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Chapter 18...


Eventhough , majority of natural drugs are derived from plant and animal origins, a f w of them .
obtai ned from mi neral sources are of paramount significance as pharmaceutica l aids. The drugs of
herbo-mineral origin like shilajit and momia are very effective tonics and stimulants.The summary
of mineral drugs isgiven in Table 18.1.
Table 18.1 :Mineral Drugs
Name Main Constituents Uses
1. Asbestos (amianthus) Double sil icate of calcium In bacterial filters and for
and magnesium with little fi ltration of caustic alkalies,
iron montmorillonite . heat resistant insulator fire·
proof glovesand clothi ng.
2. Bentonite (whilkinite) Zinc oxide and 0.5% of ferric Suspendi ng agent, emulsifier,
oxide. base for plasters, l ipsticks,
roues and depilatories.
3. Calamine Zinc oxide and 0.5% of ferric Skin protectant and astri ngent
oxide. locally.
4. Chalk (Whi ting, prepared 98% of calcium carbonate Antacid, in toothpowder,
chalk) and 0.5% of magnesium dusting powder, in diarrhoea
carbonate. and a dietary supplement.
5. Fueller's earth (Floridi nJ Aluminium magnesium, Dusting powder for
sil icate (Non·plastic). decolou ring of oils, filter aid,
cleansi ng woolen fabrics and
as fil ler for rubber.
6. Kaolin (China-da y,porcelain Hydrated aluminium silicate. Adsorbent,as filter aid, pill
clay) excipient in poul tices.
7. Kieselguhr (Diatomaceous · Aluminium sil icate. Fil ter aid for clarifying liquids.

8. Ta lc (Talcum, French chalkl Hydrated magnesium sil icate. lubricant" dusti ng powder
and as fi lter aid.
9. Shilajit Herbo-m inerals. General tonic, aphrodisiac.
10. Mica Al umino·silicate I nsulation, refractory bricks,
11. Paraffins Saturated hydrocarbons Ointment bases


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