..................................................................................................940
External Files ..................................................................................................940
Module related .INI Options ...............................................................................940
Web.config .....................................................................................................940
Troubleshooting ..........................................................................................941
Queue Logging ......................................................................................................941
Purge .............................................................................................................941
Restricted Purge ..............................................................................................941
Timers .................................................................................................................942
Unavailable Application Server.................................................................................942
User Interaction Window.........................................................................................942
Diagnostics Console ...............................................................................................942
Firefox and the Separate Viewer Layout ....................................................................943
Contacting Support ......................................................................................943

Requirements ..............................................................................................945
Operating System Requirements ........................................................................945
Unity Client Hardware and Browser Requirements ......................................................946
.NET Framework ....................................................................................................946
Databases Supported .............................................................................................947
Microsoft SQL Server ........................................................................................947
Oracle ............................................................................................................947
Sybase SQL Anywhere ......................................................................................948
Database Client / Server Version Compatibility ..........................................................948
Hyland Software - MS Service Pack Statement...........................................................949
Third-Party Software Support ..................................................................................949
About Virtual Environments.....................................................................................949
64-Bit Support Statement .......................................................................................950
Windows User Account Control Statement .................................................................950
Modifying Configuration Files .............................................................................950
Pre-Installation ...........................................................................................951
Installation ..................................................................................................951
Overview ..............................................................................................................951
Installing OnBase Studio.........................................................................................953
Change, Repair, or Remove an Installation ................................................................956
Running the Installer From the Command Line ..........................................................956
Feature Names ................................................................................................956
Properties .......................................................................................................957
Upgrade Considerations...............................................................................957
Studio Upgrade Considerations ................................................................................957
Troubleshooting ..........................................................................................958

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Workflow Table of Contents

Editing the Configuration File...................................................................................958

Enabling Diagnostics Console Logging .................................................................958
Trusted Certificates ..........................................................................................959
Language Support .................................................................................................959
Contacting Support ......................................................................................960


Limitations and Requirements .....................................................................961
Procedures for Configuration .......................................................................961
Example ...............................................................................................................961
Example ...............................................................................................................963
Example ...............................................................................................................966


General Design ............................................................................................967
General Performance ...................................................................................970
Related Documents......................................................................................971
Filters and Filter Rules.................................................................................972
Keywords and Properties.............................................................................972
Scripting ......................................................................................................973
Timers .........................................................................................................974
E-Forms and User Forms..............................................................................975
Servers ........................................................................................................976
Load Balancing and Ownership ....................................................................977
Working with the Document Transfer Module ..............................................978


Workflow Data Provider Types ....................................................................979
Adding a Workflow Activity Data Provider Type ..........................................................979
Adding a Workflow Configuration Data Provider Type ..................................................994
Adding a Workflow Inbox Data Provider Type .......................................................... 1007


Overview ................................................................................................... 1027
Upgrading the Distribution Service ............................................................ 1027
Using the Distribution Service with Document Distribution......................................... 1028
Configuring a Service Account ............................................................................... 1028
Enabling the Distribution Service ........................................................................... 1031

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Table of Contents Workflow

Enable Email Automation ................................................................................ 1031

Send Attachments ......................................................................................... 1031
Users Configuration Requirements ......................................................................... 1032
Encrypting the Service Account Credentials ............................................................. 1032
Changing Configuration File Settings ...................................................................... 1034
Configuring Test Mode.......................................................................................... 1034
Adding Support for Multiple Data Sources ............................................................... 1035
Sending Notifications to Global Distribution Lists ...................................................... 1036
Displaying the User Who Triggered the Notification as the Sender .............................. 1036
Supporting Non-ASCII Characters in Attachment File Names ..................................... 1036
Configuring the Distribution Service to Save Notifications as E-Mail (EML) Files ............ 1037
Sending Notifications in HTML Format..................................................................... 1037
Sending Unity Forms ............................................................................................ 1037
Configuring a Temporary File Cache ....................................................................... 1037
Associating a Temporary File Cache with the Distribution Service ......................... 1040
Configuring Retry Settings .................................................................................... 1041
Configuring Maximum Recipients ........................................................................... 1042
Configuring Test Notifications ................................................................................ 1043
Troubleshooting ........................................................................................ 1044
Logging Information to the Diagnostics Console ....................................................... 1044
Access to the denied ................................................................................ 1045
Error Loading Document: Attachments Are Not Sent................................................. 1045
Messages Are Not Sent......................................................................................... 1046
Workstation Registration Not Found ................................................................. 1046
Cannot Create a Session Pool .......................................................................... 1046
"No Count" Is On ........................................................................................... 1046
Version Mismatch .......................................................................................... 1047
Message Content and Attachments Are Reversed ..................................................... 1047
Unity Forms Limitations ........................................................................................ 1048
Windows User Account Control Statement ............................................................... 1048


Workflow Licensing .............................................................................................. 1049
Combined Workflow/WorkView Licensing ................................................................ 1049
How Combined Licensing Works ....................................................................... 1049

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.

The Workflow module is an electronic document routing system that processes work
more efficiently, quickly and accurately than traditional paper processing. Workflow
streamlines business processes and is designed to accommodate change quickly.
Documents can enter Workflow in a variety of ways, including input processors like
COLD, DIP, Document Imaging, and PCL. Documents may also be imported into a
Workflow process manually or via an electronic form completed over the Internet.
Configurable rules and actions ensure that documents are distributed in a standard,
controlled manner and that business rules and practices are followed.
Workflow has the ability to prompt users for input or automatically process documents
based on information such as a keyword, document handle (a unique OnBase ID), or
Document Type. Assigning specific users with rights to modify a document’s movement
on an ad hoc basis accommodates exceptions to the configured model. Timers can be
employed on queues to make sure documents continue through the process efficiently.
Troubleshooting and queue-logging tools allow for error-free, secure configurations.
Configured workflows can be exported to disk for backup and recovery purposes or for
distribution to another OnBase system. Workflow is accessible via the Internet when the
OnBase Web Server is purchased.

Medical Insurance Payment Processing
The process begins with a fax, an image, or a text report. Claims documents enter the
Workflow and initiate the process. An initial claim review queue in Workflow checks for
duplicate claims and checks to see what related documents currently exist. Timers
trigger notifications and check on documents that are missing. The claims are then load-
balanced as they are assigned to an adjuster.
The adjuster reviews all the available information, making notes on the document. A fax
or e-mail may be sent to the provider requesting more information. Ultimately, the claim
is either accepted or rejected. Accepted claims then go to the accounts payable queue to
be paid and the rejected claims go to the rejected claims queue where a letter is
generated explaining to the provider the reason the claim has been rejected.

Accounts Payable
It can be cumbersome ensuring that vendors get paid promptly and accurately with a
high volume of invoices flowing into a company daily. An accounts payable clerk needs to
find and review all of the related documentation for an invoice. This may include an
initial requisition, a purchase order, and packing slips. The issue is complicated when a
supplier sends you a billing statement for several purchase orders. Some may contain
full shipments and others partial shipments. All of which make it very difficult to
organize and track. A Workflow solution can streamline and organize the process.

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Workflow OnBase 16

As invoices and statements enter Workflow, system work checks for related documents.
The requisitions, purchase orders, and packing slips are matched as supporting
documentation. The accounts payable clerk has all the necessary documentation to
make a payment decision.
The clerk is alerted to documentation that is incomplete or missing. A task can be
executed to pay the invoice in full or issue a partial payment. A full payment decision
can be designed to trigger payment from the company’s accounting system. If a partial
payment is issued, a notification can be sent to the vendor. The notification tells the
vendor that a partial payment is in order and invites them to login to the company’s Web
Server. Vendors can then participate in Workflow. They have access to areas and

documents that you allow them access. They can review all the documentation and
dispute or approve the partial pay. By involving the vendor directly in the payment
process resolution, you can eliminate the need to send information back and forth.
The resolution and payment of invoices is both quick and accurate for you and your

Proof of Delivery Audit

In the transportation industry, proof of delivery is essential. The faster a company can
provide this documentation, the faster they get paid. OnBase Workflow and E-Forms can
be used to expedite this process.
As transportation orders come in via fax, phone, the company website or e-mail they
enter Workflow. The orders are then routed to dispatch where they get assigned to
freight routes. Drivers then download these orders into handheld computers aboard
delivery trucks. As deliveries are made, drivers transmit the complete bills of lading to
OnBase. Once received, the bill of lading triggers invoice generation. The invoices can be
transmitted or mailed to the client for payment.
When the payments are received, Workflow matches them with the invoices sent. For
overdue invoices, a timer automatically sends reminders to your clients.

Loan Processing
Workflow can be used to monitor the status of loan files and automatically route them to
the appropriate person(s) based upon pre-defined rules and process flows. In addition to
automated routing, users can route documents on an ad hoc basis. Workflow allows
management to analyze the loan production process, plan and test changes to the work
Workflow provides an environment where the tools and documents required to process a
loan are readily available on the desktop. In some cases, Workflow identifies which task
the user is performing and automatically opens documents appropriate for that task.
When a new loan file arrives, it is assigned to an underwriter. The underwriter selects
the loan file and Workflow executes the user work specified for underwriters. For
example, a form may be displayed in which the underwriter enters comments and then
selects the appropriate button, cancel, approve or deny. A rule then tests to determine
the underwriter’s response and initiates the appropriate transition; to cancel, deny, or to
route to the account manager. It may be necessary to route the document to multiple
underwriters for approval before submission to the account manager. If the underwriter
is out that day, a timer, (a monitoring process running on the Workflow server)
automatically reassigns the loan file to another underwriter.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

When the loan file makes the transition to the account manager queue, the system work
for the account manager queue initiates and automatically faxes the approval to the
broker. The loan file rests in the queue until the account manager selects it and begins
the user work. When the account manager completes their work, Workflow checks to see
if any outstanding funding conditions remain. If there are no further conditions,
Workflow automatically routes the appropriate documents to funding. Otherwise, the
loan file remains in the account manager queue until all conditions are fulfilled.
Typically, queues are shared by groups of individuals. Many workers can share the same
queue, but each would see only the document files assigned to him or her using a load
balancing queue.

Electronic Forms
Workflow is often used in conjunction with Electronic Forms (E-Forms), which can be
used for request processes that require one or more levels of verification. For example,
a Human Resources department’s vacation request process may require that one or
more managers sign a vacation request before it is approved. The OnBase Digital
Signature module can be used in conjunction with Workflow and E-Forms to provide a
means for electronically signing documents.
Example applications for E-Forms include:
• Requests for Purchase Orders
• Departmental work requests. For example, an “Information Systems Request”
can be filled out by a user who needs assistance from the organization’s IS
department. When the E-Form is submitted, an employee is notified. The
request can be assigned a status, enabling the originator to check on the
progress of the request at any time.
• Office supplies
• Software bugs and enhancements
• Online questionnaires. Answers are standardized and tabulating the results is a
more streamlined process.
• Shipping requests

Workflow Licensing
A Workflow license is required to configure life cycles as well as to perform Workflow
activity. Effective January 1, 2007, one of the following licenses is required:
• Workflow Concurrent Client SL
• Workflow Workstation Client SL
• Workflow Named User Client SL

Note: Each of these licenses includes the E-Forms module.

In addition to one of these licenses, a valid Client license is required.

If Workflow was purchased previous to January 1, 2007, see Licensing for Customers
previous to 2007 on page 1049.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

The Information Management Concurrent Client License

The Information Management Concurrent Client license combines the following licenses:
• Workflow Concurrent Client SL (plus E-Forms)
• WorkView Concurrent Client SL
• OnBase Concurrent Client
This license takes precedence over all other available client licenses and is consumed

before those other licenses. When used to license Workflow on the OnBase Client, the
Information Management Concurrent Client license must either be registered to a
workstation or assigned to a user group. When used to license Workflow on a Core-
based client, this license must be register to a user group. When used to license
WorkView | Case Management, this license must be assigned to a user group.

Combined Workflow/WorkView Licensing

If you are running both Workflow and WorkView, combined licenses can grant access to
both of the modules.
• Workflow/WorkView Concurrent Client SL
• Workflow/WorkView Workstation Client SL
• Workflow/WorkView Named User Client SL

Note: Each of these licenses includes the E-Forms module.

How Combined Licensing Works

Combined licenses are only consumed by users that have been assigned to use combined
licenses in the User Settings dialog box. When a user is assigned to use combined
licenses, he or she will not be able to use a license for Workflow or WorkView that is not
combined. If non-combined licenses are available for consumption, access to the
modules are not granted until a combined license becomes available.
If a user that is assigned to use a combined license who is working on a workstation
registered for the use of one of the two products licensed by the combined license, only
the product registered will be available for use.
If there are no non-combined licenses available, a combined license will be consumed
even if the user is not assigned to use combined licenses.
To access the User Settings dialog box and configure a user for combined licensing:

1. From the Configuration module, select Users | User Names/Passwords.

2. Select the User Name and click Settings .
3. Select the Combined Workflow / WorkView License check box.
4. Click Save.
Once a combined license has been consumed, the license is not released until the Client
is restarted. If a combined license is revoked, it will still be consumed until the Client is
restarted. If the license is switched from a combined concurrent license to a concurrent
license for one of the products, it will still consume the combined concurrent until the
Client is restarted.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Check your current licensing status by selecting Utils | Product Licenses from the
Configuration module.

Workstation Registration
When using Workflow in the OnBase Classic Client, the workstation must be registered
for any of the workstation licenses issued (Workflow User - Concurrent or Workflow User-
Named ).


2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.

Workflow Document Security

Access to documents via Workflow is accomplished by a combination of assignments
made at the Document Type, life cycle, and work queue level. Specifically:
• Document Types must be configured for use in a specific life cycle.
In the Configuration module, select Document | Document Types , then select the
desired Document Type and select Life Cycles . Assign the desired life cycles at
the Life Cycles for <document type> dialog box.
• Users must be granted rights to a specific life cycle, as well as each queue
within that life cycle, in order to view documents within those queues.
In the Configuration module, select Users | User Groups/Rights. Select the
desired user group and select Workflow. Assign the desired life cycles and
queues at the Assigning Workflow for <user group> dialog box.
• Users must be granted the Retrieve/View privilege, either as a user group
privilege or as an override privilege. If this privilege is not granted (or in the
case of override privileges, overridden), users will not be able to view
documents in Workflow. For more information on configuring user group rights,
please see the System Administration module reference guide or help files.

Caution: The ability to view documents in a life cycle is controlled at the queue level. If
users have rights to a Workflow queue, they will also have rights to view all the documents
in that queue by default, regardless of their security rights (i.e. Document Type rights).
This includes related documents.

Caution: The ability to modify a document in a life cycle is controlled at the queue level. If
users have rights to a Workflow queue, they will also have rights to modify all documents in
that queue by default, regardless of their Modify privilege setting, including related
documents. Administrators should be aware that Workflow automatically grants the Modify
privilege to users for any documents that are in their queue. As a result, care should be
taken to only present documents which users should be allowed to modify.

Note: To view or change Keyword Values or to re-index a document via the right-click
menu, you must have appropriate rights for modifying keywords or re-indexing.

Administrative Tasks
The following sections outline tasks that will help you set up your workstation in order to
get started using Workflow.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Register the Workstation

To register the workstation:

1. From the OnBase Client, click Admin | User Management | Workstation

Registration . The Products Registered for Workstation dialog box is displayed.
OnBase Client Usage

The right side displays all products registered on the selected workstation.
The left side of the screen displays a list of the workstations that have, at any
time, been logged on to OnBase. The current workstation is shown at the top of
the list and marked with an asterisk (*). The columns are as follows:

Column Description

License(s) Displays the symbols of the products registered for that workstation. The
legend for the symbols is located below the list of workstations.

Registered Displays the name of each workstation that has ever been logged in to

Last Logon Displays the date that the workstation was last logged on.

Description Displays a short description of the individual workstation.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

2. Make sure that the current workstation, denoted by an asterisk (*), is selected.
Select the proper Workstation License from the Products Registered drop-down
If you are properly licensed for the Workstation License and it is not available
from the drop-down list, it may be registered on another workstation. Select each
workstation that is marked with a + (which indicates that the workstation is
registered for the Workstation License or another product) until the Workstation

OnBase Client Usage

License is found. To revoke registration from the workstation, select the
Workstation license on the right side and click the Revoke button. Then, select the
current workstation and register it.
If the Workstation License is not displayed in the drop-down and it is not
registered to any other workstation, it is possible that the module may not be

Tip: It is considered a best practice to register a processing workstation as a Named

Client rather than a Concurrent Client. This ensures that the processing workstation
always has access to the processing module; a workstation registered as a Concurrent
Client cannot access the processing module if another workstation is currently registered
for it.

Note: If a registered workstation needs to be re-registered, the old workstation can be

deleted by selecting it in the workstation list and clicking Delete . All product rights held
by the workstation will be returned to the list of available licenses found in the Products
Registered drop-down. This forces the user logging on from that workstation to register
the workstation the next time they attempt to log on.

3. When you have finished registering the workstation, click Exit.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

4. Verify registration —Select Window | System Status from the menu bar to display
the System Status dialog box. At the bottom of the window is a list of all products
registered on the workstation and a status message for each.
OnBase Client Usage

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Clearing Excess Registrations

The number of workstations you can register for a given module is dependent upon the
number of licenses you have purchased for that module. If you attempt to register a
specific module on more workstations than you have licenses for, the excess
workstations will be unable to use the module. When a user logs on to a workstation
with one or more excess product registrations, a warning will be displayed to inform
them what modules will not work on that workstation.

OnBase Client Usage

You can remove excess product registrations the same way you would remove a
functional product registration. From the Workstation Registration dialog box, select the
workstation that has excess product registrations.
Any products that are registered in excess of the licensing limit will contain the [Excess
Registration] string. Select the necessary products and click Revoke to remove the
excess registration from the workstation.

Workstation Cleanup
At some point, it may be necessary to delete workstations from the list in the Products
Registered for Workstation dialog box. This may be necessary if there are many
workstations on the list that are no longer accessing OnBase. One method of cleanup is
to delete all of them and allow the list to regenerate as workstations are logged back on
to OnBase. Alternatively, you can select the desired workstations and delete them in
groups. If workstations are deleted inadvertently, they will be added back when the
workstation is logged onto OnBase. If the current workstation is selected, an error
message is displayed and it is not removed from the list.
To delete a workstation from the Products Registered for Workstation:

1. From the OnBase Client, click Admin | User Management | Workstation

Registration . The Products Registered for Workstation dialog box is displayed.
2. The left side of the dialog box contains four sortable columns. The Last Logon
column allows the user to delete all workstations that have not been logged on to
OnBase during a specified period of time.
3. Select the desired workstations and click the Delete button.
4. Select Exit when finished.

View Current Users

View Current Users allows a user to view information about other OnBase users, including
the time a user logged onto the system and the type of license being consumed by that
user’s workstation.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

To view current user information, select Admin | User Management | View Current Users.
The Users Currently Logged In dialog box is displayed.
OnBase Client Usage

Clean Up
User entries can be removed, or cleaned up, from the Users Currently Logged In dialog
box provided that the user is not trying to remove his or her own session and the session
being cleaned up is not displaying an Active status.

Workflow Inbox Windows

There are two options for opening the Workflow Inbox in the OnBase Client:
• Click the Workflow Inbox toolbar icon, or
• Select User | Workflow .

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

The Workflow Inbox displays several main interaction windows. The initial appearance of
the screen varies, depending on how it was set up the last time it was used.

Window Name Description

Life Cycle View Displays all life cycles and queues to which the user has access.
Depending on your system’s configuration, a number may appear in

OnBase Client Usage

square brackets next to a queue. This indicates the number of
documents currently in that queue.

Note: This window is also called the Workflow window in the

Workstation Options dialog box.

Documents Window Lists the documents that are in the queue selected in the life cycle
window. If there are no documents in the queue, this window will be

Note: This window is also called the Inbox window in the Workstation
Options dialog box.

User Interaction Displays the specific work that must be performed by the user in order
Window to process the selected document. This window displays information
only if user questions, life cycle or queue help text, message boxes, or
HTML forms have been configured.

Note: This window is also called the User Interface window in the
Workstation Options dialog box.

Work Folder Displays all documents in OnBase that are related to the selected inbox
Window document, based on the criteria configured for the folder type.

Note: This window is also called the Folder window in the Workstation
Options dialog box.

Note: A document must be selected in order for the context menu to

display in the Work Folder tab.

Document Viewer Displays the selected document.

Tasks Bar Contains icons for the tasks that the user can select to perform on the
document. Tasks also appear on the Workflow drop-down list to allow
for more space on the desktop.

Note: Specific display options can be set for this window using the options available on
the Workflow Display Options tab of the Workstation Options dialog box. Specifically, the
size of this window is controlled by the Percent Workflow parameter.

Note: When a filter is applied to the inbox and columns are resized, column widths are

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

retained. The next time the filter is applied to the inbox, the set column widths will be

Workflow Client Life Cycle View

The Life Cycle View, or window, in the Client module displays those life cycles and
OnBase Client Usage

queues to which your user group has been granted rights.

By default, the life cycle window displays in tree view when Workflow is opened, but can
be displayed in graphic view by pressing the Change View toolbar button.
Right-clicking the life cycle name gives the following options:

Options Description

Refresh Enables you to refresh the life cycle without transitioning the document out of
the queue.

Workflow Enables users with Administrative Processing Privileges to view the status of
Replay the life cycle at any given time as well as track a document's progress through
the system.

Note: Currently only available in the Classic User Interface.

Create List Creates a report of all documents in that life cycle. The Document Type is SYS
Report List Contents Report.
For a user with administration rights, the user can select to create the report on
either Assigned Documents or All Documents in the selected life cycle. The
report will list each queue and the appropriate list of documents based on the
user's rights. When this right-click option is selected, a dialog box will display
prompting you to select to generate a report based on All Documents or
Assigned Documents Only. Click the appropriate button.
If a user does not have administration rights for all queues, the All Documents
option will only be applicable to queues for which the user has administration
For a user that has no administration rights, only assigned documents in each
queue will be displayed.

When you right-click on a queue, the following options are available:

Option Description

Refresh Enables you to refresh the queue.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Option Description

Create List Creates a report of all documents in that life cycle. The Document Type is SYS
Report List Contents Report.
For a user with administration rights in a load balancing queue, the user can
select to create the report on either Assigned Documents Only or All
Documents in the selected queue.

OnBase Client Usage

If the user does not have administration rights, the report will only list
assigned documents.

Perform Initiates system work configured for the queue to begin.


Execute Executes the timer work associated with the selected timer.
Timer Work

Auto-Work This option opens the next available document in the queue. Any documents
that are opened by other users will be skipped over to access a document that
can be worked on. This option is disabled if the queue is using auto-feed
functionality. If a queue is configured for auto-feed, this option is only available
after Show All Documents is selected.

Note: This option is only available when Exclusive Document Viewing is

engaged on the queue.

Show All This option is only available for queue configured with the auto-feed option and
Documents appropriate rights are granted. This option overrides the auto-feed setting and
displays all documents within the queue.

Note: This option removes any filters applied to the inbox.

Tree View
When you select User | Workflow, a tree view of the configured life cycles displays in the
upper left window. Click the plus sign preceding the selected life cycle to view the
queues within.
If documents are present in the queue, a numeric label (counter) may appear in the tree
view that indicates the actual document count. In tree view, the count is updated when
Refresh is selected at the queue level, or when documents are manually transitioned in/
out of a queue.

Note: As documents are processed in/out of the queue, the counter may need to be
refreshed for an accurate document count.

Select any life cycle. If a description of the life cycle was entered in the Life Cycle Help
Text box during the configuration phase, the text displays in the user interaction window.
Right-click to obtain the life cycle right-click menu.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Graphic View
To display the graphic view, select the life cycle and click the Change View toolbar
button. The graphic view displays in the same window that contained the tree view.
In graphic view, the count is updated whenever documents are processed in/out or
transitioned in/out of the queue.
OnBase Client Usage

Turn the background grid on and off by clicking the Grid toolbar button.

Use the Zoom In and Zoom Out buttons to adjust the display.
Select any life cycle. If a description of the life cycle was entered in the Life Cycle Help
Text box during the configuration phase, the text displays in the user interaction window.
Right-click to obtain the life cycle right-click menu.

Workflow Client Documents Window

The Document window displays a list of all the documents in the selected queue. The
name of the document, as well as when it arrived in the queue is noted in the window.
The format of the arrival time reflects the operating system format, and can be modified
via the operating system.
You can define the length of each displayed column by clicking and dragging the column
heading end border. Once columns are sized appropriately, if you close the Workflow
window, the column settings will be saved for the current workstation.
The information reflected at the bottom of the window consists of:
• The currently selected Queue ( Queue: )
• The user currently logged in (User:)
• The total number of documents in the queue ( Count:)
• The name of the currently applied filter (No Filter displays if a filter is not

If you select a document in this window, it appears in the Document Viewer.

Note: If you received an error stating Access Denied. User 'username' is already working
with this document., a user already has the document open in a Workflow queue.

Right-clicking on a document displays a menu with processing options. The options

presented vary slightly depending on whether the document is an image or text file

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Multiple documents can be selected by holding down the Ctrl key and selecting the
desired documents with the mouse. In the same manner, the Shift key can be used to
select a range of documents.

Note: In the Classic Client interface, you cannot deselect documents with the Ctrl key
held down. In order to deselect documents, release the Ctrl key and click on a
document. All documents will be deselected except the document that you clicked on.

OnBase Client Usage

Note: In the Classic Client interface, if you click a link in an E-Form, the link will open in
the Document window.

Note: If a keyword in an Auto-Name string is changed via the user interface in a Core-
based workflow, such as when performing an ad hoc task, the Auto-Name string in the
Documents window will automatically update to reflect the change. There are instances,
however, when the Auto-Name string will not refresh automatically. If scripts are being
used in a task to update keywords, the Auto-Name string will not refresh when the
keyword is updated. For more information, please contact your system administrator.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Right-clicking on a document in the Document window displays the following options:

Option Description

Keywords Opens the Add / Modify Keywords dialog box to view or modify the document
Keyword Values.

Re-Index Opens the Re-Index Document dialog box to re-index the open document.
OnBase Client Usage

Note: If a document is awaiting user interaction, this option is not enabled.

Note: This option is not functional for documents that are signed E-Forms.

History Opens the Document History dialog box, which lists the past actions performed
on the document. By default, the entries are sorted in descending order, with
recent actions listed first.

Cross- Select the appropriate Document Type from this menu option to display the
References cross-references related to the selected document.

Note: Only the Document Types that the current user has appropriate rights to
will be available for selection.

View All Opens the Defined Cross-References dialog box, which lists the cross-
Cross- references that are configured for the selected document.

Send To | When properly configured, the system will create a blank email message with
Mail the specified document attached.

Send To | Sends selected document(s) to the defined user's internal mailbox. Opens the
Internal Send Mail dialog box.

Send To | You will be prompted to enter a page range and whether you want to send the
Advanced file in native format. When properly configured, the system will create a blank
Mail email message with the specified document attached.

Send To | Sends selected document to the selected envelope. You will be prompted to
Envelope select an envelope to send the selected document to. Select the envelope by
double-clicking on the envelope you want to use.

Clear Deselects the selected document in the Document window.


Refresh Reloads the document in the viewer with updated information.

Show All Removes the filter and displays a list of all documents.

Show Toggles the combined view on and off. See Show Combined View on page 20 for
Combined more information.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Option Description

Begin User Available when user work has been configured within a queue. When selected,
Work the User Interaction window displays question boxes, message boxes, and
HTML forms.

Route Allows you to move a document to any queue connected to the current queue
Document by a transition. This activity bypasses user work associated with the document.

OnBase Client Usage

This option is only available to users that are administrators, have the Workflow
Administrative Processing privilege, or have the Ad Hoc Routing user privilege
at the queue level.

Note: When using the Classic Client interface, this option is only available in an
auto-feed queue after a document has been double-clicked.

Note: This option is only enabled if all of the selected documents are in the
same queue, and the queue has at least one transition.

Workflow Displays the queues that the selected document exists in. A document can only
Queues exist in one queue within a life cycle, but can exist in multiple life cycles.
If multiple documents are selected at once, this option is disabled.

Filter Inbox Allows you to select a pre-configured custom query to apply to the Document

Change Switches the focus of the Document window to the queue specified. The menu
Queue presents a list of queues to which you have rights.

Priority Displays the current document's priority number.

Create List
Report Note: This option is only available if you have been given appropriate rights.

Creates a report of all documents in that queue. The Document Type is SYS List
Contents Report.
This option allows you to report on either the selected document or all
documents listed.
When using the Auto-Feed Documents configuration option, documents will be
listed in the report, even if they are not currently displayed in the inbox.
Upon selection of this option, you will be prompted on whether you want to
create the report for only the selected item. Click Yes to generate the report for
the selected document. Click No to generate the report for all documents. By
clicking Cancel, the report will not be generated.

Note: A List Content Report generated from a Workflow life cycle automatically
has a header and summary information included. If a Filter has been applied to
the Inbox, the Filter name will appear in the title, also. You do not have the
option to change these features, nor can you include a report summary in the

Properties The properties of a document display in the Document Information dialog box.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Note: You may have more options available depending on user rights and licensing. You
may also not have all of these options depending on granted user rights.

Display Columns in Single Queues

When applying a filter to a single queue, the following is true concerning the display
OnBase Client Usage

columns for the filter:

• If no display columns have been configured on the filter, the Document Name
column will display.
• If display columns have been configured, all configured columns will display.

Show Combined View

The Document window can display the contents of a combination of life cycles and
queues. In order to show the contents of multiple life cycle queues, life cycles and/or
queues must be selected for display. To enable a combined view:

1. Select User | User Options.

2. Select the Workflow Combined View tab.

3. Select the check box next to a life cycle to include in the combined view. You can
expand a life cycle by clicking the corresponding plus sign.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

4. If you want to include only specific queues from a life cycle, expand the life cycle
and clear the check box(es) next to the queue(s) you do not want to include in
the combined view. If all queues within a life cycle are selected to be shown in the
combined view, the check box for the life cycle is white. If only some of the
queues within a life cycles are selected, the life cycles check box is shaded.
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until all of the appropriate life cycles and/or queues are

OnBase Client Usage

6. If you want the default display to show the combined life cycles and/or queues,
select the Show Combined View at Startup check box.
7. Click OK.

Once a combined view has been enabled, it can be toggled on and off at any time. Right-
click on the Document window and select Show Combined View at Startup to toggle the
view on or off. When the view is on, the documents that exist in the life cycles and
queues that were selected in the Workflow Combined View tab will be displayed. The
Workflow Queue column will display the queue in which the listed document resides.

Workflow Client User Interaction Window

The User Interaction window displays any work that the user must perform while the
document is in the selected queue. To begin user work, select a document in the queue,
and click the Begin User Work button on the Workflow toolbar, right-click the document
and select Begin User Work, or click an ad hoc task on the Tasks Bar or from the Workflow

Note: The Begin User Work button is only enabled if all of the selected documents are in
queues that contain user work.

The User Interaction window appears differently, depending on how the work was
configured. User questions, message boxes and HTML forms are all possible options.
Notice that the user has customized the window sizes and that an HTML form is
displayed in the User Interaction window. The user must complete the user work by
typing responses into the appropriate boxes on the HTML form and then clicking Submit .

Note: If the windows are docked on top of the User Interaction window when user work is
initiated, the focus will automatically switch to the User Interaction and wait for input
before you can continue.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Workflow Client Work Folder Window

The Work Folder window contains all documents that are related to the main document
selected. If the main document has multiple values for a Keyword Type that is assigned
to the working folder, all documents that have either of the values assigned to it will be
pulled into the working folder as a related document. Upon selection, the related
document displays.
OnBase Client Usage

Note: Selecting multiple documents and executing a task will refresh the contents of the
Work Folder for each primary document that is selected. The Work Folder is not updated
in real time. If documents are added to the Work Folder after the primary document has
been displayed in the viewer, but before the task list is resumed, those documents will
not be displayed in the Work Folder, but the newly added documents will be acted upon
by the Workflow logic when the task is executed.

Note: When a Keyword Type that is determining the contents of the Work Folder has a
value that contains an asterisk (*) or question mark (?), the characters are treated as
wildcards and all documents that meet the criteria are returned as related documents.

You can perform an Ad Hoc Task on a related document by dragging the document from
this window onto the icon in the Tasks Bar. Ad Hoc tasks are also available from the
Workflow menu.

Note: Use folders to group documents related to the current document, called supporting
documents. These documents may or may not exist in the Workflow and may be of a
different Document Type than the current document in the Workflow.

Note: If a filter is configured to display keyword or note-related display columns, if a

related item has multiple values or notes related to that column, each entry will be
displayed separately in the list.

Note: In the Core-based interface, if a Work Folder has a default filter that is configured
to display an HTML form, the form is not displayed when the Work Folder window is
selected. Only Document Types and display columns are applied. The filter must be
applied to the Work Folder manually from the Work Folder window in order for the HTML
form to display. Default filters configured for Work Folders are not applied in the Classic

Caution: User group right restrictions on Document Types do not apply to Document Types
included in the Work Folder window.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

The following right-click options are available in the Work Folder window:

Option Description

Template Allows you to select a template to apply to filter the work folder.

Note: If a template is applied to the Work Folder window, each Document Type

OnBase Client Usage

within the folder is represented with one item listing. The display will not reflect
the number of documents that match the keyword criteria, but rather, will serve
as a reference as to what Document Types are represented in the folder.

Keywords Opens the Add / Modify Keywords dialog box to view or modify the document
Keyword Values.

Re-Index Opens the Re-Index Document dialog box to re-index the open document.

Note: This option is not available for documents that are signed E-Forms.

Delete Deletes the selected document.

Note: This option is available only in the Core-based Workflow interface.

History Opens the Document History dialog box, which lists the past actions performed
on the document. By default, the entries are sorted in descending order, with
recent actions listed first.

Display in When selected, the related document will open in the top level window. If
Top-Level multiple documents are selected, the first document in the list is opened in the
Window top-level window.

Note: There is only one top-level window. If a related document is displayed in

the top-level window and another related document is selected to display in the
top-level window, only the last related document selected is displayed.

Send To | When properly configured, the system will create a blank email message with
Mail the specified document attached.

Send To | Sends selected document(s) to the defined user's internal mailbox. Opens the
Internal Send Mail dialog box.

Send To | You will be prompted to enter a page range and whether you want to send the
Advanced file in native format. When properly configured, the system will create a blank
Mail email message with the specified document attached.

Workflow Displays the queues that the selected document exists in. A document can only
Queues exist in one queue within a life cycle, but can exist in multiple life cycles.

Note: If multiple documents are selected at once, this option is disabled.

Properties The properties of a Document display in the Document Information dialog box.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Note: You may have more options available depending on user rights and licensing. You
may also not have any of these options depending on granted user rights.

Workflow Client Document Viewer

The Document Viewer window allows you to view applications as well as documents.
OnBase Client Usage

When viewing a document, you can double-click to cross-reference to corresponding

documents. You can also zoom images, use thumbnails, and create notes and highlights.

Note: When you exit a PDF document in the Document Viewer window, an instance of
Adobe Acrobat will still be running in the Task Manager.

You can also set defaults for the zoom level and page number to which image documents
open in the viewer. This setting is effective across all life cycles. The option is set by
right-clicking the Workflow toolbar, selecting Defaults | Set Default Page or Set Default
Zoom . You can clear these settings by right-clicking the Workflow toolbar and selecting
Defaults | Clear Default Page or Clear Default Zoom .
You can open any number of viewer windows to facilitate viewing and comparing of
multiple documents. With custom programming, Workflow can be enabled to present the
organization’s host system through the Document Viewer window for viewing documents
and data entry. This requires a minimal amount of custom programming to interact with
an organization's unique host system.
When a document is open in the viewer, the status bar displays whether or not the
document is read-only or whether the current user has it checked out. If you hover over
the document status (Read-Only or Checked Out) the name of the user that has the
document checked out currently is displayed.

Terminal Session
The Terminal window is a Reflections emulation window accessing a host system. If your
OnBase system has been configured to interact with a host system, follow these steps to
make a connection:

1. Click the Terminal Session button . The terminal window displays.

Note: The Terminal Session button may not be available depending on your configuration.

2. Click the connection icon .

3. Enter a valid login name and password to connect.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

If a host system (i.e. mainframe) has been configured to interact with OnBase, you may
also see a terminal window like the one pictured below:

OnBase Client Usage

Client Menu for Workflow Application
The options available vary depending on whether the Workflow application is active.
If Workflow is initiated (the main Workflow Inbox window is displayed), the Workflow
menu displays a drop-down list of ad hoc user tasks applicable to the currently selected
In addition, ad hoc tasks are available in the Tasks bar.
In addition, if you have one or more documents selected in a hit list that are assigned to
the same system task, that system task will be available to run on the documents from
the hit list.

Note: If the Workflow application is not active, the Tasks bar is used to display System
Tasks that are currently configured and assigned to certain Document Types. System
Tasks can be used in any client application, but will only appear in the Tasks bar when a
Document Type has been assigned System Tasks during configuration.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Changing the Default Rotation of Pages

In addition to changing the default rotation of the page displayed by default, you can set
the default rotation for specific pages within documents. To set a default rotation for a
page, select the page and select the appropriate rotation. From the document right-click
menu, select Process | Save Rotation as Default for Page . Every document will have the
same default rotation for the page. For example, if you set the default page rotation to
90 degrees on page 2 of a document. All documents will display page 2 rotated 90
OnBase Client Usage

degrees. To cancel the default rotation for all pages, right-click on a document and
select Process | Reset Default Rotation.

Restoring the Default Layout

To restore the default layout of the Workflow Inbox windows, right-click on the toolbar,
the status bar, or the Workflow Inbox and select Display | Restore Default Display.
Restore Default Display is also used to enforce new window settings that have been
configured via Workstation Options | Workflow Display Options. The window display sizes
will not be affected by the newly configured settings until they are both saved as
Workstation Options and refreshed in Workflow with Restore Default Display.
In addition, all top level, secondary windows that have been placed on the secondary
monitor will be restored back to the primary monitor upon selecting Restore Default

Using the Client Toolbar in Workflow

When using the Client toolbar in Workflow, document-based actions that are initiated by
toolbar buttons, including running a VBScript, are performed on the document displayed
in the Workflow viewer, regardless of how many documents are selected in the Workflow

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Classic User Interface

The Classic OnBase Client interface is the same interface that was available prior to
OnBase version 6.2.0. The following is an example of the Classic OnBase Client

OnBase Client Usage

Changing the Layout of the Inbox Windows
The appearance of the Workflow Inbox is customized using the right-click menu, or by
dragging windows into position.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Right-Click Menu
Right-click the Workflow toolbar to display menu options. If an option is activated, a
check mark appears in front of the menu item. Restore Default Display is the only item
that does not display a check mark because it performs a function as soon as it is
OnBase Client Usage

Menu Description

Life Cycle Displays the life cycle view.


Document Displays the Document Inbox window.

User Displays the User Interaction window.


Work Folder Displays the Work Folder window.

Tools Displays the Workflow toolbar.

Display Show Grippers Displays the window grippers and causes

the Toggle Grippers icon to appear active
on the Workflow toolbar.

Lock Window Positions Locks the current window positions. The

lock icon on the Workflow toolbar appears
active. While locked, the Restore Default
Display option is not available.

Restore Default Display Selecting this option causes a

confirmation message box to appear.
Select Yes to restore the Workflow Inbox
to its default display. Select No to close
the message box without making any

Show Second Pane Opens a second window that displays

items from the Workflow Work Folder
window and is the target for Doc –
Display This/Related Document actions.
If the second window is already opened,
the option will be disabled.

Close Second Pane Closes the second window that displays

items from the Workflow Work Folder
window and is the target for Doc –
Display This/Related Document actions.
If the second window is already closed,
the option will be disabled.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Menu Description

Defaults The following options are available when viewing an image file:
If you have the second pane displayed, each of these options will be available
for the Primary Pane and Secondary Pane respectively.

OnBase Client Usage

Set Default Page Allows you to open multi-page image files
to the same page each time an image
displays in the viewer. Navigate to the
page to display, right-click the inbox
toolbar, select Defaults | Set Default

Clear Default Page Clears the default page settings. All

images now open to the first page.

Set Default Zoom Allows you to set a zoom level that

remains constant across documents in a
queue. Zoom an image to a desired
setting, right-click the inbox toolbar and
select Defaults | Set Default Zoom.

Clear Default Zoom Clears the default zoom settings. Images

open to their actual size.

Set Default Rotation Sets the rotation of the page displayed by

default. You must set the Set Default
Page option to the page you want to be
auto-rotated by default. When a page in
the document has had a rotation saved
for it (via Process | Save Rotation), the
default rotation will not be applied.
Default rotation is reset when a Workflow
session ends.
Any rotation set via the Set Default
Rotation option overrides any rotations
set via the Save Rotation as Default for
Page option.

Clear Default Rotation Clears the current default rotation


Note: For toolbar button identification and descriptions, see Workflow Toolbar on page

Click and Drag Window Positioning

Another method of customizing the inbox display is to move the windows manually.
• To display the window grippers, right-click and select Display | Show Grippers or
click the Toggle Grippers icon.
• To move a window, click the mouse over the gripper and drag the window to a
new location.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

• You can move the window outside of the OnBase desktop in order to arrange
Workflow windows and other application windows effectively. When a window is
outside of the OnBase desktop, it is considered “undocked.”
• You can also share the docking position of multiple windows in the undocked
state by dragging a window on top of an undocked window.
• If the Life Cycle view, Document, Work Folder, or User Interaction windows are
dragged on top of one another, a pop-up box displays, asking if you want to
OnBase Client Usage

share docking position.

If you click Yes , the window being moved lies on top and all windows sharing
the same pane are labeled with a tab.
If you click No, the window restores itself to its previous position.

Tip: You can drag Workflow windows outside of the Client module onto your Windows
desktop. This can be useful, especially if you are using a dual monitor setup. You can
double-click on a window to remove it from the confines of the Client module. You can
double-click on it to restore its position in the Client module.

The layout of the windows is saved automatically upon exiting the system.

Document Count Displayed

When there are more than 100 documents in the document inbox, the count displayed is
>100 .

Core-Based User Interface

The Core-based user interface relies on a web service. In order to use this interface, a
web service must be configured by the System Administrator and the interface must be
set to Core-based in the Configuration module.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

The following is an example of the Core-based interface:

OnBase Client Usage

Changing the Layout of the Inbox Windows
The appearance of the Workflow Inbox is customized by dragging windows into position
and pinning.

Right-Click Menu
Right-click the Workflow toolbar to display menu options. If an option is activated, a
check mark appears in front of the menu item. Restore Default Display is the only item
that does not display a check mark because it performs a function as soon as it is

Menu Options Description

Life Cycle View Displays the Life Cycle view.

Document Displays the Document Inbox window.

User Interaction Displays the User Interaction window.

Work Folder Displays the Work Folder window.

Tools Displays the Workflow toolbar.

Display | Restore Default Selecting this option causes a confirmation message box to
Display appear. Select Yes to restore the Workflow Inbox to its default
display. Select No to close the message box without making
any changes.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Menu Options Description

Display | Show Second Opens a second window that displays items from the Workflow
Pane Work Folder window and is the target for Doc – Display This/
Related Document actions. If the second window is already
opened, the option will be disabled.

Display | Close Second Closes the second window that displays items from the
OnBase Client Usage

Pane Workflow Work Folder window and is the target for Doc –
Display This/Related Document actions. If the second window
is already closed, the option will be disabled.

Defaults These options are available when viewing an image file.

Note: If you have the second pane displayed, each of these

options will be available in the Primary Pane and Secondary
Pane respectively.

Defaults | Set Default Page Allows you to open multi-page image files to the same page
each time an image displays in the viewer. Navigate to the
page to display, right-click the inbox toolbar, and select
Defaults | Set Default Page.

Defaults | Clear Default Clears the default page settings. All images now open to the
Page first page.

Defaults | Set Default Allows you to set a zoom level that remains constant across
Zoom documents in a queue. Zoom an image to a desired setting,
right-click the inbox toolbar and select Defaults | Set Default

Defaults | Clear Default Clears the default zoom settings. Images open to their actual
Zoom size.

Defaults | Set Default Sets the rotation of the page displayed by default. You must set
Rotation the Set Default Page option to the page you want to be auto-
rotated by default. When a page in the document has had a
rotation saved for it (via the Process | Save Rotation) menu,
the default rotation should not be applied.
Default rotation is reset when a Workflow session ends.
Any rotation set via the Set Default Rotation will override any
rotations set via the Save Rotation as Default for Page option.

Defaults | Clear Default Clears the current default rotation setting.


Click and Drag Window Positioning

Windows can be arranged in many ways. Click and drag the window you want to move
and release the mouse button when the window is positioned appropriately. A gray
outline of where the window will be placed is shown while dragging the window.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

You can also stack windows on top of each other to create combined windows that will be
displayed in a tabular format. If you drag one window’s title bar on top of the other
window’s title bar, they will combine into one window. Tabs will display at the bottom of
the combined window for each window that can be accessed within the combined

Note: When windows are stacked in tabular form, clicking on the x button in the upper

OnBase Client Usage

right hand corner will close the displayed tab.


Windows can be pinned to a specific place or hidden when not in use. If you want to
always see a window, pin it. To pin it, click the pin button in the title bar. If a pin button
is not present, the window cannot be pinned or hidden. The window will always display in
the current position, even if it is obstructing another window. Rearrange the window to
the outer edge of the screen to find a position where the window can be pinned.
When a window is not pinned, the window will be hidden when not in use. In order to
access a hidden window, hover over the tab that corresponds to the appropriate window.
The tab label will correspond to the title displayed in the window’s title bar. The window
will be displayed. Window tabs are displayed on the left or right edges of the screen.

Viewing Document Results

In the Document window, you can access the Options dialog box by clicking the Options

You can specify the number of documents you want returned at a time in the Results Per
Page field. Only numbers greater than 0 can be entered.
You can also specify if you want the Previous Results and Next Results buttons to display
with or without text labels. If you want the labels to be displayed on the button, select
Show Text Labels . Otherwise, select No Text Labels.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

You can navigate through the document results list using the Previous Results and Next
Results buttons.
OnBase Client Usage

Workflow Approval Management in the Core-Based Interface

Note: A Workflow Approval Management license is required for these features.

Viewing Approval Queues

Approval queues are accessed in the Workflow layout.
Only items that you are assigned to approve will appear in your approval queue. Once
you have approved or rejected an item, it is no longer visible in your queue.
If there are no items for you to approve, the ad hoc tasks are disabled for that queue.

Show Documents for All Approvers

If you have administrative privileges, you can use the Show Documents for All Approvers
option to view all items in an approval queue.

Note: This option is only available if the current user has Workflow Administrative
Processing privileges, or if the current user has the “See Other User’s Documents”
privilege configured for the queue.

To display all items in an approval queue, right-click an approval queue and select Show
Documents for All Approvers . The queue count is updated to reflect the total number of
items in the approval queue, and all items are displayed in the Document window.
To turn off the Show Documents for All Approvers option, right-click the queue and
deselect Show Documents for All Approvers . Navigating to a different queue also turns this
option off.

Work Folder Sorting

Work Folder results can be sorted by clicking on column headers within the Work Folder
window. If a document has revisions, the revision number is displayed at the beginning
of the document’s name.

Filters in Combined View

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

When a filter is applied while using Combined View, the following is true concerning the
display columns. The columns display from left to right.
• If no display columns have been configured on the filter:
• Icon

Note: The Icon column is only available in the Unity interface.

OnBase Client Usage

• Document Name
• Workflow Life Cycle
• Workflow Queue
• Entry Date
• Owner

Note: The Owner column is displayed when only Unity life cycles are configured for
Combined View.

• If display columns have been configured on the filter:

• All configured columns in user-configured order
• Workflow Queue
Queues will be sorted by Entry Date by default. Queues can also be sorted by a defined
filter sort or by clicking a display column to sort by.

Note: If Workflow Queue has been configured as a display column, it will not be added

Note: If no filter has been applied, the display columns will be: Document Name,
Workflow Life Cycle, Workflow Queue, Entry Date.

Note: If a keyword in an Auto-Name string is changed via the user interface in a Core-
based workflow, such as when performing an ad hoc task, the Auto-Name string in the
Documents window will automatically update to reflect the change. There are instances,
however, when the Auto-Name string will not refresh automatically. If scripts are being
used in a task to update keywords, the Auto-Name string will not refresh when the
keyword is updated. For more information, please contact your system administrator.

Shortcut Keys
Note: Depending on your system’s configuration, some shortcuts may not be available.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

In some instances, the same keyboard shortcut key may be configured to initiate
multiple actions. When this occurs, shortcut keys are processed in the following order:
• task lists
• If no matching task list is found, then accelerators configured in Workstation
Options are processed.
• If none of the above conditions are met, other areas of the software, such as
file menus, are processed.
OnBase Client Usage

Note: In some cases, shortcut keys for Internet Explorer and the OnBase Client may
override the configured Accelerator Key when the Accelerator Key uses the same
shortcut key configuration.

The following shortcuts are available by default:

Shortcut Description

F9 Opens the Workflow window.

F10 Executes Workflow Ad Hoc Task #1.

F11 Executes Workflow Ad Hoc Task #2.

F12 Executes Workflow Ad Hoc Task #3.

Workflow Toolbar
Workflow toolbar icons are active and available for use based on the active window
within the Workflow Inbox that you are using. A description of each icon follows:

Button Description

The Begin User Work button is available if there is user work associated with the
selected document. Select this option to begin processing the document.

Note: This button is only enabled if all of the selected documents are in queues that
contain user work.

The Route Document button displays the Possible Transitions dialog box, which
lists other queues to which the document can be routed.

Note: This button is only enabled if all of the selected documents are in the same
queue, and the queue has at least one transition.

The Show Document button displays the document.

The Save button saves changes made to a document that is opened with another
application, such as Microsoft Word ® or Excel ®.

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OnBase 16 Workflow

Button Description

The Filter Inbox button is used to apply a custom query to the Inbox. Filters are
designed during the configuration process, and override the sort columns of the

Note: If a Keyword Type that is used as a display column has more than one value

OnBase Client Usage

for a document, the document will be listed for each Keyword Value.

Note: This button is disabled if no filters are configured, or if the user currently
logged in does not have rights to the configured filters.

The Change View button can be used to toggle between the life cycle graphic
layout and life cycle tree view.

The Zoom In button enlarges the graphic layout view.

The Zoom Out button minimizes the graphic layout view until the default size is

The Grid button displays a grid pattern in the graphic layout view. The grid appears
beneath the queues and transitions to assist in lining up the icons.

The Toggle Grippers button displays or hides the window grippers. Grippers are
used for rearranging windows.

Note: This button is functional for the Classic Client interface only.

The Lock Windows button prevents the windows from being moved or resized,
except for the split window handle on the document viewer. The Restore Default
Display right-click menu option is unavailable when the windows are locked in

Note: This button is functional for the Classic Client interface only.

The Terminal Session button opens a session with a host system if one is
configured. This works only with WRQ Reflection ® terminal emulator.

Note: The Terminal Session button may not be available depending on your

The Display in Separate Window button is provided for use with documents in the
Work Folder. If a Work Folder has been configured for use, enabling allows the
selected document from the Work Folder to be opened in its own viewer, without
affecting the display of the currently selected document in the Inbox. When the
button is disabled, selecting a document from the Work Folder overwrites the
currently selected document in the Inbox (unless the Display Second Pane option
has been enabled for the Inbox).

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Workflow OnBase 16

Button Description

The following buttons are visible when the -WFTRACE command line switch is added to the
Client module command line:

Classic Interface:
The Trace Window button opens a window that displays a text description of each
OnBase Client Usage

step that takes place during the execution of the Workflow. This is useful for
troubleshooting Workflow configurations. Set onbase32.ini file parameter
WriteTimeStamp=1 to include the time the step executes.
In addition, any actions/rules/task lists that are configured with the Enable Debug
Breakpoint check box selected will cause a message box to display giving details of
the breakpoint.
Core-based Interface:
When the Trace button is depressed, tracing is activated on the Application Server
and all messages from that client will be logged to the Diagnostic Console. All
messages from all clients logging trace messages to the Application Server will be
displayed in the Diagnostic Console. Thus, if two clients are logging trace messages
(have the Trace button depressed), any Diagnostic Console connected to that
Application Server will display messages from both clients simultaneously.

Note: The Diagnostics Console must be configured to log Workflow trace messages.
For information about configuring the Diagnostics Console, see the Diagnostics
Console Help files.

The Trace to File button enables logging of the activities during execution of a
Workflow. This differs from the Trace Window in that it writes to the
WFDEBUG.TXT file, in the program temp directory specified in Workstation

Note: Currently only supported in the Classic Client interface.

The Breakpoint Debug button enables break point debugging. Any actions/rules/
task lists that are configured with the Enable Debug Breakpoint check box selected
will cause a message box to display prior to execution, giving details of the

Note: This button is only available for the Core-based interface. The functionality
this button provides is built into the Trace Window button’s functionality in the
Classic Client interface.

The Step Debug button displays a message box after each rule, action or task is
finished executing. Used for determining the location of logic problems in a
Workflow configuration.

Processing Documents
Documents are processed through a life cycle in several ways, either by the system or
the user. Tasks can be configured to occur manually or automatically.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

System Work
If a queue is configured with system work, that work is automatically executed as soon
as the document enters that queue. This work takes precedence over all other types of
configured work. Rules and actions composing system work are performed by the
workstation that placed the document in the queue. If workflow is taking place on
documents as they are being processed, that workstation is also executing the Workflow
activities. If documents are initiated into Workflow during a commit, then the machine

OnBase Client Usage

that commits the documents performs the Workflow activity.

Note: When using the Core-based interface during any import process, documents must
be added to Workflow only during commit. Executing system work on uncommitted
documents is not supported when using the Core-based interface.

User Work
Right-clicking a document in the Document window and selecting Begin User Work
initiates user work that has been configured for a queue. This work steps a user through
one or more actions. The remaining right-click options are described in Workflow Client
Documents Window on page 16.

Timer Work
Timer work is configured to initiate tasks at a certain point in time by defining exactly
when and how often the work will execute on the documents in the queue. A client
workstation running with the –WFSRVR command line switch to convert it into a
Workflow server can be configured to monitor and execute timers automatically. An
administrative user may trigger timers manually.

Automatic Timer Execution

1. Select User | Workstation Options.
2. Select the Workflow Server Queues tab. See Workflow Server Queues on page 60
for more information.

Manual Timer Execution

1. If you have Administrative Processing Privileges for Workflow, right-click a queue
that has a timer and point to Execute Timer Work.
2. Click on the name of the timer you want to execute.

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Workflow OnBase 16

Ad hoc Task Work

An ad hoc user task is a task that the user can select from the Tasks bar to perform on
an as-needed basis. This is different from regular user work in that the user can select
the action initiated. Ad hoc tasks are initiated by double-clicking the representative icon
in the Tasks bar.
OnBase Client Usage

Note: Tasks can be executed on multiple documents at the same time. To select
consecutive documents in the Document window, click the first document, hold the Shift
key and click the last document. To select non-consecutive documents in the Document
window, hold the Ctrl key while clicking the documents. The tasks you execute apply to
the selected documents.

Executing Ad hoc Tasks on Related Documents

If you want to execute an ad hoc task on one or more related document within the Work
Folder window, right-click on the related document(s) and drag the document(s) to the
ad hoc task in the Tasks bar, releasing the mouse button over the ad hoc task.

Tasks Bar
The Tasks bar displays ad hoc tasks to which you have been granted user group rights.
The functionality available is dependent on the content of the active Workflow window.
To display/hide the Tasks bar, select Window | Tasks Bar.

Note: Ad hoc tasks are also available from the Workflow menu.

Tip: Depending on the Windows color scheme you are using on the workstation, you may
have difficulty reading the text of the ad hoc tasks.

Note: If the combined view is used and multiple documents are selected, ad hoc tasks
are only displayed if all of the selected documents are in the same queue.

In addition, the Tasks bar displays System Tasks when the document selected from a
Document Search Results list belongs to a Document Type that is assigned to the
System Task, and the currently logged in user has been granted rights to the System
Task. System Tasks are also available from within processing queues for those
documents that have been indexed.

Locating Documents in a Life Cycle

Once documents have entered a life cycle, there are several means of locating them.

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OnBase 16 Workflow

Document Search Results List

To locate documents from a hit list:

1. Right-click on the document.

2. Select Workflow Queues . If the document is located in one or more life cycles, the
Workflow Queues- [document name] dialog box displays.

OnBase Client Usage

Note: If multiple documents are selected at once, this option is disabled.

3. If you want to open the document within a queue, select the appropriate queue
and click Open Queue . The queue will open with the document displayed.

The Workflow Queues dialog box will also list who a document is assigned to if the
document is within a load-balanced queue within the Assigned to Users column.
<Restricted> will be displayed for queues and lifecycles that you do not have the rights
and/or privileges to view.

List Contents Report

List reports are generated at the life cycle or queue level.

1. Right-click on the life cycle or queue and select Create List Report.
2. The Create Report dialog box flashes on the screen during processing.
3. The report then displays on the screen. This report is stored in OnBase as a SYS
List Contents Report Document Type.

Note: Typically, not all users have rights to this Document Type. However, this does not
prevent users from creating reports. Once created, the report opens in the viewer. After
the report is closed, only users with rights to the SYS List Contents Report Document
Type can view the report.

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Workflow OnBase 16

Viewing Documents Assigned to Other Users in a Load

Balancing Queue
Unless you have been assigned documents in a load balancing queue, you will not be
able to view documents, by default. In order to view another user’s documents:

1. Right-click on the queue and select See Other User’s Documents . The View Other
User’s Documents dialog box displays.
OnBase Client Usage

2. Select the appropriate user or role from the Select User list.

Note: If you want to view all of the users’ documents, select <All> . If you have selected
the Show “Assigned To” column for LB Queue option, an Assigned To column is displayed
showing who each document is currently assigned to.

Note: If <Unassigned> is selected, only documents that are not assigned to a user are
displayed. This option is not supported for the Match Keyword to User Name assignment

3. Click OK. The documents display in the Workflow Document window.

Note: When the Administrator opens a queue, all documents are displayed. In order to
see only their own documents, select See Other User's Documents and choose
Administrator from the View Other User’s Documents dialog box.

Note: When a load balanced queue is configured as Match Keyword to User Name , the
View Other User’s Documents list only includes the names of members assigned to the
selected load balanced queue. The Load Balance Administration dialog box includes all
users that have documents assigned to them, regardless of whether they are members
assigned to the selected load balanced queue.

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OnBase 16 Workflow

Moving Documents within a Load Balancing Queue

Load Balancing Queues assign documents to specified users, user groups, or roles.
Assignments can be based on percentages, order of arrival, keywords, or size of existing
If keywords are edited that affect load balancing assignments, when the document is
selected and Rebalance is selected from the right-click menu, the document will be

OnBase Client Usage

adjusted to the appropriate user(s).
To move documents:

1. Right-click over a queue name that is a load balancing queue type.

2. Select Load Balancing Administration.

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Workflow OnBase 16

3. The Load Balancing Administration dialog box displays. The name of the queue is
also displayed in the title bar of the dialog box. Expand the users/groups/roles by
double-clicking them to view their contents. Users/user groups/roles are sorted
alphabetically. A <Unassigned> group will always be displayed. This group will
contain any documents that have not been assigned to a valid user. Users that are
currently logged in and consuming a client license are displayed in bold face font.
OnBase Client Usage

Note: Users or roles that are configured as members for load balancing queues and have
no documents currently assigned to them will appear in Load Balancing Administration.

Note: Documents may be assigned to more than one user. Because of this, the total
number of documents in a queue and the sum total number of documents assigned to
specific users may not be equal.

To reassign documents to another user/group/role, click the document name,

drag the document to another user/group, and release the mouse button. The
selected documents are transferred to the intended user/group/role.
To reassign all documents from one user/group/role to another, select the user/
group that is assigned the documents and drag the user/group/role icon over the
intended user/group/role icon and release the mouse button. All documents are
transferred from the originally-assigned user/group/role to the intended user/
If you are in a queue that is configured as a Match Keyword to User Name queue
type, using this method will remove the current assignment from the user, from
which the document was dragged, and add the new user assignment for the
dragged document. If you want to assign multiple users to a document, press
CTRL, click and drag the document to the new user assignment. When this

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OnBase 16 Workflow

method is used, the old assignments are retained and the new assignment is

Note: Any assignment made in a load balanced queue is not recorded in a document’s
history. Keyword changes made in Load Balancing Administration are recorded in a
document’s history.

OnBase Client Usage

Reassigning Documents for Match Keyword to User Name Queues
When a load balancing queue is configured to match a keyword to a user, a few options
are available in the Reassigning Document dialog box that can specify how assignments
should be completed. This dialog box is opened by right-clicking in the Load Balancing
Administration dialog box and selecting Reassign Documents.

Select the user affected by the reassignment.

Note: In order to select multiple users to perform the reassign task upon, you must press
the Ctrl or Shift keyboard keys while selecting the user.

The following options are available for reassignment:

• Select Unassign From Current User to remove the current assignment from the
currently selected document(s) assignment in the Load Balancing
Administration dialog box and add the new assignment.
• Select Remove All Existing Assignments to remove all existing assignments for
the currently selected document(s) and add the new assignment.
• Select Keep All Existing Assignments to keep all existing assignments for the
currently selected document(s) and add the new assignment.

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Workflow OnBase 16

A right-click menu is also accessible at both the queue, user group, and document levels
in the Load Balancing Administration dialog box.

Option Description

Create List Report The information included in the List Report is dependent on the level
of detail selected in the queue. If a queue is selected, the report
OnBase Client Usage

contains all documents in that queue. If a user is selected, the report

will only include documents assigned to that user. (Create List
Report is disabled when one or more documents are selected.) The
report is saved into the SYS List Contents Report Document Type.

Reassign Documents Displays the Reassigning Documents dialog box, allowing the
selected documents to be moved to another user/user group or role
in Load Balancing Administration.

Rebalance Queue level: When Rebalance is initiated at the queue level, the
distribution of documents is equalized across all users/user groups.
User/User Group or role level: When Rebalance is initiated at the
user/user group level, the documents currently assigned to the
selected user/user group or role are redistributed within the queue,
according to the rebalance parameters configured.

Note: This option is not available for Match Keyword to User Name
load balancing queues or if the queue is load balanced by rules and
there is no load balancing work task list on the queue. In addition, if
you are using the Core-based interface, this option is not available
when the queue is load balanced by rules and the load balancing work
task list does not contain any actions, rules or sub task lists.

Note: When the rebalance function is initiated, existing assignments

are cleared and new assignments are made based on the load-
balancing queue’s configuration.

Refresh Refreshes the display of documents in the queue, without

transitioning documents out of the queue.

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OnBase 16 Workflow

Additional options are only available at the document level:

Option Description

View Selected Opens the selected document.

Keywords Displays the Add/Modify Keyword dialog box, and allows you to add or
modify document Keyword Values.

OnBase Client Usage

Properties Displays the Document Information for Document Handle: <nnn>
window. This window displays certain attributes stored for the
document, some of these values reflect data stored in the database
tables for that document.

Note: You may have more options available depending on user rights and licensing. You
may also not have any of these options depending on granted user rights.

Administrating Ownership
Note: Ownership Administration is not available in the Classic OnBase Client interface.

If a queue is configured for ownership and you have rights to administrate ownership,
you can view or change the ownership of documents. To view or change ownership:

1. Select the queue in the Life Cycle View window.

2. Right-click and select Ownership Administration. The Ownership Administration
dialog box is displayed.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

This dialog box contains ownership information for each document in the queue. The
information includes the document’s ID, Name, and Entry Date. In addition, if the
document is currently owned, the Owner is listed, as well as the date the ownership
began displayed within the Since column. If the document is not owned, the Owner and
Since columns will not have values.
In this dialog box, you can also change the ownership for a document. To change the
ownership for a document:
OnBase Client Usage

1. Select the document in the Ownership Administration dialog box for which you
want to change the ownership.
2. Right-click and select Change Owner. The Change Owner dialog box is displayed.

3. Select the user you want to grant ownership to from the drop-down select list.
4. Click OK.

Entering Documents into a Workflow

There are several methods for entering documents into life cycles. All methods assume
that the document type associated with the document has been configured for use with a
life cycle.
The type of method used to enter a document into a life cycle is dependent on the
manner in which the document is processed into OnBase. These methods include:
• Input Processors. See Input Processors on page 49.
• Importing Document. See Importing Documents on page 49.
• Creating New Documents. See Creating New Documents on page 49.
• Manual Entry. See Manual Entry on page 50.
• Forms Processing. See Forms Processing on page 51.
• Document Retention. See Document Retention on page 52.
• Host Emulation. See Host Emulation on page 52.
• Remote Entry/Internet See Remote Entry/Internet on page 52.
• Supporting Documents in Workflow. See Supporting Documents in Workflow on
page 52.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

• Re-Indexing. See Re-Indexing Documents in Workflow on page 52.

Note: When a document is added to OnBase, the engine (Core-based or Classic) that is
selected will be used to add the document to Workflow.

Input Processors

OnBase Client Usage

If input processors are configured to initiate Workflow, documents will automatically be
entered into life cycles upon processing.

Importing Documents
Upon importing documents, you can select the Initiate Workflow option to add imported
documents into the life cycle(s) assigned to the Document Type to which the document
was imported. Depending on your configuration, the Initiate Workflow option may not be
available and upon import under this condition, Workflow will automatically be initiated.

Caution: If you are using the Core-based interface, the Application Server must be
appropriately installed and configured in order for the document to be added to Workflow.
If the Application Server is not running, the following message is displayed: The application
server is not available. The document will not be added to workflow. Would you like to continue?
Clicking OK imports the document, but does not add the document to Workflow. Clicking
Cancel cancels the import. Notify your system administrator if you encounter this message.

Creating New Documents

Upon creating a new document from an existing document through Send To | Create New
Document , you can select Initiate Workflow in the Create new document from existing
dialog box to add created documents into the life cycle(s) assigned to the Document
Type to which the document was created.

Note: When you select this option in the Awaiting Index scan queue, the document will
not be added to a Workflow queue regardless of whether or not the Initiate Workflow
option was selected.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Manual Entry
To feed a document into a life cycle from a Document Search Results list:

1. Right-click on the document and select Workflow | Execute Workflow .

2. If the document is configured for one life cycle, Workflow launches automatically.
If the associated Document Type is configured for multiple life cycles, the Choose
Life Cycle - [document type name] window displays. In this window, the life cycles
OnBase Client Usage

and initial queues of those life cycles are listed. Select the appropriate life cycle
and click OK .

Note: If a document has been removed from the life cycle by system work, Execute
Workflow will not open Workflow or display an error message.

If you have user rights to the life cycle chosen above, the queue containing the
document is selected in the Workflow Inbox and the document is listed in the
Workflow Document window. The document added to the life cycle is shown in the
Workflow Inbox.
If a document or group of documents does not have an associated life cycle, the
Add Document to Workflow dialog box is displayed. If you want all the selected
documents to be added to the same life cycle, select the Apply to All check box.
Click Yes to add the document(s). Click No if you do not want to add the
document(s) to the life cycle.

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OnBase 16 Workflow

OnBase Client Usage

Note: If you add a document to a Workflow life cycle for which you do not have rights to
the initial queue, the Unable to open Workflow dialog box is displayed, stating The
requested Queue does not exist or you do not have rights to open it .

If the selected document(s) is/are not assigned to a life cycle, the Cannot Add Document
to Workflow dialog box is displayed. Click Cancel This Document to cancel the Workflow
execution for the current document listed in the dialog box. If multiple documents were
selected, you can cancel the Workflow execution for all the documents by clicking Cancel
All Documents .
To import a file from disk into a life cycle:

1. Select File | Import to open the Import Document dialog box.

2. Browse to the location of the file and enter the remaining information on the
Import Document dialog box.
3. The document enters the initial queue(s) of the life cycle(s) to which its document
type is assigned.

Note: You do not need user rights to the life cycle to put a document into it; you only
need rights to the life cycle to see the document.

Forms Processing
E-Forms can be opened and completed from the Client module or the Internet (Web
Server). OnBase can also interact with forms software to launch a life cycle when the
forms are completed electronically.

Note: E-Forms enter a Workflow life cycle once, when they are initially submitted as a
new document. Resubmitting or revising a form will not cause the form to re-enter its
associated life cycle. For more information about re-entering document revisions into
Workflow, see the EDM Services documentation.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Document Retention
Documents can be fed into a Classic Workflow life cycle through an evaluation process
set up in the Document Retention module.

Host Emulation
OnBase Client Usage

Documents can enter a Workflow life cycle from a host system using custom
programming. This allows users to enter data as they normally would on a host screen
from their data entry activity. The system captures the information as an indexed
document to launch Workflow.

Remote Entry/Internet
Workflow can be initiated from activities conducted over the Internet, including
completion of an electronic form, manual importing of a document, or launching a
document from within an email.

If your system configuration supports this option, Workflow can be accessed through
automated email notifications. When a notification is received, click the link in the
notification to display a logon screen. Logging in will automatically display the
appropriate combination of document, queue, and life cycle that the notification was
configured for. Exiting the Workflow window will log the user out of the system.

Note: The user attempting to access Workflow via email notification must be licensed for
Workflow, with appropriate privileges.

Supporting Documents in Workflow

Certain documents exist for no other reason than to support a primary document. These
documents usually enter the life cycle at a separate stand-alone queue where they
remain until no longer needed. Such supporting documents are visible in the Related
Documents window through dynamic foldering.

Re-Indexing Documents in Workflow

When re-indexing is done and only keywords are modified, the re-indexing functions the
same as if done at the Add/Modify Keyword dialog box. System work is not performed.
Depending on your configuration, when re-indexing is done and the new Document Type
is assigned to a life cycle, the document may be added to that life cycle and system work
will be performed accordingly automatically. If your system is not configured to
automatically add documents into life cycles, you must select the Initiate Workflow check
box in the Re-Index Document dialog box.
When re-indexing is done with a document currently in a life cycle and with the re-
indexed Document Type assigned to another life cycle, the document will remain in the
current life cycle and be added to the life cycle assigned to the new Document Type, if
Workflow was initiated automatically or manually, as described above. System work will
be performed accordingly for the re-indexed Document Type in the new life cycle.

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OnBase 16 Workflow

Interaction with E-Forms in Workflow

Existing E-Forms can be viewed in Workflow. New E-Forms can be created by executing
an ad hoc task. Depending on the method of viewing, E-Forms behave differently.
When an already-existing E-Form is viewed, clicking Cancel will close the form without
saving any changes. The form itself will still be stored in the database.
When a new E-Form is created via an ad hoc task, the E-Form may be created before

OnBase Client Usage

any Keyword Values are added to the E-Form by the user. Depending on configuration
options, one of two things will occur:
• After the E-Form is created in the system, it will be displayed in the User
Interaction window. Clicking Cancel will close the E-Form without saving any
changes made to the E-Form.
• Clicking Cancel will close the E-Form and not create it in the system.
When a submit button is configured on an E-Form and it is not configured using OBBtn_
syntax, the button will function as a cancel button.

Keyword Validation in OnBase

In either of the above cases, clicking the Submit button with valid Keyword Values
entered will store the form in the database with the new Keyword Values. If the Keyword
Values are not valid (e.g., a date Keyword Value where an alphanumeric one should be),
the user will be prompted to fix the error and the form will stay open.

Note: Keyword validation does not apply to currency keywords in the Core. The user
must be familiar with the format used for currency in order to ensure accuracy.

Workflow Document History

From an open document or the Document Search Results list, right-click and select
History. The Document History dialog box displays the Workflow related actions in the
Workflow Queues and Workflow Transactions tabs.

Note: If a user does not have the Document History product right, this option will not be
available. Workflow history is only available when appropriately licensed and registered
for Workflow.

Workflow Queues

The logged actions display in the following categories:

• Life Cycle - specifies the life cycle the document was/is in.
• Queue - specifies the queue the document was/is in.
• Entry Date - specifies the date and time the document entered the queue.
• Exit Date - specifies the date and time the document exited the queue. If a
document is still in the specified queue, it will not have an Exit Date.

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Workflow OnBase 16

• Entry User Name - specifies the user responsible for entering the document into
the listed queue.
• Exit User Name - specifies the user responsible for moving the document out of
the listed queue. If the document is still in the specified queue, this field is
OnBase Client Usage

Workflow Transactions

The Workflow Transactions tab displays information created by either the SYS - Custom
Log Entry action or by actions, rules, or task list configured with the Log Execution
setting. The following information is available on this tab:
• Log Date - date the information was logged.
• Log Time - time the information was logged.
• Life Cycle - life cycle the transaction occurred in.
• Queue - queue the transaction occurred in.
• User Name - user responsible for the transaction.
• Type - can be action, rule, task list or custom entry.
• Name - name of the action, rule or task list that made the entry.
• Message - when the entry was caused by the SYS - Custom Log Entry action, this
will be the message that was specified in the action. If an action, rule, or task
list is disabled, a message displays stating that the item is disabled.

Filtering Workflow Tabs

You can filter the information displayed in the Workflow-related tabs by right-clicking in
either tab and selecting Filter Items . The Select Items to View dialog box displays.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

In this dialog box, you can select the Life Cycle , Queue, User name, and Log Date for
which you want entries displayed. You also have the option to select <ALL> from the Life
Cycle , Queue , and User name drop-down lists.

Note: To clear the filter and view all the information in the Workflow related tabs, select
<ALL> from the drop-down lists in the Select Items to View dialog box, clear the Log Date
check box, and click OK .

OnBase Client Usage

Generating a Document History Report
To generate a document history report, right-click in the Document History dialog box
and select Generate Report . The new report is generated and displayed.
This report is stored in the SYS - User Reports Document Type and can be retrieved using
this Document Type as a search criterion.

Workstation Options for Workflow

In the Workstation Options dialog box, you can select two different tabs pertaining to the
Workflow module:
• The Workflow Display Options tab allows you to customize the appearance of the
Workflow Inbox.
• The Workflow Server Queues tab allows you to select timer queues to monitor.

Note: These tabs are visible only if your user group has been granted privileges to the
Client User/Workstation Options.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Workflow Display Options

1. Select User | Workstation Options. The Workstation Options dialog box displays.
2. Click the Workflow Display Options tab:
OnBase Client Usage

3. Specify the following options:

Options Description

Percent Allows you to change the default size of the Workflow windows. The cumulative
allocated percent of all windows must total 100.

Note: This option is disabled when using the Core-based interface.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Options Description

Restore Updates the onbase32.ini file with the currently configured Percent settings.
Default (This does not affect the currently displayed Percent values.)
Note: After changing Percent settings, the windows must also be refreshed in
Workflow, by selecting Display | Restore Default Display from the Workflow

OnBase Client Usage

toolbar right-click menu.

Note: This option is disabled when using the Core-based interface.

Initial Pertains to the default size of the life cycle graphic layout that displays in the
Graphic life cycle view. The higher the number, the larger the graphic layout appears.

Graphic Indicates the speed at which the visual update of transitions occurs. The higher
Update the number, the faster the graphic transitions display. The lower the number,
the slower the transition displays.

Refresh tree When selected, the document counter for a queue will be refreshed based on
counters the Refresh Rate configured under User Options. If this option is not selected,
the queue counts will only be refreshed when a user manually refreshes the
counts or if an action that refreshes the queue count, such as a transition, is

Caution: To achieve optimal performance, it is recommended that this option

not be used with the Core-based interface. Using this option with the Core-
based interface consumes a greater share of network, database, and
application server resources.

Display When selected, the document viewer is divided into two sections. You can
second pane specify whether you want the pane to be split vertically or horizontally by
selecting Vertical split or Horizontal split, respectively.

Note: Vertical split and Horizontal split are disabled when using the Core-
based interface.

Inbox Status This section configures the Workflow Inbox status bar, displayed directly below
Pane Order the Inbox window. Four pane options are available: Queue Name, User Name,
Document Count, and Filter. You can choose any combination and
arrangement of panes. Use the Up and Down buttons to arrange the selected
panes. Panes will be displayed as they are listed (top to bottom) from left to
right on the screen. Panes can be removed or added. To remove a pane, select
the pane in the box and click Remove. To add a pane, select it from the drop-
down list and click Add. If no panes are available for addition, the drop-down
list will be disabled. Changes made in this section will be reflected in the
following onbase32.ini setting: StatusPaneOrder. The size of the panes can be
specified in the onbase32.ini settings.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Options Description

Auto-Open Select the queue to open automatically upon opening the Workflow Inbox. The
Queue queue names are prefaced with the life cycles to which they belong. If you
cannot read the entire text, hover over the drop-down list and a tooltip will
display the name of the life cycle and queue that is selected.

Use If enabled, this option causes the Workflow filter to remain in effect, when
OnBase Client Usage

Persistent switching queues, until the user removes it. If disabled, Workflow filters are
Filters removed when the user changes queues.
If there is not a selected filter or the selected filter cannot be applied to the
queue, the configured default filter is applied, if applicable. Otherwise, the
persistent filter overrides the default filter.

Note: If a queue has the Use only selected filters option selected, and the
current persistent filter is not explicitly configured for the queue, the persistent
filter is not applied to the queue.

Show When selected, the Workflow menu displays in the Client menu bar.

Show “ When this option is selected, an Assigned To column is added to the inbox
Assigned when you select See Other User’s Documents for a load balancing queue and
To” Column view <ALL>. This column displays what user is assigned to the document
for LB Queue currently.

Note: If a filter is applied to the inbox, the columns are determined by the
columns configured for the filter and this column will not display.

Note: This setting does not apply to queues configured as Match Keyword to
User Name load balancing type.

Reuse Top- This option relates to the Doc - Display Related Document and Doc - Display
level This Document actions. It is used in conjunction with the Use Top Level
Window for Window option. When this option is enabled with the Use Top Level Window,
Displaying only one window will be used to display documents. If multiple documents are
Document displayed, only the last document will be displayed in the window. When this
option is not selected, a new window is displayed for each document.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Options Description

Accelerators Allows you to assign shortcut keys to assist in performing repetitive actions.

Note: The Answer ‘Yes’, Answer ‘No’, and Answer ‘Cancel’ accelerators are
only supported for use with the SYS - Prompt User with Question Box action.

OnBase Client Usage

Note: The Answer ‘Yes’ accelerator is also supported for use with the Notify -
Display Message Box action.

Switch to Life Cycle Window, Switch to Document Window, Switch to User

Interaction Window, Switch to Folder Window, Switch to Document
Window, and Switch to Related Document Viewer allows you to configure
shortcut keys to switch the focus to various windows within the Workflow
Refresh Current Filter refreshes the current filter on the currently-selected

Note: Refresh Current Filter is not supported in the Classic Client

Workflow interface.

Once you have configured accelerators, you must close Workflow and restart it
for accelerators to be available for use.

Action A list of common responses and actions for mapping keystrokes.

Accelerator Displays the keystroke combination for the selected Action.


Configure Displays the Accelerator Key dialog box for mapping the Ctrl, Alt, or Shift
keys for keyboard short cuts.

Interface Note: Depending on your configuration, this option may not be enabled.

Allows you to specify what Workflow client interface to use. Selecting Default
will adhere to the interface specified in the Configuration module. Selecting
Classic will use the Classic Client interface. Selecting Core-based uses the
Core-based interface.

Note: This setting overrides the setting configured in the Configuration module.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Workflow Server Queues

Note: This tab is only available if you are licensed for Workflow, have the Workflow
Administrative Processing Privileges product right, and the -WFSRVR or the -WFSRVR,C
switch applied to the Client module’s shortcut. -WFSRVR,C can only be used to configure
and does not execute timers.
OnBase Client Usage

The Workflow Server Queues tab in the Workstation Options dialog box is used for
indicating the queues that need to be monitored for timer work by the Workflow server.
Timer work is not performed automatically until the server is asked to monitor the
queue. To open the Workflow Server Queues tab:

1. Select User | Workstation Options.

2. Click the Workflow Server Queues tab.

The first list is titled Workflow Servers. This is a list of Workflow servers. All queues
monitored by the selected Workflow server are listed in the Assigned Queues list.

Note: Queue names are prefaced with the life cycle to which they belong, displayed in

The second list is titled Available Workstations. It contains all workstations that have
logged on to the database at least once. When a workstation is selected, the available
timer queues are listed in the Available Queues list. Select any queue that you want to
assign for monitoring and click Assign Queue . You can select multiple queues at one time
by holding down either the Ctrl or Shift keyboard keys. The selected queue(s) will move
to the Assigned Queues list and the workstation that was selected will become a Workflow
Server and will be moved to the Workflow Servers list. You can unassign a queue at any
time by selecting it from the Assigned Queues list and clicking Remove Queue. When all
queues from a Workflow Server are unassigned, the Workflow Server workstation will be
removed from the Workflow Servers list and will be placed in the Available Workstations

Note: If you intend to delete a timer that belongs to a queue in the Assigned Queues list
and it is the only timer in that queue, remove the queue from the Assigned Queues list
and, if there are no more available queues for the workstation, remove the workstation
from the Workflow Servers list before deleting the timer.

Timer work may also be executed manually by users with Administrative Processing
Privileges for Workflow. In this case, the timer does not need to be added to the
Workflow Server Queues . See Timer Work on page 39 for details.

Note: Tasks are suspended while the Workflow Server Queues tab is open. Upon closing
this tab, tasks resume.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Workflow System Monitor

The Workflow System Monitor allows you to review the status of timers that have been
configured to trigger work on documents. To view this monitor, you must use the –
WFSRVR switch on the Client module’s command line.

OnBase Client Usage

This monitor supplies the name of the timer(s) and a countdown to the next inspection,
which is updated every 5 seconds. When the timer is evaluated, the actions, rules and
other task lists are executed.

Workflow Log
The Workflow log is a report of the activities in Workflow. The information is contained in
database tables that tracks changes made to documents within Workflow. Privileges to
view this log are limited to the system administrator; however, users may be given
authority to purge all, or a selection, of the log file. Logging can be disabled at the
queue level.

Note: The Workflow Log menu option is visible only if your user group has been granted
appropriate rights.

Note: The time shown on all logs reflects the database server time; not the processing
workstation’s time.

Users with permission to purge the entire Workflow log can do so by selecting Admin |
Workflow Log | Purge All Entries . A Confirmation dialog box is displayed. To proceed with
the purge, click Yes . Click No to close the message box and cancel the purge.

Caution: Once you delete information from the Workflow log it is permanently removed
from the database.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

A Purged Workflow Log action entry is made in the Transaction Log any time a Purge All
Entries is performed. The log is also automatically saved in the SYS Workflow Logs
Document Type.
When the Workflow log is purged, information is also removed from the Workflow
Transaction tab within Document History.

Restricted Purge
OnBase Client Usage

A restricted purge enables you to focus purging entries based on one or more specific
life cycles and/or queues, or a document handle or a range of entry dates. To open the
Workflow Log Restricted Purge dialog box, select Admin | Workflow Log | Restricted Purge .
Select the desired settings according to the entries to be purged. When complete, click
Purge .

Caution: Once you delete information from the Workflow log it is permanently removed
from the database.

A Confirmation dialog box is displayed. To proceed with the purge, click Yes. Click No to
close the message box and cancel the purge.
A detail entry is made in the Transaction Log that describes what restrictions were
placed on the purge. The log is also automatically saved in the SYS Workflow Logs
Document Type.
When the Workflow log is purged, information is also removed from the Workflow
Transaction tab within Document History.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.

Workflow Document Security

Access to documents via Workflow is accomplished by a combination of assignments
made at the Document Type, life cycle, and work queue level. Specifically:
• Document Types must be configured for use in a specific life cycle.
In the Configuration module, select Document | Document Types , then select the
desired Document Type and select Life Cycles . Assign the desired life cycles at
the Life Cycles for <document type> dialog box.
• Users must be granted rights to a specific life cycle, as well as each queue
within that life cycle, in order to view documents within those queues.
In the Configuration module, select Users | User Groups/Rights. Select the
desired user group and select Workflow. Assign the desired life cycles and
queues at the Assigning Workflow for <user group> dialog box.
• Users must be granted the Retrieve/View privilege, either as a user group
privilege or as an override privilege. If this privilege is not granted (or in the
case of override privileges, overridden), users will not be able to view
documents in Workflow. For more information on configuring user group rights,
please see the System Administration module reference guide or help files.

Caution: The ability to view documents in a life cycle is controlled at the queue level. If
users have rights to a Workflow queue, they will also have rights to view all the documents
in that queue by default, regardless of their security rights (i.e. Document Type rights).
This includes related documents.

Caution: The ability to modify a document in a life cycle is controlled at the queue level. If
users have rights to a Workflow queue, they will also have rights to modify all documents in
that queue by default, regardless of their Modify privilege setting, including related
documents. Administrators should be aware that Workflow automatically grants the Modify
privilege to users for any documents that are in their queue. As a result, care should be
taken to only present documents which users should be allowed to modify.

Note: To view or change Keyword Values or to re-index a document via the right-click
menu, you must have appropriate rights for modifying keywords or re-indexing.

Opening Workflow Using the Desktop

Workflow can be opened using the Desktop through the Desktop task bar icon.
On the Desktop task bar icon, right-click and select Workflow. If Workflow is selected
from the Quick Launch drop-down list in the Desktop Options dialog box, double-click the
Desktop task bar icon.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

When Workflow is opened, the queue displayed is determined by the following:

• If the combined view is set to show by default, the combined view will be
• If an auto open queue has be configured, that queue will be selected.
• If the last queue accessed was recorded, it will open.
• If none of these are true, the first life cycle in the list is selected.
Desktop Workflow

Workflow Windows
Workflow in the Desktop is comprised of windows. Each window has its own specific
function. There are 6 major windows that make up a Workflow interface. These windows
• Life Cycle View
• Documents
• Work Folder
• Document Viewer
• User Interaction
• Tasks

Arranging Windows
Click and Drag Window Positioning
Windows can be arranged in many ways. Click and drag the window you want to move
and release the mouse button when the window is positioned appropriately. A gray
outline of where the window will be placed is shown while dragging the window.
You can also stack windows on top of each other to create combined windows that will be
displayed in a tabular format. If you drag one window’s title bar on top of the other
window’s title bar, they will combine into one window. Tabs will display at the bottom of
the combined window for each window that can be accessed within the combined


Windows can be pinned to a specific place or hidden when not in use. If you want to
always see a window, pin it. To pin it, click the pin button in the title bar. If a pin button
is not present, the window cannot be pinned or hidden. The window will always display in
the current position, even if it is obstructing another window. Rearrange the window to
the outer edge of the screen to find a position where the window can be pinned.
When a window is not pinned, the window will be hidden when not in use. In order to
access a hidden window, hover over the tab that corresponds to the appropriate window.
The tab label will correspond to the title displayed in the window’s title bar. The window
will be displayed. Window tabs are displayed on the left or right edges of the screen.
Windows can also be opened or hidden by right-clicking on any dark gray background
area or the status bar and selecting the appropriate window. Likewise, you can restore
the default arrangement of windows by right-clicking on any dark gray background area
or the status bar and selecting Restore Default Display.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Life Cycle View Window

The Life Cycle View window contains all the life cycles and queues to which a user has

Desktop Workflow
To view queues, expand a life cycle by clicking on the corresponding plus sign. Clicking
on a queue will open its contents in the Documents window.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

The Life Cycle View window has two different views: Tree View and Graphical View. The
window defaults to the Tree View. To view a life cycle in Graphical View:

1. Select the appropriate life cycle.

2. Right-click and select Graphical View.
Desktop Workflow

3. To select a queue in the Graphical View, click on it.

4. To switch back to the Tree View, right-click in the window and select Tree View.

Note: The view you are in when you close Workflow will be the view displayed the next
time you open Workflow. When displaying the combined view by default, the Tree View
will be displayed regardless of the last view you were in.

Workflow Approval Management: Viewing Approval Queues

Note: A Workflow Approval Management license is required for this feature.

Approval queues are accessed in the Workflow layout.

Only items that you are assigned to approve will appear in your approval queue. Once
you have approved or rejected an item, it is no longer visible in your queue.
If there are no items for you to approve, the ad hoc tasks are disabled for that queue.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Documents Window
The Documents window contains all of the documents in the currently selected queue or
in the combined view. When a document is selected, it will open in the viewer. If the
document is opened using an external viewer, a message stating The document is
displayed in an external viewer. is displayed in the Documents window. The following types
of files are opened in an external viewer: .msg, .avi, .wav, and .mov.
Multiple documents can be selected at once by holding the Ctrl key down while making

Desktop Workflow
selections. You can select a consecutive group by selecting the first document in the
group, holding down the Shift key, and selecting the last document in the group. You can
perform user work and ad hoc tasks on multiple documents by selecting multiple
documents before performing the action. The right-click menu that is available is
described in the Desktop documentation.
You can perform an ad hoc task on one or multiple documents by right-clicking and
dragging the document(s) from this window onto the icon in the Tasks window.
Any documents that are related to the document(s) selected in the Documents window
are displayed in the Work Folder window.

Note: Cross-references are not available for OLE documents.

Work Folder Window

The Work Folder window contains the documents that are related to the selected
document in the Documents window. Related documents can be opened by double-
clicking on the documents. Depending on how the Open Related Document in Separate
Window option is set in the Workflow Options dialog box, related documents may or may
not open in a new window.
Multiple documents can be selected at once by holding the Ctrl key down while making
selections. You can select a consecutive group by selecting the first document in the
group, holding down the Shift key, and selecting the last document in the group. The
right-click menu that is available is described in the Desktop documentation.
You can perform an ad hoc task on one or multiple documents by right-clicking and
dragging the document(s) from this window onto the icon in the Tasks window.

Note: When a Keyword Type that is determining the contents of the Work Folder has a
value that contains an asterisk (*) or question mark (?), the characters are treated as
wildcards and all documents that meet the criteria are returned as related documents.

User Interaction Window

The User Interaction window displays information and items that require user interaction.
The following are displayed in this window:
• Help text for life cycles and queues
• Filter forms
• E-Forms
• Question boxes
• Combined view settings

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

If the User Interaction window is closed or not pinned, the window will open when a task
is initiated that requires the user interaction to display in the User Interaction window.

Tasks Window
The Tasks window contains all ad hoc tasks that are available for a queue. Click the
task’s icon to initiate the ad hoc task. If your configuration allows, you can also initiate
user work from this window.
Desktop Workflow

Status Bar
The Status Bar is located at the bottom of the Desktop Workflow window. It contains
information pertinent to the current Workflow selections. The following information is
displayed in the Status Bar:
• Current Queue
• User Name of the logged-in user OR the name of the user whose documents are
being displayed in a load-balanced queue
• Filter selected
• The documents currently being viewed

If any of the names are too long to display completely, you can view the name by
hovering over it in the status bar. A tooltip displays the name in its entirety.
Additionally, a right-click menu is available from the Status Bar that allows you to open
and close windows and restore the default display layout.

Opening Queues
Queues can be opened in one of two ways:
• In the Life Cycle View window, expand the appropriate life cycle and select the
appropriate queue.
• In the Documents window, right-click and select Change Queue | <life cycle
name> | <queue name> .

Filtering the Documents Window

The contents of the Documents window can be filtered to only display the documents that
meet certain search requirements.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Selecting Filters
In order to use a filter, you must select the appropriate filter to apply to the Documents
window. To select a filter to apply, right-click in the Documents window and select Filter
Inbox | <name of filter> . If you are using a filter form, the filter form will display in the
User Interaction window. Enter the filter's requirements and submit the form. The
documents matching the filter's requirements are displayed in the Documents window. If
a Could not load filter E-Form message is displayed, the selected filter is unavailable.

Desktop Workflow
Note: Depending on the queue’s configuration, you may not have the option to filter a

Note: A filter form will only display if the filter has been configured to use a form. Not all
filters need forms.

If Filter Inbox | <No Filter> is selected, a filter is not currently applied to the window.

Note: If a Keyword Type that is used as a display column has more than one value for a
document, the document will be listed for each Keyword Value.

Persistent Filter
If you want to apply the same filter and search requirements when moving from queue
to queue, right-click on the Documents window and select Filter Inbox | Use Persistent
Filters . The Use Persistent Filters option will become enabled. If enabled, this option
causes the selected Workflow filter to remain in effect, when switching queues, until the
user disables it. If disabled, Workflow filters are removed when the user changes
queues. To disable the User Persistent Filters option, right-click on the Current Queue
window and select Filter Inbox | Use Persistent Filters. This option is also accessible by
right-clicking in the Life Cycle View window and selecting Workflow Options .

Note: The default filter overrides any persistent filter.

Display Columns in Single Queues

When applying a filter to a single queue, the following is true concerning the display
columns for the filter:
• If no display columns have been configured on the filter, the Document Name
column will display.
• If display columns have been configured, all configured columns will display.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Viewing Documents Assigned to Other Users in Load-

Balanced Queues
You can view other users’ documents in a load-balanced queue by right-clicking on the
queue name and selecting See Other User’s Documents.

Note: If See Other User’s Documents is not available, you do not have rights to this
functionality. Contact your system administrator for further information.
Desktop Workflow

Selecting this option displays a screen from which you can choose to view another user’s
documents. All users who are load-balancing members display.

You can select to view the documents of a particular user, all documents, or documents
not currently assigned to a user. In the case of a Coverage queue, the See Other User’s
Documents options will not reflect coverage documents.
When a load balanced queue is configured as Match Keyword to User Name, the View
Other User’s Documents list only includes the names of members assigned to the selected
load balanced queue. The Load Balance Administration dialog box includes all users that
have documents assigned to them, regardless of whether they are members assigned to
the selected load balanced queue.

Show All Documents

Note: Show All Documents is only available in queues that have been configured as Auto-
Feed queues. It is not available when in Combined View.

Some users may have rights to override the Auto-Feed setting and view all documents
within the queue. When this right is granted, the user can right-click the queue in the
tree view and select Show All Documents . All documents within the queue will be listed,
and a check mark will display next to the right-click menu option. To turn this off, select
Show All Documents option from the right-click menu again, or select another queue. The
check mark will no longer display. The option must be manually turned on each time it is
used, for each queue it is used with.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Using Filters with Show All Documents

Filters can be used with Show All Documents selected. When Show All Documents is turned
off, the filter (including any persistent filters) will be turned off as well.

Note: If a queue has filters assigned to it, additional filters cannot be placed on the
queue after Show All Documents has been selected. The additional filter must be in place
before the option is used.

Desktop Workflow
Load Balancing Administration
You can perform load balancing administration tasks by selecting the appropriate queue,
right-clicking, and selecting Load Balance Administration.

Note: This option is only available if the selected queue is configured as a load-balanced
queue and the logged-in user has appropriate administrative privileges.

Load Balance Administration is displayed in the Life Cycle View window. This dialog box
allows you to perform load balancing.

Note: Users that are currently logged in and consuming a client license are displayed in
bold face font.

Note: To return to the original view of the Life Cycle View window, right-click and select
Close .

A right-click menu is available at the queue, user/user group, and document levels.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

These options are only available at the document level:

Option Description

View Selected Displays the selected document.

Keywords Displays the Add/Modify Keyword dialog box, and allows you to add or
modify document Keyword Values.
Desktop Workflow

Properties Displays the Document Information for Document Handle <nnn> window.
This window displays certain attributes stored for the document, some of
which reflect data stored in the database tables for that document.

Note: You may have more options available depending on user rights and licensing. You
may also not have any of these options depending on granted user rights.

Note: When modifying Keyword Values with the right-click menu, the document’s Auto-
Name string will not update.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

These options are available at the queue, user/user group, and document levels:

Option Description

Reassign Displays the Reassign Documents dialog box, allowing the selected documents
Documents to be assigned to another User/User Group or role in Load Balance

Desktop Workflow
You can also reassign documents by clicking and dragging the document under
the appropriate user/User Group.
In the Desktop, you can reassign all documents from one user/User Group or
role to another. Select the user/User Group or role that is assigned the
documents, drag the user/User Group or role icon over the intended user/User
Group or role icon, and release the mouse button.

Note: To reassign multiple documents in a queue configured as Match Keyword

to User Name, select the documents, right-click, and select Reassign.

Note: To unassign documents, select and drag the documents to Unassigned.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Option Description

Rebalance Queue level: When Rebalance is initiated at the queue level, the documents
are re-distributed according to the load-balancing logic.
User/User Group or role level: When Rebalance is initiated at the user/user
group or role level, the documents currently assigned to the selected user/user
group or role are redistributed within the queue, according to the load
balancing parameters configured.
Desktop Workflow

If no items are selected, or the root item is selected then the whole queue is
To see the results of a rebalance, refresh the screen.
You can initiate rebalancing of documents by dragging one or more documents
to the root of the queue.

Note: When the rebalance function is initiated, existing assignments are

cleared and new assignments are made based on the load-balancing queue’s

Note: Items that are locked with a Workflow process lock are skipped and keep
their original assignments.

Refresh Refreshes the display of documents in the queue, without transitioning

documents out of the queue.

Close Closes Load Balancing Administration and returns the window to the life cycles

Refreshing Windows
The information displayed in the Life Cycle View, Documents, and Work Folder windows
can be updated by right-clicking in the window and selecting Refresh.

Documents and Work Folder Windows Toolbar

The Documents and Work Folder windows contain the following toolbar:

Previous Results - If the entire search results list cannot be viewed in the window,
clicking Previous Results displays the prior set of documents from the search results list.
Next Results - If the entire search results list cannot be viewed in the window, clicking
Next Results displays subsequent documents in the list.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Options - Opens the Options dialog box, which controls aspects of the search results list.

Desktop Workflow
Results Per Page determines the maximum number of documents displayed in the search
results list. The new setting takes effect the next time the list is loaded. Enable or
disable the text labels for toolbar options by selecting Show Text Labels or No Text Labels
from the drop-down select list.

Determining What Queues a Document Is In

In some instances it may be helpful to know all the queues that a document currently
resides in. You can determine a document’s queues in the Documents and Work Folder
windows. This can also be accomplished from the Document Search Results list.

To view a document’s queues, select a document, right-click, and select Workflow |

Workflow Queues. The Workflow Locations dialog box is displayed. All of the life cycles,
queues that the document belongs to, and users/user groups or roles assigned to the
document are listed. <Restricted> will be displayed for queues and life cycles that you do
not have the rights and/or privileges to view.
Depending on your installation, a Workflow Queues button may be available in OLE
documents. Clicking this button opens the Workflow Locations dialog box.

Combined View Settings

Instead of displaying the currently selected queue's contents, the Documents window can
display the contents of a combination of life cycles and queues. In order to show the
contents of multiple life cycle queues, queues must be selected for display.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

To select multiple life cycles and queues for display:

1. In the Life Cycle View window, right-click and select Combined View Settings . The
Combined View Settings dialog box is displayed.
Desktop Workflow

2. Select the check boxes that correspond with the appropriate life cycles or queues.
Expand a life cycle by clicking on the plus sign in order to access queues for
3. If you want the combined view to be displayed by default the next time Workflow
is accessed from the Desktop, select the Show Combined View check box.

Once queues have been selected for the combined view, you can select to view the
combined queues by right-clicking in the Documents window and selecting Show
Combined View. When the combined view is enabled, a check mark is placed next to this
right-click option. To turn off this view, right-click on the Documents window and select
Show Combined View. The queues included in the view are listed in the User Interaction

Note: A count of the documents in the queue will not be shown in the status bar when
using the Combined View.

Filters in Combined View

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

When a filter is applied while using Combined View, the following is true concerning the
display columns. The columns display from left to right.
• If no display columns have been configured on the filter:
• Icon

Note: The Icon column is only available in the Unity interface.

Desktop Workflow
• Document Name
• Workflow Life Cycle
• Workflow Queue
• Entry Date
• Owner

Note: The Owner column is displayed when only Unity life cycles are configured for
Combined View.

• If display columns have been configured on the filter:

• All configured columns in user-configured order
• Workflow Queue
Queues will be sorted by Entry Date by default. Queues can also be sorted by a defined
filter sort or by clicking a display column to sort by.

Note: If Workflow Queue has been configured as a display column, it will not be added

Note: If no filter has been applied, the display columns will be: Document Name,
Workflow Life Cycle, Workflow Queue, Entry Date.

Beginning User Work

User work must be initiated manually. User work can be initiated from a right-click menu
or from the Tasks window. If and where this option is available is determined by the User
Work Style specified in the Workflow Options dialog box. When user work is initiated,
user interaction actions are displayed in the User Interaction window.
To initiate user work from the Tasks window, click the Begin User Work task button.
To initiate user work from the Documents window, right-click and select Begin User Work .

Entering Documents into Workflow

There are several methods for entering documents into Workflow. All methods assume
that the Document Type associated with the document has been configured for use with
a life cycle.
The type of methods used to enter a document into Workflow include:
• Importing Documents. See Importing Documents on page 78.

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Workflow OnBase 16

• Creating New Documents. See Creating New Documents on page 78.

• Re-Indexing. See Re-Indexing Documents on page 78.

Importing Documents
Upon importing documents, you can select the Initiate Workflow check box to add
imported documents into the life cycle(s) assigned to the Document Type to which the
document was imported. Depending on your configuration, the Initiate Workflow check
Desktop Workflow

box may not be available. Upon importing documents, Workflow will automatically be

Creating New Documents

Upon creating a new document from an existing document through Send To | Create New
Document , you can select Add To Workflow in the Archive Documents dialog box to add
created documents into the life cycle(s) assigned to the Document Type to which the
document was created. Depending on your configuration, the Add To Workflow check box
may not be available. Upon creating a new document, Workflow will automatically be

Re-Indexing Documents
Upon re-indexing documents, you can select the Add To Workflow check box to add the
documents into the life cycle(s) assigned to the Document Type to which the document
was re-indexed.
Depending on your configuration, the Add To Workflow check box may not be available.
Upon re-indexing documents, Workflow will automatically be initiated regardless of
whether you modified the document’s Keyword Values or Document Type. When
Workflow is automatically initiated, its behavior is dependent upon how you re-index the
• If you only modify Keyword Values, system work is not performed.
• If you modify the Document Type and the new Document Type is assigned to a
life cycle, the document is added to that life cycle and system work is
• If you modify the Document Type of a document currently in a life cycle and the
new Document Type is assigned to a different life cycle, the document remains
in the current life cycle and is added to the life cycle assigned to the new
Document Type. System work is performed for the re-indexed Document Type
in the new life cycle.

Interaction with E-Forms in Workflow

Existing E-Forms can be viewed in Workflow. New E-Forms can be created by executing
an ad hoc task. Depending on the method of viewing, E-Forms behave differently.
When an already-existing E-Form is viewed, clicking Cancel will close the form without
saving any changes. The form itself will still be stored in the database.
When a new E-Form is created via an ad hoc task, the E-Form may be created before
any Keyword Values are added to the E-Form by the user. Depending on configuration
options, one of two things will occur:

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

• After the E-Form is created in the system, it will be displayed in the User
Interaction window. Clicking Cancel will close the E-Form without saving any
changes made to the E-Form.
• Clicking Cancel will close the E-Form and not create it in the system.
When a submit button is configured on an E-Form and it is not configured using OBBtn_
syntax, the button will function as a cancel button.

Keyword Validation in OnBase

Desktop Workflow
In either of the above cases, clicking the Submit button with valid Keyword Values
entered will store the form in the database with the new Keyword Values. If the Keyword
Values are not valid (e.g., a date Keyword Value where an alphanumeric one should be),
the user will be prompted to fix the error and the form will stay open.

Note: Keyword validation does not apply to currency keywords in the Core. The user
must be familiar with the format used for currency in order to ensure accuracy.

Workflow Options
Workflow options can be configured in the Workflow Options dialog box.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

To open Workflow Options from the Life Cycle View window, right-click and select
Workflow Options . The following options are available:

Option Description

Auto-Open Queue When Workflow is opened, the queue selected

from the drop-down list will automatically be
Desktop Workflow

Use Persistent Filters If enabled, this option causes the Workflow

filter to remain in effect, when switching
queues, until the user removes it. If disabled,
Workflow filters are removed when the user
changes queues.

Open Related Documents in Separate When this option is selected, a new viewer
Window window is opened for accessed related
documents. If this option is not selected,
related documents will be opened in the
viewer, taking the place of the primary

Show Queue Counts When this option is selected, the number of

documents in a queue is displayed in
parentheses next to the queue name.

Note: If the Combined View is used, the queue

count may not be representative of all of the
documents within the view.

Note: When documents transition from one

queue to another, the queue count is updated
for all affected queues, with the exception of
load balancing queues. Load balancing queue
counts are not updated when transitioning

User Work Style - Task Button When this option is selected, a Begin User
Work button is displayed in the Tasks window
that initiates user work when it is clicked.

User Work Style - Menu Option When this option is selected, a Begin User
Work right-click option is available in the
Documents window that initiates user work
when it is selected.

User Work Style - Both When this option is selected, both the Begin
User Work button and right-click option are

Filter Inbox Style - Queue Inbox Pane When this option is selected, the Filter Inbox
right-click option is available in the
Documents window.

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OnBase 16 Workflow

Option Description

Filter Inbox Style - Lifecycle Pane When this option is selected, the Filter Inbox
right-click option is available in the Life Cycle
View window.

Filter Inbox Style - Both Panes When this option is selected, the Filter Inbox
right-click option is available in both the
Documents and Life Cycle View windows.

Desktop Workflow
Filter Inbox Style - Hidden When this option is selected, the Filter Inbox
right-click option is not available in any

Document Workflow History

From an open document or the Document Search Results list, right-click and select
History. The Document History dialog box displays the Workflow related actions in the
Workflow Queues and Workflow Transactions tabs.

Note: If a user does not have the Document History product right, this option will not be
available. Workflow history is only available when appropriately licensed and registered
for Workflow.

Workflow Queues

The logged actions display in the following categories:

• Life Cycle - specifies the life cycle the document was/is in.
• Queue - specifies the queue the document was/is in.
• Entry Date - specifies the date and time the document entered the queue.
• Exit Date - specifies the date and time the document exited the queue. If a
document is still in the specified queue, it will not have an Exit Date.
• Entry User Name - specifies the user responsible for entering the document into
the listed queue.
• Exit User Name - specifies the user responsible for moving the document out of
the listed queue. If the document is still in the specified queue, this field is

Workflow Transactions
The Workflow Transactions tab displays information created by either the SYS - Custom
Log Entry action or by actions, rules, or task list configured with the Log Execution
setting. The following information is available on this tab:
• Log Date and Time - date and time the information was logged.
• Life cycle - life cycle transaction occurred in.
• Queue - queue transaction occurred in.

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Workflow OnBase 16

• User Name - user responsible for the transaction.

• Type - can be Action, Rule, Task List or Custom Entry.
• Name - name of the action, rule or task list that made the entry.
• Message - when the entry was caused by the SYS – Custom Log Entry action,
this will be the message that was specified in the action. If an action, rule, or
task list is disabled, a message displays stating that the item is disabled.
Desktop Workflow

Filtering Workflow Tabs

You can filter the information displayed in the Workflow-related tabs by right-clicking in
either tab and selecting Filter Items . The Select Items to View dialog box displays.

In this dialog box, you can select the Life Cycle , Queue, User name, and Log Date for
which you want entries displayed. You also have the option to select <ALL> from the Life
Cycle , Queue , and User name drop-down lists.

Note: To clear the filter and view all the information in the Workflow related tabs, select
<ALL> from the drop-down lists in the Select Items to View dialog box, clear the Log Date
check box, and click OK .

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Entering Documents into a Workflow

If the Document Type associated with a document has been configured for use with a life
cycle, you can manually enter a document into a life cycle from the Document Search
Results list or from an open image or text document:

1.Right-click on the document and select Workflow | Execute Workflow .

2.If the associated Document Type is configured for one life cycle, Workflow
automatically enters the document into that life cycle.

Desktop Workflow
If the associated Document Type is configured for multiple life cycles, the Choose
Life Cycle window displays. Select the appropriate life cycle and click OK.
If the associated Document Type is not configured for any life cycles, a message
stating Document Type ‘<name>’ is not assigned to any Life Cycles. is displayed.

Closing Workflow
To close Workflow, click the X button in the top right-hand corner of the screen or press
ALT + F4 on the keyboard.

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Workflow OnBase 16
Desktop Workflow

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.

Workflow Document Security

Access to documents via Workflow is accomplished by a combination of assignments
made at the Document Type, life cycle, and work queue level. Specifically:
• Document Types must be configured for use in a specific life cycle.
In the Configuration module, select Document | Document Types , then select the
desired Document Type and select Life Cycles . Assign the desired life cycles at
the Life Cycles for <document type> dialog box.
• Users must be granted rights to a specific life cycle, as well as each queue
within that life cycle, in order to view documents within those queues.
In the Configuration module, select Users | User Groups/Rights. Select the
desired user group and select Workflow. Assign the desired life cycles and
queues at the Assigning Workflow for <user group> dialog box.
• Users must be granted the Retrieve/View privilege, either as a user group
privilege or as an override privilege. If this privilege is not granted (or in the
case of override privileges, overridden), users will not be able to view
documents in Workflow. For more information on configuring user group rights,
please see the System Administration module reference guide or help files.

Caution: The ability to view documents in a life cycle is controlled at the queue level. If
users have rights to a Workflow queue, they will also have rights to view all the documents
in that queue by default, regardless of their security rights (i.e. Document Type rights).
This includes related documents.

Caution: The ability to modify a document in a life cycle is controlled at the queue level. If
users have rights to a Workflow queue, they will also have rights to modify all documents in
that queue by default, regardless of their Modify privilege setting, including related
documents. Administrators should be aware that Workflow automatically grants the Modify
privilege to users for any documents that are in their queue. As a result, care should be
taken to only present documents which users should be allowed to modify.

Note: To view or change Keyword Values or to re-index a document via the right-click
menu, you must have appropriate rights for modifying keywords or re-indexing.

Accessing the Workflow Screen

To open the Workflow window, select Workflow from the Context drop-down select list in
the Web Client.
If the Workflow button is not displayed on your Web Server, you do not have access to
Workflow. Contact your System Administrator for further information.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

The Workflow interface can also be directly accessed. To directly access Workflow:

1. Open a browser and enter the path to the WFLogin.aspx page. In a typical
installation, the path will be http://[machinename]/AppNet/Workflow/
WFLogin.aspx , where [machinename] is the name of the server.
2. Type your OnBase user name and password.
3. Click Login. The Workflow interface is displayed upon successful login.

Opening Workflow From Documents

Web Workflow

Workflow options are available from an open document or by right-clicking documents in

the Document Search Results list. Workflow can also be opened via a folder’s right-click
To open Workflow:

1. From an open document, the Document Search Results list, or a folder, right-click
the document and select Workflow | Open Workflow. The Workflow screen with the
queue containing the open or selected document displays. If the document does
not exist in a life cycle, the option is disabled. If an instance of Workflow is
already open, the current Workflow screen will display the selected document.

Note: When viewing an OLE document or PDF document that has been assigned to a life
cycle, Workflow can be opened by selecting Process | Workflow | Open Workflow.

2. If the associated Document Type is configured for multiple life cycles, you are
prompted to select a life cycle. After you select a life cycle, the queue containing
the open or selected document displays. If an instance of Workflow is already
open, the current Workflow screen will display the selected document.

If Workflow is currently executing a task that has not completed and the Open Workflow
option is selected, the following message is displayed:
ATTENTION: You are currently executing a Workflow task that has not completed. Press
CANCEL to complete your Workflow task. Failure to do so will cause the task to terminate
before completed. Press OK to continue, or Cancel to stay on the current page.

Note: When viewing an OLE document or PDF document that has been assigned to a life
cycle, Workflow can be executed on the document by selecting Process | Workflow |
Execute Workflow.

Additionally, the Workflow Queues option is available from the Inbox tab in Workflow.

To view a document’s queues, select a document, right-click, and select Workflow |

Workflow Queues. The Workflow Locations dialog box is displayed. All of the life cycles,
queues that the document belongs to, and users/user groups or roles assigned to the
document are listed. <Restricted> will be displayed for queues and life cycles that you do
not have the rights and/or privileges to view.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Defining the Layout

Depending on your configuration, you may be able to specify the way Workflow’s layout.
When this is available, the Workflow Layout Options button is displayed.

When the Workflow Layout Options button is clicked, these options are available:

Web Workflow
Horizontal Layout , Vertical Layout, or Separate Viewer Layout.
When the Horizontal Layout option is selected, the layout displays the document viewer
horizontally spanning the Workflow interface.
When the Vertical Layout option is selected, the layout displays the document viewer
vertically spanning the Workflow interface.
When the Separate Viewer Layout option is selected, the layout displays the document
viewer in a separate window from the Workflow interface.

Resizing and Pinning the Workflow Window

When you resize the Workflow window or change the height or width of the Life Cycle
Tree, these settings are saved. If you are using the layout where the document is
displayed in a separate window, the height and width of this window is also saved.
You can also pin the Workflow window in a position on the screen using the Pin Window
Location button.

When the window is pinned, the window will open in the same location on the screen.
Likewise, you can unpin the window by clicking Unpin Window Location.

These settings are saved on a per user, per workstation basis.

If you are using the layout where the document is displayed in a separate window, you
can also pin and unpin this window.

Restoring the Workflow Window to the Default Settings

In some instances, you may want to clear all changes to the Workflow window and, if
you are viewing the document in a separate window, the document viewer window, such
as the layout selection and window size. To restore the Workflow to the default settings:

1. Select User from the context drop-down select list.

2. Select Client Settings from the mode drop-down select list.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

3. Select the Workflow User Interface option.

Note: Any time the Workflow window settings are changed, the Workflow User Interface
option is available.

4. Click Reset Selected Settings.

Adding Documents to Workflow

Web Workflow

If the Document Type assigned to the open or selected document has been configured
for Workflow, you can add the document to the initial queue of the configured Workflow.

1. From an open document or the Document Search Results list, right-click the
document and select Workflow | Execute Workflow .
2. If the document is configured for one life cycle, Workflow launches automatically.
If the associated Document Type is configured for multiple life cycles, you are
prompted to select a life cycle and click OK. A message stating Document was
successfully assigned to ‘life cycle name’ is displayed.

Life Cycle View Tab

The Life Cycle View tab displays the life cycles to which the logged in user has viewing

All life cycles and their queues, to which the currently logged in user has rights, are
displayed in this tab. Single-click a life cycle to select it; double-click it to select and
expand it. Use the + (plus) and - (minus) buttons to expand or collapse a life cycle
without actually selecting it. Once you have selected a queue, it will open in the Inbox
tab and the items within the queue are listed.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

You can view specific items from multiple queues or life cycles by choosing one of the
following options from the Life Cycle View tab:
• My Owned Items - Select to display all items owned by the current user in the
Inbox tab from all queues that support ownership.
• Combined Inbox - Select to display items in the queues and life cycles configured
for Combined View. For more information, see Workflow Settings on page 97.

When a life cycle or queue is selected in the Life Cycle View tab, the Process Flow button
is available for selection.

Web Workflow
For more information, see Process Flow on page 92.
The following options are available when right-clicking on a queue in the Life Cycle View
• Refresh - Will refresh the selected queue’s document count. Only available when
queue counts are turned on.
• Generate List Report - For more information, see Create List Report on page 99.
• Perform System Work - Initiates system work configured for the queue to begin.
• Execute Timer Work - Executes the timer work associated with the selected

Note: Execute Timer Work is only available on queues that have been configured with

• Auto-Work - Selecting Auto-Work will display the next available document in a

queue. Users can still select a document from a queue manually.

Note: Auto-Work is only available on Exclusive Viewing queues that have not been
configured for Auto-Feed.

Adding Life Cycles and Queues to Favorites

From the Life Cycle View tab, life cycles and queues can be added to your Favorites list
for easy access in the Web Client.
To add a life cycle or queue to your Favorites list:

1. Select a life cycle or queue in the Life Cycle View tab.

2. Click the Add to Favorites button.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

3. The Favorite Name dialog box is displayed.

Web Workflow

4. Enter a name for the favorite. This is how the favorite is displayed in your
Favorites list.
5. Click Save to create the favorite.

See the Web Client module reference guide for more information about the Favorites list
in the Web Client.

Workflow Approval Management: Viewing Approval Queues

Note: A Workflow Approval Management license is required for this feature.

Approval queues are accessed in the Workflow layout.

Only items that you are assigned to approve will appear in your approval queue. Once
you have approved or rejected an item, it is no longer visible in your queue.
If there are no items for you to approve, the ad hoc tasks are disabled for that queue.

Depending on your configuration, you may be able to filter queues to display a specific
subset of documents within the selected queue.

Note: If the document or queue is accessed through Document Retrieval or StatusView,

any configured filters will not be applied.

To filter a queue:

1. Select a queue in the Life Cycle View tab.

2. Click the Filter button.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

3. The Filters dialog box is displayed.

Web Workflow
4. Select the appropriate filter. The Inbox tab will display the items that match the
filter criteria within the selected queue. In some instances, an HTML form will
display in the User Interaction tab when a filter is initiated. Enter your filter
criteria and submit the form to filter the queue. Only one filter may be used at a

Note: If the number of characters entered in a field within an HTML form filter exceeds
the allowed number of characters for a keyword value, an error will be returned and no
documents will be displayed in the inbox.

Note: The filtered number of documents will only be displayed if the Display Filtered
Document Count setting is checked on the queue’s Filter tab. Otherwise, the unfiltered
number will be displayed, even if the queue is currently being filtered.

Note: If a Keyword Type that is used as a display column has more than one value for a
document, the document will be listed for each Keyword Value.

To cancel a filter view of a queue:

1. Click Filter Inbox.

2. The Filters dialog box is displayed.
3. Select <none> .

When a filter is applied, you can size columns and the column sizing settings are
retained for the next time you access the queue with the same filter applied.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Refreshing Queue Counts

If queue counts are enabled, you may need to refresh the queue counts in order to view
an accurate representation of the number of documents within queues. To refresh
queues, click the Refresh Queue Count button.
Web Workflow

The queue counts will be updated to reflect changes within OnBase.

Note: This button is not available if queue counts are not enabled.

Note: Refreshing queue counts will also refresh the Inbox.

Process Flow
The Process Flow button allows you to view the configured process flow for the selected
life cycle.

Note: Process Flow is not enabled until a life cycle or queue is selected.

When clicked, the configured process flow opens in a new window. The window displays
the queues, icons, and transitions configured for the selected life cycle. Example:

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

If you select a queue in the process flow, it will highlight in blue and the documents
within the queue will display in the Inbox tab.
If you have administrative rights, load balanced queues are indicated by the Queue
Administration icon in the lower left corner of the queue:

Web Workflow
When the Queue Administration icon is clicked, the Queue Administration dialog box is
displayed. From here, you can perform load balancing and ownership administration
tasks. See Queue Administration on page 114 for more information.

Inbox Tab
Items within the selected queue are displayed in the Inbox tab.

You can click an item to select it and display a list of its related items or perform an ad
hoc task on an item. The Inbox tab displays the life cycle and queue (up to 95
characters) in which the items reside. If the names of the life cycle and queue exceed 95
characters, the queue name is displayed.

Note: If Exclusive Document Viewing has been enabled, attempting to open an item
another user has opened will result in a Access Denied--[User Name]--is already working
with this document message.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

To refresh the Inbox tab, click the button in the upper-right corner of the tab:

The following right-click options are available when an item is selected in the Inbox tab
and the appropriate rights have been granted:
• Keywords : Opens the Add / Modify Keywords dialog box to view or modify the
item’s Keyword Values.
Web Workflow

• History : Opens the Document History dialog box, which lists the past actions
performed on the item. By default, the entries are sorted in descending order,
with recent actions listed first.
• Print : Displays the Print dialog box and sends the selected item(s) to a user-
specified print queue.
• Send To | Mail Recipient : When properly configured, the system will create a
blank e-mail message with the specified item attached.
• Send To | File : Saves selected item(s) as a TIFF file in a user-specified directory.
• Send To | Create New Document : Select to create a new document from the
current one, specifying Page Range, Document Type, Document Date, and
Keywords as needed. Available for indexed documents only.
• Send To | Internal User : Sends selected item(s) to the defined user's internal
mailbox. Opens the Send Mail dialog box.
• Send To| Folder : Adds the selected item(s) to a static folder.
• Workflow | Workflow Queues : Displays the queues that the selected item exists
in. An item can only exist in one queue within a life cycle, but can exist in
multiple life cycles.

Note: If multiple items are selected at once, this option is disabled.

• Properties : The properties of an item display in the Document Information dialog

• Delete: Allows you to delete the selected item.
• Route : Allows you to move an item to any queue connected to the current
queue by a transition. This activity bypasses user work associated with the
item. This option is only available to users that are administrators, have the
Workflow Administrative Processing privilege, or have the Ad Hoc Routing user
privilege at the queue level.

Note: You may have more options available depending on user rights and licensing. You
may also not have any of these options depending on granted user rights.

The following options are available whether an item is selected or not:

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

• Combined View Settings - See Workflow Settings on page 97.

• Show Combined View - See Show Combined View on page 98.
• Create List Report - See Create List Report on page 99.

Note: This option is only available if you have been given appropriate rights.

The Inbox tab has the following toolbar:

Web Workflow
Previous Results - If entire search results list cannot be viewed in the window, clicking
Previous Results displays the prior set of documents from the search results list.
Next Results - If the entire search results list cannot be viewed in the window, clicking
Next Results displays subsequent documents in the list.
Options - Click to open the Options dialog box, which controls aspects of the search
results list.

Results Per Page determines the maximum number of items displayed in the search
results list. The new setting takes effect the next time the list is loaded. Enable or
disable the text labels for toolbar options by selecting Show Text Labels or No Text Labels
from the drop-down list.

Show All Documents

Note: Show All Documents is only available in queues that have been configured as Auto-
Feed queues.

Some users may have rights to override the auto-feed setting and view all documents
within the queue. When this right is granted, the user can right-click the Inbox tab and
select Show All Documents . All documents within the queue will be listed.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Show All Documents in an Approval Queue

Note: To use Show All Documents with an approval queue, a Workflow Approval
Management license is required.

If you have administrative privileges, you can use the Show All Documents option to view
all items in an approval queue. Approval queues do not need to be configured as auto-
feed queues to use this option.
Web Workflow

Note: This option is only available if the current user has Workflow Administrative
Processing privileges, or if the current user has the “See Other User’s Documents”
privilege configured for the queue.

To display all items in an approval queue, select an approval queue, right-click the
Documents tab, and select Show All Documents . All items in the queue are displayed.
To turn off the Show All Documents option, right-click and deselect Show All Documents.
Navigating to a different queue also turns this option off.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Workflow Settings
The Inbox tab can display the contents of a combination of life cycles and queues. In
order to show the contents of multiple life cycle queues, life cycles and/or queues must
be selected for display. To configure the combined inbox, complete the following steps:

1. Click the Settings button:

Web Workflow
The Workflow Settings dialog box is displayed. Ensure that the Combined Inbox tab
is selected.

Note: Combined Inbox may not be available depending on your system’s configuration.
Contact your system administrator for assistance.

2. Select the appropriate life cycle or queue in the Available Queues list and click
Add . The life cycle or queue is added to the Selected Queues list. To remove a life
cycle or queue from the Selected Queues list, select the life cycle or queue and
click Remove.

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Workflow OnBase 16

3. Repeat step 2 until all appropriate life cycles and queues are added.
4. Click Save.

Disabling the Combined Inbox

You can choose whether or not the Combined Inbox view is available in Workflow. To
disable the Combined Inbox:

1. Navigate to User | Client Settings.

Web Workflow

2. In the Workflow section of the Client Settings panel, deselect Show Combined
Inbox .

Note: If the Combined Inbox has been disabled at a global level, this option is disabled
by default and cannot be enabled. See the Web Server module reference guide for more

Show Combined View

Once you have configured Combined View Settings, you can choose to display Combined
View by clicking Combined Inbox in the Life Cycle View tab. The contents of the life cycles
and queues selected in the Combined View Settings is displayed.

Note: If Show Combined View is selected and no queues have been configured for
combined view, the filter inbox icon will be disabled.

Filters in Combined View

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OnBase 16 Workflow

When a filter is applied while using Combined View, the following is true concerning the
display columns. The columns display from left to right.
• If no display columns have been configured on the filter:
• Icon

Note: The Icon column is only available in the Unity interface.

• Document Name

Web Workflow
• Workflow Life Cycle
• Workflow Queue
• Entry Date
• Owner

Note: The Owner column is displayed when only Unity life cycles are configured for
Combined View.

• If display columns have been configured on the filter:

• All configured columns in user-configured order
• Workflow Queue
Queues will be sorted by Entry Date by default. Queues can also be sorted by a defined
filter sort or by clicking a display column to sort by.

Note: If Workflow Queue has been configured as a display column, it will not be added

Note: If no filter has been applied, the display columns will be: Document Name,
Workflow Life Cycle, Workflow Queue, Entry Date.

Create List Report

List reports contain document information. The reports can be generated for queues or
selected documents within a queue.

Note: This option is only available if you have been given appropriate rights.

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Workflow OnBase 16

To customize a list report for documents:

1. In the Inbox tab, right-click and select Create List Report. The List Report Options
dialog box is displayed.
Web Workflow

2. Select the appropriate options.

3. Click Create.

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OnBase 16 Workflow

To create a list report for a queue:

1. Right-click on the queue and select Generate List Report. The List Report Options
dialog box is displayed.

Web Workflow
2. Select the appropriate options.
3. Click Create.

Create List Report Options

Option Description

All Items Creates a report of all items in the queue.

Selected Items Creates a report of the selected item(s) in the queue.

Display on Screen Displays the report on the screen.

Store as Document Stores the report as a document in OnBase.

Export to Excel Creates an Microsoft Excel document containing the report

information. When this option is selected, you can choose
whether to display the Excel file in .xls or .xlsx file format.

Generate Page Headers Includes the date and time of the report and the user that
created the report.

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Workflow OnBase 16

Option Description

Generate Summary Info Includes the number of documents in the report and the time
it took to process the report.

Report Summary This fields allows you to enter information that will be included
in the report.

Reports generated are stored in the SYS List Contents Report Document Type.
Web Workflow

In queues that support ownership, you can take and release ownership of items in the
Inbox tab.
To take ownership of an item or group of items, select the items in the Inbox tab, then
right-click and select Ownership | Take Ownership.
To release ownership of an item or group of items, select the items in the Inbox tab,
then right-click and select Ownership | Release Ownership.
In the Inbox tab, the following icon indicates that the item is owned by you:

When no icon is present, the item is not owned. Items owned by other users are not

Note: Users cannot execute tasks on items that are owned by another user.

If you have the appropriate privileges and you select Show Other User’s Documents in a
load-balanced queue, items owned by another user are displayed with the following

Workflow History
From an open document or the Document Search Results list, right-click and select
History. The Document History dialog box displays the Workflow related actions in the
Workflow Queues and Workflow Transactions tabs.

Note: If a user does not have the Document History product right, this option will not be
available. Workflow history is only available when appropriately licensed and registered
for Workflow.

Workflow Queues

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OnBase 16 Workflow

The logged actions display in the following categories:

• Life Cycle - specifies the life cycle the document was/is in.
• Queue - specifies the queue the document was/is in.
• Entry Date - specifies the date and time the document entered the queue.
• Exit Date - specifies the date and time the document exited the queue. If a
document is still in the specified queue, it will not have an Exit Date.
• Entry User Name - specifies the user responsible for entering the document into
the listed queue.

Web Workflow
• Exit User Name - specifies the user responsible for moving the document out of
the listed queue. If the document is still in the specified queue, this field is

Workflow Transactions
The Workflow Transactions tab displays information created by either the SYS - Custom
Log Entry action or by actions, rules, or task lists configured with the Log Execution
setting. This tab also displays information related to ownership.
The following information is available on this tab:
• Log Date and Log Time : date and time the information was logged.
• Life Cycle : life cycle the transaction occurred in.
• Queue : queue the transaction occurred in.
• User Name: user responsible for the transaction.
• Type : can be action, rule, task list, custom entry, or ownership.
• Name: name of the action, rule, task list, or ownership change that made the
• Message : when the entry was caused by the SYS - Custom Log Entry action, this
will be the message that was specified in the action. If an action, rule, or task
list is disabled, a message displays stating that the item is disabled. Ownership
change information is also displayed in this column.
Filtering Workflow Tabs

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Workflow OnBase 16

You can filter the information displayed in the Workflow-related tabs by right-clicking in
either tab and selecting Filter Items . The Select Items to View dialog box displays.
Web Workflow

In this dialog box, you can select the Life Cycle , Queue, User name, and Log Date for
which you want entries displayed. You also have the option to select <ALL> from the Life
Cycle , Queue , and User name drop-down lists.

Note: To clear the filter and view all the information in the Workflow related tabs, select
<ALL> from the drop-down lists in the Select Items to View dialog box, clear the Log Date
check box, and click OK .

Work Folder Tab

The Work Folder tab displays a list of all of the documents that are related to the main
document selected. If the main document has multiple values for a keyword type that is
assigned to the working folder, all documents that have either of the values assigned to
it will be pulled into the working folder as a related document.

To open a related document:

If using Internet Explorer 11 or a supported Firefox or Safari browser: Double-click on
the document.

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OnBase 16 Workflow

If using another supported browser: Click on the document.

Note: A document must be selected in order for the context menu to display in the Work
Folder tab.

When the Work Folder tab is selected, the Display in Separate Window button and the
Show Second Pane/Close Second Pane button are available for selection in the toolbar.
Display in Separate Window Button

Web Workflow


Show Second Pane/Close Second Pane Button

Show Second Pane

Close Second Pane

When the Display in Separate Window button is selected, related documents will open in a
separate window, leaving the original document in the Document Viewer window.

Note: The Display in Separate Window setting persists even after the Web Client is closed.

Note: If a ZIP file is opened when this option is selected, an additional blank window will
be displayed in addition to the ZIP file window. This is Windows functionality.

When the Show Second Pane button is selected, the document viewing area is divided
into two panes. The left pane displays the selected document and the right pane displays
the selected related document. If you don't want to use the two pane display, click the
Close Second Pane button. You can configure the second pane to display by default by
adjusting your Client Settings . See Configuring the Second Pane to Display by Default on
page 106 for more information.

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Workflow OnBase 16

If both the Display in Separate Window and Show Second Pane buttons are selected, the
Display in Separate Window functionality overrides the two pane display setting. If
neither is selected, related documents will replace the original document in the
Document Viewer.

Note: If the Display in Separate Window button is selected and a related document is
displayed in the second window, when the primary document leaves the queue (or
primary viewer), the related document remains displayed in the second window.
Web Workflow

Note: When a Keyword Type that is determining the contents of the Work Folder has a
value that contains an asterisk (*) or question mark (?), the characters are treated as
wildcards and all documents that meet the criteria are returned as related documents.

The following right-click options are available from the Work Folder tab when a document
is selected:
• Keywords
• Send To
• Delete
• Properties
• Template
• Filter

Note: You may have more options available depending on user rights and licensing. You
may also not have any of these options depending on granted user rights.

Configuring the Second Pane to Display by Default

When the second pane is displayed, the document viewing area is divided into two
panes. The left pane displays the selected document and the right pane displays the
selected related document. The second pane can be configured to display by default. To
enable the second pane to display by default:

1. Navigate to User | Client Settings.

2. In the Workflow section of the Client Settings panel, select Show Second Pane .

3. Click Save.

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OnBase 16 Workflow

If the selected Unity life cycle or queue is configured to display related items using
portfolios, the Portfolios drop-down select list is available in the Work Folder tab.

Web Workflow
The drop-down select list is populated with portfolios configured for the selected life
cycle or queue. To view related items using a portfolio, select a portfolio in the Portfolio
drop-down select list.

You can apply folder templates to the Work Folder tab by right-clicking in the Work Folder
tab and selecting Template. A list of available templates is displayed depending on your
privileges. If a default template is assigned to a queue, it is applied automatically. When
a template is applied, the name of the template is displayed at the bottom of the Work
Folder tab:

To remove a template, right-click in the Work Folder tab and select Template | None .

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Workflow OnBase 16

You can apply filters to the Work Folder tab when a queue with a work folder or a
portfolio relation configured to use a folder type is selected. To apply a filter, right-click
in the Work Folder tab and select Filter. A list of available filters is displayed depending
on your privileges. The applied filter is displayed at the bottom of the Work Folder tab.

Note: If a filter is configured to display keyword or note-related display columns, if a

related item has multiple values or notes related to that column, each entry will be
Web Workflow

displayed separately in the list.

To remove a filter, right-click in the Work Folder tab and select Filter | None.

Document Viewer
The Viewer is the large window on the bottom of the page or in a separate window,
depending on the options you have selected. This window displays the selected
document. For more information about viewing documents, see the Web Client

User Interaction Tab

The User Interaction tab displays tasks that require user interactions. Forms and
questions that require user entry are displayed in this tab. The following is an example
of a form displayed in the User Interaction tab:

When the User Interaction tab is active, you will be unable to select the Documents, Life
Cycle View, or Work Folder tabs. Once the tasks that require user interaction are
completed, the Inbox tab will become enabled again and you will not be able to select
the User Interaction tab.

Note: The User Interaction tab will only display when an task requiring user interaction
(e.g., an ad hoc task) is executed. When the task is completed, the tab will no longer be

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OnBase 16 Workflow

Performing Ad Hoc Tasks

When a queue has ad hoc tasks configured, they will display directly below the Inbox
tab. When you hover over an ad hoc task, descriptive text will display in a tool tip.

Web Workflow
To initiate an ad hoc task, select the appropriate document and click on the appropriate
ad hoc task icon.
A Workflow license is consumed for the duration of ad hoc task execution. It is released
after the ad hoc task is executed.
To perform an ad hoc task on a batch of documents, select multiple documents using
one of the following methods:
• Pressing CTRL and clicking each document.
• Pressing SHIFT and clicking on the first and last documents of a desired range
of documents.

After selecting the desired number of documents, click on the appropriate ad hoc task

Note: If an item has been modified, you will be prompted to save changes before the ad
hoc task executes.

If there are more ad hoc tasks than can be displayed on the screen, a More Tasks button
is displayed, allowing you to access all of the ad hoc tasks available by clicking on the
arrow button. The following is an example of an ad hoc task pane with a drop-down

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Only one ad hoc task may be performed at a time. If an ad hoc task requires processing
time, such as importing a document or stamping a version, a message will display
notifying the user of this. During this time, other ad hoc task icons will not be visible.
Any task requiring user interaction will display the message as well.

Note: If the documents selected are in different queues, such as when in Combined View,
the ad hoc task list will clear.
Web Workflow

Note: When a task requiring user interaction is being carried out, the Inbox tab will be
grayed-out and not selectable.

Performing Ad Hoc Tasks on Related Documents

Any document contained in the Work Folder tab can be dragged to an ad hoc task icon to
execute the task. To perform an ad hoc task on a related document:

1. Open the Work Folder tab.

2. If using Internet Explorer 11, or a supported Firefox or Safari browser: Left-click
and drag the related document onto an ad hoc task.
If using another supported browser: Click on the selected related document to
display it in the document viewer. Right-click and drag the related document onto
an ad hoc task.

Note: Documents in the Inbox cannot be dragged and dropped onto ad hoc user task
icons. This action is limited to the documents contained in the Work Folder tab.

Note: The active document will remain in view and selected after performing any ad hoc
user task that does not remove that document from the queue.

Entering Documents into a Workflow

There are several methods for entering documents into a workflow. All methods assume
that the Document Type associated with the document has been configured for use with
a life cycle.
The type of methods used to enter a document into a workflow include:
• Importing Documents. See Importing Documents on page 110.
• Creating New Documents. See Creating New Documents on page 111.
• Re-Indexing. See Re-Indexing Documents on page 111.

Importing Documents
Upon importing documents, you can select the Initiate Workflow check box to add
imported documents into the life cycle(s) assigned to the Document Type to which the
document was imported. Depending on your configuration, the Initiate Workflow check
box may not be available. Upon importing documents, Workflow will automatically be

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Creating New Documents

Upon creating a new document from an existing document through Send To | Create New
Document , you can select Add To Workflow in the Archive Documents dialog box to add
created documents into the life cycle(s) assigned to the Document Type to which the
document was created. Depending on your configuration, the Add To Workflow check box
may not be available. Upon creating a new document, Workflow will automatically be

Web Workflow
Re-Indexing Documents
Upon re-indexing documents, you can select the Initiate Workflow check box to add the
documents into the life cycle(s) assigned to the Document Type to which the document
was re-indexed.
Depending on your configuration, the Initiate Workflow check box may not be available.
Upon re-indexing documents, Workflow will automatically be initiated regardless of
whether you modified the document’s Keyword Values or Document Type. When
Workflow is automatically initiated, its behavior is dependent upon how you re-index the
• If you only modify Keyword Values, system work is not performed.
• If you modify the Document Type and the new Document Type is assigned to a
life cycle, the document is added to that life cycle and system work is
• If you modify the Document Type of a document currently in a life cycle and the
new Document Type is assigned to a different life cycle, the document remains
in the current life cycle and is added to the life cycle assigned to the new
Document Type. System work is performed for the re-indexed Document Type
in the new life cycle.

Running System Tasks

Some Document Types have system tasks associated with them. When a document
belongs to a Document Type that is configured to use system tasks, system tasks can be
initiated on the document. To initiate a system task from an open document in document
retrieval, right-click on the document in the viewer and select Workflow System Tasks and
then select the appropriate system task.

Note: A Workflow license is consumed when a system task is executed, held for the
duration, and then released when the system task is finished.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

You can also run system tasks on documents from a hit list. To run a system task from a
hit list:

1. Select one or more documents in the hit list that you want to run the system task
2. Right-click and select Workflow | System Tasks... The Workflow System Tasks dialog
box is displayed.
Web Workflow

3. Select the task you want to run from the Select a System Task to execute drop-
down select list.
4. Click OK . A message stating what system task was executed and how many items
it was executed on. Click OK on this message.

Viewing Documents of Other Users

You can view other users’ documents in a load balancing queue or in a queue that
supports ownership. To do this, open the queue, right-click in the Documents window,
and select See Other User’s Documents .

Note: If See Other User’s Documents is not available, you do not have rights to this
functionality. Contact your system administrator for further information.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Selecting this option displays a screen from which you can choose to view another user’s

Web Workflow
You can select to view the documents of a particular user, all documents, or all
documents not currently assigned to a user. This does not apply to Coverage queues. See
Other User’s Assigned Documents only displays assigned documents, not covered ones.
Any filters that were being used prior to viewing another user’s documents will be in
effect for those documents.

Note: When a load balanced queue is configured as Match Keyword to User Name , the
View Other User’s Documents list only includes the names of members assigned to the
selected load balanced queue. The Workflow Queue Administration dialog box includes all
users that have documents assigned to them, regardless of whether they are members
assigned to the selected load balanced queue.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Queue Administration
You can perform load balancing and ownership administration tasks by selecting the
appropriate queue and clicking the Queue Administration button:

Note: This button only functions if the selected queue is configured as a load balanced or
Web Workflow

ownership queue.

Note: The logged-in user must have one of the following administrative privileges:
Workflow Administrative Processing, Load-Balancing Administration, or Ownership

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

The Workflow Queue Administration dialog box is displayed.

Web Workflow
Note: Users that are currently logged in and consuming a client license are displayed in
bold face font.

Note: Users configured as members for load balancing queues will always appear in
Queue Administration regardless of the number of documents assigned to them.

Note: In queues configured with Match Keyword to User Name load balancing, users
configured as load balance members, as well as users that are not configured as load
balance members but have documents assigned to them, are displayed in the Workflow
Queue Administration dialog box.

This dialog box allows you to manually perform load balancing functions.
Click Refresh to refresh the display of documents in the queue without transitioning
documents out of the queue.

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Workflow OnBase 16

The following right-click options are available when items are selected in the Workflow
Queue Administration window:

Option Description

Keywords Displays the Add/Modify Keyword dialog box, and allows you to add or
modify document Keyword Values.
When a Keyword is changed on a document in a queue configured as Match
Keyword to User Name, the user name assignments will automatically
Web Workflow

refresh in Queue Administration.

Note: The Queue Administration interface must be refreshed to reflect

changes to Keyword values that display in an Auto-Name string.

History Displays the Document History dialog box, which lists the past actions
performed on the document.

Create List List reports contain document information. The reports can be
Report generated for queues or selected documents within a queue. See
Create List Report on page 99.
Properties Displays the Document Information for Document Handle <nnn> window.
This window displays certain attributes stored for the document, some of
these values reflect data stored in the database tables for that document.

Note: This menu option may or may not be available depending on user

Reassign Item Displays the Reassign Item dialog box. See Reassign Items on page 117.

Rebalance Rebalances the selected item according to the load-balancing logic applied
Item to the queue. See Rebalance Items on page 118.

Open in New Displays the selected document in a new window.


Note: You may have more options available depending on user rights and licensing. You
may also not have any of these options depending on granted user rights.

Note: When modifying Keyword Values with the right-click menu, the document’s Auto-
Name string will not update.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Reassign Items
To reassign an item, select the item or items in the list and click Reassign Item , or right-
click an item and select Reassign Item. The Reassign Item dialog box is displayed.

Web Workflow
The Reassign Item dialog box allows the selected items to be assigned to another User/User
Group or role.
Items can also be reassigned by dragging them to an assignee. Select an item, then drag it to a
user, user group, or role in the Assignments pane. Multiple items can be dragged to assignees by
holding Ctrl while selecting items.

Note: To reassign multiple documents in a queue configured as Match Keyword to User Name,
select the documents, right-click, and select Reassign Item.

Note: To remove assignments, select <Unassigned>.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Rebalance Items
To rebalance items in a queue according to the configured load-balancing logic, click Rebalance
To redistribute the selected item or items according to the load-balancing parameters configured,
select an item or items and click Rebalance Item, or right-click and select Rebalance Item.

Note: This option is not available for Match Keyword to User Name load balancing queues.
Web Workflow

Note: When the rebalance function is initiated, existing assignments are cleared and new
assignments are made based on the load-balancing queue’s configuration.

Note: Items that are locked with a Workflow process lock are skipped and keep their original

Change Ownership
To change the owner of an item, select an item and click Change Ownership. The Change
Ownership dialog box is displayed.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Select the user to which you want to assign ownership of the item and click OK .

Note: Once you have reached the maximum configured number of items that can be
owned in a life cycle, you cannot take ownership of additional items.

Note: Assigning ownership to <Unassigned> removes all ownership.

Web Workflow
Returning to the Web Client Main Window
You can return to the main window of the Web Client by clicking the Back button within
the Workflow window.

Note: This button is only available when using the Web Client with Internet Explorer.
When using the Web Client in conjunction with Mozilla Firefox or Safari, return to the
main Web Client window by closing the Workflow window or manually selecting the main

Understanding Auto-Feed Locks

When a queue is configured with the Auto-Feed option, locks are placed on work items.
When the user first opens the auto-feed queue they are displayed the first available item
in the queue. The item has an auto-feed lock placed on it which can be viewed by
selecting Admin | Utilities | Process Lock Administration in the OnBase Client.
The purpose of the auto-feed lock is to prevent another user processing the same queue
from processing the same item. When the user selects the Show All Documents right-click
option, the Auto-Feed lock is removed from the item currently displayed and the inbox
displays a list of all the items in the queue. When the user selects an item, no auto-feed
lock is placed on the item. It works as though the queue never was configured for Auto-

Allowing Users to Override the Auto-Feed Documents Setting

If a load-balancing queue is configured for Auto-Feed, a user can override the Auto-Feed
setting configured for queues and view all items within the queue if one of the following
is true:
• They are the Administrator user
• They have Workflow Administrative Processing Privilege
• They have the Override Auto-Feed right for the queue

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Closing the Application While a Task is Executing

Closing the Workflow Window
When a user attempts to close the Workflow window while Workflow is awaiting user
interaction, a message stating the following is displayed:
Are you sure you want to navigate away from this page? ATTENTION: You are currently
executing a Workflow task that has not completed. Press CANCEL to complete your Workflow
task. Failure to do so will cause the task to terminate before completion. Press OK to
Web Workflow

continue, or Cancel to stay on the current page.

You must click Cancel to complete the task. If you click OK, the window will close and the
task will terminate.

Closing the Web Client

When a user attempts to close the main Web Client window while Workflow is awaiting
user interaction, they are prompted with the following:
You are currently executing a Workflow task. Exiting the Client during task execution will
terminate your task before it is completed. To ensure that your task is executed properly, do
not close this dialog until you complete the task. Task Status: In Progress.
When this is displayed, click Close will abort the task and close the Client. If you want to
complete the task, you can navigate back the Workflow window and complete the task.
Once the task has completed, the Task Status in the warning dialog box will be updated
to Completed. Once the task is completed, the Task Completed button is enabled. Click
Task Completed to close the Web Client.

Note: This message is not displayed if you are using the Web Client with Safari 6.1 or
7.0. Ensure that all tasks are complete before exiting the Web Client.

Shortcut Keys
The following keyboard shortcuts can be used in the Web Workflow interface.

Shortcut Description

F9 Opens the Workflow interface window.

Alt + F4 Closes the Workflow interface window.

Right arrow Expands selected life cycle, navigates between the Life Cycle View and the
Work Folder when either tab is selected, or navigates down the item list in
the inbox.

Left arrow Collapses selected life cycle, navigates between the Life Cycle View and the
Work Folder when either tab is selected, or navigates up the item list in the

Up arrow Navigates up the list of life cycles and queues in the Life Cycle View, and
navigates up the list of users in Queue Administration.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Shortcut Description

Down arrow Navigates down the list of life cycles and queues in the Life Cycle View, and
navigates down the list of users in Queue Administration.

CTRL + F6 In the separate viewer, this navigates to the previous document.

CTRL + F7 In the separate viewer, this navigates to the next document.

F10 Executes Workflow Ad Hoc Task #1 (ad hoc task bar must have focus)

Web Workflow
F11 Executes Workflow Ad Hoc Task #2 (ad hoc task bar must have focus)

F12 Executes Workflow Ad Hoc Task #3 (ad hoc task bar must have focus)

Tab Navigates to the next item in the screen.

Shift + Tab Navigates to the previous item in the screen.

Enter Pressing enter executes on the selected item. The following are examples
of functions that occur when pressing enter depending on the item
selected: Queues will open, and ad hoc tasks will execute.

The following additional shortcuts are available in the HTML Web Workflow interface:

Shortcut Description

CTRL + K Accesses keywords (select list and viewer)

CTRL + H Accesses history (select list and viewer)

CTRL + N Adds Note (viewer only)

CTRL + L Show All Documents (select list only in a queue configured for autofeed)

CTRL + O Show Other User's Documents (select list only)

CTRL + V Turns on Combined View (within Life Cycle View tab)

CTRL + R Route (select list only)

CTRL + W Workflow Settings (select list only)

E-Form Interaction

Interaction with E-Forms in Workflow

Existing E-Forms can be viewed in Workflow. New E-Forms can be created by executing
an ad hoc task. Depending on the method of viewing, E-Forms behave differently.
When an already-existing E-Form is viewed, clicking Cancel will close the form without
saving any changes. The form itself will still be stored in the database.
When a new E-Form is created via an ad hoc task, the E-Form may be created before
any Keyword Values are added to the E-Form by the user. Depending on configuration
options, one of two things will occur:

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

• After the E-Form is created in the system, it will be displayed in the User
Interaction window. Clicking Cancel will close the E-Form without saving any
changes made to the E-Form.
• Clicking Cancel will close the E-Form and not create it in the system.
When a submit button is configured on an E-Form and it is not configured using OBBtn_
syntax, the button will function as a cancel button.

Keyword Validation in OnBase

Web Workflow

In either of the above cases, clicking the Submit button with valid Keyword Values
entered will store the form in the database with the new Keyword Values. If the Keyword
Values are not valid (e.g., a date Keyword Value where an alphanumeric one should be),
the user will be prompted to fix the error and the form will stay open.

Note: Keyword validation does not apply to currency keywords in the Core. The user
must be familiar with the format used for currency in order to ensure accuracy.

Workflow Trace
Workflow trace information can be logged to the Workflow Trace tab in the Diagnostics Console.

Note: The Diagnostics Console must be configured to log Workflow trace messages. For
information about configuring the Diagnostics Console, see the Diagnostics Service and
Diagnostics Console module reference guide.

If you have the appropriate administrative rights, you can enable Workflow trace in the
Web Client by completing the following steps:

1. Select Admin from the context drop-down select list in the Navigation Bar. The
Admin context is displayed.
2. Click Show Active Users to display a list of currently logged-on users.
3. Select a user and click Enable Workflow Trace . Workflow trace information for that
user will be logged to the Workflow Trace tab in the Diagnostics Console.
To disable Workflow trace for a user, select the user and click Disable Workflow
Trace .

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.

Workflow Security
Access to items via Workflow is accomplished by a combination of assignments made at
the Document Type, life cycle, and work queue level. Specifically:
• Document Types must be configured for use in a specific life cycle.
In the Configuration module, select Document | Document Types , then select the
desired Document Type and select Life Cycles . Assign the desired life cycles at
the Life Cycles for <document type> dialog box.
• Users must be granted rights to a specific life cycle, as well as each queue
within that life cycle, in order to view items within those queues.
In the Configuration module, select Users | User Groups/Rights. Select the
desired user group and select Workflow. Assign the desired life cycles and
queues at the Assigning Workflow for <user group> dialog box.
• In all Workflow interfaces except the Unity Workflow interface, users must be
granted the Retrieve/View privilege, either as a user group privilege or as an
override privilege. If this privilege is not granted (or in the case of override
privileges, overridden), users will not be able to view documents in Workflow.

Note: If the Retrieve/View privilege is revoked with an override privilege, users are still
able to view documents in Workflow.

For more information on configuring user group rights, please see the System
Administration module reference guide or help files.

Caution: The ability to view items in a life cycle is controlled at the queue level. If users
have rights to a Workflow queue, they will also have rights to view all the items in that
queue by default, regardless of their security rights (i.e. Document Type rights). This
includes related items. The exception to this rule is WorkView objects. In order to work
with WorkView objects, the user must have rights to view that object.

Caution: The ability to modify items in a life cycle is controlled at the queue level. If users
have rights to a Workflow queue, they will also have rights to modify all items in that queue
by default, regardless of their Modify privilege setting, including related items.
Administrators should be aware that Workflow automatically grants the Modify privilege to
users for any items that are in their queue. As a result, care should be taken to only
present items which users should be allowed to modify.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Opening the Unity Workflow Interface

The Unity Workflow interface is opened by clicking the Workflow button:

The Workflow layout is displayed. The Workflow layout provides the following
Unity Workflow

• Viewing Life Cycles and Queues
• Viewing an Item in a Queue
• Executing Ad Hoc Tasks
• Working With Related Items
• Queue Administration
• Changing the Workflow Layout

Viewing Life Cycles and Queues

To view a life cycle, select a life cycle from the Life Cycles pane.

All life cycles and queues to which a user has rights are available for selection.
Help text for life cycles and queues is displayed when hovering over life cycles and
queues that are configured with help text.
To view a queue, expand a life cycle by clicking the corresponding arrow in front of the
life cycle name. Clicking a queue will open its contents in the Inbox.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Searching for Life Cycles and Queues

Search for a life cycle or queue in the Life Cycles pane by typing in the search field. The
Life Cycles pane is filtered as you type, and the results are highlighted.

Unity Workflow
Click a life cycle or queue in the results list to navigate to that life cycle or queue.
To clear the search results, press the ESC key or click the x button in the search field.

Refreshing a Life Cycle or Queue

To refresh a life cycle or queue, do one of the following:
• Right-click a life cycle or queue and select Refresh.
• Select a life cycle or queue, then click Refresh on the ribbon.

• Select the Refresh button on the inbox toolbar. For more information on
enabling the inbox toolbar, see Workflow User Options on page 160.

This updates the life cycle or queue as well as queue counts.

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Workflow OnBase 16

Add a Queue to a Personal Page

To add a queue to your Personal Page layout, do one of the following:
• Right-click a queue and select Add To Personal Page.
• Select a queue, then select Add this layout to my personal page from the Personal
Page button on the Home ribbon.
Unity Workflow

Note: If a queue is added to your Personal Page and your privileges to the queue are
revoked or if the queue was configured as an auto-feed queue and the Auto-Feed setting
is removed from the queue, the queue will be disabled in you Personal Page.

Note: Non-document Workflow queues cannot be added to your Personal Page.

Creating a List Report

If you have the appropriate rights, you can create a list report by right-clicking a life
cycle or queue and selecting Create List Report.
For more information on list reports, see the Unity Client help files or module reference

Note: Users that are part of a Load Balancing Administration group or assigned Load
Balancing Administration rights on the queue can create list reports showing
assignments. In Range, select Assigned To, and select a user, <All Users> , <Current
User>, or <Unassigned Items> from the corresponding drop-down select list.

Note: For auto-feed queues, only the selected item will be listed in the content report
unless the user is a Load Balance Administrator or an auto-feed administrator.

Workflow Approval Management: Viewing Approval Queues

Note: A Workflow Approval Management license is required for this feature.

Approval queues are accessed in the Workflow layout.

Only items that you are assigned to approve will appear in your approval queue. Once
you have approved or rejected an item, it is no longer visible in your queue.
If there are no items for you to approve, the ad hoc tasks are disabled for that queue.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Process Flow
The Process Flow pane allows you to view the process flow of a life cycle. To open the
Process Flow pane:

1. Select the appropriate life cycle from the Life Cycles pane.
2. Place your mouse cursor over Process Flow :

Unity Workflow
3. The Process Flow pane displays the process flow of the selected life cycle:

To select a queue, double-click it.

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Workflow OnBase 16

You can zoom in or out by moving the slider in the top right corner of the Process Flow
Unity Workflow

To hide the Process Flow pane, click outside it.

Note: When the Inbox is displaying a combined view, the Process Flow pane displays the
process flow for the Workflow queue that the selected Inbox item is in.

Viewing an Item in a Queue

All items in a queue, including documents and other OnBase items such as managed
folders, are displayed in the Inbox .

You can view specific items from multiple queues or life cycles by choosing one of the
following options from the Life Cycles pane:

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

• My Owned Items - Select to display all items owned by the current user in the
Inbox pane from all queues that support ownership.

Note: My Owned Items is only displayed if you have rights to access a life cycle that
supports ownership.

• Combined Inbox - Select to display work items from multiple life cycles. See
Combined Inbox Settings on page 135 for more information.

Unity Workflow
The columns in the Inbox can be grouped and sorted like other Unity Client data lists.
Sorting by a column in the Inbox overrides any default sort orders configured for
queues. See the Unity Client module reference guide for more information about sorting
data lists.
To view an item in a queue, select it from the Inbox. It is displayed in the Primary

By default, the first item in the Inbox is automatically displayed in the Primary Viewer. If
there is only one item in the currently selected queue, it is automatically displayed in the
Primary Viewer. To turn off this feature, deselect the Automatically select first item in the
inbox option in User Options. For more information, see Workflow User Options on page

Note: The first 2000 items in the currently selected queue or in the combined view are
displayed in the Inbox. If more than 2000 items exist in the currently selected queue,
you are prompted with a message that, “Workflow is displaying only the first 2000 items
in this queue. Not all items are shown.”

When an item in the Inbox is selected, the Previous Document and Next Document
navigation buttons in the item’s Viewer ribbon can be used to navigate to the previous or
next available item in the Inbox.

Note: The navigation buttons in a WorkView item’s Viewer ribbon cannot be used to
navigate the Inbox.

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Workflow OnBase 16

The status bar is located at the bottom of the Inbox. It displays the current queue, any
selected filter, and the number of items in the pane:

When working with items in the Inbox, the task pane, which opens if you choose to view
Unity Workflow

an item’s Keywords, cross-references, etc., includes the Inbox tab’s icon:

This is so that you can easily distinguish between items in the Inbox and related items.
Any items that are related to the item(s) selected in the Inbox are displayed on the
Related Items tab. For more information, see Working With Related Items on page 139.

Note: If Exclusive Document Viewing has been enabled, attempting to open a document
another user has opened will result in a message stating, You cannot view document
[Document ID, Auto-Name string] as user [User Name] is already working with this
document .

Note: When viewing a WorkView object that has been modified, you will not be prompted
to save changes if you navigate to a different queue or life cycle. Ensure all changes are
properly saved before navigating away from the WorkView object.

Filtering the Inbox

The contents of the Inbox can be filtered to only display the items that meet certain
search requirements.

Note: If the document or queue is accessed through Document Retrieval or StatusView,

any configured filters will not be applied.

In order to use a filter, you must select the appropriate filter to apply to the Inbox. To
select a filter to apply, click Apply Filter on the Workflow tab and select a filter.
Alternatively, if the inbox toolbar is enabled, select the Filter button on the inbox toolbar
and select a filter. See Workflow User Options on page 160 for more information on
enabling the inbox toolbar.
If you are using a filter form, the filter form will display in the Configure Filter: [Name of
filter] window. Enter the filter's requirements and submit the form by clicking a button
on the form or pressing the Enter key. You can refresh the filter and enter new
requirements by selecting Edit Filter... from the Apply Filter drop-down select list.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

The items matching the filter's requirements are displayed in the Inbox. If a Could not
load filter E-Form message is displayed, the selected filter is unavailable.

Note: Depending on the queue configuration, you may not have the option to filter a

Note: A filter form will only display if the filter has been configured to use a form. Not all
filters need forms.

Unity Workflow
When a filter is applied to the Inbox, the name of the filter is displayed in the status bar.
To remove the filter, click the name of the filter in the status bar:

If Apply Filter | None is selected, a filter is not currently applied to the Inbox.

Note: If a Keyword Type that is used as a display column has more than one value for an
item, the item will be listed for each Keyword Value.

Display Columns in Single Queues

When applying a filter to a single queue, the following is true concerning the display
columns for the filter:
• If no display columns have been configured on the filter, the Document Name
column will display.
• If display columns have been configured, all configured columns will display.

Manually Route Item

To move an item in the Inbox to any queue connected to the current queue by a
transition, select an item, then click Route Item on the Workflow ribbon and select a
queue. Alternatively, if the inbox toolbar is enabled, click Route Item on the inbox toolbar
and select a queue. See Workflow User Options on page 160 for more information on
enabling the inbox toolbar.
This option is only available to users that are administrators, have the Workflow
Administrative Processing privilege, or have the Ad Hoc Routing user privilege at the
queue level.

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Workflow OnBase 16

Re-Index Documents
To re-index documents in Workflow, select a document or multiple documents in the
Inbox or the Related Items pane, then right-click and select Re-Index. This allows you to
change the information associated with the document.
See the Unity Client module reference guide for more information and important
considerations for re-indexing documents.
Unity Workflow

You can take ownership and release ownership of items in the Inbox by using the
buttons on the Workflow ribbon.
To take ownership of the selected items in the Inbox, click Take Ownership on the
Workflow ribbon.
To release ownership of the selected items in the Inbox, click Release Ownership on the
Workflow ribbon.
In the Inbox, the following icon indicates that the item is owned by the current user:

No icon indicates that the item is not owned.

Items owned by other users are not displayed in the Inbox.

Execute Script Task

To execute a Unity Script on selected items in the Inbox, click and select a Unity Script
from the Execute Script Task button on the Workflow ribbon. Alternatively, if the inbox
toolbar is enabled, you can click Execute Script Task on the inbox toolbar and select a
Unity Script. For more information about enabling the inbox toolbar, see Workflow User
Options on page 160.
To change the order of script tasks in the Execute Script Task drop-down list, select Configure
Items... from this drop-down list. In the Organize Tasks dialog box, select tasks and re-position
them using the corresponding arrows.

Override Auto-Feed
To enable or disable auto-feed functionality in the Inbox, click Override Auto-feed on the
Workflow ribbon. The ability to enable or disable auto-feed functionality is only available
to users with the appropriate rights.
When auto-feed is enabled, the following message is displayed in the Inbox pane’s title
bar: “You are currently viewing items in an auto feed queue. When this functionality is
enabled you can only view one item at a time.”
When auto-feed is disabled, all items in the queue are displayed. You cannot view all
items in auto-feed queues when in the combined view. If a queue has filters assigned to
it, additional filters cannot be placed on the queue after disabling auto-feed
functionality. The additional filter must be in place before disabling auto-feed

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OnBase 16 Workflow

You can also enable or disable auto-feed functionality in the Inbox using the Enable or
Disable buttons in the Inbox pane’s title bar.

Executing Ad Hoc Tasks

All ad hoc tasks that are available for a queue are displayed in the Tasks ribbon group of
the Workflow ribbon.
To execute an ad hoc task on an item, click a button in the Tasks section of the Workflow

Unity Workflow
ribbon. A status message displays indicating that a task was executed successfully.
If the inbox toolbar is enabled, tasks can be executed by clicking the Tasks button and
selecting an ad hoc task. See Workflow User Options on page 160 for more information
on enabling the inbox toolbar.

User Interaction
If a task requires user interaction, the User Interaction pane is displayed.
If you attempt to navigate to a different layout while Workflow is waiting for user input,
you are prompted to confirm that you want to close Workflow.

Executing Ad Hoc Tasks on Multiple Items

You can perform ad hoc tasks on multiple items by selecting multiple items before
performing a task.
To select multiple items at once, do one of the following:
• Hold the Ctrl key and select multiple items.
• Select a consecutive group by selecting the first item in your selection, holding
the Shift key, and selecting the last item in your selection.
With all items selected, click a button in the Tasks section of the Workflow ribbon to
execute an ad hoc task on all selected items.
For information about executing ad hoc tasks on related items, see Executing Ad Hoc
Tasks on Related Items on page 140.
If you want to change the order in which tasks are displayed in the ribbon, see
Reordering Tasks in the Workflow Ribbon on page 158 for more information.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Sending Links to Life Cycles and Queues

In the Unity Client Workflow interface, you can send UPop links to life cycles, queues,
and documents to external e-mail addresses.

Note: Depending on your configuration, the links you send may be either UPop files or
UPop URI links. See the Unity Client module reference guide for more information about
Unity Workflow

Note: E-mailing a link to a document, queue, or life cycle requires that you have a
functional Microsoft Outlook, Lotus Notes, or Novel GroupWise e-mail client. You cannot
e-mail links to documents, queues, or life cycles in the Unity Client with any other e-mail

You must have specific user rights to e-mail a UPop link to a document, queue, or life
cycle. User rights are managed by your system administrator.
Certain characters are not allowed in file names. If these characters appear in the
document’s Auto-Name string, they are substituted with other characters that are
allowed. Substitutions are as follows:

Auto-Name Replaced With


\ and / -

: ;

* +

? !

< [

> ]

" '
| !

Note: In order to e-mail links to life cycles, queues, and documents, the Unity Client
must be configured to enable UPop. Contact your system administrator for assistance.

E-Mailing Links to Life Cycles and Queues

To e-mail a UPop link to a life cycle or queue, complete the following steps:

1. Select the life cycle or queue that you want to send.

2. Right-click the life cycle or queue and select Send To | Mail Recipient (As Link) to
send a UPop link.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

E-Mailing Links to Documents

To e-mail a UPop link or shortcut to a document, complete the following steps:

1. Select the document that you want to send from the Workflow Inbox.
2. Right-click the document and select Workflow | Send To | Mail Recipient (As Link)
to send a UPop link to the document.

Note: When opening a UPop link to a single document in Workflow, the Workflow Inbox is

Unity Workflow
filtered to display only that document.

Creating Desktop Shortcuts to Life Cycles and Queues

In the Unity Client, you can send a shortcut to Workflow life cycles and queues to your
desktop using UPop.

Note: In order to send shortcuts to your desktop, the Unity Client must be configured to
enable UPop. Contact your system administrator for assistance.

To save a shortcut to a life cycle or queue to your desktop, complete the following steps:

1. Select a queue or life cycle.

2. Right-click the queue or life cycle and select Send to | Save to Desktop.
The shortcut is saved to your desktop. Clicking the shortcut launches the Unity
Client and automatically opens the specific queue or life cycle in the Workflow

Note: For information about viewing UPop files, see the Unity Client module reference

Combined Inbox Settings

Instead of displaying the currently selected queue’s contents, the Inbox pane can display
the contents of a combination of life cycles and queues. This is known as the combined
inbox. In order to show the contents of multiple life cycle queues, queues must be
configured for display.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

To select multiple life cycles and queues for display:

1. From the Life Cycles pane, right-click on Combined Inbox and select Configure
Combined Inbox .
2. The Combined Inbox Settings dialog box is displayed:
Unity Workflow

3. Select the check boxes that correspond with the appropriate life cycles or queues.
Expand a life cycle by clicking on the plus sign in order to access queues for
4. Click OK to close the Combined Inbox Settings dialog box and apply the new
settings to the Inbox.

To add individual queues to the combined inbox, right-click a queue in the Life Cycles
pane and click Add To Combined Inbox .

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Once queues have been configured for the combined inbox, you can select to view the
combined queues by clicking Combined Inbox in the Life Cycles pane. The Inbox pane’s
status bar is updated to reflect that you are working in the combined inbox:

Unity Workflow
To add the combined inbox to your Personal Page, right-click Combined Inbox and select
Add To Personal Page .
To turn off the combined inbox, select a life cycle and/or queue from the Life Cycles pane.

Note: Items in auto-feed queues are not displayed when using the combined inbox.

Note: You cannot configure an auto-open queue in the Unity Workflow interface, but can
use the auto-open queue configured via another OnBase client. If a queue is configured
to auto-open, but is not configured for the combined inbox, the queue is auto-opened
after opening Workflow. Select a life cycle to show the combined inbox in the Inbox

Filters in the Combined Inbox

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

When a filter is applied while using Combined View, the following is true concerning the
display columns. The columns display from left to right.
• If no display columns have been configured on the filter:
• Icon

Note: The Icon column is only available in the Unity interface.

• Document Name
Unity Workflow

• Workflow Life Cycle

• Workflow Queue
• Entry Date
• Owner

Note: The Owner column is displayed when only Unity life cycles are configured for
Combined View.

• If display columns have been configured on the filter:

• All configured columns in user-configured order
• Workflow Queue
Queues will be sorted by Entry Date by default. Queues can also be sorted by a defined
filter sort or by clicking a display column to sort by.

Note: If Workflow Queue has been configured as a display column, it will not be added

Note: If no filter has been applied, the display columns will be: Document Name,
Workflow Life Cycle, Workflow Queue, Entry Date.

Note: Filters cannot be applied to a Combined Inbox consisting of non-document items.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Working With Related Items

Any items related to the primary item selected in the Inbox are displayed in the Related
Items pane. To view related items, select the Related Items tab below the Inbox . The
Related Items pane is displayed:

Unity Workflow
When the Related Items pane is displayed, the item that is selected in the Inbox pane is
displayed in the Primary Viewer.
To display an item in a separate window, click the Display button in the Related Items
To apply a template to the Related Items pane, click the Template button and select a
template to apply.

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Workflow OnBase 16

To filter the Related Items pane, click the Filter button and select the filter you want to

Note: If a filter is configured to display keyword or note-related display columns, if a

related item has multiple values or notes related to that column, each entry will be
displayed separately in the list.

Note: If a Work Folder used to display related items has a default filter that is configured
Unity Workflow

to display an HTML form, the form is not displayed when the Related Items pane is
selected. Only Document Types and display columns are applied. The filter must be
applied to the Work Folder manually from the Related Items pane in order for the HTML
form to display.

The status bar is located at the bottom of the Related Items pane. It displays the current
queue, the number of items in the pane, and any selected filter.
When working with related items, the task pane changes to light green, and includes the
Related Items tab’s icon:

This is so that you can easily distinguish between related items and items in the Inbox .

Note: When a Keyword Type that is determining the contents of the Related Items pane
has a value that contains an asterisk (*) or question mark (?), the characters are treated
as wildcards and all items that meet the criteria are returned as related items.

If the life cycle is configured to display items related to the item selected in the Inbox
using portfolios, the Portfolios drop-down select list is displayed in the Related Items

To view items related to the item selected in the Inbox using a portfolio, click the
Portfolios drop-down select list and choose a portfolio, or select the portfolio’s tab in the
Related Items pane.
To refresh the items displayed on a portfolio’s tab, select the portfolio’s tab.

Executing Ad Hoc Tasks on Related Items

You can execute ad hoc tasks on related items by using the Tasks button in the Related
Items pane.

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OnBase 16 Workflow

To execute an ad hoc task on an item, select an item and click the Tasks button. From
the drop-down select menu, choose the task you want to execute.

Interaction with E-Forms in Workflow

E-Forms in Workflow are viewed via selection from the Inbox or the Related Items pane,
as well as by executing an ad hoc task. Depending on the method of viewing, E-Forms
behave differently.

Unity Workflow
When an already-existing E-Form is viewed, clicking Cancel will close the form without
saving any changes. The form itself will still be stored in the database.
When a new E-Form is created via an ad hoc task, the E-Form is created before any
Keyword Values are added to the E-Form by the user. Depending on configuration
options, one of two things will occur:
• After the E-Form is created in the system, it will be displayed in the User
Interaction pane. Clicking Cancel will close the E-Form without saving any
changes made to the E-Form.
• Clicking Cancel will close the E-Form and not create it in the system.

Queue Administration
You can perform queue administration tasks, such as load balancing administration and
managing ownership assignments, by selecting the appropriate queue, right-clicking,
and selecting Queue Administration, or by clicking Queue Administration on the Queue
Administration ribbon.

Note: This option is only available if the selected queue is configured as a load-balanced
or ownership queue. The logged-in user must also have one of the following
administrative privileges: Workflow Administrative Processing, Load-Balancing
Administration, or Ownership Administration.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

The Workflow Queue Administration window is displayed:

Unity Workflow

For load balanced queues, the Workflow Queue Administration window’s status bar
displays the type of queue (Type) and any filter that is applied ( Filtered by). For
ownership queues, the Workflow Queue Administration window’s status bar displays the
type of queue (Type ) and the number of items (Count).
In the Workflow Queue Administration window, users that are currently logged in and
consuming a client license are displayed in bold face font.
Users with Ownership Administration privileges can view items assigned to the current
user and all items in the queue. They also can also view the Owner and Since columns in
the Queue Administration dialog box. These columns indicate the owner of the item, as
well as how long the item has been owned.
The columns in the Workflow Queue Administration window can be grouped and sorted
like other Unity Client data lists. See the Unity Client module reference guide for more
To view an item in the Workflow Queue Administration window, double-click an item in the
list to open it in a separate viewer window.
To view the Keywords or properties of an item, select an item and click Keywords or
Properties on the ribbon.
Refresh the queue administration window by clicking Refresh in the ribbon menu. This
refreshes the window without transitioning items out of any queues.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Rebalance Queues
To rebalance all items in a queue, select a queue and click Rebalance Queue in the
ribbon. Items are re-distributed according to the queue’s load-balancing logic.

Note: When the rebalance function is initiated, existing assignments are cleared and new
assignments are made based on the load-balancing queue’s configuration.

Unity Workflow
Note: Items that are locked with a Workflow process lock are skipped and keep their original

Note: This button is not available for queues configured as Match Keyword to User Name

Rebalance Items
To rebalance an individual item, select an item and select Rebalance Item in the ribbon.
The item is re-distributed according to the queue’s load-balancing logic.

Note: When the rebalance function is initiated, existing assignments are cleared and new
assignments are made based on the load-balancing queue’s configuration.

Note: You can also rebalance items or queues outside of the Workflow Queue
Administration window by selecting Rebalance on the Queue Administration ribbon and
choosing Rebalance Item or Rebalance Queue .

Reassign Items
To reassign load-balanced items, select an item and click Reassign Item in the ribbon
This displays the Reassign To dialog box, allowing the selected item to be assigned to
another User/User Group or role that are also queue members.

Note: When displaying items that are assigned to multiple users in the queue inbox, the
Reassign Item button is not available.

You can also reassign items by clicking and dragging the items under the appropriate
user/user group. You can select multiple items by pressing the CTRL keyboard key or the
Shift keyboard key and then clicking on the items you want to reassign.
To assign an item to a new user or user group without removing the current assignment,
click and drag the item to the appropriate user or user group while holding the CTRL key.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

When a queue is configured as Match Keyword to User Name or rules-based, the

following options are available:
• Unassign From Current User - Select to remove the current assignment from the
currently selected item(s) assignment in the Workflow Queue Administration
window and add the new assignment.
• Remove All Existing Assignments - Select to remove all existing assignments for
the currently selected item(s) and add the new assignment.
• Keep All Existing Assignments - Select to keep all existing assignments for the
Unity Workflow

currently selected item(s) and add the new assignment.

Note: To reassign multiple documents in a queue configured as Match Keyword to User Name,
select the documents, right-click, and select Reassign.

Note: To unassign documents, select and drag the documents to Unassigned.

Note: You can also reassign items outside of the Workflow Queue Administration window
by clicking Reassign Item on the Queue Administration ribbon.

Change Owners
To change the owner of an item, select an item and select Change Owner in the ribbon.
You are prompted to select a user to assign ownership:

Select a user from this drop-down select list and click OK.

Note: Once you have reached the maximum configured number of items that can be
owned in a life cycle, you cannot take ownership of additional items.

Note: Assigning ownership to <None> removes all ownership.

Note: You can also change ownership outside of the Workflow Queue Administration
window by clicking Change Owner on the Queue Administration ribbon.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Filtering Load Balanced Members

To apply a filter to load balance members in the Workflow Queue Administration window,
click Apply Filter in the ribbon. The Filter Load Balance Members window is displayed.

Unity Workflow

To apply a filter:

1. From the Look at drop-down select list, select one of the following:
• User Groups - The filter will be based upon a list of OnBase user groups.
• Users - The filter will be based upon a list of OnBase users.

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Workflow OnBase 16

2. In Filtered by, select one of the following:

Filtered By Description

Specified Member Select to apply a filter based on one or more specified members.
When User Groups is selected from the Look at drop-down select
list, select a user group from this drop-down select list.
When Users is selected from the Look at drop-down select list,
Unity Workflow

select a user from this drop-down select list.

The following check boxes are also available:
• Match case - Select to match case.
• Match whole word - Select to match the whole word.
• Use - Select to use Regular Expressions or Wildcards in your
filter. After selecting one of these from the corresponding drop-
down list, click the arrow to the right of the Specified Member
drop-down select list to choose from available operators:

Members of user Select to apply a filter based on members of a user group. Select a
group user group from the corresponding drop-down select list.

Note: This filtering criteria is not available when User Groups is

selected from the Look at drop-down select list.

User(s) based on Select to apply a filter based on a user’s relationship in an

relationship in an org organizational chart.
You can specify user(s) using any of the following drop-down select
• User Account - Select a user.
• Org Chart - Select an Org Chart.
• Relationship - Select a relationship. When Manager is selected,
you can include peers by selecting the Include Peers check box.

Note: This filtering criteria is not available when User Groups is

selected from the Look at drop-down select list.

Members of Role Select to apply a filter based on a user’s role.

Note: This filtering criteria is not available when User Groups is

selected from the Look at drop-down select list.

3. To apply the filter, click Filter. To cancel, click Cancel .

4. The filter is applied to the Workflow Queue Administration window.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

After applying a filter, you can clear the filter by clicking Clear Filter in the ribbon.

Performing System Work

If you have the proper privileges, you can perform system work by doing one of the
• Select a queue and click Perform System Work on the Queue Administration

Unity Workflow
• Right-click a queue and select Perform System Work.
• From the Workflow Queue Administration window, click Perform System Work on
the ribbon.

Executing Timer Work

If you have the proper privileges, you can execute timer work on a queue by doing one
of the following:
• Select a queue and click Execute Timer Work on the Queue Administration ribbon.
• Right-click a queue and select Execute Timer Work.
• From the Workflow Queue Administration window, click Execute Timer Work on
the ribbon.

Manually Evaluating Documents

Note: To use this feature, a Business Rules Engine license is required.

To evaluate the documents in a queue against the Business Rules Engine, do one of the
• Right-click a queue and select Evaluate Documents.
• Select a queue and click Evaluate Documents on the Queue Administration ribbon.
For more information, see the Business Rules Engine module reference guide.

Viewing Items in Load-Balanced Queues

In load-balanced queues, only items assigned to you appear in your inbox. If you have
administrative privileges, you can see other items as well.
To view all unassigned items in a load-balanced queue, click Unassigned Items on the
Queue Administration ribbon.
To view all items in a load-balanced queue, click Show All Items on the Queue
Administration ribbon. This displays all items in the queue regardless of their
To see only items assigned to you, click Assigned To Current User on the Queue
Administration ribbon.

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Workflow OnBase 16

View the Inbox of Another User

You can view another user’s inbox in a load-balanced queue by right-clicking the queue
name and selecting Show Other User’s Inbox or by clicking Show Other User’s Inbox on the
Queue Administration ribbon.

Note: If Show Other User’s Inbox is not displayed, you do not have rights to this
functionality. Contact your system administrator for further information.
Unity Workflow

Note: You cannot view unassigned items in a Match Keyword to User Name queue.

Selecting this option displays a dialog box where you can choose to view another user’s
inbox. All users who are load-balancing members are displayed:

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

You can select to view the inbox of a particular user, all items (<All Users> ), or items not
currently assigned to a user (<Unassigned Items>). You can also click in the list of users
and type the name of a user to go directly to that user. After you click OK , the Inbox
pane displays the name of the selected user:

Unity Workflow
In the case of a Coverage queue, the Show Other User’s Inbox options will not reflect
coverage documents.
When a load balanced queue is configured as Match Keyword to User Name, the Show
Other User’s Inbox list only includes the names of members assigned to the selected load
balanced queue. The Queue Administration dialog box includes all users that have items
assigned to them, regardless of whether they are members assigned to the selected load
balanced queue.

Determining What Queues an Item Is In

In some instances it may be helpful to know all the queues that an item currently resides
in. You can determine an item’s queues in the Inbox and Related Items panes. This can
also be accomplished from other areas in OnBase, such as a Document Search Results

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Workflow OnBase 16

To view an item’s queues, select an item, right-click and select Workflow | Workflow
Queues . The following dialog box is displayed:
Unity Workflow

All of the life cycles, queues that the item belongs to, and users/user groups or roles
assigned to the item are listed is the displayed dialog box. Restricted will be displayed
for queues and life cycles that you do not have the rights and/or privileges to view.
The following buttons are available in the dialog box:

Button Description

Refresh Click to refresh the dialog box.

Display Queue Click to open the selected item in the Workflow layout and display the
selected item in the Inbox.
You can also double-click an item to open the Workflow layout and
display the selected item in the Inbox.

Execute Click to manually enter one or more items into a life cycle.
For more information, see Entering Items into a Workflow on page 166.

In addition, depending on your installation, a Workflow Queues button may be available

in OLE or PDF documents. Clicking this button will open the dialog box.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Changing the Workflow Layout

The Simple layout is displayed by default the first time you open Workflow:

Unity Workflow
To change your layout:

1. Click Change Layout on the Workflow tab.

2. Select a layout from the drop-down select list that is displayed. At a minimum,
this drop-down select list contains the Classic layout. If your administrator has
configured layouts for your OnBase User Group, these layouts are also listed here.
3. After selecting a new layout, you are prompted to confirm that you want to reset
your current layout. Click Yes to use the newly selected layout, or No to retain the
existing layout.

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Workflow OnBase 16

4. The layout you selected is displayed. As an example, the following screen shot
depicts the Classic layout:
Unity Workflow

5. To save the newly selected layout as your default layout, click Change Layout on
the Workflow tab and select Save current layout as my default . Your default layout
is displayed each time you open the Unity Workflow interface.
After saving a layout as your default layout, you can return to this layout at any time by
clicking Change Layout on the Workflow tab and selecting My Default .

Arranging Panes
You can arrange panes in the Unity Workflow interface using the functionality that is
embedded in the title bar of panes. Any changes you make are persisted and used the
next time you open Workflow.

Note: If you open multiple layouts during your Workflow session, the last layout you
close will have its layout setting restored the next time you open Workflow.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Click and Drag Pane Positioning

Panes can be arranged in many ways. To reposition a pane, click in the title bar and drag
the pane to a new location. The following screen shots show a user repositioning the
Inbox pane:

Unity Workflow

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Unity Workflow

You can also stack panes on top of each other to create combined windows that will be
displayed in a tabular format. If you drag one pane’s title bar on top of the other pane’s
title bar, they will combine into one pane. Tabs will display at the bottom of the
combined pane for each pane that can be accessed within the combined pane.
To undock a pane, double-click the pane’s title bar or right-click the pane’s title bar and
select Dockable . Click and drag the pane until it is displayed as a window outside of the
main interface. This window can be positioned anywhere on the screen. You can re-dock
a window by right-clicking on the window header and selecting Dockable and then
double-clicking on the header of the window.

Panes can be pinned to a specific place or hidden when not in use. If you want to always
see a window, pin it. To pin it, click the Auto Hide button in the title bar:

To hide a pane when it is not in use, click the Auto Hide button. When a pane is not
pinned, the pane will be hidden when not in use. In order to access a hidden pane, hover
over the tab that corresponds to the appropriate pane. The tab label corresponds to the
title displayed in the pane’s title bar.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

The following is any example of a hidden pane:

Unity Workflow
Primary Viewer and Secondary Viewer Tabs
The Primary Viewer and Secondary Viewer tabs are confined to the document content
Consequently, they cannot be repositioned and pinned like the other panes in the
Workflow layout. However, these tabs can be stacked on one another.
To open the Secondary Viewer, click Secondary Viewer on the Workflow ribbon. To close
the Secondary Viewer, deselect Secondary Viewer on the Workflow ribbon.
To open the Primary Viewer, click Primary Viewer on the Workflow ribbon. To close the
Primary Viewer, deselect Primary Viewer on the Workflow ribbon.
The Primary Viewer and Secondary Viewer tabs contain the following buttons:

Clicking the Active Files button allows you to select the tab that has focus.
Clicking the Close button will close the tab.

Managing User Group Layouts

If you have been granted Workflow Configuration Administrator rights, you can create
Workflow layouts and assign them to OnBase User Groups.

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Workflow OnBase 16

To manage Workflow layouts for OnBase User Groups:

1. Click Change Layout on the Workflow tab and select Manage user group layout
2. The Manage user group layout settings dialog box is displayed:
Unity Workflow

3. Select an existing layout from the drop-down select list at the top of the Manage
user group layout settings dialog box.
To create a new layout, click New. Type a name for the layout in the Layout Name
field and click OK .
4. To rename the layout, click Rename. Type a name for the layout in the Layout
Name field and click OK .

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OnBase 16 Workflow

5. To modify the layout, click Modify Layout . The [name of layout] - Workflow Default
Layout Manager window is displayed:

Unity Workflow
Modify the layout accordingly. To add the Secondary Viewer tab to the layout, click
Secondary Viewer.
Click Save to save modifications to the layout and close the [name of layout] -
Workflow Default Layout Manager window.
6. In the Assigned User Groups portion of the Manage user group layout settings
dialog box, select the check box that corresponds to the OnBase User Group to
which this layout should be assigned.

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Workflow OnBase 16

7. To save all changes, including newly created layouts, click Save All .

Note: If you created a new layout, a numeric ID is assigned after saving it. This numeric
ID is displayed next to the name of the layout in the Manage user group layout settings
dialog box’s drop-down select list.

Note: If you created a new layout for yourself, you need to restart to be able to select
this new layout. Users are required to restart before changes you make to their layouts
Unity Workflow

take effect.

8. To delete the selected layout, click Delete. You are prompted to delete the
selected layout. Click OK to delete the layout, or Cancel to retain the layout.
9. To close the Manage user group layout settings dialog box, click Close .

Reordering Tasks in the Workflow Ribbon

You can re-order the list of tasks in the Tasks ribbon group. To do so:

1. Click the lower right corner of the Tasks ribbon group:

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OnBase 16 Workflow

2. The Reorder ad hoc tasks dialog box is displayed:

Note: If there is only one ad hoc task configured, the Reorder ad hoc tasks dialog will not Unity Workflow
be available.

3. Select an ad hoc task and use the up or down arrow to change the order of the
task in the Tasks ribbon group.

Note: The task displayed at the top of this dialog box will be displayed in the leftmost
position in the Tasks ribbon group.

4. Click OK.

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Workflow OnBase 16

5. The Tasks ribbon group is updated to reflect your changes.

Workflow User Options

Workflow options can be configured on the Workflow tab in the User Options dialog box.
To access the User Options dialog box, select User Options from the application menu.
Unity Workflow

The following sections describe the user options that are available.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

General Options

General Options Action When Selected

Confirm when closing the A confirmation message displays every time the Workflow
Workflow layout layout is closed.

Automatically select first When this option is selected, the first item in the inbox will

Unity Workflow
item in the inbox automatically be selected when inbox loads items. When this
option is not selected, the first item is not selected when the
inbox loads items.

Automatically select first When this option is selected, when an item is selected the
related item first related item will be automatically selected. When this
option is not selected, the first related item is not selected
when an item is selected.

Enable inbox notification A notification message displays every time an auto-feed

when viewing an auto-feed queue is opened in Workflow.

Enable search from life When this option is selected, a search bar is available in the
cycle tree Life Cycles pane that allows users to search for life cycles and
queues. This option is enabled by default.
When this option is deselected, the search bar does not
appear. Users can type ahead in the Life Cycles pane to
navigate to specific life cycles.

Automatically enable auto The auto-work option is set to run automatically for Exclusive
work in Exclusive View View queues.

Display the inbox toolbar When this option is selected, a toolbar is present in the
Workflow inbox. The toolbar allows a user to refresh the
inbox, filter the inbox, manually route an item, execute ad
hoc tasks, or execute a Unity Script. Available toolbar options
depend on user rights and privileges.

Show "Assigned To" column When this option is selected, the Assigned To column is
for LB queue displayed in the inbox of load balanced queues when Show
Other User’s Inbox is configured to show assignments for All

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Layout Options

Layout Options Action When Selected

Always display Workflow in The Workflow layout always opens in a new window, separate
a new window from the main Unity Client window.

Allow multiple instances of More than one instance of the Workflow layout can be
Unity Workflow

the Workflow layout opened. The ability to detach and float panes in the Workflow
layout is disabled.

Note: If your default layout, or a layout assigned to your

OnBase User Group, contains floating child windows, then the
Simple layout is displayed when this option is not selected.

Note: When this option is not selected, Application Enabler is

prevented from opening a new Workflow instance.

Show Hidden Queues Allows an administrator to see Hidden Workflow Queues. This
option takes effect on the next Workflow reload.

Note: This option is only available to Workflow

Administrators. For users without the Workflow
Administrator configuration right this option is disabled.

Note: Changes to Layout Options take effect after the client has been restarted.

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OnBase 16 Workflow

Workflow Startup Display Options

Workflow startup display Action When Selected


Automatically open the last When Workflow is opened, the last selected view will
selected view automatically be displayed.

Unity Workflow
Open the following view When Workflow is opened, the view selected from this drop-
down list will automatically be displayed.
The following views are available:
• <None>
• Combined View
• My Owned Items
• A specific life cycle
• A specific queue

Note: Workflow startup display options are only applicable to the Unity Workflow
interface. They do not persist to other Workflow interfaces.

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Workflow OnBase 16

Persistent Workflow Filters

Persistent Workflow Action When Selected


Enable persistent inbox Switching between Workflow queues applies the existing
filter Workflow filter to the Inbox. This user option overrides any
default filter set for the queue.
Unity Workflow

When the Remember the last filter applied to each Inbox

view option is selected, the last Workflow filter you applied to
each Workflow queue is automatically reapplied when you
return to that queue. For example, you apply filter 1 to queue
A. You then navigate to queue B. When you return to queue A,
filter 1 is automatically applied.

Note: When selected, the Remember the last filter applied

to each Inbox view option overrides default filters
configured for work folders.

When the Reuse one filter across all Inbox views is

selected, the selected filter will be applied to all queues when
the filter is available for the queue.

Remember the last folder The last Workflow filter or template applied to the related
template or filter applied to folder in each Workflow queue is automatically reapplied
each related items view when you return to that view.

Note: Persistent filter information is saved across OnBase sessions.

For more information on the User Options dialog box, see the Unity Client module
reference guide.

Document Workflow History

From an open document or the Document Search Results list, right-click and select
History. The Document History dialog box displays the Workflow related actions in the
Workflow Queues and Workflow Transactions tabs.

Note: If a user does not have the Document History product right, this option will not be
available. Workflow history is only available when appropriately licensed and registered
for Workflow.

The Workflow Queues and Workflow Transactions data lists can be grouped, sorted, and
filtered like other Unity Client data list. See the Unity Client module reference guide for
more information.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Workflow Queues
The logged actions display in the following categories:
• Life Cycle : the life cycle the item was/is in.
• Queue : the queue the item was/is in.
• Entry User : the user responsible for entering the item into the listed queue.
• Entry Date : the date and time the item entered the queue.

Unity Workflow
• Exit User : the user responsible for moving the item out of the listed queue. If
the item is still in the specified queue, this field is blank.
• Exit Date : the date and time the item exited the queue. If a item is still in the
specified queue, it will not have an Exit Time.

Workflow Transactions
The Workflow Transactions tab displays information created by either the SYS - Custom
Log Entry action or by actions, rules, or task lists configured with the Log Execution
setting. This tab also displays information related to ownership.
The following information is available on this tab:
• Log Date and Log Time : date and time the information was logged.
• Life Cycle : life cycle the transaction occurred in.
• Queue : queue the transaction occurred in.
• User Name: user responsible for the transaction.
• Type : can be action, rule, task list, custom entry, or ownership.
• Name: name of the action, rule, task list, or ownership change that made the
• Message : when the entry was caused by the SYS - Custom Log Entry action, this
will be the message that was specified in the action. If an action, rule, or task
list is disabled, a message displays stating that the item is disabled. Ownership
change information is also displayed in this column.

Performing Tasks and Accessing Related Items Outside of

Users can perform Workflow ad hoc tasks, system tasks, and access related items
outside of Workflow from the Tasks tab. The Tasks tab is available from multiple places,
including open items or from a Document Search Results list. The following is an

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

The Tasks tab includes the following:

Button Description

Workflow Click to display a list of all the queues the item is in. To open the item in a
Queues different Workflow queue, allowing you access to tasks from that queue,
select the Workflow queue from this list.

Related Items Click to display a list of related items in the task pane.
Unity Workflow

Ad Hoc Tasks/ Click to execute an ad hoc task or system task on the item. When a task is
System Tasks executed, a status message displays indicating that the task was
successfully executed.
The name of the Workflow queue is displayed in the name of the ribbon

Execute Task Click to display a list of Unity Scripts that are available for use. For more
information on executing a Unity Script, see the Unity Client module
reference guide.

Note: If the Tasks tab is accessed from a Document Search Results list and the Document
Viewer pane is not displayed, it only contains system tasks. The name of the Workflow
queue is displayed below these tasks. Click the task’s button to initiate the system task.

When working with the Tasks tab:

• A Workflow license is consumed for the duration of ad hoc task execution. It is
released after the ad hoc task is executed.
• The Tasks tab includes tasks for auto-feed queues if you have the Override Auto-
Feed right for the queue.
• The Tasks tab includes tasks from load balancing queues only if the item is
assigned to you.
• The Tasks tab does not include tasks from Exclusive Document Viewing queues.
• The Tasks tab includes tasks from ownership queues only if the item is assigned
to you or is unassigned.
• When multiple documents are selected from a Document Search Results list,
only tasks that are common to all documents are displayed on the Tasks tab.

Entering Items into a Workflow

The process in which items enter a Workflow life cycle varies based on the type of item.
• WorkView objects enter the life cycle after executing an action or upon object
• Managed folders enter the life cycle upon the folder’s transition to final
• Plan Review projects and Agenda Management agenda items automatically
enter the life cycle upon creation.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

• Documents can be manually entered into a life cycle by right-clicking one or

more documents and selecting Workflow | Execute Workflow .

Note: Users can add documents to a life cycle even if they do no have rights to the life

If the document is configured for one life cycle, Workflow enters the document
into that life cycle and you are prompted to open the Workflow layout. Click Yes

Unity Workflow
to open the Workflow layout, or No to continue working outside the Workflow
If the document is configured for multiple life cycles, you are prompted to
select the appropriate life cycle by the Add To Workflow dialog box:

Review the selections in the Add To Workflow dialog box. The following check
boxes are available:

Add To Workflow Description

Add all items to the following life When selected, all documents listed in the Add To
cycle Workflow dialog box will be added to the life cycle
selected from the corresponding drop-down list
after clicking OK.

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Workflow OnBase 16

Add To Workflow Description

Launch the Workflow layout When selected, the Workflow layout will launch
after clicking OK.

Click OK to add the document to Workflow.

If the document is not configured for any life cycles, you are prompted that the
document is not assigned to any life cycles.
Unity Workflow

If the document is already assigned to all of its life cycles, you are prompted
that there are no more life cycles to add the document to.

Running System Tasks

Some Document Types have system tasks associated with them. When a document
belongs to a Document Type that is configured to use system tasks, system tasks can be
initiated on the document. To initiate a system task from an open document or a
document in document retrieval, select the Tasks tab and then select the appropriate
system task from the System Tasks ribbon group.

Note: A Workflow license is consumed when a system task is executed, held for the
duration, and then released when the system task is finished.

Developer Tab
Depending on your configuration, the Developer tab may be available. The Developer tab
includes the following buttons:

Debug Options Description

Trace When selected, tracing is activated on the Application Server and all
messages from that client will be logged to the Diagnostic Console.
All messages from all clients logging trace messages to the
Application Server will be displayed in the Diagnostic Console. Thus,
if two clients are logging trace messages, any Diagnostic Console
connected to that Application Server will display messages from
both clients simultaneously.

Note: The Diagnostics Console must be configured to log Workflow

trace messages. For information about configuring the Diagnostics
Console, see the Diagnostics Service and Diagnostics Console
module reference guide.

Breakpoint Debug Click to enable break point debugging. Any actions/rules/task lists
that are configured with the Enable Debug Breakpoint check box
selected will cause a message box to display prior to execution,
giving details of the breakpoint. In this message box, administrators
have the opportunity to verify and edit Keyword and property
values. See Editing Keyword and Property Values at Debug
Breakpoints on page 170 for more information.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Debug Options Description

Step Breakpoint Click to display a message box after each rule, action, or task is
Debug finished executing. Used for determining the location of logic
problems in a Workflow configuration.

Unity Workflow

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Editing Keyword and Property Values at Debug Breakpoints

If you have Workflow Administration rights, debug breakpoints can be used to verify,
modify, or delete Keyword and property values before the action, rule, or task list
executes in a document or folder-based life cycle. To use this feature:

1. In the Developer ribbon menu, select Enable Breakpoints.

2. In Workflow, initiate an action, rule, or task list with a configured debug
Unity Workflow

Before the action or rule executes, the User Interaction pane displays information
about the Workflow action or rule.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Unity Workflow

Note: This dialog is not displayed in system work debug breakpoints when system work
is triggered manually.

This pane contains the following tabs:

• The Keywords tab displays the item’s Keywords and their respective values.

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Workflow OnBase 16

Note: If the user does not the View Keywords privilege, the Keywords tab is not displayed.

• The Session Property Bag tab displays the item’s property values
• The Scoped Property Bag tab.
• The Persistent Property Bag tab.
Within each tab, an administrator can verify or modify values as needed.
Unity Workflow

Editing Keyword Values

Keyword values can be edited for corrections. To edit Keyword values:

1. In the Keyword tab, edit the Keyword value in the field provided.
2. Click OK.

Editing Property Values

In the Session Property Bag, Scoped Property Bag , and Persistent Property Bag tabs,
property values can be edited, and property bag entries can be added or deleted. To edit
property values:

1. In the Session Property Bag tab, Scoped Property Bag tab, or Persistent Property Bag
tab, edit the property value in the field provided.
Properties with a collection of values can be edited by adding, updating, or
deleting values. See Editing Collection Properties on page 172 for more
2. Click OK.

Editing Collection Properties

In the Session Property Bag tab, Scoped Property Bag tab, or Persistent Property Bag tab,
properties with a collection of more than one value are displayed with their values listed.
You can add, update, or delete these values.
To add values to a collection property:

1. Click Add. The following dialog box is displayed:

2. Enter a property value in the Value field.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

3. Select one of the following options from the Insert drop-down select list to
determine where the property value will be inserted into the collection of values:
• After - Inserts the value after the currently selected value.
• Before - Inserts the value before the currently selected value.
4. Click OK.

To modify values in a collection property:

1. Select the value you want to modify.

Unity Workflow
2. Click Update. The following dialog box is displayed:

The existing value is displayed for editing.

3. Modify the value in the Value field.
4. Click OK.

To delete a value in a collection property:

1. Select the value you want to delete.

2. Click Delete .

Adding Property Bag Entries

To add property bag entries:

1. In the Session Property Bag tab, Scoped Property Bag tab, or Persistent Property Bag
tab, click Add Bag Entry.
The following dialog box is displayed:

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Workflow OnBase 16

2. Enter a property name in the Name field.

Note: Only alphanumeric characters are supported in property names. As a best practice,
do not use spaces in property names.

3. If you want to set the property value to a collection of values separated by

commas instead of a single value, select Is Collection. When an entry is added as
a collection,
4. Click OK.
Unity Workflow

Deleting Property Bag Entries

To delete property bag entries:

1. In the Session Property Bag tab, Scoped Property Bag tab, or Persistent Property Bag
tab, click Delete Bag Entry.
The following dialog box is displayed:

This dialog displays the properties that can be deleted.

2. Select the entry you want to delete. Multiple entries can be selected.
3. Click OK.

Close the Workflow Layout

To close the Workflow layout and return to your Home layout, click Close This Layout on
the Workflow ribbon menu.
If the Workflow layout is your Home layout, the default OnBase layout is displayed. After
clicking, you are prompted to confirm that you want to close the Workflow layout. Click
Yes to close the layout. Click No to keep the layout open. Select the Do not prompt me
again check box to no longer be prompted after clicking Close This Layout . This selection
persists for the duration of your current OnBase session.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Using this button to close the Workflow layout, or closing the Unity Client, releases the
Workflow license that you consumed, as well as any auto-feed locks, Exclusive
Document Viewing locks, process locks, and document locks. Navigating to a different
layout (for example, Document Retrieval) does not release the Workflow license that you
consumed, even though the Workflow tab is no longer displayed. It also does not release
auto-feed locks, Exclusive Document Viewing locks, process locks, or document locks.

Tip: Use this button to close the Workflow layout if you will not be using Workflow again
during your current OnBase session.

Unity Workflow
If you close the Workflow layout or the Unity Client while Workflow is awaiting user
interaction, you are prompted to verify that you want to close the layout. Click No to
complete the task. Click Yes to close the layout and terminate the task.

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Workflow OnBase 16
Unity Workflow

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.

In the Configuration module, you can perform administrative Workflow tasks such as
managing life cycle locks, Workflow options, and Workflow doctor reports. Workflow
import functionality can be used to import configuration files.

Configuration locking can be used to prevent accidental changes to the configuration of a
life cycle. While enabled, you can view the Tree Configuration window and browse
through the queues without the ability to make changes. While locked, the graphic
layout cannot be accessed. Lock Configuration is not a security feature. Any user with
rights to configure the life cycle can lock or unlock the life cycle. Locking a life cycle does
not prohibit the ability to assign User Groups and Document Types to the locked life

Lock Configuration
1. Select Workflow | Configuration Locking . The Lock Configuration dialog box opens.

2. To lock the configuration of a life cycle, click the box in front of the life cycle.

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Workflow OnBase 16

3. If you want to password protect the configuration of a life cycle, select a life cycle
Configuration Module Workflow Administration

that has a check mark beside it and click Password.

Enter the password in the Enter New Password for the Life Cycle field and confirm
the password by entering it in the Confirm New Password field. Click OK.

Note: The maximum number of characters the password can be is 39 single-byte


4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for each life cycle for which it is appropriate.
5. Click Save.
To remove a lock on a life cycle:

1. Select the check mark box next to the life cycle to remove the check mark.
2. If the life cycle is password protected, the Enter Password to Unlock Life Cycle
dialog box is displayed.

3. Enter the password for the life cycle and click OK.
4. Click Save.
To exit without making changes, click Close.

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OnBase 16 Workflow

Adding and Removing a Document Type in a Workflow

Configuration Module Workflow Administration

Life cycles can be assigned to Document Types, so that their associated documents can
be viewed and routed through a life cycle.

Note: The ability to view documents in a life cycle is controlled at the queue level. If a
user has rights to a Workflow queue, they will also have rights to view all the documents
in that queue, regardless of their security rights to the Document Types assigned to that

Caution: If you assign a Document Type to both Unity Life Cycles and standard life cycles,
when using the Classic Client Workflow interface, when a document is added to life cycles,
the document is only added to the standard life cycles the document’s Document Type is
associated with. The document will not be added to any Unity Life Cycles the document’s
Document Type is associated with.

1. Select Document | Document Types.
2. Select the Document Type.
3. Click Life Cycles.
4. Select the life cycle(s) on the Available list.
5. Click Add>> to move them to the Selected list.
6. Click Save.

Verification Reports
The SYS - Verification Reports Document Type can be assigned to a life cycle and
verification reports can be routed through a life cycle upon creation of the verification

Removing a Document Type

1. Select Document | Document Types.
2. Select the Document Type from the list.
3. Click Life Cycles.
4. Select the life cycle(s) in the Selected list.
5. Click <<Remove .
6. Click Save.

Configuring Related Documents

Related documents are associated with a life cycle within a Work Folder. A Work Folder is
based on a folder type. This folder type must have the following settings:
• Must be set as a Workflow folder type.
• Must be dynamic.
• Have the appropriate document type(s) assigned to link to a life cycle.

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Workflow OnBase 16

• Have the similar Keyword Types configured that will link the documents and
Configuration Module Workflow Administration

related documents together in a life cycle.

• Allow access to user groups that need to see the related documents by giving
them appropriate folder type rights.

If the main document has multiple values for a Keyword Type that is assigned to the
working folder, all documents that have either of the values assigned to it will be pulled
into the working folder as a related document. For more information concerning
configuring folder types, see the Folders documentation.

Caution: If you give a user group rights to a folder type used as a Work Folder in Workflow,
users in that group will be able to view the document regardless of the rights they have for
the affected Document Type(s) in the Related Documents window except for the Classic
Client interface. This interface relies on user rights for Work Folder document display.

Once a folder type is configured appropriately, it must be associated with the life cycle in
OnBase Studio. See the Workflow module reference guide for more information.

Note: When a Workflow folder type is associated with a life cycle, the folder type cannot
be deleted.

Relating Documents by Document Handle with Folders

Related documents can also be determined by document handle with folders. When
configured properly, folders can be used to determine what documents are related to the
primary document based on the system Document Handle Keyword Value(s) associated
with the primary document. The primary Document Type must have the Document
Handle Keyword Type assigned. Document Handle Keyword Values are matched to
Document Handles of secondary documents to determine related documents. Also, the
Document Handle Keyword Type can be used in conjunction with configuring common
keywords to determine related documents. In order for this to be configured
successfully, a few configuration steps must be completed.
To query for related documents by their Document Handle when using a Work Folder:

1. Configure the Document Handle system Keyword Type as a keyword on the

Keyword tab of the Folder Type used as a Work Folder.
2. Configure the Document Handle system Keyword Type as a keyword on your
primary document.
3. A Work Folder must be configured at either the Life Cycle or Queue level.
4. When you select the primary document from the Inbox all related documents
configured for the Work Folder will display along with any documents that have a
Document Handle that is entered as a value on the primary document in the
configured Document Handle system Keyword Type.

To query for related documents by their Document Handle when using rules and actions
that query for related documents using the relate by Folder Type option:

1. Configure the Document Handle system Keyword Type as a keyword on the

Keyword tab of the Folder Type used as a Work Folder.
2. Configure the Document Handle system Keyword Type as a keyword on your
primary document.

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3. Configure the Folder Type in the Related Document Query window of the rule or

Configuration Module Workflow Administration

4. When you select the primary document from the Inbox then execute the rule or
action all related documents configured for the Folder Type will be queried along
with any documents that have a Document Handle that is entered as a value on
the Primary document in the configured Document Handle system Keyword Type.

5. In the core-based interface, if you configure a folder to relate documents by

Document Handle and you configure the order of the documents to be determined
by Document Type Sequence , since all documents are listed, regardless of their
Document Types, the documents are ordered by the Document Type name.

User Group Configuration for Workflow

Configuring Workflow requires access to life cycles and queues. Depending on the
design, you may require access to queries, note types, folder types and system tasks, ad
hoc user tasks, or any combination of these.

Note: The ability to view documents in a life cycle is controlled at the queue level. If a
user has rights to a life cycle queue, they will also have rights to view all the documents
in that queue, regardless of their security rights (i.e., security keyword assignments).

Note: To view documents within Workflow, users need to have access to at least one
Document Type as well as privileges to retrieve / view documents. The Document Type
to which the user is given access does not need to contain any documents, nor does it
need to be associated with the Life Cycle. The user also does not need access to the
Retrieval dialog.

Note: To add life cycles to the user group, the workstation must have a Workflow module

To Assign Workflow Life Cycles and Queues to a User Group:

1. Select Users | User Groups/Rights.

2. Select the user group that will be assigned life cycle and queue rights.
3. Click Workflow to open the Assigning Workflow for [user group] dialog box.
4. When the Use Workflow Configuration Rights option is selected, you must select
the Execution Rights tab. The Available for Selection list contains all of the
Workflow life cycles currently stored in the system. To add a life cycle to the
rights of the users, select the life cycle in the Available for Selection list and click
Add . All queues within the life cycle are automatically highlighted and added.
5. The Selected for Group list contains all of the life cycles and queues currently
assigned to the user group. A life cycle or work queue can be removed from the
user group by highlighting the life cycle or queue in the Selected for Group section
and clicking Remove .

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6. Click Close.
Configuration Module Workflow Administration

Note: In order to grant access to specific queues, the user group must have rights to the
life cycle that contains the queues.

In addition, life cycles rights can be granted to user groups by right-clicking on a life
cycle in the configuration tree and selecting User Group. You can assign user groups to
the selected life cycle.

Copying Workflow Settings for User Groups

Workflow settings can be copied from one User Group to another. These settings include
the following:
• Workflow Life Cycles and Work Queues
• Workflow System Tasks
• Workflow Ad Hoc User Tasks
To copy Workflow rights to another User Group:

1. Select Users | User Groups/Rights. The User Groups & Rights dialog box is
2. Select the User Group from which you want to copy rights.
3. Click Copy. The User Group Copy Options dialog box is displayed.

4. Enter a new User Group Name that will inherit the selected settings from the
existing User Group.
5. Select the User Group Settings to Copy of the existing User Group that you would
like your new User Group to inherit.

Note: You do not have to choose all settings assigned to the existing User Group.

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OnBase 16 Workflow

6. Click Retain Copy Options if you would like to save the selected settings for a

Configuration Module Workflow Administration

future User Group you will create.
7. Click Copy.

Service Accounts
A user account configured as a service account will have the following rights within
• Retrieve a list of all life cycles including the life cycle name, ID and all other
• Retrieve a list of all queues for any life cycle.
• Retrieve a list of all ad hoc tasks and execute any ad hoc task.

Configure Life Cycles

The user group responsible for the configuration work must have Workflow Configuration
Granting a User Rights to Configure All Life Cycles
If you want a specific user to have rights to configure all life cycles, you must grant the
user Workflow Configuration Administration rights. To grant this right:

1. Select Workflow | Options.

2. Check the Use Workflow Configuration Rights option.
3. Click Save.
4. Select Users | User Names/Password.
5. Select the appropriate user.
6. Click Settings.
7. Select Workflow Configuration Administrator.
8. Click Save.

Note: The Workflow Configuration Administration right also gives a specific user the
option to Manage user group layout settings in the Unity Workflow interface.

Configure custom queries, VB scripts, folder and notes

In order for users to utilize custom queries, VBScripts, folder, and notes, users must
have appropriate rights.

Assign or revoke rights to Custom Queries

1. Select Users | User Groups/Rights to display the User Groups & Rights dialog box.
2. Type the new user group name in the field or select an existing one from the User
Group Name list and click the Custom Queries button.
3. On the Assigning Custom Queries for [group name] Group dialog box, select the
names of queries in the Available list and click the Add>> button to move them to
the Selected list. To revoke access, select the query on the Selected list and click
the <<Remove button.
4. When finished, click Close.

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5. Follow these steps for the VBScript, Folder Types, and Note Types buttons. For note
Configuration Module Workflow Administration

type configuration, you must also specify rights to create, view, modify, and/or
delete note types by selecting the appropriate boxes.

Gain access to the Workflow inbox and workstation options

In order to access the Workflow Inbox and workstation options, the following rights must
be granted to a user.

1. Select Users | User Groups/Rights to display the User Groups & Rights dialog box.
2. Type the new user group name in the field or select an existing one from the User
Group Name list and click Privileges.
3. On the Assigning User Group Privileges for [group name] Group dialog box, check
the Workflow box in Client Based Products .
4. To assign Workstation Options , check the User/Workstation Options box in the
Client Features section.
5. Click Save & Close.

To gain access to the Workflow inbox, but deny the right to the Execute
Workflow right-click menu outside of Workflow
1. Select Users | User Groups/Rights to display the User Groups & Rights dialog box.
2. Type the new user group name in the field or select an existing one from the User
Group Name list and click Privileges .
3. If the Workflow privilege is selected for the user group, clear it.
4. On the Assigning User Group Privileges for [group name] Group dialog box, check
the Workflow Restricted box in the Client Based Products section.
5. Click Save & Close.

Change viewing privileges to life cycles and queues in the Workflow inbox
In order for users to access life cycles, they must have the appropriate privileges.

Assign or revoke life Cycle privileges

1. Select Users | User Groups/Rights to display the User Groups & Rights screen.
2. Type the new user group name in the field or select an existing one from the User
Group Name list and click Workflow.

Note: The MANAGER and ADMINISTRATOR accounts must be assigned specific rights to
any queues those user groups require access to.

3. Select life cycle(s) from the Life Cycle list on the Available for selection list. The
associated queues are selected in the Work Queue list below. You can deselect
individual queues by clicking them in the Work Queue list.
4. Click the Add>> button to move the life cycle and queues to the Selected for Group
list. To revoke access, select the life cycle(s) on the Selected for Group list and
click the <<Remove button.

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OnBase 16 Workflow

5. When finished, click Close.

Configuration Module Workflow Administration

Note: When using the Classic Client interface, users must be assigned to more than one
queue in order for the Life Cycle window to be displayed by default. If you only want to
assign users to one queue and make the Life Cycle window available by default, create a
hidden queue and assign it to the users that you only want to access one Workflow

Change privileges to Ad Hoc Tasks, Web/API Tasks and System Tasks

In order for users to perform ad hoc or system tasks, they must have the appropriate

Assign or revoke privileges to Ad hoc Tasks

1. Select Users | User Groups/Rights to display the User Groups & Rights dialog box.
Type the new user group name in the field or select an existing one from the User
Group Name list and click Ad Hoc User Tasks .
2. On the Ad Hoc User Tasks dialog box, select the task(s) from the Available list and
click the Add>> button to move them to the Selected list. To revoke access, select
the task(s) on the Selected list and click the <<Remove button.

Note: Only ad hoc tasks belonging to life cycles to which users have rights are displayed
for selection.

3. When finished, click Close.

4. Click Exit.

Assign Web/API Tasks to a User Group:

1. Select Users | User Groups/Rights.
2. Select the user group that will be assigned rights for Web/API tasks.
3. Click Web /API Tasks to display the Web/API Tasks dialog box.
4. The Available list contains all Web/API tasks that are currently stored in OnBase.
To add a task to the user group, select it in the Available list and click Add.
5. The Selected section lists all tasks that are currently assigned to the user group.
To remove a task, select it in the Selected list and click Remove.
6. Click Close when all tasks have been assigned.

Assign or revoke privileges to System Tasks

1. Select Users | User Groups/Rights to display the User Groups & Rights dialog box.
2. Type the new user group name in the field or select an existing one from the User
Group Name list and click System Tasks.
3. In the System Tasks dialog box, select the task(s) from the Available list and click
the Add>> button to move them to the Selected list. To revoke access, select the
task(s) on the Selected list and click the <<Remove button.
4. When finished, click Close.

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Workflow OnBase 16

Assign/revoke System Tasks to/from Document Types

Configuration Module Workflow Administration

System tasks are visible in the Tasks Bar when viewing a Document Type that has been
associated with that task. Document Types can be assigned in the Workflow Tree
Configuration dialog box or in the Document Types dialog box.
To associate a system task to a Document Type in the Document Types dialog box:

1. Select Document | Document Types.

2. In the Document Types dialog box, select the Document Type name to configure
and click System Tasks .
3. In the Task List Selection dialog box, select the task(s) in the Available list and
click Add>>. When finished, click Close .
4. On the Document Types dialog box, click Close.

Grant Administrative Processing Privileges

To perform load-balancing administration, purge the Workflow Log, see all queues
regardless of rights in the Workflow Queues dialog box, and manually execute timer
work, users must have the Workflow Administrative Processing Privilege. To assign a
user with this privilege:

1. Click Users | User Groups/Rights.

2. Type the new user group name in the field, or select an existing one from the User
Group Name list, and click Product Rights .
3. Check the Workflow box in the Administrative Processing Privileges section.
4. Click Save & Close.
5. Click Exit.

Note: The Workflow Administrator privilege overrides all queue level privileges in those
queues that the user/user groups has rights.

Granting Workflow Log Purging Privileges

In order for a user to be able to purge Workflow log entries, they must have the Main
Workflow Log Purge privilege. To grant this privilege:

1. Click Users | User Groups/Rights.

2. Type the new user group name in the field or select an existing one from the User
Group Name list and click the Log Privileges button.
3. Select the Purge check box for the Main Workflow Log item.
4. This also requires that either the Workflow or Workflow Restricted privilege is

Caution: The MANAGER and ADMINISTRATOR user will automatically be granted Workflow
log purging privileges when the Workflow or Workflow Restricted privilege is granted.

Configuration Rights
From the User Group & Rights screen, appropriate permissions must be granted. The
following rights affect Workflow.

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OnBase 16 Workflow

• Configure custom queries, VB scripts, folder and notes. See page 183.

Configuration Module Workflow Administration

• Gain access to the Workflow inbox and workstation options. See page 184.
• Change viewing privileges to life cycles and queues in the Workflow Inbox. See
page 184.
• Change privileges to Ad Hoc Tasks and System Tasks. See page 185.
• Grant Administrative Processing Privileges. See page 186.

Importing Life Cycles

In addition to Workflow configuration rights, the user group that imports the life cycle
needs System Configuration rights.

Tip: Apply the verbose command line switch (-V) to the Client shortcut when importing
life cycles; logging is turned on and errors encountered during import will be logged. In
addition, if an invalid character is encountered, the lines of XML up to, but not including,
the invalid character will be reported in a report stored in the SYS Configuration Reports
Document Type.

Note: Importing involves careful scrutiny of the data presented in the import dialogs.
Care must be taken to identify each element in the life cycle to be imported, and
determine how those elements will be mapped to the import life cycle.

Note: Workflow task lists are always imported as New Objects and assigned new tasklist
IDs. Any existing VBScripts or OnBase API integrations referencing tasklists linked to
the imported life cycle will need to be updated with the new tasklist ID value.

To begin a life cycle import:

1. Select Workflow | Import .

2. The Database Backup Confirmation dialog box displays.

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3. Backup the database.

Configuration Module Workflow Administration

4. Type DATABASE BACKUP COMPLETE in the field.

5. Click OK.
6. The Workflow Import dialog box displays. From this dialog box, you must choose
whether you want to resume a saved session or import new data.

Importing New Data

You can import life cycles into a database that have been exported from another
database using the Import new data feature.
To import new data:

1. Click Import new data in the Workflow Import dialog box.

2. If you have conducted an import previously, a message stating The Import will
add/replace the Life Cycle definition(s). The current definition of any pre-existing
imported Life Cycles will be written to a backup in case it needs to be restored. Only
one backup may exist at a time. Any existing backup will be overwritten. Do you want
to continue? displays. Click Yes to overwrite the backup files and continue with the
import process. Click No to cancel the import process.
3. The Workflow Configuration Import dialog box displays. Enter a path to file in the
Import File Name field. You also can browse to the file using the ellipsis button.

Note: Ensure the file you selected is not a resolution file.

4. Click OK.
5. Resolve any life cycle or queue conflicts. See page 190 for more information
about conflict resolution.

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6. Resolve Document Type conflicts or any other conflicts. You can also save your

Configuration Module Workflow Administration

session at this point.
7. When the import has completed successfully, the Import Completed Successfully
dialog box displays.
8. Click OK. Complete the necessary post import activities. See page 206 for more

Caution: If a document belonging to the SYS System Overlay Images Document Type is
imported during a Workflow import, and it has the same description as a document found in
the destination database, the existing document is used for overlay. If no match is found, a
new document is created from the import XML file and stored into the database.

Resuming Saved Session

If you have saved a previous incomplete import session, you can resume that session
and continue with the import process.

Caution: The destination database should not have been changed between the time that the
session was saved and the time the session was resumed.

To resume a saved session:

1. Click Resume Saved Session in the Workflow Import dialog box.

2. The Choose a File to Process dialog box displays. Select the appropriate session.xml

3. Click Open.
4. Resolve all conflicts. See page 195 for more information.
5. Click Retest. See page 202 for more information.
6. When all conflicts are successfully resolved, the All dependencies resolved. Do you
want to Import the Life Cycle? message displays. Click OK to continue with the
import process. Click Cancel to cancel the import process.

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7. When the import has completed successfully, the Import Completed Successfully
Configuration Module Workflow Administration

dialog box displays.

8. Click OK.
9. Complete the necessary post import activities. See page 206 for more information

Conflict Resolution
Conflicts can occur when a life cycle being imported contains one or more of the
following that have the same database identification number or name as an item in the
new database:
• a life cycle
• a Unity Life Cycle
• queue
• Document Type Group
• Document Type
• document templates
• Keyword Type

Caution: When importing encrypted keywords, these keywords will lose the encryption flag.
If you wish for the imported keywords to be encrypted, you must lock the system through
the Configuration module ( Utils | Database Settings) and reset the encryption for the
Keyword Types.

• custom queries
• file types
• folder types
• folder templates
• fonts
• print formats
• print queues
• XML formats
• XML format ports
• notifications
• currency formats
• users (only applicable to users that are used in a life cycle. For example, a load
balancing queue would have associations to users.)

Note: Deactivated users in the destination database are not available for selection using
conflict resolution.

• user groups
• note types

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• VBScripts

Configuration Module Workflow Administration

Note: On import, if you choose to Replace or Map a VBScript to an existing VBScript that
has the same name, the scope specified for the incoming VBScript must match the
existing VBScript.

• E-Forms
• user forms
• Unity Forms Templates

Note: When resolving this conflict type, ensure that the Document Type associated with
the Unity Form template is assigned all the Keyword Types configured for the Unity Form
template. Document Type conflicts need to be resolved before resolving Unity Form
template conflicts.

Note: If an imported Unity Form template has the same name as a Unity Form template
that already exists in the destination database, but is associated with a different
document type, the user will not be able to use the Map to Same Name button.

• Unity Forms Data Sets

• Unity Form Themes
• icons and bitmaps
• Org Charts

Caution: Be extremely careful when mapping Org Charts and Users within the Org Charts.
Ensure that you do not map users in a way that would make them their own managers or
their own assistant. This is not supported.

• Roles
• Calendars
• Document Composition Libraries
• Form Letter Templates
• SAP servers
• Managed Folders

Caution: Always resolve Managed Folders before resolving Hold Reasons to ensure you are
resolving the Hold Reasons correctly and matching the Hold Reason with the correct
Managed Folder.

• Hold Sets and Hold Reasons

• RIM Event Sets

Caution: Always resolve Event Sets before resolving Events to ensure you are resolving the
Events correctly and matching the Events with the correct Event Set.

• RIM Events
• RIM Retention Plans

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Workflow OnBase 16

• actions and rules that refer to another queue

Configuration Module Workflow Administration

• WorkView Class DTAs

• WorkView Filter DTAs
• WorkView Applications
• WorkView Classes
• WorkView Attributes
• WorkView Notifications
• WorkView Filters
• Portfolio Relations
• Portfolio Types
• reading groups
• approval groups
• Application Server Gateways
• HL7 messages
• HL7 destinations
• DocPop URLs
• content sources
• Collaboration Templates

There are two dialog boxes associated with conflict resolution: Workflow Conflicts
Resolution dialog box and Naming Conflicts for “Name of Life Cycle” dialog box.

Understanding Conflicts
When a conflict is being resolved, the Workflow Conflicts Resolution dialog box will
provide you with information that will aid you in the conflict resolution process. When a
conflict is selected, the detail of that conflict will be displayed in the Description of
Conflict box located in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.
The following are categories of conflict types:
• Life cycle - page 192
• Queue - page 193
• Document Types - page 196
• All other conflict types - page 198

Life Cycle Conflicts

If a life cycle conflict exists (an imported life cycle has the same name as a life cycle that
currently exists in the system), the Workflow Conflict Resolution dialog box displays. To
resolve a life cycle conflict:

1. Select the life cycle to obtain a description of the conflict on the right side of the
dialog box.
2. Resolve the conflict in any of the following ways:
• Rename the life cycle by clicking Create New and supplying the new name. The
maximum number of characters allowed is 50.
• Replace the current life cycle with the newly imported life cycle by selecting a
life cycle from the Mapping/Replacing Choices dialog box and clicking Replace .

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3. Click Save when all conflicts have been resolved for the life cycle.

Configuration Module Workflow Administration

Note: If you select the Show Mapped Objects , mapped items will be displayed. If you
select Show Replacing Objects , items replacing existing items will be displayed. If you
select Show New Objects , items that are created as a new object will be displayed. When
these options are not selected, the corresponding objects will not be displayed in the
dialog box.

Note: If the life cycle you exported uses E-Forms and you used the keyword number in
the OBKeys values, you will need to make sure these values correspond to the same
keywords in OnBase to which you are importing. Also, the path configured to any user
forms must be reconfigured for the imported form.

Queue Conflicts
If you choose to replace an existing life cycle with a newly imported life cycle, and
queues in the new life cycle match queues already in the system from the life cycle being
replaced, the Workflow Conflict Resolution dialog box will display.
To resolve a queue conflict:

1. Select the queue to obtain a description of the conflict on the right side of the
dialog box.
2. Resolve the conflict in any of the following ways:
• Rename the queue by clicking Create New and supplying the new name. The
maximum number of characters allowed is 50.
• Replace the current queue with the newly imported queue by selecting a queue
from the Mapping/Replacing Choices box and clicking Replace.

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3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for each queue.

Configuration Module Workflow Administration

4. Click Save when all conflicts have been resolved for the queue(s).

Note: If you select the Show Mapped Objects , mapped items will be displayed. If you
select Show Replacing Objects , items replacing existing items will be displayed. If you
select Show New Objects , items that are created as a new object will be displayed. When
these options are not selected, the corresponding objects will not be displayed in the
dialog box.

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OnBase 16 Workflow

Naming Conflicts Dialog Box

Configuration Module Workflow Administration

If additional conflicts exist with components of the system, the Naming Conflicts for
“Name of Life Cycle” dialog box will display. This dialog box will list all conflicts that still

Resolve opens the Workflow Conflicts Resolution dialog box. Each category must be
selected and resolved. See page 196 and page 198 for more information.
Retest evaluates the conflict status of the import. Retesting must be performed after
conflicts have been resolved in order to move forward with the import. See page 202 for
more information.
Create Report can be used at any time during conflict resolution to produce a report of
the resolved conflicts, in addition to the WORKFLOW CONFIGURATION IMPORT report that
is automatically produced as a result of the import process. All resolved conflicts in all
categories will be reported, regardless of the selected category. See page 203 for more
Save Session allows you to save your progress in the current import process. See
page 204 for more information.
Resolutions from File allows you to import a saved session information to use for the
current conflict resolution. See page 204 for more information.
If the Hide Resolved Conflicts (Retest to see changes) check box is selected, once a conflict
is resolved and the conflicts are retest, the resolved conflicts will be removed from the
conflict list.

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Workflow OnBase 16

Resolving Document Type Conflicts

Configuration Module Workflow Administration

Caution: If a document belonging to the SYS System Overlay Images Document Type is
imported during a Workflow import, and it has the same description as a document found in
the destination database, the existing document is used for overlay. If no match is found, a
new document is created from the import XML file and stored into the database.

Tip: When importing multiple Document Types that map to the same HTML form, care
must be taken when creating new forms, versus mapping to existing HTML forms.

To resolve Document Type conflicts:

1. Select the Document Type category in the Naming Conflicts for “Name of Life Cycle”
dialog box.
2. Click Resolve.
3. The Workflow Conflicts Resolution dialog box displays.

4. Select the Document Type to obtain a description of the conflict on the right side
of the dialog box.
5. Resolve the conflict in any of the following ways:
• Map the currently selected Document Type to an existing Document Type in the
database by selecting an existing Document Type to map to in the Mapping/
Replacing Choices list and clicking Map.
• Replace the current Document Type with the newly imported Document Type by
selecting a Document Type from the Mapping/Replacing Choices dialog box and
clicking Replace . Document Type settings are preserved as they were in the
existing Document Type.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

• Rename the Document Type by clicking Create New and supplying the new

Configuration Module Workflow Administration

name. The maximum number of characters allowed is 50. When a new
Document Type is created, its first revision is created with the Document Type
settings from imported Document Type.
• Add a new revision of existing Document Type by clicking Create Revision . The
Document Type settings are applied from the import file.
• Map all selected imported Document Types to existing Document Types that
match in name by clicking Map to Same Name.

Note: The Default Disk Group setting is not applied from imported Document Types.

Caution: Care must be exercised when selecting Map to Same Name. All dependencies within
the mapped Document Type will also be mapped to existing configurations and may result
in errors.

6. Click Save when all conflicts have been resolved for the life cycle.

Note: If you select Show Mapped Objects , mapped items will be displayed. If you select
Show Replacing Objects , items replacing existing items will be displayed. If you select
Show New Objects , items that are created as a new object will be displayed. When these
options are not selected, the corresponding objects will not be displayed in the dialog

Resolving User Form Conflicts

User forms may or may not exist in the OnBase database to which they are being
imported. In either case, a conflict will exist. If a form with the same name exists in the
system, you will have to decide whether or not to map the form, replace the existing
form, or create a new form with a new name. If a form with the same name doesn't exist
in the system, a new form must be created.
To resolve user form conflicts:

1. Select the User Forms category in the Naming Conflicts for “Name of Life Cycle”
dialog box.
2. Click Resolve.
3. The Workflow Conflicts Resolution dialog box displays.
4. Select the user form to obtain a description of the conflict on the right side of the
dialog box.
5. Resolve the conflict in any of the following ways:
• Map the currently selected user form to an existing user form in the database
by selecting an existing user form to map to in the Mapping/Replacing Choices
list and clicking Map.
• Replace the current user form with the newly imported user form by selecting a
user form from the Mapping/Replacing Choices dialog box and clicking Replace .
• Rename the user form by clicking Create New and supplying the new name. The
maximum number of characters allowed is 50.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

6. Click Apply when all conflicts have been resolved for the life cycle.
Configuration Module Workflow Administration

Note: If you select Show Mapped Objects , mapped items will be displayed. If you select
Show Replacing Objects , items replacing existing items will be displayed. If you select
Show New Objects , items that are created as a new object will be displayed. When these
options are not selected, the corresponding objects will not be displayed in the dialog

7. After clicking Apply, if Create New was selected for a user form, the Browse for
Folder dialog box is displayed.

Browse to the location where you would like to store the form and click OK .
Ensure the path used is accessible to users by using a UNC path.

Resolving Other Conflicts

There are many other types of conflicts that can occur in addition to life cycles, queues,
and document types. They include:
• Calendars
• Document Composition Categories

Caution: Security user group rights are not exported for libraries. If you use the Map or
Replace options during the import for library, the user group rights will not change and will
remain according to what was already on the destination system. When using the Create
New option for a library, the MANAGER group will automatically be assigned to have edit
access to the library.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

• Document Type Group

Configuration Module Workflow Administration

• Keyword Type

Note: When importing a Keyword Type that is configured to use auto numbering, if you
choose Create New, the new Keyword Type's initial value starts at 0. If you choose Map
To, the Keyword Type's initial value maps to the keyword value in the destination
database and will use the existing sequence value. If you map a Keyword Type that is
configured with auto numbering to a Keyword Type in the destination database that is
not configured with auto numbering, the mapped Keyword Type will not be configured
with auto numbering because the mapped Keyword Type inherits the properties of the
Keyword Type in the destination database.

• custom queries
• document templates
• file types
• folder types
• folder templates
• fonts
• Form Letter Templates

Caution: Security user group rights are not exported for templates. If you use the Map or
Replace options during the import for template, the user group rights will not change and
will remain according to what was already on the destination system. When using the
Create New option for a template, the MANAGER group will automatically be assigned to
have edit access to the template.

• print formats
• print queues
• XML formats
• XML format ports
• notifications
• currency formats
• Org Charts
• Roles
• users (only applicable to users that are used in a life cycle. For example, a load
balancing queue would be associated with users.)
• user groups
• note types
• VBScripts
• E-Forms

Note: If a document belonging to the SYS HTML Form Document Type is imported and
does not have a value for the Description Keyword Type, or it has spaces as the value, it
will be imported with a unique, automatically-generated value in the format of “Eform ID
nnn”, where nnn is the ID number for the form.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

• Unity Forms Templates

Configuration Module Workflow Administration

Note: When resolving this conflict type, ensure that the Document Type associated with
the Unity Form template is assigned all the Keyword Types configured for the Unity Form
template. Document Type conflicts need to be resolved before resolving Unity Form
template conflicts.

Note: If an imported Unity Form template has the same name as a Unity Form template
that already exists in the destination database, but is associated with a different
document type, the user will not be able to use the Map to Same Name button.

• Unity Forms Data Sets

• Unity Form Themes
• icons and bitmaps
• SAP Servers
• actions that transition documents to another queue
• reading groups
• approval groups
• HL7 messages
• HL7 destinations
• DocPop URLs
• content sources
• Collaboration Templates
• WorkView Class DTAs
• WorkView Filter DTAs
• Managed Folder Types

Caution: Always resolve Managed Folders before resolving Hold Reasons to ensure you are
resolving the Hold Reasons correctly and matching the Hold Reason with the correct
Managed Folder.

• Hold Sets and Hold Reasons

• RIM Event Sets

Caution: Always resolve Event Sets before resolving Events to ensure you are resolving the
Events correctly and matching the Events with the correct Event Set.

• RIM Events
• RIM Retention Plans

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

To resolve other conflicts:

Configuration Module Workflow Administration

1. Select the category in the Naming Conflicts for “Name of Life Cycle” dialog box.

Note: For conflicts with actions that transition documents to another queue, they will not
be listed in the Naming Conflicts for “Name of Life Cycle” dialog box. They will open in
their own Workflow Conflicts Resolution dialog box. Skip to step 3 for this type of conflict.

2. Click Resolve.
3. The Workflow Conflicts Resolution dialog box displays.
4. Select the conflict to obtain a description of the conflict on the right side of the
dialog box.

Note: Actions that transition documents to another queue will have the life cycles to
which they belong displayed in brackets next to the conflict item and the item in the
Mapping/Replacing Choices box.

5. Resolve the conflict in any of the following ways:

• Map the currently selected conflict to an existing item in the database by
selecting an existing item to map to in the Mapping/Replacing Choices list and
clicking Map.

Note: When resolving a WorkView Class DTA or a WorkView Filter DTA, you can only map
to an existing DTA. You cannot create a new DTA or replace an existing DTA with the
imported DTA.

• Replace the current item with the newly imported item by selecting a item from
the Mapping/Replacing Choices dialog box and clicking Replace.
• Rename the conflict by clicking Create New and supplying the new name. The
maximum number of characters allowed is 50.
• Map all selected imported document types to existing document types that
match in name by clicking Map to Same Name.

Note: When resolving queue references, if you select multiple queues that do not belong
to the same life cycle and multiple queues with the same name exist but in different life
cycles and click Map to Same Name , you will be prompted to resolve the mappings

Caution: Use care when selecting Map All to Same Name . All dependencies within the mapped
item will also be mapped to existing configurations and may result in errors.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

6. Click Save when all conflicts have been resolved for the life cycle.
Configuration Module Workflow Administration

Note: If you select the Show Mapped Objects , mapped items will be displayed. If you
select Show Replacing Objects , items replacing existing items will be displayed. If you
select Show New Objects , items that are created as a new object will be displayed. When
these options are not selected, the corresponding objects will not be displayed in the
dialog box.

Note: Some object types do not have the Replace button available by design. For these
object types, you must create a new object or map the object to an existing object.

Retesting Conflicts
Once conflicts have been resolved, you must retest the import for conflicts. To test for
remaining conflicts:

1. Click Retest in the Naming Conflicts for “Name of Life Cycle” dialog box.
2. If conflicts remain, the Naming Conflict for “Name of Life Cycle” dialog box will
display. If the Hide Resolved Conflicts check box is selected, when Retest is clicked,
the list of conflicts will contain only the categories still containing conflicts. If the
Hide Resolved Conflicts check box is not selected all categories that originally had
conflicts will be listed.
3. If all of the conflicts have been resolved, the All dependencies resolved. Do you
want to Import the Life Cycle? message displays. Click OK to continue with the
import. Click Cancel to return to the Naming Conflicts for “Name of Life Cycle” dialog

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Custom Query Resolution

Configuration Module Workflow Administration

If a custom query that was resolved uses an HTML Form, the following steps need to be

1. Upon clicking Retest after all conflicts have been solved, a Workflow Import dialog
box will display stating Please select a directory to store HTML Forms. Click OK .
2. The Browse for Folder dialog box is displayed.

3. Browse to the form and click OK.

Creating Reports
You can create a report listing all of the conflict resolutions in the Naming Conflict for
“Name of Life Cycle” dialog box by clicking Create Report. The report will contain all
resolved conflicts in all categories. The reports are accessed in the SYS Configuration
Reports Document Type.
A report is also created during an import process automatically. This report can be
accessed by retrieving the SYS Configuration Reports Document Type, and selecting the
most recent WORKFLOW CONFIGURATION IMPORT document. The Workflow Configuration
Report lists the name of the imported life cycle, how conflicts were resolved, and all
configuration objects associated with the imported life cycle (e.g., user groups,
keywords, Document Types, etc.).

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Saving Sessions
Configuration Module Workflow Administration

Once you reach the Naming Conflict for “Name of Life Cycle” dialog box, you have the
option to save the conflict resolution progress in your current import session. In
addition, saved sessions can be imported and the information can be used in subsequent
life cycle imports.

Tip: If you are using a saved session as a resolution file, use a descriptive name to
identify the file as a resolution file and the database in which it was created.

To save a session:

1. Click Save Session in the Naming Conflict for “Name of Life Cycle” dialog box.
2. Select the appropriate directory that you want to save your session file in.
3. Enter an appropriate file name with an .xml extension.
4. Click Save.
5. Click OK.
6. Click Cancel, followed by Yes , to exit the Naming Conflict for “Name of Life Cycle”
dialog box.

Resolutions from File

Once you reach the Naming Conflict for “Name of Life Cycle” dialog box, clicking
Resolutions from File allows you to specify a saved session .xml file that will load
mappings from the file to the current conflict resolution. If the saved session .xml file
has a conflict mapping that applies to the newly imported life cycle, the conflict
mappings will automatically be applied.
To load a saved session file:

1. Click Resolutions from File. The Choose a File to Process dialog box is displayed.
2. Select the appropriate file.

Caution: Resolution files are specific to the database they were created in. A resolution file
should only be used for the database in which it was created. The destination database
should not be changed between the time the resolution file was saved and the time the
saved session is resumed.

3. Click Open.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Orphaned Documents

Configuration Module Workflow Administration

When a queue is deleted by the replacement of a life cycle in the destination database
(with a life cycle that does not contain comparable queues), orphaned documents exist.
Orphaned documents are listed in the Deleted Work Queue Document Migration dialog box.

To determine the destination of an orphaned documents:

1. Select an orphaned document from the list.

2. If you want to remove the document from the life cycle, click Remove from LC .
3. If you want to keep the document in the life cycle by assigning it to another
queue, select a queue from the Available Work Queues list and click Assign.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

4. Repeat steps 1 through 3 for each orphaned document you would like to resolve.
Configuration Module Workflow Administration

5. Click Apply when complete.

Note: If the Deleted Work Queue Document Migration dialog box is exited without
assigning orphaned documents to existing queues or deleting the orphaned documents
from the life cycle, the queue that no longer exists in the replaced life cycle will be
created as a placeholder. The queue will not be configured. This can allow for the queue
to be kept and reconfigured, while maintaining its current documents. In addition,
documents can be transitioned out of this created queue manually at a later time.

Tip: You can select all orphaned documents to perform an identical assignment or
deletion on by clicking Select All. Alternately, you can select multiple orphaned
documents to perform an identical assignment or deletion by holding down Ctrl while
selecting individual documents. You can select a group of documents that are listed next
to each other by holding down Shift, clicking the first document in the group, then
clicking the last document in the group.

Post Import Activities

After a life cycle has successfully been imported in OnBase, there are several items that
need to be completed to ensure that the configuration is working as intended.
The following items must be completed in order to finalize the import process:
• Assign a Disk Group to each newly imported Document Type and each SYS -
Promote Disk Group action that is configured.
• Configure any cross references that you want for the appropriate Document
• Assign appropriate icons to the newly imported Document Types.
• Assign all appropriate permissions to the newly imported User Groups.
• Create any new Users and assign Users to User Groups as appropriate.
• For rules and actions that use Unity Scripts, the scripts must be reconfigured in
the actions and rules after importing a life cycle. This is to ensure that the
correct script is associated with the correct rule or action.
• Ensure that User Forms are directed to the proper directory path.
• Ensure that system property and keyword type mappings are appropriate for
any imported E-Forms.
• Configure any life cycles that were brought over as placeholders through a
relationship with the imported life cycle.
• Assign appropriate user rights to AutoFill Keyword Sets.
• Assign passwords for life cycle configuration locking as appropriate.
• After using Workflow Import to migrate Workflow data into a system, Workflow
Doctor should be run to ensure the solution was imported and functioning as
intended. Select Workflow | WF Doctor | Report Issues and run all reports.
Issues that are identified that are not by design can be corrected using the Fix
Configuration Errors and Fix System Errors tools. Select Workflow | WF Doctor to
access both of these error resolution tools.
• High level functional testing should be run to ensure the life cycle is functioning
as intended once the import is complete.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Specifying the OnBase Client Interface Type

Configuration Module Workflow Administration

You must specify the interface type in which to run Workflow in the OnBase Client
module. To specify the interface type:

1. In the Configuration module, select Workflow | Options. The Workflow Options

dialog box is displayed.

2. Select Classic (Deprecated) or Core-based .

3. If you want to allow users to override the interface specified in this dialog box,
select Allow user to override . When this is selected, users will be able to override
this configuration setting in the Workflow Display Options tab in the Workstation
Options dialog box in the OnBase Client.
4. Click Save.

Note: The option selected for User Interface in the Workflow Display Options tab in the
Client overrides this setting.

Configuring the Server for Use with the Core-Based OnBase Client Interface
In order for the Workflow Queues right-click option to function correctly, the
usequerycontext attribute must be set to false in the Application Server’s web.config file.
If this attribute is not set to false, the Workflow Queues right-click option will not
function in the Core-based OnBase Client interface as described.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Setting Workflow to Initiate Upon Import

Configuration Module Workflow Administration

If you want Workflow to always be initiated when documents are imported into OnBase,
complete the following steps:

1. In the Configuration module, select Workflow | Options. The Workflow Options

dialog box is displayed.

2. Select the Always Initiate Workflow on Import option.

3. Click Save.

When this option is selected, documents imported into OnBase will initiate Workflow and
the Initiate Workflow check box is not available to users.

Setting Workflow to Initiate Upon Re-indexing

1. In the Configuration module, select Workflow | Options. The Workflow Options
dialog box is displayed.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

2. Select the Always Initiate Workflow on Reindex option.

Configuration Module Workflow Administration

3. Click Save.

When this option is selected, documents re-indexed in OnBase will initiate Workflow
automatically. The option to initiate Workflow will not be available in the Re-Index
Document dialog box.

Disabling the Autofill Prompt for the Re-Index Document Action

In the Re-Index Document action, when a Keyword value changed during re-indexing
expands an Autofill Keyword Set, a warning stating Warning! An autofill keyword set has
expanded as a result of this operation. Do you want to review the keyword change? is
presented to the user. If you want to disable this warning, complete the following steps:

1. In the Configuration module, select Workflow | Options. The Workflow Options

dialog box is displayed.

2. Select Suppress Prompt for Autofill in Re-Index Action .

3. Click Save.

Managing Timers

If timers are configured to run at the same time, the system will kick off the first timer
in the list; the next timer, scheduled for the same execution time, will not begin until the
previous one completes.
The server that manages and executes the timers is a primary factor in the life cycle’s
efficiency. For example, if the OnBase Client that initiates a life cycle must also perform
all of the System Work for a document, the placement of workload is important. If you
are running a DIP Process that feeds a Workflow Queue then you may want to consider
using a timer to kick off the system work.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Timers can been monitored in the Classic Client interface using the Workflow System
Configuration Module Workflow Administration

Monitor when the –WFSRVR command line switch is applied. For all other user interfaces,
timers can be monitored using the Workflow Timer Service. Refer to the Workflow Timer
Service documentation for more information.

Note: The -LT command line switch indicates the log off time of the Client module. Be
aware of timers that may be running when using the auto logoff switch because they will
not trigger unless the Client workstation is logged in to OnBase.

Keyword Locking in Workflow

When using the Core-based Workflow interfaces, Keyword Values can be edited when
one user has a document displayed and another user opens the document and accesses
the keyword panel and makes changes to the Keyword Values. Likewise, if one user is
executing a task on a document, another user can edit Keyword Values on that

Workflow Doctor
Workflow Doctor is used to examine the state and general “health” of a life cycle
configuration and the related Workflow system. It can be used to diagnose existing and
potential problems for a Workflow system. Each time Workflow Doctor is used, a
Workflow Doctor Configuration Report is produced and stored in the SYS Configuration
Reports Document Type.
The Workflow Doctor consists of the following:
• Report Issues. See page 211.
• Fix System Errors. See page 215.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Report Issues

Configuration Module Workflow Administration

You can run a report of the issues existing in OnBase. This function analyzes existing life
cycle(s) and produces corresponding reports. Reports created can be accessed in the
Client module in the SYS Configuration Reports Document Type. When reports are run as
one single report, reports have a description Keyword Value of WORKFLOW DOCTOR . To
run a report of issues:

1. In the Configuration module, select Workflow | WF Doctor | Report issues . The

Select Reports dialog box is displayed.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

2. Select the check box next to the appropriate report items to be included in a final
Configuration Module Workflow Administration

Workflow Doctor Configuration Report. By default, all items under a report type
will be selected. To deselect all items, select the corresponding check box. You
also can select individual items to include in the report. The following is a
description of each category and each item listed in the category:
System Statistics - general information about the objects configured and present
in the Workflow system.

Report Item Description

Object Count The count of each type of Workflow object that is configured in the system.

Document Includes the number of documents in each queue, broken down by life cycle,
Statistics the oldest/newest documents in each queue, the number of documents
processed by each user, and the average time a document spends in each

Transitions Transition that have been created in the graphic view, and have been
that have configured in a Workflow function, but have not been executed.
never been

Configuration Issues - errors that exist in the configuration of the life cycle.

Report Item Description

Disabled Objects that are currently configured for use, but have been disabled (e.g.,
Objects disabled logging of a document in the Workflow log, disabled task lists, rules,
actions, etc.)

Duplicate Instances where a duplicate name is found for the same life cycle entry
Object (typically caused by import/export errors).
names in
Life Cycle

Graphic Life cycles that have not had a graphic layout created for them.

Incorrectly The objects that have an invalid configuration by either an error in

Configured configuration or a removed/deleted object. For example, a transition action
Objects that has a "From” queue that is in a different life cycle than the “To” queue.

Objects with Objects that can not be accessed by any user.

No Rights to

Objects Objects that have not been associated with a specific icon via Workflow
without Configuration.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Report Item Description

Configuration Module Workflow Administration

Rules or The rules, actions, and task lists that are triggered by a timer at a specific
Actions point in time, and require input from the user.

Task List Tasks lists that have been configured with more than 10 levels of nesting.
Trees that
are Over 10
Levels Deep

Transitions Transitions that have been created in the graphic layout, but are not used in
that are any Workflow configuration.
Present with
n to use

System Errors - errors that exist in the client execution of the life cycle.

Report Item Description

Documents Referential Documents that have document status discrepancies in

Integrity Workflow, or that are referenced in a life cycle but have been

Duplicate Predefined Tasks Duplicate tasks.

Invalid Task Sequence Task list sequences that either are out of order or have
multiple tasks with the same sequence number.

Missing Tasks Queues that have become corrupt because they are pointing to
load balancing work, user work, or system work that does not
actually exist; therefore, task lists are listed that do not exist.

Object Rights Referential Users that have rights to an object that does not exist or users
Integrity that do not exist have rights to a Workflow object.

Orphaned Objects The objects that are no longer in use (i.e., not part of any
configured life cycle).

System Referential Workflow objects that have been deleted, but have lingering
Integrity configuration. For example, if you have a deleted queue that is
still assigned to a life cycle, it would fall under this category.

Remove Rules-Based User Locates instances where a document is not present in a life
Assignments for cycle, but still has a load balance assignment associated with
Documents Not In Life it, and remove these assignments from the database.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

3. If you would like the selected report sections generated into separate reports,
Configuration Module Workflow Administration

select the Create Separate Reports option. When System Statistics , Configuration
Issues , and System Errors are all selected, a single report will be created with a
Description Keyword Value of WORKFLOW DOCTOR. When the reports are
generated separately, reports will be created for each section. The System
Statistics report will have a Description Keyword Value of SYSTEM STATISTICS.
The Configuration Issues report will have a Description Keyword Value of
CONFIGURATION ERRORS. The System Errors report will have a Description
Keyword Value of SYSTEM ERRORS.
4. Click Next>>. The Select Life Cycles dialog box is displayed.

5. Select the appropriate life cycles and click Add>>. Click Add All>> to add all life
6. Click Diagnose when all items have been properly selected, and the system will
run a diagnosis of the life cycle and produce a Workflow Doctor Configuration

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Fix System Errors

Configuration Module Workflow Administration

You can also fix current system errors using the Workflow Doctor. To fix system errors:

1. In the Configuration module, select Workflow | WF Doctor | Fix System Errors . The
Select Errors dialog box is displayed.

2. Select the appropriate error(s) you want to find. If you want to find all errors,
select the All Errors check box. For information about the types of errors, see the
descriptions in Report Issues on page 211.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

3. Click Next>>. The Workflow System Errors dialog box is displayed.

Configuration Module Workflow Administration

4. To automatically find the error to correct it, select the error and click Repair. You
can repair all errors by clicking Repair All.
5. When you are done repairing errors, click Cancel to exit the dialog box.

System Interaction
The performance of Workflow can be adversely affected if the database indexes are not
properly maintained. This maintenance will vary depending on the type of database.
(i.e., Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, etc.) Also, the placement of the OnBase table spaces
on the type and number of RAID arrays can also dramatically affect performance. See
database documentation for a discussion on this topic.

Access to documents via Workflow is accomplished by a combination of assignments
made at the document type, life cycle, and work queue level. Specifically:

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

• Document types must be configured for use in a specific life cycle.

Configuration Module Workflow Administration

In the Configuration module, select Document | Document Types , select the
desired Document Type and select Life Cycles . Assign the desired life cycles at
the Life cycles for <document type> dialog box.
Users must be granted rights to a specific life cycle, as well as each queue
within that life cycle, in order to view documents within those queues.
• In the Configuration module, select Users | User Groups and Rights . Select the
desired user group and select Workflow. Assign the desired life cycles and
queues at the Assigning Workflow for <user group> dialog box.

Caution: The ability to view documents in a life cycle is controlled at the queue level. If a
user has rights to a Workflow queue, they will also have rights to view all the documents in
that queue, regardless of their security rights (i.e., security keyword assignments,
Document Type rights).

EDM Services
If a user does not have rights to the Document Type to which a document belongs that is
in Workflow, the Save as New Document button is disabled in Workflow. If you want to
create a new document under this circumstance, use the DOC - Copy Document action.
Likewise, if a user does not have rights to the Document Type to which a document
belongs that is in Workflow and the queue the document belongs to does not have the
proper Override Document Modification Privilege options selected, the Save as Revision
button is disabled in Workflow.
When documents are checked out to the EDM Briefcase, Workflow actions are still
executed upon them.

Integration for Microsoft Outlook 2007, Integration for Microsoft

Outlook 2010, Integration for Microsoft Outlook 2013, and
Integration for Microsoft Outlook 2016
If your OnBase system is licensed for Integration for Microsoft Outlook 2007, Integration
for Microsoft Outlook 2010, Integration for Microsoft Outlook 2013, or Integration for
Microsoft Outlook 2016, you can open the Unity Workflow interface from these modules
by clicking the Workflow toolbar button.
Workflow e-mail notifications can also be configured to allow users to execute Workflow
ad hoc tasks directly from an Outlook e-mail message.
Before creating this type of e-mail notification, ensure that:
• You have a functioning OnBase Application Server.
• The Hyland Distribution Service is installed.
• You are using Core-based Workflow.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

To create an e-mail notification that allows users to execute Workflow ad hoc tasks
Configuration Module Workflow Administration

directly from an Outlook e-mail message:

1. Create and configure a Workflow e-mail notification with the Add Outlook Header
check box selected.
2. Add the e-mail notification you created in step 1 to the system work of a queue,
using one of the following action types:
• Notify - Send Notification
• Notify - Send Notification with This Document
3. Create and configure ad hoc tasks with the Available in Outlook check box

Office Business Application for 2007 and Office Business

Application for 2010
If your OnBase system is licensed for the Office Business Application for 2007 or Office
Business Application for 2010, you can open the Unity Workflow interface from these
modules by clicking the Workflow button.

OnBase Mobile Modules

You can make Workflow queues and ad hoc tasks available from mobile devices if your
OnBase system is licensed for any of the following modules:
• Mobile Access for Android
• Mobile Access for iPad
• Mobile Access for iPhone
• Mobile Access for Windows Phone
• Mobile Access for Windows
Workflow for these modules is configured in the same way that the Workflow module is
configured. Additional configuration considerations for these module are contained in the
respective module reference guides.

Virtual Print Driver

If you have a Workflow license, a document imported into the OnBase system through
the Virtual Print Driver enters Workflow automatically if its Document Type is configured
for Workflow queues.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.

Workflow life cycles can be configured in OnBase Studio. OnBase Studio provides access
to configuration of life cycle compatible with versions previous to 11.0, but also provides
the ability to configure Unity Life Cycles that route not only documents, but WorkView
objects, managed folders, Plan Review projects, and Agenda Manager items for version
12 and beyond. In addition to routing items other than documents, Unity Life Cycles
have ownership and portfolio functionality. Ownership and portfolio functionality is not
available in standard life cycles compatible with versions 11.0 and previous.

Note: Unity Life Cycles that route items other than documents can be viewed only in the
Unity Workflow and Web Client Workflow interfaces. Unity Life Cycles that route
documents can be viewed in the Core-based OnBase Client, Mobile Access for Android,
Mobile Access for iPad, Mobile Access for iPhone, Mobile Access for Windows Phone, and
Mobile Access for Windows.

A life cycle represents a course of business that a document must follow. Each step the
document makes is represented by a separate queue in the life cycle. Each time a
document moves to a new queue, it is called a transition. When a document enters a life
cycle, all the necessary work that must be performed during the normal course of
business is performed on the electronic document that is stored in OnBase. In OnBase
Studio, a life cycle can be viewed in a repository tree configuration format, which
displays the life cycle, queues, rules, actions and tasks in a hierarchical structure. The
other format for viewing life cycles is a graphic view, which displays the queues as
bitmaps with transition arrows representing movement between the queues.

Getting Started in Studio

These tips should provide you with a general idea of what components are needed to
design and configure a basic Workflow life cycle.

Before you create a new life cycle, prepare a detailed outline and diagram of your
business process. In order to create a successful life cycle, know what steps and tasks
need to be performed to achieve a specified goal.

Life Cycle and Queues

Create a life cycle in OnBase Studio. Once your life cycle is created, create new queues.
Each queue represents a department or stop that the document makes during its
journey through the life cycle.
The design of your life cycle queues should reflect the Process Flow. This type of design
is especially effective for large volume processing, where the processing time needs to
be optimized. The design’s logic is easily interpreted and conducive to troubleshooting.

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Workflow OnBase 16

The example below demonstrates a business process for approving requisitions, and a
life cycle that uses a Process Flow Design to accomplish that business objective.
Studio - Workflow Configuration

Configuring Work, Tasks, and Timers

Within each queue, at least one of these options is configured: system work, user work,
ad hoc user tasks, web/API tasks or timers. This is the part of the life cycle where the
actual work is performed on the document. Using rules, actions and tasks, you create
the work for either users or the system to perform.

Graphic Layout
Once all of the queues have been created and the work and tasks have been configured,
proceed to the graphic layout. In the graphic layout, you create a picture of the life

Document Types, Keywords and Folders

Document Types must be assigned to a life cycle in order for the document to enter the
life cycle. Remember to assign your keywords to both the Document Types and any
folders that you create. The Keyword Types are used to relate the documents that
appear in the folder. Folders are used when you have related documents that may need
to be viewed or used in the life cycle. If you do create a folder, it must be dynamic.

Assign Rights
Rights are important. Without them, you do not have access to certain items, such as life
cycles, Document Types, note types and folder types. You must assign user rights to
both the life cycles and to the individual queues within the life cycles.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Test Your Workflow

Always test your life cycle. Create test documents and import them into OnBase through
the Client module. In the graphic view, from within the Client module, you are able to

Studio - Workflow Configuration

watch the files transition from queue to queue. You should also perform all tasks in a
client in order to determine if your life cycle is functioning properly. The Trace Window,
Trace to File, and Step Debug icons in the Workflow toolbar provide tracking options that
are useful for troubleshooting.

Flow Control Options

As new features and routines are added to the Workflow module, more data is added to
the stack. This memory stack is limited to 2 MB. The use of nesting and recursive logic in
a life cycle also requires stack resources; too much recursive logic or using too many
nesting levels can cause a stack overflow and the program to abort. The allowable depth
of recursive logic and/or nesting depends on factors including the Studio version, type of
database, and the actual Workflow logic.
There are methods of writing a life cycle without nesting. These include conditional
branching, looping control, and breaking execution with Break On task list option or the
Break Processing action.

Conditional Branching
Uses rules to conduct if-then-else logic.

Eliminates nesting which uses stacked memory. Higher levels of nesting exhaust the
stack and causes OnBase to close unexpectedly. This process involves sending the same
document through the task list, incrementing a keyword using actions or a VBScript to
update the status of the document each time.

Breaking Execution
Break On - Breaking execution to fall out of a loop can be achieved through the use of
the Break On option for task lists. Conduct the work with Break On at the top level, not
under the evaluations.
Break Processing - Breaking can also be achieved through the use of Break Processing
action to terminate a task list.

Caution: Memory requirements increase with newer versions; validate your life cycle
against the upgrade in a test environment before implementing it in a production

Design Concepts
A primary consideration during the design phase is creating a resilient Workflow
solution. A small effort in the beginning to make batches recoverable at each stage of
the Workflow process can prevent a catastrophic event during production.
While not every possible abort can be predicted, a list of typical failure scenarios can
lead to a Workflow that is resilient to entire classes of failures:

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Workflow OnBase 16

• The Workflow process aborts during a bulk loading operation (i.e. DIP).
• The database shuts down while Workflow users are executing task lists on
• The Workflow process aborts during an output process.
• A power outage causes a timer to fire inappropriately, or not at all.
Studio - Workflow Configuration

Queues that Create Output Files

The following scenario details the need for recovery when working with a Workflow
queue that streams data to a file.
Assume a Workflow with three queues, an initial queue, a reporting queue, and the final
queue where all documents are stored.

A --> B --> C
During the day, the streaming Workflow queue has an error, or the file generated by the
B queue is lost. The documents processed are mixed in with all the other documents
stored in queue C, making it difficult to recover or recreate the file.
The preferred recovery method is to reprocess all the documents and generate a new
file. To do this, a queue must be created to hold a copy of the documents until the
streamed file is successfully processed, transferred or uploaded. The following diagram
shows the improved life cycle:

Queues That Feed an External System

The following scenario details the need for recovering workflows when a Workflow queue
updates data in another database as part of the inline process.
Assume a life cycle with three queues: an initial queue, which performs some system
work and then transfers the document to the second queue, the reporting queue, which
connects to another system and posts data, and the final queue, where all documents
are stored.

A --> B --> C
If OnBase lost power during the middle of DIP, this life cycle would not be recovered
easily. While the OnBase system could easily be recovered by simply purging the DIP
batch and reprocess the input file, the data loaded into the other system might be
difficult or impossible to remove. Often it is destructive to submit duplicate data, which
would occur when the DIP file is reprocessed.
This life cycle becomes more recoverable when a queue is included to hold a temporary
copy of the documents in the A queue. This type of queue makes it easy to restart the
output process by clearing out the A queue and reloading it with the contents of the Wait
Queue. The following diagram shows the improved life cycle:

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OnBase 16 Workflow

A --> Wait Queue --> B --> C

The DIP process would be run and the verification reports checked to ensure that the
documents have been properly processed into OnBase. All of the documents are held in
the wait queue until the administrator triggers the reporting process. If the processing

Studio - Workflow Configuration

fails after 300 documents are processed and there are still 200 waiting, OnBase can
simply be re-triggered and the rest of the documents will be posted to the other

Queue Recoverability
Queue recoverability is the ability to recover from an interruption during a process. The
easiest way to achieve this is to design the queue so a document can be routed through
the same queue multiple times with no adverse effects. It is important to change
keywords in such a way that re-processing the same document in the same queue leads
to the same keyword values being set.

Performance Concepts
When designing and implementing a Workflow where high processing speeds are
required, there are several concepts to keep in mind. Remember that every rule and
action requires one or more database operations to be performed. Determining which
operations are fast and which are not is important in designing and implementing a high-
performance Workflow.

Keyword Type Group

The use of Keyword Type Groups allows OnBase to retrieve all the keywords for a
document with a single query. This can be crucial in high volume workflows that require
high performance.

Performing Sub Functions Using Function Call Life Cycles

One use for function call life cycles is to provide additional functionality. If there is a set
of rules and actions that needs to be performed in a variety of different locations within
one or more life cycles, using a function call life cycle keeps the code segmented, to
make it easy to follow and to maintain. A function call life cycle treats these documents
as primary documents, meaning actions execute quicker. A simple function call life cycle
consists of one queue with the logic configured as System Work . Upon completion of the
System Work, the document is removed from the life cycle. Function calls can be utilized
in this capacity to provide for uninterrupted user activity. If a document cannot be
processed further due to missing information, a Workflow user can route that document
to a function call life cycle. Users assigned to this secondary life cycle can address the
issue(s) surrounding the document and funnel it back to the main life cycle to continue

Providing Constant Movement of Documents

A use for function calls is to prevent locking a user’s workstation. When a Workflow user
performs a task on one or more documents, the workstation is unavailable for use until
that work is complete. If there are thousands of documents, this could cause
inefficiencies. The documents could be channeled to another life cycle that employs
timers. A workstation, set up as a Workflow Server, monitors those timers and executes
the associated tasks.

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Workflow OnBase 16

Consolidating Work Loads

Function call life cycles provide a unified view of a workload. In many situations it is
desirable, or required, to have more than one life cycle. When this is the case, it
becomes difficult to view the complete workload in similar queues, across all life cycles.
For example if each life cycle contains a Data Entry queue, you would have to check each
Studio - Workflow Configuration

life cycle individually to get the number of documents in the Data Entry state. This
situation can be rectified by the creation of another type of function call life cycle. This
function call life cycle could contain a single Data Entry queue where documents are
moved during their own life cycles. Once the actions are performed in this separate life
cycle, the documents are moved back to their original main life cycle to continue. This
centralizes the documents to one queue, which allows for easier logic and security
maintenance. The diagram below demonstrates how a unified view of the work that
needs to be performed by the data entry personnel can be accomplished across multiple
life cycles operating on potentially different document types. In the diagram, the dashed
lines represent when the control is passed between the life cycles. In reality, the
documents never leave their starting life cycle until the end. These documents are added
from the Initial Queue in Application A and Application B to the Demographic Entry life

Setting Related Document Keyword Values

Operations that may require additional work are rules and actions that refer to a related
document. These require OnBase to search the database for all documents to find those
that are related to the current document. Although these functions are effective, their
use should also be limited in process intensive Workflow situations.
Setting Keyword Values on related documents is more processor intensive. A function
call life cycle can be used to set related document Keyword Values. Within your main life
cycle the related document can be added to a function call life cycle where it becomes
the primary document, allowing for quicker keyword updates. The logic that needs to be
performed should be configured as System Work. Upon completion of the System Work,
the document is removed from the life cycle and processing in the main life cycle

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OnBase 16 Workflow

Alternatives for Modifying Keywords

Setting and clearing dual table alphanumeric keywords requires more intensive database
activity than single table alphanumeric or numeric keywords because OnBase is

Studio - Workflow Configuration

searching two tables for the value. One solution is to configure the keyword’s Data Type
as Alphanumeric Single Table.
Another option is to employ Keyword Type Groups, which allow OnBase to retrieve all
the keywords for a document with a single query. When using Keyword Type Groups you
cannot assign individual keywords to the Document Types. Once a Keyword Type Group
is created, changes can be made to add keywords to the group, but you cannot delete

Using E-Forms
Electronic Forms (E-Forms) are custom written in HTML to meet a specific need within
Studio. These differ from User Forms in that they must be imported into OnBase and
OnBase must be licensed for the E-Forms module.
Electronic Forms can be used in Workflow for a variety of different tasks. One particular
use is the capture of data from the user without specifically storing the data as keywords
within OnBase. This can be useful if information needs to be captured during a Workflow
process, but it is not useful for the categorization or retrieval of documents. In this case,
the form can contain the extra data without altering the keywords associated with the
original document. If the data that is captured is relevant outside the life cycle, the form
can be left in OnBase and retrieved as an associated document of the original.
Another use for E-Forms is to serve as a “token” document within Workflow. If the entity
that you want to route through Workflow does not exist within OnBase, an Electronic
Form can be created to act as a representation of this entity, which can be added to the
life cycle. Another use for E-Forms is to perform “double-blind entry.” The goal of
double-blind entry is to have two different people enter the same data, then compare
the values to validate the entry.

Note: If there is an attribute for a value in an E-Form, and only the "" exist, the E-Form
will not work as intended in Workflow.

When an E-Form is used in Workflow and a button of type=submit has the value
OBBtn_Cancel, when clicked, the form is not submitted, the Last Execution Result is set
to False, and the entire task is aborted.
When an E-Form is used in Workflow and a button of type=submit has the value
OBBtn_No, when clicked, the form is not submitted, the Last Execution Result is set to
False, but the Task is not aborted.

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Workflow OnBase 16

An Action is a task or process performed within the life cycle of a business process.
Studio - Workflow Configuration

Examples of actions include moving a document to the next stage of the business
process, adding a keyword to a document or deleting a document from a life cycle. Once
an action type is selected, OnBase prompts you for the information necessary to
complete the task. Any task that you need the Workflow process to perform must be
configured as an action.

Action Types
Action Types must be associated with every new action created. When a new action is
added, an Action Type drop-down list containing the action types available is displayed.
Each action type causes OnBase to perform a specific kind of task. Once you select an
action type you can specify any additional configuration required for that action type.
The drop-down list of action types is divided into groups, based upon what the action will
do and what will be affected.

Ad Hoc User Task

An Ad Hoc User task is a task list containing actions and rules that a user can choose to
perform in a client. Ad hoc user tasks are assigned user group security and this is used
to control the ad hoc tasks that should appear in the clients for a particular user.

Note: Tasks can be executed on multiple items at the same time. To select consecutive
items, click the first item, hold the Shift key and click the last item. To select specific
items, hold the Ctrl key while clicking the items. The tasks you execute apply to the
selected items.

Work Items
Work items can be routed through a life cycle. Items consists of documents, WorkView
objects, managed folders, Agenda Items, Meetings, or Plan Review Projects. Only Unity
Life Cycles support the routing of all items. All other life cycles can only route
documents. Unity Life Cycles and the routing of all item types can only be configured in
the OnBase Studio. Life cycles configured in the Configuration module can only route the
document item type.

Life Cycle
A life cycle or set of life cycles represent a business process that an item travels
through. A life cycle defines the steps that an item takes in a given business process.
Each step or state is represented by queues. Every time an item moves to a new step or
state it is called a transition. Essentially, a life cycle consists of a series of queues,
transitions, actions and rules that solve a specific business issue.
When an item enters a life cycle, all of the necessary work that must be performed for
the business process is performed on the item contained in OnBase. If the business
process changes, any procedural changes can be incorporated into the life cycle(s)
configuration immediately.

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OnBase 16 Workflow

A Notification is a message sent to a user or users during the Workflow process. The
message is sent via e-mail, either an internal or an external mail system. Notifications

Studio - Workflow Configuration

can be used to alert administrators of potential problems with items or to inform a user
of the status of a item. The message can also include information specific to the item
that triggered the notification.

A Workflow property stores a value temporarily, rather than storing it to the database or
disk groups. Once created, a property can store a value for the duration of a task or the
entire duration of a user’s session.

A Queue represents a step or state within a business process. A queue contains lists of
tasks that are executed on the items the queue contains and will vary from one queue to

A rule represents a decision in the business process. Examples of rules are "is the
purchase order amount over $10,000?" and "does the employee acknowledge and agree
with the performance review?".
A rule can evaluate to true or false and this determines what tasks are performed on the
item being routed through Workflow.

Rule Type
When you create a new rule you specify what it will evaluate by selecting a Rule Type.
The rule type drop-down select list divides the types into groups based on what they
evaluate. Once you select an rule type you can specify any additional configuration
required for that rule type.

Task List

A Task List is a series of actions and rules that are executed with respect to an item in a
queue, or the current item in OnBase. When a task list for an item is initiated, the task
list is executed on the item until the item transitions out of the queue that began the
task list. A task list is also referred to as work.

Note: Task lists can be configured up to 50 levels deep.

There are eight basic task lists:

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Workflow OnBase 16

System Work
System Work is a rule, action or task list, created for a queue, that is executed as soon
as an item enters that queue. System work is always performed first, before user work
or any other tasks.
Studio - Workflow Configuration

Note: When using a Core-based Workflow interface during any import process, it is
highly recommended that items be added to Workflow only during commit to minimize
the impact on performance. It is a best practice to add items to Workflow during

When designing a life cycle, system work should be utilized to perform any functions
that do not require user interaction.

Note: Re-indexing affects the way in which an item enters a life cycle, and therefore the
manner in which system work is performed for that item.

Note: System work that requires user interaction is not supported in the Core-based
interfaces. When using the Classic Client interface, it is not recommended to configure
system work that requires user interaction.

User Work

Note: This is legacy functionality. This is supported for systems that already have user
work configured.

The user initiates this work, which follows a specific sequence determined during

Note: User work is not available in the Unity and Web Client Workflow interfaces.

Ad Hoc User Tasks

Ad hoc tasks are tasks that the user decides to perform if necessary. Ad hoc tasks are
represented by icons in the tasks bar window along the right side of the document
viewer in the default window layout.

Web/API Tasks

Note: This is legacy functionality and are no longer required to be configured separately
from standard ad hoc user tasks. These are supported for systems configured before the
support of ad hoc tasks in the Web Client.

This type of task list allows you to create tasks for the web-view task list that emulate
functionality available on the non web-based Client module.

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OnBase 16 Workflow

Timer Work
A timer triggers a rule, action or task list at a specific point in time. A Workflow server
monitors queues with timers configured. Status of timers is monitored either by the
OnBase Client Workflow System Monitor or the Core Workflow Timer Service.

Studio - Workflow Configuration

Note: Timer work that requires user interaction is not supported.

System Task
System Task allow you to execute a task list against a document that is not necessarily
associated with a life cycle. You must associate the system task with any document
types on which you want to execute the task.

Note: System tasks are not supported in the Desktop Workflow interface.

Note: System Tasks configured with the Set Property Value action and the Work Item Property
option selected will not execute properly.

Note: System tasks that require user interaction are supported in the Unity and Web
interfaces. System tasks that require user interaction are not supported in all other
Core-based interfaces. When using the Classic Client interface, it is not recommended to
configure system tasks that require user interaction.

These types of task lists differ by when the task is executed and which computer
executes the task on the document.

Note: The same task cannot be placed in both Ad Hoc User Tasks and Web/API Tasks
folders. Web/API tasks, however, can be a part of any other task list (including Ad Hoc
task lists, User Work, etc.)

On Abort Task Lists

On Abort task lists are executed when another task list is interrupted during user
interaction. These task lists are configured with actions that should take place after an

Events are task lists that are executed when certain situations occur within a queue or
life cycle, such as when a load-balancing assignment is changed or when a queue
watermark limit is reached.
Events are configured with properties that can be used by the actions and rules
configured in the task list.

Note: Events are not supported in the OnBase Client Classic Workflow interface.

Note: Actions and rules that require user interaction cannot be configured in events.

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Workflow OnBase 16

Timers allow OnBase to execute rules or actions at a specific time. Timers can be
configured to execute periodically, after a certain amount of time, or at an exact point in
Studio - Workflow Configuration

A Transition, when used as a noun, refers to the path a document can take from one
queue in a life cycle to another queue. All of the transitions, taken together, define the
paths that a document can take during the business process performed by the life cycle.
In the graphical configuration, the transitions are seen as the arrows between the
queues in the life cycle.
Transition is also used as a verb to describe the process of moving a document from one
queue to another. Actions, which transition documents, move the documents from one
queue of a life cycle to another queue in the life cycle.

User Form
A User Form is a customized form, designed using Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML)
to allow user interaction during a Workflow process. User forms can also be auto-
generated for actions that use HTML forms. A user form must be created outside the
system before it can be used within Workflow. Any user forms that are used in a
Workflow process must be available to all users of the Workflow process, from the same
network location.

Note: The Web Workflow interface, Core-Based OnBase Client Workflow interface, Mobile
Client Workflow interfaces, and Unity Workflow interface can accommodate user forms
accessible by URL.

The main difference between a user form and an E-Form is that the user form is not
imported into OnBase, and therefore, is not stored in the database. It is merely used as
a placeholder for keyword information.

User Work

Note: This is legacy functionality. This is supported for systems that already have user
work configured.

User Work is a task list that must be run by the user processing the documents in a
queue. This type of work differs from system work in that a user at a workstation
initiates it. User work is a series of rules and actions that walk a user through a series of
activities. Through questions or dialogs, the user is usually required to provide more
information about the document(s) to determine what course of action should be taken.

Web/API Task

Note: This is legacy functionality. Such tasks are no longer required to be configured
separately from standard ad hoc user tasks. These are supported for systems configured
before the support of ad hoc tasks in the Web Client.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

A Web/API Task is an optional task that can be created for use with the web-based
application. This option allows you to create tasks for the web-view task list that
emulate functionality available on the non web-based Client module.

Studio - Workflow Configuration

Workflow Document Security
Access to documents via Workflow is accomplished by a combination of assignments
made at the Document Type, life cycle, and work queue level. Specifically:
• Document Types must be configured for use in a specific life cycle.
In the Configuration module, select Document | Document Types , then select the
desired Document Type and select Life Cycles . Assign the desired life cycles at
the Life Cycles for <document type> dialog box.
• Users must be granted rights to a specific life cycle, as well as each queue
within that life cycle, in order to view documents within those queues.
In the Configuration module, select Users | User Groups/Rights. Select the
desired user group and select Workflow. Assign the desired life cycles and
queues at the Assigning Workflow for <user group> dialog box.
• Users must be granted the Retrieve/View privilege, either as a user group
privilege or as an override privilege. If this privilege is not granted (or in the
case of override privileges, overridden), users will not be able to view
documents in Workflow. For more information on configuring user group rights,
please see the System Administration module reference guide or help files.

Caution: The ability to view documents in a life cycle is controlled at the queue level. If
users have rights to a Workflow queue, they will also have rights to view all the documents
in that queue by default, regardless of their security rights (i.e. Document Type rights).
This includes related documents.

Caution: The ability to modify a document in a life cycle is controlled at the queue level. If
users have rights to a Workflow queue, they will also have rights to modify all documents in
that queue by default, regardless of their Modify privilege setting, including related
documents. Administrators should be aware that Workflow automatically grants the Modify
privilege to users for any documents that are in their queue. As a result, care should be
taken to only present documents which users should be allowed to modify.

Note: To view or change Keyword Values or to re-index a document via the right-click
menu, you must have appropriate rights for modifying keywords or re-indexing.

WorkView Security with Workflow

When a user has access to a Workflow ad hoc task or system task, the actions
configured in Workflow ad hoc tasks or system tasks will be executed, overriding any
security configured in WorkView. This includes system task executed via WorkView

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Workflow OnBase 16

When objects are displayed for a queue, the object will be visible in the list of items, but
when accessed, the user will not be able to view the object unless he or she has
appropriate WorkView rights. In addition, the WorkView delete and modify rights will be
respected once an object is open unless an ad hoc task or system task is configured that
would override the WorkView security.
Studio - Workflow Configuration

Launching OnBase Studio

To launch OnBase Studio, double-click on the OnBase Studio shortcut on the Windows
Desktop or select Start | All Programs | Hyland | OnBase Studio | OnBase Studio.

Connecting to Repositories
A repository can be thought of as a container that consists of configurations. The studio
defines two types of repositories:
• Database Connection Repository : Database connection repositories are based on
an OnBase database. Database connection repositories allow multiple users to
have several connections to either the same OnBase database or different
OnBase databases. Database connection repositories can be accessed either
directly via a local ODBC connection or through an Application Server. You can
choose which connection method to use each time you connect to the database
connection repository.
• BPMN File Repository : This repository type is only available with a BPMN Modeler
license. A BPMN File Repository is a file on the user's local machine containing
all BPMN configuration items such as business process folders and BPMN
processes. BPMN file repositories allow a user to modify a configuration offline
and provide a means to send processes to other users. This allows a user to
create and modify BPMN processes and collaboration diagrams while not
connected to an Application Server or OnBase database.

Connecting to a Database Connection Repository

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

To open a database connection repository:

1. Database connection repositories are opened via the Connect dialog box. Open the
Connect dialog box in one of two ways:

Studio - Workflow Configuration

• Launch OnBase Studio. The Connect dialog box is displayed on startup.
• If OnBase Studio is already connected to a repository, click Connect in the
Home ribbon menu to open another repository.
The Connect dialog box is displayed.

2. You can connect to a database connection repository in two ways:

• Via a direct local ODBC connection to the database - Select Local ODBC if you
want to connect to the database directly without the use of an Application
Server. If your solution does not include an Application Server, select Local
ODBC as your connection type. The Local ODBC connection type also allows
you to work in a repository while Application Servers are offline.
• Via an Application Server - Enter or select an Application Server URL in the
Connection Type drop-down select list to connect to the database via an
Application Server. Connect via an Application Server if you do not have
direct access to the database.

Note: Studio does not support remoting as a communication method for the Application
Server. SOAP must be used. Ensure that the full Application Server URL to the service
page uses Service.asmx.

3. Enter a Data Source or select one from the drop-down select list. When Local ODBC
is selected as the connection type, the Data Source list is populated with all
available data sources. When connecting via an Application Server, the data
source entered is saved as an option in the Data Source drop-down select list for
future selection once you have connected successfully.

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4. Select an Authentication Type from the drop-down select list. The following
options are available:
• Standard Authentication - Select this option to use standard OnBase
• NT Authentication - Select this option to use Active Directory authentication.
Studio - Workflow Configuration

To use this option, your system must be configured for Active Directory -
Basic or Active Directory - Enhanced authentication. For more information,
see the Network Security module reference guide.
• NT Authentication (Interactive) - Select this option to enter credentials for
Active Directory authentication. The User Name must include a domain. To
use this option, your system must be configured for Active Directory - Basic
or Active Directory - Enhanced authentication. For more information, see the
Network Security module reference guide.
5. Enter a User Name and Password.
Select Remember password if you want OnBase to remember your password.
6. Click Connect.

Refreshing Repositories
You can refresh a repository in order to work with the most up-to-date configuration for
the database that the repository is associated with. To refresh a repository, right-click
on an item in the repository within the Repositories pane and select Refresh or select an
item and press F5 on the keyboard.
Refreshing will update the open repository, which has an item selected in it, with all
changes that have been saved to the database since the repository was opened. A
refresh is not limited to changes made by the current user, but will update the repository
with all changes that have been saved to the database. Items with changes that have
not been saved to the database are not refreshed.

Expanding and Collapsing Items in the Repository Pane

Tree items in the Repository pane can be expanded and collapsed for easier navigation
and viewing of an item and its children.
To expand a tree item, select a tree item in the Repository pane, right-click and select
Expand All . All children under that tree item will expanded.
To collapse a tree item, select a tree item in the Repository pane, right-click and select
Collapse All . All children under that tree item will be collapsed.

Note: If a tree item is already collapsed, Collapse All will be disabled.

For shortcut keys, see Shortcuts on page 853.

Using Repositories in OnBase Studio

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

To access a repository, in the Repositories window, select the repository from the drop-
down select list. You will either be automatically logged into the repository or you will be
prompted for user credentials.

Studio - Workflow Configuration

Note: If there is a system lock, you will be unable to open the repository.

In order for your changes and additions to a repository to be reflected, you must save
the repository. Any changes you make will not be saved until the repository is saved. You
can save a repository by clicking Save button on the Home ribbon. Alternatively, you can
click the Save drop-down menu and select a specific repository to save or Save All to
save all of the repositories.
Items that have been changed and not saved are denoted with an asterisk (*).
Upon clicking Save or Save All , a Saving Repository status window is displayed. You can
click Cancel to abort saving.

Searching the Repositories Pane

You can search for specific terms within the selected tab in the Repositories pane.
To search the Repository pane:

1. Enter the term you want to find in the Find field at the top of the pane.
To limit your search to just the current selected item in the tree, click the Find
icon and select Use Current Scope.
To use regular expressions when searching the repository, click the Find icon and
select Use Regular Expressions .
2. Press the Enter key. The tab will display the instances of the term you entered
that are found within the tab.

Configuring Portfolio Types

Note: Workflow or Document Packets licensing is required for configuring Portfolios.

Note: Portfolio types apply only to Unity Life Cycles.

A portfolio type consists of one or more portfolio relations. Portfolio types are assigned
at the queue level to determine what items are displayed in the Related Items pane when
a primary item is selected. In addition, portfolio types and portfolio relationships can be
used in rules and actions configured with a Target of Related Item to determine what
related item the rule or action will process.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Portfolio relations allow you to specify how:

• Documents relate to other documents, WorkView objects or entity items.
• WorkView Objects relate to other WorkView objects or documents.
• Entity Items relate to documents or WorkView objects.
Studio - Workflow Configuration

Caution: If you are finding documents by Document Type and Keyword Type mapping, or by
document handle, users must have rights to view the Document Type in order to view
related items. If you are finding documents by folder type, users must have rights to the
folder type in order to view related items. Users do not need rights to the Document Types
configured for the folder type.

Configuring Portfolio Relations

To configure portfolio relations:

1. In the Home ribbon within the Portfolios ribbon group, click Portfolio Relations .

2. Select the Repository from the drop-down select list in which you would like to
configure the portfolio relation.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

3. Click Add. The Portfolio Relation Wizard is displayed.

Studio - Workflow Configuration

4. Enter a Name for the portfolio relation.
5. Select the Content Type from the drop-down select list. This is the type of item
that is the primary item in the life cycle. You can either select Documents, Entity
Items , or WorkView Objects.
6. Select the Related Content Type from the drop-down select list. This is the type of
item that the related items will be. You can either select Documents, Entity Items
or WorkView Objects.
7. Click Next. Depending on the options you selected, the wizard will vary. For more
information on options, see Wizard Options on page 238.
8. Click Next.
9. Click Next.
10. Click Finish .
You can locate a specific, existing portfolio relation by entering text that will identify the
portfolio relation in the Find field. The portfolio relations displayed will be narrowed
down to the portfolio relations that contain the characters entered.
You can modify an existing portfolio relation by selecting it and clicking Modify.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Wizard Options
Depending on the types of items you are relating, the wizard options available vary. The
following relationship types are available:
• Relating Documents to Documents on page 238
Studio - Workflow Configuration

• Relating Documents to Entity Items on page 242

• Relating Documents to WorkView Objects on page 243
• Relating Entity Item to Documents on page 248
• Relating WorkView Objects to Documents on page 252
• Relating WorkView Objects to WorkView Objects on page 255

Relating Documents to Documents

The following to relating documents to each other.
When the Content Type is set to Documents, the wizard will prompt with the following

Select the Document Type that you want to create a relationship for from the drop-down
select list. This is the Document Type the primary document belongs to.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

When Related Content Type is set to Documents, the following options are available:

Studio - Workflow Configuration

Document Handle
This option causes the system to use the value contained in the Document Handle
property as the common denominator between the current and related document.
Document Type

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

To configure a Document Type relationship:

1. Select Document Type and select the appropriate Document Type from the drop-
down select list. This is the Document Type the related document(s) belong to.
2. Click Keyword Mappings . The <Document Type> Mappings dialog box is displayed.
Studio - Workflow Configuration

3. Double-click on a Keyword Type you would like to map or the select the Keyword
Type and click Map. The Relation Mapping dialog box is displayed.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

4. You can map to a specific Keyword Type , Property, or Constant value. Select a
Keyword Type from the drop-down select list or enter a Property or Constant value.
If you select Property, you can select Use Scoped Property Bag to use a scoped
property. A session property persists throughout a user’s session. A scoped

Studio - Workflow Configuration

property persists only for the duration of a task’s execution.
5. The Search Multiple Values Independently option is used for mapping Keyword
Types that can have multiple values on the current item. If this check box is
enabled, a relationship can be established for any of the values contained for that
Keyword Type on the current item. When this option is selected, there will be a
check mark next to the mapping in the <Document Type> Mapping dialog box.
6. Click OK.
7. Repeat 3 to 6 for each mapping you want to establish.
8. When finished, click OK.
If you would like all common values to exist on the primary item, select Require All
Common Values On Primary Item .
When mapping Keyword Types to other Keyword Types, the following applies when using
different data types:

Alphanumeric Data from an Alphanumeric Keyword Type can be copied to any other
data type as long as the value in the Alphanumeric Keyword Type is a
valid value for the target Keyword Type.

Numeric 9 Numeric 9 Keyword Types cannot be copied to Date or Date/Time

Keyword Types.
When a Numeric 9 Keyword Type is copied to a Currency Keyword Type,
the default currency symbol is used and whole dollar amounts are the
assumed value.

Numeric 20 Numeric 20 Keyword Types cannot be copied to Date or Date/Time

Keyword Types.
When a Numeric 20 Keyword Type is copied to a Currency Keyword Type,
the default currency symbol is used and whole dollar amounts are the
assumed value.
Numeric 20 Keyword Types can be copied to Numeric 9 Keyword Types if
the value does not exceed 9 digits.

Date Date Keyword Types can be copied to Alphanumeric Keyword Types,

other Date Keyword Types, and Date/Time Keyword Types.
When copying to a Date/Time Keyword Type, the default is used for the
time portion of the value.

Date/Time Date/Time Keyword Types can be copied to Alphanumeric Keyword

Types, other Date/Time Keyword Types, and Date Keyword Types.
When copying to a Date Keyword Type, the time portion of the value is
not copied to or stored in the new Keyword Type.

Currency Currency Keyword Types can be copied to Alphanumeric Keyword Types

or other Currency Keyword Types.

Floating Point A Floating Point Keyword Type can be copied to an Alphanumeric

Keyword Type or another floating point Keyword Type.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Folder Type
If you want to relate documents by a folder type, select Folder Type and select the
appropriate folder type from the drop-down select list.
If you would like all common values to exist on the primary item, select Require All
Common Values On Primary Item .
Studio - Workflow Configuration

Relating Documents to Entity Items

The following pertains to relating documents to entity items.
When the Content Type is set to Documents, the wizard will prompt with the following

Select the Document Type that you want to create a relationship for from the drop-down
select list. This is the Document Type the primary document belongs to.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

When the Related Content Type is set to Entity Items , the following options are available:

Studio - Workflow Configuration

Select the Entity Type and Field that you want to use to define a relationship for from the
drop-down select lists.

Note: If you are licensed for Agenda Management, Agenda Management selections are
available from these drop-down select lists. If you are licensed for Electronic Plan
Review, Plan Review Project selections are available from these drop-down select lists.

Relating Documents to WorkView Objects

The following pertains to relating documents to WorkView objects.

Note: Calculated attributes are not supported in this portfolio type.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

When the Content Type is set to Documents, the wizard will prompt with the following
Studio - Workflow Configuration

Select the Document Type that you want to create a relationship for from the drop-down
select list. This is the Document Type the primary document belongs to.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

When the Related Content Type is set to WorkView Objects , the following options are

Studio - Workflow Configuration

Document Type Association

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

When you click Document Type Association , the following screen is displayed.
Studio - Workflow Configuration

Select the Application and Class that contains the Document Type Association you want
to use from the drop-down select lists.
Select the Document Type Association that will successfully map the Document Type you
previously configured for the primary document with objects of the Class you selected.

Note: Document Type Associations are configured in WorkView.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Custom Keyword Type Mapping

When you click Custom Keyword Type Mapping , the following screen is displayed.

Studio - Workflow Configuration

1. Select the Application and Class that contains the attribute you want to use from
the drop-down select lists.
2. Click Add. The Relation Mapping dialog box is displayed.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16
Studio - Workflow Configuration

3. You can choose to map from an Attribute or get the Attribute Name from Property.
Click the ellipsis button next to the Attribute field and select the attribute or
system property you want to map to determine a relationship.
If you select Attribute Name from Property, you can select Use Scoped Property Bag
to use a scoped property.
4. Select the Operator you want to use to evaluate whether or not a relationship
between a document and an objects exists from the drop-down select list.
5. You can map to a specific Keyword Type , Property, or Constant value. Select a
Keyword Type from the drop-down select list or enter a Property or Constant value.
If you select Property, you can select Use Scoped Property Bag to use a scoped
property. A session property persists throughout a user’s session. A scoped
property persists only for the duration of a task’s execution.
6. Click OK.
7. Map all appropriate attributes necessary to determine a relationship.

Relating Entity Item to Documents

The following pertains to relating entity items to documents.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

When the Content Type is set to Entity Items , the wizard will prompt with the following

Studio - Workflow Configuration

Select the Entity Type that you want to create a relationship for from the drop-down
select list. This is the entity type the primary item belongs to.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

When the Content Type is set to Entity Items and Related Content Type is set to
Documents , the following options are available:
Studio - Workflow Configuration

Document ID
Select Document ID if you want to map the value of item selected in the drop-down
select list to the document’s ID.
Document Type

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

To configure a Document Type relationship:

1. Select Document Type and select the appropriate Document Type from the drop-
down select list. This is the Document Type the related document(s) belong to.

Studio - Workflow Configuration

2. Click Keyword Mappings . The <Document Type> Mappings dialog box is displayed.

3. Double-click on a Keyword Type you would like to map or the select the Keyword
Type and click Map. The Relation Mapping dialog box is displayed.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

4. You can map to a specific Field , Property, or Constant value. Select a Field from
the drop-down select list or enter a Property or Constant value.
If you select Property, you can select Use Scoped Property Bag to use a scoped
property. A session property persists throughout a user’s session. A scoped
property persists only for the duration of a task’s execution.
Studio - Workflow Configuration

5. Click OK.
6. Repeat 3 to 5 for each mapping you want to establish.
7. When finished, click OK.

Relating WorkView Objects to Documents

The following pertains to relating WorkView objects to documents.

Note: Calculated attributes are not supported in this portfolio type.

When the Content Type is set to WorkView Objects and the Related Document Type is set
to Documents, the wizard will prompt with the following screen.

Select the Application and Class that you want to create a relationship for from the drop-
down select lists. This is the application and class the primary object belongs to.
When <All> is selected in the Application drop-down select list, any class can be
selected, though a specified class is not required.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

When the Content Type is set to WorkView Objects and Related Content Type is set to
Documents , the following options are available:

Studio - Workflow Configuration

Attached/Static Document(s)
Select Attached/Static Document(s) to make any document attached statically to a
WorkView object within the Documents tab a related document.
Dynamic Folder
Select a Dynamic Folder to make any document attached dynamically to a WorkView
object within the Documents tab, using a dynamic WorkView folder, a related document.
Dynamic folders are configured in WorkView.
Document Attribute
Select Document Attribute if you want to make the document attached to a WorkView
object through a document attribute a related document. Select the appropriate
document attribute by clicking the ellipsis button and selecting the attribute.
Document ID from Property
Select Document ID from Property to specify the property in the field that contains the
related document’s ID to identify it as a related document.
You can select Use Scoped Property Bag to use a scoped property. A session property
persists throughout a user’s session. A scoped property persists only for the duration of
a task’s execution.
Document Type

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

To configure a Document Type relationship:

1. Select Document Type and select the appropriate Document Type from the drop-
down select list. This is the Document Type the related document(s) belong to.
2. Click Keyword Mappings . The <Document Type> Mappings dialog box is displayed.
Studio - Workflow Configuration

3. Double-click on a Keyword Type you would like to map or the select the Keyword
Type and click Map. The Relation Mapping dialog box is displayed.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

4. You can map to a specific Attribute, Property, or Constant value. Select an

Attribute from the drop-down select list or enter a Property or Constant value.
If you select Property, you can select Use Scoped Property Bag to use a scoped
property. A session property persists throughout a user’s session. A scoped

Studio - Workflow Configuration

property persists only for the duration of a task’s execution.
5. Click OK.
6. Repeat 3 to 5 for each mapping you want to establish.
7. When finished, click OK.

Relating WorkView Objects to WorkView Objects

The following pertains to relating WorkView objects to WorkView Objects.

Note: Calculated attributes are not supported in this portfolio type.

When both the Content Type and Related Content Type is set to WorkView Objects , the
following screen is displayed:

By Filter

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

When By Filter is selected, the following screen is displayed.

Studio - Workflow Configuration

1. Select the Application and Class that contains the objects you want to use for the
relationship from the drop-down select lists. Click Next .

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Studio - Workflow Configuration

2. If you want to use an existing filter, select Existing Filter to select a filter already
configured in WorkView for the relationship.
3. If you want to create a filter for use in the portfolio relationship, select Dynamic

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

4. Click Add. The Relation Mapping dialog box is displayed.

Studio - Workflow Configuration

5. Use the Open Grouping, Close Grouping , and Connector options to group and link
multiple mappings to create appropriate filter constraints.
6. You can choose to map from an Attribute or get the Attribute Name from Property.
Click the ellipsis button next to the Attribute field and select the attribute or
system property you want to map to determine a relationship.
If you select Attribute Name from Property, you can select Use Scoped Property Bag
to use a scoped property.
7. Select the appropriate Operator from the drop-down select list.
8. Select Property and enter a property name that will contain the value you want to
compare to the attribute or select Constant and enter the static value you will
evaluate on.
If you select Property, you can select Use Scoped Property Bag to use a scoped
property. A session property persists throughout a user’s session. A scoped
property persists only for the duration of a task’s execution.
9. Click OK.
10. Configure as many attribute mappings as appropriate.

By Related Object

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

When By Related Object is selected, the following screen is displayed.

Studio - Workflow Configuration

1. Select the Application and Class that contains the objects you want to use for the
relationship from the drop-down select lists.
2. If you want to use a related attribute associated with the class selected, select
Related Attribute Name . Click the ellipsis button and select the appropriate
relationship attribute.
If you want to specify a property that will contain the name of the relationship
attribute you want to use to create the relationship, select Related Attribute Name
from Property: and enter the name of the property in the field.
If you select Property, you can select Use Scoped Property Bag to use a scoped
property. A session property persists throughout a user’s session. A scoped
property persists only for the duration of a task’s execution.
By Object ID

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

When By Object ID is selected, the following screen is displayed.

Studio - Workflow Configuration

Enter the property name that will hold the object ID you want to base the relationship on
in the Get Object ID from Property field.
Optionally, you can specify a specific Application and Class to limit the evaluation to only
the application and class specified. If an application and a class are not specified, the
relationship will be evaluated for any object with the id within the system, regardless of
the application or class they belong to. Both an application and a class must be specified
to limit the objects evaluated.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Creating Portfolio Types

To configure a portfolio type:

Studio - Workflow Configuration

1. In the Home ribbon within the Portfolios ribbon group, click Portfolio Types . The
Portfolio Types dialog box is displayed.

2. Select the Repository from the drop-down select list in which you would like to
configure the portfolio type.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

3. Click Add. The Portfolio Type Configuration dialog box is displayed.

Studio - Workflow Configuration

4. Enter Name for the portfolio type.

5. Select the Content Type from the drop-down select list that you want to associate
with the portfolio type. Available options are Documents, Entity Items, and
WorkView Objects .

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

6. Click Add. The Add Portfolio Relation dialog box is displayed.

Studio - Workflow Configuration

7. Select the appropriate relation.
8. Click OK.
9. Repeat steps 6 to 8 for each portfolio relationship you want to associate with the
portfolio type.
10. Click OK when finished.
You can locate a specific, existing portfolio type by entering text that will identify the
portfolio type in the Find field. The portfolio types displayed will be narrowed down to
the portfolio types that contain the characters entered.
You can modify an existing portfolio type by selecting it and clicking Modify.

Creating a Life Cycle

You can create life cycles from either the ribbon button or from a right-click menu.

Types of Life Cycles

In OnBase Studio, you can configure a life cycle to process different types of items. Life
cycle types include the following:
Documents: Route and process documents in OnBase.
Agenda Item: Route and process agenda items in OnBase. This life cycle type requires an
Agenda Management license.
Meeting: Route and process meetings in OnBase.This life cycle type requires an Agenda
Management license.
Plan Review Project: Route and process plan review projects in OnBase. This life cycle
type requires an Electronic Plan Review license.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Managed Folders: Route and process entire managed folders in OnBase. This life cycle
type required a Records Management license.
WorkView Objects: Route and process WorkView objects in OnBase. This life cycle type
requires a WorkView license.
Studio - Workflow Configuration

External User Requests: Route and process external user requests in OnBase. This life
cycle type requires an External Access Client license.

Creating a Life Cycle for Documents

To create a life cycle:

1. You can create a life cycle by completing one of the following two actions:
Click the Life Cycle button in the Workflow ribbon within the New ribbon group or
right-click in a repository in the Repositories pane within the Workflow tab and
select New | Life Cycle.

2. Enter a Name for the life cycle.

3. Select the Documents for the type of items that will processed in the life cycle.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

4. If you would like the life cycle to be compatible with versions of OnBase previous
to 12, do not select the Create a Unity Life Cycle option.

Note: Unity Life Cycles that route items other than documents can be viewed only in the

Studio - Workflow Configuration

Unity Workflow and Web Client Workflow interfaces. Unity Life Cycles that route
documents can be viewed in the Core-based OnBase Client, Mobile Access for Android,
Mobile Access for iPad, Mobile Access for iPhone, Mobile Access for Windows Phone, and
Mobile Access for Windows.

Note: When the Create a Unity Life Cycle option is not selected, you must select
Documents as the item type. When not using this option, only actions and rules that can
be executed on a document will be available during configuration.

5. Click Next. The following dialog box is displayed.

6. Enter the Name for a queue you want in the life cycle.
7. Click Add or press Enter on the keyboard.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

8. Repeat steps 6 to 7 for each queue you want to add.

Note: By default an Initial queue is configured.

Studio - Workflow Configuration

Note: You can arrange queues in the list by selecting a queue and clicking the Move Up
and Move Down buttons. You can also delete queues by selecting a queue and clicking
Remove .

9. Click Next.
10. Select a Document Type from the drop-down select list that should be associated
with the life cycle. If you are configuring another type of life cycle, skip to step
11. Click Add.
12. Repeat steps 10 to 11 for each Document Type you want to associate to the life
13. Click Next.
14. Select a user group that you would like to grant rights to the life cycle from the
drop-down select list.

Note: The user group(s) assigned at the life cycle level during life cycle creation are
assigned rights to the queues created in the wizard as well.

15. Click Add.

16. Repeat steps 14 to 15 for each user group you want to grants rights to. Click
Next .
17. A summary page is displayed that details the configuration of the new life cycle.
Click Finish .

Creating a Life Cycle for Agenda Items, Meetings, Plan Review

Projects, or External User Requests

Note: You must be licensed for Agenda Management, Electronic Plan Review, or External
Access Client to configure this type of life cycle.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

To create a life cycle:

1. You can create a life cycle by completing one of the following two actions:
Click the Life Cycle button in the Workflow ribbon within the New ribbon group or

Studio - Workflow Configuration

right-click in a repository in the Repositories pane within the Workflow tab and
select New | Life Cycle.

2. Enter a Name for the life cycle.

3. Select either Agenda Item, Meeting, Plan Review Project, or External User Request
for the type of items that will processed in the life cycle.
4. If you would like items of the type specified to automatically enter the life cycle
upon creation, select the Entities of this type should automatically enter this life
cycle upon creation option.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

5. Click Next. The following dialog box is displayed.

Studio - Workflow Configuration

6. Enter the Name for a queue you want in the life cycle.
7. Click Add.
8. Repeat steps 6 to 7 for each queue you want to add.

Note: By default an Initial queue is configured.

Note: You can arrange queues in the list by selecting a queue and clicking the Move Up
and Move Down buttons. You can also delete queues by selecting a queue and clicking
Remove .

9. Click Next.
10. Select a user group that you would like to grant rights to the life cycle from the
drop-down select list.

Note: The user group(s) assigned at the life cycle level during life cycle creation are
assigned rights to the queues created in the wizard as well.

11. Click Add.

12. Repeat steps 10 to 11 for each user group you want to grants rights to. Click
Next .

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

13. A summary page is displayed that details the configuration of the new life cycle.
Click Finish .

Creating a Life Cycle for Managed Folders

Studio - Workflow Configuration

To create a life cycle to route managed folders:

1. You can create a life cycle by completing one of the following two actions:
Click the Life Cycle button in the Workflow ribbon within the New ribbon group or
right-click in a repository in the Repositories pane within the Workflow tab and
select New | Life Cycle.

2. Enter a Name for the life cycle.

3. Select the Managed Folders for the type of items that will processed in the life

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

4. Click Next. The following dialog box is displayed.

Studio - Workflow Configuration

5. Enter the Name for a queue you want in the life cycle.
6. Click Add.
7. Repeat steps 5 to 6 for each queue you want to add.

Note: By default an Initial queue is configured.

Note: You can arrange queues in the list by selecting a queue and clicking the Move Up
and Move Down buttons. You can also delete queues by selecting a queue and clicking
Remove .

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

8. Click Next.

Studio - Workflow Configuration

9. Select a managed folder type from the Managed Folder Types drop-down select list
that you want to be processed by the life cycle.
10. Click Add.
11. Repeat steps 9 to 10 for each queue you want to add.
12. Click Next.
13. Select a user group that you would like to grant rights to the life cycle from the
drop-down select list.

Note: The user group(s) assigned at the life cycle level during life cycle creation are
assigned rights to the queues created in the wizard as well.

14. Click Add.

15. Repeat steps 13 to 14 for each user group you want to grants rights to. Click
Next .
16. A summary page is displayed that details the configuration of the new life cycle.
Click Finish .

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Creating a Life Cycle for WorkView Objects

To create a life cycle:

1. You can create a life cycle by completing one of the following two actions:
Click the Life Cycle button in the Workflow ribbon within the New ribbon group or
Studio - Workflow Configuration

right-click in a repository in the Repositories pane within the Workflow tab and
select New | Life Cycle.

2. Enter a Name for the life cycle.

3. Select the WorkView Objects for the type of items that will processed in the life

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

4. Click Next. The following dialog box is displayed.

Studio - Workflow Configuration

5. Enter the Name for a queue you want in the life cycle.
6. Click Add.
7. Repeat steps 5 to 6 for each queue you want to add.

Note: By default an Initial queue is configured.

Note: You can arrange queues in the list by selecting a queue and clicking the Move Up
and Move Down buttons. You can also delete queues by selecting a queue and clicking
Remove .

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

8. Click Next.
Studio - Workflow Configuration

9. Select the Application from the drop-down select list that contains the class you
want to associate with the life cycle.
10. Select the Class from the drop-down select list that you want to associate with the
life cycle.
11. Select Delay Adding to Workflow if you want the object to be added to Workflow
after it is first saved instead of when it is initially created. To remove this option
from a selected class, deselect the check box in the Delay Adding to Workflow
12. Click Add.
13. Repeat steps 9 to 12 for each queue you want to add.
14. Click Next.
15. Select a user group that you would like to grant rights to the life cycle from the
drop-down select list.

Note: The user group(s) assigned at the life cycle level during life cycle creation are
assigned rights to the queues created in the wizard as well.

16. Click Add.

17. Repeat steps 15 to 16 for each user group you want to grants rights to. Click
Next .

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OnBase 16 Workflow

18. A summary page is displayed that details the configuration of the new life cycle.
Click Finish .

Canceling Item Creation

Studio - Workflow Configuration

When you create a new item, such as a life cycle, queue, rule, or action, you can cancel
the creation of the item by pressing the Esc key on the keyboard while you are entering
the name of the item.

Checking Life Cycles In and Out

In order to configure a life cycle, it must be checked out. If a user does not have a life
cycle checked out, the user cannot make changes to the configuration of the life cycle.
While a user does have life cycle checked out, other users cannot make changes to the
configuration of the life cycle. Upon creating a new life cycle, the life cycle is
automatically checked out.

Checking In
To check in a life cycle:

1. In the Repositories pane within the Workflow tab, select the life cycle you want to
check in, right-click and select Check In or click Check In on the Workflow ribbon.
If edits were made and the repository was not saved, a message stating The life
cycle has been modified and must be saved before it can be checked in is displayed.
2. Click OK.
3. On the Home tab, click Save.
4. Repeat step 1.

After saving the repository, you can check in all life cycles in a repository by right-
clicking on a life cycle in the Repositories pane and selecting Check In All .
In addition, when you close OnBase Studio, all life cycles are automatically checked back

Checking Out
To check out a life cycle, complete one of the following tasks:
• In the Repositories pane within the Workflow tab, select the life cycle you want
to check out, right-click and select Check Out or click Check Out on the Workflow
• With the life cycle selected in the Repositories pane, within the Workflow tab,
that you want to check out, click the check out link in the Properties pane.

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Workflow OnBase 16

Life Cycle General Options

The following options can be configured for a selected life cycle in the General tab of the
Properties pane.
Studio - Workflow Configuration

Option Description

Help Text An optional description of the life cycle that displays in the User
Interaction window when viewing the life cycle in the Client

Institutional Select this check box if you are creating a life cycle for a Layer 2 or
Layer 3 institutional database.

Note: Selecting this check box automatically sets every queue in

the life cycle to also be institutional.

Initial Queue Specifies the queue that initially receives the documents into the
life cycle.

Work Folder
Note: This option is not available in Unity Life Cycles.

An optional setting to select a dynamic Workflow folder for related

documents. This can be overridden at the queue level.

Note: Only folder types configured as Workflow folders will be

displayed for selection in the Work Folder drop-down select list.

Make Available In This drop-down select list allows you to specify what interfaces the
life cycle is available in. When configuring standard life cycles, you
can select the Classic interface (deprecated) option to only allow
the life cycle to be available when using the Classic View in the
OnBase Client. You can select Core-based interfaces to allow the
life cycle to be available in all interfaces using Core Services. Select
Both for the life cycle to be available in all interfaces. Select None
to not make the life cycle available in any interface.
When configuring Unity Life Cycles, you can select Core-based
interfaces or None.

Portfolio Type
Note: This option is available when configuring a Unity Life Cycle.

Determines what items are displayed in the Related Items pane

when a primary item is selected. This can be overridden at the
queue level.
For more information on portfolio types, see Configuring Portfolio
Types on page 235.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Option Description

Institution This drop-down list is available when you are working in a life cycle
for a Layer 2 or Layer 3 institutional database. This drop-down list

Studio - Workflow Configuration

is used to filter the Organizational Chart and Calendar drop-down
lists, so that they only show selections related to the selected
The following icon is used to denote the options that can be
configured per institution:

Organizational Chart Select the configured organizational chart you want to associate
with the life cycle.

Note: Organizational charts are configured in the

Configuration module. See the Org Charts and Calendars
section in the Workflow documentation for more information.

Calendar Select the configured calendar you want to associate with the life

Note: Calendars are configured in the Configuration module.

See the Org Charts and Calendars section in the Workflow
documentation for more information.

Content Type Specifies the type of items that the life cycle contains. This is not

Entities of this type When selected, items of the type specified in the Content Type
should automatically drop-down select list automatically enter the life cycle upon
enter this life cycle creation.
upon creation
Note: This option is only available when configuring content types
for Agenda Items, Meetings, or Plan Review Projects.

Configuring Life Cycles to Support Ownership

Note: Ownership is only available for Unity Life Cycles.

Ownership allows a user to have persistent and exclusive access to items within a
Workflow life cycle that they are working on. In order to use ownership functionality, the
life cycle must be configured to allow ownership. To configure a life cycle for ownership:

1. Select the life cycle you want to configure:

2. In the General tab, select the Supports Ownership check box.

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Workflow OnBase 16

3. Enter the maximum number of items a user can own at a time in the Maximum
Number of Items Owned by User field.
Once a user has reached the maximum number of items that can be owned in a
life cycle, ownership of additional items can not be assigned using the Take
Ownership button from the ribbon, using the Change Owner dialog box, or
Studio - Workflow Configuration

assigned from the Queue Administration dialog box. If an ad hoc task is configured
with the option Task Executor Takes Ownership and is executed by a user that
owns the maximum number of items, the task will not execute.

Note: When Maximum Number of Items Owned by User is set to 0, the number of items
owned by a user is unlimited.

Caution: The action Assign Ownership will ignore the ownership limits defined by the
Maximum Number of Items Owned by User setting.

Ownership and Coverage

When using ownership with a queue configured for coverage, a user that is covering for
another user will have access to the items the user being covered for owns. Without
coverage, users would only be able to see the items they own.

Ownership and Load Balancing

When ownership is used in conjunction with load balancing, items can only be viewed by
their owners within Workflow. Ownership takes precedence over load balancing.
An example of when this would be useful is the following. There is a group of
underwriters. Claims are load balanced to different tiers of underwriters based on claim
value. After the claims are load balanced to different groups of underwriters, a single
underwriter within a group can own an item to work on. When an item is owned, only
that underwriter can work on the claim.

Assigning User Groups to a Life Cycle

User groups can be assigned to a life cycle in the User Groups tab of the Properties pane.
To assign a user group to a life cycle.

1. In the User Groups tab, click Add .

2. Select the check box next to the user group you want to grant rights to.
If you want to only view the user groups that are currently assigned rights, select
the Show only included items check box. You can also use the Find field to enter
the name of a user group you want to find.
3. Select the check box above the list of user groups to toggle between selecting all
user groups, no user groups, or the user groups already selected.
4. When you are done configuring the user group rights, click OK .
5. Select a user group.

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OnBase 16 Workflow

6. To grant rights to the life cycle in client interfaces, select the Execute check box.
To grants rights for the user group to configure the life cycle, select the Configure
check box.
7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 for each user group.

Studio - Workflow Configuration

Tip: You can access the User Groups dialog box by pressing Alt + a on the keyboard.

Assigning Document Types to a Life Cycle

Note: This only applies to life cycles that route documents

Document Types are assigned to a life cycle in the Document Types tab of the Properties
To assign a Document Type to a life cycle:

1. In the Document Types tab, click Add .

2. Select the check box next to the Document Type you want to assign to the life
If you want to only view the Document Types that are currently assigned, select
the Show only included items check box. You can also use the Find field to enter
the name of a Document Type you want to find.
3. Select the check box above the list of Document Types to toggle between
selecting all Document Types, no Document Types, or the Document Types
already selected.
4. When you are done configuring the Document Types, click OK .
You can remove a Document Type assignment by selecting it and clicking Remove .

Caution: If you assign a Document Type to both Unity Life Cycles and standard life cycles,
when using the Classic Client Workflow interface, when a document is added to life cycles,
the document is only added to the standard life cycles the document’s Document Type is
associated with. The document will not be added to any Unity Life Cycles the document’s
Document Type is associated with.

Assigning Managed Folder Types to a Life Cycle

Note: This only applies to life cycles that route managed folders.

Managed folders are assigned to a life cycle in the Managed Folder Types tab of the
Properties pane.

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Workflow OnBase 16

To assign a managed folder type to a life cycle:

1. In the Managed Folder Types tab, click Add.

2. Select the check box next to the managed folder type you want to assign to the
life cycle.
Studio - Workflow Configuration

If you want to only view the managed folder types that are currently assigned,
select the Show only included items check box. You can also use the Find field to
enter the name of a managed folder type you want to find.
3. Select the check box above the list of managed folder types to toggle between
selecting all managed folder types, no managed folder types, or the managed
folder types already selected.
5. When you are done configuring the managed folder types, click OK .
You can remove a managed folder type assignment by selecting it and clicking Remove.

Note: If you do not have rights to a managed folder, you will be able to see the folder in
Workflow; however, if you do not have rights to the documents within the managed
folder, you will not be able to view those documents within Workflow.

Assigning Application Class to a Life Cycle

Note: This only applies to life cycles that route WorkView objects.

Application classes are assigned to a life cycle in the Application Classes tab of the
Properties pane. In order for objects to be routed in a life cycle, they must belong to an
assigned application class.
To assign an application class to a life cycle:

1. In the Application Classes tab, select an Application from the drop-down select list.
2. Select the Class from the drop-down select list in which the objects belong that
will be routed through the life cycle.
3. Select Delay Adding to Workflow if you want the object to be added to Workflow
after it is first saved instead of when it is initially created. To remove this option
from a selected class, deselect the check box in the Delay Adding to Workflow
4. Click Add.

You can remove an application class assignment by selecting it and clicking Remove .

Configuring a Life Cycle Icon

An icon is assigned to a life cycle in the Icon tab of the Properties pane.
To assign an icon, select the correct icon from the Small Icon drop-down select list.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Password Protecting Life Cycle Configuration

You can password protect a life cycle to require a password in order to make
configuration changes to a life cycle. To password protect a life cycle:

Studio - Workflow Configuration

1. In the Repositories pane within the Workflow tab, right-click on a checked out life
cycle and select Password Protect or select the life cycle and click Password Protect
on the Workflow ribbon.

2. Select the Password Protect option.

3. Enter the Password.
4. Enter the password again in the Confirm Password field.
5. Click OK.

When a life cycle is protected, upon checking out the life cycle, a dialog box similar to
the following is displayed.

Enter the password in the field to configure the life cycle and click OK.

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Workflow OnBase 16

Copying Life Cycles

You can copy a life cycle and create a new life cycle that is an exact duplicate of the
original. To copy a life cycle:

1. Select the life cycle, right-click and select Copy. The Copy Life Cycles Wizard is
Studio - Workflow Configuration


2. If you want to copy multiple life cycles, you can select a life cycle and click Add .
Repeat this for every life cycle you want to copy.
3. Click Next.
4. Select the repository to which you want to copy the life cycle. If you want to copy
the life cycle to a different repository, select Include Referenced Organizational
Charts to include any organizational charts associated with the life cycle.
5. Click Next.
If you are copying the life cycle to the same repository, continue to the next step.
If you are copying the life cycle to a different repository, skip to step 9.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

6. Choose what type of copy you want to create:

Studio - Workflow Configuration

• Copy the Life Cycles - This creates copies of the life cycles that are
independent of the original life cycles.
• Create Reference Copies - This creates copies of the life cycles, but it does not
copy any associated items, such as Document Types or WorkView Classes.
Reference copies do not appear in any of the Workflow interfaces because
the Make Available In option is set to None in the life cycle’s property pane.
• Create Working Copies - This creates complete copies of the life cycles, and it
removes the associated items, such as Document Types or WorkView
Classes, from the original life cycles. Any references to actions or rules in the
original life cycles are updated to refer to the new life cycles. New items
entering the life cycles will enter the copied life cycles, not the original ones.
7. Select a copy type, then click Next . The following page is displayed:

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Studio - Workflow Configuration

8. Enter a New Name for each copied life cycle. The new life cycle name must be
unique. By default, the value in the New Name field is the original life cycle name
followed by (1) .
9. Click Next. A summary page is displayed.
10. Click Finish .

Converting Life Cycles

You can convert a standard life cycle to a Unity life cycle. To convert a life cycle:

1. In the Workflow tab within the Repositories pane, right-click on the life cycle you
want to convert and select Convert to Unity Life Cycle.
2. Are you sure you want to convert <life cycle name>? is displayed. Click Yes to
continue the conversion. Click No to cancel the conversion.

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OnBase 16 Workflow

3. If any settings that are not supported in Unity life cycles are found in the life cycle
during the conversion process, a Conversion Results dialog box is displayed.

Studio - Workflow Configuration

This dialog box lists the items that could not be fully converted. You can click Save
to File to save the information to a text file. Click Close when finished with this
dialog box.
4. The newly converted life cycle will have the same name as the converted life cycle
followed by (1).

Creating Queues
Queues can be added to life cycles as needed.
To create a new queue:

1. In the Repositories pane within the Workflow tab, right-click on the checked out
life cycle you want to add a queue to and select New | Queue.
2. Enter the name for the queue.
3. Press Enter on the keyboard.
4. Configure the queue as appropriate.

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Workflow OnBase 16

Within each queue there are the following folders:

• System Work : this folder contains system work associated with the queue. When
you select this folder you can configure Overview and Details information on the
Documentation tab that will be included in generated documentation.
• Ad Hoc User Tasks : this folders contains ad hoc tasks associated with the queue.
Studio - Workflow Configuration

When you select this folder, all tabs in the Properties pane relate to the queue.
• Timers: this folder contains timers associated with the queue. When you select
this folder, all tabs in the Properties pane relate to the queue.
• Transitions : this folder contains transitions associated with the queue. When
you select this folder, all tabs in the Properties pane relate to the queue.

Configuring Queues
General queue configuration options are configured in the General tab in the Properties
pane. The following options are available.

Parameter Description

Description Optional area to add comments about the queue’s function. For
informational purposes only and is not displayed in the Client.

Help Text Optional area to add instructions, tips or any information that may
be useful to the users of this queue. This information displays in the
User Interaction window when the queue is selected.

Double-Click Begins Double-clicking an item in the inbox window triggers associated

User Work user work.

Hide Count If this option is enabled, the number of items within the queue is
not displayed in the Client module. If it is disabled, the number of
items within a queue is displayed. If no items exist in a queue, a
zero will be displayed for the count.

Note: For the Web Client, if the Web Server’s web.config file
ShowQueueCounts option is set to true, it will not override the
individual queue's Hide Count setting. If ShowQueueCounts is set
to false, no queue counts will be displayed.

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OnBase 16 Workflow

Parameter Description

Exclusive Viewing Permits only one user to view the item at a time. Another user can
retrieve the item in a Client retrieval interface, but not through

Studio - Workflow Configuration

Workflow. An item that exists in multiple queues in different life
cycles that have this setting enabled will only permit the items to be
opened in one queue at a time. If the item lives in two life cycles in
two queues and if one queue has this setting enabled and the other
does not, the same item is available for viewing in both queues by
two different users.

Note: This option controls item access within a queue.

Note: When this option is applied, items open within the queue
cannot have a system task executed upon it from the document
retrieval hit list, the document viewer, or a folder.

Note: When a user selects multiple items within the Inbox using the
CTRL or SHIFT keys, Process Lock Administration will only display
the last document selected. This applies to the OnBase Client Core-
based interface.

Note: When a queue is configured with the Exclusive Viewing

option and routes WorkView objects, and a WorkView object
in that queue is viewed in WorkView, no ad hoc tasks for the
queue are available to be executed on that WorkView object.
However, the ad hoc tasks can be executed on the WorkView
object when it is viewed in Workflow.

Disable Logging Every time an item enters or exits a queue, an entry is made in the
Workflow log. Checking this option disables the logging function.

Auto-Feed Automatically displays the next available item in the viewer.

When configuring a queue in a life cycle that supports ownership in
a Unity Life Cycle, the Automatic Ownership check box is enabled
when the Auto-Feed option is selected. When you select Automatic
Ownership for a queue, items that are auto-fed to users are
automatically assigned ownership to the user who receives the
item. This option also prevents a user from entering a queue that is
configured with the Auto-Feed option, leaving the queue, and
returning to the queue to be auto-fed a different item.

Note: When a queue is configured with the Auto-Feed option

and routes WorkView objects, and a WorkView object in that
queue is viewed in WorkView, no ad hoc tasks for the queue
are available to be executed on that WorkView object.
However, the ad hoc tasks can be executed on the WorkView
object when it is viewed in Workflow.

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Workflow OnBase 16

Parameter Description

Hidden Hides the queue in the Client’s Tree View and Graphic Layout, even
if the user has rights to the queue.

Auto-Select Next Item

Studio - Workflow Configuration

Note: This option applies to the Core-based OnBase Client, the

Unity Client, and the ActiveX Web Client Workflow interfaces.

When a single item is selected before execution of an action, if the

selected item is not transitioned out of the queue, it is displayed.
When the item selected is transitioned out of the queue, the next
item available in the queue is displayed.
When multiple items are selected before execution of an action,
when the displayed item is still in the queue, it is displayed again.
When the displayed item is not in the queue, the first item within
the selection that remains in the queue is displayed. If no item
within the selection is found, no item will be displayed. If all
selected items are transitioned out of the queue, the next available
item is selected.

Note: If the current queue is configured for exclusive viewing,

Workflow will loop through the selected items, starting from the first
item in the selection, to find the first available item. If an available
item is found, it displays.

Available in Combined When this option is selected, the queue will be available for
View selection when configuring the Combined View.

Note: This option is only supported in the Core-Based OnBase

Client, Web Client, and Unity Client interfaces.

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OnBase 16 Workflow

Parameter Description

Respect Security
Keywords Caution: This option is not supported in the Classic Client interface.

Studio - Workflow Configuration

When this option is selected, security keywords are respected when
displaying items within the queue. Only items matching security
Keyword Values assigned to the logged-in user that belong to the
Document Types assigned at the queue level for security keywords
are displayed.

Note: If Document Types are not assigned to be checked for

security keywords at this level, security keyword checks are
performed on every item in the queue.

Note: If a filter is applied to a queue configured for security

keywords, the security keywords are still respected, but all
documents within Document Types configured at the filter level are
displayed regardless of whether or not the Document Types are
configured for security keywords at the queue level.

Selecting this option enables a Document Types button. Upon

clicking this button, an Document Types dialog box is displayed. If
you click the Add all document types assigned to life cycle button,
all of the Document Types currently assigned to the Life Cycle to
which the queue belongs are selected. Click Add to add specific
Document Types. Select the check box next to the Document Type
you want to assign to the queue.

Tip: To select many Document Types at once, press and hold

the CTRL key while selecting Document Types, or select
consecutive Document Types while holding the SHIFT key.
Press the space bar to select the check box for the selected
Document Types.

Select the check box above the list of Document Types to toggle
between selecting all Document Types, no Document Types, or the
Document Types already selected.
Select Show only included items if you want to filter the Document
Type list to show only those Document Types that you have
Once all Document Types you want to assign are selected, click OK.
To remove a Document Type, select the Document Type and click
Click OK when configuration is complete.

Note: It is a best practice to configure Document Types for the

Respect Security Keywords setting. If Document Types are not
configured, refreshing document lists may be slower and queue
counts may not always reflect the documents returned based on
security keyword values.

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Workflow OnBase 16

Parameter Description

Institutional When this option is selected, items in the inbox are restricted based
on institution.
Studio - Workflow Configuration

Note: This option is only available in Layer 2 and Layer 3

institutional databases.

Override Document When the For Primary Document option is checked, allows users
Modification Privilege who do not have a modify privilege to update the Keywords or
otherwise modify a primary document within the queue.

Note: If a related document is displayed as a result of a Workflow

action, for the purposes of this privilege the document will be
considered a Primary.

Note: This option allows users to modify the document and its
Keywords only within the document viewer. To modify Keywords in
the Keyword panel, a user must have the Modify Keywords User
Group Privilege.

When the For Work Folder Documents option is checked, allows

users who do not have a modify privilege to modify a document and
update its keywords for a document within the Work Folder within
the queue.

Note: Users do not need access to the document’s Document Type

for the override to apply.

Hide Queue Queue does not display in Client Tree View or Graphic Layout if a
user does not have rights to a queue.

Show Disabled Icon If a user does not have rights to the queue:
• Queue and Icon display grayed out in the Graphic Layout of the
Client module. In some instances, a gray box will be displayed in
place of an icon.
• The queue does not appear in the Client’s Tree View.
• When using the Web Client or OnBase Client Workflow interfaces
and the Workflow Queues or Workflow Locations dialog box is
accessed, the queue name will be displayed even if the user
does not have rights to the queue. When using other interfaces,
the queue name is not displayed regardless of this setting.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

MRM Queue Options

MRM Queue options are available if your system has any of the following additional

Studio - Workflow Configuration

• HL7 Listener
• Basic HL7 Listener
• HL7 Version 3

Parameter Description

MRM Queue This option provides users access to medical record charts
residing in this queue from the Medical Records Unity Client.
If this option is selected, then the queue is accessible from the
Medical Records Unity Client. If it is disabled, then the queue is
not accessible from the Medical Records Unity Client.
The Medical Records Unity Client and medical record charts are
available on systems licensed for HL7 or the Medical Records
Management Solution.

Type If MRM Queue is selected, then the queue can be used for
Analysis or Coding in the Medical Records Unity Client.
• If this queue will be used for deficiency creation (Analysis)
or if it will be part of a Coding life cycle, then select one of
these options from the Type drop-down list.
• If the queue should be available in the Medical Records Unity
Client but should not be used for Analysis or Coding, then
select <None>.
See the Medical Records Unity Client module reference guide for
more information.

Coding Completion If Coding is selected as the MRM queue type, then the Coding
Queue Completion Queue option is available. Select this option if
Coders should be able to mark all Coding as complete on the
chart when it exits this queue.

Allowing Users to Override the Auto-Feed Setting

A user can override the Auto-Feed setting configured for queues and view all items
within a queue if one of the following is true:
•the user is the Administrator user
•the user has a Workflow Administrative Processing Privilege
•the user has the Override Auto-Feed right for the queue

Understanding Auto-Feed Locks

When a queue is configured with the Auto-Feed options, locks are placed on items. When
the user first opens the auto-feed queue, the first available item in the queue is
displayed. The item has an auto-feed lock placed on it, which can be viewed by selecting
Admin | Utilities | Process Lock Administration in the OnBase Client.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

The purpose of the auto-feed lock is to prevent another user processing the same queue
from processing the same item. When an item is already locked in a queue configured
for Exclusive Viewing, the item is skipped and an auto-feed lock is not applied to the
item. When the user selects the Show All Documents right-click menu option, the auto-
feed lock is removed from the document currently displayed and the inbox displays a list
Studio - Workflow Configuration

of all the documents in the queue. When the user selects a document, no auto-feed lock
is placed on the document. It works as though the queue never was configured for auto-

Assigning User Groups to a Queue

User groups are assigned to a queue in the User Groups tab of the Properties pane.
To assign a user group to a queue:

1. In the User Groups tab, click Add .

2. Select the check box next to the user group you want to grant rights to.
If you want to only view the user groups that are currently assigned rights, select
the Show only included items check box. You can also use the Find field to enter
the name of a user group you want to find.
3. When you are done configuring the user group rights, click OK .

Tip: You can access the User Groups dialog box by pressing Alt + a on the keyboard.

If you want to assign all of the user groups currently assigned to the life cycle to the
selected queue, click Add All Assigned to Life Cycle . After clicking this button, if user
groups are added at the life cycle level, the queues user group rights are not
automatically updated.

Note: When you remove a user group assignment to a queue, if ownership is being used
and users belonging to the user group that was removed no longer have access to the
queue via another user group assignment, the owned items owned by these users will be
labeled as unowned.

Assigning an Icon to a Queue

Click the Icons tab to select an icon to symbolize the queue in the design interface and in
the Repositories window. This is an optional setting.
A selection from the Small Icon drop-down list replaces the folder with an icon in front of
the queue name in the Repositories window. The default in this view is a yellow folder.
A selection from the Large Icon drop-down list displays the icon on the queue in the
design interface and within the graphic layout in the Client.

Note: The default representation of a queue in the Graphic Layout for the Web Client
Workflow is a notebook.

Icons are only available after they have been stored in the SYS System Icons and SYS
System Bitmaps Document Types.

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OnBase 16 Workflow

Advanced Options
The following advanced options are configured at the queue level.

Studio - Workflow Configuration

Work Folder

Note: This option is not available in Unity Life Cycles.

Folders are used to contain supporting documents for the main document passing
through the life cycle. As a simplified example, a folder for an accounts payable life cycle
could contain purchase orders and vendor invoices to help users compare the quantity
ordered on the invoice against the quantity ordered on the purchase order.

Note: When selecting a work folder from the Work Folder tab, a context menu will only be
available when a document from that folder is selected.

The Work Folder drop-down select list contains folder types to which you have been
granted rights from the User Groups/Rights submenu under the User menu in the
configuration menu. If you have configured a folder for this queue, select it here.
Configuring folders is discussed in detail in the Configuration help files.

Note: Only folder types configured as Workflow folders will be displayed for selection in
the Work Folder drop-down select list.

Folders used within Workflow must have dynamic foldering configured and be set for
Workflow in the Usage section for the Folder Type Settings tab.

Portfolio Type

Note: This option is available when configuring Unity Life Cycles.

Determines what items are displayed in the Related Items pane when a primary item is selected.
Portfolio types are used to contain supporting items for the main item passing through
the life cycle. Portfolio types can relate a primary item to item of the same content type
or of a different content type. For more information on Portfolio Type see Configuring
Portfolio Types on page 235.
The Portfolio Type drop-down select list contains any portfolio types that are configured
for the content type for which the life cycle is configured. For example, portfolio types
configured with a WorkView Objects Content Type will only be available in life cycle
configured to route WorkView Objects.

Default Template

Note: This option is only available when configuring a document life cycle.

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Workflow OnBase 16

A template filters a folder of related Document Types. Apply a template to search for
specific Keyword Values and display a subset of the folder contents.

Note: Applying a template to a folder causes the documents to no longer follow the sort
order set for the folder. Instead, the documents follow the order assigned in the
Studio - Workflow Configuration


The Default Template drop-down list contains templates that have been configured in
OnBase. If you have configured a template for this queue, select it here. Configuring
templates is discussed in detail in the Configuration help files.

VB Script to Execute on Selected Document

Note: This option is not available in Unity Life Cycles.

The VB Script to Execute on Selected Document drop-down list contains all VBScripts
available for the life cycle. In addition, <None> is available as a selection.
In the Classic Client interface, when a VBScript is selected from the drop-down select
list, each time a document is clicked on within the Queue, the selected script will
In the Core-Based Client interface, when a VBScript is selected from the drop-down
select list, each time a document is selected on within the Queue, the selected script will
execute. Document selection can occur from a refresh or automatic selection, as well as
manual selection of a document in the inbox.

Note: This option is only supported in the OnBase Client.

Inbox Refresh Rate (seconds)

The Inbox Refresh Rate (seconds) field allows you to specify a queue-specific refresh rate
for the inbox and queue count. This setting overrides the Document List Refresh Rate in
the Client’s User Options dialog box. Valid values are 0-300 and is measured in seconds.
User must have focus on the queue in order for it to be added to the Global Timer and
have the inbox and document count automatically update. If Disable document list refresh
option is selected, users must change focus and then return to the queue they were
originally in to update the inbox and queue count.

Note: In order for the Inbox Refresh Rate (seconds) feature to function in the Core-based
Client interface, the Refresh tree counters Workstation Option must be selected.

Caution: Configuring the Inbox Refresh Rate (seconds) setting to a small number, making the
refresh rate more frequent, on multiple queues will impact performance.

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OnBase 16 Workflow

Sort Documents By
The Sort Documents By section allows you to set the display order for entries in the
Document window in the Client module.

Studio - Workflow Configuration

Sort Type Description

<None> Documents are not sorted.

Document Date Documents are sorted by the document date, in ascending order.

Document Handle Documents are sorted on the unique document identifier that was
stored when the document first entered the system.

Entry Time Items are sorted on the date of entry to the queue (arrival time), in
ascending order.

Name Items are sorted on the configured Auto-Name string for the
Document Type, in ascending order.

Priority Items are sorted based on the priority value that is assigned. When
sorting ascending, 1 would be the highest priority and at the top of
the list, while 999999999 would be the lowest priority. When sorting
descending, 999999999 would be the highest priority and at the top
of the list, while 1 would be the lowest priority.

Sort Descending When enabled, sets the sort order of the selected sort type
(Document Date, Document Handle, Entry Time, Name, or
Priority) to descending, instead of the default (ascending) order.

User Privileges
User privileges are configured in the Advanced tab of the Properties pane by clicking the
Configure button in the User Privileges section.
To configure user privileges for a queue:

1. In the Advanced tab of a queue, click Configure for User Privileges.

2. Click Add.
3. If you want to configure privileges for a user group, select the User Group radio
button and select the appropriate user group from the drop-down select list.
If you want to configure privileges for a user, select the User radio button and
select the appropriate user group from the drop-down select list.
4. Click OK.
5. With the user/user group selected, select check box(es) for the appropriate
6. Click OK

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Workflow OnBase 16

The following user privileges are available to grant:

Privilege Description

Load-Balancing Grants access for selected user to the Load Balancing

Studio - Workflow Configuration

Administration Administration dialog box and the functionality contained

within this dialog box.

See Other User’s Documents Grants access to the See Other User's Documents queue
right-click menu.

Note: Users can also view other user’s items if they are
Administrator users, or members of a group that has the
Workflow Administration right.

Execute System Work Grants access to the Perform System Work queue right-click

Execute Timer Grants access to the Execute Timer Work queue right-click

Ad hoc Routing Grants access to configured ad hoc tasks and the Route
Document right-click menu. For ad hoc routing, the queue
must have transitions configured.

Override Auto-Feed Grants users the right to view all items in a queue configured
with the Auto-Feed setting by granting access to the Show
All Documents right-click menu for queues configured for

Note: In the Unity interface, users with this privilege can

perform tasks on items in auto-feed queues outside of
Workflow from the Tasks tab.

Ownership Administration Grants users the right to the Queue Administration window
for the queue. The Queue Administration window allows a
user to change ownership of an item to a different user.

Note: These privileges are assigned on a per user or per User Group, per queue basis.

Queue Monitoring
Queue monitoring is configured in the Advanced tab of the Properties pane by clicking the
Configure button in the Queue Monitoring section.
Watermarks can be set to help monitor how many documents are in a queue at any
given time. These watermarks are user-configured integers which help clarify the
movements and quantity of documents in any queue.
To configure watermarks:

1.In the Advanced tab of a queue, click Configure for Queue Monitoring.
2. Select the Use queue watermarks check box.

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OnBase 16 Workflow

3.Enter the appropriate number of documents for the High Watermark Warning and
Alert levels and click the corresponding Log check box.
4.Enter the appropriate number of documents for the Low Watermark Warning and
Alert levels and click the corresponding Log check box.

Studio - Workflow Configuration

5. Click OK.

Entries will be made to the Workflow log under the following circumstances:
•A document enters the queue (i.e., the queue count is increasing) and the
document count reaches the Low Watermark alert.
•A document enters the queue (i.e., the queue count is increasing) and the
document count surpasses the High Watermark alert.
•A document leaves the queue (i.e., the queue count is decreasing) and the
document count reaches the High Watermark alert.
•A document leaves the queue (i.e., the queue count is decreasing) and the
document count goes below the Low Watermark alert.

The watermarks should be configured so that the High Watermark > Low Watermark >=
0. It is not necessary to enable and configure both watermarks.

Note: Watermarks take into account all transition and moving of documents except for
deleting and undeleting documents. If a watermark point is met by deleting or
undeleting a document, (e.g., via Document Maintenance or deleting a document from a
Document Search Results list), an entry will not be made in the Workflow log.

Note: E-Forms are supported documents for the purpose of watermarks.

Note: The Use Watermarks options are also used for Business Activity Monitor

Note: The Document Age and Monitor Keyword Sum options are used by the Workflow
Dashboard and Workflow Process Statistics StatusView portlets. These settings provide
default setting for those portlets. See the StatusView documentation for further
information regarding these settings.

Configuring Filter Options for a Queue

The Filters tab in the Properties pane allows you to configure filter options for the
selected queue.

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Workflow OnBase 16

Use Only Selected Filters

When Use only selected filters is selected, only filters configured in this tab will be
available for use in the Workflow inbox. When the check box is not selected, the
Available Filters drop-down list is disabled and all filters are listed in the Default Filter
drop-down list. When this option is checked, only the assigned filters are available.
Studio - Workflow Configuration

When the option is not selected, any custom query configured as a Workflow Filter can
be used to filter the Workflow inbox. If the user selects Filter Inbox while the inbox is
displaying the combined view, all of the custom queries that the user has permission to
and are assigned to each queue within the combined view are displayed.

Note: Work folder filters are configured at the folder level. In order for filters to be
available in the client, filters must be configured at the folder level. See the folders
documentation for more information. This is only available in the Core-based OnBase
Client and Unity Client user interfaces.

The box corresponding to the Use only selected filters check box contains a list of all
filters that have been selected for use with the queue. A filter can be removed from the
list by selecting it and clicking Remove . Only the custom queries configured as a
Workflow Filter that are assigned to the queue and that the user has permission to are
displayed for selection when Filter Inbox is displayed.

Caution: When configuring filters, limit the number of Document Types and Keyword Types
used in filters to maximize performance. The more complex a filter is, the more resources
they require to run.

Available Filters
The Available Filters drop-down select list contains all custom queries that can be used as
a filter for Workflow. This drop-down select list is only enabled when the Use only
selected filters option is selected. These custom queries are those that are configured
with the Workflow Filter option. To add a filter to the Assigned Filters box, select it from
the drop-down select list and click Add.

Default Filter
The Default Filter drop-down select list allows you to select a query to use as a default
filter for the selected queue. If the Use only selected filters option is selected, only those
filters will be available in the Default Filter drop-down for selection, otherwise, all
available custom queries configured as Workflow Filters that the user has permission to
will be available. Custom queries that are configured with the Workflow Filter option
selected in the Custom Query Options dialog box are available in this drop-down select
list.When a default filter is selected, the queue is automatically filtered and the
documents displayed reflect that filter's specifications. If you choose a filter from the
Filter Inbox right-click option, it will override the selected default filter and the display
will reflect the newly chosen filter.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

If you select Display HTML Form used by Filter, the HTML form associated with the filter
will display when the queue is selected in the Client module, allowing you to specify
search criteria by which the inbox can be filtered. If you cancel a default filter, the filter
will be applied with no Keyword Values specified.

Studio - Workflow Configuration

Note: If you use a default filter in conjunction with Use Persistent Filters option in
Workstation Options , the default filter will be ignored in the OnBase Client. In the
Desktop, the default filter will override the persistent filter. The use of persistent filters
in the Desktop is initiated by right-clicking in the Document window and selecting Filter
Inbox | Use Persistent Filters . Persistent filters are not supported in the Web Client.

Note: Use caution when using a filter with a queue configured with the Auto-Feed option.
Ensure that the desired filter will not prevent documents from displaying for any user.

Note: If the user selects Filter Inbox while the inbox is displaying the combined view, all
of the custom queries configured as a Workflow Filter that the user has permission to
and are assigned to each queue within the combined view are displayed.

Note: When a filter has Workflow Queue configured as a display column and the Combined
View is not showing, the filter applied will not show results related to the currently
selected queue.

Display Filtered Document Count

If this is checked, the queue count should count only “filtered” documents. Otherwise all
documents in the queue are counted. If this option is selected for a load balancing
queue, only documents assigned to the selected/logged-in user are counted.

Coverage Tab
When a Organizational Chart has been selected for a life cycle, you can configure queues
within that life cycle for coverage. To configure a queue for coverage:

1. In the Coverage tab, select the Coverage Type from the drop-down select list.

Workday will only check the Business calendar to see if a user is available.
Shift will check the Business calendar as well as the Shift calendar assigned to the
user to see if the user is available.
2. In the check boxes, select whom employees are going to be covered by when

Coverage Option Description

Manager When this option is selected, Workflow will traverse the associated
Org Chart to find a Manager to cover for the absent employee. The
first Manager Workflow finds relative to the employee will cover the

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Workflow OnBase 16

Coverage Option Description

Assistant When this option is selected, the employee designated as “assistant”

will cover for an absent employee.
Studio - Workflow Configuration

Note: In order for this option to take effect, an assistant must be

configured in the Org Chart for the unavailable user.

Peer When this option is selected, Workflow will traverse the associated
Org Chart to find a peer to cover for the absent employee. Any
employee within the Org Chart who shares the same role will cover
the absentee.

Required Role This option is available when Peer is selected. When configured, all
employees with rights to the queue will be able to view the documents
of unavailable users who have this role.

Note: Although this option is made available by selection of Peer, the

users who share a required role do not necessarily have to be peers in
the Org Chart.

3. Click Save to save these settings.

Note: All users that meet coverage configuration terms will be able to see documents of
absent employees.

Document coverage is not transitive. For example, when using the See Other User’s
Documents option, if Employee 1 covers for Employee 2, but Employee 2 is also covering
for Employee 3, Employee 1 will not see Employee 3’s documents.

Note: When using coverage, documents are not reassigned to available users. The
assignment to the original user is maintained, but other users are able to view the

Configuring a Load Balancing Queue

Load balancing can be configured in the Load Balance tab of queue configuration. When
Unbalanced is selected for the Load Balance Type , the queue has no special configuration.
Users with access to an unbalanced queue can see and perform work associated with any
of its documents.
Once you define a queue as load balanced, you must configure members (Configuring
Members on page 301) and a queue type (Load Balancing Queue Options on page 303).
If you are configuring load balancing in a Layer 2 or Layer 3 institutional database, the
Institution drop-down select list allows you to configure load balancing for a specific
institution. The following icon is used to denote items on the Load Balance tab that can
be configured per institution:

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OnBase 16 Workflow

For more information on configuring load balancing in a Layer 2 or Layer 3 institutional

database, see Load Balancing Considerations for Institutional Databases on page 309.

Configuring Members

Studio - Workflow Configuration

You can configure users, user groups or members.

Note: The Coverage tab is not available when Roles or User Groups is selected.

The Default Recipient drop-down list allows you to select one of the Users/User Groups/
Roles to receive the initial document when the life cycle is turned on. Documents that
cannot be assigned to a specific user (or Role) will be assigned to the default user. If you
do not want these documents to automatically be routed to a specific user, select
<Unassigned> for the Default Recipient . Documents can then be delegated to the
appropriate user through Load Balancing Administration.

Note: Rules-based load balancing will always place documents in the <Unassigned> state
if they fall outside of the configured assignment logic.

If you want to specify a Keyword Type that will contain the user, user group or role
assignment, select the appropriate Keyword Type from the Keyword to Hold Assignee
drop-down select. Upon assignment, the Keyword Type’s value will be populated with the

Note: If this is configured in conjunction with Match Keyword to User Name load balancing
queue type, the Keyword Type’s value will not be populated with the assignment.

Note: If this is configured in conjunction with Match Keyword to User Name load balancing
queue type, the Default Recipient and Keyword to Hold Assignee drop-down select lists are

Configuring Users as Members

To configure users as members:

1. Select the Members tab.

2. Select Users from the Assignment Type drop-down list.

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Workflow OnBase 16

3. You can assign specific users by clicking Add and selecting the check boxes next
to the users you want to add as members. Click OK . If you want to only view the
users that are currently configured as members, select the Show only included
items check box. You can also use the Find field to enter the name of a user you
want to find.
Studio - Workflow Configuration

You can click Add All Assigned to Queue to add all users as members that are
assigned rights to the queue.
You can click on the Roles tab, select a role from the Roles drop-down select list
and click Add to add all users that are assigned to the selected role as members
to the queue.

Caution:When configuring a Match Keyword to User Name load balancing queue, only the
Users option is supported.

Configuring User Groups as Members

To configure user groups as members:

1. Select the Members tab.

2. Select User Groups from the Assignment Type drop-down list.
3. You can assign specific user groups by clicking Add and selecting the check boxes
next to the user groups you want to add as members.
Select the check box above the list of user groups to toggle between selecting all
user groups, no user groups, or the user groups already selected.
Click OK . If you want to only view the user groups that are currently configured as
members, select the Show only included items check box. You can also use the Find
field to enter the name of a user group you want to find.
You can click Add All Assigned to Queue to add all user groups as members that are
assigned rights to the queue.

Note: If you remove a user from a user group, the user is removed from load-balancing
assignments using that OnBase user group. All existing load-balancing assignments are
removed from that user.

Note: If your system is configured to use Active Directory - Enhanced authentication or

an authentication scheme with the Remove users from this group if no matching domain
found option enabled, when a user is removed from an Active Directory group, it is then
removed from the corresponding OnBase user group. This also removes the user from
load-balancing assignments using that OnBase user group. All existing load-balancing
assignments are removed from that user.

Configuring Roles as Members

Note: Roles is only available for the Rules Based type.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

To configure roles as members:

1. Select the Roles tab.

2. You can assign specific roles by clicking Add and selecting the check boxes next to

Studio - Workflow Configuration

the roles you want to add as members. Click OK . If you want to only view the
roles that are currently configured as members, select the Show only included
items check box. You can also use the Find field to enter the name of a role you
want to find.

Load Balancing Queue Options

There are many load balancing queue options. The following queue types can be
• Allocated Percentage - see page 303 for more information.
• By Priority - see page 304 for more information.
• In Order - see page 305 for more information.
• Keyword Based - see page 305 for more information.
• Match Keyword to User Name - see page 307 for more information.
• Rules Based - see page 307 for more information.
• Shortest Queue - see page 308 for more information.

Allocated Percentage
Allocated Percentage assigns a specified percentage of the system’s items to each user.
To configure:

1. Once members are configured, click the Configure button. The Allocated
Percentage Configuration dialog box is displayed.

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Workflow OnBase 16

2. Double-click on the user/user group you want to allocate work to in the Allocated
Percentage column and enter the percentage you want to assign to that user/user
group. Repeat this step for each user/user group you want to assign work to.
3. Click OK. If allocations do not total 100%, a message stating Allocations do not
total 100 percent. Do you want to continue? is displayed. Click Yes to continue. Click
Studio - Workflow Configuration

No to return to the screen to edit the configuration.

By Priority
By Priority distributes items to users based on the priority assigned to items. Priority
values are assigned to specific user groups.

Note: Load balancing by priority is not supported in the OnBase Client Classic Workflow

To configure:

1. Once members are configured, click the Configure button. The Priority
Configuration dialog box is displayed.

2. Select a Member from the drop-down select list.

3. Select an appropriate Operator and enter a Priority value (1-999999999).
4. Click Add.
5. Repeat steps 2 to 4 for each member you want to configure.
6. Click OK.

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OnBase 16 Workflow

In Order
In Order distributes items to users in a specified order until all of the items in the system
have been assigned. As additional items enter the system, assignments continue with

Studio - Workflow Configuration

the next member or group in the rotation.
Configure members as appropriate.

Keyword Based
Keyword Based configuration distributes work depending on Keyword values. For
example, you could define keywords that allow you to sort work based in a geographic
territory or product types.

Note: This load balancing queue type is not available when configuring queues in life
cycles that have a Content Type of WorkView Objects .

To configure:

1. Once members are configured, click the Configure button. The Keyword Based
Configuration dialog box is displayed.

2. Select the Keyword Type you want to use for the assignment from the drop-down
select list.

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Workflow OnBase 16

3. Select the appropriate Operator from the drop-down.

Note: If the Keyword Type selected above is configured as an Alphanumeric Data Type,
the Operator drop-down box defaults to = and cannot be modified. However, if the
Keyword Type selected above is configured as a Numeric Data Type, the Operator drop-
Studio - Workflow Configuration

down list allows you to choose an operand.

4. Enter the Value you want to associate from the Keyword Type to the member for

Note: Wildcards are not supported. Use Rules Based Load Balancing when you cannot
specify specific values.

Note: Values entered for Keyword Types with Date Data Type and Date and Time Data
Type will be stored in the format of the locale of the user’s workstation.

Note: Regardless of the workstation’s regional settings, values entered for Currency Data
Type Keyword Types will be stored as a decimal value with two decimal places. For
example, if 11 is entered as a value, 11.00 will be stored.

5. Select the Member you want to assign the keyword value parameter to.
6. Click Add.
7. Repeat steps 2 to 6 for each member you want to use.
8. Click OK.

Caution: In order for proper document assignment, do not configure the same load
balancing criteria for more than one user or user group.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Match Keyword to User Name

Match Keyword to User Name configuration allows the system to route work to a specific
person. When configured, the system evaluates a keyword against the login user name

Studio - Workflow Configuration

on that workstation. If the Keyword Value is null (i.e., a user is not identified), work will
be routed to <Unassigned>.

Note: This load balancing queue type is only available when configuring queues in life
cycles that have a Content Type of Documents that route document item types.

Note: Configure a keyword for user name before applying this queue type.

Note: Assigning User Groups to the load balancing Match Keyword to User Name queue
type is not supported.

Note: Users configured as members for load balancing in this queue type will always
appear in Load Balancing Administration regardless of the number of documents
assigned to them.

To configure:

1. Once members are configured, click the Configure button. The Match Keyword to
User Name Configuration dialog box is displayed.

2. Select the Keyword Type that contains values that will match user names for
document assignment from the drop-down select list.
3. Click OK.

Rules Based
Rules Based configuration allows you to configure Load Balancing Work within the load
balanced queue. In addition, the following actions can be used to administer the queue:
• Assign to User
• Remove User Assignment

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Workflow OnBase 16

If desired, select the Assign to Logged-in Users check box. Selecting this option will
assign documents only to the users that are logged in. If no users are logged in, and
documents come into the system, the documents will be equally distributed among all
Studio - Workflow Configuration

Note: The Assign to Logged-in Users functionality is currently only supported in the Core.

Note: If a user in the Unity Client has reached a configured inactivity timeout, that user
is no longer consuming a license and is therefore no longer logged in, so the user will
not be assigned items in a load-balanced queue using the Assign to Logged-in Users check

Note: If there is no Load Balancing Work configured for the queue, nothing occurs when
Rebalance is selected in the client.

Load Balancing Work

When you set a load balancing queue as a Rules Based queue, you can create load
balancing work. Load balancing work occurs before system work. It can contain task
lists, actions, and rules. Often, load balancing work is used to assign users to work. To
create load balancing work:

1. In a Rules Based queue, right-click and select New | Load Balancing Work.
2. Create and configure the appropriate rules and actions with in Load Balancing
Work for the queue.

Shortest Queue
Shortest Queue initially assigns items to users one by one in an orderly fashion. As
additional items enter the system, assignments are made to the user with the fewest
unprocessed items that is encountered first by the system.
If desired, select the Assign to Logged-in Users check box. Selecting this option will
assign documents only to the users that are logged in. If no users are logged in, and
documents come into the system, the documents will be equally distributed among all

Note: The Assign to Logged-in Users functionality is currently only supported in the Core.

Note: If a user in the Unity Client has reached a configured inactivity timeout, that user
is no longer consuming a license and is therefore no longer logged in, so the user will
not be assigned items in a load-balanced queue using the Assign to Logged-in Users check

Queues are evaluated by the system in a loop. A user who processes items after the
system has encountered and evaluated his or her queue may then have the shortest
queue; however, the new item will not be assigned to that user. This is because the
system evaluated that user's queue before the documents were processed, and that user
did not have the shortest queue at the time. New items are assigned to the user who has
the shortest queue at the time the system encounters it.

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OnBase 16 Workflow

Load Balancing Considerations for Institutional Databases

For load balanced queues in Layer 2 institutional databases:
• Queues configured to load balance by user groups or roles are only supported

Studio - Workflow Configuration

for use in the Classic Client interface.
• Queues configured to load balance by user groups or users support a separate
load balancing configuration for each institution.
• Queues configured to use rules-based by roles load balancing only support a
separate Default Recipient for each institution.
For load balanced queues in Layer 3 institutional databases:
• Queues configured to load balance by user support a separate load balancing
configuration for each institution.
• Queues configured to load balance by user groups or roles do not support a
separate load balancing configuration for each institution.
If you are configuring load balancing in a Layer 2 or Layer 3 institutional database, the
following queue types can be configured per institution: Allocated Percentage, By
Priority, Keyword Based, Match Keyword to User Name. For Match Keyword to User Name
queues, the configured Keyword Type is the same for all institutions.

Creating Transitions
For the life cycle to route items manually, queues must be configured with transitions.
Transitions can either be added in the Design Layout or in the Repositories pane within
the Workflow tab.
To create a transition in the Repositories pane:

1. Select the queue you want to draw a transition from. Right-click the queue and
select New | Transition, or select Transition in the Life Cycle ribbon menu.
2. Select the queue you want to draw the transition to from the drop-down select list
available in the transition that is created.
3. Press Enter on the keyboard.

If you want to the transition to be hidden when viewing the graphic layout in a client
interface, select Hide transition in graphical layout when viewed in client in the General tab
of the Properties pane.

Tip: If you want to draw more than one transition, hold down the Ctrl keyboard key while
drawing a transition to keep the Transition tool selected.

For more information on creating transitions in Design Layout, see Life Cycle Graphical
Layout on page 354 for more information.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Depending on your configured Studio Options, the following right-click options are also
available when creating transitions:

Option Description
Studio - Workflow Configuration

New | Pre-Transition Adds a task list to be executed before the transition is executed.
Task List
Note: This requires the Enable pre and post transition task list
creation option to be enabled in Studio Options.

New | Pre-Transition Adds a rule, which is evaluated before the transition takes place. If
Test the rule evaluation returns false, the transition is canceled. If the rule
evaluation returns true, the transition proceeds. This test ensures
that a transition is allowed to proceed out of the queue.

Note: This requires the Enable pre-transition and action test rule
creation option to be enabled in Studio Options.

New | Post- Adds a task list that is to be executed when the transition completes.
Transition Task List
Note: This task is executed after the system work in the destination
queue is performed.

Note: This requires the Enable pre and post transition task list
creation option to be enabled in Studio Options.

Creating Actions
An action is a task or process performed within the life cycle or business process. Action
Types must be associated with an action created in a life cycle, otherwise the new action
will not be properly configured. When a new action is added, the Action Type drop-down
select list is activated. This drop-down select list is divided into groups, based upon what
the action does and what is affected. Once an action type is selected, OnBase prompts
you for additional information required in order to perform the task.

1.In the Repositories pane within the Workflow tab, right-click on any task list or
System Work folder within a queue, and select New | Action .
2.Type the name of the new action in the field or select an existing action from the
drop-down select list.
3.Press Enter.

Tip: In a task list or System Work folder within a queue, reorder actions by clicking them
and dragging them to a new location within the task list or System Work folder.

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OnBase 16 Workflow

Once you have added a new action, and while the action is selected, the right side of the
Properties pane displays an action configuration section.

Studio - Workflow Configuration

The information necessary to configure an action depends on the action type selected.
Choose an action type from the Action Type drop-down select list in the configuration
When configuring an action, you can click on the Action Type drop-down select list and
type the name of the action you want to use. Typing the name of the action will select
the action in the drop-down select list.

Caution: If an action is not properly and completely configured, it cannot be executed.

You can also select from the Use Property Bag drop-down to choose which type of
Property Bag you want the action to use.
• Use Session Property Bag - Select if you want to use a session property that
persists only for the duration of the user’s session.
• Use Scoped Property Bag - Select if you want to use a scoped property that
persists only for the duration of a task’s execution.
• Use Persistent Property Bag - Select if you want to use a persistent property that
persists for as long as the associated item exists in the Life Cycle.

Note: This option is only available when a persistent property can be used in a

Caution: Use the Persistent Property Bag configuration only when necessary. This
configuration option has increased processing needs and could affect performance.

The following options are also available.

Option Description

Disable Allows you the flexibility of turning off an action without deleting it. The action
can be reinstated, without reconfiguring, by deselecting this box. An action in a
disabled state appears grayed-out.

Enable Used for determining the location of logic problems in a Workflow configuration.
Debug Causes a message box to display before the execution of the rule.
To use this option in the OnBase Client, you must have the –WFTRACE switch
on the command line of the Client module and the Step Debug toolbar button or
the Debug Window open in the Client module. A command line switch is not
required to use this option in the Unity interface.

Note: This option is only supported in the Classic Client, Core-based client, and
Unity interfaces.

Log When selected and the action is executed, an entry is made in the database. If
Execution the action is disabled when an entry is made, it will be logged in the OnBase
database that the action was disabled at the time of execution.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

If the Enable pre-transition and action test rule creation option is enabled in Studio
Options, you can also create pre-action test rules by right-clicking an action and
selecting New | Pre-Action Test. This allows for the configuration of a rule that the action
is conditional upon.
For more information about Actions, see Studio - Workflow Actions on page 461.
Studio - Workflow Configuration

Copying and Pasting Actions

Once an action is configured, it can be copied and pasted into other task lists within that
life cycle, or any other life cycle, to which you have been given configuration rights. To
copy and paste an action:

1. Right-click on an action and select Copy.

2. Select the task list to receive the configured action, right-click and select Paste .
3. The Paste Options dialog box is displayed. Select Paste existing item if you want to
share the action and its settings. Select Paste a copy of the item if you want to
create a copy of the action, but not maintain a link to the original action. Changes
to the original action will not affect the new copy of the action and vice versa.
When creating a new action, if the same name is used for an action that is the same as
an existing action, the existing action will be used. The following is an example of an
action that is used in multiple places with Workflow.

Note: Actions cannot be copied in one repository and pasted to another repository.

Note: Actions cannot be copied from a Unity life cycle and pasted to a standard life cycle.
In addition, actions cannot be copied from a standard document life cycle to a Unity life
cycle that routes items other than documents.

Creating Rules
A rule is used to determine if the requirements to process a document have been met. A
rule is presented as a question that returns a true or false answer. OnBase performs a
set of actions based upon the response to the question. Some rules may also be aborted,
in which case neither course of action is taken on the document. When a new rule is
added, the Rule Type drop-down select list is activated. This drop-down select list is
divided into groups, based upon what the rule does and what is affected. Once an rule
type is selected, OnBase prompts you for additional information required in order to
perform the evaluation.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

1. In the Repositories pane within the Workflow tab, right-click on any task list or
System Work folder within a queue, and select New | Rule .

Studio - Workflow Configuration

2. Type the name of the new rule in the field or select an existing rule from the
drop-down select list.
3. Press Enter.

Tip: In a task list or System Work folder within a queue, reorder rules by clicking them
and dragging them to a new location within the task list or System Work folder.

Once you have added a new rule, and while the rule is selected, the right side of the
Properties pane displays an rule configuration section.
The remaining information necessary to configure a rule depends on the rule type
selected. Since many of the rule types have the same configuration requirements, the
rule field configuration is grouped by rule type, followed by a description of the related
rule fields.
When configuring a rule, you can click on the Rule Type drop-down select list and type
the name of the rule you want to use. Typing the name of the rule will select the rule in
the drop-down select list.

Caution: If rule is not properly and completely configured, it cannot be executed.

You can also select from the Use Property Bag drop-down to choose which type of
Property Bag you want the rule to use.
• Use Session Property Bag - Select if you want to use a session property that
persists only for the duration of the user’s session.
• Use Scoped Property Bag - Select if you want to use a scoped property that
persists only for the duration of a task’s execution.
• Use Persistent Property Bag - Select if you want to use a persistent property that
persists for as long as the associated item exists in the Life Cycle.

Note: This option is only available when a persistent property can be used in a

Caution: Use the Persistent Property Bag configuration only when necessary. This
configuration option has increased processing needs and could affect performance.

The following options are also available.

Option Description

Disable Allows you the flexibility of turning off a rule without deleting it. The rule can be
reinstated, without reconfiguring, by deselecting this box. A rule in a disabled
state appears grayed-out.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Option Description

Enable Used for determining the location of logic problems in a Workflow configuration.
Debug Causes a message box to display before the execution of the rule.
To use this option in the OnBase Client, you must have the –WFTRACE switch
Studio - Workflow Configuration

on the command line of the Client module and the Step Debug toolbar button or
the Debug Window open in the Client module. A command line switch is not
required to use this option in the Unity interface.

Note: This option is only supported in the Classic Client, Core-based client, and
Unity interfaces.

Log When selected and the rule is executed, an entry is made in the database. If the
Execution rule is disabled when an entry is made, it will be logged in the OnBase database
that the rule was disabled at the time of execution.

For more information about rules, see Studio - Workflow Rules on page 725.

Copying and Pasting Rules

Once a rule is configured, it can be copied and pasted into other task lists within that life
cycle, or any other life cycle, to which you have been given configuration rights. To copy
and paste a rule:

1. Right-click on a rule and select Copy.

2. Select the task list to receive the configured rule, right-click and select Paste.
3. The Paste Options dialog box is displayed. Select Paste existing item if you want to
share the rule and its settings. Select Paste a copy of the item if you want to create
a copy of the rule, but not maintain a link to the original rule. Changes to the
original rule will not affect the new copy of the action and vice versa.When this
option is selected, you have three additional options. You can elect to Paste the
existing children within a rule, which is maintain a link to the actions and rules
existing in the original rule. You can elect to Paste a copy of the children if you do
not want to maintain links to the originating rules and action within the rule, but
you do want a copy of the actions and rules within the pasted rule to edit as
necessary. Lastly, you can select Do not paste the children to not copy any of the
actions or rules contained in the originated rule.
When creating a new rule, if the same name is used for a rule that is the same as an
existing rule, the existing rule will be used. The following is an example of a rule that is
used in multiple places with Workflow.

Note: Rules cannot be copied in one repository and pasted to another repository.

Note: Rules cannot be copied from a Unity life cycle and pasted to a standard life cycle.
In addition, rules cannot be copied from a standard document life cycle to a Unity life
cycle that routes items other than documents.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Reverting Changes to Actions and Rules

If you change the configuration of an action or a rule, you can revert the changes before
you save the repository. Upon change a rule or action, OnBase Studio will display this in

Studio - Workflow Configuration

the Properties pane.

Click the here link to revert the changes before saving the repository.

Creating System Tasks

Each repository has system tasks. They can be found in the System Tasks folder in the
Repositories pane within the Workflow tab. System Task Lists allow you to execute a task
list without having the Workflow system open in the Client.

Note: System Tasks configured with the Set Property Value action and the Work Item Property
option selected will not execute properly.

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Workflow OnBase 16

To create a system task:

1. In the Repositories pane, right-click and select New | System Task. The Create
System Task screen is displayed.
Studio - Workflow Configuration

2. Enter a Name for the task.

3. Select the type of item the system task will execute upon from the drop-down
select list.

Note: An Agenda Management license is required to execute a system task on an Agenda

Item or Meeting. System tasks that are configured for an Agenda Item or Meeting are
displayed in the Entity Items folder.

Note: An Electronic Plan Review license is required to execute a system task on a Plan
Review Project . System tasks that are configured for a Plan Review Project are displayed
in the Entity Items folder.

If you are configuring a system task for documents and you would like the life
cycle to be compatible with versions of OnBase previous to 12, do not select the
Create a Unity System Task option.
4. Click Next.

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OnBase 16 Workflow

5. If you are configuring a system task that will execute on Documents, select a
Document Type you want to associate with the system task from the drop-down
select list.
If you are configuring a system task that will execute on Managed Folders , select a

Studio - Workflow Configuration

Managed Folder Type you want to associated with the system task from the drop-
down select list.
If you are configuring a system task that will execute on WorkView Objects , select
an Application and a Class that you want to associate with the system task from
the drop-down select lists. Repeat this for each application/class you want to
associate the system task with.

Note: System tasks configured for WorkView are specific to the class(es) they are
configured for. They cannot be successfully executed on other classes. In addition, the
user groups that have rights to the class associated with the system task must also have
rights to the system task in order to successfully execute the system task. System tasks
configured for WorkView can only be used in conjunction with WorkView events.

If you are configuring a system task with the Managed Folders, WorkView Objects ,
Agenda Item or Meeting options, skip to step 8.
6. Click Add.
7. Repeat for each Document Type you want to associate with the system task. For
an system task configured for documents, you must associate the system task list
with any Document Type on which you want to execute the task.
8. Click Next.
9. Select a User Group that you wish to grants rights to the system task from the
drop-down select list.
10. Click Add.
11. Select Execute if you want to grant Client interface access to the task. Select
Configure if you want to grant configuration rights for the task.
12. Repeat for each user group you want to grant rights to.
13. Click Finish .
14. Add appropriate actions, rules, and task lists to complete the configuration of
your system task.

Note: A system task cannot be added as a task list within another system task.

Sub folders for each type of system task are created upon a system task creation of that
type. Sub folders include: Agenda Item, Documents, Meeting, Managed Folders, and
WorkView Objects.
After the task has been created, you can configured an icon. To configure an icon:

1. Select the task and in the Properties pane, select the Icon tab.
2. Select a Small Icon and a Large Icon for the task.

Note: Changes will not be saved until the repository is saved.

In addition, you can edit the Document Types assigned to a system task in the Properties
pane’s Document Types tab for system tasks configured for documents. You can edit the
user groups assigned to a system task in the Properties pane’s User Groups tab.

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Workflow OnBase 16

Creating Ad Hoc Tasks

To create an ad hoc task:

1. With a queue folder within a life cycle selected, right-click and select New | Ad Hoc
Task or click Ad Hoc Task from the Workflow ribbon within the New ribbon group.
Studio - Workflow Configuration

The Create Ad Hoc Task wizard is displayed.

2. Click New Ad Hoc Task .

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OnBase 16 Workflow

3. Click Next.

Studio - Workflow Configuration

4. Enter a Name for the ad hoc task.
5. Enter appropriate Help Text.
6. Click Next.
7. Select an appropriate user group that you want to grant rights to the ad hoc task
from the User Group drop-down select list. Only user groups are displayed that
have rights to the queue in which the task resides.

Note: If you want to assign all of the user groups currently assigned to the queue to the
Ad Hoc Task, click Add All Assigned to Queue. After clicking this button, if user groups are
added at the queue level, the Ad Hoc Task user group rights are not automatically

8. Click Add.
9. Repeat steps 7 to 8 for each user group you would like to assign.
10. Click Next.
11. Click Finish .
12. In the Properties pane in the General tab, configure the appropriate settings for
the task list.
13. In the Properties pane, click the Documentation tab. Enter any descriptive
information that is applicable in the Overview and Details fields.
14. Add the appropriate action and/or rules to the task list.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Using an Existing Ad Hoc Task

You can use an ad hoc task that already is configured. To use an existing ad hoc task:

1. With a queue folder within a life cycle selected, right-click and select New | Ad Hoc
Task or click Ad Hoc Task from the Workflow ribbon within the New ribbon group.
Studio - Workflow Configuration

The Create Ad Hoc Task wizard is displayed.

2. If you want to use an existing task, click Use an existing Ad Hoc Task .

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OnBase 16 Workflow

3. Click Next.

Studio - Workflow Configuration

4. If you want task lists displayed for selection, select the Show Task Lists option.

Note: Tasks that already exist in the currently selected queue will not be displayed in this

5. Select a task list.

6. Click Next.
7. Click Finish .
Ad hoc tasks that are used in this way become shared tasks. All instances of a shared
task are linked.

Configuring Ad Hoc Task Lists

Within the Ad Hoc User Tasks folder, while an ad hoc task is selected, the General tab of
the Properties pane displays a task list configuration dialog box.
See the Task Options on page 332 section for options that are available for all tasks and
task lists such as Help Text, Break On options, and the Continue Execution After Transition
For information about on abort tasks, see On Abort Task Lists on page 331 for more

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Additional Task List Options

Option Description

Disable When this option is selected, users cannot drag-and-drop an item onto a task.
Studio - Workflow Configuration

When using the Unity Client or Microsoft Outlook Integration interfaces, this
option disables the task from displaying in the Task drop-down select list in the
Related Items pane.
Note: This option is only available for ad hoc tasks.

Available in When this option is selected, this task can be used with the Integration for
Outlook Microsoft Outlook 2007 or Integration for Microsoft Outlook 2010 modules. This
task can be executed directly from a Workflow e-mail notification.

Note: This option is only available for ad hoc tasks. Ad hoc tasks for queues
configured with the Auto-Feed or Exclusive Viewing options are not available
in Workflow e-mail notifications. Ad hoc tasks for load balancing queues are
only available when the document is assigned to the logged in user.

Available When this option is selected, this task can be used with the following modules:
for Mobile • Mobile Access for Android
• Mobile Access for iPad
• Mobile Access for iPhone
• Mobile Access for Windows Phone
• Mobile Access for Windows

Note: This option is only available for ad hoc tasks.

Note: Only certain actions and rules requiring user interaction are supported in
mobile modules. See the action and rule descriptions for specific support

Task When configuring an ad hoc task in a life cycle that supports ownership in a
Executor Unity Life Cycle, the Task Executor Takes Ownership option is available.
When this option is selected, when a user executes the task, the user
automatically owns the item the task was executes upon.

Password Protection

Caution: This option is not supported when using Single Sign-On.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

You can password protect task list execution. If you select None, no password protection
is configured. If you select Task, when an ad hoc task is initiated in the Workflow Client,
users will be prompted to enter their passwords once, regardless of the number of
documents that are selected. If you select Document, when an ad hoc task is initiated in

Studio - Workflow Configuration

the Workflow Client, user will be prompted to enter their passwords for each document
that the ad hoc task will be executed upon.

Note: In the Core-based Workflow interfaces, a transaction is logged whether or not the
user enters a correct password.

When a password protection task is executed, it is logged for each document it was
executed upon and will display on the Workflow Transactions tab of the Document History
dialog box. If Disable Logging is selected at the queue level, this is not logged.

Note: When using Active Directory or LDAP authentication, if the wrong password is
entered exceeding the configured failed login attempt limit, the user account is locked in
Active Directory.

Configuring Shortcut Keys for Ad Hoc Tasks

Ad hoc tasks can be configured to execute after pressing user-defined shortcut keys.
Shortcuts are configured in the General tab.

Caution: Prior to deployment, all shortcuts must be tested in order to avoid unexpected
conflicts or behavior.

Note: Ad hoc task shortcuts are only supported in the Unity Client and the Web Client.

To configure a shortcut for an ad hoc task:

1. In the General tab, click Configure .

The Shortcut dialog is displayed.

2. Press the desired combination of keys to execute the ad hoc task.

The following keys are possible as modifiers:
• Ctrl

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

• Alt
• Ctrl + Alt
• Ctrl + Shift
• Alt + Shift
Studio - Workflow Configuration

Note: Shift is not able to be used alone as a modifier. Only alphanumeric keys are

Caution: Before deploying any shortcuts, make sure to test the desired shortcut key
combinations in the production environment to ensure there are no conflicts with existing
OnBase, Windows, or any other third party system shortcuts.

3. When finished, click OK to save the configuration.

Click Cancel to close the dialog without saving any changes.

Assigning User Groups to an Ad Hoc Task

User groups are assigned to an ad hoc task in the User Groups tab of the Properties pane.
To assign a user group to the ad hoc task:

1. In the User Groups tab, click Add .

2. Select the check box next to the user group you want to grant rights to.
If you want to only view the user groups that are currently assigned rights, select
the Show only included items check box. You can also use the Find field to enter
the name of a user group you want to find.
3. When you are done configuring the user group rights, click OK .

Tip: You can access the User Groups dialog box by pressing Alt + a on the keyboard.

If you want to assign all of the user groups currently assigned to the life cycle to the
selected ad hoc task, click Add All Assigned to Life Cycle. After clicking this button, if user
groups are added at the life cycle level, the ad hoc task user group rights are not
automatically updated.

1. To assign an icon to represent the task, click the Icon tab.
2. Select an icon from the drop-down list to represent the task in the Tasks Window
and an icon from the Small Icon drop-down list to represent the task in the
Repositories pane.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Copying and Pasting Ad Hoc Tasks

Once an ad hoc task is configured, it can be copied and pasted within that life cycle, or
any other life cycle, to which you have been given configuration rights. To copy and

Studio - Workflow Configuration

paste an ad hoc task:

1. Right-click on an ad hoc task and select Copy.

2. Select the queue to receive the configured ad hoc task, right-click and select
Paste .
3. The Paste Options dialog box is displayed. Select Paste existing item if you want to
share the ad hoc task and its settings.
Select Paste a copy of the item if you want to create a copy of the ad hoc task, but
not maintain a link to the original ad hoc task. Changes to the original ad hoc task
will not affect the new copy of the ad hoc task and vice versa. Select Paste the
existing children if you want to paste everything configured under the task and
maintain a link to the originals. Select Paste a copy of the children if you want to
paste everything configured under the task, but you do not want to maintain a
link. Changes to the original children will not affect the new copy and vice versa.
Select Do not paste the children if you do not want to paste everything configured
under a task.

Note: Ad Hoc Tasks cannot be copied in one repository and pasted to another repository.

Configuring Filter Rules for Ad Hoc Tasks

Users can configure rules that determine whether an ad hoc task should be displayed for
execution for the currently selected item(s). As long as all of the configured rules return
true when evaluated against the currently selected item(s), the ad hoc task will display;
otherwise, it will not be available for execution. If no items are currently selected, all
tasks are displayed regardless of defined filter rules.

Note: User interaction is not supported in filter rules.

Note: Filter rules for ad hoc tasks are not supported in the OnBase Client Classic
Workflow Interface.

Note: Task lists for rules configured as filter rules are not executed regardless of the
result of the rule evaluation. These rules are used strictly to determine whether or not
an ad hoc task should be displayed.

Once a filter rule has been configured for an ad hoc task, a Filter Rules folder is displayed
under the task in the Repositories pane within the Workflow tab.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

To configure filter rules for an ad hoc task:

1. In the Repositories pane within the Workflow tab, select the ad hoc task for which
you would like to configure filter rules, right-click and select New | Filter Rule.
2. A filter rule is displayed. Type the name of the new rule in the field or select an
Studio - Workflow Configuration

existing rule from the drop-down select list.

3. Press Enter.

Note: The On True and On False task lists do not need to be configured. It is
recommended that you not configure these for filter rules. The rule evaluation for a filter
rule is used to determine if the ad hoc task should be displayed.

Once you have added a new rule, and while the rule is selected, the right side of the
Properties pane displays an rule configuration section.
The remaining information necessary to configure a rule depends on the rule type
selected. Since many of the rule types have the same configuration requirements, the
rule field configuration is grouped by rule type, followed by a description of the related
rule fields.
When configuring a rule, you can click on the Rule Type drop-down select list and type
the name of the rule you want to use. Typing the name of the rule will select the rule in
the drop-down select list.

Caution: If rule is not properly and completely configured, it cannot be executed.

You can also select from the Use Property Bag drop-down to choose which type of
Property Bag you want the rule to use.
• Use Session Property Bag - Select if you want to use a session property that
persists only for the duration of the user’s session.
• Use Scoped Property Bag - Select if you want to use a scoped property that
persists only for the duration of a task’s execution.
• Use Persistent Property Bag - Select if you want to use a persistent property that
persists for as long as the associated item exists in the Life Cycle.

Note: This option is only available when a persistent property can be used in a

Caution: Use the Persistent Property Bag configuration only when necessary. This
configuration option has increased processing needs and could affect performance.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

The following options are also available.

Option Description

Studio - Workflow Configuration

Disable Allows you the flexibility of turning off a rule without deleting it. The rule can be
reinstated, without reconfiguring, by deselecting this box. A rule in a disabled
state appears grayed-out.

Enable Used for determining the location of logic problems in a Workflow configuration.
Debug Causes a message box to display before the execution of the rule.
To use this option in the OnBase Client, you must have the –WFTRACE switch
on the command line of the Client module and the Step Debug toolbar button or
the Debug Window open in the Client module. A command line switch is not
required to use this option in the Unity interface.

Note: This option is only supported in the Classic Client, Core-based client, and
Unity interfaces.

Log When selected and the rule is executed, an entry is made in the database. If the
Execution rule is disabled when an entry is made, it will be logged in the OnBase database
that the rule was disabled at the time of execution.

For more information about rules, see Studio - Workflow Rules on page 725.

Copying and Pasting Rules

Once a rule is configured, it can be copied and pasted into other task lists within that life
cycle, or any other life cycle, to which you have been given configuration rights. To copy
and paste a rule:

1. Right-click on a rule and select Copy.

2. Select the task list to receive the configured rule, right-click and select Paste.
3. The Paste Options dialog box is displayed. Select Paste existing item if you want to
share the rule and its settings. Select Paste a copy of the item if you want to create
a copy of the rule, but not maintain a link to the original rule. Changes to the
original rule will not affect the new copy of the action and vice versa.When this
option is selected, you have three additional options. You can elect to Paste the
existing children within a rule, which is maintain a link to the actions and rules
existing in the original rule. You can elect to Paste a copy of the children if you do
not want to maintain links to the originating rules and action within the rule, but
you do want a copy of the actions and rules within the pasted rule to edit as
necessary. Lastly, you can select Do not paste the children to not copy any of the
actions or rules contained in the originated rule.
When creating a new rule, if the same name is used for a rule that is the same as an
existing rule, the existing rule will be used. The following is an example of a rule that is
used in multiple places with Workflow.

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Workflow OnBase 16

Note: Rules cannot be copied in one repository and pasted to another repository.

Note: Rules cannot be copied from a Unity life cycle and pasted to a standard life cycle.
Studio - Workflow Configuration

In addition, rules cannot be copied from a standard document life cycle to a Unity life
cycle that routes items other than documents.

Note: Filter rules can copied to a Filter Rules folder from another location and from a
Filter Rules folder to another location.

Adding a Task to the Ad Hoc Task List

You can add rules, actions, and other task lists to an ad hoc task.
You can add a rule to a task list by either right-clicking on the task and selecting New |
Rule or clicking the Rule button from the Workflow ribbon within the New ribbon group.

You can add a action to a task list by either right-clicking on the task and selecting New
| Action or clicking the Action button from the Workflow ribbon within the New ribbon
You can add a task list to an ad hoc task list by either right-clicking on the task and
selecting New | Task List or clicking the Task List button from the Workflow ribbon within
the New ribbon group.

Web/API Task Folder

Note: This is legacy functionality and are no longer required to be configured separately
from standard ad hoc user tasks. These are supported for systems configured before the
support of ad hoc tasks in the Web Client.

This type of task list allows you to create tasks for the web-view task list that emulate
functionality available on the non web-based Client module.
The Web/API Tasks folder is only displayed in a queue if a Web/API task exists. To create
a Web/API task:

1. Right-click on a queue and select New | Web/API Task.

2. Enter the name for the task and add Help Text.
3. Click Next.
4. Select a User Group from the drop-down select list.
5. Click Add.

Note: If you want to assign all of the user groups currently assigned to the queue to the
Web/API Task, click Add All Assigned to Queue. After clicking this button, if user groups
are added at the queue level, the Web/API Task user group rights are not automatically

6. Repeat steps 4 to 5 for each user group you want to add.

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OnBase 16 Workflow

7. Click Next.
8. Click Finish .

Studio - Workflow Configuration

Creating Task Lists
A task list is a series of actions and rules that are executed with respect to an item in a
queue, or the current item in the system. When a task list for a item is initiated, the task
list is executed on the item until the item transitions out of the queue that began the
task list. A task list is also referred to as work.
Task lists, including task lists that are initiated by timers, do not respect document
locks. A document lock may be placed on an item when another user is viewing or
modifying an item or if the system was closed improperly while the item was being
viewed or modified. If a document lock is placed on an item outside of Workflow, and a
task list is executed on the same item within Workflow, the task list is executed on that
item regardless of the document lock. For this reason, Workflow processes should be
designed so that users are not modifying items outside of Workflow at the same time
that these items are being processed by Workflow.

Tip: A Workflow process can be configured to respect a document lock by using the Check
In and Check Out actions together with other tasks.

Task list execution does respect process locks, which are locks placed on an item by a
system process. When a task list is run on multiple items and an item is encountered
that is locked by a process lock, the locked item is not processed by the task list, a
message is logged in Document History, and the task list is executed on the other
unlocked items. Process locks placed on an item by a user other than the user executing
the task list are not removed when the task list is complete. If an item processed by the
task list has a process lock, the last execution result is false. Actions that deal with
related items vary in behavior regarding last execution results. See Last Execution
Result Behavior for Related Items on page 721 for more information . In addition, action
behave differently when working with documents managed by the Records Management
module. See Records Management’s Effect on the Last Execution Result on page 722 for
more information.

Note: Task lists can be configured up to 50 levels deep.

Note: The task list ID number is displayed in the upper right hand corner.

Caution: If you have Document Types configured to delete the original document upon
redaction, a user should not create a redacted image of a document within these Document
Types while a Workflow task list is being executed on that document. This may result in
unexpected behavior, since the task list is trying to execute against the a document that
has been deleted.

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Workflow OnBase 16

To create a task list:

1. Select the system task, ad hoc task, action, or rule result in which you want to
configure the task list.
2. Right-click and select New | Task List or click the Task List button in the Workflow
Studio - Workflow Configuration

ribbon within the New ribbon group.

3. Enter a name for the task list.

Note: Task lists cannot be named the same as a common task list, which includes the
following: On True, On False, System Work, User Work, Load Balancing Work, or On

4. Press Enter on the keyboard.

See Task Options on page 332 for more information on task options.
See On Abort Task Lists on page 331 for more information about on abort tasks.

Assigning User Groups to a Task List

User groups are assigned to task list in the User Groups tab of the Properties pane.
To assign a user group to the ad hoc task:

1. In the User Groups tab, click Add .

2. Select the check box next to the user group you want to grant rights to.
If you want to only view the user groups that are currently assigned rights, select
the Show only included items check box. You can also use the Find field to enter
the name of a user group you want to find.
3. When you are done configuring the user group rights, click OK .

Tip: You can access the User Groups dialog box by pressing Alt + a on the keyboard.

If you want to assign all of the user groups currently assigned to the life cycle to the
selected ad hoc task, click Add All Assigned to Queue. After clicking this button, if user
groups are added at the life cycle level, the ad hoc task user group rights are not
automatically updated.

1. To assign an icon to represent the task, click the Icon tab.
2. Select an icon from the drop-down list to represent the task in the Tasks Window
and an icon from the Small Icon drop-down list to represent the task in the
Repositories pane.

Adding a Task to the Task List

You can add rules, actions, and other task list to a task list.
You can add a rule to a task list by either right-clicking on the task and selecting New |
Rule or clicking the Rule button from the Workflow ribbon within the New ribbon group.

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OnBase 16 Workflow

You can add a action to a task list by either right-clicking on the task and selecting New
| Action or clicking the Action button from the Workflow ribbon within the New ribbon

Studio - Workflow Configuration

You can add a task list to a task list by either right-clicking on the task and selecting
New | Task List or clicking the Task List button from the Workflow ribbon within the New
ribbon group.

Copying and Pasting Task Lists

Once a task list is configured, it can be copied and pasted within that life cycle, or any
other life cycle, to which you have been given configuration rights. To copy and paste a
task list:

1. Right-click on a task list and select Copy.

2. Select the queue to receive the configured task list, right-click and select Paste.
3. The Paste Options dialog box is displayed. Select Paste existing item if you want to
share the task list and its settings.
Select Paste a copy of the item if you want to create a copy of the task list, but not
maintain a link to the original task list. Changes to the original task list will not
affect the new copy of the task list and vice versa. Select Paste the existing
children if you want to paste everything configured under the task list and
maintain a link to the originals. Select Paste a copy of the children if you want to
paste everything configured under the task list, but you do not want to maintain a
link. Changes to the original children will not affect the new copy and vice versa.
Select Do not paste the children if you do not want to paste everything configured
under the task list.

Note: Task Lists cannot be copied in one repository and pasted to another repository.

On Abort Task Lists

Note: On Abort task lists are only available in the Core-based and Web Client interfaces.

On Abort task lists are task lists that execute when an abort occurs. An abort occurs in
the following situations:
• Workflow is closed during a user interaction process
• The Cancel button is selected during user interaction
• The Client closes during a user interaction process

Note: The Cancel button used during re-indexing user interaction is not considered an

These task lists are designed to be used in conjunction with a task list that involves user
interaction. As such, On Abort task lists should not be configured in System Work, Timer
Work, or Load Balance Work. No more than one On Abort task list can be created per
task list. User interaction should not be configured as part of the On Abort task list.

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Workflow OnBase 16

Creating On Abort Tasks

To create an on abort task list:

1. Select an existing task list.

2. Right-click on the selected task list and select New | On Abort Task List.
Studio - Workflow Configuration

3. Enter a name for the ad hoc task.

4. Click outside of the name edit box.
5. Configure the appropriate settings for the task list.
6. Add the appropriate action and/or rules to the task list.

Note: The On Abort task list will display above the user work it is configured for. During a
Workflow session, the user will complete user interaction normally. The On Abort task
list will be rolled back to in the case of an abort.

Note: If a nested task list does not have an On Abort task list configured for it, and an
abort occurs, the closest upward On Abort task list will execute.

Configuring On Abort Task Lists

See the Task Options on page 332 section for options that are available for all tasks and
task lists such as Help Text, Break On options, and the Continue Execution After Transition

Task Options
The following options are available for all tasks and task lists.

Help Text
For ad hoc tasks and Web/API tasks, information added to this box will display when the
task’s icon is hovered over. For task lists configured for a rule queue, load balancing
work, system work, On Abort, and user work, this box is used for informational purposes
within OnBase Studio and does not display in the Client. For all tasks and work, the
maximum number of characters that can be entered is 250.

Break On
The Break On section pertains to how the system reacts when it encounters a rule.

Note: Disabled rules are not used to evaluate success or failure.

Option Description

Success On success of an evaluation, the system stops processing the current task list
on the document. This means that if a rule evaluates to true, it will complete
the On True tasks before breaking.

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OnBase 16 Workflow

Option Description

Failure On failure of an evaluation, the system stops processing the current task list
on the document. This means that if a rule evaluates to false, it will complete

Studio - Workflow Configuration

the On False tasks before breaking.

Never Default setting. Processing of the task list continues, regardless of success or
failure of the evaluation.

Continue Execution After Transition

This option allow processing of work in the task/task list after the primary work item has

Note: This option is disabled for system events and for task lists configured within
system events.

Additional Options

Option Description

Disable Temporarily disables the task list. Allows for the testing of changes to
configuration without giving access to users. A task list in a disabled state
appears grayed-out.

Enable Used for determining the location of logic problems in a Workflow configuration.
Debug Causes a message box to display before the execution of the rule.
To use this option in the OnBase Client, you must have the –WFTRACE switch
on the command line of the Client module and the Step Debug toolbar button or
the Debug Window open in the Client module. A command line switch is not
required to use this option in the Unity interface.

Note: This option is only supported in the Classic Client, Core-based client, and
Unity Client interfaces.

Log When selected and the task is executed, an entry is made into the system's
Execution database. If the task list is disabled when an entry is made, it will be logged in
the system's database that the task list was disabled at the time of execution.

Creating Shortcuts

You can create keyboard shortcuts to execute Ad Hoc Tasks in the OnBase Client. To
create a shortcut, place a & character in front of the letter you want to use in the
shortcut. The letter that you placed the & character in front of will display with an
underline in the Client. Pressing ALT + O + the underlined letter for the task will execute
the task in the Client.

Note: Ad hoc task shortcuts are only supported in the OnBase Client Classic and Core-
Based interfaces.

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Workflow OnBase 16

Deleting Actions, Rules, Task Lists or Timers

To delete an action, rule, or task list:
Studio - Workflow Configuration

1. Select the item you want to delete in the Repositories pane within the Workflow
tab, right-click and select Delete.
2. A message asking Are you sure you want to remove this item from the task list? If
the item does not exist in another life cycle or queue, the Delete the item from the
database option is displayed. Select this option if you want to completely remove
it from the database.
If you do not select Delete the item from the database, the item is removed from
the task list, but the item and its configuration still exist within the database. You
can choose the item from a list of existing actions, rules, and task lists when
creating a new action, rule, or task list.
3. Click Yes to delete the item. Click No to abort the deletion.

To delete a timer:

1. Select the item you want to delete in the Repositories pane within the Workflow
tab, right-click and select Delete.
2. A message asking Are you sure you want to remove this timer from the queue? If the
item does not exist in another life cycle or queue, the Delete the item from the
database option is displayed. Select this option if you want to completely remove
it from the database.
If you do not select Delete the item from the database, the item is removed from
the queue, but the item and its configuration still exist within the database. You
can choose the item from a list of existing timers lists when creating a new timer.
3. Click Yes to delete the item. Click No to abort the deletion.

Renaming Life Cycles, Queues, Actions, Rules, Task Lists or

You can rename an existing item by right-clicking on it in the Repositories pane within
the Workflow tab and selecting Rename. If you decide you do not want to rename it while
typing the new name, press Esc on the keyboard to revert to the old name.

Linked Actions, Rules, Task Lists, Tasks, and Timers

Actions, rules, task lists, ad hoc tasks, Web API tasks, and timers can be shared and
used in multiple locations.
Items that exist is more than one location are denoted with a small arrow icon. The
following icon is an example of a shared action:

You can click the Break Link icon, shown on the right side of the provided example.

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OnBase 16 Workflow

When the link is broken, the item will be renamed automatically and the item name will
stay in renaming mode for editing. Change the name as appropriate. Any changes made
will not impact the item it was previously linked to.
The second button on the right is the Show References button. Click on this button to

Studio - Workflow Configuration

show all the places the item is used. This information is displayed in the References tab.

Creating Events
Note: Events are not supported in the OnBase Client Classic Workflow interface.

Events are task lists that are triggered when certain situations occur within a queue or
life cycle.
For example, events can be used to send a notification alerting a manager that an
employee’s queue has risen above the high watermark limit. Once the item count in the
employee’s queue rises above the high watermark limit, the event task list is executed,
and the notification is sent to the manager.
There are three categories of events:

1. Queue events - These events are configured at the queue level, and they are
triggered when certain situations occur within the queue for which they are
configured. See Queue Events on page 336.
2. Life cycle events - These events are configured at the life cycle level, and they are
triggered when certain situations occur within the life cycle for which they are
configured. SeeLife Cycle Events on page 339.
3. System events - These events are not tied to life cycles or queues. System events
are triggered by events or status changes to specific item types in Workflow. See
System Events on page 340.
Like other task lists, actions and rules can be configured as tasks for an event.
Configured actions and rules are executed when the event is triggered.

Note: Actions and rules that require user interaction are not supported in events.

Events are also configured with properties. Each event type has different configurable
event properties. To use an event property, it must be mapped to a Workflow property.
When the event is triggered, the Workflow property values are set from the event
properties, and then the configured actions and rules are executed.
Event properties can be used by all actions and rules that use properties. Not all
properties of an event need to be configured; only those that are required by the event
or will be used in the task list must be configured.

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Workflow OnBase 16

Queue Events
To create a queue event:

1. In the Repositories pane, right-click a queue and select New | Event . The Create
Workflow Event dialog box is displayed.
Studio - Workflow Configuration

2. Enter an Event Name. The name must be unique within the life cycle.
3. In the Event Source drop-down select list, Queue is automatically selected when
creating queue events.
To create a life cycle event instead, select Life Cycle in the Event Source drop-down
select list. See Life Cycle Events on page 339 for more information on creating life
cycle events.
4. Select an Event Category from the drop-down select list. See Queue Event
Categories for more information about each event category.

Note: Each queue event category can be configured only once for each queue.

5. Click OK.
6. In the event’s Properties pane, select the General tab.
7. Select the event property for which you want to configure a Workflow property.
8. In the Map to Workflow Property field, enter a property name, then click Map.

Note: Only alphanumeric characters are supported in property names.

To remove a mapped property, select the property, then click Clear.

9. In the event’s Properties pane, select the Documentation tab. Enter any
descriptive information that is applicable in the Overview and Details fields.

See Task Options on page 332 for options that are available for all tasks and task lists,
such as Break On options and the Continue Execution After Transition option.

Queue Event Categories

Item Removed from Queue
This event type executes when an item is removed from a queue.

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The following event properties can be configured:

Property Description

Studio - Workflow Configuration

Queue ID When the event is executed, the ID of the queue for
which the event is configured is set as the value of the
configured Workflow property.

Note: This property is required. A Workflow property

must be mapped to this property.

Queue Name When the event is executed, the queue name is set as
the value of the configured Workflow property.

Assignment Changed
This event is executed when the load-balancing assignment for an item is changed.

Note: This queue event type not available in queues that are not configured for load
balancing or queues that are configured for Match Keyword to User Name load balancing.

The following event properties can be configured:

Property Description

Queue ID When the event is executed, the ID of the queue for

which the event is configured is set as the value of the
configured Workflow property.

Note: This property is required. A Workflow property

must be mapped to this property.

Name of New Assignment When the event is executed, the name of the new load-
balancing assignment is set as the value of the
configured Workflow property.

Queue Name When the event is executed, the name of the queue is
set as the value of the configured Workflow property.

ID of New Assignment When the event is executed, the ID of the new load-
balancing assignment is set as the value of the
configured Workflow property.

Ownership Changed
This event is executed whenever ownership of an item changes.

Note: The Ownership Changed event is only available in life cycles that support

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Workflow OnBase 16

The following event properties can be configured:

Property Description

Queue ID When the event is executed, the ID of the queue for

Studio - Workflow Configuration

which the event is configured is set as the value of the

configured Workflow property.

Note: This property is required. A Workflow property

must be mapped to this property.

New Owner Name When the event is executed, the name of the new owner
is set as the value of the configured Workflow property.

Queue Name When the event is executed, the queue name is set as
the value of the configured Workflow property.

New Owner ID When the event is executed, the ID of the new owner is
set as the value of the configured Workflow property.

Last Owner ID When the event is executed, the ID of the previous

owner is set as the value of the configured Workflow

Last Owner Name When the event is executed, the name of the previous
owner is set as the value of the configured Workflow

Watermark Limit Reached

This event is executed when an item is transitioned into or out of a queue and a configured
watermark limit is reached.

Note: Watermark limits must be configured with the Log option selected for the queue.

The following event properties can be configured:

Property Description

Returning Below High If the event is triggered by the item count returning
Watermark below the high watermark after being above it, the value
of the configured Workflow property is set to true when
the event is executed. Otherwise, the value is set to

Returning Above Low If the event is triggered by the item count returning
Watermark above the low watermark after being below it, the value
of the configured Workflow property is set to true when
the event is executed. Otherwise, the value is set to

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OnBase 16 Workflow

Property Description

Exceeding High Watermark If the event is triggered by the item count going above
the high watermark limit, the value of the configured

Studio - Workflow Configuration

Workflow property is set to true when the event is
executed. Otherwise, the value is set to false.

Going Below Low Watermark If the event is triggered by the item count going below
the watermark limit, value of the configured Workflow
property is set to true when the event is executed.
Otherwise, it is set to false.

Queue ID When the event is executed, the ID of the queue for

which the event is configured is set as the value of the
configured Workflow property.

Queue Name When the event is executed, the queue name is set as
the value of the configured Workflow property.

Item Count When the event is executed, the queue’s item count is
set as the value of the configured Workflow property.

Life Cycle Events

To create a life cycle event:

1. Right-click a life cycle and select New | Event. The Create Workflow Event dialog
box is displayed.

2. Enter an Event Name. The name must be unique within the life cycle.
Life Cycle is automatically selected as the Event Source .
3. Select an Event Category. See Life Cycle Event Categories for more information
about each event category.
4. Click OK.
5. In the event’s Properties pane, select the General tab.
6. Select an event property for which you want to configure a Workflow property.

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Workflow OnBase 16

7. In the Map to Workflow Property field, enter a property name, then click Map.

Note: Only alphanumeric characters are supported in property names.

To remove a mapped property, select the property, then click Clear.

Studio - Workflow Configuration

8. In the event’s Properties pane, select the Documentation tab. Enter any
descriptive information that is applicable in the Overview and Details fields.

See Task Options on page 332 for options that are available for all tasks and task lists,
such as Break On options and the Continue Execution After Transition option.

Life Cycle Event Categories

Item Removed from Life Cycle
This task list is executed when an item is removed from a life cycle. The following
properties can be configured:

Property Description

Life Cycle Name When the event is executed, the name of the life cycle
is set as the value of the configured Workflow property.

Life Cycle ID When the event is executed, the ID of the life cycle is
set as the value of the configured Workflow property.

System Events
System events are event-driven task lists related to specific items in Workflow. System
events are not tied to life cycles or queues; instead, they are executed when an event or
status change occurs to a specific type of item in Workflow.

Creating System Events

To create a system event:

1. In the Workflow tab of the Repositories pane, right-click and select New | System
Event . The Create Workflow Event dialog box is displayed.

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OnBase 16 Workflow

2. Enter a unique name for the event in the Event Name field.
3. In the Event Source drop-down select list, choose an event source. This is the type
of item that will trigger the event.

Studio - Workflow Configuration

4. In the Event Category drop-down select list, choose an event category. This list is
populated based on the configured event source.

Configuring System Events

Once you have created a system event, it can be configured in the Properties pane.
Certain configuration options, such as available properties and associated item types,
will vary based on the selected event source and event category.

Mapping Properties
If the system event has event properties, these properties can be mapped to Workflow
properties and used by any actions or rules configured as tasks for the event. To map

1. In the General tab of the Properties pane, select the event property for which you
want to configure a Workflow property.
2. In the Map to Workflow Property field, enter a property name, then click Map.

Note: Only alphanumeric characters are supported in property names.

To remove a mapped property, select the property, then click Clear.

Task List Options

In the General tab of the event’s Properties pane, the following options are available:
Break On
The Break On section pertains to how the system reacts when it encounters a rule.

Note: Disabled rules are not used to evaluate success or failure.

Option Description

Success On success of an evaluation, the system stops processing the current

task list on the document. This means that if a rule evaluates to true, it
will complete the On True tasks before breaking.

Failure On failure of an evaluation, the system stops processing the current task
list on the document. This means that if a rule evaluates to false, it will
complete the On False tasks before breaking.

Never This is the default setting. Processing of the task list continues,
regardless of success or failure of the evaluation.

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Workflow OnBase 16

Additional Options

Option Description

Disable Temporarily disables the task list. Allows for the testing of changes to
Studio - Workflow Configuration

configuration without giving access to users. A task list in a disabled state

appears grayed-out.

Use Scoped If you want to use a scoped property that persists only for the duration of
Property Bag a task’s execution, select Use Scoped Property Bag. Otherwise, the
property persists throughout a user’s session.

Log When selected and the task is executed, an entry is made into the
Execution system's database. If the task list is disabled when an entry is made, it
will be logged in the system's database that the task list was disabled at
the time of execution.

To add documentation to a system event, select the Documentation tab in the event’s
Properties pane. Enter any descriptive information that is applicable in the Overview and
Details fields.

Adding Tasks to Events

You can add rules and actions to an event. These rules and actions are executed when
the event is triggered.

Note: Actions and rules that require user interaction are not supported in events.

Note: Actions that make changes to a Unity Form are not supported in the Unity Form
Saved system event. These actions would cause the Unity Form to save again and
continuously trigger the system event.

To add a rule to an event, either right-click the event and select New | Rule or click the
Rule button from the Workflow ribbon within the New ribbon group.
To add an action to an event, either right-click the event and select New | Action or click
the Action button from the Workflow ribbon within the New ribbon group.
Tasks in events can be reordered by clicking and dragging them to a new location.

Configuring Roles

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Within OnBase Studio, you can configure roles that can be used in load balancing queues
and rule queues. A role is a specific function an employee will perform. In order to
assign users to roles, you must create defined roles. To configure roles:

Studio - Workflow Configuration

1. In the Home ribbon within the System ribbon group, click Roles.

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Workflow OnBase 16

2. Click Add.
Studio - Workflow Configuration

3. Enter a Name for the role.

4. Select the user you want to associate with the role from the Users drop-down
select list.
5. Click Add.
6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for each user you want to add to the role.
7. Click OK.
You can locate a specific, existing role by entering text that will identify the role in the
Find field. The roles displayed will be narrowed down to the roles that contain the
characters entered.
You can modify a role by selecting it and click Modify.
You can delete a role by selecting it and clicking Delete .

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OnBase 16 Workflow

Documentation Tab
The Documentation tab for life cycle items allows you to add descriptive information
within OnBase Studio configuration. The Overview field allows you to add text that gives

Studio - Workflow Configuration

an overall description and is displayed within the Repositories pane for the item under
the item’s name. If you enter a URL in the Overview field, it will be an active link in the
Repositories pane. The Details field allows you to add additional information about the
item for documentation purposes.

Generating Documentation for Life Cycles

OnBase Studio has the ability to generate documentation based the configuration of life
cycles. OnBase Studio includes administration and user guide templates. Alternatively,
you can create your own Microsoft Word templates that OnBase Studio can use.
To create documentation for a life cycle:

1. With the life cycle selected, either click the Create Documentation button on the
Life Cycle ribbon group within the Workflow ribbon group or right-click on the life
cycle in the Repositories pane within the Workflow tab and select Create
Documentation .

2. Select either Administration Guide or User Guide. If you created a custom template,
that template will be available for selection, as well.

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Workflow OnBase 16

3. Click Next.
Studio - Workflow Configuration

4. Multiple life cycles can be included in a document. If you had a life cycle selected,
that life cycle will display in the top, selected box. You can add a life cycle by
selecting the life cycle from the drop-down select list and clicking Add. If you
select multiple life cycles, each life cycle is documented in a separate section in
the generated document.

Tip: You can arrange the life cycles you have added using the Sort Alphabetically, Move
Up, and Move Down buttons. You can remove life cycles from the documentation
generation by selecting the life cycles you want to remove and clicking Remove.

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5. When the appropriate life cycles are selected, click Next.

Studio - Workflow Configuration

6. Enter the appropriate solution parameters. Administration guides have the
following parameters: Solution Name and User Forms Location . User guides have
the Solution Name parameter.
The Solution Name parameter is the name of the solution. The Solution Name is the
title displayed on the first page of the generated document.
The User Forms Location is the path to where user forms are stored for the

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7. Click Next.
Studio - Workflow Configuration

8. Choose one or both of the following options to store the generated document:
• File Name - Saves the document to the specified file. Click Browse and specify
the location and filename to use to save the generated document.
• Archive Document - Archives the document in OnBase. Select a Document
Type and enter a Description for the generated document.
9. If you want the document to display after generation, select the Display generated
document option.
10. Click Finish .

Note: You do not need Microsoft Word to generate documents, but you do need it to view
generated documents.

Note: Icons in documentation are limited to a maximum height of 1 inch.

Creating Custom Templates for Documentation Generation

Note: To implement OnBase Studio custom documentation tags into a template, you
must have Microsoft Office 2007 or 2010.

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OnBase 16 Workflow

Configuration Overview
You can create your own custom templates for documentation generation. In addition to
formatting, you can control the Workflow data that is generated from the custom

Studio - Workflow Configuration

To create a functioning custom template for documentation generation in OnBase Studio
you must complete four basic steps:

1. Create the main template.

2. Create the fragment template.
3. Created the .XML file that contains information about the templates.
4. Install the template in OnBase Studio.

Understanding Required Files

There are three files that make it possible for OnBase Studio to generate a document:
• A .docx file that serves as the main template. See Configuring Templates in
Microsoft Word on page 350 and Accessing Tag Information in OnBase Studio on
page 352.
• A .docx file that contains information that is repeated (fragments) and serves
as the fragment template. The fragment template contains fragment controls
that will be called by the main template. For example, a life cycle may have
many queues. The queue fragment would pull multiple instances of data for one
life cycle in a generated document. See Configuring Templates in Microsoft
Word on page 350 and Accessing Tag Information in OnBase Studio on page
• An .xml file that links the two template files together and specifies other
parameters. See Configuring the Required XML File on page 352.

The main template contains the fields that will be generated in a document. The fields
can reference fragments.
The fragment template contains fragments as well as fields that rely on those fragments.
Fields that rely on fragments should be placed within the appropriate fragments. For
example, the Queue fragment (wffrag.Queue) could contain a field that pulls the name of
the queue (wffld.Name). wffrag.Queue would be placed in the fragment template and
wffld.Name would be placed within the wffrag.Queue control.
All three of these files are required for successful installation. See Installing the
Template on page 354 for more information about installation.

Caution: Backup your templates and .xml file to a location other than where you install
then. If you uninstall OnBase Studio, your templates and .xml file will be uninstalled as

Understanding Tags
Tag information is accessed in the Documentation Tags link in the bottom right corner of
the Create Documentation Wizard .

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Workflow OnBase 16

There are three types of tags that can be used:

• Fragments (starts with wffrag.) These contain the sections of text that are
repeated for each life cycle, queue, ad hoc task and timer. These tags should be
placed in the fragments template.
• Fields (starts with wffld.) These are the placeholders for data. Fields are
Studio - Workflow Configuration

relative to the fragment they are within. For example, a wffld.Name tag in a Life
Cycle fragment will pull the name of the life cycle, while a wffld.Name tag in a
Queue fragment will pull the name of a queue.
• Tables (starts with wffld. and have a suffix of Table) These tags can be used
within tables. See Configuring Table Fields on page 351 for more information.

Understanding Fragments
Fragment information is accessed in the Documentation Tags link in the bottom right
corner of the Create Documentation Wizard.

When you select a Fragment type, information necessary to configure the template is
The Tag specified in the field listed for the selected Fragment must reside within the
template in order for the data to be pulled into the generated documentation correctly.
Available in Fragment specifies the Fragment that can pull the selected Fragment. For
instance, queue information would need to exist in a life cycle fragment since the queue
information is dependent on the life cycle it is in. The only Fragment type that will have
fields that exist in the main template is Document type.

Configuring Templates in Microsoft Word

Note: You must configure a template in Microsoft Word with the Developer tab enabled.
Enabling the Developer tab varies by version. See Microsoft’s documentation for more

Tip: To ensure your styles are uniform throughout, use the same style configurations for
the both the main template and fragment templates.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

In order for a template to pull values from OnBase Studio into a Word document, you
must map Workflow tags to Microsoft Word controls. Both the main template and
fragment template are configured using the same steps. The difference between the two
is the fields within the template. See Accessing Tag Information in OnBase Studio on

Studio - Workflow Configuration

page 352 for more information about the tags available and the differences between
In Microsoft Word:

1. From the Developer tab, select a Rich Text or Rich Text Content Control control,
depending on your version of Word.
2. Place the control in the document in the appropriate place.
3. After the control has been placed in the appropriate place in the template, access
the Properties for that control by selecting the control and clicking the Properties
4. In the Tag field, enter the name of the tag that is specified in the Documentation
Tags dialog box within OnBase Studio. For example, if you want to generate a
field for a the initial queue of a life cycle, you would enter wffld.InitialQueue. The
Documentation Tags dialog box describes each tag that is available. See Accessing
Tag Information in OnBase Studio on page 352 for more information about the
5. Once you have configured the template with the appropriate fields and format,
save the template with a .docx extension.

Configuring Table Fields

In order to use a table with generated data, you must configure it in a specific way. To
create a table:

1. Create a Rich Text or Rich Text Content Control control with the tag of the data you
want to generate from OnBase Studio.
Fragments that can populate tables will have the suffix of Table. Example:
wffld.AssignedFilterTable. Within the Documentation Tags dialog box, fields that
populate tables will have a expandable Table Definition section that defines the
data tags which can be placed within table cells.
2. Insert a standard Word table within that control.
3. Insert the Table Definition data tags within the table cells as appropriate. The data
tag names should be placed with { }.
As an example, when configuring a wffld.AssignedFilterTable, the following data
tags could be placed in a 3 column table:

{Name} {DisplayColumns} {SortColumns}

Caution: If you do not use { } as a placeholder and leave the column empty, the document
generator will remove that column from the table.

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Workflow OnBase 16

Accessing Tag Information in OnBase Studio

To access the Documentation Tags dialog box:

1. In OnBase Studio, click Create Documentation on the Workflow ribbon.

2. Click the Documentation Tags link in the bottom right corner of the screen. You
Studio - Workflow Configuration

can copy text from this dialog box by hovering over the cell you want to copy
information from and clicking the copy icon that is displayed.

Configuring the Required XML File

The following is an example of an XML file that maps the template file to the fragment
template file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<template culture="en-US" name="Name of Template" author="Name of
Author" filename="%UserProfile%\My Documents\GuideName.docx">

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

<userdefinedfield name="Solution Name" tag="SolutionName"
default="Solution Name" />

Studio - Workflow Configuration

<userdefinedfield name="Form Location" tag="UserFormsLocation"
default="\\[server name]\[share]\[path]" />
The following are descriptions of the configuration options with the XML file:

Setting Description

template culture Specifies the locale of the templates and generated


name Name of the document. This name will appear in the

Create Documentation Wizard.

author Name of the author or company associated with the

document. This name will appear in the Create
Documentation Wizard.

filename This the default location and name of the generated


<document> This is the main template .docx file.

<fragment> This is the fragment template .docx file.

<maxlifecyclediagramwidth> Defines the width of the wffld.Diagram field. This is

measured in inches.

<maxlifecyclediagramheight> Defines the height of the wffld.Diagram field. This is

measured in inches.

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Workflow OnBase 16

Setting Description

<userdefinedfields> The <userdefinedfields> section allows you to create your

own user defined fields that will prompt users for values in
the Enter the template parameters screen during
Studio - Workflow Configuration

document generation.
You can create multiple fields within this section, each
field must following this syntax:
<userdefinedfield name="Solution Name"
tag="SolutionName" default="Solution Name" /
userdefinedfield name is the name of the field.
tag is the tag that will be used in the field within the
template. The following is an example of a field configured
in a template field property for use with a user defined
default is the default value for the field.

<image> Specify a based64 encoded image. This image will be

displayed in the Create Documentation Wizard. If you do
not provide this, a default image will be used.

Installing the Template

Create a folder within the DocumentTemplates folder of your OnBase Studio installation
and place the relevant .docx files and the .xml file within this folder. When configured
properly, the new template will display in the Create Documentation Wizard.

Life Cycle Graphical Layout

You can design a graphic layout for a life cycle. To access the design feature, right-click
on a life cycle and select Design . A tab displays with the design view. If the life cycle is
checked out, you can edit the design layout of a life cycle. The design layout displays the
queues that are configured for a life cycle.
You can define the shape an object in the design view by right-clicking on an object and
selecting one of the following options:

Option Description

Shape | Rectangle Makes the shape of the object a rectangle.

Shape | Diamond Makes the shape of the object a diamond

Shape | Circle Makes the shape of the object a circle.

The Transition button can be clicked and you can draw connectors from one queue to
another to illustrate transitions between queues.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Queues can be moved by clicking and dragging them to desired locations. They can also
be aligned using the various alignment options available.

Creating Queues in the Design View

Studio - Workflow Configuration

Queues can be created in a life cycle within the design view window. You can click and
drag a queue objects from the Toolbox window to the design view window.
On the left side of the screen, there is a Toolbox button. Hover over Toolbox to display
the queue objects you can use to build your life cycle. You can click the Auto Hide pin
button to pin the Toolbox to keep it displayed.

The following queue objects are available:

Queue Object Description

Standard Queue Creates a standard queue using a rectangle shape.

Standard Queue (Circle) Creates a standard queue using a circle shape.

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Workflow OnBase 16

Queue Object Description

Standard Queue (Diamond) Creates a standard queue using a diamond shape.

Approval Queue Creates an approval queue using a rectangle shape.

Studio - Workflow Configuration

Note: Approval queues are used in conjunction with the

Workflow Approval Management module.

Approval Queue (Circle) Creates an approval queue using a circle shape.

Note: Approval queues are used in conjunction with the

Workflow Approval Management module.

Approval Queue (Diamond) Creates an approval queue using a diamond shape.

Note: Approval queues are used in conjunction with the

Workflow Approval Management module.

Rule Queue Creates a rule queue using a rectangle shape.

Note: Rule queues are used in conjunction with the Business

Rules Engine module.

Note: Rules queues are not supported in Unity Life Cycles.

Rule Queue (Circle) Creates a rule queue using a circle shape.

Note: Rule queues are used in conjunction with the Business

Rules Engine module.

Note: Rules queues are not supported in Unity Life Cycles.

Rule Queue (Diamond Creates a rule queue using a diamond shape.

Note: Rule queues are used in conjunction with the Business

Rules Engine module.

Note: Rules queues are not supported in Unity Life Cycles.

Pool Creates a pool used to graphically group objects together for

formatting purposes.

Load Balance by Users | Creates a load balanced queue pre-configured as an Allocated

Allocated Percentage Percentage Load Balance Type and Users Assignment Type.

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OnBase 16 Workflow

Queue Object Description

Load Balance by Users | By Creates a load balanced queue pre-configured as a By Priority

Priority Load Balance Type and Users Assignment Type.

Studio - Workflow Configuration

Load Balance by Users | In Creates a load balanced queue pre-configured as an In Order
Order Load Balance Type and Users Assignment Type.

Load Balance by Users | Creates a load balanced queue pre-configured as a Keyword

Keyword Based Based Load Balance Type and Users Assignment Type.

Load Balance by Users | Creates a load balanced queue pre-configured as a Match

Match Keyword to User Keyword to User Name Load Balance Type and Users
Name Assignment Type.

Load Balance by Users | Creates a load balanced queue pre-configured as a Rule Based
Rules Based Load Balance Type and Users Assignment Type.

Load Balance by Users | Creates a load balanced queue pre-configured as a Shortest

Shortest Queue Queue Load Balance Type and Users Assignment Type

Load Balance by User Creates a load balanced queue pre-configured as an Allocated

Groups | Allocated Percentage Load Balance Type and User Groups Assignment
Percentage Type.

Load Balance by User Creates a load balanced queue pre-configured as a By Priority

Groups | By Priority Load Balance Type and User Groups Assignment Type.

Load Balance by User Creates a load balanced queue pre-configured as an In Order

Groups | In Order Load Balance Type and User Groups Assignment Type.

Load Balance by User Creates a load balanced queue pre-configured as a Keyword

Groups | Keyword Based Based Load Balance Type and User Groups Assignment

Load Balance by User Creates a load balanced queue pre-configured as a Match

Groups | Match Keyword to Keyword to User Name Load Balance Type and User Groups
User Name Assignment Type.

Load Balance by User Creates a load balanced queue pre-configured as a Rule Based
Groups | Rules Based Load Balance Type and User Groups Assignment Type.

Load Balance by User Creates a load balanced queue pre-configured as a Shortest

Groups | Shortest Queue Queue Load Balance Type and User Groups Assignment Type

Load Balanced by Roles | Creates a load balanced queue pre-configured as a Rule Based
Rules Based Load Balance Type and Roles Assignment Type.

When you double-click on a queue in the design view, the queue is selected and
expanded in the Repositories pane within the Workflow tab.

Aligning Shapes in Design View

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Workflow OnBase 16

You can align two or more shapes with one another. You can click and drag your cursor
across multiple shapes to select them or you can press Shift on the keyboard and click
on the shapes you want to align. The shape that the other selected shape(s) will align
with is the shape with the darkest selection border, indicating the primary shape of the
selection. In the example below, the bottom shape is the shape that the top shape will
Studio - Workflow Configuration

be aligned with.
In the Design ribbon toolbar, you can select the following options:

Option Description

Align Left Aligns the shapes to the left border of the primary shape.

Align Top Aligns the shapes to the top border of the primary shape.

Align Right Aligns the shapes to the right border of the primary shape.

Align Bottom Aligns the shapes to the bottom border of the primary shape.

Make Same Width Makes the shapes the same width as the primary shape.

Make Same Height Makes the shapes the same height as the primary shape.

Make Same Size Makes the shapes the same size as the primary shape.

Send to Back Moves the shapes behind all other shapes.

Bring to Front Moves the shapes in front of all other shapes.

Snap to Centers When toggled on, when moving shapes in the editor, the
shapes being moved snap to the center of another shape to aid
with shape alignment. While moving shapes, a dotted line
appears showing the alignment of the shape centers.

Additionally, you can use the Horizontal and Vertical buttons to align the queue.
When Horizontal is clicked, the first queue is put in a row. Any rows that have a
transition from the first queue are placed in the next row. The third tier queues are
placed in the third row and so on.
When Vertical is clicked, the first queue is put in a column. Any rows that have a
transition from the first queue are placed in the next column. The third tier queues are
placed in the third column and so on.

Creating Transitions
Transitions from queue to queue, called connectors in design view, can be added to a life
cycle in design view. Connectors can be used to transition items from a source queue to
a destination queue. Connectors can be added with or without adding an ad hoc task for
the transition.
To create a transition without an ad hoc task:

1. In the Design ribbon within the Tools ribbon group, click Transition .
Optionally, you can press and hold the CTRL key to create multiple transitions
without clicking the button between adding transitions.

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OnBase 16 Workflow

2. In the design view, locate the source queue and left-click and hold. Drag the
cursor from the source queue to the destination queue. When the cursor is on the
target queue, release the mouse.
The transition is created. To format connectors for transitions, see Formatting

Studio - Workflow Configuration

Connectors on page 360.
To create a transition with an ad hoc task:

1. In the Design ribbon within the Tools ribbon group, click Transition (Ad Hoc Task).
Optionally, you can press and hold the CTRL key to create multiple transitions
without clicking the button between adding transitions.
2. In the design view, locate the source queue and left-click and hold. Drag the
cursor from the source queue to the destination queue. When the cursor is on the
target queue, release the mouse.
The Create Transition dialog box is displayed.

3. Select the type of ad hoc task you want to create for the transition. The following
options are available:
• Create a new Ad Hoc task : This creates a new ad hoc task for the transition.
Enter a name for the ad hoc task, and select Assign All User Groups Assigned
to the Queue if you want to assign the same user groups that are assigned to
the queue to the newly created ad hoc task.
• Use the existing Ad Hoc task : This uses an existing ad hoc task for the
transition. Select an existing ad hoc task from the drop-down select list. Only
existing ad hoc tasks that contain a single Transition Item action that is
configured to transition an item from the <Current Queue> to the destination
queue specified by the connector are displayed in the drop-down select list.
• Do not create an Ad Hoc task : This creates a transition without an ad hoc task.
4. When you have selected a transition type, click OK to create the transition and
corresponding ad hoc task. Alternatively, click Cancel to cancel the creation of the
transition and ad hoc task.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Formatting Connectors
You can change the location of connector source or connector target location by right-
clicking on a connector and selecting one of the following options:
Studio - Workflow Configuration

Option Description

Source Connection | Sets the source of the connector to the default position on the
Automatic shape.

Source Connection | Left Sets the source of the connector to the left side of the shape.

Source Connection | Top Sets the source of the connector to the top side of the shape.

Source Connection | Right Sets the source of the connector to the right side of the shape.

Source Connection | Sets the source of the connector to the bottom side of the
Bottom shape.

Target Connection | Sets the target of the connector to the default position on the
Automatic shape.

Target Connection | Left Sets the target of the connector to the left side of the shape.

Target Connection | Top Sets the target of the connector to the top side of the shape.

Target Connection | Right Sets the target of the connector to the right side of the shape.

Target Connection | Bottom Sets the target of the connector to the bottom side of the

In addition, you can change the color of a connector. To change the color of a connector,
select the connector, click the Format tab, and select a color from the Line Color drop-
down box.

Formatting Line Thickness

You can also change the thickness of a line. To change the thickness of a line:

1. Click the small button in the lower right hand corner of the Format ribbon with the
shape selected that you want to format, highlighted below.

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OnBase 16 Workflow

2. Upon clicking this button, the Format Style dialog box is displayed. Select the Line

Studio - Workflow Configuration

3. Move the slider to the right to make the line of the connector thicker and move
the slider to the left to make the line of the connector thinner.
4. Click OK.

Creating a Snapshot of the Design View

You can create an snapshot image of the design view. Click on the Copy Diagram as
Image button in the Design ribbon within the Clipboard ribbon group. You can then paste
the image into a word processing program or any other program that allows you to paste
an image into it.

Viewing Properties
You can view the properties of a queue by clicking on the queue in design view. When
you click on a queue, that queue’s properties are displayed in the Properties pane.

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Workflow OnBase 16

Deleting and Renaming

You can delete or rename queues in design view. When you delete or rename, the
change is reflected in the life cycle tree view.
To delete a queue, right-click on the queue and select Delete .
Studio - Workflow Configuration

To rename a queue, right-click on the queue and select Rename . Enter the new name.

Note: You cannot use the Undo right-click option to undo deleting or renaming a queue.

Timers allow OnBase to execute rules or actions at a specific time. Timers can be
configured to execute periodically, after a certain amount of time, or at an exact point in

Creating a New Timer

Timers are configured at the queue level. You can create Legacy timers or Unity
Scheduler timers. For information about configuration, see Configuring Legacy Timers on
page 362 or Configuring Unity Scheduler Timers on page 364.
To create a timer:

1. Right-click on a queue and select New | Timer.

2. Enter a name for the timer.
3. In the Properties pane, in the General tab, select the Timer Type .

Configuring Legacy Timers

Note: Legacy timers can only be configured to automatically execute using the Workflow
Timer Service. Legacy timers cannot be configured to execute using the Unity Scheduler.

To configure a Legacy timer:

1. With Legacy Timer selected in the Timer Type drop-down select list, select the
Document Type from the drop-down select list that will be affected by the timer.
2. If you would like to have the timer execute at a certain time, select At Certain
Time . Select a time and one or more days.
If you would like to have the timer execute at an interval, select Every. Enter the
number of Day(s), Business Day(s) , Hour(s) , or Minute(s).
If you want the interval to execute based on the length of time within the queue,
select the After time in queue option. Enter the number of Day(s), Business Day(s),
Hour(s) , or Minute(s) .

Note: Business Day(s) is only available if a Work Calendar has been assigned to the life

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

3. Set the status of the First Item Only check box. If enabled, the Workflow Timer
will only execute against the first item found in the queue, instead of executing
against every item found in the queue. The first item found is determined by the
lowest Document Handle value in the queue. Example: This option can be used to

Studio - Workflow Configuration

send out a notification that a queue contains items that need attention. If First
Item Only is not selected, if the queue contains 100 items, the notification is sent
100 times (once for each item).

Note: If your business process requires that documents are processed by the timer in the
order specified for the queue by the Sort Documents By option of the queue’s Advanced
tab, select the Respect Queue Sort Order option. If this option is not selected, documents
are still processed in the order they are returned from the database. Only use this option
if necessary, as it may slow performance.

4. If the Log Start/Stop option is selected, every time the selected timer is executed
or stopped, it will be logged in the system’s database.

Note: All logs will show the database server time, rather than the processing
workstation’s time.

5. If you want the timer to execute on items that are owned by the user configured
to run the timer, select Respect Ownership. All items not owned by the user
configured to run the timer will not be processed by the timer.
6. Save the repository to save the changes to the timer.

Configuring Execution Windows

If you are using a legacy timer configured to execute after an interval or after time spent
in a queue, the Use Execution Windows check box in the Execution Windows tab is
enabled. Select the Use Execution Windows check box if you want to use the configured
execution windows. Execution windows are windows of time that you want timers to be
To create an execution window in the Execution Windows tab

1. Select the Use Execution Windows check box.

2. Select a start time in the From field.
3. Select an end time in the To field.
4. Select the day(s) the window should execute.
5. When Stop immediately at end is selected, timer work is ended immediately at the
end of a configured execution window. If a timer configured with an execution
window still has documents to be processed when the end of the execution
window is reached, this option will break the processing immediately and any
remaining documents will not be processed. If Stop immediately at end is not
selected for a timer using execution windows, the timer will not stop processing
documents when the end of the execution window is reached. The timer work will
continue to run past the end of the execution window until all configured
documents have been processed.
6. Click Add.

You can configure multiple execution windows by repeating these steps.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Configuring Unity Scheduler Timers

Note: Unity Scheduler timers can only be configured to automatically execute using the
Unity Scheduler. Unity Scheduler timers cannot be configured to execute using the
Workflow Timer Service.
Studio - Workflow Configuration

To configure a Unity Scheduler timer:

1. With Unity Scheduler Timer selected in the Timer Type drop-down select list, select
the Document Type from the drop-down select list that will be affected by the
2. If you want the interval to execute based on the length of time within the queue,
select the After time in queue option. Enter the number of Day(s), Business Day(s),
Hour(s) , or Minute(s) .

Note: Business Day(s) is only available if a Work Calendar has been assigned to the life

3. Set the status of the First Item Only check box. If enabled, the timer will only
execute against the first item found in the queue, instead of executing against
every item found in the queue. The first item found is determined by the lowest
Document Handle value in the queue. Example: This option can be used to send
out a notification that a queue contains items that need attention. If First Item
Only is not selected, if the queue contains 100 items, the notification is sent 100
times (once for each item).

Note: If your business process requires that documents are processed by the timer in the
order specified for the queue by the Sort Documents By option of the queue’s Advanced
tab, select the Respect Queue Sort Order option. If this option is not selected, documents
are still processed in the order they are returned from the database. Only use this option
if necessary, as it may slow performance.

4. If the Log Start/Stop option is selected, every time the selected timer is executed
or stopped, it will be logged in the system’s database.

Note: All logs will show the database server time, rather than the processing
workstation’s time.

5. If you want the timer to execute on items that are owned by the user configured
to run the timer, select Respect Ownership. All items not owned by the user
configured to run the timer will not be processed by the timer.
6. Save the repository to save the changes to the timer.
7. Once the timer is configured in OnBase Studio, the timer’s Unity Scheduler tasks
need to be configured in the Unity Management Console. For more information,
see the Unity Scheduler module reference guide.

Once tasks have been configured for the Unity Scheduler Timer using the Unity
Management Console, any configured tasks associated with that timer can be viewed in
the Scheduler Tasks tab.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Copying and Pasting Timers

Once a timer is configured, it can be copied and pasted within that life cycle, or to
another life cycle to which you have been given configuration rights. To copy and paste a

Studio - Workflow Configuration


1. Right-click on a timer and select Copy.

2. Select the queue to receive the configured timer, right-click and select Paste .
3. The Paste Options dialog box is displayed. Select Paste existing item if you want to
share the timer and its settings.
Select Paste a copy of the item if you want to create a copy of the timer, but not
maintain a link to the original timer. Changes to the original timer will not affect
the new copy of the timer and vice versa. Select Paste the existing children if you
want to paste everything configured under the timer and maintain a link to the
originals. Select Paste a copy of the children if you want to paste everything
configured under the timer, but you do not want to maintain a link. Changes to
the original children will not affect the new copy and vice versa. Select Do not
paste the children if you do not want to paste everything configured under the

Note: Timers can be copied from legacy life cycles to Unity life cycles or other legacy life
cycles. Timers cannot be copied from a Unity life cycle to a legacy life cycle.

Resetting the Cache after Editing Timers

When you make a change to an existing timer, you can reset the cache from the Reset
Server Cache button in OnBase Studio, and not reset the Workflow Timer Service, for
your changes to be recognized by the system. After a cache reset, changes will be
recognized in one minute or less. If the timer runs before the minute window, the old
configuration will still be used.

Caution: Using the Reset Cache option in OnBase Configuration or the Reset Server Cache
option in OnBase Studio may have a negative impact on system performance. Requests to
the Application Server will be forced to wait until the cache is rebuilt before they can be
processed. Depending on the size of the OnBase system, as well as the current server load,
the performance impact of resetting the cache may be severe.

To avoid performance issues, only reset the cache of the Application Server during off-peak
hours. For more information about the Reset Cache option in OnBase Configuration, see the
System Administration documentation. For more information about the Reset Server Cache
option in OnBase Studio, see the Studio documentation.

Note: When you add or delete a timer, you must restart the Workflow Timer Service.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Converting Timers
You can convert existing Legacy timers to Unity Scheduler timers, along with creating
the associated Unity Scheduler Tasks. Additionally, you can also convert Unity Scheduler
timers to Legacy timers.
Studio - Workflow Configuration

Converting Legacy Timers

To convert a Legacy timer to a Unity Scheduler timer:

1. In OnBase Studio, in the Conversion group of the Workflow ribbon, click on Timers.
The Timer Conversion dialog is displayed.

2. Select the appropriate Repository from the drop-down select list.

3. Select the appropriate Life Cycle from the drop-down select list.
Alternatively, you can leave the scope at <All> to select from all life cycles.
4. Select Show only timers that been executed by the Workflow Timer Service if you
only want to see timers that have been executed by the Workflow Timer Service.
5. Select Show only timers that have been selected for conversion if you only want to
see timers that have been selected for conversion.

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OnBase 16 Workflow

6. In the Legacy Timers tab, choose which timers to convert to Unity Scheduler
timers by selecting the check box to the right of the timer name.
You can search for a specific timer by entering text into the Find Timers field.
You can sort the timers by clicking on the column names, either by Timer, by Life

Studio - Workflow Configuration

Cycle , or by Workflow Timer Service Host.
If you want to convert all Legacy timers, select the top check box to the right of
the Timer column.
7. Select Create the Unity Scheduler Tasks for the converted timers if you want the
appropriate Unity Scheduler Tasks to be created for each of the converted timers.
8. Once you are finished selecting timers for conversion, click OK to begin the
conversion process, or click Cancel to close out of the dialog without making any
9. After the conversion process is complete, the Conversion Report is displayed in
the editor pane.

Converting Unity Scheduler Timers

Caution: When converting a Unity Scheduler timer to a Legacy timer, any Unity Scheduler
Tasks assigned to the timer will be deleted.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

To convert a Unity Scheduler timer to a Legacy timer:

1. In OnBase Studio, in the Conversion group of the Workflow ribbon, click on Timers.
The Timer Conversion dialog is displayed.
Studio - Workflow Configuration

2. Select the appropriate Repository from the drop-down select list.

3. Select the appropriate Life Cycle from the drop-down select list.
Alternatively, you can leave the scope at <All> to select from all life cycles.
4. Select Show only timers that been executed by the Workflow Timer Service if you
only want to see timers that have been executed by the Workflow Timer Service.
5. Select Show only timers that have been selected for conversion if you only want to
see timers that have been selected for conversion.
6. In the Unity Scheduler Timers tab, choose which timers to convert to Legacy timers
by selecting the check box to the right of the timer name.
You can search for a specific timer by entering text into the Find Timers field.
You can sort the timers by clicking on the column names, either by Timer, by Life
Cycle , or by Workflow Timer Service Host.
If you want to convert all Unity Scheduler timers, select the top check box to the
right of the Timer column.

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OnBase 16 Workflow

7. Once you are finished selecting timers for conversion, click OK to begin the
conversion process, or click Cancel to close out of the dialog without making any
8. After the conversion process is complete, the Conversion Report is displayed in

Studio - Workflow Configuration

the editor pane.

Managing Timers

If timers are configured to run at the same time, the system will kick off the first timer
in the list; the next timer, scheduled for the same execution time, will not begin until the
previous one completes.
The server that manages and executes the timers is a primary factor in the life cycle’s
efficiency. For example, if the OnBase Client that initiates a life cycle must also perform
all of the System Work for a document, the placement of workload is important. If you
are running a DIP Process that feeds a Workflow Queue then you may want to consider
using a timer to kick off the system work.
Timers can been monitored in the Classic Client interface using the Workflow System
Monitor when the –WFSRVR command line switch is applied. For all other user interfaces,
timers can be monitored using the Workflow Timer Service. Refer to the Workflow Timer
Service documentation for more information.

Note: The -LT command line switch indicates the log off time of the Client module. Be
aware of timers that may be running when using the auto logoff switch because they will
not trigger unless the Client workstation is logged in to OnBase.

User Forms
Note: User forms are created in the same manner as E-Forms. For more information
about creating a user form, see the E-Forms documentation.

To configure a user form:

1. In the Workflow ribbon within the Workflow ribbon group, click User Forms .
2. Select the appropriate Repository from the drop-down select list.
3. Select the appropriate Life Cycle from the drop-down select list.
4. Click Add on the User Forms dialog box to open the Properties dialog box.
5. Enter the Name of the form in the field.

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6. Type the file path in the Location field or click Browse , select the file and click
Open .

Tip: Use UNC paths to the file because drives are not always mapped to the same letter
on workstations throughout a network.
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Note: If you are using Distributed Disk Services, see the Distributed Disk Services
documentation for more information about constructing appropriate paths.

Note: Date entry format uses the Windows regional settings.

7. Click OK.
8. Click Close on the User Forms dialog box once the location to the form has been
In the User Forms dialog box, you can locate a specific, existing user form by entering
text that will identify the user form in the Find field. The user forms displayed will be
narrowed down to the user forms that contain the characters entered.
You can modify an existing user form by selecting it and clicking Modify.

User Forms and the Workflow Property Bag

A value for the Workflow property bag can be set by a user, using a properly-configured
user form and the Display HTML Form Workflow actions.

The form field must be configured in the following format:

For example, a form field for a property named “Sample” that should only have one
instance in the property bag would be configured as:
Multiple instances of a property can be configured for input.

Note: The instance number must be in place, even if there is only one instance. Without
the instance number, the form field will fail and the property will not be input into the
property bag.

Note: This form field applies only to user forms. If it is used on an E-Form, no action will
be taken on any data input into the form field. E-Form fields configured in the above
format will need to be changed to continue to function properly in Workflow.

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OnBase 16 Workflow

User Forms in the Core-Based Workflow

An alternative to a user form that is accessed via a UNC path is to use an HTML form via
URL. This configuration is only supported for Core-based user interfaces. The Classic

Studio - Workflow Configuration

Client interface does not support this configuration. Follow these steps to configure a
user form that is accessible via URL:

1. In the Workflow ribbon within the Workflow ribbon group, click User Forms .
2. Select the appropriate Repository from the drop-down select list.
3. Select the appropriate Life Cycle from the drop-down select list.
4. Click Add on the User Forms dialog box to open the Properties dialog box.
5. Enter the Name of the form in the field.
6. In the Properties dialog box, type in the URL of the form you wish to use, in the
form http(s):// in the Location field. Click OK.

Note: When using a URL to specify a user form, the Fill HTML Fields with document
keyword and property values field is not functional. For more information see Display
HTML Form on page 568.

7. At the User Forms box, click Close to complete the configuration.

Note: The form is configured for use in the same way as a standard user form, however,
OnBase must pass an “obTarget” parameter to the form. This can be accomplished by
embedding script in the form to retrieve this parameter and set the form’s “action”
attribute. Whenever the user submits a form, the form needs to be directed back to the
Workflow interface for further processing. The form must programmatically retrieve the
value of a querystring parameter called ‘obTarget’ and set the ‘action’ attribute of the
form to this value. The following is an example using JavaScript in the HTML page's
OnLoad event: document.forms.item(0).action ="obTarget=")[1];

E-Forms are also utilized in Workflow when using certain form actions. These differ from
user forms in that they must be imported into OnBase and the system must be licensed
for the E-Forms module.

Modify and Deleting User Forms

To modify a user form:

1. In the Workflow ribbon within the Workflow ribbon group, click User Forms .
2. Select the appropriate Repository from the drop-down select list.
3. Select the appropriate Life Cycle from the drop-down select list.
4. Select the user form you want to modify.
5. Click Modify.
6. Modify the user form as appropriate and click OK .

To delete a user form:

1. In the Workflow ribbon within the Workflow ribbon group, click User Forms .
2. Select the appropriate Repository from the drop-down select list.
3. Select the appropriate Life Cycle from the drop-down select list.

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4. Select the user form you want to delete.

5. Click Delete . Are you sure you want to delete the specified user form? is displayed.
Click Yes to confirm the deletion. Click No to cancel the deletion.

Note: If the user form is used in a life cycle, a message stating The user form is used by
Studio - Workflow Configuration

action ‘<name of action>’ in life cycle ‘<name of life cycle>’.

Notifications are configured messages that can be sent to users whenever a configured
event or task occurs. You can create general notifications or assign them to specific life

Note: In order to use notifications, you must have the Hyland Distribution Service
properly installed, configured, and running. See Configuring the Distribution Service on
page 1027.

Configuration Overview
The following steps are required to properly configure a notification for use:

1. Create a new notification and configure the subject and recipients. See Creating
New Notifications on page 373.
2. Configure the content of the notification. For plain text notifications, see Creating
Content for Plain Text Notifications on page 381. For formatted notifications, see
Creating Content for Formatted Notifications on page 381.
3. Formatted notifications require testing and publishing. If you created a formatted
notification, see Generating a Test Notification on page 394 and Publishing a
Formatted Notification on page 395.

Note: Formatted notifications require the configuration and usage of a Temporary File
Cache. For more information, see the System Administration module reference guide.

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OnBase 16 Workflow

Creating New Notifications

To create a new notification:

Studio - Workflow Configuration

1. Perform one of the following tasks:
• From the Start Page, click Create Notification.
• In the Notifications ribbon, click New.

The New Notification dialog box is displayed:

2. Enter a unique name for the notification in the What do you want to name the
notification? field.

Note: Notification names are limited to 49 characters.

3. In the What style of notification do you want to create? drop-down select list,
choose one of the following options:
• Formatted - Allows you to create notifications with formatted text, images,
and hyperlinks.

Note: Formatted notifications are not supported in the OnBase Client Classic Workflow

• Plain Text - Allows you to create legacy notifications with no text formatting.

4. In the What life cycle should this notification be associated with? field, select a life
cycle, or choose <None> to set this notification as a global notification that is not
scoped to a specific life cycle.

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5. Click OK.
The notification editor is displayed:
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The notification editor is an editor that allows you to design a notification using
the Notifications ribbon menu. Upon creation, formatted notifications are marked
with (Draft) in the title tab of the editor. Plain text notifications will not have a
(Draft) label in the title tab.

Note: For plain text notifications, most options in the Notifications ribbon menu are
disabled, as text formatting cannot be added to plain text notifications.

Checking Notifications In and Out

Note: Only formatted notifications can be checked in and checked out.

In order to configure a formatted notification, it must be checked out. If a user does not
have a formatted notification checked out, the user cannot make changes to the
configuration of the notification. While a user has a notification checked out, other users
cannot make changes to the configuration of the notification. Upon creating a new
notification, the notification is automatically checked out.

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Checking In
To check in a notification:

1. In the Repositories pane within the Notifications tab, select the notification you

Studio - Workflow Configuration

want to check in, right-click and select Check In .
If edits were made and the repository was not saved, a message stating The
notification has been modified and must be saved before it can be checked in is
2. Click OK.
3. On the Home tab, click Save.
4. Repeat step 1, if necessary.

After saving the repository, you can check in all notifications in a repository by right-
clicking on a notification in the Repositories pane and selecting Check In All.
In addition, when you close OnBase Studio, all notifications are automatically checked
back in.

Checking Out
To check out a notification, complete one of the following tasks:
• In the Repositories pane within the Notifications tab, select the notification you
want to check out, right-click and select Check Out .
• With the notification selected in the Repositories pane, within the Notifications
tab, that you want to check out, click the check out link in the Properties pane.

Configuring the Subject

In the General tab of the notification’s Properties pane, enter the subject line you would
like to be used in the notification in the Subject field. Use the Insert button to insert
symbols that represent data in the system.

Tip: You can insert a keyword by pressing Alt + K on the keyboard or insert a property by
pressing Alt + P on the keyboard.

The following tokens are available:

Option Description

%D - Document Date Displays the Document Date. This value can be changed.

%N - Document Name Displays the name of the document.

%# - Document Handle Displays the Document Handle of the current document.

%D1 - Document Date Displays the date that the document was stored. This value
Stored cannot be changed.

%I1 - Document Time Displays the time that the document was stored. This value
Stored cannot be changed.

%L - Life Cycle ID Displays the life cycle number of the current document.

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Option Description

%L2 - Life Cycle Name Displays the life cycle name of the current document.

%Q - Queue ID Displays the queue number of the current document.

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%Q2 - Queue Name Displays the queue name of the current document.

%K - Keyword Displays a configured Keyword Value. When this is initiated,

the Insert Keyword dialog box is displayed.
Select the Keyword Type from the drop-down select list that
you want to insert.
If the keyword type has multiple values on a document,
specify the number of occurrences of the keyword value by
entering a value in keyword value by entering a value in the
Repeat field.
You can choose to format Keyword Values by selecting the
appropriate option from the Formatting drop-down select list.
Options include Capitalize (capitalizes the first word of the
value), Capitalize Words (capitalizes the first letter of each
word in the value. If a word has an apostrophe in it, the letter
after the apostrophe will not be capitalized.), Uppercase (all
character in value are capitalized), or Lowercase (all
characters of value are lowercase).
Click OK when finished.

%U - User Displays the user name of the currently logged in user.

%R - User Real Name Displays the real name of the currently logged in user.

%V - Property Displays the value of a configured Workflow property. When

this is initiated, the Insert Property dialog box is displayed.
Enter the Property Name in the field.
You can choose to format property values by selecting the
appropriate option from the Formatting drop-down select list.
Options include Capitalize (capitalizes the first word of the
value), Capitalize Words (capitalizes the first letter of each
word in the value. If a word has an apostrophe in it, the letter
after the apostrophe will not be capitalized.), Uppercase (all
character in value are capitalized), or Lowercase (all
characters of value are lowercase).
Click OK when finished.
In the Core-based interfaces, if a property contains an array of
values, all property values will be used.

Note: If a property name has spaces, using %V to display the

property value will not preserve the spaces, and therefore, the
property will not be correctly identified.

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OnBase 16 Workflow

Configuring Recipients
Recipients are the users who will be receiving the notifications, either through internal
email or to an external email address. Notification recipients are configured in the

Studio - Workflow Configuration

Recipients tab of the Properties pane.

Caution: When configuring notifications for use with the BPMN Modeler module, recipients
should not be configured. The recipients are determined by configuration of the BPMN
Modeler module for the users assigned as approvers and auditors.

To configure recipients:

1. Different types of recipients can be configured for a notification from the Type
drop-down select list and then populating the Mail Recipient field appropriately:
• Address : Allows you to specify an external email address to be used for the
notification. Enter the email address in the Mail Recipient field.

Note: Spaces are removed from email addresses.

• Keyword Type : Takes the value of that Keyword Type on the current item, and
uses that as the address to send the notification. The Keyword Value could be a
user or an external mail address, if your system has external mail enabled. The
Keyword Value must contain a valid email address to send the notification via
external mail. The Keyword Value can contain multiple addresses, separated by
a comma or a semicolon. Select the Keyword Type in the Mail Recipient drop-
down select list.
• Load Balancing Members: When selected, the Mail Recipient field displays a drop-
down select list containing all of the load balancing queues in the system.
Adding a queue assigns the load balancing user group(s) to the recipient list.
For external notifications, if the user that is assigned to the document (or to all
members of the user group that item is assigned to) in the Client has an e-mail
address configured (select Users | User Names/Passwords and click Settings in
the Configuration module), an email will be sent to the specified address.

Note: Queues configured as Match Keyword to User Name queues are not in the list of
available queues in the drop-down select list.

• Owner: When selected, the Mail Recipient drop-down select list is populated with
queues that are configured for ownership. When this option is selected, a
notification will be sent to the owner of the current item.
• Property (Session): Takes the value of a property specified on the current item
and uses that as the address to send the notification. This is a session based
property. Enter a property name in the Mail Recipient field.

Note: The Property recipient option is not supported for the Classic OnBase Client
Workflow Interface.

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Workflow OnBase 16

• Role : When selected, a drop-down select list containing configured roles in the
system is displayed for configuration. Select a role from the Mail Recipient drop-
down select list.

Note: The Role recipient option is not supported for the Classic OnBase Client User
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• User : When selected, sends the notification to specific users. Select a user from
the Mail Recipient drop-down select list.

Note: If a user is deleted in OnBase, the notification will not be sent to that user.

• User Group : When selected, everyone who is a member of the user group
receives the notification. Select a user group from the Mail Recipient drop-down
select list.

Caution: In the Mail Recipient field, extra characters, such as '[', ']', '<', '>', will cause
notifications to not be sent properly. Using prefixes such as "mail:" and "fax:" before email
addresses will cause notifications to not be sent properly.

2. Choose whether the notification will be sent internally or externally:

• To send the notification internally, you must select the Internal mail option
before clicking Add . Only plain text notifications can be sent internally.

Note: When sending internal notifications, if no keyword on the notification is a valid

OnBase user name, the notification will not be sent. This will happen even if a valid
email address is present.

Note: Only plain text notifications can be sent internally.

Note: Internal notifications are restricted to 250 characters in length.

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OnBase 16 Workflow

• To send the notification externally, select the External mail option before
clicking Add .

Note: The size of formatted notifications is limited only by the mail server. Very large

Studio - Workflow Configuration

notifications may affect performance.

Note: Formatted notifications can only be sent externally.

• When sending an external notification, an email address must be present for

the notification to be sent. OnBase will not attempt to match email accounts
with internal user names. However, OnBase will attempt to match internal user
names with email accounts.

• To send the notification both internally and externally, select Both .

Note: Only plain text notifications can be sent both internally and externally.

• If you have selected Both or External mail , you can select the External Type of
message to send, either To, Cc, or Bcc .

3. Once a type has been configured, click Add .

Note: The Add button is disabled if a valid type has not been selected and valid
information has not been entered or selected.

4. Multiple types of recipients can be combined, allowing the notification to be sent

to everyone in a user group, a user who is not in that group, a user name or
address specified in a Keyword Value or any combination of these by repeating
steps 1 through 3 for each type required. If a recipient is a member of multiple
groups on the recipient list, only one message is sent.

Note: If an invalid email address/distribution list is included for an external notification,

the invalid addresses are ignored and the email is sent to any valid addresses/
distribution lists.

Configuring Settings
You can configure other settings, such as how you want notifications to display multiple
Keyword Types, or how you want notifications to handle attachments. Settings for
notifications are configured in the Settings tab.
To configure settings:

1. Select the Settings tab.

2. If you are configuring multiple values for a Keyword Type to display, you can
specify the characters that separate the values using the Separator and Last
Separator drop-down lists. The options are a dash (-) , a comma (,), and , and or.
The Last Separator drop-down specifies the separator displayed between the last
two values. Alternately, you can enter custom separators in the fields.

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3. If you are licensed for Integration for Microsoft Outlook 2007, Integration for
Microsoft Outlook 2010, Integration for Microsoft Outlook 2013, or Integration for
Microsoft Outlook 2016 and you want users to be able to perform ad hoc tasks
from Outlook e-mail notifications, select Add Outlook Header.
Studio - Workflow Configuration

Note: Ad hoc tasks for queues configured with the Auto-Feed or Exclusive Viewing options
are not available in Outlook e-mail notifications. Ad hoc tasks for load balancing queues
are only available when the document is assigned to the logged in user.

Note: When notifications are sent from an action within a system task, Outlook header
information is not sent.

4. If you want to send the item as a file attachment, select Default from the Send
Attachments as drop-down select list.
5. If you want to send the item attached as a Unity Pop URL, select Unity Pop from
the Send Attachments as drop-down select list. When this option is selected, you
have two options that enable.
6. If you want the URL to open in a new window, select Open Documents Using a New
Window.The notification will be sent via the Distribution Service and the
attachments will be sent as Unity Pop URLs.
7. If you want the URL to open in the Workflow interface, select Display Items Using
the Workflow Layout . The notification will be sent via the Distribution Service and
the attachments will be sent as Unity Pop URLs that will open within the Workflow
8. If you have a Secure Packaging license, you also have the option to send the
attachment as a Secure Package .

Cut, Copy, and Paste in Notifications

The clipboard can be used to cut, copy, or paste content to or from a notification.

Note: Content from formatted notifications cannot be pasted into plain text notifications.

To cut content from a notification:

1. Select content in the notification editor.

2. Click Cut in the Clipboard ribbon group of the Notifications ribbon.

To copy content in a notification:

1. Select content in the notification editor.

2. Click Copy in the Clipboard ribbon group of the Notifications ribbon.

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To paste content in a notification:

1. Select an insertion point in the notification editor.

2. Click Paste in the Clipboard ribbon group of the Notifications ribbon.

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Note: Formatted content from other editors may not display properly when pasted in the
notification editor. Review the pasted content and adjust formatting as necessary. Text
and images should be copied and pasted into the editor separately.

Creating Content for Plain Text Notifications

If you are creating a plain text notification, enter text into the notification editor and
save the repository when finished. Plain text notifications do not require publishing and
ready for use.

Creating Content for Formatted Notifications

If you are creating a formatted notification, you can add images, formatted text styles
and numbered and bulleted lists, hyperlinks, and tables.

Inserting an Image

Note: Plain text notifications cannot contain images.

To insert an image in a notification, complete the following steps:

1. Select an insertion point in the notification.

2. Click Insert Image in the Insert ribbon group of the Notifications ribbon menu. The
Open dialog box is displayed.
3. Browse to the image you want to insert. The following image file formats are

Note: Resizing of images is not supported after they have been inserted into the editor.

Note: If you insert an image larger than 5 KB, a The image you’re inserting is very large
and could be a problem for some email systems. Would you like to insert it anyway? message
is displayed.

4. Click Open. The selected image is inserted into the notification.

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Formatting Text
Notifications can have varied text formatting. Text font, color, highlight, weight,
alignment, and size can be modified to create custom text formatting in notifications.
The following sections describe the various ways in which text can be altered.
Studio - Workflow Configuration

To change the font of new text, choose a font from the drop-down select list in the Basic
Text ribbon group of the Notifications ribbon menu. The default font is Calibri.
To change the font of a selection of existing text, select the text you want to change
before choosing a new font in the drop-down select list. The new font is applied only to
the selected text.

To change the size of new text, choose a size from the drop-down select list in the Basic
Text ribbon group of the Notifications ribbon menu. The default font size is 11.
To change the size of existing text, select the text you want to change before choosing a
new size in the drop-down select list. The new size is applied only to the selected text.

Font Color
To change the color of text:

1. Select an insertion point in the notification, or select existing text you want to
2. Navigate to the Basic Text ribbon group of the Notifications ribbon menu.
3. Click the Font Color drop-down select list:

Hover over a color to preview your selection, then select a color.

Highlight Color
To change the highlight color of text:

1. Select an insertion point in the notification, or select existing text you want to
2. Navigate to the Basic Text ribbon group of the Notifications ribbon menu.
3. Click the Text Highlight Color drop-down select list:

Hover over a color to preview your selection, then select a color.

The style of notification text can be altered. Font can be bolded, underlined, or italicized.

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To bold, underline, or italicize font:

1. Select an insertion point in the notification, or select existing text you want to

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2. Navigate to the Basic Text ribbon group of the Notifications ribbon menu.
3. Select one or more the following options:

Button Description

Select the Bold button to bold text.

Select the Italic button to italicize text.

Select the Underline button to underline text.

Styles can be removed from text by selecting the text, then deselecting the style

You can change the alignment of notification text from the default left-alignment.
To change the alignment of text:

1. Select an insertion point in the notification, or select existing text you want to
2. Navigate to the Basic Text ribbon group of the Notifications ribbon menu.
3. Select one of the following options:

Button Description

Select the Left Alignment button to left-align text or images.

Select the Center Alignment button to center-align text or images.

Select the Right Alignment button to right-align text or images.

Select the Justified Alignment button to justify text.

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Text indents can be increased or decreased incrementally. To increase or decrease the
indentation of text:

1. Select an insertion point in the notification, or select existing text you want to
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Note: The indentation of text, table text, hyperlinks, numbered or bulleted lists, and
images can be changed.

2. Navigate to the Basic Text ribbon group of the Notifications ribbon menu.
3. Select one of the following options:

Button Description

Select the Increase Indentation toggle button to indent text. Text is indented
in increments. Click Increase Indentation again to indent text further.

Select the Decrease Indentation toggle button to reduce the indent of text.
Text indentation is decreased in increments. Click Decrease Indentation
again to decrease indentation further.

List Styles
Text can be arranged into various list styles. Bulleted lists can be created with various
bullet styles and numbered lists can be created with various number and letter styles.
To create a bulleted list:

1. Select an insertion point in the notification, or select existing text you want to
2. Navigate to the Basic Text ribbon group of the Notifications ribbon menu.
3. Click the Toggle Bullet Points drop-down select list:

4. Select a bullet style. The following bullet styles are available:

Bullet Icon Description



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Bullet Icon Description


Studio - Workflow Configuration

To create a numbered list:

1. Select an insertion point in the notification, or select existing text you want to
2. Navigate to the Basic Text ribbon group of the Notifications ribbon menu.
3. Click the Toggle Numbering drop-down select list:

4. Select a numbering style. The following numbering styles are available:

• Decimal
• Lower Letter
• Lower Roman
• Upper Letter
• Upper Roman

To remove a bullet or list style, select text, then deselect the Toggle Bullet Points or
Toggle Numbering button.

Page Color
The color of the notification background can be changed. This color fills the entire
rendered page.
To change the page color in a notification:

1. Click Page Color on the Notifications ribbon menu.

2. Select a color from the menu.
The notification background changes to the selected color.

Note: The default page color is white.

Tables can be added to notifications for additional formatting.

Inserting a Table
To insert a table:

1. Select an insertion point in the notification.

2. In the Insert ribbon group of the Notifications ribbon menu, click the Table drop-
down select list. The following options are available:

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Workflow OnBase 16

Drawing a Table
To draw a table:

1. Drag the mouse over the number of table rows and columns you want to create.
For example, if you want to create a table with four rows and five columns, drag
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the mouse until four rows and five columns are highlighted as follows:

Creating a Custom Table

To create a custom table:

1. Select Insert Custom Table. The Create a Custom Table dialog box is displayed:

2. Specify the number of Rows and Columns the table will have in the fields provided.
Tables have a maximum size of 10 rows and 10 columns.

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OnBase 16 Workflow

3. Choose a size option for the table:

• AutoSize To Window - Select this option to fit the table to the size of the
rendered window.
• Custom Table Width - Enter an amount in inches to set a custom table width.

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Note: The maximum width for a table is 22 inches.

• Fit To Content - Select this option to create a table that is sized according to
its content and expands as content is added.
4. Click OK.

Tip: Tables of predefined sizes (1x1, 2x2, 3x3, 4x4, and 5x5) can be added by right-
clicking in a notification, selecting Insert Table..., then selecting a table size.

Resizing a Table
Once inserted, tables can be adjusted in several ways.
To adjust the height of a row:

1. Hover over the table row divider until the cursor displays vertical arrows:

2. Click and drag the table row divider to the desired position.
3. Release the mouse.

To adjust the width of a column:

1. Hover over the table column divider until the cursor displays horizontal arrows:

2. Click and drag the table column divider to the desired position.
3. Release the mouse.

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To adjust the entire table size:

1. Hover over the lower-right corner of the table until the cursor displays diagonal
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2. Click and drag the table to the desired size.

3. Release the mouse. All columns and rows are adjusted accordingly.

Deleting Table Content

To delete content from within a table:

1. Select the table cell, row, or column from inside the table cell, row, or column.
2. Press Backspace or Delete on the keyboard.

Deleting Tables
To delete table rows or entire tables:

1. Select the table or table row from outside the table.

2. Press Backspace or Delete on the keyboard

Inserting a Hyperlink
Formatted hyperlinks can be added to notifications to include seamless links with custom
display text. Images can also be configured as hyperlinks.
To insert a hyperlink:

1. Select an insertion point in the notification.

2. In the Insert ribbon group of the Notifications ribbon menu, click Insert Hyperlink.
The Insert Hyperlink dialog box is displayed:

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3. Enter display text in the Content field. This is the clickable text that will appear in
the notification.
You can select an image as the clickable content instead of entering text. To
create an image hyperlink, click Image. The Open dialog box is displayed. Browse

Studio - Workflow Configuration

to the image you want to use for the link, then click Open .
4. Enter a valid URI in the Address field.
5. Click OK.

Existing text or images can be used to create a hyperlink. The selected text becomes the
clickable display text of the hyperlink. When using existing text to create a hyperlink,
create the hyperlink before formatting the text. Creating a hyperlink automatically
formats text in a specific way, and existing formatting is overridden.
To create a hyperlink from existing text or an existing image:

1. Select the text or image you want to use for the hyperlink.
2. In the Insert ribbon group of the Notifications ribbon menu, click Insert Hyperlink.
The Insert Hyperlink dialog box is displayed:

The selected text or image is displayed in the Content field.

3. Enter a valid URI in the Address field.
4. Click OK.

Once a hyperlink has been created, you can test it in the notification editor. To view the
address of a hyperlink, hover over an existing hyperlink. To test the hyperlink, hold CTRL
and click the hyperlink.

Editing a Hyperlink
Existing hyperlinks can be modified, corrected, or removed as needed.

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Workflow OnBase 16

To edit an existing hyperlink:

1. Select an existing hyperlink in the notification.

2. In the Insert ribbon group of the Notifications ribbon menu, click Insert Hyperlink.
The Insert Hyperlink dialog box is displayed:
Studio - Workflow Configuration

The current display text is shown in the Content field and the URI is shown in the
Address field.
3. Edit the Content and Address fields as needed.
4. Click OK.
To remove a hyperlink:

1. Select an existing hyperlink in the notification.

2. In the Insert ribbon group of the Notifications ribbon menu, click Insert Hyperlink.
The Insert Hyperlink dialog box is displayed:

3. Click Remove Link. The display text remains in the notification content, but the
hyperlink is removed.

Configuring Tokens
Tokens can be inserted into plain text and formatted notifications. These tokens will
display document, queue, or life cycle properties when they are sent.
To insert tokens:

1. Select an insertion point in the notification

2. In the Insert ribbon group of the Notifications ribbon menu, click the Tokens drop-
down select list.

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3. Select a token to insert. The following tokens can be used:

• %D - Document Date
• %N - Document Name

Studio - Workflow Configuration

• %# - Document Handle
• %D1 - Document Date Stored
• %I1 - Document Type Stored
• %L - Life Cycle ID
• %L2 - Life Cycle Name
• %Q - Queue ID
• %Q2 - Queue Name
• %K - Keyword
The Insert Keyword dialog is displayed.

Select the Keyword Type, enter the number of repetitions, and select the
formatting. Click OK when finished, or click Cancel to cancel.
The following formats are available: <None>, Capitalize, Capitalize Words ,
Lowercase , and Uppercase .
• %U - User
• %R - User Real Name

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• %V - Property
The Insert Property dialog is displayed.
Studio - Workflow Configuration

Enter the Property Name and select the formatting. Click OK when finished, or
click Cancel to cancel.
The following formats are available: <None>, Capitalize, Capitalize Words ,
Lowercase , and Uppercase .
• WorkflowPop
The WorkflowPop Configuration dialog is displayed.

Select a protocol, either HTTP or HTTPS, and enter the Server Name and the
Virtual Root . Click OK when finished, or click Cancel to cancel.
• DocPop
The DocPop Configuration dialog is displayed.

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Studio - Workflow Configuration

Select a protocol, either HTTP or HTTPS, and enter the Server Name and the
Virtual Root . Click OK when finished, or Cancel to cancel.

Reverting Changes to Notifications

If you change the configuration of a notification, you can revert the changes before you
save the repository. Upon change of a notification, OnBase Studio will display this in the
Properties pane.

Click the here link to revert the changes before saving the repository.

Converting Plain Text Notifications to Formatted Notifications

You can convert existing plain text notifications to formatted notifications.

Note: Formatted notifications cannot be converted to plain text notifications.

To convert a plain text notification to a formatted notification:

1. With a plain text notification opened, click Convert to Formatted in the Options
ribbon group of the Notifications ribbon.
2. A message is displayed with the following statement: The conversion to a formatted
notification is permanent. Any changes will need to be saved after conversion. Would
you like to continue the conversion to a Formatted Notification?

Caution: Converting a plain text notification to a formatted notification is permanent. Once

you have made any changes to the formatted notification and save the repository, you will
not be able to convert it back to a plain text notification.

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3. If you want to continue with the conversion, click Yes.

If you do not want to continue the conversion, click No.
4. If you clicked Yes, the converted formatted notification is displayed in the
notification editor.
5. To finish the conversion, save the repository.
Studio - Workflow Configuration

Editing an Existing Notification

To open or edit an existing notification:

1. Navigate to the Notifications tab in the Repositories pane.

2. In the tree view, double-click the notification you want to edit.
The notification is opened in the notification editor.

Renaming a Notification
Existing notifications can be renamed. To rename a notification:

1. In the tree view, select the notification you want to rename.

2. Right-click the notification, then click Rename.
The notification name becomes an editable text field.
3. Enter a new name for the notification, then press Enter.

Note: The notification name must be unique within the life cycle.

Generating a Test Notification

Note: Generating a test notification and sending it to a recipient requires a properly,

installed, configured, and running instance of the Hyland Distribution Service. For more
information, see Configuring the Distribution Service on page 1027.

Before publishing and implementing a formatted notification in a life cycle, it is

recommended to test the notification to determine if it sends and displays as intended.
Any tokens configured in the notification will not be expanded in the test notification.

Note: You cannot generate a test for a plain text notification.

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To generate a test of a notification:

1. With the draft version of a formatted notification open and checked out, click
Generate Test , located in the ribbon of the Notifications tab.

Studio - Workflow Configuration

The Generate Test Notification dialog is displayed.

2. Enter the recipient e-mail address in the field.

If you want the current published version of the notification to send instead of the
draft, select Send Published Version.
3. Click OK. If the notification sent successfully, a message is displayed: Test
notification successfully sent to <e-mail address> .

Publishing a Formatted Notification

Formatted notifications are initially created as draft versions and prior to use must be

Note: Unpublished notifications cannot be associated with life cycles.

Note: Published versions of notifications are read-only and cannot be edited.

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To publish a formatted notification:

Note: The notification needs to be saved prior to publishing a notification. If the

notification has not been saved, a message is displayed: The notification cannot be
published until the repository has been saved. Do you want to save the repository? Click to
Studio - Workflow Configuration

Yes to save the repository, or click No to cancel publishing the notification.

1. With a formatted notification opened and checked out, in the ribbon of the
Notifications tab, click Publish.
2. The Comments dialog is displayed.

Note: Comments are limited to 250 characters.

3. Enter a description of the notification or any comments relating to it.

Note: The field cannot be left blank.

Click OK to publish the notification.

4. Click Cancel to close the dialog and cancel publishing the notification.
5. A Notification published message is displayed.

Using Versions of a Formatted Notification

You can have multiple versions of the same notification in order to track any changes
made or to revert to previous versions. For formatted notifications there are always at
least two versions: a (Draft) version and a (Published) version. Versions of formatted
notifications are found in the <Notification>: Versions dialog.

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To view the <Notification>:Versions dialog:

1. In the Notifications tab of the Repositories pane, right-click a formatted

notification to access the right-click context menu. Click Versions.

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2. The <Notification>:Versions dialog is displayed.

Studio - Workflow Configuration

3. To open a previous version of the notification, select it from the list and click OK .
Click Cancel to close the dialog without selecting a different version.
4. The selected version is opened and displayed in the notification editor with the
label (Inactive) in the title bar.

Note: The inactive version of the notification is read-only and cannot be edited.

You can promote the current published or an older inactive version of a notification to
the draft version in order to publish it as the active version or to make changes and then
publish it.
To promote a published or inactive version to the draft version:

1. With a published or an inactive version of a notification open and checked out, in

the ribbon of the Notifications tab, click Promote to Draft .
2. A message is displayed with the text The current draft for this notification will be
replaced with this version. Are you sure you want to continue?

Caution: The current draft will be replaced with the new version.

3. Click Yes to replace the current draft with the inactive version.
Click No to cancel the promotion.
4. The published or inactive version of the notification will be displayed as a draft in
the notification editor.

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OnBase 16 Workflow

Spell Check
You can check the spelling of plain text notifications. Spell checking is enabled in Studio
Options . For more information on enabling spell checking, see Spell Check on page 870.

Studio - Workflow Configuration

Note: Spell checking is not available for formatted notifications.

To spell check plain text notifications:

1. With a plain text notification open in the notification editor, in the Options ribbon
group of the Notifications tab, click Spell Check .
2. The Spell Check dialog is displayed.

3. Evaluate the highlighted word to determine if it is misspelled.

4. If the word is not misspelled, click Ignore to accept that instance of the word, or
Ignore All to accept all instances of the word in the notification.
5. If it is misspelled, you can choose one of the suggestions listed.
Click Change to change the single instance of the misspelled word.
Click Change All to change every instance of the misspelled word to the selected
6. If the desired word is not listed in the suggestions, you can enter your own text in
the Use this instead: field.
7. Once you are finished checking the notification, click OK to close the dialog.

Supported Dictionaries
The following localized dictionaries are available for Spell Checking:
• US - English
• UK - English
• Canada - English
• Australia - English

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Workflow OnBase 16

• Portugal - Portuguese
• Brazil - Portuguese
• Germany - German
• France - French
Studio - Workflow Configuration

• Netherlands - Dutch
• Spain - Spanish

Notification Shortcuts
The following keyboard shortcuts can be used in the Notification editor:

Shortcut Description

Ctrl + C Copies selected content in the editor.

Ctrl + V Pastes copied content in the editor.

Ctrl + X Cuts selected content in the editor.

Ctrl + B Bolds text.

Ctrl + U Underlines text.

Ctrl + I Italicizes text.

Tab Indents text.

Shift+Tab Decreases text indent.

Ctrl + L Left-aligns text or images.

Ctrl + E Center-aligns text or images.

Ctrl + R Right-aligns text or images.

Ctrl + J Justifies text or images.

Alt + K Displays the Insert Keyword dialog box.

Alt + P Displays the Insert Property dialog box.

Finding References
To find where a specific action, rule, task, or task list is used, select it, right-click and
select Show References . References to the item are displayed in the References tab.
Three columns of information are displayed. The Type column displays the type of item
that was selected. The Name column displays the name of the item’s parent. For
example, if an action is in the System Work folder, System Work is displayed in the
column with the folder’s ID number. The Location column displays where the item is

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OnBase 16 Workflow

Creation and Modification Logging

When an item is created or changed in the Repositories tree, a time stamp is created
contains the date, time, and user that performed the action. This information is found at

Studio - Workflow Configuration

the top of the Properties pane when an item is selected. The following is an example:

Note: If you created an item prior to version 14, the Created and Modified timestamps
will display Unknown. Version 14 introduced the recording of these timestamps. Once the
item is modified, the Modified time stamp will record the time stamp and no longer
display Unknown.

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Workflow OnBase 16

Managing Locks
You can manage locks within OnBase Studio. You can access the Manage Locks dialog box
by clicking on the Application Menu button in the upper left hand corner of the
application and select Manage Locks.
Studio - Workflow Configuration

You can display only locks that pertain to the BPMN Modeler module or life cycles by
selecting the Display only BPMN and life cycle locks option.
Locks are displayed by repository. Select the Repository from the drop-down select list
that you want to view the lock for.
To remove a lock, select the lock and click Remove Selected.
Click Refresh to refresh the lock information displayed.

Adding, Moving, or Removing Work Items

You can add, move, or remove work items from a queue from within Studio

Note: Adding or moving work items is only supported if both the source and destination
queues are configured to contain the same types of work items.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

To add or move work items, in the Repositories pane within the Workflow tab, select a
life cycle or queue, right-click and select Add/Move Work Items. The Add/Move Work
Items Wizard is displayed.

Studio - Workflow Configuration

To add work items:

1. Select Add.
2. From the Life Cycle drop-down, select the life cycle.
From the Queue drop-down, select the queue that contains the items you will be
adding to another queue. Click Next.
3. From the Life Cycle drop-down, select the life cycle.
From the Queue drop-down, select the queue to which you will be adding the
items. Click Next.
4. If the source and destination queues are both configured for load balancing, How
should the load balancing assignments be handled? is displayed. If the queues are
not configured for load balancing, skip to step 6.
5. Select New Assignments if the destination queue will determine the load balancing
Select Copy Assignments if the load balancing assignments from the source queue
will be kept.
Select Unassigned if the work items in the destination queue should not be
assigned to anyone.

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6. If the source and destination life cycles are both Unity life cycles and have been
configured for ownership, How should work items owned by users be handled? is
displayed. If the life cycles are not Unity life cycles and not configured for
ownership, skip to step 8.
7. Select Remove Ownership if the work items in the destination queue will not be
Studio - Workflow Configuration

owned by anyone.
Select Copy Ownership if the owner of the work item should keep ownership of the
work item in the destination queue.

Note: If the user with ownership does not have ownership rights in the new queue, even
if Copy Ownership is selected the work items will not be owned by anyone.

8. How should the items be added? is displayed. Select the following options:
Select Execute System Work if the work items should execute system work once
they have moved to the destination queue.

Note: Any user interaction from actions or rules in system work is not supported.

Select Items should have same entry to queue date in the destination queue if the
work items should keep the entry date from the source queue. Otherwise they will
have the entry date of when they entered the destination queue.
Select Include Persistent Properties if the properties associated with the work
items should persist with them from the source queue into the destination queue.
Click Next.
9. The Summary is displayed. Review the details to determine if modifications are
needed. If modifications are needed, click Previous to return to the previous
Select Display Verification Report to display a report detailing the results.
10. Once satisfied with the settings, click Finish to execute the action.
Click Cancel to close the wizard without making any changes to the system.
To move work items:

1. Select Move.
2. From the Life Cycle drop-down, select the life cycle.
From the Queue drop-down, select the queue that contains the items you will be
adding to another queue. Click Next.
3. From the Life Cycle drop-down, select the life cycle.
From the Queue drop-down, select the queue to which you will be adding the
items. Click Next.
4. If the source and destination queues are both configured for load balancing, How
should the load balancing assignments be handled? is displayed. If the queues are
not configured for load balancing, skip to step 6.
5. Select New Assignments if the destination queue will determine the load balancing
Select Copy Assignments if the load balancing assignments from the source queue
will be kept.
Select Unassigned if the work items in the destination queue should not be
assigned to anyone.

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OnBase 16 Workflow

6. If the source and destination life cycles are both Unity life cycles and have been
configured for ownership, How should work items owned by users be handled? is
displayed. If the life cycles are not Unity life cycles and not configured for
ownership, skip to step 8.

Studio - Workflow Configuration

7. Select Remove Ownership if the work items in the destination queue will not be
owned by anyone.
Select Copy Ownership if the owner of the work item
8. How should the items be added? is displayed. Select the following options:
Select Execute System Work if the work items should execute system work once
they have moved to the destination queue.

Note: Any user interaction from actions or rules in system work is not supported.

Select Items should have same entry to queue date in the destination queue if the
work items should keep the entry date from the source queue. Otherwise they will
have the entry date of when they entered the destination queue.
Select Include Persistent Properties if the properties associated with the work
items should persist with them from the source queue into the destination queue.
Click Next.
9. The Summary is displayed. Review the details to determine if modifications are
needed. If modifications are needed, click Previous to return to the previous
Select Display Verification Report to display a report detailing the results.
10. Once satisfied with the settings, click Finish to execute the action.
Click Cancel to close the wizard without making any changes to the system.
To remove work items:

Note: Removing work items only removes work items from Workflow, it does not purge
or delete items from OnBase.

1. In the Repositories pane within the Workflow tab, select a life cycle or queue,
right-click and select Remove Work Items . The Remove Work Items dialog is

2. In the Life Cycle drop-down, select the life cycle.

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3. In the Queue drop-down, select the particular queue or select <All> to remove all
work items from the entire life cycle.

Note: If you select a particular queue, only the work items in that queue will be removed.
Studio - Workflow Configuration

4. Select Remove Load Balancing Assignments to remove any load balancing

assignments from the work items.
5. Select Remove Persistent Properties to remove any properties associated with the
work items.
6. Click OK to remove the work items.
Click Cancel to close the dialog without removing the work items.

Creating Configuration Reports

You can create configuration reports for life cycles. To create a configuration report:

1. Select the life cycle you want to create a report from within the Workflow tab in
the Repositories pane.
2. In the Workflow ribbon, click Configuration Report. The Configuration Report dialog
box is displayed.

3. Select the format that you want to use from the Report File Type drop-down select
list. You can select XML Paper Specification (*.xps), Text (*.txt), HTML (*.htm), or
MIME HTML (.mht) .
4. If you want to save the report to a Windows directory, select Save Report to File.
Enter the path to the file in the field or click the ellipsis button (... ) to browse to
the directory.

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5. If you want to store the report in OnBase, select Archive Report (SYS Configuration
Report) . Enter a Description for the report. The report will be saved to the SYS
Configuration Report Document Type.

Studio - Workflow Configuration

Note: This option is not available when the XML Paper Specification (*.xps) file type is

6. If you want to view the generated report, select Display Generated Report .

Note: You must select at least one of the options on the Output tab in order to generate
a report.

7. Select the Options tab.

8. In the Options tab, select the options for the information you want to include in
the report.
9. Click OK to run the report.

User Group Rights

Note: User group and user rights are configured in the OnBase Configuration module.

User Group Configuration for Workflow

Configuring Workflow requires access to life cycles and queues. Depending on the
design, you may require access to queries, note types, folder types and system tasks, ad
hoc user tasks, or any combination of these.

Note: The ability to view documents in a life cycle is controlled at the queue level. If a
user has rights to a life cycle queue, they will also have rights to view all the documents
in that queue, regardless of their security rights (i.e., security keyword assignments).

Note: To view documents within Workflow, users need to have access to at least one
Document Type as well as privileges to retrieve / view documents. The Document Type
to which the user is given access does not need to contain any documents, nor does it
need to be associated with the Life Cycle. The user also does not need access to the
Retrieval dialog.

Note: To add life cycles to the user group, the workstation must have a Workflow module

To Assign Workflow Life Cycles and Queues to a User Group:

1. Select Users | User Groups/Rights.

2. Select the user group that will be assigned life cycle and queue rights.
3. Click Workflow to open the Assigning Workflow for [user group] dialog box.

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Workflow OnBase 16

4. When the Use Workflow Configuration Rights option is selected, you must select
the Execution Rights tab. The Available for Selection list contains all of the
Workflow life cycles currently stored in the system. To add a life cycle to the
rights of the users, select the life cycle in the Available for Selection list and click
Add . All queues within the life cycle are automatically highlighted and added.
Studio - Workflow Configuration

5. The Selected for Group list contains all of the life cycles and queues currently
assigned to the user group. A life cycle or work queue can be removed from the
user group by highlighting the life cycle or queue in the Selected for Group section
and clicking Remove .
6. Click Close.

Note: In order to grant access to specific queues, the user group must have rights to the
life cycle that contains the queues.

In addition, life cycles rights can be granted to user groups by right-clicking on a life
cycle in the configuration tree and selecting User Group. You can assign user groups to
the selected life cycle.

Copying Workflow Settings for User Groups

Workflow settings can be copied from one User Group to another. These settings include
the following:
• Workflow Life Cycles and Work Queues
• Workflow System Tasks
• Workflow Ad Hoc User Tasks
To copy Workflow rights to another User Group:

1. Select Users | User Groups/Rights. The User Groups & Rights dialog box is
2. Select the User Group from which you want to copy rights.

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OnBase 16 Workflow

3. Click Copy. The User Group Copy Options dialog box is displayed.

Studio - Workflow Configuration

4. Enter a new User Group Name that will inherit the selected settings from the
existing User Group.
5. Select the User Group Settings to Copy of the existing User Group that you would
like your new User Group to inherit.

Note: You do not have to choose all settings assigned to the existing User Group.

6. Click Retain Copy Options if you would like to save the selected settings for a
future User Group you will create.
7. Click Copy.

Service Accounts
A user account configured as a service account will have the following rights within
• Retrieve a list of all life cycles including the life cycle name, ID and all other
• Retrieve a list of all queues for any life cycle.
• Retrieve a list of all ad hoc tasks and execute any ad hoc task.

Configure Life Cycles

The user group responsible for the configuration work must have Workflow Configuration

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Granting a User Rights to Configure All Life Cycles

If you want a specific user to have rights to configure all life cycles, you must grant the
user Workflow Configuration Administration rights. To grant this right:

1. Select Workflow | Options.

Studio - Workflow Configuration

2. Check the Use Workflow Configuration Rights option.

3. Click Save.
4. Select Users | User Names/Password.
5. Select the appropriate user.
6. Click Settings.
7. Select Workflow Configuration Administrator.
8. Click Save.

Note: The Workflow Configuration Administration right also gives a specific user the
option to Manage user group layout settings in the Unity Workflow interface.

Configure custom queries, VB scripts, folder and notes

In order for users to utilize custom queries, VBScripts, folder, and notes, users must
have appropriate rights.

Assign or revoke rights to Custom Queries

1. Select Users | User Groups/Rights to display the User Groups & Rights dialog box.
2. Type the new user group name in the field or select an existing one from the User
Group Name list and click the Custom Queries button.
3. On the Assigning Custom Queries for [group name] Group dialog box, select the
names of queries in the Available list and click the Add>> button to move them to
the Selected list. To revoke access, select the query on the Selected list and click
the <<Remove button.
4. When finished, click Close.
5. Follow these steps for the VBScript, Folder Types, and Note Types buttons. For note
type configuration, you must also specify rights to create, view, modify, and/or
delete note types by selecting the appropriate boxes.

Gain access to the Workflow inbox and workstation options

In order to access the Workflow Inbox and workstation options, the following rights must
be granted to a user.

1. Select Users | User Groups/Rights to display the User Groups & Rights dialog box.
2. Type the new user group name in the field or select an existing one from the User
Group Name list and click Privileges.
3. On the Assigning User Group Privileges for [group name] Group dialog box, check
the Workflow box in Client Based Products .
4. To assign Workstation Options , check the User/Workstation Options box in the
Client Features section.
5. Click Save & Close.

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OnBase 16 Workflow

To gain access to the Workflow inbox, but deny the right to the Execute
Workflow right-click menu outside of Workflow
1. Select Users | User Groups/Rights to display the User Groups & Rights dialog box.

Studio - Workflow Configuration

2. Type the new user group name in the field or select an existing one from the User
Group Name list and click Privileges .
3. If the Workflow privilege is selected for the user group, clear it.
4. On the Assigning User Group Privileges for [group name] Group dialog box, check
the Workflow Restricted box in the Client Based Products section.
5. Click Save & Close.

Change viewing privileges to life cycles and queues in the Workflow inbox
In order for users to access life cycles, they must have the appropriate privileges.

Assign or revoke life Cycle privileges

1. Select Users | User Groups/Rights to display the User Groups & Rights screen.
2. Type the new user group name in the field or select an existing one from the User
Group Name list and click Workflow.

Note: The MANAGER and ADMINISTRATOR accounts must be assigned specific rights to
any queues those user groups require access to.

3. Select life cycle(s) from the Life Cycle list on the Available for selection list. The
associated queues are selected in the Work Queue list below. You can deselect
individual queues by clicking them in the Work Queue list.
4. Click the Add>> button to move the life cycle and queues to the Selected for Group
list. To revoke access, select the life cycle(s) on the Selected for Group list and
click the <<Remove button.
5. When finished, click Close.

Note: When using the Classic Client interface, users must be assigned to more than one
queue in order for the Life Cycle window to be displayed by default. If you only want to
assign users to one queue and make the Life Cycle window available by default, create a
hidden queue and assign it to the users that you only want to access one Workflow

Change privileges to Ad Hoc Tasks, Web/API Tasks and System Tasks

In order for users to perform ad hoc or system tasks, they must have the appropriate

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Workflow OnBase 16

Assign or revoke privileges to Ad hoc Tasks

1. Select Users | User Groups/Rights to display the User Groups & Rights dialog box.
Type the new user group name in the field or select an existing one from the User
Group Name list and click Ad Hoc User Tasks .
Studio - Workflow Configuration

2. On the Ad Hoc User Tasks dialog box, select the task(s) from the Available list and
click the Add>> button to move them to the Selected list. To revoke access, select
the task(s) on the Selected list and click the <<Remove button.

Note: Only ad hoc tasks belonging to life cycles to which users have rights are displayed
for selection.

3. When finished, click Close.

4. Click Exit.

Assign Web/API Tasks to a User Group:

1. Select Users | User Groups/Rights.
2. Select the user group that will be assigned rights for Web/API tasks.
3. Click Web /API Tasks to display the Web/API Tasks dialog box.
4. The Available list contains all Web/API tasks that are currently stored in OnBase.
To add a task to the user group, select it in the Available list and click Add.
5. The Selected section lists all tasks that are currently assigned to the user group.
To remove a task, select it in the Selected list and click Remove.
6. Click Close when all tasks have been assigned.

Assign or revoke privileges to System Tasks

1. Select Users | User Groups/Rights to display the User Groups & Rights dialog box.
2. Type the new user group name in the field or select an existing one from the User
Group Name list and click System Tasks.
3. In the System Tasks dialog box, select the task(s) from the Available list and click
the Add>> button to move them to the Selected list. To revoke access, select the
task(s) on the Selected list and click the <<Remove button.
4. When finished, click Close.

Assign/revoke System Tasks to/from Document Types

System tasks are visible in the Tasks Bar when viewing a Document Type that has been
associated with that task. Document Types can be assigned in the Workflow Tree
Configuration dialog box or in the Document Types dialog box.
To associate a system task to a Document Type in the Document Types dialog box:

1. Select Document | Document Types.

2. In the Document Types dialog box, select the Document Type name to configure
and click System Tasks .
3. In the Task List Selection dialog box, select the task(s) in the Available list and
click Add>>. When finished, click Close .
4. On the Document Types dialog box, click Close.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Grant Administrative Processing Privileges

To perform load-balancing administration, purge the Workflow Log, see all queues
regardless of rights in the Workflow Queues dialog box, and manually execute timer

Studio - Workflow Configuration

work, users must have the Workflow Administrative Processing Privilege. To assign a
user with this privilege:

1. Click Users | User Groups/Rights.

2. Type the new user group name in the field, or select an existing one from the User
Group Name list, and click Product Rights .
3. Check the Workflow box in the Administrative Processing Privileges section.
4. Click Save & Close.
5. Click Exit.

Note: The Workflow Administrator privilege overrides all queue level privileges in those
queues that the user/user groups has rights.

Granting Workflow Log Purging Privileges

In order for a user to be able to purge Workflow log entries, they must have the Main
Workflow Log Purge privilege. To grant this privilege:

1. Click Users | User Groups/Rights.

2. Type the new user group name in the field or select an existing one from the User
Group Name list and click the Log Privileges button.
3. Select the Purge check box for the Main Workflow Log item.
4. This also requires that either the Workflow or Workflow Restricted privilege is

Caution: The MANAGER and ADMINISTRATOR user will automatically be granted Workflow
log purging privileges when the Workflow or Workflow Restricted privilege is granted.

Workflow Doctor
Workflow Doctor is used to examine the state and general “health” of a life cycle
configuration and the related Workflow system. It can be used to diagnose existing and
potential problems for a Workflow system.
Workflow Doctor can be configured to validate life cycles when a repository is opened or
it will validate a life cycle upon checking out the life cycle.

Defining Doctor Options

Workflow Doctor options are defined in Studio Options. See Connecting to Repositories
on page 232 for more information.

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Workflow OnBase 16

Doctor Results
The Doctor Results tab reports errors, warnings, and messages for life cycles. The
following is an example of the Doctors Results window.
Studio - Workflow Configuration

Results can be filtered using the buttons at the top of the window. You can filter by
Errors , Warnings , Messages, or a selected life cycle. By selecting filter buttons, you are
able to narrow the information displayed in the Doctor Results tab.
In addition, when a specific life cycle is selected, a button labeled Filter by ‘<life cycle
name>’ issues is displayed. If you click on this button, the Workflow Doctor results are
filtered to only show issues related to that specific life cycle.
The following columns of information are display:
• Severity: Displays the icon for Error, Warning or Message.
• Type: Displays the type of item.
• Name: Displays the name of the item.
• Description: Displays a description of the problem encountered.
• Scope: Displays the life cycle the item occurs in.
• Location: Displays the exact location of the configuration reported.
• Repository: Displays the repository the item occurs in.

You can sort on a column by clicking on it.

You can double-click on an item displayed in the Doctor Results tab and it will open the
item for correction when the life cycle it belongs to is selected. The incorrect
configuration is marked for correction.

Note: Some reported items cannot be opened because they refer to a general issue or
refer to an item that does not exist in a life cycle, but still exists in the database.

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OnBase 16 Workflow

The following example shows an action that needs further configuration:

Studio - Workflow Configuration

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Workflow OnBase 16

In the next example, there was a warning that a queue did not have user groups
assigned, so the User Groups tab is highlighted:
Studio - Workflow Configuration

Exporting Doctor Results

You can export your results to Microsoft Excel. To export the results:

1. With the results appropriately sorted and filtered, click Export.

2. Enter a File name for the .xlsx file.
3. Browse to the location where you want to save the file.
4. Click Save.

Configuring Window Titles

The titles of the following windows can be customized:
• Inbox
• Life Cycle View

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OnBase 16 Workflow

• User Interaction
• Related Items

This can be set at the global level, the life cycle level, or the queue level. Whatever is set

Studio - Workflow Configuration

at the global level will be inherited by all life cycles and queues unless a specific override
is configured at the life cycle or queue level. If a life cycle override is configured, all
queues will inherit these settings unless a queue level override is configured.

Note: Queue level and life cycle level window titles are applied to the Core-based OnBase
Client, Unity Client, and Web Client Workflow interfaces. Global window titles are applied
to the Unity Client and Web Client.

Configuring Window Titles Definitions

Before you can apply a title to a window, you must create the window title definition. To
create a window title:

1. From the Workflow tab, in the Workflow ribbon group, click Window Titles. The
Windows Titles dialog box is displayed.

2. Select the Repository for which you want to configure window titles from the drop-
down select list.

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Workflow OnBase 16

3. Click on the All Titles tab.

Studio - Workflow Configuration

4. Click Add. The Window Title Configuration dialog box is displayed.

5. Enter the title you want to apply to a window in the Title Name field.
6. Click OK. The title will be displayed in the All Titles tab.
7. Repeat this steps for each title you need.
In addition, you can create window titles on an ad hoc basis when assigning titles to
windows. To create titles during window title configuration:

1. Select the new/modify drop-down menu next to a window title drop-down and
select New.

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OnBase 16 Workflow

2. The Window Title Configuration dialog box is displayed.

Studio - Workflow Configuration

3. Enter the title you want to apply to a window in the Title Name field.
4. Click OK. The title will be displayed in the All Titles tab and is available for
selection for all window title configurations.

Configuring Global Window Titles

Note: Window titles that are configured at the global level only apply to the Unity Client
and the Web Client.

To configure globally applied window titles:

1. From the Workflow tab, in the Workflow ribbon group, click Window Titles. The
Windows Titles dialog box is displayed.

2. For the window you want to configure a title for, select a title from the drop-down
select list.
3. Click Close when you are done configuring window titles.

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Workflow OnBase 16

If a window title is configured as <Use Default>, the label for the drop-down list will be
used for the window’s title in the user interface.

Configuring Life Cycle and Queue Window Titles

Studio - Workflow Configuration

You can configure window titles specific to a life cycle or queue that will override the
global window title configuration. To configure window titles specific to a life cycle or

1. In the Repositories tree, select the life cycle or queue for which you want to
configure window titles.
2. Select the Titles tab.

3. For the window you want to configure a title for, select a title from the drop-down
select list.
When <Inherit> is selected for a window specific to a life cycle, the window title is
inherited from the global window title settings.
When <Inherit> is selected for a window specific to a queue, the window title is inherited
from the life cycle’s window title settings in which the queue resides.

Comparing Workflow Repository Tree Items

Items within the Repository tree can be compared to one another. This feature allows
you to automate comparing items. The items compared do not have to be saved to the
repository in order to be compared. Pending changes to an item will be used for the

Note: Events and System Events cannot be compared.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

To compare an item to another item:

1. In the Workflow tab of the Repositories window, right-click on the first item you
want to compare and select Compare To. The Compare To dialog box is displayed.

Studio - Workflow Configuration

2. Select the Repository in which the item you want to compare to the first item
resides. Only repositories that are currently connected will be available for
3. Select the item you would like to compare the first item to.

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Workflow OnBase 16

4. Click OK. The comparison results dialog box is displayed. The following is an
example of one of these windows.
Studio - Workflow Configuration

Within the comparison results dialog box, information about the differences between the
two compared items can be viewed and reported on. The following codes are used for
differences between items:
• When a line item is highlighted in red, the item has been deleted in the second
item selected. The < symbol is displayed in the margin.
• When a line item is highlighted in green, the item has been added to the second
item selected. The > symbol is displayed in the margin.
• When a line item is highlighted in yellow, the item has been changed in the
second item selected. The x symbol is displayed in the margin.
• If a tree item is collapsed, but one of the children of the tree item contains the
difference, a dark gray vertical line is displayed in the margin.

Navigating Differences Found

You can easily navigate through the differences identified between the two selected
items by using the First Difference, Previous Difference, Next Difference , and Last
Difference buttons.

• The First Difference button will take you to the first difference identified.
• The Previous Difference button will take you to the previous difference identified.

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OnBase 16 Workflow

• The Next Difference button will take you to the next difference identified.
• The Last Difference button will take you to the last difference identified.

The current position of the selected difference is identified in the box in the middle of

Studio - Workflow Configuration

these buttons. It tells the numeric position of the difference in relation the total number
of differences found. In the example, the third difference is selected out of the 8
differences identified.

Creating a Report of Differences

Once you have compared two items, you can run a report on the differences that were
found. To run a report, click the Create Report button in the comparison dialog box.

Upon clicking Create Report, a detailed report containing information about Changed
Items , Added Items , and Deleted Items is displayed.
You can print the report by clicking Print .
You can save the report by clicking Save, supplying a filename and selecting a directory
location for the file, and clicking Save.

Note: The file is saved in the .xps format.

When you are finished with the report, click Close to exit the dialog box.

Displaying Item Differences

You can view the details about a specific difference instance that will give you exact
information about what is different between the two items compared. To view details
about a difference instance:

1. Select the difference instance you want to view more details about.
2. Click the Display Item Difference button.

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Workflow OnBase 16

3. A dialog box is displayed containing a report of the details concerning the selected
difference instance. The following is an example:
Studio - Workflow Configuration

If the item selected exists in both items that were compared and has changed, the
difference is highlighted in yellow. If the item only exists in one of the items compared,
only details of that item is displayed and there will be no information highlighted. If a life
cycle, queue, or ad hoc task item is selected and a user group or Document Type is
removed, the difference is highlighted in red. If a user group or Document Type is
added, the difference is highlighted in green.
You can print the report by clicking Print .
You can save the report by clicking Save, supplying a filename and selecting a directory
location for the file, and clicking Save.

Note: The file is saved in the .xps format.

When you are finished with the report, click Close to exit the dialog box.

Configuring Web Services

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

OnBase Studio allows the mapping of a name to WSDL Web Service. Through the use of
the configured Web Services, the OnBase Studio can reference a WSDL via a name.
Subsequently, if a user needs to change the WSDL location, the user only needs to
update it in one place, rather than updating it in every place it is used in the BPMN

Studio - Workflow Configuration

process. To create a Web Service:

1. In the Home tab, in the System ribbon group, click the Web Services button. The
Web Services dialog box is displayed.

2. Select the appropriate Repository from the drop-down select list.

3. Click Add.

4. Enter the Name of the Web Service. The Name has a maximum of 128 characters.

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Workflow OnBase 16

5. Enter the WSDL Location. The WSDL Location has a maximum of 255 characters.
6. Click OK

You can locate a specific, existing web service by entering text that will identify the
service in the Find field. The web services displayed will be narrowed down to the web
Studio - Workflow Configuration

services that contain the characters entered.

You can modify a Web Service by selecting it in the Web Services dialog box and clicking
Modify. Clicking Modify will open the Web Service in the Web Service dialog box, where
you can edit the Name and WSDL Location. Save the repository for changes to be
You can also delete a Web Service by selecting it in the Web Services dialog box and
clicking Delete . A message appears asking Are you sure you want to delete the specified
web service? Click Yes to delete the service. Click No to cancel the action.

Generating Items
In order to test your life cycles, you may want to generate test documents within
OnBase Studio. You can configure a generator to generated specific items for testing.

Note: The item generation features require a Workflow license.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Creating Generators
Generators can be configured to create specific items and a specific number of items.
You can configure multiple generators. To create a generator:

Studio - Workflow Configuration

1. In the Workflow ribbon, within the Item Generation ribbon group, click Item
Generators .

Note: You can locate a specific, existing generator item by entering text that will identify
the generator item in the Find field. The generator items displayed will be narrowed
down to the generator items that contain the characters entered.

Note: You can modify an existing item generator by selecting it and clicking Modify. To
delete an item generator, select it and click Delete . Item generators associated with
batches cannot be deleted.

2. Select the Repository from the drop-down select list for which you want to create
a generator.

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Workflow OnBase 16

3. Click Add.
Studio - Workflow Configuration

4. Enter the Name and the Description for the generator.

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OnBase 16 Workflow

5. Click Next.

Studio - Workflow Configuration

6. You must decide if you want to generate documents, Unity Forms, or WorkView
items. When generating documents, Document Types that are configured as
Image File Form, Text File Format, or Electronic Form Default File Formats can be
generated. If a Document Type is selected that does not have one of these file
format configured, the documents will be generated as text documents.
To generate documents, see Generating Documents on page 430.
To generate Unity Forms, see Generating Unity Forms on page 439.
To generate WorkView Items, see Generating WorkView Objects on page 447.

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Workflow OnBase 16

Generating Documents
1. If you want to generate documents, click Documents.
Studio - Workflow Configuration

2. Select the Document Type from the drop-down select list.

3. Enter the number of documents you want to generate in the Number of documents
to create field.

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OnBase 16 Workflow

4. Click Next.

Studio - Workflow Configuration

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Workflow OnBase 16

5. Specify what the item generator should use for document contents. Select one of
the following:
• Specific Text: Select this option to enter specific text as content for the
document. If Specific Text is selected, click Next, then skip to step 10.
• Use Existing Document: Select this option if you want to select a file to be
Studio - Workflow Configuration

used as document content.

6. Click Next.

7. Click Browse to select the file you want to use for document contents.
8. Select a Document Type for the file. The selected document is imported into
OnBase using the selected Document Type.

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OnBase 16 Workflow

9. If the selected Document Type uses a Description Keyword, the Description field is
available. Enter a Keyword Value for the Description Keyword.
Skip to step 11.

Studio - Workflow Configuration

10. Enter the information you want to include in the documents in the The document
should contain the following text field. This information will be viewable in the
document viewer when the document is open.

Note: This option is not available when generating E-Forms.

11. Click Next.

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Studio - Workflow Configuration

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OnBase 16 Workflow

12. Click Add. The Keyword Configuration dialog box is displayed.

Studio - Workflow Configuration

13. Select the Keyword Type you would like to map to a value.
14. Select the appropriate mapping option:

Constant This option allows you to add a constant value that will be added to all
Value generated documents for the selected Keyword Type.

Increment This option allows you to enter a Starting Value and a value to increment
Range that number by in the Increment By field. Each generated document
keyword value is incremented by the number specified.

Note: This option is not available for currency or date Keyword Types.

Increment This option allows you to enter a Starting Date and a value to increment
Date Range that date by in the Increment By (Days) field. Each generated Keyword
value is incremented by the number of days specified.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Random This option allows you to add randomly generated value to the Keyword
Value Type selected for generated documents. Enter the range of values you
Between want the randomly generated values to fall in the fields.

Note: This option is not available for currency or date Keyword Types.
Studio - Workflow Configuration

Random This option allows you to add a random date between the specified range.
Date Select a start and end date for the date range. Select Include Time to
Between include a time.

Random Select this option to add a random value from the Keyword’s configured
Value from data set.
Data Set
Note: This option is only supported for Keywords with data sets configured.

Add the If you want to add a prefix to the value you configured in one of the above
following options. Select this check box and enter the value you want to use as a
prefix prefix.

Note: This option is available only when an alphanumeric Keyword Type is


15. Click OK.

16. Repeat the steps to add a Keyword Type for each Keyword Type and value
combination you want to map.
17. Click Next.

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OnBase 16 Workflow

Studio - Workflow Configuration

18. You can determine whether the items that are generated are added to Workflow.
The following options are available:

Do not add the items to If you want to generate items, but you do not want to add them
Workflow to Workflow life cycles, select this option.

Add the items to all Life If you want generated items to be added to all life cycles that
Cycles associated with the Document Type is associated with, select this option.

Add the items to the If you want to select a specific life cycle and queue to add the
specified Life Cycle items to, select this option and select the appropriate life cycle
from the first drop-down select list and the Queue from the
second drop-down select list.

Execute System Work If you want to execute system work on the items, select this

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

19. Click Next.

Studio - Workflow Configuration

20. Determine how the items should be assigned a queue entry date. The following
options are available:

Option Description

Use the current date Uses the current date as the entry to queue date.

Use the following queue Select a specific date to use as the entry to queue date.
entry date

Use a random date between Uses a random date in a specified date range as the entry to
two dates queue date. Select a Start Date and End Date to specify the
date range that should be used. The End Date must be after
the Start Date.

21. Click Next.

22. Click Finish .

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OnBase 16 Workflow

Generating Unity Forms

1. If you want to generate Unity Forms, click Unity Forms.

Studio - Workflow Configuration

2. Select the Unity Form you want to generate from the Form Type drop-down select
3. Enter the number of forms you want to generate in the Number of forms to create
4. Click Next.

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Studio - Workflow Configuration

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OnBase 16 Workflow

5. Click Add. The Keyword Configuration dialog box is displayed.

Studio - Workflow Configuration

6. Select the Keyword Type you would like to map to a value.
7. Select the appropriate mapping option:

Constant This option allows you to add a constant value that will be added to all
Value generated documents for the selected Keyword Type.

Increment This option allows you to enter a Starting Value and a value to increment
Range that number by in the Increment By field. Each generated document
keyword value is incremented by the number specified.

Note: This option is not available for currency or date Keyword Types.

Increment This option allows you to enter a Starting Date and a value to increment
Date Range that date by in the Increment By (Days) field. Each generated Keyword
value is incremented by the number of days specified.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Random This option allows you to add randomly generated value to the Keyword
Value Type selected for generated documents. Enter the range of values you
Between want the randomly generated values to fall in the fields.

Note: This option is not available for currency or date Keyword Types.
Studio - Workflow Configuration

Random This option allows you to add a random date between the specified range.
Date Select a start and end date for the date range. Select Include Time to
Between include a time.

Random Select this option to add a random value from the Keyword’s configured
Value from data set.
Data Set
Note: This option is only supported for Keywords with data sets configured.

Add the If you want to add a prefix to the value you configured in one of the above
following options. Select this check box and enter the value you want to use as a
prefix prefix.

Note: This option is available only when an alphanumeric Keyword Type is


8. Click OK.
9. Repeat the steps to add a Keyword Type for each Keyword Type and value
combination you want to map.

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OnBase 16 Workflow

10. Click Next.

Studio - Workflow Configuration

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Workflow OnBase 16

11. Click Add.

Studio - Workflow Configuration

12. Select the Field from the drop-down select list.

Note: Only fields that are not associated with a Keyword Type are available for selection.

13. Select the appropriate mapping option:

Constant This option allows you to add a constant value that will be added to all
Value generated forms for the selected form field.

Increment This option allows you to enter a Starting Value and a value to increment
Range that number by in the Increment By field. Each generated form field value
is incremented by the number specified.

Increment This option allows you to enter a Starting Date and a value to increment
Date Range that date by in the Increment By (Days) field. Each generated field value
is incremented by the number of days specified.

Random This option allows you to add randomly generated value to the field
Value selected for generated forms. Enter the range of values you want the
Between randomly generated values to fall in the fields.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Random This option allows you to add a random date between the specified range.
Date Select a start and end date for the date range. Select Include Time to
Between include a time.

Studio - Workflow Configuration

Add the If you want to add a prefix to the value you configured in one of the above
following options. Select this check box and enter the value you want to use as a
prefix prefix.

14. Click OK.

15. Repeat the steps to add a field for each field and value combination you want to
16. Click Next.

17. You can determine whether the items that are generated are added to Workflow.
The following options are available:

Do not add the items to If you want to generate items, but you do not want to add them
Workflow to Workflow life cycles, select this option.

Add the items to all Life If you want generated items to be added to all life cycles that
Cycles associated with the Document Type is associated with, select this option.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Add the items to the If you want to select a specific life cycle and queue to add the
specified Life Cycle items to, select this option and select the appropriate life cycle
from the first drop-down select list and the Queue from the
second drop-down select list.
Studio - Workflow Configuration

Execute System Work If you want to execute system work on the items, select this

18. Click Next.

19. Determine how the items should be assigned a queue entry date. The following
options are available:

Option Description

Use the current date Uses the current date as the entry to queue date.

Use the following queue Select a specific date to use as the entry to queue date.
entry date

Use a random date between Uses a random date in a specified date range as the entry to
two dates queue date. Select a Start Date and End Date to specify the
date range that should be used. The End Date must be after
the Start Date.

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OnBase 16 Workflow

20. Click Next.

21. Click Finish .

Generating WorkView Objects

Studio - Workflow Configuration

1. If you want to generate WorkView objects, click WorkView Objects.

2. Select an application from the Application drop-down select list.

3. Select a class from the Class drop-down select list. This list is filtered by the
application selected in the Application drop-down select list.
4. Enter the number of WorkView objects you want to create in the Number of objects
to create field.

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Workflow OnBase 16

5. Click Next.
Studio - Workflow Configuration

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OnBase 16 Workflow

6. Click Add to add attributes.

Studio - Workflow Configuration

7. Select an attribute from the Attribute drop-down select list.

Note: Formatted text attributes, relationship attributes, and boolean attributes cannot be
added to item generators.

8. Select the appropriate mapping option:

Constant This option allows you to add a constant value that will be added to all
Value generated objects for the selected attribute.

Increment This option allows you to enter a Starting Value and a value to increment
Range that number by in the Increment By field. Each generated attribute value
is incremented by the number specified.

Increment This option allows you to enter a Starting Date and a value to increment
Date Range that date by in the Increment By (Days) field. Each generated attribute
date value is incremented by the number of days specified.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Random This option allows you to add randomly generated value to the attribute
Value selected for generated objects. Enter the range of values you want the
Between randomly generated values to fall in the attributes.

Random This option allows you to add a random date between the specified range.
Studio - Workflow Configuration

Date Select a start and end date for the date range. Select Include Time to
Between include a time.

Random This option allows you to add a random value from a data set as the
Value from attribute value.
Data Set

Add the If you want to add a prefix to the value you configured in one of the above
following options. Select this check box and enter the value you want to use as a
prefix prefix.

Note: Spaces are removed from configured prefixes.

9. Click OK.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

10. You can determine whether the items that are generated are added to Workflow.
The following options are available:

Studio - Workflow Configuration

Do not add the items to If you want to generate items, but you do not want to add them
Workflow to Workflow life cycles, select this option.

Add the items to all Life If you want generated items to be added to all life cycles that
Cycles associated with the Document Type is associated with, select this option.

Add the items to the If you want to select a specific life cycle and queue to add the
specified Life Cycle items to, select this option and select the appropriate life cycle
from the first drop-down select list and the Queue from the
second drop-down select list.

Execute System Work If you want to execute system work on the items, select this

11. Click Next.

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Workflow OnBase 16

12. Determine how the items should be assigned a queue entry date. The following
options are available:

Option Description
Studio - Workflow Configuration

Use the current date Uses the current date as the entry to queue date.

Use the following queue Select a specific date to use as the entry to queue date.
entry date

Use a random date between Uses a random date in a specified date range as the entry to
two dates queue date. Select a Start Date and End Date to specify the
date range that should be used. The End Date must be after
the Start Date.

13. Click Next. A Summary page is displayed.

14. Click Finish .

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Creating Generator Sets

Generators can be groups together in generator sets. Generator sets allow you execute
multiple generators at one time. To create a generator set:

Studio - Workflow Configuration

1. In the Workflow ribbon, within the Item Generation ribbon group, click Item
Generator Sets .

2. Select the Repository from the drop-down select list that contains the generators
for which you want to create a generator set.

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Workflow OnBase 16

3. Click Add.
Studio - Workflow Configuration

4. On the General tab, enter a Name and Description for the generator set.

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OnBase 16 Workflow

5. Select the Item Generators tab.

Studio - Workflow Configuration

6. From the Available Item Generators drop-down select list, select a generator that
you want to include in the set.
7. Click Add.
8. Repeat steps 6 and 7 until all the generators you want to include in the set are
9. Click OK.
You can locate a specific, existing generator set by entering text that will identify the
generator set in the Find field. The generator sets displayed will be narrowed down to
the generator sets that contain the characters entered.

Note: You can modify an existing item generator set by selecting it and clicking Modify.
To delete an item generator set, select it and click Delete. Item generator sets
associated with batches cannot be deleted.

Executing Generators and Generator Sets

You can execute generators and generator sets by selecting what you want to generate
and clicking the Execute button in either the Item Generators dialog box or the Item
Generator Sets dialog box. Upon executing a generator or generator set, the documents
generated will be added to the appropriate life cycle as configured during generator

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

If the execution of a generator or generator set is canceled, some items may have been
created in OnBase before the cancellation.

Administrating Generator Batches

You can view the list of generated batches and remove batches that are no longer
Studio - Workflow Configuration

needed. When batches are removed, the generated documents are also removed from
To remove a batch:

1. In the Workflow ribbon, within the Item Generation ribbon group, click Item
Generator Batch Administration.

2. Select the Repository from the drop-down select list that contains the generators
for which you want to create a generator set.
3. Select the batch you want to remove.
4. Click Remove Selected.
To see new batches that have been generated, click Refresh.

Interface Translations

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Workflow supports the Interface Translations feature. You can use this feature to
configure your system to display the names of Workflow queues, life cycles, ad hoc
tasks, and other Workflow items based on each individual workstation’s Regional and
Language options. For more information on this topic, see the Interface Translations

Studio - Workflow Configuration

topic in the System Administration module reference guide.

Configuration Troubleshooting
There are several tools for troubleshooting life cycles.

Debug Breakpoints
This option causes a Windows message box to display before the execution of the action
or rule. This is useful for determining the location of logic problems in a Workflow
To use this option in the OnBase Client, you must have the -WFTRACE command line
switch applied to the Client module’s shortcut and the Step Debug toolbar button
activated or the Trace Window open within the Client module.
A command line switch is not required to use this option in the Unity Workflow interface.
The Unity Client configuration file’s enableWorkflowDebugTrace setting controls whether
the Debug Options ribbon group is displayed on the Developer tab. When set to true , the
Debug Options ribbon group is displayed. When set to false , the Debug Options ribbon
group is not displayed.

Note: The enableWorkflowDebugTrace setting controls whether the Debug Options ribbon
group is displayed when accessing the Unity Workflow interface through other OnBase
modules, such as the Integration for Microsoft Outlook 2007.

Editing Keyword and Property Values at Debug Breakpoints

In the Unity Client, debug breakpoints configured for actions, rules, and task lists can be
used to allow an administrator to verify or modify Keyword values and to verify, modify,
add, or delete property values. To use this feature, the enabledWorkflowDebugTrace
setting in the Unity Client configuration file must be set to true. See Editing Keyword and
Property Values at Debug Breakpoints on page 172 for more information on using this
feature in the Unity Client.

Step Debug, Trace Window, and Trace to File

See page 37 for more information on using this functionality through the OnBase Client.
See page 170 for more information on using this functionality through the Unity
Workflow interface.

Disable Rules and Actions

During Workflow configuration and testing, it is sometimes helpful to activate only
certain portions of the life cycle.

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Workflow OnBase 16

By checking the Disable check box on rules and actions, you can focus testing on a
particular section or branch of a life cycle.
When you are finished testing, uncheck the box to enable the rule or action.
Studio - Workflow Configuration

Generate Reports
Configuration Report
Configuration reports can be generated in OnBase Studio. See Creating Configuration
Reports for steps to create configuration reports.

List Contents Report

1. In the Client program, right-click a life cycle and select Create List Report .
While the report runs, a blue progress bar displays. When finished, the report
displays automatically in the Document Viewer. The resulting report is broken
down by queue with a named list of each document in that queue. At the end of
the report is the total number of documents in the life cycle.
2. To view this report through Document Retrieval later, select the System Documents
Document Type Group.

3. Reports are stored in the SYS List Contents Report Document Type.

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OnBase 16 Workflow

Notes, Redactions, Burned Markups, and Deficiencies on

Documents with Overlays
Notes, redactions, burned markups, and deficiencies on documents that have an overlay

Studio - Workflow Configuration

applied may encounter unexpected behavior. The position of notes, redactions, burned
markups, and deficiencies may shift when the document is rendered.
The position shift may occur in the following instances:
• Text documents that contain overlays with an offset configured
• Text documents accessed using modules that render text documents as an
image for display
• Image documents with overlays that do not have the same DPI or dimensions
as the document

Caution: If a redaction, burned markup, or deficiency appears in a shifted position, do not

save or sign the document until the shift has been corrected. Saving or signing the
document will permanently place the redaction, burned markup, or deficiency in the shifted
position. The position shift of notes that do not permanently alter the document can be
corrected at any time.

When setting up overlays for documents that may also include notes, redactions, burned
markups, or deficiencies:
• Ensure the dimensions of the overlay match the dimensions of the document.
• Do not use offsets with overlays if the document may also contain notes,
redactions, burned markups, or deficiencies.
• For text documents, use 96 DPI for overlays.
• For image documents, ensure the DPI of the overlay matches the DPI of the
A position shift can be corrected through the following methods:
• For text documents, recreate the overlay to match the dimensions of the
document instead of using an offset. For example, add empty space to the
margin of the overlay instead of using an offset to account for this space.
• For text documents, it is considered a best practice to set the DPI of the overlay
to 96 DPI. Some OnBase modules render text documents as an image for
display, and in most cases, the image is rendered at 96 DPI.
• For image documents, recreate the overlay to match the DPI and dimensions of
the document.
If the issue still occurs, contact your first line of support.

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Workflow OnBase 16
Studio - Workflow Configuration

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The actions available depend on the type of life cycle you are configuring. Only actions
that are supported by the type of life cycle you configuring are displayed for selection
and configuration.

Considerations for Actions

User Interaction
The following are items of note when working with actions that require user interaction.

Note: System tasks that require user interaction are supported in the Unity and Web
interfaces. System tasks that require user interaction are not supported in all other
Core-based interfaces. When using the Classic Client interface, it is not recommended to
configure system tasks that require user interaction.

Note: When configuring timer work, work that requires user interaction is not supported
and, if configured for timer work, may produce undesired results.

The following are items of note concerning keywords.

Caution: Encrypted keywords are not supported in the Classic Client interface (Core-based
Workflow does support Keyword Type encryption).

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Workflow OnBase 16

Caution: Within Workflow life cycles, users with rights to tasks that modify keywords can
modify encrypted Keyword Values upon task execution, regardless of their encrypted
keyword user rights. When using E-Forms that display user interaction, encrypted
keywords are displayed masked when the user does not have rights to view encrypted
Keyword Values and the user cannot change values that they do not have rights to
Studio - Workflow Actions

regardless of the user’s ad hoc task rights.

Caution: Actions in Workflow that add or change Keyword Values to a document do not
adhere to the Keyword Must Be Unique and Keyword Must Exist Keyword Type settings. Pay
close attention when configuring these actions.

Caution: If an action changes a Keyword Value to a value that is larger than the allowed
length, the value may be truncated, ignored, or not saved.

Caution: Actions that involve comparing keywords configured for Case Sensitive Searching
must match the keywords exactly or the desired results may not be achieved. Pay close
attention to any configured Case Sensitive settings in your system. Property names are
case sensitive in the Classic Client. Property names are not case sensitive in the core-based

Note: Actions with the work with AutoFill Keyword Sets are not compatible with external
AutoFill Keyword Sets.

Note: If you will be using Workflow AutoFill Keyword Set actions, you must associate
your AutoFill Keyword Sets at the Document Type level.

The following are items of note concerning properties.

Workflow Property Bag - The Workflow Property Bag is a session specific property bag
that can be used to store and retrieve temporary values from VBScripts and the
property-related actions and rules. The values in the Workflow property bag can also be
used in the conditions for a rule queue.

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OnBase 16 Workflow

Note: The >>Assigned To, >>Batch Number, >>Document Date, >>Document Handle ,
>>Entry to Queue Date , >>Last Revision, and >>Last Version options are functional only
in the Core-based interfaces.

Studio - Workflow Actions

Note: Property names are case sensitive in the Classic Client. Property names are not
case sensitive in the core-based clients.

Note: Only alphanumeric characters are supported in property names. As a best practice,
do not use spaces in property names.

Finding Actions
You can limit the rules displayed in Action Type drop-down select list. Click in the field
and type characters to find the action you are looking for. Any action that contains the
characters entered will be displayed in red in the drop-down select list. If only one action
meets the criteria entered, press Enter on the keyboard to select it. In addition, you can
enter comma separated words and phrases to look for actions that contain any of the
words and phrases entered.

Agenda Manager Category

Workflow actions described in this section are only available when licensed for Agenda
Configuring these Workflow actions differs slightly based on the action’s context. This
context is automatically set when you choose the type of items that the life cycle
contains, and is displayed in the Properties pane, on the General tab, in Context .

Set Property from Field

Note: This action requires an Agenda Management license.

Allows you to set the property specified in the Property Name field to the field value
specified from the Field drop-down select list.

Note: This action is supported only in the Unity Client.

To configure this action:

1. In the Properties pane, on the General tab, type a property name in the Property
Name field.
2. From the Field drop-down select list, select the field that will be used to set the

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

When Agenda Item is the context, the following selections are available:

Field Description

Agenda Item Id The agenda item’s ID field.

Studio - Workflow Actions

Agenda Item Type The agenda item’s type field.

Title The agenda item’s title field.

Meeting Type The agenda item’s meeting type field.

Is Closed Session The agenda item’s closed session field.

Status The agenda item’s status field.

Target Meeting The agenda item’s target meeting field.

Minutes The agenda item’s minutes field.

Motion The agenda item’s motion field. You can also choose from the
following related types:
• Motion Type

Note: To set the value for this type, make sure you use the
number that corresponds to the desired motion type. Use 0 for
Pass, 1 for Pending, and 2 for Fail.

• Vote Type

Note: To set the value for this type, make sure you use the
number that corresponds to the desired vote type. Use 1 for a
RollCall vote, use 2 for a Voice vote, and use 3 for a Consent

• Result
• Description

When Meeting is the context, the following selections are available:

Field Description

Meeting Name The meeting’s meeting name field.

Meeting Type The meeting’s meeting type field.

Time The meeting’s time field.

Location The meeting’s location field.

Organizer The meeting’s organizer field.

3. In the Properties pane, click the Advanced tab.

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OnBase 16 Workflow

4. In the Properties pane, click the Documentation tab. Enter any descriptive
information that is applicable in the Overview and Details fields.

Set Value

Studio - Workflow Actions

Note: This action requires an Agenda Management license.

Allows you to set the field specified in the Field to set drop-down select list to the
specified value.

Note: This action is supported only in the Unity Client.

To configure this action:

1. In the Properties pane, on the General tab, from the Field to set drop-down select
list, select the field to set.
When Agenda Item is the context, the following selections are available:

Field to set Description

Agenda Item Id The agenda item’s ID field.

Agenda Item Type The agenda item’s type field.

Title The agenda item’s title field.

Meeting Type The agenda item’s meeting type field.

Is Closed Session The agenda item’s closed session field.

Status The agenda item’s status field.

Target Meeting The agenda item’s target meeting field.

Minutes The agenda item’s minutes field.

When Meeting is the context, the following selections are available:

Field Description

Meeting Name The meeting’s meeting name field.

Meeting Type The meeting’s meeting type field.

Time The meeting’s time field.

Location The meeting’s location field.

Organizer The meeting’s organizer field.

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Workflow OnBase 16

2. From the Obtain value from drop-down select list, select one of the following
locations to obtain the value from:

Obtain value from Description

Constant value This option sets the field value to the constant value specified.
Studio - Workflow Actions

Current date/time This option sets the field value to the current date/time.

Current user name This option sets the field value to the user name of the currently
logged in user. If you want to use the configured real name for
the user, select the Use real name option.

Property This option sets the field value to the name of a property.

User group name(s) of This option sets the field value to the user group(s) the current
current user logged in user.

3. In the Properties pane, click the Documentation tab. Enter any descriptive
information that is applicable in the Overview and Details fields.

Application Automator Category

Workflow actions described in this section are only available when licensed for OnBase
Application Automator.

Get Storyboard Result

Note: This action requires licensing for OnBase Application Automator.

Retrieves the output value results from a Storyboard that was executed using the Run
Storyboard action.

Option: Property Name

Enter the unique value used to identify the execution of the Storyboard.

Tip: This is the value entered in the Property Name field of the corresponding Run
Storyboard action.

Option: Storyboard
Select the Storyboard executed or to be executed by the Run Storyboard action. Any
output values for the Storyboard are displayed in the Values list.

Note: If output values have not been configured for this Storyboard, the Get Storyboard
Result cannot return any results.

Option: Values
You must map each output value that is displayed in the Values list.

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OnBase 16 Workflow

To map an output value:

1. Select the value from the Values list.

2. Select one of the following options:

Value Option Description

Studio - Workflow Actions

Keyword Type Select a Keyword Type to retrieve a Keyword Value for the output

Property Enter an existing Workflow property to retrieve the value of that

property for the output value.

3. Click Update to map the selection to the value.

Run Storyboard

Note: This action requires licensing for OnBase Application Automator.

Executes a Storyboard and allows the execution of that Storyboard to be tracked, so that
it can referenced later.
Option: Property Name
Enter a unique value to identify the execution of the Storyboard. This allows the
Storyboard execution to be referenced using the Get Storyboard Result action and the
Check Storyboard Status rule.

Note: Only alphanumeric characters are supported in property names. As a best practice,
do not use spaces in property names.

Option: Application Automator Purpose

Select an Application Automator purpose to define which Application Automators should
be available to run the Storyboard. Purposes are defined in the Application Automator
configuration file. More than one Application Automator can have the same purpose. In
this case, the first available Application Automator is used to run the Storyboard.
You can also select Any from the drop-down list to allow any available Application
Automator to run the Storyboard.
Option: Storyboard
Select the Storyboard to be executed. Depending on which Storyboard you select, input
values for the Storyboard may be displayed. Any input values must be mapped.
Option: Values
If the Values list is populated after selecting a Storyboard, you must map each input
value that is displayed.

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Workflow OnBase 16

To map an input value:

1. Select the value from the Values list.

2. Select one of the following options:

Value Option Description

Studio - Workflow Actions

Keyword Type Select a Keyword Type to use a Keyword Value as the input value.

Property Enter an existing Workflow property to use the value of that property
as the input value.

Constant Value Enter a static value to use as the input value.

3. Click Update to map the selection to the value.

Approvals Category
Workflow actions described in this section are only available when licensed for Workflow
Approval Management.

Add Approver at Current Level

This action adds an approver at the current approval level. The new approver is required
to approve or reject the item in addition to the current approver. This does not replace
the current approver.

Note: This action is not supported in the OnBase Client Classic Workflow interface.

Option: Approval Process

Select the approval process you want to associate with the action from the drop-down
select list.
Option: Prompt for Approver
If you want be prompted to select the approver upon the execution of the action, select
Prompt for Approver. If you want to make only users configured as approval users
available for selection, select Approval User Only.
Option: Approval User
If you want to add a specific user as the approval user, select Approval User and choose
the user from the drop-down select list.
Option: Approval Role
If you want to add a specific role as the approval user, select Approval Role and choose
the role from the drop-down select list.

Add Auto Approved User

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

This action grants an Auto Approved status to the specified user in an approval process.
All items assigned to the specified user in any approval level are marked as Auto
Approved for that user.

Note: This action is not supported in the OnBase Client Classic Workflow interface.

Studio - Workflow Actions

Note: The Send Item to Previous Level action does not change the status of any items
belonging to an auto approved user. If Send Item to Previous Level is executed on an
item owned by an auto approved user, the item’s status is not changed from Auto
Approved to Pending Approval.

Option: Approval Process

Select the approval process for which you want to configure an auto approved user.
Option: User
Select one of the following options to determine which user should be auto approved:
• Current User - Marks all items assigned to the current logged in user as auto
• Get User from Keyword - Select a Keyword Type that contains the user that
should be auto approved.
• Get User from Property - Enter a property that contains the user that should be
auto approved.

Note: If the Keyword Type or property specified in either Get User from Keyword or Get
User from Property contains more than one value, all users are configured as auto
approved users.

Approve/Reject Item
This action approves or rejects an item in an approval process. It updates the item’s
approval status for the configured approval user.

Note: This action is not supported in the OnBase Client Classic Workflow interface.

If all required approval users approve an item, it moves to the next approval level. If all
required approval users have approved an item on all levels, it is transitioned to the
approval queue’s configured Approved queue.
If any required approval user rejects an item in any approval level, it is transitioned to
the approval queue’s configured Rejected queue.
Option: Life Cycle
Select the life cycle that contains the approval queue you want to use.
Option: Approval Queue
Select the approval queue that contains the evaluation process you want to use.

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Option: Status
Select one of the following:
• Approved : approves the item upon the execution of this action.
• Rejected: rejects the item upon the execution of this action.
Studio - Workflow Actions

Option: User
The action can approve or reject an item for either the current user or a specific user
found in a Keyword or property value. Select one of the following:
• Current User: approves or rejects the item for the current user.
• Get User from Keyword: approves or rejects the item for the user found in a
Keyword value. In the drop-down select list, select the Keyword Type that
stores the user.
• Get User from Property: approves or rejects the item for the user found in a
property value. Enter a property name in the field.

Assign First Approvers

This action assigns approvers for the first approval level.

Note: This action is not supported in the OnBase Client Classic Workflow interface.

Note: This action can only be executed on an item before it enters an approval process.

Option: Approval Process

Select the approval process you want to associate with the action from the drop-down
select list.
Option: Prompt for Approvers
If you want be prompted to select the approvers upon the execution of the action, select
Prompt for Approvers . If you want to make only the users configured as approval users
available for selection, select Approval Users Only.

Note: The Prompt for Approvers option is only supported in the Unity Client interface.

Option: Specific Approvers

If you want to define the approvers, select Specific Approvers. To configure approvers:

1. Select the type of approver you want to assign from the Approver Type drop-down
select list.
2. From the Approver drop-down select list, select the specific approver you want to
3. Click Add.
4. Repeat these steps for each approver you want to add.

You can remove a configured approver by selecting it in the Specific Approvers box and
clicking Remove .

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Custom Approval Log Entry

This action writes a custom message to the item’s approval log. You can configure what
information is written to the log.

Studio - Workflow Actions

Note: This action is not supported in the OnBase Client Classic Workflow interface.

Note: In the Unity Client, the custom message can be viewed in the Approval Status
dialog box. To access this dialog box, right-click a specific document in a list of
documents and select Workflow | Approval Status .

Option: Approval Process

Select the approval process associated with the action from the drop-down select list.
Option: Log Text
Enter the information you want to include in the log in the Log Text field. This text can
contain static text as well as symbols that will log generated information.
Option: Symbols Used
Symbols can be entered in the Log Text field in several ways:
• Insert commonly used symbols automatically by clicking the buttons.
• Add a Keyword Value by choosing a Keyword from the drop-down select list.
Specify the number of times it should be repeated, then click the Keyword
button. The symbol for the Keyword Value is entered in the Log Text field.
• Enter symbols in the Log Text field to generate specific values.

The following symbols can be used:

Symbol Description

%# Displays the Document Handle of the current document.

%B Displays the Institution Name assigned to the current document.

Note: This symbol is only applicable when used with an Institutional Database.

%C Displays the name of the user who created the current document.

%D or %D2 Displays the Document Date. This value can be changed.

%D1 Displays the date that the document was stored. This value cannot be changed.

%I1 or %T Displays the time that the document was stored. This value cannot be changed.

%K Displays a configured Keyword Value.

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Workflow OnBase 16

Symbol Description

%K#.n Displays the Keyword Value of Keyword Type # n times. For example,
%K00101.4 would display up to 4 unique Keyword Values for Keyword Type
101 for a single document.
For some functionality, a Keyword Type drop-down list may be available to
Studio - Workflow Actions

configure this. Select a Keyword Type from the drop-down select list, enter
the number of times you want the Keyword Value to be displayed in the Repeat
field, and click Keyword. The value in the Repeat field specifies how many
instances of the Keyword Value will be displayed. Entering an * character will
pull all existing Keyword Values for display up to 99 instances.

Note: When using the Classic Client interface, double digits in the Repeat field
are not supported.

%L Displays the life cycle number of the current document.

%L2 Displays the life cycle name of the current document.

%M Extracts metadata values from items. This includes attribute values from
WorkView objects or a field values from an Entity item.
%M must be followed by the metadata value you want to extract. For example,
if you want to extract the value of a WorkView attribute called Name, it would
be %MName.
The token strings can contain nested expressions. Example, a nested
WorkView attribute: %MVendor.Buyer.Name.

%N Displays the name of the document.

%P Displays the number of notes present on the document.

%Q Displays the queue number of the current document.

%Q2 Displays the queue name of the current document.

%R Displays the real name of the currently logged in user.

%U Displays the user name of the currently logged in user who executed the task.

%V### Displays the value of a configured Workflow property. For example, to display
the value for the property “Color”, this symbol would be configured %VColor.

Note: In the Core-based interfaces, if a property contains an array of values,

all property values will be used.

Note: If a property name has spaces, using %V to display the property value
will not preserve the spaces, and therefore, the property will not be correctly

The following symbols are not supported in the Classic Client interface:
• %L [life cycle ID]
• %L2 [life cycle name]

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OnBase 16 Workflow

• %Q [queue ID]
• %Q2 [queue name]
%M [item metadata value] is not supported in the Classic OnBase Client interface or the
Core-Based OnBase Client interface.

Studio - Workflow Actions

Escalate Expired Approvals
This action allows you to escalate items that are still pending approval after all reminder
notifications have been sent.

Note: This action is not supported in the OnBase Client Classic Workflow interface.

Note: This action requires that reminder notifications are configured for the approval

An item that is pending approval expires after the number of days configured between
reminder notifications passes after the last reminder notification is sent. For example, if
an approval process is configured with 2 reminder notifications and 3 Days Between
Notifications, the item expires 3 days after the last reminder notification is sent. For
more information about configuring reminder notifications, see the Adding Notifications
topic in the Workflow Approval Management module reference guide.
An item can only be escalated after it has expired.

Tip: This action works best when configured under a timer. An item that is pending
approval expires after a specific amount of time, but it will not be escalated until this
action is executed against the item.

Option: Life Cycle

Select the life cycle that the expired item resides in.
Option: Approval Queue
Select the queue that the expired item resides in.
Option: Escalate to this approver
Select one of the following options to determine who is assigned to approve the expired
• Approval User - Select a specific approval user from the drop-down select list.
• Approval Role - Select an approval role from the drop-down select list. Each user
returned by the selected role is assigned to the item with a pending approval
If you want to set a property value to the user name of the user the item is
being escalated from, select When evaluating the role set the following property
to the user name that should be escalated and enter a property name. To set the
property value to the user ID instead of the user name of the user the item is
being escalated from, select Set property to user ID instead of user name.

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When the new approval user(s) are assigned, the user that the item is being escalated
from is removed as an assigned approval user.

Remove Item from Approval Process

Studio - Workflow Actions

This action removes the item from an approval process. When an item is removed from
an approval process, all approval status information is cleared for all approval levels and
approval users.

Note: This action is not supported in the OnBase Client Classic Workflow interface.

Option: Approval Process

From the drop-down select list, choose the approval process from which you want to
remove the item. Choose <All> to remove the item from all approval processes.

Tip: If you want to send an item through an approval process more than once, use this
rule to clear all previous approval status information. If you send an item through an
approval process more than once without first removing it from the process, the item
will automatically be transitioned to the approved or rejected queue based on its
previous approval status.

Replace Approval Status at Current Level

This action replaces the approval status at the current approval level with the status
defined by the action.

Note: This action is not supported in the OnBase Client Classic Workflow interface.

Option: Life Cycle

From the drop-down select list, choose the life cycle that contains the approval queue in
which the action will be executed.
Option: Approval Queue
From the drop-down select list, choose the approval queue that contains the approval
process you want to use to once the item’s approval status has been changed.
Option: User
Select one of the following:
• Select All Users if you want to replace the approval status for all users.
• Select Current User if you want to replace the approval status for only the
current user.

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OnBase 16 Workflow

Option: From Status

Select the status that the action will replace:
• Choose Pending to replace the status of an item that has not yet been approved
or rejected at the current approval level.
• Choose Approved to replace the status of an item that has been approved at the

Studio - Workflow Actions

current approval level.
• Choose Rejected to replace the status of an item that has been rejected at the
current approval level.
• Choose All if you want to replace the approval status of an item with any
approval status at the current approval level.

Option: To Status
Select either Pending or Rejected as the item’s new approval status for the current
approval level.

Replace Current Approval User

This action replaces the currently logged in user with a different approver.

Note: This action is not supported in the OnBase Client Classic Workflow interface.

Option: Life Cycle

From the drop-down select list, choose the life cycle that contains the approval queue in
which this action will be executed.
Option: Approval Queue
Choose the approval queue in which the action will be executed from the drop-down
select list.
Option: Prompt for Approver
This option prompts the user to select the new approval user. If you want to make only
the users configured as approval users available for selection, select Approval Users Only.
Option: Approval User
If you want to replace the approval user with a specific user, select Approval User and
select the user from the drop-down select list.
Option: Approval Role
If you want to replace the approval user with an approval role, select Approval Role and
select the role from the drop-down select list.

Send Item to Previous Approval Level

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

This action allows you to send an item to the previous approval level if the item is not
currently in the first approval level. This action removes approvers from the current level
and sets approval statuses for the previous approval level to Pending .

Note: This action is not supported in the OnBase Client Classic Workflow interface.
Studio - Workflow Actions

Tip: Use this action with the Check Item Approval Level rule to verify that an item is not in
the first approval level before executing the action.

Option: Approval Process

From the drop-down select list, select the approval process associated with the action.

Send Reminder Notifications

This action sends reminder notifications that have been set up for an approval process in
the Notifications tab of the Approval Process Configuration window.

Note: If you are using any Core-based interface, the Hyland Distribution Service is
required for sending notifications in Workflow.

Note: This action is not supported in the OnBase Client Classic Workflow interface.

Option: Life Cycle

Choose the life cycle that contains the approval queue from the drop-down select list.
Option: Approval Queue
From the drop-down select list, choose the approval queue in which the action will be
Option: Sender Address
Select one of the following options to configure the sender address:
• Use the distribution services default address: This option uses the e-mail address
specified in the Distribution Service configuration for the From: field value on
the e-mail notification.
• Use the users email address: This option uses the e-mail address specified in
user configuration in OnBase for the logged in user for the From: field value on
the e-mail notification.
• Use the following address: This option allows you to specify an e-mail address for
the sender of the notification. The value specified is used as the display name in
the From: field on the e-mail notification.

Tip: This action works best with a timer. Reminder notifications are configured with a
certain number of days between notifications. However, reminder notifications will not be
sent on the configured days until this action is executed.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Set Property to Approval Users

This action allows you to set a property to all approval users who have given an item a
certain approval status. The results are stored in the Workflow property bag.

Note: This action is not supported in the OnBase Client Classic Workflow interface.

Studio - Workflow Actions

Option: Property Name
Specify the property that you want to set to approval users.
Option: Approval Process
From the drop-down select list, choose the approval process you want to associate with
the action.
Option: Status
Select one of the following statuses:
• Pending: Generates a list of all approval users who are assigned to an item and
have not yet approved or rejected the item.
• Approved: Generates a list of all approval users who are assigned to an item and
have approved the item.
• Rejected : Generates a list of all approval users who are assigned to an item and
have rejected the item.

Option: Use real name

If you want to set the property to the configured real name for an approval user, select
the Use real name option.

Biometric Scanning Category

Display Biometric Scanner

Note: This action requires the Integration with Fulcrum Biometrics Scanners license and
a local instance of the FbF Device Listener.

Note: This action is only available in the Unity Client, Mobile Access for iPad (Legacy),
and the Mobile Access for iPhone interfaces.

Displays a scanner that can capture biometric information, such as fingerprint or iris
scans, for enrollment, identification, or other purposes.
Option: Biometric Scanner Type
Configures the type of scanner that will be used. Select one of the following options:
• Fingerprint Scanner
• Face Scanner
• Iris Scanner

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

• Palm Vein Scanner

Option: Biometric Scanner Location
Based on the type of scanner configured, configures the location of the scan to capture.
The following options are available:
Fingerprint Scanner:
Studio - Workflow Actions

Note: To properly configure this option, a supported scanning device is required.

• Any Finger - Any single finger scan.

• Right Thumb - A flat scan of the right thumb.
• Right Index Finger - A flat scan of the right index finger.
• Right Middle Finger - A flat scan of the right middle finger.
• Right Ring Finger - A flat scan of the right ring finger.
• Right Little Finger - A flat scan of the right little finger.
• Left Thumb - A flat scan of the left thumb.
• Left Index Finger - A flat scan of the left index finger.
• Left Middle Finger - A flat scan of the left middle finger.
• Left Ring Finger - A flat scan of the left ring finger.
• Left Little Finger - A flat scan of the left little finger.
• Left Other Finger - A flat scan of any other finger on the left hand.
• Right Other Finger - A flat scan of any other finger on the right hand.
• Any Two Fingers - A flat scan of any two fingers.
• Left Index and Middle - A flat scan of both the left index and middle fingers at
the same time.
• Left Ring and Little - A flat scan of both the left ring and little fingers at the same
• Both Thumbs - A flat scan of both thumbs at the same time.
• Right Index and Middle - A flat scan of both the right index and middle fingers at
the same time.
• Right Ring and Middle - A flat scan of both the right ring and little fingers at the
same time.
• Any Four Fingers - A scan of any four fingers at the same time.
• Left Four Fingers - A scan of the left index, middle, ring, and little fingers at the
same time.
• Right Four Fingers - A scan of the right index, middle, ring, and little fingers at
the same time.
• Any Rolled Finger - A rolled scan of any finger.
• Rolled Left Index Finger - A rolled scan of the left index finger.
• Rolled Left Middle Finger - A rolled scan of the left middle finger.
• Rolled Left Ring Finger - A rolled scan of the left ringer finger
• Rolled Left Little Finger - A rolled scan of the left little finger.
• Rolled Left Thumb - A rolled scan of the left thumb.
• Rolled Right Index Finger - A rolled scan of the right index finger.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

• Rolled Right Middle Finger - A rolled scan of the right middle finger.
• Rolled Right Ring Finger - A rolled scan of the right ring finger.
• Rolled Right Little Finger - A rolled scan of the right little finger.
• Rolled Right Thumb - A rolled scan of the right thumb.
• Rolled Left Other Finger - A rolled scan of any other finger on the left hand.

Studio - Workflow Actions

• Rolled Right Other Finger - A rolled scan of any other finger on the right hand.

Note: In the Mobile Access for iPad (Legacy) and Mobile Access for iPhone interfaces,
only the following scanning options are supported: Right Thumb, Right Index Finger, Right
Middle Finger, Right Ring Finger, Right Little Finger, Left Thumb, Left Index Finger, Left
Middle Finger, Left Ring Finger, Left Little Finger, Left Other Finger, Right Other Finger

Face Scanner:

Note: This option is only available in the Unity Client.

Note: To properly configure this option, a supported scanning device is required.

• Frontal Face Photo - A frontal photo of a face.

Iris Scanner:

Note: This option is only available in the Unity Client.

Note: To properly configure this option, a supported scanning device is required.

• Either Eye - A scan of either eye’s iris.

• Left Eye - A scan of the left eye’s iris.
• Right Eye - A scan of the right eye’s iris.
• Both Eyes - A scan of both eye’s irises at the same time.

Palm Vein Scanner:

Note: This option is only available in the Unity Client.

Note: To properly configure this option, a supported scanning device is required.

• Either Palm for Enrollment - A scan of either hand’s palm for use in enrollment.
• Either Palm for Matching - A scan of either hand’s palm for use in matching.
• Left Palm for Enrollment - A scan of the left hand’s palm for use in enrollment.
• Left Palm for Matching - A scan of the left hand’s palm for use in matching.
• Right Palm for Enrollment - A scan of the right hand’s palm for use in enrollment.
• Right Palm for Matching - A scan of the right hand’s palm for use in matching.

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Workflow OnBase 16

Option: User can change the Bioscan Location

When this option is selected, upon executing the action the user will be able to select the
desired scan location.
Option: Name of Property to Store Biometric Scan Location
Enter the name of the property which will be used to store the scan location.
Studio - Workflow Actions

Note: This entry cannot be left blank.

Option: Name of Property to Store Biometric Scan Data

Enter the name of the property which will be used to store the scan data.

Note: This entry cannot be left blank.

Document Category
Add Document to Content Source

Note: You must be licensed for Integration for Microsoft Search for this action to

Adds a document to a configured Content Source for Integration for Microsoft Search.
This will enable the document to be crawled for full-text search in Microsoft SharePoint.

Note: This action is not supported in the Classic Client Workflow interface.

Option: Content Source

Select a Content Source from the Content Source drop-down select list.

Option: Target
In the Target drop-down select list, define whether you want the action to execute on the
current document/item in the queue or a related document/item.

If you are configuring the action for related documents/items, see Related Tab on page
718 for more information.

Add Document to Gateway Caching Server

Note: This action requires the Gateway Caching Server license.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

When this action is executed, the document is cached at one or more remote Gateway
Caching Servers, allowing remote users to quickly retrieve the document on demand.

Note: This action is not supported in the Classic OnBase Client interface.

Studio - Workflow Actions

To configure this action, do the following:

1. Select one of the following options to specify a gateway:

• Specify Gateways —Select to cache the document at one or more specific
gateways. From the drop-down provided, select the gateway where the
document should be cached. Then, click Add. Repeat for each gateway as
• Use Mapping Rules Configured for Document Type —Select to cache the document
at a gateway based on the Keyword mapping rules configured for the Document
Rules are configured at the gateway level under Utils | Gateway Caching Server
in OnBase Configuration. To configure rules at the Document Type level, select
the Document Type under Document | Document Types, then click Gateway, and
then click Keyword.
• Get Gateways from Property Value—Type the document property value that will
specify the gateway where the document should be cached. The property bag
type can be specified on the Advanced tab.
2. Select one of the following rendition options:
• Default Rendition —Select to cache the default rendition of the document.
• Specific Rendition —Select to cache a specific rendition of the document. Select
the appropriate rendition from the corresponding drop-down. Only formats that
are able to be cached are available.
3. Select one of the following revision options:
• Latest Revision —Select to cache only the latest revision of the document.
• All Revisions—Select to cache all revisions of the document.

For more information about gateway configuration, see the Application Server Gateway
module reference guide.

Add Document to Scan Queue Process

Note: This action requires a valid Document Imaging license, a Unity Client Server
license, and a properly configured Custom Scan Process.

This action will remove a document from its original batch and add the document to a
configured Custom Scan Process. Additionally, a specific status step can be selected for
the document to enter.

Note: This action is only supported in the Unity Client.

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Workflow OnBase 16

Option: Select Scan Queue

From the drop-down select list, select a scan queue to which the document will be

Note: If the Select Status Step option is not selected, the document will enter the scan
queue at its initial status step.
Studio - Workflow Actions

Option: Select Status Step

If the document needs to enter a specific status step, select a status step from the drop-
down select list.

Assign Document to Reading Group

Note: This action is only available if licensed for the Document Knowledge Transfer

Assigns the document to a reading group. This action can be used to prompt the user for
assignment information or it can be used to automatically assign documents to a reading

Note: When a reading group is configured with the Enable Deadline Date option in the
Document Knowledge Transfer module, documents entering a reading group using this
action will assign the configured deadline date to the document.

Note: If the document is already in a reading group, processing breaks and the
subsequent actions/rules in a task list will not complete.

Option: Create New Assignment

When this option is selected, users will be prompted for assignment information such as
the reading group, mark by reference, make document available date, document read by
date, and approval groups.

Note: This action is not supported in the OnBase Mobile interfaces when this option is

Note: In order to use this option successfully, users must have rights to the appropriate
reading groups to make new assignments.

Note: In the Client, if the Create New Assignment dialog box is canceled, processing
breaks and the subsequent actions/rules in a task list will not complete.

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OnBase 16 Workflow

Option: Select Reading Group

When this option is selected, documents are automatically assigned to the configured
reading group, with the configured importance, and with the configured approval groups.
Select the appropriate reading group from the drop-down list.
When Select Reading Group is selected, the following additional options are available:

Studio - Workflow Actions

• Mark As Reference : Select this option if you want documents to be automatically
marked as a reference.
• Approval Groups: If you want to require that documents are filtered through one
or two approval groups before being sent to users for review, select the
appropriate group(s) from the drop-down select list(s).
Option: New Revision Should Use Existing Settings
When this option is selected, if the document is the latest revision of a document, it will
copy the assignment from the previous revision, instead of performing the assignment of
the selected radio button. If the document is not revisable, this is the first revision of the
document, or the previous revision was not assigned to any group, this option is ignored
and the selected radio button setting will be applied.

Option: Target
In the Target drop-down select list, define whether you want the action to execute on the
current document/item in the queue or a related document/item.
If you are configuring the action for related documents/items, see Related Tab on page
718 for more information.

Attach Document to Patient/Chart

Note: This action requires an HL7 Listener or Basic HL7 Listener license.

This action attempts to attach the current document to an existing patient medical

Note: This action is not supported in the Classic OnBase Client interface.

This action behaves in the following ways:

• If a matching patient record is found, then the action attaches the document to
the patient record. If a matching record is not found, the document is logged as
an orphan document.
• If the document is in a chart Document Type, the action also attaches the
document to its matching chart. If a matching chart is not found, or if multiple
matching charts are found, then the action adds the document to Chartless
• If the document is in a chart-optional Document Type, the action uses the
document’s Chart ID # value to determine whether the document belongs on a
chart. If this value is blank, the document is attached to the patient record
only; it is not attached to a chart or added to Chartless Documents. If the Chart
ID # value is populated, the action attempts to attach the document to its
matching chart.

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Workflow OnBase 16

For this action to work properly, OnBase must be configured to match medical record
documents to patient records and charts. For more information, see the Medical Record
Document Types topic in the HL7 module reference guide.
This action should be used only if Exclude Document Patient/Chart Attachment is selected
under Medical | Medical System Settings in OnBase Configuration. Otherwise, this action
is unnecessary, because OnBase attempts to assign medical documents to patients and
Studio - Workflow Actions

charts as soon as the documents are imported or re-indexed.

Auto-Folder Document
This action will create a folder based on the target document (current or related
document depending on your Target configuration.). In order for this action to work
correctly, auto-foldering must be appropriately configured for the Document Type to
which the document belongs. See the foldering documentation for information about
configuring auto-folders.

Option: Target
In the Target drop-down select list, define whether you want the action to execute on the
current document/item in the queue or a related document/item.

Setting Document Types to Auto-Folder in Workflow

You can configure specific Document Types to auto-folder at the Folder Type level only
when used in conjunction with this action. To set a Folder Type to auto-folder a specific
Document Type only when initiated by a Workflow action:

1. In the Configuration module, select Document | Folder Types .

2. Select the folder type that auto-folders based on the Document Type that is
associated with the documents affected by the configured auto-foldering action.
3. Select the Auto-Folder tab.

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OnBase 16 Workflow

4. Select the Document Type within the Selected Document Types box that you want
to auto-folder only in conjunction with Workflow actions.

Studio - Workflow Actions

5. Select the Only Auto-Folder this Item from Workflow Auto-Folder Actions check box.
6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for each Document Type you want to configure auto-
foldering in conjunction with Workflow actions.
7. Click Save.

If you are configuring the action for related documents, see Related Tab on page 718 for
more information.

Burn Redaction Notes

Note: This action only applies to redaction notes and not any other type of redaction.

Creates a permanent redacted image document from a document containing redaction

Option: Delete Redaction Notes after Creating
Removes the redaction notes from the current document after the redacted document
has been created.
Option: Convert Redacted Image to Black and White
Converts the redacted image document to black and white.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Option: Fill Document Handle Keyword(s)

Adds a Document Handle keyword to the current document containing the Document
Handle of the redacted image document if the current document’s document type has
the Document Handle keyword.
Option: Display Redacted Image
Studio - Workflow Actions

Displays the redacted image document in a separate viewer if the client supports the
Display Separate suspended task.

Check In Document

Allows OnBase to unlock a document after updates are made to it.

Note: Check In actions should be as close to Check Out actions as possible.

Option: Target
In the Target drop-down select list, define whether you want the action to execute on the
current document/item in the queue or a related document/item.
If you are configuring the action for related documents, see Related Tab on page 718 for
more information.

Check Out Document

Allows OnBase to lock a document while updates are made to it.

Option: Check In After Task Execution
The Check In After Task Execution option can be selected to automatically release the
document lock after the top level task has completed execution. Otherwise, the
document lock will be released when the current OnBase session ends.

Note: Check In actions should be as close to Check Out actions as possible.

Option: Target
In the Target drop-down select list, define whether you want the action to execute on the
current document/item in the queue or a related document/item.
If you are configuring the action for related documents, see Related Tab on page 718 for
more information.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Compose Document

Note: This action requires a Document Composition license.

Studio - Workflow Actions

Note: This action is supported only in the Core-based OnBase Client, Web Client, and
Unity interfaces. This action is only supported in the Desktop interface when it is not
configured to require user interaction.

Creates a document from the specified template.

Note: This action can be executed on a WorkView object.

Option: Document Composition Template

Choose one of the following options to determine what template is used:
• To use a specific template, select the appropriate template from the Use
Specified Template drop-down select list.
• To prompt the user to select a template when the action is executed, select
Select Template at Runtime .

Note: Select Template at Runtime cannot be used when Use Automated Document
Generation is configured because this option requires user interaction.

• Select Template from Keyword to select a template from a Keyword Value. The
Keyword Value must contain a template name or template ID. From the drop-
down select list, select the Keyword in which the template ID is stored.
• Select Template from Property to select a template from a property value. The
property value must contain a template name or template ID. Enter the
property name in which the template ID is stored.

Option: Use All Settings Configured for Template

You can choose to adhere to the configured settings of the template by selecting Use All
Settings Configured for Template .
Option: Override Template Settings
You can override the configured settings of the template by selecting Override Template
Settings with the Following: and configure settings at the action level. Manual settings will
override template settings.

Note: In order to enable the Storage Options, the Override Template Settings with the
Following: option must be selected. In order to enable Disable Import Dialog, both Inherit
Keywords From Fields and Force Document Type must be checked.

For more information on settings, see the section on general settings in the Document
Composition module reference guide or help file.
You can copy all of the settings of the current template to the override settings by
clicking Copy All Options from Template .
Configuring the Action to Not Prompt for Template Selection

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

If you want the action to be initiated without prompting the user to select the template
that should be used, you must configure the action settings (when Override Template
Settings with the Following is selected) or the templates settings in the following way:
• Force Preview must be deselected.
• Force Document Type must be selected and a Document Type must be selected
from the drop-down select list.
Studio - Workflow Actions

• Inherit Keywords From Fields must be selected.

• Disable Import Dialog must be selected.

Note: If the template selected in the Document Composition Template drop-down select
list has a Document Type configured, the Force Document Type drop-down list will have
the <Document Type from Template> option. When this option is selected, the action will
use the Document Type configured for the template.

Option: Use Automated Document Generation

If you have a Composition Server installed and configured and you want to use
Automated Document Generation, check the Use Automated Document Generation option
to allow composition processing to be sent to a Composition Server and not require any
user interaction. Once selected, Asynchronous Processing and Synchronous Processing
options are available. Select either Asynchronous Processing or Synchronous Processing
depending on your processing needs related to the action. See the section on making
Enterprise Document Composition requests in the Document Composition documentation
for more information on Asynchronous and Synchronous requests.
In order to successfully use the Use Automated Document Generation option, you must
select a Document Composition Template and a Force Document Type from the drop-down
select list. When the Use Automated Document Generation option is selected, the following
options are automatically selected and cannot be modified: Override Template Settings
with the Following , Inherit Keywords From Fields , Force Document Type , and Disable Import
Dialog .

Note: If the Use Automated Document Generation option is not selected and the action is
not properly configured for Automated Document Generation, this action is not
supported in System work or Timer work.

Copy Document

Makes a copy of the current document. If the current document has many revisions, the
last revision will be copied.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Option: Keywords
Choose the way in which Keywords are copied:
• Copy All Keywords : Copies all Keywords from the current document to the new
• Copy Selected : Copies specific selected Keywords from the current document to

Studio - Workflow Actions

the new document. Click Configure to select Keyword Types to be copied. If the
selected Keyword Types are part of a Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group, the
Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group will be copied, but the Multi-Instance
Keyword Type Group will be blank except for the Keyword Type selected.
Option: Fill Document Handle Keyword(s)
The Fill Document Handle Keyword(s) check box enables the new document, which had no
link to the primary document via a common keyword, to become a related document
based on the document handle when actions and rules are configured to use the
Document Handle option to identify related documents. If you select the Fill Document
Handle Keyword(s) check box, the new document and the primary document inherit each
other’s document handle number Keyword Values for the Document Handle keyword. The
Document Handle OnBase keyword must be assigned to the Document Type of the
primary document. If the primary document already had a value in the Document Handle
Keyword Type, the document handle of the new document is added to the primary
document as a Document Handle Keyword Value and does not replace the previous value.

Note: If the primary document belongs to a closed or cutoff Records Management folder,
the Document Handle Keyword Value will not be copied from the new document to the
primary document.

Option: Copy Note(s)

You can copy notes on the current document by selecting Copy Note(s).
Option: Initiate Workflow
The copied document is not added to Workflow by default. If you want the document to
be added to Workflow, select Initiate Workflow.

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Workflow OnBase 16

If the document that is being copied belongs to a Document Type that is configured for
auto-foldering, when the document’s keywords are copied, auto-foldering is initiated.

Note: When using a core-based interface, auto-foldering does not occur in managed
folders for the copied document.
Studio - Workflow Actions

Note: If the original document’s Document Type has E-form revisions associated with it,
the revision associated with the original document will be used for the copied document
and not the latest revision.

Note: If working in an Institutional Database, the Institution # keyword will always be

copied, regardless of selection.

Note: If a document has multiple renditions of the current revision of the document, the
renditions will also be copied.

Note: When copying a document that was imported using a COLD file, the entire COLD
file will be copied that contains the document, not just the portion of the COLD file that
contains the document.

Note: When copying a document that was imported using a DIP process, the newly
created document is added to the DIP batch, even if the Document Type has changed to
a Document Type not assigned to the DIP process.

Create Discussion Thread

Note: This action requires a license for the Collaboration module.

Creates a Discussion Thread on the document.

Option: Post Subject
You must specify a subject for your Discussion Thread in the Post Subject field.
Option: Post Body
Enter all required body text in the Post Body field.

Note: You can use the %K token for Keyword Type values and the %V token for property
values inside the Post Body or Post Subject fields. These tokens will be expanded into the
relevant values when the Discussion Thread is created. For example, if you entered a
token of %K101, it would be expanded into the current Keyword Value for Keyword Type

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Option: Display Post for Edit

If the Display Post for Edit option is selected, the Discussion Thread will be displayed to
the user to be modified as necessary before it is created.

Create Note

Studio - Workflow Actions

Adds a note or annotation of the specified type to the document. You can configure the
text contained in the note.

Note: Note text is limited to 250 characters.

In order for this action to complete successfully, the document’s file format must be
compatible with the type of note or annotation to be placed on it. The following table
illustrates what file formats are compatible with what type of notes and annotations. See
the System Administration documentation for more information about notes and

File Format Compatible Note/Annotation Formats

Text Document All notes are compatible.

The following annotations are not compatible:
• arrow
• overlapped text
• ellipse

Image Document All notes are compatible

All annotations are compatible.

All other document formats All notes are compatible.

(including E-Form, PDF,
Annotations are not compatible.
Microsoft Word, and HTML)

Note: When adding a note to a document with multiple pages, the note is added to the
first page.

Note: The note will be added to the newest revision of the document.

Option: Note Contents

In the Note Contents field, enter the appropriate text for the note. You can enter
keywords and other system data into the message using the appropriate symbols, which
are entered when you select the appropriate buttons. These symbols will pull data into
the note that is pertinent to the current primary document.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

The following symbols can be used:

Symbol Description

%# Displays the Document Handle of the current document.

Studio - Workflow Actions

%B Displays the Institution Name assigned to the current document.

Note: This symbol is only applicable when used with an Institutional Database.

%C Displays the name of the user who created the current document.

%D or %D2 Displays the Document Date. This value can be changed.

%D1 Displays the date that the document was stored. This value cannot be changed.

%I1 or %T Displays the time that the document was stored. This value cannot be changed.

%K Displays a configured Keyword Value.

%K#.n Displays the Keyword Value of Keyword Type # n times. For example,
%K00101.4 would display up to 4 unique Keyword Values for Keyword Type
101 for a single document.
For some functionality, a Keyword Type drop-down list may be available to
configure this. Select a Keyword Type from the drop-down select list, enter
the number of times you want the Keyword Value to be displayed in the Repeat
field, and click Keyword. The value in the Repeat field specifies how many
instances of the Keyword Value will be displayed. Entering an * character will
pull all existing Keyword Values for display up to 99 instances.

Note: When using the Classic Client interface, double digits in the Repeat field
are not supported.

%L Displays the life cycle number of the current document.

%L2 Displays the life cycle name of the current document.

%M Extracts metadata values from items. This includes attribute values from
WorkView objects or a field values from an Entity item.
%M must be followed by the metadata value you want to extract. For example,
if you want to extract the value of a WorkView attribute called Name, it would
be %MName.
The token strings can contain nested expressions. Example, a nested
WorkView attribute: %MVendor.Buyer.Name.

%N Displays the name of the document.

%P Displays the number of notes present on the document.

%Q Displays the queue number of the current document.

%Q2 Displays the queue name of the current document.

%R Displays the real name of the currently logged in user.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Symbol Description

%U Displays the user name of the currently logged in user who executed the task.

%V### Displays the value of a configured Workflow property. For example, to display
the value for the property “Color”, this symbol would be configured %VColor.

Studio - Workflow Actions

Note: In the Core-based interfaces, if a property contains an array of values,
all property values will be used.

Note: If a property name has spaces, using %V to display the property value
will not preserve the spaces, and therefore, the property will not be correctly

The following symbols are not supported in the Classic Client interface:
• %L [life cycle ID]
• %L2 [life cycle name]
• %Q [queue ID]
• %Q2 [queue name]
%M [item metadata value] is not supported in the Classic OnBase Client interface or the
Core-Based OnBase Client interface.

Caution: The Note Contents field will override the default text configured for a note type.

Option: Note Type

Specify the type of note by selecting it from the Note Type drop-down list.
Option: Note Position
If you want to specify the exact position that the note should be placed on the
document, you can specify horizontal X and vertical Y coordinates. If the document is in
a text format, the coordinates (0-100) are the column and row where the note will
appear. For documents in other formats, like images, these coordinates (0-1500)
measure the note position in pixels.

Note: The note position settings are an optional feature and should only be used if you
are certain of the appropriate coordinates for the note position. If you are not certain or
do not have the need to place notes in a specific position, leave the values equal to 0.
When the values are equal to zero, the note will be placed in the default position on

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Option: Width and Height

If you are using an annotation style note, you can use the Size settings to determine the
placement of the annotation on the document upon note creation. Specify the Width and
Height of the annotation note that will be displayed on the document. The following note
types have specific considerations:
Studio - Workflow Actions

• Highlight with note attached - If the document is a text document, the Width
setting determines the number of columns that will be highlighted on a
document. The Height setting determines the number of rows that are
highlighted. Negative values cannot be entered for this type of annotation.
• Highlight with note attached - If the document is an image document, the Width
setting determines the number of pixels that will be highlighted on a document.
The Height setting determines the number of pixels that are highlighted.
Negative values cannot be entered for this type of annotation.
• Arrow or Ellipse - The Width setting determines the how wide the annotation will
be and in what direction from the specified note position. A negative value will
annotate to the left of the note position. A positive value will annotate to the
right. The Height setting determines the how tall the annotation will be and in
what direction from the specified note position. A negative value will annotate
above the note position. A positive value will annotate below. This is measured
in pixels.
• Icon Stamp - The Width and Height settings determine the size of the icon image
that is displayed on the document.

Note: If a note type is an Icon Stamp style and is configured with the Keep Original Icon
Size option selected, in all interfaces except the OnBase Client the icon will display in the
default size, regardless of what width and height are configured at the action level. The
OnBase Client will display the icon in the size configured at the action level.

• Overlapped Text - The Width setting determines how wide of an area is allotted
for the annotation before the text of the annotation is sent to another line.
Negative values cannot be entered for this type of annotation. The Height
setting is not applicable for this type of annotation.

Note: In the ActiveX Web Client, this type of annotation will not appear on a document if
the value of the Height setting is less than 1.

Note: In the Core-based OnBase Client interface, the Overlapped Text note style is only
displayed on image documents.

Note: If 0 is used as the value for both the Width and Height settings, annotations will
not be applied to the document at all for all annotation note types except the Arrow
style. If 0 is used as the value for both the Width and the Height settings, the arrowhead
is still drawn, but no line is draw from the arrowhead.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Option: Display Note for Text Edit

If you want to allow users to edit note text within a note, select the Display Note Text for
Edit option. When this option is selected, the action will display a text box in the User
Interaction window for users to edit text associated with the note created on the

Studio - Workflow Actions

Caution: The Core-Based interfaces allow you to enter more than 249 characters when the
Display Note Text for Edit option is selected. Notes with text greater than 250 characters will
be truncated to 250 characters.

Note: The Display Note Text for Edit option is not supported in the Mobile Access for
Windows Phone interface.

Option: Place Note On Page

This option specifies on which page the note is placed. Select a page option from the
drop-down select list.

Note: This option does not work with multi-page PDF or OLE documents.

The following options are available:

• First Page - Places the note on the first page of the document.
• First Non-Blank Page - Places the note on the first page that is not blank.
• Current Page - Places the note on the current page of the document.
• Last Page - Places the note on the last page of the document.
• Specified Page - Enter a specific page number in the field provided. If the
specified page is out of range on the document, the note is placed on the first
page of the document.
• Prompt for Page - Allows the user executing the action to select where to place
the note.

Option: Get Note Type from Property

You can acquire the source note type from a property value by selecting Get Note Type
from Property and entering the property in the field.

Option: Allow User to Cancel

To allow the user executing the action to cancel the creation of a note, select Allow User
to Cancel . If a user clicks Cancel while executing the action, the note is not created.

Note: The Allow User to Cancel option is not supported in the OnBase Client Classic
Workflow Interface.

Create or Update Agenda Item From Document

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Note: An Agenda license is required to configure and use this action.

This action allows you to use a document (typically an E-Form) to add, update, or clear
agenda items. Before configuring this action, ensure that you have completely
configured all necessary items in the Agenda Management client.
Studio - Workflow Actions

Note: This action is only supported in the Core-based Client and Unity Workflow

Tip: As a best practice, this action should only be used as a System Task when you are
creating a new Agenda Item and the Agenda Item Primary Key can be set to Constant
Value of 0.

Note: Exporting this action requires a destination database that already contains a
meeting type or agenda item type.

Option: Agenda Item Information Mapping

Agenda Item Information Mapping is used to associate Agenda Item Fields with values
from an OnBase E-Form or document.
To perform Agenda Item Information Mapping:

1. Click Configure .
2. The Agenda Item Information Mapping dialog box is displayed.
3. Select one of the following required Agenda Item Fields:
• Agenda Item Type - Used to classify individual agenda items.
• Agenda Item Primary Key - The unique numeric value assigned to the agenda
item by OnBase. This value is assigned when you create an agenda item, and
used by OnBase to update the agenda item.
When the Agenda Item Primary Key is set to a non-0 value, or a value that does
not match that of an existing agenda item, users will be prompted to create a
new agenda item when executing this task.

Note: Prompting users to create a new agenda item is not supported in the Unity
Workflow interface.

Tip: When mapping the Agenda Item Primary Key to a Constant Value , use 0 to create new
agenda items. You can also map the Agenda Item Primary Key to an E-Form Field Name.
Doing so keeps this value hidden on the E-Form that you are using to update agenda

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

• Meeting Type - The name of the type of meeting the item is associated with.

Note: Ensure that any configured Agenda Item Fields are compatible with the selected
Meeting Type. Agenda Item Fields are configured and assigned to Meeting Types, as
described in the Agenda documentation.

Studio - Workflow Actions

• Agenda Item Title - The title of the agenda item.

4.Select one of the following from the Get From drop-down list:
• Constant Value - A Constant Value will be used to populate the Agenda Item
Field. Specify a value in the drop-down list or in the Name or Value field.
• E-Form Field Name - An E-Form Field Name will be used to populate the Agenda
Item Field. Type the E-Form Field Name in the Name or Value field.
• Keyword Type - A Keyword Type will be used to populate the Agenda Item Field.
Select a Keyword Type from the Keyword Type drop-down list.
• Workflow Property - A Workflow Property will be used to populate the Agenda
Item Field. Type the Workflow Property in the Name or Value field.

Note: The Constant Value , E-Form Field Name , or Workflow Property cannot exceed 255

5.Click Update.
6.Repeat steps 4 and 5 for the remaining required Agenda Item Fields.
7.Select any optional Agenda Item Fields from the Agenda Item Field drop-down list
and configure them by performing step 4 and clicking Add . The Agenda Item
Fields available from this drop-down list correspond to the Agenda Item Field
names that were created via Agenda administration.
If the agenda item will be closed session, select Agenda Item Closed Session Flag.

Note: The Attachment Exclude From Packet Flag, Closed Session , Status , and Requestor
selections are reserved for future functionality.

8.When you have finished configuring Agenda Item Fields, click Close.
9.In the Property to Store Agenda Item Primary Key field, type Agenda Item Primary
10.To configure Related Documents, select Attached Related Documents. Related
documents become supporting documents for agenda items.
See Related Tab on page 718 for more information.
11. From the Keyword Type to Set Related Document Order drop-down list, select the
Keyword Type being used to store the order of supporting documents attached to
agenda items. If a Keyword Type has not been assigned to related documents for
the purpose of storing the order of supporting documents attached to agenda
items, Keyword Type to Set Related Document Order can be left blank.

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Workflow OnBase 16

12. Click Apply.

Tip: It is considered a best practice to check the resulting property value immediately
after the Create or Update Agenda Item from Document action is executed by
configuring the following rules: Check Last Execution Result and Compare Property
Value. Configure the Check Last Execution Result to verify that the Create or Update
Studio - Workflow Actions

Agenda Item from Document action occurred. Configure the Compare Property Value
rule to use the property value that was set by the Property to Store Agenda Item Primary
Key in the Create or Update Agenda Item from Document action.

Create PDF/TIFF File

Note: A PDF Framework license is required to configure and use this action.

This action allows a user to create an image-based PDF rendition of any Microsoft Word,
PowerPoint, Excel, Outlook, or Email document, as well as Image, Text, RTF, PDF, PDFA,
PDFE, PDFX, HTML, or XML documents. In addition, you can create a new TIFF image
document from any Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Outlook, or Email document, as
well as any RTF, PDF, PDFA, PDFE, PDFX, HTML, XML, E-Form, or Virtual E-Form
document, or a TIFF image rendition of any RTF, PDF, PDFA, PDFE, PDFX, HTML, XML, E-
Form, or Virtual E-Form belonging to a Document Type that has renditions enabled.

Note: This action is not supported in the Classic Client interface.

Caution: During the conversion process, some formatting may be lost. Tables, images,
Word Art, Clip Art, shapes and other non-text portions of the Word document can be
altered in the conversion process. Margins, borders, and columns can be slightly altered
during the conversion process as well.

Caution: This action supports the following versions of Microsoft Word: 97, 2000, 2002,
2003, 2007, 2010, and 2013. Microsoft Word versions 6 and 95 are not currently supported
by this action.

Option: File Type

Select PDF or TIFF to determine which file type is created.
Option: DPI
Select the DPI that you want to use to create PDFs and TIFF images through this action
Option: Keep Color
If you want to maintain the color in the Word document upon conversion, select this

Note: When converting to PDF, the Keep Color option is not available. All PDF documents
created are full color and text-based.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Option: As Rendition of Active Document

If you want the new converted document to be a rendition of the current, active
document, select this option.
Option: As New Document
If you want the converted document to be a new document, select this option. When this

Studio - Workflow Actions

option is selected, the following options are enabled. When As New Document is
selected, the following options are available:
Option: Document Type
Select the Document Type in which you want to store the new document.
Option: Inherit Keywords

If Inherit Keywords is selected, the following options are enabled:

• Inherit All - All Keyword Values on the current document are inherited by the
new document.
• Inherit Selected - Selected Keyword Values are inherited by the new document.
The Configure button is enabled. Click Configure and select the Keyword Types
from which you want the new document(s) to inherit values.
Option: Inherit Note(s)
If this option is selected, notes from the current document are inherited by the new
Option: Initiate Workflow
If this option is selected, Workflow is initiated for the newly created document(s).

Create Release of Information Request

Note: This action requires a Release of Information license.

Creates an ROI request using Keyword Values from a newly created document. Map
Keyword Types to the appropriate items so that the entered values are used in a

Note: This action is supported only in the Core-based OnBase Client, Web Client, and
Unity interfaces.

Note: When selecting a Keyword Type that does not exist on the Document Type, a
warning is displayed within the applicable Keyword Type drop-down list.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Request Information Tab

Keyword Types can be assigned to the following items in the Request Information tab:
• Request ID (required)
• Facility (one is required)
• Facility ID
Studio - Workflow Actions

• Facility Name
• Reason
• Request Due Date

Patient Information Tab

Keyword Types can be assigned to the following items in the Patient Information tab:
• Patient ID
• Patient Name (either Full Name or both Last Name and First Name are required)
• Full Name
• Last Name
• First Name
• Date of Birth
• Date(s) of Service
• From
• To

Requester Information Tab

Note: If you are using Release of Information in Integrated Mode, these items are not

Keyword Types can be assigned to the following items in the Requester Information tab:
• Name
• Phone
• Shipping Address
• Line 1
• Line 2
• City
• State/Province
• ZIP/Postal Code
• Country

Create SAP Work Item

Note: This action is only available is only enabled if your system is licensed for Connector
for use with SAP Archivelink.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Sends a request to a SAP content server asking it to create a work item for the
document. The action does not perform validation on the object type and SAP Document

Note: If the SAP Document Type for the work item is changed to a Document Type
belonging to a separate repository, a new document will be stored in OnBase under the

Studio - Workflow Actions

linked OnBase Document Type for that repository. The new document will not include
any OnBase metadata (Keyword Values, notes, etc.) from the original document.

To configure this action:

1. Select the appropriate Content Server from the drop-down list. You can also click
the button to the right of the drop-down list to create a new content server, or
modify an existing content server.
a.To create a new content server, select New. The SAP Content Server
Configuration dialog is displayed.

b.Enter a descriptive name for the content server in the Name field.
c. Enter the URL for the content server in the Content server URL field. This is the
name of the machine where the content server is installed, with the virtual
directory appended to the end of the machine name. In a typical installation,
the virtual directory would be named archivelink.
For example: machinename/archivelink

Note: You do not need to include the http:// prefix for this field.

Note: The default port number can be overridden by specifying a port number in the
address. The following format can be used: address:portnumber

d.Select the Use SSL check box if you want to use an HTTPS binding with this
content server.
e.Click OK.
2. Enter the Object Type .
3. Enter the SAP Document Type .

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

4. If you want to use the autoname string of the document as the Work Item Name
in SAP’s inbox, select the Use OnBase Auto-Name for Work Item Name option. In
order to use this option, additional configuration is required in SAP. See the
Connector for use with SAP ArchiveLink documentation for more information.
5. When finished, click Apply
Studio - Workflow Actions

Create Subsite

Note: A Site Provisioning for Microsoft SharePoint license is required to configure and use
this action.

Triggers the creation of a new SharePoint site from a document in Workflow, by using a
set of System Keyword Types associated with a Document Type.

Note: This action is not supported in the Classic Client interface.

The first time you configure this action, OnBase automatically creates the following
Alphanumeric Keyword Types:

Keyword Type Maximum Mixed Description

Length Case

SPS Member Role 250 Yes The role name of the SharePoint members
Name group, if SPS Use Unique Permissions is
set to Yes.
Examples of role names are Read, Full
Control, Contribute, and Design. See your
SharePoint administrator to help determine
the security of SharePoint groups.

SPS Members Group 250 Yes The name of the SharePoint members
group, if SPS Use Unique Permissions is
set to Yes.

SPS Owner Role 250 Yes The role name of the SharePoint owners
Name group, if SPS Use Unique Permissions is
set to Yes.
Examples of role names are Read, Full
Control, Contribute, and Design. See your
SharePoint administrator to help determine
the security of SharePoint groups.

SPS Owners Group 250 Yes The name of the SharePoint owners group,
if SPS Use Unique Permissions is set to

SPS Site Description 250 Yes The description of the SharePoint site.

SPS Site LCID 10 No The locale identifier (LCID) of the

SharePoint site. The LCID for English-
United States is 1033.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Keyword Type Maximum Mixed Description

Length Case

SPS Site Template 50 No The code of the SharePoint site template.

For example, for a new Team Site, enter
the template code STS#0. For a Basic

Studio - Workflow Actions

Meeting Space, enter MPS#0.
Template codes are Microsoft SharePoint-
specific. See your SharePoint administrator
for more information.

SPS Site Title 250 Yes The title of the SharePoint site.

SPS Site URL 250 Yes The URL of the existing SharePoint site.
This can be a top-level site, such as
http://vm-moss:8080, or a lower-level
site, such as http://vm-moss:8080/

SPS Subsite URL 250 Yes The component added to the SPS Site URL
to create the URL for the new subsite.
For example, if the SPS Site URL value is
http://vm-moss:8080, and the SPS
Subsite URL is Sub1, then the new site’s
URL will be http://vm-moss:8080/Sub1.

SPS Use Unique 3 No

Permissions Note: This Keyword Type uses a Data Set.
Possible values are Yes and No.

This value specifies whether the SharePoint

site will use unique permissions rather than
inherit permissions from the parent site. If
the value is Yes, then the site will use the
group and role permissions specified for the
SPS Members, Owners, and Visitors
Keyword Types, if group and role values are

Note: For information about roles, visit

SPS Visitor Role 250 Yes The role name of the SharePoint visitors
Name group, if SPS Use Unique Permissions is
set to Yes.
Examples of role names are Read, Full
Control, Contribute, and Design. See your
SharePoint administrator to help determine
the security of SharePoint groups.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Keyword Type Maximum Mixed Description

Length Case

SPS Visitors Group 250 Yes The name of the SharePoint visitors group,
if SPS Use Unique Permissions is set to
Studio - Workflow Actions

Caution: If there is already a Keyword Type by the same name as one of those listed above,
then the new Keyword Type is not created, and the action cannot work correctly.

To configure this action, enter the following information:

Field Description

Administrator Name Type the name of the SharePoint administrator who has
privileges for creating SharePoint sites.

Administrator User Name Type the SharePoint administrator's Windows user name.

Administrator Password Type the SharePoint administrator's Windows password.

Administrator Domain Type the SharePoint domain.

Administrator Email Type the SharePoint administrator's e-mail address.

Create WorkView Object from this Document

Note: This action is only available when licensed for WorkView.

Allows the user to create a WorkView object, pulling the attribute values from Keyword
Values on the current document. The user can only specify one Document Type
Association per Document Type.

Note: This action is not functional in the Classic Client interface.

Note: WorkView must be installed on the database in which you want to configure this
action. If you import a life cycle into a database, that database must have WorkView
installed to successfully import the life cycle.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

To configure this action:

1.Select a Document Type from the Document Type drop-down list. Only the
Document Types that have associations will be listed.
2.Select a Document Type Association from the drop-down list. The Document Type
Associations listed are associations configured at the class level for the selected

Studio - Workflow Actions

Document Type.

Note: The Document Type Association selected determines the attribute/keyword type
mapping, and therefore, the values that populate the attribute fields of an object upon

3.Click Add.
4.Repeat steps 1 through 3 for each association you want to create an object for.
5.If you want the object to display after it is created, select the Display Object option.
This can allow you to enter data into fields that have not been mapped to a
Keyword Type.

Note: The Display Object option is only supported in the Web Client and Unity interfaces.
The OnBase Web Server is required to display WorkView objects from the Unity

Note: The Display Object option is not functional when this action is running as timer

Note: When the Display Object option is selected, the user executing the action must
have sufficient rights to the class.

Caution: When a relationship attribute is used during object creation, if more than one
object is found for the relationship attribute’s value, the first object found is used for the
relationship. If an object is not found that matches the relationship attribute’s value, a new
relationship object is created.

Option: Save Object ID to Property

If you want to save the ID of the object created, select Save Object ID to Property and
enter the name of the property you want to store the ID in the field.

Delete Document

Deletes the document from OnBase. The document is no longer accessible through
normal retrieval. The document may be recovered using the Document Maintenance
Option: Abort Processing After Delete
If the Abort Processing After Delete option is selected, processing is aborted after the
current document is deleted.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Option: Target
In the Target drop-down select list, define whether you want the action to execute on the
current document/item in the queue or a related document/item.

If you are configuring the action for related documents/items, see Related Tab on page
Studio - Workflow Actions

718 for more information.

Delete Note

Removes specified note type from the document.

Note: Notes will be deleted using this action regardless of the note type privileges the
currently logged in user has outside of Workflow.

Note: When deleting a note, if more than one note of the specified type exists on the
document, all notes of the same type are deleted from the current document.

You must specify the type of note to delete by selecting it from the Note Type drop-down

Option: Get Note Type from Property

You can specify the source note type from a property value by selecting Get Note Type
from Property and entering the property in the field.

Display Document

The display document action will display the document to the user. By default, if the
related document viewer is not open, the document will display in the primary document
viewer. If the secondary document viewer is open, the document will display in the
secondary document viewer.

Note: This action is not supported in the OnBase Mobile interfaces.

Option: Target
In the Target drop-down select list, define whether you want the action to execute on the
current document/item in the queue or a related document/item.
If you are configuring the action for related documents/items, see Related Tab on page
718 for more information.
Option: Default Behavior
If you want to use the default behavior, select Default Behavior.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Option: Use Primary Pane

If the Use Primary Pane option is selected, the document is displayed in the primary

Note: When the display document action is configured to display a related document, the
Use Primary Pane option is selected, and the action is the last action in a task list, the

Studio - Workflow Actions

related document will only display for a brief moment in the primary pane before the
interface refreshes and restores focus to the primary document.

Note: The Use Primary Pane option is not applicable to the Desktop interface.

Option: Display in Separate Window

You can specify that the document should open in a separate window by selecting the
Display in Separate Window option.

Note: When performing this action directly from an Outlook e-mail message using the
Integration for Microsoft Outlook 2007 or Integration for Microsoft Outlook 2010, the
document will always be displayed in a separate Document Viewer window. This is
because Outlook does not have its own viewer.

Option: Use Top-Level Window

Note: The Use Top Level Window option is supported only in the OnBase Client.

The Use Top Level Window option is enabled only when Display in Separate Window is
selected. The Use Top Level Window option works in conjunction with the Reuse Top-level
Window for Displaying Document workstation option.
When a workstation also has the Reuse Top-level Window for Displaying Document option
selected, documents will use only one window to display all documents. If there are
multiple documents displayed, only the last document is displayed. If this option is not
selected, documents will use a new window for each document.
The Use Top Level Window check box causes the document to be opened in a window that
can be dragged outside of the Workflow window to display it on a second screen’s
desktop (if using dual monitors).

Display Folder for Document

This action will open the File Cabinet window with the folder to which the document

Note: This action is not supported in the Desktop or OnBase Mobile interfaces.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

If the document is associated with multiple folders, all of the folders are listed in the
bottom left pane. If the document within Workflow does not have a folder associated
with it, a message will display stating No Folders Found. In addition, users are prompted
with a message that no folders were found if they do not have the rights to access a
folder in which the document resides. If a user does not have rights to the Document
Type that is in the folder, the document will not display in the folder.
Studio - Workflow Actions

Display Medical Record Chart Pop

This action is maintained for legacy purposes only. For new medical deployments, please
use the OnBase Patient Window.

Exclude from Document Retention

Excludes current document from being purged or evaluated by the Document Retention
processor. The Document Type the document belongs to must be configured for use with
Document Retention.

Note: This action requires the Document Retention license.

You must enter a reason for the exclusion in the Reason for Exclusion text box. If a
reason is not entered, the action will not execute successfully.

Export to Network Location

Note: The action is not supported in the OnBase Client Classic Workflow interface

Generates a text file containing configured values associated with the document the
action executes upon. A copy of the document the action executes on can be placed in
the same directory as the index file. In addition, a compressed zip file can be created
that contains the index file and copies of the document(s).
Option: Source
In the Source drop-down select list, define whether you want the action to execute on
the current document in the queue or related documents and obtain data from the
defined document.
If you are configuring the action for related documents see Related Tab on page 718 for
more information.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Option: Export
Select one of the following options from the drop-down select list:
• If you want to export only the document to the network location, select
Document Only from the drop-down select list.
• If you want to export only the generated index file to the network location,

Studio - Workflow Actions

select Index File Only from the drop-down select list.
• If you want to export both the document and the generated index file to the
network location, select Document and Index File from the drop-down select list.

Note: If you are exporting an index file, you must configure the data you want to include
in that index file within the Index File tab. If you do not configure any field mappings, a
file is not generated. See Index File Tab on page 510 for more information.

Option: Network Location

Specify the directory where you want the file(s) saved. This should be a network location
to which the user configured to run the IIS application pool, or the user being
impersonated, has appropriate rights.
Select one of the following options:
• If you want to enter a specific network location, select Specify Network Location.
Enter a specific directory in the field. You can use the Browse button to navigate
to the directory.
• If you want to pull the network location from a property, select Get Network
Location from Property and enter the name of the property containing the
network location in the field.

Option: Index File Name

Note: This section is only enabled when you have chosen to export the index file.

Select one of the following options to determine where the index file gets its name:
• If you want to enter a specific index file name, select Specify Index File Name
and enter the name of the index file that is generated. Include a .txt extension
to the filename.
• If you want to pull the file name from a property, select Get Index File Name
from Property and enter the name of the property containing the file name. The
file name should include the .txt extension.

Note: Unicode characters are not supported in file names.

Option: Document Name

Note: This section is only enabled when you have chosen to export the document.

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Workflow OnBase 16

Select one of the following options to determine where the document gets its name:
• If you want to name the exported document based on its Document Handle,
select Use Document Handle .
• If you want to name the exported document based on a property value, select
Get Document Name from Property and enter the name of the property containing
the document’s name in the field.
Studio - Workflow Actions

Option: Compressed File Properties

If you want the generated file(s) compressed, select Compress Contents. Specify the
name of the generated file in the Compressed File Name field. Include a .zip extension to
the filename. When the Compress Contents option is selected, the generated file(s) are
placed with the .zip file.

Note: If the index filename contains spaces, the zip file will not contain the index file.

Note: Unicode characters are not supported in file names.

Option: Break Processing on Failure

When the Break Processing on Failure check box is selected, if the action fails to execute,
all processing will break in the task list and any process after the action will not execute.

Index File Tab

This tab contains the configuration options for the generated index file.
Option: Index File Properties
Select one of the following options:
• Select Create New Index File if you want to generate a new index file. Every time
the action is executed, a new file will be generated. This will overwrite the index
file if it was previously generated.
• Select Append to Existing Index File if you want to append data to the index file
after one has been generated. If you want a new file to be generated when one
does not exist, select Create new index file if it does not exist.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Option: Field Configuration

The Field Configuration section allows you to specify what data you want to include in the
index file. To configure fields:

1. Click Configure . The Field Configuration dialog box is displayed.

Studio - Workflow Actions

2. The Order field will automatically generate the next number in the sequence to
define the order the fields will be displayed in the text file. You can overwrite an
existing mapping by enter the order number associated with that mapping. Upon
clicking Map, the mapping will be updated.
3. Select the value you want to capture from the document.
Select Keyword to map to the Keyword Type selected from the drop-down select
Select Property to map to the property specified in the field.
Select Constant Value to map to the value entered in the field.
4. Click Map.
5. Repeat steps 2 to 4 for each value you want to map.
6. Click OK when finished.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

You can delete a mapped value by selecting it and clicking Delete .

Caution: When using a document with Encrypted keywords, encrypted keyword values are
output as blank fields in the index file.

Option: Field Delimiters

Studio - Workflow Actions

Field delimiters enclose each field value and are necessary when a separator is present
within the field. For example, if formatted numeric values include commas (e.g., 2,000)
use field delimiters so the comma within the value will not be read as a separator. Select
how you want fields to be delimited:
• None : Individual field values are not enclosed within characters.
• Single Quote (’) : Individual field values are enclosed in single quotation marks.
• Double Quote (") : Individual field values are enclosed in double quotation

Option: Field Separator

The separator differentiates between each field value and the next. Select how you want
fields to be separated:
• Newline: A new line separates each of the fields.
• Tab : A tab character separates each field.
• Custom : In the text box, type a specific character that the file will use as a
• No Separator : Fields are not separated.

Feedback to Revenue Cycle Management

Note: Your database must be licensed and configured for Revenue Cycle Management to
use this action.

This action processes a Denial or AR record by triggering a specific configured RCM

Option: RCM Followup Actions
Select either Denial or Master Activity, then select the RCM action you want to perform.
The drop-down select lists for each option are populated with configured actions from
your RCM database.
Option: Note Contents
This is the text that will appear in the RCM Followup History for the record. In the Note
Contents field, enter the appropriate text for the note. You can enter Keywords and other
system data into the message using the appropriate symbols, which are entered when
you select the appropriate buttons. These symbols will pull data into the note that is
pertinent to the current primary document.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

The following symbols can be used:

Symbol Description

%# Displays the Document Handle of the current document.

Studio - Workflow Actions

%B Displays the Institution Name assigned to the current document.

Note: This symbol is only applicable when used with an Institutional Database.

%C Displays the name of the user who created the current document.

%D or %D2 Displays the Document Date. This value can be changed.

%D1 Displays the date that the document was stored. This value cannot be changed.

%I1 or %T Displays the time that the document was stored. This value cannot be changed.

%K Displays a configured Keyword Value.

%K#.n Displays the Keyword Value of Keyword Type # n times. For example,
%K00101.4 would display up to 4 unique Keyword Values for Keyword Type
101 for a single document.
For some functionality, a Keyword Type drop-down list may be available to
configure this. Select a Keyword Type from the drop-down select list, enter
the number of times you want the Keyword Value to be displayed in the Repeat
field, and click Keyword. The value in the Repeat field specifies how many
instances of the Keyword Value will be displayed. Entering an * character will
pull all existing Keyword Values for display up to 99 instances.

Note: When using the Classic Client interface, double digits in the Repeat field
are not supported.

%L Displays the life cycle number of the current document.

%L2 Displays the life cycle name of the current document.

%M Extracts metadata values from items. This includes attribute values from
WorkView objects or a field values from an Entity item.
%M must be followed by the metadata value you want to extract. For example,
if you want to extract the value of a WorkView attribute called Name, it would
be %MName.
The token strings can contain nested expressions. Example, a nested
WorkView attribute: %MVendor.Buyer.Name.

%N Displays the name of the document.

%P Displays the number of notes present on the document.

%Q Displays the queue number of the current document.

%Q2 Displays the queue name of the current document.

%R Displays the real name of the currently logged in user.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Symbol Description

%U Displays the user name of the currently logged in user who executed the task.

%V### Displays the value of a configured Workflow property. For example, to display
the value for the property “Color”, this symbol would be configured %VColor.
Studio - Workflow Actions

Note: In the Core-based interfaces, if a property contains an array of values,

all property values will be used.

Note: If a property name has spaces, using %V to display the property value
will not preserve the spaces, and therefore, the property will not be correctly

The following symbols are not supported in the Classic Client interface:
• %L [life cycle ID]
• %L2 [life cycle name]
• %Q [queue ID]
• %Q2 [queue name]
%M [item metadata value] is not supported in the Classic OnBase Client interface or the
Core-Based OnBase Client interface.

Option: Assign
Select one of the following options:
• Assign to User - Assigns the record to a specific user. From the enabled drop-
down select list, choose the user to which you want to assign the record.
• Assign to Group - Assigns the record to a specific group. From the enabled drop-
down select list, choose the group to which you want to assign the record.
• Do Not Assign - No assignment is made.

Generate Document Packet

Note: The Document Packets license is required to use this action.

The Generate Document Packet action allows you to merge a set of related documents
into a Document Packet. Packet Templates, configured elsewhere in Studio and OnBase
Configuration, dictate the way in which packets are compiled.
Option: Packet Template
Select the Packet Template to be used with the Document Packet.
Option: Override Archive(d) Document Type
Select Override Archive(d) Document Type if you would like the completed Document
Packet to be indexed into a Document Type other than the one dictated by the Packet
Template. When this option is selected, you must select the Document Type into which
the Document Packet is to be indexed.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Option: Keywords
Specify the Keyword Types and Values used to index the completed Document Packet.
• Click Add to add a new Keyword Type and Value to the Keywords list.
• Click Modify to edit the Keyword Type and Value of the selected keyword.
• Click Delete to delete the selected keyword

Studio - Workflow Actions

Note: These keywords may be changed by users if the Display Packet Content Selection
Window option is selected and the Packet Template allows the user to change the
Keyword Value during creation.

Tokens may be used with Keyword Types.

The following symbols can be used:

Symbol Description

%# Displays the Document Handle of the current document.

%B Displays the Institution Name assigned to the current document.

Note: This symbol is only applicable when used with an Institutional Database.

%C Displays the name of the user who created the current document.

%D or %D2 Displays the Document Date. This value can be changed.

%D1 Displays the date that the document was stored. This value cannot be changed.

%I1 or %T Displays the time that the document was stored. This value cannot be changed.

%K Displays a configured Keyword Value.

%K#.n Displays the Keyword Value of Keyword Type # n times. For example,
%K00101.4 would display up to 4 unique Keyword Values for Keyword Type
101 for a single document.
For some functionality, a Keyword Type drop-down list may be available to
configure this. Select a Keyword Type from the drop-down select list, enter
the number of times you want the Keyword Value to be displayed in the Repeat
field, and click Keyword. The value in the Repeat field specifies how many
instances of the Keyword Value will be displayed. Entering an * character will
pull all existing Keyword Values for display up to 99 instances.

Note: When using the Classic Client interface, double digits in the Repeat field
are not supported.

%L Displays the life cycle number of the current document.

%L2 Displays the life cycle name of the current document.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Symbol Description

%M Extracts metadata values from items. This includes attribute values from
WorkView objects or a field values from an Entity item.
%M must be followed by the metadata value you want to extract. For example,
if you want to extract the value of a WorkView attribute called Name, it would
Studio - Workflow Actions

be %MName.
The token strings can contain nested expressions. Example, a nested
WorkView attribute: %MVendor.Buyer.Name.

%N Displays the name of the document.

%P Displays the number of notes present on the document.

%Q Displays the queue number of the current document.

%Q2 Displays the queue name of the current document.

%R Displays the real name of the currently logged in user.

%U Displays the user name of the currently logged in user who executed the task.

%V### Displays the value of a configured Workflow property. For example, to display
the value for the property “Color”, this symbol would be configured %VColor.

Note: In the Core-based interfaces, if a property contains an array of values,

all property values will be used.

Note: If a property name has spaces, using %V to display the property value
will not preserve the spaces, and therefore, the property will not be correctly

The following symbols are not supported in the Classic Client interface:
• %L [life cycle ID]
• %L2 [life cycle name]
• %Q [queue ID]
• %Q2 [queue name]
%M [item metadata value] is not supported in the Classic OnBase Client interface or the
Core-Based OnBase Client interface.

Option: Display Packet Content Selection Window

Select Display Packet Content Selection Window if you would like to allow or require users
to manually edit Document Packets before they are indexed. Selecting this option will
display the Packet Content Selection dialog box, where users can adjust Document Packet
keywords and contents within the limits of the Packet Template.
If this option is not selected, Document Packets are generated and indexed without user
Option: Property for document handle of generated packet
Enter the name of the Property to which you would like to store the completed Document
Packet’s document handle.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Import Document
Allows users to import a document into OnBase. When the action is executed, the Import
Document dialog box is displayed.

Studio - Workflow Actions

Note: This action is not supported in the OnBase Mobile interfaces.

Caution: If you are using encrypted keyword functionality, encrypted keywords are not
masked and the values are displayed as read-only in all interfaces.

Note: This action allows a user to import documents into a Document Type for which they
do not have rights. In addition, a user does not need to have the Create Revision
privilege granted in order to create a revision of a document.

Option: Default Document Type

The Document Type selected from the drop-down select list will be the default Document
Type selected when the Import Document dialog box is displayed. If a default Document
Type is not specified, you will be able to select the appropriate Document Type and file
Option: Enable Document and File Type Combo Boxes
If the Enable Document and File Type Combo Boxes option is selected, the File Type and
Document Type drop-down select lists will be enabled in the Import Document dialog box.
This option is only enabled when a default Document Type is selected. If this option is
not selected, documents will be imported using the selected default Document Type.
When <None> is selected, the Enable Document and File Type Combo Boxes option is
automatically selected.

Note: If a default Document Type is selected and the Enable Document and File Type Combo
Boxes option is not selected, users that do not have rights to the default Document Type
will be able to import documents into the Document Type using this action.

Option: Keywords

Note: When using this action to create a revision of an existing document, an additional
instance of a Keyword Value is added if one instance already exists.

If you want to specify a Keyword Value to automatically be populated in the Import

Document dialog box, select a Keyword Type from the drop-down menu and enter the
Keyword Value in the field.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Option: Inherit Keywords

Using the Inherit Keywords option, the user can specify that either all or some of the
keywords in the current document are copied to the imported document. Selecting this
option enables the Inherit All and Inherit Selected options and the Configure button.
• Inherit All - All Keyword Values are inherited from the active document.
Studio - Workflow Actions

• Inherit Selected - Only specific Keyword Values are inherited from the active
document. Click Configure and select the appropriate Keyword Types from which
you want to inherit values.

Note: In the Unity Client, common Keyword Types in different Multi-Instance Keyword
Type Groups are inherited regardless of whether the Inherit All or Inherit Selected option
is selected.

Note: In the Core-based and OnBase Client Classic Workflow interfaces, an instance of
Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group is not inherited if all of its keyword values are the
same as another instance. In the Unity Client, all instances are inherited.

Note: In the Unity Client, if a Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group instance contains blank
values, another instance will also be inherited with the default values for those keywords
and blank values for the remaining keywords in that instance.

Option: Fill Document Handle Keyword(s)

If you check the Fill Document Handle Keyword(s) check box, the new document and the
primary document inherit each other’s document handle number keyword values for the
Document Handle keyword. OnBase keyword Document Handle must be assigned to both
Document Types involved in the exchange. This configuration enables the new
document, which had no link to the primary document via a common keyword, to
become a related document based on the document handle when actions and rules are
configured to use the Document Handle option to identify related documents. If the
primary document already had a value in the Document Handle Keyword Type, the
document handle of the new document is added to the primary document as a Document
Handle Keyword Value and does not replace the previous value.

Note: If the primary document belongs to a closed or cutoff Records Management folder,
the Document Handle keyword value will not be copied from the new document to the
primary document.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Options Tab
Option: Display Document
The user can use the Display Document option to specify that the imported document
should be displayed in the primary pane, secondary pane or a separate window. Select
one of the following options:

Studio - Workflow Actions

• Primary Pane - Displays the new document in the primary pane in the place of
the main document.
• Secondary Pane - Displays related documents in the secondary pane.
• Separate Window - The document opens in a separate window. The Top Level
Window check box causes the document to be opened in a window that can be
dragged outside of the system window to display it on a second desktop (if
using dual monitors).

Option: Default Initiate Workflow

The Default Initiate Workflow options allow the user to specify that the Initiate Workflow
check box in the Import Document dialog box be checked or unchecked by default. Select
one of the following options:
• On - The check box will be selected by default.
• Off - The check box will not be selected by default.
• None - Whether or not the Initiate Workflow check box is selected will be
determined by the DoNotInitiateWorkflow setting in the onbase32.ini file.
Option: Allow Modify Keywords
The Allow Modify Keywords option specifies if the Keyword Values can be edited in the
Import Document dialog box. The Document Date field is disabled when Allow Modify
Keywords is not selected. The action configuration options override all user group
Option: Enable Initiate Workflow
The Enable Initiate Workflow option specifies that the Initiate Workflow check box in the
Import Document dialog box be enabled or disabled.

Note: The Default Initiate Workflow and Enable Initiate Workflow options are not
supported in the OnBase Desktop or the Unity Client. If the document being imported
using this action is assigned to a Document Type associated with a life cycle, that
document will be entered into the associated life cycle.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Option: Copy Document Handle to Property

You can copy the document handle of the item to a property by selecting the Copy
Document Handle to Property option and entering the name of the property you want to
copy the value to.

Note: Only alphanumeric characters are supported in property names. As a best practice,
Studio - Workflow Actions

do not use spaces in property names.

Caution: The action configuration options override all user group privileges.

Caution: If you are attempting to use this action to create a new revision on the existing
primary document, you will only be able to save the imported document as a new document
and not as a revision because the primary document is already locked.

Using this Action with WorkView

When this action is configured in a life cycle that routes WorkView objects, an Attributes
tab is available for configuration. This tab is used in conjunction with the Inherit
Keywords option when it is selected and Inherit All is selected.

Option: Application
Select the application that contains the class of the object you will be executing the task
Option: Class
Select the class the object you will executing the action upon resides.
Option: Initial Keyword Mappings

Note: When using this setting, the Inherit Keywords option must be selected.

You can map attribute values to Document Type value for the new document in the
following ways:
• WorkView Class Defaults : This option will use the default Keyword Type Map and
Upload Document Types settings configured in the class’s Document Types tab. If
nothing is configured in this tab, no mapping will occur.

Note: If a Default Document Type is selected, it will override any Upload Document Type

• Document Type Association : This option allows you to specify a specific

Document Type Association to use a specific Document Type and to map
attribute values to Keyword Type values. You can create or modify a Document
Type Association by selecting the drop-down select list next to the Document
Type Association field and selecting New or Modify.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

• Attribute Keytype Map: This option allows you to specify a specific Keyword Type
Map to map attribute values to Keyword Type values. In the Client when a
Document Type is selected that contains Keyword Types specified in the
mapping, the attribute values will be mapped automatically to the Keyword
Type. You can create or modify a Keyword Type Maps by selecting the drop-
down select list next to the Attribute Keytype Map field and selecting New or

Studio - Workflow Actions


Option: Suppress keyword update on Document Type change

When this option is selected, Keyword Type values will not be updated if the Document
Type is selected.
Option: Attach the uploaded document to the WorkView object
When this is selected, the uploaded document will be attached to the currently displayed
WorkView object.
Option: Copy document handle to document attribute
When this option is selected, you can specify a Document attribute to copy the new
document’s handle to.

Mark As Ready for Document Transfer

Note: Document Transfer requires the Document Transfer license.

This action marks a document as ready to be transferred in a Document Transfer export

package as it transitions from one Workflow queue to another, even if no updates that
would normally trigger Document Transfer were made to the document.

Note: This action is not supported in the OnBase Client Classic Workflow interface.

The next time a Document Transfer export package is processed, documents marked
with this action are added to the export package and transferred to the receiving site, if
the package is configured for the Document Type of those documents.
If a document is marked as ready for transfer using this action, but the Document Type
of that document is not currently configured to be added to an export package, this
action has no effect.

Place Hold on Managed Folder

Note: This action requires the Records Management license.

This action places a hold on the managed folder that is associated with the current,
active document.

Caution: This action overrides the privileges assigned to users for Records Management.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Holds are placed only on folders that are eligible based on their disposition status and
that belong to a folder of a managed folder type that is associated with the hold set/hold
reason configured.
Option: Hold Set
Select the Hold Set you would like to use to place holds. Hold sets are associated with
Studio - Workflow Actions

specific Managed Folder Types. This drop-down select list will contain the hold sets that
are configured for managed folder types. If you select <Any>, all hold reason configured
in the system are available for selection in the Hold Reason drop-down select list.
Option: Hold Reason
From the Hold Reason drop-down select list, select the hold you want to place on folders.
This drop-down will populate the holds that have been configured in the Hold Set
Option: Reason Text for Hold
If you want to use the reason that was configured for the hold, select Use Reason Text
Configured for the Selected Hold .
If you want to configure another reason for the hold when placed via this Workflow task,
select Configure Another Reason Text and enter the appropriate text in the field.

Post Event on Managed Folder

Note: This action requires the Records Management license.

This action posts an event on the managed folder that is associated with the current,
active document. Events are posted only on folders that are eligible based on their
disposition status.

Caution: This action overrides the privileges assigned to users for Records Management.

Option: Event Set

In the Event Set drop-down select list, select an event set to narrow down the events
listed in the Post Event drop-down select list. If you select <Any>, all events configured
in the system will be available for selection in the Post Event drop-down select list.
Option: Post Event
In the Post Event drop-down select list, select the event to post on a managed folder. The
selected event will only post on folders that belong to folders types that were configured
to use the selected event.

Note: The -RIMSERVER command line switch must be present on the Client executable for
this action to function correctly. When using this action in the Core-based interfaces, a
delay may occur before the posting of an event.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Option: Event Date

If the event selected was configured with the Allow User to Set Event Date option
selected, the Event Date options are enabled. Select one of the following options:
• Current Date - The current date at the time the task was executed is used as the
event date.

Studio - Workflow Actions

• Specific Date - The date entered will be used as the event date.
• Property Value - The date from the property specified in the field will be used as
the event date.
• Keyword Value - The date value from the Keyword Type selected from the drop-
down select list is used as the event date.

Caution: The Allow User to Set Event Date option is not supported in the Classic Client

Note: When using the Property Value or the Keyword Value option, the value of the
property or Keyword Type must be a valid date or date/time value.

Print Batch

This action allows users to print multiple documents in multiple Document Types in one
printing batch.
Option: Folder Type
This action will print the contents of the folder specified in the Folder Type drop-down
select list.

Note: Only folder types configured as Workflow folders will be displayed for selection in
the Folder Type drop-down select list.

The order documents are viewed and/or printed using the work folder is controlled by
the Order Documents By option configured on the Display tab in folder configuration.
Option: Print Queue
The batch will be sent to the queues specified in the Print Queue drop-down select list.

Note: When using a Web Client using Standard mode, a network printer is the only Print
Queue type supported.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Option: Print Format

Allows you to select a print format to use during printing. Print formats are configured in
the Configuration module under Printing | Print Formats. See the System Administration
documentation for more information.

Note: Regardless of the Enable User Group based Print Format security option global client
Studio - Workflow Actions

setting, the print format selected will be available when this action is executed.

Note: If printing an OLE or HTML document, format settings for the document override
the print format settings.

Caution: The Application Server and Web Client interfaces do not support the Default Printer
or Local Print Queue options. The Unity interface does not support the Local Printer option.

Note: If the user that initiates this action does not have rights to the specified print
queue, the rights will be overridden and the user will have access to the print queue for
use with action.

Note: Static folders are not available for selection.

Option: Show Print Dialog

If the Show Print Dialog option is selected, the Print dialog box will be displayed, allowing
you to select options before printing.

Note: The Show Print Dialog option is not supported in the OnBase Mobile interfaces. This
option is not supported in the Standard mode HTML Web Client when printing with a
Network Print Queue.

Note: When printing to a Named network print queue, a workstation must be running as
a Print Server when using the Web Client interface.

Option: Print First Revision

When this option is selected, the first revision of the document is printed; otherwise the
latest revision of the document is printed.

Note: This option is not supported in the Classic OnBase Client interface.

Note: This option is disabled when Show Print Dialog is enabled.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Option: Include Current Document in Batch

If the Include Current Document in Batch option is selected, the current active document
will be printed with the batch. If the option is not selected, the current active document
will not be printed with the batch.

Note: If the current active document also exists in the folder and the Include Current

Studio - Workflow Actions

Document in Batch option is selected, the document will be printed twice. In the Core-
based interfaces, if this setting is not selected and the current active document exists in
the folder, the document will be printed once. In the Classic Client interface, if this
setting is not selected and the current active document exists in the folder, the
document will not be printed at all.

Print Document

The document goes to the print queue configured in the client as the default print queue.
All the settings used for printing are the defaults specified in the print format for the
document type, unless a specific Print Queue , Start Page, or End Page is specified in the
action. Clear the Print Dialog check box if you want printing to occur with no user

Caution: When used in system work and the documents are brought into the system using
the Fax Import Integration for Captaris RightFax or Integration for Open Text Fax Server,
RightFax Edition modules and a local printer is used, this action will not function. If you
want to use this action in system work with the Fax Import Integration for Captaris
RightFax or Integration for Open Text Fax Server, RightFax Edition modules, it is
recommended that you use a network printer. If you must use a local printer, you can
configure this action using a timer and the OnBase Client running as a Timer Server.

Option: Print Queue

Allows you to send the document to an OnBase-configured print queue specified by a
selection from the Print Queue drop-down list.

Caution: The Application Server and Web Client interfaces do not support the Default Printer
or Local Printer options. The Unity interface does not support the Local Printer option.

Note: When using a Web Client using Standard mode, a network printer is the only Print
Queue type supported.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Option: Print Format

Allows you to select a print format to use during printing. Print formats are configured in
the Configuration module under Printing | Print Formats. See the Configuration
documentation for more information.

Note: Regardless of the Enable User Group based Print Format security option global client
Studio - Workflow Actions

setting, the print format selected will be available when this action is executed.

Note: If printing an OLE or HTML document, format settings for the document override
the print format settings.

Option: Show Print Dialog

When a print action executes and the Show Print Dialog check box is selected, the Print
dialog box displays before the current document or related document (depending on the
action type selected) is sent to the printer.
De-select the Show Print Dialog box to send the current/related document directly to the

Note: The Show Print Dialog option is not supported in the OnBase Mobile interfaces.

Note: When Show Print Dialog is selected, the Print Format selected will be available for
selection in the Print dialog box when the action is executed regardless of user rights to
the print format.

Note: When using the HTML Web Client, the Windows Print dialog box is displayed,
regardless of whether or not the Show Print Dialog option is selected. The Print Format
cannot be changed in this dialog box.

Note: When this task is executed in the Core-based OnBase Client interface or the Unity
Client with Show Print Dialog enabled, if Cancel is selected from the Print dialog, the Last
Execution Result is set to false and the task is aborted.

Option: Print First Revision

When this option is selected the first revision of the document is printed, otherwise the
latest revision of the document is printed.

Note: This option is only supported in the Web Workflow interface.

Option: Print Specific Pages

Selecting this check box allows you to specify a specific page range to be printed within
a document.

Note: When printing to a Named network print queue, a workstation must be running as
a Print Server when using the Web Client interface.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Option: Target
In the Target drop-down select list, define whether you want the action to execute on the
current document/item in the queue or a related document/item.
If you are configuring the action for related documents, see Related Tab on page 718 for

Studio - Workflow Actions

more information.

Purge Document
This action removes all database entries for a document and it will not be accessible by
any means in OnBase including Document Maintenance.

Caution: This action will remove the current document from OnBase. The removal is total,
permanent, and irreversible. Please ensure this action is only applied to documents that do
not contain important data.

Note: Documents that are under retention using the Document Retention module cannot
be purged using this action.

Note: Documents purged using this action will not appear in the SYS - Document Purge
Report .

If more than one person is accessing the same document, the document can be purged
by the first person to open the document by initiating the purge action. If the second
user tries to purge the document, nothing happens. If you are using the Classic Client
interface, this action removes the document’s physical file from the Disk Group(s) unless
the document is currently displayed in the viewer. If the document is displayed in the
viewer when the action is executed, the document’s physical file will not be removed
from the disk group. When using a core-based interface, the action does not remove the
document’s physical file from the disk group.
Option: Action will purge only documents having a file format of ’Electronic form’, ’Virtual
Electronic Form’ or ’Unity Form’
If the Action will purge only documents having a file format of ‘Electronic Form’, ‘Virtual
Electronic Form’, or ’Unity Form’. option is selected, only documents that are Electronic
Form, Virtual Electronic Form, or Unity Form file formats will be purged from OnBase. All
documents with other file formats will not be purged.
Option: Action will purge any document
If the Action will purge any document option is selected, any document will be purged,
regardless of the file format that is used.

Note: If a COLD, Check Import, or DIP process is running, the physical file being used by
the process does not delete the physical file, but the references to the current document
are removed from OnBase. DIP processes that are affected have a DIPDocumentPerFile
onbase32.ini setting >1.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Push Document into Cache

This is legacy functionality. This action cannot be created or configured. Existing
configurations are read-only, but they will continue to execute in the OnBase Client
Classic Workflow interface as configured.
Studio - Workflow Actions

Queue Document for OCR

Note: In order to use this action, the system must be licensed for Ad hoc Advanced
Capture, Advanced Capture, Ad hoc Document OCR, Batch OCR, or Full-Page OCR. In
addition, the required OCR software must be installed and the Document Type to which
the document belongs that the action will be executed upon must be configured
appropriately for OCR functionality. In order to view the queued documents, an
Advanced Capture license is required. For more information on installing and configuring
the Hyland OCR Engine, see the Batch OCR module reference guide.

Places the document in the Awaiting Ad Hoc OCR queue.

Note: This action is not supported in the Classic Client interface.

Option: None
If you want the document to be sent to the Awaiting Ad Hoc OCR queue, select the None
option. This option requires either the Batch OCR license or the Ad hoc Document OCR
Option: Advanced Capture
If you want the document to be sent to the Awaiting Ad Hoc Advanced Capture queue,
select the Advanced Capture option. This option requires either the Ad hoc Advanced
Capture license or the Advanced Capture license.
This option requires that the documents being automatically indexed are image

Note: A script can be created that will check the status of the document in the Data
Capture Server Windows Service process.

Option: Target
In the Target drop-down select list, define whether you want the action to execute on the
current document/item in the queue or a related document/item.
If you are configuring the action for related documents, see Related Tab on page 718 for
more information.

Re-Index Document

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Allows primary documents within a life cycle queue to be re-indexed.

Note: This action is not supported in the OnBase Mobile interfaces.

Note: When using the Web Client, this action will ignore document locks on documents

Studio - Workflow Actions

that are locked outside of Workflow.

Note: This action will not re-index a document that is a signed E-Form. If this action
encounters a signed E-Form, the last execution result is set to FALSE. If this action is
part of a task list, the task list is not aborted if a signed E-Form is encountered.

Note: When this action is initiated on a document, the document’s current Document
Type is available for selection during re-indexing, regardless of the currently logged in
user’s Document Type rights.

Note: When a document is re-indexed that is being managed by Document Retention,

only the Document Type to which the document belongs will be available for re-indexing.
The Document Retention Manager privilege is required for a user to re-index a document
being managed by Document Retention into a different Document Type.

Note: If Cancel is clicked during the re-indexing process, only re-indexing is canceled.
Subsequent processing is not automatically aborted.

This action should not be used in System Work or Timer Work.

Option: Remove Documents from Current Workflow Locations
The Remove Document from Current Workflow Locations check box allows documents to be
removed from a life cycle after they have been indexed.
Option: Reinsert Document into Workflow
The Reinsert Document into Workflow check box allows OnBase to place documents into
the appropriate life cycle, based on the Document Type the document was re-indexed
under. If the document already exists in any of the life cycles the new Document Type is
associated with, the document will not be reinserted into those life cycles unless the
Remove Document From Current Workflow Locations option is used in conjunction with the
Reinsert Document into Workflow option.

Note: When a document is saved as a revision of an existing document, execution will be

aborted for the tasklist because the document has now become a revision of another
document and no longer exists as the current primary document; therefore, the Remove
Document from Current Workflow Locations and the Reinsert Document into Workflow re-
index options will not be applicable when saving a document as a new revision.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Option: Display Document Type Read-Only

The Display Document Type Read-Only check box displays the Document Type Group and
Document Type drop-down select lists as read-only during re-indexing.

Note: The Display Document Type Read-Only option is not supported in the OnBase Client
Classic Workflow interface.
Studio - Workflow Actions

Option: Display Keywords Read-Only

The Display Keywords Read-Only check box will display all keyword fields as read-only
during re-indexing except for the Document Type. Users will only be able to change the
Document Type. Application Enabler can be used to scrape indexing values and options
for this are also available.
Option: Enable Reverse Keyset Lookup
While re-indexing a document within Workflow, a user may need to expand an Autofill
Keyword Set. It is possible that the user may not know the primary keyword value that
is needed to expand the Autofill Keyword Set, but instead they only know a secondary
keyword value of the Autofill Keyword Set. The Enable Reverse Keyset Lookup option
allows the user to search for the desired Autofill row based on that secondary keyword.
If you want to make Reverse AutoFill Keyword Sets available during re-indexing using
this action, select the Enable Reverse Keyset Lookup option. When this option is enabled,
the Lookup button will be displayed in the Re-Index panel when the following conditions
are met:
•The selected Document Type contains a Keyword Type that is also the primary
Keyword Type of an Autofill Keyword Set.
•A Reverse AutoFill Keyword Set has been configured using the Autofill Keyword
Set with the primary Keyword Type associated with the selected Document
•At least one Reverse AutoFill Keyword Set has the Workflow Show Lookup Item
option selected.

Caution: The Enable Reverse Keyset Lookup option is only supported in the Classic OnBase
Client, Core-based OnBase Client, the Unity Client, and the Web Client user interfaces.

For more information on Reverse Lookups, see the AutoFill Keyword Sets documentation.
Documents can only be re-indexed to Document Types that the user has rights to. The
Create privilege is not required.
The only exception is in the Web Client interface, where the document can be re-indexed
using the same Document Type that the document is currently indexed under, regardless
of rights.

Note: If a user has the document that needs to be re-indexed locked, re-indexing cannot
take place until the user is done with the document and it is not locked.

If the document re-indexed belongs to a Document Type that is configured for auto-
foldering, the change to Keyword Values will initiate auto-foldering to take place for the
affected document.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

When using AutoFill Keyword Sets, entering a primary value and then clicking Re-index
in the OnBase Client and Web Client, a message stating Warning! An autofill keyword set
has expanded as a result of this operation. Do you want to review the keyword change? is
displayed. Clicking OK will return the user to the re-index panel to review the values
populated. Clicking Cancel will complete the re-indexing action. The confirmation
message will not display if the user enters the primary value and then presses Tab to

Studio - Workflow Actions

initiate AutoFill Keyword Set population before clicking Re-index. Pressing Tab will
automatically expand the Autofill Keyword Set. If multiple Autofill Keyword Sets exist for
the primary Keyword Value entered in the re-index panel, the user will be prompted to
select the correct Autofill Keyword Set values.

Note: The warning message stating Warning! An autofill keyword set has expanded as a
result of this operation. Do you want to review the keyword change? can be disabled in
Workflow Options in the Configuration module. See Disabling the Autofill Prompt for the
Re-Index Document Action on page 209 for more information.

Option: Break Processing on Cancel

If you want to break processing of subsequent rules, actions, and task lists when the re-
indexing is cancelled, select Break Processing on Cancel. When this option is not selected,
subsequent rules, actions, and task lists will be processed.

Note: The Break Processing on Cancel option is only supported in Core-based Workflow

Option: AppEnabler
If you use the Application Enabler module, the AppEnabler Options allow you to specify
the behavior of the Document Imaging window and enabled application during OnBase
Client indexing. The Application Enabler module allows you to use OnBase Client
indexing to index documents by “screen scraping.” When you double-click on the enabled
application, values are “scraped” (copied) from the enabled application and used to
populate the corresponding keyword fields in the Document Imaging window. See the
Application Enabler documentation for more information.

Note: When re-indexing a document that was imported using a COLD file, a copy of the
entire COLD file that contains the document is created.

AppEnabler Options are described below:

• Clear Keywords - Clears all existing keyword values from the keyword fields in
the User Interaction window when screen scraping is initiated. If a blank value
resides in an enabled application field, or if the keyword is not mapped from the
enabled application, the corresponding keyword value(s) are left blank in the
Workflow re-indexing window keyword input field(s). Keyword values can be
manually entered after the scrape event is executed.
• Replace Keywords - Replaces existing keyword values in the User Interaction
window with values scraped from the enabled application.
If the Clear Keywords option is not selected, all Keyword fields in the User
Interaction window that are not associated with values in the enabled
application are not changed or cleared.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

• Auto-Index Documents - During screen scraping, values are scraped from the
enabled application to the Keyword fields in the User Interaction window, and
indexing is automatically executed. Index values cannot be adjusted manually.
• User Must Resolve Doc Type - If an enabled application is configured for more
than one document type (that uses the same associated keyword types) users
must select the document type into which the document should be indexed.
Studio - Workflow Actions

• Use Only Active Keywords - If enabled, the only keyword values that will be
populated are those from the keyword type(s) in the Selected list in the Hotspot
Configuration dialog box. When this option is not selected, keyword types from
both the Available and Selected lists in the Hotspot Configuration dialog box will
be used.

Note: The Use Only Active Keywords option is not supported in the Unity Workflow
interface. To accomplish this same behavior in the Unity Workflow interface, clear the
Include all configured keywords when posting events from this screen Application Enabler
configuration option.

Note: If neither the Clear Keywords or Replace Keywords options are selected, existing
Keyword Values in the indexing window are retained and new values are added during
screen scraping. Multiple Keyword Type fields and values are displayed in the indexing

• Do Not Change Doc Type - When this option is selected, the Document Type
scraped from Application Enabler will not be used to update and re-index a
document. When this option is not selected, the Document Type will be updated
from the scraped information.
• Prevent AutoFill Expansion - When this option is selected, AutoFill Keyword Sets
will not be filled upon scraping using Application Enabler in conjunction with this

Reload Item

When the action is executed, all cached information about an item is cleared. When the
item is accessed again, information is pulled from the database. This will pick up any
changes made outside of Workflow.

Reload Keywords

Updates the keywords for the current document(s) without having to refresh the
Document window.

Remove Document from Reading Group

Removes the primary document from one or all reading groups to which it belongs.

Note: This action is not supported in the Classic Client interface.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Option: Remove from All Reading Groups

If you want to remove the primary document from all reading groups, select the Remove
from All Reading Groups option.

Option: Remove from Selected Reading Group

If you want to remove the primary document from a specific reading group, select

Studio - Workflow Actions

Remove from Selected Reading Group and select the appropriate reading group from the
drop-down select list.
Option: Remove All Revisions
If you want to remove all revisions of the document, select the Remove All Revisions
check box.

Option: Target
In the Target drop-down select list, define whether you want the action to execute on the
current document/item in the queue or a related document/item.
If you are configuring the action for related documents, see Related Tab on page 718 for
more information.

Remove Exclusion from Document Retention

Note: This action requires the Document Retention license.

Removes any existing exclusion from Document Retention for the current document. The
Document Type the document belongs to must be configured for use with Document

Remove Hold on Managed Folder

Note: This action requires the Records Management license.

When initiated, this action will remove the hold on a managed folder in which the
current, active document belongs.

Caution: This action overrides the privileges assigned to users for Records Management.

If the managed folder that the document belongs to has multiple holds applied, no holds
will be removed. If multiple documents are selected that belong to different managed
folders, holds will be removed from all folders that only have one hold applied.

Render Statement

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Note: This action is only available if licensed for the Image Statements module. The
Distribution Process and Distribution Print Queue options are only available if licensed
for the Document Distribution module.

You can configure a Workflow action to create jobs for rendering and distributing
Studio - Workflow Actions


Note: This Workflow action only creates the jobs; it does not process them. In order to
process jobs for rendering statements and/or distributing statements via a Print Queue,
ensure that the OnBase Client is running with the -PS command line switch. In order to
process jobs for distributing statements via email, ensure that the OnBase Client is
running with the -STMTMAILSRVR command line switch.

To configure the Workflow action, select Render Statement from the Action Type drop-
down select list. You can specify a Print Queue, a Statement Type, and, optionally, a
Distribution Process and a Distribution Print Queue.

1. From the Print Queue drop-down select list, select the Print Queue you would like
to use for distribution.

Note: Only network Print Queues are available for selection.

2. From the Statement Type drop-down select list, select the Statement Type you
would like to use for rendering statements.
3. If you wish to specify a Distribution Process for the rendered statements, select a
process from the Distribution Process drop-down select list.
4. If you wish to specify a Distribution Print Queue, select one from the Distribution
Print Queue drop-down select list.

Note: This drop-down select list is only enabled when a Distribution Process is selected
for a Statement Type that has been configured to use separate jobs for printing and

Run Script

Executes a VBScript on the current item. The VBScript must be saved into OnBase
through the Configuration module in order for it to be accessible for action configuration.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Option: Script
Select the appropriate VBScript from the Script drop-down list.

Note: When using this action, be sure that the visible scope in the script is set according
to the context in which the script will be run. The visible scope will differ depending on
whether the script is run on the Client side or the server side. See the OnBase VBScript

Studio - Workflow Actions

documentation for more information.

Note: When using the Core-based OnBase Client interface and running VBScripts on the
client side and a property bag is used, the property bag will be synchronized between
the server and client prior to executing the script, and again following the execution of
the script. This will insure that property bag values residing on the server will be
available to use on the client side during script execution. These same property bag
values, if changed during the script execution on the client side, will be available in the
Core after execution. Synchronizing the property bag does not support deleting a
property value from the property bag. If a property value is deleted during script
execution on the client, the property value will not be removed from the property bag on
the server side when next synchronization occurs. Only non-object property values are
supported for synchronization. If a property holds an interface pointer to a class
instance we will not synchronize these types of properties. Synchronization is not
supported when Timer work is performed on the client side.

Option: Refresh document after script has executed

If you want to refresh the document after the script executes, select Refresh document
after script has executed .

Send Document Event

This action is used to manually trigger the sending of document event information to the
Event Relay Server. The document must belong to a Document Type that is configured
for use with the Event Relay Server.

Note: This action is not supported in the Classic Client interface.

Send Document to Secure Package

Note: This action requires the Secured Packaging license.

This action allows a document to be saved to a configured location as a secure package.

Option: Directory Path
Select one of the following options:
• From Keyword - The directory path is obtained from the Keyword Type selected
in the drop-down select list.
• From Property - The directory path is obtained from the specified property.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

• From Constant Value - The directory path is obtained from the specified constant
Option: Exported File Name
To display the document Auto-Name string in the package, select the Use Document’s
Auto-Name option.
Studio - Workflow Actions

Send Item to Pocket

Note: This action requires that your system is licensed for Check 21.

This action allows you to send a single document to a specified pocket. In order to
accomplish this, the batch the document currently resides in is broken up into individual
documents. The affected check documents are then displayed in the Individual Forward
Items folder for the specified pocket.

1. In the Properties pane, on the General tab, type the number of the pocket the
documents should be sent to in the Pocket Number field.

Caution: The specified pocket number must already be configured within OnBase. Entering a
pocket number that has not been configured within OnBase can cause unanticipated

2. In the Properties pane, click the Documentation tab. Enter any applicable
descriptive information in the Overview and Details fields.

Set Document Type

Sets the Document Type of the document to the Document Type specified.
Option: Document Type
From the drop-down select list, select the Document Type to which you want to set the

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

If the Document Type selected has multiple revisions configured, the most recent
revision of the Document Type structure will be used for the document.

Note: If the Document Type specified belongs to a life cycle, the document does not
enter the life cycle associated with the new Document Type upon execution of this

Studio - Workflow Actions

Note: If the Document Type the document is set to is configured for auto-foldering, auto-
foldering will occur when the action executes and sets the Document Type.

Note: If the Document Type of a document is changed to a Document Type that is set up
for document revisions and the original Document Type was not configured for document
revisions, an initial revision of the document is automatically created when the new
Document Type is applied.

Note: When setting a Document Type for a document that was imported using a COLD
file, a copy of the entire COLD file that contains the document is created.

Option: Get Document Type from Property

If you want to get the Document Type from a property, select Get Document Type from
Property. Enter a property name in the field.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Option: Keep Only Common Keywords

The manner in which Keyword Values are transitioned between the Document Types is
determined by the Keep Only Common Keywords check box. If the box is checked, only
keywords common to the two document types are maintained. (If the document is
transitioned back to the original document type, any keywords not in common will be
lost.) If the box is unchecked, all keyword references are maintained, although only the
Studio - Workflow Actions

common keywords are reflected in the keyword dialog box of the transitioned Document

Note: When Keyword Types are shared between Document Types but belong to different
structures, such as when a Keyword Type is a single instance Keyword Type on one
Document Type and belongs to a Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group on another
Document Type, the Keyword Types are not considered common, and the Keyword
Values are not transitioned when Keep Only Common Keywords is checked.

Caution: If the Document Type transitioned from uses a Keyword Type Group, non-common
keywords will not be kept, regardless of the Keep Only Common Keywords setting. Likewise,
if the Document Type transitioned to uses a Keyword Type Group, the non-common
keyword will not be kept.

Caution: If a Document Type associated with standard Keyword Types is changed to a

Document Type associated with a Keyword Type Group and then changed back to the
original Document Type, all non-common Keyword Values are lost.

Caution: If a Document Type associated with standard Keyword Types or a Keyword Type
Group is changed to a Document Type associated with a Multi-Instance Keyword Type
Group, all Keyword Values are lost. Likewise, if a Document Type associated with a Multi-
Instance Keyword Type Group is changed to a Document Type associated with standard
Keyword Types or a Keyword Type Group, all Keyword Values are lost. Keyword Values will
only be kept if a Document Type assigned with a Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group is set
to another Document Type with the same Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group association.

Option: Target
In the Target drop-down select list, define whether you want the action to execute on the
current document/item in the queue or a related document/item.
If you are configuring the action for related documents, see Related Tab on page 718 for
more information.

Set Folder and Template

Note: This action is not supported in Unity life cycles.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

This action sets the folder and template that will be used to populate the related
documents list in the Workflow clients. Before configuring this system action, the folder
and/or template that you plan to use must be created.
Option: Folder Type
Select the folder type to apply from the Folder Type drop-down select list.

Studio - Workflow Actions

Note: Only folder types configured as Workflow folders will be displayed for selection in
the Folder Type drop-down select list.

Option: Use This Template

You can select a specific template to display all the time, by selecting the Use This
Template option.

Option: Get Template to Use from Keyword

You can select the Get Template to Use from Keyword option to specify a template to be
used under certain conditions. If a folder type or template was configured at the queue
or life cycle level, applying this action type overrides those configurations.
Option: Suppress Screen Refresh
If you want to suppress the reloading of the Work Folder after task execution, select the
Suppress Screen Refresh option. The folder and template that are set with this action will
not persist when another queue or life cycle is selected.

Tip: Use the Show only assigned templates option to filter the templates by what has been
assigned to the Work Folder. This setting does not persist across sessions and is
intended to offer additional convenience when configuring actions.

Set Related Item’s Priority to This Item’s Priority

Sets the related item’s priority to be the same as the current item’s priority.

Option: Active/Related Document in this Life Cycle

Select the life cycle from this drop-down select list for which you would like the priority
set for the item. Priorities are attached to life cycles for an item. It is possible to have
different priority assignments for one item in multiple life cycles. If <Current Life Cycle>
is selected, the priority will be set for the life cycle executing the action

Option: Related Documents in this Life Cycle

Select the life cycle from this drop-down select list for which you would like the priority
set for the related item.
If you are configuring the action for related documents, see Related Tab on page 718 for
more information.

Sign Document

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Note: This action requires that your system is licensed for Digital Signatures.

Studio - Workflow Actions

Signs the document using the Workflow module. When used with the Classic Client
interface, this action respects the Allow batch signing Global Client Settings option to
allow multiple documents to be signed and providing a user name and password only
once. A message is displayed if no certificate-based signatures are configured. The Allow
batch signing option is not respected within the Core-based Workflow interfaces.
This action cannot be configured under system work, load balancing work, or timer work.

Note: Core-based Workflow interfaces can only use certificates stored on the Application
Server. The IIS application pool should be configured to use your identity, or use
impersonation with an account that can login and import certificates into your personal
certificate store.

Note: This action is not supported in the OnBase Mobile or Desktop interfaces.

Option: Do Not Break Processing

If the Do Not Break Processing option is selected, task lists do not abort processing after
signing a document fails or is canceled.

Split Document

Allows users to split the current document into multiple documents.

Note: This action is not supported in the Classic Client interface.

Note: When using the Create Document from Select Page(s) option, this action is not
supported in the Web Client, Desktop, Outlook Integration, or OnBase Mobile interfaces.
The Break Document on Each Page option is supported in the Web Client interface.

Note: This action only supports image and PDF documents.

Option: File Format

Select the file format from the drop-down select list.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Option: Splitting Style

Select one of the following options:
• Create Document from Selected Page(s) - Using this option, this action opens the
[Workflow] Split Document dialog box which allows a user to select the
Document Type the new document will be, which pages from the current

Studio - Workflow Actions

document should be used to create the new document and if those pages should
be removed from the original document. If Allow Modify Keywords is selected,
keywords can also be modified.
In the Unity Client, you can select Create from pages to separate the document
using page range, or use Document Separation, which uses the Unity Client’s
Document Separation control.

Tip: If the newly created document belongs to a Document Type configured for auto-
foldering, use the Auto-Folder Document action to initiate auto-foldering on the new

• Break Document on Each Page - Using this option automatically runs the action
without user interaction. This creates a new document for each page of the
originating document. The original document is not changed.

Option: Inherit Keywords

If Inherit Keywords is selected, the Inherit All and Inherit Selected options are enabled.
Select one of the following:
• Inherit All - All Keyword Values on the current document are inherited by the
new document.
• Inherit Selected - The Configure button is enabled. Click Configure and select the
Keyword Types from which you want the new document(s) to inherit values.
Option: Inherit Notes
If this option is selected, notes from the current document are inherited by the new

Note: Notes on specific pages of the current document are inherited by the same pages
of the new document.

Initiate Workflow on New Document(s)

If this option is selected, Workflow is initiated for the newly created document(s).

Note: Users must have rights to the Document Type to which documents will be split

Stamp Version

Note: This action requires that your system is licensed for EDM Services.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Stamps the most recent revision of the current document as a version. If the Document
Type of the document is not revisable or does not allow versions, the action is not
executed. Also, in order for this action to function, the last revision must not be already
stamped as a version. Once a revision is stamped as a version, it cannot be stamped a
second time. If the stamped document is revised again, the action will function, and the
new revision will be stamped as a second version.
Studio - Workflow Actions

Choose from four options to configure this action:

• Show Dialog : This option displays a dialog box in the Client in which the user
can configure a version number for the document. Enabling this option requires
that the user be able to interact with the dialog box, otherwise the document
will not be stamped. This option should not be configured to run with timers or
system work.

Note: This action is not supported in OnBase Mobile interfaces when this option is

The next three options are ideal for life cycles that require the document to be stamped
“silently.” Examples of this are configurations that use timers or system work to stamp
the document.
• Enter Name: Enables the user to configure a name that will be assigned to
documents when the version is stamped. By using this option, users can use
%V as a wildcard. This wildcard will display on the document as the version

Note: Enter Name is the only option that supports the %V wildcard. The name is limited to
15 characters.

• Keyword Type : Enables the user to configure a Keyword Type from which the
value for the version number will be pulled. Users can select a Keyword Type
from a drop-down list.
• Property Name : Enables the user to configure a property name from which the
value for the version number will be pulled.

Note: Property names are limited to 253 characters.

Option: Do Not Break Processing

If the Do Not Break Processing option is selected, a task list does not abort after a user
cancels out of the Version Information dialog box.

Note: The Do Not Break Processing option is currently not available in the Core.

Update Document Name

Updates the Auto-Name string for the current document(s). You typically use this action
when a keyword used in the documents auto-name string is changed outside of
Workflow processing.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Update Document Retention Status

Note: This action requires the Document Retention license.

Marks a document for purging or increments the retention period by the number of days,

Studio - Workflow Actions

months, or years configured at the Document Type.
Option: Mark for Purging
If Mark for Purging is configured for this action, the document is marked for purging and
can be removed from OnBase using the associated Purging Processor in the Client
Option: Increment Retention Period Based on Document Type
If Increment Retention Period Based on Document Type is configured, the dateexpire value
stored for the document in the database is increased by a value equal to the retention
period defined for the Document Type, to which the document belongs, from the current
date. For example, if the current date is January 15, 2007 and the retention period
defined for the Document Type is 5 years, the dateexpire value would be updated to
January 15, 2012. This value will then be used when the document is evaluated against
the associated Evaluating Processor in the Client module.

Option: Do not Purge, Do not Increment Retention Period

If the Do not Purge, Do not Increment Retention Period option is selected, the dateexpire
value is not updated, but the retainstatus value is set to 0, making the document
available to be evaluated by the evaluation Document Retention processor immediately
in the Client.
Option: Increment Retention Period by Value
If Increment Retention Period by Value is configured, you can specify a number of days,
months, or years to increment the dateexpire value. The dateexpire value will be updated
with the current day plus the configured numbered of days, months, or years. You must
specify the number of days, months, or years you want to increment by and how you
want to specify the value:
• To enter a specific, static value, select Specified Value and enter the number of
days, months, or years in the field.
• To use a value from a Keyword Type, select Keyword Value and enter the name
of the Keyword Type you want to pull the value from.
• To use a value from property, select Property Value and enter the name of the
property you want to pull the value from.

Option: Retention Period Unity

From the Retention Period Unit drop-down select list, select Day(s) , Month(s), or Year(s) .
The maximum number of days is 999. The maximum number of months or years is 255.

Update WorkView Object

Note: This action is only available when licensed for WorkView.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Allows the user to update one or more WorkView objects, pulling the attribute values
from Keyword Values on the current document. The action determines which WorkView
objects to update by the user configuring the action to use a filter Document Type
Association or to update all WorkView objects that have the current document attached.
The user can only specify one filter/update Document Type Association per Document
Type. When the action executes it looks for a filter/update Document Type Association
Studio - Workflow Actions

that matches the current Document Type, and uses the filter Document Type Association
(if specified) to determine which WorkView objects to update, and uses the update
Document Type Association to determine what values to set the WorkView objects
attributes to.

Note: If the value to be updated is null on the source document, the attribute will not be
updated as a null value on the destination object.

Note: This action is not supported in the Classic Client interface.

Note: WorkView must be installed on the database in which you want to configure this
action. If you import a life cycle into a database, that database must have WorkView
installed to successfully import the life cycle.

To configure the action:

1. Select the appropriate Document Type from the drop-down select list. The Filter
Document Type Association and Update Document Type Association drop-down select
lists will populate based on the Document Type selected.
2. If you want to specify the Filter Document Type Association for which the object
meets the configured criteria to determine which objects should be updated,
select the appropriate Filter Document Type Association. When this option is
configured, a document does not have to be attached to an object in order for it
to be updated. The Filter Document Type Association name is followed by (Class
ClassName). Only Filter Document Type Associations associated with the
Document Type selected are displayed. If no Filter Document Type Associations
are configured for the selected Document Type or you wish to evaluate an object’s
existence based on whether the current document in Workflow is attached to an
object in a static folder, select <All objects that have doc attached>. When using
the <All objects that have documents attached> option, the object(s) must be
attached in a static folder.
3. Select a Document Type Association to update the applicable objects from the
Update Document Type Association. The Document Type Associations that are
displayed are configured at the class level and are configured for the selected
Document Type .
4. Click Add.

Caution: When a relationship attribute is used during object creation, if more than one
object is found for the relationship attribute’s value, the first object found is used for the
relationship. If an object is not found that matches the relationship attribute’s value, the
value for the relationship attribute is stored as blank in the updated object.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Note: When a Document Type and a selection other than <All objects that have documents
attached> is selected in the Filter Document Type Association drop-down select list, only
document type associations that match both criteria will be displayed for selection in the
Update Document Type Association drop-down select list.

Studio - Workflow Actions

Option: Save Object ID(s) to Property
If you want to save the ID of the object(s) updated, select Save Object ID(s) to Property
and enter the name of the property you want to store the ID(s) in the field.

Upload to CIC

Note: This action requires the Integration for CIC SignatureOne Ceremony Server

Uploads the document and any related documents to the CIC SignatureOne Ceremony
system. This action relies on the Signer Name and Signer Email Keyword Types to have
values assigned and a mapping configured for each Keyword Type in the integration’s

Note: Any related documents must be PDF documents to be able to be uploaded to the
CIC SignatureOne Ceremony system.

Option: Allow User to Input if CIC Configuration does not have Keytype mappings
If you want the ability to resolve issues with the values for the Signer Name and/or the
Signer Email upon executing the action, select the Allow User Input if CIC Configuration
does not have Keytype mappings option. Enabling this option will prompt the user with a
form during the action’s execution when an issue is identified with the values, allowing
them to enter the appropriate information to proceed with uploading.

Option: Target
In the Target drop-down select list, define whether you want the action to execute on the
current document/item in the queue or a related document/item.
If you are configuring the action for related documents, see Related Tab on page 718 for
more information.

Upload to DocuSign

Note: This action requires the Integration for DocuSign eSignatures license.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Uploads the document and any related documents to the DocuSign eSignature system.
This actions relies on the Signer Name and Signer Email Keyword Types to have values
assigned and a mapping configured for each Keyword Type in the integration’s

Note: Any related documents must use supported file types to be able to be uploaded to
Studio - Workflow Actions

the DocuSign eSignature system. Supported file types include PDF, Image Rendered PDF,
image, text, Microsoft Word, and Microsoft Excel. For more information, see your system

Option: Allow User Input if Docusign Configuration does not have Keytype mappings
To resolve issues with the values for the Signer Name and/or the Signer Email upon
executing the action, select the Allow User Input if Docusign Configuration does not have
Keytype mappings option. Enabling this option prompts the user with a form during the
action’s execution when an issue is identified with the values, allowing them to enter the
appropriate information to proceed with uploading.
Option: Suppress Signer Notification Emails
To upload documents to DocuSign as drafts, select the Suppress Signer Notification Emails
option. Enabling this option uploads the appropriate documents to the DocuSign
eSignatures system as drafts. Signer notification emails are not sent. This allows a user
to review documents in DocuSign before making them available for signing.

Note: When the Suppress Signer Notification Emails option is selected, documents are not
required to have configured signature locations, and the Signer Name and Signer Email
Keyword Types on documents do not need values assigned to them.

Option: Get Email Subject from Property

You can customize the email signer notification subject and body using properties. To set
the email notification subject from a property value, enter the appropriate property
name in the Get Email Subject from Property field.
Option: Get Email Body from Property
To set the email notification body from a property value, enter the appropriate property
name in the Get Email Body from Property field.

Tip: Properties are defined using the Set Property Value and Set Multiple Property Values

Option: Target
In the Target drop-down select list, define whether you want the action to execute on the
current document/item in the queue or a related document/item.

Note: When selecting to execute related documents, the current document and related
documents are uploaded to DocuSign.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

If you are configuring the action for related documents, see Related Tab on page 718 for
more information.

Electronic Plan Review Category

Workflow actions described in this section are only available when licensed for Electronic

Studio - Workflow Actions

Plan Review.

Log Event

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

The Log Event action allows you to log Plan Review specific events during a Workflow

Note: Events are logged in the Review Cycle Status View for the Review Cycle that is
currently open. If no Review Cycle is open for a project when a Log Event action is
executed, the event will not be logged in the Review Cycle Status View.
Studio - Workflow Actions

1. In the Properties pane, on the General tab, select an event type from the Event
type drop-down select list.

Note: The event types listed below are designed to be used together. Events will be
displayed together in the Review Cycle Status View as long as each event type’s Set
event details from and Set user values are identical to the values used by the other event

The following selections are available:

Event type Description

Set Group Select this event type to log an event when a user is assigned to a project.
The values configured in the Set event details from field and the Set user
field will be displayed in the Review Cycle Status View in the Unity Client.

This event type corresponds to an Event ID of 1.

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OnBase 16 Workflow

Event type Description

In Review Select this event type to log an event when a user has been assigned to a
project using the Set Group event and should begin the review process.
This event will be displayed in the Review Cycle Status View in the Unity

Studio - Workflow Actions

This event type corresponds to an Event ID of 2.

Approved Select this event type to log an event when a user assigned to review the
project has approved the project based on his or her Review Group’s
requirements. This event will be displayed in the Review Cycle Status View
in the Unity Client.

This event type corresponds to an Event ID of 3.

Rejected Select this event type to log an event when a user assigned to review the
project has rejected the project based on his or her Review Group’s
requirements. This event will be displayed in the Review Cycle Status View
in the Unity Client.

This event type corresponds to an Event ID of 4.

Unassigned Select this event type to log an event when a user that was previously
assigned to review the project has been unassigned from the project. This
event will be displayed in the Review Cycle Status View in the Unity Client.

This event type corresponds to an Event ID of 5.

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Workflow OnBase 16

Event type Description

Waived Select this event type to log an event when a user assigned to review the
project has waived making a decision on the project based on his or her
Review Group’s requirements. This event will be displayed in the Review
Cycle Status View in the Unity Client.
Studio - Workflow Actions

This event type corresponds to an Event ID of 6.

Note: The Reviews Completed field in the Review Cycle Status View is calculated based on
the number of recorded Log Event items for the current Review Cycle. Review entries are
considered to be completed when they have been marked as Approved or Rejected .
Entries that are set to Pending or In Review are included in the total number of reviews
to be completed. Entries that are set to Unassigned are not included in the total number
of reviews to be completed.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

2. From the Set event details from drop-down select list, select the option that will be
used to set the event’s details. The following options are available:

Option Description

Constant value Select this option to set the event details to a constant specified

Studio - Workflow Actions

value whenever this Workflow task is executed. Type the desired
value into the text field that is displayed below the Set event
details from field.

Current date/time This option should not be selected. It is not supported for use with
the Log Event action.

Current user name This option should not be selected. It is not supported for use with
the Log Event action.

Property Select this option to set the event details to a specific property.
Type the name of the desired property into the text field that is
displayed below the Set event details from field.

User group name(s) This option should not be selected. It is not supported for use with
of current user the Log Event action.

Note: For a Set Group event type, the Set event details from field should be set to the
value the Review Group should be set to when this Workflow action is executed. The
Review Group will be noted in the Review Cycle Status View.

Note: For all other event types that should be related to the configured Set Group event
type, the Set event details from field should be set to the same value used for the
corresponding Set Group event type.

3. From the Set user drop-down select list, select the option that will be used to set
the user for the event. The following options are available:

Option Description

<From Select this option to set the user to the user who is logged in when the
Session> Workflow task is executed.

<From Select this option to set the user from a specific property. Type the name of
Property> the desired property into the text field that is displayed below the Set user

User Name Select a specific user name from the list to set the user to the specified
user name.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Note: For a Set Group event type, the Set user field should be set to the value the
Reviewer should be set to when this Workflow action is executed. The Reviewer will be
noted in the Review Cycle Status View.
Studio - Workflow Actions

Note: For all other event types that should be related to the configured Set Group event
type, the Set event details from field should be set to the same value used for the
corresponding Set Group event type.

4. In the Properties pane, click the Documentation tab. Enter any descriptive
information that is applicable in the Overview and Details fields.

Set Property from Field

Allows you to set the property specified in the Property Name field to the field value
specified from the Field drop-down select list.

Note: This action is supported only in the Unity Client.

To configure this action:

1. In the Properties pane, on the General tab, type a property name in the Property
Name field.
2. From the Field drop-down select list, select the field that will be used to set the
The following selections are available:

Field Description

Name The Plan Review project’s name field.

External ID The Plan Review project’s external ID field.

Start Date The Plan Review project’s start date field.

Project Identifier The Plan Review project’s identifier field.

Project Review Type The Plan Review project’s review type field.

Project Group The Plan Review project group name.

Display Name The Plan Review project’s display name field.

Status The Plan Review project’s status field.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Field Description

Project Form ID The ID number of the Unity Form used by the Plan Review

Submitter’s Email The e-mail address of the Plan Review project’s submitter.

Studio - Workflow Actions

3. In the Properties pane, click the Advanced tab.
4. In the Properties pane, click the Documentation tab. Enter any descriptive
information that is applicable in the Overview and Details fields.

Set Value
Allows you to set the field specified in the Field to set drop-down select list to the
specified value.

Note: This action is supported only in the Unity Client.

To configure this action:

1. In the Properties pane, on the General tab, from the Field to set drop-down select
list, select the field to set.
The following selections are available:

Field Description

Name The Plan Review project’s name field.

External ID The Plan Review project’s external ID field.

Start Date The Plan Review project’s start date field.

Project Identifier The Plan Review project’s identifier field.

Project Review Type The Plan Review project’s review type field.

Project Group The Plan Review project group name.

Display Name The Plan Review project’s display name field.

Status The Plan Review project’s status field.

Project Form ID The ID number of the Unity Form used by the Plan Review

Submitter’s Email The e-mail address of the Plan Review project’s submitter.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

2. From the Obtain value from drop-down select list, select one of the following
locations to obtain the value from:

Obtain value from Description

Constant value This option sets the field value to the constant value specified.
Studio - Workflow Actions

Current date/time This option sets the field value to the current date/time.

Current user name This option sets the field value to the user name of the currently
logged in user. If you want to use the configured real name for
the user, select the Use real name option.

Property This option sets the field value to the name of a property.

User group name(s) of This option sets the field value to the user group(s) the current
current user logged in user.

3. In the Properties pane, click the Documentation tab. Enter any descriptive
information that is applicable in the Overview and Details fields.

External Access Category

Workflow actions described in this section are only available when licensed for External
Access Client.

Create External User

This action creates an OnBase user from an external user request. It can only be
executed on an external user request once.

Note: The Create External User action is only available for Unity Life Cycles that route
external user requests, and it can only be executed in the Unity Client.

Note: In order to log on to the External Access Client with the created account, you must
also execute the Set User Group action to assign the user to a User Group.

Set Property to Field

This action allows you to set the value of a field from an external user request to a
specific property.
Property Name
Enter the name of the property to which you want to set a field value.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Select an external user request field from the drop-down select list. The value of this
field will be set to the property specified in the Property Name field.

Note: The Set Property from Field action must be executed on an external user request
before the Create External User action is executed.

Studio - Workflow Actions

Note: The Set Property from Field action is only available for Unity Life Cycles that route
external user requests, and it can only be executed in the Unity Client.

Set Security Keyword

This action sets a Security Keyword for a user.

Note: The Set Security Keyword action is only available for Unity Life Cycles that route
external user requests, and it can only be executed in the Unity Client.

Option: Use this user request field

From the drop-down select list, choose a field from the external user request. The value
of this field is evaluated to determine whether or not it matches the value of the
Keyword Type selected as a Security Keyword.
Option: Condition
From the drop-down select list, choose one of the following conditions:
• Equal : limits viewing to items that contain the specified value only.
• Not Equal : limits viewing to all items except for those with the specified value.

Option: Set Security Keyword

From the drop-down select list, choose a Keyword Type to set as the Security Keyword.

Note: The Set Security Keyword action can only be used after the Create External User
action has been executed on an external user request.

Set User Group

This action allows you to add a user created from an external user request to a user
group in OnBase.

Note: The Set User Group action is only available for Unity Life Cycles that route external
user requests, and it can only be executed in the Unity Client.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Option: Select a User Group

From the drop-down select list, choose the user group to which you want to add the

Note: The Set User Group action can only be used after the Create External User action has
been executed on an external user request.
Studio - Workflow Actions

Set Value
This action allows you to set an external user request field to a specified value.

Note: The Set Value action is only available for Unity Life Cycles that route external user
requests, and it can only be executed in the Unity Client.

Option: Field to set

From the drop-down select list, choose the external user request field to set to the
specified value.
Option: Obtain value from
From the drop-down select list, select one of the following locations to obtain the value
• Constant value : This option sets the field value to the constant value specified.
• Current date/time : This option sets the field value to the current date/time.
• Property : This option sets the field value to the name of a property.
• User group name(s) of current user : This option sets the field value to the user
group(s) of the current logged in user.

Foldering Category
Transition to Final Disposition

Note: This action requires that your system is licensed for Records Management and the
Unity Client Server.

Approves a managed folder to be transitioned to its final disposition if it requires


Note: This action requires that the appropriate managed folders are configured.

In the Properties pane, on the Documentation tab, enter any descriptive information that
is applicable in the Overview and Details fields.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Forms Category
Create New Form
Creates and displays a new form that is stored in OnBase with its respective keywords.

Studio - Workflow Actions

Requires a license for the E-Forms module.
The HTML form must be imported into OnBase as a SYS HTML Form document before it
can be used.
Option: Form Type
The Form Type drop-down select list contains the list of E-Form and Virtual E-Form
Document Types available in the system. Select the E-Form Document Type to be used
for form creation when this action executes from the drop-down select list.

Caution: The Document Type selected from the Form Type drop-down select list must have
either Electronic Form or Virtual Electronic Form selected as the Default File Format or a
document will not be created successfully using this action.

Caution: Ensure that all Keyword Types mapped on the HTML form are also assigned to the
E-Form Document Type selected from the Form Type drop-down select list.

Caution: If you are using the Classic Client interface, and the E-Form Document Type is
configured for auto-foldering, creating a document using this action will not initiate auto-
foldering. If you wish to initiate auto-foldering, additionally, you must use the Auto-Folder
Document action.

Mapping Keyword Types with Constant Values or Properties

Option: Keyword Type
Select a Keyword Type that you would like to populate on the form with a value. Select
one of the following options to populate the Keyword Value:
• To map a constant value, select Constant and enter the value in the field you
want to populate in that Keyword Type to map the Keyword Type to a constant
• To map a property value, select Property Name and enter the name of the
property in the field that will contain the value that you want to populate the
Keyword Type with.

Click Add to add the mapping.

Note: Mapping is supported for arrays of values and single values.

Note: Setting multiple Keyword values is not supported in the OnBase Client Classic
Workflow interface.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Option: Copy document handle to property

You can copy the document handle of the item to a property by selecting the Copy
document handle to property option and entering the name of the property you want to
copy the value to.

Caution: When Save Form on Submit is selected, the document handle value is not copied to
Studio - Workflow Actions

the property if the user cancels form creation.

Option: Display For Input

When this option is selected, the form is displayed in the User Interaction window for
additional data entry.

Note: The Display For Input option is not supported in the Mobile Access for Windows
Phone interface.

Tip: When using the Classic OnBase Client, if the Display for Input option is selected when
using this action as a System Task, it is required for the Workflow user interface to be
open in the background. It is recommended that the Display Document action be used
instead of this option under this circumstance.

Note: If working in an Institutional Database, the Institution # keyword will always be

copied, regardless of selection.

Option: Save Form On Submit

This option becomes active when the Display for Input option has been selected. If this
option is selected, the E-Form will not be saved into OnBase until the E-Form is
submitted. If the form is cancelled, the E-Form is not saved into the system. When this
option is not selected, the E-Form is added to the system upon creation and before the
E-Form is displayed.

Note: The Save Form On Submit option is not supported in the OnBase Mobile Access for
Windows Phone or OnBase Desktop interfaces.

Note: In any Core-based client, if the Save Form On Submit option is not selected, any
configured default options for drop-down select lists are not respected and the first
option in the list is selected.

Caution: If you are using encrypted keyword functionality when Save Form On Submit is
selected, encrypted keywords are not masked and the values are displayed. These values
can be modified and saved by the user. If you are using encrypted keyword functionality in
the OnBase Client when Save Form On Submit is not selected, encrypted keywords may
appear as though they are editable when creating a new form, but upon saving the form,
any changes made to encrypted Keyword Values are not saved; the original encrypted
Keyword Values are retained.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Option: Initiate Workflow on Submit

This option becomes active when the Display for Input option has been selected. When
Initiate Workflow on Submit is selected, the form that is displayed will not be added into
its configured life cycle until the user clicks the form’s Submit button. This allows the
information that the user enters on the form to be processed into Workflow with the
form. If this option is not selected, the form is immediately added into its configured life

Studio - Workflow Actions

cycle upon creation, before the form is displayed for input. This option is automatically
selected when Save Form On Submit is selected.

Note: OBBtn_KS### and OBBtn_Keyset are not supported for this action.

OBBtn_Cancel and OBBtn_No Functionality

The OBBtn_Cancel and OBBtn_No E-Form buttons function differently depending on what
option are selected for the FORM - Create New Form action when the Display for Input
option is selected. The following table outlines the different outcomes these buttons

Enabled Button Outcome


Save Form on OBBtn_No Form is created.

Submit = No
Keywords that are inherited are
Initiate automatically saved.
Workflow On
Any changes made to the document
Submit = No
in the user interface are not saved.
Created form is added to the
Workflow life cycles immediately
before any actions are taken on the
document in the user interface.

Save Form on OBBtn_Cancel Form is created.

Submit = No
Keywords that are inherited are
Initiate automatically saved.
Workflow On
Any changes made to the document
Submit = No
in the user interface are not saved.
Created form is added to the
Workflow life cycles immediately
before any actions are taken on the
document in the user interface.

Save Form on OBBtn_No Form is created.

Submit = No
Keywords that are inherited are
Initiate automatically saved.
Workflow On
Any changes made to the document
Submit = Yes
in the user interface are not saved.
Document is not added to the
Workflow life cycles.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Enabled Button Outcome


Save Form on OBBtn_Cancel Form is created.

Submit = No
Keywords that are inherited are
Initiate automatically saved.
Studio - Workflow Actions

Workflow On
Any changes made to the document
Submit = Yes
in the user interface are not saved.
Document is not added to the
Workflow life cycles.

Save Form on OBBtn_No Form is not created.

Submit = Yes
Keywords are not saved.
Workflow On
Submit = Yes

Save Form on OBBtn_Cancel Form is not created.

Submit = Yes
Keywords are not saved.
Workflow On
Submit = Yes

If an OBBtn_Cancel or OBBtn_No button is clicked, the last execution result is set to False
and the task list is aborted.

If you want to expand AutoFill Keyword sets using this action, use the
OBBtn_ExpandKS### button .

Inherit Keywords Tab

Note: This tab is only available when configuring the action within a life cycle associated
with documents.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Option: Inherit Keywords

If you want keywords from the active item to be added to the form, select Inherit
Keywords . The following options are available:
• Inherit All - Inherits all common Keyword Type values.
• Inherit Selected - Allows you to specify a subset of common Keyword Type

Studio - Workflow Actions

values that are inherited. The Configure button will be enabled. Click Configure
to specify what Keyword Types you would like to inherit values.

Note: When Inherit Keywords is selected, the action will ignore any Keyword Types that
are on the primary item but not on the E-Form. Only the common Keyword Types will be

Note: If a default value is configured for a Keyword Type field in a form and a value
exists for a Keyword Type on the primary item, the value is inherited from the primary
item and the default value is not stored for the new form. If a default value is configured
for a Keyword Type field in a form and the Keyword Type is blank on the primary item,
the default value is stored.

Option: Fill Document Handle Keyword(s)

The Fill Document Handle Keyword(s) option will add a Document Handle keyword to the
primary item containing the Document Handle of the newly created E-Form, and will also
add a Document Handle keyword to the newly created E-Form containing the Document
Handle of the primary item.
This option enables you to find the newly created E-Form as a related item in subsequent
actions and rule using the Document Handle related item option.
The Document Handle Keyword Type must be assigned to both Document Types of the
primary item and the new E-Form.

Note: If the primary item belongs to a closed or cutoff Records Management folder, the
Document Handle Keyword Value will not be copied from the new document to the
primary item.

Keyword Handling

The following table describes the behavior for copying a keyword from a primary item to
a related item or a new E-Form.

Primary Related Behavior

Document Document/New

Keyword Keyword Copy

Keyword Keyword Group Copy

Keyword Multi-Instance No action taken

Keyword Type Group

Keyword Group Keyword Copy

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Primary Related Behavior

Document Document/New

Keyword Group Keyword Group Copy

Keyword Group Multi-Instance No action taken

Studio - Workflow Actions

Keyword Type Group

Multi -Instance Keyword No action taken

Keyword Type

Multi -Instance Keyword Group No action taken

Keyword Type

Multi -Instance Multi-Instance Only copy if they are the same Multi-Instance
Keyword Type Keyword Type Group Keyword Type Group (means they have the same
Group identification number)

Incremental Parallel Upgrade Process (IPUP) Environmental Considerations

When this action is used in an environment using an Incremental Parallel Upgrade
Process (IPUP), the following should be noted:
When a version previous to 13 accesses the configuration of this action or a client
executes this action and the action is configured in OnBase Studio in version 13 with
multiple Keyword Type mappings, only one Constant mapping will be displayed in the
configuration and executed in the client. When this action is accessed within the
Configuration module in version 13, only one Keyword Type mapping is displayed.
Property values cannot be configured in previous versions or within the Configuration
module in version 13.
When the configuration of this action is edited and saved within a previous version of
OnBase Studio or the Configuration module or within the Configuration module in
version 13, the configuration will overwrite the OnBase Studio version 13 configuration
and the configuration will only reflect the single Keyword Type mapped in the previous
version's or in the Configuration module's configuration. All additional values previously
configured within the version 13 OnBase Studio will be deleted from the configuration.

Interaction with E-Forms in Workflow

Existing E-Forms can be viewed in Workflow. New E-Forms can be created by executing
an ad hoc task. Depending on the method of viewing, E-Forms behave differently.
When an already-existing E-Form is viewed, clicking Cancel will close the form without
saving any changes. The form itself will still be stored in the database.
When a new E-Form is created via an ad hoc task, the E-Form may be created before
any Keyword Values are added to the E-Form by the user. Depending on configuration
options, one of two things will occur:
• After the E-Form is created in the system, it will be displayed in the User
Interaction window. Clicking Cancel will close the E-Form without saving any
changes made to the E-Form.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

• Clicking Cancel will close the E-Form and not create it in the system.
When a submit button is configured on an E-Form and it is not configured using OBBtn_
syntax, the button will function as a cancel button.

Keyword Validation in OnBase

Studio - Workflow Actions

In either of the above cases, clicking the Submit button with valid Keyword Values
entered will store the form in the database with the new Keyword Values. If the Keyword
Values are not valid (e.g., a date Keyword Value where an alphanumeric one should be),
the user will be prompted to fix the error and the form will stay open.

Note: Keyword validation does not apply to currency keywords in the Core. The user
must be familiar with the format used for currency in order to ensure accuracy.

Create Unity Form

This action allows you to create a Unity Form of a specified form type. It allows you to
map Keyword Type values to automatically populate the form and/or display the form for
user input.

Note: This action is not supported in the OnBase Client Classic Workflow interface. When
using the Display for Input option, this action is supported only in the Unity Client, Web
Client, Mobile Access for Android, Mobile Access for iPhone, Mobile Access for iPad, and
Mobile Access for Windows interfaces. This action is not supported in the Mobile Access
for Windows Phone interfaces when Display for Input is used.

Option: Form Type

Select the Unity Form template that you would like to use to create the new form from
the Form Type drop-down select list.

Mapping Keyword Types with Constant Values or Properties

Option: Keyword Type
Select a Keyword Type that you would like to populate on the form with a value. The
following options are available:
• Constant - Map a constant value. Enter the value in the field you want to
populate in that Keyword Type to map the Keyword Type to a constant value.
• Property Name - Map a property value. Enter the name of the property in the
field that will contain the value that you want to populate the Keyword Type
Click Add to add the mapping.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Option: Copy document handle to property

You can copy the document handle of the item to a property by selecting the Copy
document handle to property option and entering the name of the property you want to
copy the value to.

Caution: If the form is not created because the form is discarded, the property is not set.
Studio - Workflow Actions

Option: Display for Input

When this option is selected, the form is displayed in the User Interaction window for
additional data entry.

Note: When the Display for Input option is selected, this action is supported only in the
Unity and Web Client interfaces.

Tip: If the Display for Input option is selected when using this action as a System Task, it
is required for the Workflow user interface to be open in the background. It is
recommended that the Display Document action be used instead of this option under this

Note: If working in an Institutional Database, the Institution # keyword will always be

copied, regardless of selection.

Note: When configured with the Display For Input option selected, AutoFill Keyword Sets
that are configured on the form will expand when the value of the primary keyword of
that AutoFill Keyword Set is either inherited or added with the action. The expansion of
the AutoFill Keyword Set takes place when the form is displayed in the User Interaction
window. If Display for Input option is not selected, the AutoFill Keyword Set will not be

Option: Allow User to Discard Changes and Continue Execution

If you want to allow users the ability to discard the changes made to a form, but
continue with the task list, select the Allow User to Discard Changes and Continue
Execution check box. When this check box is selected, a Discard and Continue button is
available to the user.
Option: Allow User to Discard Changes and Cancel Execution
If you want to allow users the ability to discard the changes made to a form, but cancel
the execution of the task list, select the Allow User to Discard Changes and Cancel
Execution check box. When this check box is selected, a Discard and Cancel button is
available to the user.

Inherit Keywords Tab

Note: This tab is only available when configuring the action within a life cycle associated
with documents.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

If you want keywords from the active item to be added to the form, select Inherit
Keywords . The following options are available:
• Inherit All - Inherits all common Keyword Type values.
• Inherit Selected - Allows you to specify a subset of common Keyword Type
values that are inherited. The Configure button will be enabled. Click Configure
to specify what Keyword Types you would like to inherit values.

Studio - Workflow Actions

Note: When Inherit Keywords is selected, the action will ignore any Keyword Types that
are on the primary item but not on the Form. Only the common Keyword Types will be

Note: Keywords that are configured for auto numbering will not be inherited. The
keyword value on the new form that is created will be incremented and not inherit the
value from the active item.

Note: If a default value is configured for a Keyword Type field in a form and a value
exists for a Keyword Type on the primary document, the value is inherited from the
primary document and the default value is not stored for the new form. If a default value
is configured for a Keyword Type field in a form and the Keyword Type is blank on the
primary document, the default value is stored.

Option: Fill Document Handle Keyword(s)

If you check the Fill Document Handle Keyword(s) check box, the new document and the
primary document inherit each other’s document handle number for the Document
Handle Keyword Type. The Document Handle Keyword Type must be assigned to both
Document Types involved in the exchange. This configuration enables the new form,
which had no link to the primary document via a common keyword, to become a related
document based on the document handle when actions and rules are configured to use
the Document Handle option to identify related documents.

Note: If the primary document belongs to a closed or cutoff Records Management folder,
the Document Handle Keyword Value will not be copied from the new document to the
primary document.

Keyword Handling

The following table describes the behavior for copying a keyword from a primary item to
a related item or a new E-Form.

Primary Related Behavior

Document Document/New

Keyword Keyword Copy

Keyword Keyword Group Copy

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Primary Related Behavior

Document Document/New

Keyword Multi-Instance No action taken

Keyword Type Group
Studio - Workflow Actions

Keyword Group Keyword Copy

Keyword Group Keyword Group Copy

Keyword Group Multi-Instance No action taken

Keyword Type Group

Multi -Instance Keyword No action taken

Keyword Type

Multi -Instance Keyword Group No action taken

Keyword Type

Multi -Instance Multi-Instance Only copy if they are the same Multi-Instance
Keyword Type Keyword Type Group Keyword Type Group (means they have the same
Group identification number)

Incremental Parallel Upgrade Process (IPUP) Environmental Considerations

When this action is used in an environment using an Incremental Parallel Upgrade
Process (IPUP) the following should be noted:
When a version previous to 13 accesses the configuration of this action or a client
executes this action and the action is configured in OnBase Studio in version 13 with
multiple Keyword Type mappings, only one Constant mapping will be displayed in the
configuration and executed in the client. When this action is accessed within the
Configuration module in version 13, only one Keyword Type mapping is displayed.
Property values cannot be configured in previous versions or within the Configuration
module in version 13.
When the configuration of this action is edited and saved within a previous version of
OnBase Studio or the Configuration module or within the Configuration module in
version 13, the configuration will overwrite the OnBase Studio version 13 configuration
and the configuration will only reflect the single Keyword Type mapped in the previous
version's or in the Configuration module's configuration. All additional values previously
configured within the version 13 OnBase Studio will be deleted from the configuration.

Display E-Form for Input

Note: This action requires a license for the E-Forms module

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Displays an E-Form or Virtual E-Form.

Note: This action is not supported the Mobile Access for Windows Phone interface.

If you are configuring the action for related items, see Related Tab on page 718 for more

Studio - Workflow Actions


Option: Cancel Form Applies To

The Cancel Form Applies to: sections allows you to specify how you want the a form
cancellation to be processed whose form creation was initiated by this action.The
following options are available:
• If Current form only is selected, only the form that is currently displayed is
canceled upon a user clicking a configured OBBtn_Cancel button. Subsequent
forms will be displayed.
• If Current and all subsequent forms is selected, the currently displayed form and
all subsequent forms will be canceled upon a user clicking a configured
OBBtn_Cancel button.

If you want to expand AutoFill Keyword sets using this action, use the
OBBtn_ExpandKS### button .

Note: OBBtn_KS### and OBBtn_Keyset are not supported for this action.

OBBtn_Cancel and OBBtn_No Functionality

The OBBtn_Cancel and OBBtn_No E-Form buttons function differently depending on what
option are selected for the FORM - Display E-Form for Input action The following table
outlines the different outcomes these buttons produce:

Option Button Outcome

Current form OBBtn_Cancel All E-Forms are displayed, but the

only task list is broken.

Current form OBBtn_No All E-Forms are displayed and the

only task list is not broken. The last
execution result is set to False.

Current and all OBBtn_Cancel All E-Forms are not displayed and
subsequent the task list is broken.

Current and all OBBtn_No All E-Forms are displayed and the
subsequent task list is not broken. The last
forms execution result is set to False.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Display HTML Form

Displays an HTML form that allows the user to alter the keywords or Workflow properties
of an item.

Option: Target
Studio - Workflow Actions

In the Target drop-down select list, define whether you want the action to execute on the
current document/item in the queue or a related document/item.
If you are configuring the action for related items, see Related Tab on page 718 for more
Option: Form
If a user form has been created for the life cycle, you can select it from the Form drop-
down list. Global user forms and forms assigned to the life cycle in which the action is
being configured are available for selection.
Additionally, you can create a new form or edit an existing form by selecting the drop-
down button next to the Form field. The Properties dialog box is displayed when you
select either option. Enter the Name of the form and enter the path to the form in the
Location field.

Option: Auto-Generate Form Configuration

You may also choose Auto-Generate from the Form drop-down select list. Configure the
following options:
• Instructions - Specify instructions for the form.
• Keyword Types - Add Keyword Types to display on your form. Multiple instances
of Keyword Types can be added.
• Property Name - Workflow properties can be added by specifying a property in
the Property Name field.

Note: Property names with spaces are not supported.

User forms display in the User Interaction screen when the action is performed.

Note: If the item this action is performed on has multiple related items and the cancel
button for the form is clicked at any point, processing will break and the form will not be
displayed for additional related items.

Note: When using the Auto-Generate option, if you want a drop-down select list available
in the form, the selected Keyword Type must be configured with the Use Keyword Data
Set and Keyword Must Exist options.

Note: OBBtn_KS###, OBBtn_ExpandKS###, and OBBtn_Keyset are not supported for

this action.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

If you perform this action from an e-mail notification in the Integration for Microsoft
Outlook 2007 or Integration for Microsoft Outlook 2010 and click the cancel button, the
e-mail notification is still modified to indicate that the ad hoc task that was successfully
executed. Task list execution does not continue.

Note: If there are several forms within a task list, if one of the forms is cancelled, the

Studio - Workflow Actions

task execution is aborted.

Note: If working in an Institutional Database, the Institution # keyword will always be

copied, regardless of selection.

Option: Hide Cancel Button

When Hide Cancel Button is selected, the Cancel button will not display on the form.

Option: Fill HTML fields with document keyword and property values
If you want the Keyword Values or Workflow properties associated with the document to
populate the form’s fields, select the Fill HTML fields with document keyword and property
values option. When this is selected, the form will display the document’s Keyword
Values or Workflow properties in the appropriate fields. When Keyword Values are
changed and the changes are saved, the Keyword Values or Workflow properties
associated with the document will be changed on the document. The new values will not
be added in addition to the original values when the Fill HTML fields with document
keyword and property values option is selected.

Note: When more than one Keyword Value or property value exists, all values will be
displayed only if the form is configured with enough fields to accommodate all of the

Caution: Only the Keyword Values and property values displayed on the form are saved to
the document. Ensure the form is configured with enough fields to accommodate all
existing values.

Note: When auto-generating an HTML form for a document, the client’s regional settings
will determine formatting for date and date time keywords.

Note: When using a URL to specify a user form, the Fill HTML Fields with document
keyword and property values field is not functional.

Caution: When using a URL-accessed user form, the data on the form will not be posted to
the URL until after the next action in the task list has executed. Due to this behavior,
subsequent actions after the form is submitted should not rely on the data being submitted
to the web application.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Option: Allow Form To Dynamically Add Keyword Fields

If a form is configured to dynamically add form fields to the form, this option controls
how dynamically created keyword mapped fields affect the primary item.
When this option is selected, values entered in keyword fields that were dynamically
added to the form update the corresponding keyword on the primary item.
Studio - Workflow Actions

When this option is not selected, values entered in keyword fields that were dynamically
added to the form are not updated on the primary item.
This option is disabled when <Auto-Generate> is selected in the From drop-down select

Using Multi-Instance Keyword Type Groups

Documents that have Multi-Instance Keyword Type Groups configured will behave
slightly differently depending on how the Fill HTML fields with document keyword and
property values option is configured.
When the Fill HTML fields with document keyword and property values option is not
selected, the form fields are not populated. When values are entered into fields, a new
instance of the Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group is created containing the values
entered in the form. For example, if the primary document contains two instances of a
Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group, and new values are entered into the form fields, a
third instance of the Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group is created for the primary
When the Fill HTML fields with document keyword and property values option is selected,
the fields on the form will be populated and the corresponding instances of the Multi-
Instance Keyword Type Group on the document will be updated.

Display Unity Form for Input

This action displays the current Unity form to the user.

Note: This action is supported only in the Unity Client, Web Client, Mobile Access for
Android, Mobile Access for iPhone, Mobile Access for iPad, and Mobile Access for
Windows interfaces. This action is not supported in the Mobile Access for Windows Phone

This action is used in conjunction with the Related Item Exists rule with the Use Related
Items for Tasks option selected. Using this rule provides a way to determine if there are
Unity forms related to the primary item. If a Unity form is found that matches the rule
criteria upon task execution, it will be displayed for input. If multiple Unity forms are
found that matches the rule criteria, they will be displayed one after another until all of
the Unity forms are processed.
Option: Allow User to Discard Changes and Continue Execution
If you want to allow users the ability to discard the changes made to a form, but
continue processing that form through the remainder of the task list, select the Allow
User to Discard Changes and Continue Execution check box. When this check box is
selected, a Discard and Continue button is available to the user.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Option: Allow User to Discard Changes and Cancel Execution

If you want to allow users the ability to discard the changes made to a form, but cancel
the execution of the task list, select the Allow User to Discard Changes and Cancel
Execution check box. When this check box is selected, a Discard and Cancel button is
available to the user.

Studio - Workflow Actions

Option: Cancel Form Applies To
There are two options under Cancel Form Applies to:, which is enabled when Allow User to
Discard Changes and Cancel Execution is selected. The following options are available:
• If Current form only is selected, only the form that is currently displayed is
canceled upon a user clicking the Discard and Cancel button. Workflow will not
execute any further actions or rules in the same task list for that related form.
Subsequent forms will be displayed.
• If Current and all subsequent forms is selected, the currently displayed form, all
subsequent forms and the task list will be canceled upon a user clicking the
Discard and Cancel button. Workflow will break all processing for the top-level

Keyword Category
Add Keyword
Adds a keyword with the specified value of the specified Keyword Type to the active
Option: Keyword Type
Select a Keyword Type from the drop-down select list. The Keyword Type selected must
be associated with the Document Type of the document in order for the action to
If the Keyword Type you selected is configured using a Specific Currency data type, a
Currency Format drop-down select list is displayed, allowing you to select the currency
format you want to use.
Option: Keyword Value
Specify the Keyword Value to add. The following options are available depending on the
selected keyword Type:
• If you want to add a specific value, enter the value n the Constant value field.

Note: The number of characters allowed in the Constant value field is limited to the
configured character limit of the selected Keyword Type.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

• If the Keyword Type selected uses an Alphanumeric data type, the System Value
drop-down select list is enabled. Select Current User ID if you want the new
value to be the User Id of the currently logged in user. Select Current User’s
Name if you want the new value to be the user name of the currently logged in
user. Select Current User’s Real Name if you want the new value to be the real
name specified for the currently logged in user.
Studio - Workflow Actions

If the Keyword Type selected uses a Date data type, the Current Date option can
be selected to use the current date as the value.
• If the Keyword Type selected uses an Alphanumeric or Date & Time data type,
the Timestamp option can be selected to use the date/time information for the
keyword value.

Note: Date and date & time formatting are dependent on regional settings.

Option: Target
In the Target drop-down select list, define whether you want the action to execute on the
current document/item in the queue or a related document/item.
If you are configuring the action for related documents/items, see Related Tab on page
718 for more information.

Add Keyword Record

This action adds a record of a Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group to an item based on
specified values for each Keyword in the record.

Note: This action is not supported in the OnBase Client Classic Workflow interface.

Option: Keyword Record

Select a Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group from the Keyword Record drop-down select
Option: Keyword Values
To configure Keyword Values for the record:

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

1. Click Add. The Add Keyword Value dialog box is displayed.

Studio - Workflow Actions

2. In the Keyword Type drop-down select list, select the Keyword Type you want to
configure. If the Keyword Type selected is configured using a Specific Currency
data type, the Currency Format drop-down select list is enabled, allowing you to
select the currency format you want to use.
3. Specify the Value of the Keyword. The value can come from one of the following:
• Constant Value - Enter a specific value.
• Property - Enter a property name from which the Keyword Value will be
• Keyword - Select a Keyword from which the Keyword Value will be pulled.

4. Click OK.

Configured Keyword Values can be modified by selecting a Keyword Value and clicking
Modify. To delete configured Keyword Values, select a Keyword Value and click Delete .

Note: If multiple values are found for a Keyword Value source, like in an instance where
a property or Keyword contains multiple values, only the first value is used as the
Keyword Value.

Autofill Keyword Set

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Fills Keyword Values on a document with values from an AutoFill Keyword Set. This
action should be used in system work. The primary Keyword Type must have a value
associated with an AutoFill Keyword Set in order for the action to fill Keyword Values. All
documents that do not have a primary value associated with an AutoFill Keyword Set will
not have additional values applied to the document.
Option: AutoFill Set
Studio - Workflow Actions

Select the appropriate AutoFill Keyword Set from the drop-down select list.

Caution: If more than one Autofill Keyword Set exists with the same primary Keyword Value
and the Expand All Matching Instances option is not set for the AutoFill Keyword Set, when
the action is executed, no AutoFill will take place.

Option: Keep Existing Values

When Keep Existing Values is selected, it will retain the original secondary Keyword
Values and a new instance will be added containing the AutoFill Keyword Set data

Note: When Expand All Matching Instances is configured for the selected AutoFill Keyword
Set, Keep Existing Values is selected by default.

Caution: The Keep Existing Values option is not supported in the Classic Client interface.

Option: Replace Secondary Values When Only One Instance Exist

When Replace Secondary Values When Only One Instance Exists is selected, the following
will occur:
• When using standard Keyword Types, the secondary Keyword Values will be
replaced if only one instance of the secondary keyword exists. If more than one
instance of the secondary keyword is found, the original secondary values will
be retained and a new instance is created containing the data from the AutoFill
keyword set.

Caution: In the Classic OnBase Client user interface, if there are already keyword values
associated with the primary Keyword Type value, the associated values will be replaced
with the value from the AutoFill Keyword Set when this action is executed.

• When using Keyword Type Groups, secondary Keyword Values will always be
replaced with the data from the AutoFill Keyword Set.
• When using Multi-Instance Keyword Type Groups, if a single instance of the
primary Keyword Type exists, secondary Keyword Values will be replaced with
the data from the AutoFill Keyword Set. If multiple instances of the specified
primary value exist, the original data will be retained and a new instance
containing the data from the AutoFill Keyword Set will be populated.

Caution: The Replace Secondary Value When Only One Instance Exists option should not be
used with documents that have more than one secondary value of the same Keyword Type.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

The following describes what can be expected using the Keep Existing Values and Replace
Secondary Values When Only One Instance Exists options with standard Keyword Types,
Keyword Type Groups, and Multi-Instance Keyword Type Groups:

Number of Retains Replaces Adds New

Values Existing Existing Keyword

Studio - Workflow Actions

Secondary Secondary Value
Keyword Keyword
Value Value

Standard Keyword Type

Keep Existing 1 primary value x x

2 different x x
primary values

Replace 1 primary value x x

Values When 2 different x x
Only One primary values
Instance Exists

Single Instance Keyword Type Groups

Keep Existing 1 primary value x x

2 different n/a n/a n/a
primary values

Replace 1 primary value x x

Values When 2 different n/a n/a n/a
Only One primary values
Instance Exists

Multiple Instance Keyword Type Groups

Keep Existing 1 primary value x x

2 different x x
primary values

Replace 1 primary value x x

Values When 2 different x x
Only One primary values
Instance Exists

Caution: When using the Classic OnBase Client, it is recommended that the Replace
Secondary Values When Only One Instance Exists option is used only if has been determined
that documents only have one value for each Keyword Type. If there are two or more
secondary values on a document and the action is configured to Replace Secondary Value
When Only One Value Exists , the Classic Client does not know which value to replace and the
user will not know which value has been replaced.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Caution: This action can populate values for multiple primary values. For each primary,
there will be corresponding secondary values for the associated Keyword Types, as defined
in the AutoFill Keyword Set. If a primary value is associated with multiple AutoFill Keyword
Sets, no secondary values will be populated for that primary value.
Studio - Workflow Actions

Caution: If using a Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group, the AutoFill Keyword Set will only
populate if both the primary and secondary values reside in the Keyword Group. If the
secondary values are outside of the Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group, the AutoFill
Keyword Set will not populate.

Option: Prompt user if multiple records exist

When this option is selected, and more than one AutoFill Keyword Set record exists with
primary values on the current document, the user is prompted to select which instance
should be expanded. This option is not available when the selected AutoFill Keyword Set
is configured with Expand all matching instances enabled.

Note: This option is supported only in the Unity Client, the Web Client, and the OnBase
Client Core-based interface.

Compare and Copy Keyword Records for This and Related Items
This action performs two tasks: first, it compares instances of Keyword records between
the primary item and specific related items to determine whether or not all Keyword
records are present on all items. Second, if any Keyword record is missing from either
the primary item or related items, the action copies the missing Keyword record to a
new Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group on either the primary item or the related items,
depending on how the action is configured.

Note: This action is not supported in the OnBase Client Classic Workflow interface.

Option: After Comparison

This action can be configured to copy Keyword records in one of two ways:

1. Copy Missing Keyword Records on This Item - When this option is selected, any
Keyword records that exist on the primary item but are not found on related items
are copied to a new Multi-Instance Keyword Record on the primary item.
2. Copy Missing Keyword Records on Related Items - When this option is selected, any
Keyword records that exist on related items but are not found on the primary item
are copied to a new Multi-Instance Keyword Record on the specified related items.
A missing Keyword record is added to a new Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group
only on the related item that contains the record that is not present on the
primary item.

Option: Keyword Record

Select the Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group you want to search for. This is the Multi-
Instance Keyword Type Group for which missing records will be found when the primary
and related items are compared.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Option: Comparison
In this tab, the comparison part of the action is configured. These settings determine
how the action should search for missing records between items.
To configure comparisons:

1. In the Keyword Record on Related Item drop-down select list, select the Multi-

Studio - Workflow Actions

Instance Keyword Type Group that stores the comparable Keyword records.
The Keyword Type and Mapped Keyword Type drop-down select lists are populated
with Keyword Types belonging to the Multi-Instance Keyword Type Groups that
will be compared.
2. Select a Keyword Type from the Keyword Type drop-down select list.
3. In the Mapped Keyword Type drop-down select list, select the Keyword Type that
should be compared to the Keyword Type selected in the Keyword Type drop-down
select list, then click Add. When the action is executed, it will search for
comparable values between these two mapped Keyword Types.
To delete a Keyword mapping, select the mapped Keywords, then click Delete .
Option: Copy
In this tab, configure how the action should copy missing Keyword records.

1. In the Destination Keyword Record on This Item/Related Items drop-down select

list, choose the Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group to which missing records will
be copied.
The Keyword Type drop-down select list is populated with the Keyword Types
belonging to the original Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group.
The Mapped Keyword Type drop-down select list is populated with the Keyword
Types belonging to the Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group to which missing
records will be copied.
2. Select a Keyword Type in the Keyword Type drop-down select list, then map it to
the corresponding Keyword Type in the destination Keyword record by selecting a
Keyword Type from the Mapped Keyword Type drop-down select list.
3. Click Add.

To delete a Keyword mapping, select the mapped Keywords, then click Delete .
See Related Tab on page 718 for more information on configuring the action for related

Copy Keyword

Copies the value of the Source keyword into the value of the Destination keyword on the
active document.

Option: Source Keyword

Select the Keyword Type from which to take the values in the Source Keyword drop-down
list. The following system keywords are available from this drop-down select list, in
addition to configured Keyword Types:
• >> Date Stored
• >> Document Date

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

• >> Document Handle

• >> Document Name
• >> Document Type
For more information about these system properties, see the Document Properties topic
in the OnBase Client help system
Studio - Workflow Actions

You can acquire the source Keyword Type from a property value by selecting Source
keyword type from property and entering the property in the field.

Option: Destination Keyword

Select the Keyword Type to which the value should be copied in the Destination Keyword
drop-down list.

Note: When copying currency formatted Keyword values, the currency format of both the
Source Keyword and Destination Keyword must have the same formatting to ensure
successful copying.

Note: Blank values are not copied.

Likewise, you can acquire the destination Keyword Type from a property value by select
Destination keyword type from property and entering the property in the field.

Note: When a Date or Date/Time Keyword Value is copied into an alphanumeric Keyword
Type, the server’s default date and date/time format is used.

Copy Keyword from Related Item

Copies the value of the Source Keyword on a related item into the value of the
Destination Keyword on the active item.
Option: Source Keyword
Select the Keyword Type from which to take the values in the Source Keyword drop-down
list. The following system keywords are available from this drop-down select list, in
addition to configured Keyword Types:
• >> Date Stored
• >> Document Date
• >> Document Handle
• >> Document Name
• >> Document Type
For more information about these system properties, see the Document Properties topic
in the OnBase Client help system
You can acquire the source Keyword Type from a property value by selecting Source
keyword type from property and entering the property in the field.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Option: Destination Keyword

Select the Keyword Type to which the value should be copied in the Destination Keyword
drop-down list.

Note: When copying currency formatted Keyword values, the currency format of both the
Source Keyword and Destination Keyword must have the same formatting to ensure

Studio - Workflow Actions

successful copying.

Note: Blank values are not copied.

Likewise, you can acquire the destination Keyword Type from a property value by select
Destination keyword type from property and entering the property in the field.

See Related Tab on page 718 for more information.

Copy Keyword Record

This action searches for all instances or a specific instance of a Multi-Instance Keyword
Type Group and copies the Keyword records found to a new Multi-Instance Keyword Type

Note: This action is not supported in the OnBase Client Classic Workflow interface.

Option: Source Keyword Record

Select the Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group from which the Keyword record will be
Option: Destination Keyword Record
Select the Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group to which the Keyword record will be
Option: Search Criteria
Search criteria define how the action searches for Keyword records to be copied. The
following options are available:
• Select All Records if you want to copy all instances of the specified Multi-
Instance Keyword Type Group.
• Select Specific Records if you want to copy only specific instances of a Multi-
Instance Keyword Type Group.

To configure search criteria:

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

1. Click Add to create search criteria. The Add Search Criteria Keyword dialog box is
Studio - Workflow Actions

2. In the Keyword Type drop-down select list, select the Keyword Type you want to
configure. If the Keyword Type selected is configured using a Specific Currency
data type, the Currency Format drop-down select list is enabled, allowing you to
select the currency format you want to use.
3. Select an Operator. This determines whether the search looks for values that are
equal or not equal to the specified value.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

4. Specify the Value of the Keyword. The value can come from one of the following:
• Constant Value - Enter a specific value.
• Property - Enter a property name from which the Keyword Value will be
• Keyword - Select a Keyword from which the Keyword Value will be pulled.

Studio - Workflow Actions

Note: Blank values will return different results depending on how search criteria are
configured. If the Operator is configured to find equal values, and the search criterion
value is left blank, the search will be considered a match if the corresponding Keyword
Value found in the Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group record is blank. Similarly, if the
Operator is configured to find values that are not equal, and the search criterion is left
blank, the search will be considered a match if the corresponding Keyword Value found
in the Multi-Instance Keyword Type record is not blank. Using blank values with the
Constant Value option is not supported.

5. Select Allow Wildcards to use wildcards in the search criteria value fields.
When using wildcards, you can use the ? (question mark) wildcard to replace a
specific number of characters. For example, a value of COLUMB ?? succeeds for
COLUMBUS, COLUMBIA and any other eight-character Keyword Value beginning
with COLUMB. The * (asterisk) wildcard represents an indefinite number of
characters. COLUMB* succeeds for any length keyword values beginning with
COLUMB, such as those mentioned above and COLUMBO and COLUMBIANA.

Note: The Allow Wildcards check box is only enabled for Alphanumeric Keyword Types.
Wildcards can be used with Alphanumeric Keyword Types that have masking configured.
When masking is used, the ? wildcard must be used.

6. Click OK.

Configured search criteria can be modified by selecting a search criterion and clicking
Modify. To delete configured search criteria, select a search criterion and click Delete .

Option: Keyword Mappings

Configure how the action should copy Keyword records.
The Keyword Type drop-down select list is populated with the Keyword Types belonging
to the source Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group.
The Mapped Keyword Type drop-down select list is populated with the Keyword Types
belonging to the Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group to which records will be copied.
To add a Keyword mapping, select a Keyword Type in the Keyword Type drop-down select
list, then map it to the corresponding Keyword Type in the destination Keyword record
by selecting a Keyword Type from the Mapped Keyword Type drop-down select list. Click
Add .
To delete a Keyword mapping, select the mapped Keywords, then click Delete .

Copy Keyword Records from Related Item

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

This action copies instances of a Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group from all of the
related items to either the same Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group or a different Multi-
Instance Keyword Type Group on the current item.
Option: Source Keyword Record
Select the Source Keyword Record that you want to copy from the drop-down select list.
Studio - Workflow Actions

Option: Search Criteria

Configure search criteria to determine how the action determines which Keyword records
to copy. The following options are available:
• Select All Records to copy all instances of the source Multi-Instance Keyword
Type Group.
• Select Specific Records to copy only specific instances of the source Multi-
Instance Keyword Type Group.

When Specific Records is selected, search criteria must be configured to determine how
the action finds these specific records.
To configure search criteria:

1. Click Add to create search criteria. The Add Search Criteria Keyword dialog box is

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

2. In the Keyword Type drop-down select list, select the Keyword Type you want to
configure. If the Keyword Type selected is configured using a Specific Currency
data type, the Currency Format drop-down select list is enabled, allowing you to
select the currency format you want to use.
3. Select an Operator. This determines whether the search looks for values that are
equal or not equal to the specified value.

Studio - Workflow Actions

4. Specify the Value of the Keyword. The value can come from one of the following:
• Constant Value - Enter a specific value.
• Property - Enter a property name from which the Keyword Value will be
• Keyword - Select a Keyword from which the Keyword Value will be pulled.

Note: Blank values will return different results depending on how search criteria are
configured. If the Operator is configured to find equal values, and the search criterion
value is left blank, the search will be considered a match if the corresponding Keyword
Value found in the Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group record is blank. Similarly, if the
Operator is configured to find values that are not equal, and the search criterion is left
blank, the search will be considered a match if the corresponding Keyword Value found
in the Multi-Instance Keyword Type record is not blank. Using blank values with the
Constant Value option is not supported.

5. Select Allow Wildcards to use wildcards in the search criteria value fields.
When using wildcards, you can use the ? (question mark) wildcard to replace a
specific number of characters. For example, a value of COLUMB ?? succeeds for
COLUMBUS, COLUMBIA and any other eight-character Keyword Value beginning
with COLUMB. The * (asterisk) wildcard represents an indefinite number of
characters. COLUMB* succeeds for any length keyword values beginning with
COLUMB, such as those mentioned above and COLUMBO and COLUMBIANA.

Note: The Allow Wildcards check box is only enabled for Alphanumeric Keyword Types.
Wildcards can be used with Alphanumeric Keyword Types that have masking configured.
When masking is used, the ? wildcard must be used.

6. Click OK.

Configured search criteria can be modified by selecting a search criterion and clicking
Modify. To delete configured search criteria, select a search criterion and click Delete .

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Option: Destination Keyword Record

Select one of the following options to determine which Multi-Instance Keyword Type
Group the Keyword records are copied to:
• Use the same keyword record type as source - This option copies the Keyword
records to the same Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group that is selected in the
Studio - Workflow Actions

Source Keyword Record drop-down select list.

• Use a specified keyword record type - This option copies the Keyword records to a
different Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group specified in the drop-down select

Note: When copying currency formatted Keyword values, the currency format of both the
source Keyword and destination Keyword must have the same formatting to ensure
successful copying.

Note: Blank values are copied.

When Use a specified keyword record type is selected, Keyword mappings must be
configured. To configure Keyword mappings:

1. Select a Keyword Type from the Keyword Type drop-down select list. This list is
populated with Keyword Types belonging to the Source Keyword Record Mutli-
Instance Keyword Type Group.
2. Map the selected Keyword Type to a corresponding Keyword Type by selecting a
Keyword Type in the Mapped Keyword Type drop-down select list. This list is
populated with Keyword Types belonging to the destination Multi-Instance
Keyword Type Group.
To remove a Keyword mapping, select it from the Keyword Mappings list and click Delete .
If you are configuring the action for related documents/items, see Related Tab on page
718 for more information.

Copy Keyword Records to Related Item

Copies Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group values from the active item onto a related
item to either the same Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group or a different Multi-Instance
Keyword Type Group, depending on the action’s configuration.
Option: Source Keyword Record
Select the Source Keyword Record that you want to copy from the drop-down select list.
Option: Search Criteria
Configure search criteria to determine how the action determines which Keyword records
to copy. The following options are available:
• Select All Records to copy all instances of the source Multi-Instance Keyword
Type Group.
• Select Specific Records to copy only specific instances of the source Multi-
Instance Keyword Type Group.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

When Specific Records is selected, search criteria must be configured to determine how
the action finds these specific records.
To configure search criteria:

1. Click Add to create search criteria. The Add Search Criteria Keyword dialog box is

Studio - Workflow Actions

2. In the Keyword Type drop-down select list, select the Keyword Type you want to
configure. If the Keyword Type selected is configured using a Specific Currency
data type, the Currency Format drop-down select list is enabled, allowing you to
select the currency format you want to use.
3. Select an Operator. This determines whether the search looks for values that are
equal or not equal to the specified value.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

4. Specify the Value of the Keyword. The value can come from one of the following:
• Constant Value - Enter a specific value.
• Property - Enter a property name from which the Keyword Value will be
• Keyword - Select a Keyword from which the Keyword Value will be pulled.
Studio - Workflow Actions

Note: Blank values will return different results depending on how search criteria are
configured. If the Operator is configured to find equal values, and the search criterion
value is left blank, the search will be considered a match if the corresponding Keyword
Value found in the Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group record is blank. Similarly, if the
Operator is configured to find values that are not equal, and the search criterion is left
blank, the search will be considered a match if the corresponding Keyword Value found
in the Multi-Instance Keyword Type record is not blank. Using blank values with the
Constant Value option is not supported.

5. Select Allow Wildcards to use wildcards in the search criteria value fields.
When using wildcards, you can use the ? (question mark) wildcard to replace a
specific number of characters. For example, a value of COLUMB ?? succeeds for
COLUMBUS, COLUMBIA and any other eight-character Keyword Value beginning
with COLUMB. The * (asterisk) wildcard represents an indefinite number of
characters. COLUMB* succeeds for any length keyword values beginning with
COLUMB, such as those mentioned above and COLUMBO and COLUMBIANA.

Note: The Allow Wildcards check box is only enabled for Alphanumeric Keyword Types.
Wildcards can be used with Alphanumeric Keyword Types that have masking configured.
When masking is used, the ? wildcard must be used.

6. Click OK.

Configured search criteria can be modified by selecting a search criterion and clicking
Modify. To delete configured search criteria, select a search criterion and click Delete .

Option: Destination Keyword Record

Select one of the following options to determine which Multi-Instance Keyword Type
Group the Keyword records are copied to:
• Use the same keyword record type as source - This option copies the Keyword
records to the same Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group that is selected in the
Source Keyword Record drop-down select list.
• Use a specified keyword record type - This option copies the Keyword records to a
different Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group specified in the drop-down select

Note: When copying currency formatted Keyword values, the currency format of both the
source Keyword and destination Keyword must have the same formatting to ensure
successful copying.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

When Use a specified keyword record type is selected, Keyword mappings must be
configured. To configure Keyword mappings:

1. Select a Keyword Type from the Keyword Type drop-down select list. This list is
populated with Keyword Types belonging to the Source Keyword Record Mutli-
Instance Keyword Type Group.

Studio - Workflow Actions

2. Map the selected Keyword Type to a corresponding Keyword Type by selecting a
Keyword Type in the Mapped Keyword Type drop-down select list. This list is
populated with Keyword Types belonging to the destination Multi-Instance
Keyword Type Group.
To remove a Keyword mapping, select it from the Keyword Mappings list and click Delete .

If you are configuring the action for related documents/items, see Related Tab on page
718 for more information.

Copy Keyword to Related Item

Copies the value of the Source Keyword on a related item into the value of the
Destination Keyword on the active item.

Option: Source Keyword

Select the Keyword Type from which to take the values in the Source Keyword drop-down
list. The following system keywords are available from this drop-down select list, in
addition to configured Keyword Types:
• >> Date Stored
• >> Document Date
• >> Document Handle
• >> Document Name
• >> Document Type
For more information about these system properties, see the Document Properties topic
in the OnBase Client help system
You can acquire the source Keyword Type from a property value by selecting Source
keyword type from property and entering the property in the field.

Option: Destination Keyword

Select the Keyword Type to which the value should be copied in the Destination Keyword
drop-down list.

Note: When copying currency formatted Keyword values, the currency format of both the
Source Keyword and Destination Keyword must have the same formatting to ensure
successful copying.

Note: Blank values are not copied.

Likewise, you can acquire the destination Keyword Type from a property value by select
Destination keyword type from property and entering the property in the field.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

If you are configuring the action for related documents/items, see Related Tab on page
718 for more information.

Copy Keywords from/to Related Item

Copies Keywords from one item to another item.
Studio - Workflow Actions

Option: Copy Keywords

Choose one of the following ways in which Keywords will be copied:
• From Related Item to This Item: Copies Keyword Values from the related item to
the primary item.
• From This Item to Related Item: Copies Keyword Values from the primary item to
the related item.
Option: Keywords
Select which Keywords will be copied:
• All Keywords: Copies all Keywords from the item.
• Selected Keywords: Allows you to configure specific keywords to copy. When this
option is selected, the Configure button is enabled. Click Configure and add
Keyword Types in the Inherit Keyword Types dialog.

These settings determine what happens to existing Keyword Values when new values are
copied to an item. The availability of these options depends on how the action is
Option: Keep all existing keyword values
You can select Keep all existing keyword values if you want to keep the existing values,
but add the values from the item.
Option: Keep existing values for common keywords
You can select Keep existing values for common keywords if you want to keep the values of
common Keyword Types between the primary item and the related item, but discard
those that are not common between the two. This option is only available when the
action is configured to copy From This Item to Related Item.
Option: Keep existing values for selected keywords
When the action is configured to copy Selected Keywords, this option keeps existing
values of those Keywords.
Option: Delete all existing keyword values
You can select Delete all existing keyword values if you want to delete the existing values
and add the values from the item.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Option: Delete existing values for common keywords

You can select Delete existing values for common keywords if you want to delete the
values of Keyword Types that are common between the primary and related items before
adding the values to the primary item. This option is only available when the action is
configured to copy From This Item to Related Item.

Studio - Workflow Actions

Note: When Selected Keywords is configured and Delete existing values for common
keywords is selected, if all of the common keyword values are blank on the source item,
the keyword values will not be deleted from the target item. For example, if the related
item's common keyword type values are blank and are being copied to the primary item,
the primary item's keyword values will not be deleted.

Option: Delete existing values for selected keywords

When the action is configured to copy Selected Keywords, this option deletes existing
values of those Keywords.
Option: Do not delete existing values if new values are blank
When the Do not delete existing values if new values are blank check box is selected, if the
primary item does not have a value assigned to a common Keyword Type, the Keyword
Type value is not deleted from related item(s).

Note: The Do not delete existing values if new values are blank check box is not supported
in the Classic Client interface.

Note: The Keep existing values for common keywords and Delete existing values for common
keywords options are disabled when the action is configured for From Related Item to This
Item and documents are related by Folder Type .

See Related Tab on page 718 for more information.

Note: If the Folder Type method is used, the Keep existing values for common keywords
and Delete existing values for common keywords options are not available.

Keyword Handling

The following table describes the behavior for copying a keyword from a primary item to
a related item or a new E-Form.

Primary Related Behavior

Document Document/New

Keyword Keyword Copy

Keyword Keyword Group Copy

Keyword Multi-Instance No action taken

Keyword Type Group

Keyword Group Keyword Copy

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Primary Related Behavior

Document Document/New

Keyword Group Keyword Group Copy

Keyword Group Multi-Instance No action taken

Studio - Workflow Actions

Keyword Type Group

Multi -Instance Keyword No action taken

Keyword Type

Multi -Instance Keyword Group No action taken

Keyword Type

Multi -Instance Multi-Instance Only copy if they are the same Multi-Instance
Keyword Type Keyword Type Group Keyword Type Group (means they have the same
Group identification number)

The following table describes the behavior for deleting a keyword from a related
document based on a primary document.

Primary Related Behavior

Document Document

Keyword Keyword Delete

Keyword Keyword Group Delete

Keyword Multi -Instance No action taken

Keyword Type Group

Keyword Group Keyword Delete

Keyword Group Keyword Group Delete

Keyword Group Multi -Instance No action taken

Keyword Type Group

Multi -Instance Keyword No action taken

Keyword Type

Multi -Instance Keyword Group No action taken

Keyword Type

Multi -Instance Multi -Instance Only delete if they are the same Multi -Instance
Keyword Type Keyword Type Group Keyword Type Group (means they have the same
Group identification number)

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Create Autofill Record

This action will create an AutoFill Keyword Set instance from the values on the

Note: This action is not supported in the Classic Client interface.

Studio - Workflow Actions

Option: AutoFill Keyword Set
Select the appropriate AutoFill Keyword Set from the drop-down select list that will be
filled with values from the document.
When using this action, the primary keyword of the AutoFill Keyword Set must contain a
value on the document in Workflow in order for the AutoFill Keyword Set record to be

Option: Target
In the Target drop-down select list, define whether you want the action to execute on the
current document/item in the queue or a related document/item.
If you are configuring the action for related documents/items, see Related Tab on page
718 for more information.

Caution: When creating AutoFill Keyword Sets that consist of a mixture of standard Keyword
Types, Single Instance Keyword Type Groups, and/or Multi-Instance Keyword Type Groups,
values of the Keyword Types that are of the same type and, if part of a Keyword Type
Group, belong to the same Keyword Type Group as the primary Keyword Type will be
populated. Keyword Types not of the same type as the primary Keyword Type will not be

Note: This action is not supported when working with external AutoFill Keyword Sets.

Delete All Keywords of Certain Type

Removes all keyword values for a specific Keyword Type on the specified document.

Option: Target
In the Target drop-down select list, define whether you want the action to execute on the
current document/item in the queue or a related document/item.
If you are configuring the action for related documents/items, see Related Tab on page
718 for more information.

Option: Keyword Type

The drop-down list displays available Keyword Types. Only keywords of the selected
Keyword Type are affected.

Option: Get keyword type from property

You can acquire the source Keyword Type from a property value by selecting Get keyword
type from property and entering the property in the field.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Delete Autofill Record

Caution: This action will remove AutoFill Keyword Set record(s), with specified value(s) in
the primary keyword, from the database. Ensure that this action is configured properly. The
removal of AutoFill Keyword Set records is permanent and irreversible.
Studio - Workflow Actions

This action will delete AutoFill Keyword Set records that match the configured criteria.

Note: This action is not supported when working with external AutoFill Keyword Sets.

Note: This action is not supported in the Core when Currency, Date, or Date/Time
keywords are configured as the primary keyword in the AutoFill Keyword Set.

Option: AutoFill Keyword Set

Select the AutoFill Keyword Set from which you would like to remove records from.
Option: Keyword Type to Search
The primary Keyword Types populates the Keyword Type to Search field automatically.
Option: Value To-Be-Deleted Comes From
The value to be deleted can come from several sources. The following options are
• If you want to specify a certain value that will identify the records that will be
deleted, select Specific Value and enter the appropriate value in the field.
• If you want to use the a value within a property to identify the record(s) to be
deleted, select Property and enter the name of the property in the field.

Note: Property names are case sensitive in the Classic Client. Property names are not
case sensitive in the core-based clients.

Note: Only alphanumeric characters are supported in property names. As a best practice,
do not use spaces in property names.

• If you want to use a Keyword Type value to identify the record(s) to be deleted,
select Keyword and select the Keyword Type from the drop-down list that will
contain the appropriate value.

Delete Keyword
Deletes the specified Keyword value from the active document.

Option: Target
In the Target drop-down select list, define whether you want the action to execute on the
current document/item in the queue or a related document/item.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

If you are configuring the action for related documents/items, see Related Tab on page
718 for more information.

Option: Keyword Type

The drop-down list displays available Keyword Types. Only keywords of the selected
Keyword Type are affected.

Studio - Workflow Actions

Option: Keyword Value
The following options are available:
• Specify the value in the Constant value field for the value that will be deleted.
• Specify the name of a property in the Property Name field if you want to delete
keyword values that match that property value. This option allows keyword
values to be deleted dynamically by using property values to determine the
keyword value to be deleted.

Note: A Keyword Value must be specified.

Option: Allow Wildcards

The Allow Wildcards allows wildcards to be used in the Keyword Value field. When using
wildcards, you can use the? (question mark) wildcard to replace a specific number of
characters. For example, a value of COLUMB ?? succeeds for COLUMBUS, COLUMBIA and
any other eight-character Keyword Value beginning with COLUMB. The * (asterisk)
wildcard represents an indefinite number of characters. COLUMB* succeeds for any
length keyword values beginning with COLUMB, such as those mentioned above and

Note: The Allow Wildcards check box is only enabled for Alphanumeric Keyword Types.
Wildcards can be used with Alphanumeric Keyword Types that have masking configured.
When masking is used, the ? wildcard must be used.

Delete Keyword Record

This action deletes a record of a Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group. This action can be
configured to delete all records of a Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group or only specific
records that meet search criteria.

Note: This action is not supported in the OnBase Client Classic Workflow interface.

Option: Keyword Record

Select the Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group to be deleted.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Option: Search Criteria

Search criteria determine which records of the specified Multi-Instance Keyword Type
Group should be deleted. The following options are available:
• Select All Records to delete all records of the selected Multi-Instance Keyword
Type Group.
Studio - Workflow Actions

• Select Specific Records to configure search criteria to find certain instances of

the selected Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group.
When Specific Record is selected, search criteria can be configured. To configure search

1. Click Add to create search criteria. The Add Search Criteria Keyword dialog box is

2. In the Keyword Type drop-down select list, select the Keyword Type you want to
configure. If the Keyword Type selected is configured using a Specific Currency
data type, the Currency Format drop-down select list is enabled, allowing you to
select the currency format you want to use.
3. Select an Operator. This determines whether the search looks for values that are
equal or not equal to the specified value.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

4. Specify the Value of the Keyword. The value can come from one of the following:
• Constant Value - Enter a specific value.
• Property - Enter a property name from which the Keyword Value will be
• Keyword - Select a Keyword from which the Keyword Value will be pulled.

Studio - Workflow Actions

Note: Blank values will return different results depending on how search criteria are
configured. If the Operator is configured to find equal values, and the search criterion
value is left blank, the search will be considered a match if the corresponding Keyword
Value found in the Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group record is blank. Similarly, if the
Operator is configured to find values that are not equal, and the search criterion is left
blank, the search will be considered a match if the corresponding Keyword Value found
in the Multi-Instance Keyword Type record is not blank. Using blank values with the
Constant Value option is not supported.

5. Select Allow Wildcards to use wildcards in the search criteria value fields.
When using wildcards, you can use the ? (question mark) wildcard to replace a
specific number of characters. For example, a value of COLUMB ?? succeeds for
COLUMBUS, COLUMBIA and any other eight-character Keyword Value beginning
with COLUMB. The * (asterisk) wildcard represents an indefinite number of
characters. COLUMB* succeeds for any length keyword values beginning with
COLUMB, such as those mentioned above and COLUMBO and COLUMBIANA.

Note: The Allow Wildcards check box is only enabled for Alphanumeric Keyword Types.
Wildcards can be used with Alphanumeric Keyword Types that have masking configured.
When masking is used, the ? wildcard must be used.

6. Click OK.

Configured search criteria can be modified by selecting a search criterion and clicking
Modify. To delete configured search criteria, select a search criterion and click Delete .

Increment/Decrement Keyword
Adds the value specified to the Keyword Value on the active document. The Keyword
Value is increased or decreased incrementally by the number specified in the Amount
edit field.

Option: Target
In the Target drop-down select list, define whether you want the action to execute on the
current document/item in the queue or a related document/item.
If you are configuring the action for related documents/items, see Related Tab on page
718 for more information.

Option: Keyword Type

The drop-down list displays available Keyword Types. Only keywords of the selected
Keyword Type are affected.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Option: Amount
The Amount field is available with actions that increment or decrement a Keyword Value.
Use the Amount field to specify the quantity by which the Keyword Value is to change.
The maximum value that can be entered is 999999999.

Option: Increment
Studio - Workflow Actions

Select Increment if you want to increase the value.

Option: Decrement
Select Decrement if you want to decrease the value.
See Related Tab on page 718 for more information.

Keyword Record - Begin

Creates an empty Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group of the type specified in the
Keyword Record drop-down select list. Only Multi-Instance Keyword Type Groups will be
listed in this drop-down select list. The Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group that is
created is not saved to the database until Workflow encounters the Keyword Record - End
Option: Keyword Record
Select a Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group from the drop-down select list.

Caution: Any rules or actions that evaluate Keyword Values that have been added to the
Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group before the Keyword Record - End action is encountered
will not be evaluated correctly. The newly created Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group must
be saved before the values within it can accurately be evaluated.

Note: It is recommended to keep tasks simple that modify Multi-Instance Keyword Type
Groups. It is recommended to only add keywords between the Keyword Record - Begin
and Keyword Record - End actions. If this cannot be achieved, make sure that the
Keyword Record - End action follows after every Keyword Record - Begin action and test
the configuration thoroughly. The Add Keyword, Set Keyword from Property Value , and Set
Keyword Same as Entry to Queue Date actions may be used in between the Keyword Record
- Begin and Keyword Record - End actions for Core-based interfaces. The Classic Client
interface only supports Add Keyword between the Keyword Record - Begin and Keyword
Record - End .

Option: Get keyword record from property

You can acquire the source Keyword Type from a property value by selecting Get
keyword record from property and entering the property in the field.
See Using Multi-Instance Groups with Keyword Record Begin/End on page 961 for more

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Keyword Record - End

Signals to save the new Keyword Type Group of the type specified in the Keyword Record
drop-down select list created by the Keyword Record - Begin action. Only Multi-Instance
Keyword Type Groups will be listed in this drop-down select list. This action saves all
Keyword Values added to the Keyword Type Group.

Studio - Workflow Actions

Option: Keyword Record
Select a Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group from the drop-down select list.

Caution: If this action is not used in conjunction with the Keyword Record - Begin, all values
added to a Keyword Type Group created by the Keyword Record - Begin action will not be
saved and the values entered will be lost.

Note: It is recommended to keep tasks simple that modify Multi-Instance Keyword Type
Groups. It recommended to only add keywords between the Keyword Record - Begin and
Keyword Record - End actions. If this cannot be achieved, make sure that the Keyword
Record - End action follows after every Keyword Record - Begin action and test the
configuration thoroughly.

See Using Multi-Instance Groups with Keyword Record Begin/End on page 961 for more
Option: Get keyword record from property
You can acquire the source Keyword Type from a property value by selecting Get
keyword record from property and entering the property in the field.

Modify Keyword Record

This action modifies a record of a Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group. The action can be
configured to change all records of a specified Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group or
only specific records that meet search criteria.

Note: This action is not supported in the OnBase Client Classic Workflow interface.

Option: Keyword Record

In the Keyword Record drop-down select list, choose the Multi-Instance Keyword Type
Group to be modified.
Option: Search Criteria
Search criteria determine which records of the specified Multi-Instance Keyword Type
Group should be modified. Choose one of the following options:
• Select All Records to modify all records of the selected Multi-Instance Keyword
Type Group.
• Select Specific Records to configure search criteria to find certain instances of
the selected Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group.

When Specific Records option is selected, search criteria can be configured. To configure
search criteria:

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

1. Click Add to create search criteria. The Add Search Criteria Keyword dialog box is
Studio - Workflow Actions

2. In the Keyword Type drop-down select list, select the Keyword Type you want to
configure. If the Keyword Type selected is configured using a Specific Currency
data type, the Currency Format drop-down select list is enabled, allowing you to
select the currency format you want to use.
3. Select an Operator. This determines whether the search looks for values that are
equal or not equal to the specified value.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

4. Specify the Value of the Keyword. The value can come from one of the following:
• Constant Value - Enter a specific value.
• Property - Enter a property name from which the Keyword Value will be
• Keyword - Select a Keyword from which the Keyword Value will be pulled.

Studio - Workflow Actions

Note: Blank values will return different results depending on how search criteria are
configured. If the Operator is configured to find equal values, and the search criterion
value is left blank, the search will be considered a match if the corresponding Keyword
Value found in the Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group record is blank. Similarly, if the
Operator is configured to find values that are not equal, and the search criterion is left
blank, the search will be considered a match if the corresponding Keyword Value found
in the Multi-Instance Keyword Type record is not blank. Using blank values with the
Constant Value option is not supported.

5. Select Allow Wildcards to use wildcards in the search criteria value fields.
When using wildcards, you can use the ? (question mark) wildcard to replace a
specific number of characters. For example, a value of COLUMB ?? succeeds for
COLUMBUS, COLUMBIA and any other eight-character Keyword Value beginning
with COLUMB. The * (asterisk) wildcard represents an indefinite number of
characters. COLUMB* succeeds for any length keyword values beginning with
COLUMB, such as those mentioned above and COLUMBO and COLUMBIANA.

Note: The Allow Wildcards check box is only enabled for Alphanumeric Keyword Types.
Wildcards can be used with Alphanumeric Keyword Types that have masking configured.
When masking is used, the ? wildcard must be used.

6. Click OK.

Configured search criteria can be modified by selecting a search criterion and clicking
Modify. To delete configured search criteria, select a search criterion and click Delete .

Option: Keyword Values

Configure the new Keyword Values for the modified Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group
record. To configure Keyword Values:

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

1. Click Add. The Add Keyword Value dialog box is displayed.

Studio - Workflow Actions

2. In the Keyword Type drop-down select list, select the Keyword Type you want to
configure. If the Keyword Type selected is configured using a Specific Currency
data type, the Currency Format drop-down select list is enabled, allowing you to
select the currency format you want to use.
3. Specify the Value of the Keyword. The value can come from one of the following:
• Constant Value - Enter a specific value.
• Property - Enter a property name from which the Keyword Value will be
• Keyword - Select a Keyword from which the Keyword Value will be pulled.

4. Click OK.

Configured Keyword Values can be modified by selecting a Keyword Value and clicking
Modify. To delete configured Keyword Values, select a Keyword Value and click Delete .

Replace Keyword
Replaces the specified Keyword Value on the active document.

Option: Keyword Type

From the drop-down select list, select the Keyword Type of which you would like to
replace the value.

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OnBase 16 Workflow

Option: Old Keyword

Select one of the following options to determine what value should be replaced:
• Specific Value - Enter the specific value to be replaced in the field.
If the Keyword Type specified in the Keyword Type drop-down select list is
configured using a Specific Currency data type, select a Currency Format from

Studio - Workflow Actions

the drop-down select list.
• Property Name - Enter the property that contains the old value to be replaced.

Note: When using a property that contains an array of values, only the first value is

Option: New Keyword

Select one of the following options to determine where to get the new value:
• Specific Value - If you want to replace the old value with a specific value, enter
the specific value in the field.
If the Keyword Type specified in the Keyword Type drop-down select list is
configured using a Specific Currency data type, select a Currency Format from
the drop-down select list.
• System Value - If you want to replace the old value with a system value, select
the system value from the drop-down select list.
The following system values are available for selection depending on the
Keyword Type selected in the Keyword Type drop-down select list:
• Select Current Date from the drop-down to use the current date as the new
• Select Current User ID if you want the new value to be the User Id of the
currently logged in user.
• Select Current User’s Name if you want the new value to be the user name of
the currently logged in user.
• Select Current User’s Real Name if you want the new value to be the real name
specified for the currently logged in user.
• Property Name - If you want to replace the old value with a value found in a
property, enter the property name in the field.

Note: When using a property that contains an array of values, only the first value is

Option: Delete All Existing Values

If you want to replace all Keyword Type values with the value in the New Keyword
selection, select the Delete All Existing Values option to delete all values regardless of
what the value is. When this option is selected, the Old Keyword field is disabled and if
any value was entered in that field previously, it will be ignored by the system.

Using This Action With Multi-Instance Keyword Type Groups

If the Keyword Type selected belongs to a Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group, all
instances containing the old Keyword Value are replaced with the new Keyword Value.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

If the Delete All Existing Values option is selected when configured to use a Keyword Type
within a Multi-instance Keyword Type Group, the Keyword Value of the Keyword Type
will be removed from all Multi-Instance Keyword Type instances that exist. A new Multi-
Instance Keyword Type Group instance is created with the new Keyword Value.

Note: In the Classic Client interface, when setting an Alphanumeric Keyword Type and
Studio - Workflow Actions

using the Time Stamp option, the value will be truncated if it is exceeds the number of
characters configured for a Keyword Type. The Core-based interfaces will not allow the
value to be saved if the length exceeds the number of characters configured for a
Keyword Type.

Set Autofill Value

Note: This action is not supported in the Desktop interface.

This action allows you to change the value of a Keyword Type within a specific AutoFill
Keyword Set using static values. The AutoFill Keyword Set that will be updated is
identified by matching values of the specified Keyword Type(s) associated with the
currently displayed document.

Option: AutoFill Keyword Set

In the AutoFill Keyword Set drop-down select list, select the AutoFill Keyword Set in
which you want to update values.
Based on your selection in the AutoFill Keyword Set drop-down select list, the First
Keyword Type to Search field will be populated with the primary Keyword Type associated
with the AutoFill Keyword Set. The value from the currently selected document will be
used for the search.
Option: Second Keyword Type (Optional)
The Second Keyword Type (Optional) drop-down select list allows you to further identify
the AutoFill Keyword Set for which you want to update values. It is an optional selection.
The value from the currently selected document will be used for the search.

Note: The primary Keyword Type is not available for selection in the Second Keyword Type
(Optional) drop-down select list.

Option: Keyword Type to Set Value

The Keyword Type to Set Value drop-down select list allows you to select the Keyword
Type value for which you want to change.
Option: Keyword Value
The Keyword Value field contains the value to which the Keyword Type will be changed.
When a Date Keyword Type is selected, the Current Date option can be selected to use
the date information for the keyword value.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

When an Alphanumeric or Date/Time Keyword Type is selected, the Timestamp option

can be selected to use the date/time information for the keyword value.

Note: This action is not supported when working with external AutoFill Keyword Sets.

Studio - Workflow Actions

Set Autofill Value From Keyword

Note: This action is not supported in the Desktop interface.

This action allows you to change the value of a Keyword Type within a specific AutoFill
Keyword Set using existing Keyword Type values. The AutoFill Keyword Set that will be
updated is identified by matching values of the specified Keyword Type(s) associated
with the currently displayed document.

Option: AutoFill Keyword Set

In the AutoFill Keyword Set drop-down select list, select the AutoFill Keyword Set in
which you want to update values.
Based on your selection in the AutoFill Keyword Set drop-down select list, the First
Keyword Type to Search field will be populated with the primary Keyword Type associated
with the AutoFill Keyword Set. The value from the currently selected document will be
used for the search.
Option: Second Keyword Type (Optional)
The Second Keyword Type (Optional) drop-down select list allows you to further identify
the AutoFill Keyword Set for which you want to update values. It is an optional selection.
The value from the currently selected document will be used for the search.

Note: The primary Keyword Type is not available for selection in the Second Keyword Type
(Optional) drop-down select list.

Option: Keyword Type to Set Value

The Keyword Type to Set Value drop-down select list allows you to select the Keyword
Type from which you would like to copy the value from the currently displayed item to
the identified AutoFill Keyword Set.

Note: This action is not supported when working with external AutoFill Keyword Sets.

Set Entry to Queue Date Equal to Autofill Value

Note: This action is not supported in the Desktop interface.

This action allows you to copy a date value within an AutoFill Keyword Set to the Entry to
Queue Date for a document. This date is displayed as the Arrival Time in the Workflow
Inbox. Only date Keyword Types are available from the Keyword Type to Set Value drop-
down list

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Option: AutoFill Keyword Set

In the AutoFill Keyword Set drop-down select list, select the AutoFill Keyword Set in
which you want to update values.
Based on your selection in the AutoFill Keyword Set drop-down select list, the First
Keyword Type to Search field will be populated with the primary Keyword Type associated
Studio - Workflow Actions

with the AutoFill Keyword Set. The value from the currently selected document will be
used for the search.
Option: Second Keyword Type (Optional)
The Second Keyword Type (Optional) drop-down select list allows you to further identify
the AutoFill Keyword Set for which you want to update values. It is an optional selection.
The value from the currently selected document will be used for the search.

Note: The primary Keyword Type is not available for selection in the Second Keyword Type
(Optional) drop-down select list.

Option: Keyword Type to Set Value

The Keyword Type to Set Value drop-down select list specifies what Keyword Type value
will be used as the entry to queue date (arrival time) and will be copied to the item.

Note: If no value exists in the AutoFill Keyword Set for the specified Keyword Type, no
action is taken.

Note: If multiple AutoFill Keyword Sets match the search criteria, the value from the first
AutoFill Keyword Set found will be applied.

Note: This action is not supported when working with external AutoFill Keyword Sets.

Set Entry to Queue Date Same as Keyword

Sets the date or date/time that the current document entered the queue to the date or
date/time keyword specified.
Option: Keyword Type
Select a Keyword Type from the Keyword Type drop-down select list. Only date and date/
time keywords are available from the Keyword Type drop-down select list.
Option: Get keyword type from property
You can acquire the source Keyword Type from a property value by selecting Get
keyword type from property and entering the property in the field.

Set Keyword Same as Entry to Queue Date

The selected Keyword Type value will be set to the date or date/time the document
entered the queue.

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OnBase 16 Workflow

Option: Keyword Type

Select a Keyword Type from the Keyword Type drop-down select list. Only date and date/
time keywords are available from the Keyword Type drop-down select list.

Set Keyword to User Name

Studio - Workflow Actions

Fills the specified Keyword Type’s value with the user name logged into OnBase when
this action is performed.

Option: Target
In the Target drop-down select list, define whether you want the action to execute on the
current document/item in the queue or a related document/item.
If you are configuring the action for related documents/items, see Related Tab on page
718 for more information.

Option: Keyword Type

The drop-down list displays available Keyword Types. Only keywords of the selected
Keyword Type are affected.

Option: Get keyword type from property

You can acquire the source Keyword Type from a property value by selecting Get
keyword type from property and entering the property in the field.

Option: Use Real Name

The Use Real Name option will cause the keyword to populate with the user’s real name
as specified in User Settings dialog box in the Configuration module.

Set Keyword Value from Autofill Value

This action allows you to copy a value within an AutoFill Keyword Set to the currently
displayed document. This action copies the Keyword Value without expanding the entire
AutoFill Keyword Set on the document.

Note: This action is not supported in the Desktop interface.

Option: AutoFill Keyword Set

In the AutoFill Keyword Set drop-down select list, select the AutoFill Keyword Set in
which you want to update values.
Based on your selection in the AutoFill Keyword Set drop-down select list, the First
Keyword Type to Search field will be populated with the primary Keyword Type associated
with the AutoFill Keyword Set. The value from the currently selected document will be
used for the search.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Option: Second Keyword Type (Optional)

The Second Keyword Type (Optional) drop-down select list allows you to further identify
the AutoFill Keyword Set for which you want to update values. It is an optional selection.
The value from the currently selected document will be used for the search.

Note: The primary Keyword Type is not available for selection in the Second Keyword Type
Studio - Workflow Actions

(Optional) drop-down select list.

Option: Keyword Type to Set Value

The Keyword Type to Set Value drop-down select list specifies what Keyword Type value
will be copied to the document.

Note: If there are several matching AutoFill set records, all corresponding Keyword
Values will be copied to the document.

Note: When copying a value from an AutoFill Keyword Set to a document, all special
keyword settings, such as Keyword Must Exist and Keyword Must Be Unique, are
respected; therefore, if a value from an AutoFill record does not adhere to a special
keyword setting, the keyword value will not be copied to the document.

Set Related Document’s Keyword Equal to This Document’s

Sets the Keyword Value on a related document to the value of the same Keyword Type
on the current document. Both Document Types must have the selected Keyword Type
associated with them.

Option: Keyword Type

The drop-down list displays available Keyword Types. Only keywords of the selected
Keyword Type are affected.

Option: Get keyword type from property

You can acquire the source Keyword Type from a property value by selecting Get
keyword type from property and entering the property in the field.
See Related Tab on page 718 for more information.

Set This Document’s Keyword Equal to Related Document’s

Sets the keyword value on the current document to the value of the same keyword on a
related document. Both Document Types must have the selected Keyword Type
associated with them.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Option: Source
The Source area specifies that this action will be pulling the keyword value information
from a related item and displays the type of related item configured in the Related tab in
the Located By information.
See Related Tab on page 718 for more information.

Studio - Workflow Actions

Option: Keyword Type
The drop-down list displays available Keyword Types. Only keywords of the selected
Keyword Type are affected.

Option: Get keyword type from property

You can acquire the source Keyword Type from a property value by selecting Get
keyword type from property and entering the property in the field.

Store Related Item Count in Keyword

Fills a specified Keyword Value with the number of related documents in OnBase.

Option: Keyword Type

The drop-down list displays available Keyword Types. Only keywords of the selected
Keyword Type are affected.

Note: Numeric Keyword Types are available.

See Related Tab on page 718 for more information.

Property Category
Copy Property
Allows the user to copy the value of a property to another property, an E-Form field, or
an XML Path.
Option: Property Name
Specify the Property Name of the property that contains the value you want to copy.
Option: To another property
Select To another property if you want to copy the value of the specified property to
another property. Enter the property name in the corresponding field. If a value already
exists in the property that will inherit the value and it should be overwritten, select the
Overwrite if property exists option.

Note: Property names are case sensitive in the Classic Client. Property names are not
case sensitive in the core-based clients.

Note: Only alphanumeric characters are supported in property names. As a best practice,
do not use spaces in property names.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Option: To E-Form Field

Select To E-Form field if you want copy the value of the specified property to an E-Form
field. Specify the E-Form field that you want to copy the value to in the corresponding
field. This action is supported only for fields that are not linked to Keyword Types. This
field should be a text field.
Studio - Workflow Actions

Note: This option is only supported in the Core-based interfaces.

All changes to an E-Form made with this option will be recorded in the Document History
as a Field Modified action. If the Document Type of the E-Form is configured for
revisions, this option also will create a new revision of the E-Form.

Note: Check boxes and radio button values are currently not supported for copying.

Option: To XML Path

Select To XML Path if you want to copy the value of the specified property to an XML
node. Enter the XPATH at which the node is located in the corresponding field. The
XPATH is where the XML node is located. This action opens the text of the XML
document, looks for the node, and copies the specified property to the node.
For this to execute successfully, the document must be an XML document or a rendition
of an XML document.
If using revisable documents, when the action executes, a new revision will be made of
the document. If the document is either non-revisable or not an XML document, the Last
Execution Result will be set to FALSE, but the process will not be aborted.

Note: This option cannot set an XML node equal to a collection property.

Note: This option cannot retrieve collections of nodes.

Note: Functions are not supported.

In order for XPath queries containing references to namespaces to be properly

evaluated, the following criteria must be met:
• The XML document must be in the OnBase system.
• The document must be associated with a valid XML Format.
• All namespaces referenced in the XPath Query must be defined in the
associated XML Format.

Copy Property to/from Unity Form Field

Note: This action is supported only in the Unity and Web Client interfaces.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

This action will copy a property value to a Unity Form field or it will copy a value from a
Unity Form field to a property.
Option: Property Name
Enter the name of the property that you would like to copy a value from or to.

Studio - Workflow Actions

Note: Only alphanumeric characters are supported in property names. As a best practice,
do not use spaces in property names.

Option: Unity Form Field Name

From the Unity Form Field Name drop-down select list, select the field that you would like
to copy to or from. Each non-keyword field that exists on Unity forms within the OnBase
system is listed. If more than one form contains the same field name and those forms
are used within the same life cycle, the field defined will be used regardless of what form
it exists on.
Option: Copy to Unity Form Field
Select this option if you want to copy a property value to a Unity Form field.

Note: If a value does not meet formatting requirements for a field, the value will not be
copied and if a value already existed, the existing value will be retained on the form.

Note: This action cannot be used to copy the value of a property to a calculated field in a
Unity Form.

Option: Copy From Unity Form Field

Select this option if you want to copy a property value from a Unity Form field to the
defined property.

Increment/Decrement Property Value

Allows you to increment or decrement the specified property.

Option: Property Name
Enter a property in the Property Name field.
Option: Amount
Enter the value by which you want to increment or decrement the property in the
Amount field.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Select either Increment or Decrement to determine how the Amount value will be applied.
If the property contains an array of values, the action will increment/decrement each
value in the array.

Note: Property names are case sensitive in the Classic Client. Property names are not
case sensitive in the core-based clients.
Studio - Workflow Actions

Note: Only alphanumeric characters are supported in property names. As a best practice,
do not use spaces in property names.

Note: The maximum value for the Increment and Decrement fields is 9 digits

Note: In the core-based interfaces, if a value has a decimal followed by one or more
zeros, the decimal and trailing zeros are removed from the value.

Set Entry to Queue Date Same As Property Value

Allows the user to specify the name in the Property Name field of the property that
contains the date to set the documents arrival/entry date into the queue. Time values
are also copied.
Option: Property Name
Enter a property name in the field.
If the property contains an array of values, the first value in the array is used. If the
property value is an array of no values then the message Property contains an empty
array is displayed in the Workflow trace window and the action does not abort the task

Note: Property names are case sensitive in the Classic Client. Property names are not
case sensitive in the core-based clients.

Note: Only alphanumeric characters are supported in property names. As a best practice,
do not use spaces in property names.

Set Keyword from Property Value

Allows you to set a Keyword Type value to the value of a property or a constant value.
Option: Keyword Type
From the Keyword Type drop-down select list, select the Keyword Type that will inherit a
new value.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Option: Property Name

Enter a property name in the Property Name field. This is the property from which the
Keyword Type can inherit the value. This field is limited to 249 characters.
Option: Add as new keyword value
If Add as new keyword value is selected, the property value will be added as a Keyword

Studio - Workflow Actions

Value. If Delete all existing keyword values is checked, all values of the specified Keyword
Type will be removed from the document.
Option: Replace existing keyword value
If the Replace existing keyword value option is selected, you can choose to replace an
existing value. You can identify which existing value to replace using one of the following
• Constant Value: the value entered will be used to identify the value to be
• Find value from another property: the value currently in the property specified
will be used to identify the value to be replaced. The Find value from another
property field is limited to 254 characters.
If the user chooses to replace an existing value and that value does not exist on the
document, then the document is not modified.
If the property value contains an array of values and Replace existing keyword value is
not selected, all of those values are added to the document.
• If the property contains an array of values and Replace existing keyword value is
selected, values are added in one of the following ways, depending on the
Keyword Type and interface:
• If the specified Keyword is part of a Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group or
Single-Instance Keyword Type Group, only the first value in the array of values
is added.
• If the specified Keyword is a standalone Keyword Type, in Core-based Workflow
interfaces, each value in the array of values is added as an instance of the
specified Keyword.
• If the specified Keyword is a standalone Keyword Type, in the OnBase Client
Classic Workflow Interface, the array is treated as a string and will populate one
instance of the specified Keyword.

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Workflow OnBase 16

Option: Delete Keyword if Property does not exist or is blank

Select Delete Keyword if Property does not exist or is blank if you want the keyword value
to be deleted when the specified property is blank or the property does not exist. If this
option is not selected and the property is blank, the existing keyword value will not be
Studio - Workflow Actions

Note: The Delete Keyword if Property does not exist or is blank option is not available for
selection when the Keyword Type selected is a system Keyword Type such as
>>Document Date.

Note: Property names are case sensitive in the Classic Client. Property names are not
case sensitive in the core-based clients.

Note: Only alphanumeric characters are supported in property names. As a best practice,
do not use spaces in property names.

Set Multiple Property Values

Allows you to set values for multiple properties.

Note: This action is not supported in the OnBase Client Classic Workflow interface.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

To add a property and configure the value you want to set for it, click Add . The Add
Property dialog box is displayed.

Studio - Workflow Actions

Option: Property Name
Enter a property name in the Property Name field.

Note: Only alphanumeric characters are supported in property names. As a best practice,
do not use spaces in property names.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Option: Property Name

Enter a property in the Property Name field. If the property specified in the Property
Name field does not already exist, it will be created.

Note: Property names are case sensitive in the Classic Client. Property names are not
case sensitive in the core-based clients.
Studio - Workflow Actions

Note: Only alphanumeric characters are supported in property names. As a best practice,
do not use spaces in property names.

Option: Keyword
Select Keyword to set the property to a value found in a specific Keyword Type or system
property. Select the Keyword Type from the drop-down select list.

Note: The following system properties are only available in the Core-based interfaces.

The following system properties are available:

• >>Author Name - The author of the item.
• >>Batch Number - The number of the batch in which the item was brought into
the system.
• >>Date Stored - The date the item was imported into the system.
• >>Document Date - The date used by the system to refer to the document.
• >>Document Handle/Item ID - The unique ID number assigned to the document
or item.
• >>Document/Item Name - Name of the document or item.
• >>Document Type/Item Type ID - The identification number for the Document
Type or item type.
• >>Entry to Queue Date - Date the item entered the queue.
• >>File Name - The file name of the item.
• >>File Path - The file path of the item.
• >>Revision - The revision number of the item.
• >>Version - The version number of the item.

For more information about these system properties, see the Document Properties topic
in the OnBase Client help system.

Option: Work item property

This option allows you to use a property from the current work item.

Note: The following work item properties are only available in the Core-based interfaces.

The following work item properties are available:

• >>Assigned To - The user the item is assigned to.
• >>Content Type - A numeric value representing a content type (0 or 1 if the
item is a Document, 2 if it is a Folder, 3 for WorkView Item, 4 for a Medical
Chart and 5 for an Entity Items).

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

• >>Current Life Cycle ID - The ID of the life cycle the item is in.
• >>Current Life Cycle Name - The name of the life cycle the item is in.
• >>Current Queue ID - ID of current queue
• >>Current Queue Name - Name of current queue.
• >>Entry to Queue Date - Date the item entered the queue.

Studio - Workflow Actions

• >>Item ID - ID number of the item.
• >>Item Type ID - The identification number for the item type (examples:
Document Type ID, Folder Type ID, or Application ID).
• >>Owner Name - The user identifier for the user that owns the item.
• >>Priority - The priority level of the item in the queue.

For more information about these system properties, see the Document Properties topic
in the OnBase Client help system.
Option: Current date/time
This option sets the property value to the current date/time.
Option: Current user name
This option sets the property value to the user name of the currently logged in user. If
you want to use the configured real name for the user, select the Use real name option.
Option: User group name(s) of current user
This option sets the property value to the user group(s) the currently logged in user.
This option is only supported in the OnBase Client Core-Based, Web Client, and Unity
Workflow interfaces.
Option: Constant value
This option sets the property value to the constant value specified.
When the Parse tokens (%K, %D etc...) check box is selected, tokens can be entered into
the field and parsed into values.
Select The value is an array (separated by commas) if the value entered in the Constant
Value field is an array of values separated by commas. The values can be parsed tokens
if Parse tokens (%K, %D etc...) is selected. Extra spaces around individual values are

Note: This option is supported in the Core-based Workflow interfaces.

The following symbols can be used:

Symbol Description

%# Displays the Document Handle of the current document.

%B Displays the Institution Name assigned to the current document.

Note: This symbol is only applicable when used with an Institutional Database.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Symbol Description

%C Displays the name of the user who created the current document.

%D or %D2 Displays the Document Date. This value can be changed.

%D1 Displays the date that the document was stored. This value cannot be changed.
Studio - Workflow Actions

%I1 or %T Displays the time that the document was stored. This value cannot be changed.

%K Displays a configured Keyword Value.

%K#.n Displays the Keyword Value of Keyword Type # n times. For example,
%K00101.4 would display up to 4 unique Keyword Values for Keyword Type
101 for a single document.
For some functionality, a Keyword Type drop-down list may be available to
configure this. Select a Keyword Type from the drop-down select list, enter
the number of times you want the Keyword Value to be displayed in the Repeat
field, and click Keyword. The value in the Repeat field specifies how many
instances of the Keyword Value will be displayed. Entering an * character will
pull all existing Keyword Values for display up to 99 instances.

Note: When using the Classic Client interface, double digits in the Repeat field
are not supported.

%L Displays the life cycle number of the current document.

%L2 Displays the life cycle name of the current document.

%M Extracts metadata values from items. This includes attribute values from
WorkView objects or a field values from an Entity item.
%M must be followed by the metadata value you want to extract. For example,
if you want to extract the value of a WorkView attribute called Name, it would
be %MName.
The token strings can contain nested expressions. Example, a nested WorkView
attribute: %MVendor.Buyer.Name.

%N Displays the name of the document.

%P Displays the number of notes present on the document.

%Q Displays the queue number of the current document.

%Q2 Displays the queue name of the current document.

%R Displays the real name of the currently logged in user.

%U Displays the user name of the currently logged in user who executed the task.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Symbol Description

%V### Displays the value of a configured Workflow property. For example, to display
the value for the property “Color”, this symbol would be configured %VColor.

Note: In the Core-based interfaces, if a property contains an array of values,

Studio - Workflow Actions

all property values will be used.

Note: If a property name has spaces, using %V to display the property value
will not preserve the spaces, and therefore, the property will not be correctly

The following symbols are not supported in the Classic Client interface:
• %L [life cycle ID]
• %L2 [life cycle name]
• %Q [queue ID]
• %Q2 [queue name]
%M [item metadata value] is not supported in the Classic OnBase Client interface or the
Core-Based OnBase Client interface.

Option: From E-Form Field

This option allows the user to copy a value from the specified E-Form field of the E-Form
that the action is currently being executed upon. The name attribute value must be
specified to identify the field.
If the field is blank and you do not want to create a property with no value, select Delete

Note: The From E-Form Field option is supported only in Core-based Workflow.

Option: From XML Path

This option allows the user to copy an XML value from a node to the specified property.

Enter the XPATH at which the node is located in the XPATH field. The XPATH is where the
XML node is located. This opens the text of the XML document, looks for the node, and
copies the value associated with the node to the specified property.
For this to execute successfully, the document must be an XML document, a rendition of
an XML document or an XDP document.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

When accessing complex or mixed nodes, the value of the node and its descendents will
be flattened into a single string value.

Note: This action can retrieve collections of nodes only if Set property to all nodes is set. If
Set property to all nodes is set, this action can retrieve the first value of a collection.
Studio - Workflow Actions

Note: When this action references complex or mixed nodes, it will return a single
concatenated string.

Note: Functions are not supported.

In order for XPath queries containing references to namespaces to be properly

evaluated, the following criteria must be met:
• The XML document must be in the OnBase system.
• The document must be associated with a valid XML Format.
• All namespaces referenced in the XPath Query must be defined in the
associated XML Format.

Option: Set property to all value instances

Select the Set property to all value instances option to set the property to an array of
values for documents containing multiple values for the source type. If the check box is
not selected and there are no source values for the document then the property is
deleted. If the document has multiple source values then the property is set to the first
source value.

Set Property to Expression

Allows you to set a property to the result of the defined expression.

Note: This action is not supported in the OnBase Client Classic Workflow interface.

Option: Property Name

Enter a property name in the Property Name field.

Note: Only alphanumeric characters are supported in property names. As a best practice,
do not use spaces in property names.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Option: Expression
In the Expression field, you can define an expression that will result in a value. The
following options are available:
• Show List: You can click the Show List button to access Keyword Types and
functions to use in the Expression field. The All tab shows both Keywords Types

Studio - Workflow Actions

and functions or you can limit the options by clicking either the Keywords or
Functions tab. Double-click on an item to insert it into the Expression field.
• Test : Allows you to test the expression in the Expression field. See Testing
Expressions on page 627 for more information.
• Validate: You can click Validate to validate the entered expression.
You can use the %K token for Keyword Type values and the %V token for property
values. Here is an example: Left( %K00001; 5 ) In this example, the property will be set
to the first 5 characters of the specified Keyword Type value.
See the following topics for more information about defining an expression:
• Supported Operators
• Functions

Supported Operators
The following operators are supported:
• +, -, *, /, =, !=, <>, <, <=, >, >=
• Brackets for grouping
• The NOT, OR, and AND operators
• The case-sensitive “=” operator. In order to compare two values as case-
insensitive the user will need to convert both values to upper or lower case
using the appropriate function.

The following functions are supported:

Function Description

Abs Returns the absolute of a number.

AddDays Adds the specified number of days to the date.

AddHours Adds the specified number of hours to the date/time.

AddMinutes Adds the specified number of minutes to the date/time.

AddSeconds Adds the specified number of seconds to the date/time.

AddMonths Adds the specified number of months to the date.

AddYears Adds the specified number of years to the date.

ArrayValue Returns a single value contained in an array.

The value is returned as the same data type as it is in the
array. If a value does not exist, a configured default value is

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Function Description

Captures Returns all occurrences of strings that the regular expression

groups captured.

Ceil Returns the smallest whole number greater than or equal to

the specified number.
Studio - Workflow Actions

CDate Converts the value to a date/time data type.

Note: This function is supported for arrays of values and

single values.

CDbl Converts the value to a double data type.

Note: This function is supported for arrays of values and

single values.

CInt Converts the value to an integer data type.

Note: When converting a floating point number value, the

value is rounded to its nearest whole number. If a value is non-
numeric, it will evaluate to a 0 value.

Note: This function is supported for arrays of values and single


CLng Converts the value to a long data type.

Note: When converting a floating point number value, the

value is rounded to its nearest whole number. If a value is non-
numeric, it will evaluate to a 0 value.

Note: This function is supported for arrays of values and single


CombineArray Joins an array of values into a single string, including a custom


ConvWildcardToRegEx Converts a string containing wildcard characters into a regular

expression string.

Tip: Combine this function with other functions, such as

IsMatch, to use the resulting regular expression for evaluation.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Function Description

Count Returns the count of elements to determine the number of

Keyword Values that exist on an item for a specified Keyword
The standard formatting for this function is as follows:

Studio - Workflow Actions

Optionally, the regular expression parameter can be added.
When used, the function returns the number of values that
matches the regular expression. The function should be
formatted as follows:
Count(Value; RegularExpression)
An optional IgnoreCase parameter can also be used. The
parameter can be set to TRUE to ignore the case of the regular
expression or FALSE to match the case of the regular
expression. The function should be formatted as follows:
Count(Value; RegularExpression; IgnoreCase)

CStr Converts the value to a string data type.

Note: This function is supported for arrays of values and

single values.

Date Creates a data value.

Day Gets the day of the month of the specified date.

Eval Evaluates the specified expression.

This function also allows you to evaluate the value stored in a
property or Keyword.

Floor Returns the largest whole number less than or equal to the
specified number.

Format Returns a string formatted according to the passed expression.

For the second parameter, any valid format string that can be
passed to the Visual Basic format function can be used.

Note: This function is deprecated. The FormatEx function

should be used instead.

FormatDateTime Returns a date or time string formatted according to the

instructions contained in the format string expression.
Supported format strings can be found at the following

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Function Description

FormatEx Returns a numeric string formatted according to the

instructions contained in the format string expression.
Supported format strings can be found at the following
Studio - Workflow Actions

GetSegment Returns a value in a segmented string.

Hour Gets the hour of a specified date/time.

IIf Returns one of two values, depending on the evaluation of an


InStr Returns a zero-based integer specifying the start position of

the first occurrence of one string within another.

InStrRev Returns a zero-based integer specifying the start position of

the last occurrence of one string within another.

IsGroupLoggedIn Returns true if one or more of the members in the specified

user group is logged in.

IsInDataSet Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the passed

value is in a Data Set. This function will determine whether the
specified value matches a value in the specified Keyword
Type's Data Set. The Keyword Type name must be entered in
double quotations marks. The value specified should be a
variable configured for the current rule engine queue. If the
specified Keyword Type is not configured to use Data Sets,
NULL is returned and the condition will not be evaluated.

IsInDataSetEx Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the passed

value is in the specified document key and also allows case-
sensitive comparisons.
This function will determine whether the specified value
matches a value in the specified Keyword Type's Data Set. The
Keyword Type name must be entered in double quotations
marks. The value specified should be a variable configured for
the current rule engine queue. If the specified Keyword Type is
not configured to use Data Sets, NULL is returned and the
condition will not be evaluated.
This also allows you to make a case-sensitive or case-
insensitive comparison. You can turn case sensitivity on by
specifying true for the parameter. You can turn case sensitivity
off by specifying false for the parameter.

IsMatch Indicates whether the regular expression finds a match in the

specified string.

IsNull Returns a Boolean indicating if the value contains no data.

IsUserLoggedIn Returns true if the specified user is logged in.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Function Description

Lcase Converts the string value to lower case.

Left Returns the first x characters in a string value.

Len Returns the length of a string value.

Studio - Workflow Actions

LTrim Removes leading spaces from a string.

Match Returns the first occurrence of a string that matches the

supplied regular expression.

Matches Returns all occurrences of strings that match the supplied

regular expression.

Max Returns the larger of two numbers.

Mid Returns a substring of a string value.

Min Returns the smaller of two numbers.

Minute Gets the minute of a specified date/time.

Month Gets the month of the specified date.

Now Returns the current date/time.

PadLeft Returns a string that is left padded by the specified character

for the specified length.

PadRight Returns a string that is right padded by the specified character

for the specified length.

Pow Returns a specified number raised to the specified power.

Replace Replaces all occurrences of a string that match the regular

expression with an alternate string.
The following syntax is used:
Replace( string; regex_pattern; replacement_string;
String is the string you want to replace. regex_pattern
represents the part of the string you want to replace.
replacement_string is the string of text that will replace the
specified string. If you want the string to be case sensitive,
enter false for the ignore_case parameter. If you want the
string to not be case sensitive, enter true for the ignore_case
The following is an example:
Replace( "123abc456def"; "[0-9]+"; "xyz"; true )
The resulting text string would be: "xyzabcxyzdef"

Note: This is not supported in the Classic Client Workflow


2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Function Description

Right Returns the last x characters in a string value.

Rnd Returns a random number between 0.0 and 1.0.

RndInt Returns a random number from the minimum inclusive value

Studio - Workflow Actions

to the maximum exclusive value.

Round Returns the number with the specified precision nearest the
specified value.

RTrim Removes trailing spaces from a string.

Second Gets the seconds of the specified date/time.

Split Splits a value into an array by specifying a custom delimiter.

Sqrt Returns the square root of a specified number.

String Returns a string that contains the specified character repeated

at the specified length.

Sum Returns the sum of elements. This can be used to calculate the
sum of all values for a specified Keyword or property. The
function must be able to convert the values to a decimal.
If the specified Keyword or property is not present on the item,
the function returns a value of 0.
If the specified Keyword or property contains only a single
value, that value is returned as the sum.
If there are multiple instances of the specified Keyword or if
the property contains an array of values, the function will
return the sum of all values.

Trim Removes leading and trailing spaces from a string.

Truncate Calculates the integral part of a specified number, i.e. removes

all numbers after the decimal.
The following is an example:
This results in 123.

Ucase Converts the string value to upper case.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Function Description

Weekday Returns a number that represents a day of the week. The

following numbers represent the following days:
0 = Sunday

Studio - Workflow Actions

1 = Monday
2 = Tuesday
3 = Wednesday
4 = Thursday
5 = Friday
6 = Saturday

WeekdayName Returns the name of a specified day of the week. The function
should be formatted as follows:
WeekdayName(DayOfWeek; Abbreviate)
Replace DayOfWeek with the number that corresponds to the
day of the week:
0 = Sunday
1 = Monday
2 = Tuesday
3 = Wednesday
4 = Thursday
5 = Friday
6 = Saturday
Replace Abbreviate with either true or false. True will
abbreviate the name of the day of the week, and false will
return the full name of the day of the week. For example:
WeekdayName(2; true) returns the value "Tue", and
WeekdayName(2; false) returns the value "Tuesday".

XPath Used for retrieving the value from an XML document currently
being evaluated in the rules engine.

Year Gets the year of the specified date.

The following constants can be used:

Constant Description

DQuote Represents a double quote character.

NewLine Represents a newline character.

Note: Function parameters are separated by semi-colons.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

The following symbols can be used:

Symbol Description

%K Displays a configured Keyword Value.

Studio - Workflow Actions

%M Extracts metadata values from items. This includes attribute values from
WorkView objects or a field values from an Entity item.
%M must be followed by the metadata value you want to extract. For example,
if you want to extract the value of a WorkView attribute called Name, it would
be %MName.
The token strings can contain nested expressions. Example, a nested
WorkView attribute: %MVendor.Buyer.Name.

%V### Displays the value of a configured Workflow property. For example, to display
the value for the property “Color”, this symbol would be configured %VColor.

Note: In the Core-based interfaces, if a property contains an array of values,

all property values will be used.

Note: If a property name has spaces, using %V to display the property value
will not preserve the spaces, and therefore, the property will not be correctly

%M [item metadata value] is not supported in the Classic OnBase Client interface or the
Core-Based OnBase Client interface.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Testing Expressions
You can also test expressions within the OnBase Studio configuration. To test an
expression, click Test. The Test Expression dialog box is displayed.

Studio - Workflow Actions

Option: Expression
Enter the Expression you want to test in the field.
Click Show List to access Keyword Types and functions to enter into the expression.
Option: Variables
When a variable (%K, %V, or %M tokens) is placed in the Expression field, the variable is
listed in the Variables box.
You can select a variable to further specify the variable’s value and data type by
selecting the Variable has a value check box and defining the variable. Enter the value(s)
into the field.
Select The value is an array (separated by commas) if the variable is an array.
Select the appropriate Data Type from the drop-down select list. Click Set when the
variable is configured appropriately.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Option: Add & Remove

To add entries to the Variables list, click Add. The Add Variable dialog box is displayed.
Studio - Workflow Actions

Select one of the following:

• Keyword Type - Select the Keyword Type to add from the drop-down select list.
• Property - Enter a property name.

Click Remove to remove a manually added variable from the Variables list.
Option: Test
Once the expression and variable(s) is configured properly, click Test to verify the
expression. A dialog box is displayed to show you the results of your test. The following
is an example:

Upon clicking Close in the Test Expression dialog box, a message asking Do you want to
update the express in the action? is displayed. Click Yes , if you want the action’s
Expression field to reflect the Test Expression dialog box’s configuration. Click No to
return to the action without changing the existing configured expression.

Set Property Value

Allows you to set a property to a specified value.

Option: Target
In the Target drop-down select list, define whether you want the action to execute on the
current document/item in the queue or a related document/item.
If you are configuring the action for related documents/items, see Related Tab on page
718 for more information.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Option: Property Name

Enter a property in the Property Name field. If the property specified in the Property
Name field does not already exist, it will be created.

Note: Property names are case sensitive in the Classic Client. Property names are not
case sensitive in the core-based clients.

Studio - Workflow Actions

Note: Only alphanumeric characters are supported in property names. As a best practice,
do not use spaces in property names.

Option: Keyword
Select Keyword to set the property to a value found in a specific Keyword Type or system
property. Select the Keyword Type from the drop-down select list.

Note: The following system properties are only available in the Core-based interfaces.

The following system properties are available:

• >>Author Name - The author of the item.
• >>Batch Number - The number of the batch in which the item was brought into
the system.
• >>Date Stored - The date the item was imported into the system.
• >>Document Date - The date used by the system to refer to the document.
• >>Document Handle/Item ID - The unique ID number assigned to the document
or item.
• >>Document/Item Name - Name of the document or item.
• >>Document Type/Item Type ID - The identification number for the Document
Type or item type.
• >>Entry to Queue Date - Date the item entered the queue.
• >>File Name - The file name of the item.
• >>File Path - The file path of the item.
• >>Revision - The revision number of the item.
• >>Version - The version number of the item.

For more information about these system properties, see the Document Properties topic
in the OnBase Client help system.

Option: Work item property

This option allows you to use a property from the current work item.

Note: The following work item properties are only available in the Core-based interfaces.

The following work item properties are available:

• >>Assigned To - The user the item is assigned to.
• >>Content Type - A numeric value representing a content type (0 or 1 if the
item is a Document, 2 if it is a Folder, 3 for WorkView Item, 4 for a Medical
Chart and 5 for an Entity Items).

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

• >>Current Life Cycle ID - The ID of the life cycle the item is in.
• >>Current Life Cycle Name - The name of the life cycle the item is in.
• >>Current Queue ID - ID of current queue
• >>Current Queue Name - Name of current queue.
• >>Entry to Queue Date - Date the item entered the queue.
Studio - Workflow Actions

• >>Item ID - ID number of the item.

• >>Item Type ID - The identification number for the item type (examples:
Document Type ID, Folder Type ID, or Application ID).
• >>Owner Name - The user identifier for the user that owns the item.
• >>Priority - The priority level of the item in the queue.

For more information about these system properties, see the Document Properties topic
in the OnBase Client help system.
Option: Current date/time
This option sets the property value to the current date/time.
Option: Current user name
This option sets the property value to the user name of the currently logged in user. If
you want to use the configured real name for the user, select the Use real name option.
Option: User group name(s) of current user
This option sets the property value to the user group(s) the currently logged in user.
This option is only supported in the OnBase Client Core-Based, Web Client, and Unity
Workflow interfaces.
Option: Constant value
This option sets the property value to the constant value specified.
When the Parse tokens (%K, %D etc...) check box is selected, tokens can be entered into
the field and parsed into values.
Select The value is an array (separated by commas) if the value entered in the Constant
Value field is an array of values separated by commas. The values can be parsed tokens
if Parse tokens (%K, %D etc...) is selected. Extra spaces around individual values are

Note: This option is supported in the Core-based Workflow interfaces.

The following symbols can be used:

Symbol Description

%# Displays the Document Handle of the current document.

%B Displays the Institution Name assigned to the current document.

Note: This symbol is only applicable when used with an Institutional Database.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Symbol Description

%C Displays the name of the user who created the current document.

%D or %D2 Displays the Document Date. This value can be changed.

%D1 Displays the date that the document was stored. This value cannot be changed.

Studio - Workflow Actions

%I1 or %T Displays the time that the document was stored. This value cannot be changed.

%K Displays a configured Keyword Value.

%K#.n Displays the Keyword Value of Keyword Type # n times. For example,
%K00101.4 would display up to 4 unique Keyword Values for Keyword Type
101 for a single document.
For some functionality, a Keyword Type drop-down list may be available to
configure this. Select a Keyword Type from the drop-down select list, enter
the number of times you want the Keyword Value to be displayed in the Repeat
field, and click Keyword. The value in the Repeat field specifies how many
instances of the Keyword Value will be displayed. Entering an * character will
pull all existing Keyword Values for display up to 99 instances.

Note: When using the Classic Client interface, double digits in the Repeat field
are not supported.

%L Displays the life cycle number of the current document.

%L2 Displays the life cycle name of the current document.

%M Extracts metadata values from items. This includes attribute values from
WorkView objects or a field values from an Entity item.
%M must be followed by the metadata value you want to extract. For example,
if you want to extract the value of a WorkView attribute called Name, it would
be %MName.
The token strings can contain nested expressions. Example, a nested WorkView
attribute: %MVendor.Buyer.Name.

%N Displays the name of the document.

%P Displays the number of notes present on the document.

%Q Displays the queue number of the current document.

%Q2 Displays the queue name of the current document.

%R Displays the real name of the currently logged in user.

%U Displays the user name of the currently logged in user who executed the task.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Symbol Description

%V### Displays the value of a configured Workflow property. For example, to display
the value for the property “Color”, this symbol would be configured %VColor.

Note: In the Core-based interfaces, if a property contains an array of values,

Studio - Workflow Actions

all property values will be used.

Note: If a property name has spaces, using %V to display the property value
will not preserve the spaces, and therefore, the property will not be correctly

The following symbols are not supported in the Classic Client interface:
• %L [life cycle ID]
• %L2 [life cycle name]
• %Q [queue ID]
• %Q2 [queue name]
%M [item metadata value] is not supported in the Classic OnBase Client interface or the
Core-Based OnBase Client interface.

Option: From E-Form Field

This option allows the user to copy a value from the specified E-Form field of the E-Form
that the action is currently being executed upon. The name attribute value must be
specified to identify the field.
If the field is blank and you do not want to create a property with no value, select Delete

Note: The From E-Form Field option is supported only in Core-based Workflow.

Option: From XML Path

This option allows the user to copy an XML value from a node to the specified property.

Enter the XPATH at which the node is located in the XPATH field. The XPATH is where the
XML node is located. This opens the text of the XML document, looks for the node, and
copies the value associated with the node to the specified property.
For this to execute successfully, the document must be an XML document, a rendition of
an XML document or an XDP document.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

When accessing complex or mixed nodes, the value of the node and its descendents will
be flattened into a single string value.

Note: This action can retrieve collections of nodes only if Set property to all nodes is set. If
Set property to all nodes is set, this action can retrieve the first value of a collection.

Studio - Workflow Actions

Note: When this action references complex or mixed nodes, it will return a single
concatenated string.

Note: Functions are not supported.

In order for XPath queries containing references to namespaces to be properly

evaluated, the following criteria must be met:
• The XML document must be in the OnBase system.
• The document must be associated with a valid XML Format.
• All namespaces referenced in the XPath Query must be defined in the
associated XML Format.

Option: Set property to all value instances

Select the Set property to all value instances option to set the property to an array of
values for documents containing multiple values for the source type. If the check box is
not selected and there are no source values for the document then the property is
deleted. If the document has multiple source values then the property is set to the first
source value.

Note: A property set to a blank value is removed from the property bag.

Set Property Value from Keyword Record

This action takes the value of a specific Keyword in a Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group
record and stores it to a property. To determine which Keyword record the property
value should come from, this action can be configured to search for all records of a
specific Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group, or certain records with specified search

Note: This action is not supported in the OnBase Client Classic Workflow interface.

Option: Property
Enter a property name in the Property field. This is the property to which the Keyword
Value will be stored.

Note: Only alphanumeric characters are supported in property names. As a best practice,
do not use spaces in property names.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Option: Keyword Record

In the Keyword Record drop-down select list, choose the Multi-Instance Keyword Type
Group from which the property value will come.
Option: Search Criteria
Search criteria determine which records of the specified Multi-Instance Keyword Type
Studio - Workflow Actions

Group contain the Keyword Value to be set as the property value. The following options
are available:
• Select All Records to search for each record of the selected Multi-Instance
Keyword Type Group.
• Select Specific Records to configure search criteria to find certain instances of
the selected Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group.

When Specific Records option is selected, search criteria can be configured. To configure
search criteria:

1. Click Add to create search criteria. The Add Search Criteria Keyword dialog box is

2. In the Keyword Type drop-down select list, select the Keyword Type you want to
configure. If the Keyword Type selected is configured using a Specific Currency
data type, the Currency Format drop-down select list is enabled, allowing you to
select the currency format you want to use.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

3. Select an Operator. This determines whether the search looks for values that are
equal or not equal to the specified value.
4. Specify the Value of the Keyword. The value can come from one of the following:
• Constant Value - Enter a specific value.
• Property - Enter a property name from which the Keyword Value will be

Studio - Workflow Actions

• Keyword - Select a Keyword from which the Keyword Value will be pulled.

Note: Blank values will return different results depending on how search criteria are
configured. If the Operator is configured to find equal values, and the search criterion
value is left blank, the search will be considered a match if the corresponding Keyword
Value found in the Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group record is blank. Similarly, if the
Operator is configured to find values that are not equal, and the search criterion is left
blank, the search will be considered a match if the corresponding Keyword Value found
in the Multi-Instance Keyword Type record is not blank. Using blank values with the
Constant Value option is not supported.

5. Select Allow Wildcards to use wildcards in the search criteria value fields.
When using wildcards, you can use the ? (question mark) wildcard to replace a
specific number of characters. For example, a value of COLUMB ?? succeeds for
COLUMBUS, COLUMBIA and any other eight-character Keyword Value beginning
with COLUMB. The * (asterisk) wildcard represents an indefinite number of
characters. COLUMB* succeeds for any length keyword values beginning with
COLUMB, such as those mentioned above and COLUMBO and COLUMBIANA.

Note: The Allow Wildcards check box is only enabled for Alphanumeric Keyword Types.
Wildcards can be used with Alphanumeric Keyword Types that have masking configured.
When masking is used, the ? wildcard must be used.

6. Click OK.

Configured search criteria can be modified by selecting a search criterion and clicking
Modify. To delete configured search criteria, select a search criterion and click Delete .

Option: Keyword Type

In the Keyword Type drop-down select list, select the Keyword Type from which the
property value will be set.
Option: Set property to all keyword value instances
Select the Set property to all keyword value instances option to set the property to an
array of values for items containing multiple values for a Keyword Type. If the check box
is not selected and there are no Keyword Type values for the item, then the property is
deleted. If the item has multiple Keyword Type values, then the property is set to the
first Keyword Value.

Store Related Item Count in Property

Fills a specified Keyword Value with the number of related items in OnBase.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Option: Keyword Type

The drop-down list displays available Keyword Types. Only keywords of the selected
Keyword Type are affected.
See Related Tab on page 718 for more information.
Studio - Workflow Actions

Submit Report Capture Batch

Note: This action requires the Report Capture for Meditech license.

The Submit Report Capture Batch Workflow action allows you to submit a Report Capture
request for a single account number based on an associated Workflow document.
Option: Report Capture Properties
In the Report Capture Properties section, you must specify the OnBase Keyword Types
that contain the values needed to execute the Report Capture request:

Report Capture Description


Account Select the Keyword Type you have configured to store Meditech Account
Number Numbers. See the OnBase for Meditech documentation for more
information on the configuration of this Keyword Type.

Medical Record Select the Keyword Type you have configured to store Medical Record
Number Numbers. See the OnBase for Meditech documentation for more
information on the configuration of this Keyword Type.

Facility Name If you want to ensure that requests are submitted for only a certain facility,
select the Keyword Type you have configured to store facility names.

Note: Configuring a Facility Name Keyword Type is not required;

however, when the Facility Name Keyword Type is configured, the
Facility Name Keyword Type is a required Keyword for any requests
using this action.

Batch ID Select the Keyword Type you have configured to store the Batch ID or
Batch Number of your form. The Batch ID is used to identify and track the
form within OnBase as it passes through Workflow.

Option: Report Capture Document Types

In the Report Capture Document Types section, select the OnBase Document Type(s) that
are mapped to the Meditech Form Type(s) you want to print to OnBase, then Add them
to the Selected Document list.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Submit Report Capture Batch for Inpatients

Note: This action requires Report Capture licensing.

This action allows for the creation of a new Report Capture batch for inpatients with

Studio - Workflow Actions

various admission types. It allows you to specify the admit type for the inpatients as well
as the corresponding Document Types for the batch.

Note: This action is not supported in the OnBase Client Classic Workflow interface.

Option: Report Capture Properties

Configure the following Keyword Types:
• Inpatient Admit Type Keyword Type - From the drop-down select list, choose the
Keyword Type that stores the admission type of the patient. They Keyword Type
can contain and admission type name or ID.
• Printer Name Keyword Type - From the drop-down select list, choose the
Keyword Type that stores the printer name. This setting is optional. When this
setting is configured, the Facility Name Keyword Type setting is also required.
• Facility Name Keyword Type - If your solution includes multiple facilities, select
the Keyword Type that stores the facility name or facility ID number. This
setting is optional unless the Printer Name Keyword Type setting is configured.
• Batch ID Keyword Type - From the drop-down select list, choose the Keyword
Type that stores the batch ID number.
Option: Report Capture Document Types
From the Available Document Types drop-down select list, choose a Document Type that
has the configured Keyword Types assigned to it, then click Add . As a Document Type is
added, it appears in the Selected Document Types list. To remove a Document Type from
this list, select it, then click Remove.
Document Types must be mapped to the report types you want to include in the batch.

System Category
Add Item to Other Life Cycle
You can specify a life cycle and queue to which you want to add the item.

Option: Target
In the Target drop-down select list, define whether you want the action to execute on the
current document/item in the queue or a related document/item.
If you are configuring the action for related documents/items, see Related Tab on page
718 for more information.
Option: Life Cycle

Select a Life Cycle from the drop-down select list.

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Workflow OnBase 16

Option: Queue
Select a queue from the Queue drop-down select list.
The Life Cycle and Queue drop-down select lists are populated with life cycles and queues
of the same content type as the current life cycle.
The life cycle can also be specified by pulling the life cycle name from a property. If the
Studio - Workflow Actions

life cycle name or ID number will be pulled from a property:

1. Select the Get Life Cycle from this Property check box. The Life Cycle and Queue
drop-down select lists are disabled. The Get Queue from this Property check box is
automatically selected.
2. Enter the name of the property from which you want to pull the life cycle in the
field under the Get Life Cycle from this Property check box.
3. If you do not want the item added to the initial queue of the life cycle, enter the
name of the property from which you want to pull the queue in the field under the
Get Queue from this Property check box. If this field is left blank, the life cycle’s
initial queue will be used.
In addition, you can select the Get Queue from this Property check box to specify a
property for the queue, while using a life cycle selected in the Life Cycle drop-
down list.
You can select the Use Initial Queue if Property does not exist option if you want
items to be placed in the initial queue when a property does not exist.

Note: The Use Initial Queue, if property does not exist option is only supported in the Web
Client and Core-based OnBase Client interfaces.

Add Document to ShareBase Folder

Note: The OnBase Interaction with ShareBase license is required to use this action.

The Add Document to ShareBase action allows an OnBase user to upload a document or
related document into a shared folder in ShareBase. ShareBase users with rights to the
specified folder will be able to access the OnBase document uploaded to ShareBase.

Note: Upon upload to ShareBase, if a document’s Auto-Name string contains any of the
following characters, they are replaced with underscores in ShareBase:
*, ?, :, <, >, /, \.

Option: Target
Select the document to add to the ShareBase folder.
• Select Current Document to add the currently open item to ShareBase.
• Select Related Document to add a related Portfolio item to ShareBase.

Note: A Portfolio Type, Portfolio Relation , or Ad Hoc Portfolio Relation must be configured
to use the Related Document option.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Option: ShareBase Profile

Select the ShareBase profile to be used when uploading the OnBase document to
Option: ShareBase Library
Select the ShareBase library containing the folder where the document should be

Studio - Workflow Actions

uploaded. Ensure that the library you select is shared with the ShareBase user dedicated
for use with OnBase Workflow. If the list is out of date, click Reload Libraries to refresh
the drop-down select list options.

Note: Do not select My Library. This library and its folders cannot be shared with other

Option: Specify Path

To specify the path to the ShareBase folder where documents should be uploaded, select
Specify Path . Click Browse and navigate to the folder where documents should be
uploaded. Select the folder and click OK .

Note: The following characters are not allowed in the ShareBase folder name or path:
*, ?, :, <, >, /.

To validate the path to the selected folder, click Validate Path.

Option: Get Path from Property
To specify the path to the ShareBase folder based on a configured property value, select
Get Path from Property. In the text field, enter the property that contains the name of the
ShareBase folder where documents should be uploaded.

Add to Mobile Device

This action is reserved for future functionality.

Assign Ownership
Assigns ownership of the item to the specified user.

Option: Target
In the Target drop-down select list, define whether you want the action to execute on the
current document/item in the queue or a related document/item.
If you are configuring the action for related documents/items, see Related Tab on page
718 for more information.
Option: Assigned in Life Cycle
Select a life cycle from the drop-down select list.
Option: Queue
Select a queue from the drop-down select list. This list is populated based on the life
cycle selected in the Assigned in Life Cycle list.

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Workflow OnBase 16

Option: Set New Owner To

Select one of the following options:
• If you want to assign ownership to the currently logged in user, select Current
• When a queue other than <Current Queue> is selected from the Queue drop-
Studio - Workflow Actions

down select list, the Selected User option allows you to select a specific user
that is assigned rights to the selected queue.
• When Current or Last Owner in Queue is selected, if the item is currently in the
specified queue, the action uses its current owner. If no user owns the item in
the specified queue, ownership is not set. If the item is not in the queue
specified, the action uses the last user who owned the item in the queue
specified as the owner.
• If you want to pull the user from a Keyword Type value, select Keyword and
select the Keyword Type that contains the value from the drop-down select list.
• If you want to pull the user from a property value, select Property and enter the
name of the property that contains the value.

Note: If the Keyword or property value contains a user’s real name, the Display real name
instead of user name global client setting must be enabled.

Note: The action Assign Ownership will ignore the ownership limits defined by the
Maximum Number of Items Owned by User setting.

Assign to User
Assigns a document to a user within a rule-based load balancing queue. The queue must
be configured for rules-based load balancing for this action to execute successfully.
If this action is configured in a life cycle that is associated with a org chart, the following
assignment types are available: Assistant of Logged In User, Assistant of User Specified
in Keyword Value, Assistant of User Specified in Property, Manager of Logged In User,
Manager of User Specified in Keyword Value, and Manager of User Specified in Property.
When one of these assignment types is selected, the action will only execute successfully
when the queue is configured to load balance by Users.

Option: Assigned in Life Cycle

The Assign in Life Cycle drop-down select list allows you to select the life cycle from which
you want to select a load balancing queue. The contents of the Load Balancing Queue
drop-down select list is determined by the Assign in Life Cycle selection.

Option: Load Balancing Queue

The Load Balancing Queue drop-down select list contains the rule based load balancing
queues that you want to use for the user assignment.

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OnBase 16 Workflow

Select <<Current Queue>> from the Load Balancing Queue drop-down select list to
configure the action for the specific queue that the document is in. Selecting <<Current
Queue>> allows this action to easily be copied for other queues within the configured life
cycle, as the action will always apply to the queue that the item is in. When <<Current
Queue>> is selected, the active life cycle must also be selected. If <ALL> is selected in
the Assign in Life Cycle drop-down select list, the active life cycle will automatically be

Studio - Workflow Actions

selected for the action.

Option: Assignment Type

The Assignment Type drop-down select list allows you to select the type of assignment
you want to perform. The assignment type options are as follows:
• Assistant of Logged in User - This option specifies that documents should be
assigned to all of the assistants of the currently logged in user as defined by the
Organization Chart. If the currently logged in user does not have any
assistants, the action will not be successful with this setting.
• Assistant of User Specified in Keyword Value - This option allows you to specify a
Keyword Type from which to take the user to which the Assistant belongs.
Select the appropriate Keyword Type that you want to take the value from to
determine the user from the Keyword Type drop-down select list.
• Assistant of User Specified in Property - This option allows you to specify a
property from which to take the user to which the Assistant belongs. Enter the
appropriate property name that you want to take the value from to determine
the user from the Property Name field. Optionally, you can specify a Required
Role .

Note: In order for documents to be assigned to the Assistant of Logged In User, the
Assistant must be configured as a member of the queue. If this is configured and
Assistants are not members of the queue, documents will be put into the <Unassigned>
category. In order for documents to be assigned to the Assistant of User Specified in
Keyword Value or Assistant of User Specified in Property, both the Assistant and the user
specified in the Keyword value or Property must be configured as a member of the
queue. If this is configured and Assistants and users are not members of the queue,
documents will be put into the <Unassigned> category.

• Current User - The Current User option specifies that the documents should be
assigned to the user currently logged in and executing the task, assuming that
the user has been assigned as a member of the load balancing queue.

Note: If using this option in conjunction with a load-balanced queue, the option is only
available when the load-balanced queue has users as members.

• Default User - The Default User option allows you to assign the document to the
user specified as the Default Recipient during membership configuration.
• In Order - This option will distribute documents in the order the user groups are
listed in the load balancing queue

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Workflow OnBase 16

• Get User Name, Group or Role from Keyword - When Get User Name, Group or Role
from Keyword is selected a Keyword Type field is displayed. Select the
appropriate Keyword Type from which to acquire the value.

Note: When Get User Name, Group, or Role from Keyword is selected and the action is
configured with a related document as the target, the value is taken from the Keyword
Studio - Workflow Actions

on the primary document, not a related document.

• Get User Name, Group or Role from Property - When Get User Name, Group or Role
from Property is selected, a Property Name field is displayed. Enter the name of
the property from which you want to acquire the value.

Note: The Get User Name, Group, or Role from Property option is not supported in the
OnBase Client Classic Workflow interface.

• Manager of Logged in User - This option specifies that the document should be
assigned to the manager of the currently logged in user, as specified in the
Organizational Chart. Optionally, you can specify a Required Role. When a
Required Role is specified, it requires that the manager that the document is
assigned to has the specified role in the Organization Chart. If the immediate
manager is not assigned the selected role, Workflow will move up a managerial
tier until it finds a manager with the specified role. If a manager cannot be
found with the selected role, the document will be assigned the <Unassigned>
• Manager of User Specified in Keyword Value - This option allows you to specify a
Keyword Type from which to take the user to which the Manager belongs. Select
the appropriate Keyword Type that you want to take the value from to
determine the user from the Keyword Name drop-down select list. Optionally,
you can specify a Required Role . When a Required Role is specified, it requires
that the manager that the document is assigned to is assigned to the specified
role in the Organization Chart. If the immediate manager is not assigned to the
selected role, Workflow will move up a managerial tier until it finds a manager
with the specified role. If a manager cannot be found with the selected role, the
document will be assigned the <Unassigned> status.
• Manager of User Specified in Property - This option allows you to specify a
property from which to take the user to which the Manager belongs. Enter the
appropriate property name that you want to take the value from to determine
the user from the Property Name field. Optionally, you can specify a Required
Role . When a Required Role is specified, it requires that the manager that the
document is assigned to is assigned to the specified role in the Organization
Chart. If the immediate manager is not assigned to the selected role, Workflow
will move up a managerial tier until it finds a manager with the specified role. If
a manager cannot be found with the selected role, the document will be
assigned the <Unassigned> status.

Note: In order for documents to be assigned to the Manager of Logged In User, Manager of
User Specified in Keyword Value or Manager of User Specified in Property, the Manager must
be configured as a member of the queue. If this is configured and Managers are not
members of the queue, documents will be put into the <Unassigned> category.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

• Prompt for User, Group or Role - This option will prompt the user to select the
appropriate user group to assign to documents. The user groups listed in the
prompt are the user groups selected as members of the load balancing queue.

Note: The Prompt for User option is not supported in the Mobile Access for Windows
Phone interface.

Studio - Workflow Actions

Note: The Prompt for User option is not supported in the OnBase Client Classic Workflow
interface when user names contain two or more consecutive spaces.

• Selected User, Group or Role - This option assigns the documents to the user
selected in the Assigned User, Group or Role drop-down select list.

Note: The Assigned User, Group or Role drop-down select list is populated based on the
user group(s) assigned to load balancing queue selected in the Load Balancing Queue
drop down select list.

• Shortest Queue - This option assigns documents to the user group that has the
fewest number of documents assigned to it.

Note: When using any of the following assignment types, when multiple values exist, all
values are used for document assignment: Assistant of User Specified in Keyword Value;
Get User Name, Group or Role from Keyword ; and Manager of User Specified in Keyword
Value .

Note: The following options are available only when the life cycle selected, primary item,
or current queue is associated with an Organization Chart: Assistant of Logged in User,
Assistant of User Specified in Keyword Value, Assistant of User Specified in Property,
Manager of Logged in User, Manager of User Specified in Keyword Value , and Manager of
User Specified in Property.

Caution: When using the Assistant or Manager Assignment Type, never place these actions
under system work, timer work, load balancing work, or any other automatic function. If
these types of actions are placed into automation mode, the user logged in may not be the
user that you would want documents assignments based on.

Note: When the selected queue is <<Current Queue>> , the available assignment types
are restricted to those that could apply to any queue in the life cycle, regardless of

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Prompt Tab
When Prompt for User, Group or Role is selected in the Assignment Type drop-down select
list, the Prompt tab is available. This tab allows you to configure a custom message to
display when prompting for the user.

Note: A custom prompt is not supported in the OnBase Client Classic Workflow interface.
Studio - Workflow Actions

Option: Use the Following Custom Prompt

Select this option to enable a custom prompt. Enter the prompt text. You can enter
Keywords and other system data by selecting the appropriate buttons.
The following symbols can be used:

Symbol Description

%# Displays the Document Handle of the current document.

%B Displays the Institution Name assigned to the current document.

Note: This symbol is only applicable when used with an Institutional Database.

%C Displays the name of the user who created the current document.

%D or %D2 Displays the Document Date. This value can be changed.

%D1 Displays the date that the document was stored. This value cannot be changed.

%I1 or %T Displays the time that the document was stored. This value cannot be changed.

%K Displays a configured Keyword Value.

%K#.n Displays the Keyword Value of Keyword Type # n times. For example,
%K00101.4 would display up to 4 unique Keyword Values for Keyword Type
101 for a single document.
For some functionality, a Keyword Type drop-down list may be available to
configure this. Select a Keyword Type from the drop-down select list, enter
the number of times you want the Keyword Value to be displayed in the Repeat
field, and click Keyword. The value in the Repeat field specifies how many
instances of the Keyword Value will be displayed. Entering an * character will
pull all existing Keyword Values for display up to 99 instances.

Note: When using the Classic Client interface, double digits in the Repeat field
are not supported.

%L Displays the life cycle number of the current document.

%L2 Displays the life cycle name of the current document.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Symbol Description

%M Extracts metadata values from items. This includes attribute values from
WorkView objects or a field values from an Entity item.
%M must be followed by the metadata value you want to extract. For example,
if you want to extract the value of a WorkView attribute called Name, it would

Studio - Workflow Actions

be %MName.
The token strings can contain nested expressions. Example, a nested WorkView
attribute: %MVendor.Buyer.Name.

%N Displays the name of the document.

%P Displays the number of notes present on the document.

%Q Displays the queue number of the current document.

%Q2 Displays the queue name of the current document.

%R Displays the real name of the currently logged in user.

%U Displays the user name of the currently logged in user who executed the task.

%V### Displays the value of a configured Workflow property. For example, to display
the value for the property “Color”, this symbol would be configured %VColor.

Note: In the Core-based interfaces, if a property contains an array of values,

all property values will be used.

Note: If a property name has spaces, using %V to display the property value
will not preserve the spaces, and therefore, the property will not be correctly

The following symbols are not supported in the Classic Client interface:
• %L [life cycle ID]
• %L2 [life cycle name]
• %Q [queue ID]
• %Q2 [queue name]
%M [item metadata value] is not supported in the Classic OnBase Client interface or the
Core-Based OnBase Client interface.

Break Processing
Stops the processing of a item in Workflow. The following break options are available:

Note: When the action is configured outside of System Work, none of the settings will
impact the execution of System Work.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Option: Break Current Task List

When processing a primary item, this option breaks the grandparent task list for the
current item.
When processing a related item, this option breaks the grandparent task list for the
current related item and continues on with the next related item, if applicable.
Studio - Workflow Actions

The following is an example of a break current task list scenario:

In this example, the Break action is set to break current task list. When the task list
breaks at the highlighted action, the tasks under the current action’s parent task list that
have not been executed yet are not executed. Additionally, any actions that have not be
executed under the current action’s grandparent task list are not executed. The
remaining actions under the great grandparent task are executed, however. The
following graphic illustrates what is executed. The pink actions are not executed. The
green action is executed.

Option: Break All Processing for Current Item

When processing a primary item, this option breaks all processing for the current item.
When processing a related item, this option breaks all processing for the current related
item and continues on with the next related item, if applicable.
Option: Break All Processing for Top-Level Item
When processing a primary item, this option breaks all processing for the current item.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

When processing a related item, this option breaks all processing for the current related
item and the current top-level item.
Option: Break Workflow Timer Execution
When processing a primary item using an ad hoc task or system work, the option breaks
all processing for the current item.

Studio - Workflow Actions

When processing a primary item using timer work, this option breaks all timer work for
all items (timer execution completely stops).
When processing a related item using an ad hoc task or system work, the option breaks
all processing for the current related item and the current top-level item.
When processing a related item using timer work, the option breaks all timer work for all
items (timer execution stops).

Upgrading from a Previous Version

If you had the SYS - Break Processing action configured previous to OnBase 9.2 and you
are upgrading, you must test the function of the SYS - Break Processing to ensure the
action functions as you intend it to.
When you upgrade to 9.2, previously configured SYS - Break Processing actions map the
configured options to the new options that have been developed for this action. The
options are mapped as follows:

Option Previous 9.2 Option 9.2 and Later

No option selected Break Current Task List

Break All Processing option Break All Processing for Current Item

Break All Processing and Break Workflow Timer Execution

Break Timer Execution
options selected

Call WCF Service

The call web service action allows a user to call a method exposed via a WCF web

Note: This action is not supported in the Classic Client interface.

Features of this Action

• Supports composite data types including arrays of nested composite data types
• Allows the user to decide whether the task list execution should be broken if
there was an issue calling the service method.
• If the service metadata contains the information about the types of faults the
service method can generate – you can map keywords/properties to the fault
• Supports mapping to system keywords such as document date, entry to queue
date etc…

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

• Supports the following .NET primitive data types:

• System.Boolean, System.Byte, System.Char, System.Decimal,
System.Double, System.Int16, System.Int32, System.Int64, System.SByte,
System.Single, System.String. System.UInt16, System.UInt32,
• Supports mapping to constant values containing tokens such as %K, %D etc…
Studio - Workflow Actions

• Supports mapping to constant values containing arrays

• Allows the user to test that the application server can successfully call the
service from within the actions configuration
Limitations of this Action
• Does not support the Data Set data type.
• Does not allow mapping to the InnerText or InnerXml properties of the
System.Xml.XmlAttribute data type. This limits the user to specifying a single
value for a SOAP header.
Configuring this Action
To configure this action:

1. Click Configure . The Service Location dialog box is displayed.

2. You can either select a configured location from the drop-down select list or, with
>> Use the specified Location selected in the drop-down select list, enter the
location of the file used by the Web Service in the field. The location value cannot
exceed 255 characters.
3. Select the Protocol from the drop-down select list.
4. If the service requires authentication, select the Requires Authentication check

Note: The Requires Authentication option only supports Windows authentication.

5. Click OK.
6. If the service required authentication, the Authentication dialog box is displayed.
Enter the User Name, Password, and Confirm Password credentials and click OK.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

7. In the Method section, select the appropriate Contract , End Point, and Method from
the drop-down select lists.

Note: Upon saving the action, if you want to update the Method section, you must click
Update and then make the appropriate changes, and click Update again.

Studio - Workflow Actions

8. Click Mappings. The Mappings dialog box is displayed.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

9. Select a parameter. The None , Keyword, Property, and Constant Value mapping
properties are enabled. Keyword maps to the Keyword Type selected from the
drop-down select list. Property maps to the property specified in the field.
Constant Value maps to the value entered in the field.
Studio - Workflow Actions

10.Select the appropriate mapping option.

If the user maps an item to a constant value the two check boxes become
available and are:
• Parse tokens (%K, %D etc…) - This tells the action that before it uses the
constant value it should parse any tokens.

The following symbols can be used:

Symbol Description

%# Displays the Document Handle of the current document.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Symbol Description

%B Displays the Institution Name assigned to the current document.

Note: This symbol is only applicable when used with an Institutional Database.

Studio - Workflow Actions

%C Displays the name of the user who created the current document.

%D or %D2 Displays the Document Date. This value can be changed.

%D1 Displays the date that the document was stored. This value cannot be changed.

%I1 or %T Displays the time that the document was stored. This value cannot be changed.

%K Displays a configured Keyword Value.

%K#.n Displays the Keyword Value of Keyword Type # n times. For example,
%K00101.4 would display up to 4 unique Keyword Values for Keyword Type
101 for a single document.
For some functionality, a Keyword Type drop-down list may be available to
configure this. Select a Keyword Type from the drop-down select list, enter
the number of times you want the Keyword Value to be displayed in the Repeat
field, and click Keyword. The value in the Repeat field specifies how many
instances of the Keyword Value will be displayed. Entering an * character will
pull all existing Keyword Values for display up to 99 instances.

Note: When using the Classic Client interface, double digits in the Repeat field
are not supported.

%L Displays the life cycle number of the current document.

%L2 Displays the life cycle name of the current document.

%M Extracts metadata values from items. This includes attribute values from
WorkView objects or a field values from an Entity item.
%M must be followed by the metadata value you want to extract. For example,
if you want to extract the value of a WorkView attribute called Name, it would
be %MName.
The token strings can contain nested expressions. Example, a nested WorkView
attribute: %MVendor.Buyer.Name.

%N Displays the name of the document.

%P Displays the number of notes present on the document.

%Q Displays the queue number of the current document.

%Q2 Displays the queue name of the current document.

%R Displays the real name of the currently logged in user.

%U Displays the user name of the currently logged in user who executed the task.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Symbol Description

%V### Displays the value of a configured Workflow property. For example, to display
the value for the property “Color”, this symbol would be configured %VColor.

Note: In the Core-based interfaces, if a property contains an array of values,

Studio - Workflow Actions

all property values will be used.

Note: If a property name has spaces, using %V to display the property value
will not preserve the spaces, and therefore, the property will not be correctly

The following symbols are not supported in the Classic Client interface:
• %L [life cycle ID]
• %L2 [life cycle name]
• %Q [queue ID]
• %Q2 [queue name]
%M [item metadata value] is not supported in the Classic OnBase Client interface or the
Core-Based OnBase Client interface.
• The value is an array (separated by commas) - This is only useful for items that
are arrays. It allows the user to specify a list of values (separated by
commas) to send.
11.Click Map.
12.Repeat steps 8 through 12 for each method and parameter.
13.Click OK .

Note: If the location of a service is modified, mappings will persist if the method
associated with the mappings exists in the service in the new location.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Testing the Web Service

You can test the displayed method by clicking Test . The Test WCF Service Call dialog box
is displayed.

Studio - Workflow Actions

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

To test a method:

1. Select a listed mapping.

Studio - Workflow Actions

2. Enter a value in the field. If the value entered is an array separated by commas,
select the The value is an array (separated by commas) option.
3. Click Set.
4. Repeat steps 1 and 3 for each mapping.
5. Click Test. The Test WCF Service Call Results dialog box is displayed, showing a list
of keywords and properties that are mapped to output or by reference
parameters. Return values for each area also shown.

Options Tab
Option: Break processing on failure
When the Break processing on failure option is selected, if there is an issue calling the
web service, the action will stop executing the task list.
If this option is not selected, then the action will set the last execution result to S_FALSE
and continue executing the task list.
Option: Break processing on method declared service faults
When the Break processing on method declared service faults option is selected, if there is
a fault declared in the service meta data for the method, the action will stop executing
the task list.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Option: Request timeout (seconds)

The Request timeout (seconds) option allows for a time out duration to be set. If the
response from the web service has not been returned in the configured amount of time,
the action will time out. Enter the number of seconds you want to wait before the
request times out. Tasks following this action will either abort or continue, based on
whether the option to Break Processing on failure option has been selected.

Studio - Workflow Actions

Option: Use the following endpoint location
The service metadata contains the end point location where messages should be sent.
You can override this and specify your own end point location using the Use the following
end point location option.

Authentication Tab
The authentication page allows the user to specify a user name that should be used
when retrieving the web service and invoking the web service method.
Option: The service requires authentication
Select The service requires authentication and click Configure . If the service required
authentication, the Authentication dialog box is displayed. Enter the User Name,
Password , and Confirm Password credentials and click OK .

Note: When retrieving the WSDL this information is only used if the WSDL is coming from
a URL. If the WSDL is a local file, this information is not used.

Call Web Service

The call web service action allows a user to call a method exposed via a web service. The
action provides a wrapper around the .NET framework classes that handle calling
methods in web services.

Note: This action is not supported in the Classic Client interface.

Features of this Action

• Supports complex data types including arrays of nested complex data types.
• Retrieves the information about complex types from the WSDL.
• Supports SOAP headers as inputs, outputs or by reference (input and output).
• Retrieves the information about SOAP headers from the WSDL.
• Allows the user to decide whether the task list execution should be broken if
there was an issue calling the web service.
• Supports multiple protocols: HTTP GET, HTTP POST, SOAP 1.1 and SOAP 1.2.
• Supports mapping to system keywords.
• Supports the following.NET primitive data types: System.Boolean, System.Byte,
System.Char, System.DateTime, System.Decimal, System.Double,
System.Int16, System.Int32, System.Int64, System.SByte, System.Single,
System.String. System.UInt16, System.UInt32, System.UInt32
• Has limited support for the System.Xml.XmlAttribute data type.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

• Supports mapping to constant values containing tokens.

• Supports mapping to constant values containing arrays.
• Allows the user to test that the application server can successfully call the web
service from the Configuration module.
Limitations of this Action
Studio - Workflow Actions

• Does not support the Data Set data type.

• Does not allow mapping to the InnerText or InnerXml properties of the
System.Xml.XmlAttribute data type. This limits the user to specifying a single
value for a SOAP header.
Configuring this Action
To configure this action:

1. Click Configure . The WSDL dialog box is displayed.

2. You can either select a configured WSDL location from the drop-down select list
or, with >> Use the specified WSDL Location selected in the drop-down select list,
enter the location of the WSDL file used by the Web Service in the field. The
location value cannot exceed 255 characters.

Note: OnBase Studio supports case-sensitivity when configuring a WSDL web service
path. This functionality is not respected in the Configuration module. Any web service
that requires case-sensitivity must be configured within OnBase Studio.

3. If you do not want to store the WSDL within the action configuration, but want to
retrieve the WSDL the first time the action is executed, select the Retrieve WSDL
at execution time option.

Note: If the WSDL imports schemas from other files or URLs, the action must be
configured to retrieve the WSDL at execution time.

4. If the service requires authentication, select the Requires Authentication check

5. Click OK.
6. If the service required authentication, the Authentication dialog box is displayed.
Enter the User Name, Password, and Confirm Password credentials and click OK.
7. Select the Protocol from the drop-down select list.
8. Select a method using the Method drop-down select list.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

9. Click Mappings. The Mappings dialog box is displayed.

Studio - Workflow Actions

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Workflow OnBase 16

10. Select a parameter. The None , Keyword, Property, and Constant Value mapping
properties are enabled. Keyword maps to the Keyword Type selected from the
drop-down select list. Property maps to the property specified in the field.
Constant Value maps to the value entered in the field.
Studio - Workflow Actions

11.Select the appropriate mapping option.

If the user maps an item to a constant value the two check boxes become
available and are:
• Parse tokens (%K, %D etc…) - This tells the action that before it uses the
constant value it should parse any tokens.

The following symbols can be used:

Symbol Description

%# Displays the Document Handle of the current document.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Symbol Description

%B Displays the Institution Name assigned to the current document.

Note: This symbol is only applicable when used with an Institutional Database.

Studio - Workflow Actions

%C Displays the name of the user who created the current document.

%D or %D2 Displays the Document Date. This value can be changed.

%D1 Displays the date that the document was stored. This value cannot be changed.

%I1 or %T Displays the time that the document was stored. This value cannot be changed.

%K Displays a configured Keyword Value.

%K#.n Displays the Keyword Value of Keyword Type # n times. For example,
%K00101.4 would display up to 4 unique Keyword Values for Keyword Type
101 for a single document.
For some functionality, a Keyword Type drop-down list may be available to
configure this. Select a Keyword Type from the drop-down select list, enter
the number of times you want the Keyword Value to be displayed in the Repeat
field, and click Keyword. The value in the Repeat field specifies how many
instances of the Keyword Value will be displayed. Entering an * character will
pull all existing Keyword Values for display up to 99 instances.

Note: When using the Classic Client interface, double digits in the Repeat field
are not supported.

%L Displays the life cycle number of the current document.

%L2 Displays the life cycle name of the current document.

%M Extracts metadata values from items. This includes attribute values from
WorkView objects or a field values from an Entity item.
%M must be followed by the metadata value you want to extract. For example,
if you want to extract the value of a WorkView attribute called Name, it would
be %MName.
The token strings can contain nested expressions. Example, a nested WorkView
attribute: %MVendor.Buyer.Name.

%N Displays the name of the document.

%P Displays the number of notes present on the document.

%Q Displays the queue number of the current document.

%Q2 Displays the queue name of the current document.

%R Displays the real name of the currently logged in user.

%U Displays the user name of the currently logged in user who executed the task.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Symbol Description

%V### Displays the value of a configured Workflow property. For example, to display
the value for the property “Color”, this symbol would be configured %VColor.

Note: In the Core-based interfaces, if a property contains an array of values,

Studio - Workflow Actions

all property values will be used.

Note: If a property name has spaces, using %V to display the property value
will not preserve the spaces, and therefore, the property will not be correctly

The following symbols are not supported in the Classic Client interface:
• %L [life cycle ID]
• %L2 [life cycle name]
• %Q [queue ID]
• %Q2 [queue name]
%M [item metadata value] is not supported in the Classic OnBase Client interface or the
Core-Based OnBase Client interface.
• The value is an array (separated by commas) - This is only useful for items that
are arrays. It allows the user to specify a list of values (separated by
commas) to send.
12.Click Map.
13.Repeat steps 8 through 12 for each method and parameter.
14.Click OK .

Note: If the location of a service is modified, mappings will persist if the method
associated with the mappings exists in the service in the new location.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Testing the Web Service

You can test the displayed method by clicking Test . The Test Web Service Call dialog box
is displayed.

Studio - Workflow Actions

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

To test a method:

1. Select a listed mapping.

Studio - Workflow Actions

2. Enter a value in the field. If the value entered is an array separated by commas,
select the The value is an array (separated by commas) option.
3. Click Set.
4. Repeat steps 1 and 3 for each mapping.
5. Click Test . The Test Web Service Call Results dialog box is displayed, showing a list
of keywords and properties that are mapped to output or by reference
parameters. Return values for each area also shown.
Option: Invoke method in a separate application Domain Setting
This check box controls whether the type built from the WSDL is loaded into a separate
application domain or into the same application domain the application server is using
when testing the method call.

Options Tab
Option: Break processing on failure
When the Break processing on failure option is selected, if there is an issue calling the
web service, the action will stop executing the task list.
If this option is not selected, then the action will set the last execution result to S_FALSE
and continue executing the task list.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Option: Allow Cookies

If the web service you are accessing uses cookies, you can select Allow Cookies. This will
allow the action to acquire the value of a cookie that was sent to the service from the
client. The option is only available when the protocol is set to use either http or https.
Option: Request timeout (seconds)

Studio - Workflow Actions

The Request timeout (seconds) option allows for a time out duration to be set. If the
response from the web service has not been returned in the configured amount of time,
the action will time out. Enter the number of seconds you want to wait before the
request times out. Tasks following this action will either abort or continue, based on
whether the option to Break Processing on failure option has been selected.
Option: Use the following end point URL instead of the one in the WSDL
The service metadata contains the end point location where messages should be sent.
You can override this and specify your own end point location using the Use the following
end point URL instead of the one in the WSDL option.

Proxy Tab
Option: Use the following proxy server
To use a proxy, select the Use the following proxy server option and enter the proxy
You can also select Use the following credentials to use the User Name , Password, and
Domain you enter.

Authentication Tab
The authentication page allows the user to specify a user name that should be used
when retrieving the web service and invoking the web service method.
Option: The service requires authentication
Select The service requires authentication and click Configure . If the service required
authentication, the Authentication dialog box is displayed. Enter the User Name,
Password , and Confirm Password credentials and click OK .

Note: When retrieving the WSDL this information is only used if the WSDL is coming from
a URL. If the WSDL is a local file, this information is not used.

Available Protocols
When configuring the Call Web Service action in OnBase Studio, the protocols available
are defined in the obstudio.exe.config in the following setting:
<add name="HttpGet"/>
<add name="HttpPost"/>

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

In order for protocols to be available in this action, they must be added to this xml
Studio - Workflow Actions

Call Web Service using MS SOAP Toolkit

Note: This is legacy functionality. This action cannot be executed in OnBase 14 or later.

This action is maintained for legacy purposes only. It cannot be used or configured. For
new configuration, use the Call Web Service action.
Upon opening a repository in which this action is configured, a warning message is
displayed because the repository contains actions that are no longer supported. In the
warning dialog box, click Show me where they are to see all locations in which the action
is used.
Option: Convert
The action’s configuration is read-only; however, it can be converted to the Call Web
Service action. In the action’s properties pane, click Convert to create a new Call Web
Service action using the configuration of the legacy action. This creates a new Call Web
Service action in every task list in which the original action exists. The following
configuration items cannot be converted:
• The Use proxy settings specified by the proxycfg utility setting in the Proxy tab
• The Use Microsoft Internet Explorer proxy settings for the current user setting in
the Proxy tab
• The Authentication Mode settings in the Authentication tab
• All configuration in the Headers tab

If certain configuration items cannot be converted, a dialog box is displayed at the end
of conversion detailing the items that could not be converted. After conversion, the
original Sys - Call Web Service using MS SOAP Toolkit action is disabled.

Cancel Report Capture Batch

Note: This action requires the Report Capture for Meditech license.

This action cancels Report Capture requests.

Option: Batch ID
From the Batch ID drop-down select list, select the Keyword in which the batch ID is
stored on requests.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Create Batch

Note: If this action was configured before the feature was removed from the software, it
will continue to function; however, this feature is no longer available for configuration.

Studio - Workflow Actions

Takes individual documents and creates a summary document with a document type of
SYS Batch Tickets, which is then routed through OnBase. The individual documents
composing the batch are sent to a queue where they remain until action is taken to
move or delete them. In the Default Size box, enter the initial size of the batch in number
of documents. The number in the Maximum Size box represents the amount, in
documents, by which the default value can be overridden for special cases.
Select a queue from the After Document is Added to Batch, Transition it to drop-down list
specifying where the original documents should remain after the batch is created.

Create Collaboration Workspace

This action allows you to create a Collaboration Workspace based on a selected

Collaboration Template.

Note: This action is not supported for the Classic OnBase Client User Interface.

Option: Collaboration Template

Select the template that you want to base your Workspace on from the Collaboration
Template drop-down select list.
Option: Inherit Template Settings
Select the settings that you want to inherit from the template in the Inherit Template
Settings section.
• Notification Options - Corresponds to the Options section of the Collaboration
Template Settings dialog box.
• Users - Corresponds to the users assigned in the Collaboration Template Default
Users dialog box.
• Document Rights - Corresponds to the Document Rights section of the
Collaboration Rights dialog box.
• Workview Rights - Corresponds to the Workview Rights section of the
Collaboration Rights dialog box.
• Thread Rights - Corresponds to the Thread Rights section of the Collaboration
Rights dialog box.
• Meeting Rights - Corresponds to the Meeting Rights section of the Collaboration
Rights dialog box when the database is configured for Synchronous
• Administration Rights - Corresponds to the Workspace Rights section of the
Collaboration Rights dialog box.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Option: Add document to workspace

You can also add the current document within Workflow to the Collaboration Workspace
by selecting the Add document to workspace option.

Note: The Add document to workspace option is only supported for documents. This option
is not supported for non-document items such as WorkView objects or Plan Review
Studio - Workflow Actions


Create ShareBase Folder

Note: The OnBase Interaction with ShareBase license is required to use this action. If
you are using the Monitor New Documents option, the ShareBase Monitor Service must be
installed and configured properly prior to configuring this action. For information about
installing and configuring the ShareBase Monitor Service, see the Interaction with
ShareBase module reference guide.

The Create ShareBase Folder action allows users to create a new ShareBase folder.

General Tab
Option: ShareBase Profile
Select the ShareBase profile to be used when creating the new folder.

Parent Folder Configuration

Option: ShareBase Library
Select the ShareBase library that contains the parent folder where the new folder will be
created. Ensure that the library you select is shared with users in ShareBase. If the list
is out of date, click Reload Libraries to refresh the drop-down select list options.

Note: Do not select My Library. This library and its folders cannot be shared with other

Option: Specify Path

To specify the path to the parent folder, select Specify Path . Do one of the following:
• To create a new parent folder, enter the name of the new folder in the text box.
The new parent folder will be created in the selected library.
• To use an existing folder as the parent folder, click Browse and navigate to the
folder that should be used. Select the folder and click OK.

Note: The following characters are not allowed in the ShareBase folder name or path:
*, ?, :, <, >, /.

To validate the path to the parent folder, click Validate Path.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Option: Get Path from Property

To specify the path to the parent folder based on a configured property value, select Get
Path from Property. In the text field, enter the property containing the name of the
parent folder where documents should be uploaded.

Note: If a folder containing the property value does not exist, it will be created in the

Studio - Workflow Actions

selected library.

New Folder Name

Option: Specify Name
To manually specify the name for the new ShareBase folder, select Specify Name . Enter
the name for the new folder in the text box.

Note: The following characters are not allowed in the ShareBase folder name:
*, ?, :, <, >, /.

Option: Get Name from Property

To specify the name of the new ShareBase folder based on a configured property value,
select Get Name from Property. In the text field, enter the property that contains the
name for the new ShareBase folder.
Option: Monitor New Documents
Select Monitor New Documents if the new folder should be a monitored folder. When a
ShareBase folder is monitored, any documents added to that folder are automatically
uploaded to OnBase.

Note: The ShareBase Monitor service must be installed and configured in order to use
monitored folders.

The following options are available for monitored folders:

• Add Documents to Workflow
If this option is selected, documents in the monitored ShareBase folder will
initiate OnBase Workflow, if Workflow is configured for the configured
Document Type.
• Create New Revision for Modified Documents
If this option is selected, documents in the monitored ShareBase folder will be
uploaded to OnBase as revisions of their corresponding documents.
Additional options must also be configured for monitored folders. See Indexing Tab on
page 667.

Indexing Tab
When the Monitor New Documents option is selected, indexing options must be
configured in order for documents in the monitored ShareBase folder to be uploaded to
OnBase and indexed correctly. A Document Type and associated Keyword Types and
values must be configured. Optionally, you can configure a scan queue for documents to

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Option: Use Document Type:

In the Use Document Type drop-down select list, select the Document Type for the
documents in the monitored ShareBase folder.
Option: Use Scan Queue:
If necessary, select a scan queue into which documents from the monitored folder should
Studio - Workflow Actions

be added after they are uploaded to OnBase.

Option: Keyword Values
Add Keyword Types and values to be indexed to new documents in the monitored folder.
To add a Keyword Type and value:

1. Click Add. The Add Keyword Value dialog box is displayed.

2. In the Keyword Type drop-down select list, select the Keyword Type you want to
configure for documents in the monitored folder.
If the selected Keyword Type is configured using a Specific Currency data type,
the Currency Format drop-down select list is enabled, allowing you to select the
currency format you want to use.
3. Select the Value that should be indexed to the selected Keyword Type.
• Constant Value - Enter a constant value to index to the selected Keyword Type.
• Property - Enter a property name containing the value to index to the selected
Keyword Type.
• Keyword - Select a Keyword Type from the source document in Workflow from
which the Keyword Value will be pulled.
4. Click OK. Repeat this process to add additional Keyword Types.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Configured Keyword Values can be modified by selecting a Keyword Value and clicking
Modify. To delete a configured Keyword Value, select the Keyword Value and click Delete .

Custom Log Entry

Studio - Workflow Actions

Allows log text to be recorded in the wftransactionlog and wftransactionmsg tables. All of
the Action Field values are written to the wfmessage field in the wftransactionmsg table.
The following values can be automatically pulled into the logged text: Document Date,
User, Document Name, Time Stored, Keyword.
Option: Log Text
Use the corresponding buttons and drop-down select list to configure the Log Text

The following symbols can be used:

Symbol Description

%# Displays the Document Handle of the current document.

%B Displays the Institution Name assigned to the current document.

Note: This symbol is only applicable when used with an Institutional Database.

%C Displays the name of the user who created the current document.

%D or %D2 Displays the Document Date. This value can be changed.

%D1 Displays the date that the document was stored. This value cannot be changed.

%I1 or %T Displays the time that the document was stored. This value cannot be changed.

%K Displays a configured Keyword Value.

%K#.n Displays the Keyword Value of Keyword Type # n times. For example,
%K00101.4 would display up to 4 unique Keyword Values for Keyword Type
101 for a single document.
For some functionality, a Keyword Type drop-down list may be available to
configure this. Select a Keyword Type from the drop-down select list, enter
the number of times you want the Keyword Value to be displayed in the Repeat
field, and click Keyword. The value in the Repeat field specifies how many
instances of the Keyword Value will be displayed. Entering an * character will
pull all existing Keyword Values for display up to 99 instances.

Note: When using the Classic Client interface, double digits in the Repeat field
are not supported.

%L Displays the life cycle number of the current document.

%L2 Displays the life cycle name of the current document.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Symbol Description

%M Extracts metadata values from items. This includes attribute values from
WorkView objects or a field values from an Entity item.
%M must be followed by the metadata value you want to extract. For example,
if you want to extract the value of a WorkView attribute called Name, it would
Studio - Workflow Actions

be %MName.
The token strings can contain nested expressions. Example, a nested WorkView
attribute: %MVendor.Buyer.Name.

%N Displays the name of the document.

%P Displays the number of notes present on the document.

%Q Displays the queue number of the current document.

%Q2 Displays the queue name of the current document.

%R Displays the real name of the currently logged in user.

%U Displays the user name of the currently logged in user who executed the task.

%V### Displays the value of a configured Workflow property. For example, to display
the value for the property “Color”, this symbol would be configured %VColor.

Note: In the Core-based interfaces, if a property contains an array of values,

all property values will be used.

Note: If a property name has spaces, using %V to display the property value
will not preserve the spaces, and therefore, the property will not be correctly

The following symbols are not supported in the Classic Client interface:
• %L [life cycle ID]
• %L2 [life cycle name]
• %Q [queue ID]
• %Q2 [queue name]
%M [item metadata value] is not supported in the Classic OnBase Client interface or the
Core-Based OnBase Client interface.

Delete ShareBase Folder

Note: The OnBase Interaction with ShareBase license is required to use this action.

The Delete ShareBase Folder action allows users to delete a ShareBase folder.
Option: ShareBase Profile
Select the ShareBase profile to be used for deleting the folder.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Option: ShareBase Library

Select the ShareBase library from which the folder should be deleted. If the list is out of
date, click Reload Libraries to refresh the drop-down select list options.
Option: Specify Path
To specify the path to the ShareBase folder that should be deleted, select Specify Path .

Studio - Workflow Actions

Click Browse and navigate to the folder that should be deleted. Select the folder and
click OK . To validate the path to the folder that should be deleted, click Validate Path.
Option: Get Path from Property
To specify the path to the ShareBase folder based on a configured property value, select
Get Path from Property. In the text field, enter the property that contains the name of the
ShareBase folder where documents should be uploaded.
Option: Delete Only if Empty
By default, the contents of the ShareBase folder will also be deleted when the folder is
deleted. To prevent this and only allow the folder to be deleted if it is empty, enable the
Delete Only if Empty check box.

Caution: If the Delete Only if Empty option is not enabled and the specified ShareBase folder
is also a parent folder, any child folders and their contents are also deleted.

Display Message Box

Note: This action is not supported in the Mobile Access for Windows Phone interface.

Displays a customizable message box. This action allows you to enter a message to
display in the User Interaction screen.
Option: Message Text
Enter the text to display.
The buttons along the side of the screen allow you to pull system information relative to
the document into the message box. Click the button to enter the information in the

Button Symbol and Definition

Space-Space Adds a space, a hyphen, and another space to separate the different symbols (

Doc Date Adds the document date of the current document (%D)

User Adds the user logged into the Client processing the action.(%U)

Auto-Name Adds the document’s Auto-Name string (%N)

Time Stored Adds the time the current document was stored into OnBase (%I1)

Date Stored Adds the date the current document was stored into OnBase (%D1)

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Button Symbol and Definition

Keyword Adds the value of the Keyword Type and Keyword Number (%K) of the selected
Keyword Type in the Keyword Type drop-down select list. Enter the number of
times the Keyword Value will repeat in the message in the Repeat field. This
number is based on the number of Keyword Type instances on documents.
Studio - Workflow Actions

Additional Symbols
The following symbols can be used:

Symbol Description

%# Displays the Document Handle of the current document.

%B Displays the Institution Name assigned to the current document.

Note: This symbol is only applicable when used with an Institutional Database.

%C Displays the name of the user who created the current document.

%D or %D2 Displays the Document Date. This value can be changed.

%D1 Displays the date that the document was stored. This value cannot be changed.

%I1 or %T Displays the time that the document was stored. This value cannot be changed.

%K Displays a configured Keyword Value.

%K#.n Displays the Keyword Value of Keyword Type # n times. For example,
%K00101.4 would display up to 4 unique Keyword Values for Keyword Type
101 for a single document.
For some functionality, a Keyword Type drop-down list may be available to
configure this. Select a Keyword Type from the drop-down select list, enter
the number of times you want the Keyword Value to be displayed in the Repeat
field, and click Keyword. The value in the Repeat field specifies how many
instances of the Keyword Value will be displayed. Entering an * character will
pull all existing Keyword Values for display up to 99 instances.

Note: When using the Classic Client interface, double digits in the Repeat field
are not supported.

%L Displays the life cycle number of the current document.

%L2 Displays the life cycle name of the current document.

%M Extracts metadata values from items. This includes attribute values from
WorkView objects or a field values from an Entity item.
%M must be followed by the metadata value you want to extract. For example,
if you want to extract the value of a WorkView attribute called Name, it would
be %MName.
The token strings can contain nested expressions. Example, a nested
WorkView attribute: %MVendor.Buyer.Name.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Symbol Description

%N Displays the name of the document.

%P Displays the number of notes present on the document.

%Q Displays the queue number of the current document.

Studio - Workflow Actions

%Q2 Displays the queue name of the current document.

%R Displays the real name of the currently logged in user.

%U Displays the user name of the currently logged in user who executed the task.

%V### Displays the value of a configured Workflow property. For example, to display
the value for the property “Color”, this symbol would be configured %VColor.

Note: In the Core-based interfaces, if a property contains an array of values,

all property values will be used.

Note: If a property name has spaces, using %V to display the property value
will not preserve the spaces, and therefore, the property will not be correctly

The following symbols are not supported in the Classic Client interface:
• %L [life cycle ID]
• %L2 [life cycle name]
• %Q [queue ID]
• %Q2 [queue name]
%M [item metadata value] is not supported in the Classic OnBase Client interface or the
Core-Based OnBase Client interface.

Display URL

Note: This action is not supported for the Classic Client or OnBase Mobile interfaces.

This action will automatically open a web browser, such as Internet Explorer, and
navigate to the configured URL. The action optionally allows for parameters to be
appended to the end of the URL for more specific results. The values of the parameters
can be taken from a keyword value, a property value, or a constant value. When more
than one value of the configured keyword or property exists, only the first value will be
used as the parameter value. Multiple parameters can also be configured for the same
URL. If parameters are configured, the action will append “?” to the end of the URL and
then format the parameters as follows: parameter1=value1&parameter2=value2. For
example, if the configured URL is “http://server/default.aspx”, and the configured
parameters are named “parameter1” and “parameter2”, the web browser will open to
the following URL: http://server/default.aspx?parameter1=value1&parameter2=value2

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Option: URL
Enter the URL you would like the action to open. When configuring the action, a valid
communications protocol such as HTTP:// or HTTPS:// should be placed at the beginning
of the URL.
Option: Parameter
Studio - Workflow Actions

Optionally, you can set parameters to append to the URL for more specific results.
To configure a parameter.

1. Enter a Parameter Name for the parameter.

2. If you want to map the parameter to a Keyword Type, select Keyword Type and
select the Keyword Type from the drop-down select list.
If you want to map the parameter to a Property, select Property and enter the
property name in the field. The number of characters is limited to 255.
If you want to map the parameter to a static Constant Value, select Constant
Value and enter the value in the field. The number of characters is limited to 255.
3. Click Map.
4. Repeat steps 1 through 3 for each parameter you want to add.
5. Click Apply.

Option: Test
To test the configuration of the URL and parameters, click Test. The Test URL dialog box
is displayed.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

The configured URL is displayed in the URL field. Configured parameters are displayed in
the Mappings list. To enter test values for parameter mappings, select a parameter, then
enter a test value in the field. Click Set .
Click Launch to test the configuration.

Studio - Workflow Actions

DLL Exit Call

Calls a function in a user-defined DLL. This function takes the action number, the
document handle (internal document number) and the Document Type number as
parameters. The function must have the following format: int (CALLBACK*
DLLEXITPROC)(long nActionNum, long nDocumentHandle, long nDocumentTypeNum)
Option: DLL Name
Specify the name of the DLL in the DLL Name field.
Option: Function Name
The corresponding name of the function being called goes in the Function Name field.

Caution: This action is not supported in a 64 bit integer database after the 32 bit threshold
has been exceeded.

Enable/Disable Workflow Trace

The action enables/disables writing to the Workflow trace.

Note: This is supported for Core-based interfaces.

Select one of the following options:

• Select Enable to use the action to enable the trace.
• Select Disable to use the action to disable the trace.

This action can be used to enable Workflow Trace for the entire execution of an ad hoc
task, a specific section of the logic execution or enabled and disabled with separate ad
hoc tasks.

Note: If the user is using the OnBase Client Core-based Workflow interface or the Unity
Workflow interface and has turned on tracing via the toolbar, messages are written to
the Workflow Trace regardless of whether the action is set to disable the trace

Note: When using the Workflow Timer Service messages are written to the Workflow
Trace regardless of whether the action is set to disable the trace.

Execute Program

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Calls the application at the path specified in the command line.

Note: This action is not supported in the Web Client interface.

Note: When executing this action in the Workflow Core-based interfaces, this action
Studio - Workflow Actions

should not be used if the program being executed by the action requires a User Interface

Option: Command Line

In the Command Line field, enter the full path to a program executable. Click Save. The
specified program launches.
This action supports the use of tokens in the command line. For example, if the action
calls “ C:\k1\ program.exe %U 35 ” and the user JANE BROWN performs the actions, the
command C:\d1\ program.exe JANE BROWN 35 will be run.
The following symbols can be used:

Symbol Description

%# Displays the Document Handle of the current document.

%B Displays the Institution Name assigned to the current document.

Note: This symbol is only applicable when used with an Institutional Database.

%C Displays the name of the user who created the current document.

%D or %D2 Displays the Document Date. This value can be changed.

%D1 Displays the date that the document was stored. This value cannot be changed.

%I1 or %T Displays the time that the document was stored. This value cannot be changed.

%K Displays a configured Keyword Value.

%K#.n Displays the Keyword Value of Keyword Type # n times. For example,
%K00101.4 would display up to 4 unique Keyword Values for Keyword Type
101 for a single document.
For some functionality, a Keyword Type drop-down list may be available to
configure this. Select a Keyword Type from the drop-down select list, enter
the number of times you want the Keyword Value to be displayed in the Repeat
field, and click Keyword. The value in the Repeat field specifies how many
instances of the Keyword Value will be displayed. Entering an * character will
pull all existing Keyword Values for display up to 99 instances.

Note: When using the Classic Client interface, double digits in the Repeat field
are not supported.

%L Displays the life cycle number of the current document.

%L2 Displays the life cycle name of the current document.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Symbol Description

%M Extracts metadata values from items. This includes attribute values from
WorkView objects or a field values from an Entity item.
%M must be followed by the metadata value you want to extract. For example,
if you want to extract the value of a WorkView attribute called Name, it would

Studio - Workflow Actions

be %MName.
The token strings can contain nested expressions. Example, a nested WorkView
attribute: %MVendor.Buyer.Name.

%N Displays the name of the document.

%P Displays the number of notes present on the document.

%Q Displays the queue number of the current document.

%Q2 Displays the queue name of the current document.

%R Displays the real name of the currently logged in user.

%U Displays the user name of the currently logged in user who executed the task.

%V### Displays the value of a configured Workflow property. For example, to display
the value for the property “Color”, this symbol would be configured %VColor.

Note: In the Core-based interfaces, if a property contains an array of values,

all property values will be used.

Note: If a property name has spaces, using %V to display the property value
will not preserve the spaces, and therefore, the property will not be correctly

The following symbols are not supported in the Classic Client interface:
• %L [life cycle ID]
• %L2 [life cycle name]
• %Q [queue ID]
• %Q2 [queue name]
%M [item metadata value] is not supported in the Classic OnBase Client interface or the
Core-Based OnBase Client interface.

Promote Disk Group

Works with Disk Group publishing to allow volumes to be promoted without user
Option: Use Document Disk Group
Use Document Disk Group promotes the default Disk Group for the Document Type.

Option: Use Specified Disk Group

Use Specified Disk Group promotes a different Disk Group. Select the Disk Group from the
drop-down list.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Option: Use Disk Group From Keyword

Use Disk Group From Keyword promotes a Disk Group based on a Keyword Type. Select
the type from the Keyword Type drop-down list.
Select the Keyword Contains Disk Group Number option if the Keyword Type selected holds
the Disk Group number.
Studio - Workflow Actions

Publish Message to EIS Message Broker

The Publish Message to EIS Message Broker action allows you to publish a configured
message to the EIS Message Broker. When a message is published, the message being
routed through Workflow is converted into a serialized text format based on the rules
configured for the Message Type. The serialized text of the message is then placed in a
queue to be dequeued by a LOB system.
The following options are available:
Option: Message Project
Select the EIS Message Broker Project to which the messages to be published belong.
Option: Message Type
Select the Message Type to which the messages to be published belong.
Option: Name of property containing the message ID
Enter the name of the property that contains the message ID of the published message.
Select the Include Workflow Properties option if you want to include Workflow properties
in published messages of the selected Message Type. When this option is enabled, all
properties from the action's selected property bag are serialized and included as fields in
the message.
Option: Use Session Property Bag
Select Use Persistent Property Bag from this drop-down select list.

Note: No other property bags are supported for use with the Publish Message to EIS Broker

Purge Cache
This is legacy functionality. This action cannot be created or configured. Existing
configurations are read-only, but they will continue to execute in the OnBase Client
Classic Workflow interface as configured.

Rebalance Item

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Executes load balancing for the selected item(s). This is the same functionality that is
executed when an item enters a load balancing queue. This action can be configured to
rebalance the selected items in any queue that is configured with load balancing.

Note: When the rebalance function is initiated, existing assignments are cleared and new
assignments are made based on the load-balancing queue’s configuration.

Studio - Workflow Actions

Option: Life Cycle
You can use the Life Cycle drop-down select list to narrow the queues listed in the Load
Balancing Queue drop-down select list.

Option: Load Balancing Queue

The Load Balancing Queue drop-down select list will list all queues configured for load
balancing for the life cycle selected in the Life Cycle drop-down select list. The action will
be executed on the selected item(s) within the queue that is selected from the Load
Balancing Queue drop-down select list.

Rebalance Queue
Executes load balancing for the specified queue. When this action is executed, existing
assignments are cleared and new assignments are made based on the load-balancing
queue’s configuration. This action allows users to rebalance queues even if they do not
have administrative privileges.

Note: This action is not supported in the OnBase Classic Client Workflow interface.

Note: This action is not supported for queues that use Match Keyword to User Name load

Note: This action is not supported with load balancing configurations that require user
interaction. For example, a Rules Based load balancing queue that uses the Assign to
User action with Prompt for User configured is not supported.

Option: Life Cycle

From the drop-down select list, select the life cycle that houses the queue you want to
Option: Load Balancing Queue
From the drop-down select list, select the queue you want to rebalance. This list is
filtered by the life cycle selected in the Life Cycle drop-down select list.

Refresh Display

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Workflow is designed to automatically refresh the display when a document transitions

out of the queue. This action refreshes the Workflow display when actions have changed
the document, but the document still exists in the same queue. This action is useful for
updating the Auto-Name string of the document after all other tasks have been
Studio - Workflow Actions

Note: This action is currently not supported in the Web Client interface.

Remove from Mobile Device

This action is reserved for future functionality.

Remove Item from All Life Cycles

This action removes the current item from all life cycles. The item still exists in OnBase
and is still available through normal retrieval, but no longer exists in any life cycle.

Option: Target
In the Target drop-down select list, define whether you want the action to execute on the
current document/item in the queue or a related document/item.
If you are configuring the action for related documents/items, see Related Tab on page
718 for more information.
Option: Break Processing
The following options are available:
• Do Not Break Processing - The processing of the current task list continues.
• Break All Processing for Current Item - When processing a primary item, this
option breaks all processing for the current item. When processing a related
item, this option breaks all processing for the current related item and
continues on with the next related item, if applicable.
• Break All Processing for Top-Level Item - When processing a primary item, this
option breaks all processing for the current item. When processing a related
item, this option breaks all processing for the current related item and the
current top-level item.

Option: Remove All User Assignments

Select the Remove All User Assignments option if you want all load balancing user
assignments removed from the item upon its exit from the life cycle using this action.

Caution: When using a core-based interface, items in Document Maintenance that this
action is executed upon will not be removed from the life cycle.

Option: Remove Persistent Properties

Select the Remove Persistent Properties option if you want all persistent properties
removed from the item upon its exit from the life cycle using this action.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Remove Item from Life Cycle

Removes the current item from the selected life cycle

Option: Target
In the Target drop-down select list, define whether you want the action to execute on the

Studio - Workflow Actions

current document/item in the queue or a related document/item.
If you are configuring the action for related documents/items, see Related Tab on page
718 for more information.
Option: Life Cycle
Select a life cycle in the Life Cycle drop-down select list.
Option: Get Life Cycle from this Property
If you want to specify the life cycle from a property value, select the Get Life Cycle from
this Property check box. The Life Cycle drop-down select list is disabled upon selecting
this option. Enter the name of the property from which you want to pull the life cycle in
the field under the Get Life Cycle from this Property check box.
Option: Break Processing
The following options are available:
• Do Not Break Processing - The processing of the current task list continues.
• Break All Processing for Current Item - When processing a primary item, this
option breaks all processing for the current item. When processing a related
item, this option breaks all processing for the current related item and
continues on with the next related item, if applicable.
• Break All Processing for Top-Level Item - When processing a primary item, this
option breaks all processing for the current item. When processing a related
item, this option breaks all processing for the current related item and the
current top-level item.

Option: Remove All User Assignments

Select the Remove All User Assignments option if you want all load balancing user
assignments removed from the item upon its exit from the life cycle using this action.

Caution: When using a core-based interface, items in Document Maintenance that this
action is executed upon will not be removed from the life cycle.

Option: Remove Persistent Properties

Select the Remove Persistent Properties option if you want all persistent properties
removed from the item upon its exit from the life cycle using this action.

Remove Ownership
Removes ownership from an item.

Option: Target
In the Target drop-down select list, define whether you want the action to execute on the
current document/item in the queue or a related document/item.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

If you are configuring the action for related documents/items, see Related Tab on page
718 for more information.
Option: Assigned in Life Cycle
From the Assigned in Life Cycle drop-down select list, select the life cycle in which the
item to remove ownership from resides.
Studio - Workflow Actions

Option: Queue
From the Queue drop-down select list, select the queue the item to remove ownership
from resides. When <Current Queue> is selected, the action will execute on an item in
the selected life cycle, regardless of the queue it is in. If the user selects a specific
queue, it will only execute on the item when it is contained within that selected queue.

Remove User Assignment

Removes all user assignments for the selected document from the rule-based load
balancing queue selected in the Load Balancing Queue drop-down list for the life cycle
selected in the Assign in Life Cycle drop-down list.

Option: Assigned in Life Cycle

Select a life cycle from the drop-down select list. If <ALL> is selected in the Assigned in
Life Cycle drop-down select list, the active life cycle will automatically be selected for the
Option: Load Balancing Queue
Select a queue from the drop-down select list. Select <<Current Queue>> from the Load
Balancing Queue drop-down select list to configure the action for the specific queue that
the document is in. Selecting <<Current Queue>> allows this action to easily be copied
for other queues within the configured life cycle, as the action will always apply to the
queue that the item is in. When <<Current Queue>> is selected, the active life cycle
must also be selected.

Option: Assignment Type

The Assignment Type drop-down select list allows you to select the type of assignment
you want to perform. The assignment type options are as follows:
• Assistant of Logged in User - This option specifies that documents should be
assigned to all of the assistants of the currently logged in user as defined by the
Organization Chart. If the currently logged in user does not have any
assistants, the action will not be successful with this setting.
• Assistant of User Specified in Keyword Value - This option allows you to specify a
Keyword Type from which to take the user to which the Assistant belongs.
Select the appropriate Keyword Type that you want to take the value from to
determine the user from the Keyword Type drop-down select list.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

• Assistant of User Specified in Property - This option allows you to specify a

property from which to take the user to which the Assistant belongs. Enter the
appropriate property name that you want to take the value from to determine
the user from the Property Name field. Optionally, you can specify a Required
Role .

Studio - Workflow Actions

Note: In order for documents to be assigned to the Assistant of Logged In User, the
Assistant must be configured as a member of the queue. If this is configured and
Assistants are not members of the queue, documents will be put into the <Unassigned>
category. In order for documents to be assigned to the Assistant of User Specified in
Keyword Value or Assistant of User Specified in Property, both the Assistant and the user
specified in the Keyword value or Property must be configured as a member of the
queue. If this is configured and Assistants and users are not members of the queue,
documents will be put into the <Unassigned> category.

• Current User - The Current User option specifies that the documents should be
assigned to the user currently logged in and executing the task, assuming that
the user has been assigned as a member of the load balancing queue.

Note: If using this option in conjunction with a load-balanced queue, the option is only
available when the load-balanced queue has users as members.

• Default User - The Default User option allows you to assign the document to the
user specified as the Default Recipient during membership configuration.
• In Order - This option will distribute documents in the order the user groups are
listed in the load balancing queue
• Get User Name, Group or Role from Keyword - When Get User Name, Group or Role
from Keyword is selected a Keyword Type field is displayed. Select the
appropriate Keyword Type from which to acquire the value.

Note: When Get User Name, Group, or Role from Keyword is selected and the action is
configured with a related document as the target, the value is taken from the Keyword
on the primary document, not a related document.

• Get User Name, Group or Role from Property - When Get User Name, Group or Role
from Property is selected, a Property Name field is displayed. Enter the name of
the property from which you want to acquire the value.

Note: The Get User Name, Group, or Role from Property option is not supported in the
OnBase Client Classic Workflow interface.

• Manager of Logged in User - This option specifies that the document should be
assigned to the manager of the currently logged in user, as specified in the
Organizational Chart. Optionally, you can specify a Required Role. When a
Required Role is specified, it requires that the manager that the document is
assigned to has the specified role in the Organization Chart. If the immediate
manager is not assigned the selected role, Workflow will move up a managerial
tier until it finds a manager with the specified role. If a manager cannot be
found with the selected role, the document will be assigned the <Unassigned>

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

• Manager of User Specified in Keyword Value - This option allows you to specify a
Keyword Type from which to take the user to which the Manager belongs. Select
the appropriate Keyword Type that you want to take the value from to
determine the user from the Keyword Name drop-down select list. Optionally,
you can specify a Required Role . When a Required Role is specified, it requires
that the manager that the document is assigned to is assigned to the specified
Studio - Workflow Actions

role in the Organization Chart. If the immediate manager is not assigned to the
selected role, Workflow will move up a managerial tier until it finds a manager
with the specified role. If a manager cannot be found with the selected role, the
document will be assigned the <Unassigned> status.
• Manager of User Specified in Property - This option allows you to specify a
property from which to take the user to which the Manager belongs. Enter the
appropriate property name that you want to take the value from to determine
the user from the Property Name field. Optionally, you can specify a Required
Role . When a Required Role is specified, it requires that the manager that the
document is assigned to is assigned to the specified role in the Organization
Chart. If the immediate manager is not assigned to the selected role, Workflow
will move up a managerial tier until it finds a manager with the specified role. If
a manager cannot be found with the selected role, the document will be
assigned the <Unassigned> status.

Note: In order for documents to be assigned to the Manager of Logged In User, Manager of
User Specified in Keyword Value or Manager of User Specified in Property, the Manager must
be configured as a member of the queue. If this is configured and Managers are not
members of the queue, documents will be put into the <Unassigned> category.

• Prompt for User, Group or Role - This option will prompt the user to select the
appropriate user group to assign to documents. The user groups listed in the
prompt are the user groups selected as members of the load balancing queue.

Note: The Prompt for User option is not supported in the Mobile Access for Windows
Phone interface.

Note: The Prompt for User option is not supported in the OnBase Client Classic Workflow
interface when user names contain two or more consecutive spaces.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

• Selected User, Group or Role - This option assigns the documents to the user
selected in the Assigned User, Group or Role drop-down select list.

Note: The Assigned User, Group or Role drop-down select list is populated based on the
user group(s) assigned to load balancing queue selected in the Load Balancing Queue
drop down select list.

Studio - Workflow Actions

• Shortest Queue - This option assigns documents to the user group that has the
fewest number of documents assigned to it.

Note: When using any of the following assignment types, when multiple values exist, all
values are used for document assignment: Assistant of User Specified in Keyword Value;
Get User Name, Group or Role from Keyword ; and Manager of User Specified in Keyword
Value .

Note: The following options are available only when the life cycle selected, primary item,
or current queue is associated with an Organization Chart: Assistant of Logged in User,
Assistant of User Specified in Keyword Value, Assistant of User Specified in Property,
Manager of Logged in User, Manager of User Specified in Keyword Value , and Manager of
User Specified in Property.

Caution: When using the Assistant or Manager Assignment Type, never place these actions
under system work, timer work, load balancing work, or any other automatic function. If
these types of actions are placed into automation mode, the user logged in may not be the
user that you would want documents assignments based on.

Run Unity Script

Note: This action requires the Unity Automation API license.

Allows you to specify a Unity script to run on a primary document.

Note: This action is not supported in the Classic Client Workflow interface.

Option: Target
In the Target drop-down select list, define whether you want the action to execute on the
current document/item in the queue or a related document/item.
If you are configuring the action for related documents/items, see Related Tab on page
718 for more information.

Option: Script
The Script drop-down select list allows you to select a configured Unity script that will be

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Option: Refresh item after script has executed

The Refresh item after script has executed option allows you to refresh the item after the
selected script has been executed. The option reloads the item information from the
database, so everything about the item is refreshed, including keyword values,
autoname strings, page, etc. This option is needed when Unity scripts are executed and
the item or its properties are modified and the rules and actions that follow the script
Studio - Workflow Actions

execution depend on the updates to the item. Using this option ensures that once the
script completes, the current item is refreshed in Workflow to update any keyword data
and other changes made to the item via the script.

Option: Script
Additionally, you can create a new script or edit an existing script by selecting the drop-
down button next to the Script field. See Unity Projects on page 800 for more

Send HL7 Message

Note: This action is only available if you are licensed for the HL7 Processor or the HL7

Creates a HL7 message and queues it with the HL7 Auto-Sender which handles the
delivery of the message. To configure this action:

1. Before you begin, make sure you have export destinations and message
templates configured to receive the outgoing HL7 messages. See the HL7 module
reference guide for information about configuring export destinations and
message templates.
2. From the Destination drop-down select list, select the destination for the HL7
• Only export destinations configured to Queue out-going messages for HL7 Auto-
Sender are available.
• Destinations are displayed using the following format:

Network Address : Port Number; [Destination Name]

3. From the Message drop-down select list, select the HL7 Message Template for the
message you want to send.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

4. If applicable, select the HL7 field you want to map to a property, URL, or static
value. For an HL7 field to be available, its default value must start with the
characters $^ followed by the variable name.
In the following example, the HL7 Message Template contains one field with
$^TXDATA as its default value and another field with $^URL as its default value.

Studio - Workflow Actions

5. To configure how the Workflow action populates the selected HL7 field, see the
following topics:
• Property on page 687
• URL on page 687
• Value on page 689
• Sending Text Transcriptions on page 689
• Sending WorkView Attributes on page 690
6. Click Save when finished.
Option: Property

Use the Property option to populate the HL7 field with the value of a specific property. To
create properties through Workflow, use a property action type like Set Property Value.
To send the value of a property, configure a property Workflow action and ensure it
occurs before the Send HL7 Message action within the task list. Then, complete the
following steps.

1. Open the configuration settings for the Send HL7 Message action.
2. Select the message field you want to map.
3. Select the Property option.
4. In the field provided, type the name of the property Workflow will use to populate
the mapped HL7 field.

Note: To make sure the name is correct, check the Property Name field in the action you
configured to complement the Send HL7 Message action. Property names are case
sensitive in the Classic Client. Property names are not case sensitive in the core-based
clients. Only alphanumeric characters are supported in property names. It is considered
a best practice to omit spaces from property names.

5. Click Map.
6. Click Save.

Option: URL

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

The URL option uses DocPop, FolderPop, DeficiencyPop, or the OnBase Patient Window to
provide a URL to either the document or its associated chart.

1. Make sure the base URL is configured under Utils | Document Display URLs in
OnBase Configuration.
2. Open the configuration settings for the Send HL7 Message action in OnBase Studio.
Studio - Workflow Actions

3. Select the message field you want to map.

Caution: This field must not have a Keyword Type configured in Message Template
configuration. If it does, the HL7 message will not append the document’s Keyword value to
the URL.

4. Select the URL option.

5. Select the name of the URL from the drop-down provided.
6. Click Map.
7. Click the Options tab to append a document handle or keyword to the URL’s query
8. Select one of the following options:

Option Description

Document Handle The option appends the docid parameter with the document’s
handle as the value. For DocPop URLs, this parameter would
retrieve the document that triggered the message.

Keyword Value The option appends the specified Parameter Name with the
value of a Keyword Type from the document. For example, if
you are using the OnBase Patient Window, the document’s
Medical Record Number value could be used to retrieve the
associated record.

9. If you selected Keyword Value in the previous step, complete the following fields:

Option Description

Parameter Name Enter the name of the parameter to append to the URL. For
example, if you are using the OnBase Patient Window, you
might use the mrn parameter.
For available parameters, see the documentation for the
respective Pop integration.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Option Description

Keyword Type Select the Keyword Type whose value should be used for the
specified parameter.
• If the document does not have an instance of the specified
Keyword Type, the parameter appended without a value.

Studio - Workflow Actions

• If the document contains multiple instances of the
specified Keyword Type, then the first value is used.

10. Click Save.

Option: Value

The Value option populates the selected HL7 field with a static value in every message
sent by this action.

1. Open the configuration settings for the Send HL7 Message action.
2. Select the message field you want to map.
3. Select the Value option.
4. In the field provided, type a static value to populate the selected HL7 field.
5. Click Map.
6. Click Save.

Sending Text Transcriptions

If the HL7 message should include text transcription data in the OBX.5 field, configure
the Include Text Transcription option. The OBX.5 field in the HL7 message template must
have a default value of $^TXDATA .

1. Open the configuration settings for the Send HL7 Message action.
2. Click the Options tab.
3. Select Include Text Transcription.

Caution: Do not enable this option if Workflow should send HL7 messages for image
documents. The Include Text Transcription option is supported only for text documents. If
this option is enabled, it will stop Workflow from sending an HL7 message if the document’s
format is not Text Report Format. For documents with both image and text renditions, the
latest text rendition is sent.

Note: The Include Text Transcription option is not supported in the Classic Client

4. Click Save.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Sending WorkView Attributes

If you use the Send HL7 Message action on a WorkView object, you can populate the
outbound HL7 message with the object’s attributes. To map an HL7 field to an attribute,
you must first set the value of a property from that attribute.

1. In the life cycle’s configuration, use the Set Property From Attribute action to map
Studio - Workflow Actions

the attribute to a property. For information about configuring this action, see Set
Property From Attribute on page 716.
2. Configure the Send HL7 Message action as described under Send HL7 Message on
page 686.
3. Map the HL7 message field to the property you specified in the Set Property From
Attribute action. See Property on page 687.
4. Make sure the Set Property From Attribute action precedes the Send HL7 Message
action. The property value must be set before the Send HL7 Message action

Send Web Request

This action can be used to accomplish many tasks and the available configuration
settings change depending on the type of protocol used (http(s)/ftp/file) and the method
(e.g. HTTP GET/POST or FTP upload/download).

Note: This action is not supported in the Classic Client interface.

This action has the following functionality:

File protocol
• Import a file from the local file system into OnBase
• Set the value of a property from a file in the local file system
• Export the current document to a file in the local file system
• Export the value of a property to a file in the local file system
• Export some specific text to a file in the local file system

Note: The file protocol is local to the Application Server.

FTP protocol
• Import a file from an FTP server into OnBase
• Set the value of a property from a file on the FTP server
• Export the current document to a file on the FTP server
• Export the value of a property to a file on the FTP server
• Export some specific text to a file on the FTP server

HTTP/HTTPS protocol
• Import the response of an HTTP GET/POST into OnBase
• Set the value of a property from the response of an HTTP GET/POST
• Send the current document as the request body of an HTTP POST

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

• Send the value of a property as the request body of an HTTP POST

• Send some specific text as the request body of an HTTP POST
• Send specific HTTP headers with the request mapped to keywords, properties or
constant values
• Receive specific HTTP headers from the response mapped to keywords or

Studio - Workflow Actions


To configure this action:

1. Select a Protocol and Method from the drop-down select lists. See Protocols on
page 691 for more information.
2. Enter a URI into the Use the following URI field or supply the property from which
you will pull the URI in the Use the URI in the following property field.
3. Configure Request Settings , Response Settings, the Options tab, the Proxy tab, and
the Authentication tab as appropriate.


Option: File Protocol

The file protocol has two available methods: Import and Export.

Note: The file protocol does not support the actions authentication and proxy settings.

• Import Method: The import method allows the action to either set the value of a
Workflow property to the contents of the specific file, or import the file as a new
document in OnBase. The Response Settings dialog allows the user to configure
• Export Method: The export method allows the action to create a file on the
Application Server. When the user selects the export method they are able to
specify the Request Settings.

Option: FTP Protocol

The action connects to an FTP server using this protocol. The ftp protocol has two
available methods: Download and Upload

Note: The FTP protocol does not support the actions proxy settings.

• Download Method: The download method allows the action to either set the
value of a Workflow property to the contents of the specific file, or import the
file as a new document in OnBase. The Response Settings dialog allows the user
to configure this.
• Upload Method: The upload method allows the action to create a file on the
Application Server. When the user selects the upload method they are able to
specify the Request Settings.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Option: HTTP Protocol

The http protocol has the following methods:
• GET: Requests a representation of the specified resource (at the URI). The GET
method is typically used to request a web page. It can also be used to call a
web service.
Studio - Workflow Actions

• POST: Submits data to be processed (e.g. from an HTML form) to the specified
resource (at the URI). The POST method is used typically when you submit a
HTML form or call a web service.

To successfully call the web server using this method, the HTTP request must have the
Content-Type header which describes how the post data is encoded. To do this the user
would click on the Headers button in the request settings dialog and add the Content-
Type header.

Option: Request Settings

The Request Settings dialog box is accessed by clicking the Configure button for the
Request Settings section.

The request setting dialog has the following options:

• Use the contents of a property - The created file will contain the value of the
specified property.
• Use the current document - The latest revision of the document will be exported
to the file specified.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

• Use the following text - The created file will contain the specified text.
The Parse tokens (%K, %D etc...) option can be used in conjunction with the Use
the following text option. When the Parse tokens (%K, %D etc...) check box is
selected, tokens can be entered into the field and parsed into values.

Studio - Workflow Actions

The following symbols can be used:

Symbol Description

%# Displays the Document Handle of the current document.

%B Displays the Institution Name assigned to the current document.

Note: This symbol is only applicable when used with an Institutional Database.

%C Displays the name of the user who created the current document.

%D or %D2 Displays the Document Date. This value can be changed.

%D1 Displays the date that the document was stored. This value cannot be changed.

%I1 or %T Displays the time that the document was stored. This value cannot be changed.

%K Displays a configured Keyword Value.

%K#.n Displays the Keyword Value of Keyword Type # n times. For example,
%K00101.4 would display up to 4 unique Keyword Values for Keyword Type
101 for a single document.
For some functionality, a Keyword Type drop-down list may be available to
configure this. Select a Keyword Type from the drop-down select list, enter
the number of times you want the Keyword Value to be displayed in the Repeat
field, and click Keyword. The value in the Repeat field specifies how many
instances of the Keyword Value will be displayed. Entering an * character will
pull all existing Keyword Values for display up to 99 instances.

Note: When using the Classic Client interface, double digits in the Repeat field
are not supported.

%L Displays the life cycle number of the current document.

%L2 Displays the life cycle name of the current document.

%M Extracts metadata values from items. This includes attribute values from
WorkView objects or a field values from an Entity item.
%M must be followed by the metadata value you want to extract. For example,
if you want to extract the value of a WorkView attribute called Name, it would
be %MName.
The token strings can contain nested expressions. Example, a nested WorkView
attribute: %MVendor.Buyer.Name.

%N Displays the name of the document.

%P Displays the number of notes present on the document.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Symbol Description

%Q Displays the queue number of the current document.

%Q2 Displays the queue name of the current document.

%R Displays the real name of the currently logged in user.

Studio - Workflow Actions

%U Displays the user name of the currently logged in user who executed the task.

%V### Displays the value of a configured Workflow property. For example, to display
the value for the property “Color”, this symbol would be configured %VColor.

Note: In the Core-based interfaces, if a property contains an array of values,

all property values will be used.

Note: If a property name has spaces, using %V to display the property value
will not preserve the spaces, and therefore, the property will not be correctly

The following symbols are not supported in the Classic Client interface:
• %L [life cycle ID]
• %L2 [life cycle name]
• %Q [queue ID]
• %Q2 [queue name]
%M [item metadata value] is not supported in the Classic OnBase Client interface or the
Core-Based OnBase Client interface.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Option: Headers
When using HTTP and HTTPS protocols, headers can be configured. A Headers button is
available. Upon clicking the Headers button, the Headers dialog box is displayed.

Studio - Workflow Actions

You can select a Header from the drop-down and select Keyword Type , Property Name, or
Value . Select the appropriate Keyword Type from the drop-down select list, enter the
appropriate Property Name for the selection, or enter a constant Value and click Map.
This will map the Header to the option specified.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Option: Response Settings

The Response Settings dialog box is accessed by clicking the Configure button for the
Response Settings section.
Studio - Workflow Actions

The following options are available:

• Set the following property - This option allows you to set the value of the
specified property.
• Archive the response as a new document - This option determines if the specified
file should be imported into OnBase.
The Document Type selected from the drop-down select list will be Document
Type used for importing.
The File Type drop-down select list defines the file type of the stored document.
Select <Default> to use the file type configured as the default file type of the
selected Document Type . Select a specific file type to define the file type of the
documents that will be stored using this configured action.
• Keyword Type - If you want to specify a Keyword Type value to automatically be
populated, select a Keyword Type from the drop-down select list and enter the
value in the Keyword field.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

• Inherit Keywords - Using the Inherit Keywords option, the user can specify that
either all or some of the keywords in the current document are copied to the
imported document. Selecting this option enables the Inherit All and Inherit
Selected options and the Configure button.
If you want all keyword values to be inherited from the active document, select
the Inherit All option.

Studio - Workflow Actions

If you want to only inherit specific keyword values from the active document,
select the Inherit Selected option. Click Configure and select the appropriate
Keyword Types from which you want to inherit values.
• The Fill Document Handles check box determines if the Document Handle
keyword on the primary and imported document should be filled by the action.
• HTTP headers are mapped to the new document - This option is enabled when the
action is configured so that the HTTP response is archived as a new document.
When this option is selected, keyword values are applied to the new document
created, not the primary document upon which the action is executing.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Option: Headers
When using HTTP and HTTPS protocols, headers can be configured. A Headers button is
available. Upon clicking the Headers button, the Headers dialog box is displayed.
Studio - Workflow Actions

You can select a Header from the drop-down and select Keyword Type or Property Name.
Select the appropriate Keyword Type from the drop-down select list or enter the
appropriate property name for the selection and click Map. This will map the Header to
the option specified.

Options Tab
Option: Break processing on failure
When the Break processing on failure option is not selected, if the action fails to send the
web request, it will log an error to the Diagnostics Console, set the last execution result
to S_FALSE and continue executing the rest of the actions/rules in the task list.
When the Break processing on failure option is selected and the action fails to send the
web request, it will also log an error to the Diagnostics Console, but will break the task
list execution.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Option: Allow Cookies

If the web service you are accessing uses cookies, you can select Allow Cookies. This will
allow the action to acquire the value of a cookie that was sent to the service from the
client. The option is only available when the protocol is set to use either http or https.

Proxy Tab

Studio - Workflow Actions

The Proxy tab allows the user to have the action Use the default proxy settings or they can
specify a particular proxy server using the Use the following proxy server option.

Note: Only the HTTP(s) protocol supports the proxy settings.

Authentication Tab
The Authentication tab allows the user to configure what the user name/password should
be used for the request, if applicable.
Option: No authentication
The action will not use any user name/password with HTTP requests. Any FTP request
will use the default anonymous user.
Option: Use the current users credentials
The action will use the credentials the Application Server is running under.
Option: Use the following credentials
This option allows the user to specify a particular user name and password that should
be used.

Note: The file protocol does not support the authentication settings; therefore, if you are
importing/exporting using the file protocol, the location must be accessible by the
process running the Application Server.

Send Notification
Sends specified internal or external notification to the users specified in the notification
Option: Attachment
You can select an Attachment to send with the notification. The following options are
• None - Allows you to send a notification without an attachment.
• This Document - Sends current document along with specified notification to the
users specified in the notification setup. Any overlays or notes present on the
document will be included in the attachment.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

• Related Documents - Sends the selected notification with a document related to

the current document as an attachment. See Related Tab on page 718 for more
• Batch - Attaches documents that exist in the selected Folder Type to notifications
that are sent using this action.
Studio - Workflow Actions

Note: Only folder types configured as Workflow folders will be displayed for selection in
the Folder Type drop-down select list.

If the Include current document option is selected, the current document active
in the life cycle will be attached to the notification in addition to the documents
within the selected folder.
Static folders are not available for selection.
Non-document items cannot be sent as attachments to a notification.

Option: Notification
After a notification has been added and configured, you can select it from the
Notification drop-down select list.

Note: Only notifications that are specific to the life cycle for which the action is being
configured and notifications that are not assigned to a specific life cycle are available for

Additionally, you can create a new notification or edit an existing notification by clicking
the drop-down menu next to the Notification field and selecting either New or Modify.
Selecting New will create a new notification. Selecting Modify will open the latest draft of
the selected notification for editing. See Notifications on page 372 for more information.
Option: Do Not Show Global Notifications
When this option is selected, global notifications will not be available in the Notification
drop-down select list. Only notifications assigned to the life cycle in which the action is
being configured are available.
Option: Priority
This gives you the ability to designate a priority of Low, Normal or High to your
notification when sending it through Microsoft Outlook.
Option: Sender Address
Select one of the following options:
• Use the distribution services default address - This option uses the email address
specified in the Distribution Service configuration for the From: field value on
the email notification.
• Use the user’s email address - This option uses the email address specified in
user configuration in OnBase for the logged in user for the From: field value on
the email notification.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

• Use the following address - This option allows you to specify an email address for
the sender of the notification. The value specified is used as the display name in
the From: field on the email notification.

Note: If you are using any Core-based interface, the Hyland Distribution Service is
required for sending notifications in Workflow. If you are using the Classic Client

Studio - Workflow Actions

interface, the Hyland Distribution Service is required to support any of the Sender
Address options. If you are sending attachments using the Classic Client interface, a
Temporary File Cache is also required.

Option: Language
Notifications that have been translated using the Interface Translations feature in the
Configuration module can be sent in different languages. This action can be configured
to send a notification in either a specified language or a language derived from a
property value.

Note: Language functionality for the Send Notification action is only supported in Core-
based interfaces.

To send the notification in a specific language, select a language in the drop-down select
list. When <Primary System Language> is selected, the notification is sent as it was
originally written in your system’s default language. When a different language is
selected, the notification is sent in the selected language if it has been translated to that
language using the Object Name Translation feature in the Configuration module. If the
notification has not been translated to that language, the notification is sent in the
system’s primary language.
Option: Get Language from Property
To send the notification in a language derived from a property value, select Get Language
from Property and enter a property name in the field.

Note: Only alphanumeric characters are supported in property names.

The value contained in the specified property must be a valid numeric language code or
language culture name (e.g., en-US). If the notification has not been translated to the
language specified in the property value, the notification is sent in the system’s primary
For more information about Interface Translations, see the Interface Translations topic
in the System Administration module reference guide.

Set Portfolio and Template

Note: This action is not available in Workflow Classic Client life cycles.

Note: This action is not available outside of Workflow.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

This action sets the portfolio and template that will be used to populate the related items
list in the Workflow clients. Before configuring this system action, the portfolio and/or
template that you plan to use must be created.
Option: Portfolio Type
Select the portfolio type to apply from the Portfolio Type drop-down select list.
Studio - Workflow Actions

Option: Use This Template

You can select a specific template to display all the time, by selecting the Use This
Template option.

Option: Get Template to Use from Keyword

You can select the Get Template to Use from Keyword option to specify a template to be
used under certain conditions. If a folder type or template was configured at the queue
or life cycle level, applying this action type overrides those configurations.
Option: Suppress Screen Refresh
If you want to suppress the reloading of the Work Folder after task execution, select the
Suppress Screen Refresh option. The folder and template that are set with this action will
not persist when another queue or life cycle is selected.

Set Priority on Item

Sets a priority value to be applied to a item.

Option: Target
In the Target drop-down select list, define whether you want the action to execute on the
current document/item in the queue or a related document/item.
If you are configuring the action for related documents/items, see Related Tab on page
718 for more information.

Option: Priority Value Comes From

This field allows you to specify a priority value to assign. This priority value can be used
for sorting in the inbox and for load balancing queue assignments. Priority rank is
dependent on sorting and load balancing configurations. Numbers 1 to 999999999 are
valid values. There are three options to set the priority value:
• You can specify a Specific Value for the priority value.
• You can specify a Property that will define the priority value.
• You can select a Keyword that will define the priority value.

Note: The Property and Keyword options are not supported in the OnBase Client Classic
Workflow interface.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Option: Active/Related Document in this Life Cycle

Select the life cycle from this drop-down select list for which you would like the priority
set for the item. Priorities are attached to life cycles for an item. It is possible to have
different priority assignments for one item in multiple life cycles. If <Current Life Cycle>
is selected, the priority will be set for the life cycle executing the action

Studio - Workflow Actions

Set Property to ShareBase Notification Link

Note: The OnBase Interaction with ShareBase license is required to use this action.

The Set Property to ShareBase Notification Link action creates a link to a ShareBase folder
that is stored as a property. Registered ShareBase users and non-users can access the
link, depending on the additional settings configured. Links can be set to expire if
Option: Property Name
Enter a name for the property in the Property Name field.
Option: ShareBase Profile
Select the ShareBase profile to be used for creating the link.
Option: ShareBase Library
Select the ShareBase library containing the folder to be shared. Ensure that the library
you select is shared with users in ShareBase. If the list is out of date, click Reload
Libraries to refresh the drop-down select list options.

Note: Do not select My Library. This library and its folders cannot be shared with other

Option: Specify Path

To specify the path to the ShareBase folder to be shared, select Specify Path . Click
Browse and navigate to the folder to be shared. Select the folder and click OK . To
validate the path to the folder, click Validate Path.
Option: Get Path from Property
To specify the path to the ShareBase folder based on a configured property value, select
Get Path from Property. In the text field, enter the property that contains the name of the
ShareBase folder to be shared.
Option: On Specific Date
Select On Specific Date if you would like the generated link to expire on a specific date.
Enter the date of expiration in the text field.
Option: After
Select After if you would like the generated link to expire after a given number of days,
hours, or minutes after creation. In the drop-down select list, select Day(s) , Hour(s), or
Minute(s) and enter the number for your selection in the text field to the left.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Option: Expiration Date from Property

To specify the link expiration date based on a configured property value, select
Expiration Date from Property. In the text field, enter the property for the expiration date.

Option: Never
Select Never if you would like the link to stay active indefinitely.
Studio - Workflow Actions

Note: Links set to never expire can be deleted manually in ShareBase Administration.

Option: Get Password from Property

Select Get Password from Property if you would like to generate a password-protected
link. Enter the desired password in the text field.
Option: Allow View
Select Allow View to allow users to view folder items.
Option: Allow Upload
Select Allow Upload to allow users to upload items to the folder.
Option: Allow Download
Select Allow Download to allow users to download items from the folder to their

Note: Selecting the Allow Download option automatically assigns viewing rights even if
you did not also select the Allow View option.

Transition Item
Moves an item from its current queue to another queue.

Option: Target
In the Target drop-down select list, define whether you want the action to execute on the
current document/item in the queue or a related document/item.
If you are configuring the action for related documents/items, see Related Tab on page
718 for more information.
Option: Life Cycle
Select the Life Cycle the queues belong to from the drop-down select list. Both queues in
a transition must exist in the same life cycle.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Option: Source Queue

The queue specified for the Source Queue is the queue the item will be in before the
transition. The source queue can be determined by one of the following options:
• Specific Queue - Choose this option if you want to specify a certain queue for the
source queue. To transition items to the destination queue from multiple

Studio - Workflow Actions

queues, the source queue can be specified as <Current Queue> allowing the
same action to be used in multiple places.
• From Property - The core-based interfaces also support transitioning an item
based on properties. The source queue is found based on the configured
property value. Enter the name or number of the Workflow property that
contains the queue identification information. The item will not be transitioned
if the configured properties are not set on the item.

Option: Destination Queue

The queue specified for the Destination Queue is the queue the item will be transition to.
The destination queue can be determined by one of the following options:
• Specific Queue - Choose this option if you want to specify a certain queue for the
destination queue.
• From Property - The core-based interfaces also support transitioning an item
based on properties. The destination queue is found based on the configured
property value. Enter the name or number of the Workflow property that
contains the queue identification information. The item will not be transitioned
if the configured properties are not set on the item.

Option: Remove All User Assignments

If you want to remove the user assignment of the item that will be transitioned, select
the Remove All User Assignments option.

Unlink Master Patient Index Number

The Unlink Master Patient Index Number action allows you to remove previous master
patient indexes (MPIs) from an existing MPI’s history. When OnBase merges one MPI into
another, it tracks the previous MPI as part of the surviving MPI’s history. This tracking
allows users to retrieve charts using the previous MPI.

Note: This action is not supported in the Classic Client Workflow interface.

Note: Calculated attributes are not supported in this action.

You may want to remove previous MPIs from a current MPI’s history for the following
• The MPI was merged in error.
• You intend to re-use merged MPIs that are no longer in use.

Caution: This action can be used for custom solutions designed to separate merged MPIs. To
ensure your solution is configured properly, consult your solution provider before
attempting to separate merged MPIs.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Configuration varies depending on whether the life cycle is configured for documents or
WorkView objects.
• If the life cycle is configured for documents, see Document Keyword on page
• If the life cycle is configured for WorkView objects, see Attribute Name on page
Studio - Workflow Actions

Option: Document Keyword

The Document Keyword drop-down applies only to life cycles configured to contain
• From the Document keyword drop-down, select the Keyword Type that will
provide the previous MPI value on the document.
Option: Attribute Name
The Attribute Name fields apply only to life cycles configured to contain WorkView

1. Select the Application and Class for the objects this action will run against.
2. Click the ellipsis button next to the Attribute field.
3. Select the WorkView attribute that will provide the previous MPI value on the
WorkView object.

Unlink Medical Record Number

Note: This action is not supported in the Classic Client Workflow interface.

Note: Calculated attributes are not supported in this action.

The Unlink Medical Record Number action allows you to remove previous medical record
numbers (MRNs) from an existing medical record’s history. When OnBase merges one
MRN into another MRN, it tracks the previous MRN as part of the surviving MRN’s history.
This tracking allows users to retrieve charts using the previous MRN.
You may want to remove previous MRNs from a current MRN’s history for the following
• The medical record was merged in error.
• You intend to re-use merged MRNs that are no longer in use.

Caution: This action can be used for custom solutions designed to separate merged medical
records. To ensure your solution is configured properly, consult your solution provider
before attempting to separate merged medical records.

Configuration varies depending on whether your system is configured for overlapping

MRNs and whether the life cycle is configured for documents or WorkView objects.
• If your system is set up for overlapping MRNs, see Use Assigning Authority on
page 707.
• If the life cycle is configured for WorkView objects, see Attribute Name on page

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

• If the life cycle is configured for documents, see Document Keyword on page
Option: Use Assigning Authority
On systems configured for overlapping (non-unique) MRNs, OnBase uses both the MRN
value and the MRN assigning authority to uniquely identify medical records.

Studio - Workflow Actions

If your system is configured for overlapping MRNs, select the Use Assigning Authority
option. When this option is selected, the Unlink Medical Record Number action will use
both the MRN value and the assigning authority value to identify the MRN to unlink.
• If the assigning authority value is populated on the document or WorkView
object when this action is executed, then the action will look for a matching
MRN that has the specified assigning authority.
• If the assigning authority is not populated, the action will look for a matching
MRN that has a blank assigning authority.

Caution: Ensure this option is selected if your system allows overlapping MRNs. Otherwise,
the Unlink Medical Record Number action will unlink all MRNs that match the MRN value on
the document or WorkView object. The assigning authority value will be ignored.

Option: Document Keyword

The Document Keyword fields apply only to life cycles configured to contain documents.

1. From the Medical Record Number drop-down, select the Keyword Type that will
provide the previous MRN value on the document.
2. If you selected the Use Assigning Authority option, then the Assigning Authority
drop-down is available. Select the Keyword Type that will provide the assigning
authority for the previous MRN value.
Option: Attribute Name
The Attribute Name fields apply only to life cycles configured to contain WorkView

1. Select the Application and Class for the objects this action will run against.
2. Click the ellipsis button next to the Medical Record Number field.
3. Select the WorkView attribute that will provide the previous MRN value on the
WorkView object.
4. If you selected the Use Assigning Authority option, then the Assigning Authority
field is available.
a.Click the ellipsis button next to the Assigning Authority field.
b.Select the WorkView attribute that will provide the assigning authority for the
previous MRN value.

Unlink Medical Record Number (Legacy)

The Unlink Medical Record Number (Legacy) action cannot be created or configured.
Existing configurations of this action are read-only, but they will continue to execute as
Going forward, use the non-legacy Unlink Medical Record Number action instead. See
Unlink Medical Record Number on page 706.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

WorkView Category
Add to Display Message

Note: This action is only available when configuring System Events.

Studio - Workflow Actions

This particular rule has application only when configuring system tasks for the class
events OnBeforeSaveObject and OnBeforeDeleteObject. This action adds the configured
information to the message displayed using the OnBeforeSaveObject or
OnBeforeDeleteObject events. You can use this action to create messages that provide
meaningful information concerning invalid data entered into an object. When this actions
is executed, the message is displayed and the object is not saved or deleted.
Option: Application
Select the Application of the WorkView item being checked.
Option: Class
Select the Class of the WorkView item being checked. This information will be used as
the context for any macros used in the text template, and by the Insert button.
Option: Text to Append
Type the text you would like to be displayed into the Text to Append text box. If you need
to insert data from the current object into the template, click the Insert button and
navigate the menu to select from attribute values and system data. The appropriate
macro/placeholder will be inserted. At runtime this will be replaced by the desired data.
It is also possible to create complex templates that execute queries and iterate over the
results. See the Data Value Insertion Tags and Iterative Tags sections in the WorkView
MRG or WorkView Configuration help files for more information.

Note: The <<@@>> tag is not supported in this action.

Option: Clear message text first

Select the Clear message text first check box if you want this to be the first or only
message to be displayed. The affects of this action are cumulative over the entire task
execution, so it is possible to build a long list of messages. Checking this box resets any
previously set messages and starts with an empty list.
You want to validate an object being saved to make sure one or more fields are filled in
and not blank. In addition, the object’s follow-up date attribute must be at least 7 days
greater than the day this object was created. To accomplish this, you would create a
system task that will be tied to the class’ OnBeforeSaveObject event hook using the
WorkView Configuration Tool. System task and event association is configured in the
WorkView Configuration tool. After each rule that detects an error condition, you would
configure Append to Message Text to create a single message listing all errors. You
would add a test message for each field that was required, but missing, and then one if
the date issue was present. The date issue could, optionally, be made to display the
follow-up date provided and also display the earliest date it is allowed to have.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Create New Object

Allows you to create a new WorkView object based on a set of specified options.

Note: Calculated attributes are not supported in this action.

Studio - Workflow Actions

Option: Application
Select the Application that the new object will belong to from the drop-down select list.
Option: Class
Select the Class that the new object will belong to from the drop-down select list.
Option: Automatically relate to current working object
Select the Automatically relate to current working object option if you want a relationship
to be created from the new object to the existing current object displayed in Workflow. A
relationship must be configured from one class to another within WorkView
Configuration for this option to function.
Option: Copy common attribute values from current object
If you want the values of the attributes that are common to the current object and the
newly created object to be copied automatically, select Copy common attribute values
from current object . When this option is selected, the values that are copied from the
current object will override any default values configured for an object or any values
populated by a script run automatically upon object creation.

Note: If an attribute is configured to be Unique or have a default value that uses a

sequence with WorkView Configuration, the attribute's value is not copied.

Option: Copy all attached documents from current objects

Selecting the Copy all attached documents from current object option will auto-attach the
statically linked document(s) from the current working object to the newly created
Option: Attribute Values
You can specify specific values for attributes. To configure specific values:

1. Click the ellipsis ( ... ) button next to the Attribute field.

2. Select a class attribute or system attribute that you want to populate the value on
the new object.
3. Either enter a value in the Constant Value field or enter the name of the Property
from which you want to pull the value for the attribute value.
4. Click Add. Repeat these steps for each attribute you want to populate on the

To remove an attribute configuration, select the attribute and click Remove.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Option: Display New Object

If you want the object to be displayed upon creation, select Display New Object.

Note: The Display New Object option is only supported in the Web Client and Unity
interfaces. The OnBase Web Server is required to display WorkView objects from the
Unity interface when using the web viewer. The Display New Object option is only
Studio - Workflow Actions

supported when configured in an ad hoc task.

Note: The Display New Object option is not functional when this action is running as timer

Option: Create object with inactive status

If you want an object to be marked as inactive unless the user saves a displayed object,
select Create object with inactive status. This option is used in conjunction with the
Display New Object option.

Option: Save new object ID in property

If you want to store the new object’s ID in a property, enter the name of the property in
the Save new object ID in property: field.
The following are items of note concerning attribute values for this action:
• If you enter %%, this will be converted to a single %.
• If no time is designated, 12:00:00 AM is assumed.
• If AM or PM is not designated in a time value, AM is assumed.
• If not date value is designated, the current date is assumed.
• When creating a new object using this action, the maximum value lengths
stated in the WorkView documentation are respected.

Create Object Association

Creates an association between two objects, resulting in a new object created in the
specified class. In order for a new object to be created, two objects must have
relationship attributes that relate to one another and those relationship attributes must
be specified as object assignments.

Note: Calculated attributes are not supported in this action.

Option: Application
Select an Application from the drop-down select list.
Option: Association Class
Select the Association Class of the object that represents the association between two
objects that will be created.

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OnBase 16 Workflow

Option: First Object Association

In the First Object Assignment section, identify the first associated object by clicking the
Relationship Attribute ellipsis ( ... ) button and selecting the appropriate relationship
Select one of the following as the source of the related object:

Studio - Workflow Actions

• Select Current Item if the current Workflow work item is the source of this
relationship attribute. Optionally, you may specify that the object's ID is
contained in a named property.
• Select Get Object ID from Property and enter the property name that will hold
the object ID.
Option: Second Object Assignment
In the Second Object Assignment section, identify the object that should be associated to
the object specified in the First Object Assignment section. Click the Relationship Attribute
ellipsis ( ...) button and select the appropriate relationship attribute.
Select one of the following:
• Select Current Item if the current Workflow work item is the source of this side
of the relationship. Optionally, you may specify that the object's ID is contained
in a named property.
• Select Get Object ID from Property and enter the property name that will hold
the object ID.

Note: The relationship attribute identified in the first and second object assignments
must be different. In addition, only one object assignment can be configured to use the
Current Item option at one time. Both the first and the second object assignments can
use the Current Item option.

Option: Save new object ID in property

If you want to store the new object’s ID in a property, enter the name of the property in
the Save new object ID in property: field.

Delete Object
Deletes a WorkView object. You can configure the action to delete the current item or
you can specify parameters to identify the object that should be deleted.
Select one of the following options to determine what object is deleted:
• Current Item - Delete the currently displayed item.
• Get Object ID from Property - Identify a specific object that should be deleted.
Specify the property that will contain the object ID of the object that should be
deleted. You can also specify the Application and Class the objects to be deleted
reside in from the drop-down select lists.

Note: You can use the Clear button to clear the Application and Class drop-down

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Workflow OnBase 16

Display WorkView Object

Displays a WorkView object. You can configure the action to display the current item or
you can specify parameters to identify the object that should be displayed.
Select one of the following options to determine which object should be displayed:
• Current Item - Display the current work item.
Studio - Workflow Actions

• Get Object ID from Property - If you want to identify a specific object that should
be displayed. Specify the property that will contain the object ID of the object
that should be displayed. You can also specify the Application and Class the
object to be displayed resides in from the drop-down select lists. Specifying an
application and class is optional for this action. You can click the Clear button to
clear any selections you have made from the Application and Class drop-down
select lists. Selecting an application and class ensures you are displaying the
exact object you intend to because not only does the ID have to match, but the
object must belong to the specified application/class.

Log Event on Object

Logs the configured text to an object’s event log on the History tab of an object.

Note: Calculated attributes are not supported in this action.

Option: Application
Select the Application from the drop-down select list.
Option: Class
Select the Class in which the object you want to log an event to resides.
These selections also determine the options available from the Insert button.
Option: Event Text
Enter the text you want logged in the Event Text field. You can use the Insert button to
insert dynamically generated data into the log entry. The following options are available:

Field value
The Field value option allows you to select an attribute specific to the class specified or a
system attribute. See the WorkView documentation for more information about system

Related Filters
The Filter option allows you to select a filter that is associated with the selected class to
display/use filter results data in a notification.

Note: When using a filter in fields, such as To and From, ensure the filter will yield data
that contains valid data.

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OnBase 16 Workflow

System date/time
The System date/time option allows you to insert date/time data into the notification and
specifying the formatting of the date/time.

Current user
The Current user option is selected, you can insert the currently logged in user into the

Studio - Workflow Actions


Workflow property
Selecting the Workflow property option opens the Property Name Entry dialog box. Enter
the name of the Workflow property you want to insert and click OK .

Option: Event Type ID (optional)

If you want to specify a value that will be logged in the Event ID column, enter the value
in the Event Type ID (optional) field. As indicated, this is optional, but using a well-
defined set of application-specific type IDs will aid later when browsing and searching
audit logs.

Modify Object Class

In some cases, you may want to convert an object from one class with extension
capabilities to another extended class. An example of when you may want to do this is if
you have an extendable class for Employees with an extension class for Managers and an
employee is promoted to a management position. You would want to convert that
person’s object from the Employee class to the Manager class. When classes are
configured appropriately in WorkView to transform an object from one class to another,
this action can be used to perform the conversion within Workflow. To configure this

1. Select the Application from the drop-down select list that the class you want to
convert objects to reside in.
2. Select the class you want to transform the current object to from the Extension
options drop-down select list. The class selected must be configured correctly to
be extended to the selected class.
See the WorkView documentation for more information about Extension Classes and
transforming objects.

Send WorkView Notification

You can use this action to send a WorkView notification.

Note: Calculated attributes are not supported in this action.

To configure this action:

1. Select the Application from the drop-down select list that you want to associate
with the action or select <Global> to select a global notification that isn’t tied to
an application or class. Skip to step 3 if you selected <Global> .
2. Select the Class from the drop-down select list that you want to associate with the

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Workflow OnBase 16

3. If you want to use a notification that is configured for the selected class within the
WorkView Configuration, select Send an Existing Notification and select the
appropriate notification from the drop-down select list.
If you want to create a notifications specifically for this action, select Send a
Custom/Dynamic Notification and select the appropriate options.
Studio - Workflow Actions

Custom/Dynamic Notification Options

The following options are available in the From , To, Cc , Bcc, Subject, and Message fields
for a dynamically generated notification when the ellipsis button (...) is clicked on next
to a field or Insert is clicked for the Message field:

Field value
The Field value option allows you to select an attribute specific to the class specified or a
system attribute. See the WorkView documentation for more information about system

Related Filters
The Filter option allows you to select a filter that is associated with the selected class to
display/use filter results data in a notification.

Note: When using a filter in fields, such as To and From, ensure the filter will yield data
that contains valid data.

System date/time
The System date/time option allows you to insert date/time data into the notification and
specifying the formatting of the date/time.

Current user
The Current user option is selected, you can insert the currently logged in user into the

Workflow property
Selecting the Workflow property option opens the Property Name Entry dialog box. Enter
the name of the Workflow property you want to insert and click OK .

Set Attribute Value(s)

This action allows you to set the value of the specified attribute(s).

Note: Calculated attributes are not supported in this action.

To configure attributes for this action:

1. Select the Application from the drop-down select list in which the attribute
2. Select the Class from the drop-down select list in which the attribute resides.
3. Click the ellipsis ( ... ) button next to the Attribute field and select the appropriate

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OnBase 16 Workflow

4. Either select Constant Value and enter the static value you want to add for the
attribute or select Property and enter the name of the property that contains the
value you want to add for the attribute.

Note: When configuring a constant value, any WorkView data-setting macro can be used.
See Macros in the WorkView MRG or WorkView Configuration help files for more

Studio - Workflow Actions


Note: When using a property, if an array exists for the property, the first value in the
array is used to set the attribute’s value. If the property specified doesn’t exist, the
attribute will be set to a blank value. If the attribute is a boolean data type attribute, the
value is set to FALSE.

Note: A blank value cannot be set for a boolean attribute.

5. Click Add.
6. Repeat steps 1 to 5 for each attribute you want to configure.

Note: If the target attribute is boolean data type and the value to be set is anything
other than "0", "1", "true" or "false", execution exception is generated.

Set Filter Options

Note: This action is available only when configuring a System Task and should be used in
conjunction with the OnBeforeExecuteFilter WorkView event.

Note: Calculated attributes are not supported in this action.

Allows you to add additional filter constraints and/or sorts to any filter before it is
executed. The constraints and sorts set will have a cumulative effect on the filter to be
In the Constraints tab, select an Application and Class from the drop-down select lists to
identify the target filter’s class.
To configure constraints that are in addition to the existing constraints of the filter:

1. On the Constraints tab, click the ellipsis ( ...) button next to the Attribute field to
define what attribute you want to and select a class attribute or system attribute
that you want to add as a constraint.
2. Select the appropriate Operator from the drop-down select list.
3. If you want to specify a static value to use in the filter, select Constant Value and
enter the value in the field.

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Workflow OnBase 16

4. If you want to use a dynamic value that is stored in a property, select Property
and enter the name of the property in the field.
5. Click Add. Repeat these steps for each attribute you would like to add as a

Note: When configuring a constraints, any WorkView data-setting macro can be used.
Studio - Workflow Actions

See Macros in the WorkView MRG or WorkView Configuration help files for more

To configure sort options:

1. On the Sort tab, click the ellipsis (... ) button next to the Attribute field to define
what attribute you want and select a class attribute or system attribute that you
want to add as a constraint.
2. Select Ascending to sort the attribute values in an ascending order.
3. Select Descending to sort the attribute values in a descending order.
4. Click Add. Repeat these steps for each attribute you would like to add as a sort.

Note: If this action is specified as a class event, all filters based on that class will have
these options added to them before execution. If added as a filter event, only the
specific filter will be affected. If an OnBeforeExecuteFilter class event exists as well as a
filter-specific event, the class event will be executed first followed immediately by the
filter event.

Set Property From Attribute

Allows you to set a specified property to an attribute value or a configured template

Note: Calculated attributes are not supported in this action.

Option: Property Name

Enter a property in the Property Name field.
Option: Application
Select the Application from the drop-down select list.
Option: Class
Select the Class from the drop-down select list that the object containing the value
resides in.
Option: Attribute Value
If you want to set the property value to the value of an attribute, select Attribute value.
Click the ellipsis button (... ) and select a class or system attribute.

Note: If the attribute value is null, a property is created with a blank value.

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OnBase 16 Workflow

When configuring a System Task, the Previous check box is enabled. This option allows
you to get the previous value of the specified attribute from the current object. If this
option is not selected, the current value is used.
Option: Template
If you want to insert more data than an attribute value, select Template. Click Insert to

Studio - Workflow Actions

access data type options. The following options can be inserted into the Template field.

Field value
The Field value option allows you to select an attribute specific to the class specified or a
system attribute. See the WorkView documentation for more information about system

Related Filters
The Filter option allows you to select a filter that is associated with the selected class to
display/use filter results data in a notification.

Note: When using a filter in fields, such as To and From, ensure the filter will yield data
that contains valid data.

System date/time
The System date/time option allows you to insert date/time data into the notification and
specifying the formatting of the date/time.

Current user
The Current user option is selected, you can insert the currently logged in user into the

Workflow property
Selecting the Workflow property option opens the Property Name Entry dialog box. Enter
the name of the Workflow property you want to insert and click OK .

Suppress Screen Action

Note: This action is available only when configuring a System Task and should be used in
conjunction with the OnBeforeOpenObject WorkView event.

Suppresses the screen action from a user’s view in the user interface.
Option: Application
Select an Application from the drop-down select list.
Option: Class
Select the Class this action will be associated with.
Option: Screen Action
Select a Screen Action you want to suppress from the drop-down select list. Click Add.
Repeat this for each screen action you want to suppress.

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Workflow OnBase 16

To remove a screen action from the list of suppressed actions, select it from the Screen
Actions to Suppress box and click Remove.

Related Tab
Studio - Workflow Actions

Related Tab for Unity Life Cycles

When a Unity Life Cycle is configured, the following options are available on the Related

Related Tab
The Related tab is displayed when an action requires related document to be configured.
The Related tab allows you to configure how related documents are defined.
Select one of the following options to determine how the related item is found:
• Portfolio Type - Select this option to use a portfolio type to identify related items
for action and select the appropriate portfolio type from the drop-down select
• Portfolio Relation - Select this option to use a portfolio relation to identify
related items for action and select the appropriate portfolio relation from the
drop-down select list.
• Ad Hoc Portfolio Relation - Click Configure under this option to create a portfolio
relation that is specific to this action. This portfolio relation cannot be assigned
to portfolio types or reused in another action or rule. The content types
available are specific to the item types the action can execute on. See
Configuring Portfolio Relations on page 236 for more information.

Option: Lock Related Item

When selected, the related item that the action is being performed on will be locked by
Workflow and other users will not be able to modify the related item when the action is
being executed.

Related Tab for Standard Life Cycles

When a life cycle is configured to be compatible with versions 11.0 and previous, the
following settings are available on the Related tab.

Related Tab
The Related tab is displayed when an action requires related document to be configured.
The Related tab allows you to configure how related documents are defined.

Caution: If the primary document also meets the requirements of a related document, the
primary document is excluded from related documents results.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Option: Document Handle

This option causes the system to use the value contained in the Document Handle
keyword as the common denominator between the current and related document. When
selected, the Document Type , Common Keyword Types, and Folder Type cannot be

Studio - Workflow Actions

Option: Document Type
Select a Document Type from the Related Document Type drop-down list.

Note: If you do not configure Keyword Types, Workflow will not be able to find related

Common Keyword Types

After you select the related Document Type, click Common Keywords. The Related
Document Types dialog box opens. To add Keyword Types to the list, select the Keyword
Type in the list and click Add . To remove a Keyword Type from the list, select the
keyword and click Remove . The Document Types with these Keyword Types are
evaluated when this action executes.

Note: If all common keywords for the current document contain null values for the
common Keyword Types, Workflow will not find any related documents.

Note: If there is at least one common Keyword Type for the current document that
contains a value, but one or more of the other common Keyword Types have null values,
all documents of the Document Type assigned that match the keyword values provided
will be processed.

The Search Multiple Values Independently optional check box is used for Keyword Types
that can have multiple values on the current document. If this check box is enabled, a
related document can match any of the multiple values contained for that Keyword Type
on the current document (as well as the other common keywords designated) for the
rule to succeed. To enable this feature for a common keyword, click the check box to the
left of the Keyword Type name after the common keyword(s) have been added.

Tip: Common keywords should be configured for a related document rule. Without
common keywords defined, the rule will not evaluate against any documents.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Option: Folder Type

This drop-down list includes all dynamically populated folder types (Dynamic Document
Types/Dynamic Document Type Group folder types). The selected folder type will
contain documents, related to the currently selected document, that will be acted on in
Studio - Workflow Actions

Note: Only folder types configured as Workflow folders will be displayed for selection in
the Folder Type drop-down select list.

Note: If there is at least one common Keyword Type for the current document that
contains a value, but one or more of the other common Keyword Types have null values,
all documents in the related Folder Type assigned that match the Keyword Values
provided will be processed. Common Keyword Type for Folder Types are configured in
Folder Type configuration.

Related documents can also be determined by document handle when using folder types.
For information about configuring folder types to relate documents by document handle,
see Relating Documents by Document Handle with Folders on page 180.
Option: Associated Primary Document (Applicable to Work Folder documents only)

Note: This option is supported only in the Core-Based Client and Web Client interfaces.
The following message is displayed to the user and the task list is completely aborted
when attempting to execute this in an interface where it is not supported: "The current
configuration for finding related documents is not implemented"

Caution: This option only applies when a Work Folder document has been dragged-and-
dropped to an ad hoc task.

Sometimes access back to the primary document in order to obtain information, for
example, copying keywords from the primary document, is needed while the task list is
The option allows users to relate back to the document that was last selected from the
Inbox when dragging and dropping a document from a Work Folder to an ad hoc task.
If an action that is configured with this relationship option is executed in any other
manner (traditional ad hoc task execution, System Work, Timer Work, Load Balancing
Work or System Tasks), the following message is displayed in the Diagnostics Console,
the action fails, but the task list continues execution: "Relationship type is only valid for
tasks executed via drag and drop from the work folder"
Option: Require All Common Keywords Present on Primary Document

Note: This option is not supported in the Classic Client Workflow interface.

Note: This option is available when searching for related documents by Document Type
or by Folder Type.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

When this option is selected, the query logic requires that all configured common
keyword values must be present in order to return matching related documents. If the
primary document does not have all of the common keywords present, the query is
aborted and a message is logged to the Workflow Trace stating that Related Document
Query aborted: primary document does NOT have all common keywords present .
The following is required for this option:

Studio - Workflow Actions

• Common Keywords must be configured.
• The primary document must have all of the configured common keywords
present on the document in order for the query to run.
• The primary document must have a value for each of the configured common
keywords in order for the query to run.
• This option is not available when searching for related documents by Document
Option: Lock Related Document
When selected, the related document that the action is being performed on will be
locked by Workflow and other users will not be able to modify the related document
when the action is being executed.

Last Execution Result Behavior for Related Items

The following describes behavior when Workflow actions set Last Execution Results
based on execution on several related documents/items. When an action succeeded on
the first item, but failed on a subsequent item, different actions handle this in different
When using Check Out Document with the Target set for Related Document/Related Items,
the last execution result equals FALSE if we failed to check out any related document/
items. The last execution result is TRUE only if there are related documents/items and
all related documents/items were successfully checked out.
The following actions set the last execution result to TRUE only when the action
succeeded on at least one related document/item. It is FALSE if there are no related
documents/items or the action failed for every related document/item:
• Delete All Keywords of Certain Type (Target: Related Document/Related Item)
• Delete Keyword (Target: Related Document/Related Item)
• Copy Keyword from Related Item
• Copy Keyword Records from Related Item
• Copy Keyword Records to Related Item
• Copy Keyword to Related Item
• Copy Keywords from/to Related Item (with From This Document to Related
Document set)
• Set Related Document's Keyword Equal to This Document's Keywords
• Set This Document's Keyword Equal to Related Document's Keywords
• Create Autofill Record (Target: Related Document/Related Item)
• Assign to User (Target: Related Document/Related Item)
• Remove User Assignment (Target: Related Document/Related Item)

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

All other actions set the last execution result to TRUE if there is at least one related
document (not locked by Records Management) regardless of the result of the action and
FALSE if there are no related documents/items (or they are locked by Records

Records Management’s Effect on the Last Execution Result

Studio - Workflow Actions

The following actions will not execute on documents locked by the Record Management

Document Category
• Check In Document (Target: Current Document/Current Item)
• Check Out Document (Target: Current Document/Current Item)
• Create Note (Target: Current Document/Current Item)
• Create PDF/TIFF File
• Delete Document (Target: Current Document/Current Item)
• Delete Note (Target: Current Document/Current Item)
• Re-Index Document
• Set Document Type
• Stamp Version
• Update Document Name
• Display HTML Form (Target: Current Document/Current Item)

Keyword Category
• Add Keyword
• Autofill Keyword Set (Target: Current Document/Current Item)
• Copy Keyword
• Copy Keyword from Related Document
• Copy Keyword Records from Related Document
• Copy Keywords from/to Related Document (with From Related Document to This
Document set)
• Delete All Keywords of Certain Type (Target: Current Document/Current Item)
• Delete Keyword (Target: Current Document/Current Item)
• Increment/Decrement Keyword (Target: Current Document/Current Item)
• Replace Keyword (Target: Current Document/Current Item)
• Set Keyword Same as Entry to Queue Date
• Set This Document's Keyword Equal to Related Document's Keyword
• Store Related Document Count in Keyword
• Set Keyword Value from Autofill Value

Property Category
• Copy Property (with To E-Form field or To XML Path set)
• Set Keyword from Property Value
• Exclude from Document Retention

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

System Category
• Purge Document
• Remove Exclusion from Document Retention
• Update Document Retention Status

Studio - Workflow Actions

The following actions will not execute on related documents/items locked by Records
Management. Related documents/items that are locked are not returned as related

Document Category
• Check In Document (Target: Related Document/Related Item)
• Check Out Document (Target: Related Document/Related Item)

Note: If at least one related document/item was locked, the last execution result is FALSE

• Create Note (Target: Related Document/Related Item)

• Delete Document (Target: Related Document/Related Item)
• Delete Note (Target: Related Document/Related Item)
• Set Document Type (Target: Related Document/Related Item)
• Display HTML Form for Related Document (Target: Related Document/Related

Keyword Category
• Add Keyword (Target: Related Document/Related Item)
• Copy Keyword to Related Document
• Copy Keyword Records to Related Document
• Copy Keywords from/to Related Document (with From This Document to Related
Document set)
• Delete All Keywords of Certain Type (Target: Related Document/Related Item)
• Delete Keyword (Target: Related Document/Related Item)
• Increment/Decrement Keyword (Target: Related Document/Related Item)
• Replace Keyword (Target: Related Document/Related Item)
• Set Related Document's Keyword Equal to This Document's Keyword

Configuring Life Cycles Compatible with versions 11.0 and

If you are configuring an action in a life cycle configured to be compatible with versions
of OnBase 11.0 and earlier, an icon is displayed next to the action to signify if the action
is supported in the Classic Client interface or in the Core-Based interfaces.
If the action is supported in the Classic Client interface, the following icon is displayed:

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

If the action is supposed in Core Services, the following icon is displayed:

For specific support for each interface that is Core-Based, see the description for each
Studio - Workflow Actions

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.

The rules available depend on the type of life cycle you are configuring. Only rules that
are supported by the type of life cycle you are configuring are displayed for selection and

Considerations for Rules

Caution: Encrypted keywords are not supported in the Classic Client interface (Core-based
Workflow does support Keyword Type encryption).

Caution: Within Workflow life cycles, users with rights to tasks that modify keywords can
modify encrypted Keyword Values upon task execution, regardless of their encrypted
keyword user rights. When using E-Forms that display user interaction, encrypted
keywords are displayed masked when the user does not have rights to view encrypted
Keyword Values and the user cannot change values that they do not have rights to
regardless of the user's ad hoc task rights.

Note: Rules that work with AutoFill Keyword Sets are not compatible with external
AutoFill Keyword Type Sets.

Workflow Property Bag - The Workflow Property Bag is a session specific property bag
that can be used to store and retrieve temporary values from VBScripts and the
property-related actions and rules. The values in the Workflow property bag can also be
used in the conditions for a rule queue.

Finding Rules
You can limit the rules displayed in Rule Type drop-down select list. Click in the field and
type characters to find the rule you are looking for. Any rule that contains the characters
entered will be displayed in red in the drop-down select list. If only one rule meets the
criteria entered, press Enter on the keyboard to select it. In addition, you can enter
comma separated words and phrases to look for rules that contain any of the words and
phrases entered.

Application Automator Category

Workflow rules described in this section are only available when licensed for OnBase
Application Automator.

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Workflow OnBase 16

Check Storyboard Status

Note: This action requires licensing for OnBase Application Automator.

Checks the status of a Storyboard that was executed using the Run Storyboard action.
Studio - Workflow Rules

Option: Property Name

Enter the unique value used to identify the execution of the Storyboard.

Tip: This is the value entered in the Property Name field of the corresponding Run
Storyboard action.

Option: Status
Select the execution status of the Storyboard executed by the Run Storyboard action.

Status Description

Saving to System The Run Storyboard action has been triggered, and the request to
execute the Storyboard is currently being saved to the system.

Note: The time it takes for the Run Storyboard action to save the
request to the system is typically very brief.

Not Started Storyboard execution is queued to start but has not started.

In Progress Storyboard execution is currently in progress.

Failed Storyboard execution has failed. Failure can occur for a number of
reasons, including misconfiguration, unavailability of applications, and
connection issues.

Completed Storyboard execution has successfully completed.

Agenda Manager Category

Workflow rules described in this section are only available when licensed for Agenda
Configuring these Workflow rules differs slightly based on the rule’s context. This
context is automatically set when you choose the type of items that the life cycle
contains, and is displayed in the Properties pane, on the General tab, in Context .

Check Field Value

Checks a specified field value against another value.

1. In the Properties pane, on the General tab, from the Field to Check drop-down
select list, select the field to check.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

When Agenda Item is the context, the following selections are available:

Field to Check Description

Agenda Item Id The agenda item’s ID field.

Agenda item number The agenda item’s number.

Studio - Workflow Rules

Agenda Item Type The agenda item’s type field.
You can also choose from the following related types:
• agendaitemtypenum
• agendaitemtypename
• Template Id

Is Closed Session The agenda item’s closed session field.

Meeting Type The agenda item’s meeting type field.

You can also choose from the following related types:
• agendaoutlinenum
• ammeetingtypename
• ammeetingtypenum
• amorgannum:

Minutes The agenda item’s minutes field.

Motion The agenda item’s motion field. You can also choose from the
following related types:
• Motion Type | Motion Type Name

Note: To check the value for this type, make sure you use the
name of the motion type (i.e., Pass, Pending, or Fail).

• Vote Type

Note: To check the value for this type, make sure you use the
number that corresponds to the desired vote type. Use 1 for a
RollCall vote, use 2 for a Voice vote, and use 3 for a Consent

• Result
• Description

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Field to Check Description

Status The agenda item’s status field.

You can also choose from the following related types:
• amaistatustypename
• amaistatustypenum
Studio - Workflow Rules

• amaistlgiconitemnum
• amaistsmiconitemnum

Target Meeting The agenda item’s target meeting field.

You can also choose from the following related types:
• Location
• Meeting Name
• Meeting Type:
• Organizer
• Time

Title The agenda item’s title field.

When Meeting is the context, the following selections are available:

Field to Check Description

Location The meeting’s location field.

Meeting Name The meeting’s meeting name field.

Organizer The meeting’s organizer field.

Time The meeting’s time field.

2. Select the appropriate Operator from the drop-down select list.

Note: The <, <=, >=, and > operators are not available for alphanumeric fields.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

3. From the Compare To drop-down select list, select one of the following for

Compare To Description

Constant value This option compares the field value to the constant value

Studio - Workflow Rules

Current date/time This option compares the field value to the current date/time.

Current user name This option compares the field value to the user name of the
currently logged in user. If you want to use the configured real
name for the user, select the Use real name option.

Property This option compares the field value to the value of the specified

User group name(s) of This option compares the field value to the user group(s) the
current user current logged in user.

Note: This rule evaluates false if the field to check is on a related type that does not
exist, or if the field to check is null. If the field to check is an empty string, this rule will
only evaluate to true when configured to compare to an empty string.

4. In the Properties pane, click the Advanced tab.

5. In the Properties pane, click the Documentation tab. Enter any descriptive
information that is applicable in the Overview and Details fields.

Related Entity Exists

Tip: You can use this rule to get to the Supporting Document entity through an agenda
item being routed, so that you do not need to configure a portfolio.

Checks to see if a related entity type exists for the current item.

1. In the Properties pane, on the General tab, from the Related Entity Type drop-down
select list, select a related entity type to evaluate using this rule.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

When Agenda Item is the context, the following selections are available:

Related Entity Type Description

Agenda Item Field An agenda item field.

Agenda Item To Meeting An agenda item to a meeting.

Studio - Workflow Rules

Agenda Item Type An agenda item type.

Meeting A specific meeting instance.

Motion An agenda item motion.

Supporting Document An agenda item supporting document.

useraccount A user account.

When Meeting is the context, the following selections are available:

Related Entity Type Description

Agenda Item An agenda item.

Agenda Item To Meeting An agenda item to a meeting.

Meeting Documents A meeting document.

2. If you selected Agenda Item, Agenda Item Field , Agenda Item To Meeting,
Supporting Document , or Meeting Documents, from the Related Entity Type drop-
down select list, you can filter the results. Select the Filter Results check box and
perform the following:
a.From the Field drop-down select list, select one of the following:

Entity Type Field

Agenda Item Field • Agenda Item

• Agenda Item Field Type
• Agenda Item Field Value

Agenda Item To Meeting • Agenda Item

• Agenda Section
• Meeting

Supporting Document • Agenda Item

• Supporting Document ID

b.In Must match:, select Constant value or Property and enter a constant value or

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OnBase 16 Workflow

3. If you do not want to use the results to execute sub-tasks, clear the Use results
for sub-tasks check box.

Note: When using the results to execute sub-tasks, the rule’s context sets the context for
respective sub-tasks. The action’s context is automatically set when you choose the type
of items that the life cycle contains. The context is displayed in the Properties pane, on
the General tab, in Context . If the direct task does not specify context, then the context

Studio - Workflow Rules

specified by the most direct ancestor will be used. For example, if you nest multiple
Related Item Exists rules that each provide context, the sub-tasks will use the deepest

4. If you want to store the result count in a property, select the Save result count in
property: check box and enter the name of the property in the corresponding field.
5. In the Properties pane, click the Advanced tab.
6. In the Properties pane, click the Documentation tab. Enter any descriptive
information that is applicable in the Overview and Details fields.

Approvals Category
Workflow rules described in this section are only available when licensed for Workflow
Approval Management.

Check Item Approval Level

This rule evaluates an item’s current approval level in an approval process.

Note: This rule is not supported in the OnBase Client Classic Workflow interface.

Option: Approval Process

In the drop-down select list, choose the approval process you want to associate with the
Select which level you want to check for:
• Select First Level to cause the rule to evaluate to true when the item is in the
first approval level of the selected approval process.
• Select Last Level to cause the rule to evaluate to true when the item is in the
last approval level of the selected approval process.

Check Item Approval Status

This rule evaluates the approval status of an item in an approval process.

Note: This rule is not supported in the OnBase Client Classic Workflow interface.

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Workflow OnBase 16

Option: Approval Process

From the drop-down select list, select the approval process you want to associate with
the rule.
Option: Status
Select either Pending, Approved , or Rejected . If the item has the selected approval
Studio - Workflow Rules

status, the rule will evaluate to true.

If there are multiple approval users assigned to an item, the item’s approval status is
Pending until all approval users either approve or reject the item.

Check User Approval Status

This rule evaluates the approval status that a user has given an item in an approval

Note: This rule is not supported in the OnBase Client Classic Workflow interface.

Option: Approval Process

From the drop-down select list, select the approval process you want to associate with
the rule.
Option: Status
Select either Pending, Approved , or Rejected . If the current user has given the item the
selected approval status, the rule will evaluate to true.
Option: User
Select one of the following option to configure how the user is determined:
• Current User - Checks the approval status for the current user.
• Get User from Keyword - Checks the approval status of a user stored in a
Keyword. Select the Keyword Type that stores the user.
• Get User from Property - Checks the approval status of a user stored in a
property. Enter the property name that stores the user.

Item in Approval Process

This rule evaluates whether or not an item is in an approval process.

Note: This rule is not supported in the OnBase Client Classic Workflow interface.

Option: Approval Process

From the drop-down select list, choose the approval process that you want to associate
with the rule. If the item is in the selected approval process, the rule will evaluate to

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Document Category
Check Chart Data on This Chart
This rule compares a chart data value to a static value and tests for the specified

Studio - Workflow Rules

Chart data includes physicians, admit types, diagnosis and DRG codes, dispositions,
facilities, unit history 1, and service types, among others.

Note: This rule is only supported in Core-based Workflow.

Note: This rule applies only to queues containing SYS Workflow Chart documents, which
are used to route OnBase charts through Workflow. OnBase charts require one of the
following licenses: HL7, Medical Records Management Solution, or Signature Deficiencies
for Epic.

1. From the Chart Data drop-down, select the chart data to evaluate using this rule.
2. From the Operator drop-down, select the operator to use when comparing the
chart’s value against the value configured for the rule.
If the chart has a value for the selected Chart Data field, then:
• For all operators except <>, the rule evaluates to TRUE if the chart value
matches any of the rule’s values.
• For <>, the rule evaluates to FALSE if ANY of the chart’s values match any of
the rule’s values.
• For <>, the rule evaluates to TRUE if the NONE of the chart’s values match
any of the rule’s values.
If the chart does not have a value for the selected Chart Data field, then:
• For all operators except <>, the rule evaluates to FALSE.
• For <>, the rule evaluates to TRUE.
3. If necessary, select Allow Wildcards to enable the use of wildcards ( * or ?) in the
value configured for the rule.

1. To maintain a patient’s unit history, you must turn on chart column tracking for the Unit
Name chart data field.

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Workflow OnBase 16

4. In the field below the Compare To list, type the value 1 to compare against the
selected chart data field. If the chart satisfies the configured conditions, the rule
is evaluated as TRUE.
Studio - Workflow Rules

5. Click Add.
6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for each value the rule should check for in the selected chart
data field.

Check Date Data on This Chart

1. OnBase stores a chart’s Patient Sex as a numeric value. If you are using this rule to check
the Patient Sex on charts, enter a numeric value using this convention: 0 for Unknown or
Undefined, 1 for Male, 2 for Female, 3 for Other, 4 for Ambiguous, 5 for Not Applicable.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

This rule checks date information on OnBase charts by comparing two date values.

Note: This rule is only supported in Core-based Workflow.

Note: This rule applies only to queues containing SYS Workflow Chart documents, which

Studio - Workflow Rules

are used to route OnBase charts through Workflow. OnBase charts require one of the
following licenses: HL7, Medical Records Management Solution, or Signature Deficiencies
for Epic.

1. Under Date Value D1, select one of the following options to use as the first date
value (D1).

Date Value D1 Description

Queue Entry Value Select to use the date that the chart entered this queue as D1.
The queue entry time is logged using the database server’s

Chart Data Value Select to use one of the following chart values as D1:
• Admit Date
• Discharge Date
• Patient Date of Birth

2. Select the option to use as the second date value (Date Value D2).

Date Value D2 Description

Current Date Select to use the current date as D2.

Specific Value Select to enter a specific date for D2.

Chart Data Value Select to use one of the following chart values as D2:
• Admit Date
• Discharge Date
• Patient Date of Birth

3. Select the Relationship between D1 and D2 from the final drop-down.

Relationship Description

D1 is after D2 Select if the rule is TRUE when D1 is after D2.

D1 is before D2 Select if the rule is TRUE when D1 is before D2.

D1 is equal to D2 Select if the rule is TRUE when D1 equals D2.

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Workflow OnBase 16

Relationship Description

D1 is more than N time Select if the rule is TRUE when D1 is more than the specified
periods before D2 number of periods before D2. When you select this option, the
Number of Periods N field and Period drop-down become
Studio - Workflow Rules

For example, if you set the time period to 2 days, in order for
this rule to return true, D1 must be more than 2 days before

D1 is fewer than N time Select if the rule is TRUE when D1 is fewer than the specified
periods before D2 number of periods before D2. When you select this option, the
Number of Periods N field and Period drop-down become
For example, if you set the time period to 2 days, in order for
this rule to return true, D1 must be fewer than 2 days before

D1 is more than N time Select if the rule is TRUE when D1 is more than the specified
periods after D2 number of periods after D2. When you select this option, the
Number of Periods N field and Period drop-down become
For example, if you set the time period to 2 days, in order for
this rule to return true, D1 must be more than 2 days after D2.

D1 is fewer than N time Select if the rule is TRUE when D1 is fewer than the specified
periods after D2 number of periods after D2. When you select this option, the
Number of Periods N field and Period drop-down become
For example, if you set the time period to 2 days, in order for
this rule to return true, D1 must be fewer than 2 days after

4. If you selected an option that uses an N comparison, the Number of Periods N field
and Period drop-down become available.
a.In the Number of Periods N field, type the number of periods to use when
comparing D1 and D2.
b.From the Period drop-down, select the unit for the time period.
• Available options are Year(s) , Month(s), and Day(s) .
• If the rule is part of a life cycle that is assigned a Work Calendar, then
Business Day(s) is also available.

Check Document File Format

Checks the file format of the current document.

Note: This rule is not supported in the Classic Client interface.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Option: File Format

Select a file format from the drop-down select list.
To check for multiple renditions or revisions of a document, select <Multiple> from the
drop-down select list.
To check for the current document’s default document type upon execution of the rule,

Studio - Workflow Rules

select <Document Default File Format> from the drop-down select list.
Option: Check the latest revision only
When Check the latest revision only is selected, only the latest revision of the current
document is evaluated against the selected file format. This option is not available when
<Multiple> is selected as the file format.

Option: Check the default rendition only

When Check the default rendition only is selected, only the default rendition of the current
document is evaluated against the selected file format. This option is not available when
<Multiple> is selected as the file format.

Check Document Tracking Status

Note: A Document Tracking license is required to use this rule.

This rule checks the Documentation Status of the Document Tracking folder in which the
document is located. Upon executing an ad hoc task on a document, the system locates
the appropriate folder and checks it for compliance.

Note: This rule is only supported in Core-based Workflow.

1. From the Folder Type drop-down list, select the Document Tracking Folder Type in
which documents from the configured Document Type are located.
2. Select one of the following options:
• All Keywords - All Keyword Type Values on the document must match the
Keyword Type Values on the Folder.
• Select Keywords - Only selected Keyword Type Values on the document must
match the Keyword Type Values on the document.

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Workflow OnBase 16

3. If you selected Select Keywords , click Configure .

The Inherited Keyword Types dialog box is displayed.
Studio - Workflow Rules

4. To select one or more Keyword Type Values that the document and folder should
have in common, select the appropriate Keyword Types from the list on the left
and click Add .
To deselect one or more Keyword Type Values that the document and folder
should not have in common, select the appropriate Keyword Types from the list
on the right and click Remove.
5. Click OK.
6. From the Status drop-down list, select the Documentation Status the system
should check for.
The rule evaluates true when the status of the Document Tracking folder matches
the selected status.
The rule evaluates false when the status of the Document Tracking folder does
not match the selected status.

Check Document Type

Compares the current Document Type to certain specified Document Types.

Note: This rule is only supported in Core-based Workflow.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Option: Document Types

Add Document Types to the list to compare to the current item’s Document Type. To add
or remove Document Types from the list:

1. Click Modify. The Document Types dialog box is displayed.

2. Select the check box next to the Document Types you want to assign to the rule.

Studio - Workflow Rules

If you want to view only Document Types that are currently assigned, select Show
only included items . You can use the Find field to enter the name of a Document
Type you want to find.
3. When you are finished configuring Document Types, click OK .
Option: Get Document Types from Property
You can acquire the Document Types from a property value by selecting Get Document
Types from property and entering the property name in the field.

Check Document Type Group

Compares the current Document Type Group to certain specified Document Type Groups.

Note: This rule is only supported in Core-based Workflow.

Option: Document Type Groups

Add Document Type Groups to the list to compare to the current item’s Document Type
Group. To add or remove Document Type Groups from the list:

1. Click Modify. The Document Type Groups dialog box is displayed.

2. Select the check box next to the Document Type Groups you want to assign to the
If you want to view only Document Type Groups that are currently assigned,
select Show only included items . You can use the Find field to enter the name of a
Document Type Group you want to find.
3. Select the check box above the list of Document Type Groups to toggle between
selecting all Document Type Groups, no Document Type Groups, or the Document
Type Groups already selected.
4. When you are finished configuring Document Type Groups, click OK .
Option: Get Document Type Groups from Property
You can acquire the Document Type Groups from a property value by selecting Get
Document Type Groups from property and entering the property name in the field.

Check External Report Capture Status

Note: This rule requires the Report Capture for Meditech license.

The Check External Report Capture Status rule allows you to verify the success or failure
of a submitted Report Capture request.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Option: Batch ID
Select the Keyword Type you have configured to store the Batch ID or Batch Number of
your form. The Batch ID is used to identify and track the form within OnBase as it passes
through Workflow.
Option: Report Capture Batch Status to Check
Studio - Workflow Rules

Select the status value you will be checking for:

• InProcess - select this status to check if the selected Report Capture request in
currently in progress
• Failed - select this status to check if the selected Report Capture request has
• Canceled - select this status to check if the selected Report Capture request has
been canceled
• Complete - select this status to check if the selected Report Capture request
was successfully completed

Check for Patient/Chart

Note: This rule requires an HL7 Listener or Basic HL7 Listener license.

Checks whether the current document has a matching chart or patient record in OnBase.
This rule evaluates as true if the document can be attached to a chart or patient record
based on OnBase’s rules for assigning medical documents to charts and patients.

Note: This rule is supported only in Core-based Workflow interfaces.

This rule evaluates as TRUE under any of the following conditions:

• The document belongs to a chart Document Type and can successfully be
attached to an existing chart based on the Required Key configured under
Medical | Chart | Data Fields .
• The document belongs to a chart-optional Document Type and can be
successfully attached to an existing chart based on its chart ID number
• The document belongs to a chart-optional Document Type, has a blank chart ID
number keyword, and can successfully be attached to an existing patient record
based on its MPI or MRN.
• The document belongs to a clinical patient Document Type and can successfully
be attached to an existing patient record based on its MPI or MRN.
This rule evaluates as FALSE under any of the following conditions:
• The document belongs to a chart Document Type but cannot be successfully
attached to a single existing chart.
• The document belongs to a chart-optional Document Type but cannot be
successfully attached to a single existing chart based on its chart ID number

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

• The document belongs to a chart-optional Document Type, has a blank chart ID

number keyword, but cannot successfully be attached to an existing patient
• The document belongs to a clinical patient Document Type but cannot
successfully be attached to an existing patient record.
For information about how OnBase matches medical documents to charts and patients,

Studio - Workflow Rules

see the HL7 module reference guide.

Check Priority on Item

Checks the priority on a item.

Option: Target
In the Target drop-down select list, define whether you want the rule to evaluate the
current document/item in the queue or a related document/item.
If you are configuring the rule for related documents/items, see Related Tab on page 792
for more information.

Option: Priority Value

This value will be used to evaluate items against. Numbers 1 to 999 are valid values.
Priority rank is dependent on sorting and load balancing configurations.
Option: Operator
The operator selected from this drop-down menu sets how to compare the priority value
configured for the rule to the priority value of the selected document. You can select less
than (<), less than or equal to (<=), not equal to (<>), equal to (=), greater than (>),
or greater than or equal to (>=).

Option: Check on Item in this Life Cycle

Select the life cycle from this drop-down list from which you would like the priority
checked for the item. Priorities are attached to life cycles for a item. It is possible to
have different priority assignments for the same item in multiple life cycles.

Document Assigned to Reading Group

Note: This rule is only available if licensed for the Document Knowledge Transfer module.

Checks to see if the current document is assigned to the reading group specified in the
Reading Group drop-down select list.

Document Returned from CIC

Check to see if the primary document has been returned completed from the CIC Signing
server. Documents are only brought back from CIC in the event that all documents
uploaded as part of a single package are complete. When this rule evaluates true, all
related documents have been returned signed as well.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Document Type Exists on This Chart

This rule checks whether a chart contains a specific Document Type.

Note: This rule is only supported in Core-based Workflow.

Studio - Workflow Rules

Option: Document Type

From the Document Type drop-down, select the Document Type to check for. If the
Document Type is found in the OnBase chart, then the rule is evaluated as TRUE.

Note: This rule applies only to queues containing SYS Workflow Chart documents, which
are used to route OnBase charts through Workflow. OnBase charts require one of the
following licenses: HL7, Medical Records Management Solution, or Signature Deficiencies
for Epic.

Document Was Signed by the User

Allows verification of whether a document has been signed by a specific user, member of
a user group, user specified by a keyword value, or user specified by a property value.
Select one of the following options:
Option: This User
If This User is selected, the rule will be evaluated based on whether or not the specific
user selected in the drop-down select list signed the document.
Option: Member of this Group
If Member of this Group is selected, the rule will be evaluated based on whether or not a
user belonging to the group specified in the drop-down select list signed the document.
Option: User name contained in Keyword
If User name contained in Keyword is selected, the value of the Keyword Type drop-down
select list is compared to the user name of the person who signed the document. If there
are multiple values of the specified Keyword Type, only one of the values must match the
user that signed the document in order to evaluate as true.
Option: User name from Property
If User name from Property is selected, the value of the property specified in the field is
compared to the user name of the person who signed the document.
If there are multiple revisions of a document, the current revision is evaluated for a

DocuSign Envelope Completed

Note: This rule requires the Integration for DocuSign eSignatures license.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Check to see if the primary document has been returned from the DocuSign eSignatures
system as either completed (signed) or declined. Documents are only brought back from
DocuSign in the event that all documents uploaded as part of a single envelope are
completed and/or declined.
When this rule evaluates true, the envelope (i.e., the primary document and all of its
related documents) has been returned as well.

Studio - Workflow Rules

Option: Target Status
Select one of the following Target Status options to determine the envelope status that
should be checked:
• Completed - The primary document and all of its related documents have been
• Declined - The envelope has been declined.

Executed In
Allows task lists to be executed based on the interface in which the action is being
Select one of the following options to determine which interface causes this rule to
evaluate to true:
• Client Classic interface
• Any Core-Based interface

Actions can then be configured for the true and false cases.

Is First or Last Item

Determines if an item is the first or last item in a batch.

Note: This rule is not supported in the Classic Client interface.

When this rule is executed on a single item, the rule will evaluate to true, regardless of
whether it was configured for First Item or Last Item.
Option: First Item
When the rule is executed on multiple items, and the rule is configured with First Item ,
the rule will evaluate to true only if it is the first item in the selected list of items.
Option: Last Item
When the rule is executed on multiple items and the rule is configured for the Last Item,
the rule will evaluate to true only if it is the last item in the selected list of items.

Note: When configured under a timer in a queue that supports ownership, ownership is
respected. Items owned by users other than the user executing the timer are not

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Note Exists
Checks for a specified Note Type attached to the current document.
Option: Note Type
Select the note type for which the rule should search.
Studio - Workflow Rules

Option: Get Note Type from Property

You can acquire the note type from a property value by selecting Get Note Type from
property and entering the property in the field.
Select one of the following options:
• Exists - Check if the note type exists.
• Does Not Exist - Check if the note type does not exist.

Related Folder Contains Documents

Checks to make sure documents exist in a specified folder type.

Option: Folder Type
Select a folder type from the Folder Type drop-down select list. Only dynamic folders will
appear in the drop-down list.

Note: Only folder types configured as Workflow folders will be displayed for selection in
the Folder Type drop-down select list.

Run Script
Runs a specified script. OnBase examines the value of the ExecutionStatus property. A
return value of 0 is failure, any other value is success. For this rule to work properly, the
ExecutionStatus property must be set for all possible outcomes of the script.

Option: VB Script
Select a script from the VB Script drop-down select list.

Note: When using the Core-based OnBase Client interface and running VBScripts on the
client side and a property bag is used, the property bag will be synchronized between
the server and client prior to executing the script, and again following the execution of
the script. This will insure that property bag values residing on the server will be
available to use on the client side during script execution. These same property bag
values, if changed during the script execution on the client side, will be available in the
Core after execution. Synchronizing the property bag does not support deleting a
property value from the property bag. If a property value is deleted during script
execution on the client, the property value will not be removed from the property bag on
the server side when next synchronization occurs. Only scalar property values are
supported for synchronization. If a property holds an interface pointer to a class
instance we will not synchronize these types of properties. Synchronization is not
supported when Timer work is performed on the client side.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Signature Is Valid on Document

Note: This rule requires that your system is licensed for Digital Signatures.

Determines whether a document has been signed with a digital signature, then verifies

Studio - Workflow Rules

whether or not the signature is valid. If the signature is valid, the rule will evaluate true.
If a document is invalid or has no signatures, the rule will evaluate false.

Signature Is Valid on Unity Form

Verifies whether a Unity Form has a valid signature. If the form is not signed or the form
has been edited since it was signed, the rule will evaluate False. If the signature is valid,
the rule will evaluate True.

Note: This rule is supported only in the Web Workflow and Unity Workflow interfaces.

Option: All Signatures Must be Valid

Select All Signatures Must be Valid if you want to evaluate the form based on every
signature field on the form.
Option: Unity Form Field Name
If you want to evaluate a single signature field on the form, select the signature field
from the Unity Form Field Name drop-down select list.

Note: If the Unity Form you evaluate does not contain the signature field selected, the
rule will evaluate False.

WorkView Object Exists

Note: This rule is only available when licensed for WorkView.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Determines whether a WorkView object exists that matches the Filter Document Type
Association option configured for the rule. The user can only specify one Filter Document
Type Association per Document Type.

Note: This rule is not functional in the Classic Client interface.

Studio - Workflow Rules

Note: WorkView must be installed on the database in which you want to configure this
rule. If you import a life cycle into a database, that database must have WorkView
installed to successfully import the life cycle.

Note: This rule will evaluate to true if one or more objects exist that meet the criteria

1. Select a Document Type from the Document Type drop-down select list.
2. If you want to specify a Filter Document Type Association for which objects must
meet the configured criteria in order for the rule to evaluate true, select the
appropriate Filter Document Type Association . The Filter Document Type
Association name is followed by (Class ClassName). Only Filter Document Type
Associations associated with the Document Type selected are displayed. If no
Filter Document Type Associations are configured for the selected Document Type
or you wish to evaluate an object’s existence based on whether the current
document in the life cycle is attached to an object, select <All objects that have
doc attached> .
3. Click Add.
4. Repeat the these steps for each association you want to create.

Note: Only one filter association can be configured for a specific Document Type in this

Option: Save Object ID(s) to Property

If you want to save the ID of the object(s) that found, select Save Object ID(s) to
Property and enter the name of the property you want to store the ID(s) in the field.

Electronic Plan Review Category

Workflow rules described in this section are only available when licensed for Electronic
Plan Review.

Check Field Value

Checks a specified field value against another value.

1. In the Properties pane, on the General tab, from the Field to Check drop-down
select list, select the field to check.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Field to Check Description

Display Name The Plan Review project’s display name.

External ID The Plan Review project’s external ID.

Studio - Workflow Rules

Name The Plan Review project’s name.

Project Form ID The ID number of the Unity Form used by the Plan Review

Project Group The Plan Review project group name.

Project Identifier The Plan Review project’s project identifier.

Project Review Type The Plan Review project’s review type.

Start Date The Plan Review project’s start date.

Status The Plan Review project’s status.

Submitter’s Email The e-mail address of the Plan Review project’s submitter.

2. Select the appropriate Operator from the drop-down select list.

Note: The <, <=, >=, and > operators are not available for alphanumeric fields.

3. From the Compare To drop-down select list, select one of the following for

Compare To Description

Constant value This option compares the field value to the constant value

Current date/time This option compares the field value to the current date/time.

Current user name This option compares the field value to the user name of the
currently logged in user. If you want to use the configured real
name for the user, select the Use real name option.

Property This option compares the field value to the value of the specified

User group name(s) of This option compares the field value to the user group(s) the
current user current logged in user.

Note: This rule evaluates false if the field to check is on a related type that does not
exist, or if the field to check is null. If the field to check is an empty string, this rule will
only evaluate to true when configured to compare to an empty string.

4. In the Properties pane, click the Advanced tab.

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Workflow OnBase 16

5. In the Properties pane, click the Documentation tab. Enter any descriptive
information that is applicable in the Overview and Details fields.

Related Entity Exists

Checks to see if a related entity type exists for the current item.
Studio - Workflow Rules

1. In the Properties pane, on the General tab, from the Related Entity Type drop-down
select list, select a related entity type to evaluate using this rule.
The following selections are available:

Entity Type Description

Plan Review Document This entity type is used to check for documents that are part of
the Plan Review project in the selected life cycle.

Plan Review History This entity type is used to check for Plan Review history events
that are part of the Plan Review project in the selected life

Review Cycle This entity type is used to check for review cycles that are part
of the Plan Review project in the selected life cycle.

2. You can filter the results by selecting the Filter Results check box and perform the
a.From the Field drop-down select list, select one of the following:

Entity Type Field

Plan Review The following fields are available:

Document • Plan Review Document ID - the document ID of the Plan
Review document
• Plan Review Project ID - the Project ID of the Plan Review
• Document Handle - the document number for the document
• Document Revision Number - the revision number of the
• Document Name - the auto-name of the document

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Entity Type Field

Plan Review History The following fields are available:

• Date Created - the date the Workflow task was run
• Event ID - the ID of the Log Event action type for the Workflow
Task. The following values are available:

Studio - Workflow Rules

• 1 - this value corresponds to the Set Group Event
• 2 - this value corresponds to the In Review Event
• 3 - this value corresponds to the Approved Event
• 4 - this value corresponds to the Rejected Event
• 5 - this value corresponds to the Unassigned Event
• Event Details - the Event Details of the Workflow task

Review Cycle The following fields are available:

• Start Date - the date the review cycle was started
• End Date - the date the review cycle ended
• Due Date - the date the review cycle is due
• Reviewer Due Date - the due date for the reviewers
• Status - the status of the project within the review cycle

Caution: The Start Date, End Date, and Status fields should not be
modified through Workflow.

b.In Must match:, select Constant value or Property and enter a constant value or
3. If you do not want to use the results to execute sub-tasks, clear the Use results
for sub-tasks check box.

Note: When using the results to execute sub-tasks, the rule’s context sets the context for
respective sub-tasks. The action’s context is automatically set when you choose the type
of items that the life cycle contains. The context is displayed in the Properties pane, on
the General tab, in Context . If the direct task does not specify context, then the context
specified by the most direct ancestor will be used. For example, if you nest multiple
Related Item Exists rules that each provide context, the sub-tasks will use the deepest

4. If you want to store the result count in a property, select the Save result count in
property: check box and enter the name of the property in the corresponding field.
5. In the Properties pane, click the Advanced tab.
6. In the Properties pane, click the Documentation tab. Enter any descriptive
information that is applicable in the Overview and Details fields.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Keyword Category
Autofill Row Exists
This rule evaluates whether or not an AutoFill Keyword Set exists that has the same
value(s) for the specified Keyword Type(s) associated with the currently displayed
Studio - Workflow Rules


Note: This rule is not supported in the Desktop interface.

Option: Autofill Keyword Set

This drop-down select list allows the selection of the AutoFill Keyword Set type to check
Option: First Keyword Type to Search
Based on your selection in the Autofill Keyword Set drop-down select list, the First
Keyword Type to Search field will be populated with the primary Keyword Type associated
with the AutoFill Keyword Set. The value from the currently selected document will be
used for the search.
Option: Second Keyword Type (Optional)
The Second Keyword Type (Optional) drop-down select list allows you to further identify
the AutoFill Keyword Set that you want to evaluate. It is optional to use a secondary
Keyword Type. The value from the currently selected document will be used for the

Check Autofill Value

This rule checks for a specified value in an AutoFill Keyword Set that also has the same
value(s) for the specified Keyword Type(s) associated with the currently displayed

Note: This rule is not supported in the Desktop interface.

Option: Autofill Keyword Set

This drop-down select list allows the selection of the AutoFill Keyword Set type to check
Option: First Keyword Type to Search
Based on your selection in the Autofill Keyword Set drop-down select list, the First
Keyword Type to Search field will be populated with the primary Keyword Type associated
with the AutoFill Keyword Set. The value from the currently selected document will be
used for the search.
Option: Second Keyword Type (Optional)
The Second Keyword Type (Optional) drop-down select list allows you to further identify
the AutoFill Keyword Set that you want to evaluate. It is optional to use a secondary
Keyword Type. The value from the currently selected document will be used for the

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Option: Keyword Type to Check

The Keyword Type to Check drop-down select list allows the selection of the Keyword
Type that exists within the AutoFill Keyword Set that you want to check for a specific
value. The value of this Keyword Type and the Keyword Type(s) selected to search for
will result in a true or false return.

Studio - Workflow Rules

Option: Operator
The default operator is = (equal), which indicates that the Keyword Value of the
document must match the value entered in the field. The selection of operators available
from the drop-down list varies for the Keyword Type selected. Select the Keyword Type
first, to ensure that only the correct operators for the Keyword’s data type are
represented in the operator drop-down list.

Note: When the Equal operator is configured, this rule is not supported in the Classic
Client interface.

Note: The Equal operator can be used with all Keyword data types except for Currency.
With the Equal operator type configured, the rule will always evaluate to true for
Keywords with Currency data types.

Option: Compare To
The field below the Compare To list allows you to enter the exact value used in the
comparison. After typing the value, click Add to move it to the list box. To remove a
value from the list box, select the name and click Remove.
Option: Allow Wildcards
The Allow Wildcards check box is another option for rules that check keyword values.
When using wildcards, you can use the? (question mark) wildcard to replace a specific
number of characters. For example, a value of COLUMB ?? succeeds for COLUMBUS,
COLUMBIA and any other eight-character keyword value beginning with COLUMB. The *
(asterisk) wildcard represents an indefinite number of characters. COLUMB* succeeds
for any length keyword values beginning with COLUMB, such as those mentioned above

Note: The Allow Wildcards check box is only enabled for Alphanumeric Keyword Types.
Wildcards can be used with Alphanumeric Keyword Types that have masking configured.
When masking is used, the ? wildcard must be used. The * symbol does not work for
spaces or masking symbols.

Note: If you make a selection in the Keyword Type to Check drop-down select list, add
values, then change your selection in the Keyword Type to Check drop-down select list, if
the data type of the two Keyword Type selections are not the same, all values added for
the first Keyword Type selected will be lost.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Check Date Autofill Value

Note: This rule is not supported in the Desktop interface.

This rule will evaluate a date data type keyword. This rule checks for a specified
relationship or test value in an AutoFill Keyword Set that also has the same value(s) for
Studio - Workflow Rules

the specified Keyword Type(s) associated with the currently displayed document.

Option: Autofill Keyword Set

This drop-down select list allows the selection of the AutoFill Keyword Set type to check
Option: First Keyword Type to Search
Based on your selection in the Autofill Keyword Set drop-down select list, the First
Keyword Type to Search field will be populated with the primary Keyword Type associated
with the AutoFill Keyword Set. The value from the currently selected document will be
used for the search.
Option: Second Keyword Type (Optional)
The Second Keyword Type (Optional) drop-down select list allows you to further identify
the AutoFill Keyword Set that you want to evaluate. It is optional to use a secondary
Keyword Type. The value from the currently selected document will be used for the

Option: Keyword Type to Check

The Keyword Type to Check drop-down select list allows the selection of the Keyword
Type that exists within the AutoFill Keyword Set that you want to check for a specific
value. The value of this Keyword Type and the Keyword Type(s) selected to search for
will result in a true or false return.

Option: Date Value D2

For the second value, select one of the following:
• Current Date - Compare the value to the current date.
• Current Date/Time - Compare the current date/time to the value.
• Specific Value - Enter a specific date to compare the value against.
• Keyword Value - You can select a Keyword Type from the drop-down select list
to compare the value.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Option: Relationship between D1 and D2

A comparison relationship between the two values can be configured. You can specify the
number of days, business days, hours, or minutes to use in the comparison in the
Number of Periods N field and the Period drop-down select list.

Note: Business Day(s) is only available from the Period drop-down select list if a Work

Studio - Workflow Rules

Calendar has been assigned to the life cycle.

Note: If both of the values being compared are not date/time values and hours or
minutes is selected, this will evaluate false because only the date is evaluated.

Note: This setting is not applicable for all comparison options. When it is not applicable,
the fields will become disabled.

Select a comparison option from the drop-down select list. The options are as follows:

Option Description

D1 is more than N Time Periods before D2 This option is dependent on the number of
periods and the interval of the time period set.
The comparison checks to see if the first value
occurs in time before the second value in more
than the time period specified
For example, if you set the time period to 2
days, in order for this rule to return true,
value 1 would be more than 2 days before
value 2.

D1 is fewer than N Time Periods before D2 This option is dependent on the number of
periods and the interval of the time period set.
The comparison checks to see if the first value
occurs in time before the second value in less
than the time period specified.
For example, if you set the time period to 2
days, in order for this rule to return true,
value 1 would be less than 2 days before value

D1 is fewer than N Time Periods after D2 This option is dependent on the number of
periods and the interval of the time period set.
The comparison checks to see if the first value
occurs in time after the second value in less
than the time period specified.
For example, if you set the time period to 2
days, in order for this rule to return true,
value 1 would be less than 2 days after value

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Option Description

D1 is more than N Time Periods after D2 This option is dependent on the number of
periods and the interval of the time period set.
The comparison checks to see if the first value
occurs in time after the second value in more
than the time period specified.
Studio - Workflow Rules

For example, if you set the time period to 2

days, in order for this rule to return true,
value 1 would be more than 2 days after value

D1 is before D2 The comparison checks to see if value 1 occurs

before value 2.

D1 is equal to D2 The comparison checks to see if value 1 is

equal to value 2.

D1 is after D2 The comparison checks to see if value 1 is

after value 2.

Check Date Keyword

Performs a date comparison on the document for the date or date/time keywords or
values specified. Configuration allows for a range of dates or a particular date to be

Option: Target
In the Target drop-down select list, define whether you want the rule to evaluate the
current document/item in the queue or a related document/item.
If you are configuring the rule for related documents/items, see Related Tab on page 792
for more information.
Option: Date Value D1
For the first value, select one of the following:
• Queue Entry Date - Compare the entry to queue date.
• Keyword Value - Select a Keyword Type from the drop-down select list to
compare the Keyword value.

Note: When using the Queue Entry Value option for Data Value D1, the database server’s
time is used for the comparison. When using the Keyword Value option for Data Value D1,
the Web Server’s time is used for the comparison.

Option: Date Value D2

For the second value, select one of the following:
• Current Date - Compare the value to the current date.
• Current Date/Time - Compare the current date/time to the value.
• Specific Value - Enter a specific date to compare the value against.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

• Keyword Value - You can select a Keyword Type from the drop-down select list
to compare the value.

Option: Relationship between D1 and D2

A comparison relationship between the two values can be configured. You can specify the
number of days, business days, hours, or minutes to use in the comparison in the

Studio - Workflow Rules

Number of Periods N field and the Period drop-down select list.

Note: Business Day(s) is only available from the Period drop-down select list if a Work
Calendar has been assigned to the life cycle.

The following options are available:

Option Description

D1 is more than N Time Periods before D2 This option is dependent on the number of
periods and the interval of the time period set.
The comparison checks to see if the first value
occurs in time before the second value in more
than the time period specified
For example, if you set the time period to 2
days, in order for this rule to return true,
value 1 would be more than 2 days before
value 2.

D1 is fewer than N Time Periods before D2 This option is dependent on the number of
periods and the interval of the time period set.
The comparison checks to see if the first value
occurs in time before the second value in less
than the time period specified.
For example, if you set the time period to 2
days, in order for this rule to return true,
value 1 would be less than 2 days before value

D1 is fewer than N Time Periods after D2 This option is dependent on the number of
periods and the interval of the time period set.
The comparison checks to see if the first value
occurs in time after the second value in less
than the time period specified.
For example, if you set the time period to 2
days, in order for this rule to return true,
value 1 would be less than 2 days after value

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Option Description

D1 is more than N Time Periods after D2 This option is dependent on the number of
periods and the interval of the time period set.
The comparison checks to see if the first value
occurs in time after the second value in more
than the time period specified.
Studio - Workflow Rules

For example, if you set the time period to 2

days, in order for this rule to return true,
value 1 would be more than 2 days after value

D1 is before D2 The comparison checks to see if value 1 occurs

before value 2.

D1 is equal to D2 The comparison checks to see if value 1 is

equal to value 2.

D1 is after D2 The comparison checks to see if value 1 is

after value 2.

Check Keyword Value

Compares the Keyword Value to a static value and tests for the specified condition.
Configuration allows the use of keyword operators (>, <, =) as well as ? and *

Note: For any operator except “<>” (not equal), in the Classic user interface, the rule
evaluates to FALSE if the document has no keywords of the Keyword Type being
checked. This can occur if the Keyword Type is not assigned to the Document Type to
which the document belongs or if the document does not have any Keyword Values for
the Keyword Type. When there are several Keyword Types, for all operators except “<>"
(not equal), the rule evaluates to TRUE if there is at least one Keyword Value that meets
the condition. For “<>", in the Classic user interface, the rule evaluates to TRUE only if
all keywords are different from the specified Keyword Value. In summary, the Classic
user interface is checking for any values to not be equal to the configured value, while
the Core-based user interface is checking for all values to not be equal to the configured

Note: This rule does not compare Keyword Type values that have different currency
formats based on actual monetary value. If the currency format of a keyword value on a
document is different from the currency format specified in the rule, the rule evaluates
to FALSE for this keyword even if the numerical value is “equal”, unless the operator
used is <>. Using the <> operator will evaluate to TRUE because the values are not
equal. For example, if the value of a keyword on a document is $1.00 and the rule is
evaluating the Keyword Type = to 1 Euro, the result of the rule is FALSE because the
currency formats differ.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Option: Target
In the Target drop-down select list, define whether you want the rule to evaluate the
current document/item in the queue or a related document/item.
If you are configuring the rule for related documents/items, see Related Tab on page 792
for more information.

Studio - Workflow Rules

Option: Keyword Type
For all rules evaluating Keywords, you must provide the system with the Keyword Type
to check. For these rules, a Keyword Type drop-down select list appears.

Option: Currency Format

When the Keyword Type selected is configured as a Specific Currency Data Type, a
Currency Format drop-down select list is enabled. Any specific currency format configured
for the system can be selected from the drop-down select list.

Option: Operator
The default operator is = (equal), which indicates that the keyword value of the
document must match the value entered in the field. The selection of operators available
from the drop-down list varies for the keyword type selected. Select the keyword type
first, to ensure that only the correct operators for the keyword’s data type are
represented in the operator drop-down list.
Option: Value
The field below the Value list allows you to enter the exact value used in the comparison.
After typing the value, click Add to move it to the list box. To remove a value from the
list box, select the name and click Remove.
Option: Allow Wildcards
The Allow Wildcards check box is another option for rules that check keyword values.
When using wildcards, you can use the? (question mark) wildcard to replace a specific
number of characters. For example, a value of COLUMB ?? succeeds for COLUMBUS,
COLUMBIA and any other eight-character keyword value beginning with COLUMB. The *
(asterisk) wildcard represents an indefinite number of characters. COLUMB* succeeds
for any length keyword values beginning with COLUMB, such as those mentioned above

Note: The Allow Wildcards check box is only enabled for Alphanumeric Keyword Types.
Wildcards can be used with Alphanumeric Keyword Types that have masking configured.
When masking is used, the ? wildcard must be used. The * symbol does not work for
spaces or masking symbols.

Compare Keyword Records for This and Related Item

This action compares the Keyword records of a specific Multi-Instance Keyword Type
Group to ensure that they are present on both the primary item and related items. This
rule returns true when all records that exist on the primary item are found on the related
items, and depending on configuration, if all items that exist on the related items are
found on the primary item.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Option: Comparison Mode

Select one of the following options to determine when the rule evaluates to true:
• All Records Match on This and Related Items - When this option is selected, the
rule evaluates to true when all Keyword records of a specified Multi-Instance
Keyword Type Group exist on both the primary item and related items.
• Keyword Records on This Item Exist on Related Items - When this option is
Studio - Workflow Rules

selected, the rule evaluates to true when all Keyword records on the primary
item exist on the related items.

Option: Keyword Record

Select the Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group to search on the primary item
Option: Keyword Record on Related Item
Select the Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group to search on the related items.
Option: Keyword Mappings
Keyword mappings determine which Keyword Types from each Multi-Instance Keyword
Type Group are compared.
The Keyword Type drop-down select list is populated with the Keyword Types belonging
to the Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group selected for the primary item.
The Mapped Keyword Type drop-down select list is populated with the Keyword Types
belonging to the Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group selected for related items.
To add a Keyword mapping, select a Keyword Type in the Keyword Type drop-down select
list, then map it to the corresponding Keyword Type in the related item Keyword record
by selecting a Keyword Type from the Mapped Keyword Type drop-down select list. Click
Add .
To delete a Keyword mapping, select the mapped Keywords, then click Delete .
See Related Tab on page 792 for more information on configuring the action for related

Compare Keyword Values for This and Related Document

Compares Keyword Values between current document and specified related document.
The keywords being compared need to be the same data type for the comparison.

Note: When there are several Keyword Types, for all operators except <> (not equal),
the rule will evaluate to true if there as at least one Keyword Value that meets the

Option: Active Document Keyword Type

Select the Keyword Type to compare on the current document.
Option: Operator
Choose a comparative operator when evaluating keyword values.
Option: Related Document Keyword Type
Select the Keyword Type to compare on the related document.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Option: Get Keyword Type from Property

You can acquire either Keyword Type from a property value by selecting the
corresponding Get Keyword Type from Property check box and entering the property in
the field.

Note: If the property contains an array of values, then the rule will evaluate to true if any

Studio - Workflow Rules

one of those values matches the condition.

Note: Comparison related to case sensitivity is determined by the case sensitive setting
of the Keyword Type on the primary document. If the primary document’s Keyword Type
is case sensitive, the comparison is case sensitive.

Note: This rule will always return FALSE if one of the keywords to be compared is blank or

Note: When using a Keyword Type configured with the Specific Currency data type, this
rule will evaluate true only when the values and the currency types of both values being
compared match.

For more information about configuring related documents/items, see Related Tab on
page 792 for more information.

Compare Two Keywords

Compares two Keyword Values on the same document. Each Keyword Value may be of a
different Keyword Type, but both should be of the same Data Type, such as
alphanumeric, date, etc.

Note: The Document Handle Keyword Type can be compared to Numeric (Up to 9 Digits)
and Numeric (Up to 20 Digits) Data Types.

Note: This rule does not compare Keyword Type values that have different currency
formats based on actual monetary value. If the currency format of a keyword value on a
document is different from the currency format specified in the rule, the rule evaluates
to FALSE for this keyword even if the numerical value is “equal”, unless the operator
used is <>. Using the <> operator will evaluate to TRUE because the values are not
equal. For example, if the value of a keyword on a document is $1.00 and the rule is
evaluating the Keyword Type = to 1 Euro, the result of the rule is FALSE because the
currency formats differ.

Option: Keyword Type

For all rules evaluating Keywords, you must provide the system with the Keyword Type
to check. For these rules, a Keyword Type drop-down select list appears.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Option: Get Keyword Type from Property

You can acquire either Keyword Type from a property value by selecting the
corresponding Get Keyword Type from Property check box and entering the property in
the field.
Option: Operator
Studio - Workflow Rules

By specifying the comparative Operator to use, you can evaluate if a Keyword Value is
greater than, less than, equal to, or not equal to the other Keyword. In addition, if you
want the comparison between the two Keyword Values to be Case insensitive, select the
check box.

Note: This rule will always return FALSE if one of the Keywords to be compared is blank or

Note: When using a Keyword Type configured with the Specific Currency data type, this
rule will evaluate true only when the values and the currency types of both values being
compared match.

Keyword Record Exists

This rule determines whether or not a specified Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group
exists on an item.
Option: Keyword Record
Select the Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group for which you want to search.
Option: Search Criteria
This rule can be configured to search for all records or only specific records of a Multi-
Instance Keyword Type Group. Select one of the following:
• To determine whether or not any records of a Multi-Instance Keyword Type
Group exist on an item, select Any Record. The rule will evaluate to true if any
records of the specified Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group exist on the item.
• To determine whether or not specific records of a Multi-Instance Keyword Type
Group exist on an item, select Specific Records. The rule will evaluate to true if
the search criteria are met and a specific record is found on the item.

When Specific Records is selected, search criteria must be configured. To configure

search criteria:

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

1. Click Add to create search criteria. The Add Search Criteria Keyword dialog box is

Studio - Workflow Rules

2. In the Keyword Type drop-down select list, select the Keyword Type you want to
configure. If the Keyword Type selected is configured using a Specific Currency
data type, the Currency Format drop-down select list is enabled, allowing you to
select the currency format you want to use.
3. Select an Operator. This determines whether the search looks for values that are
equal or not equal to the specified value.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

4. Specify the Value of the Keyword. The value can come from one of the following:
• Constant Value - Enter a specific value.
• Property - Enter a property name from which the Keyword Value will be
• Keyword - Select a Keyword from which the Keyword Value will be pulled.
Studio - Workflow Rules

Note: Blank values will return different results depending on how search criteria are
configured. If the Operator is configured to find equal values, and the search criterion
value is left blank, the search will be considered a match if the corresponding Keyword
Value found in the Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group record is blank. Similarly, if the
Operator is configured to find values that are not equal, and the search criterion is left
blank, the search will be considered a match if the corresponding Keyword Value found
in the Multi-Instance Keyword Type record is not blank. Using blank values with the
Constant Value option is not supported.

5. Select Allow Wildcards to use wildcards in the search criteria value fields.
When using wildcards, you can use the ? (question mark) wildcard to replace a
specific number of characters. For example, a value of COLUMB ?? succeeds for
COLUMBUS, COLUMBIA and any other eight-character Keyword Value beginning
with COLUMB. The * (asterisk) wildcard represents an indefinite number of
characters. COLUMB* succeeds for any length keyword values beginning with
COLUMB, such as those mentioned above and COLUMBO and COLUMBIANA.

Note: The Allow Wildcards check box is only enabled for Alphanumeric Keyword Types.
Wildcards can be used with Alphanumeric Keyword Types that have masking configured.
When masking is used, the ? wildcard must be used.

6. Click OK.

Configured search criteria can be modified by selecting a search criterion and clicking
Modify. To delete configured search criteria, select a search criterion and click Delete .

Keyword Value Exists

Checks the specified Keyword Type for a value on the document.

Option: Target
In the Target drop-down select list, define whether you want the rule to evaluate the
current document/item in the queue or a related document/item.
If you are configuring the rule for related documents/items, see Related Tab on page 792
for more information.

Option: Keyword Type

For all rules evaluating Keywords, you must provide the system with the Keyword Type
to check. For these rules, a Keyword Type drop-down select list appears.

Option: Get Keyword Type from Property

You can acquire the Keyword Type from a property value by selecting Get Keyword Type
from property and entering the property in the field.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Option: Keyword Value Exists

Select Keyword Value Exists if you want the rule to evaluate true if the value exists.
If you want to ensure that all instances of a Multi-Instance Keyword Set have a valid
value for the specified Keyword Type, select the Keyword present on all instances of Multi-
Instance Keyword Type Group.

Studio - Workflow Rules

When Keyword Value Exists is selected, you can evaluate either the current documents/
items or related documents/items.
Option: Keyword Value Does Not Exist
Select Keyword Value Does Not Exist if you want the rule to evaluate true if the value does
not exist.

Property Category
Check Date Property Value

This rule allows you to compare to or from date related data.

Note: This rule is not supported in the Desktop interface.

You can compare from a value of a property or the entry to queue date. You can
compare two date or date/time values on a document using this rule.
Option: Date Value D1
Select the first value to compare:
• Property Name - Enter a property that contains a date or date/time value to
• Queue Entry Date - Compares the date that the document entered the queue.

Option: Date Value D2.

• Current Date - Compares the first value to the current date
• Property Name - Compares the first value to the value in the specified property.
Enter a name in the Property Name field.
• Specific Value - Compares the first value to a specific value.
• Keyword Value - Compares the first value to a Keyword Value. Select a Keyword
Type from the drop-down select list.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Option: Relationship between D1 and D2

A comparison relationship between the two values can be configured. You can specify
the number of days, business days, hours, or minutes to use in the comparison in the
Number of Periods N field and the Period drop-down select list.

Note: Business Day(s) is only available from the Period drop-down select list if a Work
Studio - Workflow Rules

Calendar has been assigned to the life cycle.

Note: If both of the values being compared are not date/time values and hours or
minutes is selected, this will evaluate false because only the date is evaluated.

Note: This setting is not applicable for all comparison options. When it is not applicable,
the fields will become disabled.

Select a comparison option from the drop-down select list. The options are as follows:

Option Description

D1 is more than N Time Periods before D2 This option is dependent on the number of
periods and the interval of the time period set.
The comparison checks to see if the first value
occurs in time before the second value in more
than the time period specified
For example, if you set the time period to 2
days, in order for this rule to return true,
value 1 would be more than 2 days before
value 2.

D1 is fewer than N Time Periods before D2 This option is dependent on the number of
periods and the interval of the time period set.
The comparison checks to see if the first value
occurs in time before the second value in less
than the time period specified.
For example, if you set the time period to 2
days, in order for this rule to return true,
value 1 would be less than 2 days before value

D1 is fewer than N Time Periods after D2 This option is dependent on the number of
periods and the interval of the time period set.
The comparison checks to see if the first value
occurs in time after the second value in less
than the time period specified.
For example, if you set the time period to 2
days, in order for this rule to return true,
value 1 would be less than 2 days after value

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Option Description

D1 is more than N Time Periods after D2 This option is dependent on the number of
periods and the interval of the time period set.
The comparison checks to see if the first value
occurs in time after the second value in more
than the time period specified.

Studio - Workflow Rules

For example, if you set the time period to 2
days, in order for this rule to return true,
value 1 would be more than 2 days after value

D1 is before D2 The comparison checks to see if value 1 occurs

before value 2.

D1 is equal to D2 The comparison checks to see if value 1 is

equal to value 2.

D1 is after D2 The comparison checks to see if value 1 is

after value 2.

Option: Property (D1) as DATETIME if selected, otherwise as DATE

When Property Name is selected for the first value, the Property [D1] as DATETIME, if
selected; otherwise, as DATE . option is enabled. This option will specify that the defined
property is a date/time value. When this is not selected, the property is defined as a
date value.
If the property (specified in the first field) contains an array value then each value in the
array is checked. If any of those values matches the condition the rule evaluates to true.
If the Date Value D2 property value contains an array, then the value is compared to each
value in the array.

Note: Property names are case sensitive in the Classic Client. Property names are not
case sensitive in the core-based clients.

Note: Only alphanumeric characters are supported in property names. As a best practice,
do not use spaces in property names.

Compare Property Value

Allows you to evaluate the value of a specified property.

Note: This rule is not supported in the Desktop interface.

Option: Property Name

Enter the name of the property you want to compare in the Property Name field.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Option: Operator Type

The Operator Type drop-down select list allows you to select the operator to use during
the evaluation.
Option: Case insensitive
The Case insensitive check box allows you to specify whether or not you want the
Studio - Workflow Rules

evaluation to be case sensitive.

Option: Value
You can compare the property value to either a Keyword Type, a property, and/or a
constant value.
• Select Keyword type to use a Keyword Type value for comparison, then select
the appropriate Keyword Type from the drop-down select list. Click Add.
• Select Property to use a property value, then enter the name of the property.
Click Add.
• Select Constant value to use a constant value, then enter the value you want to
use. Click Add.
The specified comparison values are listed in the Compare To list. To remove a value from
this list, select it, then click Remove.
When comparing one property to another property, if both properties contain a single
value, the rule will evaluate to true if both values are equal. If one property contains a
single value and the other property contains an array of values, the rule will always
evaluate to false. If both properties contain arrays, then the rule will evaluate to true if
and only if each element in each array is equal and in the same order.
When comparing a property to a Keyword Type or a constant value, if the property
contains a single value and the Keyword Type or constant value contains a single value,
the rule will evaluate to true if the values are equal. If the property contains a single
value and there are multiple values for the Keyword Type or constant value, the rule will
evaluate to true if values in the list match the property. If the property contains an array
of values and there are multiple values for the Keyword Type or constant value, then the
rule evaluates to true if any one of those values in the array matches any value in the
list of Keyword Type or constant values.

Note: Property names are case sensitive in the Classic Client. Property names are not
case sensitive in the core-based clients.

Note: Only alphanumeric characters are supported in property names. As a best practice,
do not use spaces in property names.

Note: Currency values that include currency symbols cannot be compared to pure
numeric values.

Property Exists

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Allows you to determine if a specified property exists.

Note: This rule is not supported in the Desktop interface.

Option: Property Name

Enter a property name in the Property Name field.

Studio - Workflow Rules

Note: Property names are case sensitive in the Classic Client. Property names are not
case sensitive in the core-based clients.

Note: Only alphanumeric characters are supported in property names. As a best practice,
do not use spaces in property names.

System Category
Audit Sample

Moves the specified percentage of documents evaluated down one path and the
remaining documents down another path.
Option: Percent to Pass
Specify the percentage chance each document has of being audited. A Percent to Pass of
40% means each document has a 40% chance of being audited.

Check Content Type

Allows you to check the content type of an item.

Option: Target
In the Target drop-down select list, define whether you want the rule to evaluate the
current document/item in the queue or a related document/item.
If you are configuring the rule for related documents/items, see Related Tab on page 792
for more information.
Option: Content Type
Select the Content Type you want to check for from the drop-down select list. Available
content types are Document, Entity Item, Managed Folder, and WorkView Object.

Check Item Count for Queue

Compares the count of items in a queue against a threshold value.
The value entered in the Item Count field is compared to the current count of items in
the selected queue from the Queue drop-down select list. The Operator drop-down select
list specifies the comparison operation to perform.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Option: Queue
Select the queue from the drop-down select list.
Option: Operator
Select the comparison Operator from the drop-down select list.
Option: Item Count
Studio - Workflow Rules

Enter the number of items for which you want the rule evaluated in the Item Count field.
Option: Count Items
If the queue selected in the Queue drop-down select list is a load balanced queue, the
Count Items fields are enabled. The following options are available:
• Select All to count all items in the selected queue.
• Select Assigned To and select a specific user from the drop-down select list.
• Select Assigned To (Keyword Specified) if you want to count the items assigned
to a user specified in the value of the selected Keyword Type.

Check Last Execution Result

Evaluates if the last Workflow action executed was successful.
Option: Desired result
Select True or False from the Desired Result drop-down select list to specify on what
event the rule is true.
For example, if an ad hoc task has been configured to re-index documents in a queue
( Reindex Documents), the Check Last Execution Result rule can be configured with this ad
hoc task to evaluate whether the user did perform re-indexing by clicking Save & Close at
the Re-index dialog box (TRUE condition) or did not perform re-indexing by clicking Close
at the Re-index dialog box (FALSE condition). The Check Last Execution Result can be
configured to take the appropriate action in the event of either the TRUE or FALSE
Check Last Execution Results can also be used to evaluate the last action in a Workflow
when that action originates from an external program such as Application Enabler. For
example, upon cancelling indexing via a mouse or keyboard event defined in Application
Enabler, the associated document can be transitioned to an exception queue. Refer to
the Application Enabler Module Reference Guide.

Caution:When used against a notification and a notification is sent to an e-mail address that
is outside of the internal server (example:, when checked to see if
the notification action was performed successfully, it will always return a true value.

Caution:If multiple messages are sent using MAPI (dmmailservice.dll) and one of the
messages is sent to an invalid address, but others are successfully sent, it returns a true

Check Ownership
Check the current ownership for an item in a selected life cycle and queue.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Option: Owned in Life Cycle

Select the life cycle in which you want to check for ownership from the Owned in Life
Cycle drop-down select list.

Option: Queue
Select the Queue in which you want to check for ownership from the drop-down select

Studio - Workflow Rules

Option: By User
Select the type of check you want to perform from the By User drop-down select list. You
can select <Any> to check for ownership by any user. You can select <Current User> if
you want to check for ownership for the currently logged in user.

Check Published Message Complete

The Check Published Message Complete rule allows you to verify the status of a message
sent by the EIS Message Broker. Messages can continue waiting in a Workflow queue if
the message has not completed processing in the LOB, or can continue their Workflow
processing after a response from the LOB is received (for example, by routing the
message to different Workflow queue).

Caution: Be careful not to run this rule against the same document multiple times if your
business process does not require this. If the rule is executed once on a document and the
message type is marked complete, running the rule again on the same document can result
in archival of the message, depending on your Message Broker Maintenance settings.

The following options are available:

Option: Name of property containing the message ID
Enter the name of the property that contains the message ID.

Note: This property must be identical to the property configured in the Publish Message to
EIS Message Broker property.

Option: Status
Select the Status that the rule will search for. The following values are available:
• Pending: this status indicates that a message is pending, either because OnBase
has not yet sent the message, or because OnBase has not yet retrieved a response
from the LOB system.
• Success: this status indicates that a message is complete. The LOB system
received the dequeued message and processed it successfully.
• Data Error: this status indicates that the LOB system received the dequeued
message but was unable to process it due to a data type error. For example, this
could occur if the LOB system expects a date value in a particular field but is instead
presented with a string value.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

• System Error: this status indicates that the LOB system received the dequeued
message but was unable to process it due to an error that is not related to the
message data. For example, this could occur if there is a bug in the LOB system’s
messaging code that renders the LOB system unable to correctly process the
Option: Response Handling Options
Studio - Workflow Rules

These options control how response messages are handled.

• Message Project: Select the project that contains the Message Type whose
mapping you wish to use for this rule.
• Message Type: Select the Message Type that contains the mapping you wish to
use for this rule.
• Map: Select the mapping used to map message elements to OnBase objects.
• Unity Script: Select a Unity Script from the Unity Script drop-down select list in
order to execute the selected Unity Script when a response is received from the
LOB system after the message is completed. Only Unity Scripts created using
the IEISMessageBrokerResponseHandlerScript type are available for selection.
Option: Use Session Property Bag
Select Use Persistent Property Bag from this drop-down select list. No other property bags
are supported for use with the Check Published Message Complete rule.

DLL Exit Call

Calls a custom DLL function to determine if the rule should evaluate to TRUE for the
current document. The DLL function should implement application-specific logic for your
domain. The function signature should match the following format: int (CALLBACK*
DLLEXITPROC)(long nRuleNum, long nDocumentHandle, long nDocumentTypeNum)
OnBase passes the current rule number, the current Document Handle, and the
Document Type ID to the function. The return value for the function should be TRUE for
success, FALSE for failure, or IDCANCEL to abort processing of the current document.
Option: DLL Name
Type the name of your system DLL in the DLL Name field. This is a required field.
Option: Function Name
Type the name of the function to call in the Function Name field. This is a required field.

Note: The function name can have any name you choose, with a maximum length of 30

Evaluate Expression
Evaluates an expression for the current item.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Option: Expression
In the Expression field, you can define an expression that will result in a value. The
following options are available:
• Show List: You can click the Show List button to access Keyword Types and
functions to use in the Expression field. The All tab shows both Keywords Types
and functions or you can limit the options by clicking either the Keywords or

Studio - Workflow Rules

Functions tab. Double-click on an item to insert it into the Expression field.
• Test : Allows you to test the expression in the Expression field. See Testing
Expressions on page 779 for more information.
• Validate: You can click Validate to validate the entered expression.
You can use the %K token for Keyword Type values and the %V token for property
values. Here is an example: Left( %K00001; 5 ) In this example, the property will be set
to the first 5 characters of the specified Keyword Type value.
See the following topics for more information about defining an expression:
• Supported Operators
• Functions

Supported Operators
The following operators are supported:
• +, -, *, /, =, !=, <>, <, <=, >, >=
• Brackets for grouping
• The NOT, OR, and AND operators
• The case-sensitive “=” operator. In order to compare two values as case-
insensitive the user will need to convert both values to upper or lower case
using the appropriate function.

The following functions are supported:

Function Description

Abs Returns the absolute of a number.

AddDays Adds the specified number of days to the date.

AddHours Adds the specified number of hours to the date/time.

AddMinutes Adds the specified number of minutes to the date/time.

AddSeconds Adds the specified number of seconds to the date/time.

AddMonths Adds the specified number of months to the date.

AddYears Adds the specified number of years to the date.

ArrayValue Returns a single value contained in an array.

The value is returned as the same data type as it is in the
array. If a value does not exist, a configured default value is

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Function Description

Captures Returns all occurrences of strings that the regular expression

groups captured.

Ceil Returns the smallest whole number greater than or equal to

the specified number.
Studio - Workflow Rules

CDate Converts the value to a date/time data type.

Note: This function is supported for arrays of values and

single values.

CDbl Converts the value to a double data type.

Note: This function is supported for arrays of values and

single values.

CInt Converts the value to an integer data type.

Note: When converting a floating point number value, the

value is rounded to its nearest whole number. If a value is non-
numeric, it will evaluate to a 0 value.

Note: This function is supported for arrays of values and single


CLng Converts the value to a long data type.

Note: When converting a floating point number value, the

value is rounded to its nearest whole number. If a value is non-
numeric, it will evaluate to a 0 value.

Note: This function is supported for arrays of values and single


CombineArray Joins an array of values into a single string, including a custom


ConvWildcardToRegEx Converts a string containing wildcard characters into a regular

expression string.

Tip: Combine this function with other functions, such as

IsMatch, to use the resulting regular expression for evaluation.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Function Description

Count Returns the count of elements to determine the number of

Keyword Values that exist on an item for a specified Keyword
The standard formatting for this function is as follows:

Studio - Workflow Rules

Optionally, the regular expression parameter can be added.
When used, the function returns the number of values that
matches the regular expression. The function should be
formatted as follows:
Count(Value; RegularExpression)
An optional IgnoreCase parameter can also be used. The
parameter can be set to TRUE to ignore the case of the regular
expression or FALSE to match the case of the regular
expression. The function should be formatted as follows:
Count(Value; RegularExpression; IgnoreCase)

CStr Converts the value to a string data type.

Note: This function is supported for arrays of values and

single values.

Date Creates a data value.

Day Gets the day of the month of the specified date.

Eval Evaluates the specified expression.

This function also allows you to evaluate the value stored in a
property or Keyword.

Floor Returns the largest whole number less than or equal to the
specified number.

Format Returns a string formatted according to the passed expression.

For the second parameter, any valid format string that can be
passed to the Visual Basic format function can be used.

Note: This function is deprecated. The FormatEx function

should be used instead.

FormatDateTime Returns a date or time string formatted according to the

instructions contained in the format string expression.
Supported format strings can be found at the following

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Function Description

FormatEx Returns a numeric string formatted according to the

instructions contained in the format string expression.
Supported format strings can be found at the following
Studio - Workflow Rules

GetSegment Returns a value in a segmented string.

Hour Gets the hour of a specified date/time.

IIf Returns one of two values, depending on the evaluation of an


InStr Returns a zero-based integer specifying the start position of

the first occurrence of one string within another.

InStrRev Returns a zero-based integer specifying the start position of

the last occurrence of one string within another.

IsGroupLoggedIn Returns true if one or more of the members in the specified

user group is logged in.

IsInDataSet Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the passed

value is in a Data Set. This function will determine whether the
specified value matches a value in the specified Keyword
Type's Data Set. The Keyword Type name must be entered in
double quotations marks. The value specified should be a
variable configured for the current rule engine queue. If the
specified Keyword Type is not configured to use Data Sets,
NULL is returned and the condition will not be evaluated.

IsInDataSetEx Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the passed

value is in the specified document key and also allows case-
sensitive comparisons.
This function will determine whether the specified value
matches a value in the specified Keyword Type's Data Set. The
Keyword Type name must be entered in double quotations
marks. The value specified should be a variable configured for
the current rule engine queue. If the specified Keyword Type is
not configured to use Data Sets, NULL is returned and the
condition will not be evaluated.
This also allows you to make a case-sensitive or case-
insensitive comparison. You can turn case sensitivity on by
specifying true for the parameter. You can turn case sensitivity
off by specifying false for the parameter.

IsMatch Indicates whether the regular expression finds a match in the

specified string.

IsNull Returns a Boolean indicating if the value contains no data.

IsUserLoggedIn Returns true if the specified user is logged in.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Function Description

Lcase Converts the string value to lower case.

Left Returns the first x characters in a string value.

Len Returns the length of a string value.

Studio - Workflow Rules

LTrim Removes leading spaces from a string.

Match Returns the first occurrence of a string that matches the

supplied regular expression.

Matches Returns all occurrences of strings that match the supplied

regular expression.

Max Returns the larger of two numbers.

Mid Returns a substring of a string value.

Min Returns the smaller of two numbers.

Minute Gets the minute of a specified date/time.

Month Gets the month of the specified date.

Now Returns the current date/time.

PadLeft Returns a string that is left padded by the specified character

for the specified length.

PadRight Returns a string that is right padded by the specified character

for the specified length.

Pow Returns a specified number raised to the specified power.

Replace Replaces all occurrences of a string that match the regular

expression with an alternate string.
The following syntax is used:
Replace( string; regex_pattern; replacement_string;
String is the string you want to replace. regex_pattern
represents the part of the string you want to replace.
replacement_string is the string of text that will replace the
specified string. If you want the string to be case sensitive,
enter false for the ignore_case parameter. If you want the
string to not be case sensitive, enter true for the ignore_case
The following is an example:
Replace( "123abc456def"; "[0-9]+"; "xyz"; true )
The resulting text string would be: "xyzabcxyzdef"

Note: This is not supported in the Classic Client Workflow


2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Function Description

Right Returns the last x characters in a string value.

Rnd Returns a random number between 0.0 and 1.0.

RndInt Returns a random number from the minimum inclusive value

Studio - Workflow Rules

to the maximum exclusive value.

Round Returns the number with the specified precision nearest the
specified value.

RTrim Removes trailing spaces from a string.

Second Gets the seconds of the specified date/time.

Split Splits a value into an array by specifying a custom delimiter.

Sqrt Returns the square root of a specified number.

String Returns a string that contains the specified character repeated

at the specified length.

Sum Returns the sum of elements. This can be used to calculate the
sum of all values for a specified Keyword or property. The
function must be able to convert the values to a decimal.
If the specified Keyword or property is not present on the item,
the function returns a value of 0.
If the specified Keyword or property contains only a single
value, that value is returned as the sum.
If there are multiple instances of the specified Keyword or if
the property contains an array of values, the function will
return the sum of all values.

Trim Removes leading and trailing spaces from a string.

Truncate Calculates the integral part of a specified number, i.e. removes

all numbers after the decimal.
The following is an example:
This results in 123.

Ucase Converts the string value to upper case.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Function Description

Weekday Returns a number that represents a day of the week. The

following numbers represent the following days:
0 = Sunday
1 = Monday

Studio - Workflow Rules

2 = Tuesday
3 = Wednesday
4 = Thursday
5 = Friday
6 = Saturday

WeekdayName Returns the name of a specified day of the week. The function
should be formatted as follows:
WeekdayName(DayOfWeek; Abbreviate)
Replace DayOfWeek with the number that corresponds to the
day of the week:
0 = Sunday
1 = Monday
2 = Tuesday
3 = Wednesday
4 = Thursday
5 = Friday
6 = Saturday
Replace Abbreviate with either true or false. True will
abbreviate the name of the day of the week, and false will
return the full name of the day of the week. For example:
WeekdayName(2; true) returns the value "Tue", and
WeekdayName(2; false) returns the value "Tuesday".

XPath Used for retrieving the value from an XML document currently
being evaluated in the rules engine.

Year Gets the year of the specified date.

The following constants can be used:

Constant Description

DQuote Represents a double quote character.

NewLine Represents a newline character.

Note: Function parameters are separated by semi-colons.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

The following symbols can be used:

Symbol Description

%K Displays a configured Keyword Value.

%M Extracts metadata values from items. This includes attribute values from
Studio - Workflow Rules

WorkView objects or a field values from an Entity item.

%M must be followed by the metadata value you want to extract. For example,
if you want to extract the value of a WorkView attribute called Name, it would
be %MName.
The token strings can contain nested expressions. Example, a nested
WorkView attribute: %MVendor.Buyer.Name.

%V### Displays the value of a configured Workflow property. For example, to display
the value for the property “Color”, this symbol would be configured %VColor.

Note: In the Core-based interfaces, if a property contains an array of values,

all property values will be used.

Note: If a property name has spaces, using %V to display the property value
will not preserve the spaces, and therefore, the property will not be correctly

%M [item metadata value] is not supported in the Classic OnBase Client interface or the
Core-Based OnBase Client interface.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Testing Expressions
You can also test expressions within the OnBase Studio configuration. To test an
expression, click Test. The Test Expression dialog box is displayed.

Studio - Workflow Rules

Option: Expression
Enter the Expression you want to test in the field.
Click Show List to access Keyword Types and functions to enter into the expression.
Option: Variables
When a variable (%K, %V, or %M tokens) is placed in the Expression field, the variable is
listed in the Variables box.
You can select a variable to further specify the variable’s value and data type by
selecting the Variable has a value check box and defining the variable. Enter the value(s)
into the field.
Select The value is an array (separated by commas) if the variable is an array.
Select the appropriate Data Type from the drop-down select list. Click Set when the
variable is configured appropriately.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Option: Add & Remove

To add entries to the Variables list, click Add. The Add Variable dialog box is displayed.
Studio - Workflow Rules

Select one of the following:

• Keyword Type - Select the Keyword Type to add from the drop-down select list.
• Property - Enter a property name.

Click Remove to remove a manually added variable from the Variables list.
Option: Test
Once the expression and variable(s) is configured properly, click Test to verify the
expression. A dialog box is displayed to show you the results of your test. The following
is an example:

Upon clicking Close in the Test Expression dialog box, a message asking Do you want to
update the express in the action? is displayed. Click Yes , if you want the action’s
Expression field to reflect the Test Expression dialog box’s configuration. Click No to
return to the action without changing the existing configured expression.

Item Assigned to User

Performs an evaluation of the item in the specified load balancing queue to determine if
the item is currently assigned to a user.

Note: The load balancing queue must be rules-based.

Option: Target
In the Target drop-down select list, define whether you want the rule to evaluate the
current document/item in the queue or a related document/item.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

If you are configuring the rule for related documents/items, see Related Tab on page 792
for more information.
Option: Assigned in Life Cycle
You can narrow the queues displayed in the Load Balancing Queue drop-down select list
by selecting the life cycle the appropriate queue is within by selecting the life cycle from
the Assigned in Life Cycle drop-down select list.

Studio - Workflow Rules

Option: Load Balancing Queue
Select the load balancing queue. This must be a rules-based queue.
Option: Assigned User, Group or Role

If you want to check if the currently logged on user is assigned to the item or if a user
group to which the user belongs is assigned to the item, select <Current User> from the
Assigned User, User Group, or Role drop-down select list. If you want to see if any user is
assigned to the item, select <Any>.

Item Has Been in Life Cycle

Checks to see if a item has ever existed in the life cycle selected during configuration.

Note: If the Workflow log is purged, the determination of whether items have existed in a
life cycle before may not be accurate.

Option: Target
In the Target drop-down select list, define whether you want the rule to evaluate the
current document/item in the queue or a related document/item.
If you are configuring the rule for related documents/items, see Related Tab on page 792
for more information.

Option: Life Cycle

The Life Cycle drop-down list allows you to specify where the system should search for
the item.

Note: If the current life cycle is selected, the rule will always evaluate to true.

Item Has Been in Queue

Checks if a related item has ever existed in the queue selected during configuration. If
the Workflow log is purged, the determination of whether items have existed in a queue
before may not be accurate.

Option: Target
In the Target drop-down select list, define whether you want the rule to evaluate the
current document/item in the queue or a related document/item.
If you are configuring the rule for related documents/items, see Related Tab on page 792
for more information.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Option: Life Cycle

You can narrow the queues displayed in the Queue drop-down select list by selecting the
life cycle the appropriate queue is within by selecting the life cycle from the Life Cycle
drop-down select list.

Option: Queue
Studio - Workflow Rules

The Queue drop-down list allows you to specify where the system should search for the

Note: If the current queue is selected, the rule will always evaluate true.

Item in Particular Life Cycle

Checks for the existence of the item in another life cycle. The rule will evaluate true if
the item is currently in the specified life cycle.

Option: Target
In the Target drop-down select list, define whether you want the rule to evaluate the
current document/item in the queue or a related document/item.
If you are configuring the rule for related documents/items, see Related Tab on page 792
for more information.

Option: Life Cycle

The Life Cycle drop-down list allows you to specify where the system should search for
the item.

Option: Use related items for tasks

The Use related items for tasks check box is enabled when the rule’s Target is configured
for related items. When using this option, the On True task list will be executed using the
related item(s) as the active item(s).

Item in Particular Queue

Checks for the existence of the active item in a specified queue of another life cycle.

Option: Target
In the Target drop-down select list, define whether you want the rule to evaluate the
current document/item in the queue or a related document/item.
If you are configuring the rule for related documents/items, see Related Tab on page 792
for more information.
Option: Life Cycle
You can narrow the queues displayed in the Queue drop-down select list by selecting the
life cycle the appropriate queue is within by selecting the life cycle from the Life Cycle
drop-down select list.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Option: Queue
The Queue drop-down list allows you to specify where the system should search for the

Note: The rule will evaluate true if the item is currently in the specified queue.

Studio - Workflow Rules

Option: Use related items for tasks
The Use related items for tasks check box is enabled when the rule’s Target is configured
for related items. When using this option, the On True task list will be executed using the
related item(s) as the active item(s).

Item in Workflow

Note: This rule is only functional for the Core-based Workflow interfaces.

Checks for the existence of the item across all life cycles in Workflow, or across multiple
life cycles/queues.

Option: Target
In the Target drop-down select list, define whether you want the rule to evaluate the
current document/item in the queue or a related document/item.
If you are configuring the rule for related documents/items, see Related Tab on page 792
for more information.

Option: Use related items for tasks

The Use related items for tasks check box is enabled when the rule’s Target is configured
for related items. When using this option, the On True task list will be executed using the
related item(s) as the active item(s).

Option: Anywhere in Workflow

Choose Anywhere in Workflow to determine whether the item is anywhere in Workflow.
Option: In One of the Following Queue(s)
Choose In One of the Following Queue(s) to look for the item in specific queues.
To configure life cycles and queues, click Configure . Select corresponding check box(es)
next to the life cycle(s) or queue(s) in the Select Queues dialog box. When selecting a life
cycle, all queues associated with the particular life cycle are also selected. Click on a
queue to de-select it. Specific queues may also be selected without selecting a life cycle.
Once life cycles/queues have been selected, click OK. The life cycles and queues you
have configured will be displayed in the rule’s configuration.

Is User in User Group or Role

Determines whether or not a user belongs to a specific user group or a role.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Option: Current User

Select Current User if you want to check to see if the currently logged in user is in the
selected user group or role.
Option: User Name
Select User Name to determine whether a specific user is in a user group or role. Select
Studio - Workflow Rules

the user name from the drop-down select list.

You can acquire the user name from a property value by selecting Get User Name from
property and entering the property in the field.

Option: User Group

If you want to determine whether or not the specified user is in a user group, select User
Group. Select the user group from the drop-down select list.

Option: User Role

If you want to determine whether or not the specified user is in a user role, select User
Role . Select the role from the drop-down select list.

Item Has Been Owned Longer Than

This rule allows you to check to see if an item has been owned by its current owner in
the specified queue for the specified period of time.
Option: Owned in Life Cycle
Select the life cycle that the item was owned in from the Owned in Life Cycle drop-down
select list. Only life cycles that support ownership are available for selection.
Option: Queue
Select the Queue that the item resided in. Only queues belong to life cycles that support
ownership are available for selection.
Option: Item has been owned by one User for more than
In the Item has been owned by one User for more than field, enter the number of days,
hours or minutes that you want to check for and select the appropriate unit of measure
from the drop-down select list.

Prompt User with Question Box

Displays a question box and prompts the user to select a button for his or her response.
Type the question to present to the user in the Question Text box in the rule fields
section. The question should be posed to allow for yes/no true/false answers.

Note: This rule is not supported in the Mobile Access for Windows Phone interface.

Option: Question Text

Click inside the field and type the symbol or click the symbol’s button to add it to the
Question Text .

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Select a Keyword Type from the Keyword Type drop-down list and enter the Keyword
Type instance in the Repeat field. Click Keyword and the Keyword Value will appear in the
Question Text .
If you have two values for a Keyword Type, you can add multiple Keyword Types to the
Question Text . Type the number, 2, in the Repeat field, select the Keyword Type from the
Keyword Type field and the Keyword Type will appear twice into the Question Text field.

Studio - Workflow Rules

Symbols Used

Item Symbol Function

Space- - Adds a space, a hyphen, and another space to separate the different
Space symbols ( - ).

Doc Date %D Adds the current document’s date stored value into the system.

User %U Displays the User Name of the user who is currently logged in.

Auto- %N Displays the Auto-Name string of the current document.


Time %I1 Adds the time that the current document was stored into the
Stored system. This value cannot be modified.

Date %D1 Displays the date the document was stored.


The following symbols can be used:

Symbol Description

%# Displays the Document Handle of the current document.

%B Displays the Institution Name assigned to the current document.

Note: This symbol is only applicable when used with an Institutional Database.

%C Displays the name of the user who created the current document.

%D or %D2 Displays the Document Date. This value can be changed.

%D1 Displays the date that the document was stored. This value cannot be changed.

%I1 or %T Displays the time that the document was stored. This value cannot be changed.

%K Displays a configured Keyword Value.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Symbol Description

%K#.n Displays the Keyword Value of Keyword Type # n times. For example,
%K00101.4 would display up to 4 unique Keyword Values for Keyword Type
101 for a single document.
For some functionality, a Keyword Type drop-down list may be available to
Studio - Workflow Rules

configure this. Select a Keyword Type from the drop-down select list, enter
the number of times you want the Keyword Value to be displayed in the Repeat
field, and click Keyword. The value in the Repeat field specifies how many
instances of the Keyword Value will be displayed. Entering an * character will
pull all existing Keyword Values for display up to 99 instances.

Note: When using the Classic Client interface, double digits in the Repeat field
are not supported.

%L Displays the life cycle number of the current document.

%L2 Displays the life cycle name of the current document.

%M Extracts metadata values from items. This includes attribute values from
WorkView objects or a field values from an Entity item.
%M must be followed by the metadata value you want to extract. For example,
if you want to extract the value of a WorkView attribute called Name, it would
be %MName.
The token strings can contain nested expressions. Example, a nested WorkView
attribute: %MVendor.Buyer.Name.

%N Displays the name of the document.

%P Displays the number of notes present on the document.

%Q Displays the queue number of the current document.

%Q2 Displays the queue name of the current document.

%R Displays the real name of the currently logged in user.

%U Displays the user name of the currently logged in user who executed the task.

%V### Displays the value of a configured Workflow property. For example, to display
the value for the property “Color”, this symbol would be configured %VColor.

Note: In the Core-based interfaces, if a property contains an array of values,

all property values will be used.

Note: If a property name has spaces, using %V to display the property value
will not preserve the spaces, and therefore, the property will not be correctly

The following symbols are not supported in the Classic Client interface:
• %L [life cycle ID]
• %L2 [life cycle name]

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

• %Q [queue ID]
• %Q2 [queue name]
%M [item metadata value] is not supported in the Classic OnBase Client interface or the
Core-Based OnBase Client interface.
The question is displayed in the User Interaction window while a document is displayed
in the viewer.

Studio - Workflow Rules

Option: Keyword Type to Store Answer
The response can then be stored as a keyword by selecting a Keyword Type from the
Keyword Type to Store Answer drop-down list.

Note: If the answer is stored in a numeric Keyword Type, the affirm button will store 1 as
the value, the deny button will store 0 as the value, and the abort button will not store
any value. Also, the abort button does not store any value when the answer is stored in
an alphanumeric Keyword Type.

Option: Prompt Button Text

You can type your own text into the Yes, No and Cancel edit fields or you can choose the
default responses. Whichever option you choose, the question should be worded in such
a way that the buttons clearly answer the question. The button text for these three
buttons is limited to 24 characters.
Option: Cancel Applies Only to Current Task List
When the user selects the abort button, all Workflow processing stops for the current
item. If you would like only the current task to be canceled, check the Cancel Applies Only
to Current Task List check box. The other task lists continue processing with the current
Option: Hide Cancel Button
You can also choose to turn off the abort option, which will force the user to affirm or
deny the task, by selecting the Hide Cancel Button check box.

Related Item Does Not Exist

Checks to make sure no related item exist.
For related documents/items configuration information, see Related Tab on page 792 for
more information.

Related Item Exists

Checks for related item of the same or different type. Using this rule against the same
type checks for duplicates.
For related documents/items configuration information, see Related Tab on page 792 for
more information.

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Workflow OnBase 16

Option: Use related items for tasks

The Use related items for tasks check box is enabled when the rule’s Target is configured
for related items. When using this option, the On True task list will be executed using the
related item(s) as the active item(s).

Option: Evaluate to true when

Studio - Workflow Rules

You can configure this rule to evaluate to true only when a defined number of related
items are found. Select the Operator Type from the drop-down that you want to use to
compare the number of related items found to the specified value. Choose one of the
following options:
• Select Constant Value and enter the value in the field if you want to specify a
static number to compare to the number of related items found.
• Select Property and enter the name of the property that will contain the value
you want to use to evaluate against the number of related items found.

Tip: If you want this to evaluate to true when any related item is found, select > as the
Operator and specify 0 as a Constant Value .

Run Unity Script

Note: This rule requires the Unity Automation API license.

Allows you to specify a Unity script to run.

Note: This rule is only supported in the Core-based OnBase Client and the Web Client

Option: Script
The Script drop-down select list allows you to select a configured Unity script that will be
Option: Refresh item after script has executed
The Refresh item after script has executed option allows you to refresh the item after the
selected script has been executed. The option reloads the item information from the
database, so everything about the item is refreshed, including keyword values,
autoname strings, page, etc. This option is needed when Unity scripts are executed and
the item or its properties are modified and the rules and actions that follow the script
execution depend on the updates to the item. Using this option ensures that once the
script completes, the current item is refreshed in Workflow to update any keyword data
and other changes made to the item via the script.
args.ScriptResult is used to define whether the to run the OnTrue or OnFalse task list.
The default value of args.ScriptResult = false.
Additionally, you can create a new script or edit an existing script by selecting the drop-
down button next to the Script field. See Unity Projects on page 800 for more

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

WorkView Category

Check Attribute Value

This rule will check a specified attribute’s value against a provided constant value or
against a value saved in a named property.

Studio - Workflow Rules

Note: Calculated attributes are not supported in this rule.

Option: Application
Select the Application from the drop-down select list.
Option: Class
Select the Class from the drop-down.
Option: Attribute Name
Select the attribute you would like to check by clicking the ellipsis (...) button and
selecting the appropriate attribute for the Attribute Name field.
Option: Against Value
To check the value of the attribute with a specific value, select the Against value check
box. You can select the Operator from the drop-down select list that you want to use to
evaluate the selected attribute’s value. Choose one of the following options:
• Constant - Provide a constant value to check against. Enter a hard-coded value
in the field.
• Property - If you will be setting the check value in a named property, specify the
name of the property in the field.

Option: Previous Value was Changed From

If you are configuring a System Task to be used in conjunction with a WorkView event
(OnBeforeDeleteObject or OnBeforeSaveObject), you have the option to check the
previous value of the named attribute. To check a previous value, select the Previous
Value was Changed From check box.
When Any previous value is selected, the attribute will be checked to see if the named
attribute was changed and values do not matter. If you require a more complex check,
select the proper operator from the drop-down select list and provide a Constant value or
the name of the Property against which the previous value should be compared.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

If you are checking the previous value, you can also request the system to provide a
numerical difference between the original and current values, and to save the resulting
number in a named property by entering the name of the property in the Save numeric
difference to property field. The property that stores this difference can be used to
update any type of total or count attribute that needs to be kept synchronized with the
attribute data.
Studio - Workflow Rules

Note: Requesting a numerical difference for an attribute that does not represent a
number will produce an error, as the results are undefined.

Note: If both Against value and Previous Value was Changed From is configured, the
Against value condition is checked first. If it results to true, the Previous Value was
Changed From condition is checked. Both condition checks must evaluate true in order for
the rule to evaluate true.

Note: When checking a relationship attribute for a previous value, the relationship on the
current object is checked; the attribute on the related object itself is not checked. The
rule will evaluate true when the relationship determined by the relationship attribute on
the current object has changed. If the related object’s value that has changed, but the
relationship itself has not changed on the current object, the rule will evaluate false.

Note: When evaluating a new object, this rule will always evaluate false because the
object did not have any previous values.

Check Object Class

This rule will check the current object’s class to determine if it matches a specific class
or list of classes, or some form of extended class related to a specified class.
Option: Object class is in application
Select the application from the Object class is in application drop-down select list.
Option: Object is in a specific Class (optional)
Optionally, select a class from the Object is specific Class (optional) drop-down select list.
The class selected is the class that you wish to check the current object against. If the
Object is specific class (optional) field is left blank, the rule will check the object’s class
against any class in the specified application. It may also be left blank if you are
checking against a class name saved to a named property. If you want to clear the
Object is specific class (optional) selection, click Clear.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Option: Get class name from property

If you want to check the current object’s class against the class name saved in a
property, select the Get class name from property check box and specify the name of the
property to check.

Note: Typically, the value entered will be a single class name. It is possible for a property

Studio - Workflow Rules

to contain a list of class names to check against. For example, if the named property is
propClassList and the property propClassList contains “class1\class2\class3\lastclass”,
the object’s class will be compared to each of the 4 embedded class names. If any one of
the class names is matched, this rule will return TRUE.

Option: Match any extensions of the specified class

If you select the Match any extensions of the specified class option, the rule will evaluate
TRUE if the current object matched the specified class name or any extensions of this

Note: This option is not supported if you include a list of classes via a named property.

Option: Match any siblings of the specified class

If you select the Match any siblings of the specified class option, the rule evaluate TRUE if
the current object matches the specified class name OR any sibling of this class. A
sibling class is defined as any class extended from the same base class as the specified

Note: This option is not supported if you include a list of classes via a named property.

Data Set Contains

Checks a value against the values contained in the specified dataset. If the value
matches a value from the dataset, the rule evaluates to TRUE, otherwise it results in

Note: Calculated attributes are not supported in this rule.

Option: Application
Choose the Application of the object whose value to will be evaluated.
Option: Class
Choose the Class of the object whose value to will be evaluated.
Option: Data Set
Choose the Data Set to test against from the drop-down select list. All datasets
configured in WorkView are provided in the drop-down select list.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Option: Against value

Choose the Against value option for the type of value you want to check. The following
options are available:
• Select Attribute and then select the attribute you would like to check by clicking
the ellipsis ( ...) button and selecting the appropriate attribute for the Attribute
Studio - Workflow Rules

When configuring a System Task, the Previous check box is enabled. This option
allows you to get the previous value of the specified attribute from the current
object. If this option is not selected, the current value is used.
• Select Property if you will be setting the checked value in a named property.
Specify the name of the property in the field.
• select Constant if you wish to provide a constant value to check against. Provide
a value in the field.
The following is an example of how this rule could be used. Datasets are configured to
divide the 50 states into regions, where each dataset is named for the region and all the
states of that region are values in the dataset. To test an object that has a State
attribute to see if it is in the “Southwest” region, a Dataset Contains rule can be created
specifying the Southwest dataset and the object’s State attribute.

Object Is New

Note: This rule is only available when configuring System Events.

Used to check the object’s status to determine if it is a new object. This is used in
OnBeforeSaveObject and OnBeforeOpenObject events when different validations must
be applied if the object is new or pre-existing.
If the object is new, the result of this rule is TRUE. Otherwise, it is FALSE.

Related Tab
Related Tab for Unity Life Cycles
When a Unity Life Cycle is configured, the following options are available on the Related

Related Tab
The Related tab is displayed when an rule requires related document to be configured.
The Related tab allows you to configure how related documents are defined.
Option: Portfolio Type
Select this option to use a portfolio type to identify related items for rule and select the
appropriate portfolio type from the drop-down list.
Option: Portfolio Relation
Select this option to use a portfolio relation to identify related items for rule and select
the appropriate portfolio relation from the drop-down list.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Option: Ad Hoc Portfolio Relation

Click Configure under this option to create a portfolio relation that is specific to this rule.
This portfolio relation cannot be assigned to portfolio types or reused in another action
or rule. The content types available are specific to the item types the rule can evaluate.
See Configuring Portfolio Relations on page 236 for more information.
Option: Lock Related Item

Studio - Workflow Rules

When selected, the related item that the rule is being performed on will be locked by
Workflow and other users will not be able to modify the related item when the rule is
being executed.

Related Tab for Standard Life Cycles

When a life cycle is configured to be compatible with versions 11.0 and previous, the
following settings are available on the Related tab.

Related Tab

Caution: The Related tab is displayed when an action requires related document to be
configured. The Related tab allows you to configure how related documents are defined. If
the primary document also meets the requirements of a related document, the primary
document is excluded from related documents results.

Note: When a Workflow rule evaluates related documents, as soon as the rule encounters
one related document that evaluates True for the rule’s condition, the rule evaluates as
True and the True logic is executed. If all related documents evaluate to False, then the
False logic is executed.

Option: Document Handle

This option causes the system to use the value contained in the Document Handle
property as the common denominator between the current and related document. When
selected, the Related Document Type and Common Keyword Types cannot be configured.
Option: Document Type
Select a Document Type from the Related Document Type drop-down list.

Note: If you do not configure Keyword Types, Workflow will not be able to find related

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Option: Common Keyword Types

After you select the related Document Type, click Common Keyword. The Related
Document Query dialog box opens. To add Keyword Types to the list, select the Keyword
Type in the list and click Add . To remove a Keyword Type from the list, select the
keyword and click Remove . The Document Types with these Keyword Types are
evaluated when this action executes.
Studio - Workflow Rules

Note: If all common keywords for the current document contain null values for the
common Keyword Types, Workflow will not find any related documents.

Note: If there is at least one common Keyword Type for the current document that
contains a value, but one or more of the other common Keyword Types have null values
on the current document, the rule will evaluate true if any related document matches the
existing value in the common Keyword Type.

The Search Multiple Values Independently optional check box is used for Keyword Types
that can have multiple values on the current document. If this check box is enabled, a
related document can match any one of the values contained for that Keyword Type on
the current document (as well as the other common keywords designated) for the rule to
succeed. To enable this feature for a common keyword, click the check box to the left of
the Keyword Type name after the common keyword(s) have been added. If this option is
disabled, the related document must match all values for a given Keyword Type if it
contains multiple values on a primary document.

Tip: Common keywords should be configured for a related document rule. Without
common keywords defined, the rule will not evaluate against any documents.

Note: It is not recommended that floating point Keyword Types are used for finding
related items.

Option: Folder Type

This drop-down select list includes all dynamically populated folder types (Dynamic
Document Types/Dynamic Document Type Group folder types). The selected folder type
will contain documents, related to the currently selected document, that will be acted on
in Workflow.

Note: Only folder types configured as Workflow folders will be displayed for selection in
the Folder Type drop-down select list.

Note: If there is at least one common Keyword Type for the current document that
contains a value, but one or more of the other common Keyword Types have null values
on the current document, the rule will evaluate true if any folder of the assigned folder
type has a matching value for the common Keyword Type. Common Keyword Types for
Folder Types are configured in Folder Type configuration.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Related documents can also be determined by document handle when using folder types.
For information about configuring folder types to relate documents by document handle,
see Relating Documents by Document Handle with Folders on page 180.
Option: Associated Primary Document

Note: This option is supported only in the Core-Based Client and Web Client interfaces.

Studio - Workflow Rules

The following message is displayed to the user and the task list is completely aborted
when attempting to execute this in an interface where it is not supported: "The current
configuration for finding related documents is not implemented"

Caution: This option only applies when a Work Folder document has been dragged-and-
dropped to an ad hoc task.

Sometimes access back to the primary document in order to obtain information, for
example, copying keywords from the primary document, is needed while the task list is
The option allows users to relate back to the document that was last selected from the
Inbox when dragging and dropping a document from a Work Folder to an ad hoc task.
If a rule that is configured with this relationship option is executed in any other manner
(traditional ad hoc task execution, System Work, Timer Work, Load Balancing Work or
System Tasks), the following message is displayed in the Diagnostics Console, the rule
evaluates to "False", and the remainder of the task list continues execution:
"Relationship type is only valid for tasks executed via drag and drop from the work
Option: Require All Common Keywords Present on Primary Document

Note: This option is not supported in the Classic Client Workflow interface.

Note: This option is available when searching for related documents by Document Type
or by Folder Type.

When this option is checked, the query logic requires that all configured common
keyword values must be present in order to return matching related documents. If the
primary document does not have all of the common keywords present, the query is
aborted and a message is logged to the Workflow Trace stating that "Related Document
Query aborted: primary document does NOT have all common keywords present".
The following is required for this option:
• Common Keywords must be configured.
• The primary document must have all of the configured common keywords
present on the document in order for the query to run.
• The primary document must have a value for each of the configured common
keywords in order for the query to run.
• This option is not available when searching for related documents by Document

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Option: Lock Related Document

When selected, the related item that the rule is being performed on will be locked by
Workflow and other users will not be able to modify the related item when the rule is
being executed.

Configuring Life Cycles Compatible with versions 11.0 and

Studio - Workflow Rules

If you are configuring a rule in a life cycle configured to be compatible with versions of
OnBase 11.0 and earlier, an icon is displayed next to the rule to signify if the rule is
supported in the Classic Client interface or in the Core-Based interfaces.
If the rule is supported in the Classic Client interface, the following icon is displayed:

If the rule is supported in Core Services, the following icon is displayed:

For specific support for each interface that is Core-Based, see the description for each

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.

This chapter contains general administrative tasks within OnBase Studio, such as
connecting to repositories, the creation of Unity Projects, and the configuration of
OnBase Studio Options, which allow you to configure an environment that is best suited
to your needs.

Connecting to Repositories
To access a repository, in the Repositories window, select the repository from the drop-
down select list. You will either be automatically logged into the repository or you will be
prompted for user credentials.

Note: If there is a system lock, you will be unable to open the repository.

In order for your changes and additions to a repository to be reflected, you must save
the repository. Any changes you make will not be saved until the repository is saved. You
can save a repository by clicking Save button on the Home ribbon. Alternatively, you can
click the Save drop-down menu and select a specific repository to save or Save All to
save all of the repositories.
Items that have been changed and not saved are denoted with an asterisk (*).
Upon clicking Save or Save All , a Saving Repository status window is displayed. You can
click Cancel to abort saving.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

To open a database connection repository:

1. Database connection repositories are opened via the Connect dialog box. Open the
Connect dialog box in one of two ways:
• Launch OnBase Studio. The Connect dialog box is displayed on startup.
• If OnBase Studio is already connected to a repository, click Connect in the
Home ribbon menu to open another repository.
Studio Administration

The Connect dialog box is displayed.

2. You can connect to a database connection repository in two ways:

• Via a direct local ODBC connection to the database - Select Local ODBC if you
want to connect to the database directly without the use of an Application
Server. If your solution does not include an Application Server, select Local
ODBC as your connection type. The Local ODBC connection type also allows
you to work in a repository while Application Servers are offline.
• Via an Application Server - Enter or select an Application Server URL in the
Connection Type drop-down select list to connect to the database via an
Application Server. Connect via an Application Server if you do not have
direct access to the database.

Note: Studio does not support remoting as a communication method for the Application
Server. SOAP must be used. Ensure that the full Application Server URL to the service
page uses Service.asmx.

3. Enter a Data Source or select one from the drop-down select list. When Local ODBC
is selected as the connection type, the Data Source list is populated with all
available data sources. When connecting via an Application Server, the data
source entered is saved as an option in the Data Source drop-down select list for
future selection once you have connected successfully.

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4. Select an Authentication Type from the drop-down select list. The following
options are available:
• Standard Authentication - Select this option to use standard OnBase
• NT Authentication - Select this option to use Active Directory authentication.
To use this option, your system must be configured for Active Directory -
Basic or Active Directory - Enhanced authentication. For more information,

Studio Administration
see the Network Security module reference guide.
• NT Authentication (Interactive) - Select this option to enter credentials for
Active Directory authentication. The User Name must include a domain. To
use this option, your system must be configured for Active Directory - Basic
or Active Directory - Enhanced authentication. For more information, see the
Network Security module reference guide.
5. Enter a User Name and Password.
Select Remember password if you want OnBase to remember your password.
6. Click Connect.

Refreshing Repositories
You can refresh a repository in order to work with the most up-to-date configuration for
the database that the repository is associated with. To refresh a repository, right-click
on an item in the repository within the Repositories pane and select Refresh or select an
item and press F5 on the keyboard.
Refreshing will update the open repository, which has an item selected in it, with all
changes that have been saved to the database since the repository was opened. A
refresh is not limited to changes made by the current user, but will update the repository
with all changes that have been saved to the database. Items with changes that have
not been saved to the database are not refreshed.

Expanding and Collapsing Items in the Repository Pane

Tree items in the Repository pane can be expanded and collapsed for easier navigation
and viewing of an item and its children.
To expand a tree item, select a tree item in the Repository pane, right-click and select
Expand All . All children under that tree item will expanded.
To collapse a tree item, select a tree item in the Repository pane, right-click and select
Collapse All . All children under that tree item will be collapsed.

Note: If a tree item is already collapsed, Collapse All will be disabled.

For shortcut keys, see Shortcuts on page 853.

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Workflow OnBase 16

Unity Projects
Unity projects are created in order to use Unity Scripts. You can create either a script or
a library.

Note: The Unity Automation API license is required to configure Unity scripts in a
Studio Administration

See the following sections:

• Creating a Unity Script Project on page 800
• Creating a Unity Library Project on page 804
• Opening an Existing Unity Project on page 806
• Managing Unity Projects on page 807

Additional information about Unity Scripting is found in the Hyland SDK.

Creating a Unity Script Project

To create a Unity Script project:

1. Select the Unity Scripts tab.

2. Click the Script button. The Create Unity Script wizard is displayed:

3. Enter a Name for the script.

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4. Enter a Description for the script.

5. Select a Language. You can specify C# or Visual Basic.
6. Click Next.
The following screen is displayed:

Studio Administration
7. Select the type of script you want to create. The list can be filtered by typing in
the Find field. Descriptions of each option are displayed in the dialog box upon

Note: Client Unity Workflow Scripts can only be configured in OnBase Studio and
executed in the Unity Client interface.

8. Click Next. The following screen is displayed:

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Studio Administration

9. Select the user group you would like to grant rights to the project from the drop-
down select list.
10. Click Add.
11. Next to the user group, select View to grant view rights and select Modify to grant
editing rights.
12. Repeat the previous steps for each user group.
13. Click Next.
The Summary screen is displayed. This screen shows the current configuration for
the new Unity Script Project. To make changes to the configuration, click
Previous .
14. Click Finish . A tab opens for the project. You can enter the appropriate script.
15. When you are finished, do one of the following:
• To save the project, click the Save button.
• To save and publish the project, click the Save & Publish button.
• To build the project, click the Build button.

Note: For more information on configuration, troubleshooting, and the various types of
Unity Scripts, refer to the Unity Scripting section of the OnBase SDK.

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OnBase 16 Workflow

Unity Script Project Properties

The Properties pane for Unity Script projects contains four tabs: References , Properties,
Versions, and Permissions.

References Tab
The References tab contains a list of assemblies that can be referenced by the script.

Studio Administration
Properties Tab
The Properties tab displays script performance statistics for the currently opened version
of the script. If there are multiple versions of the script, statistics for the most recent
version of the script are shown.
To show script performance statistics for all versions, click Show Stats for All Versions .

Versions Tab
The Versions tab lists the versions of the project that exist. You can also set a version to
be the active version in this tab.

Permissions Tab
The Permissions tab allows you to grant View or Modify rights to user groups.

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Creating a Unity Library Project

To create a Unity Library project:

1. Select the Unity Scripts tab.

2. Click the Library button. The Create Unity Library wizard is displayed:
Studio Administration

3. Enter a Name for the project.

4. Enter a Description for the project.
5. Select a Language. You can specify C# or Visual Basic.

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6. Click Next. The following screen is displayed:

Studio Administration
7. Select the user group you would like to grant rights to the project from the drop-
down select list.
8. Click Add.
9. Next to the user group, select View to grant view rights and select Modify to grant
editing rights.
10. Repeat steps 7 to 9 for each user group.
11. Click Next.
The Summary screen is displayed. This screen shows the current configuration for
the new Unity Library Project. To make changes to the configuration, click
Previous .
12. Click Finish . A tab opens for the project. You can enter the appropriate script.
13. When you are finished, do one of the following:
• To save the project, click the Save button.
• To save and publish the project, click the Save & Publish button.
• To build the project, click the Build button.

Unity Library Project Properties

The Properties pane for Unity Library projects contains three tabs: References, Versions ,
and Permissions .

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References Tab
The References tab contains a list of assemblies that can be referenced by the script.

Versions Tab
The Versions tab lists the versions of the project that exist. You can also set a version to
be the active version in this tab.
Studio Administration

Permissions Tab
The Permissions tab allows you to grant View or Modify rights to user groups.

Opening an Existing Unity Project

To open an existing Unity project, do the following:

1. Select the Unity Scripts tab.

2. Click the Projects button.
The Unity Projects window is displayed:

3. Select the Repository containing the project you want to open.

4. Select the Project to open from the list of available projects. You can also use the
drop-down select list to filter the list of available projects.

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5. Click Open.

Tip: To open a specific version of a project, click the arrow on the right side of the Open
button, and select Specific version...

The project is displayed.

Studio Administration
Managing Unity Projects
You can manage Unity Projects from the Manage Unity Projects window. To access the
Manage Unity Projects window, do the following:

1. Select the Unity Scripts tab.

2. Click the Manage Unity Projects button.
The Manage Unity Projects window displays:

Note: Unity Developers can only view the scripts that they themselves have created.
Unity Administrators can view all scripts.

See the following topics for information on the functionality available when working with
Unity Projects:
• Configuring the Default Diagnostic Level for a Unity Script on page 808
• Monitoring Unity Project Usage on page 808
• Monitoring Unity Script Performance Statistics on page 809
• Clearing Script Performance Statistics on page 810
• Deleting Unity Projects on page 810
• Recovering a Deleted Unity Project on page 811

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• Exporting a Unity Script or Unity Library on page 811

• Exporting an Assembly on page 813

Configuring the Default Diagnostic Level for a Unity Script

You can configure the default diagnostics level for a Unity Script. The configured
diagnostics level controls the diagnostics level of the application object used by the
Unity Script at runtime.
Studio Administration

1. From the Manage Unity Projects window, select the Repository containing the
2. Select the Unity Script for which you want to configure the default diagnostics
3. Click Update Diagnostics. The Update Diagnostics dialog displays:

4. In the drop-down select list, select the default diagnostics level.

5. Click OK.

Monitoring Unity Project Usage

You can view where configured Unity Scripts, Unity Libraries, and imported assemblies
are being used across OnBase.

Note: You must be a Unity Administrator in order to view project usage.

1. From the Manage Unity Projects window, select the Repository containing the
2. Select a Unity Script, Unity Library, or an Imported Assembly for which you want
to view usage.
• To view usage of a Unity Script or a Unity Library, select the Projects tab. On the
Projects tab, select the script or library for which you want to view usage.
By default, all projects are shown. To show only unpublished projects, click the
drop-down select list and select Unpublished. To show deleted projects, select
the Show Deleted Projects check box.
• To view usage of an imported assembly, select the Imported Assemblies tab. On
the Imported Assemblies tab, select the imported assembly for which you want
to view usage.
By default, only the most recent versions of assemblies are shown. To show all
versions, deselect the Show Active Assemblies Only check box.

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3. Click the Script Usage button. The Script Usage window displays:

Studio Administration
The Script Usage window allows you to locate where in OnBase a selected Unity
Script, Unity Library, or imported assembly is currently used.
• For a Unity Script, the dialog displays the locations where the selected script is
used. If the script is not used, None is displayed.
• For a Unity Library, the dialog displays the Unity Scripts that reference the
selected library. If the library is not referenced, None is displayed.
• For an Imported Assembly, the dialog displays the Unity Scripts and Unity
Libraries that reference the assembly. If the assembly is referenced in a library,
scripts that reference the library are displayed in a tree structure below the
library. If the assembly is not used, None is displayed.

Monitoring Unity Script Performance Statistics

You can view performance statistics for Unity Script projects in OnBase Studio.

Note: You must be a Unity Administrator or a Unity Developer in order to view

performance statistics.

1. Open a Unity Script project. See Opening an Existing Unity Project on page 806.
2. In the Properties pane, click the Properties tab.

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3. The following performance statistics are displayed for the selected script:

Performance Statistic Description

Number of Times The number of times the selected script has been executed.
Studio Administration

Exceptions Thrown The number of exceptions thrown while the script was being

Last Executed The last date and time that the script was executed.

Average Execution Time The average execution time for the script. This is calculated based
on the number of times the script executed and the average time
it takes to run the script.

By default, the Properties tab only shows statistics for the currently opened
version of the script.
4. To show combined statistics for all versions of the script, click the Show Stats for
All Versions button.

Clearing Script Performance Statistics

If necessary, you can reset the performance statistics that have been recorded for a
Unity Script.

Caution: This action clears the statistics for all versions of the script and cannot be undone.

1. From the Manage Unity Projects window, select the Repository containing the
2. On the Projects tab, select the Unity Script for which you want to clear the
performance statistics.
3. Click the Clear Performance Stats button.
The message “ Performance statistics for all versions of the script will be deleted. Are
you sure you wish to clear these statistics?” displays.
4. To clear the performance statistics for the script, click Yes. To cancel, click No.

Deleting Unity Projects

If necessary, you can delete an unused Unity Project from the Manage Unity Projects
window. Deleting a Unity Project does not delete it from the system; deleted projects
can be restored if needed.

Tip: Viewing the usage of a Unity Project can help you determine where a script is being
used. See Monitoring Unity Project Usage on page 808 for information.

Note: Client and Global Client scripts cannot be deleted.

1. From the Manage Unity Projects window, select the Repository containing the
2. On the Projects tab, select the Unity Project you want to delete.

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3. Click the Delete Project button.

4. The project is deleted and removed from the list of projects.

Recovering a Deleted Unity Project

If necessary, you can recover a deleted Unity Project.

1. From the Manage Unity Projects window, select the Repository containing the

Studio Administration
2. On the Projects tab, select the Show Deleted Projects check box.
Previously deleted Unity Projects are displayed in the list. Deleted projects are
indicated by a status of Deleted in the Interface column.
3. Select the project you want to recover and click the Recover Deleted Project
4. If multiple versions of the project exist, you are prompted to select which version
of the project should be recovered. Double-click the version you want to recover.

Note: If you recover a published version of the project, the published version becomes
the active version.

Exporting a Unity Script or Unity Library

If necessary, you can export Unity Scripts or Unity Libraries and their associated

1. From the Manage Unity Projects window, select the Repository containing the script
or library you want to export.
2. On the Projects tab, Select a Unity Script or Unity Library to export. Press and
hold Ctrl while selecting a script or library to make multiple selections.

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3. Click the Export button. The Export wizard displays:

Studio Administration

4. Choose how to export the Unity Script or Unity Library.

• To export the script or library as a code file, select Code File .
• To export the script or library as an assembly, select Assembly.
• To export the script or library as a code file with the assembly of the active
version, select Code File and Assembly.
5. Click Next.
6. Specify the location where the files should be exported.
• If you selected Code File, specify the Folder Name where the code file should be
exported. Select which version of the code file to export from the Code File
Version drop-down select list.
• If you selected Assembly, specify the Folder Name where the assembly should be
• If you selected Code File and Assembly, specify the Folder Name where the
assembly should be exported. When exporting a code file and assembly
together, only the active code file version is exported.
7. To include reference assemblies when exporting, select the Include reference
assemblies check box. The reference assemblies are exported as assembly files to
the location specified in step 6.

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8. Click Next. You are prompted to review the export configuration:

Studio Administration
9. Verify the information displayed in the Details text box is correct. To make any
configuration changes, click the Previous button.
10. To automatically open the export folder when the export is complete, select the
Open the export folder when completed check box.
11. When you are finished reviewing the export configuration, click Finish .

Exporting an Assembly
You can export previously imported assemblies separately from Unity Scripts and Unity

1. From the Manage Unity Projects window, select the Repository containing the
assembly or assemblies to export.
2. On the Imported Assemblies tab, Select one or more assemblies to export. Press
and hold Ctrl while selecting an assembly to make multiple selections.
By default, only the most recent versions of assemblies are shown. To show all
versions, deselect the Show Active Assemblies Only check box.

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3. Click the Export button. The following screen displays:

Studio Administration

4. Specify the location where your selection should be exported.

5. To include reference assemblies when exporting, select the Include reference
assemblies check box. The reference assemblies are exported as assembly files to
the location specified in step 4.

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6. Click Next. You are prompted to review the export configuration:

Studio Administration
7. Verify the information displayed in the Details text box is correct. To make any
configuration changes, click the Previous button.
8. To automatically open the export folder when the export is complete, select the
Open the export folder when completed check box.
9. When you are finished reviewing the export configuration, click Finish .

Unity Integrations
You can create Unity Integrations in OnBase Studio to manage which external Unity API
applications have access to connect to the Unity API.

Note: A Unity Integration Toolkit license is required to use this feature.

Note: You must be a Unity Administrator in order to work with Unity Integrations.

See the following sections:

• Creating a New Integration on page 816
• Renaming an Integration on page 818
• Deleting an Integration on page 818
• Reactivating a Deleted Integration on page 819

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Creating a New Integration

To create a new Unity Integration:

1. Select the Unity Integrations tab.

2. Click Integration. The Create New Integration wizard is displayed:
Studio Administration

3. Enter a Name for the integration.

4. Enter a Description for the integration.

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5. Click Next. The following screen is displayed:

Studio Administration
6. Enter the Identity string that should be used to associate the external application
with the Unity Integration.
You can enter your own identity value, or you can click the Generate GUID button
to generate a unique identity.
7. By default, the integration is enabled after it is created. To disable the
integration, deselect the Enable this Integration upon creation check box.
8. Click Next.
The Summary screen is displayed. This screen shows the current configuration for
the new Unity Integration. To make changes to the configuration, click Previous .
9. Click Finish. The integration is created. The integration will be saved the next time
that the repository is saved.

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Unity Integration Properties

The following information is displayed in the General tab of the Properties pane for a
Unity Integration:

Option Description
Studio Administration

Description The description for the Unity Integration. If necessary, you can modify the
description text.

Note: Description text is limited to 255 characters.

Owner The owner of the Unity Integration. By default, the OnBase user that
created the integration is assigned as the owner.
To change ownership of the integration, select the integration owner from
the drop-down select list. The ownership change will be saved the next time
that the repository is saved.

Identity The identity of the Unity Integration. If necessary, you can update the value
or generate a new GUID by clicking the Generate GUID button.

Enabled The Enabled check box controls whether or not the selected integration is
To enable the integration, select the check box. To disable the integration,
deselect the check box.

Note: Changes made in the properties pane will be saved the next time that the
repository is saved.

Renaming an Integration
To rename an integration:

1. In the Repositories pane, select the Unity Integrations tab.

2. Right-click the integration to rename and select Rename.
3. Enter the new name for the integration and press Enter. The change will be saved
the next time that the repository is saved.

Deleting an Integration
To delete an integration:

1. In the Repositories pane, select the Unity Integrations tab.

2. Right-click the integration to delete and select Delete.
The integration is removed from the list and is deleted the next time that the
repository is saved.

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Reactivating a Deleted Integration

To reactivate a deleted integration:

1. In the toolbar, select the Unity Integrations tab.

2. Click Reactivate Integrations. The Reactivate Integrations dialog box is displayed:

Studio Administration
3. Select the integration that you want to reactivate. You can select more than one
integration at a time.
4. Click OK . The integration is reactivated and added to the list of Unity Integrations
in the Repositories pane. This change will be saved the next time that the
repository is saved.

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Workflow OnBase 16

Configuring Portfolio Types

Note: Workflow or Document Packets licensing is required for configuring Portfolios.

Note: Portfolio types apply only to Unity Life Cycles.

Studio Administration

A portfolio type consists of one or more portfolio relations. Portfolio types are assigned
at the queue level to determine what items are displayed in the Related Items pane when
a primary item is selected. In addition, portfolio types and portfolio relationships can be
used in rules and actions configured with a Target of Related Item to determine what
related item the rule or action will process.
Portfolio relations allow you to specify how:
• Documents relate to other documents, WorkView objects or entity items.
• WorkView Objects relate to other WorkView objects or documents.
• Entity Items relate to documents or WorkView objects.

Caution: If you are finding documents by Document Type and Keyword Type mapping, or by
document handle, users must have rights to view the Document Type in order to view
related items. If you are finding documents by folder type, users must have rights to the
folder type in order to view related items. Users do not need rights to the Document Types
configured for the folder type.

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Configuring Portfolio Relations

To configure portfolio relations:

1. In the Home ribbon within the Portfolios ribbon group, click Portfolio Relations .

Studio Administration
2. Select the Repository from the drop-down select list in which you would like to
configure the portfolio relation.

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3. Click Add. The Portfolio Relation Wizard is displayed.

Studio Administration

4. Enter a Name for the portfolio relation.

5. Select the Content Type from the drop-down select list. This is the type of item
that is the primary item in the life cycle. You can either select Documents, Entity
Items , or WorkView Objects.
6. Select the Related Content Type from the drop-down select list. This is the type of
item that the related items will be. You can either select Documents, Entity Items
or WorkView Objects.
7. Click Next. Depending on the options you selected, the wizard will vary. For more
information on options, see Wizard Options on page 823.
8. Click Next.
9. Click Next.
10. Click Finish .
You can locate a specific, existing portfolio relation by entering text that will identify the
portfolio relation in the Find field. The portfolio relations displayed will be narrowed
down to the portfolio relations that contain the characters entered.
You can modify an existing portfolio relation by selecting it and clicking Modify.

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Wizard Options
Depending on the types of items you are relating, the wizard options available vary. The
following relationship types are available:
• Relating Documents to Documents on page 823
• Relating Documents to Entity Items on page 827
• Relating Documents to WorkView Objects on page 828

Studio Administration
• Relating Entity Item to Documents on page 833
• Relating WorkView Objects to Documents on page 837
• Relating WorkView Objects to WorkView Objects on page 840

Relating Documents to Documents

The following to relating documents to each other.
When the Content Type is set to Documents, the wizard will prompt with the following

Select the Document Type that you want to create a relationship for from the drop-down
select list. This is the Document Type the primary document belongs to.

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When Related Content Type is set to Documents, the following options are available:
Studio Administration

Document Handle
This option causes the system to use the value contained in the Document Handle
property as the common denominator between the current and related document.
Document Type

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To configure a Document Type relationship:

1. Select Document Type and select the appropriate Document Type from the drop-
down select list. This is the Document Type the related document(s) belong to.
2. Click Keyword Mappings . The <Document Type> Mappings dialog box is displayed.

Studio Administration
3. Double-click on a Keyword Type you would like to map or the select the Keyword
Type and click Map. The Relation Mapping dialog box is displayed.

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4. You can map to a specific Keyword Type , Property, or Constant value. Select a
Keyword Type from the drop-down select list or enter a Property or Constant value.
If you select Property, you can select Use Scoped Property Bag to use a scoped
property. A session property persists throughout a user’s session. A scoped
property persists only for the duration of a task’s execution.
5. The Search Multiple Values Independently option is used for mapping Keyword
Types that can have multiple values on the current item. If this check box is
Studio Administration

enabled, a relationship can be established for any of the values contained for that
Keyword Type on the current item. When this option is selected, there will be a
check mark next to the mapping in the <Document Type> Mapping dialog box.
6. Click OK.
7. Repeat 3 to 6 for each mapping you want to establish.
8. When finished, click OK.
If you would like all common values to exist on the primary item, select Require All
Common Values On Primary Item .
When mapping Keyword Types to other Keyword Types, the following applies when using
different data types:

Alphanumeric Data from an Alphanumeric Keyword Type can be copied to any other
data type as long as the value in the Alphanumeric Keyword Type is a
valid value for the target Keyword Type.

Numeric 9 Numeric 9 Keyword Types cannot be copied to Date or Date/Time

Keyword Types.
When a Numeric 9 Keyword Type is copied to a Currency Keyword Type,
the default currency symbol is used and whole dollar amounts are the
assumed value.

Numeric 20 Numeric 20 Keyword Types cannot be copied to Date or Date/Time

Keyword Types.
When a Numeric 20 Keyword Type is copied to a Currency Keyword Type,
the default currency symbol is used and whole dollar amounts are the
assumed value.
Numeric 20 Keyword Types can be copied to Numeric 9 Keyword Types if
the value does not exceed 9 digits.

Date Date Keyword Types can be copied to Alphanumeric Keyword Types,

other Date Keyword Types, and Date/Time Keyword Types.
When copying to a Date/Time Keyword Type, the default is used for the
time portion of the value.

Date/Time Date/Time Keyword Types can be copied to Alphanumeric Keyword

Types, other Date/Time Keyword Types, and Date Keyword Types.
When copying to a Date Keyword Type, the time portion of the value is
not copied to or stored in the new Keyword Type.

Currency Currency Keyword Types can be copied to Alphanumeric Keyword Types

or other Currency Keyword Types.

Floating Point A Floating Point Keyword Type can be copied to an Alphanumeric

Keyword Type or another floating point Keyword Type.

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Folder Type
If you want to relate documents by a folder type, select Folder Type and select the
appropriate folder type from the drop-down select list.
If you would like all common values to exist on the primary item, select Require All
Common Values On Primary Item .

Relating Documents to Entity Items

Studio Administration
The following pertains to relating documents to entity items.
When the Content Type is set to Documents, the wizard will prompt with the following

Select the Document Type that you want to create a relationship for from the drop-down
select list. This is the Document Type the primary document belongs to.

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When the Related Content Type is set to Entity Items , the following options are available:
Studio Administration

Select the Entity Type and Field that you want to use to define a relationship for from the
drop-down select lists.

Note: If you are licensed for Agenda Management, Agenda Management selections are
available from these drop-down select lists. If you are licensed for Electronic Plan
Review, Plan Review Project selections are available from these drop-down select lists.

Relating Documents to WorkView Objects

The following pertains to relating documents to WorkView objects.

Note: Calculated attributes are not supported in this portfolio type.

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When the Content Type is set to Documents, the wizard will prompt with the following

Studio Administration
Select the Document Type that you want to create a relationship for from the drop-down
select list. This is the Document Type the primary document belongs to.

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When the Related Content Type is set to WorkView Objects , the following options are
Studio Administration

Document Type Association

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When you click Document Type Association , the following screen is displayed.

Studio Administration
Select the Application and Class that contains the Document Type Association you want
to use from the drop-down select lists.
Select the Document Type Association that will successfully map the Document Type you
previously configured for the primary document with objects of the Class you selected.

Note: Document Type Associations are configured in WorkView.

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Custom Keyword Type Mapping

When you click Custom Keyword Type Mapping , the following screen is displayed.
Studio Administration

1. Select the Application and Class that contains the attribute you want to use from
the drop-down select lists.
2. Click Add. The Relation Mapping dialog box is displayed.

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Studio Administration
3. You can choose to map from an Attribute or get the Attribute Name from Property.
Click the ellipsis button next to the Attribute field and select the attribute or
system property you want to map to determine a relationship.
If you select Attribute Name from Property, you can select Use Scoped Property Bag
to use a scoped property.
4. Select the Operator you want to use to evaluate whether or not a relationship
between a document and an objects exists from the drop-down select list.
5. You can map to a specific Keyword Type , Property, or Constant value. Select a
Keyword Type from the drop-down select list or enter a Property or Constant value.
If you select Property, you can select Use Scoped Property Bag to use a scoped
property. A session property persists throughout a user’s session. A scoped
property persists only for the duration of a task’s execution.
6. Click OK.
7. Map all appropriate attributes necessary to determine a relationship.

Relating Entity Item to Documents

The following pertains to relating entity items to documents.

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When the Content Type is set to Entity Items , the wizard will prompt with the following
Studio Administration

Select the Entity Type that you want to create a relationship for from the drop-down
select list. This is the entity type the primary item belongs to.

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When the Content Type is set to Entity Items and Related Content Type is set to
Documents , the following options are available:

Studio Administration
Document ID
Select Document ID if you want to map the value of item selected in the drop-down
select list to the document’s ID.
Document Type

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

To configure a Document Type relationship:

1. Select Document Type and select the appropriate Document Type from the drop-
down select list. This is the Document Type the related document(s) belong to.
2. Click Keyword Mappings . The <Document Type> Mappings dialog box is displayed.
Studio Administration

3. Double-click on a Keyword Type you would like to map or the select the Keyword
Type and click Map. The Relation Mapping dialog box is displayed.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

4. You can map to a specific Field , Property, or Constant value. Select a Field from
the drop-down select list or enter a Property or Constant value.
If you select Property, you can select Use Scoped Property Bag to use a scoped
property. A session property persists throughout a user’s session. A scoped
property persists only for the duration of a task’s execution.
5. Click OK.
6. Repeat 3 to 5 for each mapping you want to establish.

Studio Administration
7. When finished, click OK.

Relating WorkView Objects to Documents

The following pertains to relating WorkView objects to documents.

Note: Calculated attributes are not supported in this portfolio type.

When the Content Type is set to WorkView Objects and the Related Document Type is set
to Documents, the wizard will prompt with the following screen.

Select the Application and Class that you want to create a relationship for from the drop-
down select lists. This is the application and class the primary object belongs to.
When <All> is selected in the Application drop-down select list, any class can be
selected, though a specified class is not required.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

When the Content Type is set to WorkView Objects and Related Content Type is set to
Documents , the following options are available:
Studio Administration

Attached/Static Document(s)
Select Attached/Static Document(s) to make any document attached statically to a
WorkView object within the Documents tab a related document.
Dynamic Folder
Select a Dynamic Folder to make any document attached dynamically to a WorkView
object within the Documents tab, using a dynamic WorkView folder, a related document.
Dynamic folders are configured in WorkView.
Document Attribute
Select Document Attribute if you want to make the document attached to a WorkView
object through a document attribute a related document. Select the appropriate
document attribute by clicking the ellipsis button and selecting the attribute.
Document ID from Property
Select Document ID from Property to specify the property in the field that contains the
related document’s ID to identify it as a related document.
You can select Use Scoped Property Bag to use a scoped property. A session property
persists throughout a user’s session. A scoped property persists only for the duration of
a task’s execution.
Document Type

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

To configure a Document Type relationship:

1. Select Document Type and select the appropriate Document Type from the drop-
down select list. This is the Document Type the related document(s) belong to.
2. Click Keyword Mappings . The <Document Type> Mappings dialog box is displayed.

Studio Administration
3. Double-click on a Keyword Type you would like to map or the select the Keyword
Type and click Map. The Relation Mapping dialog box is displayed.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

4. You can map to a specific Attribute, Property, or Constant value. Select an

Attribute from the drop-down select list or enter a Property or Constant value.
If you select Property, you can select Use Scoped Property Bag to use a scoped
property. A session property persists throughout a user’s session. A scoped
property persists only for the duration of a task’s execution.
5. Click OK.
6. Repeat 3 to 5 for each mapping you want to establish.
Studio Administration

7. When finished, click OK.

Relating WorkView Objects to WorkView Objects

The following pertains to relating WorkView objects to WorkView Objects.

Note: Calculated attributes are not supported in this portfolio type.

When both the Content Type and Related Content Type is set to WorkView Objects , the
following screen is displayed:

By Filter

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

When By Filter is selected, the following screen is displayed.

Studio Administration
1. Select the Application and Class that contains the objects you want to use for the
relationship from the drop-down select lists. Click Next .

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16
Studio Administration

2. If you want to use an existing filter, select Existing Filter to select a filter already
configured in WorkView for the relationship.
3. If you want to create a filter for use in the portfolio relationship, select Dynamic

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

4. Click Add. The Relation Mapping dialog box is displayed.

Studio Administration
5. Use the Open Grouping, Close Grouping , and Connector options to group and link
multiple mappings to create appropriate filter constraints.
6. You can choose to map from an Attribute or get the Attribute Name from Property.
Click the ellipsis button next to the Attribute field and select the attribute or
system property you want to map to determine a relationship.
If you select Attribute Name from Property, you can select Use Scoped Property Bag
to use a scoped property.
7. Select the appropriate Operator from the drop-down select list.
8. Select Property and enter a property name that will contain the value you want to
compare to the attribute or select Constant and enter the static value you will
evaluate on.
If you select Property, you can select Use Scoped Property Bag to use a scoped
property. A session property persists throughout a user’s session. A scoped
property persists only for the duration of a task’s execution.
9. Click OK.
10. Configure as many attribute mappings as appropriate.

By Related Object

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

When By Related Object is selected, the following screen is displayed.

Studio Administration

1. Select the Application and Class that contains the objects you want to use for the
relationship from the drop-down select lists.
2. If you want to use a related attribute associated with the class selected, select
Related Attribute Name . Click the ellipsis button and select the appropriate
relationship attribute.
If you want to specify a property that will contain the name of the relationship
attribute you want to use to create the relationship, select Related Attribute Name
from Property: and enter the name of the property in the field.
If you select Property, you can select Use Scoped Property Bag to use a scoped
property. A session property persists throughout a user’s session. A scoped
property persists only for the duration of a task’s execution.
By Object ID

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

When By Object ID is selected, the following screen is displayed.

Studio Administration
Enter the property name that will hold the object ID you want to base the relationship on
in the Get Object ID from Property field.
Optionally, you can specify a specific Application and Class to limit the evaluation to only
the application and class specified. If an application and a class are not specified, the
relationship will be evaluated for any object with the id within the system, regardless of
the application or class they belong to. Both an application and a class must be specified
to limit the objects evaluated.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Creating Portfolio Types

To configure a portfolio type:

1. In the Home ribbon within the Portfolios ribbon group, click Portfolio Types . The
Portfolio Types dialog box is displayed.
Studio Administration

2. Select the Repository from the drop-down select list in which you would like to
configure the portfolio type.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

3. Click Add. The Portfolio Type Configuration dialog box is displayed.

Studio Administration
4. Enter Name for the portfolio type.
5. Select the Content Type from the drop-down select list that you want to associate
with the portfolio type. Available options are Documents, Entity Items, and
WorkView Objects .

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

6. Click Add. The Add Portfolio Relation dialog box is displayed.

Studio Administration

7. Select the appropriate relation.

8. Click OK.
9. Repeat steps 6 to 8 for each portfolio relationship you want to associate with the
portfolio type.
10. Click OK when finished.
You can locate a specific, existing portfolio type by entering text that will identify the
portfolio type in the Find field. The portfolio types displayed will be narrowed down to
the portfolio types that contain the characters entered.
You can modify an existing portfolio type by selecting it and clicking Modify.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Searching in Studio
You can search open server repositories for items within OnBase Studio. To access this
feature, press Ctrl + f on the keyboard, click Find in the Home ribbon, or right-click in the
Repositories pane and select Find. The Find dialog box is displayed.

Studio Administration

Note: If the Find dialog box is opened when there is no repository open, the fields are
disabled. Once a repository is opened, the fields are enabled.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Enter search options and click Find All . Results are displayed in a tab at the bottom left
windows of OnBase Studio.

Search Options
Studio Administration

Option Description

Find Type Choose one of the following ways to search:

• Find Name - Allows you to search for an item by its name.
• Find Dependency - Allows you to search for items that are
configured to use a certain item.

Repository Select the repository you want to search from this drop-down
select list.

Look at these types (Find This drop-down select list allows you to specify the type of
Name) item you would like to search for.
The following options are available for the Find Name option:
• <All>
• Application Automator
• Storyboards
• Values / Local Data
• BPMN Collaboration Diagrams
• BPMN Processes
• Business Process Folders
• Workflow
• Actions
• Life Cycles
• Queues
• Rules
• Task Lists
• Timers
• WorkView
• Actions
• Applications
• Filter Bar Items
• Filter Bars
• Filters
• Folders
• Views

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Option Description

Look at these types (Find This drop-down select list allows you to specify the type of
Dependency) item you would like to search for.
The following options are available for the Find Dependency
• AutoFill Keyword Sets

Studio Administration
• Document Types
• Folder Templates
• Folder Types
• Keyword Type Groups
• Keyword Types
• Note Types
• Unity Scripts
• VB Scripts
• Application Automator
• Values / Local Data
• BPMN Collaboration Diagrams
• BPMN Processes

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Option Description

Look at these types (Find • Workflow

Dependency) (cont.) • Action Types
• Calendars
• Life Cycles
Studio Administration

• Notifications
• Organizational Charts
• Portfolio Relations
• Portfolio Types
• Property Names
• Queues
• Rule Types
• Timers
• User Forms
• WorkView
• Attributes
• Calendars
• Classes
• Data Sets
• Filter Bars
• Filters
• Full Text Catalogs
• Keyword Type Maps
• Notifications
• Sequences
Find What You can enter what you want to search for in this field.

Look in You can search in all life cycles within the selected repository,
the currently selected life cycle, or a specific life cycle.
When you select BPMN Collaboration Diagrams or BPMN
Processes from the Look at these types drop-down select list,
you can only select <All> or select a specific business process
When you select Business Process Folders from the Look at
these types drop-down select list, you can only search for

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Option Description

Find Options Match case: Select this if you want the text entered in the
Find What field to be used as a case sensitive search.
Match whole word: Select this if you want to search for the
complete words entered in the Find What field.

Studio Administration
Exclude disabled items: Select this if you want to exclude
disabled items from Workflow search results.
Use: You can select this option and then select Regular
expressions to use the text in the Find What field as a regular
expression or Wildcards to allow wildcard usage in the search.

Result options Find results 1 window: When this option is selected, the
search results will be displayed in the Find Results 1 tab.
Find results 2 window: When this option is selected, the
search results will be displayed in the Find Results 2 tab.

Output Tab
The Output tab displays a log of all of the actions taken in OnBase Studio within a
session. This log contains actions that were completed in any repository during the
session. The log items contain a date and time stamp as well as a short description of
the action.
You can copy the contents of the Output tab by selecting the text you want to copy,
right-clicking on the tab and selecting Copy. Alternately, you can press Ctrl + c on the
keyboard to copy the selected text.
You can clear the contents of the tab at any time. To clear the contents of the tab, right-
click in the Output tab and select Clear.

The Repositories pane can be navigated using the left and right arrow keyboard keys.
These keys can be used to navigate and expand items in the pane.
You can also use the * key on the number pad or Shift + the right arrow key to expand a
tree item and its children in the Repositories pane. These shortcuts do not work on the
repository top level item or on the Life Cycles folder.
You can also use the Shift + the left arrow key to collapse a tree item and its children in
the Repositories pane. These shortcuts do not work on the repository top level item or on
the Life Cycles folder.
Press F2 to rename a selected item.
Click Esc while renaming an item to cancel renaming it and revert to its previous name.
Click Esc while creating an item to cancel the creation.
Press F5 to refresh the repository in which you have an item selected.
Press Y to select a Yes button.
Press N to select a No button.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

If a dialog box contains a Cancel button, you can use the Esc keyboard key to cancel out
of the dialog box.

The Reset Server Cache Button

The Reset Server Cache button resets the cache of the Application Server, which allows
for your changes to take effect for users who log in to clients after the cache is reset.
Studio Administration

The Reset Server Cache button can be used whether you are connected to a repository via
an Application Server or via a direct ODBC connection. Clicking the Reset Server Cache
button resets all Application Servers for the selected repository. To reset the cache of the
Application Servers for a different connected repository, select the repository from the
Reset Server Cache drop-down select list.

Caution: Using the Reset Cache option in OnBase Configuration or the Reset Server Cache
option in OnBase Studio may have a negative impact on system performance. Requests to
the Application Server will be forced to wait until the cache is rebuilt before they can be
processed. Depending on the size of the OnBase system, as well as the current server load,
the performance impact of resetting the cache may be severe.

To avoid performance issues, only reset the cache of the Application Server during off-peak
hours. For more information about the Reset Cache option in OnBase Configuration, see the
System Administration documentation. For more information about the Reset Server Cache
option in OnBase Studio, see the Studio documentation.

In order for the Reset Server Cache button to be enabled, the user must belong to a user
group that has been granted rights to the Application Server Administrative Processing
Privilege product right. See the System Administration module reference guide or the
Configuration help files for more information about product rights.

Studio Options
OnBase Studio has several display options. The Studio Options are accessed by clicking
on the Application Menu button in the upper left hand corner of the application and then
click the Studio Options button. The Studio Options dialog box is displayed:

The following options are configured in the General screen:

Option Description

Restore Default Layout You can restore the layout of the application to the original
default layout by clicking the Restore Default Layout button.
The layout is restored to the default.

Maximum Recent Items You can specify the maximum number of recently viewed items
that are displayed on the start page in the Maximum Recent
Items field.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Option Description

Display the ID of Items When this option is selected, item IDs are displayed beside

Enable spell checking When this option is selected, the spell check feature will be

Studio Administration
The following options control the user of the Workflow Doctor within the Studio. The
following options are available:

Option Description

Enable doctor validation This option controls whether or not the doctor validates items.
Deselecting this option disables all of the following Workflow
Doctor options.

Validate when the Select this option if you want a repository to be evaluated by
repository is opened the Workflow Doctor upon opening a repository in the OnBase

Note: If a repository is large, this setting can increase

the time it takes to open the repository.

Validate when the Select this option if you want a repository to be evaluated by
repository is refreshed the Workflow Doctor upon refreshing the repository or
checking out a life cycle.

Validate when a portfolio Select this option if you want the Workflow Doctor to evaluate
relation is changed items when a portfolio relation is changed.

Underline repository tree When this option is selected, life cycle items that have
items that contain warnings identified by the Workflow Doctor will be underlined
warnings and error in blue and life cycle items that have errors identified by the
(requires restart) Workflow Doctor will be underlined in red. If both errors and
warnings exist, the life cycle item will be underlined in red.

Note: After changing this option, the OnBase Studio must be


Highlight error issues in When this option is selected, errors are highlighted in the
property pages (requires Properties pane to easily identify the specific issue.
Note: After changing this option, the OnBase Studio must be

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Option Description

Highlight warning issues in When this option is selected, warnings are highlighted in the
property pages (requires Properties pane to easily identify the specific issue.
If an action type is not defined, it is not highlighted, but can be
listed as an error in the Doctor Results tab.
Studio Administration

Note: After changing this option, the OnBase Studio must be


Actions and rule When this option is selected, actions and rules are checked for
configuration issues configuration issues.

Action and rule licensing When this option is selected, actions are checked for licensing
issues issues.

Actions that have no action When this option is selected, actions are checked for when no
type set action type is set.

Business process folder When this option is selected, business process folders are
configuration issues checked for configuration issues.

Disabled actions and rules When this option is selected, life cycles are checked for
disabled actions and rules.

Disabled task lists When this option is selected, life cycles are checked for
disabled task lists.

Life cycle configuration When this option is selected, life cycles are checked for
issues configuration issues.

Notification configuration When this option is selected, notifications are checked for
issues configuration issues.

Obsolete actions and rules When this option is selected, action and rules that are not
supported in the OnBase Studio are reported.

Portfolio Type When this option is selected, portfolio types are checked for
configuration issues configuration issues.

Queue configuration issues When this option is selected, queues are checked for
configuration issues.

Rules that have no rule When this option is selected, rules are checked for when no
type set rule type is set.

Task list configuration When this option is selected, life cycles are checked for task
issues lists with configuration issues.

Timer configuration issues When this option is selected, timers are checked for
configuration issues.

Transition configuration When this option is selected, life cycles are checked for
issues transition configuration issues.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Option Description

Unsupported user When this option is selected, Workflow Doctor reports issues if
interaction an action or rule requires user interaction that a client does
not support. (specified in the display issues related to client

User form configuration When this option is selected, user forms are checked for

Studio Administration
issues configuration issues.

Client Classic interface When this option is selected, issues directly related to the
Classic Client Workflow interface are reported.

Client Core-based interface When this option is selected, issues directly related to the
Core-based Client Workflow interface are reported.

Unity When this option is selected, issues directly related to the

Unity Workflow interface are reported.

Web When this option is selected, issues directly related to the Web
Client Workflow interface are reported.


Display the graphical editor When this option is selected, the graphical layout is displayed
when a new life cycle is upon creating a life cycle.

Display life cycle graphical When this option is selected, when you hover over a life cycle
layout as tooltip in the in the Repositories pane, a thumbnail of the graphical layout
repository tree (requires is displayed.
Note: After changing this option, the OnBase Studio must be

Allow navigation to other When this option is selected, if a queue has an action that
life cycles in the graphical allows an item to be added to another life cycle, for example it
editor (requires restart) has the Add Document to Other Life Cycle action configured,
OnBase Studio will display a plus sign on the queue within the
design layout window. Clicking on the plus sign opens the life
cycle the queue is capable of added items to in a design layout

Note: After changing this option, the OnBase Studio must be


2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Display user work queue When this option is selected, a user work folder is always
folder (requires restart) displayed in a life cycle, even if user work is not configured

Note: Ad hoc tasks are the preferred method to configure work

initiated by the a user.
Studio Administration

Note: After changing this option, the OnBase Studio must be


Enable pre and post When this option is selected, new pre- and post-transition task
transition task list creation lists can be created.

Note: This option is disabled by default.

Enable pre-transition and When this option is selected, new pre-transition test rules and
action test rule creation pre-action test rules can be created.

Note: This option is disabled by default.

Allow configuration of By default, only action and rule types that are licensed appear
unlicensed action/rule in Studio when configuring actions and rules.
When this option is selected, all action and rule types,
including those that are unlicensed, are listed in the Action
Type and Rule Type drop-down select lists when configuring
actions and rules.

Note: Although unlicensed action and rule types are

displayed for configuration when this option is selected,
unlicensed actions and rules cannot be executed.

Default to Unity Scheduler When this option is selected, when a new timer is created it
Timer type for new timers will default to the Unity Scheduler Timer type.

Display action/rule type When this option is selected, the name of the rule type or
name action type is displayed directly below the rule/action in the
Repositories pane.

Display overview When this option is selected, overview information is displayed

documentation in the Repositories window for life cycles.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Action/Rule Categories
The Action/Rule Categories screen allows you to define what special action/rule
categories are displayed. Studio must be restarted for changes to these selections to go
into effect.

Option Description

Studio Administration
Agenda Manager Select this option to display actions and rules related to the
Agenda Management module.

Approvals Select this option to display actions and rules related to the
Workflow Approval Management module.

Electronic Plan Review Select this option to display actions and rules related to the
ePlan Review module.

External Access Select this option to display actions and rules related to the
External Access Client module.

Foldering Select this option to display actions and rules related to

managed folders.

Third-Party UI Scripting Select this option to display actions and rules related to the
Third-Party UI Scripting module.

Workview Select this option to display actions and rules related to

WorkView objects.


Option Description

Display Class and Attribute Select this to display class IDs and attribute IDs in the Design
IDs (requires restart) Class Layout mode.

Display Item Description Select this to display the configured descriptions for Actions
and Views within the Repositories pane. Descriptions are
displayed in green text under the item in the tree.

Script Editors
The Script Editors screen lets you define options for the Unity script editor within the

Option Description

Show line numbers Select this option if you want the line numbers displayed in the

Default language You can select C# or Visual Basic for the default scripting
language used in the Unity script editor.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

BPMN Color Schemes

The BPMN Color Schemes options allow you to define the color scheme of BPMN
Processes, BPMN Collaboration Diagrams and life cycle graphical layouts.
Studio Administration

You can select a predefined color scheme from the Color Scheme drop-down select list.
You can preview the way items are displayed by selecting items from the Item drop-
down select list.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Customizing Color Schemes

You can customize color schemes to further suit the needs of your processes. You can
base a new scheme off of a predefined scheme. To create a new scheme based off of a
predefined scheme:

1. Select the Color Scheme you want to base the customized scheme off of.
2. Click Copy. The Copy Color Scheme dialog box is displayed.

Studio Administration
3. Enter a name for the new scheme in the Copy To field.
4. Click OK.

Once a customized scheme is created, you can modify items. To modify an item:

1. Select an Item from the drop-down select list.

2. Click Modify. The Format Style dialog box is displayed. You can format the Fill
color, Line color and thickness, and Text style for labels in this dialog box.
3. Click OK.
4. When finished modifying items, click OK.

You can rename, delete, export and import customized scheme.

Renaming a Customized Scheme

To rename a customized scheme:

1. Select the customized Color Scheme you want to rename from the drop-down
select list.
2. Click Properties. The Color Scheme dialog box is displayed.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

3. Enter a new Name for the scheme.

4. Click OK.

Note: You can only rename customized schemes.

Deleting a Customized Scheme

Studio Administration

To delete a customized scheme:

1. Select the customized Color Scheme you want to delete from the drop-down select
2. Click Delete . A message asking Are you sure you want to delete the ‘Name of
Scheme’ scheme? is displayed. Click Yes to continue the deletion of the scheme.
Click No to cancel the deletion.

Note: You can only delete customized schemes.

Exporting a Customized Scheme

To export a customized scheme:

1. Select the customized Color Scheme you want to export from the drop-down select
2. Click the Export button.

3. The Save As dialog box is displayed.

4. Browse to the location where you want to save the exported files.
5. Enter a File name for the exported file.
6. Click Save.

Note: You can only export customized schemes.

Importing a Customized Theme

To import a customized scheme:

1. Click the Import button.

2. Browse to the file you want to import and select the file.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

3. Click Open. The Color Scheme dialog box is displayed.

Studio Administration
4. You can edit the Name or leave it as it is.
5. Click OK.

Managing Locks
You can manage locks within OnBase Studio. To access the Manage Locks dialog box,
click on the application menu in the upper left hand corner of the screen and select
Manage Locks. The Manage Locks dialog box is displayed.

In addition to OnBase related locks, locks related to OnBase Studio are listed. If you
want to only see OnBase Studio related locks, select the Display only BPMN and life cycle
locks check box. All locks not directly related to OnBase Studio are hidden from view.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Each row on the Locks tab contains the following information:

Column Description

User Displays the name of the user that placed the lock.

Note: Depending on your system configuration, the real name of the user may
Studio Administration

be displayed.

Date Displays the date and time that the lock was created.

Type Displays one of the following types of locks:

• Document - A document lock.
• Disk Group - A Disk Group lock.
• Process - A process lock.
• BPMN Collaboration Diagram - This lock is specific to the BPMN Modeler.
• BPMN Process - This lock is specific to the BPMN Modeler.

Details Displays additional information about the lock.

• For document locks, the document’s Auto-Name string is displayed.
• For Disk Group locks, the name of the Disk Group is displayed.
• For process, the type of process is displayed.

To remove a lock, select a row and click Remove Selected. To refresh the list, click

Note: Depending on your configuration, you may or may not be able to see and manage
the locks associated with other users.

Output Window
Note: In order to use the Output window, OnBase Studio must have been configured for
logging during installation.

The Output window logs the events that occur within OnBase Studio The Output window
can report on any issues encountered in OnBase Studio as well as expected events, for
example, opening and saving repositories.
You can copy the contents of the Output window by highlighting the text you want to
copy, right-clicking and selecting Copy Ctrl + C . Alternatively, you can select the text you
want to copy and press Ctrl + C on the keyboard.
You can clear the Output window by right-clicking the window and selecting Clear.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Controlling the Interface Display

The following buttons are available for all windows except the editor:

The Window Position arrow button allows you to set the window to display in one of the

Studio Administration
following ways: Floating , Dockable , Auto Hide, and Hide .
Selecting Floating displays the window is a undocked window outside of the main
interface. This window can be positioned anywhere on the screen. You can re-dock a
window by right-clicking on the window header and selecting Dockable and then double-
clicking on the header of the window.
Selecting Dockable pins the window in a position within the main studio window.
Selecting Auto Hide enabled the window to hide when not in use. When a window is in
Auto Hide mode, a tab is displayed in the interface. Hovering over that tab will display
the window. The following is an example:

Selecting Hide removes the window from the main studio window.
The Auto Hide button allows you to pin and unpin the window, toggling on and off the
Auto Hide mode for the window.
Clicking the Close button also will hide the window.

Using the Quick Access Toolbar

The Quick Access Toolbar allows you place toolbar buttons you use frequently in an
easily accessed area of the interface. The Quick Access Toolbar is displayed above or
below the displayed ribbon toolbar. The following is an example of the Quick Access

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Upon clicking this drop-down menu, you can select one of the following options:

Option Description

Show Below the This option is available when the Quick Access
Ribbon Toolbar is displayed above the ribbon. When
selected, the Quick Access Toolbar is moved below
Studio Administration

the ribbon.

Show Above the This option is available when the Quick Access
Ribbon Toolbar is displayed below the ribbon. When
selected, the Quick Access Toolbar is moved
above the ribbon.

Minimize the Ribbon Toggles the display of the ribbon.

Adding Buttons to the Quick Access Toolbar

You can add ribbon groups to the Quick Access Toolbar for easy access. To add a ribbon
group to the quick access toolbar, right click on the ribbon group and select Add to Quick
Access Toolbar.

Spell Check
OnBase Studio offers a spell check option in the following areas:
• Notifications: Subject and Message text boxes.
• Life Cycle: Help text, Overview, and Details text boxes.
• Queue: Description, Help text, Overview, and Details text boxes.
• Task List: Help text, Overview, and Details text boxes.
• Business Process Folder: Description (in wizard) and Properties text boxes.
• BPMN Process: Description (in wizard) and Properties text boxes.
• BPMN Collaboration Diagram: Description (in wizard) and Properties text boxes.
• BPMN Shapes: Name, Overview, and Details text boxes (in Properties).

To enable the spell check option in OnBase Studio:

1. Click on the Application Menu button in the upper left hand corner of the
2. Click the Studio Options button. The Studio Options window is displayed.
3. In the General Options section, select the Enable spell checking check box to enable
the spell check option.
4. Click the OK button when finished to save the enabled option, or click the Cancel
button to exit the Studio Options window without saving.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

The spell check option also allows you to add words to the custom dictionary file. This
file is referenced by the spell check option when looking for misspellings or when
populating suggestions for corrected spelling. To add words to the custom dictionary

1. Click on the Application Menu button in the upper left hand corner of the

Studio Administration
2. Click the Studio Options button. The Studio Options window is displayed.
3. In the General Options section, Locate the Custom Dictionary option under the
Enable spell checking check box.
4. Click the Open in Notepad button to open the custom dictionary file in the Notepad
5. Add a word to the document.
6. Save and close the file.
7. Click the OK button to exit the Studio Options window.

Note: Each word that is added to the custom dictionary file must be placed on a separate
line within the document.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

When the spell check option is enabled, misspelled words are automatically underlined
by a wavy red line.
Studio Administration

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Right-click the underlined word to view the spell check right-click menu. The right-click
menu contains the following options:
• Spelling correction suggestions for the underlined word.
• Ignore All : This option allows you to set the spell check option to ignore all
instances of the same spelling error in the text box.
• Cut : When the underlined word is highlighted, this option allows you to remove

Studio Administration
the entire word from the text box.
• Copy : When the underlined word is highlighted, this option allows you to copy
the word to the clipboard.
• Paste : This option allows you to paste the word that was copied to the clipboard
into the text box.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16
Studio Administration

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.

You can export configuration from a database repository to an import file that can be
imported into another database repository of either the same OnBase version or a
different OnBase version.

Note: Depending on your system’s licensing and your user rights and privileges, only
certain configuration items may be available for export.

The following configurations can be exported:

• Approval Processes (when licensed for Workflow Approval Management)
• Business Process Folders (when licensed for the BPMN Modeler)
• Document Types (if there are multiple revisions of a Document Type, the latest
revision is exported)
• EIS Messaging
• Folder Types
• Life Cycles
• Portfolio Relations
• Portfolio Types
• System Events
• System Tasks
• Web Service Publishing
• WorkView Applications

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

To export a configuration:

1. With the repository containing items you want to export selected, click the Export
Exporting and Importing Configurations

button in the Home ribbon within the Import/Export ribbon group.

Note: If there are unsaved changes in the selected repository, you are prompted to save
the repository before exporting.

The Export wizard is displayed.

2. Select the type of item you want to export from the drop-down select list.
3. You can select one or multiple items and click Add>> or you can double-click on
an item to move it to the Export Items field.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for each item type you want to export.
5. If you want to include referenced life cycles with the selected items, select the
Include Referenced Life Cycles option.
6. If you want to export associated organizational charts with the selected items,
select the Export Referenced Organizational Charts option.
7. Click Next.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

8. If you selected Include Referenced Life Cycles , the Referenced Life Cycles dialog is

Exporting and Importing Configurations

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

9. Select any referenced life cycles that you want to include in the export.

Note: Any referenced life cycles that are not included will be exported as map-only.
Exporting and Importing Configurations

Click OK.
If any of the referenced Life Cycles you included reference any additional life
cycles, the Referenced Life Cycles dialog will be displayed. Repeat steps 8 and 9.

10. If you want to save your export to a local file outside of the OnBase system,
select Save to a local file . Click Browse to browse to a directory and to specify a
filename. The file should have an .expk extension.
If you want to save the export into the OnBase system within the SYS
Configuration Reports Document Type, select Archive into OnBase (SYS
Configuration Reports) . Enter a Description for the document that will be stored.
11. Click Next.
12. Click Finish .

Tip: You can initiate an export by right-clicking on a life cycle and selecting Export Life
Cycle or by right-clicking on a system task and selecting Export System Task .

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Exporting Life Cycles

Exporting life cycles is a useful tool for backup and recovery, as well as re-installing the

Exporting and Importing Configurations

life cycle on the same system or for portability to another OnBase system.
When a life cycle is exported, OnBase also exports the associated Document Type
Groups, Document Types, keywords, templates, and folders. Disk Groups do not
participate in the transaction.
The following data is exported into an .expk file:
• Life cycles
• Unity Life Cycles
• Work Queues
• Rules
• Actions
• Transitions
• Task Lists
• Timers
• Ad Hoc User Tasks
• Life Cycle and Queue Events
• Comments
• Help Text
• Window titles
• Roles and Business Calendars
• All Dependencies (Including, but not limited to the following: User Groups,
Document Types/Groups, Keyword Types, AutoFill Keyword Set configuration,
Overlays, Note Types, Custom Queries, VB Scripts, E-Forms (If there are
multiple revisions of an E-Form, the last revision is exported), Unity Forms
(including associated Currency Formats, form field settings, data sets, AutoFill
Keyword Sets, Unity Form Themes, and User Groups configured under Form
Visibility), User Forms, Life Cycle and Queue Bitmaps/Icons, Notifications, Print
Queues, Print Formats, File Types, Folder Types, Folder Templates, Portfolio
Relations Portfolio Types, Fonts, Work Folder Filters, SAP Servers, ShareBase
Profiles, XML Formats, and XML Format Ports.

Note: If a form references a URL, the URL reference and the form are exported.

Note: Any User Forms associated with a life cycle but not used by any rules or actions are
not exported.

Note: When importing VBScripts, if an existing VBScript is replaced by an imported

VBScript and either of the VBScripts has the Retain VB Script History option configured,
the history will be retained.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

• When exporting External AutoFill Keyword Sets with configurations that use
Unity Scripts and WorkView Filters, the configured Unity Scripts and WorkView
Filters are exported.
Exporting and Importing Configurations

Caution: Upon import, the Manager user group is granted access to imported AutoFill
Keyword Sets. A user from the Manager user group must appropriately grant AutoFill
Keyword Set access to users.

• Workflow Approval Management queues, approval processes, notifications, and

• When importing encrypted keywords, these keywords will lose the encryption
flag. If you wish for the imported keywords to be encrypted, you must lock the
system through the Configuration module (Utils | Database Settings) and reset
the encryption for the Keyword Types.
• Data within Data Sets. Upon import, if the destination database already has a
Data Set for the affected Keyword Type, the existing and imported values are
merged into the Data Set, meaning all existing values are kept and only new
values are added. Values will never be removed. If an imported Keyword Type is
mapped to a Keyword Type in the destination database that does not have Use
Keyword Data Set option selected, no values will be imported into the
destination database for the mapped Keyword Type. If imported data set values
are longer than allowed by the mapped destination Keyword Type, they will be
truncated. Keyword Types with external data sets maintain data set
configurations that utilize VB Scripts, SQL Select Strings, and Unity Scripts.
• Cascading Data Sets. Data set values are not imported. Only the structure of
the Cascading Data Sets is exported. Upon import, any conflict resolution
necessary for Cascading Data Sets is done after all Keyword Types conflicts are
resolved. Cascading Data Set resolution is accomplished in the following way: If
there is a Cascading Data Set with the same name that has Keyword Types with
the same names, in the same order, the imported data set is mapped to it
without any user interaction. If there is a Cascading Data Set with Keyword
Types with the same names, but the data set has a different name, a conflict
will result and the user can map to the existing Data Set or create a new data
set. If there is no existing Data Set with Keyword Types with the same names, a
new set is created. If a set with the same name as the imported one already
exists, a user is prompted for a new name; otherwise there is no user

Note: A Document Type cannot have two Cascading Data Sets assigned if these Data
Sets share a Keyword Type. If this occurs, the user is prompted to create a new
Document Type or unassign the Cascading Data Set from the Document Type.

• If you export a rule engine queue, the queue configuration, conditions, outputs,
parameters, and the active condition setting are all exported. Only the latest
version of a rule set is exported. All other versions of a rule set are not

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

• When using Org Charts and users in an Org Chart are members of a load
balancing queue within the life cycle, life cycle users are exported along with
any user on which the exported user is dependent, including the root user.

Exporting and Importing Configurations

Caution: When exporting Org Charts and Calendars, ensure that the proper elements are
exported and resolved properly during import.

• When using calendars, all business calendars configured for life cycles are
exported. User-specific calendars will be exported for users, but the Time Off
information will not be exported. Upon import, if a user already existed in the
destination database, the business calendar information is not overwritten.
• When exporting a life cycle that references any unity scripts, the unity scripts
referenced by the life cycle are exported.
• If you have life cycles configured to use actions or rules associated with
WorkView, related WorkView Document Type Associations, applications, classes,
notifications, filters, and attributes are exported.

Note: The entire referenced WorkView application, along with all Document Type
Associations, classes, notifications, filters, and attributes are exported.

• If you have life cycles configured to use actions associated with the Records
Management module, Managed Folders, Hold Sets, Hold Reasons, Retention
Plans, Event Sets, and Events are exported.

Note: Only the Events that are assigned to actions are exported. Event Sets are
exported, but the Events assigned to an Event Set are only exported if in use by an
exported life cycle.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

• For Document Composition:

• Dependent templates will also be exported. If a field is configured on a
Exporting and Importing Configurations

template that references another template, the referenced template will also
be exported.
• The library that an exported template belongs to will also be exported as a
placeholder for the exported template. The entire library is not exported.
Only those templates within that library that are referenced by the
associated Workflow actions are exported.
• The import and export of templates are done for the whole template. All
fields configured on the template will be included, and the user will not have
the option of selectively adding or removing fields during the import/export
process. ‘Attribute’ type fields configured on a template will not be exported.
• Image field types configured on a template always reference a specific
document by their document handle, so both the Document Type and the
specific document itself is exported. If this Document Type is not present in
the destination system during the import you then have the option to Map,
Replace, or create a new Document Type. If you choose to create a new
Document Type during the import, it will be created without a Disk Group
configured, and the import of the actual image file document will fail.
• For a template to be exported with the Compose Document action, the action
must be configured with Use Specified Template option selected.
• User groups assigned to the template are exported with the template.
The following data is not exported/imported:
• Disk Groups
• Document Type Icons
• User Group Permissions
The following restrictions apply to exported/imported data:
• Only keywords specifically used by the life cycle are exported/imported.
• Users are imported, but only by name. Imported users are assigned the
password “PASSWORD” and the user must be reconfigured.
• Scan queues are exported as map-only, and must be mapped to an existing
scan queue in the destination repository.
The requirements below are suggestions for best results:
• The life cycle should be exported to, and imported from, the same named
directory location. Specify a common directory location for both processes, such
as temp\[defaultfilename.*]. Create the directory, if necessary, before running
the export process.
• The life cycle export/import process is designed to deploy the same life cycle to
multiple sites. Note that if an on-site life cycle has been modified in any way,
the same changes should be made to the master copy (export) life cycle, in
order to maintain integrity between the import and export life cycles.
• Validate task sequences.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Once you have exported a configuration, you can import it into the appropriate

Exporting and Importing Configurations


Note: Importing involves careful scrutiny of the data presented in the import dialogs.
Care must be taken to identify each element in the life cycle to be imported, and
determine how those elements will be mapped to the import life cycle.

Note: Workflow task lists are always imported as New Objects and assigned new tasklist
IDs. Any existing VBScripts or OnBase API integrations referencing tasklists linked to the
imported life cycle will need to be updated with the new tasklist ID value.

Note: To ensure no errors are encountered, ensure the SYS Upload Reconciliation
Document Type has a Disk Group assigned.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

To import a configuration:

1. In the Home ribbon, within the Import/Export group, click Import.

Exporting and Importing Configurations

Note: If you have unsaved changes in your repository, a message is displayed The
repository contains unsaved changes, and asks if you want to save. If you click Yes, the
repository is saved and the Import dialog is displayed. If you click No, the Import
process is aborted.

2. Select the repository you would like to import the configuration into.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

3. Click Next.

Exporting and Importing Configurations

4. In the File Name field, enter the path to the export file. Click Browse to browse to
the file.
Alternately, you can resume a previous import that was saved. Select Set initial
resolutions from file and enter the path to the saved import file. Click Browse to
browse to the file.

Caution: It is important to back up your database before importing new configuration.

Ensure that a current backup is created before proceeding.

Caution: Importing does not respect life cycle check out. Importing can affect life cycles
regardless of their check out state.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

5. Click Next. The resolution screen is displayed. All conflicts are displayed in red.
Exporting and Importing Configurations

Note: You can select Show only unresolved items to hide resolved conflicts.

6. Three options are available in the resolution screen:

• Resolve: Select a conflict that needs resolved and click Resolve to define how
the conflict should be resolved. See Resolving Conflicts on page 884 for more
• Auto Resolve: Select Auto Resolve to automatically map existing conflicts to
corresponding items in the repository when possible and create new
configuration item otherwise. See Using Auto Resolve on page 890 for more
• Save Resolutions: Click Save Resolutions if you would like to save the progress
you have made in conflict resolution for the import process in order to resume
the import at a later time. See Saving Resolutions on page 890 for more

7. Once all conflicts are resolved, click Next .

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

8. If your import includes external files, such as user forms, the What are the file and
URL locations? dialog is displayed. Otherwise, skip to step 9.

Exporting and Importing Configurations

Enter or confirm that valid file paths or URLs exist for the external files.

Note: If the file being imported already exists in the system, it will be overwritten with
the file from the import file.

9. Click Next. A summary of the import is displayed.

10. If you want to view the import verification report, select Display Import
Verification Report .

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

11. If you replaced one queue with another queue, and the queue that was in the
destination database contained items, the following dialog box is displayed.
Exporting and Importing Configurations

12. Select the queue that contains items in the top box. You can do one of the
following actions:
• Select a queue in from the Available Work Queue box and click Assign to Queue to
move the items from the old queue to the new queue.
• Click Remove from Life Cycle to remove the items from the old queue.
• Click Do Not Move to leave the items in their current queue.
13. Click Finish to complete the import. The import is not complete until you click
Finish . If you chose to display the verification report, an Import Report tab is
displayed in the interface. See Using the Verification Report on page 891 for more

Caution: If a document belonging to the SYS System Overlay Images Document Type is
imported during a Workflow import, and it has the same description as a document found in
the destination database, the existing document is used for overlay. If no match is found, a
new document is created from the import XML file and stored into the database.

Resolving Conflicts
In order to successfully import a configuration, you must resolve all conflicts displayed.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Conflicts can occur when a life cycle being imported contains one or more of the
following that have the same database identification number or name as an item in the
new database:

Exporting and Importing Configurations

• a life cycle
• a Unity Life Cycle
• queue

Note: When a queue contains an action that using a cache (Doc - Push Document into
Cache or Doc - Push Related Document into Cache), the cache must be configured in the
destination database in order for the conflict to be resolved. You must map to an existing

• Document Type Group

• Document Type

Note: When there is a Document Type conflict and the imported Document Type has a
Keyword Type Group assigned to it, if this Document Type is mapped to an existing
Document Type in the destination database, the imported, mapped Document Type will
inherit the Keyword Type configuration for the Document Type that is in the destination
database. The Keyword Type Group will not be configured for the mapped Document

• document templates
• Keyword Type

Note: When importing a Keyword Type that is configured to use auto numbering, if you
choose Create New, the new Keyword Type's initial value starts at 0. If you choose Map
To, the Keyword Type's initial value maps to the keyword value in the destination
database and will use the existing sequence value. If you map a Keyword Type that is
configured with auto numbering to a Keyword Type in the destination database that is
not configured with auto numbering, the mapped Keyword Type will not be configured
with auto numbering because the mapped Keyword Type inherits the properties of the
Keyword Type in the destination database.

Caution: When importing encrypted keywords, these keywords will lose the encryption flag.
If you wish for the imported keywords to be encrypted, you must lock the system through
the Configuration module ( Utils | Database Settings) and reset the encryption for the
Keyword Types.

• AutoFill Keyword Sets

Note: When there are AutoFill Keyword Sets associated with a Document Type, only
those keywords which were previously associated with the Document Type will be

• custom queries
• file types
• folder types

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

• folder templates
• fonts
Exporting and Importing Configurations

• print formats
• print queues
• XML formats
• XML format ports
• notifications
• currency formats
• users (only applicable to users that are used in a life cycle. For example, a load
balancing queue would have associations to users.)

Note: Deactivated users in the destination database are not available for selection using
conflict resolution.

• user groups
• note types
• VBScripts

Note: On import, you can choose to Replace or Map a VBScript to an existing VBScript
that has the same name, regardless of the scope specified for the incoming VBScript.

• Unity Script

Note: When a Unity Script is imported as a dependency of the life cycle and it is imported
as a revision of a Unity Script in the destination database, it will create a new version of
the script in the destination database and the script will be renamed to the imported
script’s name.

• E-Forms

Note: If a document belonging to the SYS HTML Form Document Type is imported and
does not have a value for the Description Keyword Type, or it has spaces as the value, it
will be imported with a unique, automatically-generated value in the format of “Eform ID
nnn”, where nnn is the ID number for the form.

• user forms
• Unity Forms Templates

Note: When resolving this conflict type, ensure that the Document Type associated with
the Unity Form template is assigned all the Keyword Types configured for the Unity Form
template. Document Type conflicts need to be resolved before resolving Unity Form
template conflicts.

Note: If an imported Unity Form template has the same name as a Unity Form template
that already exists in the destination database, but is associated with a different
document type, the user will not be able to use the Map to Same Name button.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

• Unity Forms Data Sets

• Unity Form Themes

Exporting and Importing Configurations

• EIS Live Projects

Note: If an EIS Live Project includes an AutoFill operation, the AutoFill Keyword Set is
created, but the import processor is not. The Import processor must be created after
import in order for the EIS Live Project to be published.

• EIS Messaging
• icons and bitmaps
• Org Charts

Caution: Be extremely careful when mapping Org Charts and Users within the Org Charts.
Ensure that you do not map users in a way that would make them their own managers or
their own assistant. This is not supported.

• Roles
• Calendars
• Document Composition Libraries

Caution: Security user group rights are not exported for libraries. If you use the Map or
Replace options during the import for library, the user group rights will not change and will
remain according to what was already on the destination system. When using the Create
New option for a library, the MANAGER group will automatically be assigned to have edit
access to the library.

• Form Letter Templates

Caution: Security user group rights are not exported for templates. If you use the Map or
Replace options during the import for template, the user group rights will not change and
will remain according to what was already on the destination system. When using the
Create New option for a template, the MANAGER group will automatically be assigned to
have edit access to the template.

• SAP servers
• Managed Folders

Caution: Always resolve Managed Folders before resolving Hold Reasons to ensure you are
resolving the Hold Reasons correctly and matching the Hold Reason with the correct
Managed Folder.

• Hold Sets and Hold Reasons

• RIM Event Sets

Caution: Always resolve Event Sets before resolving Events to ensure you are resolving the
Events correctly and matching the Events with the correct Event Set.

• RIM Events

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

• RIM Retention Plans

• RIM Retention Plan Sets
Exporting and Importing Configurations

• actions and rules that refer to another queue

• WorkView Class DTAs
• WorkView Filter DTAs
• WorkView Applications
• WorkView Classes
• WorkView Attributes
• WorkView Notifications
• WorkView Filters
• Portfolio Relations
• Portfolio Types
• Approval Processes
• Approval Roles
• Approval User Rules
• System Tasks
• System Events
• Window titles
• reading groups
• BPMN approval groups
• Application Server Gateways
• HL7 messages
• HL7 destinations
• DocPop URLs
• content sources
• ShareBase Profiles
• Collaboration Templates

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

To resolve a metadata-related conflict:

1. In the left pane of the screen, select an item that needs to be resolved.

Exporting and Importing Configurations

2. Click Resolve. The Resolution (<conflict type>) dialog box is displayed. The
example shows a resolution dialog box for file type conflicts.

3. Select a conflict from the top box.

Note: You can select Show only unresolved items to hide resolved conflicts.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

4. There are four options: Map, Replace , Create New, and Do Not Import. However,
Replace and Do Not Import are not available for all conflict types. Select one of the
following options:
Exporting and Importing Configurations

• Map : If you want to map the conflict to an existing configuration item, select
the item you want to map to in the Mapping/Replacing Choices box and click
Map. Alternatively, if you want to map every conflict to an item with the same
name, click Map to Same Name.
When Map is selected, the item from the import file is not imported to the
destination database. The existing item to which it is mapped is used
instead. Choose Map when the existing item should be saved instead of the
imported item.
• Replace : If you want to replace an existing configuration item with the
conflicting item you are importing, select the item you want to replace in the
Mapping/Replacing Choices box and click Replace . This completely replaces
the existing item with the imported item. Choose Replace when the imported
item should be saved instead of the existing item. If multiple items are
selected to resolve, the Replace button is disabled.

Note: You can only replace Workflow items that you have rights to configure.

• Create New : If you want to create a new configuration item using the
conflict’s information, click Create New.
• Do Not Import : If you do not want to import an item, click Do Not Import.

Note: Depending on your configuration, if you do not import an item and a Unity Script
depends on it, the script could fail to execute.

For some conflicts, such as E-Forms and Unity Forms, you can click Create
Revision to resolve the conflict as a revision of an existing document.
5. Repeat these steps for every conflict listed.
6. When done, click Close. Once resolved, the item will display in black font.

Using Auto Resolve

Auto Resolve will automatically resolve conflicts by mapping conflicts to items of the
same name when they exist and create new items when items of the same name don’t
exist. Clicking Auto Resolve will attempt to resolve all conflicts.

Saving Resolutions

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

You can save the progress of an import conflict resolution to resume at a later time. In
order to save your progress:

Exporting and Importing Configurations

1. Click Save Resolutions. A Save As dialog box will be displayed.
2. Specify the location in which you want to save the file and enter a File name.
3. Click Save. The file is saved in XML format.

Caution: The destination database should not have been changed between the time that the
session was saved and the time the session was resumed.

Using the Verification Report

If you decided to display the verification report after import, a Import Report tab is
displayed. The following is an example:

You can display the report in three different ways. Click Page Mode to view one page at a
time. Click Two Page Mode to view two pages of the report at a time. Click Scroll Mode to
view the report as one continuous report that can be read by scrolling down. You can
also use the slider bar to zoom in and out in the report to customize magnification.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

You can search the report by clicking the Find button, enter what you want to find in the
field and pressing Enter on the keyboard. You can also use the Find Previous and Find
Next arrow buttons to navigate the report appropriately. From the drop-down select list,
Exporting and Importing Configurations

select Match whole word only if you want to find instances of the text exactly as it is
entered. From the drop-down select list, select Match case if you want to search for the
text entered case sensitively. All other options are to support searching in languages
other than English.

Note: If there were any errors that caused the import to fail, the verification report will
note the import failure and list the items which caused the failure.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.

When Workflow is configured to use Org Charts and Calendars, it gains the ability to
more efficiently route documents to users. The capability of the Calendar allows
Workflow to determine business holidays as well as individual employee vacation days.
When joined with an Org Chart, the capability expands to route documents automatically
according to both employee hierarchy and availability.

Org Chart Concepts

An Org Chart is a hierarchical display of an organization’s employees. Each employee,
save the topmost-ranked one, has a manager and zero or more reports; other
employees who report to that particular employee.

Roles-A role is a label for a function that an employee serves in an organization. For
example, employee Team Lead can serve in a “proofreader” role. Your organization may
not have an actual “proofreader” position; the role is filled by an existing employee. It is
possible for one employee to serve several roles. Multiple employees may also share one
role. A role is a title that unifies a group of individual users without any security
implications. Privileges and rights are still maintained by the user group that the user
belongs to, regardless of his or her role.

Peers-Peers are employees who share a common role.

Note: Peer employees do not necessarily share a common manager.

Assistants-This type of employee has a special relationship to a manager. When an

employee is assigned the “assistant” role, it signifies that this employee will occasionally
perform certain managerial duties when the manager is unavailable. These duties are
controlled by the Workflow configuration.

Note: An assistant cannot have any reports configured for them.

Note: An employee does not need to directly report to the manager that s/he is an
assistant to. An employee may serve in the role of assistant for several other managers
in an organization.

Manager - A manager is a user that is configured with reports within the Org Chart
Ad Hoc Managers-When a Queue is configured for Manager coverage, if an Ad Hoc
Manager is assigned to a user and the user is unavailable, the Ad Hoc Manager will see
the documents for that user in the coverage Queue, instead of the Manager in the
configured tree structure of the Org Chart. The Ad Hoc Manager may be anyone within
the Org Chart; not necessarily someone in the reporting hierarchy.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Product Rights
The Org Chart product right is required to access the Org Chart | Org Charts menu in the
Configuration module.
The Calendar product right is required to access the Org Chart | Calendars menu in the
Configuration module.
Org Charts and Calendars

Configuring an Org Chart

Before configuring an Org Chart, extensive consultation should be done to determine the
exact hierarchy of an organization’s employees. To configure an Org Chart:

1. In the Configuration module, select Org Chart | Org Charts. This displays the Org
Charts dialog box. Type the name of the Org Chart.

2. You will be prompted to select a root user, or topmost-ranking employee, from the
Choose Root menu.

Note: If working in an Institutional Database, you will be prompted to assign the Org
Chart to an Institution.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

3. After selecting the root employee, click Settings on the Org Charts dialog box. This
displays the Org Chart Configuration dialog box. The employee selected as root
user is displayed at the top of the chart.

Org Charts and Calendars

Note: If a user has a real name configured, it will be displayed in parenthesis next to the
user name. If there is no real name configured, only the user name is displayed.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

4. Right-click on the employee’s name to display the right-click menu for that

Right-Click Option Description

Add Reports When this option is selected, the Add Reports dialog box is displayed.
Org Charts and Calendars

Select the user(s) to report to the selected employee from the

Available Users field. Double-click the user name or select the
Add>> button to add the user as a report. For example, one might
choose employees MANAGER and ASSOCIATE MANAGER to report to
employee VICE PRESIDENT. There is no limit to the amount of
subordinate reports an employee may have.
You can click the Display User Names or Display Real Names button
to toggle the way the users are displayed within the dialog box.

Note: If real names are displayed, but a user does not have a real
name, the dialog box will display the user name in double square
brackets, for example [[MANAGER]]. These names will be placed at
the end of the users list.

Note: Once a user has been configured as a report, the user name
cannot be removed via the Add Reports dialog box. It must be
removed using the Delete User right click option.

Note: Both the root employee and reports will have icons to the
left of the user name.

Note: When no more eligible reports are left, the Add Reports dialog
box will be disabled as well as the Replace User menu option.

Add Assistant When this option is selected, the chosen user will act as assistant to
the selected employee. An employee who is an assistant has

a icon to the left of his/her name. An assistant performs certain

duties when the employee s/he reports to is unavailable.

Note: An assistant can have no reports.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Right-Click Option Description

Add Ad Hoc Manager

Caution: This option is not supported in the Classic Client Workflow

Org Charts and Calendars

When the Sys - Assign to User and Sys - Assign Related to User
actions are configured to assign documents to a Manager, if there is
an Ad Hoc Manager assigned to a user, the Ad Hoc Manager is the user
that will be assigned to the document, instead of the Manager in the
configured tree structure of the Org Chart.
When a Queue is configured for Manager coverage, if an Ad Hoc
Manager is assigned to a user and the user is unavailable, the Ad Hoc
Manager will see the documents for that user in the coverage Queue,
instead of the Manager in the configured tree structure of the Org

Note: The Ad Hoc Manager may be anyone within the Org Chart; not
necessarily someone in the reporting hierarchy.

When an Ad Hoc Manager is added, it is denoted with a red icon next

to the username.
The requirements and limitations of this option are as follows:
• The Ad Hoc Manager must have rights to the queue in order to see
documents for users they are providing coverage for.
• The Ad Hoc Manager must be a Load Balancing member in order
for documents to be assigned to them.
• Neither the root user or an Assistant can have an Ad Hoc Manager
assigned to them.
• Each user can only have one Ad Hoc Manager assigned; however,
a user can be assigned as an Ad Hoc Manager to multiple users.
• Once an Ad Hoc Manager is assigned to a user, the Manager in the
hierarchy no longer will be able to provide Manager Coverage or
have documents assigned to them as the Manager of the user.

Delete User This option deletes the selected user from the Org Chart. If an
assistant is selected, the assistant will be deleted. If you select to
delete an employee with reports, two options will be displayed:
• Report to Manager - employees will report to the next higher-
ranking manager on the Org Chart
• Remove from Org Chart - the selected employee, plus all
subordinate reports, will be removed from the Org Chart.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Right-Click Option Description

Locate User This option allows you to locate any user configured in the Org Chart.
When this option is selected, the Locate User dialog box is displayed.
Select the user you wish to locate in the Org Chart from the Available
User(s) drop-down select list and click OK.
Org Charts and Calendars

Note: Only those users configured for the particular Org Chart are
available for selection.

The selected user’s name will be selected and display in boldface in

the Org Chart. In the case of multiple instances of a user name, the
Org Chart will be expanded to display all of them. The last instance of
the user name will be selected.

Replace User This option will replace the selected user with another employee.

Note: This option will be disabled if no eligible reports are available.

Assign Roles Selecting this option allows you to assign roles to a particular
employee. Employees may have no roles, one role, or multiple roles

Note: Roles will not appear in the Org Chart diagram. In order to view
a user’s assigned roles, you must right-click on the user name.

Expand Tree Selecting this option expands the Org Chart configuration tree

Collapse Tree Selecting this option collapses the Org Chart configuration tree

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

A configured Org Chart for a small department might look like this:

Org Charts and Calendars

Note: The user names shown do not reflect assigned roles. User “Vice President” could be
named “Stan Smith” and still be assigned a role of “Vice President.”

Creating Roles
A role is a specific function an employee will perform. For example, an employee who is
at the Manager level in the hierarchy of the Org Chart may be assigned a role of “Human
Resources Manager” or “Project Approval.”
Before a role can be assigned to an employee, it must be created.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Within OnBase Studio, you can configure roles that can be used in load balancing queues
and rule queues. A role is a specific function an employee will perform. In order to
assign users to roles, you must create defined roles. To configure roles:

1. In the Home ribbon within the System ribbon group, click Roles.
Org Charts and Calendars

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

2. Click Add.

Org Charts and Calendars

3. Enter a Name for the role.
4. Select the user you want to associate with the role from the Users drop-down
select list.
5. Click Add.
6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for each user you want to add to the role.
7. Click OK.
You can locate a specific, existing role by entering text that will identify the role in the
Find field. The roles displayed will be narrowed down to the roles that contain the
characters entered.
You can modify a role by selecting it and click Modify.
You can delete a role by selecting it and clicking Delete .

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Assigning a Role to an Employee

To assign a role:

1. In the Configuration module, navigate to Org Chart | Org Charts. Select an Org
Chart, then click Settings.
2. In the Org Chart Configuration dialog box, right-click on the user whom you wish to
Org Charts and Calendars

assign a role.
3. Select Assign Roles.
4. Select the role and click the > arrow button to designate the role for that
particular user. You may assign multiple roles through this dialog box.

Note: You may also choose a role by double-clicking it.

5. Click OK to save the role assignments.

Note: If a user is deactivated, the user will be removed from any roles s/he is configured

6. Click Save. Upon clicking Save, a message asking There is at least one user having
been added or removed for each of the role(s) <Name of Role>. The role(s) might
have been assigned to one or more load balancing queues. Do you want to update the
load balancing member for those queues if that is the case? is displayed. If you want
these user(s) whose role assignment(s) have changed to reflect those changes in
Load Balancing Administration, click Yes . Otherwise, click No. If users were
removed, documents assigned to the removed users will be moved to
<Unassigned> in Load Balancing Administration. This selection does not impact
user rights to a queue.

The rest of the Org Chart configuration takes place through Workflow configuration.

Calendar Concepts
Without Calendar functionality, the main purpose of Org Charts exists in load balancing.
Org Charts, even without Calendars, enable Workflow to balance queues based upon
user organization chart hierarchy. When Calendars are also configured to work with the
Org Charts, Workflow can sort through documents based on employee availability, in
addition to role.

Business Calendars
Business calendars can be configured for the business days of a company and be used by
timers and check date rules. Shift Calendars can be configured to utilize Workflow’s
Coverage queue feature. This calendar would be configured to account only for holidays
and shutdowns that apply to the entire business.
All Calendar usage is based off of Business Calendars. Calendars can be configured for
different purposes.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Shift Calendars
A calendar can also be configured as a Shift Calendar. This Shift Calendar can be applied
to a Coverage queue, which is explained in greater detail below. To account for variances
in individual users’ schedules, lists of days off can be configured for each user and
applied to a Shift Calendar. This can further refine load-balancing through Coverage

Org Charts and Calendars

Coverage Queue
A Coverage queue will work exactly like any other queue in Workflow, but adds the
previously-discussed coverage support. When a user opens a Coverage queue, s/he will
see any documents assigned to her/him as well as any documents from unavailable
employees that s/he is covering for. For example, if User A is configured to cover for
User B in case of absence, User A will see any documents of User B’s when User B is
unavailable. In Coverage queues, the document count takes into account both
traditionally assigned and covered documents.

Business Days
It is important to have a thorough understanding of how the system counts business
days before configuring any calendars. The following points apply to business days:
• When counting the number of business days between two dates or times (such
as when using Rules involving dates), the system counts only full work days
between those times. For example, if the Calendar is configured for a 9am to
5pm work day, and a document arrives in-system at noon on Monday, the
document will have spent one full business day in queue at 5:01 Tuesday
evening. Although the document spent time in the queue on Monday, only
Tuesday was a full work day. Any timers configured to fire off at 5:01 will take
that document under consideration. Therefore the document is processed after
the first full work day.

Note: Coverage settings are only available for load-balanced queues in which users are
configured as Members. However, a user does not have to be a load balancing member in
order to be a coverage user. The only requirements for using coverage are: user group
rights to view the queue, assignment to the Org Chart associated with the queue, and
having a role that allows for coverage.

Note: Coverage is not supported for load-balanced queues configured with the rule Match
Keyword to Username assignment type.

Note: In the Client, the Load Balancing Administration screen does not display coverage. It
only displays the documents directly assigned to users.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Configuring Calendars
Calendars can be configured for many intended uses. A Business Calendar is the set of
workdays applicable to the entire business. This Calendar would be used by Workflow
timers and date rules. Business Calendars can be modified for each user by applying the
original Calendar and adding a configurable list of days off. In this way, a system can
Org Charts and Calendars

have a basic Business Calendar configured, as well as specific User Calendars for each
user. Business Calendars can also be configured as Shift Calendars, applicable to
Coverage queues. This is useful for organizations where different departments are on
different shift schedules. A different Calendar could be configured for each shift schedule

Note: It is recommended that a single Business Calendar be used for the sole purpose of
timers and rules in Workflow. This Calendar will be applied to a life cycle.

Configuring the Business Calendar

To configure a Business Calendar:

1. In the Configuration module, select Org Chart | Calendars. The Business Calendars
dialog box is displayed.

2. Type a name for the Calendar and click Create.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

3. Click Settings. The Business Calendar Configuration dialog box is displayed with the
Calendar tab selected. The Calendar tab lets you configure weekly hours of
operation for your organization.

Org Charts and Calendars

4. Select the first day of your business week from the Work Week Start drop-down
select list in the upper-right corner.
5. From the drop-down select list under the Work Period Start column, select the first
day of your business week.
6. In the adjacent time field, select or type the time when operating hours begin.
7. In the time field under the Work Period Finish column, select or type the time
when operating hours end. By default, the work period ends on the same day it
begins. If you are configuring a work period that extends into the next day, click
the time field’s up arrow button until the next day is displayed in the adjacent
drop-down select list.
8. Click Add.
9. Repeat steps 5 through 8 for each day of the business week. If you need to
remove a work period, select it and click Remove .

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Configuring Holidays
Business Calendars let you configure business holidays and half days, which are days
with shortened periods of operation.

Note: Holidays that recur must be re-configured every year.

Org Charts and Calendars

To configure a holiday:

1. In the Configuration module, select Org Chart | Calendars.

2. Select a Business Calendar and click Settings to display the Business Calendar
Configuration dialog box.
3. Click the Holidays tab.

4. Optionally, type a name for the holiday you want to configure in the Name field
under Holiday Configuration .

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

5. From the drop-down select list under Holiday Start, select the start date of the
holiday you want to add.

Org Charts and Calendars

6. Select All Day if the holiday lasts all day.
7. If the holiday spans multiple days, select the last day of the holiday from the
drop-down select list under Holiday End .
8. Select All Day if the last day of the holiday lasts all day.
9. If the holiday lasts for only part of the day, select the appropriate start and end
times from the time fields under Holiday Start and Holiday End. This period will be
excluded from the normal working hours configured on the Calendar tab.
10. Click Add to add the holiday.
11. Repeat for each holiday you want to configure.
12. Click OK when you are finished.

Configuring User Calendars

User Calendars, or employee Calendars, are Business Calendars that have been modified
to accommodate specific user schedules. While the basic Business Calendar is mainly
used by Workflow for timers and date rules, User Calendars are used to determine
coverage ability.

Note: Any changes to employee Shift or Time Off Calendars do not require a Client

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

To configure a User Calendar:

1. In the Configuration module, select Users | User Names/Passwords .

2. Select the user you wish to configure a Calendar for. Click Calendar.
Org Charts and Calendars

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

3. The Calendar Configuration dialog box displays. Select the Business Calendar tab.

Org Charts and Calendars

4. Select the appropriate Business Calendar from the drop-down list. This will be the
Calendar that the user’s configured time off will be added to. In many cases, the
Calendar chosen will be a Shift Calendar configured for a Coverage queue. In
some cases where shifts are not applicable, the Calendar selected may be the
basic Business Calendar.
5. After selecting the appropriate Business Calendar, select the Time Off tab.
Configure the time off for the user in the same method outlined for configuring
the Holiday tab. For more information, see Configuring Holidays on page 906.

Note: The holidays configured for the selected Business Calendar will display in the user’s
Time Off tab.

6. To reset holidays for a particular user, click Reset Holidays.

In some instances it will be desirable for a user to work during a holiday
configured for the Business Calendar. To remove the holiday from the user’s time
off, select the holiday and click Remove .
7. When all parameters are satisfactory for the User Calendar, click OK.
8. Configure User Calendars for as many users as is appropriate.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Configuring Users to Modify Calendars

User Calendars can be adjusted by other users to efficiently keep calendars up-to-date.
This is achieved by configuring certain users to be able to change user calendars based
on roles. This enables easy changing of time off and scheduled vacations in the Client
module. To configure a user to have the ability to change other users’ calendars:
Org Charts and Calendars

1. In the Configuration module, select Users | User Names and Passwords | Calendar.
2. In the User Calendar Configuration dialog box, select the Roles tab.

3. Choose roles that this user will be able to modify calendars for. Use the Add>>
and <<Remove buttons to move the selected roles between the two fields. The
user will be able to modify calendars for all users who are configured as these
4. When finished, click OK.

Copying Calendars
Copying Business Calendars can assist in efficient configuration of Calendars for a
system. Should many Calendars be required, it may be simplest to create one Calendar
and copy it, changing the name and required settings as appropriate.
To copy a Calendar:

1. In the Configuration module, select Org Chart | Calendars. The Business Calendars
dialog box displays.
2. Select the desired Calendar.
3. Click the Copy button. The [Calendar] Copy Configuration dialog box displays.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

4. Enter the name for the new Calendar and click Save.

Org Charts and Calendars in Studio Workflow Configuration

After configuring the Org Chart and appropriate Calendars, Workflow needs to be
configured to use them. This is accomplished in two steps:

Org Charts and Calendars

1. The Org Chart and Calendar must be assigned to an appropriate life cycle. Each
life cycle may have one Org Chart and one Calendar assigned to it.
2. Queues within the life cycle must be assigned coverage. An Org Chart and User
Calendars are required for coverage.

Note: A Business Calendar is required for timers or date rules.

Assigning an Org Chart

1. Launch OnBase Studio and connect to a repository.
2. Select the appropriate life cycle in the Repositories pane.
3. In the life cycle’s Properties pane, select the appropriate Organizational Chart and
Calendar from the drop-down select lists.

Note: Institutional databases may have one Org Chart and one Calendar per life cycle per

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Assigning Queue Coverage

Caution: The functionality available on the Coverage tab is not supported in an Oracle 8
Org Charts and Calendars

Note: If a life cycle has no Org Chart assigned to it, coverage options will not be active.
You must assign an Org Chart before configuring coverage.

Note: Options on the Coverage tab are only active if a queue is load-balanced with Users
as Members. If the queue is configured as Match Keyword to Username, the options will
not be active.

1. Select the appropriate queue.

2. In the queue’s Properties pane, select the Coverage tab.
3. Select the appropriate Coverage: Workday or Shift .

Workday will only check the Business calendar to see if a user is available.
Shift will check the Business calendar as well as the Shift calendar assigned to the
user to see if the user is available.
4. In the check boxes, select whom employees are going to be covered by when

Coverage Option Description

Manager When this option is selected, Workflow will traverse the associated
Org Chart to find a Manager to cover for the absent employee. The
first Manager Workflow finds relative to the employee will cover the

Assistant When this option is selected, the employee designated as “assistant”

will cover for an absent employee.

Note: In order for this option to take effect, an assistant must be

configured in the Org Chart for the unavailable user.

Peer When this option is selected, Workflow will traverse the associated
Org Chart to find a peer to cover for the absent employee. Any
employee within the Org Chart who shares the same role will cover
the absentee.

Required Role This option is available when Peer is selected. When configured, all
employees with rights to the queue will be able to view the documents
of unavailable users who have this role.

Note: Although this option is made available by selection of Peer, the

users who share a required role do not necessarily have to be peers in
the Org Chart.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

5. Click Save to save these settings.

Note: All users that meet coverage configuration terms will be able to see documents of
absent employees.

Document coverage is not transitive. For example, when using the See Other User’s

Org Charts and Calendars

Documents option, if Employee 1 covers for Employee 2, but Employee 2 is also covering
for Employee 3, Employee 1 will not see Employee 3’s documents.

Note: When using coverage, documents are not reassigned to available users. The
assignment to the original user is maintained, but other users are able to view the

Configuring Calendars and Org Charts in Institutional Databases

The implementation of coverage, Calendars, and Org Charts in institutional databases is
identical to that in a standard database, with the following notes:
• Upon creation of the Org Chart, the user will be prompted to assign the Org
Chart to a particular institution.
• Users can assign one Calendar and one Org Chart to a life cycle, per configured
institution, when a queue is marked for institutional settings. This allows
separate institutions that have identical business processes to share the same
life cycles and queues.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

• Only Super Users are permitted to see user names and documents across
institutional boundaries. Workflow Administrators are only able to administer to
users within their own institutions unless they are also designated as Super
Users. Workflow Administrators fall under any of the following categories:
• Users in an Administrator group
• Those users granted the Workflow Administrative Processing Product Right
Org Charts and Calendars

• Queue-based Administrators

Calendar Usage in the Client

Users can change their own calendar, or, if they are appropriately configured, others’
calendars in the Client module. To change a User Calendar:

1. In the Client module, select User | Change User Calendar. The Choose User Calendar
dialog box displays all the calendars the logged-in user has rights to.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

2. Select the desired calendar and click OK. The User Calendar Configuration dialog
box displays.

Org Charts and Calendars

3. Adjustments to the user calendar can then be made. For more information on
configuring Time Off, please see Configuring Holidays on page 906. Time Off is
configured in the same manner as Holidays.
4. When finished, click OK.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16
Org Charts and Calendars

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.

The following sections list requirements for using Workflow with the OnBase Client and
If you will be using Workflow with the Web Client, refer to the Web Server
documentation for current Web Server requirements.
If you will be using Workflow with the Unity Client, refer to the Unity Client
documentation for current Unity Client requirements.
Refer to the respective documentation for current requirements if you will be using
Workflow with any of the following modules:
• Integration for Microsoft Outlook 2007
• Integration for Microsoft Outlook 2010
• Integration for Microsoft Outlook 2013
• Integration for Microsoft Outlook 2016
• Mobile Access for Android
• Mobile Access for iPad
• Mobile Access for iPhone
• Mobile Access for Windows Phone
• Mobile Access for Windows
• Office Business Application for 2007
• Office Business Application for 2010
• Office Business Application for 2013

Client Module Supported Operating Systems

• Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 or later service pack
• Windows 7 SP1 or later service pack
• Windows 8.1
• Windows Server 2012 R2

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

• Windows 10

Note: As of OnBase 16, the Windows Vista, Windows 8, Windows Server 2008, and
Windows Server 2012 operating systems are no longer supported. If you are using any
of these operating systems, you should not upgrade to OnBase 16 until you have
upgraded to a Windows operating system supported by OnBase. For a complete list of
operating systems that are no longer supported, see the table below.
Workflow Installation

Operating System No Longer Supported As Of:

Windows NT 4.0 OnBase 7.2

Windows 98 OnBase 7.2

Windows 2000 OnBase 10.0.0

Windows XP OnBase 14

Windows Server 2003 OnBase 14

Windows Vista OnBase 16

Windows 8 OnBase 16

Windows Server 2008 OnBase 16

Windows Server 2012 OnBase 16

Operating System Requirements

The above Client module supported operating systems require both:
• Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2 (or 4.6 in Windows 10)
• Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable Package (x86)

Note: The Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable Package (x86) is installed using the
vcredist_x86.exe delivered with OnBase.

Client Retrieval Workstation Hardware Requirements

Hardware Minimum Recommended

CPU 1 GHz 2 GHz or faster

Memory (RAM) 1 GB 2 GB

Free Hard Disk 2 GB 2 GB or greater

Space (total for
installation itself
and post-installation

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Hardware Minimum Recommended

Screen Resolution 1024 x 768 (1280 x 800) 1280 x 1024 (1440 x 900 widescreen)

Note: Using a lower

resolution may result in a
loss of functionality.

Workflow Installation
Desktop Supported Operating Systems
• Apple® Mac OS X version 10.6 or later—Supported only by the HTML Web
• Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 or later service pack
• Windows 7 SP1 or later service pack
• Windows 8.1
• Windows Server 2012 R2
• Windows 10

Note: As of OnBase 16, the Windows Vista, Windows 8, Windows Server 2008, and
Windows Server 2012 operating systems are no longer supported. If you are using any
of these operating systems, you should not upgrade to OnBase 16 until you have
upgraded to a Windows operating system supported by OnBase. For a complete list of
operating systems that are no longer supported, see the table below.

Operating System No Longer Supported As Of:

Windows NT 4.0 OnBase 7.2

Windows 98 OnBase 7.2

Windows 2000 OnBase 10.0.0

Windows XP OnBase 14

Windows Server 2003 OnBase 14

Windows Vista OnBase 16

Windows 8 OnBase 16

Windows Server 2008 OnBase 16

Windows Server 2012 OnBase 16

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Desktop Requirements

Note: The following requirements apply specifically to the OnBase Desktop platform;
they do not refer exclusively to a desktop computer.
Workflow Installation

Desktop Component Minimum Recommended


Memory (RAM) 512 MB 2 GB or greater

Free Hard Disk Space (for 200 MB 500 MB

installing and running the
OnBase Desktop)

Screen Resolution 1024 x 768 (1280 x 800) 1280 x 1024 (1440 x 900
Note: Using a lower resolution
may result in a loss of

Microsoft .NET Framework Microsoft .NET Framework


Microsoft MSXML
Note: To ensure that the
appropriate MSXML updates
are applied, you must install
the latest Windows updates.

E-mail Platform MAPI 1.1 Compliant E-mail

Client connection and
supporting Active Messaging

Local Mode Desktop Support

The OnBase local mode Desktop has been removed from the OnBase product suite. The
local mode Desktop is no longer supported as of OnBase version 11.0.0.

Databases Supported
The following tables list the databases supported.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Microsoft SQL Server

Microsoft SQL Server Additional Information

Microsoft SQL Microsoft SQL Server 2005 must be running in compatibility mode 7
Server ™ 2005 (SP2 or or greater. Running in compatibility mode 6.5 or lower will result in
later recommended) errors during the upgrade process.

Workflow Installation
Microsoft SQL Server SQL Server 2005 drivers must be upgraded to the Feature Pack for
2008 (RTM, SP1, SP2; Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - December 2008 or a later feature pack.
SP2 recommended)
Microsoft SQL Server Note: On January 11, 2011, Microsoft discontinued technical support
2008 R2 (RTM, SP1; for Microsoft SQL Server 7.0. As of release 11.0.0, Hyland Software
SP1 recommended) no longer supports SQL Server 7.0.
Microsoft SQL Server
2012 Note: On April 9, 2013, Microsoft discontinued technical support for
Microsoft SQL Server Microsoft SQL Server 2000. As of release 13, Hyland Software no
2014 longer supports SQL Server 2000.

Note: You must ensure that your SQL Server database client
software version matches or exceeds the database server version.
For example, if your database server is SQL Server 2008, verify that
the database client is SQL Server 2008 (or later). Running a previous
client version, such as SQL Server 2005, will result in system
instability and memory issues. For instructions on determining your
server and client versions, see Database Client / Server Version
Compatibility on page 922.


Note: If you are using an Oracle database, it is strongly recommended that you have a
certified Oracle Database Administrator on staff.

Oracle Additional Information

Oracle v or Oracle version can be used, but it is not recommended due
later to potential memory leaks. If Oracle is used, a third-party
ODBC driver is recommended.

Oracle 8i: or ODBC drivers should be 8.1.7 or later. 8.1.6.x drivers have known
later issues and are not supported.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Oracle Additional Information

Oracle 9i: Release 1 Oracle driver version is recommended.

and Release 2 (9.2)
An issue has been observed with the Oracle ODBC drivers where
Oracle 10g: Release 1 Unicode characters (e.g., Japanese characters) retrieved from a
and Release 2 CLOB data type will be truncated, and could potentially cause errors
in OnBase. The data remains intact in the database; however, the
Workflow Installation

results when retrieving the data will be truncated. This has

specifically been observed in one area of OnBase that uses the CLOB
data type to store large amounts of data: License Certificates. This
behavior may apply to other areas of the software that use this data
type, as well.
To ensure that Unicode characters retrieved from a CLOB data type
are not truncated, the Oracle 10g R2 ODBC drivers (which are
backward compatible) should be installed, as well as the latest
patchset (version for these drivers.

Oracle 11g: Release 1 All Oracle 11g drivers can be used.

and Release 2

Oracle 12c All Oracle 12c drivers can be used.

Sybase SQL Anywhere

Sybase SQL Additional Information


Sybase SQL As of OnBase 14, Sybase SQL Anywhere™ versions 11.x and lower
™ are no longer supported. Sybase’s engineering support for SQL
Anywhere 12
SAP Sybase SQL Anywhere versions 11.x and lower has been retired (Sybase End of
Anywhere 16 Life Page).

Database Client / Server Version Compatibility

Due to critical issues that have been reported to Hyland Software, Hyland Software
strongly recommends that:
• your database client software version matches or exceeds the database server
version and
• you are running the most recent version of the database client.
This will help to reduce compatibility issues and minimize troubleshooting time when
issues do occur.
Your database administrator can determine the database server version and identify the
most-recent version of the database client software. The ODBC driver number indicates
which version of the database client software you are using. For example, if your
database server software is Oracle 10 Release 2, verify that the Oracle Client software is
Oracle 10 Release 2 (or later). The same is true of SQL databases. For example, if your
database server is SQL Server 2005, verify that the database client is SQL Server 2005
(or later).

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

To check your database client version, perform the following steps from the workstation
or server where the ODBC connection is configured:

1. Open your ODBC Data Source Administrator, and click on the Drivers tab.
2. Select the driver you are using to connect to your OnBase database.
• If your database server software is Oracle 10 Release 2, the version number
should appear as 10.2.[#.#.#] (or later), where 10.2 is the version number and

Workflow Installation
[#.#.#] represents the service pack.
• If your database server software is any version of Microsoft SQL Server, select
Microsoft ODBC Driver 11.

The above descriptions are examples of two commonly used database version schemes.
Ensure that the supported database you use adheres to the database client/server
recommendation. In general, Hyland Software recommends that you use the most
current drivers that correspond to your system.

Database/File Servers
Server requirements are site-specific. Database/file servers should be dedicated purpose
servers; i.e., not used as a domain controller, email server, print server, proxy server,
etc. Network and disk I/O hardware should be optimized for performance and
redundancy. Multiple network interface cards on servers are often required to minimize
network bottlenecks.

Third-Party Software Support

OnBase is used in conjunction with a variety of third-party software products. The
specific versions of third-party software that are supported are documented in the
requirements sections of this manual, which reflect the versions that were required at
the time this manual was published.
For up-to-date information, visit the following site:

About Virtual Environments

Hyland Software develops, tests, and supports the OnBase suite of products on specific
Operating Systems, not specific hardware configurations. When OnBase is operated in a
virtual environment (such as Citrix, VMware, Hyper-V, or Windows Remote Desktop)
there may be limitations or subtle differences imposed by the environment. The
customer and the virtual environment vendor are responsible for any interactions or
issues that arise at the Hardware or Operating System layer as a result of their use of a
virtual environment.
When it appears that a performance-related issue in OnBase is either caused by (or is
unique to) the virtual environment, organizations may be asked to validate that the
issue occurs in a non-virtual environment. Hyland Software will make this request if
there is reason to believe that the virtual environment is a contributing factor to the

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Each OnBase site is unique. Hyland Software depends on the customers who deploy
OnBase in virtual environments to do so only after careful design and adequate planning
(that takes into account the workloads of your organization), and in accordance with
recommendations provided by the virtual environment’s vendor. As with any
implementation, Hyland Software strongly recommends that any customer deploying the
OnBase solution in a virtual environment thoroughly test the solution before putting it
into production.
Workflow Installation

For information about using OnBase in a Citrix and Microsoft Windows Remote Desktop
environment, please see the Citrix and Microsoft Windows Remote Desktop Environment
Deployment Guide , available from your solution provider.

64-Bit Support Statement

The OnBase suite of products is tested on 64-bit systems and is capable of being
deployed on 64-bit systems using the Windows 32-bit on Windows 64-bit Emulator
(WOW64) layer. However, OnBase modules that integrate with third-party applications
may not be able to be used with the 64-bit versions of these applications. For these
modules, only the 32-bit versions of these third-party applications are currently
supported by the OnBase integrations. Consult the module-specific requirements section
in each module reference guide for complete requirements details.
Supported database versions that are deployed on a 64-bit database server are also
supported. For more information, contact your solution provider.

Windows User Account Control Statement

Hyland Software is dedicated to ensuring that OnBase is compatible with Windows User
Account Control (UAC). UAC is a feature of Windows operating systems that was
introduced with Windows Vista. It limits the ability of standard users to make global
system changes to a workstation and prevents malicious software from making
unauthorized changes to protected areas.
For details on UAC, refer to your Microsoft support information or see http://
You may encounter UAC in OnBase when:
• Installing or uninstalling OnBase, OnBase modules, or OnBase ActiveX controls.
• Copying, moving, or saving files to the Program Files directory, Windows
directory, or another protected location.
• Modifying system-wide settings, such as the registry.
If Windows UAC is enabled, the above operations may prompt for administrator
privileges or credentials, even if an administrator is currently logged on.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Modifying Configuration Files

When UAC is enabled, administrators may be unable to modify Web.config or other
*.config files. To address this issue, the administrator should open a text editor (such as
Notepad) by right-clicking it and selecting Run as administrator. The administrator can
then open the *.config file from within the text editor. Because the text editor is running
with administrator privileges, the configuration file can be modified and saved using that

Workflow Installation
See Licensing on page 3 for licensing requirements.

You must have a functioning OnBase database licensed for Workflow.

The Professional Services Group (PSG) at Hyland Software, Inc. (HSI) is exclusively
responsible for technical involvement with all OnBase Workflow implementations.
OnBase Solution Providers can engage the PSG in either an advisory role, or as the
primary provider of the design, installation, and integration or support of OnBase
Workflow solutions. Prior to engagement, OnBase Solution Providers must sign an
integration services agreement, provide a detailed statement of work, and issue a
purchase order for PSG services.
Hyland Software’s PSG must play the role of primary provider in any case where the
OnBase Solution Provider is not an HSI-certified OnBase Workflow installer.

Sending Notifications using Outlook 2003

If you are using Outlook 2003 to send notifications for Workflow, complete the following

1. Select Start | Control Panel.

2. Double-click on Mail.
3. Click Show Profiles...
4. Select the appropriate Outlook profile and click Copy...
5. Enter a new name.
6. Click OK.
7. Click Close.
8. Restart the IIS Admin service.
9. Login to the ASP.NET Client, select the Workflow icon and execute the action to
send an external notification

Sending Notifications Using the Hyland Distribution Service

If you have the Hyland Distribution Service installed on your system, you can use it to
send notifications.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

In order for notifications to be sent using the Hyland Distribution Service, the Use E-mail
Distribution Service for automated e-mails global client setting must be selected. If you
are using the web Workflow interface, you must restart the web services before the
setting will take effect. To set this setting:

1. In the Configuration module, select Users | Global Client Settings.

2. Select the Email tab.
Workflow Installation

3. Select the Use E-mail Distribution Service for automated e-mails option.
4. Click Save.

Sending Notifications Using the Workflow Service

To setup notifications using the Workflow Service:

1. Select Start | Control Panel.

2. Double-click on Administrative Tools.
3. Double-click on Services.
4. Right-click on the Hyland Workflow Service and select Properties .
5. Restart the Hyland Workflow Service
6. Execute the Workflow Timer Service and assign the timer to the database.

Using the Core-Based OnBase Client Interface

The Core-based OnBase Client interface is based off of a service. The Core-based
interface constructs XML data and passes it to a web service to be executed. In order to
install the Core-based interface, you must complete the following:
• Configure an Application Server.
• Select the Core-based interface type. See Specifying the OnBase Client
Interface Type on page 207 for more information.
• The following files must be in the same directory as the OnBase Client and
Configuration executables: Hyland.Client.Workflow.dll, Hyland.Common.Core.dll,
Hyland.Common.dll, Hyland.Services.Client.dll, Hyland.Services.Client.Legacy.dll,
and Hyland.Types.dll .

Application Server Overview

The Application Server is required to allow certain modules to communicate with
OnBase. This is required to ensure consistent functionality across all interfaces so that
there is no difference when accessing OnBase using the OnBase Client, Web Client, or

Note: You do not need a separate license in order to use the Application Server.

Defining the Application Server

Certain modules and functionalities found within the OnBase Client and Configuration
module require the use of the Application Server. To use these modules and
functionalities within OnBase Client and Configuration module, you must define the
Application Server.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

To configure the Application Server:

1. In the Configuration module, select Utils | Application Server. The Application

Server Configuration dialog box is displayed.

Workflow Installation
2. Enter the Application Server Path.
For a typical installation, the path will be like the following: http://hostname/
AppServer/Service.asmx. The path can be up to 255 characters.
3. Enter the appropriate Datasource name that the Application Server will use.
4. Click Save.

Caution: When the Application Server is reset, all currently running Clients on a single
workstation that is connected to the Application Server must be reset. If the Clients are not
reset, any further attempted connections made to the Application Server will fail.

Workflow Web.config Settings

There are several Web Server web.config settings that influence the Workflow module.
If you want to open a specific queue within Workflow by default, set defaultContext to
Workflow, leave the defaultControlBar blank , and set defaultContextID to the queue
number. The queue number is displayed in the Studio when a queue is selected during
DefaultContextInfo — <DefaultContextInfo>
When you login to the Web Client, the Workflow queue with ID 253, should be opened by

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

If there is no queue with that ID, the Workflow will still be opened by default, but no
queue should be opened.

Note: If an Auto-Open Queue is specified in the OnBase Client’s Workstation Options dialog
box, it will override the queue specified to open by default in the web.config file.
Workflow Installation

Note: When Workflow is opened by default, when you click the Back button, the Retrieval
context is available when you click the Retrieve button.

showQueueCounts — Queue counts do not display by default. In web.config the

showQueueCounts is set to false by default. This means that in Workflow, once the life
cycle is expanded, there is no count of how many documents are in each queue.
If the showQueueCounts is set to true, the core runs a query to count the documents in
the Workflow queues and displays this number.
ShowCombinedInbox — This option controls whether or not the Combined Inbox is
available. The Combined Inbox is enabled by default. Set ShowCombinedInbox to false to
disable the Combined Inbox.
WorkflowLayout — This setting allows the layout of Workflow to be specified.
When the value of this setting equals "selectable", a Workflow Layout Options button is
displayed in the Web Client that allows users to define the layout of Workflow. Within the
Web Client, users can select from Horizontal Layout, Vertical Layout, or Separate Viewer
Layout .
When the value of this setting equals "horizontal" , users will receive the layout that has
the document viewer horizontally spanning the Workflow interface.
When the value of this setting equals "vertical" , users will receive the layout that has the
document viewer vertically spanning the Workflow interface.
When the value of this setting equals "separateviewer" , users will receive the layout that
has the document viewer in a separate window from the Workflow interface.
QueueAnnotationMap — You can configure a specific default annotation for a specific
queue. When you configure this, the Toggle Annotation button is toggled on by default in
the client and the annotation type defined is selected by default when a document is
accessed from the queue specified. To define this, the following setting must be added to
the web.config file within the <appSettings> node; this setting is not in the web.config
file by default:
<add key="QueueAnnotationMap" value="<queue ID#>=<Annotation Type ID#>,..."
Specify the ID number for the queue you want to associate with a specific annotation
type where <queue ID#> is. Do not enclose the value in carets (<>). Specify the ID
number for the annotation you want to associate with the specified queue where
<Annotation Type ID#> is. Do not enclose the value in carets (<>).

Viewer Vars
WORKFLOWMENU — When workflowMenu is set to true , the Workflow right-click option
is available from the open document right-click menu.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

W ORKFLOW RELATED D OCUMENTS — The DisplayRelatedDocuments setting controls

tab focus. If this is set to always, the focus will always be on the Work Folder tab upon
document selection in a queue. If this is set to never, the focus will always be in the
Documents tab upon document selection in a queue. If this is set to document , the focus
will be on the Work Folder tab when related documents exist for the selected document
in a queue. Otherwise, focus will remain on the Documents tab.
WINDOW SIZE — The WorkflowUserInteractionHeight setting controls the size of the

Workflow Installation
top half of the Workflow window. This setting is measured in pixels. The minimum value
is 150. The default value is 375.

Workflow Unity Client Configuration File Settings

The following Workflow settings are contained in the Unity Client configuration file:

Setting Description

allowMultipleWorkflowLayouts This setting overrides the Allow multiple instances of

the Workflow layout Workflow user option. When set
to true or false, this user option cannot be set by
This setting is not present in the Unity Client
configuration file by default. To use this setting, you
must manually add it to the Unity Client configuration
file’s <appsettings> section, in the following format:
<add key="allowMultipleWorkflowLayouts"

alwaysOpenWorkflowInNewWindo This setting overrides the Always display Workflow in

w a new window Workflow user option. When set to true
or false, this user option cannot be set by users.
This setting is not present in the Unity Client
configuration file by default. To use this setting, you
must manually add it to the Unity Client configuration
file’s <appsettings> section, in the following format:
<add key="alwaysOpenWorkflowInNewWindow"

enableWorkflowDebugTrace For more information on this setting, see Debug

Breakpoints on page 431.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Setting Description

enableWfQueueCountService This setting controls whether the Unity Client respects

the configured Inbox Refresh Rate for Workflow
queues. When set to true, the configured Inbox
Refresh Rate for all Workflow queues is used. When
set to false, the configured Inbox Refresh Rate for all
Workflow queues is not used.
Workflow Installation

This setting is not present in the Unity Client

configuration file by default. When this setting is not
present in the Unity Client configuration file, it is
treated as true. To configure this setting, you must
manually add it to the Unity Client configuration file’s
<appsettings> section, in the following format:
<add key="enableWfQueueCountService"

Tip: Use this setting to limit which users are using the
configured Inbox Refresh Rate.

RequestTimeoutSeconds This setting allows the default client execution timeout

to be overridden by the specified number of seconds.
This setting is not present in the Unity Client
configuration file by default. When this setting is not
present in the Unity Client configuration file, the
timeout is 100 seconds by default. To configure this
setting, you must manually add it to the Unity Client
configuration file’s <Hyland.Services.Client> section,
in the following format:
<RequestTimeoutSeconds Value="[# of
seconds]" />

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Setting Description

startupWorkflowLayout This setting controls the OnBase User Group layout

that is displayed by default when a user opens the
Unity Client’s Workflow interface.
When set to a numeric ID of a layout that was created
by an administrator for a user group, the configured

Workflow Installation
layout is used.

Note: This numeric ID is displayed next to the name

of the layout in the Manage user group layout
settings dialog box’s drop-down select list.

This setting is not present in the Unity Client

configuration file by default. To configure this setting,
you must manually add it to the Unity Client
configuration file’s <appsettings> section, in the
following format:
<add key="startupWorkflowLayout"
value="[layout ID]"/>
In place of a specific layout ID, the following values
can also be used to set the default layout:
• -1 sets the default to the Simple layout
• -2 sets the default to the Classic layout
• -3 sets the default to the user’s default layout if
one is configured
• -4 sets the default to the most recent layout used
before the setting was added.

For more information on the Unity Client configuration file, including location and
additional settings, see the Unity Client documentation.

Command Line Switches and .ini Settings

Command Line Switches
These command line switches affect the Workflow module:
-WFSRVR - when applied to the command line of the Client module, starts the Client
workstations in server mode. Used for monitoring timers.
-WFSRVR,C - when applied to the command line of the Client module, Workflow Server
Queues can be assigned without allowing timers to be executed. The Workflow System
Monitor does not run with this switch applied.
-WFTRACE - appended to the command line of the Client module, activating the Trace
Window, Trace to File and Step Debug buttons, which are useful troubleshooting tools.
-LT - indicates the log off time of the Client module. Be aware of timers that may be
running when using the auto logoff switch because they will not trigger unless the Client
workstation is logged in to OnBase.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

INI File
INI files (initialization files) are plain-text files that contain configuration information.
These files are used by Windows and Windows-based applications to save and access
information about your preferences and operating environment. OnBase uses an
initialization file named onbase32.ini. If a user does not have rights to access the
Workflow Installation

onbase32.ini file, that user will be unable to use the Client or Configuration modules.
The onbase32.ini file is primarily used to store settings specified in the Client or
Configuration module. For example, when a user selects a default data source in the
OnBase Client’s Workstation Options dialog box, this selection is saved to the
onbase32.ini file. The onbase32.ini file is also used to make modifications to OnBase
modules that cannot be made through the module’s interface.

Previous File Location/File Name

Every version of the OnBase Client prior to 8.2.0 used an INI file named OnBase.ini. In
OnBase 8.2.0 and subsequent versions, the INI file was moved to a new location to be
consistent with changes Microsoft has made to Windows. Since the location has
changed, the name of the file has also been changed to alleviate some confusion
between the needs of OnBase 8.2.0 and installations of older executables. The new file
name is onbase32.ini.

For all currently supported operating systems (i.e., Windows 7 SP1 or later), the default
location of the onbase32.ini file is C:\ProgramData\Hyland Software. For previous
versions of OnBase running on older operating systems, the default location of the
onbase32.ini file may have been different (e.g., C:\Documents and Settings\All
Users\Application Data\Hyland Software ).

Note: To maintain backwards compatibility with previous versions of OnBase, OnBase will
check the workstation’s C:\Windows folder for the OnBase INI file if it is not found in the
folder specified above. If the OnBase INI file is found in the C:\Windows folder, OnBase
will copy the file to the new location. The previously existing version of the OnBase INI
file will remain in the C:\Windows folder, but will no longer be used by OnBase.

Your onbase32.ini file may reside in a different location, if that location is specified by
the following command line switch on the OnBase Client shortcut target:
-INIFILE= "full path\filename" , where full path and filename are replaced by the specific
path and file name.
If this command line switch is not used and you move or rename your onbase32.ini file,
OnBase will recreate the file in the default folder and ignore the newly created file.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

INI Considerations in a Citrix and Microsoft Windows Remote Desktop

In Remote Desktop environments, a remote session is established in which the user is
running applications that are not installed locally. This presents a challenge when an
application, such as OnBase, requires a user-specific INI file to establish unique settings.
In a Remote Desktop environment, you must ensure that each user has a single, unique
INI file to make sure any user-specific settings are consistent for that user.

Workflow Installation
Note: The default location of the OnBase INI file is not unique in a Remote Desktop

To ensure that the INI file is accessible by OnBase and unique to each user in a Remote
Desktop environment, the -INIFILE command line switch must be applied to the OnBase
Client and Configuration shortcuts and be set to a unique location for the INI file.

Note: Additional details regarding the deployment of OnBase in a remote desktop

environment is discussed in detail in the Citrix and Microsoft Windows Remote Desktop
Environment Deployment Guide , available from your first line of support.

Editing the INI File

Users with the Configuration Product Right can open the onbase32.ini file from the
OnBase Client by selecting Admin | Utilities | Edit INI File. When multiple onbase32.ini
files exist, opening the onbase32.ini file from the OnBase Client ensures that a user is
editing the correct onbase32.ini file instance. In most cases, this will be the onbase32.ini
file residing in the default directory described above. If an alternate location for the
onbase32.ini file is specified by the -INIFILE command line switch, the file in the
specified location will be opened.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

INI File Settings

The settings that the system administrator should not adjust are symbolized by an
asterisk (*).
Settings Description

[System] section
Workflow Installation

ForceWorkflowRefresh Causes the Workflow inbox to refresh at the document

List Refresh Rate under the User Options menu.

[Workflow] section

RuleExitCallDLLName* Not used.

RuleExitCallFunctionName* Not used.

ActionExitCallDLLName* Not used.

ActionExitCallFunctionName* Not used.

GraphicUpdate Indicates the number of pixels the document icon moves

with each step during a transition. The higher the
number, the faster the movement.

WriteTimeStamp Causes the debug window to display an execution time

stamp next to each action.

DefaultHTMLBackground Defines the image used for the background of the inbox
and the graphical view. The background image used must
be a valid bitmap (.bmp) image file.

HTMLTextColor Defines the text color for auto-generated HTML forms.

This entry is Red, Green, Blue (RGB) format with values
in the range of 1-255.

PercentWorkflow Indicates the amount of window height to be used for the

Life cycle View in the default window layout

PercentMessage Indicates the amount of window height to be used for the

User Interaction window in the default window layout

PercentInbox Indicates the amount of window height to be used for the

Document window in the default window layout

PercentFolder Indicates the amount of window height to be used for the

Folder window in the default window layout

InitGraphicZoom Indicates the initial zoom level for the graphic view. Valid
values are 1-20.

GridColor Indicates the grid color in the graphic view. This entry is
RGB format. Valid values range from 1-255.

ShowHandleInInbox Adds a Document Handle column to the Document


2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Settings Description

Terminal Left* Specifies the coordinates for a new terminal window.

Terminal Top*
Terminal Right*
Terminal Bottom*

Workflow Installation
Terminal Bar* Used internally by OnBase to indicate the ID of the last
control bar on which the terminal window was docked

SubmitFlag* Indicates the hot key used to answer 'Yes' to a message

box or submit forms

NoFlag* Indicates the hot key used to answer 'No' to a message


CancelFlag* Indicates the hot key used to answer 'Cancel' to a

message box or to cancel a form

LCWindowFlag* Indicates the hot key used to set focus to the Life cycle

DocumentWindowFlag* Indicates the hot key used to set focus to the Document

UIWindowFlag Indicates the hot key used to set focus to the User
Interaction window

FolderWindowFlag* Indicates the hot key used to set focus to the Folder
FolderWindowKey* window

ScrollToWorkDocumentAfterChange When used in conjunction with ReselectWindowSize the

inbox automatically scrolls to and selects a document
that is resorted as the result of task execution. The
document must be within the configured reselect
document range, as configured for ReselectWindowSize,
in order for the scroll settings to apply.
ScrollToWorkDocumentAfterChange must be set to '1'
to take effect. This feature is currently only available
through the OnBase Client.

Last Life Cycle* Indicates the number of the life cycle opened during the
previous Workflow session; this life cycle opens by
default on the next session.

ExtraWFThreads* Not in use.

[Workflow-Bar11] to [Workflow- Used internally by OnBase to store the Workflow window

Bar-N]* layout between sessions. These cannot be modified by
hand without adverse effects.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Settings Description

RecycleTopLevelWindow Applies to the Use Top Level Window check box in Display
Document actions. If set to 1 (default), when a new
document is displayed, it reuses the window, if it exists.
This allows you to position the top-level window in a
second monitor. All displayed documents will appear in
that window. If 0 (zero), each display action opens a new
Workflow Installation

window at the Windows default location.

ShowQueueCounts If set to 1, the queue counts are displayed in parentheses

in the tree view.

ShowTerminal* Indicates persisting window location information between


TerminalType* Enables or disables the Terminal Session button. When

equal to -1, the button is disabled. When equal to 0 or
any positive value, the button is enabled.

StatusPaneOrder Specifies the order if panes of the status bar for the
Workflow Inbox window. Panes should be comma
separated. Example: StatusPaneOrder=1,2,3, 4

StatusPaneSize_1 Specifies the size of the Queue Name pane. Value

measured in pixels. Default value:

StatusPaneSize_2 Specifies the size of the User Name pane. Value

measured in pixels. Default value:

StatusPaneSize_3 Specifies the size of the Document Count pane. Value

measured in pixels. Default value:

StatusPaneSize_4 Specifies the size of the Filter pane. Value measured in

pixels. Default value: StatusPaneSize_4=200

GraphicView* Indicates persistent window location information between


ReselectWindowSize When a document is acted upon, the Workflow inbox is

refreshed. OnBase searches the entire inbox for that
document and if it remains in the queue, it is selected
again. This parameter indicates the number of documents
above and below the active document to search for the
document last acted upon. The default is 70, yielding a
141-document window.

ExternalLeft* Indicate persistent window location information between


2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Settings Description

PersistentFilters Defines whether OnBase is persisting filter information.

Parent Window Zoomed Defines whether the Workflow parent window is

maximized or not.

SplitPaneSize Defines the location for the split in the Workflow window.

Workflow Installation
WFServiceTimeOutSec Defines the amount of time in seconds that the OnBase
Client will wait for a response from the Application Server
during ad hoc task execution.

Note: It is not recommended to set this option for more

time than the necessary to execute ad hoc tasks.

PercentFolder Indicates the amount of window height to be used for the

Folder window in the default window layout.

DocsPerPage Defines the number of documents to show per page in a

Workflow queue.

ShowButtonText Displays text under the 3 buttons directly under the

Document List in Workflow. The 3 buttons are Previous
Results, Next Results, and Options.

ShowRelInSeparateWindow Saves the Display in Separate Window setting for future

sessions. This is only supported for the Core-Based
interface in the OnBase Client.

[Colors] section

WFDefaultTransition* Not used.

WFManualTransition Indicates the color of transition lines in the graphic view.

This entry is RGB format with values in the range of 1-

WFSystemTransition* Not used.

WFTimedTransition* Not used.

WfDisabledStations* Not used.

WfEnabledStations* Not used.

[Customer] section

Workflow Log Report* Not used.

[Workflow Summary] section

ZoomXFactor The zoom factor of the window (adjusted by the zoom

buttons in the Client or the Initial Graphic Zoom setting in
Client User | Workstation Options | Workflow Display
Options. Valid values are 1-20.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Settings Description

ZoomYFactor The zoom factor of the window (adjusted by the zoom

buttons in the client or the Initial Graphic Zoom setting in
Client User | Workstation Options | Workflow Display
Options). Valid values range from 1-20.

ShowGrippers Controls whether grippers are shown on the windows in

Workflow Installation

Workflow. Adjusted via the toolbar button or context

menu in the Workflow interface.

LockWindows Indicates window location information.

Bars* Indicates window location information.

ScreenCX* Indicates window location information.

ScreenCY* Indicates window location information.

[WorkflowInboxColumnWidths] section

Handle Sets the width of the Handle inbox column in pixels.

Document Name Sets the width of the Document Name inbox column in

Arrival Time Sets the width of the Arrival Time inbox column in pixels.

These .INI settings are used to store the layout of the Workflow display and cannot be
edited manually:


BarID=59419 Cannot be edited.

OLBarXSize=0 Cannot be edited.

OLBarYSize=0 Cannot be edited.

SizeXHorz=0 Cannot be edited.

SizeYHorz=0 Cannot be edited.

SizeXVert=0 Cannot be edited.

SizeYVert=0 Cannot be edited.

Bars=8 Cannot be edited.

Bar#0=0 Cannot be edited.

Bar#1=401 Cannot be edited.

Bar#2=0 Cannot be edited.

Bar#3=59442 Cannot be edited.

Bar#4=0 Cannot be edited.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow


Bar#5=124962 Cannot be edited.

Bar#6=124964 Cannot be edited.

Bar#7=0 Cannot be edited.

Workflow Installation
The following INI settings control the display of the Core-based OnBase Client user
interface. These .INI settings are used to store the layout of the Workflow display and
cannot be edited manually:


BarCount=5 Cannot be edited.

ScreenCX=1280 Cannot be edited.

ScreenCY=1024 Cannot be edited.

RowX-YWidth=272 Cannot be edited.


ControlCount=1 Cannot be edited.

ID=103 Cannot be edited.

Name=Work Folder Cannot be edited.

PinBarID=59645 Cannot be edited.

Pinned=1 Cannot be edited.

Collapsed=0 Cannot be edited.

Hidden=0 Cannot be edited.

Docked=1 Cannot be edited.

DockRow=0 Cannot be edited.

DockIndex=0 Cannot be edited.

Extent=396 Cannot be edited.

FloatLeft=0 Cannot be edited.

FloatTop=0 Cannot be edited.

FloatRight=396 Cannot be edited.

FloatBottom=272 Cannot be edited.

CXDesired=396 Cannot be edited.

CYDesired=272 Cannot be edited.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16


Active=1 Cannot be edited.

Workflow Installation

The configuration of Workflow is stored in the database. A proper backup of the database
will contain all Workflow configuration information.
It is important that the System Disk Group is backed up along with other Disk Groups.
Before changing the configuration of an existing Workflow life cycle, the Workflow Export
feature can be used to backup Workflow life cycles. This can function as an incremental
backup of your configured life cycles.

Registry Settings
If you are using the Hyland Distribution Service and/or you are using notification actions
in conjunction with Windows XP SP2, you must back up your registry.

External Files
It is necessary to backup the onbase32.ini file.
It is necessary to backup the Web Server’s web.config file if using Workflow in the Web

Restoring all Disk Groups and restoring the database from backup will recover Workflow
The Workflow Import feature can be used to recover Workflow life cycles.

External Files
Restore the onbase32.ini file.

Module related .INI Options

The onbase32.ini file can be restored from the backup if the recovery machine is
intended to be used for exactly the same purpose as the original machine. If this
machine will be used for other modules, only the listed onbase32.ini settings specific to
the module will need to be recovered.

Restore the web.config file for the Web Server installation.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

There are several tools for troubleshooting life cycles.

Queue Logging
The Workflow log is a report of the activities in Workflow. The information is contained in

Workflow Installation
a database table that tracks changes made to documents within the Workflow. Privileges
to view this log are limited to the system administrator; however, users may be given
authority to purge all, or a selection, of the log file.
Workflow log entries consume database space and add overhead to processing time. Use
logging only when necessary.

Note: The Workflow Log menu option is visible only if your user group has been granted
appropriate rights.

Users granted permission to purge the Workflow log could do so in the Client module by
selecting the Admin | Workflow Log |Purge All Entries . A Confirmation message box opens.
To proceed with the purge, click Yes. Clicking No closes the message box and cancels the

Restricted Purge
To open the Workflow Log Restricted Purge dialog box, select Admin | Workflow Log |
Restricted Purge .

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

A restricted purge enables you to focus purging entries based on one or more specific
life cycles and/or queues, or a document handle or a range of entry dates.

Caution: Once you delete information from the Workflow log, it is permanently removed
from the database.
Workflow Installation

You need the -WFSRVR command line switch applied to the Client workstation monitoring
timers in the Classic Client using the Workflow System Monitor.
For all other interfaces, the Workflow Timer Service should be used to monitor timers.
See the Workflow Timer Service documentation for more information.

Unavailable Application Server

If Workflow is configured to use the Application Server and the Application Server is not
available or there has been an error in configuring the Application Server, the following
dialog box is displayed during standard document retrieval:

If the Application Server is not configured correctly and running, the following message
is displayed: Unable to initialize Workflow. Failed to connect to application server. Check
that the application server is running and that the application server URL is correct.

User Interaction Window

If you get a message stating The page cannot be displayed when using the User
Interaction window, ensure that the DefaultHTMLBackground ini file setting is set to a
valid path.

Diagnostics Console
You can log Workflow trace information to the Workflow Trace tab of the Diagnostics
Console by completing the following steps:

1. Enable Workflow logging in the Application Server’s Web.config. To enable

Workflow logging, set enableMailSlot to true for the workflow-profile log. This
value is set to true by default.
2. Ensure the Hyland Diagnostics Service is running on the Application Server.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

3. Ensure the OnBase Client from which you are accessing Workflow has the -
WFTRACE command line switch applied:
4. Ensure the OnBase Client from which you are accessing Workflow has the User
Interface display option set to Core-based .
You can check Workflow display options in the OnBase Client by selecting User |
Workstation Options and clicking the Workflow Display Options tab. The User
Interface option may be unavailable, depending on how Workflow options are

Workflow Installation
configured in OnBase Configuration.
5. Start the Diagnostics Console in remote mode on the client workstation and
connect to the Application Server.
The Diagnostics Console can also log Workflow trace information by running in
local mode on the Application Server itself. In this case, the Hyland Diagnostics
Service (step 2) is not required.
After completing these steps, you can log Workflow trace information to the Diagnostics
Console by accessing Workflow in the OnBase Client and clicking the Trace button from
the Workflow toolbar.
For more information about configuring the Diagnostics Console, see the Diagnostics
Console Help files.

Firefox and the Separate Viewer Layout

When using Firefox and the Separate Viewer Layout option, the user interaction window
may not obtain focus when it should. If you are experiencing this behavior, a Firefox
setting must be edited. To resolve the issue:

1. In Firefox, select Firefox | Options | Options .

2. Select the Content tab.
3. Next to the Enable JavaScript option, click Advanced.
4. Ensure that Raise or Lower Windows option is selected.

Contacting Support
When contacting your solution provider, please provide the following information:
• The OnBase module where the issue was encountered.
• The OnBase version and build (Example:
• The type and version of the connected database, such as Microsoft SQL Server
2008 or Oracle 11g, and any Service Packs that have been installed.
• The operating system that the workstation is running on, such as Windows 10
or Windows Server 2012 R2, and any Service Packs that have been installed.
Check the supported operating systems for this module to ensure that the
operating system is supported.
• The name and version of any application related to the issue.
• The version of Internet Explorer, and any Service Packs that have been
installed, if applicable.
• A complete description of the problem, including actions leading up to the issue.
• Screenshots of any error messages.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Supplied with the above information, your solution provider can better assist you in
correcting the issue.
Workflow Installation

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.

Supported Operating Systems
• Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 or later service pack
• Windows 7 SP1 or later service pack
• Windows 8.1
• Windows Server 2012 R2
• Windows 10

Note: As of OnBase 16, the Windows Vista, Windows 8, Windows Server 2008, and
Windows Server 2012 operating systems are no longer supported. If you are using any
of these operating systems, you should not upgrade to OnBase 16 until you have
upgraded to a Windows operating system supported by OnBase. For a complete list of
operating systems that are no longer supported, see the table below.

Operating System No Longer Supported As Of:

Windows NT 4.0 OnBase 7.2

Windows 98 OnBase 7.2

Windows 2000 OnBase 10.0.0

Windows XP OnBase 14

Windows Server 2003 OnBase 14

Windows Vista OnBase 16

Windows 8 OnBase 16

Windows Server 2008 OnBase 16

Windows Server 2012 OnBase 16

Operating System Requirements

The above Client module supported operating systems require both:
• Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2 (or 4.6 in Windows 10)
• Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable Package (x86)

Note: The Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable Package (x86) is installed using the
vcredist_x86.exe delivered with OnBase.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Unity Client Hardware and Browser Requirements

Component Minimum Recommended

CPU 1.6 GHz dual-core 2.4 GHz dual-core

Memory (RAM) 2 GB 4 GB
Studio Installation

Free Hard Disk Space (for 450 MB

installing and running the
Unity Client)

Screen Resolution 1024 x 768 (1280 x 800) 1280 x 1024 (1440 x 900
Note: Using a lower
resolution may result in a
loss of functionality.

Graphics Card 128 MB 256 MB with hardware

acceleration support

Web Browser
Note: As long as you are
using a supported
operating system, there
are no further Web
browser requirements.

Email Platform Lotus Notes 8.0.2 or 8.5

IBM Notes 9
Microsoft Outlook 2007,
2010, or 2013
Novell GroupWise 8 or 12

Note: When sending

messages with Novell
GroupWise, Plain Text is
the only format available.

Media Player Windows Media Player 10

.NET Framework
This module requires Microsoft® .NET Framework 4.5.2. The .NET Framework can be
obtained from the Microsoft Download Center at

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Databases Supported
The following tables list the databases supported.

Microsoft SQL Server

Microsoft SQL Server Additional Information

Studio Installation
Microsoft SQL Microsoft SQL Server 2005 must be running in compatibility mode 7
Server ™ 2005 (SP2 or or greater. Running in compatibility mode 6.5 or lower will result in
later recommended) errors during the upgrade process.
Microsoft SQL Server SQL Server 2005 drivers must be upgraded to the Feature Pack for
2008 (RTM, SP1, SP2; Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - December 2008 or a later feature pack.
SP2 recommended)
Microsoft SQL Server Note: On January 11, 2011, Microsoft discontinued technical support
2008 R2 (RTM, SP1; for Microsoft SQL Server 7.0. As of release 11.0.0, Hyland Software
SP1 recommended) no longer supports SQL Server 7.0.
Microsoft SQL Server
2012 Note: On April 9, 2013, Microsoft discontinued technical support for
Microsoft SQL Server Microsoft SQL Server 2000. As of release 13, Hyland Software no
2014 longer supports SQL Server 2000.

Note: You must ensure that your SQL Server database client
software version matches or exceeds the database server version.
For example, if your database server is SQL Server 2008, verify that
the database client is SQL Server 2008 (or later). Running a previous
client version, such as SQL Server 2005, will result in system
instability and memory issues. For instructions on determining your
server and client versions, see Database Client / Server Version
Compatibility on page 948.


Note: If you are using an Oracle database, it is strongly recommended that you have a
certified Oracle Database Administrator on staff.

Oracle Additional Information

Oracle v or Oracle version can be used, but it is not recommended due
later to potential memory leaks. If Oracle is used, a third-party
ODBC driver is recommended.

Oracle 8i: or ODBC drivers should be 8.1.7 or later. 8.1.6.x drivers have known
later issues and are not supported.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Oracle Additional Information

Oracle 9i: Release 1 Oracle driver version is recommended.

and Release 2 (9.2)
An issue has been observed with the Oracle ODBC drivers where
Oracle 10g: Release 1 Unicode characters (e.g., Japanese characters) retrieved from a
and Release 2 CLOB data type will be truncated, and could potentially cause errors
in OnBase. The data remains intact in the database; however, the
results when retrieving the data will be truncated. This has
Studio Installation

specifically been observed in one area of OnBase that uses the CLOB
data type to store large amounts of data: License Certificates. This
behavior may apply to other areas of the software that use this data
type, as well.
To ensure that Unicode characters retrieved from a CLOB data type
are not truncated, the Oracle 10g R2 ODBC drivers (which are
backward compatible) should be installed, as well as the latest
patchset (version for these drivers.

Oracle 11g: Release 1 All Oracle 11g drivers can be used.

and Release 2

Oracle 12c All Oracle 12c drivers can be used.

Sybase SQL Anywhere

Sybase SQL Additional Information


Sybase SQL As of OnBase 14, Sybase SQL Anywhere™ versions 11.x and lower
™ are no longer supported. Sybase’s engineering support for SQL
Anywhere 12
SAP Sybase SQL Anywhere versions 11.x and lower has been retired (Sybase End of
Anywhere 16 Life Page).

Database Client / Server Version Compatibility

Due to critical issues that have been reported to Hyland Software, Hyland Software
strongly recommends that:
• your database client software version matches or exceeds the database server
version and
• you are running the most recent version of the database client.
This will help to reduce compatibility issues and minimize troubleshooting time when
issues do occur.
Your database administrator can determine the database server version and identify the
most-recent version of the database client software. The ODBC driver number indicates
which version of the database client software you are using. For example, if your
database server software is Oracle 10 Release 2, verify that the Oracle Client software is
Oracle 10 Release 2 (or later). The same is true of SQL databases. For example, if your
database server is SQL Server 2005, verify that the database client is SQL Server 2005
(or later).

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

To check your database client version, perform the following steps from the workstation
or server where the ODBC connection is configured:

1. Open your ODBC Data Source Administrator, and click on the Drivers tab.
2. Select the driver you are using to connect to your OnBase database.
• If your database server software is Oracle 10 Release 2, the version number
should appear as 10.2.[#.#.#] (or later), where 10.2 is the version number and
[#.#.#] represents the service pack.

Studio Installation
• If your database server software is any version of Microsoft SQL Server, select
Microsoft ODBC Driver 11.

The above descriptions are examples of two commonly used database version schemes.
Ensure that the supported database you use adheres to the database client/server
recommendation. In general, Hyland Software recommends that you use the most
current drivers that correspond to your system.

Hyland Software - MS Service Pack Statement

The developers of OnBase are dedicated to ensuring the monthly cumulative updates
released by Microsoft® are compatible with OnBase®. On the second Tuesday of each
month, the Quality Assurance Department of Hyland Software evaluates the cumulative
fixes released and labeled as Critical or Important by Microsoft®. The details of the
update provided by Microsoft are reviewed for interaction with OnBase® and installed
when appropriate for testing its compatibility with OnBase®. If you have questions
regarding a specific Microsoft® cumulative update and its compatibility with OnBase®,
please contact your support provider.

Third-Party Software Support

OnBase is used in conjunction with a variety of third-party software products. The
specific versions of third-party software that are supported are documented in the
requirements sections of this manual, which reflect the versions that were required at
the time this manual was published.
For up-to-date information, visit the following site:

About Virtual Environments

Hyland Software develops, tests, and supports the OnBase suite of products on specific
Operating Systems, not specific hardware configurations. When OnBase is operated in a
virtual environment (such as Citrix, VMware, Hyper-V, or Windows Remote Desktop)
there may be limitations or subtle differences imposed by the environment. The
customer and the virtual environment vendor are responsible for any interactions or
issues that arise at the Hardware or Operating System layer as a result of their use of a
virtual environment.
When it appears that a performance-related issue in OnBase is either caused by (or is
unique to) the virtual environment, organizations may be asked to validate that the
issue occurs in a non-virtual environment. Hyland Software will make this request if
there is reason to believe that the virtual environment is a contributing factor to the

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Each OnBase site is unique. Hyland Software depends on the customers who deploy
OnBase in virtual environments to do so only after careful design and adequate planning
(that takes into account the workloads of your organization), and in accordance with
recommendations provided by the virtual environment’s vendor. As with any
implementation, Hyland Software strongly recommends that any customer deploying the
OnBase solution in a virtual environment thoroughly test the solution before putting it
into production.
For information about using OnBase in a Citrix and Microsoft Windows Remote Desktop
Studio Installation

environment, please see the Citrix and Microsoft Windows Remote Desktop Environment
Deployment Guide , available from your solution provider.

64-Bit Support Statement

The OnBase suite of products is tested on 64-bit systems and is capable of being
deployed on 64-bit systems using the Windows 32-bit on Windows 64-bit Emulator
(WOW64) layer. However, OnBase modules that integrate with third-party applications
may not be able to be used with the 64-bit versions of these applications. For these
modules, only the 32-bit versions of these third-party applications are currently
supported by the OnBase integrations. Consult the module-specific requirements section
in each module reference guide for complete requirements details.
Supported database versions that are deployed on a 64-bit database server are also
supported. For more information, contact your solution provider.

Windows User Account Control Statement

Hyland Software is dedicated to ensuring that OnBase is compatible with Windows User
Account Control (UAC). UAC is a feature of Windows operating systems that was
introduced with Windows Vista. It limits the ability of standard users to make global
system changes to a workstation and prevents malicious software from making
unauthorized changes to protected areas.
For details on UAC, refer to your Microsoft support information or see http://
You may encounter UAC in OnBase when:
• Installing or uninstalling OnBase, OnBase modules, or OnBase ActiveX controls.
• Copying, moving, or saving files to the Program Files directory, Windows
directory, or another protected location.
• Modifying system-wide settings, such as the registry.
If Windows UAC is enabled, the above operations may prompt for administrator
privileges or credentials, even if an administrator is currently logged on.

Modifying Configuration Files

When UAC is enabled, administrators may be unable to modify Web.config or other
*.config files. To address this issue, the administrator should open a text editor (such as
Notepad) by right-clicking it and selecting Run as administrator. The administrator can
then open the *.config file from within the text editor. Because the text editor is running
with administrator privileges, the configuration file can be modified and saved using that

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

In order to monitor and process BPMN approval process events, the Workflow Timer
Service must be installed and configured. For more information about installation, see
the Workflow Timer Service MRG.
If you are using Workflow notifications, consult the Workflow module reference guide for
information about installing and configuring the system to send notifications.

Studio Installation

Standard (EXE or MSI) Installers — There are two methods for running OnBase
installers: Interactive and silent. An interactive installation requires user interaction with
dialog boxes during the installation process. A silent installation does not require user
interaction during the installation process.
OnBase installers may consist of both an executable file (.exe) and a Windows Installer
Package file ( .msi). When performing an interactive installation, and both an executable
file and MSI are available, use the executable file to ensure a complete installation. The
executable validates that all prerequisites are met before proceeding with the
installation. If any missing prerequisites are identified, the installer alerts the user. Most
missing prerequisites can be installed directly from the installer before continuing the
installation process.

Note: The Microsoft .NET Framework prerequisite must always be installed separately
before running either the EXE or MSI installer. The .NET Framework installer is available
from the Microsoft Download Center at

When performing a silent installation, and both an executable file and MSI are available,
use the MSI. Since the MSI package does not validate prerequisites, you must ensure
that Windows Installer 3.0 or greater is installed on each workstation and that all other
prerequisites are met before running the MSI. If any prerequisites are not met, a silent
installation from the MSI will fail without alerting the user.
For more information about configuring a silent installation, see http://
ClickOnce Installers — Some OnBase modules are installed for deployment using
ClickOnce. ClickOnce is a Microsoft technology that installs a deployment package to a
central server. This package can then be accessed by users to install the application on
their local workstations. The application is installed entirely under the user’s profile,
ensuring that it cannot interfere with other applications installed on the workstation.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

ClickOnce deployments also have the following advantages:

• Previously installed versions of the module can be easily and automatically
updated to the latest version with little or no user interaction, as long as the
deployment server and deployment instance name are not changed.
• The module is installed on a per-user basis and does not require administrator
privileges for local installation.
• There can be multiple instances of the module deployed, allowing for different
Studio Installation

versions of the module to be installed on a per-user basis, to match the version

requirements of the workstation it is being installed to.

For more information on Microsoft’s ClickOnce technology see

Note: ClickOnce-deployed applications are not supported by Microsoft within a Remote

Desktop environment.

OnBase modules that are deployed using ClickOnce should either take advantage of the
ClickOnce deployment method as an alternative to a Remote Desktop deployment, or the
module should be installed using a standard installer and deployed using the Remote
Desktop methodology.

Note: Not all OnBase modules that support ClickOnce have a standard installer available.
Contact your first line of support if you are unsure how to install and deploy a specific

For more information on Microsoft ClickOnce technology in a Remote Desktop

environment, see
For more information on Microsoft ClickOnce technology in a Citrix environment, refer to
the Citrix help files or support provided by Citrix.
User Account Control (UAC) — If Windows User Account Control (UAC) is enabled,
the installer must be run with elevated administrator privileges, even if an administrator
is currently logged on. This can be accomplished by right clicking on the installer
executable and selecting Run as Administrator from the right-click menu. MSI files cannot
be run using the Run as Administrator option. Instead, you must launch the MSI package
using the command line. For more information on installing files through the command
line, refer to your Microsoft support information or see
Silent Installation Using setup.exe — If you are running setup.exe silently from the
command line you must use the /q switch and the /CompleteCommandArgs switch,
followed by the required command-line arguments.
The q switch specifies quiet mode and is required to suppress the GUI. The
CompleteCommandArgs switch must be followed by the command-line parameters
required to configure and install the desired components.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

The complete string of command-line parameters must be included in double quotes

after the CompleteCommandArgs switch. If a parameter in the string also requires double
quotes, those quotes must be escaped using \. For example: setup.exe /q /
CompleteCommandArgs "INSTALL_PROPERTY=\"my value\" INSTALL_PROPERTY_2=\"my
value 2\"".

Note: You should check the return value of the setup.exe process. A return value of 0
(zero) indicates success. Any other value returned may indicate that an error was

Studio Installation
encountered and the installation failed.

Installing OnBase Studio

Launch the Hyland OnBase Studio installer by executing Hyland OnBase Studio.msi. The
MSI is usually located in the \install\OnBase Studio\ folder of your source installation

Note: If the installer is being copied from the source location to be run from a different
location, the entire \OnBase Studio\ folder and its contents must be copied to the new

1. The Hyland OnBase Studio installation welcome dialog is displayed.

2. Click Next. The Destination Folder dialog box is displayed.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

3. Enter the top-level installation directory in the field provided, or click Change to
browse to it.

Note: This location does not affect components not installed under the top-level
directory. If the installer provides for the installation of multiple components, the
specific installation locations of each component can be changed later in the installation
Studio Installation

If Change is clicked the Change destination folder dialog box is displayed.

Enter a Folder name in the field provided or select it from the Look in drop-down
select list, then click OK.
If the Destination Folder is not changed, the default location is used.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

4. Click Next. The Ready to install dialog is displayed.

Studio Installation
5. Select Create Desktop shortcut(s) when applicable to create shortcuts to the
installed components on in the Windows Start | All Programs | Hyland menu, on
the Windows desktop, or in both locations, when applicable.
6. Click Install to continue with the installation, or click Cancel to cancel the
7. When the installation is complete, click Finish.

Tip: In order to ensure that the required system settings take effect, it is a best practice
to restart the installing machine once the installer has finished.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Change, Repair, or Remove an Installation

After initial installation, the setup program can be used to change, repair, or remove
components from a previous installation. After launching setup.exe or the *.msi
installation package, and clicking Next at the welcome dialog, the Change, repair, or
remove installation dialog box is displayed.
Select the option for the actions you wish to perform:
Studio Installation

Option Description

Change Add or remove components using the Custom Setup dialog.

Note: This option is not available if the installer has no independently

selectable features.

The steps for adding selected components are the same as those under the
Component Selection section of the installation instructions, if applicable to
the installer.

Note: Change does not allow you to alter configuration options originally set
during a previous installation of components contained in the installer.

Repair Repair errors in the most recent installation of the component, such as
missing and corrupt files, shortcuts, and registry entries.

Note: This option is not available from all installers. Repair does not include
errors made in the configuration options set by the user during installation.
For specific troubleshooting information regarding an installed component,
see the module reference guide for that component.

Remove Removes all previously installed components.

Running the Installer From the Command Line

You can control the installation of components from the command line by passing its
feature name to the installer using the ADDLOCAL property. The values of the
configuration options available in the graphical installation wizard are passed to the
installer using the property names associated with the installer options.
This section describes the feature names and properties associated with this installer.

Note: Feature and Property names are case sensitive.

Feature Names
To install OnBase Studio, the value of the ADDLOCAL property is Workflow_Studio.
The ADDLOCAL property is added to the installation command line, as shown here:
msiexec /i "Hyland Workflow Studio.msi" ADDLOCAL=Workflow_Studio

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

When controlling the installation of components from the command line you must also
configure the settings for each component you are installing by using the properties
listed in the following table. If a property is not included, the default value is configured
for that property.

Property Description

Studio Installation
WORKFLOWSTUDIO_FILES The location to which the component files are
installed. By default, this component is installed to
C:\Program Files\Hyland\OnBase Studio\
For example:

CREATE_DESKTOP_SHORTCUTS Set to 1 to add desktop shortcuts for the installed

component, or leave empty to not add the shortcuts.
By default, this property is empty.
CREATE_MENU_SHORTCUTS Set to 1 to add program menu shortcuts for the
installed component, or leave empty to not add the
shortcuts. By default, this property is empty.
For example: CREATE_MENU_SHORTCUTS="1" or

Upgrade Considerations
The following upgrade considerations have been compiled by OnBase subject matter
experts. These upgrade considerations are general and applicable to most OnBase
solutions and network environments and should be considered each time an upgrade is
Carefully consider the impact of making any changes, including those listed below, prior
to implementing them in a production environment.
For additional general information about upgrading OnBase, refer to the Upgrade
Guidelines reference manual, and visit the OnBase Community at:

Studio Upgrade Considerations

The following information should be considered or noted when upgrading Studio
deployments. Read this information prior to upgrading your version of OnBase.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Import/Export Considerations — The following should be considered with regard to

importing and exporting in Studio:
• When using the Import/Export tool, for best results, ensure that the version
and build from which you are exporting matches the version and build to which
you are importing (i.e. used to export, used to import).
• If restoring a backed-up database, or using an export file to rapidly set up a
new environment, it is important to ensure that all the required Disk Groups
and the System Documents are already configured. When using Studio to
Studio Installation

import a configuration file, a system verification report is generated after

importing. If the System Documents are not configured properly, an error will
be displayed and the process will have to be executed again after the Disk
Groups and System Documents have been configured.

There are three main places to access log information. These include:
• The Output window in OnBase Studio.
• The Workflow Trace tab in the Workflow Timer Service Administrator interface.
• The Error and Configuration tabs in the Diagnostics Console.

These three interfaces will record errors and other activity related to OnBase Studio.
There are some configuration steps necessary for OnBase Studio to log information to
the Diagnostics Console and the Output window.
For more information about the Output window, see Output Window section. For more
information about the Workflow Timer Service Administrator interface, see the Workflow
Timer Service MRG. For more information about the Diagnostics Console, see the
Diagnostics Console MRG.

Editing the Configuration File

Enabling Diagnostics Console Logging
In order to log to the Diagnostics Console, the following must be set to true in the
obstudio.exe.config file.
<Log name="workflow-profile" enableMailSlot="true"/>
In a typical installation, this file is found in the following location:
For a 32 bit system: C:\Program Files\Hyland\OnBase Studio.
For a 64 bit system: C:\Program Files (x86)\Hyland\OnBase Studio.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Trusted Certificates
In order to help increase the security of the system, the AllowAllSSLCertificates setting is
set to False by default. This ensures that if the certificate used for an HTTPS connection
cannot be verified, then the connection is refused and users cannot log on to OnBase
Studio. To help maintain a higher level of security, it is recommended that the
AllowAllSSLCertificates setting is set to False .

Studio Installation
Language Support
OnBase Studio will respect the regional settings of a workstation. In addition, you can
set the <DisplayLanguage> setting in wfstudio.exe.config to set the interface to a specific

Note: Only the following languages have full support for generating documentation from
OnBase Studio in that language: Spanish, French, Arabic, Japanese, and Portuguese.

The following settings are available for OnBase Studio to language settings at the
application level.

Setting Name Description

The interface is displayed in the Windows default operating system
To display the interface in a language different from the default
operating system language, type the language code, such as de-DE
for German or fr-FR for French. For more information on language
codes, see

Note: This setting is commented out by default. This means that this
setting cannot be used until you remove the <!-- preceding
<DisplayLanguage> and the --> following </DisplayLanguage>.

Note: Personal Page tile names are displayed in the language that
the Unity Client interface was in at the time the tile was created. The
OnBase database collation must support the writing script of tile

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Setting Name Description

The interface displays dates, time, currency, and numeric values
using the default Windows locale settings configured in Regional and
Language Options.
To override the default Windows locale in the interface, set the
Culture to an ISO code such as de-CH for German (Switzerland).
Studio Installation

Note: This setting is commented out by default. This means that this
setting cannot be used until you remove the <!-- preceding
<Culture> and the --> following </Culture>.

Note: The <DisplayLanguage> and <Culture> settings are not

required to match, except when <DisplayLanguage> is configured
as Arabic (Saudi Arabia). When <DisplayLanguage> is configured
as ar-SA, <Culture> must also be configured as ar-SA. However,
when <Culture> is configured as ar-SA, the <DisplayLanguage> is
not required to be ar-SA.

Contacting Support
When contacting your solution provider, please provide the following information:
• The OnBase module where the issue was encountered.
• The OnBase version and build (Example:
• The type and version of the connected database, such as Microsoft SQL Server
2008 or Oracle 11g, and any Service Packs that have been installed.
• The operating system that the workstation is running on, such as Windows 10
or Windows Server 2012 R2, and any Service Packs that have been installed.
Check the supported operating systems for this module to ensure that the
operating system is supported.
• The name and version of any application related to the issue.
• The version of Internet Explorer, and any Service Packs that have been
installed, if applicable.
• A complete description of the problem, including actions leading up to the issue.
• Screenshots of any error messages.

Supplied with the above information, your solution provider can better assist you in
correcting the issue.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.

Note: This information is included for legacy purposes. When configuring new solutions,
it is recommended to use the Add Keyword Record , Compare and Copy Keyword Records for
This and Related Items , Copy Keyword Record , Copy Keyword Record from Related Item ,
Copy Keyword to Related Item, Delete Keyword Record , or Modify Keyword Record actions.

This information is pertinent to the Keyword Record - Begin and Keyword Record - End
actions. These actions avoid any ambiguity when adding keywords to documents with
Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group (MIKG). These actions should be applied when
working with documents assigned a Keyword Record Set.

Limitations and Requirements

Currently, these actions only apply to the Add Keyword action in the Classic OnBase
Client interface.
Currently, these actions only apply to the Add Keyword, Set Keyword from Property Value,
and Set Keyword Same as Entry to Queue Date actions in the Core-based interfaces. It is
not possible to modify Keyword Values within Multi-Instance Keyword Type Groups.

Procedures for Configuration

Adding keywords to documents that use a Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group leads to
ambiguity as to how the keywords should be applied. Workflow does not know initially
which keyword is to be applied to which Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group set. Below
are some examples that discuss the numerous possibilities.

The “Job Description” Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group consists of three Keyword
Types: “Position,” “Department,” and “Salary.”
The following three tasks are configured:
• “Set Position” task consists of a single action of Add Keyword type that adds
“Position” keyword = “Manager”
• “Set Department” task consists of a single action of Add Keyword type that adds
“Department” keyword = “Sales”
• “Set Salary” task consists of a single action of Add Keyword type that adds
“Salary” keyword = “40000”

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

If executed as three separate ad hoc tasks on one document, this document will have
three Job Description MIKGs:
Using Multi-Instance Groups with Keyword

• “Position” = “Manager”, “Department” and “salary” empty

• “Position” and “Salary” empty, “Department” = “Sales”
• “Position” empty, “Department” empty, “Salary” = “40000”.
Record Begin/End

If we create one ad hoc task, “Set Job Description,” consisting of these three tasks, and
execute it, then the document will have one “Job Description” record:

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

• “Manager”, “Sales”, “40000”

Using Multi-Instance Groups with Keyword

Record Begin/End
The “Name” Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group consists of two Keyword Types: “First
Name” and “Last Name.” The following actions are performed in this order:
• Begin Keyrecord
• Add Key “First Name” = “Ann”
• Add Key “Last Name” = “Brown”
• Add Key “Last Name” = “White”
• End Keyrecord

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

This will result in document having one “Name” Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group with
“First Name” = “Ann” and “Last Name” = “White”. The second value for “Last Name”
Using Multi-Instance Groups with Keyword

overrides the first.

Record Begin/End

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

If “Last Name” was not part of Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group both Keyword Values
would be added.

Using Multi-Instance Groups with Keyword

Record Begin/End

Note: Keywords created between Keyword Record - Begin and Keyword Record - End do not
yet exist, as they are not yet in the database and cannot be used for evaluation by other
Workflow Rules. The keywords created between the two actions should not be used in
other Workflow Actions or Rules.

For example, in the following sequence, the check for “State” = “Ohio” would evaluate to

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Task List:
• Action “Keyword Record - Begin” (“Address”)
Using Multi-Instance Groups with Keyword

• Action “Add Keyword”: “State” = “Ohio”

• Rule “Check KW”: If (“State” = “Ohio”) ….
• Action “Keyword Record - End”

Between “Keyword Record - Begin” and “Keyword Record - End” means “after executing
“Keyword Record - Begin” but before executing “Keyword Record - End.” The following
Record Begin/End

configuration sequences are examples of more complex sequences that are allowed:

• Keyword Record - Begin
• Some Rule
• On Success:
Some Actions
Keyword Record - End
• On Failure:
Another Rule
On Success:
Some Action
Keyword Record - End
• On Failure:
Keyword Record - End
• Task List1
• Task List 2
• Keyword Record - Begin
• Task List 3
• Keyword Record - End
However to prevent ambiguity, it is strongly recommended that the whole sequence
(“Begin”, “Add Keyword”, “Add Another Keywords”, “End”) be in one place whenever
possible and not overly nested.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.

The following best practice recommendations have been assembled by a team of OnBase
subject matter experts. They represent the accumulation of years of experience
installing and configuring OnBase solutions.
The following recommendations are general in nature, and are applicable to most
OnBase solutions and network environments. Depending on your solution design and
your organization’s needs, not all of the best practice recommendations listed below may
apply to, or be recommended for, your OnBase solution.
Carefully consider the impact of making any changes, including those listed below, to
your OnBase solution prior to implementing them in a production environment.
This section describes some best practices for the design and implementation of
Workflow solutions. Best practices have been divided into the following categories:
• General Design
• General Performance
• Filters and Filter Rules
• Keywords and Properties
• Scripting
• Timers
• E-Forms and User Forms
• Servers
• Load Balancing and Ownership
• Working with the Document Transfer Module

General Design
The following best practices are general design choices that are recommended.
• Always design the process before configuring the solution.
• Testing changes is necessary. Creating and maintaining a test environment is
important to fully test out changes before implementing them in the production
system. Once changes are created in the production system, another test
should be performed in the production system.
• Always use the Workflow Search to search for rules, actions, or tasks before making
any modifications to existing logic.
• Use the Core-based user interface in the OnBase Client.
• Use nesting 3 levels deep or less when configuring actions and rules. This affects
memory consumption and ease of maintenance. Avoid nesting if possible.
• Create naming conventions for queues. Use prefixes when naming queues.
• It is preferable to transition items as part of timer work or ad hoc tasks rather than
system work or load balancing work. This is particularly true when an item might
transition multiple times before reaching its final destination.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

• Use the “Edit Comments” option to include useful notes and record change
• In discovery, identify bottlenecks. Identifying bottlenecks in a process can help to
not only create an effective Workflow solution, but it can improve the
underlying process.
• Design Workflow around user groups/roles. Try to avoid using individual users.
Workflow Best Practices

• Design Workflow so that items are not edited outside of Workflow at the same time.
Items in Workflow should not be edited outside of Workflow at the same time as
they are being processed within Workflow.
• Use functional Life Cycles to encapsulate code. The purpose of functional life
cycles is to encapsulate logic that is used in multiple locations.
• Implement a garbage collection queue. One should always delete Keyword Values
that are no longer needed outside of Workflow. Fewer records in keyword tables
improve query performance.
• Put the most probable answer first. If there are a series of rules that determine
which action to take on the document, the most probable logic should be
evaluated first. This prevents unnecessary work from being performed on every
document exposed to that logic. Determining the most probable path can be
accomplished by working with the business process owner or by running reports
at a later time.
• Use intuitive task sequences. Use intuitive task sequences and names that are
efficient for users. A simple thing like ordering tasks from most probable to
least probable will save a lot of processing over time.
• Break processing when all work is complete. In the context of a business process,
there are many logic structures that should stop processing when certain
conditions are met. There are two methods to break processing: the Break
Processing action and the Break On functionality, which exists as part of every
task list configuration.
• Consider breaking a potential high volume queue into multiple queues. By breaking
a high volume queue into two (2) or more queues, there will be better
distribution and potentially enable the optimizer to still use the index and avoid
a full database table scan.
• Purge documents in Document Maintenance. When a document is deleted from
OnBase, it first goes into Document Maintenance. Document Maintenance is
similar to a recycling bin where documents can be recovered if necessary or
completely removed from the system. For this reason, one could still have a
high volume queue from a database perspective even if only a small number of
documents are visible in the queue via the client. By purging the documents in
Document Maintenance, the system removes all records associated with the
document from the system, which potentially eliminates high volume queues.
• OnBase is a document repository, Workflow is not. Documents should not sit in a
single queue within a Workflow process for a long period of time.
• Consider using a trigger document to avoid high volume queues. E-Forms can be
used to avoid high volume queues. For instance, if a business process requires
documents to re-enter Workflow at a much later date, consider using a proxy
document that rests in a queue and represents the group of documents to be
brought back into a workflow process. Typically, documents that need to re-
enter Workflow at a specific time are triggered by a future date. This date can
be stored in a keyword value on the documents required at the appropriate time

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

and removed from Workflow. To reinsert the documents into Workflow, simply
create an E-Form having the same trigger date keyword as the returning
documents. Add this E-Form to a Workflow queue containing a timer configured
to execute once daily. When the timer executes, the trigger date keyword is
updated with the current date. Execute a related document search for those
documents with the current date. Locate and add these documents to their
respective life cycles.

Workflow Best Practices

• When items have finished moving through a workflow process, remove them from
Workflow. Do not keep items in a "Final" Queue indefinitely. If it is necessary for
certain items to re-enter the workflow process, add them back into the process.
• Implement hot keys for ad hoc tasks. If a user is keyboard-centric, consider
configuring hot key functionality for ad hoc tasks. To create a hot key on a
particular ad hoc task, simply place an ampersand (“&”) in front of the
character used for the hot key.
• Create help text in configuration. Creating help text in configuration helps to
document design choices and life cycle functionality.
• Complete the help text for workflow components. Deploying an intuitive solution
creates an environment that encourages maximum efficiency. Entering help text
information at the Workflow component level clearly identifies and relates to
the business purposes of the life cycle, queue, or ad hoc task.
• Increase the user’s screen real estate. When working with electronic documents,
users can feel restricted when trying to view documents side by side to see all
the information needed to make a business decision. It is important to provide
users with maximum screen real estate. In the Core-based Workflow interface,
consider using pinning to hide/close windows that are not in focus.
• Off load work if no user input or feedback is required. If an ad hoc task does not
require any type of user input or user response and performs a heavy load
processing, consider off loading the work to a queue with a timer.
• Document the solution effectively and ensure that the documentation is up to date
and made available to the organization.
• Calendars: It is recommended that a single Business Calendar be used for the
sole purpose of timers and rules in Workflow. This Calendar will be applied to a
life cycle.
• Multi-Instance Keyword Type Groups: It is recommended to keep tasks that
modify Multi-Instance Keyword Type Groups simple. When modifying Multi-
Instance Keyword Type groups, it is recommended to use the following actions:
Add Keyword Record , Compare and Copy Keyword Records for This and Related
Items , Copy Keyword Record , Copy Keyword Record from Related Item, Copy
Keyword to Related Item , Delete Keyword Record , and Modify Keyword Record .

Note: The Keyword Record - Begin and Keyword Record - End actions are only maintained
for legacy purposes and should not be used when configuring new solutions.

• Import Processors: When using an Import Processor to import documents, add

the documents to a life cycle that is not a Unity life cycle and does not have
System Work or Load Balancing Work configured in the initial queue. Do not use
Core-based Workflow to add the imported items to Workflow.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

• System Tasks: System tasks that require user interaction are supported in the
Unity Client interface. System tasks that require user interaction are not
supported in all other Core-based interfaces. When using the Classic Client
interface, it is not recommended to configure system tasks that require user
• Create New Form action: If the Display for Input option is selected when using
Workflow Best Practices

this action as a System Task, it is required for the Workflow user interface to be
open in the background. It is recommended that the Display Related Document
action be used instead of this option under this circumstance.
• Autofill Keyword Set on This Document action: When using the Classic Client
interface, it is recommended that the Replace Secondary Values When Only One
Instance Exists option is used only if has been determined that documents only
have one value for each Keyword Type. If there are two or more secondary
values on a document and the action is configured to Replace Secondary Value
When Only One Value Exists , the Classic Client interface does not know which
value to replace and the user will not know which value has been replaced.
• Print Related Document and Print This Document actions: When used in system
work and the documents are brought into the system using the Fax Import
Integration for Captaris RightFax or Integration for Open Text Fax Server,
RightFax Edition modules and a local printer is used, this action will not
function. If you want to use this action in system work with the Fax Import
Integration for Captaris RightFax or Integration for Open Text Fax Server,
RightFax Edition modules, it is recommended that you use a network printer. If
you must use a local printer, you can configure this action using a timer and the
OnBase Client running as a Timer Server.
• Create or Update Agenda Item from Document action: It is considered a best
practice to check the resulting property value immediately after the SYS -
Create or Update Agenda Item from Document action is executed by configuring
the following rules: Check Last Execution Result and Check Property Value.
Configure the Check Last Execution Result to verify that the Create or Update
Agenda Item from Document action occurred. Configure the Check Property Value
rule to use the property value that was set by the Property to Store Agenda Item
Primary Key in the Create or Update Agenda Item from Document action.

General Performance
The following best practices are related directly to system performance.
• Break on success/failure to speed up keyword checks.
• During DIP/TIP processing, add documents to Workflow on commit.
• Keeping queue counts low enhances performance.
• Select the option to Hide Document Count. If a user does not need a count of
documents in the queue, check the option to Hide Document Count. This saves
system overhead incurred from calculating the correct number of documents,
which becomes complex when load balancing and filters are configured.
• Only use queue refresh rates when absolutely necessary. By default, the refresh
queue setting is set to 0 which disables the system from automatically
refreshing the queue count and document hit list. This setting is measured in
seconds and should be used with extreme caution if enabled. There is a
significant amount of work performed when documents are retrieved and
document counts are being processed by the system.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

• Disable Logging if the log entries are not needed for an audit trail. Writing to the
Workflow log happens whenever a document enters and exits a queue. If this
information is not needed, check the box to Disable Logging at the queue level.
• Do not use the Refresh tree counters setting with the Core-based Workflow
interface. To achieve optimal performance, it is recommended that this option
not be used with the Core-based OnBase Client interface. Using this option with

Workflow Best Practices

the Core-based interface will consume a greater share of network, database,
and Application Server resources.

Related Documents
The following best practices are related to work folders and related documents.
• The configured work folder for displaying related documents should only contain
necessary documents. The folder should only display those documents the user
needs to see every time a document is selected. Users often want all possible
related documents to display rather than those they most commonly use;
therefore, it is easy to overlook this performance overhead because folders are
easy to configure and contribute to a rich user experience. If the user wants a
large number of documents across many Document Types to display in the work
folder, consider using either cross references or the Set Folder and Template
action behind an ad hoc task to toggle the work folder and allow the user to see
all documents.
• Consider speed of related document searches: Document Handle = Fastest,
Document Type = Fast, Folder Type = Slow
• Limit the number of related document searches. When executing multiple rules
and actions against a related document, consider using the Use Related
Documents for Tasks functionality. This functionality forces OnBase to switch
focus to the related documents and execute the logic under the true path of the
rule. This option exists on any rule checking for the existence of a related
document. When using this functionality, the system queries for the related
documents once rather than querying for the same related documents for each
rule and action executed against the related document.
• Whenever possible, use the Document Handle to search for related documents. The
uniqueness of a related document query is extremely important to performance
as a unique query enables the database to pull the result set quickly and
efficiently. Therefore, the searching for related documents by Document Handle
is the most efficient way to return a set of related documents. A Document
Handle query does not need to query against any keyword table.
• When available, use the “Require All Common Keywords Present On Primary
Document” option for related document rules and actions. This can prevent
unexpected documents from being processed if a lookup keyword is missing
from the primary document.
• Only query for related documents when needed. In most programming contexts, if
the software attempts to access a nonexistent object, an error is generated. In
OnBase Workflow, that object is usually a document. When performing work
against a related document (like updating a keyword value), there is no need to
first check that the related document exists, just attempt the update. If the
related document does not exist, no work is performed.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Filters and Filter Rules

The following best practices are related to filters and filter rules.
• Do not assign multiple keywords to filter for performance.
• When configuring a custom query to be used as a Filter, it is recommended that the
query be configured for Document Type and not Keyword Type. It is recommended
Workflow Best Practices

that Custom Queries used as Workflow filters do not use the By Keyword option.
Instead, the By Document Type option should be used whenever possible.
• Only check Display Filtered Document Count when truly necessary. Displaying the
filtered document count should only be checked if the user must know the
number of documents returned by the filter. By default, this functionality is
disabled to ensure that this best practice is implemented. The system incurs
significant overhead when calculating document counts in addition to retrieving
the list of documents.
• When using filters, limit the number of display and sort columns: The system must
perform extensive logic and database processing to display the documents in a
filtered hit list. Limit the scope of filters to 2 to 3 columns to minimize the hit on
performance. Also, when columns are configured to allow sorting, the system
must perform additional logic to determine the sort order. Ensure that the
configured display columns are truly needed and that the user will truly be
sorting documents against those columns. Consider grouping the Keyword
Types used as filter columns into a Keyword Type Group.
• Keep filter rules to a minimum.
• Filter rules should be quick and responsive. Avoid including long-running scripts or
any other long-running rules.

Keywords and Properties

The following best practices are related to keyword and property configuration and
• Use workflow properties rather than keywords, to store temporary values. Reading
and writing keyword values requires database access, and is much slower than
reading and writing property values, which are store in memory. Only use
keywords for values that need to persist beyond the end of the current session.
• Use Single Table Keyword Types. If an Alphanumeric Keyword is needed on a
Document Type that is associated with Workflow, a Single Table Alphanumeric
Keyword Type should be configured and used.
• Use Keyword Type Groups when possible. Workflow performance can be
significantly increased by grouping Keyword Types into Keyword Type Groups.
Please note that thorough analysis and design should be conducted for
converting to or creating Keyword Type Groups. Keyword Type Groups allow
OnBase to retrieve necessary information about a document (whether primary
or related) in a quick and efficient manner. To increase the speed of keyword
loads, consider changing your Keyword Type structures to limit the amount of
work that it takes to load the keywords for the document.
• Consider Speed of Keyword Types: Dual Table = Slow, Single Table = Fast,
Keyword Type Group = Fastest

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

• Limit the number of keywords on the driving document. Take extra care when
creating keywords and associating keywords with the driving document. A large
number of keywords (40 or more) on the driving document will directly impact
Workflow performance if the keywords are not structured appropriately. If a
large number of keywords are required, consider using a Keyword Type Group.
• Limit the number of updates/deletes of keywords. If a value needs to be stored for

Workflow Best Practices

temporary purposes, consider using the property bag as a temporary storage
location. Every update or deletion of a keyword value is a write back out to the
• Limit the number of keyword loads. There are a variety of other variables that can
be used to track and evaluate documents in Workflow (Properties, Notes,
Document Type, Queues, Life Cycles, etc.).
• When using document processing modules and entering documents into Workflow
on commit, using a status keyword on documents can prevent documents from
entering Workflow more than once. In the event that a commit process fails,
when a the incomplete commit batch is manually committed, the entire batch is
committed and some documents may re-enter Workflow. If a status keyword is
used, the status keyword determines where in Workflow documents belong.

The following best practices are related to scripting.
• Avoid scripting. Always use existing functionality and contact Hyland Software if
a feature that requires scripting is reoccurring. Do not script what OnBase can
already do. OnBase has rich native functionality. Prior to writing a script, ensure
that existing functionality cannot already accomplish the task.
• When running scripts on form load, ensure they are tuned for optimal performance.
Limit the amount of work performed by a script executing at load time. A
complex script that needs to run every time a user selects a document can be
seen as slow performance by a user. If a script is loading a significant amount of
information or performing a number of validations, consider allowing the user to
request the information rather than load it every time. For instance, if using a
multi-tabbed E-Form, consider populating the data on the non-active tabs only
when the tab becomes active. This saves time when loading the form.
• Off load a script to the Workflow Server if the script is performing resource intensive
functions. If a script is performing processing-intensive operations, consider off
loading the script to run behind a timer on the Workflow Server. This releases
the process-initiating machine to continue processing the work it was designed
to handle.
• If a script is not updating keywords, use the “Run Script Without Document” action.
If the configured script does not update keywords on the document there is no
need to reload the keywords from the database after script execution.
• It is a best practice to always use the Refresh document after script has executed
option in the Run Unity Script action and rule if altering keyword data via a
script and using any subsequent actions/rules within the same task list that
may need to use the most recent keyword data.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

The following best practices are related to timer configuration and usage.
• Use the Workflow Timer Service for its multi-threaded functionality. By using the
Workflow Timer Service, one can have timers executing simultaneously on the
same machine. This avoids the sequential, serial processing capabilities of the
Workflow Server OnBase Client which is limited to one thread of execution,
Workflow Best Practices

which could potentially cause the timers to wait for processing on the single
threaded machine.
• Dedicate multiple machines to monitor and execute timers, when necessary. If a
Workflow deployment is performing extensive logic behind timers, consider off
loading the timers to different machines. Many smaller Workflow deployments
with less intensive work performed behind timers may not require multiple
machines. When testing and analysis indicates that timers are consuming
excessive processing power on a machine, consider adding another machine to
distribute processing load.
• Use timers to off load work. Consider sending a document to a queue where a
timer will execute from the Workflow Server. It is not necessary to keep the
user waiting until the document completes processing when no user input is
• Use the Workflow Timer Service for timers.
• Create realistic timer work intervals.
• Before deleting a queue, it is recommended to remove timers from the queue
configuration from the Workflow System Monitor in the OnBase Client or the
Workflow Timer Service Administrator. If timers are configured for a queue that is
going to be deleted, it is recommended to make sure that the timers associated
with the queue to be deleted are removed from the Workflow System Monitor in
the OnBase Client or the Workflow Timer Service Administrator, depending on
the method being used to monitor timers.
• Configure “Every” timer intervals with care. When configuring an “Every” timer,
take special note of how frequently the timer needs to fire. Do not have the
timer fire every five (5) minutes if the business process requires that it only
needs to fire every one (1) hour.
• Configure Timer Execution Windows: If one is using an “Every” or “After” timer,
consider using a Timer Execution Window to limit when the timer will actually
fire. For instance, if the timer only needs to run during business hours,
configure an Execution Window from 8 AM to 5 PM. This frees database capacity
for those processes that may already be running overnight (import processes,
third party updates, Autofill Keyword Set imports, etc).
• Use a Timer in Initial Queues. Initial queues should be configured to run all
system work behind a timer in most scenarios. This ensures that all import
processes are separated from Workflow logic and enables the import machine to
perform at a higher level.
• Do not let documents sit in a timer queue indefinitely. When a timer executes, the
document should leave the queue in most cases.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

• Use the “At Certain Time” timer versus “Every” 1 Day/24 Hours timer. When the
Workflow Server is restarted, “Every” timers will be reset and count down from
the original interval (1 Day/24 Hours). If an “At Certain Time” timer is used,
when the Workflow Server is restarted, the existing timer count will be
• Use “After” timers with care. The main point to consider with an “After” timer is

Workflow Best Practices

that an “After” timer configured for after four (4) minutes is actually polling (to
check elapsed time a document has been in the queue) every one (1) minute.
An “After” timer configured for after five (5) days is polling every five (5)
minutes. Even though the system is polling regularly, it only executes the
defined tasks under the timer when documents are returned. There are very
few business cases that require an “After” timer. If one is considering using an
“After” timer, evaluate if one could use an “At Certain Time” or “Every” timer
that has Workflow logic configured to first check “has this document been in the
queue for X interval” (Key-Check Date Keyword on this/Related Document) and
then perform the work if true.

E-Forms and User Forms

The following best practices are related to E-Forms and user forms.
• Limit the number of fields on an E-Form. E-Forms are a very powerful tool which
make it is easy to expand the amount of information stored on the form. The
more fields on the form, the longer it takes to load.
• Perform data validation on the E-Form rather than with Workflow logic. Performing
data validation should be handled on the E-Form with simple scripting rather
than performing the validation within OnBase Workflow. The scripting runs on
the client and is lightweight compared to performing the similar logic behind
Workflow rules and actions (which may update the database and add overhead
to perform the logic).
• Limit the Number of HTML Fields on the driving document if it is an E-Form. When
the document driving a Workflow process is an E-Form with many HTML fields,
loading the document can directly impact performance as OnBase must parse
the HTML fields and extract the correct field values from post data stored in the
Disk Groups.
• Exchange information between user forms and Workflow using the property bag. In
OnBase versions 7.2 and higher, user form fields can be mapped to property
bag values using the following naming convention:
OB_WFPROPERTY_PropertyName_InstanceNumber. This allows for an efficient
exchange of information between Workflow Logic and user forms using the
property bag. Using the property bag in this way avoids database processing
• Always appropriately configure buttons. Default submit button functionality is
processed as “OBBtn_Yes” when an E-Form is used in Workflow and a button
function is not specified otherwise. Prior to OnBase 9.2, buttons that were not
configured specifically as submission buttons would function as cancel buttons.
In 9.2 and beyond, you must configure appropriate cancel buttons, as button
not specifically configured will be processed as a “yes” submit button.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

The following best practices are related to the Web Server, Application Server, or the
Workflow Server.
• Consider using a mechanism for distributing the load. Load distribution tools are
very useful for optimizing Web Server performance in larger implementations.
The Web Server handles all requests from Web Clients (Workflow Client and
Workflow Best Practices

traditional Web Client). A large number of Workflow users and Workflow logic
operating in an insufficiently configured web environment is a significant
performance hazard.
• Consider having a separate Web Server for Workflow Users. Direct Workflow users
to a different web site on a different web server. Build the OnBase Web Server
on two different machines and serve user processing needs appropriately to
distribute the load.
• Separate the Application Server from the Web Server. While it is possible to use
the existing Web Server as the Application Server, it is not advised. By pointing
the Application Server to the existing Web Server, all Workflow logic execution
is performed by the Web Server whether requests are coming from the Web
Client or OnBase Client. In addition to executing Workflow logic, the Web
Server is processing requests from non-Workflow users in the Web Client.
Because the combined processing load can be extremely heavy, the Application
Server should be deployed on a separate machine.
• Ensure the Web Server is a powerful machine. When using a single machine, the
OnBase Web Server should be equipped to handle the combined load of web
users and Workflow users. Increase the hardware resources on the machine to
ensure maximum performance.
• Increase Processing Power of Web Server/Application Server/Workflow Server. In
the Web Environment, Workflow related and general OnBase processing is
performed on the Web Server; therefore, it is essential for the Web Server to be
configured to handle such loads. The Application Server functions very similarly
to the Web Server except that it is dedicated to handling Workflow logic alone
and does not also have to provide processing resources for custom queries,
foldering, etc. The Application Server should be a powerful machine. By
increasing the power of the Application Server, Workflow users will be able to
process more work more quickly. Workflow Servers (machines that monitor
Workflow timers) should be powerful machines to handle all timer work
• Off load work from machines not dedicated to handling such loads. If there is
system work or ad hoc tasks that are performing intense activities against the
document, one should off load the work to the Workflow Server. This enables
the machine that initiated the work to “hand off” the work and dedicate system
resources to those tasks it was designed to handle.
• Recycle the Application Pool after making configuration changes in OnBase when
using Core-based Workflow. Recycling the Application Pool immediately ends all
user sessions. For this reason, it is recommended to perform this operation
during non-peak or off-hours.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Load Balancing and Ownership

The following best practices are related to load balancing and ownership.
• It is recommended to Load Balance by User Group or Role rather than by individual
User. Load Balancing by User Group reduces bottlenecks and needs less

Workflow Best Practices

• Consider using Ownership instead of Load Balancing if you are using User-based
Load Balancing. This ensures that individual users have exclusive access to
items. With Ownership, there is no administrative overhead of making sure the
Load Balanced members are up to date, or needing to manually re-balance
queues because different users work at different rates.
• Consider using Ownership in conjunction with Load Balancing to distribute items
most efficiently. Load Balance by User Group or Role to deliver items that each
user is entitled to perform work on, then use Ownership to give each user
exclusive access to the particular items they are actively working on.
• When using Match Keyword to User Name, delete the Keyword Value from the
document as it exits Workflow. When the document exits Workflow, delete any
Keyword Value that was used for load balancing purposes. Deleting the Keyword
Value helps manage the size of the keyword table, and thus controls
performance over time. If deleting the Keyword Value is not an option, as it
must remain on the document for reporting or retrieval purposes, consider
purging documents in Document Maintenance.
• It is recommended that actions that require user interaction not be used as load
balancing work.
• Use a Load Balance Keyword Type throughout the Workflow. If the keyword cannot
be removed when the document exits Workflow, add another keyword to the
driving Document Type called LB User. When the document enters a queue,
simply copy the user name from the keyword that must remain on the
document to the LB User keyword and configure load balancing to use the LB
User keyword. When the document exits Workflow, delete the LB User keyword.
• Consider using Rules Based Load Balancing rather than Match Keyword to User
Name. When assigning work to a user whose name is defined in a keyword
value, consider using Rules Based Load Balancing instead of Match Keyword to
User Name. When implementing Rules Based Load Balancing, one can utilize
the task Assign to User, which allows one to assign the document to a user
whose name is defined in a keyword. Rules Based Load Balancing is a static
form of load balancing; therefore, it is much faster than Match Keyword to User
Name. When using Match Keyword to User Name, be aware of potential
performance impacts. When a solution is first deployed, the database is
typically small and performance issues are not exposed. Over time, the table
structures in the database grow and it is important to manage them for optimal
performance. Consider the number of users processing documents in Workflow
and the growing number of documents traveling through Workflow over time.
The number of users may be small in relation to the number of documents in
the system, but as the number of documents grows, the number of documents
with user names on them also grows. As the process continues, the keyword
table eventually contains millions of records. When there are only one hundred
(100) unique user names scattered across millions of documents, data
redundancy occurs and significantly impedes performance.
• Avoid transitions in load balancing work. I f you must transition in load balancing
work, set a property and transition in system work instead.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

• When an item leaves a queue, clear any load balancing assignments, unless there
exists a good business reason to maintain them. If it is desired to ensure the same
user works on an item, use the last owner rather than the last Load Balancing

Working with the Document Transfer Module

Workflow Best Practices

When configuring a Workflow life cycle at the receiving site for documents received in a
Document Transfer package, do not configure the life cycle to update Keyword Type
values on the received documents.
This is because the documents and document metadata are actually managed by the
sending site and those values are always updated at the receiving site with the
information from the sending site, if the values differ when the package is received and
If a document you are receiving requires a certain Keyword Type value that is different
at the sending site, you must request that the sending site map that Keyword Type to a
static value that contains the value you require.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.

Workflow Data Provider Types

Note: The Workflow data provider types are only available to systems licensed for

Data providers return from a data source information to be displayed in a dashboard.

New dashboards cannot be used unless at least one data provider is added to it.

Note: For information about using dashboards, see the Reporting Dashboards module
reference guide.

The Create Data Provider Wizard is used to create new data providers. The process is the
same for copying an existing data provider or creating a completely new data provider,
except the options are pre-configured with the information from the data provider that
was copied if you choose to copy an existing data provider. The pre-configured options
for copied data providers can be changed or edited to reflect the requirements of the
new data provider, unless otherwise noted.
The configuration process depends on the data provider type selected. This table
describes the data provider types available for systems with Workflow licensed.

Data Provider Type Description

Workflow Activity Returns data on how items move through Workflow

queues. See Adding a Workflow Activity Data Provider
Type on page 979.
Workflow Configuration Returns data on how Workflow queues are configured. See
Adding a Workflow Configuration Data Provider Type on
page 994.
Workflow Inbox Returns data about items currently in a Workflow inbox. See
Adding a Workflow Inbox Data Provider Type on page

Adding a Workflow Activity Data Provider Type

The Workflow activity data provider type returns data on how items move through
Workflow queues. This includes data on the time each items spends in a Workflow
queue, including the time the item entered a specific Workflow queue, when the item
exited the Workflow queue, and which Workflow queue it was transitioned to. You can
also report on when ad hoc tasks were executed.

The Create Data Provider Wizard is used to create new data providers. Data providers
return data from a data source to be displayed in a dashboard. New dashboards cannot
be used unless at least one data provider is added to it.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

To create a new data provider:

1. Launch the Create Data Provider Wizard by clicking the Create new Data Provider
Workflow Data Provider Configuration

button on the Data Provider Administration ribbon of the Unity Client:

It can also be launched by clicking the Create new data provider button on the Data
Providers tab of the dashboard Properties dialog box:

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

2. At the How would you like to create the data provider? dialog box:
• Click Create new Data Provider to create a completely new data provider.
• Click Copy an existing Data Provider to use an existing data provider as the

Workflow Data Provider Configuration

template for a new data provider. The process is the same as creating a
completely new data provider except the options are pre-configured with the
information from the data provider that was copied. The pre-configured options
can be changed or edited to reflect the requirements of the new data provider,
unless otherwise noted.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

3. If you clicked Create new Data Provider, the What would you like to name this data
provider? dialog box is displayed.
If you clicked Copy an existing Data Provider, the Select the data provider to copy
Workflow Data Provider Configuration

from dialog box is displayed. Select the data provider to copy then click Next. The
What would you like to name this data provider? dialog box is displayed.

Note: When a data provider is copied, the options in the remaining dialog boxes are pre-
configured with the information from the data provider that was copied. Unless
otherwise noted, the pre-configured options can be changed or edited to reflect the
requirements of the new data provider.

4. Type a name for the data provider in the Name field. The name should be unique
and allow the data provider to be easily distinguished from other data providers.
5. Type a brief description of the data provider in the Description field. The
description should briefly explain what the data provider is and what type of data
a user can expect to retrieve from it.
6. Select Log data provider execution to include the elapsed time of data retrieval and
runtime parameter information for this data provider in the History log. Data
requests for the data provider are always logged in the history even if this option
is deselected.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

7. Click Next. The Select the type of data you would like to report on dialog box is

Workflow Data Provider Configuration

Note: If you copied an existing data provider this dialog box is not displayed. You cannot
change the data provider type for copied data providers.

Note: The data providers available depend on the modules licensed for your system. The
Custom SQL Query and Document Query data provider types are available to all systems
with Workflow.

8. Select Workflow Activity.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

9. Click Next. The Select options on how the data provider retrieves data dialog box is
Workflow Data Provider Configuration

10. Select one or more of the data options:

• Transition Reporting: Returns data on the time it takes for items to transition
through Workflow based on when items entered and exited queues.
• Ad Hoc Task Reporting: Returns data on the execution of ad hoc tasks. In order
for Ad Hoc Task Reporting to return data, logging must be enabled for the
execution of ad hoc tasks. Logging can be enabled for tasks in Workflow or later
in this data provider creation process.

Note: If Transition Reporting and Ad Hoc Task Reporting are both selected, the data
provider only includes transition data for queues that contain the configured ad hoc
tasks. With both selected, you cannot select queues for transition reporting separate
from ad hoc task reporting.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

11. If Transition Reporting is selected, select the unit of time to return measurements
in from the Unit of Measurement for Time in Queue drop-down select list.
You can also select Respect Life Cycle’s Business Calendar to have the time-in-

Workflow Data Provider Configuration

queue calculations take into the business calendar configured in Workflow for the
life cycle.

12. Click Next. The Queue Selection dialog box is displayed showing all the Workflow
life cycles available.

Note: Only the life cycles and queues you have access to are displayed. Pre-configured
queues you do not have access to are disabled.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

13. Select the queues or ad hoc tasks to return data for. Select the life cycle to
automatically select all of the queues in that life cycle, or click the arrow beside
the life cycle to select specific queues within the life cycle.
Workflow Data Provider Configuration

Note: If you selected Ad Hoc Task Reporting, selecting the queue selects all ad hoc tasks
in that queue. To select individual ad hoc tasks, click the arrow beside the queue to
select specific tasks within the queue.

To select all life cycles and queues or ad hoc tasks, click All at the bottom of the
dialog box. To clear all selections, click None .

Note: If Transition Reporting and Ad Hoc Task Reporting are both selected, the data
provider only includes transition data for queues that contain the selected ad hoc tasks.
With both selected, you cannot select queues for transition reporting separate from ad
hoc task reporting.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

14. Click OK. The Select items you would like to report on dialog box is displayed,
showing the life cycles and queues or ad hoc tasks you selected.

Workflow Data Provider Configuration

15. Select additional options at the lower left of the Select items you would like to
report on dialog box (the additional options available depend on the data retrieval
options selected):
• Prompt users to select queues at runtime: Allow users to select the life cycles and
queues to include in the results when the dashboard is accessed by them.
• Prompt users to select ad hoc tasks at runtime: Allow users to select the life cycles
and ad hoc tasks to include in the results when the dashboard is accessed by

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

• Enable Log Execution for the configured tasks: Include the elapsed time of data
retrieval and runtime parameter information for configured ad hoc tasks in the
History log.
Workflow Data Provider Configuration

Note: In order for Ad Hoc Task Reporting to return data, logging must be enabled for the
execution of ad hoc tasks. Logging for tasks can be enabled here or in Workflow.

To change life cycle and queue or ad hoc task selections, click the Select Queues
or Select Ad Hoc Tasks button to display the Queue Selection dialog box.

Note: If Prompt users to select queues at runtime or Prompt users to select ad hoc tasks at
runtime is selected, any previously added queues or ad hoc tasks are removed and the
Select... button is disabled.

16. Click Next. The Provide default values for the runtime parameters dialog box is
displayed. Parameters that require default values are noted in the warning text at
the top of the dialog box.

17. Enter any default values for the runtime parameters.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

18. Click Next. The Choose the display columns for the data provider dialog box is

Workflow Data Provider Configuration

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

19. Select a display column to include it in the results or deselect it to hide it.

Note: In order for users to be able to open a Workflow object directly from a dashboard,
Workflow Data Provider Configuration

the corresponding ID Keyword must be included as a display column.

Click None to deselect all display columns or click All to select all display columns.

Tip: A preview of the type of data that is returned with the display columns selected is
displayed in the preview pane at the right of the list of display columns. If the data
returned is not acceptable, select different display columns or click Previous to
reconfigure previous aspects of the data provider.

20. To reorder the display columns, drag-and-drop the column headings in the
preview pane to put them in the desired order.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

21. To rename a display column, double click it in the list and type the new name in
the field provided. Click anywhere outside the field to save the changes.

Workflow Data Provider Configuration

22. Click Next. The Who should have access to the data provider? dialog box is

23. To grant access to a new user, click Add. The Select Users dialog box is displayed.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16
Workflow Data Provider Configuration

Tip: To show only users, select Specific User from the drop-down select list, and to show
only user groups, select User Group from the drop-down select list. To find a specific user
or user group, type the first few letters of the name or the full name in the Find... field
and the list is filtered accordingly. To show only previously selected users, select Only
Show Selected Items at the bottom of the main pane.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

24. To select a user, move the cursor over that user’s row and select the checkbox
that is displayed.

Workflow Data Provider Configuration

To remove a user’s access, deselect the checkbox beside the user’s name.

Note: Access cannot be changed for the owner.

25. Click OK at the Select Users dialog box to save your user selections.

Caution: When a dashboard that uses the configured data provider is accessed by a user,
data for all configured items (e.g., Document Types or Workflow queues) is returned even if
the user accessing the dashboard does not have access to those items in OnBase.

26. To remove users or user groups, right-click the user’s name and select Remove .
You are not prompted to confirm this action.

Note: Access for the user account that created the data provider cannot be removed or
changed. The data provider creator always has the full access to the data provider.

27. To change a user’s access level, right-click the user’s name in the list and select
Full Control :
• If the user currently has Execute Only access, they are granted Full Control.
• If the user currently has Full Control, their access level is reduced to Execute
Full Control allows the user to configure the settings for the data provider,
including user access. Execute Only allows the user to use, but not configure, the
data provider.

Note: The owner is the user who created the data provider. Access cannot be changed for
the owner.

28. Click Next. The Summary dialog box is displayed. Review the information in main
pane to confirm that the data provider is correctly configured. If not, click
Previous to return to the various configuration dialog boxes so that changes can
be made.
29. Click Finish . The data provider is saved and is available for use with dashboards.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Adding a Workflow Configuration Data Provider Type

The Workflow configuration data provider type returns data on how Workflow queues are
Workflow Data Provider Configuration

configured as either a standard or load-balancing report.

The Create Data Provider Wizard is used to create new data providers. Data providers
return data from a data source to be displayed in a dashboard. New dashboards cannot
be used unless at least one data provider is added to it.
To create a new data provider:

1. Launch the Create Data Provider Wizard by clicking the Create new Data Provider
button on the Data Provider Administration ribbon of the Unity Client:

It can also be launched by clicking the Create new data provider button on the Data
Providers tab of the dashboard Properties dialog box:

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

2. At the How would you like to create the data provider? dialog box:
• Click Create new Data Provider to create a completely new data provider.
• Click Copy an existing Data Provider to use an existing data provider as the

Workflow Data Provider Configuration

template for a new data provider. The process is the same as creating a
completely new data provider except the options are pre-configured with the
information from the data provider that was copied. The pre-configured options
can be changed or edited to reflect the requirements of the new data provider,
unless otherwise noted.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

3. If you clicked Create new Data Provider, the What would you like to name this data
provider? dialog box is displayed.
If you clicked Copy an existing Data Provider, the Select the data provider to copy
Workflow Data Provider Configuration

from dialog box is displayed. Select the data provider to copy then click Next. The
What would you like to name this data provider? dialog box is displayed.

Note: When a data provider is copied, the options in the remaining dialog boxes are pre-
configured with the information from the data provider that was copied. Unless
otherwise noted, the pre-configured options can be changed or edited to reflect the
requirements of the new data provider.

4. Type a name for the data provider in the Name field. The name should be unique
and allow the data provider to be easily distinguished from other data providers.
5. Type a brief description of the data provider in the Description field. The
description should briefly explain what the data provider is and what type of data
a user can expect to retrieve from it.
6. Select Log data provider execution to include the elapsed time of data retrieval and
runtime parameter information for this data provider in the History log. Data
requests for the data provider are always logged in the history even if this option
is deselected.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

7. Click Next. The Select the type of data you would like to report on dialog box is

Workflow Data Provider Configuration

Note: If you copied an existing data provider this dialog box is not displayed. You cannot
change the data provider type for copied data providers.

Note: The data providers available depend on the modules licensed for your system. The
Custom SQL Query and Document Query data provider types are available to all systems
with Workflow.

8. Select Workflow Configuration.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

9. Click Next. The Select options on how the data provider retrieves data dialog box is
Workflow Data Provider Configuration

10. Select one of the data options:

• Standard Reporting: Returns data on the basic configuration of Workflow queues.
If this option is select, you can also select Include ad hoc tasks to include
configuration information on ad hoc tasks assigned to the queues.
• Load Balance Reporting: Returns data on the basic configuration of Workflow
queues that is focused on how the queues are load balanced.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

11. Click Next. The Queue Selection dialog box is displayed showing all the Workflow
life cycles available.

Workflow Data Provider Configuration

Note: Only the life cycles and queues you have access to are displayed. Pre-configured
queues you do not have access to are disabled.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

12. Select the queues or ad hoc tasks to return data for. Select the life cycle to
automatically select all of the queues in that life cycle, or click the arrow beside
the life cycle to select specific queues within the life cycle.
Workflow Data Provider Configuration

Note: If you selected Ad Hoc Task Reporting, selecting the queue selects all ad hoc tasks
in that queue. To select individual ad hoc tasks, click the arrow beside the queue to
select specific tasks within the queue.

To select all life cycles and queues or ad hoc tasks, click All at the bottom of the
dialog box. To clear all selections, click None .

Note: If Transition Reporting and Ad Hoc Task Reporting are both selected, the data
provider only includes transition data for queues that contain the selected ad hoc tasks.
With both selected, you cannot select queues for transition reporting separate from ad
hoc task reporting.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

13. Click OK. The Select items you would like to report on dialog box is displayed,
showing the life cycles and queues or ad hoc tasks you selected.

Workflow Data Provider Configuration

14. Select additional options at the lower left of the Select items you would like to
report on dialog box (the additional options available depend on the data retrieval
options selected):
• Prompt users to select queues at runtime: Allow users to select the life cycles and
queues to include in the results when the dashboard is accessed by them.
• Prompt users to select ad hoc tasks at runtime: Allow users to select the life cycles
and ad hoc tasks to include in the results when the dashboard is accessed by

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

• Enable Log Execution for the configured tasks: Include the elapsed time of data
retrieval and runtime parameter information for configured ad hoc tasks in the
History log.
Workflow Data Provider Configuration

Note: In order for Ad Hoc Task Reporting to return data, logging must be enabled for the
execution of ad hoc tasks. Logging for tasks can be enabled here or in Workflow.

To change life cycle and queue or ad hoc task selections, click the Select Queues
or Select Ad Hoc Tasks button to display the Queue Selection dialog box.

Note: If Prompt users to select queues at runtime or Prompt users to select ad hoc tasks at
runtime is selected, any previously added queues or ad hoc tasks are removed and the
Select... button is disabled.

15. Click Next. The Choose the display columns for the data provider dialog box is

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

16. Select a display column to include it in the results or deselect it to hide it.

Note: In order for users to be able to open a Workflow object directly from a dashboard,

Workflow Data Provider Configuration

the corresponding ID Keyword must be included as a display column.

Click None to deselect all display columns or click All to select all display columns.

Tip: A preview of the type of data that is returned with the display columns selected is
displayed in the preview pane at the right of the list of display columns. If the data
returned is not acceptable, select different display columns or click Previous to
reconfigure previous aspects of the data provider.

17. To reorder the display columns, drag-and-drop the column headings in the
preview pane to put them in the desired order.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

18. To rename a display column, double click it in the list and type the new name in
the field provided. Click anywhere outside the field to save the changes.
Workflow Data Provider Configuration

19. Click Next. The Who should have access to the data provider? dialog box is

20. To grant access to a new user, click Add. The Select Users dialog box is displayed.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Workflow Data Provider Configuration

Tip: To show only users, select Specific User from the drop-down select list, and to show
only user groups, select User Group from the drop-down select list. To find a specific user
or user group, type the first few letters of the name or the full name in the Find... field
and the list is filtered accordingly. To show only previously selected users, select Only
Show Selected Items at the bottom of the main pane.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

21. To select a user, move the cursor over that user’s row and select the checkbox
that is displayed.
Workflow Data Provider Configuration

To remove a user’s access, deselect the checkbox beside the user’s name.

Note: Access cannot be changed for the owner.

22. Click OK at the Select Users dialog box to save your user selections.

Caution: When a dashboard that uses the configured data provider is accessed by a user,
data for all configured items (e.g., Document Types or Workflow queues) is returned even if
the user accessing the dashboard does not have access to those items in OnBase.

23. To remove users or user groups, right-click the user’s name and select Remove .
You are not prompted to confirm this action.

Note: Access for the user account that created the data provider cannot be removed or
changed. The data provider creator always has the full access to the data provider.

24. To change a user’s access level, right-click the user’s name in the list and select
Full Control :
• If the user currently has Execute Only access, they are granted Full Control.
• If the user currently has Full Control, their access level is reduced to Execute
Full Control allows the user to configure the settings for the data provider,
including user access. Execute Only allows the user to use, but not configure, the
data provider.

Note: The owner is the user who created the data provider. Access cannot be changed for
the owner.

25. Click Next. The Summary dialog box is displayed. Review the information in main
pane to confirm that the data provider is correctly configured. If not, click
Previous to return to the various configuration dialog boxes so that changes can
be made.
26. Click Finish . The data provider is saved and is available for use with dashboards.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Adding a Workflow Inbox Data Provider Type

The Workflow Inbox data provider type returns data about items currently in a Workflow

Workflow Data Provider Configuration


The Create Data Provider Wizard is used to create new data providers. Data providers
return data from a data source to be displayed in a dashboard. New dashboards cannot
be used unless at least one data provider is added to it.
To create a new data provider:

1. Launch the Create Data Provider Wizard by clicking the Create new Data Provider
button on the Data Provider Administration ribbon of the Unity Client:

It can also be launched by clicking the Create new data provider button on the Data
Providers tab of the dashboard Properties dialog box:

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

2. At the How would you like to create the data provider? dialog box:
• Click Create new Data Provider to create a completely new data provider.
• Click Copy an existing Data Provider to use an existing data provider as the
Workflow Data Provider Configuration

template for a new data provider. The process is the same as creating a
completely new data provider except the options are pre-configured with the
information from the data provider that was copied. The pre-configured options
can be changed or edited to reflect the requirements of the new data provider,
unless otherwise noted.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

3. If you clicked Create new Data Provider, the What would you like to name this data
provider? dialog box is displayed.
If you clicked Copy an existing Data Provider, the Select the data provider to copy

Workflow Data Provider Configuration

from dialog box is displayed. Select the data provider to copy then click Next. The
What would you like to name this data provider? dialog box is displayed.

Note: When a data provider is copied, the options in the remaining dialog boxes are pre-
configured with the information from the data provider that was copied. Unless
otherwise noted, the pre-configured options can be changed or edited to reflect the
requirements of the new data provider.

4. Type a name for the data provider in the Name field. The name should be unique
and allow the data provider to be easily distinguished from other data providers.
5. Type a brief description of the data provider in the Description field. The
description should briefly explain what the data provider is and what type of data
a user can expect to retrieve from it.
6. Select Log data provider execution to include the elapsed time of data retrieval and
runtime parameter information for this data provider in the History log. Data
requests for the data provider are always logged in the history even if this option
is deselected.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

7. Click Next. The Select the type of data you would like to report on dialog box is
Workflow Data Provider Configuration

Note: If you copied an existing data provider this dialog box is not displayed. You cannot
change the data provider type for copied data providers.

Note: The data providers available depend on the modules licensed for your system. The
Custom SQL Query and Document Query data provider types are available to all systems
with Workflow.

8. Select Workflow Inbox.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

9. Click Next. The Queue Selection dialog box is displayed showing all the Workflow
life cycles available.

Workflow Data Provider Configuration

Note: Only the life cycles and queues you have access to are displayed. Pre-configured
queues you do not have access to are disabled.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

10. Select the queues or ad hoc tasks to return data for. Select the life cycle to
automatically select all of the queues in that life cycle, or click the arrow beside
the life cycle to select specific queues within the life cycle.
Workflow Data Provider Configuration

Note: If you selected Ad Hoc Task Reporting, selecting the queue selects all ad hoc tasks
in that queue. To select individual ad hoc tasks, click the arrow beside the queue to
select specific tasks within the queue.

To select all life cycles and queues or ad hoc tasks, click All at the bottom of the
dialog box. To clear all selections, click None .

Note: If Transition Reporting and Ad Hoc Task Reporting are both selected, the data
provider only includes transition data for queues that contain the selected ad hoc tasks.
With both selected, you cannot select queues for transition reporting separate from ad
hoc task reporting.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

11. Click OK. The Select items you would like to report on dialog box is displayed,
showing the life cycles and queues or ad hoc tasks you selected.

Workflow Data Provider Configuration

12. Select additional options at the lower left of the Select items you would like to
report on dialog box (the additional options available depend on the data retrieval
options selected):
• Prompt users to select queues at runtime: Allow users to select the life cycles and
queues to include in the results when the dashboard is accessed by them.
• Prompt users to select ad hoc tasks at runtime: Allow users to select the life cycles
and ad hoc tasks to include in the results when the dashboard is accessed by

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

• Enable Log Execution for the configured tasks: Include the elapsed time of data
retrieval and runtime parameter information for configured ad hoc tasks in the
History log.
Workflow Data Provider Configuration

Note: In order for Ad Hoc Task Reporting to return data, logging must be enabled for the
execution of ad hoc tasks. Logging for tasks can be enabled here or in Workflow.

To change life cycle and queue or ad hoc task selections, click the Select Queues
or Select Ad Hoc Tasks button to display the Queue Selection dialog box.

Note: If Prompt users to select queues at runtime or Prompt users to select ad hoc tasks at
runtime is selected, any previously added queues or ad hoc tasks are removed and the
Select... button is disabled.

13. Click Next. The Select options on how the data provider retrieves data dialog box is

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

14. Select the additional security options for how the data is retrieved.
• Respect Security Keywords
• Respect Load Balancing

Workflow Data Provider Configuration

Note: Respect Load Balancing is only available if all of the selected queues are configured
for load balancing in Workflow. If one or more selected queues are not load balanced,
Respect Load Balancing is not available.

15. If Respect Load Balancing is selected you must select a user option.
• Unassigned: The data returned is for unassigned items.
• Current User: The data returned is for the current load-balanced User Group or
user role when the dashboard is accessed.
• Specific User: The data returned is for a specific User Group or user role. You
must select the User Group or user role from the drop-down select list that is
enabled. You can also select Allow value to be changed at runtime to allow the
user accessing the dashboard to change the specific User Group or user role
when the dashboard is accessed.
16. Select Display all date/time columns in local time to display date and time
information in the user’s local time.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

17. Click Next. The Add keywords to be returned by this data provider dialog box is
Workflow Data Provider Configuration

Note: Several Keyword Types may already be added automatically, but they can be
removed. Keyword Types that represent Workflow properties, which are added
automatically by the system to every life cycle and queue, are denoted with angle
brackets >> before the Keyword Type name.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

18. To add additional Keyword Types, click Add. The Select Keyword(s) dialog box is
displayed. Only the Keywords Types available for items the configured (e.g.,
Document Types or Workflow queues) are included in the dialog box.

Workflow Data Provider Configuration

Tip: To show only previously selected Keyword Types, select Only Show Selected Items at
the bottom of the main pane. To find a specific Keyword Type, type the first few letters
of its name or its full name in the Find... field and the list is filtered accordingly.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

19. To select a Keyword Type, move the cursor over the row for that Keyword Type
and select the checkbox that is displayed.
Workflow Data Provider Configuration

To remove a Keyword Type, deselect the checkbox beside the name of the
Keyword Type.

Note: Keyword Types that represent Workflow properties, which are added automatically
by the system to every life cycle and queue, are denoted with angle brackets >> before
the Keyword Type name. Security Keyword settings are respected by Workflow.

20. Click OK at the Select Keyword(s) dialog box to save your selections. You are
returned to the Select the keyword(s) to be displayed and/or used as parameter(s)
dialog box.
21. To remove Keyword Types from the data provider, select the Keyword Type to
remove and click Remove. You are not prompted to confirm this action.
22. Select the Parameter check box to include the Keyword Type as an input
parameter to limit the data returned by the data provider.

Tip: To reduce the processing requirements of Workflow, it is a best practice to configure

required input parameters for every Data Provider, or configure parameters with default
values to be used if a value is not entered.

23. If Parameter is selected you can configure additional options for the parameter:
• Runtime: Select this option to allow the user to change the default value of the
parameter at runtime when the data provider is used.
• Required: Select the Required option to force the user to enter a value for the
Keyword Type before returning data for the data provider.
• Multiple: Select this option to allow the user to select multiple values for the
parameter if the parameter is a drop-down select list.
24. Click OK. You are returned to the Add keywords to be returned by this data provider
dialog box.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

25. Click Next. If Parameter was selected for any Keywords the Provide default values
for the input parameters dialog box is displayed. The data entry fields available in
this dialog box depend on the Keywords that need to be configured.

Workflow Data Provider Configuration

The type of data entry fields depends on the Keyword Types that default values
can be configured for. The character length of input values is limited to the length
specified by the corresponding Keyword Type configuration.
For text fields, enter the default value and select a logical operator that defines
how the value entered is compared to the value returned by the data provider.
The data is used in the dashboard only if the result of the logical operator is true.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16
Workflow Data Provider Configuration

Logical Operator Description

= The value entered is the same as the value returned.

> The value entered is greater than the value returned. This operator only
applies to numeric data.

>= The value entered is greater than or equal to the value returned. This
operator only applies to numeric data.

< The value entered is less than the value returned. This operator only
applies to numeric data.

<= The value entered is less than or equal to the value returned. This
operator only applies to numeric data.

<> The value entered is not the same as the value returned.

For date fields, enter the default dates in the From and To fields or click the
calendar button to select a date from a graphical calendar.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

26. Click Next. The Choose the display columns for the data provider dialog box is

Workflow Data Provider Configuration

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

27. Select a display column to include it in the results or deselect it to hide it.

Note: In order for users to be able to open a Workflow object directly from a dashboard,
Workflow Data Provider Configuration

the corresponding ID Keyword must be included as a display column.

Click None to deselect all display columns or click All to select all display columns.

Tip: A preview of the type of data that is returned with the display columns selected is
displayed in the preview pane at the right of the list of display columns. If the data
returned is not acceptable, select different display columns or click Previous to
reconfigure previous aspects of the data provider.

28. To reorder the display columns, drag-and-drop the column headings in the
preview pane to put them in the desired order.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

29. To rename a display column, double click it in the list and type the new name in
the field provided. Click anywhere outside the field to save the changes.

Workflow Data Provider Configuration

30. Click Next. The Who should have access to the data provider? dialog box is

31. To grant access to a new user, click Add. The Select Users dialog box is displayed.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16
Workflow Data Provider Configuration

Tip: To show only users, select Specific User from the drop-down select list, and to show
only user groups, select User Group from the drop-down select list. To find a specific user
or user group, type the first few letters of the name or the full name in the Find... field
and the list is filtered accordingly. To show only previously selected users, select Only
Show Selected Items at the bottom of the main pane.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

32. To select a user, move the cursor over that user’s row and select the checkbox
that is displayed.

Workflow Data Provider Configuration

To remove a user’s access, deselect the checkbox beside the user’s name.

Note: Access cannot be changed for the owner.

33. Click OK at the Select Users dialog box to save your user selections.

Caution: When a dashboard that uses the configured data provider is accessed by a user,
data for all configured items (e.g., Document Types or Workflow queues) is returned even if
the user accessing the dashboard does not have access to those items in OnBase.

34. To remove users or user groups, right-click the user’s name and select Remove .
You are not prompted to confirm this action.

Note: Access for the user account that created the data provider cannot be removed or
changed. The data provider creator always has the full access to the data provider.

35. To change a user’s access level, right-click the user’s name in the list and select
Full Control :
• If the user currently has Execute Only access, they are granted Full Control.
• If the user currently has Full Control, their access level is reduced to Execute
Full Control allows the user to configure the settings for the data provider,
including user access. Execute Only allows the user to use, but not configure, the
data provider.

Note: The owner is the user who created the data provider. Access cannot be changed for
the owner.

36. Click Next. The Summary dialog box is displayed. Review the information in main
pane to confirm that the data provider is correctly configured. If not, click
Previous to return to the various configuration dialog boxes so that changes can
be made.
37. Click Finish . The data provider is saved and is available for use with dashboards.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16
Workflow Data Provider Configuration

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.

The Hyland Distribution Service is a Core Services component that integrates with
several OnBase modules, allowing email notifications to be sent through a centralized
mail service. All installation and configuration settings are located on one workstation as
opposed to several workstations. This provides high security, control, and easy
The Distribution Service process is depicted in the following illustration. The process
begins when OnBase client applications send system notifications to the database. The
Distribution Service polls the database on a configured interval and composes an email
when it receives a new notification. The service then sends the email to an SMTP server,
where it is distributed externally to all users who are configured to receive notifications
from modules that use the Distribution Service. When OnBase documents are attached
to these emails, attachment names reflect the documents’ Auto-Name strings in OnBase.

The Distribution Service can run on a machine separate from that of the Application

Note: The Distribution Service must be configured to use a Service Account to send
notifications. For more information, see Configuring a Service Account on page 1028.

Upgrading the Distribution Service

All Distribution Servers should be upgraded to OnBase 16 when the OnBase database is
upgraded to OnBase 16.
The OnBase 16 Distribution Service can send notifications generated in earlier OnBase
versions. However, Distribution Service versions 13 and older cannot send notifications
generated in OnBase 16 clients; any notifications generated in OnBase 16 clients will not
be sent until the Distribution Service is upgraded to OnBase 16.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Using the Distribution Service with Document Distribution

When using the Distribution Service with Document Distribution, new configuration steps
Configuring the Distribution Service

are required when upgrading to OnBase 16. If your system is configured with the Global
Client Setting Use Email Distribution Service for Document Distribution enabled, a
temporary file cache must be configured and associated with the Distribution Service.

See Configuring a Temporary File Cache on page 1037 for more information.

Configuring a Service Account
The Distribution Service must be configured to use a Service Account.

Note: The service account running the Distribution Service cannot have special
characters, such as & , in the password. If the password contains a special character,
then the Distribution Service will fail to start.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

To configure a Service Account:

1. From the Configuration module, select Users | User Names / Passwords.

Configuring the Distribution Service

The User Names & Passwords dialog box is displayed.

2. Enter a new user name in the field beneath the User Name list and click Create.
The User Settings dialog box is displayed.
You can also select an existing user account to designate as a service account,
then click Settings. The User Settings dialog box is displayed.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

3. Select the Service Account check box under Administrator Options .

All options not applicable to a Service Account are disabled. Deselecting the
Service Account check box for the existing user allows them to retain all rights and
privileges that were previously assigned to them. Options in the User Settings
Configuring the Distribution Service

dialog box are cleared when the Service Account check box is selected and must
be reapplied when the check box is deselected.

Caution: The Service Account check box should never be selected with an account that is
being used to run the OnBase Client (obclnt32.exe) as a Windows service.

Caution: Designating an existing user account as a Service Account removes the existing
user from all User Groups and prevents the user from being added into a User Group. Users
that are configured as service accounts will not be able to log into OnBase through
standard interfaces. A Service Account also grants the user name full rights and privileges
in OnBase.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

4. Enter a User Password and repeat this password in the Verify Password field. If this
is an existing user account and you need to change its password, select Update
Password to enable these fields.

Configuring the Distribution Service

Note: The Require Password Change on Next Login setting cannot be selected for Service

5. Click Save.

Enabling the Distribution Service

To use the Distribution Service to send users email notifications or to distribute emails,
you must enable it through Global Client Settings. (This step is not necessary if the
Distribution Service is used only by WorkView.)
The Distribution Service can be used to send email distributions while using the
Document Distribution module and is optional.
The Distribution Service is optional if you want to send notifications for the following
modules in the OnBase Client: Document Knowledge Transfer, Workflow, and Physical
Records Management. The Distribution Service is required for all other modules that are
able to send notifications (such as Document Knowledge Transfer or Workflow in the
Web Client).

Enable Email Automation

To enable email automation using the Distribution Service:

1. From the Configuration module, select Users | Global Client Settings.

2. Click the Email tab.
3. Select the Use Email Distribution Service for automated emails check box or, if you
are configuring the Distribution Service for Document Distribution, select the Use
Email Distribution Service for Document Distribution check box.
4. Click Save.

Send Attachments
The Distribution Service can be configured to send attachments with certain file names.

Note: Image documents are sent in their native format if possible. However, if the
document uses overlays or the page count is greater than one, it will revert to using the
original method for sending attachments.

To configure file names for attachments:

1. From the Configuration module, select Users | Global Client Settings.

2. Click the Email tab.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

3. Select one of the following from the Auto-Name string for external email
attachments drop-down select list:
• Random String: OnBase will generate a random file name for the attachment.
Configuring the Distribution Service

• Document Type Autoname String: OnBase will use the Auto-Name string
configured for the Document Type of the document being sent.
• Document Type Print Autoname String: OnBase will use the Print Title string
configured for the Document Type of the document being sent. If no Print
Title string has been configured for that Document Type, OnBase will use the
Document Type and the Document Date.

Note: The Document Type Print Autoname String feature is not supported in the Classic
(Thick) client.

4. Click Save.

Note: The Distribution Service needs to be restarted after changes are made to the Auto-
Name string for external email attachments setting.

Users Configuration Requirements

The following procedure describes the steps necessary to configure the Distribution
Service for system notifications. Ensure users who will receive notifications have email
accounts configured in their User Settings.

1. From the Configuration module, select Users | User Names/Passwords .

2. Select the user name and click Settings.
3. In the Users Email field, type the user’s email address.

Encrypting the Service Account Credentials

By default, the user name and password of the service account are entered in
Hyland.Core.Distribution.NTService.exe.config file in clear text. Although these
credentials cannot be used to log on to any OnBase client application, you should
encrypt them in the Windows registry using the aspnet_setreg utility. The Distribution
Service can then be configured to refer to the encrypted registry keys to retrieve the
user name and password of the service account.

Note: Full details on creating encrypted account registry keys are available in the
Microsoft article: “How to use the ASP.NET utility to encrypt credentials and session
state connection strings” available at:

1. From a command line, change the directory to the location where the
aspnet_setreg.exe utility resides. A copy of aspnet_setreg.exe is available in the
..\utilities\MISC subdirectory of the Core Services build.
For example, if the utility is in C:\Program Files\Hyland\Web Server\Utilities, then

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

cd C:\Program Files\Hyland\Web Server\Utilities

2. Enter the following command, where username is the user name of the Service

Configuring the Distribution Service

Account, and password is the password.

aspnet_setreg.exe -k:SOFTWARE\Hyland\DistributionService\Identity -u:"username"


3. Open a Run dialog box and enter regedt32 .

Caution: Modify the registry at your own risk. Incorrectly editing the Windows registry can
cause serious problems that may require you to reinstall your operating system. Be sure to
back up the registry before making any changes to it. For more registry information, see
the following Microsoft articles: and http://

4. Grant the Windows account that will run the Distribution Service Read permissions
to the appropriate key.
• In 32-bit environments, grant the Read permission on
• In 64-bit environments, grant the Read permission on
T_SETREG. When run in a 64-bit environment, the aspnet_setreg utility
automatically stores the encrypted credentials in this key.
5. Open the Hyland.Core.Distribution.NTService.exe.config file.
• In a 32-bit environment, this file’s default location is 
C:\Program Files\Hyland\Services\Distribution.
• In a 64-bit environment, this file’s default location is 
C:\Program Files (x86)\Hyland\Services\Distribution.
6. Modify the securitySettings element to retrieve the encrypted credentials from the
a.Replace the username value with the following:


b.Replace the password value with the following:

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Configuring the Distribution Service

When you are finished, the securitySettings element should resemble the

7. Save the configuration file.

8. Restart the Hyland Distribution Service using the Windows Services console.

Changing Configuration File Settings

You can change settings like the data source, SMTP server, and default sender by editing
the Distribution Service’s configuration file. To modify these settings, do the following:

1. Open the Hyland.Core.Distribution.NTService.exe.config file.

• In a 32-bit environment, this file’s default location is 
C:\Program Files\Hyland\Services\Distribution.
• In a 64-bit environment, this file’s default location is 
C:\Program Files (x86)\Hyland\Services\Distribution.
2. Change the settings as needed.
3. Restart the Distribution Service. The new settings are respected.

Configuring Test Mode

In a testing environment, you can configure the Distribution Service to write emails to a
file in order to test messages without actually sending them to recipients. To do this, the
configuration file must be edited.

Caution: Testing should be performed in a separate testing environment. It is not

recommended to use test mode in an environment with live data.

To configure test mode:

1. Open the Hyland.Core.Distribution.NTService.exe.config file.

• In a 32-bit environment, this file’s default location is 
C:\Program Files\Hyland\Services\Distribution.
• In a 64-bit environment, this file’s default location is 
C:\Program Files (x86)\Hyland\Services\Distribution.
2. Locate the smtpServer attribute.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

3. Set the smtpServer attribute value to a valid UNC path.

4. Save the configuration file.
5. Restart the Distribution Service. The new setting is respected.

Configuring the Distribution Service

With test mode enabled, messages are saved in EML format to the specified location.
These messages can be viewed, verified, and deleted as necessary.

Adding Support for Multiple Data Sources

If your solution uses multiple data sources, then the Hyland Distribution Service can be
configured to access each data source.

1. Open the Hyland.Core.Distribution.NTService.exe.config file.

• In a 32-bit environment, this file’s default location is 
C:\Program Files\Hyland\Services\Distribution.
• In a 64-bit environment, this file’s default location is 
C:\Program Files (x86)\Hyland\Services\Distribution.
2. Copy the following element, which is located under <Hyland.Core.Distribution>:

3. For each data source that the service needs to access, paste a copy of the
element directly under the existing element. For example, if the service needs to
access two data sources, then there should be two securitySettings elements,
each with its own closing tag 
( </securitySettings>).
In the following example, support has been added for two data sources:

4. For each securitySettings element, change the datasource value to the name of the
data source that the service needs to access.
5. For each securitySettings element, change the username and password values to
reflect the service account credentials for each data source.

Note: To conserve system resources, increasing the pollSettings interval value is

recommended. The default value is 120 (seconds). Change this value to the number of
seconds you consider an acceptable delay for sending notifications. For example, if five
minutes is an acceptable delay, change the value to 300 (5 mins. x 60 secs/min).

6. Save the file.

7. Restart the Hyland Distribution Service using the Windows Services console.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Sending Notifications to Global Distribution Lists

The Hyland Distribution Service can send notifications to global distribution lists that are
set up on your SMTP server. This option is available in modules like Workflow and
Configuring the Distribution Service

WorkView, which let you specify the users you want to send notifications to.
To send a notification to a global distribution list, specify the distribution list as the
notification’s recipient during configuration. Ensure the value you enter matches the
name of the global distribution list configured on the SMTP server.

Displaying the User Who Triggered the Notification as the Sender

The defaultSender setting in the Distribution Service’s configuration file controls the
name or address displayed as the sender of automated notifications. You can configure
the Distribution Service to display the email address of the user who triggered the
notifications by setting defaultSender to USER.
Users who trigger notifications must have valid email addresses configured in OnBase.
Otherwise, the notifications are not sent, and the message Server Error: 501 5.5.4 Invalid
Address is displayed in the Errors tab of the Diagnostics Console.
The defaultSender setting can be overridden by modules like Workflow and WorkView,
which allow you to configure the sender address for notifications.

Supporting Non-ASCII Characters in Attachment File Names

The mimeParameterEncoding setting in the Distribution Service configuration file controls
how attachment Auto-Names are displayed. This setting may need to be modified if
Auto-Names contain non-ASCII characters, such as Japanese characters.
The following values are supported:
• QuotedPrintable —Offers full compatibility with Microsoft Outlook.
• RFC2231 —Latest standard, not supported by Outlook.
• Raw8Bit—Displays unencoded file names, which may be inappropriate for
names containing non-ASCII characters. Try using this value if names are not
displaying appropriately with the default mimeParameterEncoding value.
The default value is QuotedPrintable. If the mimeParameterEncoding setting is blank or
missing, Raw8Bit is used.

Note: File names that contain only ASCII characters are not encoded.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Configuring the Distribution Service to Save Notifications as E-Mail

(EML) Files

Configuring the Distribution Service

In some instances, you might want to output email notifications to EML files to be
processed by a third-party mail application. When this method for distributing
notifications is necessary, complete the following steps:

1. Create a directory to store the EML files. This directory should be accessible
locally, in a mapped drive or through an UNC path to a shared directory. The path
name must be fully qualified. It must start with \\Name, where Name is the name
of the machine name, or X:\, where X is any drive letter.
2. Modify the Hyland.Core.Distribution.NTService.exe.config file for the Distribution
Service so that the smtpServer entry specifies this directory name. One file per
notification will be written to the target directory specified.

Sending Notifications in HTML Format

If you want your notification to be received by the user in HTML format, you must add
the <HTML> tag to the body of your message. For example, you want to send a message
indicating that a document is ready for review:
The Financial Report is ready for review. <HTML> Please see the attached file.
This notification is sent through Workflow, and then processed by the Distribution
Service. When the user received the message, it is formatted using HTML.

Sending Unity Forms

If you plan to send Unity Forms using the Distribution Service, please see Unity Forms
Limitations on page 1048.

Configuring a Temporary File Cache

Note: If you will be sending messages larger than 64000 bytes using WorkView | Case
Manager, the temporary file cache must be configured.

When the Global Client Setting Use Email Distribution Service for Document Distribution is
enabled, a temporary file cache must be configured and associated with the Distribution
Email notifications and their attachments sent from Document Distribution are stored in
the temporary file cache. This allows Document Distribution to send emails and
attachments that are not archived in OnBase. The Distribution Service sends these
emails from the temporary file cache. Attachments are sent in their configured file
Once a temporary file cache is configured, it must be associated with the Distribution
Service. See Associating a Temporary File Cache with the Distribution Service on page
1040 for more information.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

To create a temporary file cache:

1. In the Configuration module, select Disk Mgmt | Temporary File Caching .

The Temporary File Caches dialog is displayed.
Configuring the Distribution Service

Previously configured file caches, if any, are displayed in the Temporary File
Caches list.
2. Type the name of the new file cache in the text field below the Temporary File
Caches list.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

3. Click Create.
The Cache Configuration dialog is displayed.

Configuring the Distribution Service

4. Enter the desired file path of the file cache in the Path field. Use the Browse
button to navigate to the desired location.
5. From the Type drop-down menu, select either Distribution Service or M icrosoft
Office Web Apps .
Select Distribution Service if the file cache is to be used with the Distribution
Select Microsoft Office Web Apps if the file cache is to be used with the WOPI

Note: If the Cache Configuration dialog was accessed from the Distribution Service Settings
or Microsoft Office Web Apps Settings dialog, the Type field will be set to Distribution
Service or Microsoft Office Web Apps, depending on the point of access, and cannot be
changed. These temporary caches, created from the Configure button in the Distribution
Service Settings dialog or the Microsoft Office Web Apps Settings dialog, are automatically
associated with the desired functionality upon completion of configuration.

6. In the Purging Information section of the dialog, select either Automatic Purge or
Manual Purge .
Select Automatic Purge if you would like the file cache to be cleared automatically
when the Retention Time has been reached.
Select Manual Purge if you would like to empty the file cache yourself.
7. If you selected Automatic Purge in the previous step, set the Retention Time in the
Retention Time (Days) field. This value represents how many days files are stored
in the temporary file cache before being automatically purged.
This field is unavailable if the Manual Purge option is selected.
8. Click Save when finished.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Associating a Temporary File Cache with the Distribution Service

Once a temporary file cache has been created for use with Document Distribution, it
must be associated with the Distribution Service.
Configuring the Distribution Service

To associate a temporary file cache with the Distribution Service:

1. In the Configuration module, navigate to Utils | Distribution Service Settings. The

Distribution Service Settings dialog box is displayed:

2. From the Temporary Cache drop-down select list, select the temporary file cache
you want to associate with the Distribution Service.
If there are no temporary file caches available, one must be configured. Click
Create New to configure a temporary file cache. See Configuring a Temporary File
Cache on page 1037 for more information on this process.
3. Click Save.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Configuring Retry Settings

The Distribution Service can be configured to attempt to send notifications again upon a
failure. To configure these settings:

Configuring the Distribution Service

1. In the Configuration module, navigate to Utils | Distribution Service Settings. The
Distribution Service Settings dialog box is displayed:

2. In the Retry Settings section, select one of the following options:

• Retry indefinitely - The Distribution Service continuously tries to send a
notification if a failure occurs.
• Never retry - The Distribution Service does not attempt to send the
notification if a failure occurs.
• Retry specific number of times - The Distribution Service tries to send the
notification until the specified number of attempts is reached. In the field
provided, enter the number of attempts that you want the Distribution
Service to make.
3. Click Save.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Configuring Maximum Recipients

A maximum number of recipients per each generated notification email message can be
configured. This ensures that in the case of a long list of recipients, recipients are
Configuring the Distribution Service

broken up and multiple emails are generated in order to prevent timeout errors. To
configure a maximum number of recipients per email:

1. In the Configuration module, navigate to Utils | Distribution Service Settings. The

Distribution Service Settings dialog box is displayed:

2. In the Maximum recipients per mail message field, enter the maximum number of
recipients that a message should have. If the recipient list is longer than the value of
this setting, emails are sent in multiple batches.

Note: If you do not want a maximum number of recipients per mail message, set the
Maximum recipients per mail message value to 0 . This does not set a maximum number of
recipients. A single message is generated for all recipients.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Configuring Test Notifications

To ensure that the Distribution Service is configured properly, test notifications can be
generated from the Distribution Service Settings dialog box. To generate test

Configuring the Distribution Service


1. In the Configuration module, navigate to Utils | Distribution Service Settings. The

Distribution Service Settings dialog box is displayed:

2. Click Generate test notification. The Distribution Service Test Notification dialog box
is displayed.

3. Enter a valid SMTP email address in the Recipient email address field.
4. If you want to attach a document, enter a document handle in the Document
handle to attach field. The specified document will be sent as an attachment in the
5. Click Generate. The notification is sent when the Distribution Service is started.
Check the recipient email mailbox to ensure the notification was sent.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

The following troubleshooting information may help you diagnose and resolve issues
with the Hyland Distribution Service.
Configuring the Distribution Service

Logging Information to the Diagnostics Console

You can use the Diagnostics Console to troubleshoot Distribution Service issues.
Diagnostics information is logged under the Timer / Distribution Service tab in the
Diagnostic Console.
If Distribution Service information should be logged to the Diagnostics Console, logging
must be enabled in Hyland.Core.Distribution.NTService.exe.config . To enable logging, set
the enableMailSlot attribute for the timer-profile log to true .

Note: In previous versions of OnBase, the path and enableFile configuration settings were
used to log events to a file. The preferred method of logging events to a file is using
service logs created by the Diagnostics Service. For more information, see the
Diagnostics Service reference guide or the Diagnostics Console help files.

Under Hyland.Core.Distribution, modify the verbose level to control the amount of

information that is logged. In the threadSettings element, set the verboseLevel attribute
to the appropriate value, as described below:
• 0 - Logs service start, stop, and error messages to the Error Viewer log.
• 1 - Logs notifications sent by the service to the Timer/Distribution Service log.
• 2 - Logs all trace messages that are sent to the Error Viewer log.
When the verboseLevel is set to 2 , each of the steps in connecting to and sending an
email from the SMTP server is logged. These are the same steps one would see when
connecting to the SMTP server using TELNET. Testing the same process using TELNET
can allow you to prove whether a suspected step is the point of failure.

Note: If the Distribution Service sends an email without a specified To address, an SMTP
server error displays on the Errors tab. The SMTP server sends Undeliverable Message
notifications to the From address specified in the message template.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Access to the denied

If you try to manually install or uninstall the Hyland Distribution Service on a server with
Windows User Account Control (UAC) enabled, an “Access denied” message may be

Configuring the Distribution Service


To address this issue, run the Command Prompt as an administrator. Under Start |
Accessories , right-click on Command Prompt and select Run as administrator.
For more information about how the User Account Control can affect OnBase
deployments, see Windows User Account Control Statement on page 1048.

Error Loading Document: Attachments Are Not Sent

When the Hyland Distribution Service sends emails with attachments, the body of the
emails may say the following:
• ERROR LOADING DOCUMENT: Document Number: [#]
This error may occur because the account running the Hyland Distribution Service lacks
privileges to the document on the OnBase disk group.
To resolve this issue, perform the following steps on the server where the Hyland
Distribution Service is installed.

1. Using a Run dialog box, run services.msc .

To do this, select Start | Run , type services.msc and click OK. The Services console
is displayed.
2. Double-click Hyland Distribution Service from the list of services.
3. Click the Log On tab.
4. Under Log on as, select This account.
5. Type a valid domain user name and password that has access to the OnBase disk
groups. This user account will be used to run the service.
6. Click OK to save your changes and close the properties dialog box.
7. Restart the Hyland Distribution Service.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

Messages Are Not Sent

Messages may not be sent for multiple reasons. The following are general steps to
troubleshoot the issue. Steps to address specific issues are provided in the following
Configuring the Distribution Service


1. Ensure the Hyland.Core.Distribution.NTService.exe.config file is configured

correctly. See the section titled Installing the Distribution Service Manually in the
Installation chapter of the Distribution Service module reference guide. After
modifying the file, restart the Hyland Distribution Service in the Services console.
2. Ensure the smtpPort configured in the Hyland Distribution Service configuration
file matches the incoming request port on the SMTP server.
3. If there are any firewalls between the servers running the Hyland Distribution
Service and the SMTP server, open the SMTP port to allow the traffic to pass
4. Verify that the SMTP server will allow for relaying without authentication.
5. Verify that your antivirus software is not configured to block the SMTP port.

Workstation Registration Not Found

When you run the Distribution Service, messages are not sent, and the following error is
logged to the Diagnostics Console: Workstation Registration not found for distribution
server machine .
This error is displayed because required OnBase components such as registry keys and
the onbase32.ini file have not been created on the server running the Distribution
To resolve this issue, log in to either the OnBase Client or the OnBase Configuration
module from the server that is running the Distribution.

Cannot Create a Session Pool

If the Distribution Service is running but fails to send messages, the following error may
be logged to the Diagnostics Console:
• Cannot create a session pool without a data source, user name, and password.
When this error occurs, do the following:
• Check the Hyland.Core.Distribution.NTService.exe.config file and ensure the
datasource , username , and password parameters are specified correctly.
• Ensure the names of the parameters in the configuration file are spelled
correctly, including case. Parameter names are case sensitive. For example, if
username is spelled as UserName, the parameter is not loaded.

"No Count" Is On
If the Diagnostics Console reveals that notifications are being processed but are not
being sent, you may need to turn off the No Count variable on your SQL Server. Please
contact your solution provider for assistance.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
OnBase 16 Workflow

Version Mismatch
If you find that messages are not being sent, you may be using a version of the
Distribution Service that is incompatible with your current version of OnBase. If this is

Configuring the Distribution Service

the case, an error is logged to the Diagnostics Console indicating that there is a
database version mismatch. Ensure the Distribution Service is upgraded to the same
version as the rest of your OnBase solution.

Message Content and Attachments Are Reversed

Some email clients do not properly handle content types for attachments with certain file
formats. As a result, documents with these file formats are sent as the message text
instead of as attachments, and the actual message text is sent as the attachment. If
users receive emails where the message and the attachment are reversed, you may
need to configure the Distribution Service to override the content type for those
attachments’ file formats.

Note: E-Forms are one example of documents with a file format that may be handled
incorrectly. By default, the Distribution Service’s configuration file is configured to
override the content type on E-Forms, allowing them to be sent correctly as

1. Open Hyland.Core.Distribution.NTService.exe.config.
• In a 32-bit environment, this file’s default location is 
C:\Program Files\Hyland\Services\Distribution.
• In a 64-bit environment, this file’s default location is 
C:\Program Files (x86)\Hyland\Services\Distribution.
2. Locate the following element:
<securitySettings datasource="DMS" username="SVCACCT"
password="PASSWORD" >
3. Add a ContentTypeOverride element to override the default content type for the
file format, as shown in the following example. You can add these elements for
each data source the Distribution Service is configured to use.
<securitySettings datasource="DMS" username="SVCACCT"
password="PASSWORD" >

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

<ContentTypeOverride fileType="24" mimeType="application/octet-

stream" />
Configuring the Distribution Service

The above example will override the default behavior for E-Form attachments and
label them with the generic MIME type “application/octet-stream.” As long as the
attachment name still has the html file extension, email clients should handle the
E-Form documents correctly.
For a description of configurable attributes for the ContentTypeOverride element,
see the following table:

Attribute Description

fileType The attachment’s file format number, as shown in the upper-right corner of
the File Format Configuration dialog box.
For E-Forms, this number is 24. You can specify different file format
numbers to override the content type assigned to other file formats.

mimeType The generic MIME type to label attachments that have the specified file

Unity Forms Limitations

• When Unity Forms are sent using the Distribution Service, section and page
security configured on a Unity Form is not respected. The entire form is sent
regardless of the security settings on the form.
• When Unity Forms are sent using the Distribution Service via the right-click
Send to option, page tabs are not displayed in the form. Instead, the form’s
pages are displayed laterally.

Windows User Account Control Statement

Hyland Software is dedicated to ensuring that OnBase is compatible with Windows User
Account Control (UAC). UAC is a feature of Windows operating systems that was
introduced with Windows Vista. It limits the ability of standard users to make global
system changes to a workstation and prevents malicious software from making
unauthorized changes to protected areas.
For details on UAC, refer to your Microsoft support information or see http://
You may encounter UAC in OnBase when:
• Installing or uninstalling OnBase, OnBase modules, or OnBase ActiveX controls.
• Copying, moving, or saving files to the Program Files directory, Windows
directory, or another protected location.
• Modifying system-wide settings, such as the registry.
If Windows UAC is enabled, the above operations may prompt for administrator
privileges or credentials, even if an administrator is currently logged on.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.

The licenses listed in this section are relevant to customers who purchased Workflow
software before January 1, 2007.

Workflow Licensing
A Workflow license is required to configure life cycles as well as to perform Workflow
activity. In order to create Workflow life cycles, you must have any one of the following
• Workflow Departmental Server
• Workflow Enterprise Server
• Document Distribution

In order to use configured life cycles, users must have one of the following licenses
• Workflow Concurrent Client
• Workflow Workstation Client
• Workflow Named Client

If you plan to utilize timers in a Workflow, you must have one of the server licenses.
When using HTML forms that will be stored in OnBase as part of a Workflow you must
also be licensed for the E-Forms module.

Combined Workflow/WorkView Licensing

If you are running both Workflow and WorkView, combined licenses can grant access to
both of the modules.
• Workflow/WorkView Concurrent Client
• Workflow/WorkView Workstation Client (only applicable to OnBase Client)
• Workflow/WorkView Named User Client

How Combined Licensing Works

Combined licenses are only consumed by users that have been assigned to use combined
licenses in the User Settings dialog box. When a user is assigned to use combined
licenses, he or she will not be able to use a license for Workflow or WorkView that is not
combined. If non-combined licenses are available for consumption, access to the
modules are not granted until a combined license becomes available.
If a user that is assigned to use a combined license who is working on a workstation
registered for the use of one of the two products licensed by the combined license, only
the product registered will be available for use.
If there are no non-combined licenses available, a combined license will be consumed
even if the user is not assigned to use combined licenses.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.
Workflow OnBase 16

To access the User Settings dialog box and configure a user for combined licensing:
Licensing for Customers previous to 2007

1. From the Configuration module, select Users | User Names/Passwords.

2. Select the User Name and click Settings .
3. Select the Combined Workflow / WorkView License check box.
4. Click Save.
Once a combined license has been consumed, the license is not released until the Client
is restarted. If a combined license is revoked, it will still be consumed until the Client is
restarted. If the license is switched from a combined concurrent license to a concurrent
license for one of the products, it will still consume the combined concurrent until the
Client is restarted.

2016 Hyland Software, Inc.

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