Olympus Omega Ring

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In time about 2600 years ago in the process, which lasted about 30 years, the energy of Christ
in greatest percentage (50%), Energy clouds (36%) and energy Unique field (24%) decided to
intervene on planet Earth in terms of growth and improvement of quality of human
consciousness. In order to set basic postulates for progression of human conciousness, cosmic
consciousness responsible for the development of our galaxy sent complexed emanent-
vibratoric-superinteligent structure from the constellation of Andromeda.

Basic postulates and principles for the development of human were given, or transferred in the
form of 64 strong superinteligent space energies from sources of creation and appearant part
of the space. Cosmic consciousness decided to set these emergent forms of creativity down
the top of Mount Olympus. Such ring-wavy and unpredictably pulsing emanation, although it
was sent through the point of creation by Creator himself, emanates in 7th dimension of
creation and only occurs from time to time.

In this approximate time equivalent intelligence was set down on the peaks of Himalaya and
dowm the top of Machu Picchu, but with lower intensity emanation. These three points that
vibrate in the same level should have brought human thought in harmony with the Creator's
will. They were to provide new concepts of spirituality, culture, relations between people, and
that way to help the development of civilization.

Old Hellenic culture and its golden age is connected with the greatest thinkers - philosophers,
which The Planet received just in that time. Their thoughts and philosophic postulates were
not surpassed, not even by modern man. Lowering hiperinteligent energies led to the
appearance of Ancient civilization, to the creation of the basic philosophical, religious, and
metaphysical concepts that resulted in civilization we know today. Therefore, there exists a
saying, that human thought has not progressed since the Old Greeks (Socrates, Plato,

All Ancient thinkers without exception were enlightened through the spiral process of
enlightenment (thanks to the energy ring of Olympus). They were implemented into this
process through so-called point of creation. Person who used energies from Himalaya the
most at the time was Buddha or should we say The Ring of Creator introduced itself through
Buddha in that area. Buddhism through centuries and its herritage today have been a result of
these energies. Buddha's thoughts were also never surpassed.

After the end of Ancient civilization in the social, geopolitical, territorial and architectural
terms, way of thinking and logics are left as a testament as well as the principles that were
built in Christian holy books. After the Ancient civilization, rarely anyone succeeded to make
contact with consciousness of the Olympus. Some of them are known in the history: Leonardo
da Vinci, Michelangelo, Hippocrates, Paracelsus, as well as in the twentieth century healer
Daskalos. 64 cosmic energies are known from Greek mythology as gods and demigods.
Through them ways of purification of human, selfawareness and enlightenment are
symbolically shown.

The vibratoric complex from the Orion Constellation played a similar role in development of
Egyptian civilization, but this is not issue of this document.

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No sooner than in 2008 due to successfully brought and re-awakened energies from Sirius,
Andromeda and Orion as well as additional education of mature luminous bodies1 in places
of power 2 and with help of made mandalas3, we were given a spiritual mission to make
contact with The Ring again. This contact is called ''absolute possible and maximally
permitted imbuement of human race in this part of cosmos'' and it can only be enabled by
transcendental prayer. There are no luminous bodies on Olympus or in other words Olympus
is not a place of power where your luminous body could imbue with previously matured
consciousness. Even on traditional places of power imbuement is not always granted, because
mature luminous bodies choose who they will imbue with. But this is no longer a problem
since existance of mandalas. Visitors of places of power, who have a mandala, become
interesting for mature luminous bodies, because they get the additional knowledge from
mandalas and so they agree in two-way exchange.

The idea of imbuement of the human soul, aura, genetic structure and luminous body with
information from The Ring of Olympus (ancient Greeks called it "Gods from Mount
Olympus") arises from cosmic need for connection of developed consciousness through/with
the help of The Creator's Ring. It emerged in april 2008 after a prayer at pyramids of the Sun
and the Moon on Yucatan peninsula and meditations received by Energy Cloud. Energy
Cloud also quested for reactivation of Olympus. This way planet Earth got an aura which is
situated 16-18 km from its surface. It is 800 m thick and has a wavy shape. The ring is shown
by his will- it pulses in irregular intervals - on average once per 36 to 48 hours and it is
present for 2 to 8 hours. The diameter of ring is 32 km, it is 8 km thick and 2,5 km wide. Its
core consists of elipsoid or sphere, that changes its size from 100 m to 2 km and colour from
white to yellow with a silver, blue and gold aura around it.
Reactivation of The Ring of Olympus has integrated all its original principles: tolerance,
freedom of love and of decision-making, democratic organisation of society, dialogue and
exchange of opinions as constructive progress of consciousness and relations. Individually
this means road to self-awareness which leads through integrated processes to free a human
being of many shells of illusion, missunderstanding and not-knowing. Road to self-awareness
is road to enlightenment. Because of tipology of consciousness, energies and luminous bodies
which are cooperating in this process, spiral growth and development are enabled.

Before such cardinal change every individual must get prepared through fasting and prayer
with O mega card 4. The Ring was named "Omega ring''.

Prayer, meditation, contemplation and all the methodology that was controlled and directed
from the Energy Cloud resulted as integral information - a record that vibrates equally in all
human structures. It integrates every individual through higher vibrational levels in unique
system that most likely resembles Greek word ''being''. This is a self-awared being with
developed mental, spiritual and energeticaly-paranormal possibilities, all in sake of
development of consciousness. In order for energy of The Omega Ring to get into souls and
luminous bodies of visitors, following conditions must be fulfilled:

1. at least two people who have entered the point of enlightenment and spiral
development process of consciousness have to participate

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2. prayer to the consciousness of Olympus given by the Energy Cloud
3. the time in day and time in year are also important factors, because intensity of The
Ring varies in astrological order
4. a week of fasting before visitation (two small meals per day, no meat)
5. a week of meditation, given by Energy Cloud must be practiced: ''Holy energies of
A ndromeda, O rion, Sirius and the center of our Sun: make me a better, more
tollerant and humane person, harmonize vibrations of my luminous body, soul
and aura and make an integral spiritual consciousness on the road to C reator.''
(Omega card meditation)
6. individual's sincere pursuit of the source of light and consciousness
7. the Olympus card is received before the beginning and must be kept on the heart, at
the end of the process it is returned

In order for Omega ring to write the vibrations into the soul, aura, genes and luminous body
of every participant, two hours in advance special prayers need to be read. Highly developed
consciousness of Earth as well as cosmic energies must be contacted. All prayers are given
from the Energy Cloud and they can change from time to time, but they must be said by at
least two people who went through the point of spiral development of consciousness or
enlightenment. That is because Omega ring is hiperintelligent structure of Creator and it
responds only when it gets motivated for action. We have to know that considering group
actions, it has been unactive for 2500 years. During this period it was contaced exclusively by
few previously mentioned individuals. The process that happened on 29. 9. 2008, in which
6000 luminous bodies and all mentioned consciousness have participated, has resulted in
creation of a seed of collective human consciousness. This happened for the first time in
human history, so it should be remembered of every year with a special meditation. Last
contact with the same amount of energy and power happened 32000 years ago, but on another
part of the Planet and with other energies.




Only highly developed cosmic civilizations have collective consciousness - it is their
main characteristic. Some time before mentioned events on Olympus, cosmic consciousness
decided to put us on the list of these civilizations by creating a seed of collective human
consciousness. We are the youngest human civilization with this seed, which is growing with
every moment by the help of civilizations from Sirius B, Orion, Andromeda. From Earth and
Jupiter's satellite Europe we get help from the Dolphines, which have had their collective
consciousness long ago. Some of the Dolphins are rewarded for this kind of help by getting a
highly developed luminous body. Every person that gets connected with this newely formed
consciousness will experience unconditional change of his character, possibilties of deeper
and better-quality meditation, better feeling of Love and oneness as well as absolutely natural

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receiving of information from collective consciousness. This connection is permanent and
results in receiving clear thoughts that improve creativity and life quality in all spheres of

Every participants luminous body development for 40-80 %, soul expanded for 30-70 %,
communication with the soul and luminous body in natural state of conscience are better for
30-90 %. There is a record in genetic structure of every connected individual, which should
generate a better human. It also has to be mentioned that after this process aura of the Earth
became permeable in communicative to all creative, altruistic, healing and noble as well as it
got exclusive - unpermeable for negative thoughts, fears and needs of manipulation,
dominance and ruling over the will of people. If this kind of ''negative'' people went through
this process, they would also experience permanent change of character. This integrated
communication would harmonize their thoughts with the will of Creator and their
consciousness would get connected with the growing seed of collective consciousness.
Luminous body gets cleansed of up to 40 incarnations.

Exactly 7000 people have to go through the process of imbuement for collective
consciousness to gain its full potential. Besides the first group of 200 process participants,
also 46 enlightened and 28 paranormaly very developed people have joined automaticaly.
There are about 2000 gifted individuals that will join this way. After number exceeds 4000
members, the group will grow with arithmetic progression up to 7000 people. At that time
growth will become exponential ± after each process 5000 to 10000 people will get initiated
(they are chosen from the higher consciousness).

The main difference between classical imbuement and contact with the Omega ring is that on
Olympus spontaneus imbuement isn't possible. That is why leaders of meditation have to
come at least 2 hours before the group to pray, in order to get the permission for the start of
the process. Imbuement is only possible for the participants that hold the Olympus card on
their heart. There are currently only 200 of programed cards, so they must be returned after
the process. This type of spiritual development, where soul, aura and luminous body are
brought to the 7th vibrational level, is the highest possible and permitted in this part of
cosmos. It will enable formation of unique field of collective consciousness on Earth at the
beginning and later in whole cosmos. For respect of spiritual rules (carmic endebtment) and
beacause of the effort of process leaders, it is necessary to pay a symbolic amount of 130
euros. This aspect of development is intended for sincere spiritual seekers of all religions and
spiritual directions. After Olympus everyone will be better in meditation, prayer and healing.
This way the development of collective consciousness is even faster. Aura will be formed in
about 15 years. Final expression for this process is INTEGRAL IMBUEMENT.

We have to thank unconditionally to Dionysus, who as host-consciousness met us and to all of

the consciousness that came from Kailash, Machu Picchu, Pyramid of the Sun and Moon,
Sarnat, Giza ± especially to Keops and also to all the consciousness that are in Greece called:
* Demeter
* Hermes
* Hades
* Hestia
* Hera
* Artemis
* Aphrodite
* Athena

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* Apollo
* Ares
* Zeus
* Poseidon
But in the first place deepest thanks to Creator and to God Ra - without them nothing of this
would ever be possible. Endless thanks also to Energy Cloud for unceasing control and

Olympus. We will also give out a multimedia DVD that will realistically represent the

A thought for the conclusion of the script (from the Delphi temple): ''Get to know yourself,
Love opens all the doors.''


Translation from Serbian language: Igor Prosenik (prosenik5@gmail.com)


1. L uminous body- each person has his own luminous body. To be precise, each
luminous body has its own person. It is situated in the space around us, outside of our
body and the aura. It moves through space at its own will, showing up instantly
wherever it wants to be,without moving, however, there are limits to this. It can only
go as far as 300 meters from the human body. It plays an immeasurable part from the
conceiving of an embryo until the death of a person. It participates in the creation of
our aura and our body.
It is a strong energy charge, composed of different sorts of intelligent energies. People
with a developed paranormal sight can see the luminous body as a spherical plasmatic
structure the color of old gold and the diameter of 2 m.
The luminous body is our spiritual creator and guide throughout our entire life. But,
our death is not its death. It continues to live its eternal life. However, after the person
it guided dies, it has to find another human embryo within 49 days. And so they
change lives of a couple of hundreds of people, one after another, until the luminous
body which once was a spark reaches its ripe age. After we die, our soul, or our
consciousness, as a separate energy structure, consisted of the white bioenergy, which
had during our lives been an integral part of our the aura, remains alive for a very long
time, unless it is damaged. But, our complete life is integrated within the memory of
the luminous body - everything that had happened to us, all the thoughts, wishes, all
the experiences, and all the knowledge we attained. All the lives followed by our
luminous body are not the lives of different people, they are our lives, only in different
bodies, which lived in different points in time. The luminous body follows our life for
thousands of years.

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The work of the luminous body has a number of different directions, thus paving our
way through life, and above all, strengthening our creativity. Although it shows us the
best path we have to follow, the final choice is up to us. It sends us messages, but not
with its voice. They reach our mind by paranormal ways, and, because this is so, our
mind only partially deciphers them to us. Which part of the full quantity of messages
sent is to be translated from the paranormal onto the normal level, depends to a great
Even though the paranormal world is so much different from the normal one that even
the most vivid imagination can think of, nothing accidental happens within it. People
can not even presume what levels of knowledge luminous bodies have, and they can
not grasp their intelligence until they get connected to them.
Through the Unique Field, the Creator constantly actualizes the creation of different
energies whose goal is to work in harmony with the needs of functioning of the
universe. There is,however aberration regarding the normal energy behavior in the
universe, which can occur due to the immensity of the universe and its contents. In
order to keep the aberration at a low level, one has to correct them promptly so that
normal functioning of the universe would constantly take place. Energies that could
fulfill such tasks have to answer to these criteria:
- they have to be consisted of such subtle super-intelligent energy that no other
energy can change it in any way.
- their super-intelligence has to provide them a suitable solution in any situation
- they have to last forever
There is no such energy in the nature. Not even the Unique Field can produce it. It has
to prepare itself for all sorts of actions. This development is best achieved along the
living beings in the universe, it emits embryos of future luminous bodies which then
attach themselves to the auras of the most prospective living beings on certain planets.
The luminous body has to spend thousands of years in order to cross the path from an
embryo to a mature living being.
It takes most luminous bodies, which are connected to living beings, between 150.000
200.000 years to accomplish such a task. Such a large number of luminous bodies
make up a critical mass for the initiation of the regeneration of the aura of the planet
they were created on. Later on, they will take up other responsibilities, helping
wherever their help is needed. After the long time spent correcting errors in the
universe, mature luminous bodies melt into the Unique Field, where they go on living
forever, until the end of the universe.

2. Place of power ± around 138,000 years ago, that is, 5000 years after the sparks of
luminous bodies had joined the pre-historic human's auras, about thirty luminous
bodies matured. They gathered together and formed the first place of power, in the air,
above the square among a group of huts in prehistoric people's village. These people
were chosen because they luminous bodies found them most likely to advance. This
happened at a place called Jaipur, India. It is the first place of power and it still exists.
This place of power is the most powerful one on earth.
Later on, with the creation of new mature luminous bodies new places of power were
formedat different continents, following the development of the human civilization.
Today there are about 90 places of power on the Planet.
Place of power is usually a temple or remains of a temple, where some of ancient
civilizations such as Incas, Mayas and Aztecs in North and South Americas were
created. The places of power are also: the Sistine Chapel in Vatican, Rome,

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Westminster Abbey in London, Holy Mountain Athos in Greece, Aya Sofia in
Istanbul, the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem, three pyramids near Cairo, some Buddhist
and Hindu temples and many others.
Contents of the places of power are mature luminous bodies that levitate two hundred
meters in the air. They are gathered in a shape of grapes, and they constantly move.
There can be from 30 to 772, as in Jaipur, of them at one place of power. Their power
mainly depends on the number of the present luminous bodies and the civilization they
represent. The role of mature luminous bodies at places of power is to transfer a part of
their enormous knowledge to a person whose luminous body is relatively developed.
The transfer of knowledge goes as follows: the mature luminous bodies approach and
imbue with the visitor's luminous body. To those who can see this phenomenon it
looks as two balls of fog passing through one another and then separating. The number
of mature luminous bodies that are to imbue ZLWKWKHYLVLWRU¶VOXPLQRXVERG\GHSHQGV
on his or her development. If it is not developed, there will be no imbuing, if it is
developed it will imbue with all of the mature luminous bodies at a place of power.
archeological sites today, or active places of worship visited by a large number of
people, and none of them are aware that they arrived at a place of power. It is one
YLVLWRU¶V OXPLQRXV ERG\ in ten thousand that is lucky enough to experience the
imbuing with the mature ones. All of the others are not given the possibility, because
their auras are not clean enough or because their luminous bodies are poorly
developed. Yet, they too have benefits off these visits because they made contacts with
three fields that exist at every place of power: /LJKW&UHDWRU¶V3UHVHQFHDQG3HDFH.

- from book Places of SRZHU/MXELãD6WRMDQRYLü

- link for free pdf file of the whole book:

3. M andala, O mega card ± descriptions are in the following link

CENTRAL  Mandala


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