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Massey and Denton (1988) used an smallest when majority and deviation of each areal unit from
extensive literature search and clus- minority populations are evenly the metropolitan area’s “entropy”
ter analysis to identify 20 different distributed. The most widely used or racial and ethnic diversity,
indexes of segregation and classify measure of evenness is the dis- which is greatest when each group
them into five key dimensions of similarity index. Conceptually, is equally represented in the met-
segregation. Basically, evenness dissimilarity measures the percent- ropolitan area. The entropy index,
involves the differential distribution age of a group’s population that like the other two evenness meas-
of the subject population, would have to change residence for ures, also varies between 0.0
exposure measures potential con- each neighborhood to have the (when all areas have the same
tact, concentration refers to the same percentage of that group as composition as the entire metro-
relative amount of physical space the metropolitan area overall. The politan area) and 1.0 (when all
occupied, centralization indicates index ranges from 0.0 (complete areas contain one group only).
the degree to which a group is integration) to 1.0 (complete segre-
The only evenness measures to
located near the center of an urban gation).
satisfy the four criteria established
area, and clustering measures the
A second measure of evenness is by James and Taeuber (1985) for
degree to which minority group
the Gini coefficient. Like the index an ideal segregation index1 are the
members live disproportionately in
of dissimilarity, it can be derived Gini index and the Atkinson
contiguous areas. Below we
from the Lorenz curve, and varies index, often used to evaluate
describe the 19 measures we have
between 0.0 and 1.0, with 1.0 inequality.2 The Atkinson index
calculated, though we focus on
indicating maximum segregation.
only one per dimension, as
The Gini coefficient is “the mean 1
The four criteria are: 1) the “transfer
described in Chapter 2. In all of the
absolute difference between principle”, which states that a measure
calculations, non- Hispanic Whites should be sensitive to the redistribution or
minority proportions weighted “transfer” of minorities among areal units
are considered the “majority” (refer-
across all pairs of areal units, with minority proportions above or below
ence) population. The formulas for the metropolitan area’s minority proportion
expressed as a proportion of the (and not just transfers from areas above to
the 19 indexes are listed at the end areas below that proportion); 2) “composi-
maximum weighted mean differ-
of this appendix. tional invariance”, which states that the rela-
ence” (Massey and Denton, p. tive size of minority population should not
285). A third evenness measure is affect the index; 3) “size invariance”, which
I. MEASURES OF EVENNESS states that the measure should not be affect-
entropy, proposed originally by ed if the number of people in each group is
Evenness measures of segregation Theil (Theil 1972; Theil and multiplied by a constant; and 4) “organiza-
tional equivalence”, which holds that an
compare the spatial distributions of Finizza, 1971). The entropy index index should be unaffected by aggregating
different groups among units in a units with the same minority composition.
(also called the information index) 2
See Jones and Weinberg (2000) for an
metropolitan area. Segregation is measures the (weighted) average application to income inequality.

U.S. Census Bureau Racial and Ethnic Residential Segregation in the United States: 1980-2000 119
(Atkinson, 1970) allows the The two basic, and related, meas- III. MEASURES OF
researcher to differentially weight ures of exposure are interaction CONCENTRATION
areal units at different points along and isolation. The two indexes,
“Concentration refers to the rela-
the Lorenz curve, allowing, for respectively, reflect the probabili-
tive amount of physical space
example, areal units where minori- ties that a minority person shares
occupied by a minority group in
ties are under- or over-represented a unit area with a majority person
the metropolitan area” (Massey and
to contribute more heavily to the or with another minority person.
Denton, p. 289). Minority groups
overall index. For values of the The interaction index measures the
of the same relative size occupying
shape parameter of 0.0 or more exposure of minority group mem-
less space would be considered
but less than 0.5, areal units bers to members of the majority
more concentrated and conse-
where the proportion of minorities group as the minority-weighted
quently more segregated.
is smaller than the metropolitan average of the majority proportion
area’s average (i.e., where minori- of the population in each areal One measure of concentration, orig-
ties are “underrepresented”) con- unit. The isolation index measures inally proposed by Hoover (1941),
tribute more to the segregation “the extent to which minority is delta, which “computes the pro-
index; for large values of the members are exposed only to one portion of [minority] members
shape parameter (more than 0.5 another,” (Massey and Denton, p. residing in areal units with above
up to 1.0), the reverse is true — 288) and is computed as the average density of [minority] mem-
areas of “overrepresentation” con- minority-weighted average of the bers” (Massey and Denton, p. 290).
tribute more. When the shape minority proportion in each area. The index gives the proportion of a
parameter is 0.5, such areas con- group’s population that would have
When there are only two groups,
tribute equally. For values of the to move across areal units to
the isolation and interaction index-
parameter between 0.0 and 1.0, achieve a uniform density.
es sum to 1.0, so lower values of
the Atkinson index also varies in
interaction and higher values of Massey and Denton propose two
that range, with 1.0 indicating
isolation each indicate higher seg- additional measures. The first,
maximum segregation. Three
regation. However, when there are absolute concentration, com-
shape parameters — 0.1, 0.5, and
more than two groups, the interac- putes the total area inhabited by a
0.9 — are used in our analysis,
tion and isolation indexes will not group and compares this with the
resulting in three separate
sum to 1.0 (one must add the minimum and maximum areas (the
Atkinson indexes.
interaction indexes for all other areal sum, respectively, of the
minority groups to the interaction fewest number of the geo-
and isolation indexes for the origi- graphically smallest and the great-
“Exposure measures the degree of nal minority group to obtain est number of the geographically
potential contact, or possibility of unity).3 Furthermore, the interac- largest areal units) that could
interaction, between minority and tion indexes representing minority accommodate a group of that size
majority group members” (Massey exposure to majority members and (at observed densities). The index
and Denton, p. 287). Exposure majority exposure to minority varies from 0.0 to 1.0, where a
thus depends on the extent to members will be equal only if the score of 1.0 means that a group
which two groups share common two groups constitute the same has achieved the maximum spatial
residential areas, and hence, on proportion of the population. An concentration possible (all minority
the degree to which the average adjustment of the isolation index members live in the smallest areal
minority group member “experi- to control for this asymmetry units). The second, relative con-
ences” segregation. As Massey and yields a third exposure index, the centration, is measured similarly,
Denton point out, indexes of even- correlation ratio, also known as but takes account of the distribu-
ness and exposure are correlated eta-squared. tion of the majority group as well.
but measure different things: This measure varies from -1.0 to
exposure measures depend on the 3
The interaction and isolation indices 1.0.4 A score of 0.0 means that the
reported here are calculated with the non-
relative sizes of the two groups Hispanic White population as the referent
being compared, while evenness group rather than the total population 4
In fact we obtained values below -1.0, and
(excluding the minority group of interest). Massey and Denton (personal communication)
measures do not. Our interaction and isolation indices there- indicate that they did as well in calculating
fore do sum to unity for each group. indices for the 60 largest metropolitan areas.

120 Racial and Ethnic Residential Segregation in the United States: 1980-2000 U.S. Census Bureau
minority and majority groups are other CBD functions continue to majority members live nearer to
equally concentrated. An index of - decentralize. Similarly, the transi- members of the other group than
1.0 means that the concentration of tional zones that once developed to members of their own group.
the majority exceeds that of the around CBDs should, following
Massey and Denton derive from
minority to the maximum extent, Hoover’s (1941) logic, also develop
these two measures an index of
and an index of 1.0 the reverse. around many of the “multiple
relative clustering, which “com-
nuclei” that also have partially sup-
pares the average distance between
IV. MEASURES OF planted CBDs (see Garreau, 1991).
CENTRALIZATION [minority] members...with the aver-
Accordingly, we have defined an
age distance between [majority]
“Centralization is the degree to alternative to CBD-centered index-
members” (Massey and Denton, p.
which a group is spatially located es that are based on distance from
295). The index equals 0.0 when
near the center of an urban area” the population centroid.
minority members display the same
(Massey and Denton, p. 291). As amount of clustering as the majori-
for concentration, absolute and rel-
CLUSTERING ty, is positive when minorities dis-
ative measures are presented. play greater clustering than the
Relative centralization com- Clustering measures “the extent to majority, and is negative if they are
pares the areal profile of the which areal units inhabited by less clustered than the majority.
majority and minority populations, minority members adjoin one
and may be interpreted as the rela- another, or cluster, in space” If there is clustering, the number
tive share of the minority popula- (Massey and Denton, p. 293). A of majority persons with whom a
tion that would have to change high degree of clustering indicates minority might potentially interact
their area of residence to match a racial or ethnic enclave. The first should increase with increasing
the centralization of the majority. measure of clustering is absolute distance from the minority’s area
The index varies between -1.0 and clustering. This index “expresses of residence. However, the likeli-
1.0 with positive values indicating the average number of [minority] hood of actual encounters and
that minority members are located members in nearby [areal units] as interaction with majority persons
closer to the center than majority, a proportion of the total popula- should decay rapidly. The
and negative values the reverse. tion in those nearby [areal units]”, distance-decay interaction
An index of 0.0 indicates that the where distances between areal index measures this as the sum of
two groups have the same spatial units are measured from their cen- the probabilities that a minority
distribution around the center. troids (Massey and Denton, p. person in each tract i, weighted by
Absolute centralization exam- 294). It varies from 0.0 to 1.0.5 the minority proportion in that
ines only the distribution of the tract, would encounter a resident
White’s (1986) index of spatial in another tract j, weighted by the
minority group around the center
proximity is the average of intra- proportion of majority persons in
and also varies between -1.0 and
group proximities for the minority tract j. The index can be interpret-
1.0. “Positive values indicate a ten-
and majority populations, weight- ed as measuring the probability
dency for [minority] group mem-
ed by the proportions each group that the next person a minority
bers to reside close to the city cen-
represents of the total population. group member meets anywhere in
ter, while negative values indicate
Spatial proximity equals 1.0 if the city is a majority member.
a tendency to live in outlying
there is no differential clustering
areas. A score of 0 means that a Corresponding to this is a
between minority and majority
group has a uniform distribution distance-decay isolation index,
group members. It is greater than
throughout the metropolitan area” which measures the probability that
1.0 when members of each group
(Massey and Denton, p. 293). the person a minority next encoun-
live nearer to one another than to
Most analysts using a centraliza- members of the other group, and ters is also a minority. Massey and
tion measure define it in terms of is less than 1.0 if minority and Denton note that Morgan’s (1983)
access to the traditional Central paper proposing these distance-
Business District (CBD). We feel decay indexes did not describe
We have obtained negative values,
that this concept is increasingly though these have been close to zero. their behavior or provide an empiri-
Rounding error in calculations could play a
outmoded as jobs, retail sales, and cal example. However, as a distance

U.S. Census Bureau Racial and Ethnic Residential Segregation in the United States: 1980-2000 121
weighted function of the exposure pi the ratio of xi to ti (proportion 1.Dissimilarity
interaction and isolation indexes, of area i’s population that is

∑  t (p − P) 
one might expect the distance- minority)
decay measures to also to vary i =1 
 i i 
P the ratio of X to T (proportion
between 0.0 and 1.0, with 0.0 [2TP(1 − P)]
of the metropolitan area’s popu-
representing maximum segregation
lation that is minority)
on the distance-decay interaction 2.Gini
index and 1.0 indicating this on the ai the land area of area i n n
distance-decay isolation index. The ∑ ∑ t t (p i − p j )
A the sum of all ai (the total land i =1 j=1 i j
values obtained from census data
suggest such a range. area) 2T 2 P(1 − P)
n1 rank of area where the sum of
all ti from area 1 (smallest in
DESCRIPTION OF n  t (E − E ) 
size) up to area n1 is equal to X

T1 the sum of all ti in area 1 up to

i =1  ET 
area n1
n the number of areas (census  1  1 
n2 rank of area where the sum of where E i = p i ln  + (1 − p i ) ln  
tracts) in the metropolitan area,  pi   1 − pi 
all ti from area n (largest in
ranked smallest to largest by  1  1 
size) down to area n2 is equal and E = Pln  + (1 − P) ln  
land area  P  1− P
to X
m the number of areas (census
tracts) in the metropolitan area, T2 the sum of all ti in area n2 up 4.Atkinson (parameter b)
ranked by increasing distance to area n 1

from the Central Business  P   (1 − p i )1− b p i b t i  1− b


 1 − P ∑
dij the distance between area i and 1−   
District (m = n) 
area j centroids, where dii = i =1 
 PT 
xi the minority population of area i (0.6ai)0.5

yi the majority population (non- cij the exponential transform of -

Hispanic Whites in this report) dij [= exp(-dij)]
of area i n  x i   y i  
b a shape parameter that deter-
∑  X   t 
yj the majority population of area j mines how to weight the incre- i =1  i 
ments to segregation con-
ti the total population of area i
tributed by different portions of
tj the total population of area j the Lorenz curve
n  x i   x i  
X the sum of all xi (the total Index Formulas ∑  X   t 
minority population) i =1  i 
Note: Indexes in this report were
Y the sum of all yi (the total calculated as if non-Hispanic
majority population) Whites and the minority group in 7.Correlation

T the sum of all ti (the total popu-

question were the only two groups
(I − P)
present in the total population.
Formulas are from Massey and (1 − P)
Denton (1988).
where I is the isolation index

122 Racial and Ethnic Residential Segregation in the United States: 1980-2000 U.S. Census Bureau
8.Delta 11.Absolute Centralization 15.Relative Clustering
x  a 
m m
 Pxx 
0.5∑  i  −  i  ∑ (X i −1 A i ) − ∑ (X i A i −1 )   − 1
i =1  X   A i =1 i =1  Pyy 

9.Absolute Concentration 12.Relative Centralization 16.Distance-Decay Interaction

  n  x i a i  n1  t i a i    m m
 x i n  k ij y j  
∑ (X Yi ) − ∑ (X i Yi −1 )
 ∑   − ∑  i −1
∑  ∑   
  i =1  X  i =1  T1    i =1 i =1
i =1 
 X j= 1  t  
1−  

   t iai  −  t iai   
n n1
 
 i∑   ∑   13.Absolute Clustering  t ( − d ij ) 
  = n2  T2  i =1  T1    where k ij = n

 n  x i n   X n n  
∑  ∑ ij j  −  2 ∑ ∑ c ij    ( − d ij ) 
 ∑ t ij
c x
10.Relative Concentration  i =1  X j=1   n i =1 j=1   
 i =1 
 n   n  x i n   X n n  
   x i a i    ∑  ∑ ij j  −  2 ∑ ∑ c ij  
c t
∑  i =1  X j=1
    n i =1 j=1   17.Distance-Decay Isolation
i =1  X 
 n y a  − 1

 x n  k ij x j  
  ∑  i i   

  i =1  Y    ∑  i ∑ 

 
j 
14.Spatial Proximity
i =1 
 X = t 
 n1 
j 1

   t ia i    (XP + YPyy )
 ∑   xx

i =1  T1  

− 1 
  n  t ia i    n  g g c  ( )
  ∑  T  
 where Pgg = ∑ ∑ 
i j ij

  i = n2 2   i =1 j =1 

G2 

and {g,G} = {x, X}{ , y,Y}{, t,T}

U.S. Census Bureau Racial and Ethnic Residential Segregation in the United States: 1980-2000 123

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