Different Facets of Security in The Cloud

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Different Facets of Security in the Cloud

Philogene A. Boampong Luay A. Wahsheh

Department of Computer Science Department of Computer Science
Norfolk State University Norfolk State University
700 Park Avenue 700 Park Avenue
Norfolk, Virginia 23504 Norfolk, Virginia 23504
p.a.boampong@spartans.nsu.edu law@nsu.edu

Keywords: Cloud security, security policy underlying hardware and software layers. SaaS delivers
software as a service over the Internet, eliminating the need
Abstract to install and run the application on the customer’s own
Cloud computing is a long fantasized visualization of computers, simplifying maintenance and support.
computing as a utility, where data owners can remotely Cloud computing services usually provide common
store and access their data in the cloud anytime and from business applications online that are accessed from a web
anywhere. Using a shared pool of configurable resources, browser. With traditional desktop computing, one would run
users can be relieved from the burden of local data storage copies of software programs on each computer owned. The
and upkeep. The security of cloud computing has always been documents one would create are stored on the computer
an important aspect of quality of service from cloud service on which they were created. Although documents can be
providers. However, cloud computing poses many new accessed from other computers on the network, they cannot
security challenges which have not been well investigated. be accessed by computers outside the network. The whole
This paper provides an analysis of cloud computing, cloud scene is personal computer-centric. With cloud computing,
data storage security, the security risks that involve using the software programs one would use are not run from their
the cloud, security policies, physical security, and software personal computer, but are rather stored on servers accessed
security pertaining to the cloud. Our research work indicates via the Internet. If the computer crashes, the software is
that cloud computing combined with a trusted computing still available for others to use. The same thing goes for
platform can provide some important security services, the documents anyone would create; they are stored on
including authentication, confidentiality, and integrity. a collection of servers accessed via the Internet. Anyone
with permission can not only access the documents, but can
also edit and collaborate on those documents in real time.
Unlike traditional computing, this cloud computing model is
Cloud computing is a software that is hosted centrally in
not personal computer-centric, it is document-centric. Which
a shared environment that can be leased. More specifically,
personal computer that is used to access a document simply
cloud computing is a computing model in which virtualized
is not important, but that is a simplification.
resources are provided as a service over the Internet.
Customers engaging in cloud computing do not own
The concept incorporates infrastructure as a service (IaaS),
the physical infrastructure that hosts the software service.
platform as a service (PaaS), and software as a service (SaaS)
Instead, they rent usage from a third-party provider. They
as well as Web 2.0 and other recent technology trends
consume resources as a service, paying for only the resources
that have the common theme of reliance on the Internet
they use or on a subscription basis. Sharing computing power
for satisfying the computing needs of users. IaaS delivers
among multiple customers can reduce costs significantly. A
computer infrastructure – typically a platform virtualization
cloud application often eliminates the need to install and
environment – as a service, along with raw (block) storage
run the application on the customers own computer, thus
and networking. Rather than purchasing servers, software,
alleviating the burden of software maintenance, ongoing
data-center space or network equipment, clients instead buy
operation, and support.
those resources as a fully outsourced service. Suppliers
typically bill such services on a utility computing basis;
the amount of resources consumed (and therefore the cost) 2. BACKGROUND OF THE CLOUD
will typically reflect the level of activity. PaaS delivers The term “cloud” originates from the telecommunications
a computing platform and/or solution stack as a service, world of the 1990’s, when providers began using
often consuming cloud infrastructure and sustaining cloud Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) services for data
applications. It facilitates deployment of applications without communication [1]. VPNs maintained the same bandwidth as
the cost and complexity of buying and managing the fixed networks with considerably less cost. These networks
supported dynamic routing, which allowed for a balanced managed by the organizations or a third party and may
utilization across the network and an increase in bandwidth exist at on-site or off-site locations, and the members of
efficiency, and led to the coining of the term “telecom the community share access to the data and applications in
cloud”. Cloud computing’s premise is very similar in that it the community cloud. Community cloud users therefore seek
provides a virtual computing environment that is dynamically to exploit economies of scale while minimizing the costs
allocated to meet user needs [1]. associated with private clouds and the risks associated with
When the security of data in cloud computing is public clouds [3].
investigated, the cloud service provider has to provide some
sort of assurance in service level agreements (SLA) to 2.1.4. Hybrid Clouds
convince customers on security issues. The clients have to
This model of cloud computing is a composition of
be able to trust the provider on the availability as well as
two or more clouds (public, private, or community)
data security. The SLA is the only legal agreement between
that remain unique entities, but are bound together by
the service provider and the client. This means the provider
standardized or proprietary technology that enables data and
can gain trust of the client through the SLA, so it has to be
application portability [3, 4]. Applications with less stringent
standard [2].
security, legal, compliance, and service level requirements
can be outsourced to the public cloud, while keeping
2.1. Cloud Computing Deployment Models business-critical services and data in a secured and controlled
Cloud computing services and technology are deployed private cloud [3].
over different types of delivery models based on the
characteristics and purpose. The deployment models include 2.1.5. Virtual Private Clouds
public (external), private (internal), community, hybrid and
Another deployment model, described by fewer sources, is
virtual private clouds [3].
one in which service providers utilize public cloud resources
and infrastructure to create a private or semi-private virtual
2.1.1. Public Clouds cloud (interconnecting to internal resources), usually via
The physical infrastructure is generally owned and VPN connectivity [3].
managed by the service provider [4]. The resources, such
as storage and applications, are made available to multiple 2.2. Cloud Computing Service Models
consumers by a service provider, via a web application or web
Cloud computing is any hosted service that is delivered
service over the Internet. The resources are therefore located
over a network, typically the Internet. Integrated cloud
at an off-site location that is controlled and managed by the
computing is a whole dynamic computing system and
service provider. This type of cloud is typically low-cost or
has its advantages. As mentioned in Section 1, cloud
pay-on-demand and has highly scalable services [3].
services are broadly divided into three categories, namely
IaaS (includes the entire infrastructure stack), PaaS (sits on
2.1.2. Private Clouds top of IaaS and adds an additional layer with application
The physical infrastructure may be owned and managed development capabilities and programming languages and
by the organization or the designated service provider with tools), and SaaS (builds upon IaaS and PaaS and
an extension of management and security control plans provides a self contained operating environment delivering
controlled by the organization [4]. It may be managed presentation, application, and management capabilities) [3].
by the organization or a third party and may exist at The advantages to the cloud computing service model will be
an on-site or off-site location. Private cloud services offer discussed further in this section.
the provider and the user greater control over the cloud
infrastructure, improving security, compliance, resiliency, 2.2.1. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
and transparency. Private clouds, however, require capital
As stated in Section 1, Infrastructure as a Service is a mode
expenditure, operational expenditure and a highly skilled
of providing a computer infrastructure to a company, and this
Information Technology team [3, 4].
product is usually in the method of platform virtualization.
Some organizations buy their own server(s) to host the
2.1.3. Community Clouds organization’s website and services [5, 6].
The physical infrastructure is controlled and shared by This server solution can be very costly and, typically, the
several organizations and support a specific community organization must employ added manpower to preserve it.
that has shared interests, such as mission, policy, security The number of requests made to the organization server can
requirements and compliance considerations. It may be fluctuate, as well as the idle time of the server. If the server has
a high idle percentage, the organization could have acquired the cloud. Therefore, several data storage concerns can arise.
a smaller server. With Infrastructure as a Service, one only Normally, users will not know the exact location of their
pays for what he or she uses, so even if one has a small data nor the other sources of data collectively stored with
organization or a large one, this would be the perfect package theirs. In order to ensure data confidentiality, integrity, and
for an organization. availability (CIA), the storage provider must offer capabilities
that, at a minimum, include a tested and trusted encryption
schema to ensure that the shared storage environment protects
2.2.2. Platform as a Service (PaaS)
all data, stringent access controls to prevent illegal access to
As the amount of the services that is made accessible in the
the data, and scheduled data backup and safe storage of the
cloud rises, it is apparent that a platform has to be developed
backup media [1].
to successfully control these services. Platform as a Service
is the delivery of an architecture or framework where cloud Cloud computing security is implicit within these
computing services can prosper [6]. This platform not only capabilities, but further vital concerns exists that need
runs a place where applications can be stored and deployed, attention. For example, is security exclusively the storage
but also an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) that providers responsibility, or is it also the entity responsibility
supports a complete life cycle for developing applications that leases the storage for its applications and data?
that can be made available on the Internet. With PaaS, the Additionally, legal issues arise, such as e-discovery,
price and difficulty of evaluating, purchasing, organizing, regulatory compliance (including privacy), and auditing.
and managing all of the hardware and software needed to The range of these legitimate concerns reflects the array
develop an application are considerably lowered. This is of interests that are presently using or could use cloud
because the development tools (including IDE, Graphical computing. These concerns and their yet-to-be-determined
User Interface (GUI) Tools, and database connectivity) and answers provide substantial insight into how security plays
delivery tools (including hosting, metering, and storage) are a vital role in cloud computing’s continuous growth and
made accessible inside the cloud itself. In this context, the development [7].
advantage of PaaS is related to the fact that a customer is
not obligated to invest in expensive hardware or software
to develop or make use of the applications offered in the 4. SECURITY ISSUES IN CLOUD
cloud [6]. COMPUTING
There are many security issues surrounding cloud
2.2.3. Software as a Service (SaaS) computing environment including confidentiality, multiple
Software as a Service is a method of providing users with security policies, dynamic of the services, trust amongst the
software through the Internet [5, 6]. The combination of using entities, and dynamically building trust domains [8].
the Internet together with software services have occurred
for some time, although the term describing this sensation
have been relatively diffuse until recent years. Several of the 4.1. Policies
most common uses of these services include e-mail clients
(e.g., Hotmail and Gmail), anti-virus scans (e.g., Symantec, The term policies are high-level requirements that specify
McAfee, and Kaspersky) and word processors (e.g., Google how access is managed and who, under what circumstances,
Docs and Adobe Buzzword). These applications are not may access what information. A security policy should fulfill
directly a collection of SaaSs, but the services they offer are. many purposes. It should protect people and information,
SaaS should not be seen upon as a way of creating software and set the rules for expected behavior by users, system
or its underlying architecture. SaaS is more of a business administrators, management, and security personnel. Security
model, which institutes a new way of distributing software. policies should authorize security managers to monitor,
It is about delivering web-based software over the Internet, analyze, and investigate organizations’ computer systems.
where the user runs the application in a browser and only pays The policy should define and authorize the consequences
for the use of the software instead of owning it. of violation, define the company consensus baseline stance
on security, help reduce risk and help track compliance
with regulations and legislation. There is a number of
3. SECURITY AND RESPONSIBILITIES important factors that need to be taken into consideration
Within the cloud computing world, the virtual environment when employing a policy for ensuring security between a
allows users to access computing power that exceeds that cloud hosting provider and a customer [6]. Some of these
contained within one’s own physical world. To go into this important factors like inside threats, access control, and
virtual environment requires them to transfer data throughout system portability will be furthered discussed in this section.
4.1.1. Inside Threats out of business, the customers should be able to easily and
Even with the most advanced firewalls and computer inexpensively transfer these services to another provider or
security available, an organization computer system may bring it back in house.
still be vulnerable to inside threats. If an organization
employees cannot be trusted, neither can one’s overall
security. It is important for any company to maintain a good 4.2. Software Security
sense of supervision and management (governance). External Software security is a vital aspect in cloud computing
customers may store data sensitive to their business at service since software is programs written and developed by different
providers cloud hosting site. If any of the employees manage people with various ideas. With some of this software being
to misuse this data, the cloud computing company will build given for free, security is not a major focus. Free software is
a bad reputation regarding the level of security offered and usually open source software, so a developer or a hacker can
certainly lose current and future customers [6]. access the code and find bugs. One consequence of this is that
users always should run the latest version of their programs
and services [6].
4.1.2. Access Control
On the path to making vital changes in software security,
The term access control refers to any mechanism by which
one must first agree that software security is not security
a system allows or denies the right to access some data,
software [10]. This is an understated point often lost on
or execute some action. Cloud computing offers services
development people who tend to focus more on functionality.
that may or will be critical for its users and therefore
Understandably, there are security functions in the world, and
need to exhibit a high level of availability at all times.
most modern software includes security features, but adding
What is just as important is to keep the data stored at
features such as secure sockets layer (for cryptographically
cloud hosting sites accessible only to the users who own
protecting communications) does not present a complete
the data. Even though an external customer would most
solution to the security problem. Software security is a
likely want the data to be available for its users only, it is
system-wide issue that takes into account both security
inevitable that the system administrators controlling the cloud
mechanisms (such as access control) and design for
hosting sites have access as well. Creating and maintaining a
security (such as robust design that makes software attacks
solid confidence between provider and customer is of great
difficult). Sometimes these overlap, but often they do not.
importance, in the same way a cloud computing provider
For example, security is an emergent property of a software
needs to be able to trust the system administrators working
system. A security concern is more likely to arise because
for them. Authentication and authorization through the use of
of a problem in a standard-issue part of the system (say, the
roles and password-protecting is probably the most common
interface to the database module) than in some given security
way to maintain access control when using web-browsers
feature. This is a significant reason why software security
to access cloud computing sites [6]. A more efficient way
must be part of a full lifecycle approach [10]. Just as one
to ensure adequate security is to facilitate an additional
cannot test quality into a piece of software, one cannot spray
authentication factor outside of the browser (in addition
paint security features onto a design and expect it to become
to username/password). This is essentially multi-factor
secure. Focus should be placed more on software security
authentication, but available options today are rather limited
from the ground up.
when considering requirements of scalability and usability.
Figure 1 specifies one set of the best practices and shows
An example of this put into use is BankID, which has
how software practitioners can apply them to various software
been developed by the banks in Norway for use by
artifacts. Although the artifacts are laid out according
private persons, authorities and companies [6]. BankID is
to a traditional waterfall model in this illustration, most
an electronic identification and service that offers secure
organizations follow an iterative approach today, which
electronic identification and signatures on the Internet.
means that best practices will be cycled through more than
once as the software evolves [10].
4.1.3. System Portability
A major important future concern for cloud computing
customers is cloud service provider lock in [9]. There is 4.3. Physical Security
currently no cloud computing standards for elements To maintain a decent level of software and physical
and processes such as Application Programming security, it is extremely important to have a strong physical
Interfaces (APIs), the storage of server images for security in place. Without having a strong physical security
disaster recovery, and data import and export. If an individual plan intact, an organization’s hardware components may be
or an organization is not completely satisfied with a particular attacked by people or natural disasters, regardless of the level
cloud computing service provider or if the provider goes on internal software and policy security in place.
Security External Static Penetration
requirements review analysis testing denial of service (DoS) attacks, since everyone can connect to
(tools) the cloud [9]. Cloud computing providers are very susceptible
Risk Risk-based Risk
cases analysis security tests analysis Security
to these types of attacks, as they can shut down services they
offer to their consumers.
One way to DDoS a server is by using packet flooding
Requirements Design Test Code Test Field attacks. A simple way to defeat this type of attack is
and use cases plans results feedback
to check whether the source internet protocol-address is
Figure 1. Software security best practices applied to various invalid. Another protection that firewalls should offer is
software artifacts [10] reverse firewall. This is used to prevent an attacker to create
a connection from a virtual private server to an external
server [6].
4.3.1. Backups
Backups are very essential and critical to any organization.
Any organization that is using the cloud would be totally 5. RISKS IN CLOUD COMPUTING
unwise to solely rely on the cloud service providers to keep Even though there are many reasons for moving to a
a backup of critical data. It is critical that any company or cloud based solution, cloud computing is not without its
individual keep an offline backup of all their critical data risks. A complete and full understanding of the mitigation of
and files. Even though, a majority of cloud providers offer security risks represents an important step towards securing
geographic redundancy on data on the Internet to enable high cloud environments and harnessing the benefits of cloud
availability, one still has to be prepared for the unexpected [6]. computing [3].
The results from interviews (as shown in Table 1) show that
information security was rated by 97.5% of the respondents
4.3.2. Server Locations to be the most critical risk area for the implementation of
There are multiple factors that must be considered when cloud computing and virtualization standards, policies, and
it comes to the physical security of machines. The room controls [3]. Rated second most critical risk area was disaster
that physically stores the machines should provide adequate recovery/business continuity planning with a score of 66.7%.
amount of space depending on the number of servers to be Policies, controls, and standards for operations management,
protected. This room should be isolated from other rooms and change management, third-party/service level management,
it should have anti-static finishing on the floors. There should interface management, and regulations and legislations were
not be any windows for security, sound, and environmental rated as being “somewhat important” for the mitigation of
reasons [6]. risks and in comparison to information security and disaster
This room should be properly grounded and use racks recovery.
with seismic bracings. To avoid the servers and machines
overheating, a fire suppression system should be installed, as Table 1. Cloud computing and virtualization critical risk
well as a cooling system. Every entrance to this space should areas [3]
the control of management and prone to vulnerabilities.
be properly secured and alarmed where needed. This space
Hosting application and data in shared infrastructures increase
Risk Area Critical Somewhat Not so
important important
not only would need security for illegal access, but would
the potential of unauthorised access and raise concerns such as
Information security 91.7% 8.3% 0.0%
also need to have
privacy, alarms
identity related to the
management, functioning of
authentication, the air
Operations management 41.7% 58.3% 0.0%
conditioning system [6]. There should bility
alsoofbe data, encryption,
an emergency Change management 41.7% 8.3%
network security and physical security. Apart from the security
or backup power in place, and a separate emergency power Disaster recovery/ business 66.7% 33.3% 0.0%
risks, other concerns include SLA and third-party (service continuity planning
shutdown for this room would highly be recommended.
provider) management, vendor lock-in, quality of service, Third-party/ service level 41.7% 41.7% 16.7%
vendor viability, data and application management and control, management
workload management, performance, change control, Interface management 8.3% 50.0% 41.7%
4.3.3. Firewall
availability of service, the lack of monitoring and management Regulations and legislation 33.3% 41.7% 25.0%
All cloud computing service providers should provide a
complete firewall solution to their clients [9]. If the firewall As shown in Figure 2, the biggest cloud computing
is not constructed, managed and updated, then it will be at concern is security [3]. With applications and data being
risk [11]. This is the case for AmazonA’s Elastic Compute hosted by a service provider, data is no longer under the
Cloud (EC2) [6, 9]. A required inbound firewall is configured control of management and prone to vulnerabilities. Hosting
to default deny mode and a consumer must explicitly open a application and data in shared infrastructures increase
port to allow incoming traffic. This traffic may be controlled the potential of unauthorized access and raise concerns
by protocol, by service port, and by internet protocol address. such as privacy, identity management, authentication,
One of the utmost important tasks of a firewall is to compliance, confidentiality, and integrity, availability of
safeguard against distributed denial of service (DDoS) and data, encryption, network security and physical security.
Apart from the security risks, other concerns include during transmission by using Secure Socket Layer (SSL),
SLA and third-party (service provider) management, vendor Point to Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) or VPN, and so on,
lock-in, quality of service, vendor viability, data and to ensure data security, to prevent data loss and leakage [5].
application management and control, workload management,
performance, change control, availability of service, the
lack of monitoring and management tools, transparency,
6.2. Share Technical Flaws
compliance with laws and regulations, portability, disaster In the cloud, simple configuration errors can cause serious
recovery, virtualization risks, lack of standards and auditing, impact, because many of the cloud computing environments
unproven nature of cloud computing, and uncontrolled viable share the same virtual server configuration. It is necessary
costs [3]. for the implementation of network and server configuration
SLA to ensure the timely installation of fixes and the
implementation of best practices [1].

Third party vendors (service providers)

Management and control 6.3. Weak Authentication Mechanisms

Laws and regulations (compliance)
There are various authentication mechanisms in cloud
Portability and interoperability
computing, in particular, single sign-on. Security certification
Disaster recovery
available through single sign-on authentication, mandatory
Virtualization risks

Lack of standards and auditing

user authentication, agents, co-certification, resources,
Maturity of technology
certification, certification between different security domains
Uncontrolled viable costs
or a combination of different authentication methods,
Lowest occurrence Highest occurrence
many of which the user is forced through a combination of
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
user authentication and single point of user authentication
Figure 2. Cloud computing risks [3]
methods to allow the user to enter the cloud application
authentication, users simply log into the Web application
The findings for both Table 1 and Figure 1 confirm first, which can effectively prevent users using their services
the importance of ensuring that the cloud environment from disclosing their password to third parties.
is adequately protected and secure. Creating controls to
overcome the security issues are henceforth a vital step
toward protecting the cloud environment. 6.4. Unsafe Application Programming
6. MAIN PROBLEMS WITH CLOUD The development of applications and enterprises needs
COMPUTING cloud computing as a new platform, rather than outsourcing
Security problems that may exist in the cloud are so high, to other organizations. In the application life cycle, users
that even the whole IT industry has undergone a revolution; must deploy a rigorous review process; developers can use
however, it is not perfect [1]. Existing security technology certain criteria to deal with authentication, access control, and
still cannot solve some of the problems associated with cloud encryption [1].
security, there are so many security characteristics of the
cloud it is difficult to give fully display. Security policy is 6.5. Not Correctly Using Cloud Computing
needed to ensure healthy and stable development of cloud Hackers may progress faster than the technical staff.
computing. Hackers often attack to quickly deploy new technology to
navigate the cloud [1].
6.1. Data Security, Data Loss, and Leakage Cloud computing has features like upload various files
Cloud computing efforts to control the security of the data of all type, synchronized access to stored and shared files,
is not precisely better, API access control and key generation, work together and share files with everyone, hierarchical
storage and management deficiencies may result in data and tag-based file grouping, authorization supervision,
leakage, and also may lack the necessary data destruction end-to-end protection, data protection and organization,
policy [1]. online reinstallation of removed files. However these new
Service providers and enterprises provide different enhancement for application at online access will bring
privileges to safeguard the security of data and prevent data other compatibility struggle amid Web-based applications
leakage. Companies should have full control permissions and and browsers [10]. There can be a situation when the same
restrictions on the cloud service provider permission. Data on servers are used for processing of data and storing the
the network for the cloud processing needs to be protected same data. A major concern for users in using the cloud is
unawareness of data location [9]. The cloud providers do not in its beginning now, and many research complications are
usually disclose that information. yet to be recognized.


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