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Chemical Engineering

GATE 2016 Solution

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Chemical Engineering GATE 2016 Solution

General Aptitude
Q. 1 – Q. 5 carry one mark each.
Q.1 The volume of a sphere of diameter 1 unit is ________ than the volume of a cube of side 1 unit.

(A) least (B) less (C) lesser (D) low

Ans: (B) less

Q.2 The unruly crowd demanded that the accused be _____________ without trial.

(A) hanged (B) hanging (C) hankering (D) hung

Ans: (A) hanged

Q.3 Choose the statement(s) where the underlined word is used correctly:

(i) A prone is a dried plum.

(ii) He was lying prone on the floor.

(iii) People who eat a lot of fat are prone to heart disease.

(A) (i) and (iii) only (B) (iii) only (C) (i) and (ii) only (D) (ii) and (iii) only

Ans: (D) (ii) and (iii) only

Q.4 Fact: If it rains, then the field is wet.

Read the following statements:
(i) It rains
(ii) The field is not wet
(iii) The field is wet
(iv) It did not rain
Which one of the options given below is NOT logically possible, based on the given fact?

(A) If (iii), then (iv). (B) If (i), then (iii).

(C) If (i), then (ii). (D) If (ii), then (iv).

Ans: (C) if (i) then (ii)

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Q.5 A window is made up of a square portion and an equilateral triangle portion above it. The base of
the triangular portion coincides with the upper side of the square. If the perimeter of the window
is 6 m, the area of the window in m2 is ___________.

(A) 1.43 (B) 2.06 (C) 2.68 (D) 2.88

Ans: (B) 2.06


side 
3 2 2 3 6 6 6 6 3  36  36
total area  a a            2.066
4 4  5 5   5 5  4  25  25

Q. 6 – Q. 10 carry two marks each.

Q.6 Students taking an exam are divided into two groups, P and Q such that each group has the same
number of students. The performance of each of the students in a test was evaluated out of 200
marks. It was observed that the mean of group P was 105, while that of group Q was 85. The
standard deviation of group P was 25, while that of group Q was 5. Assuming that the marks were
distributed on a normal distribution, which of the following statements will have the highest
probability of being TRUE?

(A) No student in group Q scored less marks than any student in group P.

(B) No student in group P scored less marks than any student in group Q.

(C) Most students of group Q scored marks in a narrower range than students in group P.

(D) The median of the marks of group P is 100.

Ans: (C) Most students of group Q scored marks in a narrower range than students in group P.

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Q.7 A smart city integrates all modes of transport, uses clean energy and promotes sustainable use of
resources. It also uses technology to ensure safety and security of the city, something which critics
argue, will lead to a surveillance state.

Which of the following can be logically inferred from the above paragraph?

(i) All smart cities encourage the formation of surveillance states.

(ii) Surveillance is an integral part of a smart city.

(iii) Sustainability and surveillance go hand in hand in a smart city.

(iv) There is a perception that smart cities promote surveillance.

(A) (i) and (iv) only (B) (ii) and (iii) only

(C) (iv) only (D) (i) only

Ans: (B) (ii) and (iii) only

Q.8 Find the missing sequence in the letter series.

B, FH, LNP, _ _ _ _.


Ans: (C) TVXZ

Q.9 The binary operation □ is defined as a □ b = ab+(a+b), where a and b are any two real numbers.
The value of the identity element of this operation, defined as the number x such that a □ x = a,
for any a, is .

(A) 0 (B) 1 (C) 2 (D) 10

Ans: (A) 0

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Q.10 Which of the following curves represents the function,

Here, x represents the abscissa and represents the ordinate.




Ans: (C)

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Chemical Engineering
Q. 1 – Q. 25 carry one mark each.

Ans: (C) Gauss - Seidel

Ans: (A)


L e at sin bt =
(s  a)2  b2 [By first shifting property]

Ans: (D)


r  z  a 2  b2  5 b 4
and   tan1    tan1  
 
a 3 

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Ans: (B)


Stream P is splitting into Q & R, hence their composition will be same

Overall mass balance:

Q + R = 100 (1)
Doing component mass balance:
Ethanol in P = Ethanol in Q + Ethanol in R

P X 0.3 = Q X 0.3 + R X 0.3

P=Q+R (2)
So it is obvious, we cannot use component balance over splitter, so least
parameter required is flow rate of any of 2 exit streams
So, i.e. = 1

Ans: – 58 kJ / mol

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For infinitely dilute solution of component (1)

x1  0 & x2  1

So, h1  2  60 x (1)2  100 x 0 x (1)2

h1   58

Ans: (C) 34.8

Solution: We know that

P1 4 f V12

g 2gd

4. . f1 V12
P1 
 V d 
m  2  .V22
P2 f2V22  
   0.2
P1 f1V12  V1d 
m  .V12
  
P2 V220.2

P1 V120.2
V 
P2  P  2   34.8 Kpa
 V1 

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Q.7 In a cyclone separator used for separation of solid particles from a dust laden gas, the separation
factor is defined as the ratio of the centrifugal force to the gravitational force acting on the particle. Sr
denotes the separation factor at a location (near the wall) that is at a radial distance r from the centre of
the cyclone. Which one of the following statements is INCORRECT?

(A) Sr depends on mass of the particle

(B) Sr depends on the acceleration due to gravity

(C) Sr depends on tangential velocity of the particle
(D) Sr depends on the radial location ( r ) of the particle

Ans: (A) Sr depends on mass of the particle

Q.8 A vertical cylindrical vessel has a layer of kerosene (of density 800 kg/m3) over a layer of water (of
density 1000 kg/m3). L-shaped glass tubes are connected to the column 30 cm apart. The interface
between the two layers lies between the two points at which the L-tubes are connected. The levels (in
cm) to which the liquids rise in the respective tubes are shown in the figure below.


30 42


The distance (x in cm, rounded off to the first decimal place) of the interface from the point at
which the lower L-tube is connected is _______

Ans: 10 cm


We know that

P1  P2 (1)

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P1  k .g. [20  (30  x)]  water .g.x

 800  9.81  [20  (30  x)]  1000  9.81  x
 800  9.81[50  x ]  9810 x
 392400  7848 x  9810 x
P1  392400  1962 x

P2 =  water x g x 42

= 1000 x 9.81 x 42
= 412 020 Pa.
Putting P1 and P2 in equation (1)

412020 = 392400+1962 x
1962 x = 19620
X = 10 cm

Q.9 A composite wall is made of four different materials of construction in the fashion shown below.
The resistance (in K/W) of each of the sections of the wall is indicated in the diagram.


Direction of heat flow Direction of heat flow

3 0.7

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The overall resistance (in K/W, rounded off to the first decimal place) of the composite wall, in the
direction of heat flow, is _______

Ans: (A) 3.9

Solution: Overall resistance = 3 + 0.2 + 0.7 = 3.9 K/W

Q.10 Steam at 100oC is condensing on a vertical steel plate. The condensate flow is laminar. The average
Nusselt numbers are Nu1 and Nu2, when the plate temperatures are 10oC and 55oC, respectively. Assume
the physical properties of the fluid and steel to remain constant within the temperature range of interest.
Using Nusselt equations for film-type condensation, what is the value of the ratio Nu2 / Nu1 ?

(A) 0.5 (B) 0.84 (C) 1.19 (D) 1.41

Ans: (C) 1.19

Solution: We know that

1 1

L   (  v ) g hfg k 3  4 L   (  v ) g hfg L3  4
Nu  h  0.943  l l   0.943  l l 
h   L (Tg  Tw )  k   k (Tg  Tw ) 
 1 4
 Nu   
 (Tg  Tw ) 
1 1
 1 4  1 4
Nu1    Nu2   
 (100  10)  and
 (100  55) 
1 1
1 4  1 4
Nu1    Nu2   
 90   45 
Nu2  90  4
    1.19
Nu1  45 

Q.11 A binary liquid mixture of benzene and toluene contains 20 mol% of benzene. At 350 K the vapour
pressures of pure benzene and pure toluene are 92 kPa
and 35 kPa, respectively. The mixture follows Raoult’s
law. The equilibrium vapour phase mole fraction

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(rounded off to the second decimal place) of benzene in contact with this liquid mixture at 350 K is

Ans: 0.396


From Raoult’s law

p i  xi . piv

pi p
& we’ yi   i
p  pi

Mol fraction of benzene in vapor phase is given by

pB xB pBV 0.2  92
 yB     0.396
p xBPB  xT pT 0.2  92  0.8  35

Q.12 Match the dimensionless numbers in Group-1 with the ratios in Group-2.

Ans: (D) P – II, Q – III, R – II

Q.13 For what value of Lewis number, the wet-bulb temperature and adiabatic saturation temperature
are nearly equal?
(A) 0.33 (B) 0.5 (C) 1 (D) 2

Ans: (C) 1

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Ans: 2

Solution: Upper limit of reaction of reaction rate will be at

C A  C A0
10 C A 0 C A 0 (10)
  rA   2
1  5C A 0  1 
C A0   5
 C A0 

Q.15 The variations of the concentrations (CA, CR and CS) for three species (A, R and S) with time, in an
isothermal homogeneous batch reactor are shown in the figure below.

Select the reaction scheme that correctly represents the above plot. The numbers in the reaction
schemes shown below, represent the first order rate constants in unit of s‒1.

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Ans: (C)

Q.16 Hydrogen iodide decomposes through the reaction 2HI ⇋ H2 + I2. The value of the universal gas
constant R is 8.314 J mol‒1K‒1. The activation energy for the forward reaction is 184000 J mol ‒1. The ratio
(rounded off to the first decimal place) of the forward reaction rate at 600 K to that at 550 K is _______

Ans: 28.5


From Arrhenius law,

k  E 1 1
ln  2     
 k1  R  T1 T2 

where T1  550 K & T2  600K

k  184000  1 1 
So ln  2     
 k1  8.314  550 600 

Ans  k2  28.5 k1

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Ans: (D) P – III, Q – I, R – II

Q.18 What is the order of response exhibited by a U-tube manometer?

(A) Zero order (B) First order

(C) Second order (D) Third order

Ans: (C) Second Order

Q.19 A system exhibits inverse response for a unit step change in the input. Which one of the following
statement must necessarily be satisfied?
(A) The transfer function of the system has at least one negative pole

(B) The transfer function of the system has at least one positive pole

(C) The transfer function of the system has at least one negative zero

(D) The transfer function of the system has at least one positive zero
Ans: (D) The transfer function of the system has at least one positive zero.

Q.20 Two design options for a distillation system are being compared based on the total annual cost.
Information available is as follows:

Option P Option Q

Installed cost of the system (Rs in lakhs) 150 120

Cost of cooling water for condenser (Rs in lakhs/year) 6 8

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Cost of steam for reboiler (Rs in lakhs/year) 16 20

The annual fixed charge amounts to 12% of the installed cost. Based on the above information, what is
the total annual cost (Rs in lakhs /year) of the better option?
(A) 40 (B) 42.4 (C) 92 (D) 128
Ans: (A) 40

Q.21 Standard pipes of different schedule numbers and standard tubes of different BWG numbers are
available in the market. For a pipe / tube of a given nominal diameter, which one of the following
statements is TRUE?
(A) Wall thickness increases with increase in both the schedule number and the BWG number

(B) Wall thickness increases with increase in the schedule number and decreases with increase
in the BWG number

(C) Wall thickness decreases with increase in both the schedule number and the BWG number

(D) Neither the schedule number, nor the BWG number has any relation to wall thickness
Ans: (B)

Q.22 Terms used in engineering economics have standard definitions and interpretations. Which one of
the following statements is INCORRECT?
(A) The profitability measure ‘return on investment’ does not consider the time value of money

(B) A cost index is an index value for a given time showing the cost at that time relative to a
certain base time

(C) The ‘six-tenths factor rule’ is used to estimate the cost of an equipment from the cost of a
similar equipment with a different capacity

(D) Payback period is calculated based on the payback time for the sum of the fixed and the
working capital investment
Ans: (D)

Q.23 India has no elemental sulphur deposits that can be economically exploited. In India, which one of
the following industries produces elemental sulphur as a by-product?

(A) Coal carbonisation plants (B) Petroleum refineries

(C) Paper and pulp industries (D) Iron and steel making plants

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Ans: (B)

Q.24 Two paper pulp plants P and Q use the same quality of bamboo as a raw material. The chemicals
used in their digester are as follows:

Plant P Plant Q

NaOH Yes No

Na2S Yes No

Na2CO3 Yes Yes

NaHCO3 No Yes

Na2SO3 No Yes

Which one of the following statements is CORRECT?

(A) Plant P and Plant Q both use the Sulfite process

(B) Plant P and Plant Q both use the Kraft process
(C) Plant P uses Sulfite process
(D) Plant P uses Kraft process
Ans: (D)
Q.25 Match the industrial processes in Group-1, with the catalyst materials in Group-2.

Group-1 Group-2
P Ethylene polymerisation I Nickel

Q Petroleum feedstock cracking II Vanadium pentoxide

R Oxidation of SO2 to SO3 III Zeolite

S Hydrogenation of oil IV Aluminium triethyl with titanium chloride


(A) P-IV, Q-III, R-II, S-I (B) P-I, Q-IV, R-III, S-II

(C) P-I, Q-II, R-III, S-IV (D) P-II, Q-III, R-IV, S-I

Ans: (A) P – IV, Q – III, R – II, S – I

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26 – Q. 55 carry two marks each.

Ans: x3 = 15


4 x4 + 13 x5 = 46
4 x4 + 5 x5 = 30
2 x3 + 5 x4 + 3x5 = 61
By solving we get x3 = 15

Ans: (D)


D2 + 1 = 0
D=  i
Y = C1 cos x + C2 sinx
By using the boundary condition
y  5cos x  10sin x

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Ans: 2.55

Ans: 2.65


f (x) = x3 + 5, Interval [1, 4]

By applying mean value theorem
f (b)  f (a)
f 1 (c) 

Ans: (A) 94.67


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Put h = 1, a = 0, b = 4

y0 = 3, yn = 55, y1 = 10, y2 = 21, y3 = 36,

Ans: (A) 1802

Solution: At steady state energy balance equation can be written as:

Energy IN – Energy OUT = heat solution + energy removed

 Energy removed = heat of solution + energy OUT – energy IN
We have:
650 kJ 4 kg H2 SO4 kJ
Heat of solution =  x   2600
kg H2 SO4 h h

2.8 kJ kJ
Energy out = 10 kg solution   (40  25) K  420
kg solution  K h

2.8 kJ kJ
Energy In = 6 kg H2O   (25  10) K  378
kg H2O  K h

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So, Energy removed

=  2600 + 378 + 420
=  1802
Energy removed = 1802

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Ans: 373 K

Solution: We know that

Wirr  1.5 Wrev

(Change in I.E.)irr = 1.5 (change in I.E.)rev

CV (T2  T1 )  1.5CV (T2  T1 )

T2  T1  1.5 CV (T2  T1 )

 
 1

T2  T1  1.5 (T1  T1 )

P2 

  6  1.277 

T2  300  1.5  300     1  73

 3 
T2  373 K

Ans: 400

Solution: We know that

v b

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P (v  b)  RT
v b
  b0  b1T
R 
   b1  T  b0
P 
v R
  b1
T P P
h v
 v T
P T T P

 R   R 
   h1  T  b0   T   b1   b0
 P   P 

dhT  b0dPT
h f  hi T  b0 (Pf  Pi )T
 4  10 5  (15  5)  106  400 J / mol

Ans: - 1.65

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Ans: - (C) 2.4


P1  120 kPa
P2  240 kPa
Q  36 m3  0.01 m
hr sec

P2  P1
Required head to develop    y2  y1 

(240  120) x 103

=  12
= 12.232+12
= 24.232 m
Power required = Q4

= 9810 X 0.01 X 24.232

= 2.377 kW

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Ans: (C) 2.52 rpm


We have,
Power No =
P N 3 Di5

For constant power no.

 const
P N 3 Di5
P  N 3 Di5 (I)

Volume of tank = DV2 H
DV  H (given)

 V  DV3 (II)

From equation (I )and (II)

P N 3 Di5

V Dv3
3 5
P N1 Di1 N23 Di52
For same  
V Dv31 DV32

If all linear dimensions have to be doubled

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Di2 DV2
 2
Di1 DV1

 DV 
N  N  1
3 3
 DV
2 1
 2 
 DV 
 N2  N1  1  (N1  4 rpm)
 DV
 2 
 N2  4     2.52 rpm

Ans: 2.15 mm

Solution: -

We know that , for (NRe  0.1)

terminal setting velocity under stokes law regime is given by ,

dP2 g ( p   f )
vt 
18  f
d p2 x 10 x (1180  1000)
vt 
18 x 0.1
vt  1000 d 2

In Stoke’s law max value of particle Reynolds number is 0.1 and it is given by

dp  v   f
 NRe p   0.1

Putting values,

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d p x (1000 d p2 ) x 103
  0.1
1  10mm 
d  8 m3 x 
p   10 mm
10  1 m 
d p  2.15 mm

Ans: 49 m3 / h

Ans: 0.125 m / s.

Solution: We know that

f 2
U / 2

   .
1  10 3. u  2
0.05 
0.05  10 3  1000  12
u  0.125 m / sec.

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Ans: (B) 84.2

Solution: We know that

Nu  0.023 Re0.8 Pr1/3

G d 
 0.023 

 Pr

  
Since, mass flow rate in the tubes is doubled, Nu and there by hi gets affected
 2 Gd  1
Nu  0.23   Pr

  
Nu h
 20.8  i
Nu hi

We know that,

1 1 1 1
  , h0 hi
U hi h0 hi

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i.e. U  hi

and U  20.8 hi

TS  Ti UA
n 
TS  T0 mC P

TS  Ti UA
n 
TS  T0 2 m Cp

 135  20 
n 
Dividing,  135  90   2
 135  20  20.8
n 
 135  T0 

 1.1487
 115 
n 
 135  T0 

 115 
n   0.8167
 135  T0 
 T0  84.2 0C

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Ans: (A) 26

Ans: 0.25

Solution: - Given that r1  0.1 m, r2  0.2 m

F11  0, F12  1

We know that, A1 F12 = A2 F21 hence F21 
4 r12 r12  0.1
F21   2    0.25
4 r2 r2  0.2 
2 2

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Ans: 1

Solution: Minimum reflux ratio is given by

XDY 1 .9  7
R min =  1
Y x
1 1
.7  .5

Ans: (C) 10.5


Selectivity is given by
𝑌𝑐/𝑌𝑎 0.3/0.1
βC/A = 𝑋𝑐/𝑋𝑎 = 0.2/0.7= 10.5

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Ans: (C) 0.3

Solution: -

We know that

According to Langmuir adsorption isotherm

QA 
1  K A PA

q Amount of A’ adsorbed
QA  
qm Kg of Adsorbent
max imum amount of A can be
Maximum amount of a can be adsorbed
kg of Adsorbent

q K P
  A A for case I at PA = 10 mm Hg q = 0.1
qm 1  K A

0.1 K A 10
 (1)
qm 1  K A  10

For case II PA 100 mm Hg  Q = 0.4

O.4 K A  100
 (2)
qm 1  K A  100

On solving we get K A & qm

0.3 kg Adsorbed
So for PA = 50 mn Hg therefore, q
kg of Adsorbed

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Ans: (B) 1.08

Solution: -

NA1 1 P
   1.08

Ans: 0.2667 sec– 1

Solution: -

For reaction

rA  k1 C A  k2 CB

C AO  X A C AO  X A
For MFR,  m  
(rA ) k1 C A  k2C B

C A  C A0 (1  X A ) and CB  C AO . X A So ,  m 
k1 (1  X A )  k2 X A

For case – I  m  1sec  C A  8 mol

XA  1   0.2

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For case – II  m  5sec  C A  5 mol

X A 1   0.5
So for case – I 1   4 k1  k2  1 (I)
k1 (1  0.2)  k2 (0.2)

For case – ii 5   k1  k2  0.2 (II)
k1 (1  0.5)  k2 (0.5)

On solving equation (I) and (II) k1  0.2667 sec1

Ans: 8 m3

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Solution: From the equation,

T = 350 + 25 XA
At XA = 0.8
T = 350 + 25 x 0.8 = 370 K
10 mol
So, from curve at XA = 0.8 & T =370 K   rA 
m3 . s
Vm X
 A
FA0 rA
For MFR,
FA0 . X A 100  0.8
Vm    8 m3
(rA ) 100

Ans: (B)

Solution: Thiele modulus is given by,

Intrinsic reaction rate

  Characterstic Length
pore diffusion rate

So, for Large value of Thiele modulus, reaction rate will be high.

Therefore, we will prefer Scenario 2 over Scenario 1, as we don’t required that total pellet is covered by

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Ans: 0.25


It is obvious, there is delay so, it can be assumed to be PFR & CSTR in series so,

the delay is equal to  P (space time of PFR)

So here delay is 5 min

  P = 5 min

And we know that, for CSTR

e t / m
E (t ) 

At t=0 E (0) =

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So at t = 5 E (0  5)   0.05   m  20 min

p 5
So   0.25
 m 20

Ans: 10.13 m3 / hr

Solution: -

For equal percentage value

f = f0 × eBx

at x = 0.1, f=2

at x = 0.2, f=3

by using boundary conditions f0 & B can be solved now at x = 0.5

f = 10.13 m3/hr

Ans: 2.5

Solution: Characterized equation is given by

1 + G open loop P = 0

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 1  10 
1  Kc  1    2 0
 15   s  25  100 

On solving by using routh Array and putting bL = 0 we get K c  2.5

Ans: (A) 15.9

Solution: We know that,

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B 80    
Overshoot =   exp  
A 100  1   2 

 can be calculate

Now, the value of T = 100 seconds

2 
td 
1  2

td and  is known,  can be calculated

  15.9 sec

Ans: (D) 7.8

Solution: Given that

volume of liquid  150 m3

x  150  x [10% of the vapor space]
x  166.6 m3  v

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 d2
CT   2000  4000    dh (6000)
  6000  dh 

 d2 h 166.6
V= h
4   d2 
 
 4 

 
 166.6 
 d2
CT  6000  d 2 
4  d 
 
 4 
d (CT ) 6000  2 d 4 (166.6) (6600)

d (d ) 4 d2
4 (166.6) (6600)
3000  d 
4 (166.6) (6600)
d3 
3000 
d 3  466.3
d  7.75 m

Ans: (D) 6


I. Given process can be written as

C6H12 → C 6H 6 + 6 H2

Cyclo-hexane Benzene Hydrogen

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II. proposed process can be written as

C6H12 + 12 H2O → 6CO2 + 18H2

Cyclo-hexane Steam Carbon di-oxide Hydrogen

Maximum ratio will be obtained for 100% conversion of cyclohexane

H2 formed in New process 18

So  =6
H2 formed in old process 3

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