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- Cứ yêu cầu mô tả vật nói chung thì nói về điện thoại hoặc máy tính là dễ nhất, hãy nhắc

đến các công dụng của nó như internet, giải trí, học tập
- Cứ nói về người thì nên nghĩ đến một người bạn thân của mình, nhớ nói đến tính cách
của người đó. Nên học thuộc phần giới thiệu ngoại hình
- Cứ nói về sự kiện thì nên mô tả cái gì đó vui
- Cứ mô tả nơi chốn thì cứ nghĩ đến thành phố lớn mới có nhiều ý. Có thể nói về giao
thong, con người, phong cảnh, ô nhiễm, cơ hội nghề nghiệp

Topic 1 Technology
Describe something you own which has improved your life
You should say

 How long you have had it

 When you use it
 What it looks like

And explain how it has improved your life

I don’t have many gadgets … just a computer … a laptop and my mobile phone … but I’ll talk
about my computer as it’s so useful … it’s funny really … 2 years ago I was still learning to use
computers … how to use email … send attachments how to access websites … then I decided
to do a digital editing course for video and photography … and so I bought the laptop when I
started the course … my husband had a desktop PC but it was very slow so I decided to
upgrade to a powerful one because we do a lot of video editing on the course … it’s
a modern laptop … very fast … the latest operating system … it boots up really quickly and
it’s fun to use so it makes working a pleasure … I’ve become a competent computer user now
… if I didn’t have it I daresay I’d have to spend more time at college using their computers …
but on the negative side I suppose I’d read a lot more if I didn’t have it … I probably waste a lot
of time surfing the web … but hopefully I won’t have to be without it …
Other functions of technology
- Replace human being in dangerous workplace
- Transform the way people communicate
- Create a virtual world
- Offer numerous forms of entertainment

Topic 2 TV channel
Describe a TV channel you often watch
You should say
 What it is
 Where you watch it
 How often you watch it
And say why you like watching it so much
Now i would like to describe a TV channel that i like watching the most. I must say that i love
VTV3 very much. This is the most popular channel in Vietnam because it provides audience not
only current news but also entertaining programs. After dinner, everyone in my family enjoy
our favorite program on this channel. We often watch the famous TV show “The voice” and also
some cartoon movies late at night. It is very comfortable and relaxed to do this with all members
of the family.
I think there are several reasons why i am interested in this channel. Firstly, it offers a wide
range of information of current issues such as economic, education, politics or environment.
Even when i do not have much time, i can still know what is happening around the world after 30
minutes watching it. Secondly, when watching TV shows from here, i am not annoyed by
advertisements. I understand that advertising is one way for the TV station to raise income;
however, they just should not overdo it. Another reason is that this is the only place where i can
watch the latest movies of all kinds every weekend. Since most of the movies are education-
oriented, i really learn so many meaningful lessons for my life.

I hope that in the future this channel can still do its best to serve everyone’s needs.

Topic 3 Newspaper or a magazine

Describe a newspaper or magazine you read

You should say
 What it is
 Where do you read it
 How often do you read it
And explain why you like reading it so much

I read the newspaper almost every day and sometimes I purchase or borrow magazines to read
as well. I'd like to describe a magazine that I usually buy each month and enjoy reading a lot.
The name of this magazine is Woman which is a Vietnamese magazine for woman published
monthly in Vietnam. It offers advice on various aspects of female daily life and related news,
advices and popular trends for woman. In each publication, there are always new articles on
cooking methods and health tips. These suggestions are very practical and helpful for housewife
and young adults like me.

I read my favorite magazine whenever I have free time. Since I prefer reading in silence, i
always read it in my bedroom. There are several reasons why I like it so much. Firstly, it is
always a good way to learn new information. The magazine provides me with some
contemporary local news, international news, entertainment news, sports news and so on.
Without reading newspapers or magazines I can't keep updated with the latest news and views
of the world. Today although online newspaper and magazines are so popular, I am still in
favor of this printed one as it has become one part of my life.
Topic 4 Local news
Describe some local news that people in your locality are interested in
 You should say:
 What the news is
 How you know about this news
 Who is involved in this news

- About the construction of a new entertainment center

- Read on a magazine/ newspaper
- The information about the project was reliable because it was provided by the spokesman
of our provincial committee
- According to the article, an entertainment complex will be built in the city center and
open free to people from all walks of life
- Ideal place to organize party and outdoor activities for family

Topic 5 Sport center

Describe a sport center you went to

 You should say

 What it was
 Where it was
 How often you went there

And explain why you went there

- The center of sports and exercises of our province

- Within the walking distance of
- Provide a wide range of facilities and equipment for exercises
- People of all ages can visit with a small fee
- I came here to do gymnastic: Professional coaches are accessible; Camera system is
available to assist participants in case of accidents

Topic 6 Sport player

Describe a sport player you liked most
You should say

 Who he was
 What sport he played
 Where he was

And explain why you liked him

- Who: footballer called …. in Brazil
- Background: last son of a poor family; suffered many disadvantages in his early life;
could not afford to give him proper schooling; dreamed of becoming a football star;
scored the decisive goal and help Brazil win the world cup
- General appearance: muscular; short hair with average height
- Personality: determined, always ready to take challenge and work hard toward his goal
- Reasons: his dynamic and determination inspire me to work and study. Role model.

Topic 7 Environment
Describe an environmental problem your country is facing
You should say

 What the problem is

What causes it
And explain what you think could be done to solve it.

I would like to describe a serious environmental issue in my country which is pollution.

Today there are many kinds of pollution in Vietnam such as water pollution, air pollution or soil
pollution but water pollution is extremely serious. As you know, water is very important to our
life. We can stay hungry for a few days but we can not live a day without drinking.

In my area, the water resources are contaminated by many factories and construction sites as well
as tourism. It is easy to see stingy sewage in every river and stream, especially when they are
close to the industrial zone. I am sure that those factories dispose a lot of dangerous, even deadly,
chemicals into the surrounding areas and the rain will bring them to our lake and pond where we
get water to satisfy our everyday thirst. Besides, it is the behavior of the local people that
contributes to the destruction of the water resource. A huge amount of rubbish is thrown away
into the river or lake that gradually poisons the water, and then us.

In my opinion, we need to do something about it because protecting the water resources is to

protect our lives. I think firstly we need to ban those factories which do not treat their wasted
water and only allow the operation of the factories with sewage treatment plants. Secondly,
perhaps the government should do something to change people’s attitudes toward environment
protection. Some environment campaigns should also be introduced to the local area to educate
people about the importance of water resources.

Topic 8 Natural disaster

Describe a natural disaster you have experienced or heard of that you can’t forget.
You should say
 What it is
 When you experienced or saw it
 How you felt it

And explain why you found it unforgettable.

Last year when I was on a holiday in Co to island, I experienced the worst storm in my life.

Just like every summer, I and my family went on a vacation and we decided to visit Coto Island
which was said to be wild and beautiful. After the first day on the beach, we felt very happy with
our decision but out unluckiness came on the second day. The morning when we got up, grey
clouds and strong wind were everywhere and we just thought that there might be something
wrong. The weather forecast informed a huge storm approaching the island and we agreed to end
our holiday then and hurried to the pier to get on board home. It was a bad luck when the pier
was closed for safety, no ships leaving or coming and we must stay on the island. On that
afternoon, the wind got stronger and heavy rain hit the island. We could hear the sounds of
thunders just as loud as an explosion. That evening, we could hardly sleep because there was no
electricity or water in the hotel. Even worse the next morning when we got out of the hotel just to
see the whole area covered in mud and sea water. The floods came and destroyed our hope to go
home. Although we felt very terrible and miserable, we still find out that the local people were
very hospitable. Every day we received some shared portions of noodle and bottled water from
the local people. We were very thankful for that.

Although we have a very bad holiday, I think in the future I still want to go there again to enjoy
my holiday.

Topic 9 Shopping place

Describe your favorite shopping place
You should say

 Where it is
 How often you shop there
 What you buy

And explain why you like it so much

I would like to describe a local market where I often buy foods for my family. It is located in the
center of town near the stadium. When I come home after work, I always pass the market. I can
find almost any kind of meat and vegetables there, but what I often buy most is chicken and
cabbage. There are also seafood stalls at the corner of the market which are quite expensive to
The market is very crowded in the early morning because women often go shopping for food for
their daily meal. For me, I only can shop in the afternoon after work. However, food is normally
not as fresh as it is in the morning. At the weekend, I sometimes take my child with me and he is
very excited to see items and people there. His favorite food is chicken, so we always get some at
the meat section.
I think the reasons why I like this most is that items sold here is cheaper than at the supermarket.
Most clothes are sold at half priced compared to it is in a clothe shop. Moreover, the market is
very informal and familiar. I know most food sellers here and I can stop to talk to them when I
have free time. It’s a great way to keep in touch with people.

Topic 10 Houses
Describe a room you like most in your home
You should say

 What it is
 Where it is
 What you do there

And explain why you like it

I’m going to talk to you about my bedroom. It’s probably the favorite room in the house where I
live or at least it’s the place where I spend most of my time.
While I say it’s my bedroom, it’s actually more like a bedsit in that it’s not just a place where I
sleep. Because I’m still studying I also use the room as my study corner too. It’s not exactly a
large room but it’s spacious enough and there’s room for all my things.
It’s fairly lightly furnished because I’m living in rented accommodation and the only furniture
there came with the room. There’s a bed and a wardrobe as you would expect but there’s also a
smallish desk in the corner where I have my computer and printer. I spend quite a lot of time
doing my assignments for college there but I also use my bed as a kind of couch when I just
want to read.
I share the house with a number of students and so there isn’t much privacy. It’s nice to have
other people about and I wouldn’t want to live by myself. But there are times when I want to be
in a quiet place and concentrate on my work and that are when I tend to go up to my room and
study. If I’m in the mood for company I’ll go back downstairs to the communal living
room and watch TV with one of my housemates. There’s almost always someone around. So I
think I can get the best of both worlds.

Topic 11 Book
Describe a book you read that you think is interesting
You could say:
 How you knew about this book
 Where you this book from
 What is it abut
and explain why you think this book is interesting.

I like reading … especially English novels … it’s a great way to improve your vocabulary and
there are so many fantastic authors to choose from … one book that came highly
recommended by my teacher was The Mayor of Casterbridge … I was studying at a school in
The UK at the time and she said it would give me a picture of what life was like years ago in the
area I was living … well I have to say I absolutely loved it … it was a real page-turner … it’s
a historical novel and the setting was a fictional town called Casterbridge … but actually it
was based on a town near where I was studying called Dorchester … it had such a great plot …
to cut a long story short it tells the story of the downfall of a man called Henchard the central
character who lives during a period of great social change around the time of the industrial
revolution … the reason I enjoyed it so much … apart from the great story … it gave me a
picture of what life had been like in the place I was studying at the time … I really couldn’t put
it down … a fantastic story …

Topic 12 Decision
Describe an important decision that you might have to make in the future
You could say:
 What the decision will be about
 How you will make your decision
 What the results of the decision are likely to be
and explain why it was important.

- Decision over my job

- Important decision because it will affect my whole life. It causes a lot of troubles when I
have to change my job. Takes time to get accustomed to new working environments and
colleagues. Have to change my living place
- Consult my parents as they are more experienced; consider my own ambition and
expected living place
- It’s very likely that I will work as a tour guide and settle down in one of big cities as best
schools and entertainment centers are available there. Salary and tips from tourists.
Passion for languages and confident when using English to introduce our beauty and
landscapes to foreigners
Topic 13 Park
Describe a park you remember visiting.
You could say:
 Where it is
 What it looks like
 What activities people do there?
And explain why you still remember it.

- Visit last year. Located in the city center; within walking distance of my house
- Cover an area of over 2 square kilometers and filled with varieties of vegetation
- Famous for its diverse ecological system and experiment laboratory to conduct research
on wildlife
- A range of activities offered to tourists: camping area; sport training courses; visit the
botanic garden
- Why: Had a chance to learn enrich my knowledge about healthy and unhealthy
vegetables through a presentation by a scientist with vivid demonstration. Escape the
stress and bustle of the urban life.

Topic 14 Country
Describe a country that you would like to travel to.
You could say:
 Where this country is?
 How you would travel there?
 Who you would go with?
And explain what you like about this country.

- Thailand: An Asian country with growing economy and quite stable social security
- In the middle of Asia bordering Lao
- Book a plane ticket and then use taxi as it’s popular and cheap
- Go with my brother as he is an experienced traveler and how know to handle custom
procedures and cultural taboos
- A land of Buddhism with numerous pagodas; would like to discover people’s religious
belief and practice. Also, want to learn how people here build up a modern society and
eliminate their bad habits. Explore the natural beauty and cuisine
Topic 15 Event
Describe an event you remember very well.
You should say
 What it was
 When it happened
 Where it happened
And explain why you liked or disliked it

I would like to describe an event that I couldn’t forget. It was the day when I received my IELTs
score report. It happened last year when I completed my university program and took an IELTs
test to assess my language proficiency. It was an important test because the B2 certificate was
the required one for my graduation and job application.
I still remembered that the report came when I was watching my favorite TV program in the
living room. The test center texted me and I shouted with excitement when reading the message.
I did not perform very well during the test because of some health problems and was really
anxious after the test result and did not expect to reach band 7. I think reason why I liked and
kept this memory long in my mind is that the test result played a very important role in my life.
At that time, I was applying for a position in an English teaching center and my manager kept
asking me to hand in a copy of my BA degree. Without the certificate, I certainly could not
graduate and receive degree on time to submit to my boss. And this job really opened my eyes
and mind as well as offered me chances to improve my teaching skills and knowledge.

Topic 16 Subject
Describe a subject you didn’t like before but are interested in now
You should say:
 What it was
 Why you didn’t like it before
 When you studied the subject
And explain why you have interested in it now

- English
- I disliked it when I had to study it at high school. A challenging and boring subject.
Barely had games or activities in class. Focus on grammar accuracy and vocabulary
- At university: the teaching of this subject was completely transformed. Engaged in a
number of communicative and discussion activities. Opportunities to train with foreigners
and study their cultural customs. Student-centered approach in which we are the center of
the teaching and learning activities
- Why: Widen my knowledge and understanding

Topic 17 Giving apologies

Describe a time when someone apologized to you
You should say:
 When it happened
 Why he/she apologized to you
 What this person said for apologizing
And explain how you felt

- My friend’s apology for losing my book

- An important reference book: special present from my father, a grammar English book
written by a famous linguist in the US. Used to look up new words and language use.
- Was given to my friend when she took her mid-term test. But a week later, she met and
explained. Terribly sorry for the loss and offered to buy another as a compensation
- I was sad because it is not only vital learning material but also has spiritual values. My
father had to work hard to buy this

Topic 18 Dream/ ambition

Describe an ambition you have not yet achieved
You should say:
 What it is
 How long you have it
 What you have to do to achieve it
And explain why it is important to you to achieve it

- Becoming the manager of an English center

- Have been working as a tutor for 3 years in this center. Have been through ups and downs
and witnessed its growth up till now.
- In order to achieve by goal, I have registered to be teaching assistant in almost all classes
available in the center and participated into the preparation of game shows. I volunteered
to take the responsibility for marketing activities
- Why?: high salary; learn new experience and broaden relationship so that I can start my
own business in the future.

Topic 19 Clothes
Describe an item of clothing that was bought for you
 What it was
 Who bought it
 What it looked like
 Why it was bought for you
And explain how you felt about this item of clothing
- A beautiful pullover given to me by my mother on her trip to Thailand
- Made of wool with simple square patterns on it. It must be made by hand and unique as
the stitches are not always the same. It’s a long-sleeved one with a V-shape neck.
- Used in winter especially when the temperature drops sharply. Warm but still light and
comfortable. Still fashionable and durable even after being worn for a year.

Topic 20 Meal/ restaurant

Describe a meal you recently had out of your home
You should say:
 What is it
 When and where you had it
 Who was with you
And explain why you took it out of your home

- A dinner in Bright restaurant

- A family meal to celebrate Woman Day, organized by my father as a gift to my mother.
- Bright restaurant in city center with great view of city at night from our table.
- Served with steamed lobster, steak and wine. Friendly, professional, traditional
- Why: to congratulate my mother on her special day; to honor her contributions and
efforts throughout the year; she can enjoy her favorite food (Italian salad, …)

Topic 21 Animal
Describe a time when you saw an interesting animal
You should say:
 What is it
 How you know about this animal
 Where they are found
And describe what facts about this animal do you find interesting

- Saw an elephant on my trip to the zoo

- Kept in a small herd of 4 elephants surrounded by tall stone wall and electric wire.
- First time saw it with my own eyes. Was amazed by its size and weight. Asian elephant
with a thick skin, long trunk and white tusks growing from its mouth
- Useful animal: in the past, used for heavy and dangerous works such as pulling up trees
and transporting goods and people. As domestic animal today, used for transporting
tourists or kept in the zoo for research or in theaters as entertainers. Great characters such
as caring for their offspring which resemble human personality.

Topic 22 Job
Describe your favorite job
You should say
 What it was
 When you did it
 Where you did it
And explain why you liked it

I would like to talk about a job that I liked very much. It was tour guide. It was my first job after
graduation so it was quite challenging at first. I was employed by an intelligent manager in
Bright travel agency.
My main responsibilities were arranging travels for both individual and group package tours.
Specifically, I had to arrange their accommodations, destinations and activities of tourist in the
trip. I was also in charge of picking up from and taking customers to the airport. The company
was new and everyone was young, dynamic and kind. They showed me all necessary skills and
knowledge to do my job best. Actually, I did so well that even received a pay rise after the first 6
I think the reasons I liked this job is that it really gave me chances to widen my horizon. As I had
to travel a lot, I learned about different culture and customs as well as the communication skills.
Besides, my job position also allowed me to take the lead and manage to collaborate all people in
my team. I think they were essential skills that would make me success in the future.

Topic 23 Giving help

Describe an occasion when you helped someone
You should say:
 Who you helped
 Where it happened
 How you helped them
 Why you helped them
And explain how this person reacted to your help or and explain how you felt after helping this
- I still remember the day when I tried to raise my helping hands to others. Helping a poor
children with their English during my university years
- Participated in the summer voluntary program organized by my school. Last 4 weeks in
the mountainous area of Lao Cai
- Tourist might be amazed by the gifted magnificent landscapes of this far-away land but
couldn’t understand their misery until they live with them.
- The children are from disadvantaged families with very poor living condition, hardly
have enough food to eat
- Choose the key materials, prepare lesson plan and teach them.
- They always pay close attention to the lesson and show great respect and gratitude toward
all of us. Felt useful as I contribute some of my energy to improve lives of these
impoverished children

Topic 24 Language
Describe the first time you used a foreign language to communicate
You should say:
 What the situation was
 Where you were
 Who you communicated with
And explain why you used a foreign language to communicate on this occasion

- Almost all language learners experience some life-long events relating to their language
practice and so do I.
- Participated in an English club and it was my first meeting; lots of games and interactive
activities were organized by the leader.
- In one game, I was chosen to work in pair with a foreign teacher. Nervous, my mind went
blank, could not speak a whole sentence, shy, my face turned red. He spoke slowly and
encouraged me. Struggled to talk to him but finished the task at last

Topic 25 Toy
Describe a toy that was special to you when you were a child
You should say:
 When you got it
 What it looked like
 Who gave it to you
And how you used it or played with it

One special toy that I remember getting was a Lego car. It was a birthday present from my
parents. I can't remember exactly how old I was, but I was probably about 10 or 11.
The special thing about this car was that I had to build it myself out of hundreds of pieces of
Lego. The pieces came in a box with a picture of the finished car on the front, and I had to follow
step-by-step instructions to put all the pieces together in the correct way. This wasn't an easy
task because the car even had an engine, movable seats and gears. It took me a day or two to
make, and required a lot of concentration.
When the car was finished it looked great, and I felt a sense of accomplishment. I seem to
remember that I didn't play with the car very much; the fun part had been the process of building

Topic 26 Photograph
Describe one of your favorite photographs
You should say:
 When the photograph was taken
 What it looks like
 What significant memory you have regarding this photograph
And explain why it is one of your favorite photographs

- Portrait of my family members taken on the beach

- Taken by a tourist who we asked for help. The background is the beautiful sunny beach
of Ha Long city. High quality camera with professional lens and filters to provide the best
picture with almost no noise
- Recall my memories of my grandfather who is the endless source of encouragement and
example for me. The one who I can count on for advices and sharing. Passed away a few
months ago
- The latest time we went on a holiday together

Topic 27 Outdoor activities

Describe an outdoor activity that you did for the first time
You should say:
 What you did
 Where and when you did it
 How you felt later
And say if you would recommend this activity to your friends

- Camping trip to Son Tay

- Organized by my school; joined by my classmates
- Departed in the early morning; arrived at mid-day; fortunately it was sunny but not too
hot; set up team camps; have lunch under the shade of the trees
- Play team games in the afternoon to encourage team strength and connection
- Encourage because: learn essential ways to communicate with other people in a team
toward a single goal; was trained some survival skills if deserted in the forest; learn to
take care of yourself and our own belongings

Topic 28 Love

Describe a person you are very close to. You should say:

 who this person is

 when you met them
 where you met them
 and say what it is about them you like so much

I’d like to talk about my friend … Jose … we got to know each other at University almost 4
years ago … we were in the same department … initially we were just good friends and used to
go out in a group with our other friends … when Jose went back to Spain for the holidays we
would keep in touch with each other … then one year he invited me to come to Spain with him
… and that’s when we fell for each other I think … so you couldn’t really say it was love at
first sight as it had been over a year since we’d met. By the time we got back to university in
September we were able to tell all our friends that we were in a relationship … what do I like
about Jose … well he’s very kind … very funny … and very supportive … and we’re really well
matched in our interests. We’ve talked about getting married and I think we’re both ready to
settle down and have children … we’ll just have to wait and see …

Topic 29 TV program
Describe a television program makes you laugh
You should say:
 What program it is
 What program is about
 How often you watch it what it is about
And explain why you laugh at this program

Today I'd like to talk about Tricky questions – Tricky answer, which is a very popular and
successful TV show in Viet Nam last year.
It is a comedy talk show hosted by a well-known comedian. For each episode, they have a
specific topic for discussion and they always invite so-called professional Xoay to give his
comment on each issue. Sometimes, the content of the program includes celebrities, entertainers,
sport athletes, and even politicians. The hosts always try to put a humorous touch to the
questions, making the show more entertaining and fun to watch.
Since this TV program is broadcasted every weeknight at 9PM, it is ideal for people to relax and
have a laugh after dinner, that's why I watch it almost every day as long as I don't have anything
more important to do.
I prefer this TV program to other programs because it always has something new in each
episode. From this TV show I can not only learn about the lives of different famous people, but
also know what's going on in the celebrities' world.
All in all, I think the producer of this show is very creative and is full of ideas, making the show
very enjoyable to watch for people of all ages.

Topic 30 Unsatisfactory product

Describe a product you bought and was dissatisfied about.
You should say:
 What the product was
 where you bought it
 what you did not satisfy about
And explain what you did about the product

Topic 31 Decision
Describe a difficult decision that you made
You should say:
 what decision it was
 what difficulties you faced
 how you made the decision
And explain why it was a difficult decision

Topic 32 Ideal house

Describe your ideal house:
You should say:
 what type of house it would be
 why you would like to live there
 what special features it would have
 whether you think you will ever live in a house like this

Topic 33 National holiday

Describe an important holiday (or festival) that is celebrated in your country
You should say:
 when this celebration takes place
 what people do during this celebration
 what you especially like and dislike about this celebration
And explain why it is important
Topic 34 Song
Describe a song that has special meaning for you
You should say:
 what this song is about
 when and where you first heard this song
 how often you listen to this song
And explain why it has special meaning for you

Topic 35 Anger
Describe a time someone or something made noise
You should say:
 when this happened
 who this person was/what this thing was
 what kinds of noise was
And explain what you did when you heard the noise

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