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New Phytol.

(1999), 141, 497–510

Process of tomato root colonization by a

pathogenic strain of Fusarium oxysporum
f. sp. lycopersici in comparison with a
non-pathogenic strain

C H A N T A L O L I V A I N    C L A U D E A L A B O U V E T T E*
Laboratoire de Recherches sur la Flore pathogeZ ne dans le sol, INRA-CMSE, BV 1540,
17 rue Sully, 21034 DIJON Cedex, France
Received 26 June 1998 ; accepted 26 November 1998

A pathogenic strain of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici transformed with the glucuronidase (GUS) reporter
gene was used to study the colonization process of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) roots in hydroponic culture.
The plants were treated exactly as those used in a different study with a non-pathogenic strain of F. oxysporum
in order to compare the two types of colonization process. The pathogenic strain rapidly colonized the root surface,
forming a dense network of hyphae – shown by the GUS staining assay – as early as 48 h after inoculation. The
first images of the pathogen penetrating into the epidermis of the root were observed 24 h after inoculation. The
plant showed defence reactions mainly in the hypodermis, but also in the cortex. Generally these barriers failed
to prevent the centripetal growth of the pathogen towards the stele. The GUS activity moved with the actively
growing hyphae into the tissues ; the stele appeared intensely stained 7 d after inoculation, whereas by this time
the hyphae at the root surface did not show any more staining. The hyphae formed a dense network at the apex
of the root, but direct contact between hyphae and living cells was prevented by several layers of sloughed cap cells.
Although rarely observed, penetration of the pathogen into the apex was possible and led to a rapid destruction
of apical cells. The only differences between this pattern of root colonization and that observed for a non-
pathogenic strain of F. oxysporum appear to concern the frequency of dead apices and the intensity of fungal
colonization in the cortex. When the pathogen passed around the barrier formed in the hypodermis it always
reached the xylem, although this barrier and other defence reactions induced at different levels in the cortex always
prevented the non-pathogenic strain from reaching the stele. These observations suggest that the main differences
between the two types of interaction – between the plant and either the pathogenic or the non-pathogenic
strain – are quantitative rather than qualitative.

Key words : light microscopy, electron microscopy, GUS gene marker, ultrastructural study, penetration, infection
process, tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum), Fusarium oxysporum.

important question as to what makes the difference

between a pathogenic and a non-pathogenic strain on
The fungus Fusarium oxysporum has a worldwide a given species remains unanswered. Comparison of
distribution in soil and occurs in the rhizosphere of the process of root colonization of a plant species by
many plant species. Some strains that induce root a pathogenic and a non-pathogenic strain might
rots or vascular wilts are responsible for diseases on enable this problem to be addressed.
crops of economical importance. However, most of Having established that Fo5a4, a non-pathogenic
the strains are termed non-pathogenic because they strain effective in controlling fusarium wilt of tomato
are unable to induce disease on a given plant species. (Olivain et al., 1995), is able to colonize the surface
Nevertheless, they are parasitic because they colonize and to some extent the cortex of tomato roots
the root tissues of the plant to some extent (Nagao et (Olivain & Alabouvette, 1997), the process of root
al., 1990 ; Mandeel & Baker, 1991 ; Postma & colonization by a pathogenic strain of F. oxysporum
Luttikholt, 1996 ; Olivain & Alabouvette, 1997). The belonging to forma specialis lycopersici was studied
*Author for correspondence (fax j33 3 80 69 32 26 ; e-mail
under the same experimental conditions. The ob-
alabouvette!dijon.inra.fr). jective of this study was to determine whether

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498 C. Olivain and C. Alabouvette

surface colonization, penetration sites and internal (11 000 g, 20 min) and resuspended in sterile distilled
colonization are similar for the pathogenic and the water. The density of the conidial suspension was
non-pathogenic strain. Indeed, in contrast to the determined with a haemocytometer.
numerous studies reporting the colonization process
in plant stems (Baayen & Elgersma, 1985 ; Beckman, Conditions of plant growth and inoculation
1987) and in induced resistance (Benhamou et al.,
1994a,b ; Benhamou et al., 1996a,b), the ‘ primary Tomato seeds (Lycopersicon esculentum cv. Mar-
determinative phase ’ (Beckman, 1987) – including mande Verte), provided by INRA (Station d’Ame! li-
root-surface colonization, penetration of the fungus oration des Plantes, Montfavet, France), were sur-
through the epidermis and the colonization of cortex face sterilized in 1.25% sodium hypochlorite for 20
and endodermis to the vascular system – has rarely min and rinsed three times in sterile distilled water.
been studied (Rodriguez-Galvez & Mendgen, 1995). Seeds were germinated on nutrient agar, prepared by
In the case of the pathogenic F. oxysporum, the adding 10 g l−" agar in the nutrient solution used to
question as to whether the pathogen is penetrating grow tomatoes commercially in rockwool (Hydro-
the root only at the apex or through differentiated kani nutrient solution, Hydro-Azote, 92200 Neuilly,
tissues of the root is still controversial. Observations France). Some 5–10 seeds were deposited at the
on flax (Turlier et al., 1994) seem to establish that F. surface of the nutrient agar, which had been poured
oxysporum f. sp. lini penetrates the root only at the into Petri dishes that were kept inclined at 60m and
apex, through undifferentiated tissues, although incubated in the dark at 25mC for 3 d. Seedlings with
studies on tomato (Bishops & Cooper, 1983) reported a 1.5 cm-long radicle were gently removed from the
penetration both at the apex and through differen- agar surface to be inoculated. Inoculation involved
tiated tissues of the root. Localizing the colonization dipping the radicles in a conidial suspension (10'
and penetration zones is important for establishing microconidia ml−") for 1 h. The control plants were
whether the pathogen and the non-pathogenic strain similarly dipped in sterile distilled water. The
are competing for infection sites and whether this seedlings were then aseptically transferred into tubes
competition takes place all along the root or only at containing a sterilized nutrient solution adapted for
the apices. tomato crops in soil-less culture (Hydrokani nutrient
solution) without oxygen supply. The plants were
cultivated in a growth chamber at 25mC with a
   day–night cycle of 14 h–10 h under 8000 lux.
Uninoculated control plants were cultivated simi-
Preparation of the fungal strain and inoculum larly. Radicles were sampled for observation at
A pathogenic strain of F. oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici different time intervals from 17 h to 10 d after
(Fol32) isolated in 1989 from a wilted tomato plant inoculation. Six inoculated plants and three control
in French Brittany was used. This strain was plants were taken at each sampling time. All plants
transformed with the Escherichia coli β-D-glucuro- were observed under a stereomicroscope, and three
nidase (GUS) gene according to the procedure inoculated plants and one control, chosen at random,
described by Couteaudier et al. (1993). In the were processed for microscopic observations.
presence of 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl β-D-glu-
curonide, the GUS activity of the fungus enables its Light microscopy on whole roots
histochemical localization in plant tissues and cells. The roots were transferred into a 1 mM solution of
Because the GUS gene is under the control of the 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl β-D-glucuronide (Sig-
promoter of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydro- ma-Aldrich, Paris, France Ref. B.6650) in 0.1 M
genase, an enzyme that catalyses the second step of phosphate buffer, pH 7.2, at 25mC for 1 h. Each
glycolysis, the intensity of the blue staining resulting radicle was layed on a ‘ deep ’ glass slide in distilled
from the GUS activity gives an indication of the water, beneath a cover slip and observed under a
metabolic activity of the transformed strain (Epar- stereomicroscope or a bright-field light microscope.
vier & Alabouvette, 1994). After transformation, the Observations were recorded on Kodak Gold 100
pathogenicity of the GUS-marked strain was com- film.
pared to that of the wild strain by inoculation of
tomato in a standardized biotest and found not to be
Microscopy on root sections
significantly different. Until use, the fungus was
stored at k80mC as microconidia in 25% glycerol. Three zones were characterized for each radicle, and
The fungus was grown in 10 g l−" malt broth transverse sections were taken from these : the apex
(Biokar Diagnostics, 60000 Beauvais, France) at and the elongation zone ; the intermediate zone
25mC on a rotary shaker (250 rpm). After 6 d of without secondary roots ; and the distal part of the
culture, the mycelial mats were removed by filtration root where secondary roots were present. The
through a 40 µm mesh. The microconidia in the secondary roots were removed before processing the
filtrate were washed three times by centrifugation tap root. One-cm-long pieces were cut in these three

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Tomato root colonization by a pathogenic Fusarium sp. 499

zones and fixed with 1% glutaraldehyde in phosphate Observations made 10 and 14 d after inoculation
buffer (0.1 M, pH 7.2) at room temperature for 4 h. confirmed this pattern of colonization by the patho-
After washing in phosphate buffer, the samples were gen. The vascular colonization of the fungus was
postfixed with 1% osmium tetroxide in the same confirmed by microbial isolation made from the
buffer for 1 h at room temperature. Samples were hypocotyl. The few plants left showed typical
dehydrated in a graded series of ethanol followed by symptoms of fusarium wilt 24 d after inoculation.
propylene oxide and embedded in an Epon–Araldite
mixture (Glauert & Hall, 1991). Semi-thin sections
Penetration into the root
(0.5 µm) and ultra-thin sections (0.1 µm) were cut
using an ultramicrotome (Reichert Ultracut E, Lyon, Observations by electron microscopy of ultra-thin
France). Semi-thin sections were stained with 1% sections revealed attachment of hyphae to the
aqueous toluidine blue O and methylene blue O in external wall of epidermal cells in the root-hair zone
1% sodium tetraborate and examined under a as soon as 17 h after inoculation (Fig. 3a). At the
bright-field light microscope (Leica Sarl, Rueil- same time, the first images of hyphae penetrating
Malmaison, France). Ultra-thin sections were given into epidermal cells and root hairs were observed
contrast using a methanolic solution of uranyl acetate (Fig. 3b). There was no specialized penetration
(2.5%) followed by Reynold’s lead citrate. Micro- structure, but the penetrating hyphae appeared
scopic observations were made with a Hitachi 600 constricted and often formed a wall on a level with
electron microscope (Verrieres-le-Buisson, France) the penetration point (Fig. 3b). There was apparently
operating at 75 kV. no direct relationship between the intensity of the
colonization of the root surface and the frequency of
penetrating hyphae.

Colonization of the root surface Colonization of root tissues

At 24 h after inoculation, numerous hyphae were Colonization pattern in the differentiated part of the
observed at the surface, especially in the root-hair root. After penetration of the pathogen into an
zone (Fig. 1a), the intensity of colonization decreas- epidermal cell, the adjacent hypodermal cells reacted
ing progressively towards the root tip (Fig. 1b). The intensively. These ‘ sensitive cells ’ (Beswetherick &
mycelium at the root surface and the root hairs Bishop, 1993) showed an aggregated cytoplasm with
exhibited the blue staining resulting from the an electron-dense layer attached to the plasmalemma
glucuronidase activity (Fig. 1a). (Fig. 3c), and formed ‘ buckles ’ with thick walls that
At 48 h after inoculation, the colonization of the tended to entrap the fungus (Fig. 3d). In a very few
root surface was intense in the mature zone where cases, several misshapen hypodermal cells formed a
secondary roots were emerging, and hyphae of the discontinuous barrier between the epidermis and the
pathogen had also colonized the root tip (Fig. 1c). cortex (Fig. 4a). Such images were not observed in
The glucuronidase activity was obvious but localized control plants, where slightly misshapen hypodermal
at the root tip (Fig. 1c) and some spots in the mature cells never formed thick-walled buckles (Fig. 4b).
zone of the root. It affected mainly the hyphae at the Sometimes, another barrier was observed deeper in
surface of the root, but was seldomly observed in the the cortex ; this was formed by hypertrophied cells
superficial layers of the root tissues (Fig. 1d). with thick walls, and the fungus was limited to the
At 4 d after inoculation, hyphae formed a outer part of the cortex where it was observed in
continuous network all over the root surface (Fig. 2a) sloughed dead cells (Fig. 5a). These situations of
and, with the exception of some of their tips, limited colonization of the root by the pathogen were
secondary roots were also colonized. Globally, the still occasionlly observed 10 d after inoculation ; they
intensity of the blue staining corresponding to the were similar to those described when the plants were
glucuronidase activity was clearly decreased but still colonized by the non-pathogenic strain (Olivain &
noticeable preferentially in hyphae localized at the Alabouvette, 1997).
base of the secondary roots (Fig. 2b) and in some In general, the pathogen reached the stele after
cases at the apex. invasion of the cortex. Fungal colonization of the
At 7 d after inoculation, the mature part of roots cortex was usually not obvious ; in these cases, the
was still well colonized by the fungus, but the pathogen was mainly observed in the intercellular
growing parts of both the secondary and the tap spaces (Fig. 5b) and growing between cells (Fig. 6a).
roots exhibited a less intense colonization. At that However, the pathogen could also be present in cells
stage, the glucuronidase activity was not detected at and a few pictures showed it growing from one cell
the root surface any more, and at the same time to another by digestion of the cell wall (Fig. 6b).
chlamydospores were observed (Fig. 2c). However, Although difficult to show on transverse sections,
on thick sections of root, the glucuronidase activity continuity of fungal growth was evident through the
was very intense in the stele (Fig. 2d). cortex towards the stele where the vessels of the

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(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 1. Light microscopy of the whole root, showing colonization of tomato roots by the GUS-marked
Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici. (a,b) 24 h after inoculation, showing colonization of the root-hair zone
(a) ; and very few hyphae (arrow) in the elongation zone (b). (c,d) 48 h after inoculation, showing a root tip with
active hyphae and blue-stained, colonized cap cells (arrow) (c) ; and colonization of the elongation zone, blue
staining of hyphae (arrow) at the surface of the root and blue staining of superficial tissues (between
arrowheads) (d). Scale bars represent 40 µm.

xylem were colonized (Fig. 5b). Less frequently, the (Fig. 5c). In the cells, many hyphae appeared as
fungal invasion was massive, and all cortical cell longitudinal sections indicating their centripetal
layers were colonized by numerous hyphae present growth towards the stele. Whatever the intensity of
both inside the cells and in the intercellular spaces fungal colonization of the cortex, many images of

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Tomato root colonization by a pathogenic Fusarium sp. 501

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 2. Light microscopy of the whole root, showing colonization of tomato roots by the GUS-marked
Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici. (a,b) 4 d after inoculation, showing a continuous network of unstained
hyphae at the root surface (a) ; and hyphae stained blue at the base of a secondary root (arrows) (b). (c,d) 7 d
after inoculation, showing a dense network of unstained hyphae with chlamydospores (arrows) at the root
surface (c) ; and blue staining as a result of glucuronidase activity in the stele of the root (arrow) (d). Scale bars
represent 40 µm (a–c) and 200 µm (d).

defence reactions were observed : osmiophilic globu- invasion, very intense reactions were observed at the
lar deposits attached to hyphae in the intercellular endodermal level (Fig. 5c). The cells appeared
spaces (Fig. 7a) ; occlusion papillae limiting the misshapen, distorted and collapsed, creating a physi-
penetration of the fungus into cells (Fig. 7b) ; and cal barrier difficult for the fungus to cross. This
extensive production of electron-opaque material in barrier was not continuous around the stele, but
cells presenting degenerated hyphae (Fig. 7c). De- formed only in contact with infected cortical tissue
fence reactions were also observed, with xylem (Fig. 5c). The vessels were always colonized, indi-
vessels appearing occluded with electron-dense gran- cating that, in contrast to the non-pathogenic strain,
ular material (Fig. 7d). In the case of massive the pathogen was always able to reach the stele. The

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(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 3. Electron micrographs of transverse ultra-thin sections, showing the colonization of tomato root
tissues by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici. (a) Attachment of a hypha to the wall of an epidermal cell
(arrow), 17 h after inoculation. (b) A hypha penetrating the cell wall of a root hair, 89 h after inoculation. (c)
Colonization of an epidermal cell with an adjacent misshapen hypodermal cell, showing an aggregated
cytoplasm (arrowhead) and an electron-dense layer (arrow). (d) A hypha entrapped in a buckle (arrow) formed
by the thick wall of a hypodermal cell. Abbreviations : EC, epidermal cell ; H, hypha ; HC, hypodermal cell ;
RH, root hair. Scale bars represent 1 µm (a,b,d) and 2 µm (c).

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Tomato root colonization by a pathogenic Fusarium sp. 503

(a) (b)

Figure 4. Light micrographs of transverse sections showing colonization of tomato root tissues by Fusarium
oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici (toluidine blue O and methylene blue O staining). (a) A barrier (between arrows)
formed by a layer of misshapen hypodermal cells between the epidermis and the cortex. (b) Uninoculated
control plant : the hypodermal cells are slightly misshapen, and are not exhibiting thick-walled buckles.
Abbreviations : C, cortex ; H, hypodermis ; XV, xylem vessel. Scale bars represent 10 µm.

acropetal growth of the pathogen in the vessels of the cells that were being exfoliated (Fig. 8c). Cell
roots towards the hypocotyl and the stem of the plant exfoliation, which was much more intense in the
was indicated by sections showing infected vessels in inoculated plants (Fig. 8c) than in the control (Fig.
the upper part of the root where no colonization was 8d), maintained fungal hyphae at a distance from the
detected in the cortex. meristematic cells. Defence reactions limited to a
When the xylem was abundantly colonized, the few subapical cells have also seldomly been observed.
hyphae multiplied in the vascular parenchyma In this study, direct penetration of the pathogen in
causing cell disorganization and cell wall alteration – the meristematic zone has only been observed twice
these became less electron dense (Fig. 6c). Cell (Fig. 6d). The necrosis of apical cells was visible
disintegration was observed in the stele and in the (Fig. 6d) and ultimately led to the total destruction
cortex, indicating centrifugal, necrotrophic growth of the apex by disruption of the cell walls as soon as
of the pathogen. At the final stage, the whole inner 89 h after inoculation (Fig. 8b).
part of the root appeared decayed, and only the cell In contrast with the non-pathogenic strain, dead
walls of the lignified vessels and of the suberized apices have frequently been observed after inocu-
hypodermis subsisted (Fig. 8a). Where there was lation with the pathogenic F. oxysporum f. sp.
early, intense colonization, this root decay was lycopersici. These dead apices, which appeared either
observed just 8 d after inoculation. non-colonized (Fig. 8e) or heavily colonized (Fig. 8f)
by the fungus, were observed on short tap roots,
Colonization pattern of the apical zone. As already arrested in their development by an early infection in
indicated, there was always intense colonization at the upper part. The invasion of the apex by the
the surface of the root tip (Fig. 1c). Semi-thin fungus occurred either from the external coloniz-
sections showed numerous hyphae around the cap ation at the root surface or from the internal growth

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Figure 5. Light micrographs of transverse sections showing colonization of tomato root tissues by Fusarium
oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici (toluidine blue O and methylene blue O staining). (a) A barrier (between arrows)
formed in the cortex by a layer of hypertrophied cells with thick walls. (b) Discrete colonization of the cortex
with hyphae (arrowheads) in the intercellular spaces and colonization of the vessels. (c) Intense colonization of
all the cortical cell layers and of the stele in spite of defence reactions at the endodermal level (between arrows).
Abbreviations : C, cortex ; DCC, dead cortical cells ; HCC, hypertrophied cortical cells ; ICC, infected cortical
cells ; XV, xylem vessel. Scale bars represent 40 µm (a) and 10 µm (b,c).

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Tomato root colonization by a pathogenic Fusarium sp. 505

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 6. Electron micrographs of transverse ultra-thin sections showing the colonization of tomato root
tissues by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici. (a) A hypha growing between cells. (b) Hyphae growing from
one cell to another (arrowhead) by digestion of the cell wall (arrow). (c) Disorganization of the vascular
parenchyma with cell wall alterations (arrows). (d) Penetration of hyphae and necrosis of a cell in the
meristematic zone. Abbreviations : H, hypha ; XV, xylem vessel. Scale bars represent 2 µm (a,c,d) and 1 µm (b).

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(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figures 7a–d. Electron micrographs of transverse ultra-thin sections, showing the defence reactions of tomato
against Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici.(a) Osmiophilic globular deposit (arrowhead) attached to a hypha
in an intercellular space. (b) An occlusion papilla (arrow) formed around a hypha penetrating a cell wall. (c) A
cell with degenerated hyphae and abundant osmiophilic deposits (arrowheads). (d) Xylem vessel with hyphae
and occluded with electron-dense material. Abbreviations : DH, degenerated hypha ; H, hypha ; IS, intercellular
space ; OXV, occluded xylem vessel ; XV, xylem vessel. Scale bars represent 1 µm (a–c) and 2 µm (d).

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Tomato root colonization by a pathogenic Fusarium sp. 507

(a) (b)

(c) (d )

(e) (f )

Figure 8. Light micrographs of transverse ultra-thin sections, showing the colonization of tomato root tissues
by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici (toluidine blue O and methylene blue O staining). (a) 8 d after
inoculation, showing decay of the cortex ; only walls of the hypodermal cells (arrowheads) and of the vessels are
conserved. (b) 89 h after inoculation, showing destruction (arrow) of an apex after penetration of the pathogen.
(c) Apical zone of an inoculated plant, showing hyphae (arrowheads) around numerous exfoliated cells (arrows).
(d) Uninoculated control plant with limited exfoliation of cap cells. (e) A dead apex without hyphae. (f) Hyphae
(arrows) both outside and inside a dead apex. Abbreviation : XV, xylem vessel. Scale bars represent 40 µm (a,b)
and 10 µm (c–f).

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of the fungus down from the upper colonized part of The penetration of the pathogenic F. oxysporum
the root. did not require a specialized structure, and hyphae
penetrating into the root were observed as early as 24
h. These results are in agreement with others already
published and concerning several formae speciales of
This study examines the colonization of tomato roots F. oxysporum (Bishop & Cooper, 1983 ; Smith &
by a strain of pathogenic F. oxysporum f. sp. Peterson, 1983 ; Bhalla et al., 1992). The number of
lycopersici (Fol32) for comparison with that pre- penetrating hyphae was very limited in comparison
viously described for a non-pathogenic F. oxyporum with the intensity of the colonization of the root
(Fo5a4) (Olivain & Alabouvette, 1997). Although surface – this was in contrast to the observations
several papers have already been dedicated to the reported by Rodriguez-Galvez & Mendgen (1995),
penetration and colonization processes of tomato who used pieces of colonized agar as inoculum. The
root by strains of F. oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici pathogenic and non-pathogenic F. oxysporum were
(Bishop & Cooper, 1983) and F. oxysporum f. sp. able to penetrate the root into the well differentiated
radicis lycopersici (Charest et al., 1984 ; Brammall & and apical zones. The penetration process was
Higgins, 1988 ; Benhamou et al., 1990a,b), here we similar for both the pathogen and the non-pathogenic
describe the colonization process under the same strain. Therefore, preferential sites of infection did
experimental conditions as those used for the non- not exist, and competition between the two types
pathogenic strain in order to compare the two occurred at the root surface, but not for specific sites
patterns of colonization. of penetration.
The pathogenic F. oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici The penetration of the pathogen into the root, at a
rapidly colonized the root surface and, 7 d after level where the tissues are differentiated, did gen-
inoculation, the first chlamydospores were formed, erally result in a vascular infection. However,
indicating a decrease of the fungal activity. The sometimes the colonization was limited by intense
pattern of root colonization by the pathogen was very defence reactions occurring in the superficial cell
similar to that observed for the non-pathogenic layers, mainly at the hypodermis level. As soon as the
strain, indicating that both fungi have the same hypodermis was invaded, the pathogen grew rapidly
ability actively to colonize the tomato root surface. into the cortex towards the stele and induced a
These results are in agreement with those of vascular infection. The defence reactions at the
Beswetherick & Bishop (1993), who described ran- hypodermis level were similar to those observed with
dom growth of several fungal species on the tomato the non-pathogenic strain ; however, in response to
root surface. However, the techniques used in this the colonization by the non-pathogenic strain, the
study did not allow the quantification of root barrier was formed more rapidly and the defence
colonization by the fungus, and the same pattern of reactions were more intense than with the pathogen.
colonization might result in a different intensity of The barrier was generally effective in limiting the
colonization. Indeed, Recorbet et al. (1998), using an extension of the non-pathogenic strain, which was
indirect technique of isolation, showed that the restricted to the superficial layers of cells. This
intensity of root colonization by this pathogen and interpretation of our observations is in agreement
another non-pathogenic strain was similar until the with that of Brammall & Higgins (1988), who suggest
second day after inoculation ; later, colonization by that the hypodermis might be an important barrier
the pathogen continued to increase, although it to colonization of the inner cortex of tomato roots by
started to diminish for the non-pathogenic strain. F. oxysporum f. sp. radicis lycopersici. On the
The blue staining as a result of the glucuronidase contrary, the pathogen passed around this barrier
activity was intense 48 h after inoculation. It affected and grew rapidly, intercellularly towards the stele.
both the external hyphae and the superficial tissues Although mostly intercellular, the pathogen has also
of the root, indicating their colonization by the been observed in the cells of the cortex, where it was
fungus. In comparison with the non-pathogenic able to dissolve the cell walls and to progress from
strain, the extension of the blue patches was more cell to cell. The same but less intense and numerous
limited and the blue staining of the root tissues was defence reactions as described for the non-patho-
detectable for a shorter time (indeed, it was always genic strain have been observed in the root invaded
lower 4 d after inoculation). This difference in the by the pathogen : wall appositions and thickenings ;
persistence of the glucuronidase activity in the intracellular and intercellular deposits attached on
superficial tissues of the root might be explained by hyphae ; and accumulation of granular plugs in the
the differential behaviour of the two fungi. Whereas vessels. These defence reactions have been observed
the colonization of the non-pathogenic strain was in other plant species infected by other formae
restricted to the superficial layers of cells by the speciales of F. oxysporum (Charest et al., 1984 ;
defence reactions of the plant, the pathogen grew Jordan et al., 1988 ; Tessier et al., 1990 ; Benhamou
rapidly, centripetally towards the stele, which ap- et al., 1990a). Based on our observations with F.
peared intensely blue stained 7 d after inoculation. oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici, it seems that the decisive

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Tomato root colonization by a pathogenic Fusarium sp. 509

phenomenon for the success or failure of a vascular ineffective, because it was discontinuous and formed
infection is the kinetics at which these defence too late. The same type of reactions were observed in
reactions create barriers that are efficient or not in the endodermis : the barrier was effective in pre-
preventing the fungus from reaching the stele. venting the colonization of the stele by the non-
At the apex of the root, hyphae formed a dense pathogenic form, although the pathogen was able to
network, but contact between hyphae and living cells pass around this discontinuous barrier. Thus, the
was rare. Indeed, before reaching apical cells, the differences appear to be of a quantitative rather than
fungus had to cross several layers of exfoliated cap of a qualitative nature.
cells. Comparison with the healthy control showed This study does not show whether the penetration
that there was more exfoliation in the presence of the of a pathogenic F. oxysporum occurs preferentially
fungus : it is possible that exfoliation constitutes a through the apical or the mature root zone. Indeed,
defence mechanism. Vascular infection after pen- under these experimental conditions both means of
etration through these undifferentiated cells at the penetration have been detected, the second being
apex of the root is possible, but has rarely been more frequent. This leads to the conclusion that
observed under our experimental conditions. This both possibilities exist, and that depending on the
apical infection led to a rapid destruction of the apex, strain studied, on the forma specialis and on the
with many hyhae in disorganized cells. Although experimental conditions, one or the other possibility
typical defence reactions have been observed, they is predominant. This might explain why the research
did not limit the growth of the fungus as observed in published to date is so confusing (Alconero, 1968 ;
plants inoculated with the non-pathogenic strains. Smith & Peterson, 1983 ; Jordan et al., 1988 ;
The pathogen colonized up the vascular bundles Farquhar & Peterson, 1989 ; Bhalla et al., 1992).
from these heavily infected apices. Finally, this study supports the hypothesis that the
This study demonstrates that the pathogen F. pathogenic and the non-pathogenic F. oxysporum
oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici is able to perform a might compete for colonization of the root surface
vascular infection of tomato after penetration and the root tissues. They can be present everywhere
through either the differentiated tissues of the at the root surface, but both are more abundant
mature root or the young tissues of the apical zone. where root exudation is important, indicating po-
By contrast with the results obtained with flax and its tential competition for nutrients. However, as there
pathogen F. oxysporum f. sp. lini (Turlier et al., are no specific penetration sites, and as the surface
1994), penetration into the meristematic zone did colonization by the non-pathogenic strain is never
not result in a biotrophic colonization of the cells but totally complete, the pathogen always has a small
led to a rapid destruction of the apex. However, chance of finding a spot where it can penetrate the
these results do not totally exclude the possible root. Biological control provided by the non-
existence of a biotrophic colonization phase for a pathogenic strain needs a large amount of inoculum
very short time. Indeed, Rodrigez-Galvez & and never achieves full protection (Alabouvette et
Mendgen (1995) described a biotrophic phase for F. al., 1993).
oxysporum f. sp. vasinfectum in the apex of cotton
root, but their observations were made only 24 h
              
after inoculation. In this study, the intercellular
growth of the pathogen towards the stele, when it did This study has been partly supported by a grant from
not induce intense colonization of the cortex, could Conseil Re! gional de Bourgogne, France. The observations
be compared with a biotrophic phase described by using electron microscopy were made at the Centre de
others. In contrast to this early phase of root Microscopie Applique! e a' la Biologie, Universite! de
infection, the pathogen behaved as a necrotrophic Bourgogne, France. We thank Paul Bremeersch for
technical help and Josette Relot for photographic work.
fungus when the root became senescent after total
invasion of the vessels. Images showing the inner
cortex invaded by hyphae coming from the vascular 
parenchyma have been observed.
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