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HRD Institutions and Experts
in the SAARC Region

Sixth Edition

December, 2013

SAARC Human Resource Development Centre

Islamabad - Pakistan
Table of Contents









Sri Lanka

The SAARC Human Resource Development Centre, Islamabad has published the sixth issue of
the Directory of HRD Institutions and Experts in the SAARC Region. The Directory is intended
to provide information about the HRD experts and institutions to match the needs of the regional
policy makers and practitioners in search of policy updates or feedback from the experts. The
Directory also contains comprehensive information for international aid organizations, HRD
researchers, training / conference/seminar organizers seeking experts to speak on particular
issues or looking for HRD writers in the region.

The Directory has been compiled and updated from the best available sources of information at
the date of publication. It has been developed with a view to develop a network for sharing
professional experiences and expertise for HRD in the region. The Directory includes 102 public
and private sector organizations in the SAARC Member States.

I would like to extend my appreciation to Ms. Aneela Nasreen, Librarian for compiling and updating this
Directory which will serve as a resource and networking aid.If you are an HRD expert or you are
affiliated with an organization which deals with research,capacity building and its related areas,
please provide information to include the same in theupcoming issue of the Directory.

Dr. Riffat Aysha Anis

Director SHRDC
HRD Institutions and Experts

1. Kaboora Institute of Higher Education
District 10, Street 4, Qala-e-Fatullah, Kabul, Afghanistan,
Date of Establishment 2001
Phone (+93)- 0795007570, 0793333347
Fax (+93)-214-659-9875
Head of Institution M. Suleman Soroush
Designation Chancellor
Objectives The KIHE aims to train students to respond competently and confidently to
the challenges arising from rapidly advancing technology. The key
potential and aims of KIHE posses for success include:
• To enrich talents and care for health and life of people
• To serve our students and the community by providing the highest
quality education
• To teach students based on the accepted world curriculums, theoretical
and practical
• To build capacity in the different higher health sciences education
• To extend academic relationship for our students with overseas
• To set up higher education, world-class curriculum and innovative
teaching methodologies
• To provide teaching and conduct research in the relevant
• disciplines of modern sciences
• To extend standard higher education services through the rural and
remote areas of Afghanistan
• To develop patterns of teaching at post graduate level and in super
• To provide for post graduate teaching conduct of research in the health
Area of Research Education
Staff Profile
• Pohand Abdul Razaq Doost, Vice Chancellor
• Dr. Ahqa Mohd Loudin, Senior consultant of KIHE
• Dr. Muhammad Yonus, Executive Director KIHE
• Prof. Azatullah Shirzad , Senior & Official Representative of KIHE in London
• Dr. Mustafa Gharwal Chief of support at KIHE
• Dr. Soroush Kakar, Task Order Manager at KIHE

2. Kabul University
Kabul, Afghanistan
Date of Establishment 1930
Phone (+93)-0707-609582
Head of Institution Hamidullah Amin
Designation Chancellor
Status of Institution Government
Objectives Kabul University aims to accomplish the following objectives:
• To develop generations of qualified Afghans, aware of their nation’s
Islamic and cultural heritage
• To preserve the Identity of Afghan society and safeguard its moral and
social values
• To establish, promote and maintain excellence in undergraduate and
graduate programs
• To establish, develop and execute teaching, research and scholarships
• To play an effective role in the development of scientific, social and
economic aspects of Afghan society as part of global citizenship
• To establish and maintain close links with national and international
Universities and institutions in academic and research fields
Area of Research Education
Staff Profile
• Nancy Dupree, Afghanistan History Expert
• Ghulam Mohammad Bahram, Professor
• Wasef Bakhtari, Professor
• Hamida Barmaki, Professor of Law and Child Rights Commissioner
• Mawlana Faizani Philosopher and Reformer
• Fazluddin Fazl, Professor
• Sayed Sultanshah Homam, Professor of Anthropology, Archaeology and Mongolian Studies
• Saeed Nafisi, Professor
• Abdul Qahar Samin, Professor
• Abdul Hashim Sahak, Professor
• Baz Mohammad Sherzad, Professor
• Faqir Mohammad Melgerai, Professor

3. Polytechnical University of Kabul

Kabul, Afghanistan
Date of Establishment 1963
Phone (+93) -20-220-1114
Head of Institution Prof. Dr. Ezatullah “Amed”
Designation President
Objectives • To educate the best young professionals in Afghanistan in the area of
Area of Research Education
Staff Profile
• Prof. Dr. Abdul Qayuom Karimzada,Vice-Chancellor for Research/Scientific Affairs, Ph.D
• Prof. Abdulbaqi Rahmani, Vice-Chancellor of the Student Affairs, M.Sc.
• Prof. Akbar Jan “Arzomand, Administrative Affairs, E-mail:
HRD Institutions and Experts

4. Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council (BARC)
New Airport Road, Farmgate, Dhaka-1215, Bangladesh
Date of Establishment 1973
Phone (+880)-2-9135587/9132214-18
Fax (+880)-2-8113032
E-mail /
Head of Institution Dr. Wais Kabir
Designation Executive Chairman
Status of Institution Government
Objectives The objectives of the Council are:
• Agricultural research, do acts of coordination
• Planning, monitoring and evaluation through the institutes, associate
institutes and other relevant organizations in different areas of
agricultural science
Area of Research Agriculture
Staff Profile
• Dr. S M Khalilur Rahman, Member Director.E-mail:
• Dr. M Khalequzzaman Akanda Chowdhury, Member Director.E-mail:
• Dr. Md. Kabir Ikramul Haque, Member Director.E-mail:
• Dr. Ahmad Ali Hussan, Member Director.E-mail:
• Dr. Md. Monirul Islam, Principal Scientific Officer.E-mail:

5. Bangladesh Centre for Advanced Studies (BCAS)

House #10, Road,16 A, Gulshan-1, Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh
Date of Establishment 1986
Phone (+880)-2-9851237, 9852904
Fax (+880)-2-8851417
Head of Institution Dr. A. Atiq Rahman
Designation Executive Director
Status of Institution Non-government Organization
Objectives BCAS is an independent, non-profit, non-government, policy, research, and
implementation institute working on sustainable development at local,
national, regional and global levels. BCAS addresses sustainable
development through five interactive themes:
• Environment-development integration
• Good governance and people's participation
• Poverty alleviation and sustainable livelihoods
• Economic growth, public-private partnership and sustainable market
• Corporate Social Responsibility
It has grown to become a leading research institute in the non-government
sector in Bangladesh and South Asia. It works using interactive approaches
and multiple methodologies. BCAS has been registered with the Social
Welfare Department as well as NGO Affairs Bureau of Government of
BCAS has been working on Natural Resources Management (NRM),
Environment and Development, Renewable and Conventional Energy,
Social and Economic Issues, Trade and Sustainable Development,
Livelihoods and Poverty Reduction Strategies, Global Change and Human
Dimensions, Policy Analysis and training, Governance and Advocacy,
Publication and Outreach.
Staff Profile
• Syed Md. Iqbal Ali, Director, BCAS/ARCAB Programme Director
• Dr. Dr. Muhammad Eusuf, Director/ Senior Fellow
• Khandaker Mainuddin, Director/ Senior Fellow
• Dr. Moinul Islam Sharif, Director/ Senior Fellow
• Dr. Dwijendra Lal Mallick, Director/Fellow
• Md. Golam Rabbani, Research Fellow

6. Bangladesh Institute of Bank Management (BIBM)

Plot No. 4, Main Road No. 1 (South), Section No. 2 Mirpur, Dhaka-1216,Bangladesh
Date of Establishment 1974
Phone (+880)-9003031-5/9003051-2
Fax (+880)-2-9006756
Head of Institution Dr. Toufic Ahmad Choudhury
Designation Director General
Objectives The objectives of the Institute are:
• To provide training to the officials of banks and financial institutions of
Bangladesh in order to strengthen and update their skill
• To provide education in the form of degree- Masters in Bank
Management (MBM) and Evening MBM (EMBM)
• To carry out research in banking & finance, holding seminars and roundtable
discussions or aiding the banks in their recruitment
Staff Profile
• Dr. Bandana Saha, Supernumerary Professor, E-mail:
• Dr. Shah Md. Ahsan Habib, Director (Training & Research), E-mail:
• Dr. Prashanta Kumar Banerjee, Professor & Director (Research, Development & Consultancy)
• Abdul Jalil Choudhury, Associate Professor, E-mail:, Ph: 9003051-2
• Fahmida Chowdhury, Associate Professor, E-mail:
• Md. Mohiuddin Siddique, Associate Professor & Director E-mail:
• Md. Shihab Uddin Khan , Associate Professor, E-mail:, Ph: 9003051-2
• Ashraf Al Mamun, Associate Professor, E-mail:, Ph: 9003051-2 (Ext-104)
• Md. Nehal Ahmed, Associate Professor, E-mail:, Ph: 9003051-2 (Ext-203)

7. Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies (BIDS)

E-17 Agargaon, Sher-e- Bangla Nagar, GPO Box # 3854, Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh
Date of Establishment 1974
Phone (+880)-2-9116959/ PABX: 9143441-8
Fax (+880)-2-8113023
Head of Institution Dr. Mustafa Kamal Mujeri
Designation Director General
Status of Institution Autonomous multi-disciplinary public research organization
Objectives The strategic objectives of BIDS are crystallized around the theme of
generating credible policy oriented research on development issues facing
Bangladesh and other developing countries along with strengthening
research-policy links to promote informed policy making in Bangladesh. In
the pursuit of its strategic objectives, BIDS activities are multi-dimensional
and inherently straddle several objectives:
• Promote excellence in policy research and extend the knowledge
frontiers to facilitate learning in development solutions especially in
priority areas of development related to social well being of the poor
and disadvantaged groups in society.
• Collect and generate socioeconomic data to facilitate the conduct of
analytical research on current economic and social issues and facilitate
development planning and policy formulation by the government.
• Disseminate knowledge and research based policy options to the policy
makers and assist them in designing credible development strategies for
achieving economic and social goals.
• Expand outreach of research to civil society and other stakeholders to
help shape policy debates on key development issues, develop broader
understanding and consensus, and promote knowledge based policy
• Conduct training and capacity building programs and promote the
application of cutting edge research techniques and appropriate
methodologies in economics and allied social sciences to develop
human and institutional capacities within the government and in other
• Promote research communication and networking to share research
findings on the BIDS knowledge base and stimulate interaction within
the research community, policy makers, civil society, and other
stakeholders through organizing workshops, seminars, conferences, and
using different modes of print and electronic media.
Area of Research Education and Demography
Staff Profile
• Dr. Zaid Bakht, Research Director. Ph: (+880)-2-9110654, E-mail:
• Dr. Rushidan Islam Rahman, Research Director. Ph(+880)-2-8113613, E-mail:
• Dr. Binayak Sen, Research Director. Ph: (+880)-2-9117829, E-mail:
• Dr. M.A.Manan, Senior Research Fellow. Ph: (+880)-2-9116655, E-mail:
• Dr. Kazi Ali Toufique, Senior Research Fellow. Ph: (+880)-2-8181683,E-mail:
• Bimal Kumar Shaha, Senior Research Fellow. Ph: (+880)-2-8181684, E-mail:

8. Bangladesh Institute of Human Resource Management (BIHRM)

9 Indira Road, Framgate, Dhaka-1215, Bangladesh
Date of Establishment 2003
Phone (+880)-2- 914 2464/01817-011 406/01911-214 545/01717-170458
Head of Institution Prof. Javed Ahmed Imtiaj
Designation Principal
Status of Institution Autonomous, Non-Profit
Objectives The objectives of the Institute are to impart education & training to develop
students, executives & Managers at all levels, engaged in commercial,
industrial and service organizations of private, public sectors and NGOs.
Other objectives include:
• To develop innovative thinking & analytical skills to become
professional leader in the field of Human Resource Management (HRM)
• To co-operate with similar institutions at home & abroad in promoting
exchange of knowledge and experience
• To increase participants' confidence in their ability to make
organizational decision promptly & effectively
Area of research Human Resource Management
Staff Profile
• Mosaddeq Hossain, MA, MBA. Ph: (+880)-1-817011406
• Javed Ahmed Imtiaj, MBA, PGDHRM. Ph: (+880)-1-911 214545
• Jasim U Ahmed, MA, MBA, PGDHRM. Ph: (+880)-1-817011406, E-mail:
• Masud Siddiki, MBA, PGDHRM, M. Ped. Ph: (+880)- 01552429558, E-mail:
• Sharfuddin Ahmed Lisan, English (Hons), DHRM, DSC, DHRLA. Ph: (+880)- 1-827543736

9. Bangladesh Institute of International and Strategic Studies (BIISS)

1/46, Old Elephant Road, Ramna, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh
Date of Establishment 1978
Phone (+880)-2-9353808/8315808/9336287
Fax (+880)-2-8312625
Head of Institution Major General Muhammad Imrul Quayes
Designation Director General
Status of Institution Government
Objectives The Institute was established with the aim of:
• Undertaking and promoting research and deliberation on international
affairs, security and developmental issues
• Advancing knowledge and understanding of contemporary
international and strategic issues in national and regional perspectives
Staff Profile
• Colonel A.K.M. Nazrul Islam, Research Director , M.A. (Defense Studies)
E-mail :
• Dr. Shaheen Afroze, Research Director, Ph.D. (International Relations). E-mail:
• Dr. Abu Taher Salahuddin Ahmed, Senior Research Fellow.(RD In-Charge)
E-mail :
• Neila Husain, Senior Research Fellow, Masters (International Relations). E-mail :
• Dr. M Jashim Uddin, Senior Research Fellow
• Dr. Mohammad Mahfuz Kabir, Senior Research Fellow
• Ms. Segufta Hossain, Research Fellow
• Abu Saleh Md. Yousuf, Research Fellow

10. Bangladesh Institute of Peace and Security Studies (BIPSS)

House 405, Road 6, DOHS, Baridhara,Dhaka-1206,Banglades
Phone (+880)- 2-8414284-85
Fax (+880)-2- 8411309
Head of Institution Major General ANM Muniruzzaman (Retd.)
Designation President
Status of Institution Non-Profit Organization
Objectives The objectives of the Institute are:
• To contribute, through its academic program, to the process of building
a community of South Asia knowledgeable on issues of traditional and
non-traditional/human security and transnational security, with a
common appreciation of the threats to security in South Asia and to
enhance their effective participation in various policy/governance
• To assist the evolution and consolidation of stable, secure and
accountable governments through the building of capacity across
various sectors
• To develop a comprehensive approach to human security in which local
ownership is central
• To periodically produce accurate and timely annotated analysis of the
security and human right situation in the South Asian region, which
will be useful to various actors working to deepen democracy and
prevent conflict in the region and beyond
Staff Profile
• Major General ANM Muniruzzaman, NDc, PSC (Retd), President. E- mail :
• Hamiduzzaman, Advisor, Communications & Research. E-mail
• Dr Syed Mahmud Ali, Director (Research)
• Professor Jahan-e-Gulshan, Member. E-mail:
• Aminul Haque Talukder, Member. E-mail:
• Professor Mustafizur Rahman, Research Fellow
• Professsor Abu Zayed Mohammad, Research Fellow
• Sajjad Khan Milki, Research Analyst
• Md. Ahiduzzaman , Research Analyst. E-mail:

11. Bangladesh Medical Research Council (BMRC)

BMRC Bhaban, Mohakhali, Dhaka-1212,Bangladesh
Date of Establishment 1972
Phone (+880)-2 8811395/8828396/8819311(PABX)
Fax (+880)-2 8828820
Head of Institution Prof. (Dr.) Md. Habibe Millat
Designation Director
Status of Institution Autonomous Body under Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
Objectives The main objectives of the Council are:
• To organize, promote and coordinate Scientific Research in various
fields of Health Science
• To train manpower in the field of Health Research
• To disseminate Research Results for utilization
• To Publishes Internationally recognized Indexed journal "BMRC
Bulletin” quarterly along with RICH ( Research Information and
Communication on Health ) and CAS (Current Awareness Service )
reports. BMRC has a National Research Ethics Committee for Ethical
Clearance of Research work
Area of Research Health
Staff Profile
• Prof. Dr. Mahmud Hasan ,Chairman Executive Committee
• Dr. Mahmood-uz-Jahanb, Deputy Director, BMRC. Email:

12. Bangladesh Public Administration Training Centre (BPATC)

Ministry of Public Administration, Government of Bangladesh, Dhaka,Bangladesh
Date of Establishment 1984
Phone (+880)-2-7711607/PABX:7710010-16
Fax (+880)-2-7710029
Head of Institution A. Z. M. Shafiqul Alam
Designation Rector
Status of Institution Autonomous
Objectives The objectives of the Centre are:
• To equip senior public and business executive of Bangladesh for their
role in a dynamic and developing society
• To impart in-service training to persons in the service of the Republic
and of local authorities
• To provide foundational training to the officers of different cadres and
subcadres of Bangladesh Civil Service
• To provide foundational and refresher training to non-cadre officers of
the Government
• To organise research and publication on public administration and
• To publish books, periodicals and reports on administration and
• To establish and maintain libraries and reading rooms
• To advise the Government on any specific problem of administration
and development as and when referred to it
• To prescribe courses of training
Staff Profile
• A. Z. M. Shafiqul Alam, Rector (Secretary to the Govt.). Email:
• Hosne Ara Begum, Member Directing Staff (P & S),
• Begum Shahin Ahmed Chowdhury, Member Directing Staff (D & E),
• Ferdous Akther, Member Directing Staff (M & PA)
• Md. Nuruddin Ahmed, Member Directing Staff (R & C) E-mail:
• Dr. Md. Mahmudul Hasan, Member Directing Staff (P & S)
• Md. Akram Hossain, Member Directing Staff (M & D)

13. Centre for Development Research, Bangladesh (CDRB)

Flat # C-2, House # 70/1, Road # 6-A, Dhanmondi R/A, Dhaka-1209, Bangladesh
Date of Establishment 1982
Phone (+880)-2-8111877/ 8115463
Fax (+880)-2-8117277
Head of Institution Dr. Mizanur Rahman Shelley
Designation Chairman
Status of Institution Independent & Not-for-Profit
Objectives The objectives of the Centre are:
• To organize, sponsor and promote research in the field of development
by constellating multi- disciplinary knowledge and expertise
• To undertake and conduct specific action-research projects for socio-
economic development Involving a harmonious blend of field-work
and desk research
• To sponsor joint research ventures in regional and international
perspective so that the forces of the development process can be
harnessed to achieve early upliftment of the developing nations through
promotion of cooperative self-reliance
• To undertake basic research in the field of socio-political and economic
relations among nations
• To educate and train young researchers and intellectuals in research
methodology, study approaches and survey techniques
• To work as a forum for scholars, decision-markers, students, members
of professional groups, both national and international, for de-
liberation, dissemination of knowledge and exchange of information &
views on issues related to national development, regional and
international progress and co-operation
• To function as a seed-bed of knowledge and information through
building up a rich library containing useful books, journal, monographs
and important documents
Staff Profile
• Dr. Mizanur Rahman Shelley, Chairman/Executive Director
• Dr. Mohammad Mohabbat Khan, Executive Director
• Dr. Syed Anwar Husain, Executive Director
• Dr. A M M Shawakat Ali, Executive Director
• Dr. Iftekharuzzaman, Executive Director
• Shawkat Ali Ferdousi, Executive Director
• Mohammad Enayet Karim, Executive Director

14. Centre for Executive Development Studies (CEDS)

27, Kakrail, Near HR Bhaban, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh
Phone (+880)-2-8362867/8361894-5
Head of Institution Prof. Dr. Moh. Salim Bhuyan
Designation Chairman
Status of Institution Government
Objectives The objectives of the CEDS program are:
• To produce efficient and effective managers, corporate leaders and
• To provide a strong foundation of the concept, principles and
techniques of modern business administration and management
encouraging case studies and research in different areas in the
international fields of fast growing business management
Area of Research Education
Staff Profile
• Prof. Dr. Md Sadrul Amin, Professor
• Prof. Dr. Syed Rashidul Hasan, Professor of Marketing
• Dr. S.M. Hassan Talukder, Associate Professor
• Dr. Md. Lutfar Rahman, Project Director & Consultant Ahsasia
• Prof. Dr. Aminul Hoque, Professor
• Prof. Dr. Kazi Saifuddin, Associate Professor & Chairman
• Dr. M. Emran Quayum, Professor
• Prof. Dr. Zahidul Islam, Professor
• Prof. Dr. Monowar Ahmad Tarafdar, Professor
• Prof. Dr. Md. Hanif Uddin, Professor
• Prof. Dr. Muhammad Abdul Jalil, Professor
• Prof. Dr. Md. Shahid Ullah, Professor & Chairman
• Prof. Dr. Md. Kamrul Alam Khan, Professor & Chairman
• Dr. Md. Mustafizur Rehman , Director (Vocational)

15. Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD)

House- 40/C, Road- 32 Dhanmondi R/A, Dhaka-1209, Bangladesh
Date of Establishment 1993
Phone (+880)-2-8124770/9141734/9141703/9145090
Fax (+880)-2-8130951
Head of Institution Professor Rehman Sobhan
Designation Chairman
Status of Institution Private
Objectives The main objectives of the Centre inculde:
• To create a platform for public discussion of important national policy
issues with a view to building up a broad-based support for such
• To organize regular policy dialogues with participation from major
stakeholders including policy makers, academics, experts, civil society,
representative from business community, NGOs and other civil society
groups and stimulate a culture of dialogue and discussion on various
important development issues
• To conduct in-depth research on critical development issues which
could service the needs of an informed public debate
• To raise policy awareness of young people in Bangladesh by
conducting internship programme by creating opportunities to share
their views, and by organizing policy appreciation courses for them
• To provide policy inputs to the principal decision-makers on the basis
of research and dialogue outputs
Staff Profile
• Rehman Sobhan, Chairman. E-mail:
• Mustafizur Rahman, Executive Director, Ph.D. (Development Economics)
• Dr. Debapriya Bhattacharya, Distinguished Fellow, E-mail:
• Professor Rounaq Jahan, Distinguished Fellow Ph.D. (Political Science)
• Anisatul Fatema Yousuf, Director, Dialogue & Communication Division, MS (Economics)
• Dr Fahmida Khatun, Head of Research
• Dr Khondaker Golam Moazzem, Senior Research Fellow
• A. H. M. Ashrafuzzaman, Senior System Analyst
• Nazmatun Noor, Senior Dialogue Associate

16. Institute of Bangladesh Studies (IBS)

Rajshahi University, Rajshahi–6205, Bangladesh
Phone (+880)-721-750985/750753
Fax (+880)-721-750064
Head of Institution Professor Atful Hye Shibly
Designation Director
Status of Institution Autonomous
Objectives The objectives of the Institute are:
• To promote, and provide facilities for, advanced studies and research
on the history, geography, economics, politics, sociology,
anthropology, law, language, literature and linguistics, philosophy, art,
archaeology, music, and culture of Bangladesh and such other subjects
as are significantly related to the life and society of Bangladesh leading
to the M.Phil. And Ph.D. degrees
• To undertake research projects in cooperation with public or private
organizations as and when necessary under mutual agreements.
• To place at the disposal of society the results of the researches
conducted at the Institute for fruitful utilization in planning and
development schemes
• To cooperate with other departments of the University of Rajshahi in
research activities relevant to Bangladesh Studies
• To popularize Bangladesh Studies in and outside the country through
seminars, conferences and publications
• To perform such other functions as will facilitate attainment of the
objects of the Institute
Staff Profile
• Dr. Md. Mahbubar Rahman, Professor, Ph.D. (History)
• Dr. M. Zainul Abedin, Professor, Ph.D. (Economics, Research Methodology)
• Dr. Swarochish Sarker, Ph.D. (Bengali Literature). E-mail:
• Dr. M. Mostafa Kamal, Ph.D. (History of Indian Philosophy). E-mail: .bd
• Mr. Jakir Hossain, M.Sc. E-mail:
• Professor Dr. Priti Kumar Mitra, Ph.D. (History, Historiography). E-mail:

17. National Academy for Primary Education (NAPE)

Academy Road, Mymensingh - 2200. Bangladesh
Date of Establishment 1978
Phone (+880)-91-66305
Fax (+880)-91-67132
Head of Institution Md. Nazrul Islam
Designation Director General
Status of Institution Autonomous
Objectives As a Centre of Excellence, the primary objective of NAPE is:
• To improve the quality of primary education through offering effective
programmes upholding the highest standard of competencies for the
practitioners. Also planning, training, monitoring, evaluation and
research in the primary education sub sector.
Area of Research Education and Human Resource Development
Staff Profile
• Md. Nazrul Islam, Director General
• Md. Nazmul Hasan Khan, Director
• Md. Abdul Aziz, Senior Specialist (DS)
• Khondoker Shaker Ahmed , Senior Specialist (DS)
• Shah Md. Aburaihan, Al-beruni, Senior Specialist (DS)
• Dr. Gopika Ranjan Chakraborty, Senior Specialist
• Rangalal Ray, Senior Specialist
• Md. Haidar Ali, Deputy Director Admin
• Nazmun Nahar,Controller of Education

18. Policy Research Institute of Bangladesh (PRIB)

Express House, 4th Floor, Road 10/A, Block H Banani, Dhaka-1213, Bangladesh
Phone (+880)-2-9899759/06662801039
Fax (+880)-2-8817375
Head of Institution Dr. Zaidi Sattar
Designation Chairman
Status of Institution Private & Non-Profit
Objectives The Policy Research Institute of Bangladesh (PRI) is a private, nonprofit,
nonpartisan research organization dedicated to promoting a greater
understanding of the Bangladesh economy, its key policy challenges,
domestically, and in a rapidly integrating global marketplace. PRI is
committed to undertaking and disseminating unbiased policy-oriented
economic research among public policymakers, business professionals, and
the academic community
PRI’s staff pursues this mission by performing timely, accurate research on
key policy issues and effectively disseminating these findings to its primary
audiences. PRI’s current areas of research include:
• Macroeconomic management focusing, inter alia , on fiscal policy,
monetary management, interest rate, and exchange rate policies Poverty
reduction approaches and strategies
• Trade, openness and competitiveness
• WTO issues in a development perspective
• Regional cooperation and issues of bilateral and multilateral trade
• Study of agriculture, industry and service sectors.
• Private sector development
Area of Research Macroeconomic management focusing,monetary management, interest rate,
and exchange rate policies Poverty reduction approaches and strategies,
Trade, openness and competitiveness, WTO issues in a development
perspective, Regional cooperation and issues of bilateral and multilateral
trade arrangements
Staff Profile
• Dr. Zaidi Sattar, Chairman, (PRIB), Ph.D. (Economics)
• Dr. Sadiq Ahmed, Vice Chairman, Ph.D. (Economics)
• Dr. Ahsan H. Mansur, Executive Director, Ph.D. (Economics)
• Dr. Salim Rashid, Professor, Ph.D. (Economics)
• Dr. M. G. Quibria, Professor, Ph.D. (Economics)
• Dr. S.R. Osmani, Professor, Ph.D. (Economics)
• Rumana Islam, Economist. E-mail:
• Md. Rafi Hossain, Economist. E-mail:
• Ashikur Rahman, Sr. Economist. E-mail:
• Biplab Kumar Datta Economist. E-mail:

19. PROSHIKA –Centre for Human Development

I/1-Ga, Section-2, Mirpur, Dhaka-1216,Bangladesh
Date of Establishment 1976
Phone (+880)-2-015812/8016015/8016759/8015945/8015946 /9005797
Fax (+880)-2-8015811
Head of the Institution Prof. Dr. M. Muazzam Husain
Designation Chairman
Status of Institution Non-Governmental-Organization
Objectives The objectives of the Centre include:
• Structural poverty alleviation
• Environmental protection and regeneration
• Improvement in women's status
• Increasing people's participation in public institutions
• Increasing people's capacity to gain and exercise democratic and
human rights
Staff Profile
Mr. Abdul Matin, Vice-Chairman
Mr. Mahbubul Karim, Chief Executive
Mr. Rafiqul Islam, Treasurer
Professor Dr. M. Amjad Hossain, Member
Advocate Md. Abdul Wadud, Member
Mr. Ashfaque-Ul-Alam, Member
Dr. Md. Rahmat Ullah, Member
Ms. Rokeya Islam, Member
Mr. Renuka Biswas, Member
Mr. Shahjahan Howlader, Member
HRD Institutions and Experts

20. College of Natural Resources
Lobesa, P.O. Wangdue Punakha Dzongkhag, Bhutan
Date of Establishment 1992
Phone (+975)-2-480509
Fax (+975)-2-480505
Head of Institution Dorji Wangchuk
Designation Director
Status of Institution Government
Objectives The Institute aims to:
• Provide technically capable personnel for the RNR Sector
• Improve the technical capability of RNR staff
• Prepare and implement rural development training programs
• Provide professional services for rural development
Area of Research Education
Staff Profile
• Dorji Wangchuk, Director, M.Sc. E-mail:
• Dr. Jamba Gyeltshen, Dean (Student Affairs), Doctor of Plant Medicine. E-mail:
• Dr. Phub Dorji, Dean (Academic Affair), M.Sc. (Animal Production). E-mail:
• Dr. Dhan Bahadur Gurung, Sr. Lecturer, Ph.D. E-mail:
• Ugyen Dorji, Sr. Lecturer, M.Sc. (Forest Science). E-mail:
• Sonam Tashi, Lecturer, M.Sc. (Agriculture). E-mail:
• R. B. Chhetri, Lecturer, B.Sc. E-mail:
• Thubten Sonam, Sr. Lecturer, undergoing Ph.D. E-mail:
• Bhakta Shangshon, Sr. Lecturer, M.Sc. (Extension in Natural Resources Based Livelihood)
• Dr. Penjor, Sr. Lecturer, undergoing Ph.D. E-mail:
• Nidup Dorji Asst. Lecturer M. Sc.(Agriculture Animal Breeding and Genetics)

21. Paro College of Education

Paro, Bhutan
Date of Establishment 1975
Phone (+975)-8-271487/ 478
Fax (+975)-8-271917
Head of Institution Thubten Gyatsho
Designation Director
Status of Institution Government
Objectives The Paro College of Education aims to:
• Prepare academically and professionally competent graduates of
international standard
• Offer programs that are responsive to the diverse needs and aspirations
of the learners and of the society at large
• Create a conducive environment that promotes a culture of learning
• Produce research publications and provide consultancy services
• Promote visionary leadership and effective management
• Develop a highly qualified, motivated and committed staff
• Enhance reciprocal relationship with MoE, schools, and member
colleges of RUB, industry, alumni, international organizations and
Area of research Education
Staff Profile
• Mr. Dorji Thinley, Dean, Academic Affairs. E-mail:
• Ms. Phuntsho Dolma, Dean, Student Affairs. E-mail:
• Mr. Kezang Tshering, Co-ordinator, M.Ed Program. E-mail:
• Ms. Tsering Yangzome Nidup, Co-ordinator, Diploma Program. E-mail:
• Ms. Ugyen Tshomo , Head of English Department
• Mr. L.N. Chhetrii , Head of Arts & Humanities Department
• Mr. Karma Nidup, Head of Professional Studies Department
• Mr. Jas Raj Subba, Head of Science Department
• Mr. Thinley Wangchuk, Head of Information Technology Department
• Mr. Karma Jigyel, Head of Mathematics Department

22. Royal Institute of Health Sciences

Royal University of Bhutan, Thimphu P.O.Box: 298, Bhutan
Date of Establishment 1974
Phone (+975)-2-321210
Fax (+975)-2-323856
Head of Institution Dr. Chencho Dorjee
Designation Director
Status of Institution Government
Objectives The objectives of the Institute are:
• To train and develop mid level human resource for health for the
effective and efficient delivery of health services in the country
• Provide continuing education for the health workers
• Conduct operational research relevant to teaching and practice
Area of Research Health
Staff Profile
• Ms. Diki Wangmo, Dean, Academic Affairs, M.A.(Nursing Science.
• Mr. Kungzang Dorji, Dean, Student Affairs, M.A.(International Health)
• Ms. Manikala Laygoi, Lecturer, M.A. (Nursing Science).
• Ms. Passang Lhamo, Lecturer, M.A. (Food & Nutrition).
• Dr. Ripa Chakma, Lecturer, MBBS (Dhaka).

23. Royal Institute of Management (RIM)

Post Box No. 416, Simtokha, Thimphu, Bhutan
Date of Establishment 1986
Phone (+975)-2-351013/351014
Fax (+975)-2-351029
Head of Institution Karma Tshering
Designation Director
Status of Institution Autonomous
Objectives The Institute focuses on:
• Training and capacity development of the civil service in close
coordination with the Royal Civil Service Commission
• Capacity development needs of local governance institutions and
agencies aimed at facilitating the decentralization initiative of the
Royal Government
• Supporting the private sector development through niche training
interventions in support of their human resource development
Staff Profile
• Karma Tshering, Director, MBA. E-mail:
• Karma Tobgyel, Head of Department, M.A. (Professional Accounting)
• Karma P. Loday, Head of Department, MBA
• Dhanapati Mishra, Head of Department , M.A. (Human Resource Planning and Development)
• Kuenga Jurmi, Head of Department , M.A. (IT)
• M. P.Sharma, Sr. Lecturer, PGD (Management Accounting)
• Indraman Chhetri, Chief Planning Officer/Sr. Lecturer, M.A. (Public Administration)

24. Samtse College of Education

Post Box No. 329, Samtse, Bhutan
Date of Establishment 1968
Phone (+975)-5-365274
Fax (+975)-5-365363
Head of Institution Mr. Kaylzang Tshering
Designation Director
Status of Institution Government
Objectives The objectives of the Institute are to:
• Offer programs that are responsive to the diverse needs aspirations of
the learners and the society at large.
• Develop a highly qualified motivated and committed staff having a
minimum qualification of master degree.
• Promote visionary leadership and effective management ensuring
transparency efficiency and accountability.
Area of research Education
Staff Profile
• Ms.Deki C Gyamtso, Dean, Academic Affairs, M.A. (Geography).
• Mr. Nandu Girihttp, Dean, Student Affairs, M.Sc.(Inorganic Chemistry)
• Mr.N. B. Gajmer, Assistant Professor, M. A. (English Literature)
• Mr.G.Ram Mohan, Lecturer, BSC (Hons). E-mail:
• Mr. kezang Wangchuk, Lecturer, M.A. (Dzongkha Dratsang). E-mail:

25. College of Science and Technology

Post Box :450 Rinchending, Phuentsholing, Bhutan
Date of Establishment 2001
Phone (+975) -5-240056
FAX (+975) -16478518
Head of Institution Dr. Cheki Dorji
Designation Director
Status of Institution Government
Objectives • To be a centre of Excellence in Science and Technology
• To create an environment to foster the growth of intellectually capable,
professionally competent, ethically sound and innovative professional
technical personnel who will be able to contribute to the development
of Bhutan, and in particular to the growth of Science and Technology in
the Country
Area of Research Education
Staff Profile
• Om Kafley, Dean of Academic Affairs, MBA. Ph: (+975)-16553720
• Nima Dukpa, Dean of Student Affairs. E-mail:
• Tsheten Dorji, Head of IT Department / Associate Lecturer. Ph: (+975)-16553382
• Ugyen Dorji, Head of Department /Associate Lecturer /Construction Manager. Ph: (+975)- 16551120
• Roshan Chhetri, Head of Electrical Engg. Department / Lecturer. Ph: (+975)-16552690
• Rajesh Subedi, Head of Department / Lecturer
• Karma Kelzang Eudon, Head of Department / Lecturer
HRD Institutions and Experts

26. Administration Staff College of India
Bella Vista, Raj Bhavan Road, Khairatabad, Hyderabad-500082, India
Date of Establishment 1956
Phone (+91)-40-66533000
Fax (+91)-40-23312954
Head of Institution Dr. Siripurapu Kesava Rao
Designation Director General
Status of Institution Semi-Government
Objectives The primary objectives of the Institute are:
• To synergize a symbiotic blend of management development
[training], consultancy and research
• To develop strategic thinking, reformist leadership, and state-of-the-art
skills among practicing managers in India and the developing world
• To achieve competitive dominance by confronting existing and
emerging challenges and effectively managing regulatory, government,
commercial and non-commercial organizations
Area of Research Policy-Planning, Education, Health, Poverty
Staff Profile
• Prof. M. Chandrasekhar, Professor, Centre Director, PhD. E-mail:
• Dr. Hemnath Rao, Dean of Management Programmes, Professor &Centre Director, Ph.D
• Dr. Lakshmi B, Prof. and Centre Director, Human Development & Area Chairperson, Ph.D
• Dr. Yamini Atmavilas, Associate Prof. & Area Chairperson, Ph.D. E-mail:
• Prof. Raj V. Ponnaluri, Centre Director for Health Care Management, M.S. MBA
• Dr. Paramita Dasgupta, Professor, Centre Director & Area Chairperson, Ph.D
• Prof. V Srinivas Chary, Prof. Centre Director & Area Chairperson. E-mail:
• Dr. Usha Ramachandra, Prof. & Area Chairperson of Energy Area, Ph.D, E-mail:
• Dr. Valli Manickam, Associate Professor & Area Chairperson, Ph.D. E-mail:

27. Advanced Training Institute Mumbai

Ministry of Labour & Employment, DGE&T, V. N. Purav Marg
Sion- Chunabhatti Mumbai-400022, India
Date of Establishment 1963
Phone (+91)-22-24053560
Fax (+91)-22-24053560
Status of Institution Government
Objectives The Institute aims at:
• Developing skilled manpower for industries, instructional staff for
industrial training institutes & upgrading skill of in-service persons
from the industry
Staff Profile
• Shri V. M. Ghildyal, Director
• Shri A.S.Kesai, Regional Director
• Dr I.K.Jain, Deputy Director

28. Centre for Economic and Social Studies (CESS)

Begumpet, Hyderabad-500016, India
Date of Establishment 1980
Phone (+91)-40-2340 2789/2341 6780
Fax (+91)-40-2340 6808
Head of Institution Prof. Manoj Panda
Designation Director
Status of Institution Autonomous
Objectives The objectives of the Centre are:
• To conduct interdisciplinary research in analytical and applied areas of
social sciences, encompassing socio-economic and other aspects of
• To undertake research projects sponsored by the state and central
governments, as well as international agencies such as the World Bank,
DFID, Ford Foundation, European Community, Rockefeller
Foundation and Asian Development Bank
• To develop expertise on themes such as Rural Development and
Poverty, Agriculture and Food Security, Irrigation and Water
Management, Public Finance, Demography, Health and Environment
• To conduct M.Phil/Ph.D. programme in Development studies in
collaboration with Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Open University, University of
Hyderabad (Central University) and Osmania University
Area of Research Human Resource Development
Staff Profile
• Manoj Panda, Director, Ph.D. (Economics). E-mail:
• Alivelu G, Assistant Professor, Ph.D. (Economics). E-mail:
• Calindi Niranjan Rao, Fellow, Ph.D. (Economics). E-mail:
• Babu K S, Associate Professor, Ph.D. (Anthropology). E-mail:
• N Chandrasekhara Rao, Associate Professor, Ph.D. (Economics). E-mail:
• Chandrasekhar K, Assistant Professor, M.A (Economics). E-mail:
• Deepita Chakravarty, Associate Professor, M. Phil (Applied Economics). E-mail:

29. Centre for SAARC Studies

Andhra University, Visakhapatnam–530 003, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India
Date of Establishment 1987
Phone (+91)- 99594 07799, (+91) 891-2575328, (+91) 891-2844115
Fax (+91)-891-2575328
Head of Institution Prof. K. Sreerama Murty
Designation Honorary Director
Status of Institution Government
Objectives The main aim of the Centre is:
• To undertake inter-disciplinary research on regional cooperation among
SAARC member countries for deepening the understanding, advancing
the study of contemporary problems of the region, studying the South-
east Asia/ASEAN and other regional blocs with a particular focus on
India’s relations with these countries
Area of Research Demography, Gender, Economy
Staff Profile
• Prof. K. Sreerama Murty, Honorary Directo. E-mail:
• Mr.V. Sreemannarayana Murthy, Assistant Professor. E-mail:
• Prof. T. Nirmala Devi, Adjunct Professor. E-mail:

30. Centre for Studies in Social Sciences

R-1, Baishnabghata Patuli Township, Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Date of Establishment 1973
Phone (+91)-33-2462 7252/5794/5795, (+91)-33-2436 8313/7794/95/97
Fax (+91)-33-2462 6183
E-mail / tapati
Head of Institution Prof. Tapati Guha Thakurta
Designation Director
Status of Institution Government
Objectives The objectives of the Centre are:
• To undertake, aid, promote and co-ordinate research in social sciences,
with special emphasis on the problems of the eastern region and West
• To provide academic and professional guidance to agencies, institutions
and personnel engaged in research in social sciences
• To offer, on request, consultancy services to the Government of India, the
Government of West Bengal and other State Governments and Union
Territory Administrations, universities, colleges and other educational
institutions and organizations in business, industry or trade
Staff Profile
• Sibaji Bandyopadhyay, Professor of Cultural Studies, Ph.D. E-mail:
• Pranab Kumar Das, Fellow in Economics, Ph.D. E-mail:
• Priya Sangameswaran, Fellow in Environmental Studies, Ph.D. E-mail:
• Jyotsna Jalan, Professor of Economics, Ph.D. E-mail:
• Saibal Kar, Fellow in Economics, Ph.D. E-mail:
• Somnath Ghosal, Fellow in Geography, Ph.D. E-mail:
• Dwaipayan Bhattacharyya, Fellow in Political Science , Ph.D. E-mail:dwai

31. Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering (CIAE)

Nabi Bagh, Berasia, Road, Bhopal-462 038, India
Date of Establishment 1976
Phone (+91)-755- 2737191
Fax (+91)-755-2734016
Head of Institution Dr. Pitam Chandra
Designation Director
Status of Institution Government
Objectives The main objectives of the Institute include:
• To undertake basic, applied and adaptive research leading to a
development, improvement of equipment, technology, process for crop
production, irrigation and drainage, post-harvest technology and
processing, and energy-use in agriculture and rural industries
• To develop hardware and technology in cooperation with other ICAR
Institutes in the area of crops, horticulture, aquaculture and animal
husbandry for production and processing
• To provide leadership and co-ordinate network of research with state
agricultural universities for generating location-specific technologies
• To provide input to ICAR on policy intervention with respect to
agricultural mechanization, energy management in agriculture,
irrigation and drainage and post harvest technology
• To provide consultancy and undertake sponsored research from
industry and other organization
• To act as a repository of information on agricultural engineering
• To act as a Centre for training in research methodologies and
technology and conduct post graduate education programme leading to
Master’s and Doctoral degrees in Agricultural Engineering
• To collaborate with relevant national and international agencies in
achieving the above objectives
Area of Research Basic and Applied Research
Staff Profile
• Dr. Pitam Chandra, Director. E-mail:
• Dr. S. D. Kulkarni, Project Director (Agro Produce Processing Division). Ph: 0091-2521061
• Dr. K. C. Pandey, Project Coordinator, AICRP on Renewable Energy Sources
• Dr. Surendra Singh, Project Coordinator, AICRP on Farm Implements and Machinery. Ph: 2521163
• Dr. D. Chaudhuri, Project Coordinator, AICRP on Utilisation of Animal Energy
• Dr. L. P. Gite, Project Coordinator, AICRP on Ergonomics and Safety in Agriculture
• Dr. C. R. Mehta , Project Director/Head of Divisions, Agricultural Mechanization
• Dr. R. C. Singh, Project Director/Head of Divisions, Agricultural Energy and Power
• Dr. S. D. Kulkarni, Project Director/Head of Divisions, Agro Produce Processing Division,
• Dr. P. C. Bargale, Project Director/Head of Divisions, Transfer of Technology,
• Dr. Ramadhar Singh, Project Director/Head of Divisions, Irrigation and Drainage Engineering

32. Dr. Marri Channa Reddy Human Resource Development Institute of Andhra Pradesh
Road 25, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad-500169, India
Date of Establishment 1976
Phone (+91)-23548487/23543727/23543453
Fax (+91)- 23557584/23548489
Head of Institution Md. Shafiquz Zaman IAS
Designation Director General
Status of Institution Government
Objectives The Institute aims at:
• Facilitating training and providing HRD inputs to all public
functionaries of the State to achieve a CARING (Committed,
Accountable, Responsive, Inspiring, Nationalistic & Genuine)
Area of Research Human Resource Development
Staff Profile
• Sri.Md.Shafiquz Zaman, IAS, Director General. Ph: (+91)-40-2354 8294, E-mail:
• Dr.Prasanta Mahapatra, IAS, Addl. Director General
• Sri. Ranjeev R Acharya, IAS, Addl. Director General
• Sri. M. Rama Prasad IFS , Addl. Director General
• Sri. G.Chandrashekar Reddy, IFS, Joint Director General
• Smt. B.Aruna Kumari, Joint Director (ATW)
• Sri. Y.V.Subba Rao, Dy.Director
• Sri. N.Kumar Babu, Sr.Lecturer
• Dr.Chukka Kondaiah, Professor
• Dr.O.Vijayasree, Director

33. Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (EDI)

P.O. Bhat 382 428,Dist. Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India
Date of Establishment 1983
Phone (+91)-79-23969151/23969153/23969163
Fax (+91)-79-23969164
Head of Institution Dr. Dinesh Awasthi
Designation Director
Status of Institution Autonomous Body, Non-Profit Institution
Objectives The Institute focuses on:
• Creating a multiplier effect on opportunities for self-employment
• Augmenting the supply of competent entrepreneurs through training
• Augmenting the supply of entrepreneur trainer-motivators
• participating in institution building efforts
• Inculcating the spirit of 'Entrepreneurship' in youth
Area of Research Education
Staff Profile
• Dinesh N. Awasthi, Director, Ph.D. (Economics). E-mail:
• Pankaj Bharti, Ph.D. (Psychology). E-mail:
• Meena Bilgi, M.Phil. (Social Work). E-mail:
• Sasi Misra, Ph.D. (Psychology). E-mail:
• Sunil Shukla, Ph.D. (Psychology). E-mail:
• B.B.Siddiqui, Ph.D. (Psychology). E-mail:
• Binod Das, Ph.D. (Political Sociology). E-mail:
• Satya Ranjan Acharya, M.Sc. (Agri), MFC. E-mail:
• Ganapathi Batthini, M.L.I.Sc. E-mail:
• Tarun Bedi, B.E. (Civil), M.A. (Sociology). E-mail:

34. Gujarat Institute of Development Research (GIDR)

Gota, Ahmedabad-380060, Gujarat, India
Date of Establishment 1970
Phone (+91)-02717-242366/242367/242368
Fax (+91)-02717-242365
Head of Institution Amita Shah
Designation Director
Objectives Being a premier organization the Gujarat Institute of Development
Research undertakes:
• Analytical and policy-oriented research concerning development issues
• Research in Natural Resource Management, Human Resource
Development and Industry and Infrastructure
Area of Research Natural Resource Management, Human Resource Development,
Industry,Infrastructure and Trade
Staff Profile
• Amita Shah, Director and Professor, Ph.D. (Economics)
• Keshab Das, Professor, Ph.D. (Economics)
• N. Lalitha, Professor, Ph.D. (Economics)
• P.K.Viswanathan, Associate Professor, Ph.D. (Economics)
• Tara S. Nair, Associate Professor, Ph.D. (Economics)
• Jharna Pathak, Assistant Professor, Ph.D. (Economics)
• Rudra Narayan Mishra, Assistant Professor, Ph.D. (Economics)
• Itishree Pattnaik, Assistant Professor, Ph.D. (Economics)
• Biplab Dhak , Assistant Professor, Ph.D. (Development Studies)
• Madhusudan Bandi , Assistant Professor, Ph.D. (Political Science)

35. Indian Institute of Bank Management (IIBM)

Khanapara, Jawaharnagar Guwahati-781 022, Assam, India
Date of Establishment 1980
Phone (+91)-361-2363155/2363156/2363157/2363106
Fax (+91)-361-2363102/2363103
Head of Institution Shri Harun Rashid Khan
Designation Chairman
Status of Institution Autonomous
Objectives The Institute aims at:
• Developing sharp management skills of banks, financial institutions
and their customers all over the country
Staff Profile
• Shri P.K.Jena, Director
• Dr. Abhijit Sharma, Associate Professor, Ph.D. Cell: 9435014109
• Prof. J. Devi, Associate Professor, M. Phil. Cell: 9435014090/9435115368
• Prof. Debabrata Sarma, Associate Prof./Chairman,Competency and Management Dev. Programmes
• Shri Dilip Sharma, Faculty Member M.A. (Economics)
• Shri S G Bhattacharjee, Faculty Member, L.L.B, M.Sc. (Chemistry). Cell: 9435349427

36. Indian Institute of Public Administration (IIPA)

Indraprastha Estate, Ring Road, New Delhi-110002.India
Date of Establishment 1954
Phone (+91)-11-23468300/23702400
Fax (+91)-11-23702440/23356528
Head of Institution Shri U.C.Agarwal
Designation Honourary Director
Status of Institution Autonomous
Objectives The objectives of the Institute are:
• To promote and provide for the study of public administration and
economic and political science with special reference to public
administration and the machinery of government and for educational
purposes incidental thereto
• To undertake, organize and facilitate study courses, conferences and
lectures and research in matters relating to public administration and
the machinery of government
• To undertake and provide for the publication of journals and of
research papers and books
• To maintain information services to facilitate the study of public
administration and spreading information in regard thereto
Staff Profile
• Shri U.C.Agarwal, Director
• Prof. (Ms.) Dolly Arora, Professor of Political Science.
• Prof. Pranab Banerji, Professor of Economics. E-mail:
• Prof. Anil C. Ittyerah, Professor of Economics. E-mail:
• Prof. P.K. Chaubey, Professor of Economic Administration. E-mail:
• Prof. Aasha Kapur Mehta, Professor of Economic Policy.
• Dr. K.N. Jehangir, Consultant of International Collaboration
• Dr. S.N.M. Kopparty, Consultant of Research Institute & Regional Centre
• Dr. G.S.Saun, Director, Research Project

37. Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research (IGIDR)

Gen. A.K.Vaidya Marg, Goregaon (E) Mumbai-400 065, India
Date of Establishment 1987
Phone (+91)- 22-28400919-21/28416200
Fax (+91)- 22-28402752/28416399
Head of Institution Prof. S. Mahendra Dev
Designation Director (Vice Chancellor)
Status of Institution Established by Reserve Bank of India
Area of Research: Development Studies
Objectives The primary objectives of the Institute are to:
• Promote and conduct research on development from a broad inter-
disciplinary perspective
• Serve as a centre for promoting cooperative endeavour and interaction
between research scholars and institutions in India and abroad
• Undertake any other project or activity which the Institute may usefully
carry out forth furtherance of development and social welfare
Staff Profile
• S. Mahendra Dev, Director, Ph.D. (Economics)
• Babu P.G, Professor, Ph.D.
• Ganesh-Kumar A, Professor, Ph.D. (Economics)
• Krishnan R, Associate Professor, Ph.D. (Economics)
• Goyal Ashima, Ph.D. (Economics)
• Mishra Srijit, Associate Professor, Ph.D. (Economics)
• Motiram Sripad, Associate Professor, Ph.D. (Economics)
• Mythili G, Professor, Ph.D. (Econometrics)

38. Institute for Human Development

NIDM Building, IIPA Campus Indraprastha Estate, New Delhi-110002, India
Date of Establishment 1998
Phone (+91)-11-23358166/23321610
Fax (+91)-11-23765410
Head of Institution Dr. Alakh N. Sharma
Designation Director
Status of Institution Non-Profit Autonomous Institution
Objectives The Institute aims to:
• Create an enabling environment for people to develop their full
potential, lead productive lives, exercise their choices and participate in
decision-making processes. Using the tools of intellectual inquiry, the
Institute aspires to integrate quantitative and qualitative analysis with
micro and macro-level policy initiatives towards restructuring the
framework of governance for greater empowerment of the people
Area of Research Human Resource Development
Staff Profile
• Dr. Alakh N. Sharma, Professor and Director, Ph.D.
• Dr. Atul Sarma, Professor, Ph.D.
• Dr. Dev Nathan, Professor, Ph.D.
• Dr. Sheila Bhalla, Professor, Ph.D.
• Dr. Preet Rustagi, Professor, Ph.D.
• Dr. Sandip Sarkar, Professor, Ph.D.
• Dr. Ashok Pankaj, Sr. Fellow, Ph.D.
• Ms. Smita Gupta, Consultant, M.Phil.
• Dr. Sumit Mazumdar, Fellow, Ph.D.
• Dr. Sunil Mishra, Associate Fellow, Ph.D.
• Mr. Balwant Singh Mehta, Associate Fellow, M.Phil.

39. Institute of Human Resource Development (IHRD)

#505, II Floor, 4 th Cross, R.T. Nagar, II Block, Behind BDA Complex
Bangalore-560 032, India
Date of Establishment 1995
Phone (+91)-80-65617338/23549645
Head of Institution Mr.Siraj Ur Rahman
Designation Director
Status of Institution Autonomous
Objectives The Institute aims at:
• Providing world class Human capital management solutions, including
HR Consulting, Research, Behavioural Assessment, Training and
Development solutions to the leading organizations in India, Asia
Pacific and the Middle East
Area of Research Human Resource Development
Staff Profile
• Mr Siraj, Director, MBA (Human Resource Management). Ph: 080-32414934,
• Mr Aaron Watson, Principal Consultant , MBA
• Dr.Winston Jacob, Chairman, Advisory Board, MBE,

40. Institute of Economic Growth

University Enclave, University of Delhi(North Campus), Delhi-110 007, India
Date of Establishment 1958
Phone (+91)-11-27666364/6367/27667101/7288/7365/7424
Fax (+91)-11-27667410
Head of Institution Mr. Nitin Desai
Designation Chairman
Status of Institution Autonomous
Objectives The objectives of the Institute are:
• To serve as an advanced centre for research and training in economics
and allied subjects
• To establish a fruitful exchange with distinguished scholars and
learned bodies in India and abroad
• Promote cooperative research within its own faculty and collaborative
research with other institutions
• Organise training courses and seminars
• Undertake publication of research studies and disseminate them.
Area of Research: Development Policy, Planning and Social Change
Staff Profile
• Professor Bina Agarwal, Director, Ph.D. (Economics).
• Prof. P. N. Dhar, M.A. (Economics)
• Dr. Ashish Bose, Ph.D. (Economics). E-mail:
• Dr. T.N. Madan, Ph.D. (Social Anthropology).
• Dr. C.H. Hanumantha Rao, Ph.D. (Economics). E-mail:
• Adi Bhawani T., Ph.D. (Economics). E-mail:
• Agrawal, Pradeep, Ph.D. (Economics). E-mail:

41. Institute of Human Behaviour and Allied Sciences (IHBAS)

P.O. Box No 9520, Jhilmil, Dilshad Garden Delhi-110095, India
Date of Establishment 1993
Phone (+91)-11-22112136,PABX No.22114021/22114029
Fax (+91)-11-22599227/22114066
E-mail /
Head of Institution Dr. Nimesh G. Desai
Designation Director
Status of Institution Autonomous
Objectives The objectives of the Institute are:
• To provide high quality super specialty care using state-of-art
technology in psychiatry, neurology and behavioural sciences
• To conduct research in the field of psychiatry, neurology and
behavioral sciences
• To provide comprehensive training for MD, DM, M. Phil. & Ph.D.
level in psychiatry, neurology and behavioural sciences and research
activities on current interest
Area of Research Health
Staff Profile
• Prof. Nimesh G. Desai, Director
• Dr. Jahanara M. Gajendragad, Assistant Professor & Head, Ph.D.
• Dr. C. B. Tripathi,, Assistant Professor & Head Biostatistics, Ph.D.
• Dr. Deepak Kumar, Associate Professor & Head , D.N.B.(Psychiatry)
• Dr. Om Prakash, Associate Professor , M.A.M.S.
• Dr. Rupali Shivalkar, Associate Professor, D. P. M. (Psychological Medicine)
• Dr. Ravinder Singh, Assistant Professor & Head Medical Anthropology, Ph.D.
42. Institute of Secretariat Training & Management (ISTM)
Administrative Block, JNU (Old) Campus New Meharauli Road, New Delhi– 110067,India
Date of Establishment 1948
Phone (+91)-11-26185316
Fax (+91)-11-26104183
Head of Institution Sh Umesh Kumar
Designation Joint Secretary & Director ISTM
Status of Institution Government
Primary Objectives The objectives of the Institute are:
• To plan, design and conduct post-entry foundational, refresher and
specialized training programmes for different grades of officers up to
the middle management level, so as to enable them to perform their
duties more effectively and shoulder greater responsibilities in the
future, by increasing their professional competence
• To assess the training needs at various levels in the Secretariat as well
as the related field organizations and organize training programmes to
meet these needs
• To create and foster among the participants a positive and innovative
outlook to work, and a sense of fraternity and team-spirit
Staff Profile
• Satyajit Mishra, Joint Directors, E-mail:
• K S Samarendra Nath, Joint Directors, E-mail:
• Geetha Nair, Joint Directors, E-mail:
• K Govindarajulu, Joint Directors, E-mail:
• Manisha Bhatnagar, Deputy Director,
• Chandan Mukherjee Deputy Director,
• Rekha Sharma Deputy Director,
• Rajeev Kumar Kundi Deputy Director,
Ranjan Kumar Deputy Director,
Sikha Paul Deputy Director,
Naresh Bhardwaj Deputy Director,
R Gayathri Deputy Director,

43. Institute for Social and Economic Change

Nagarabhavi, Bangalore 560072, India.
Date of Establishment 1972
Phone 080-23217010
Head of Institution Dr. R S Deshpande
Designation Director
Status of Institution Private
Objectives • To conduct interdisciplinary research in analytical and applied areas of
social sciences, encompassing diverse aspects of development.
• To assist both central and state governments by undertaking systematic
studies of resource potential, identifying factors influencing growth
and examining measures for reducing poverty.
• To establish fruitful contacts with other institutions and scholars
engaged in social science research through collaborative research
programmes and seminars, and to conduct training courses and
refresher programmes for university and college teachers and public
Area of Research Education
Staff Profile
• Prof. Parmod Kumar, Professor & Head, Ph.D. (Economics). E-mail:
• Dr. P. Thippaiah, Associate Professor, Ph.D. (Economics). E-mail:
• M. Devendra Babu, Associate Professor & Head, Ph.D. (Economics). E-mail:
• K.N.Ninan, Professor, Ph.D. (Economics). E-mail:
• K G Gayithridevi, Associate Faculty, Ph.D. (Development Studies). E-mail:
• M R Narayana, Professor, Ph.D. (Economics). E-mail:
• Satyanarayana Sangita, Professor, Ph.D. (Politics, Administration and Rural Development).
• D Rajasekhar, Professor, Ph.D. (Economics). E-mail:
• K.S.James, Professor, Ph.D. (Population Studies). E-mail:
• M D Ushadevi, Professor, Ph.D. E-mail:
• Meenakshi Rajeev, Professor, Ph.D. E-mail:

44. International Institute of Management & Human Resource Development

Kasarsai Road, Near Hinjewadi IT Park, Pune–411033, India
Date of Establishment 2005
Phone (+91)-20-22919551/52
Fax (+91)-20-26709170
Head of Institution Dr. Mrs. Surya Ramdas
Designation Director
Objectives The objectives include:
• To impart holistic and industry oriented management training to
students thereby ensuring their evolution into industry professionals at
the end of their selected management programme
• To mould students into physically fit mentally robust and
professionally competent individuals, who are capable of assuming
their rightful place as leaders in the industry and in the society of
Staff Profile
• Dr. Surya Ramdas, Director , Ph.D. (Commerce)
• Prof. Sangeeta Rajput,Assistant Professor, MBA (Marketing)
• Prof. Vijay Khode, Assistant Professor, MPM
• Mrs. Mollykutty Reji, Lecturer ( HR ), MPM
• Mrs. Vibhuti H. Sharma, Lecturer, MBA (IB)
• Ms. Ruchika Bammi, Lecturer, MBA
• Mr. Girish S Chavan, Lecturer (SQT,FA) In Charge of Sport Department, MBA

45. Kunhali Marakkar Centre for Western Studies and Indian Ocean Studies
University of Calicut, Halappuram (UT), Kerala, PIN-673635, India
Date of Establishment 1999
Phone (+91)-494-2401080
Head of Institution Dr. K. S. Pavithran
Designation Professor
Status of Institution Semi Government
Objectives The Centre aims to:
• Study the socio economic & political experts, regarding WestAssam
• Carry out study related to Indian Ocean region
Area of Research Economy, Policy/Planning and Development Studies
Staff profile
• Dr. K.S. Pavithran, Professor, Head of Department. Ph.D.
• Sunil Kumar. K, Assistant Professor

46. Madras Institute of Development Studies

79, Second Main Road, Gandhinagar, Adyar Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Date of Establishment 1971
Phone (+91)-44-24412589/24411574/24412295/24419771
Fax (+91)-44–24910872
Head of Institution Prof. K.L. Krishan
Designation Chairman
Objectives The objectives of the Institute are:
• To undertake studies and research pertaining to development problems,
with special reference to the agro-rural aspects of Tamil Nadu and the
socially and economically backward sections of the population
throughout the country
• To conduct seminars and conferences on development issues
concerning Tamil Nadu and the country at large
• To foster inter-university co-operation among social scientists of the
universities of the four southern states
• To promote inter-disciplinary research, and disseminate information
relating to the above activities
Area of Research Development Studies
Staff Profile
• R. Maria Saleth, Director. E-mail:
• D. Jayaraj, Professor. E-mail:
• A.R. Venkatachalapathy, Professor.
• Ajit Menon, Associate Professor. E-mail:
• S. Anandhi, Associate Professor. E-mail:
• L. Venkatachalam, Associate Professor.
• Ananta Kumar Giri, Associate Professor.

47. Medical Council of India

Pocket-14, Sector-8, Dwarka. Phase-1, New Delhi-110077, India
Date of Establishment 1934
Phone (+91)-11-25367033, 25367035/25367036/25367037
Fax (+91)-11-25367024/25367028
Head of Institution K.K. Talwar
Designation Chairman
Status of Institution Government
Objectives The main objectives of the Council are:
• Maintenance of uniform standards of medical education,
bothundergraduate and postgraduate
• Recommendation for recognition/de-recognition of medical
qualifications of medical institutions of India or foreign countries
• Permanent registration/provisional registration of doctors with
recognised medical qualifications
• Reciprocity with foreign countries in the matter of mutual recognition
of medical qualifications
Area of Research Health & Medical
Staff Profile
• Prof. Sanjay Shrivastava, Secretary. Email:
• Dr. P. Prasannaraj, Additional Secretary. Email:
• Mrs. Simmi R. Nakra, Chief Vigilance Officer. Email:
• Dr. Davinder Kumar, Joint Secretary. Email: .
• Sh. Ashok Kumar Harit, Deputy Secretary.,
• Dr.Reena Nayyar, Deputy Secretary. Email:
• Dr. Anshu Sethi Bajaj, Deputy Secretary. Email:
• Sh Shikhar Ranjan, Law Officer. Email:

48. National Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER)

Parisila Bhawan, 11, Indraprastha Estate,New Delhi-110002, India
Date of Establishment 1956
Phone (91-11) 23379861 /2 /3 /5 /6 /8, 23379857
Fax (91-11) 2337-0164
Head of Institution Dr. Shekhar Shah
Designation Director General
Status of Institution Autonomous
Objectives The Council aims to:
• Be an independent world class economic research institution
Area of Research Growth, Trade and Economic Management; Investment Climate, Physical
and Economic Infrastructure; Agriculture, Rural Development and
Resource Management; Household Behaviour, Poverty, Human
Development, Informality and Gender
Staff Profile
• Dr. Shekhar Shah, Director General, Ph.D.
• Aradhna Aggarwal, Senior Fellow.E-mail :
• Shashanka Bhide, Senior Fellow, Ph.D. (Agricultural Economics). E-mail:
• Rajesh Chadha, Senior Fellow, Ph.D. (Economics). E-mail:
• Sonalde Desai, Senior Fellow, Ph.D. (Sociology). E-mail:
• Dr. Sanjib Pohit, Senior Fellow/ Chief Economist, Ph.D. (Economics). E-mail:
• Anil Sharma, Senior Fellow, Ph.D. (Agricultural Economics). E-mail:
• Hari K Nagarajan, Senior Fellow. E-mail :
• Kanhaiya Singh, Senior Fellow. E-mail :
• Anushree Sinha, Senior Fellow. E-mail :

49. Research and Information System for Developing Countries (RIS)

Zone IV-B, Fourth FloorIndia Habitat Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110 003, India
Date of Establishment 1956
Phone (+91)-11-24682177-80
Fax (+91)-11-24682173-74
Head of Institution Dr Biswajit Dhar
Designation Director General
Status of Institution Government Autonomous
Objectives • Research and Information System for Developing Countries (RIS) is a
New Delhi based autonomous think-tank under the Ministry of
External Affairs; Government of India is an organization that
specializes in policy research in international economic issues and
development cooperation. RIS is envisioned as a forum for fostering
effective policy dialogue and capacity-building among developing
countries on international economic issues. The focus of the work
programme of RIS is to promote South- South Cooperation and assist
developing countries in multilateral negotiations in various forums.
RIS is engaged in the track II process of several regional initiatives.
RIS is providing analytical support to the Government of India in the
negotiations for concluding comprehensive economic cooperation
agreements with partner countries. Through its intensive network of
policy think tank RIS seek to strengthen policy coherence on
international economics issues.
Staff Profile
• Dr. Biswajit Dhar, Director General, Ph.D. E-mail:
• Dr S.K. Mohanty, Senior Fellow, Ph.D. E-mail:
• Dr Ram Upendra Das, Senior Fellow, Ph.D. E-mail:
• Dr Sachin Chaturvedi, Senior Fellow, Ph.D. E-mail:
• Dr. Prabir De, Fellow, Ph.D. E-mail:
• Dr. Beena Pandey, Research Associate, Ph.D. E-mail:
• Dr. Priyadarshi Dash, Research Associate, Ph.D. E-mail:
• Dr. U.S.Rana, Research Analyst, M.A. (Economics). E-mail:

HRD Institutions and Experts


50. Centre for Continuing Education
Velaanaage ,2nd floor, Male,20-30, Maldives
Date of Establishment 2002
Phone (+960)-3324622/322575/3321397
Fax (+960)-3322231
Head of Institution Mr. Adam Shareef Umar
Designation Deputy Director General
Status of Institution Government
Obj ectives The objectives of the Centre include:
• To be the leading learning institute in the Asia
• The Centre for Continuing Education strives to excel in providing
professional support to schools and foster community education and
life-long learning
Area of Research Education
Staff Profile Not Available.

51. Centre for Maritime Studies

Maldives National University, Shamsuddin Magu, Male' Villingilli, Maldives
Date of Establishment 1995
Phone (+960)-3390681
Fax (+960)-3392023
Head of Institution Abdulla Luthfee
Designation Deputy Director General
Objectives The Maldives College of Higher Education aims to:
• Serve people and society, to maintain, increase and diffuse knowledge
useful for the community by educating responsible committed citizen
to participate in solving island, national and regional problems and to
preserve and assert cultural identity
Area of Research Education, Development Studies, Human Resource Development, Human
Resource Management
Staff Profile
• Abdulla Luthfee, Deputy Director General. Ph: (+960)-3390983, E-mail:
• Ahmed Faisal, Principal Instructor. Ph: (+960)-3390984
• Ahmed Jabir, Assistant Lecturer. Ph: (+960)-3390984
• Mohamed Liraar, Assistant Lecturer. Ph: (+960)-3390984
• Abdullah Fahumee, Watcher. Ph : (+960)-3390681
• Aminath Fazeena Naseer, Administrative Officer. Ph: (+960)-3390681

52. Cyryx College

MA. Light Corner#1, Kenery Magu, Male, Maldives
Date of Establishment 1993
Phone (+960)-3328396
Fax (+960)-3321012
Head of Institution Ahmed Shareef
Designation Chairman
Status of Institution Private
Objectives The vision of the Institute is guided by the following objectives:
• Provide certificate, diploma and degree level courses in selected areas
based on societal training needs, with a particular focus on
Information Technology and Management
• Provide opportunities for cognitive, personal and social growth of
students in the context of membership in a dynamic academic
• Excel in teaching and learning by promoting classroom effectiveness;
apply innovative strategies to enhance teaching and learning; increase
student success as measured by learner outcomes and skills
development; and apply systemic internal quality assurance policies
and procedures
• Hire, train and retain high quality faculty and staff, and nurture a
climate of leadership and professional development
• Continue to maintain and upgrade the physical, technical and
academic facilities and resources to provide a state-of-the-art learning
environment for students
Area of Research Education, Development Studies, Human Resource Development, Human
Resource Management
Staff profile
• Mr. Ibrahim Waheed, Director- Academics
• Mr. N. Udayakumaran, Director- Finance
• Mr. Akbar Ali. S, Head of Department- School of IT & School of Multimedia Arts and Design
• Mr. Mebin Methew, Head of Department- School of Business & School of Humanities and Education
• Mr. Gilbert George, Chairman- Course Development Committee
• Mr. Sijo Joseph, Chairman- Examination Board and Quality Assurance
• Ms. Aminath Najwa, Student Counselor

53. Kulliyya
GVT-120, Violet magu, Male, Kaafu P. O. Box 2138, Maldives
Date of Establishment 1980
Phone (+960)-3325485/3322718
Fax (+960)-3317660
Head of Institution Ibrahim Rasheed Moosa
Designation Rector
Status of Institution Government
Objectives The objectives of the Institute are:
• To preserve and continue the Islamic character of the nation
• To prepare responsible, well educated and well disciplined citizens
• To protect the Islamic faith and Islamic culture
• To work for the development of the country
Area of Research Education
Staff Profile Not Available

54. The Maldives National Univeristy

Rahdhebai Higun, Machangolhi, Maldives
Date of Establishment 2011
Phone (+960)-3345101/3345118
Fax (+960)-3344091
Head of Institution Dr. Hassan Hameed
Designation Vice Chancellor
Status of Institution Government
Objectives The objectives of the Institute include:
• To perform and be acknowledged as the outstanding academic
Institution of the nation and one of the finest in the region
• To serve people and society, to maintain, increase and diffuse
knowledge useful for the community by educating responsible
committed citizen to participate in solving island, national and
regional problems and to preserve and assert cultural identity
Area of Research Education
Staff profile
• Dr Ali Fawaz Shareef, Deputy Vice Chancellor. E-mail:
• Sh Fayyaz Ali Manik, Deputy Vice Chancellor. E-mail:
• Hussain Haleem, Deputy Vice Chancellor. E-mail:

55. Mandhu College ( Former Mandhu Learning Centre)

Bougain Villea, Rah’dhebai Hin’gun, Machachangolhi, Male, Maldives
Date of Establishment 1998
Phone (+ 960)-3330055
Fax (+ 960)-3320603
Objectives The objectives of the Institute are:
• To provide learning opportunities for adults which are relevant to the
social and economic development of Maldives
• To provide learning opportunities for adults in the Maldives which are
in line with their learning aspirations
• To provide an alternate pathway into post secondary education and
training for those who have not had success in formal education
• To engage in academic and practical research which will contribute to
the socioeconomic and intellectual development of the Maldives
• To work towards obtaining a healthy and reasonable pecuniary return
for those who have invested in this venture
Staff Profile Not Available
HRD Institutions and Experts

56. AJ Wild Institute Of Advanced Studies
140, Rup Bahadur Galli, Panipokhari Maharajgunj, P.O. Box 23243, Kathmandu, Nepal
Date of Establishment 2001
Phone (+977)-1- 4002547/4428197/4413137/6207595
Fax (+977)-1-4002547
Head of Institution Dr. Kedar Nath Uprety
Designation Chairman
Status of Institution Private
Objectives The objectives of the Institute are:
• To provide quality education of truly international standard which
makes individuals intellectually competent, morally sound and
psychologically a complete being
• To create opportunities to all including the disadvantaged and the
underprivileged section of the society
• To acquire the best result out of the ordinary: providing them an
optimal conducive environment and the best resources available
Staff Profile Not Available

57. B.P. Koirala Institute of Health Sciences (BPKIHS)

Dharan, P.O. Box 7053, Kathmandu, Nepal
Date of Establishment 1993
Phone (+977)-25-525555
Fax (+977)-25-520251
Head of Institution Prof. Dr. Balbhadra Prasad Das
Designation Vice Chancellor
Status of Institution Autonomous
Objectives The objectives of the Institute are:
• To achieve the educational goals of the Institute both the present
curricula and future educational programmes to be need-based,
integrated, community-oriented and partially problem solving in line
with innovative medical education programmes epitomized in the
Edinburgh Declaration of 1988
• To provide services not only to those coming to its teaching hospital
but also to those who are not able to do so
• To promote positive health and through improvement in the status of the
community health that will serve as a measure of attainment of our service
• To monitor health indicators such as Infant Mortality Rate, Crude
Birth Rate, Crude Death Rate, Blindness, Deafness and Disability rates
etc., individual patients in terms of established clinical parameters
Staff Profile
• Prof. Dr. Rupa Rajbhandari, Rector. E-mail:
• Prof. Dr. Balbhadra Prasad Das, Hospital Director. E-mail:
• Mr. Nand Kumar Thapa, Registrar. E-mail:
58. Centre for Economic Development and Administration (CEDA)
Kathmandu, P.O. Box 797, Nepal
Date of Establishment 1969
Phone (+977)-1-4331721
Fax (+977)-1-4331722
Head of Institution Bharat Pokharel
Designation Executive Director
Status of Institution Semi Government, Non-Profit
Objectives The objectives of the Centre are:
• To assist the policy makers in formulating and implementing the
development policies, plans and programmes
• To provide the policy-makers with conceptual, empirical and value
premise for shaping the development policies, plans and programmes
• To recommend the policy makers /alternative policies, ideas and
• To foster intelligent and informed discussions on the issues and
problems in the Nepalese public affairs so as to promote and establish
an enlightened, conscious and influential public opinion
• To help various agencies of the TU in their diverse programmes and
to enhance their roles in national development
• To engage oneself with international collaboration in the study and
pursuit of development changes
Area of Research Demography, Gender, Economy, Policy/Planning, Poverty, Development
Studies, Human Resource Development and Human Resource
Staff Profile
• Mr. Bharat Pokharel, Executive Director, Academic and Administrative, M.A. (Economics)
• Dr. Durga Lal Shrestha, Professor, Ph.D. (Economics)
• Mr. Arun Kumar Lal Das, Professor, M.Sc. (Statistics)
• Dr. Ramesh Chandra Chitrakar, Professor, Ph.D. (Project Planning)
• Dr. Hari Dhoj Pant, Associate Professor, Ph.D. (Economics)
• Mrs. Menaka Shrestha, Associate Professor, MBA (Diploma in Law)

59. Centre for Nepal and Asian Studies (CNAS)

Tribhuvan University P. O. Box no. 3757, Kathmandu, Nepal
Date of Establishment 1969
Phone (+977)-1-4332078/4331740
Fax (+977)-1-4331184
Head of Institution Yagya Prasad Adhikari
Designation Executive Director
Objectives The objectives of the Centre include:
• To plan and conduct research on the problems of national integration
and the impact of modernization
• To promote and undertake studies on current development issues,
ethnic diversity, tradition and change in political values, and cultural
studies within Nepal and across other Asian countries
• To undertake issue-specific research on environment studies, gender
studies, population studies, migration studies, applied linguistics and
sociolinguistic studies
Staff Profile
• Yagya Prasad Adhikari, Executive Director, Professor, Ph.D. (Political Science)
• Novel Kishor Rai, Professor, Ph.D. (Nepali Language). E-mail:
• Dilli Raj Sharma, Professor, Ph.D. (Culture). E-mail:
• Dhruba Kumar Shrestha , Professor, M.A. (Political Science). E-mail:
• Nirmal Man Tuladhar, Professor, M.A. (Linguistics. E-mail:

60. Centre for Self-Help Development (CSD)

Maitighar Height, Thapathali Post Box 8852, Kathmandu, Nepal
Date of Establishment 1991
Phone (+977)-1-4256786/4265635
Fax (+977)-1-4265634
Head of Institution Mr. Mukunda Bahadur Bista
Designation Executive Director
Status of Institution Non-Governmental Organization
Objectives The objectives of the Centre are to:
• To promote social, economical and environmental initiatives through
participatory development process for economic growth, social
capital formation and environment management
• To help create appropriate community organizations and develop
human resources to plan, implement and monitor the activities
carried out through mobilizing internal and external resources
• To help empower access to control over and benefit from the
resources in an equal and, equitable manner through participation and
inclusion in decision making process, economic growth, social
capital formation and environment management
• To enhance the capacity of microfinance institutions and strengthen
microfinance sector through capacity building of MFIs and other
stakeholders to improve the delivery of inclusive financial services in
• To undertake studies and impact assessment related to the
community development and microfinance initiatives
Staff Profile
• Mr. Mukunda Bahadur Bista, Executive Director, M.A. (Economics)
• Mr. Keshar Bahadur Shrestha, Director, M.Com.
• Mr. Ram Kumar Shrestha, M. A.
• Mr. Shanker Nath Kapali, Deputy Director, M.Com.
• Mr. Satish Kumar Shrestha, Deputy Director (Consultant), M.A. (HRM)
• Mr. Sanu Raja Shreshta, Diploma in Engineering
• Mr.Pradimna Mudbhari, M.A.Sociology,M.A.Public Administration
• Mr.Sopan Bista, B.E., M.B.A.

61. Institute for Social and Environmental Research (ISER)

P.O. Box. 57, Bharatpur, Chitwan, Nepal
Date of Establishment 2001
Phone (+977)-56-591054/592406
Fax (+977)-56-592407
Head of Institution Dirgha Jibi Ghimire
Designation Executive Director
Status of Institution Non Government
Objectives The Institute aims to:
• Build social and environmental research capacity to improve human
lives and environmental conditions through high quality scientific
research, policy advocacy, and effective programme interventions
Area of Research Population and Environmental Dynamics, Education and Empowerment
Staff Profile
• Ms. Indra K. Chaudhary, Study Manager
• Mr. Rajendra Ghimire, Research Supervisor
• Mr. Prem Prakash Pandit, Research Supervisor
• Mr. Ram Bahadur Rijal, Asst. Research Supervisor
• Ms. Adina Gurung, Team Leader
• Mr. Binoj Kumar Shrestha, Research Associate
• Mr. Krishna Lama, Research Supervisor
• Ms. Nira Gurung, Team Leader

62. Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science (IAAS)

Office of the Dean, Rampur, Chitwan, Nepal
Date of Establishment 1957
Phone (+977)-56-591141
Fax (+977)-56-591021
Head of Institution Dr. Sundar Man Shrestha
Designation Dean
Status of Institution Government
Objectives The objectives of the Institute are:
• To design and implement educational programs in agriculture in order
to obtain an appropriate balance among established and emerging
needs of the agricultural sector in Nepal
• To promote excellence in teaching, research and technology
dissemination in agriculture
• To develop technically competent agricultural graduates ready to
apply the knowledge and skills in technical agriculture, agricultural
extension, agricultural education, agribusiness and agricultural and
rural development programs.
• To encourage and support faculty members and students for research
and scholarly activities relevant to the needs of Nepalese agriculture
and farmers
Staff Profile
• Dr. Sundar Man Shrestha, Dean, Professor of Plant Pathology, Ph.D. E-mail:
• Dr. Dainik Bahadur Nepali Karki, Asst. Dean (Administration), Professor of Animal Science, Ph.D
• Dr. Resham Bahadur Thapa, Asst. Dean (Academic Affairs), Professor of Entomology, Ph.D
• Dr. Santa Man Shakya, Asst. Dean (Examination), Professor of Horticulture, Ph.D

63. Institute of Foreign Affairs (IFA)

Ward No. 11, Tripureshwor, Kathmandu, P.O.Box: 23674, Nepal
Date of Establishment 1993
Phone (+977)-1-4266954/4266955
Fax (+977)-1-14266956
Head of Institution Mr. Tika Jung Thapa
Designation Executive Director
Status of Institution Semi Government
Objectives The objectives of the Institute include:
• To provide suggestions and recommendations to the Government of
Nepal on short and long-term foreign policy formulation
• To prepare concept papers, including strategic analysis on foreign
affairs, and submit them to the Government of Nepal
• To organize seminars, workshops, meetings and conferences to discuss
and deliberate on foreign policy issues and come up with
• To undertake study and research programmes on more vital foreign
policy related issues of the country
• To conduct briefing cum interaction programmes for Ambassadors
• To conduct training programmes for officials of MoFA and other
ministries on foreign policy issues
• To update and systematically compiling all historic documents and
information on foreign policy issues and publishing them as required
Area of Research Policy/Planning
Staff Profile
• Mr. Tika Jung Thapa, Executive Director
• Mrs. Anjan Shakya, Deputy Executive Director
• Mr. Binod Prasad Bista, Advisor

64. Institute for Integrated Development Studies (IIDS)

Mandikhatar, P.O. Box 2254 Kathmandu, Nepal
Date of Establishment 1990
Phone (+977)-1-4378831/4371006
Fax (+977)-1-4378809
E-mail ,
Head of Institution Bishnu Dev Pant
Designation Executive Director
Status of Institution Non-Governmental
Objectives The objectives of the Institute are to:
• Contribute to more informed public policy and action by conducting
empirically based policy-oriented research on Nepal's economic and
social development in national, regional and international contexts
• Foster informed debate and discussion on key development issues
facing the nation
• Provide training and technical assistance for government and non-
governmental agencies in areas of the Institute's expertise
• Facilitate access to and exchange of experience with institutions within
and outside the country
Staff Profile
• Dr Bishnu Dev Pant, Executive Director, Ph.D. (Applied Statistics)
• Mr Shankar Aryal, Research Fellow, M.A. (Political Science)
• Mr. Manbar S. Khadka Economist, M.S. (Agricultural and Resource Economics)
• Mr Nanda Kaji Budhathoki, Economist, M.A. (Development and Resource Economics)
• Ms. Priyanka Malla Economist, M.A. (Economics)
• Mr. Binod Shrestha Statistician M.S. (Mathematics and Statistics)
• Mr. Madhu Ram Maharjan B.Sc. (Agriculture)

65. National Productivity and Economic Development Centre (NPEDC)

Post Box 1318, Balaju Industrial District, Kathmandu, Nepal
Date of Establishment 1994
Phone (+977) -1-4 350 522/350566/350567
Fax (+977) -1-4 350530
Head of Institution Mr. Medani Prasad Neupane
Designation General Manager
Status of Institution Public Company
Objectives The objectives of the Centre are:
• To develop mass awareness for productivity improvement.
• To promote productivity in industry and related economic activities
• To render study, research, training and consultancy services for
productivity and quality management
• To undertake studies on policy planning and programs in industry and
related sectors
• To function as the secretariat of the National Productivity Council,
Government of Nepal
Area of Research Human Resources Development, Productivity Promotion and
Management, Green Productivity, Quality Management, Information
Staff Profile Not Available

66. Nepal Administrative Staff College

5, Jawalakhel, Lalitpur, P.O. Box: 2152, Nepal
Date of Establishment 1982
Phone (+977)-1-5522160/5523517/552002
Fax (+977)-1-5524906
Head of Institution Punya Prasad Neupane
Designation Executive Director
Status of Institution Autonomous
Objectives The main objectives of the College as per the Nepal Administrative Staff
College Act, 1982, are to:
• Provide necessary training for the civil servants of Nepal Government
and the employees of public enterprises
• Identify measures of enhancing the managerial capability of
administration of Nepal Government and management of public
enterprises to contribute towards development programmes of the
• Undertake problem-oriented research, consulting and information
service programmes for preparing training materials and making
training more useful
Area of Research Gender, Economy, Policy/Planning, Poverty, Development Studies Human
Resource Development and Human Resource Management
Staff Profile
• Mr. Punya Prasad Neupane, Executive Director, M.A.
• Dr. Shankar Prasad Rajbhandari, Senior Director of Studies & Director, Centre for HRM,
M.A. (Management Learning)
• Mr. Ram Bhakta Shrestha, Senior Director of Studies, M.A. (Management Learning), M.Com.
• Mr. Kedar Bahadur Rayamajhi, Senior Director of Studies, M.Sc. (Pop. Policies), M.A. (Psychology)
• Dr. Tarak Bahadur KC, Senior Director of Studies, Ph.D. (Development Administration)
• Dr. Dileep Kumar Adhikary, Senior Director of Studies, Ph.D.(Commitment & Performance)

67. Nepal Development Research Institute (NDPI)

Shree Durbar Tole, Pulchowk, Lalitpur P.O.Box: 8975, EPC 2201, Kathmandu, Nepal
Date of Establishment 2004
Phone (+977)-1-5537362/5554975
Fax (+977)-1-5537362
Head of Institution Dr. Divas B Basnyat
Designation Executive Director
Status of Institution Independent, Non-Partisan/Non-Profit Institution
Objectives The main objectives of the Institute are:
• To carry out research and academic activities on the contemporary
issues related to the national development and advancement of society
• To contribute to rational opinion building by disseminating
information and findings
• To conduct activities to develop and enhance Human resources
essential for policy making and research
• To exchange resources, technology and information with both national
and international institutions
• To implement development activities
Staff Profile
• Dr. Jagannath Adhikari, Coordinator, Ph.D. (Human Geography). E-mail:
• Dr. Punya Prasad Regmi, Executive Director, Ph.D. (Regional and Rural Dev.Planning)
• Dr Basu Dev Pandey, President, Ph.D., Department of Virology. E-mail:
• Dr. Divas Bahadur Basnyat, Vice President, Ph.D. (Engineering, Water Resources Eng.)
• Dr. Bal Bahadur Parajuli, Ph. D. (Water Environment and Dev.). E-mail:

68. Nepal Institute of Development Studies (NIDS)

House No.: 23, Madhur Marg, Chun Devi, Maharajgunj, P.O. Box: 7647, Kathmandu, Nepal
Date of Establishment 1998
Phone (+977)-1-4721277/4721278
Fax (+977)-1-4721982
Head of Institution Dr. Jagannath Adhikari
Designation Executive Director
Status of Institution Non-Governmental
Objectives The objective of the Institute are to:
• Contribute to socio-economic development by undertaking innovative
research and supporting alternative development models
• Implement programs to raise awareness and alleviate poverty in
Nepalese society
• Empower local institutions in order to implement sustainable
development programs in Nepal
• Conduct research on migration patterns to find aspects of its related
vulnerability and recommend alternatives to bring to the attention of
the policy-making officials in the country
• Conduct research/implement programs on marginalized communities
such as Women, Janjati, Dalit, Remote areas and so forth
Staff Profile
• Dr. Jagannath Adhikari, Executive Director, Ph.D. (Agrarian Change)
• Dr. Ganesh Gurung, The founding Chairperson of NIDS, Ph.D.
• Dr. Anita Manandhar, Executive Director, Ph.D. (Community Forestry)
• Ms. Radha Ghotane , Deputy Director
• Ms. Durga Gurung, Senior Program Coordinator, M.A. (Public Health)
69. Nepal Institute for Policy Studies (NIPS)
90 Mahadevsthan Marga, Baneshwor (near RR School) KMC-10, Kathmandu, Nepal
Date of Establishment 2008
Phone (+977)-1-4482530
Fax (+977)-1-4462811
Status of Institution Independent, Non-Profit
Objectives The objectives of the Institute are to:
• Conduct research on various policy issues particularly on international
relations, security and democracy
• Provide a venue for independent and critical studies, research and
dialogue on relevant policy issues
• Promote interaction and collaborative research among scholars, policy
makers and other professionals inside and outside the country
• Link academic research and public policy on various national and
international issues
• Publish a regular journal on international relations, security and other
current relevant issues
• Foster linkage and collaboration between institutions devoted to
studies on similar issues in South Asia and beyond. Doctor of
Engineering, Water Resources Engineering and Management (AIT)
Staff Profile Not Available

70. Nepal Red Cross Society (NRCS)

Red Cross Marg, Kalimati, P.O. Box No. 217, Kathmandu, Nepal
Date of Establishment 1963
Phone (+997)-1-4272761
Fax (+997)-1-4271915/4273285
Head of Institution Mr. Sanjeev Thapa
Designation Chairman
Status of Institution Non-Governmental Organization
Objectives The NRCS aims at:
• Alleviating or reducing human suffering without discrimination on
grounds of religion, race, sex, class, caste, tribe, nationality or
political belief
Area of Research Health & Care, Disaster Management, Organizational Development
Staff Profile
• Mr. Sanjeev Thapa, Chairman. E-mail:
• Mr. Hari Niroula, Vice-Chairperson. E-mail:
• Dr. Bishwakeshar Maskey, Vice-Chairperson. E-mail:
• Mr. Shashi Panthi, Vice-Chairperson. E-mail:
• Mr. Ajit Kumar Sharma, Vice-Chairperson. E-mail:
• Mr. Hemraj Ojha, Vice-Chairperson. E-mail:
• Mr. Dev Ratna Dhakwa, Secretary General. E-mail:
• Mr.Bhakta Khawas , Treasurer, E-mail:
• Mr. Umesh Prasad Dhakal, Executive Director. E-mail:

71. Non-Formal Education Centre

Sanothimi, Bhaktapur, P.O. Box 21045, Nepal
Date of Establishment 1999
Phone (+977)-1-6631288/6634362
Fax (+977)-1-6631280
Head of Institution Mr. Jibachha Mishra
Designation Director
Status of Institution Government
Objectives The main objectives of the NFEC are to:
• Upgrade and extend literacy, post literacy and skill-oriented activities
by integrating different NFE programmes
• Make Annual work Plan, programs and implement them throughout
the country
• Fulfil the needs of the certain target communities through effective
implementation of result oriented non-formal education programmes
Area of Research Education, Gender, NFE Policy Planning, Human Resource Development
Staff Profile Not Available.

72. SANN International College

SANN Research Institute, GPO Box: 5582, Gairidhara, Kathmandu, Nepal
Date of Establishment 1989
Phone (+977)-1-4420509/4430840/ 4414565
Fax (+977)-1-4421803
Head of Institution Dr. Subhash Ghimire
Designation Chairman/Principal
Objectives The objectives of the Institute are:
• To provide foreign students with opportunities to study and
understand Nepal
• To provide quality education to Nepalese students
• To provide Nepalese students with exposure to international
education and communities
• To conduct research in social sciences and other areas
Staff Profile
• Dr. Subash Ghimire, Chairman/ Principal
• Mr. Jagat Krishna Shrestha, Secretary
• Mr. Mahendra K Joshi, Treasurer
• Mr. Maheswor Shrestha, Member
• Dr. Mukunda Ranjit, Member
HRD Institutions and Experts

73. Akhtar Hameed Khan National Centre for Rural Development & Municipal
Administration (AHKNCRD&MA)
Park Road, Chak Shahzad, Islamabad, Pakistan
Date of Establishment 1979
Phone (+92)-51-9255154
Fax (+92)-51-9255157
Head of Institution Dr. Zafar Iqbal Qadir
Designation Director General
Status of Institution Government
Objectives The objectives of the Centre are:
• Training of mid-level officials/ functionaries of Nation Building
• Training of local government functionaries
• Special focus on orientation Training Courses
• Assistance to local government and rural development training
institutions in curriculum planning and training programmes
• Liaison with national and international organizations & NGOs
• Training of elected representatives of Local Governments
• Training of representatives of NGOs and members of civil society
Staff Profile
• Mr. Muhammad Ikram Kayani, Director (Training).Ph: (+92)-51-9255158
• Mr. Ayaz Akhtar Ansari, Director (Admin. & Research). Ph: (+92)-51-9255153
• Mr. Israr Mohammad Khan, Deputy Director (Admin & Training) .Ph: (+92)-51-9255150
• Mr. Abdur Razaq, Deputy Director (Research). Ph: (+92)-51-9255124
• Mr. Fayyaz Aslam, Deputy Director (Training). Ph: (+92)-51-9255189
• Mr. Abdur Rehman Niazi, Research Officer. Ph: (+92)-51-9255197
• Mr. Farooq Shahzad, Assistant Director (Admin). Ph: (+92)-51-9255156
• Mr. Mubasshir Zaman Khan, Assistant Director (Training). Ph: (+92)-51-9255187
• Mr. Mansoor-ul-Hassan Siddique, Deputy Director (IT). Ph: (+92)-51-9255231

74. Centre of Excellence in Water Resources Engineering (CEWRE)

University of Engineering and Technology, GT Road, Lahore -54890,Pakistan
Date of Establishment 1976
Phone (+92)-42-99050257-58
Fax (+92)-42-99050259
Head of Institution Professor Dr. Muhammad Latif
Designation Director
Status of Institution Semi-Autonomous Federal Institute
Objectives It is realized that training at Bachelor's level is not enough to solve intricate
and complex engineering problems being faced in the development and
management of water resources. To solve water resources problems, a team
of hydrologists, irrigation and drainage engineers, water resources
managers, water resources engineers, geologists, economists, social
scientists, agronomist, soil scientists and environmentalists is required. The
basic training that an engineer receives during his initial degree is limited
and cannot cope with the highly specialized and rapid technological
advancement in the development and management of water resources. He
cannot solve complex water resources problems with the knowledge of the
elementary principles learnt in the basic degree programmes. The Centre
started two M.Phil degree programmes in 1979 in the fields of Hydrology
(HYD) and Water Resources Management (WRM). A 3rd M.Phil degree
programme was started in 1994 in the discipline of Water Resources
Engineering (WRE). The degree program in Hydrology was redesigned as
Engineering Hydrology (EHY). In addition M.Sc. degree was initiated in
the fields of Water Resources Management WRM, Engineering Hydrology
EHY, and Water Resources Engineering WRE. The Centre offered a 4th
postgraduate M.Sc. degree programme in the discipline of Hydropower
Engineering (HPE) in 2000.
Staff Profile
• Prof. Dr. Muhammad Latif, Director and Professor, Ph.D. (Agricultural and Irrigation Eng.)
Ph: (+92)-42-99250256-58, E-mail:
• Prof. Dr. Ata-ur-Rehman Tariq, Professor, Ph.D. (Agri. Eng.). E-mail:
• Dr. Sajid Mahmood, Assistant Professor, Ph.D. E-mail:
• Dr. Ghulam Nabi, Assistant Professor, Ph.D. E-mail:
• Dr. Muhammad Tousif Bhatti, Assistant Professor, Ph.D. E-mail:
• Engr. Muhammad Masood, Assistant Professor, M.Sc (WRM).E-mail:
• Engr. M.Kaleem Sarwar, Assistant Professor, M.Sc. (Hydropower Engineering)
• Engr. M.Babar, Lecturer, M.Sc. E-mail:
• Waqqas ur Rehman Butt, Lecturer/ Network Admin, MS in Advance Computer Network

75. Health Services Academy

Park Road, Chak Shahzad, Islamabad, Pakistan
Date of Establishment 1988
Phone (+92)-51-9255590-4
Fax (+92)-51-9255591
Head of Institution Dr. Huma Qureshi
Designation Executive Director
Status of Institution Government
Objectives The key objectives are to:
• Produce competent, committed and skilled public health professionals
• Discover and disseminate new knowledge in the field of public health
• Assist in the translation of the knowledge into the sound evidence-
based policies and practices
Area of Research Health, Demography, Gender, Policy/Planning, Development Studies,
Human Resource Development, Human Resource Management
Staff Profile
• Dr. Shehzad Ali Khan , Assistant Professor, Ph.D. (Management Sciences)
• Dr. Shafqat Shahzad , Assistant Professor, Ph.D. (Economics). E-mail:
• Dr. Hamayun Rashid Rathor, Professor/Deputy Dean/ Project Coordinator, Ph.D.
• Dr. Chaudhry Muhammad Amjad, Assistant Professor, MPH. E-mail:
• Dr. Shafqat Shehzad, Head of Health Ecnomoics Department. Ph.D. Economoics
• Dr. Zahid Ahmad Butt, Head of Epidemiology & Biostatistics Department, Ph.D.
• Dr. Babar Tasneem Shaikh, Head of Health System & Policy Dept. E-mail:

76. Human Resource Development Network

H. No. 41, Street 56, F-6/4, Islamabad, Pakistan
Date of Establishment 2002
Phone (+92)-51 - 2828259 - 2821767
Fax (+92)-51-2826540
Head of Institution Fauzia Bilqees Malik
Designation Executive Director
Objectives The ojectives include:
• To sensitize organizational leadership on the importance of effective
• To facilitate CSOs in developing and improving HR systems
• To enhance access of HRDN members to professional development
opportunities for upgrading their skills and competence
• To provide HR policies to development sector organizations
Staff Profile
• Shaheer Elahi , Program Officer
• Sadia Ejaz, Program Officer Training
• Khalid Rasheed , Program Officer Web and Drafting
• Hashim Shinwari , Program Officer Training

77. Institute of Regional Studies (IRS)

House 12, Street 84, Ataturk Avenue,G-6/4, Islamabad, Pakitan
Date of Establishment 1982
Phone (+92)-51-9203974
Fax (+92)-51-9204055
Head of Institution Mohammad Ashraf Azim
Designation President
Status of Institution Non-Profit
Objectives The objectives of the Institute are to:
• Enlighten public opinion and other institutes in Pakistan by
disseminating knowledge which can bring about a better appreciation
and understanding of neighboring countries
• Assist other official and non-official establishments, agencies and
institutions in carrying out studies and analyses of strategic issues and
allied problems
• Establish and maintain close liaison with similar institutes at the
national and international level
• Establish and maintain a library for research and reference work
Area of Research Research in foreign and internal affairs, economy and industry, science
and technology, socio-cultural and security related issues
Staff Profile
• Bashir Ahmad, Senior Fellow
• Dr. Shaheen Akhtar, Reasearch Fellow
• Rizwan Zeb, Research Analyst
• Farhat Perveen, Reasearch Fellow
• Aarish U. Khan, Research Analyst
• Basharat Hussain, Research Scholar
• Seher Abbas, Research Analyst
• Humera Iqbal, Research Scholar
• Sidra Tariq, Research Scholar
• Syed Imran Sardar

78. National Commission for Human Development

14th Floor, Shaheed-e-Millat Secretariat, Jinnah Avenue, Islamabad, Pakistan
Date of Establishment 2002
Phone (+92)-51-9216200
Fax (+92)-51-9216164
Head of Institution Khusro Pervaiz Khan
Designation Director General
Status of Institution Non-profit Organization
Objectives The NCHD as the leading organization for Literacy in Pakistan is striving
to empower the people at the grassroots to become the agents of social
change. Its mission is to support the government by filling the
implementation gaps and improve public sector delivery mechanisms to
achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and “Education For
All” with focus on:
Goal 2: Achieve Universal Primary Education
Goal 3: Promote Gender Equality and empower women
Goal 4: Reduce Child Mortality
Goal 5: Improve Maternal Health
It is deeply committed to promoting learning for all people-especially for
the most vulnerable adults and children who are most difficult to reach.
The basic NCHD strategy is to introduce a process complimenting the
ongoing efforts to achieve MDGs in Pakistan.
Staff Profile
• Mr.Tehseen Chohan, Director HR
• Mr. Hamood Ur Rehman, Director Finance
• Mr. Iqbal ur Reaman, Director Education

79. National Educational Equipment Centre (NEEC)

Wahdat Colony, Lahore, Pakistan
Date of Establishment 1964
Phone (+92)-42-9260082-83, 99238159
Fax (+92)-42-9260081
Head of Institution Shahid Khursheed Kunwar
Designation Director
Status of Institution Government
Objectives The main objective of this center is to:
• Develop teaching aids and to meet the increased demand of
educational equipments at National level. This center prepares
prototypes, standard lists of equipments in accordance with the new
syllabus and curricula, prepares the manuals and also imparts
training to science teachers about the use and maintenance of science
Area of Research Education
Staff Profile
• Mr. Saeed Ahmad, Deputy Director
• Mr. Liaquat Nawaz, Subject Specialist (Physics)
• Mr. Tariq Mirza, Subject Specialist (Industrial Arts)
• Ms. Rashda Sohail, Subject Specialist (Biology)
• Ms. Sajida Abdul Sattar, Subject Specialist (Zoology)
• Mr. Naeem Zia, Subject Specialist (Mathematics)
• Ms. Saima Ilyas, Subject Specialist (Education)
• Ms. Uzma Kayany, Subject Specialist (English)

80. National Institute of Food Science & Technology

University of Agriculture, Faisalabad-38040, Pakistan
Date of Establishment 1959
Phone (+92)-41-9201105
Fax (+92)-41-9201439
Head of Institution Dr. Masood Sadiq Butt
Designation Director General
Status of Institution Government
Objectives The objectives include:
• To bring the National Institute of Food Science and Technology to
international standards of education for human resource development
• To develop and provide technical information, training and services to
public and private sectors in the discipline
• To provide appropriate cost effective technology packages for
handling, processing and storages of agriculture produce to curtail
post-harvest losses
• To achieve maximum value addition and by-product utilization of food
industries for local and export markets
Area of Research: Education
Staff Profile
• Dr. Allah Rakha, Assistant Professor , PhD
• Dr. Salim-ur-Rehman, Professor, Ph.D
• Dr. Aamir Shehzad, Assistant Professor, Ph. D
• Dr. Moazzam Rafiq Khan, Assistant Professor, Ph.D
• Dr. Ali Asghar, Assistant Professor, Ph.D
• Dr. Muhammad Saeed, Assistant Professor , Ph.D
• Dr. Mian Kamran Sharif, Assistant Professor, Ph.D
• Dr. Muhammad Asim Shabbir, Assistant Professor, Ph.D
• Dr. Aysha Sameen, Assistant Professor, Ph.D
• Dr. Muhammad Issa Khan, Assistant Professor , Ph.D
• Dr. Muhammad Inam-ur-Raheem, Lecturer, Ph.D
• Dr. Muhammad Atif Randhawa, Assistant Professor , Ph.D
• Dr. Imran Pasha, Assistant Professor, Ph.D
• Dr. Nuzhat Huma, Assistant Professor , Ph.D
• Dr. Tahir Zahoor, Assistant Professor, Ph.D

81. NRSP-Institute of Rural Management

6, Street # 56, F-6/4, Islamabad, Pakistan
Date of Establishment 1993
Phone (+92)-51-2822752/2822792
Fax (+92)-51-2823335
Head of Institution Roomi Saeed Hayat
Designation Chief Executive Officer
Objectives The Institute aims at:

• Enhancing human productivity

• Reducing poverty
• Conservation of environment
• Upgrading the technical and managerial skill of rural poor
• Efficient use of local resources and reduce dependency on external
• Innovating and developing courses to meet evolving community and
staff needs
• Strengthening village infrastructure to support economic growth
Staff Profile
• Anwar ul Haq, Programme Manager, Email :
• Ijaz Khaliq, Programme Manager, Email :
• Aasim Reza, Deputy Programme Manager , Email :
• Samia Imran, Manager HR, Email :
• Bilal Azhar, Manager Finance, Email:

82. Pakistan Institute of Development Economics (PIDE)

Quaid-i-Azam University Campus, P.O. Box. 1091, Islamabad,Pakistan
Date of Establishment 1957
Phone (+92)-51 9248051
Fax (+92)-51 9248065
Head of Institution Dr. Asad Zaman
Designation Vice Chancellor
Status of Institution Autonomous
Objectives The Institute aims to:
• Function as a World Class Centre of Excellence for Research and
Teaching, a world class research and teaching institute building on the
strengths and high standards it has achieved over the last fifty years
Area of Research Education
Staff Profile
• Dr. Musleh-ud-din, Acting Vice Chancellor, Ph.D. (Economics). Email:
• Ejaz Ghani, Chief of Research & Dean of Economics, Ph.D. (Agri. Economics)
• Fazal Hussain, Chief of Research. Ph.D. (Economics). E-mail:
• Dr. Zafar Mahmood, Foreign Professor. Ph.D. (Economics).
• Dr. Usman Mustafa, Head of Department, Ph.D. (Economics). E-mail:
• Zafar Mueen Nasir, Chief of Research & Dean of Business Studies, Ph.D.
• Dr Abdul Qayyum, Registrar, Ph.D. (Applied Econometrics). E-mail:
• Dr. Durr-e-Nayab, Head, Department of Population Sciences and Chief of Research
Ph.D. (Demography). E-mail:
• Dr Rehana Siddiqui, Joint Director, Ph.D. (Economics). Email:
• Dr. G. M. Arif, Joint Director/Dean & Chief of Research , Ph.D. (Economics/Demography)
• Dr. Idrees Khawaja, Associate Professor, Ph.D. (Economics).

83. Pakistan Medical Research Council (PMRC)

Shahrah-e-Jamhuriat, G-5/2, Islamabad, Pakistan
Date of Establishment 1962
Phone (+92)-51-9216793- 51-9207386
Fax (+92)-51-9216774
Head of Institution Dr. Huma Qureshi
Designation Executive Director
Status of Institution Autonomous
Objectives The key objectives are to:
• Organize, coordinate and promote scientific research in various
disciplines of medical sciences and public health
• Establish its own institutions for undertaking medical research
• Publish and otherwise disseminate technical and general information
on scientific matters relating to the research work of the Council
through holding seminars, meetings and conferences
• Establish scientific liaison with other national and international
organizations connected with the scientific activities of the Council
• Advise the Federal Government and Provincial Governments on all
matters related to medical research
• Carry out, when called upon, evaluation of different health
programme in the country
Area of Research Health and Policy/Planning
Staff Profile
• Dr. Huma Qureshi, Executive Director, MBBS, MD. (Medicine).
Ph: 051-9217146 E-mail:
• Dr. Muhammad Arif Munir, Senior Research Officer, Ph.D. (Entomology). Ph: 51-9206092,

84. Postgraduate College of Nursing Punjab

I, Birdwood Jail Road, Lahore, Pakistan
Date of Establishment 1988
Phone (+92)-42-99203615-16-18
Fax (+92)-42-99203617
Head of Institution Mrs. Ishrat Ishaaque
Designation Principal
Status of Institution Government
Objectives The objectives of the Institute include:
• To educate nurses to provide holistic, safe and competent nursing
care to individual, family & community
• To provide leadership in nursing education practice, administration
and research
• To provide resource centre for continue education which will enable
nurses to meet the present needs and future challenges in the future
Area of Research Education
Staff Profile Not Available

85. Provincial Health Development Centre

I, Birdwood Jail Road, Lahore, Pakistan
Date of Establishment 1994
Phone (+92)-42-99203611/9203612/99203614
Fax (+92)-42-99203613
Head of Institution Dr. Muhammad Javed Shah
Designation Director
Status of Institution Government
Objectives Research & Capacity Building
Area of Research Health
Staff Profile
• Dr. Naseem Ahmad Raja, Programm Director
• Dr. Amir Salman, Course Director
• Dr. Masood Mirza, Course Director
• Dr. Sara Khan, Course Director
• Dr. Mateen Malik, Programm Director
• Dr. Muhaamd Khalid, Assistant Chief
• Mrs Shaheen Akhtar, Research Officer

86. Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences (PIMS)

Sector G-8/3 Islamabad, Paksitan
Date of Establishment 1985
Phone (+92)-51-9260500
Fax (+92)-51-9260724
Head of Institution Prof. Riaz Ahmed Warraich
Designation Executive Director
Status of Institution Semi- Government
Primary Objectives Objectives of PIMS are to:
• Provide a tertiary level patient care and serve as referral hospital also to
conduct teaching /training of doctors and other health workers at
various levels in the field of medicine and surgery
Area of Research: Health
Staff Profile
• Dr. Altaf Hussain Quershi, Joint Executive Director, MBBS (Pb), MPH & TM (Tulane USA)
Ph: 051- 9260470
• MAJ (R) Jahanzeb Khan, Joint Executive Director (NM). Ph:051-9261592
• Dr Hashim Raza, Deputy Executive Director (IH). Ph: 9261188. Ext 2466
• Dr. M. Zulfiqar Ghouri, Deputy Executive Director. Ph: 9260997. Ext. 2604
• Dr. Raja Amjad Mahmood Joint Executive Director, MBBS, DPH, MBA (Exe). Ph:051-9260187

87. Sustainable Development Policy Institute (SDPI)

38 Embassy Road, G-6/3, Islamabad, Paksitan
Date of Establishment 1992
Phone (+92)-51-2278134
Fax (+92)-51-2278135
Head of Institution Dr Abid Qaiyum Suleri
Designation Executive Director
Status of Institution Non-Government
Objectives The oibjectives are to:
• Catalyze the transition towards sustainable and just development in
• Serve as a source of expertise and advisory services for the
government, private sector, and non-governmental initiatives
supporting the implementation of Pakistan's environment and
development agenda
• Conduct policy-oriented research on sustainable development from a
broad multi-disciplinary perspective
• Provide policy advice on matters relating to the mission of the Institute
• Contribute to strengthening the social and physical infrastructure for
research in Pakistan
• Initiate, establish and participate in collaborative advocacy and other
activities with like-minded organizations in and outside the country
Area of Research Economic Development, Energy, Environment, Food Security and
Drinking Water, Governance, Peace and Conflict / Human Security, Social
Sector Development, Sustainable Livelihoods
Staff Profile
Dr Abid Qaiyum Suleri, Senior Research Fellow / Executive Director
Dr. Vaqar Ahmed, Deputy Executive Director
Syed Qasim Ali Shah, Director Program Development
Muhammad Salim Khawaja (Ahmed Salim), Senior Advisor Education & Religious Diversity
Dr. Mahmood A. Khwaja, Senior Advisor, Chemical and Sustainable Industrial Development
Dr.Nuzrat Yar Khan, Senior Advisor- Sustainability Sciences
Ejaz Haider, Senior Advisor Policy Outreach & Peace and Conflict Programme
Arshad H. Abbasi, Advisor/Head Energy and Water Unit
Mome Saleem, Research Co-ordinator
Shakeel Ahmad, Head of Compliance Unit
Kanwar Muhammad Javed Iqbal, Senior Research Associate
Kashif Majeed Salik, Research Associate
Duaa Shabbir Sayed, Research Associate
Anam Anwar Khan, Research Associate
Fayyaz Yaseen, Research Assistant
Muhammad Akbar Ali Malik, Research Assistant
Safyan Kakakhel, Research Assistant
Fareeha Mehmood, Research Assistant
Asif Saeed Memon, Consultant on Awaz Project

88. Social Policy and Development Centre (SPDC)

15, Maqbool Cooperative Housing Society, Block 7 & 8, Karachi–750350, Pakistan
Date of Establishment 1995
Phone (+92)-21-111 113 113
Fax (+92)-21-34534285
Head of Institution Dr. Khalida Ghaus
Designation Managing Director
Status of Institution Non-Profit
Objectives The objectives of SPDC are as follows:
• Contribute to national goals of social development addressing basic
human needs through research and policy advice
• Undertake research and policy analyses on both core and emerging
issues related to social sectors in Pakistan
• Provide policy advice and technical assistance in social service
planning and delivery to civil society organizations and to the
government at federal, provincial, and local levels
• Contribute to increased knowledge and awareness of social
development issues through wider and well-targeted dissemination of
research findings
• Contribute and encourage gendered interpretation of all
developmental issues
Area of Research Gender, Governance, International Trade, ISP & MM, Poverty, Public
Staff Profile
• Prof. Dr. Khalida Ghaus, Managing Director. E-mail:
• Ms. Iffat Ara, Principal Economist. E-mail:
• Mr. Muhammad Asif Iqbal, Principal Economist , M.P.A. (Development)
• Mr. Haroon Jamal, Technical Advisor
• Mr. Muhammad Sabir, Principal Economist, E-mail:
• Mr. Nadeem Ahmed, Senior Economist , MES (Political Economy)
• Ms. Rafia Ghaus, Principal Economist. E-mail:
• Naveed Aamir, Economist
• Tabinda Areeb, Economist
• Manzoor H. Memon, Economist
• Rafea Anis, Researcher
• Naeema Kazmi, Researcher
HRD Institutions and Experts

Sri Lanka
89. Bandaranaike International Diplomatic Training Institute
Suit 3G 07 BMICH Street Bauddhaloka Mawatha Colombo 07, Sri Lanka
Date of Establishment 1995
Phone (+94)-11 2682110/2682109
Fax (+94)-11 2682111
Head of Institution Mrs. Sarala. Fernando
Designation Director General
Objectives The aim of the Institute is to:
• Serve as an International and Regional Centre to foreign participants
and foreign experts and scholars as visiting lecturers
Area of Research: Education Development Studies
Staff profile
• Mrs Sarala Fernando, Director General-BIDTI
• Mrs Tamara De Silva, Programme Officer

90. Ceylon-German Technical Training Institute

582, Galle Road, Mount Lavinia, (Moratuwa), Sri Lanka
Date of Establishment 1959
Phone (+94)-11-2605625, 2605535
Fax (+94)-11-2632391
E-mail cgtti
Head of Institution Mr. M.D.S.B. Karunarathna
Designation Director/Principal( Acting)
Status of Institution Government
Objectives Primary objective of the institute is to develop the technology related to
Automotive and other technical trades and to provide training to students to
be appropriately equipped to perform at the highest level of acceptance and
there by maintain the standard as the centre of excellence for training in the
automotive sector:
• Incorporate the CGTTI as a separate Institute by an ACT of Parliament.
• Update Curriculum Development and increase the training capacity at
CGTTI complex.
• The CGTTI whilst maintaining its present status would aspire to achieve
Diploma Level in Technical Education for the CGTTI trainees which
would qualify them to obtain a Degree in their professional career.
• Develop CGTTI income generating status through Production oriented
training and Part -Time Training Courses.
• Develop modern Technology Training Centre (MTTC) at the CGTTI to
meet future industry requirements.
Staff Profile
Mr. M.D.S.B. Karunarathna, Director/Principal (Acting). E-mail: cgtti
Mr. M.D.S.B. Karunarathna, Dy. Director/Dy. Principal. E-mail: dydp
Mr. A. Abeygunawardhana, Manager Human Resources & Administration. E-mail:
Mr. B.A.D.R. Jayawardhana, Registrar. E-mail:
Mr. J.D.Y.B. Jayasinghe, Accountant. E-mail:
Mr. S.P.K. Amarasinghe, Chief Training Engineer.
Mr. A.S.A. Gunathilaka, Chief Engineer - Production & Maintenance. E-mail:
Mr. E.A.P.S. Jayasooriya, In-plant Training. E-mail:
Mr. S.R. Singalakshana, S.T.E. - Career Guidance. E-mail:

91. Coconut Research Institute

Bandirippuwa Estate, Lunuwila 61150, Sri Lanka
Date of Establishment 1928
Phone (+94)-31 2257419/2255300
Fax (+94)-31-2257391
Head of Institution Dr. C. Jayasekera
Designation Director
Status of Institution Government
Objectives The objective of the Institute are to:
• Conduct research to develop and improve coconut cultivation and
coconut product and process technologies
Area of Research Development Studies
Staff Profile
• Dr. (Mrs.) C Jayasekeare, Director, Ph.D.
• Mr. J M D T Everard, Deputy Director (Research) , M.Sc.
• Mr. E P Gunapala, Deputy Director (Adm. & Fin.) B Com (SP), Dip (Accounting)
• Dr. (Mrs.) L C P Fernando, Head/Principal Crop Proc. Officer, Ph.D.
• Dr. A A F L K Perera,, Head/Principal Geneticist/P. Breeder, Ph.D.
• Dr. H A J Gunathilake, Principal Agronomist, Ph.D.
• Dr. N P A D Nainanayake, Principal Plant Physiologist, M.Phil, Ph.D.

92. Hector Kobbekaduwa Agrarian Research & Training Institute (HARTI)

114, Wijerama Mawatha, Colombo 07, Sri Lanka
Date of Establishment 1972
Phone (+94)-11-2696981/2696437/2698539-40
Fax (+94)-11-2692423
Head of Institution Jayasekara,Lalith Kantha
Designation Director/ Chief Executive Officer
Status of Institution Government
Objectives The objectives are:
• Timely dissemination of market information to policy makers, farmers
and traders
• Identification of agrarian policy perspectives
• Research planning-priority setting in agrarian issues
• Building relationships with public/private sector organizations,
universities and regional & international research institutes/agencies
• Widen and strengthen the scope of agrarian database
• Acquiring the required skills individually and collectively
• Having a committed, competent and contented team of employees
Area of Research Human Resource Development
Staff Profile
• Dr. L.P.Rupasena, Deputy Director (Research). Ph: (+94)-11-2689553, E-mail:
• Mr. J. K. M. D. Chandrasiri, Research Fellow, Agricultural Policy and Project Evaluation Division.
• Mr. M.M. Aheeyar, Research Associate, Environmental & WRM Division.
• Dr. T. A. Dharmaratne, Research Fellow, E-mail:
• Hathurusinghe, C.P Research Fellow, Marketing Food Policy and Agri-business Division
• Senanayake,Dr. M.S, Research Associate, HR&ID Division.E-mail:

93. Institute of Personnel Management Sri Lanka

HR HOUSE, No.43, Vijaya Kumaranathunga Mawatha, Colombo, Sri Lanka
Date of Establishment 1959
Phone (+94)-11-2768278, 2809902, 4511138
Fax (+94)-11-2819988
Head of Institution Air Vice Marshal Rohitha Ranasinghe
Designation President
Status of Institution Private
Objectives The objectives are:
• To promote and develop the principles, techniques and practices of
Human Resource Management in order to ensure optimum utilization
of Human Resource at organizational as well as international level
• To ensure a high level of professional standards and competence
among membership and those aspiring to become members
• To promote the Study of Human Resource Management and to
encourage research into the best means and methods of applying the
Principles and techniques of Human Resource Management
• To promote the image of the Institute and its membership and to
provide leadership to the Human Resource Management profession in
Sri Lanka
• To influence National Policy formulation in areas related to the Human
Resource Management profession
Area of Research Human Resource Management
Staff Profile Not Available

94. National Institute of Education (NIE)

P.O. Box. 21, High Level Road, Maharagama, Sri Lanka
Date of Establishment 1986
Phone (+94)-11-7601601
Fax (+94)-11-7601800
Head of Institution Prof. W.M. Abeyratne Bandara
Designation Director General
Status of Institution Government
Objectives The objectives are to:
• Advise the Minister regarding plans, programmes and activities for the
development of education in Sri Lanka
• Provide and promote postgraduate education in the several specialties
of education
• Conduct and promote studies on the education system including its
performance, goals, structures, content and methodology and on the
social, economic and other aspects of education
• Initiate and promote innovative practices in the education system,
including adaptation of technology for educational purposes
• Provide for the development of professional and general competence
of personnel in the education system
• Make available to the Government and other approved organizations,
specialist services in education
• Carry out education development programmes approved by the
Area of Research Education
Staff Profile
• Dr. (Mrs.) T.A.R.J.Gunasekara, Assistant Director General (Research, Planning & Teacher
Education), Ph.D. E-mail:
• Mr. G.K. Iddamalgoda, Assistant Director General (Administration & Finance)
• Dr. (Mrs.) Nanda Wanniarachchi, Assistant Director General (EFA), Ph.D.
• Dr. Godwin Kodituwakku, Director / Research & Development, Ph.D. Email:
• Mr. Sidney Jayawardena, Assistant Director General (Curriculum Development), M.A.
• Mrs. M.A.A.S. Dias, Director (Planning & Evaluation), M.Phil. E-mail:
• Professor S. Chandrasekaram, (Member of the council)
• Professor. Arjuna de Silva, (Member of the council)
• Professor Mudiyanse Dissanayake, (Member of the council)
• Professor Roland Abeypala, (Member of the council)
• Dr. A.T. Piyasiri, (Member of the council)
• Mr. Manjula Makumbura, (Member of the council

95. National Institute of Business Management

120/5, Wijerama Mawatha, Colombo, Sri Lanka
Date of Establishment 1968
Phone (+94)-11-2693404/2692272/ 2685805
Fax (+94)-11-2685808/2693403
Head of Institution Prof. Lakshman Jayathilake
Designation Chairman
Status of Institution Government
Objectives The objectives of the Instute are:
• To provide Business Management Education and Training
• To provide Management Consultancy and Advisory Services
• To facilitate improvement of Productivity
Area of Research Education
Staff Profile
• Dr. E A Weerasinghe, Director General. Ph: (+94)-11-2678264
• Ms. Wijesiriwardana K, Director (MIS), Management Information Systems.
Ph: (+94)-11-2685804 E-mail :
• Ms. Karanayake K, Deputy Director, Management Information Systems
E-mail :
• Mr. Kulasooriya D M, Director, Productivity and Management Development. Ph: (+94)-11-2678263
E-mail :
• Mr. T.K Deheragoda, Director - HR & Admin. Ph: (+94)-11-2678263
• Mr. Bernard Silva, Director – Finance
• Ms.G C Wickramasinghe. E-mail :
• Mr. Manchanayke R G. E-mail :
• Ms. R L De Zoysa. E-mail :
• Mr. A Amarasinghe. E-mail :
• Mr. O K G C Weerasekara. E-mail :
• Mr. T S P Weerasinghe. E-mail :

96. National Institute of Labour Studies (NILS)

No: 267, Pannipitiya Road, Pelawatta, Battaramulla, Sri Lanka
Date of Establishment 2007
Phone (+94)-11-2786547
Fax (+94)-11-2786547
E-mail /
Head of Institution Mr. H.M.B.C. Herath
Designation Director General
Status of Institution Government
Objectives The NILS aims to:
• Strengthen Employer-Employee Relations
• Enhance Labour Productivity
• Increase awareness on labour laws
• Facilitate the creation of a decent work environment
• Empower workers and assist them to build up self dignity
• Strengthen trade unions and enable to face emerging challenges
• Encourage tripartite constituents for a productive social dialogue
Area of Research Planning
Staff Profile Not Available

97. National Science Foundation (NSF)

47/5 Maitland Place, Vidya Mawatha, Colombo-7, Sri Lanka
Date of Establishment 1998
Phone (+94)-11-2696771-3
Fax (+94)-11-2694754
Head of Institution Prof. Sirimali. Fernando
Designation Chairperson
Status of Institution Semi Government
Objectives The objectives of the NSF are:
• To initiate, facilitate and support basic and applied scientific research
by universities , science and technology institutions and scientists
• To foster the interchange of scientific information among scientists in
Sri Lanka and foreign countries
• To award scholarships and fellowships for scientific study or
scientific work at science and technology institutions
• To maintain a current register of scientific and technical personnel
• To popularise science amongst the people by funding programmes for
that purpose
Area of Research Funding Research related Science & Technology
Staff Profile
• Prof. Sirimali Fernando, Chairperson. E-mail:
• Ms.Anusha Amarasinghe, Director NSF.E-mail:
• Dr. Geethika Yapa, Head of the Research Division. E-mail: geethika
• Mr. S.M.A.W.Auruddha, Scientific Officer Research Division.E-mail:
• Dr. Seetha I. Wickremasinghe, Head of the Science & Research Division.E-mail:
• Dr. Thamara F. Dias, Head of Technology Division. E-mail:
• Ms. P.A.S.F. Perera, Head of Science Popularization Division. E-mail:
• Ms. .H.A.U.Amarasinghe, Head of International Liaison Division. E-mail:

98. Non-Formal & Special Education Branch

Ministry of Education, Isurupaya, palawaththa, Battaramulla, Sri Lanka
Date of Establishment 1970
Phone (+94)-11-2784847
Fax (+94)-11-2784847
Head of Institution Mr. H.P.N. Lakshman
Designation Director of Education
Status of Institution Government
Objectives The objectives of the Institute are to:
• Provide education facilities for the children age 5-16 years
• Provide education facilities for youth and adults
• Provide education facilities for children with special needs.
Monitoring and evaluation of all NFC and SP Education
Area of Research Education
Staff Profile
• Mr. H.P.N. Lakshman, Director of Education. E-mail:
• Mrs. P.S.Wijesinghe, Deputy Director
• Ms. K.A.D.U.Dilushani, Assistant Director
• Mr. R.M.J.C. Kumara, Assistant Director

99. Postgraduate Institute of Management (PIM)

28, Lesley Ranagala Mawatha, Colombo 08, Western Province, Sri Lanka
Date of Establishment 1986
Phone (+94)-112 689639
Fax (+94)-112 689643
Head of Institution Prof. Uditha Liyanage
Designation Director
Status of Institution Semi-Autonomous
Objectives The Institute aims to:
• Promote advanced education and professionalism in management in
Sri Lanka through the provision of postgraduate instruction, training,
research, and development in the various branches of management
and administrative studies
Area of Research Education
Staff Profile
• Mr. Sisira Athuraliyage, Consultant Computing & IT, Managing Information, MCP, MBCS
• Dr. Ajantha Dharmasiri, Senior Consultant Human Resources Management, Ph.D. (Sri J.)
• Dr. Lloyd Fernando, Director Distance Learning PIM, Ph.D. (Economics)
• Prof. A T Fonseka, Attorney-at-Law, Senior Lecturer Economics, Ph.D. (Sri J.)
• Dr. A K L Jayawardana, Senior Consultant Productivity and Quality Management, Ph.D.
• Prof. Uditha Liyanage, Professor of Management, Ph.D. (Sri J.)
• Prof. Gunapala Nanayakkara, Founder Director & Senior Professor , Ph.D. (Carleton),
Professor of Management Studies, RM
• Dr. Travis Perera, Senior Consultant, Ph.D. (Operations Management, Strategic HRM
Entrepreneurship, Theories of Human Development)
• Dr. Wickrema Weerasooria, Senior Consultant, Ph.D. (Business Law)

100. Sri Lanka Institute of Development Administration (SLIDA)

No: 28/10, Malalasekara Mawatha, Colombo 07, Sri Lanka
Date of Establishment 1979
Phone (+94)-11-2582181-5
Fax (+94)-11-2584406
Head of Institution Mr. B. Wijayaratne
Designation Director
Status of Institution Government
Objectives The Institute aims to:
• build a centre of innovation in Public Administration learning to
improve institutional and managerial performance
Area of Research Public Policy, Public Administration
Staff Profile
• Mr.M.Thilakasiri, Additional Director (Post Graduate Studies), MBA. E-mail:
• Dr.I.H.K. Mahanama, Additional Director (Training & Learning), Ph.D.(Dev. Econ)
• Mr.D.V Bandulasena, Additional Director (Administration & Finance), M.A. (Econ).
• Mr.Sujan Nanayakkara, Additional Director (Administration & Finance), M.A. (Sociology), MBA.
• Mr.Sunil Medagama , Senior Consultant, M.A. (Gender and International Development)
E-mail: medagama@slida
• Mr.W.M.M.G.D. Wijekoon, Senior Consultant/Head, Centre for Project Management, M.Sc. (Urban
Environmental Management).E-mail:
• Mrs.N.J. Jayasundera Senior Consultant, M.Sc. (Environ. Economics PGIA)
• Mr.A.Lokugamage, Senior Consultant, E-mail:
• Mrs.N.J.Jayasundera, Senior Consultant, E-mail:

101. University of Vocational Technology

No.100, Kandawala Road, Ratmalana, Sri Lanka
Phone (+94)-11-2630700
Fax (+94)-11-2630705
Head of Institution Prof. Dayantha Wijeyesekera
Designation Chancellor
Status of Institution Government
Objectives The Institute aims at:
• Conducting pre-service and in-service technical teacher training
• Developing computer-based and audio-visual learning aids and
instructional materials
• Developing curricula for the technical education and vocational
training programmes
• Training managerial staff and non-academic staff of the tertiary and
vocational education sector
• Conducting skills development training programmes for academic staff
in technical colleges and other training organisations
• Providing consultancy services on request for the state and non-
governmental organisations
• Conducting research and development activities for TVET system
• Developing linkages between similar institutes at national and
international levels
Area of Research Education
Staff Profile
• Prof. K.G.A. Goonasekere, Vice Chancellor. E-mail :
• Mr. A.W. Silva, Director General. E-mail :
• Eng. D.S. Hettiarachchi, Director Media & Information Services.
• Mrs. Aruni Aluthge, Director Finance. E-mail :
• Mrs. W.P.G.C. Pramila, Assistant Registrar – FTT. E-mail :
• Mrs. A.K.U.N. Kodituwakku, Assistant Registrar –FIVT. E-mail :
• Mrs. M.S.S. Rizana, Students Services Unit
• Eng. D.S. Hettiarachchi, Continuing Education Center
• Mr.U.K.D. Sugathadasa Dean-FIT

102. Vocational Training Authority of Sri Lanka (VTA)

354/2, Elvitigala road, P. O. Box 514, Colombo, Sri Lanka
Date of Establishment 1995
Phone (+94)-11-2581904
Fax (+94)-11-2581904
Head of Institution Colonel Dharshana Rathnayake
Designation Chairman
Status of Institution Semi Government
Objectives The main objectives of the Vocational Training Authority of Sri Lanka
are to:
• Pave the way for youth to acquire skills needed to gain employment,
either wage, self or foreign and thus lead a contended life and
contribute towards the country's economic development
• Provide vocation training for school-levers, students who do not
enter in to higher education and for the unemployed youth to meet
demand of local and foreign job markets
• Upgrade skills of the personal in the industry and of the self
• Explore acquiring of new resources and income to achieve
Area of Research: Human Resource Development
Staff Profile
• Mr. W.D.Fernando, Director, Training. E-mail:
• Mr. W.A.Ranaweera, Director, Career Guidance & Job Placement. E-mail:
• Mr. K.J.Koralage, Director, Research. E-mail:
• Miss.L.P.Manoja S Pathirana, Director, Administration. E-mail:
• Mr. Lokugalappaththi, Director, Finance. E-mail:
• Mr. N.K.Ilesinghe, Deputy Director, Training. E-mail:
• Mr.N.S.D.Nawarathna, Deputy Director, Administration. E-mail:
• Ms.G.H.P.Damayanthi(TM), Deputy Director,Planning. E-mail:

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