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Note for speakers and chairs

ASEMUNDUS seminar Jakarta 7-8 October 2010

ASEMUNDUS is a project sponsored by Erasmus Mundus Action 3 – Promotion of European Higher Education,
for the term 2009-2012. The project aims at enhancing the visibility of Erasmus Mundus in Asian ASEM member
states and fostering the participation of Asian higher education institutions in new and/or existing Erasmus
Mundus joint programmes. Hence, the overall aim of ASEMUNDUS is to facilitate and strengthen institutional
cooperation between higher education institutions from the EU and Asia.
Two main activities will be implemented in the framework of ASEMUNDUS:
– four thematic contact seminars parallel to relevant higher education fairs in selected Asian ASEM
countries to give information about the possibilities for institutional cooperation offered by the Erasmus
Mundus programme and provide examples of good practice;
– Appointment of a small network of local Erasmus Mundus promoters in the four Asian ASEM countries

ASEMUNDUS seminar Jakarta

The first ASEMUNDUS contact seminar for European and Indonesian higher education representatives will take
place on October 7/8, 2010 in the run-up to the EHEF Jakarta 2010 (October 9/10, 2010). The main objective of
the seminar is to help facilitate and strengthen cooperation and increase the number of Erasmus Mundus
partnerships between Europe and Asia.
The specific aims of the seminar are:
1. Give information about the key features of the Erasmus Mundus programme and its possibilities
to set up institutional cooperation between EU and Indonesian/Asian higher education
2. Identify common challenges and possible solutions in building up and implementing institutional
cooperation within the framework of Erasmus Mundus or other forms of bilateral cooperation;
3. Present and exchange examples of good practice.

Programme ASEMUNDUS seminar Jakarta

The contact seminar consists of a plenary session on the first day (7/10) followed by working groups and a
plenary discussion session on the second day (8/10).
One day before the seminar (6/10), a restricted programme will be offered to a selected group of Indonesian
Erasmus Mundus promoters. After that a briefing session for speakers and chair persons will take place.
This documents gives an overview of the seminar sessions on 7 and 8/10 and the speakers responsible. The use
of Power Point is highly encouraged. For each presentation, we have indicated the duration, a recommended
number of slides and the points we would like to be addressed.
We kindly ask the speakers to send us the presentation by 24th of September (
We will prepare handouts for the seminar. After the seminar the presentations will be made available on the
ASEMUNDUS website.

First day, Thursday 7th October

Institutional cooperation in Erasmus Mundus at the master and doctorate level
Speaker: Mr. Koen Nomden, EACEA
Duration 30 minutes
Number of slides recommended: 18 - 20
Points to be addressed:
– EM context at a glance
– Participation of Asian/Indonesian institutions and students
– EM key features for master and doctorate programmes
– Financial benefits: scholarships and management grants
– Award criteria
– Application and selection procedure

The meaning of “quality” in Erasmus Mundus programmes

Speaker: Mr. Michael Blakemore
Duration: 30 minutes
Number of slides recommended: 18 -20
Points to be addressed:
– short context of the EM quality project
– main products and findings until now
– use of the tool
– formal quality procedures and the EM quality project
– developments for the future: a possible broader use of the EM quality instrument

Example of good practice EMMC, NOHA Mundus

Speaker: Mr. Markus Moke, Ruhr University Bochum
Duration: 30 minutes
Number of slides recommended: 18 - 20
Points to be addressed:
– Key features of the NOHA master programme
– Specific features of the cooperation with Asian (Indonesian HEI) in a joint master programme
– Implementation and main achievements until now

Example of good practice: EMJD, EDLE – European Doctorate in Law and Economics
Speaker: Mr. Wicher Schreuders, Erasmus University Rotterdam
Duration: 30 minutes
Number of slides recommended: 18 -20
Points to be addressed:
– Key features of the EDLE master programme
– Specific features of the cooperation with Asian (Indonesian HEI) in a joint doctorate programme
– Implementation and main achievements

Institutional cooperation in Erasmus Mundus action 2

Speaker: Mr. Koen Nomden
Duration 30 minutes
Number of slides recommended: 18 - 20
Points to be addressed:
– EM action 2 key features
– Participation of Indonesian / Asian institutions
– Financial benefits: scholarships and management grants
– Award criteria
– Application and selection procedure

Example of good practice EM action 2

Speaker: Ms. Mette Svensson, University of Boras
Duration: 30 minutes
Number of slides recommended: 18 - 20
Points to be addressed:
– Key features of the partnership
– Implementation and main achievements until now
– Specific features of the cooperation with Asian (Indonesian HEI) in action 2

The impact of EM through the eyes of the students

10 minutes film “The Magnificent 7”
Speaker: Harwintha Y. Anjarningsih, EM alumna
Duration: 15
Number of slides recommended: 8 -10
Points to be addressed:
– Impact of EM on the personal and academic development
– Importance for career and employment
– Why would you recommend it?

ASEM Secretariat: update on EU-Asia cooperation in higher education

Speaker: Mrs. Nina Scholle-Pollmann, deputy director ASEM Education Secretariat
Duration: 30
Number of slides recommended: 18-20
Points to be addressed:

Presentation of the Indonesian Erasmus Mundus promoters

Speaker: Mrs. Madalena Pereira (introduction)
Duration: 25
– Mr. Edward Panjaitan, University of Indonesia
– Mr. Rachmat Sriwijaya, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Second day, Friday 8th October

Parallel working groups

Participants will split in parallel working groups on the second day and look more in depth into the implementation
of European- Asian cooperation in Higher Education. The EM experiences are the ground for discussion but also
other forms of institutional cooperation can be brought forward.
The central question that should be addressed in the working groups is: how to make joint programmes work
(or other forms of institutional cooperation involving integrated curricula or exchange of students, staff
The working groups (around 15 participants) will be led by a chair. The chair person is responsible for introducing
the theme of the working group and the speakers. He or she will summarize some of the main findings at the end
of the session. A reporter from each group will present the main findings in the plenary session.

Duration of the working groups: 70 minutes

Each speaker: 20 minutes
Number of slides recommended: 12-15
Discussion: 20 minutes

Building up a joint curriculum

Chair: Mr. Helmut Buchholt, director DAAD Jakarta, to be confirmed
Speaker 1: Mr. Wicher Schreuders, Erasmus University Rotterdam
Speaker 2: Indonesian speaker to be confirmed
Reporter: Anna Bielecka, EM National Structure Poland
Questions to be addressed:
• What are the key features of a joint curriculum?
• How do you implement learning outcomes and credits?
• What are three good practices in developing and implementing a joint curriculum?
• What are the most important 3 challenges and how do you address them?

Sustainable partnerships
Chair: Mr. Koen Nomden
Speaker 1: Ms. Mette Svensson, University of Borås and Mr. Rahman Sudiyo, Gadjah Mada University
Speaker 2: Mr. Tom Loran, University of Twente, to be confirmed
Reporter: Mr. Martin Schifferings, EM National Structure, DAAD
Questions to be addressed:
• What are the key features of an international partnership?
• What are three good practices?
• What are the most important 3 challenges and how do you address them?

Quality assurance of a joint programme

Chair: Mr. Michael Blakemore, ECOTEC
Speaker 1: Mr. Markus Moke, Ruhr University Bochum

Speaker 2: Indonesian speaker to be confirmed
Rapporteur: Mrs. Madalena Pereira, EM National Structure, Nuffic
Questions to be addressed:
• How far are we (in the EU and in Indonesia) concerning the implementation of a quality
assurance system?
• What are three good practices?
• What are the 3 most important challenges and how do you address them?

ASEMUNDUS is a joint initiative, coordinated by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
and is implemented in cooperation with the National Structures for Erasmus Mundus from the
Netherlands, Belgium, Austria, Hungary, Poland, Latvia, Estonia and Cyprus. ASEMUNDUS is
cofinanced by the European Commission in the framework of Erasmus Mundus Action 3 - Promotion
of European Higher Education.

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