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Daiana Jones

Microteaching N°3
Level: Elementary
 Function: Talking about what I like, love and hate doing
 Exponent: “I love shopping” “I like talking” “I hate waiting”
 Lexical items: looking, talking, getting, waiting, asking, hearing

1) TT asks SS whether they like shopping and what things they enjoy buying and waits for their ites the
items they name on the BB. Then, TT asks them to discuss in pairs whether they believe men like
shopping and then, listens to their opinions.
2) TT tells SS that she is going to read them a bit about men who shop. TT reads aloud the first three
sections of the text: “Men and Women are different”, “Where do they go?” and “How long do they
spend shopping?”
3) TT asks SS if they agree that women only like shopping for clothes and during the whole day.
4) TT instructs SS to continue reading and to complete the gaps with the verbs in the box. In the
meantime, TT starts writing the numbers of the exercises on the BB and the last part of each phrase
as in 2)________to the assistants.


Complete the gaps with the words from the box:

looking – getting – talking – hearing – trying – waiting – asking
5) It’s not only women who love shopping – today men T
like it too. Some men say they love buying things.
But men and women shop in very different ways...
Where do they go?
Women: Clothes shops, clothes shops, more clothes
Men: Clothes shops, electronic shops, music shops
How long do they spend shopping?
Men: An hour, possibly two.
Women: A day.
What do they love? What do they hate?
Women: They love #) looking at everything, 1)
Men: They hate 4)___________ for women
__________ on clothes, and 2) _________ to the
to decide what they want. They hate asking
shop assistants. They love finding that they can wear
shop assistants for help.
a “small” when they are usually a “medium”.
Women: They hate 5)___________ “Can we
Men: They love 3)__________ home! They love
go home now? The football game starts in
trying on their new clothes and playing with their
half an hour”.
new “toys”.
corrects the activity by asking several SS to read the verbs aloud.
6) Then TT asks SS to look at the text and find other –ing verbs. TT gives SS one minute to do the task
and then asks one volunteer to come to the front and write the words he or she found.
7) Afterwards, TT writes on the BB the prompt “When I go shopping, I like/love/hate…” and instructs
SS to write three sentences with personal information. TT explains that they have to choose phrases
from the text and from the board. When SS finish, TT asks SS to share their sentences with their
partner to see if they like doing the same things.

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